NPCs Jonah Caesar Branson: Main Antagonist. Crime Lord/Drug Baron masquerading a s a religious leader. Lord Francis Christianson: MP and party employer. Father of… Cecile Christianson: Target. A member of Branson’s commune. Janette Gibbs: A rebellious member of Branson’s commune who can help the party. Sister of… Robin Gibbs: A missing member of the commune. Clayton Caldwell: Branson’s right hand man and head of security. The Programmer: Branson’s main source of recruits. Crazy. Branson’s Security: Bog standard goons. Branson’s “Children”: The (previously) loyal residents of Branson’s Mark. Scene 1: Sit Rep Note: Rather than outline exactly what should be rolled for every situation, I’ll leave up to the GMs common sense. Anytime bracketed numbers are found in the text, like (7), it’s a suggested number to beat in order to do an aforementioned action. It’s only a suggestion, other GMs can feel free to change it .As well, if players are going through the scenes too quickly or too slowly, feel free to alter the number of enemies either way. The crew of the Manifest Destiny are in Eavesdown, Persephone, currently waiting in an opulent office in the city’s main hall. The office is expansive, furnished with leather chairs, contemporary artwork, oak tables, and all the signs of high nobility. In walks Sir Francis Christianson, MP of Persephone. A large bellied, grey haired, top hat wearing member of the elite. Christianson speaks bluntly and directly, always in a rush. He paces back and forth while giving his story, not even offering the crew a seat and refusing to answer questions till he’s finished. “It’s this damn daughter of mine. Cecile. She’s gone and gotten herself in a bit of trouble the stupid girl.”

neverfeltbetter.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewThe word “cult” is being thrown around. A discreetly placed spy satellite picked up an image of Cecile in the last few days, dressed

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Page 1: neverfeltbetter.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewThe word “cult” is being thrown around. A discreetly placed spy satellite picked up an image of Cecile in the last few days, dressed


Jonah Caesar Branson: Main Antagonist. Crime Lord/Drug Baron masquerading a s a religious leader.

Lord Francis Christianson: MP and party employer. Father of…

Cecile Christianson: Target. A member of Branson’s commune.

Janette Gibbs: A rebellious member of Branson’s commune who can help the party. Sister of…

Robin Gibbs: A missing member of the commune.

Clayton Caldwell: Branson’s right hand man and head of security.

The Programmer: Branson’s main source of recruits. Crazy.

Branson’s Security: Bog standard goons.

Branson’s “Children”: The (previously) loyal residents of Branson’s Mark.

Scene 1: Sit Rep

Note: Rather than outline exactly what should be rolled for every situation, I’ll leave up to the GMs common sense. Anytime bracketed numbers are found in the text, like (7), it’s a suggested number to beat in order to do an aforementioned action. It’s only a suggestion, other GMs can feel free to change it .As well, if players are going through the scenes too quickly or too slowly, feel free to alter the number of enemies either way.

The crew of the Manifest Destiny are in Eavesdown, Persephone, currently waiting in an opulent office in the city’s main hall. The office is expansive, furnished with leather chairs, contemporary artwork, oak tables, and all the signs of high nobility.

In walks Sir Francis Christianson, MP of Persephone. A large bellied, grey haired, top hat wearing member of the elite. Christianson speaks bluntly and directly, always in a rush. He paces back and forth while giving his story, not even offering the crew a seat and refusing to answer questions till he’s finished.

“It’s this damn daughter of mine. Cecile. She’s gone and gotten herself in a bit of trouble the stupid girl.”

He explains that several weeks ago, he and his 17 year-old daughter had a…falling out. Teens huh? She skipped out of the mansion and no one knew where she was for a time now.

However, Alliance Intelligence Operations (AIO), while conducting a surveillance operation a few hundred thousand miles away, found her. She’s now a resident of Mayflower Haven, the only settlement on a tiny rock called Branson’s Mark, a moon of Jiangyin. The Mark, as its known, is owned by Jonah Caesar Branson, on the face of it, an overly religious, yet very rich entrepreneur.

However, AIO has been investigating Branson’s links to various criminal enterprises (Syndicate ties, racketeering, Tongs, drugs the list goes on and on). The focus has recently turned on The Mark itself, where Branson operates a remote religious commune. Previously thought to just be an out-of-the-

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way slice of nowhere that Branson financed, more recently the AIO has taken a closer look. They haven’t liked what they found.

The Mark is surrounded by a state of the art lazar defence grid. Only authorised transports go in and out. And no contact can be made with Mayflower Haven. The AIO is beginning to suspect the commune deeply. The word “cult” is being thrown around. A discreetly placed spy satellite picked up an image of Cecile in the last few days, dressed in the garb of one of Branson’s “Children.”

Sir Francis’ job for the crew is simple. In a few days the IAV Vespucci will raid the moon. Francis doesn’t trust the AIO’s ability to extract his daughter alive (they have a rather bad reputation when it comes to this sort of thing: think the ATF and Waco). Francis wants the Manifest Destiny to get in, find his daughter, and get her out alive before the bullets start flying. At the same time, if they can, grabbing some incriminating evidence of what’s going on, on The Mark would be handy for the AIO.

If pressed (7), Francis admits that he isn’t terribly fond of his daughter who he barely knows and has been far more trouble than she’s worth. But she’s his eldest and his heir. He wants her back alive.

Lord Francis provides pictures of Cecile, and a map of Mayflower (see below). The payment for the job will be extensive, 20’000 credits each. An extra 5’000 each if they get some evidence to incriminate Branson. With some good negotiating rolls, Francis will increase the payment to 30’000 but he’ll go no higher.

Francis outlines the 3 ways the MD crew can go about the mission:

Disguise: They can masquerade as willing followers and get into the commune via one of Branson’s own transports. This will allow them freer movement in the compound, though they will have to arrange their own exit vehicle.

Covert: Using the MD and some AIO Wireless hook-ups to bypass the lazar grid, the crew will land outside Mayflower, sneak in, and attempt to extract Cecile without incident.

Attack: The crew can simply decide to go in, all guns blazing. Brutal, but not impossible: they’re all combat veterans and security on The Mark is estimated at just 20 goons.

Whatever they decide, Sir Francis can assist in terms of supplies, false identities etc. At this point the crew can pepper the Lord with questions, but he remains aloof, insisting on the importance of speed, brooking no delay.

Scene 2: Travel/Arrival

Disguise: Sir Francis agrees to set the crew up with fake identities to help them infiltrate The Mark. The only real option, he explains, is that of a religious settlers. Branson’s religion is some sort of Christian spin off, where Branson is the big player: missionary, pope, prophet whatever you want to call it.

The crew receives the simple garb of rim settlers and are pointed towards the Eavesdown Docks where Branson is known to pick up “converts”. It’s where the daughter was probably caught. The crew is free to make up their own back-story (and names) but are advised to keep it believable.

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In terms of weapons or tech, none are allowed on Mayflower (that aren’t carried by security). Francis warns the crew that they, and any baggage they may care to bring, will be searched when they board the transport to The Mark. The PCs may come up with some method of hiding weapons, which is fine as long as it is reasonable.

The transport to The Mark is a rickety old cargo ship, the Iberian Sun. Brown, rusted, it’s a ship that’s seen better days. It can be found in the crowded, diverse setting of Eavesdown Docks.

It’s Captain is Clayton Caldwell, a 40ish, well built man wearing the clothes of an experienced ranch hand. As the crew approaches the Iberian Sun, they’ll see Caldwell on a soapbox, speaking to a small assembled crowd. Numerous other ships and their own crews are doing the same, some looking for religious recruits, others mere passengers. Eavesdown is a big location for refugees and travellers and many religious minded folks come here looking for transport to a better life.

“And I say to all here present, salvation, spiritual prosperity and decent Christian values can all be found in our wondrous religious community. Mayflower Haven is just that, a place to escape from the sinfulness and degradation of these…these modern day Sodoms and Gomarrahs.”

Caldwell continues in this vein, enthusiastically promoting the virtues of The Mark. He’s makes frequent references to Branson, “a saint, a living saint!”, who is always described in glowing terms. A handful of people, refugees, homeless and genuinely impressed people can be seen signing on. Caldwell spots the crew and attempts as hard as he can (guessing from their clothes that they might be the target demographic) to get them to sign on. The Mark is a paradise, Branson is a wonderful man, they’d be fools not to etc. He does make inquires about the party’s story (7). They are enthusiastically welcomed aboard, but not before being frisked and searched by several burly looking security men “just to be on the safe side.” If guns are found, Caldwell explains that, while he understands the need for safety, they are completely unnecessary and forbidden. Same with any technology.

Welcomed aboard, the crew is given shard quarters, little more than 3 walls, a door and some hammocks. The trip to The Mark will take 2 days, during which time the crew is fed with simple gruel and water, and subjected to numerous religious ceremonies and hymn singings. During this time, Caldwell also goes round getting more information about the skills and talents of the passengers. He seems to have an interest in people with agricultural experience. Sharp eyed players (11) will also notice him pay special attention to the more “comely” women on board, though not with a leer; he seems to be noting them especially.

Approaching the moon legitimately, the lazar grid is not a problem to be negotiated. Caldwell’s voice booms through the PA:

“Disciples, welcome to your new lives! Welcome to The Mark.”

Branson’s Mark is a tiny moon, dwarfed by its mother planet. It’s around a quarter the size of Luna. Green fields, blue skies, white polls. A few oceans, though they’d barely qualify as lakes on some planets. The Iberian Sun rattles and vibrates as it descends, coming to a halt with a shudder.

Covert: The crew will use their own ship and infiltrate the compound secretly. In this, they already have numerous pieces that can be of use: night vision goggles, camo gear, silenced guns etc.

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(detailed below). Anything else they want, Sir Francis will attempt to get (WITHIN REASON). All squared away with Sir Francis, they can leave immediately.

The Mark is two days flight away. They meet no other ships on the way, though that retain contact with the Vespucci if they so wish. On approaching the Mark, they can choose to delay for a night time insertion if they so which.

The Lazar Grid consists of 24 automated satellites that can detect incoming traffic. If it is unauthorized they open fire with deadly accuracy. The crew has no code but through the use of some AIO provided wireless signals; they are able to attempt to hack the network. Doing so requires them to be close enough to risk discovery. Whoever is attempting the hacking must breach a threshold of 30 within 3 turns. Success and the Manifest Destiny is able to drift by without being noticed.

Failure and the grid opens fire. The crew can choose to engage the grid (see below) or attempt to burst through. The Grid will get at least 2 shots at the MD, depending on how bad the failure to hack them was. Roll for damage info using the technobaabble generator (in the core book) and go on from there.

Upon entering atmo, the MD can plot a landing course. Intelligence rolls (5) will be enough for them to figure that they shouldn’t land too close: There are plenty of valleys and rocky crags to hide under within a few miles of the settlement. 7 to land.

If the crew had to fight their way through, intelligence checks (11) will be enough for them to figure that their arrival was detected and they should lay low for a few hours. If this is the case, all guards from now on will be more alert to possible danger and should receive roll bonuses to that effect.

Attack: The MD is loaded up with ammo for the main machine guns and a fully stocked missile collection. Approaching The Mark, military minded types might come to the conclusion (7) that a full on assault is needed. The MD approaches the moon at hard burn, and is immediately picked up by the lazar grid, which it is forced to engage. 4 of the grid satellites get off shots (say 6 attacks or so). Bursting through, the MD (barring a last minute change in plans) should initiate a hard landing on the settlement, which will be fully alerted. (11).

The crew may attempt a mixture of the Covert and Attack options. This is fine, as long as they crew are aware of the limitations of both.

Scene 3: Mayflower Haven

Laser Satellite

A top of the line planetary defence system

HP: 10 Attack: d12+d8

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Disguise: The ramp drops and the crew take their first breath of The Mark’s air. The sky is clear and the sun is shining. However, a bitter wind blows through the area. It’s winter.

Caldwell leads the passengers out. The Iberian Sun is docked on the Helipad, next to the small launch tower (#1). Straight in front of them is a large, 2 storey house (#4). To the left is a smaller brick building (#5). To the right is a wooden church (#2) and further on, a farming area (#3). On all sides, a chain fence, several metres high can be seen. Various people in white robes are walking around doing various works, as well as security guards.

Waiting to greet the passengers is Jonah Branson himself. He’s dressed like a swaggering cowboy, a very prominent cross around his neck. He’s big belief, and sports a handlebar moustache. He’s loud and boisterous whenever he talks. He’s flanked by 2 armed guards and has several disciples (all wearing the same plain white clothes) trailing in his wake.

“Welcome to Mayflower! You’re taking the first steps in your new lives! Lives free of sin and corrupting influences! Lives dedicated to God, to honest living, to honest labour! Come, come, let me show you around your new home!”

Branson gives the passengers a whirlwind tour around the settlement. The dock is for the transport, alloying in new recruits and certain, necessary supplies. The house is Branson’s humble residence, that “I helped build with my own two hands.” They don’t go inside and the doors are guarded. The Church is homely, yet full of worshippers. A brief glance shows them all praying to a picture depicting Branson speaking to God on a hilltop.

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The farming area is being worked upon by numerous followers. It contains the standard crops, wheat, barley etc. All of the equipment being used looks somewhat antiquated by modern standards.

The far right of the farmland is separated from the rest. A few select workers are there. The crop is strange looking: short plants, with an odd purplish colour. Branson explains that horticulture is a hobby and he is experiments with various plant breeds. If pressed, he says the crop is “nothing for you to worry about.” Observant players might note that the workers on this part of the farm have a vacant stare and betray no emotion (11).

From there, Branson points out the Generator room (We need some small amount of power for the House. For business purposes”). It’s strictly off limits of course. (#7) The guards barracks is also noted briefly. (“Leave them be, boys and girls!”)

Last for the tour is the habitation buildings. A series of small, cramped shacks, that contain little more than a 6 beds each. They look cramped and dirty. Branson maintains his cheery disposition. “After all, you won’t be spending much time here!”

Branson wishes the new recruits luck, and looks forward to seeing more of them. He invites them to join in a short prayer for the success of their lives here. The prayer concludes with his entourage chanting “Branson Protects”. He marches back into the house, trailed by his followers.

Once Branson is gone, Caldwell steps up. He no longer carries a smile. He morosely announces a work schedule: 6am wake up call, a quick breakfast, then several hours labour wither in the fields or building some new habitation. An hour is left aside for Church service, and then more labour. Brief breaks for food are noted. If anyone complains, Caldwell insists that the work is necessary and that “everyone has to do their part.” A few people, (the prettier girls mostly) get picked for work in the House. To begin immediately.

One man complains loudly that this isn’t what he was expecting. Caldwell glares, but seems to relent, telling the man to come with him to speak to Branson about it personally.

Once Caldwell is gone, the crew is given a shack to live in and is instructed to report for duty in the fields by a number of armed guards.

The crew can choose this time to investigate a little. The residents of Mayflower Haven seem to fall into 3 separate categories: those who are enthusiastic about the place, those who aren’t and “the others.”

The enthusiastic all seem to extol the virtues of Branson and the settlement. “He’s a saint!” “He’s a prophet”, “He’s God’s will become flesh!” etc… These guys are found throughout the compound. They have no knowledge of Cecile (There’s a lot of blonde haired girls here friend!”). They express reservations about any talk aimed at the big house (Mr Branson says we’re not allowed in there”) and generally encourage the crew to get busy working or maybe join them for a service in the Church.

The unenthusiastic are mostly found around the habitation buildings. Their faces are down, they glance around nervously if the crew attempts any conversation. They warn that “he has ears

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everywhere” and most wriggle out of conversations quickly. “When they do talk it’s only to say cryptic warnings.

“Follow the rules.” “Don’t piss off the guards.” “You poor bastards. You’re never leaving.” “You go into the house, you don’t come out. If you do, you’re changed.” “Don’t eat too much of the gruel. It does things to your mind.”

If the crew ask about Cecile, they shrug and mention that lots of newcomers end up in the house straight away.

“The others” are working in the special farm area. They mutter to themselves, and attempt no conversation other then “Branson is Leader!” They’re stares are dead. They barely pay attention to anyone.

In conversation, the crew might learn that most of the crops get taken into the big house for “future distribution though more seems to go in, then out. Some might mention that the Iberian Sun makes regular trips, bringing stuff to and fro.

Of the crew spends too much time talking to anyone, or approaches a forbidden area, several guards intervene and “encourage” the party to get back to work. If they don’t, a confrontation develops. The guards threaten to “bring you into the house to talk to Mr Branson.” Unseen, residents will indicate this would not be a wise course of action.

If any player does provoke a confrontation, they are brought (with force if necessary) into the house and tossed into one of the basements cells. They spend the next scene listening to screams from down the hall.

To the couth of the compound, a number of residents are working hard a clay statue of Branson, depicting him a suitably heroic pose.

If any of the crew wander into the church, they find it packed full of worshippers: the ceremony is an odd bastardization of Christian mass, filled with references to Branson, his righteousness, his victory over evil etc…

Covert: Several miles away from the settlement, the crew needs to get moving. They’ll presumably wait till night fall (or longer if they had to fight their way there.) They can recon the area too, and see a modicum of what is outlined above.

Having declared what they’re bringing, the party moves out. A trek is required, but the ground is easy. The lights of the settlement are visible in the distance.

Approaching the wire fence (from the south east), spot checks can see patrolling guards (7). They walk back and forth in pairs every 10 minutes (4 turns). The fence requires at least 3 turns to break through, with a threshold of 30 to breach. If discovered, the guards shout an alarm, waking the settlement. See the Attack notes if this happens.

Having got inside, the crew can head to the big house straight away or may choose to look around a while. The habitation buildings are dark, and filled with sleeping residents are cramped in together. One of the houses, the furthest to fence, is filled with hushed voices chattering. (See next scene)

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The Church and Farm is empty. The House has some lights coming from its windows. The barracks is also lit. The generator is guarded by 2 goons.

Attack: The MD comes sweeping in above the settlement. But the guards have been alerted long before, and they’re ready. Several are armed with RPGs and they commence firing as soon as the MD comes within range. The grunts are scattered throughout the compound. 3 are armed with RPGs, the rest with assault rifles.

Whether the MD crash lands or puts down safely, there are 15 grunts on the ground to take care off. Many of the Mayflower Residents are attacking the guards as well, which a half-decent spot check can notice. (7)

Scene 4: The Plan

Disguise: After a day of labour and looking around, night falls and security herds up the settlers (though not without one last bout of hymn singing and prayer, all dedicated to Branson). The crew is dumped into one of the shacks.

Most of the residents settle down to sleep. However, before the crew have time to make any kind of move, the door opens slowly and a young male resident creeps in. He whispers

“Hey, we saw you asking around. A few of us are having a meeting in the other house. You might be interested. Be there in 5 minutes. Otherwise, breath a word of this to no-one.”

He runs out. I suppose the crew could choose to ignore the invitation and press on with their own plan, but presumably at least one of them will show up.

Inside the house, 10 or so settlers are crouched down whispering. They shut up quickly when the crew arrives. One of them, a 30ish woman with brown hair stands up.

“Figured you’d show up. Come on, have a seat. We have a lot to talk about and not much time.”

She introduces herself as Janette Gibbs. She arrived at the commune months ago with her younger brother Robin, looking for a new start. Things have not gone as expected. The work is hard, the security is harsh and Branson is not the messiah they thought he was. And, now, a week ago, Robin was taken into the big house after complaining. She hasn’t seen him since and security isn’t telling her anything other than “he’s just getting some private gospel lessons from Mr Branson”.

Branson’s Security

(Hired Gun Stats, p. 186 of core rules)

HP: 14 Attack: d8+d8 usually. Armed with a rifle and pistol

Janette Gibbs

(Frontier Sheriff stats, p. 185)

HP: 14, Attack d6+d8

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GM Note: Janette is, to be frank, a railroad character, designed to keep the party on track. However, Gms should feel no hesitance in killing her off, if it actually turns out that way, or for dramatic purposes.

Everyone else at the meeting has a similar story. They think something is out into the food to make the people docile, and they want out. They’re planning a rebellion, though they know it has little chance of success. They have farming tools and a few knives and they’re outnumbered.

The plan was to hit the barracks and get armed but that’s a long shot. But Janette has guessed that the crew are more then they seem.

The crew might reveal their real identities and purpose (and the upcoming raid). If so, Janette becomes gung-ho with her plan. Her first priority is to find her brother. Then, overthrown Branson and get off the planet. To that end, she’s going to break into the big house and find Robin, then take a shot at Branson of she can. She wants the crew to help her.

At the same time, her little band of rebels with hit the generator, then attempt to cause as much chaos as they can. They were planning to enact the plan that night anyway, and with the crew backing them, they’re taking their chance.

To sweeten the deal, Janette mentions that she’s seen Cecile. She was quickly taken into the big house, and Janette suspects Branson has made her his “personal assistant”. Wink. He has an eye for the pretty ones.

If the crew helps her find her brother, she’ll help them find Cecile. She’s adamant that Robin comes first, but she’ll aid the crew in their mission however she can.

Getting into the house will be difficult, but they have a few options. They can just break in, though it’s filled with guards. The generator strike should help though. They can lure the doormen away, with the right application of charm. Or they can just charge in shooting. Janette is up for anything.

The crew might decide to split up and let some PCs help with the generator attack. The generator is a metal building, with two guards inside. The generator itself is a mixture of fuel and solar power. Very breakable.

In the event that violence breaks out between the crew and Janette’s group, the GM will just have to wing it. The guards might be alerted but if not, the crew must continue the rest of the adventure without her help.

Covert: If the crew have gotten near the habitation shacks, they can overhear the above meeting taking place. Janette speaks about the upcoming attack (the original barracks plan). She’s breaking into the house alone to look for her brother. It’s mostly hopeless, but they’d rather die than keep living like this.

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The crew might come to the conclusion that they’d be of use. Or they could ignore them. If the would-be rebels notice the crew (11), they initially panic and attempt to disperse. However, they notice the crew is wearing different clothes. Janette puts it together quickest and the scene can then unfold as above.

If they don’t go near the habitation shacks, proceed to the next scene.

Attack: Janette runs up to the group wither during or after the firefight (depending on how fast they’re going). She very quickly explains why the residents are fighting back. She’s going into the Big House to look for her sister and she wants the crew to help her. If they ask, she mentions “that blonde tramp” is probably inside with Branson.

Scene 5: The House

Disguise: The crew is encouraged to come up with whatever plan they want to get into the house. The next section I’ll describe as if the crew is going in through the front door, but the actual playthrough might work out differently. If and when the generator is hit, the lights go out and the alertness of the guards is raised. Within a few turns, they’ve gotten a few flashlights out.

2 guards are posted outside the front door, porch lights illuminating them. However the crew chooses to dispatch them, the door itself is unlocked.


(Settler Father stats, p. 182)

HP: 14, Attack: d6+d4

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They find themselves inside the main hall of the ground floor.(#1) One guard here, whose shocked to see the crew. He orders them to leave. If they don’t, he tries to raise the alarm. Plush red carpet, floating chandelier, art on the walls. Just ahead is a fancy staircase leading up to the first floor and a balcony overlooking the hall (#4). To the right is a door leading to Lazar grid control, 2 guards working at consoles. (#2) To the left is harvest storage piled high with various crops to be divvied out, 1 guard. (#3). Ahead is a door leading to a hallway. In the left corner is a locked door built into the floor leading to the Basement. (#9)

Down the hallway, more rooms can be found. To the right (#7), supply room filled with the special crop from the fields. To the left (#5) seems to be some sort of record room, 1 guard. Computers, ledgers etc. Investigation (and some hacking skills) uncovers the truth about the operation. The more time the crew spends, the more they discover.

The commune is a front for a drug operation. The residents are little more then slave labour. The crop being grown in the fields is a new spliced drug, a mixture of various concoctions, designed to be super addictive. The Mark provides a handy, out of the way, place for it to be tested and grown. Moreover, Branson uses the commune, and the settlers, as guinea pigs for various mind control techniques. Reprogramming, drugs in the food etc. He’s also paid up with the right people, having bribed a large number of Alliance officials. Finally, some records indicate that Branson might be planning on using Cecile as a battering chip/hostage if things get hairy with the authorities (ransom letters prepared, correspondence to other people in his criminal organisation etc) The evidence in the room is enough to send Branson and his men away for a very, very long time.

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Just off the records room is the safe room. The door has an electronic lock. The actual metal safe also has an electronic lock as well as a tumbler lock. If the crew manages to get it open, they find over 50’000 credits in cash.

If guns are fired, guards come running. At this stage, 5 in total, coming from various doors.

No matter what, Janette (who grabs the first gun she can) heads straight for the basement door. If she (or the crew) can’t get the door open fast, she shoots it off. Opening the doors, the crew finds a short flight of stairs leading into near darkness.

The basement level consists of a corridor, 6 cells and a larger room at the end. It’s built of stone, with flickering florescent lights. The cells are partly occupied (perhaps with a member of the crew). The locks are simple bolts, easily broken with the right equipment. The prisoners are residents who complained or made trouble. The more recent additions are fine and, on Janettes instructions, make a run for it. However a few are mentally damaged, like those working on the fields. They have red circles on their temples.

Screaming can be heard from down the hall. Janette recognises them as her brothers. She runs down the hall into “the re-education room.” Like, the hallway, it’s dark with flickering lights. It’s not pretty. Operating tables, a odd looking lab, and dead centre, poor Robin looked in some kind of modified dentist chair, getting shocks to the head. Intelligent players recognise the place as a programming centre. The shocks are being administered by “The Programmer,” a maniacal looking man, with short white hair.

“Ah, more recruits I see? Mr Branson sure is keeping me busy! HAHAHAHA!

The Programmer

HP: 12 Attack: d6+d8. Armed with a scalpel and tazar.

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After his dispatch, Janette frees her brother. Outraged at what’s happened to him, she vows to kill Branson and runs back upstairs.

By now, there is screaming and shouting from outside as Janette’s group starts attacking guards.

Just as the crew emerge from the basement they hear Branson’s booming voice from upstairs.

“Caldwell, what in the hwan dan” is going on? Get this locked down, now!”

Emerging into the main hall, players may catch a glimpse of Branson running to the left of the balcony. Eagle eyed players may also notice he’s hitching up his pants.

Janette charges up the stairs (#6) after him, only for two guards to emerge from a room to the right (#5).

Branson’s room (#4) is gigantic, with a kingsized bed. A number of resident girls are lounging around, hopped up on drugs, others in a private anti-chamber (#2). Some petty cash is thrown around. His

The Programmer

HP: 12 Attack: d6+d8. Armed with a scalpel and tazar.

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en-suite bathroom (#1) has a window with a rope ladder hanging out of it. Players can see Branson on the ground outside, a blonde girl in tow.

“Come on, you stupid whore! We have to get to the landing pad or I’m humped!”

Janette squeezes off a few shots and misses. Cursing, she hops downstairs. The crew might be inclined to try as well, but at this range, there’s a chance they’ll hit Cecile.

By now, the town is in uproar and bullets are flying. Guards and residents lie dead outside, and sounds of fighting are all around.

Covert: Much the same as above, though if the crew have done a good job, they’ll surprise everyone in every room. Branson is in the middle of a line of…something in his room if surprised. Cecile is lying quietly, with a dazed look in her eyes, beside him. If the crew enters and threaten Branson in anyway, she moves in front of him.

“No! You can’t hurt the leader! I won’t let you!”

They back away into the bathroom and shut the door. Before the crew can stop them, they’re on the way to the landing pad.

If the crew hasn’t met Janette before, they find her inside the house during their infiltration. She recognises that the crew aren’t with Branson, but has no time for them, thinking only of her brother.

In that event, the crew will not be informed of the power outage ahead of time. This should be held off for a suitably dramatic moment.

Attack: The same as above, but with 5 extra grunts, not including the Programmer, are inside the house. Branson can be heard shouting from upstairs.

“God damnit Caldwell, kill them all!

Janette heads straight for the basement, whether the group follows her or not. When and if the group makes it upstairs, they find Branson and Cecile gone out the window down a rope ladder, and running straight for the Iberian Sun.

Scene 6: Last Stands

Disguise: It’s a race to landing dock. In between, there’s plenty of evidence of a small scale war going on. Run checks to get to the dock on time.

Branson and Cecile have run onboard the Iberian Sun, and outside is Caldwell and 5 grunts. There is a variety of crates, and natural cover for them to hide behind. Branson shouts from inside the ship:

“Keep them at bay for a while Clayton! Gotta get this rustbucket going!”

Janette (if she’s still alive, if not then an intelligence check does the same thing) realises that Branson might be about to get away. She screams that someone has to get into the control tower and landlock the ship.

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Whoever volunteers has to run into the tower and race up a spiral metal staircase. Threshold to the top is 25. In the control room itself, they have to use the computers to landlock the Iberian Sun (11). They have 4 turns to do it (both the running and the landlocking), or the ship starts to take off. In the event that they reach the control room very quickly, one, understrength, goon can be waiting for them to make it more interesting.

Outside, the final battle should be in full swing. Provided the Iberian Sun is landlocked, the crew can push through and enter the ship.

Branson is on his own and surrenders, offering bribes to reassure, anything if they’ll spare his life. Janette goes to shoot him but again Cecile steps in front of him. Janette makes her intentions very clear: she doesn’t care about Cecile and will fire anyway. The crew have one turn to resolve the situation before she fires.

Covert: Same as above really.

Attack: Ditto with more goons.

Scene 7: All Debts Get Paid

Disguise: With Cecile (and possibly Branson in tow) the crew might decide the time is right for them to make their exit. Maybe they bring the residents along, they can just about all fit in. If they haven’t searched for any evidence yet, the moments passed, as the big house is in flames.

Regardless, away they go, to rendezvous with the Vespucci. Sir Francis is delighted the crew has succeeded and is pleased to have his daughter. She’s not so happy, insisting she’ll run off again the first chance she gets. Sir Francis pays up, the AIO moves onto the planet. Branson’s looking at serious time for his crimes. If he’s dead, the AIO is annoyed but decide the matter is settled. All’s well that ends well I guess.

If Cecile dies, (and the crew is stupid enough to meet up on the Vespucci) Sir Francis is appalled and has them arrested “for breach of contract if nothing else”. Oh dear. Otherwise, the crew slips into the black, aware that they’ve made an enemy out of an Alliance lord.

Covert: The same as above, except the crew have their own ship to get back to.

Attack: As above.


“Bully Boy” stats, p. 185

HP: 20 Attack: d6+d8. Armed with Assault rifle and pistol

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I include below the character sheets I used for the crew of the Manifest Destiny. They’re rough and ready sheets, and I have no doubt they don’t conform to the RPG rules strictly. If you have your own readymade characters, feel free. This game is not designed for a specific party.

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Sarah Bolton

Attributes SkillsAgility: d6 Discipline: d4Strength: d6 Knowledge: d4Vitality: d6 Perception: d6Alertness: d8 Medical Expertise: d6Intelligence: d10 -Field Medicine: d8Willpower: d8 -Field Surgery: d10 Guns: d6Life Points: 14 Influence: d6Initiative: 2d6 -Persuasion: d10 Plot Points: 3 TraitsAllure: +2 to Social rollsSteady Calm: +2 to Concentration rollsSawbones: +2 to Medical rolls

EquipmentPistol, d6 damage

A former Browncoat medic, Bolton served several tours out on the rim, fighting in places like Sturges, Du Khang and Beaumonde. Embittered following the Independent defeat, Bolton drifted around taking odd jobs here and there, improving her trade in the employ of various crime lords and backwater settlements. A few months ago, she signed on with the Manifest Destiny, a ship always in need of a sawbones.

Calm under pressure, and skilled with a scalpel, Bolton has been a valuable addition to the ship. At one time or another, she’s patched up every member of the crew. She might not get along with the more Alliance-inclined shipmates, but she’s happy to have steady employment. It helps that she’s quite the looker, something that comes in handy whenever a “distraction” is needed.

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Joshua Fischer

Attributes SkillsAgility: d8 Covert: d6Strength: d8 - Infiltration: d12 Guns: d6Vitality: d8 -Assault Rifle: d10Alertness: d6 -Pistol: d8Intelligence: d6 Heavy Weapons: d6Willpower: d8 Influence: d6 -Leadership: d10 Perception: d6Life Points: 16 Technical Engineering: d4Initiative: d8+d6 Survival: d6 Plot Points: 3 Unarmed Combat: d4 TraitsLeadership: +2 to selected group actions rollsCredo - Alliance

Captain of the Manifest Destiny, Fischer is a former Alliance commando. A battle-hardened veteran of the Unification War who undertook numerous secret missions behind enemy lines, the kind of missions they don’t let you talk about afterward. A hardcore believer in Unification, Fischer is quick to extol the virtues of the Alliance, downplay its deficiencies, and do his best to make life better for those on the rim. Brave, resourceful, Captain Fisher is a born leader.

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Alex Esdale

Attributes SkillsAgility: d6 Influence: d6Strength: d6 -Intimidation: d8Vitality: d8 - Interrogation: d10Alertness: d6 -Torture: d8Intelligence: d10 Perception: d6Willpower: d6 -Investigation: d8 Technical Engineering: d6 Science: d6Life Points: 14 - Chemical Control: d10Initiative: 2d6 Guns: d4Plot Points: 3 Covert: d6 -Forgery: d8TraitsMath Whiz: +2 to Math rollsChip on the shoulder

Born into and raised within the Pelorum Syndicate, Esdale is a career criminal. His harsh upbrining gave him plenty of traiing in the art of getting what he wants whether through violence or intitidation. Time spent in a Ezrian drug lab also gave him vital experience with all manner of chimicals.

Thin and wiry, Esdale isn’t the best man to have in a fight, but he more then makes up for it with his other talents. Unpredictiable at the best of time, Alex carries a bit of temper, never admits he’s wrong, and doesn’t get along with anybody onboard.

But the money’s good and the syndicate was a dead end anyway.

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Mary Surratt

Attributes SkillsAgility: d10 Athletics: d6Strength: d8 -Dodge: d8Vitality: d8 Covert: d6Alertness: d10 -Stealth: d8Intelligence: d8 -Streetwise: d8Willpower: d8 Discipline: d6 Guns: d6 -Pistols: d8Life Points: 16 -Sniper Rifles: d12Initiative: d12+d10 Melee: d6Plot Points: 3 -Shuriken: d8 -Swords: d10 Perception: d6 Unarmed: d6 -Kung Fu: d10 TraitsFighting Type: 1 non attack move per turnThings don’t go smooth

EquipmentKatanaShuriken, 2, d4 damage

A former Tong assassin, Surrat thought that she had left her blood soaked past behind her. However she owed a favour to Captain Fishcer, and he‘s collecting. Cold as ice, good at her job, Surrat is a deadly weapon for whoever she’s working for. This is her last job and as with all her contracts, she’ll do everything within her power to make sure the job gets done.

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Sgt Buster Kilrain

Attributes SkillsAgility: d6 Atheletics: d4Strength: d10 Guns: d6Vitality: d10 -Shotgun: d8Alertness: d6 -Pistol: d8Intelligence: d4 Heavy Weapons: d6Willpower: d6 Influence: d6 -Intimidation: d8 Perception: d4Life Points: 20 Planetary Vehicles: d4Initiative: 2d6 Survival: d6 Plot Points: 3 Unarmed Combat: d6 Brawling: d8 Melee: d6 Clubs: d8 TraitsTough as NailsFighting Type: 1 Non combat action per turnNon Educated

EquipmentSawn Off Shot gun: d8 damagePistol, d6 damageKnife: d4 damage

Used to be a militia member, a rookie cop, bouncer, bodyguard…if it involved bashing heads, Kilrain has done it. Can’t read or write too well, but he is capable with just about any weapon. Usually seen weighed down by guns and explosives, Buster is a one man battalion. Prefers to sort things out with fists. Not a huge believer in the Independent cause, but they were hiring. Now he’s willing to work for anyone.

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Jang Tienen

Attributes SkillsAgility: d8 Athletics: d6Strength: d4 -Dodge:d10Vitality: d10 Guns: d6Alertness: d10 -Pistol: d8Intelligence: d10 Piloting: d6Willpower: d4 -Mid Bulk Transports: d12 -Astrogation: d8 -Ships Weapons: d8Life Points: 16 Scouting: d8Initiative: d10+d8 Survival: d6 Plot Points: 3 Unarmed Combat: d6 Melee: d6 Knowledge: d6 TraitsNose For TroubleKeen Sense (Eyes)Credo

EquipmentPistol, d6 damageKnife: d4 damage

A skilled Tong pilot, Jang has been a free agent ever since the destruction of his old organisation during a mob war on Sihnon. Drifting from planet to planet, job to job, Jang finds the Manifest Destiny an acceptable waypoint in his overall quest for vengeance. Intelligent and articulate, Jang exhibits his core upbringing. A devout Buddhist, he finds fundamentalist religions extremely distasteful.