How to get through the holiday season when you have anxiety By Mirella Fox – Life Coach & Counsellor WWW.MIRELLAFOXLIFECOACHING.CO.UK 1

€¦ · Web viewSocial phobia can be crippling, interfering with both work and home life. Many people who suffer from this anxiety disorder realise that their fears are excessive

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Page 1: €¦ · Web viewSocial phobia can be crippling, interfering with both work and home life. Many people who suffer from this anxiety disorder realise that their fears are excessive

How to get through the holiday season when you have anxiety

By Mirella Fox – Life Coach & Counsellor


Page 2: €¦ · Web viewSocial phobia can be crippling, interfering with both work and home life. Many people who suffer from this anxiety disorder realise that their fears are excessive

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Page 3: €¦ · Web viewSocial phobia can be crippling, interfering with both work and home life. Many people who suffer from this anxiety disorder realise that their fears are excessive

Mirella Fox is a Life Coach & Counsellor, who is an expert at transforming people’s lives by helping them set goals and achieving them as well as helping parents help their children by providing advice and support on raising children.

As a busy mum of two Mirella knows how hard it is to achieve your goals and raise a well-functioning family whilst juggling the home, work, study and various commitments. Drawing upon her degree in Psychology, Mirella focuses on one-to-one coaching, parenting help, workshops and motivational speaking. Mirella is geared up towards building client’s strengths and minimising their weaknesses through feedback, self-discovery and detailed action plans.

Prior to her life coaching business, Mirella spend over 20 years in the corporate world with roles ranging from trainer, manager and consultant in travel. She spend the last 10 years in health care. On the website there is a wide range of programmes and services she offers from individual coaching to self-discovery online coaching programmes.

Some resources you can find on her website are:

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To contact Mirella, visit her on www.mirellafoxlifecoaching.co.uk


Page 4: €¦ · Web viewSocial phobia can be crippling, interfering with both work and home life. Many people who suffer from this anxiety disorder realise that their fears are excessive

How to handle social anxiety during the holiday season.Social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, is characterized by excessive anxiety and self-consciousness in common social situations. Sufferers of this disorder worry intensely that they are being watched and/or judged by others and are fearful that they will be humiliated or embarrassed by their own behaviour. Social anxiety is particularly prevalent during times such as the holiday season when more social gatherings and events take place, some of which are unavoidable.

Social phobia can be crippling, interfering with both work and home life. Many people who suffer from this anxiety disorder realise that their fears are excessive or groundless but are powerless to control them. Anticipation of an event can be worse than the event itself and sufferers can worry for days or even weeks beforehand.

While social anxiety disorder can be confined to just one type of situation such as a fear of speaking in public it can also be so debilitating that it strikes whenever a sufferer is around other people.

A large number of people with this disorder find it difficult to both make and keep friends and therefore also experience the confidence sapping effects of social isolation. Physical symptoms such as blushing, nausea, trembling and sweating can also accompany social phobia, adding to a sufferer’s distress. These physical symptoms can prove acutely embarrassing and only add to the feeling that the sufferer is being both observed and judged.


Page 5: €¦ · Web viewSocial phobia can be crippling, interfering with both work and home life. Many people who suffer from this anxiety disorder realise that their fears are excessive

Social phobia usually arises in childhood or early adolescence with men and women equally likely to develop the disorder. There is scientific evidence to show that the condition may be hereditary, and it often accompanies other anxiety disorders or depression. People afflicted by this form of anxiety should be particularly vigilant during stressful times such as the holidays and should follow the recommendations of their therapist or health care provider if they have already sought help.

If you are suffering from social seasonal anxiety and do not have a therapist or health care provider then you might like to explore options such as meditation, yoga, visualisation, cognitive behavioural therapy and exercise to alleviate symptoms. Limit caffeine, excess sugar and alcohol during the holiday season and do not feel embarrassed to turn down invitations. If a social occasion or event is unavoidable, try to set a time limit for your attendance so that you feel more in control and allow yourself to make a graceful exit if necessary.

Social anxiety disorder is a very real illness. It often helps to explain your condition to family and friends and to seek their support whenever possible. Simply knowing that someone else is aware of your potential discomfort can alleviate or even stop symptoms from occurring.

If you do seek the help of a health professional, then ensure that you have their out of hours contact details during the holidays. If your therapist or doctor is going to be away over the holiday period, then get the contact information for whoever will be covering for them and keep it somewhere safe. This way, you will feel that help and support is never more than a phone call away.

Christmas, and the weeks leading up to the big day, can present a minefield for those of us who suffer from anxiety. The weight of expectation and seemingly endless ‘to do’ lists conspire to trigger pre-existing anxiety symptoms or even set off a first attack. Dealing with anxiety at Christmas is, however, simply a matter of recognising the danger signals and setting yourself up so that you know you can handle the pressures during the holiday period.


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One of the best ways to do this is to set clear boundaries both for you and for others. Don’t take on too much in the way of chores such as holiday shopping and enlist support and help from friends or family. This support can be practical or emotional, but it really helps to spread the load and to ensure that other people are aware of your needs. Simply knowing that those close to you are aware of your anxiety disorder and possible symptoms can make all the difference. This will help minimise any embarrassment or awkwardness you might otherwise feel and will mean that your loved ones are more able to make allowances for the impact of your anxiety symptoms on those around you.

There are several techniques you can use to help you when dealing with anxiety at Christmas or any other stressful time. These include:

• Exercise – both gentle forms such as tai chi and more vigorous exercise such as jogging have been shown to be effective when dealing with anxiety.

• Yoga – deep breathing combined with the required focus on attaining and maintaining yoga positions is an excellent antidote to anxiety.

• Meditation – in its many forms has also proved to be immensely useful for sufferers of anxiety disorders.

• Visualization – picturing and focusing on positive outcomes to anticipated events can dramatically diminish the anxiety a sufferer might otherwise feel.

All of the above allow you to create space and time for yourself which is essential if you are to come through the Christmas period without suffering an anxiety attack. Even ten or twenty minutes spent in quiet meditation or simply taking a soak in the tub will allow you to refresh and regenerate away from the stressors of the seasonal period.

Another important tool in your armoury against anxiety attacks during the holidays is to set your expectations low. Far too often we build things up to a point that even the idea is enough to set your heart racing. Telling yourself that nothing is ever perfect, including Christmas, will immediately help diminish that weight of expectation. Keeping expectations realistic will mean that when someone in the family is not behaving like a Christmas angel, the turkey refuses to cook and the shops have run out of that essential present then you will be able to handle it. Dealing with anxiety is all about reducing those stressors that trigger your symptoms. Lower your expectations and you will also be lowering the likelihood of an anxiety attack at this stressful time of year.


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Generalized Anxiety Disorder During The Winter Holidays

Generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD), despite its name, is far more intense and debilitating than the everyday anxiety experienced by most people. Even when there is no discernible reason, sufferers of GAD experience chronic feelings of elevated anxiety and these feelings are often exacerbated by the hectic pace of the winter holidays.

If you are diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, then it is likely that you spend a lot of your time worrying excessively and tend to expect disaster to strike at any moment. You probably also find it hard, if not impossible, to relax and this means that, for sufferers, generalized anxiety disorder during the winter holidays can prove particularly trying for both you and those around you.

To add to the disproportionate worry, you experience about everyday events, you may also experience some or all of the following symptoms:

• Nausea

• Breathlessness

• Dizziness

• Fatigue


Page 8: €¦ · Web viewSocial phobia can be crippling, interfering with both work and home life. Many people who suffer from this anxiety disorder realise that their fears are excessive

• Headaches

• Muscle tension

• Difficulty swallowing

• Hot flushes

• Trembling

• Irritability

• Sweating

• Need to visit the bathroom more frequently

• Difficulty concentrating

Clearly, any of these could prove embarrassing or difficult to handle in a social situation such as a Christmas or Thanksgiving family dinner or party. Unlike sufferers of social anxiety disorder, however, most of those diagnosed with GAD do not consciously avoid certain situations as a result of their disorder. While this can be a good thing as far as the holiday season goes, it is still advisable for sufferers of generalized anxiety disorder to take steps to lessen their symptoms during what can be a stressful time for everyone.

As GAD rarely occurs alone but is often accompanied by depression, substance abuse or another anxiety disorder then this must be considered when prescribing treatment. Similarly, as medication is often used to control GAD then it is wise to consider any contraindications and to avoid alcohol and excess sugar, caffeine or other stimulants whenever possible. Quite apart from other concerns, both alcohol and caffeine interfere with sleep patterns. As those suffering from GAD often find it hard to get to sleep, or to experience uninterrupted sleep, then anything which further disrupts rest can only add to the already debilitating effects of this condition.

Given the temptations of the winter holiday period with its parties and other social gatherings, avoidance of alcohol and rich, sugar and fat-laden food can often prove difficult. This is where sufferers of generalized anxiety disorder need to set limits for themselves and to understand that, by controlling their intake of substances which can only worsen their condition, they are helping to control the condition itself. Simply knowing that they are in some small way in control can have a positive impact on those diagnosed with GAD, allowing them to see that they can still enjoy the winter holidays as long as they work within the limitations of their condition.


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8 Natural Remedies To Combat Anxiety

There are a number of natural remedies for anxiety which are particularly suitable for the winter holiday season. It is worth knowing that herbs, just like any other medicine, can have serious side effects and if you are currently taking medication of any kind you must consult your medical practitioner before self-treating your anxiety with herbal remedies. To ensure that you are taking the correct natural treatment for your anxiety disorder, you might like to consider consulting a naturopath. That way, you can embark upon a course of natural treatment knowing that it has been tailored to you and your condition. Another option is to visit a registered homeopath who will take a detailed case history before prescribing the correct homeopathic remedy for your particular anxiety disorder.

Holistic practitioners such as naturopaths and homeopaths always consider your lifestyle and can alter treatment to take into account particularly stressful times such as the winter holidays.


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Find below 8 natural remedies

1. St John’s Wort -this natural remedy has been found to be effective in treating anxiety and can be taken as a warming winter tea although many people prefer it in capsule form.

2. Bach Flower Remedies and especially the all-purpose and immensely popular Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy was developed by Dr Edward Bach who realised that people needed a natural emergency remedy to help them cope with everyday stressful situations. The remedy has a particularly calming and centering energy and is still made today to Dr Bach’s exact specifications. It can be taken just before or during an anxiety-inducing occasion such as a Christmas party. It is just as effective when taken after a stressful event and should be self-administered regularly during prolonged periods of heightened stress such as the winter holidays. To boost the effects of Rescue Remedy, you might like to combine it with these other natural techniques for alleviating anxiety below.

3. Relax – take long, slow, deep breaths or simply soak in a hot tub.4. Exercise – take a walk or due some yoga or gentle stretching.5. Smile – simply the physical act of smiling makes us feel happier and more

centred.6. Calm – use positive visualization to take you a calmer place.7. Unwind – with some time out for yourself, reading a book or simply staring

into space.8. Escape – removing yourself from a stressful situation, particularly during the

winter holidays when we spend much more time than usual with others, can prove a life saver, giving you the time and space, you need to restore balance and calm.

Whatever natural remedy for anxiety you choose, remember that it is up to you to administer it in the way that is most effective for you. The beauty of natural remedies is that, for the most part, they give you some control over your own situation. This can prove the most powerful natural remedy for anxiety of all.

Coping With Panic Attacks During The Christmas Season

One in ten people can expect to have a panic attack at some stage. Often, a particularly busy or stressful period such as the Christmas season will set off a first or subsequent attacks. Symptoms can include rapid heartbeats, breathlessness, chest pains, nausea and hot or cold flushes as well as a sense of impending doom. Panic attack symptoms can last for a few seconds or as long as an hour.

As the fear of having an attack can, ironically, trigger one then it makes sense to set up some strategies before a demanding time like the winter holidays. Coping with panic attacks during the Christmas season becomes a lot easier if a sufferer already has techniques to hand or knows that specific remedies will work for them.


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8 tips for coping with panic attacks:

1. If you feel a panic attack coming on and you start to breathe rapidly, try to breathe slowly in and out of your cupped hands or a brown paper bag. Either will help your oxygen levels return to normal and lessen that feeling of giddiness that comes with over-breathing.

2. Adopt a healthier lifestyle during the festive period – take or step up your regular exercise, avoid alcohol and cigarettes and eat regular, nutritious meals to keep your blood sugar level stable.

3. Don’t try to fight a panic attack as all this will do is increase your levels of adrenaline. Instead, try to accept the feelings you experience and understand that your symptoms are only trying to trick you. Imagine yourself floating, detached, over them. They will eventually subside.

4. During an attack, put the focus outside of yourself. Listen to music or do something you enjoy until the feelings pass.

5. Tell yourself that your symptoms are only temporary and not life-threatening or medically dangerous.

6. Reduce your exposure to unnecessary stress which means, during this hectic time, that you need to learn to say no to anything which will overload you or your nervous system.

7. Learn and practice a relaxation technique. Try closing your eyes, slowing your breathing and imagining each part of your body in turn growing heavier and


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warmer. Imagine all your tension disappearing and let go of every limb, your torso and head in turn until you are completely relaxed. After fifteen or twenty minutes of this, gently bring your focus back to the present and open your eyes. You will feel both calm and refreshed.

8. Find someone to confide in about your panic attacks, whether it is a friend, family member or therapist. Turn to this person if you need support or help coping with your panic attacks during the Christmas season.

This concludes the article. I hope you have found it helpful. Please check out the website www.mirellafoxlifecoaching.co.uk on some free articles and more information. If you are seeking more help with this, please do not hesitate to contact me through the website. Please join my free mailing list for up to date offers and more freebies. And also find me on Facebook under Mirella’s Life coaching.