___________________________________________________________________ Psycho-Spiritual Evolution – Adam DeFranco, 12/26/12 "To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self.” Carl Jung 1 Each human being is an utterly unique expression of consciousness traveling on an evolutionary journey. So vast and complex are we that the true scope of who and what we are escapes all but the most intensive research, vision and experience. Even though it has been stated previously by Teilhard de Chardin; “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience” - the implications of this requires further clarifying and exploration. One contemporary picture considers that we are Infinite Beings who have 'incarnated' into this dense physical world in order to obtain experience. However, with the emergence of an Einsteinian paradigm, we find that time is cyclical, not linear. We see that we have lived past, present and future lives simultaneously, each life influencing the other. The Now influences not only the future, but at the same time the past. The Psycho-Spiritual therapies are an integrated approach taking into account the body, mind, emotions and spirit. While this gives us much to consider, this article will offer an approach to likewise integrate the subjective and transpersonal aspects of our inner lives which substand, inform and compose the persona we use today in this incarnation. Simply stated, we are a vast array of mostly unconscious forces which create the sense of self we now embody. We are an embodiment of the mythic, archetypal, soulful, poetic and mysterious, as well as the unique psychological perspectives which come with all that. However, by various unconscious forces, we have become trapped within the space/time continuum. We have in a certain sense become ‘prisoners of the planet’. We have become circumscribed by certain parameters of conditioned substance and a fragmented sense of ourselves. We therefore out-picture and experience a limited view of reality. 1

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Psycho-Spiritual Evolution – Adam DeFranco, 12/26/12

"To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one

begins to understand what is meant by the self.” Carl Jung1

Each human being is an utterly unique expression of consciousness traveling on an evolutionary journey. So vast and complex are we that the true scope of who and what we are escapes all but the most intensive research, vision and experience. Even though it has been stated previously by Teilhard de Chardin; “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience” - the implications of this requires further clarifying and exploration. One contemporary picture considers that we are Infinite Beings who have 'incarnated' into this dense physical world in order to obtain experience. However, with the emergence of an Einsteinian paradigm, we find that time is cyclical, not linear. We see that we have lived past, present and future lives simultaneously, each life influencing the other. The Now influences not only the future, but at the same time the past.

The Psycho-Spiritual therapies are an integrated approach taking into account the body, mind, emotions and spirit. While this gives us much to consider, this article will offer an approach to likewise integrate the subjective and transpersonal aspects of our inner lives which substand, inform and compose the persona we use today in this incarnation. Simply stated, we are a vast array of mostly unconscious forces which create the sense of self we now embody. We are an embodiment of the mythic, archetypal, soulful, poetic and mysterious, as well as the unique psychological perspectives which come with all that.

However, by various unconscious forces, we have become trapped within the space/time continuum. We have in a certain sense become ‘prisoners of the planet’. We have become circumscribed by certain parameters of conditioned substance and a fragmented sense of ourselves. We therefore out-picture and experience a limited view of reality.


The embodied consciousness of every cell which composes our 'Us', is actually a quantum field of myriad possibilities that include parallel universes, parallel selves, past and future lives. All of these possibilities converge in this moment of NOW. Accessing the quantum field transports us out of the box and through the `rabbit hole’. Through the avenue of such shifts, new emerging possibilities are endless. The old concept of reincarnation as a linear progression can no longer hold that distillation of Aqua vitae, the water of life. What is required is a shift into a more expletive multi-dimensional model. A model which is not only holistic but includes this of seeing ourselves as citizens of a vast and mysterious spiritual universe that contains all that is; a universe of which the physical is only a small part.

To understand what our body actually is in this deeper sense aligns us with the collective body of humanity. The resonance of our body has distilled in it a correspondence to all humans everywhere in all time and space. The response we have with and within our body determine the response we have with the group consciousness. Yet this resonance may include a much vaster sensorium then we may now imagine.

However, process is not as simple as [perhaps] we would like. Much lies below lies the threshold of our cranial sensorium of that awareness. This orchestration of self-consciousness, this great seething self-economy of cells and emotions are all woven within an intermeshing of a long history of faces, places and incarnations. A feast of friends and convocation of Gods and demons alike. A trauma which may have struck someone back in my lineage 800 years ago may still disturb the radiant stillness of the Self. We are tied in inexplicable ways to a history we no longer remember or would even agree with now. Within our own bodies, we are populated by cells, cell assemblies, organs and system as well as a group of subconscious forces which binds the natural effulgence of the Soul in chains. I feel we are obligated to free those prisoners so as to become free ourselves. The `unfinished business’ and the karmic residue of past incarnations still subtly impel movements in our present day consciousness.

All of these seemingly natural functions of being human are forms of disempowerment and siphon the energy needed to become a Consciousness of a Soul Incarnate. Everyday experience brings much of this to the surface to be dealt with here and now... if we are enabled or have acquired the skills. The connecting ties to karmic patterns are evolved through our own experiences. With clarity, we may observe or may open a window to the historical archives of our past and our personal subconsciousness. To observe with clarity is to 'witness’. When the act of active `witnessing’ is enacted, then the Soul allows for clarification of glamour and cutting the ties that bind us to outdated forms and 'masks' of the Self. Again, a population of whom we were and in a sense of who we are. When I stand in front of the mirror, I see 10,000 faces. No, not really but you know what I mean. But I look forward to the day when I look into the mirror and see only one, my original face. By that time, I will have abstracted the totality of consciousness from all my imprisoned masks. I will be maskless and undoubtedly an exotic entity to look upon, but of course by then it may not matter. It is only in losing our little selves that we remain as the One: an integrated Being within our own self-illuminating Light. Sandblast the phenomenal sheaths and there in the midst of things we remain – the core of cores.

Now, a question presents itself: Unresolved dharma’s as well as karmas seek resolution in the present incarnation. Does the Soul live all incarnations at once, en masse? Is the energy of our lessons present here now?

We as individuals, and as a group, synthesize the sub-human kingdoms of nature and supernature into ourselves and serve that larger entity of which we are a part, and, in which we live and move and have our being. We are residents in the Body of the Planetary Logos- our Gaia. We serve this great Being. As citizens we come to serve the world as a whole. We are planetary citizens. Our responsibilities are many by and through the gifts of our inherent divinity. Carl Jung, an authority on the psyche, said that, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

Consciousness begins with Self-awareness. The totality of subconsciousness within the forms and masks are still held in abeyance. Yet as we act to integrate, transmute and transcend we are liberated into a new form of Embodiment. This is the Omega Point to which de Chardin referred to earlier. The energy and consciousness locked in each must be freed for conscious Soul use. As I move deeper into an identification of Soul, the inherent core essence and lesson of each mask emerges, freeing a latent fire which originated the beginning construct. God is good, yet do I have the power and breadth of vision to see that goodness indwelled even my past misconstrued creations? I am thou...extending further inward and outward. As we integrate this in thought, word and deed we assist in the emergence of the Group Soul- the One Humanity. This embodiment is further integrated as our expression of Soul becomes more natural and spontaneous.

Essentially, part of our evolutionary process is intrinsically associated with the ‘recognition’ of various parts of ourselves. The unconscious, sub-dominant personas not only indwell in and through us, but also are ‘projected’ on all others we meet and encounter. In a paradoxical way- we interface with all other human beings in and through the experience of multi-incarnations living within us now. Further illumination was offered by Master Rakoczi via Lucille Cedercrans in the book ‘Applied Wisdom’.

“Now, while the five dominant group entities’ cyclical influence, via this circulatory movement, the present persona or the focused awareness in the brain (one has greater domination than any other one), comes in…more closely reaches the frequency of the physical, so that it, until it is integrated into time and space, can be said to be the one which has the most direct relationship to the persona in the present incarnation. However, do not forget that the basic personality must include all of the dominant five group entities.

It is this major or this dominant group entity out of the five that we are concerned with here. Contained within this group entity which lies behind the present awareness are all of those ...(However) …these personalities have not lived in a perfect sequence. That is …five or six or ten or eleven or whatever incarnations in succession, but these which have manifested cyclically have a direct bearing upon this particular cycle of opportunity insofar as the incarnating Soul is concerned. I am bringing you this information now for two reasons:

Of course, for the expansion of your own consciousness, that expansion which will include an alignment and a contact with this dominant group entity, with this series of incarnations which is directly related to the present, So that you will not be fooled by so-called recall of former incarnations. It is extremely unlikely that the individual in this incarnation would

recall the incarnation immediately behind him, for this is very rarely contained within that aggregate which is in direct relationship with this particular incarnation. Today and in the future there is and there will be a great deal of investigation made into this subject of reincarnation and of past personalities. (Applied Wisdom, p. 1553)

[Lucille Cedercrans then continues:]

When you hear of an investigation which reveals unaccountably an incarnation which took place five hundred years ago and another one which took place further back, and another one which took place perhaps and particularly during the Atlantean period, then if all of the other facts agree with truth you may consider that this investigation is being directed along right lines and founded upon a correct interpretation of that which is.

This information will also help you in differentiating or discriminating between your own creative imagination and that which has actually been a part of the Soul’s experience in the three worlds of human endeavor. An individual can make a correction of these glamours by superseding the subconscious and manifesting on the physical plane the truth it has grasped.

The requirements are at-one-ment, detachment from the physical level of consciousness. Reach the highest degree of truth, and live that truth until it is. (Applied Wisdom, p. 1555)

In time there is the mergence between the Overshadowing Spiritual Soul and those fragments of Itself, locked and imprisoned in the past incarnations of the persona. These are many and in total contribute to the consciousness of the Soul. Still being active in the subconsciousness, they form a seamless whole contributing to the overall purpose and plan of the Soul. Individual life expressions, viewed from a non-dualistic perspective, all contribute to Soul plan, even when these seemingly appear to be in opposition to each other or to what we may consider 'good', bad, indifferent or 'spiritual '. The Soul is an individualized group life. It is the vibrant matrix, the central energetic core, of a subconsciousness population of personas and yet somehow particularly related to the formation of the present living incarnating persona.

A more accurate explanation was given to me by my teacher Pam Nissen, now 88 yrs. old. The use of the higher chakras mentioned, as a visualization exercise shown below, should be done with caution and respect. Aspects of working with the transmutation of the devic substance of the subtle vehicles are to be performed as a ‘white magician’. The following instruction could be harmful if misused and shared with those without this level of understanding of his/her subconscious lower group life.

“Lucille (Cedercrans) taught the first group how to handle a situation where you are thrown into therapy such as uncontrollable fear, anger, wrong relationship, etc., those forces that rise up into the personality to take control in certain circumstances. These are the result of the many personalities that reside just below the surface and come to the surface in times of stress.

Taking care of these conditions when they happen or just after they happen will help to integrate the threefold vehicle into higher soul purpose, allowing the astral body to reflect the soul's purpose. You relax the physical, calm the emotions, focus in the ajna center 6" out in the etheric light body. You follow the line of light into the cave in the center of the head. You stand in the cave in the light of the soul and picture the following taking place in the ajna center. When finished you remain in the cave and send the right relationship of the action back into the subconscious as golden light.

For example: When you have just had a terrible outbreak of emotion you visualize yourself in the balcony of a theater, watching the scene that you just experienced of yourself and the other person acting out the wrong relationship. First one and then the other takes his stance and reads his lines about the play. Then they take the part of the other. They shout, scream, any number of ways to act out the emotion. You are placing yourself in the action but are looking at it detached. After you have lived out the experience, the flood lights come on, bathing the misunderstanding in golden light. You send the revised right relationship back into the subconscious as light, a job well done. When the same experience comes again, you know it is just habit, you stop it as it happens and you are free of the reaction. You have ideated the correct way to handle the situation.

These different personalities come to the surface because you are invoking the soul to come into your personality through meditation, so that you are becoming the conscious soul incarnate. The soul activates the response of the personality by attracting its polar opposite up into the light where the personality must take care of it. Unheeded, it will come up time and again until you have established right relationship with it.

This is all a part of integrating the threefold vehicle so that it reflects the soul in incarnation.”

I was somewhat perplexed when my teacher explained these subjective dimensions. I then asked a question seeking clarification:

Q.- “Do we 'gaze' from the crown, from the cave or center point of all forces including the ajna. Do the 3 energies merge into one?

Pam: We gaze from the cave out to the ajna center - 6" out into the etheric and the play begins. Then we invoke and pour the energies of the higher alignment (still in the cave) but using the head center down through the cave and out to the ajna as pure reason. Then from the ajna the energies pour into the astral body, cleansing and purifying in the light of the soul and sending the new response back to the subconscious.”

From this research, we can see that Psycho-Spiritual processes are much vaster and inexplicably more implicated than previously thought by contemporary psychology. Teachers of ‘conscious embodiment’ must understand the role of the lower group life, i.e., the many sub-personalities which affectively influence our present lives. But the significant difference here is that via the work of Lucille we know take into account that push and pull of previous incarnations affectively mutilate who and what we are now in this incarnation. Teachers, psychologists and therapists should all understand how this underworld, multi-generational, multi-dimensional population contributes to the formation of the contemporary 'mask' or persona. The persona through which we now incarnate is but the proverbial tip of the iceberg. The advanced teaching offered, using the souls’ powers to transmute the 3 fold instrumentality of the persona, if done correctly can tremendously accelerate Psycho-Spiritual processes.

The tides and patterns of Karma (and also I would think Dharma) are all latent. Their natural expression follows as the resonance of each incarnation contributes to the NOW of that incarnated Being. The present Mask is a complex composite of all personas and in the detail of its expression lies the history of the world and of the Soul. We may notice the soul's incentive and movement thru its recapitulation process. Incarnation of the present persona rests on the silent voices of a submerged population. Stepping onto the path of Initiation brings a vertical influx of energy into the group life. Soul energy brings stimulation and activation and agitation of the group life personas. The soul instills its evolutionary plan by superconscious intent. The activation of particular personas follows soul law. Islands in the stream soon emerge into continents, as specifically energized personas ascend with the resonance of many personas to become

group consciousness. The powerful always lead. Certain personas absorb lesser shadows into submission as an alliance to invoke the Spiritual Soul. Embodiment is the way of grounding truth into existence. The unconsciousness denizens of this group life block Soul Embodiment.

We garner from these teachings that as Soul Beings in human form, we travel across timelines of innumerable epochs with influences reaching us from across multi-generational eras via our sub-dominant personas. These personas in a sense live simultaneously now within and through us. This understanding offers to all of us an unprecedented evolutionary trajectory. An elegant emerging truth is that we can, under the auspicious evolutionary impulse, effectively integrate these many various multi-dimensional influences into the totality of whom we are in the eternal now. This is a vast landscape in which we live. The perception of the timeless is a place in which the human soul lives and the embodied self can learn to live. This `space’ of `timelessness ‘is a place which is complete in itself. Perceiving reality can only come through the embodiment of our Core Essence.

Such processes induce the alchemical transmutation and initiation by Fire. Such structural reconstitution breaks the false containers of self and implements a new radiatory bio-photonic quickening:

“This inner fire catalyzes and prepares your nervous system and circuitry for complete transformation. It is the electromagnetic storm of transmutation, the clearing and quickening

of your physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies. As you become aligned with the descending energies, and evolve in consciousness, you body's vibration is raised, becoming less 'dense'. Your new alignment ignites the quickening process that transmutes the shadows of the

past, including experiences, judgments, thoughtforms, and old patterns that have held you back.” (http://www.facebook.com/adam.a.defranco?ref=tn_tnmn#!/intergalacticshamanic.mysticangel )

In stretching our frequencial capacities and effectively augmenting our auric integrity to higher light quotients is an act of initiatory power. It is an act of accelerated spiritual awakening. As we grow into our ‘new skin’, we expand into greater frequency and multidimensional modulations. The inevitable key trademark of evolution is continual expansion and growth, service and compassion. As our auric frequencial quotient increases, the activated chakras become fully rotating fourth dimensional whirling wheels of fire. Consequently, our carbon based blueprint induces a radioactivity. It begins to draw on a new operating system from within. There is an increase in light quotient as the ascended crystalline matrix from the higher sheaths makes impress on the human form. This is a point of significance upon which to reflect.The higher light body no longer merely overshadows or infuses its incarnate body, but now more fully embodies it. We then become the Conscious Soul Incarnate, which spiritually commences [a] biological restructuring and upgrading. This is the evolutionary process. There is much more to this than meets the eye and it is quite miraculous.

It has been stated in the book ‘Initiation- Human and Solar’ by Alice Bailey, that the higher consciousness of the various initiatory grades are respectively marked by the attainment of certain transubstantiated proportions of atomic matter in the bodies—for instance, at the first initiation one-fourth atomic matter, at the second one-half atomic matter, at the third three-quarters atomic matter, and so on to the completion. [i]

These new chakric recalibrations clear neural pathways within the cerebral structures and enable the mind to open for the descent of Spirit into matter and allow the further embodiment of the soul. No less obvious from stretching our frequencial capacities are the abilities to resonate consciously within the planetary pulse. The disciple recognizes they are a part of an energy center within the body of the planet – that they are becoming more responsive to the more than 40 octave spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies associated with the various planets, their satellites rings and motions within the presently known solar system. [ii]


Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar (New York: Lucis Publishing, 1926), 17. http://www.earth-keeper.com/EKnews_3-7-2010.htm (accessed Feb 26, 2010).

"What we do not realize is how we have polluted and desecrated this inner realm. We think of pollution as belonging only to the outer world of nature, not understanding how our inner nature has also been filled with debris. Psychology may show us how our personal unconscious becomes full of the rejected and abandoned parts of our self, and how our patterns of denial can cause us problems. But we do not realize how this has happened on a collective level. A culture that works creatively with the symbolic realm helps the energy of life to flow freely, and keeps clear its connection to its natural and divine source. In contrast, our rejection and denial of the sacred and its values, in particular our patriarchal rejection and oppression of the sacred feminine, the Great Mother, has had disastrous inner consequences. Our connection is polluted to such a degree that we can hardly be nourished from within, but depend more and more upon external stimulus to give meaning to life." Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee