Name: ___________________________________ Pd.: _____ Date: _____________________________ AP EURO Review – Cumulative Exam (Period One) From the Middle Ages to Absolutism Renaissance “Finally, the Great Artisan mandated that this creature who would receive nothing proper to himself shall have joint possession of whatever nature had been given to any other creature. He made man a creature of indeterminate and indifferent nature, and said to him "Adam, according to your desires and judgment, you will have and possess whatever place to live, whatever form you yourself choose. All other things have a limited and fixed nature. We have made you so that with free choice you may fashion you into whatever form you choose. To you is granted the power of degrading yourself into the lower forms of life and to you is granted the power to be reborn into the higher forms, the divine." - “Oration on the Dignity of Man” Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 15 th Century 1. The passage above represents the shift in European thinking from relying totally on the teachings of Scholasticism to what type of thinking? a. deductive reasoning b. Renaissance humanism c. inductive reasoning d. Catholic reformation 2. Values that were important to Mirandola and others like him included? a. secularism and individualism b. nationalism and liberalism c. alchemy and astrology d. universal Christendom 3. Which of the following might have occurred as a result of the practices followed by Mirandola and others like him? a. new Ideas in in astronomy b. absolutism c. religious conformity d. greater ecclesiastical authority

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AP EURO Review – Cumulative Exam (Period One) From the Middle Ages to Absolutism


“Finally, the Great Artisan mandated that this creature who would receive nothing proper to himself shall have joint possession of whatever nature had been given to any other creature. He made man a creature of indeterminate and indifferent nature, and said to him "Adam, according to your desires and judgment, you will have and possess whatever place to live, whatever form you yourself choose. All other things have a limited and fixed nature. We have made you so that with free choice you may fashion you into whatever form you choose. To you is granted the power of degrading yourself into the lower forms of life and to you is granted the power to be reborn into the higher forms, the divine."

- “Oration on the Dignity of Man” Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, 15th Century 1. The passage above represents the shift in European thinking from relying totally on the teachings of

Scholasticism to what type of thinking?

a. deductive reasoningb. Renaissance humanismc. inductive reasoningd. Catholic reformation

2. Values that were important to Mirandola and others like him included?

a. secularism and individualismb. nationalism and liberalismc. alchemy and astrologyd. universal Christendom

3. Which of the following might have occurred as a result of the practices followed by Mirandola and others like him?

a. new Ideas in in astronomyb. absolutismc. religious conformityd. greater ecclesiastical authority

4. Which of the following developments most likely explains the reason for the production of documents such as the one above?

a. The practice of alchemy and witchcraft.b. The belief that the Catholic Church was above all secular institutions.c. The admiration of Greek and Roman ideals. d. The use of Scholasticism as the primary means of delivering instruction at the university level.

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What factors contributed to the Renaissance?

What are the characteristics of the Renaissance?

How is the High Renaissance different? What changes are there?

Who are you most significant artist/authors/contributors of the Renaissance?

Thesis Prompt: Compare and Contrast the Renaissance with the Late Middle Ages. (To what extent are they similar?

Different? (X. However, A and B. Therefore, Y.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Protestant Reformation

Document Analysis:

One part of H-I-P-P-I in one sentence:


The Horsemen of the Apocalypse, depicted in a woodcut by Albrecht Dürer (ca. 1497–98)

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Gutenberg Bible

5. The invention of the printing press that led to the above picture aided in?

a. Spreading the Renaissance beyond Italy. b. Halting the rise of the Reformation.c. Beginning the artistic period known as mannerism.d. Exploring overseas colonies.

6. This invention greatly contributed to the growth of?

a. The visual arts of the Renaissance.b. The Scholastic Movement.c. The growth of vernacular literature.d. The Catholic Reformation.

7. Which of the following might have resulted from the invention of the printing press?

a. The development of absolutism in Europeb. The emergence of scientific socialismc. The emergence of polytheism in Eastern Europed. The development of religious groups such as Lutherans and Calvinists.

8. Which of the following developments most likely explains the reason for the production of documents such as the one above?

a. The need to disseminate new ideas.b. The belief that the Catholic Church was above all secular institutions.c. The desire to create a unified religious system throughout Europe.d. The use of Scholasticism as the primary means of delivering instruction at the university level.

How did the Who are the most During the How was the Gutenberg

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Renaissance and Black Death contribute to the Reformation?

influential Reformation contrubutors?

Reformation, what is happening to the Roman Catholic Church?

Printing Press a contributing factor to the Reformation?

Ex. King Henry VIII

Thesis Prompt: Analyze the causes of the Protestant Reformation. What is the most signifincant? Least significant? (X. However, A and B. Therefore, Y.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Document Analysis:

One part of H-I-P-P-I in one sentence:


From Petrarch, The Canzoniere, #3It was on that day when the sun's raywas darkened in pity for its Maker,that I was captured, and did not defend myself,because your lovely eyes had bound me, Lady.

It did not seem to me to be a time to guard myselfagainst Love's blows: so I went onconfident, unsuspecting; from that, my troublesstarted, amongst the public sorrows.

Love discovered me all weaponless,and opened the way to the heart through the eyes,which are made the passageways and doors of tears:

so that it seems to me it does him little honourto wound me with his arrow, in that state,he not showing his bow at all to you who are armed.

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ca. 1600-16509. The event that most likely led to the process seen above was the?

a. establishment of plantation agriculture in the Americas. b. rise of mercantilism.c. Protestant Reformation.d. development of absolutism in France.

10. Which of the following countries was the least likely to have been involved in the process seen on the map?

a. Portugalb. Englandc. Prussiad. Spain

11. Based on the map and your knowledge which of the following would be the most likely result of what is seen on the map?

a. A period of cooperation among European powers as they settled the New World.b. The domination of South America by England and France.c. The domination of North America by the Spanish and Portuguese.d. The competition for trade leading to conflicts and rivalries among European powers.

12. Which of the following developments occurred that facilitated the subjugation and destruction of indigenous peoples that led to the need for slaves?

a. Advances in the making of gunpowderb. The Columbian Exchangec. Conflict between Spanish monarchs and the Catholic Churchd. Efforts by monarchs to limit exploration and trade

What were the primary motives for European

How does colonization differ from imperialism?

What negative effects will colonization have

What positive effects will colonization have

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Exploration? on European society? on European society?

A Letter from Columbus to the King and Queen of Spain

In obedience to your Highnesses' commands, and with submission to superior judgment, I will say whatever occurs to me in reference to the colonization and commerce of the Island of Espanola, and of the other islands, both those already discovered and those that may be discovered hereafter.

In the first place, as regards the Island of Espanola: Inasmuch as the number of colonists who desire to go thither amounts to two thousand, owing to the land being safer and better for farming and trading, and because it will serve as a place to which they can return and from which they can carry on trade with the neighboring islands:

As regards the division of the gold, and the share that ought to be reserved for your Highnesses... your Highnesses might, for the space of one year, take one half, and the collector the other, and a better arrangement for the division be made afterward.

Thesis Prompt: Analyze the role that knowledge, politics and technology played in European exploration between 1450 and 1700. (X. However, A and B. Therefore, Y.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Excerpt from Malleus Maleficarum (1486) Dominicans Heinrich Kramer & Jacob Sprenger

Document Analysis:

One part of H-I-P-P-I in one sentence:


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Oneiromancy (witchcraft) may be practiced in two ways. The first is when a person uses dreams so that he may dip into the occult with the help of the revelation of devils with whom he has entered into an open pact. The second is when a man uses dreams for knowing the future. Witches, when they do not wish to be bodily transferred, but desire to see what their fellow-witches are doing, it is their practice to lie down and these things are revealed to in images. And if they seek to know some secret, they learn it in dreams from the devil, by reason of an open pact entered into with him.

13. The passage above, when applied to the late 16th and early 17th centuries, represents a continued reflection of?

a. social and economic upheaval in Europe.b. the necessity of European exploration.c. continued debate over the role scholasticism.d. absolutism versus constitutionalism.

14. Based on the passage above and your knowledge which of the following groups would have been most opposed to this interpretation?

a. Catholic authorities b. National Monarchiesc. Lower class womend. Protestant leaders

15. Which of the following, along with the church, also regulated public morals?

a. The nobilityb. Lay ministersc. National governmentsd. City governments

16. Based on the document and your knowledge which of the following groups would be most likely to use the document to support their political beliefs?

a. Jesuits b. Calvinistsc. Lutheransd. Anglicans

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Seventeenth Century French Peasant Life; Le Nain Brothers

17. The above painting represents the fact that most Western Europeans still lived

a. by means of subsistence agriculture. b. according to the rules of the guild system.c. in serfdom .d. in large towns or cities.

18. In which of the following areas would one be least likely to find similar scenes?

a. Englandb. The Netherlandsc. Russiad. Spain

19. Which of the following led to the greatest change for peasants like those pictured above?

a. The development of absolutism in Europeb. The Great Plaguec. The emergence of scientific socialismd. The development of commercial agriculture

20. Which of the following most likely explains the type of production used by these peasants?

a. Two-field rotation.b. Three-field crop rotation.c. Slash and Burn Agriculture.d. Enclosure Movement

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Religious Wars

sThe Hapsburgs in Europe after the Peace of Augsburg, 1555

Questions 1 – 4 refer to the map illustrated above.

21. The event most likely responsible for the above map was the?

a. Protestant Reformation. b. Scientific Revolution.c. English Civil War.d. Catholic Reformation.

22. Based on the map and your knowledge which of the following would be the most likely result of what is seen on the map?

a. The development of absolutism in Europe.b. The domination of Europe by Protestants.c. The decline of France and the rise of the Holy Roman Empire.d. The failed efforts of Habsburg rulers to restore Catholic unity across Europe.

23. Which of the following developments likely resulted from the map above?

a. The Edict of Nantes allowing religious pluralism in France.b. States exploiting religious conflict to promote political and economic interests.c. Conflict between the monarchy and nobility such as the French Wars of Religion.d. Efforts by monarchs such as Henry VIII to initiate religious reform

What is the Peace of Who is Martin Luther? Who is John Calvin? What is the Hapsburg

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Augsburg? Dynasty?

From Martin Luther’s Preface to the New Testament Source: http://www.scrollpublishing.com/store/Luther-New-Testament.html"From all this you can now judge all the books and decide among them which are the best. John’s Gospel and St. Paul’s Epistles especially that to the Romans, and St. Peter’s first Epistle are the true kernel and marrow of all the books. They ought to rightly be the first books and it would be advisable for every Christian to read them first and most. ...John’s Gospel is the one, tender, true chief Gospel, far, far to be preferred to the other three and placed high above them. So, too, the Epistles of St. Paul and St. Peter far surpass the other three Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In a word, St. John’s Gospel and his first Epistle, St. Paul’s Epistles—especially Romans, Galatians, and Ephesians—and St. Peter’s first Epistle are the books that show you Christ and teach you all that it is necessary and good for you to know—even though you were never to see or hear any other book or doctrine. Therefore St. James’ Epistle is really an epistle of straw, compared to them. For it has nothing of the nature of the Gospel about it.”

Thesis Prompt: Evaluate the extent to which the Peace of Westphalia was a turning point in European history. (X. However, A and B. Therefore, Y.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution

Document Analysis:

One part of H-I-P-P-I in one sentence:


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Questions 1 – 3 refer to the images above.

24. The publication of this work, Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, in 1651 reflected which of the following trends of the mid-seventeenth century?

a. Increasing importance of religion as the dominant motive for political conflict and war.b. Rejection of the notion of “divine right”, meaning royal authority was derived from a Christian God.c. Application of a scientific and materialistic, rather than spititualistic, understanding of life.d. Adoption of the premise that human nature was essentially good but, Like Rousseau later, that human

goodness was corrupted by society.

25. The image is best represented by which statement?a. Society is founded on a set of laws inherent in biblical scripture and tradition.b. Government is a consequence of the desire by men for security in an insecure world.c. Political authority of rulers in derived from a higher authority than the merely mortal.d. The social and political relationships among men and nations are governed only by village-level class


26. The implications of “Hobbesian” thought in future generations supporteda. both absolutism and representative government.b. only a “Hegelian thesis-antithesis” mode of political development.c. utopian notions of social organization, such as Fourierism and Saint-Simon.d. the anarchism and nihilism emanating from Russia in the late nineteenth century.

Who is Thomas Hobbes? What events contributed to the Enlightenment?

What factors contributed to the Scientific Revolution?

What effects will the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution have on religion?

From Frederick the Great, Essay on the Forms of Government

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Modern History Sourcebook: http://www.fordham.edu/Halsall/mod/hre-prussia.asp

A sovereign must possess an exact and detailed knowledge of the strong and of the weak points of his country. He must be thoroughly acquainted with its resources, the character of the people, and the national commerce....

Rulers should always remind themselves that they are men like the least of their subjects. The sovereign is the foremost judge, general, financier, and minister of his country, not merely for the sake of his prestige. Therefore, he should perform with care the duties connected with these offices. He is merely the [first] servant of the State. Hence, he must act with honesty, wisdom, and complete disinterestedness in such a way that he can render an account of his stewardship to the citizens at any moment. Consequently, he is guilty if he wastes the money of the people, the taxes which they have paid, in luxury, pomp, and debauchery. He who should improve the morals of the people, be the guardian of the law, and improve their education should not pervert them by his bad example.

Princes, sovereigns, and king have not been given supreme authority in order to live in luxurious self-indulgence and debauchery. They have not been elevated by their fellow-men to enable them to strut about and to insult with their pride the simple-mannered, the poor, and the suffering. They have not been placed at the head of the State to keep around themselves a crowd of idle loafers whose uselessness drives them towards vice. The bad administration which may be found in monarchies springs from many different causes, but their principal cause lies in the character of the sovereign. A ruler addicted to women will become a tool of his mistresses and favourites, and these will abuse their power and commit wrongs of every kind, will protect vice, sell offices, and perpetrate every infamy....

The sovereign is the representative of his State. He and his people form a single body. Ruler and ruled can be happy only if they are firmly united. The sovereign stands to his people in the same relation in which the head stands to the body. He must use his eyes and his brain for the whole community, and act on its behalf to the common advantage. If we wish to elevate monarchical above republican government, the duty of sovereigns is clear. They must be active, hard-working, upright and honest, and concentrate all their strength upon filling their office worthily. That is my idea of the duties of sovereigns.

Thesis Prompt: To what extent was the Scientific Revolution a turning point in European politics, religion, and the economy? (X. However, A and B. Therefore, Y.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Document Analysis:

One part of H-I-P-P-I in one sentence:


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Absolutism and Louis XIV

Pierre Pate, Perspective View of Versailles, 1668

27. Which European political figure would express the greatest approval for the Palace of Versailles?a. Voltaireb. Sir Robert Walpolec. Jean Colbertd. Maximillian de Robespierre

28. How did the location of the palace reflect concerns of the French monarchy?a. It was situated near the coast as a physical representation of France’s colonial empire.b. The palace was located in Paris, which was then recognized as the cultural capital of Europe.c. The palace was located at the geographic center of the country, drawing on the representation of the “Sun

King” whose rays touched all France.d. Its location was sufficiently distant from Paris to offer security from Parisian mobs who threatened Louis XIV

during the Fronde.29. Other than a royal residence, what other function did the palace serve?

a. Meetings of the French Parliament were always held there.b. The Estates-General convened there in 1789 and after.c. Leading nobles of France were required to reside there.d. It was frequently used as a staging area for “war games”.

What are the key characteristics of absolutism?

Who are the most significant absolute monarchs?

How does absolutism compare to constitutionalism?

What in an Enlightened Absolute Monarch?

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Thesis Prompt: To what extent was the reign of King Louis XIV a turning point for the bureaucracy, nobility, peasantry, economics and papacy in France? (X. However, A and B. Therefore, Y.)


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