SKILLS FRAMEWORK FOR FOOD SERVICES SKILL STANDARDS FOR HEAD BARISTA Occupation: Head Barista Occupation Description: The Head Barista is responsible for all aspects of the coffee bar. He/She should be capable of completing all daily operations of the coffee bar which includes customer service, preparation and presentation of beverages and information, operational procedures, merchandising, payroll, scheduling, ordering, and sales and profitability. He should have excellent communication and teaching skills, keep a calm, mature, professional demeanor when needed and possess a proactive approach to problem-solving and staff management. Important Points to Note about this Document This document is intended purely to provide general information to enable individuals, employers and training providers to be informed about the skills for career, training and education purposes. SSG provides no warranty whatsoever about the contents of this document, and does not warrant that the courses of action mentioned in this document will secure employment, promotion, or monetary benefits. Copyright 2017 © SkillsFuture Singapore Agency. All rights reserved. Version 1.0. 1

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Occupation: Head Barista

Occupation Description:

The Head Barista is responsible for all aspects of the coffee bar. He/She should be capable of completing all daily operations of the coffee bar which includes customer service, preparation and presentation of beverages and information, operational procedures, merchandising, payroll, scheduling, ordering, and sales and profitability.

He should have excellent communication and teaching skills, keep a calm, mature, professional demeanor when needed and possess a proactive approach to problem-solving and staff management.

Important Points to Note about this DocumentThis document is intended purely to provide general information to enable individuals, employers and training providers to be informed about the skills for career, training and education purposes. SSG provides no warranty whatsoever about the contents of this document, and does not warrant that the courses of action mentioned in this document will secure employment, promotion, or monetary benefits.

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The skills expected of the Head Barista are summarised as below:

Skill Category Skill

Analytical, Conceptual and


1. Apply Systems Thinking in Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

Business Continuity


2. Manage and Implement Business Continuity Plans3. Manage Crisis Situations

Business Negotiation

4. Participate in Dispute Resolution5. Participate in Negotiations

Change Management 6. Lead Team to Implement Change

Communications 7. Identify and Establish Internal and External Stakeholder Relationships

Food and Beverage Service

8. Manage Cost and Quality Controls9. Manage Food and Beverage Operations10. Analyse Alcoholic Beverage Business11. Manage Customer Service12. Understand Cuisines and Cultures of the World

Information and Results 13. Analyse Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

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Innovation14. Contribute to Innovation Processes within Own Scope of

Work in the Business15. Foster Service Innovation

Leadership 16. Lead with Service Vision

People and Relationship Management

17. Manage Cross Functional and Culturally Diverse Teams18. Optimise Workforce for Service Excellence

People Development

19. Conduct Staff Performance Assessment Process20. Develop and Motivate Team Members through Capability

Development21. Manage Training

Personal Management and


22. Develop Self to Maintain Professional Competence at Managerial Level

Planning and Implementation

23. Administer Purchasing and Receiving Procedures24. Implement Loss/Risk Prevention25. Provide Information for Management Decision Making

Project Management 26. Implement Project Administration Processes

Risk Management

27. Facilitate Compliance with Legislative and Regulatory Requirements

28. Manage Compliance with Food and Beverage Hygiene Policies and Procedures

Site/Outlet and Equipment

Management29. Manage Site/Outlet and Equipment Maintenance

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Skill Code ES-ACE-501G-1

Skill Category Analytical, Conceptual and Evaluative

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Apply Systems Thinking in Problem Solving and Decision Making

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to apply systems thinking to assess organisational issues. It also includes formulating and implementing solutions to address issues typically encountered by one assuming a managerial role.

Knowledge and Analysis

The ability to understand:

Definitions of systems thinking Benefits of systems thinking Organisation from a systems perspective Situations that can affect the achievement of desired goals and

outcomes Comparison of the various system thinking tools and their

application Comparison of the various systems thinking approaches and their

application to problem-solving Characteristics and application of the decision-making models Limitations of appropriate evaluation process to assess

effectiveness of chosen solutions Possible success indicators of chosen solutions

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

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Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Analyse issues that affect the achievement of desired goals and outcomes in the macro context

Apply systems thinking approaches and processes to identify the root causes of non-achievement of desired goals and outcomes and the homeostasis of the organisation

Develop an implementation plan for the chosen solutions to resolve issues that affect the achievement of desired goals and outcomes in an organisation

Assess the effectiveness of the chosen solutions using an appropriate evaluation process

Innovation and Value Creation

The ability to:

Use systems thinking tools to formulate possible solutions to resolve issues that affect the achievement of desired goals and outcomes

Select suitable solutions using established criteria to resolve issues that affect the achievement of desired goals and outcomes

Recommend corrective actions to improve chosen solutions

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

The ability to:

Document the process of applying systems thinking in problem-solving and decision-making according to organisational guidelines and appropriate methods

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

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Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Engage in self-reflection to view problems from a holistic manner taking into account overall structures, patterns and cycles

Range of Application Definitions of systems thinking must include:

A way of helping a person to view systems from a holistic perspective that includes seeing overall structures, patterns and cycles in systems, rather than seeing only isolated events in the system

A way to identify the root causes of issues in organisations and to address them

A way of understanding that emphasises the relationships among a system's parts, rather than the parts themselves

Systems thinking approaches and their application to problem-solving must include: Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) which includes:

o Identification of outputs, attributes, criteria, measurements scales and models

o Search for and generate different alternativeso Designing interventions to various componentso Confirming system with relevant stakeholders

Total Systems Intervention (TSI) which includes:o Creativity phase: Focuses on different aspects of the

organisation’s functioningo Choice phase: Choosing a set of methodologies to suit particular

characteristics of the organisation’s situation o Implementation phase: Generating specific proposal for change

Systems design which includes:o Forecastingo Model building and simulation o Optimisation and control

Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST) includes:o Group formation: A large group of people split into various groupso Assumption surfacing and rating: Groups discuss and list all

assumptions inherent in systemso Within group dialectic debate:

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

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Eliminates irrelevant assumptions Ensures that assumption is self-evident and significant in

the outcome of the strategy chosen and implemented o Between groups dialectic debate:

Extracts agreed assumptionso Debates on contentious assumptions to achieve agreement

Final synthesis Groups all come together to propose and resolve all

outstanding controversies Policy decisions will be made then

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Skill Code BM-BCM-405E-1

Skill Category Business Continuity Management

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable)


Skill Manage and Implement Business Continuity Plans

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to manage and implement business continuity plans. It includes identifying business continuity team and roles and responsibilities of members, executing, reviewing and refining business continuity plans, coordinating crisis response and recovery activities, managing resource usage, as well as communicating business continuity plans to employees.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Own role in implementation of business continuity plans Composition of business continuity team Types of continuity plans Business continuity resources

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Identify business continuity team and relevant roles and responsibilities in consultation with relevant stakeholders to ensure organisational preparedness for business continuity management

Execute business continuity plans in accordance with recovery strategies, business continuity strategies and framework to ensure alignment of activities

Coordinate the organisation's crisis response and recovery activities in accordance with business continuity policies to ensure alignment of activities

Identify and manage synergies and conflicts in resource availability and access in consultation with relevant stakeholders to ensure optimum resource allocation

Implement procedures to communicate with and educate employees on business continuity plans to ensure organisational awareness

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Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Review and refine business continuity plans to enhance organisational effectiveness in business continuity management

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Demonstrate empathy and appreciation of others' views and issues when working with stakeholders to implement business continuity plans to maintain positive working relationships

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Engage in self-reflection to identify own areas for improvement in the management and implementation of business continuity plans

Improve own capability in implementing business continuity plans by subscribing to diverse learning channels and participating in review platforms with peers and supervisors to enhance workplace performance

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code BM-BCM-407E-1

Skill Category Business Continuity Management

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable)


Skill Manage Crisis Situations

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to execute crisis management plan to manage crisis situations. It also includes allocating resources, executing and documenting response and recovery activities and communicating organisational crisis management key messages to relevant stakeholders.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Operational roles and responsibilities of a manager handling a crisis

Documentation components for crisis response and recovery activities

Communication plan for managing crisis

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Allocate resources to manage response-handling in accordance with crisis management plan

Identify crisis response and recovery activities for implementation in accordance with recovery strategies and business continuity strategies to ensure alignment of activities

Document crisis response and recovery activities data in accordance with information format requirements to facilitate follow-up actions

Implement 'return-to-normal' procedures in accordance with crisis management plan to ensure alignment of activities

Communicate organisational crisis management key messages to relevant stakeholders to provide updates

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability

The ability to:

Review crisis management process to identify areas for improvement

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to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Manage own emotions to maintain composure and display self-confidence and resilience when dealing with challenges in a crisis situation

Respond appropriately to emotional cues of organisation members during a crisis situation to manage negative emotional climate and provide reassurance

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Augment own knowledge on crisis management by subscribing to diverse learning channels and discussion platforms to ensure continuous learning for workplace application

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code BM-BN-402E-1

Skill Category Business Negotiation

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Participate in Dispute Resolution

Skill Description This skill describes the ability to prepare and participate in dispute resolution to reach agreeable outcomes.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Types of disputes Evidence to support case Communication and conflict resolution techniques Relevant precedents Relevant legislation and regulations

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Prepare case to gather support for position Participate in dispute resolution processes to achieve desired

dispute resolution outcomes Reach dispute resolution outcomes to obtain concurrence from

both parties

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Identify opportunities to strive for negotiation outcomes to add value to the organisation and achieves a win-win outcome for both parties

Social Intelligence and Ethics

The ability to:

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It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

Manage self to maintain composure, self-confidence and resilience when dealing with challenges in the conflict resolution process

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Engage in self-reflection to identify areas for improvement in managing dispute resolution process

Improve own conflict resolution skills by seeking feedback from peers and supervisors to enhance own capability in managing conflicts

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Relevant legislation and regulations must include:

Billing policies Organisational human resources policies Financial regulations and policies Employment Act Industrial Relations Act Workplace Safety and Health Act Employment of Foreign Manpower Act International legislation

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Skill Code BM-BN-401E-1

Skill Category Business Negotiation

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Participate in Negotiations

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to participate in negotiations. It includes preparing alternatives and outcomes to support negotiation objectives, applying communication and conflict resolution techniques during negotiation, taking follow-up actions to close negotiation, as well as evaluating negotiation outcomes to identify areas of improvement.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Components of negotiation plans Negotiation roles and responsibilities Negotiation processes and techniques Relevant precedents Relevant legislation and regulations

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Plan and prepare alternatives and outcomes for both parties in negotiations to support negotiation objectives

Apply communication and conflict resolution techniques to achieve desired negotiation outcomes

Finalise negotiation and take necessary follow-up actions to close negotiation

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Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Monitor and evaluate negotiation outcomes against objectives in accordance with organisational procedures to determine potential areas of improvement for future negotiations

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Manage self to maintain composure and self-confidence when conducting negotiations

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Study past dispute resolutions to identify best practices that may be applied to the current negotiation situation

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Relevant legislation and regulations may relate to:

Billing policies Organisational human resources policies Financial regulations and policies Employment Act Industrial Relations Act Workplace Safety and Health Act Employment of Foreign Manpower Act International legislation

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Skill Code LPM-CHG-301C-0

Skill Category Change Management

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Lead Team to Implement Change

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to implement change processes within a team. It also includes identifying opportunities for innovation and implementing changes to work practices and continuous improvements to systems and processes.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Legal and ethical considerations relating to the implementation of change and continuous improvement

Organisational policies and procedures relating to the implementation of change and continuous improvement

Relevant professional or industry codes of practice and standards relating to the implementation of change and continuous improvement

The relationship between high level strategy and changes required in the processes and operations of teams

The relationship between high level strategy and continuous improvement systems and processes at the team level

Implications and impact on employees and the organisation arising from change processes and continuous improvement systems and processes

Key concepts and importance of a learning organisation in relation to organisational change

Models and methods for managing change Theories and principles of change management

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Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Participate in the development of a learning organisation to support the development of individuals within the team and work environment

Support and model enterprising behaviours and risk taking within the team to drive desired behaviours

Prepare and communicate plan for implementation of change and reinforce intended outcomes and benefits to the team to facilitate change implementation

Assign roles and responsibilities to implement change strategies and processes

Identify systems and behaviours that may support or limit change processes and work with team members to plan for predictable consequences of change

Provide support and resources to support change activities Communicate organisational continuous improvement processes

and encourage team members to take responsibility for their participation

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Analyse workplace performance and processes to identify opportunities for innovation, improved work practices and better use of technology

Monitor performance of teams and individuals to identify opportunities for further improvement

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Demonstrate empathy by acknowledging and addressing the feelings and perspectives of team members arising from the impact of change implementation to ensure individual needs are addressed

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Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Keep abreast of change management systems and processes by subscribing to diverse learning channels and participating in peer discussion platforms to enhance own knowledge for workplace application

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code BM-COM-301E-1

Skill Category Communications

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable)


Skill Identify and Establish Internal and External Stakeholder Relationships

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to establish and maintain internal and external stakeholder relationships to support organisational objectives. It also includes identifying stakeholder groups and assessing relationships between organisation and different stakeholder groups.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Definition of stakeholders Criteria for grouping stakeholders Factors to consider when assessing stakeholder relationships Communication techniques Importance of trust in establishing stakeholder relationships Methods of building trust and addressing gaps within relationships

based on strengths and weaknesses

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Identify types of stakeholder groups to determine relevant parties to engage with

Assess the relationships between organisation and different stakeholder groups to support and enhance communication efforts

Assess stakeholders’ relationships with each other to determine alignment of goals

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Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Create networking opportunities to enhance relationships with various stakeholder groups to support organisational objectives

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Demonstrate social awareness to adapt to the emotional context of the social exchange to maintain stakeholder relationships

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Engage in regular self-reflection to identify ways to improve stakeholder relationships to support organisational objectives

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code FSS-FBP-5014-1.1

Skill Category Food and Beverage Production

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)


Skill Manage Cost and Quality Controls

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to standardise recipes, use yield calculations for purchase decisions, determine direct material cost and monitor product quality.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Types and characteristics of costs Yield calculation concept, methodologies and application in

controlling cost and profitability Impact of standardised recipes on cost recovery and profit

margins Methods to control product quality Indicators of quality for different types of food Methods of conducting product audits Strategies to ensure facility, equipment and staff compliance

with standards

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Perform, analyse and apply periodic yield calculation for other purpose

Control and estimate cost Control product quality and safety

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business

The ability to:

Analyse potential key areas (technical and/or business related) for process improvement and/or value creation to the organisation and suggest ways to adapt existing techniques drawing from personal experiences and feedback

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values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Aligning organisational compliance procedures and policies with food handling legislative requirements to meet quality standards

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Constantly update learning in relevant work area to adapt to

changing environment Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external environment

Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and consistency in work output is maintained

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Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Food safety and health requirements must include:

National Environment Agency (NEA) Environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations

Workplace Safety and Health Regulations under the WSH Act

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points management system (HACCP)

Relevant food regulations under the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) (e.g. Sale of Food Act)

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Skill Code FSS-FBP-5015-1.1

Skill Category Food and Beverage Production

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)


Skill Manage Food and Beverage Operations

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to manage Food and Beverage (F&B) operations. It also includes applying knowledge of various food and beverage outlet concepts, planning employee schedules to match business demands, managing opening, operating and closing procedures, administering purchasing and inventory systems, interviewing, hiring and training staff and developing food and beverage operating budgets.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Various concepts of food and beverage outlets Methods and considerations in developing employee

schedules Roles and job specifications for staff positions Hiring and screening activities for job applicants Employment regulations and union agreements Opening, operating and closing shift procedures Importance of managing inventory and minimum stock levels Purchasing procedures Steps in developing budgets History of sales and expenditures Importance of managing budgeted and actual financial


Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Develop and review staff schedules to ensure adequate manpower for each shift

Conduct recruitment selection and hiring in line with regulations and agreements with union

Manage opening, operating, and closing of shifts Monitor stock levels and purchasing activities and conduct

inventory audits Examine historical sales and expenditure figures Prepare budgets and related documentation Investigate variances between actual and budgeted amounts,

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determining causes and potential solutions, in accordance with organisational procedures

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Analyse potential key areas (technical and/or business related) for operations improvement and/or value creation to the organisation and suggest ways to adapt existing techniques drawing from personal experiences and feedback

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Aligning organisational compliance procedures and policies with food handling legislative requirements to meet quality standards

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Constantly update learning in relevant work area to adapt to

changing environment Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external environment

Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and consistency in work output is maintained

Range of Application Food safety and health requirements must include:

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(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

National Environment Agency (NEA) Environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations

Workplace Safety and Health Regulations under the WSH Act

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points management system (HACCP)

Relevant food regulations under the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) (e.g. Sale of Food Act)

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Skill Code FSS-FBS-5002-1.1

Skill Category Food and Beverage Service

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)


Skill Analyse Alcoholic Beverage Business

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to analyse the production of alcoholic beverages. It also includes examining the influence of economic and legal factors on alcohol beverage consumption.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Production levels of wine, spirits and beer beverages in various countries and regions

Characteristics and legislation of various continents and countries producing, exporting and importing wine, spirits and beers

International social, health and legal regulations related to alcohol consumption

Consumer practices and behavioural responses to marketing strategies and advertising

Market trends in the alcoholic beverage business Marketing strategies of major international companies Restrictions on marketing and advertising of alcoholic


Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Source and curate selection of alcoholic beverages Analyse current customers’ profiles and their preferences on

alcoholic beverages Develop plans to reach out to wider customer bases Source new beverages business opportunities and develop

marketing strategies for them Create policies and standard operating procedures (SOPs),

according to the alcoholic beverages regulations and legislation

Train and educate staff to comply with the alcohol regulations and legislation

Innovation and Value The ability to:

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It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Analyse potential key areas (technical and/or business related) for business improvement and/or value creation to the organisation and suggest ways to adapt existing techniques drawing from personal experiences and feedback

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Aligning organisational compliance procedures and policies with alcohol legislative requirements

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Constantly update learning in relevant work area to adapt to

changing environment Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external environment

Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and consistency in work output is maintained

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Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Food safety and health requirements must include:

National Environment Agency (NEA) Environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations

Workplace Safety and Health Regulations under the WSH Act and all updates and current policies

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points management system (HACCP)

Relevant food regulations under the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) (e.g. Sale of Food Act)

Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act

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Skill Code FSS-FBS-5001-1.1

Skill Category Food and Beverage Service

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)


Skill Manage Customer Service

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to enhance service standards, maintain and improve customer service systems, initiate training programmes and ensure that service standards are implemented.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Organisation's mission statement, goals and objectives and how these relate to service

Required service standards in food and beverage outlets Methods to write standards and plans for customer service

systems Methods to communicate and train employees in

organisational service standards and gather feedback from them

Methods to analyse service gaps Importance of regular visits to kitchens and service areas Identification and address of on-going issues with processes

and products Identification of processes and products that do not meet

standards Importance of continuous improvements in customer service

systems Processes and methods to improve customer service

systems Areas of improvement when identifying improvements to

customer service systems Identification of, and follow-up on, customer concerns Procedures to conduct audits

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to

The ability to:

Review or develop policies, procedures and manuals for service standards

Communicate service standards to staff and management Ensure that service standards and importance of service

recovery are adhered to Observe implementations of service standards through

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and manage the changes at work.

regular visits to kitchens and food service areas Identify areas that require improvements and generate ideas

for improvement Create new plans for achieving service standard goals Determine implications of potential service standard changes Determine objectives and timelines for improvement Determine objectives, timeline, planning and resources

required to implement improvements Establish budgets and plan for training in service standards Interact with customers to determine satisfaction levels Follow up on customer concerns and on-going issues Conduct internal audits to ensure that service standards are

being complied with, in accordance with organisational procedures and recipes, food and Workplace Safety and Health requirements

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Analyse potential key areas (technical and/or business related) for customer service improvement and/or value creation to the organisation and suggest ways to adapt existing techniques drawing from personal experiences and feedback

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Constantly update learning in relevant work area to adapt to

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work.changing environment

Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external environment

Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and consistency in work output is maintained

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Food safety and health requirements must include:

National Environment Agency (NEA) Environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations

Workplace Safety and Health Regulations under the WSH Act

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points management system (HACCP)

Relevant food regulations under the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) (e.g. Sale of Food Act)

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Skill Code FSS-FBS-5007-1.1

Skill Category Food and Beverage Production

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)

Culture and Cuisine

Skill Understand Cuisines and Cultures of the World

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to prepare and present food selects according to diverse world cultures. It also includes the role of food within different societies and eating customs.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Influences of geographical settings and environment on food selection

Influences of history and regions on food selection Types of meals in various countries Different timings for breakfast, lunch and dinner in various

countries Role of food in human lives Role of food in special occasions across the cultures

(weddings, festivals, funerals, etc.) Restriction of food in certain cultures Manner of eating in various cultures Different perceptions of edible foods and manner of eating in

various cultures

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Explain several examples of geographical and historical influences to food selection

Identify several cultures' eating timings Match venues, ambience, decoration settings and culinary

equipment in accordance with the types of food selection, culture, and nature of celebrations

Create food selections or buffet spreads in accordance with the nature of the events and customers’' profiles

Present food according to the correpsonding cultures and eating manners, and in accordance with organisational procedures and recipes, food and Workplace Safety and Health requirements

Innovation and Value The ability to:Copyright 2017 © SkillsFuture Singapore Agency. All rights reserved. Version 1.1.


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It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Analyse potential key areas (technical and/or business related) for process improvement and/or value creation to the organisation and suggest ways to adapt existing techniques drawing from personal experiences and feedback

Generate ideas to create new products

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Align organisational compliance procedures and policies with food handling legislative requirements to meet quality standards

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Update constantly learning in relevant work area to adapt to

changing environment Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external environment

Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and consistency in work output is maintained

Range of Application

(where applicable)

Food safety and health requirements must include:

National Environment Agency (NEA) Environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations

Workplace Safety and Health Regulations under the WSH Copyright 2017 © SkillsFuture Singapore Agency. All rights reserved. Version 1.1.


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It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Act Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points management

system (HACCP) Relevant food regulations under the Agri-Food and Veterinary

Authority of Singapore (AVA) (e.g. Sale of Food Act)

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Skill Code SVCF-IR-401C-1

Skill Category Information and Results

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable)


Skill Analyse Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to analyse customer data to improve the organisation’s level of service quality and customer satisfaction. It also includes analysing service quality and customer satisfaction results and implementing improvement plans to close gaps.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Components of service quality and customer satisfaction framework

Sources of service quality and customer satisfaction data Types of service performance gaps Methods to analyse service quality and customer satisfaction data Methods for communicating findings and results to relevant

stakeholders Methods to close service performance gaps

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Analyse service challenges to ascertain patterns that may impact service quality and customer satisfaction

Analyse service quality and customer satisfaction data against organisation benchmarks and industry standards to ascertain service performance gaps

Implement improvement plans to close service performance gaps

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business

The ability to:

Review customer data from multiple sources to identify root causes of service performance gaps and areas for service enhancements

Conduct process or job re-design to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery

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values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Communicate findings and results to relevant stakeholders Seek management’s endorsement on plans to improve service

quality and customer satisfaction

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Build staff’s capability to deliver service in accordance with organisation’s service standards through a diverse range of formal and informal learning platforms

Engage in industry networks and platforms that will enhance own understanding and analysis of customer satisfaction

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Service quality measurements must include:

Service response time Customer retention rate, volume of repeat orders Service recovery rate and turnaround time Mystery audits

SERVQUAL dimensions that should include: Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy

Customer satisfaction measurements must include:Copyright 2017 © SkillsFuture Singapore Agency. All rights reserved. Version 1.1.


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Customer satisfaction levels – number and/or frequency of customer complaints and/or compliments, intensity (subjective) of customer complaints

Customer equity Customer assets Perceived quality Perceived reliability Extent of customer needs fulfilled

A service quality and customer satisfaction framework must include: Service quality and customer satisfaction measurements Data collection methods Benchmarks to assess service quality and customer satisfaction

through methods such as: o Internal benchmarking: comparing one function with that of

another functiono Competitive benchmarking: comparing with competitors who

are considered best in class or world classo Functional benchmarking: comparing processes to

companies with similar processes (could be outside the organisation’s industry)

o Generic benchmarking: finding organisations with “best in class” (or “world class” if applicable) processes from which lessons could be learned and translated into the organisation

Frequency of monitoring service quality and customer satisfaction such as: Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly

Source of service quality data must include: Mystery audits Customer relationship management systems

Sources of customer satisfaction data must include indices such as the CSISG (Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore).

Service performance gaps must include: Gaps in customer expectations and actual product or service

delivered Gaps in expected service and actual service delivered Customer service delivery deficiencies at particular organisation

sites or within particular groups

Types of service performance gaps must include:Copyright 2017 © SkillsFuture Singapore Agency. All rights reserved. Version 1.1.


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Quality gaps Productivity gaps Delivery gaps Differences between customer expectations and perceptions of


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Skill Code BM-IM-301E-1

Skill Category Innovation

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable)


Skill Contribute to Innovation Process within own Scope of Work in the Business Unit

Skill Description

This skills describes the ability to identify opportunities for innovation and improved work practices within own scope of work. It also includes collaborating with stakeholders, pilot testing of ideas and supporting implementation of innovation initiatives.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Broad concepts of innovation Steps in innovation process Behaviours that support innovation Individual role in contributing to innovation culture

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Present ideas to relevant stakeholders for feedback to improve ideas and develop possible variations

Assist in pilot testing and prototyping to determine effectiveness of innovation initiatives within a business unit

Support implementation of innovation initiatives in a business unit in accordance with innovation strategies to meet organisational requirements

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Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Analyse work systems and processes to identify opportunities for innovation and improved work practices within own scope of work

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Demonstrate empathy and appreciation of others' views and issues when working on innovation initiatives to maintain positive working relationships

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Collaborate with others to identify, discuss and develop effective ways of working

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code SVCF-SI-401C-1

Skill Category Innovation

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Foster Service Innovation

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to promote and foster a service innovation culture in the organisation. It also includes leading a team to generate service innovation ideas, facilitating its implementation and evaluating the success of implemented service innovation ideas.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Methods to promote the service innovation culture Organisational work practices and procedures that support service

innovation Characteristics of a leader Resources required for implementation of service innovation ideas Methods to evaluate the success of implemented service

innovation ideas

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Promote a service innovation culture within the organisation Identify resources required for implementation of service innovation

ideas Develop a business case for service innovation ideas generated Oversee the implementation of service innovation ideas

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to

The ability to:

Lead team in generating service innovation ideas which are in line with the organisation’s evaluation criteria

Evaluate success of implemented service innovation ideas to ascertain its effectiveness

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improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Seek management’s endorsement on business case to implement service innovation ideas

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Review past service innovation ideas from organisation’s database to lead the team in generating new ideas

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Methods to promote the service innovation culture must include:

Encouraging a service innovation mind-set amongst staff Communicating importance and need for service innovation Establishing working conditions that encourage the application of

service innovation Promoting the benefits of service innovation which includes:

o Winning new customerso Customer retentiono Greater customer satisfaction

o Strengthening the service culture of the organisationo Improving efficiency

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o Improved business results from implemented service innovation ideas

Resources required for implementation of service innovation ideas must include: Machinery or infrastructure required to implement phases of

development, testing and launching Types of patents and IP rights IT solutions Manpower Budget

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Skill Code SVCF-LS-401C-1

Skill Category Leadership

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Lead with Service Vision

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to lead a team to deliver service excellence that is in line with the organisation’s customer-focused strategy. It includes promoting a customer-centric environment and analysing the team’s performance to identify areas of improvement.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Characteristics of a leader Roles and responsibilities of a leader in operationalizing the

organisation’s vision, mission and values Methods to operationalise the organisation’s vision, mission and

values within the team Techniques to promote a customer centric environment Methods to influence service team to achieve service excellence Methods to analyse the performance of team

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Promote a customer-centric environment to influence team to achieve service excellence

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Analyse performance of team to identify follow-up actions for improvement

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Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.


Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Engage in self-reflection to review one’s effectiveness as a leader in operationalising the organisation’s vision, mission and values

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Methods to operationalise the organisation’s vision, mission and values includes:

Translating the organisation’s vision, mission and values into an agreed set of behaviours aligning performance standards of the team to the organisation’s vision, mission and service standards

integrating the behavioural and performance expectations of the team in the performance review of team members adhering to organisation’s operational guidelines which may include:

o Standard operating procedureso Policies o Processeso Service blueprints

Using service design tools to translate the organisation’s vision, mission and values into the desired customer experience

A customer-centric environment is one where there is strong desire for the team to provide value-added, positive customer experiences that lead to sustained competitive advantage in both the short-term and long-term for organisational success.

Characteristics of an influencing leader includes:

Managing change and ambiguity with confidence

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Initiating collaboration amongst teams Providing feedback on areas of improvement Respecting diversity amongst the team Keeping abreast of new developments that are relevant to the

role Showing pride in the organisation, its products or services Making efficient and effective use of all available resources

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Skill Code ES-IP-501G-1

Skill Category People and Relationship Management

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable)


Skill Manage Cross Functional and Culturally Diverse Teams

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to manage workplace diversity and manage a diverse work team to achieve an organisation’s goals. It also includes creating a positive work environment for diverse teams and establishing effective communication systems and strategies in communication and conflict resolution.

Knowledge and Analysis

The ability to understand:

Types of diversity markers and their implications in a work team Characteristics of major cultural dimensions Common cultural diversity issues at the workplace Team management strategies Designing common goals and objectives Maximizing team effectiveness and synergy Ways in which diversity issues affect interpersonal relationships Components of a communication system to facilitate

communication among members of a diverse work team Application of social competence in the context of diversity Impact of cultural taboos on the effectiveness of a diverse work

team Strategies to convey negative news or performance to members of

diverse cultures

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

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Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Examine the differences among the background of members in a diverse work team and their implications on maximizing team effectiveness and synergy to achieve common goals and objectives

Establish a system to facilitate communication among members within a diverse work team by applying effective communication techniques and social competence

Innovation and Value Creation

The ability to:

Assess diversity issues that have implications on a work team working towards common goals and objectivesIt refers to the ability

to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

The ability to:

Align diverse work teams towards common goals and objectives Establish a positive work culture in a diverse work team Moderate diverse perspectives and opinions across team members

from different disciplines and cultures

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

Learning to Learn The ability to:

Appreciate and empathise with the diverse needs, thoughts and feelings of team members in achieving desired outcomes

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

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Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code SVCF-PP-401C-1

Skill CategoryPeople and Relationship Management

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable)


Skill Optimise Workforce for Service Excellence

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to develop a manpower resource plan and optimise the use of the workforce in a service environment through the use of job-re-design. This includes evaluating the team’s performance and communicating manpower plans and changes to the team.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Components of manpower resource plan Methods to forecast manpower needs requirements Criteria to evaluate team performance Steps in conducting job re-design Methods of communicating manpower plans and changes

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Forecast manpower required to meet service operations plan Establish criteria to evaluate team’s performance Monitor team’s performance to ascertain the effectiveness of job


Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business

The ability to:

Gather feedback to evaluate team’s performance and areas of improvement for team’s performance

Optimise productivity and employee motivation through job re-design

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values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Communicate manpower plans and changes to team Solicit feedback from team on job re-design

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Keep abreast of new methods of working by studying best practices to ascertain its suitability for implementation with a view to enhancing productivity

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

A manpower resource plan sets out the manpower required for the organisation to successfully execute its service operations plan.

Forecasting manpower need to meet service operations plan includes identifying:

Job roles and responsibilities Organisational service standards, which may include:

o Customer satisfactiono Customer complaint volumeo Waiting timeo Service recovery rateo Service turnaround timeo Order processing timeo Order-to-receipt cycle

Training needs to equip team with the required skills and competencies to carry out the job roles

A service operations plan may be defined as a roadmap for an organisation that charts out the key organisational functions and resources which are required in order to meet, or exceed, the expectations of customers.

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Criteria to evaluate performance include:

Service standards Major accomplishments Personal strengths and weaknesses Review performance objectives Long-term career goals within the organisation Job performance improvements Attitude towards colleagues, customers and job responsibilities Dependability Quality of work Team involvement Customer service

Job re-design refers to the restructuring of the tasks, roles and responsibilities of a specific job to enhance productivity and employee motivation.

Conducting job re-design must include:

Analysing the current tasks, roles and responsibilities assigned to the job and the job competencies required

Identifying ways to enhance the productivity of the job. Examples include:

o Re-allocating tasks and duties within the teamo Identifying new responsibilities o Re-designing processes which may result in a change

in the tasks required to perform the jobo Tapping on technology

Identifying the competencies and profile required to perform the enhanced job role and the strategies to close the gap between the current and re-designed job role. Examples include:

o Training and re-skilling o Hiring new staff with the requisite competencies and


Communicating manpower plans and changes to team must include:

Conducting team meetings to share the changes in job scope Explaining the rationale behind manpower changes Reinforcing how manpower changes will help the organisation

achieve service excellence

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Skill Code FSS-PDV-5003-1.1

Skill Category People Development

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)

Skill Conduct Staff Performance Assessment Process

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to prepare and conduct performance appraisals, develop personal development plans and manage performance outcomes.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Procedures for reviewing staff performance against staff development plans and performance evidences

Guidelines for communicating performance review results with staff

Analyses of feedback from relevant stakeholders Performance gaps and the advantages of addressing them Significance of proposing improvements to performance Usage and review of performance appraisal tools Compliance with code of ethics when conducting staff

performance appraisals Guidelines for, and importance of, setting goals and

milestones for career development Ways to reward staff effectively Guidelines for corrective actions against poor performing staff

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Review staff performance criteria against performance evidences, in accordance with organisational guidelines

Analyse feedback gathered to determine if relevant performance criteria are met and make assessment decisions in accordance with organisational guidelines

Use performance appraisal tools to conduct performance appraisals, in accordance with organisational guidelines

Link staff performance to staff development plans, in accordance with organisational guidelines

Communicate performance achievements and gaps to staff, in accordance with organisational guidelines

Develop personal development plans to set goals and milestones for career development, in accordance with organisational guidelines

Manage performance outcomes to provide rewards, take corrective actions against poor performance or address performance gaps, in accordance with organisational guidelines

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Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Propose improvements to identified performance gaps, in accordance with organisational guidelines

Provide feedback to encourage staff development, in accordance with organisational guidelines

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Comply with code of ethics when conducting staff performance appraisals and assessment decisions, in accordance with organisational guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Engage in self-reflection to review effectiveness of processes for conducting staff performance assessment

Update own learning in staff performance assessment processes by subscribing to diverse learning channels and gathering feedback from relevant stakeholders

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code LPM-DEV-301C-0

Skill Category People Management

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)


Skill Develop and Motivate Team Members through Capability Development

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to identify and address skill development needs of team members to enhance team capability. It also includes motivating team members’ independence on capability development.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Legal and ethical considerations relating to the identification of individual capability development requirements

Organisational policies and procedures relating to employee capability development

Relevant professional or industry codes of practice and standards relating to management of capability development as a team leader

Communication channels relevant for disseminating information regarding capability development

Market trends and developments on new and emerging skill requirements, and learning and development

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Review team and organisational business plans to identify new and emerging skill requirements

Communicate expectations of team performance and work with team members to identify current and future skill requirements

Translate team members’ skill requirements into learning and development plans to facilitate training and development implementation

Identify learning and development opportunities to support the development of team member skills

Encourage and support team members to identify, develop and share their skills and experiences to improve their capabilities and performance and enhance team effectiveness

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive

The ability to:

Review effectiveness of the team’s capability development approach to identify areas for improvement

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ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Demonstrate empathy by understanding performance lapse of team members and encouraging them to learn from mistakes to improve future performance

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Engage in regular self-reflection to identify own areas for improvement in motivating team learning

Improve own ability to motivate team learning by subscribing to diverse learning channels and participating in peer discussion platforms to enhance workplace performance

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code FSS-PDV-5002-1.1

Skill Category People Development

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable) N/A

Skill Manage Training

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to manage training. It also includes conducting training needs assessments, developing training plans, implementing training plans and evaluating training effectiveness.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Importance of training-needs assessments prior to developing training plans

Different objectives of training Adult learning principles and individual learning styles Methods to measure training effectiveness Five levels of evaluation and relevant tools Importance of short-term and long-term evaluation of

trainings Various training delivery options along with their advantages

and disadvantages Training facilitation and coaching techniques Strategies for meeting training objectives

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Conduct training needs analysis to identify skills, knowledge and attitudes required for business

Develop training plans for relevant departments and create learning and development visions

Analyse and select appropriate training strategies Source and coordinate resources to implement training Capture and track training evaluation results Coach others to develop their facilitation skills Assess skills, knowledge and attitude of trainees

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive


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ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Aligning organisational compliance procedures and policies with food handling legislative requirements to meet quality standards

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Constantly update learning in relevant work area to adapt to

changing environment Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external environment

Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and consistency in work output is maintained

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code LPM-PER-401C-0

Skill Category Leadership

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Develop Self to Maintain Professional Competence at Managerial Level

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to communicate effectively and influence decision making as a manager of team leaders. It also includes demonstrating commitment to self- development.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Legal and ethical considerations relating to organisational communication and decision making

Organisational policies and procedures relating to organisational communication and development of professional competence

The relationship between high level strategy and the development and implementation of business plans and processes at department level

Types of decision making models, methods and techniques Implications and impact of communication processes on

stakeholders Implications and impact of own leadership style and capability

on employees and the organisation

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Use appropriate methods of communication to delegate responsibilities and duties to team leaders

Seek feedback from team leaders to enhance team cohesion and ensure common understanding of goals and requirements

Model effective communication techniques and behaviours to demonstrate organisational values and ethics

Contribute to the development of implementation plans to support strategic priorities and facilitate decision making process to garner support for the implementation plans

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Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Address barriers to communication to improve collaboration and effectiveness when working with team leaders

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Influence team leaders to pursue actions to support the achievement of the organisation’s strategic priorities

Recognise own emotional states, their causes and effects on one's communication with others to maintain positive interpersonal relationships

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Identify areas for improvement and training to maintain currency of knowledge and skills through self-assessment and evaluation on current and future requirements of own work role

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code FSS-PNI-5001-1.1

Skill Category Planning and Implementation

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)


Skill Administer Purchasing and Receiving Procedures

Skill DescriptionThis skill describes the ability to administer purchasing and receiving procedures. It also includes implementing purchasing and receiving procedures.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Food management process flows and the inter-dependence of steps

Key processes in purchasing and receiving activities Considerations when planning purchasing activities Purpose and importance of establishing standard purchasing

and receiving procedures and guidelines Methods to develop purchasing specifications Methods and factors to consider when sourcing and

appointing new vendors Methods to develop supplier management systems Importance of maintaining good relationships with vendors Purchasing documentations, their functions and importance

of maintaining them

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Develop purchasing and receiving plans Establish purchasing specifications, procedures and

guidelines Evaluate purchasing procedures and guidelines periodically Assess product quality based on purchasing specifications

and procedures Source, appoint and manage vendors Create systems for supplier management Complete and maintain required procurement documentation,

in accordance with organisational procedures

Innovation and Value Creation

The ability to:

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It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

Analyse potential key areas (technical and/or business related) for process improvement and/or value creation to the organisation and suggest ways to adapt existing techniques drawing from personal experiences and feedback

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Aligning organisational compliance procedures and policies with food handling legislative requirements to meet quality standards

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Constantly update learning in relevant work area to adapt to

changing environment Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external environment

Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and consistency in work output is maintained

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill


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may be demonstrated.

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Skill Code HAS-PNI-4002-1.1

Skill Category Planning and Implementation

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)


Skill Implement Loss/Risk Prevention

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to plan, implement and comply with loss/risk prevention policies and procedures. It also includes reviewing the effectiveness of loss/risk prevention policies and procedures.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Loss/risk preventive policies and procedures National Environment Authority (NEA) regulations and

guidelines Guidelines for receiving and storing products Empowerment in delegation of responsibilities for loss/risk


Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Plan loss/risk preventive policies and procedures Implement loss/risk preventive policies and procedures Comply with loss/risk preventive policies and procedures Review effectiveness of loss/risk preventive policies and


Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned


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to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.


Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Reflect on implementation of alternative measures for loss/risk prevention

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code BM-SPI-401E-1

Skill Category Planning and Implementation

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Provide Information for Management Decision Making

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to provide information to management to facilitate decision-making. It also includes identifying and analysing information, updating management on issues requiring decision-making and making recommendations to facilitate decision-making.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Types of management decisions Sources of information Relevant stakeholders affected by management decisions

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Identify information needed for management decision-making to facilitate decision-making process

Find and analyse necessary information to seek management inputs

Determine relevant measures to monitor outcomes of management decisions

Update and inform management on business issues that require management decisions to seek management’s direction

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Substantiate and make recommendations on business issues to management to facilitate decision-making

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Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Acknowledge management's views and focus to influence management in their decision making to attain the intended objective

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Improve own capability in information gathering and analysis by subscribing to diverse learning channels to enhance workplace performance

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code BM-PM-307E-1

Skill Category Project Management

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable)


Skill Implement Project Administration Processes

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to implement project administration processes. It includes planning and coordinating project administration, coordinating project closure and documentation, as well as providing inputs to refine project administration policies and procedures to ensure process effectiveness.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Project administration templates Maintenance of project information Relevant stakeholders

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Plan project administration to ensure smooth project implementation

Coordinate project administration in accordance with project administration policies and procedures to ensure smooth project implementation

Coordinate project closure to ensure proper archive of project documentation

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned

The ability to:

Provide inputs on areas of improvement for the project administration policies and procedures to ensure effectiveness of project administration processes

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to organisational goals.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Demonstrate empathy and appreciation of others’ views and issues when implementing project administration processes to maintain positive working relationships

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Engage in self-reflection to identify areas for improvement in implementing project administration processes to enhance future performance

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.


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Skill Code BM-RM-301E-1

Skill Category Risk Management

Skill Sub-Category(where applicable) N/A

Skill Facilitate Compliance with Legislative and Regulatory Requirements

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to facilitate organisation’s compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements. It also includes communicating compliance requirements, assessing and integrating organisational policies and procedures to ensure compliance and preparing follow-up reports.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Legislative and regulatory requirements for the relevant industry and operating environment

Objectives of legislative and regulatory compliance

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Identify legislative and regulatory requirements applicable to the organisation in accordance to organisational strategies and objectives to facilitate compliance management

Communicate key legislative and regulatory requirements and related management systems to relevant stakeholders to facilitate legislative compliance

Assess internal and regulatory organisations’ policies and procedures to ensure compliance

Identify and document possible areas of non-compliance in business activities in accordance with information format requirements to facilitate follow-up action

Assist in the integration of procedures to ensure adherence to legislative and regulatory requirements in daily scope of work

Prepare management report for follow-up action

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Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Assist in the review of adherence to legislative and regulatory requirements in accordance with organisational guidelines and policies to identify areas for improvement

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Apply ethical code of practice in the review of organisational compliance to ensure adherence to legislation and regulatory requirements

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Keep abreast of the latest legislative and regulatory requirements applicable to the organisation by subscribing to various information channels to ensure currency of knowledge and organisational compliance

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Legislative and regulatory requirements may be existing or forthcoming and must include:

Post incorporation Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) regulatory requirements, which must include:o Organisation secretaryo Annual general meetingo Financial year endo Annual returno Directors' reporto Registration number

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Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) filing requirements, which must include:o Timeline for filing requirementso Estimated chargeable incomeo Tax return filingo Audited or unaudited accounts

Accountants Act Business Registration Act Companies Act Companies Act Reform Personal Data Protection Act Workplace Safety and Health Act Employment Act

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BM-RM-301E-1 1-Sep-16 Initial Version WDA

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Skill Code FSS-WSH-4002-1.1

Skill Category Risk Management

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)

Quality and Hygiene standards

Skill Manage Compliance with Food and Beverage Hygiene Policies and Procedures

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to manage compliance with Food and Beverage hygiene policies and procedures. It also includes establishing and implementing food and beverage hygiene policies and procedures, establishing monitoring systems, and addressing non-compliance issues.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Requirements of National Environmental Agency licenses for food production

Importance of meeting the licensing requirements Handling and storing requirements of various types of food

and beverages Biological, chemical and physical hazards in food handling

processes Importance of developing food and beverage hygiene

procedures Critical control points, limits and control measures Staff communication and training strategies Equipment maintenance plans Importance and uses of signs and labels for food safety Methods of conducting audits Audit principles, procedures and techniques

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Adhere to, and plan, equipment set-up and maintenance, according to maintenance requirements

Conduct analysis of operations to identify potential hazards or points of non-compliance

Establish and document standards and guidelines in compliance with licensing requirements

Develop policies and procedures for food and beverage hygiene

Create checklists for food standard checks and audits Develop schedules and tracking mechanisms to ensure

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activities are carried out Establish in-house audit process Reduce non-compliance cases Ensure eventual compliance to policies and procedures,

including disciplining staff for non-compliance, in accordance with organisational procedures and recipes, food and Workplace Safety and Health requirements

Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Analyse potential key areas (technical and/or business related) for compliance improvement and/or value creation to the organisation and suggest ways to adapt existing techniques drawing from personal experiences and feedback

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Aligning organisational compliance procedures and policies with food handling legislative requirements to meet quality standards

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Constantly update learning in relevant work area to adapt to

changing environment Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external

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environment Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and

consistency in work output is maintained

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill may be demonstrated.

Food safety and health requirements must include:

National Environment Agency (NEA) Environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations

Workplace Safety and Health Regulations under the WSH Act

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points management system (HACCP)

Relevant food regulations under the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) (e.g. Sale of Food Act)

Version Control

Version Date Changes Made Edited by

FSS-WSH-4002-1.1 4 August 2017 Initial VersionSSG and SPRING


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Skill Code FSS-SEM-5001-1.1

Skill CategorySite/Outlet and Equipment Management

Skill Sub-Category (where applicable)

Skill Manage Site/Outlet and Equipment Maintenance

Skill Description

This skill describes the ability to manage site and/or outlet and equipment maintenance. It also includes developing site and/or outlet maintenance plans, purchasing and/or leasing equipment, developing equipment maintenance plans, managing servicing contracts, evaluating site and/or outlet and equipment maintenance plans, and managing environmental programmes.

Knowledge and Analysis

It refers to gathering, cognitive processing, integration and inspection of facts and information required to perform the work tasks and activities.

The ability to understand:

Methods of maintenance planning and its pros and cons Manufacturer's guidelines, timelines and specifications Factors impacting equipment needs (i.e. expansion,

automation, equipment life cycle) Procedures for buying or leasing equipment Methods to develop maintenance schedules Servicing contracts and its common components Maintenance records Environment friendly programmes and its importance towards

business in long-term

Application and Adaptation

It refers to the ability to perform the work tasks and activities required of the occupation, and the ability to react to and manage the changes at work.

The ability to:

Develop maintenance planning based on business plan, industry and technology trends, and current and future equipment standards

Review manufacturers' maintenance specifications and expected end-of-life cycle

Manage site/outlet equipment maintenance and service providers

Maintain maintenance records Study maintenance records and make adjustment to

maintenance plans when necessary Plan and develop environment-friendly programme in line

with organization objectives Conduct environment audits and make appropriate changes

to action plan in accordance with organisational procedures and recipes, food and Workplace Safety and Health requirements

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Innovation and Value Creation

It refers to the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to organisational goals.

The ability to:

Analyse potential key areas (technical and/or business related) for process improvement and/or value creation to the organisation and suggest ways to adapt existing techniques drawing from personal experiences and feedback

Generate ideas to create new products

Social Intelligence and Ethics

It refers to the ability to use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics.

The ability to:

Align organisational compliance procedures and policies with food handling legislative requirements to meet quality standards

Generate ideas to build and develop relationships with new and/or existing customers and internal and external stakeholders

Act as a role model and inspire team by showing trust, respect and support towards co-workers and/or supervisor in daily activities to achieve organisational objectives

Deal with ethical and/or professional issues and make judgement in accordance to organisation's current practice and/or guidelines

Learning to Learn

It refers to the ability to develop and improve one’s self within and outside of one’s area of work.

The ability to:

Apply cognitive skills and/ or past experience to generate technical or business solutions in unfamiliar areas

Coach others to overcome constraints at work Constantly update learning in relevant work area to adapt to

changing environment Attempt to apply learnings from other areas of work Be a brand ambassador and “live” the brand Provide recommendations on changes to brand standards to

align with the evolving needs of the business and external environment

Ensure that there are standard procedures in place and consistency in work output is maintained

Range of Application

(where applicable)

It refers to the critical circumstances and contexts that the skill

Food safety and health requirements must include:

National Environment Agency (NEA) environmental Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations

Workplace Safety and Health Regulations under the WSH Act 2006 and all updates and current policies

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points management system (HACCP)

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may be demonstrated. Relevant food regulations under the Agri-Food and Veterinary

Authority of Singapore (AVA) (e.g. Sale of Food Act)

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FSS-SEM-5001-1.1 4 August 2017 Initial VersionSSG and SPRING


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Definitions of the Five (5) Domains

Domain Definition

Knowledge and Analysis

Knowledge includes the gathering of facts and information through traditional and digital forms. Analysis involves the cognitive processing, integration and inspection of single or multiple sources of facts and information required to perform work tasks and activities and takes into consideration, the work contexts in which the tasks and activities are carried out. The result of knowledge and analysis produce judgements on work tasks/activities/issues/areas, and the conceptualisation of solutions to solve problems at work.

Application and Adaptation

Application involves the ability to perform work tasks and activities defined by the requirements of the occupation. Adaptation involves the ability to react to and manage the changes in the work contexts. The result of application and adaptation leads to the production of psycho-motor actions and behavioural reactions to the work tasks/activities/issues/areas, and the execution of the planned solutions to solve problems at work.

Innovation and Value Creation

Innovation includes the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to the organisational goals. As a result of innovation, the organisation is able to reap the values from individual or team contributors to achieve organisational growth.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

Social intelligence includes the ability to appreciate and use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics as effective individuals or team contributors.

Learning to Learn

Learning-to-learn includes the ability to improve on self-development within and outside of one’s area of work. It involves the continual inspection of one’s knowledge, analytical, application, adaptive, innovative and social skills that are needed to perform the work optimally and/or solve problems effectively.

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Definitions of the Five (5) Domains

Domain Definition

Knowledge and Analysis

Knowledge includes the gathering of facts and information through traditional and digital forms. Analysis involves the cognitive processing, integration and inspection of single or multiple sources of facts and information required to perform work tasks and activities and takes into consideration, the work contexts in which the tasks and activities are carried out. The result of knowledge and analysis produce judgements on work tasks/activities/issues/areas, and the conceptualisation of solutions to solve problems at work.

Application and Adaptation

Application involves the ability to perform work tasks and activities defined by the requirements of the occupation. Adaptation involves the ability to react to and manage the changes in the work contexts. The result of application and adaptation leads to the production of psycho-motor actions and behavioural reactions to the work tasks/activities/issues/areas, and the execution of the planned solutions to solve problems at work.

Innovation and Value Creation

Innovation includes the ability to generate purposive ideas to improve work performance and/or enhance business values that are aligned to the organisational goals. As a result of innovation, the organisation is able to reap the values from individual or team contributors to achieve organisational growth.

Social Intelligence and Ethics

Social intelligence includes the ability to appreciate and use affective factors in leadership, relationship and diversity management guided by professional codes of ethics as effective individuals or team contributors.

Learning to Learn

Learning-to-learn includes the ability to improve on self-development within and outside of one’s area of work. It involves the continual inspection of one’s knowledge, analytical, application, adaptive, innovative and social skills that are needed to perform the work optimally and/or solve problems effectively.

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