READ-ALOUD POEMS Instructions to the teacher: Read the following POEM about THE EYE with expression/gestures/voice inflections. Tell the students beforehand to listen very carefully. After the first reading, give them the composition assignment. THEN read the story aloud to them once more. They will write on their own pages. Do NOT read the title or give the author’s name. THE EYE by Phyllis Oded The doorbell rang. I looked through the eyehole and what did I see? I saw AN EYE, …………………………looking back at me! “Who’s there?” I asked. “Go away! Go away!” .…but the bell rang again. THE EYE was there to stay! “I WON’T open the door! I don’t know who you are!” [Was it one of my neighbors or someone from far?] For a third time the bell rang, leaving me unnerved, © written by Phyllis Oded

  · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

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Page 1:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSInstructions to the teacher:Read the following POEM about THE EYE with expression/gestures/voice inflections. Tell the students beforehand to listen very carefully.After the first reading, give them the composition assignment. THEN read the story aloud to them once more. They will write on their own pages.Do NOT read the title or give the author’s name.

THE EYE by Phyllis Oded

The doorbell rang.

I looked through the eyehole and what did I see?I saw AN EYE, …………………………looking back at me!“Who’s there?” I asked. “Go away! Go away!”.…but the bell rang again. THE EYE was there to stay!

“I WON’T open the door! I don’t know who you are!”[Was it one of my neighbors or someone from far?]

For a third time the bell rang, leaving me unnerved,but I didn’t answer, although the doorbell was heardten times more, till I was ready to shout.“Go away!” I said. “Stop ringing! I won’t open, Get OUT!”

Written Assignment: Retell the story from the point of view of THE EYE.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 2:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students


The Spider and the Fly Pre-reading vocabulary:1. web 2. by and by 3. spin/spun 4. juicy 5. tasty 6. CRUNCH 7. chew 8. huge 9. burp*[This poem can be read aloud by the teacher and exercises written on the board.]

The spider speaks:Up the web climbed the spider, as around flew the fly.“Don’t you worry!” said the spider. “I’ll catch you by and by!”He spun his web faster, making it very strong. “I’m going to catch my lunch soon. Is there anything wrong? A fat, juicy fly for my lunch will be so tasty, you will see. Why should it fly around, so happy and so free?I’ll catch it and eat it. I’ll eat it for my lunch.In a minute you’ll hear me chewing. Listen for the CRUNCH!”Around flew the fly, unsuspecting of the trap……Until the spider caught it…………………and that was the end of that! BURP

The fly replies:While I [fly] ___________ around, happy and free, I [see] ___________ a huge spider. He [spin] ___________ his web, as I [look] ___________for something to eat. I [be] __________ a little fly, so I [not fly] _________ very high, but I [try] ___________ hard, really I did! The spider [work] ___________ very fast. I [hear] ___________ him say that he [catch] ___________ me in his strong web. I [not want] ________ to be his lunch. I [think] ___________ he [not catch] ___________ me, but I [be] ___________wrong. Help! Help! He [be] ___________ here now. CRUNCH! CRUNCH! BURP!

Ask the spider two questions:________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________?Ask the fly two questions:________________________________________________________?________________________________________________________?

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 3:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students


My spider spun its web, from one corner to the other.The only sound I heard was the scream coming from my mother.“What is THAT doing, up there on our wall?It doesn’t belong there; it shouldn’t be there AT ALL.”“Hey, mom, remember, you promised me a pet and this was the smallest one that I could really get.”

Down came the spider, as it saw a fly.“Get me some water! I think I’m going to die!”“Mom, it’s such a little spider that’s crawling all around.”By then mom had fainted; she didn’t make a soundas my cute little spider climbed up on her ear.My poor mom had passed out, so there was nothing more to fear.

I gently picked the spider up and returned it to its home. All I heard from mom was a long sigh and a groan.


I [weave] my web tomorrow. When I [stop] [weave] it, it [be] a strong web. If it [be] strong enough, it [trap] flies for me to eat. Yummy! My spider-friends [visit] me after I [finish] it and we [have] a yummy party.NEXT DAY It’s all finished. Look at my beautiful spider’s web. While I [weave] it, a terrible thing [happen]. A BIG ANIMAL [come] into the room and [start] [scream]. She [say] that she [faint] and she did! As she [‘sleep’] on the floor, I [crawl] onto her ear. Then the LITTLE ANIMAL gently [pick] me up and [return] me to my web. While the LITTLE ANIMAL [hold] me, I [bite] it. I am a poisonous spider, so I think it’s dead.What a lovely quiet house now. I like it here.

Crossing the StreetReviewing some more complicated grammatical

structures, using past tenses

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 4:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSThe light was red, but my bus was comingso I crossed the street and started running.

The next thing I knew I was hit by a carand thrown two meters; [well, it was ALMOST that far!]

I awoke on the pavement in a pool of ‘red’,wondering if I were alive…………………….or dead.

Of course, I missed the bus that day[and my teacher had a lot to say!]

Exercise 1:Based on the information above, write ALL the sentences in the past. You may NOT use the same sentence twice, but you MAY reword the same idea.

1. Not only _________________________________________2. Although _________________________________________3. If ______________________________________________4. Despite _________________________________________5. After ___________________________________________6. While ___________________________________________7. As a result, ______________________________________8. Despite __________________________________________

Exercise 2: On the back write a short [50+ word] newspaper article based on the above information. Answer the questions: WHO/WHAT/WHERE/WHEN/ WHY. You may add additional ‘facts’, like person’s name, if you wish.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 5:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students


written by Phyllis Oded Who will take this kitten that is crying in the street?Who will protect this kitten and maybe give it meat?A tiny little kitten, a little ball of white,hungry, afraid and tired, ……………….and so alone at night.

Wait! Here comes a little girl with a piece of cheese.Watch her as she puts it down, there among the treeswith a dish of milk and some other things to eat.The kitten purrs happily when it sees the treat.

The girl picks up the kitten that gently licks her faceand brings it home to mommy, who quickly makes a placefor the tiny, white kitten, a place so warm and nice……….and when the kitten grows up, it catches lots of mice.

“MICE!” screams the mother, as one lands near her feet.She picks up half-grown kitten and throws it to the street.The girl [no longer little] cries softly for her catBut her mom has thrown it out………………………. and that’s the end of that!

LESSON PLAN: [note: 2 pages]1. Tell the students that you are going to read them a story in the form of a poem twice.Write the following on the board beforehand and tell them they will have to listen carefully in order to choose ONE of the following written tasks to do immediately afterwards.

**Write mom’s note to her daughter. OR **Write the girl’s note to her catOR **Retell the story from the kitten/cat’s point of view.About 100 words. Use the past tenses: past simple, past progressive, future past.

WHO WILL TAKE THIS KITTEN? page 2 [basic tenses]

2. Write the following exercise on the board. Tell the students to copy it into their notebooks on every other line.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 6:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSAs Talli [walk] in the park yesterday, the 9-year-old girl [find] an abandoned little kitten. She [pick] it up and [bring] it home. While it [drink] some milk, the kitten [purr]. The girl [say] that she [keep] the kitten in a box in her room. She then [tell] her mother that she [take] care of the kitten…………and she did!3. Exercises:1. Fill in the correct tenses. [Bring up the point that ‘purr’ could be both in past simple and past progressive, depending on what happened.]2. Explain that after ‘WHILE’ with no subject/person immediately following, we use the gerund/Ving form. Give more examples as:

a. Before [leave] the house, she will finish her work.b. He fell while [run] too fast.c. After [study] for an hour, he stopped.d. When [get] on a bus, be careful of the high steps.

4. Stress the difference between ‘the 9-year-old-girl’ and ‘the girl is 9 years old // She will take a ‘5 day vacation’. Her vacation will be for 5 days. 5. Next: add stars before the nouns and ask them to add an adjective [or two] to make the story more descriptive.As Talli [walk] in the **park yesterday, the 9-year-old girl [find] an abandoned little kitten. She [pick] it up and [bring] it home. While [drink] some **milk, the kitten [purr] The **girl [say] that she [keep] the kitten in a **box in her room. She then [tell] her mother that she [take] care of the **kitten…………and she did!6. Lastly, add stars where they should add an adverb.As Talli [walk]** in the park yesterday, the 9-year-old girl [find] an abandoned little kitten. She [pick] it up** and [bring] it home**. While [drink] some milk, the kitten [purr]**. The girl [say]** that she [keep] the kitten in a box in her room. She then** [tell] her mother that she [take] care of the kitten…………and she did!


English is easy…………….if you were born in L.A.We Hebrew speakers have to suffer each day.

Why in ‘only’ does the ‘o’ say its own namebut in the in the word ‘one’, it’s not sounded the same?If I live in a ‘house’, well the ‘h’ is a good sign,but the ‘h’ in ‘hour’ is silent and does NOT tell the time.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 7:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSWhy are ‘bought’ and ‘caught’ sounded the same way.but for ‘laugh’ and ‘dough’ we have something different to say?Why is there a ‘w’ at the beginning of ‘write’?What is a ‘gh’ doing in the middle of ‘night’?

Don’t tell me that English comes from Latin and French,when I’m sitting here suffering, trying to make senseof pronouncing letters of which I can make neither heads or tails.No wonder everyone in my English class either gives up or fails!

Signed, A Student

Lesson Plan :**Before reading the poem aloud, write the words in bold on the board:ONLY – ONEHOUSE – HOURBOUGHT/CAUGHT – LAUGH/DOUGHWRITENIGHTThen ask students to pronounce them. Ask them HOW they know or learned what the correct pronunciation is.** Written assignment: [descriptive essay] Write about their first experiences in reading and/or writing English.

A [SCARY] STORY I’ m going to tell you a story that you’ve never heard before.Don’t be afraid……BUT, be sure you close the door………………..…..and lock all the windows……… and turn on every light………………….

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 8:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSand sit in the corner, so nothing can come and bite.

It’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you.When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do!

Lesson Plan:Before reading, ask various students to say what frightens them and put the list on the board. Don’t ask the reason why.Next, read the poem aloud.Finally, ask them to retell OR make up a scary story. They must use only the past tenses and no direct quotes.about 100+ words.

Petrazillia: Use and underline the following:In my opinion//As a result//after//Not only//than// In conclusion

Why is it every time……….?

Why is it so many times when I bathe or take a showerand I’m all alone in the house, we lose electric power?I stand there dripping wet, afraid that I will fall,

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 9:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSwith no one there to help me and no one there to call.I’m not sure where the towel is or where to find my clothes, but I need to dry myself, from my hair down to my toes.

The power’s off. I’m in the dark and THEN what’s that I hear?Is someone at the front door? I now shake with fear.

Lesson plan:1. pre-reading vocabulary: Discuss the different between taking a bath [to bathe] and taking a shower Write on the board: dripping wet// a towel// shake with fear//from my head down to my toes = [name 5 parts of the head/of the leg2. Decide who the narrator is: age, etc.3. Retell the story in your own words up to the point the narrator stopped talking. Next: YOU are either a member of this narrator’s family OR a burglar. Explain what brought you to the narrator’s front door at this time. Then go on with the story/Make your own ending. Use and underline: In my opinion//stop//Not only//then//than

LEAVING THE CLASSROOM DURING A LESSON PART ONE:Dear Teacher: We have something we want to say:We don’t want to sit here on this bright and sunny day.May we PLEASE have a lesson out in the sun?or even in the park? THAT would be fun!You can tell us a story, or maybe even two.Won’t that be something different to do?We can sit in a circle; we’ll be as quiet as mice.PLEASE take us outside. We promise to be nice.PART TWO:To All Of My Students: I’ve just read your letter.Your idea is great and I’d like nothing better.Take your lunches and take something to drink.Hurry! Hurry, before I have time to think.I know exactly what we’re going to do.I have an idea, actually quite a few.We’ll sit in a circle instead of walking

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 10:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSand practice English, practice conversation and talkingand maybe we’ll even sing a song.If we use only English, how can it be wrong?

Lesson plan:Read the first part to the class and then ask them what they think the teacher’s reply will be. Ask them which of their teachers would/wouldn’t agree and why.Then read part two.Written assignment:The principal has found out about the unusual lesson.Write his/her letter either to this teacher and/or to this class.Use the following: Not only// In my opinion// In addition// than//As a result// In conclusion[The length of the principal’s letter will be determined by the level of your class.]


The history test is tomorrow; math’s the day after that.I have to sit and study until I get all the material down pat.A lot has to do with memory and of course, the way I study.It’s easier to study alone, but it’s more fun with a buddy.

Some subjects are easier to learn, because there are only facts and years.Subjects like ‘compositions’ bring out all of my hidden fears.Take English, for example, where my level of language needs to be high.I must use “In my opinion” and “Therefore” and also give reasons why.

I need to pay attention to tenses and to punctuation, as well.If I don’t check my spelling in the dictionary, the teacher will be able to tell.When I write a formal letter, I have to write it in the correct way,with my address and date in the upper right side or points will be taken offthat day.

Their address has to be written on the left…….. and under it ‘Dear Sir:’,[unless specifically writing to a woman, then write “Dear Madam” ‘cause it’s a her.]My composition needs to be organized, with a beginning, middle, and end followed by ‘Sincerely yours’ and my signature. Now it’s ready for me to send.

LESSON PLAN:1. Pre-reading: teach: getting material down pat//a buddy//hidden fears//upper

right side, etc.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 11:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMS2. Pre-discussion: Which kinds of exams are the hardest [for you] and why? Does everyone find the same exams the hardest? Why or why

not?3. Next, read poem aloud once. 4. Write/Put the formal letter format on the board.5. Read the poem out loud to the class again. Do they agree with the narrator?6. Discuss the types of formal letters: letter to a newspaper giving your

opinion/letter of complaint/job application/application to study at a certain school, etc.

7. Discuss what information should be presented in each paragraph [‘the beginning, the middle and the end’]

8. Give them various compositions to write: both in class and as homework.[9. Add any other exercises you can think of that are appropriate…..and let me

know so I can add them to this list.]

To be read aloud to the class TWICE:

“RING” went my alarm clock as it rang near my head, but I didn’t want to hear it or to leave my nice, warm bed.After thinking a minute about the long, long day ahead,I simply turned over……………. and went back to sleep instead!

Writing Assignment: 100+ words

[Write on the board the following:]Who are you?What happened next?What were the consequences of your actions?Add interesting details.Use the following when you write:

Not only In my opinion As a result, If

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 12:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students



The deep blue of the lake was inviting. The water was calm and clear.As I jumped boldly into the water, I knew I had nothing to fear.

I swam around in circles, first on my back and then on my side.The deep blue of the lake was inviting. I knew it had nothing to hide.

Then ……………………….I felt a pull on my ankle of something that wouldn’t let go.I was suddenly afraid of SOMETHING. but of exactly WHAT, I didn’t know.

Assignment: Oral pre-reading questions to the class:

1. Have you ever been to Lake Kinneret?2. Have you ever swum in it?

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 13:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMS3. Why must we be careful when swimming in open places like a lake or river or sea,

more careful than when swimming in a pool?NOW read the poem aloud to the class without their knowing the assignment.Before the second reading, give them the assignment which is:YOU are the one telling the story. Go on with it [the story]. Who/What are YOU? What happened next? in the end? Why?Use and underline each of the following in your essay:future past//past progressive//Not only//than//then//I stopped

I can’t wake up in the morning, at least, NOT before nine.If school were to start at ten o’clock, then everything would be fine.Suppose classes began at eleven and not at eight like today?If I could sleep later in the morning, wouldn’t it be a far better way?

I just can’t wake up in the morning, so I’m too tired to pay attentionand if the teacher shouted at me, it would only create more tension.If I had my choice, I’d get up at noon and be in school by one.Then I’d feel awake enough to really get everything done.

HEY, WAIT! If I started at one o’clock, then I’d finish at six or seven.By the time I’d get home and do homework, it would be at least eleven.On second thought, it’s wiser to get up early rather than late,………..and I can always fall asleep in class……… if it’s a lesson I really hate……….

1. Read the poem twice to the class. Ask their opinion of this student.2. Discuss the use of the second conditional in the poem.3. Writing assignment:OPINION: Write a letter to your principal about the time/hour school begins in the morning. [Are you happy with it, or not? Explain. Give examples. Give suggestions.]

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 14:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSDon’t mention a teacher by name. 120-140 words Use petrazillia = a high level of language. Make sure to use the second conditional at least twice in your composition.


The teacher came into the class, but the class would not be quiet.They’d had a math test the hour before and now there was a riot.She warned them once, she warned them twice, but they seemed not to care.She explained that she had a lesson to teach. THEY said it wasn’t fair.“Fair?” asked the teacher. “I want you to explain.Take out a paper and write WHY. You don’t need to write your name.”

Instructions to the teacher:Read the poem once. Then discuss what wasn’t fair [the test itself or having to study after it]Tell the students to take out a paper AND put their names on it.Subject: An unfair test I once had.If they say there weren’t any, then tell them to write about the most interesting test they had.Before they begin writing, read the poem aloud to them for a second time.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 15:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSLength and requirements: whatever you feel is appropriate for that class level.

WHAT AM I DOING HERE?The weather is stormy; the sky is so gray.Oh how I wish I could have stayed at home today!Then lightening lights up the dark, cloudy sky.“If it hits me,” I think to myself, “will I possibly die?”

I hurry on as the rain comes pouring down.I am so wet that I look like a clown.At last I get home; I’m, wet and sneezing.A few minutes later, I even start wheezingand coughing and shivering. BOY AM I ILL!I’ll make some hot tea and maybe take a pilland get into bed and cover my head.If I don’t wake up, …………………………………….then you know I am dead.

1. Pre-reading activity: Vocabulary: write the following words on the board and explain them: 1. storm = stormy weather 2. lightening 3.sneezing/wheezing/coughing/ shivering [You can discuss the flu season at this point, as well.]

2. Then read the story aloud to the class, once before and once after giving the written assignment. 3. Written assignment: Student will have to rewrite the story in the past on their own pages, using past progressive, past simple and future past.


© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 16:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSI'm sorry, dear teacher that I am very late.I know it's 9 o'clock and the bell had rung at 8.My alarm clock didn't ring; I couldn't find my keys.Teacher, dear kind teacher, let me in this once, oh please!

"A note from my mother?" That won't help at all.She's away in Europe and won't be back till fall."A note from my father?" He doesn't live here anymore.One day he packed his things and just walked out the door.

"Who's taking care of me? How do I manage alone?Well, if I have a problem, I can always phone9-1-1 -or the Fire Department. They are sure to come.Yes, I have more to say. My story isn't done.

Three times a week I work at night [at weddings as a waiter].That's why it's hard to wake up and I get to school a bit later.So please, let me come in. All my homework's done.What? You want to adopt me? You want me to be your son!”

Part One: Write the following on the board:Explain the title of the story. _____________________________________________ Who is the narrator? __________________________________________________

What does the narrator want? _____________________________________________

Does he get his wish? Explain._______________________________________________Could this be a true [or partially true] story? ___________________________________In what way [if any]is the narrator typical? ____________________________________Do you think that the narrator wants to be adopted? Explain. _______________________

Part Two: You are this teacher. Write a letter to the Adoption Board explaining why you want to adopt your student .

I’m absolutely positive that I don’t know what to do.That’s why I’ve decided that I need to turn to YOU.YOU are quick and intelligent [and very modest, as well.]Furthermore, you love to read and you know how to spell.I need to write an essay of at least 120 wordsabout an animal: it could be worms or birds.It could be even funny, or about someone’s pet,but it HAS to be well-written………..or a low grade I will get.Can you help me out here…….like, maybe write it for me?

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 17:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSSay ‘yes’ and I will promise to do YOUR math homework for the next 3 days for free!

Written assignment: essay 120 words Write about AN ANIMALUse the following, UNDERLINED:4 adjectives; Not only; In addition to; Despite; Furthermore; In conclusion


Part One: Read adjective/verb rhymes, one entire line across to the class. Students may try to guess the last/missing word rhyme. Can be read in reverse, as well. Ask students to give examples of each word that they can take from their own lives. Part Two : Reread the entire poem and/or have two students read it. Part Three : Spelling test on all the words below.






© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 18:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students











GIRL POWER For years and years it was said that girls couldn’t know as much as boysand that only boys should study, while girls played with dolls and toys.Why waste their time, when girls should be learning how to cook?They’d NEVER get married, if they preferred to read a book!!!!!!!!

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 19:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSCHILDREN! CLEANING: these would keep girls busy.Too much schooling would just make a girl’s head dizzy.Then………..lo and behold………. it was proven that women have a brain………and from that day on, …………..the world’s never been the same!

Lesson plan:***Research on the internet: The woman you most admire and why***Turn in a 100-word summary in English***2-3 minute oral presentation in front of the class [no notes allowed.]


Don’t let that teacher catch you talking in her classor else those words may well be your very last!

Always bring your homework. Don’t forget your booksor else that teacher will give you one of her scary looks!

Write down everything that is said in classor else you’ll fail all your tests instead of pass.

When that teacher comes in, be sure to stand.Be respectful in the lesson and always raise your hand.

Try your hardest! Do you very bestand you’ll be sure to ace each and every test.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 20:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students


Lesson plan:Give your opinion of this poem from a student’s point of view. Answer the following in your essay: Do you agree with it or not?What pointers about classroom management can be brought up? How would you change classroom management? Why do some teachers seem to manage a class better than others?Discuss any other relevant points you’d like to bring up pertaining to classroom management.

A TRUE STORYAs the teacher entered the noisy class, she shouted, “Boaz, LEAVE!”He begged and pleaded with her, …………………………….but to no reprieve.SHE claimed he had been talking; HE said it wasn’t true,but since the teacher’s ALWAYS right, there was nothing poor Boaz could do.

The next day was a repeat; the third day was the same.“Why is she picking ONLY on ME? Can’t she call out some other name?”He changed his seat; he moved to the front, but she threw him out each day.“It’s not ME who’s even talking!” he said. “Why is it only ME who’s sent away?”

One day it finally happened: the teacher came into the same noisy classand of course shouted out BOAZ, as only HE she would harass.Then everyone started laughing and told her how unfairshe was for picking on poor Boaz AGAIN….. when he was sick and not even there!

Written Assignment: Describe an unfair classroom situation that you experienced or heard about.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 21:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students



When a bee flew in the window, all the girls began to scream.It buzzed around the classroom. It was a nightmare, not a dream!It flew around the room, from one end to the other, as the girls continued screaming, “Help! Save me! I want my mother!”

Then the bee flew near the teacher and landed on her head.“I KNEW IT!” said the teacher. “I should have stayed in bed!”As she tried to brush it away, it stung her near her eye.Poor, poor, little bee! Now it’s going to die!

Research on the Internet:1. Why do bees sting?2. What happens to a person when that person is stung?3. What happens to the bee after it stings a person?

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 22:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students



Today is Sunday and school begins at eight.I’d love to stay in bed now, but then I’ll be very late. In my first lesson, which is English, as you well know,we’re going to be tested on adjectives, like TALL and SHORT; HIGH and LOW.

Mondays are a little better; I don’t start till nine.Another hour’s sleep in my opinion is always fine.Tuesday is nearly impossible; it’s my longest day.I have to be in school from 8 till 4, what more can I say?Wednesdays are nicer, with gymnastics and a labwhere we study chemistry; it’s not really all that bad.

Thursdays are endless with three double hours in a row.It’s no wonder that by Friday, I’m really feeling low.[T.G.I.F. = Thank G-d it’s Friday!]THEN, at last, Saturday is here.Just in time to give it a big cheer.

Write all exercises on the board:1. Explain the [underlined] contractions: I’d//I’ll//we’re//don’t//it’s.2. Find and correct the 9 spelling mistakes below. a. It is ate o’clock now. b. I like my first lesson witch is English. c. The lab is wear we study Chemistry. d. We have three double ours on Thursdays. e. The weak flew buy and than Saturday was hear.3 Call up pupils to write the days of the week on the board.4. Oral discussions: My favorite day of the week is: because_____________. The day of the week I dislike the most is: because__________________. Do you think we should have a two-day weekend [like in most other countries]? Explain. Remember: it would mean making each of the other school days one hour longer.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 23:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students



My parents named me _________ and I often wonder why. Add your name here!Maybe they called me ________ just to make me cry? Add your name here!I like the names __________ and __________ . You can call me either one,but when I hear __________, I think you’re making fun. Add your name here!

It was cute when I was younger; [other kids’ names were weird, as well.]But, now that I am older, when you say __________, I want to yell. Add your name here!In the future call me ___________; it’s what I want my name to be.I think EVERYONE should choose his own name. I’m sure you will agree!

Agree/Disagree: A person at the age of ___ should be able to choose the names/he wants to called as an adult. NAMES I’D LIKE TO BE CALLED: NICKNAMES PEOPLE CALL ME NOW:

FRESH AIRBoy: I opened the window and in flew a bee. It flew around quickly and then landed on ME!

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 24:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSThen up climbed some ants….hundreds were to be foundso I was no longer worried about one bee flying around.While I was still in shock from what I had seenthrough the window slithered a snake, long and green.“Fresh air?!” I thought. “I can open a zoo.You know, I think that’s exactly what I’ll do!”Oh, I almost forgot about the mouse that came in last.My mother started screaming as it quickly scampered past.

Assignments: Part one: Choose one of the ‘visitors’ above and write a letter to your mom, persuading her to let you keep ‘it’. Describe your new pet. Explain where you plan on keeping ‘it’ and how you’ll take care of ‘it’, including what you’ll feed ‘it’.Part two: Exchange papers. YOU are now the mother. After reading your son’s letter, you absolutely will NOT allow him to keep this ‘pet’. Explain why.

Mother: Put it out of your mind! Never! NO WAY! If you keep that_________, I’m leaving here today!Who will then do all the cooking and cleaning for you?No way am I going to live in a zoo!

Boy: But mom, dear mother, I MUST have this pet.I have a great idea! Let’s make a bet!If it bothers you, I promise I will let it goand from now on keep my window closed all the time and sothat’s the end of our strange story; that’s all for todayabout fresh air and creepy crawly things that won’t go away.

WELCOME TO MY ROOM!There’s a mouse in the house

and snake near the cake.A bee is loudly buzzing around

and a zillion ants can all be found.My mother has fainted here on the floor

and because of that I can’t open the doorto call a neighbor or maybe a friend.This is the absolute and total end.

Why did I open the window so things could crawl in?I promise I’ll never ever do it again! HELP!!!!


My cell phone rang; I saw it was YOU,but I couldn’t answer. I was still in school.I put the ringer on low and put the phone awaybut it rang once more totally ruining my day.

The teacher became very angry and threw me out.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 25:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSIt was the worst day of my life, without any doubt!I still say that she wasn’t being fair.I missed the rest of the lesson. Didn’t she care?

I SAID I was sorry and that it wouldn’t happen againas she wrote me a big ‘ZERO’ with her red pen.I begged and I pleaded but to no avail.I felt so bad ………………………..and then I turned paleas suddenly I felt dizzy and fell to the floor.“Get a doctor!” she shouted and ran to the door.

[VERSION A which I can’t use continues:“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Is it your heart?”“NO!” I replied,…….”It was gas or a fart.”]

VERSION B: continues:“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Don’t you feel well?” “I’ll be okay!” I replied and there went the bell.She brought me some water and I sat on a chair.[If I haven’t gotten up, I’m probably still there!]Then my cell phone rang again and the teacher looked at me.This time I turned it off and everyone could see.So……….next time, PLEASE don’t call me in the morning.I hope you understand and take this as a warning.I don’t want to get into trouble again.Let ME call YOU in the evening after ten.


I’m tired of studying tenses. They are making ME all tense!There are so many of them, half of which don’t make any sense.If I start something yesterday that will continue today,I need to use ‘present perfect progressive’, is all my teacher can say.

When we talk about the future after words like ‘he said’,Why must I use WOULD and not ‘will’? That makes me see red!I know when I translate from Hebrew and it doesn’t always come out right.You lose your temper and sometimes tell a person to ‘go fly a kite’when you are angry with that person whom you want to go away

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 26:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSbut try to explain, “I can’t go out because it’s raining cats and dogs today”?

I laughed AT the joke; laughing on it is wrong.What exactly is the difference between a ‘poem’ and a ‘song’?The more I study English, the more confused I become.Forget about the weird pronunciation and spelling of words like ‘tough’ and ‘one’.

There are too many synonyms and rules in capitalization and punctuation, too.What advice can YOU give me, or hints on what to do?

Written assignment:In essay form, write an answer back to the student about. Do YOU agree with him/her?Address his/her problems and give him/her advice and/or hints on how to learn English [grammar/spelling/punctuation/etc.] better/faster. 120-140 words. Use petrazillia.

I SHOULD HAVE!!!@@!!!! .……

I should have closed the window…… or at least pulled down the screen,but I was tired and drowsing. At 11 p.m. you know just what I mean,when I felt something scamper lightly across my face.I sat up startled as IT began to raceacross my bedside floor and in among my shoes.By its long tail, I didn’t need many cluesto know it was a rat with at least a foot-long tailand I was home all alone. There wasn’t any malethat I could turn to or scream and beg to save me.As the rat went in deeper among my shoes, my hopes began to fade.I quickly found the mouse trap but the decision of what cheese to use had to be made.I then closed the bedroom door and waited until I heard a ‘snap’.The rat was caught in my mouse trap…….. and that was the end of that!

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 27:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSListening comprehension questions: ON THE BOARD:1. Who is the narrator, male or female? Proof: __________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Age: explain why you chose this age: ___________________________2. Time/Place setting: _____________________________________________3. How did the rat most likely enter the house? __________________________4. When was the narrator first aware of the rat’s existence? ________________ ___________________________________________________________5. What was the problem once the rat was discovered? ____________________ ___________________________________________________________6. What solution did the narrator find for this problem? ___________________ ___________________________________________________________7. Why is this story basically unfinished? _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________8. Write an ending [50+ words], using: not only//despite// as a result. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Dear English Teacher:

So, I’m late AGAIN, dear teacher. It’s not such a big deal.Why shout at me for disturbing? Do you know how it makes me feel?I’m a very sensitive kid, which you need to understand and believe.You should take MY feelings into consideration before you tell me to leave!

My mom forgot to wake me after my little brother had broken my alarm.To him/herself: {Everyone knows that I have MORE excuses than YOU have hair on each arm!]Books? OOPS! ………………………….. I’ll bring them……………. some time soon.Oh, look at time! I’m hungry! It’s already way past noon.PLEASE let me come in, dear teacher. I PROMISE I won’t say another word.To him/herself: [I have to study for my math exam, so I’ll be as quiet as a bird!]You’re wasting valuable time, teacher, as I stand here talking to you.Shouldn’t you be teaching now? Isn’t THAT what you are supposed to do?

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 28:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students


Written Assignment: [letter of complaint]YOU are the teacher. You do not want to allow this student into class.Explain/Give reasons. Address yourself directly to your student.Add any additional information you feel is necessary for your arguments.Use and underline all of the following six ‘petrazillia’: If//Not only//Furthermore//I’m tired of//After//As a result.120-140 words. Pay attention to tenses and use appropriate language.

WHERE was our teacher?When the bell rang, we entered the class,but WHERE was our teacher? Ten minutes had passed.Did her car break down? Had she missed the bus?So the teacher’s NOT here? What’s all the fuss?

We waited, expecting she’d come very soon.We hoped she’d appear before tonight’s moon.Fifteen minutes passed and then another five.Was she EVER coming? Was she even alive?

One of the students [a girl] stood up and said,“Let’s at least check our homework!”, as the answers she read.Some of the answers seemed to be very unclear,and this girl explained them so that all of us could hear.Ten minutes to go, when this student added a new feature.“Let’s discuss in English what might have happened to our teacher!”

Written assignments:1. Finish the sentences based on our discussion of what might have

happened? a. Maybe she forgot about the lesson. If she __________________________________________________. b. Maybe she missed her bus. Although ________________________________________________. c. Maybe one of her children was suddenly sick. After __________________________________________________.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 29:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSd. Maybe she went to a sale at the Mall.

Not only _______________________________________________.e. Maybe she asked another teacher to fill in for her.

As a result _____________________________________________.

NOW LISTEN TO THE REST OF THE POEM:Right before the bell was about to ring, in walked our teacher and not saying a thing,she walked up to a camera hidden someplace highand took out the tape ………………… and then waved ‘good-bye’.AND WE REMAINED,………………… SPEECHLESS.2. YOU are the teacher. Explain your behavior. 120-140 words.

INSTRUCTIONS: Student: Listen to the following dialogue [read once by the teacher and once by two students.] Then, as the kid in this dialogue, write a letter to your teacher, explaining why you were late to school that day. Do NOT use any direct quotes. You may add any logical, additional information not given below. 120-140 words


I’m NOT going to walk there and you can’t make me!Either call me a taxi or YOU’ll have to take me! Do you expect ME to go there, myself, all alone?Either get out the car or pick up the phoneand call me a taxi. A bus simply won’t do.Walk? ME? Never! I’m 13, not 40 like you!

Why CAN’T you walk? Your school’s only 5 blocks away.Everybody walked to school back in my day.A little exercise in the morning won’t hurt; it can even do you some goodand if it starts raining, well, then put up your hood!You sit at the computer for hours each dayinstead of getting some exercise and going out to play.

You fill yourself up with junk food, ice-cream and coke.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 30:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students

READ-ALOUD POEMSAt least one good thing, you don’t [yet] smoke!Get up! Get out! Use your own two feetinstead of complaining while you sit on your seat.No, I WON’T drive you or phone for a taxi for you,so NOW, dear son, what are YOU going to do?

It was raining again, as I went to school,

but I couldn’t cross the road: it had turned into a pool.

I stood there getting splashed as cars sped by,

but there was nowhere to cross, no matter HOW hard I tried.

Soon there were many people standing next to me,

all of them wet and as angry as me.


1. Decide who you are: yourself, another student, maybe even the teacher?2. Go on with the story [NOT as a poem]. What happened next? in the end? Why? Put a ‘twist’ in your story,

something unexpected. Use the past tense/s.3. Use and underline 5 adjectives and at least 3 petrazillas.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 31:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students



Last week a virus took over my computer so that I couldn’t get it connected.I had to call the technician, who told me that it was badly infected.HOW could this have happened? I didn’t have the slightest clue.I was unable to use it and I didn’t know what to do.

Well, the technician pulled out most of the plugs and put them in other places.He turned switches on and off and even tried using shoe laces,but NOTHING seemed to work, till my little brother came home from ‘Gan’.HE simply pressed two keys at the same time and…………. [pause] the computer turned itself on!

Teacher: Read the poem above aloud to your class. However, beforehand, write the following assignment on the board for them. Write a formal letter of complaint to the company this computer technician works for.[Don’t forget to ask for a refund!] 120-140 words in the body of the letter.[Use lots of petrazillia!]You should really ask your little brother to write this letter, but he doesn’t know how to write yet!

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 32:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students



My mom woke me up when I heard her scream.“All over the house! Ants in a stream!Crawling like soldiers all over the floors.More coming from the windows and up all the walls!”

Don’t mess with my mom; you’ll never win.Those ants didn’t know in whose house they were in!Out came the spray; she sprayed the whole house.She killed and the ants, …………………our cat and a mouse.

The ‘invasion’ of the ants came quickly to an end.I am sure they won’t dare enter OUR house again!!!

Written assignment: Retell the story sympathetically from the ant’s point of view.

© written by Phyllis Oded

Page 33:   · Web viewIt’s a VERY scary story and I’m sure it’ll frighten you. When you hear this story, I don’t know what you’ll do! Lesson Plan: Before reading, ask various students


CHILDREN’S STORIESChildren’s stories can be funny or sad.They can make you feel good or be scary or bad.They often tell about witches that fly on a broom,So look under your bed……they may be in YOUR room!

Who was the fairest in all of the lands?Who had a long nose and two wooden hands?Who lost her glass slipper at the ball?What’s the name of the EGG that had a great fall?Who was the girl that let down her hair?What boy could fly way up in the air?Who put out bread crumbs to find their way home?Who went through a looking glass to a magic land alone?

I remember reading those stories when I was young.Today’s lazy kids watch them on video and say it’s more fun!

Written assignment: Opinion: the advantages and/or disadvantages of books over video movies.

© written by Phyllis Oded

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© written by Phyllis Oded