Report The report must be minimum 2 A-4 max 5 A-4 Exchange / Internship Name: Daisy Hoedemaker Student number: 08008639 Date: 25-02-14 If other students have questions they can contact me on this e-mail address: _____________@_______________________ Country: Nicaragua City: Granada 1. Your Experiences abroad: I started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the country. But when I started my search for more information about it, I already fell in love with the country. The national language is Spanish. So I had to learn to speak Spanish. This was a big challenge because I couldn’t speak a word Spanish. To make it even harder for me. I decided to live with a Nicaraguan host family for the first three weeks. A family that doesn’t speak English or any other language except Spanish. On the 9 th of august I arrived at the airport of Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. There was a taxi driver waiting for me, to bring me to the host family. The family lives in Granada, which is the second biggest city of Nicaragua, and also the most beautiful I think. I will start my internship there and I will go to school to learn Spanish as well. When I arrived at the house of the host family, it already was 11 pm. After a journey of more than 24 hours, and a huge jetlag because of the time difference, I was really exhausted. But the family didn’t wanted me to go to bed without eating some nice rice and chicken and asking me the most difficult questions I’ve ever been asked. Questions like “what does your father do for work?” and “what kind of internship will you be doing?”. I had absolutely no idea of what they were saying. Time to go to bed.

portfoliovandaisy.weebly.comportfoliovandaisy.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/2/3/21238570/…  · Web viewI started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the

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Page 1: portfoliovandaisy.weebly.comportfoliovandaisy.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/2/3/21238570/…  · Web viewI started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the


The report must be minimum 2 A-4 max 5 A-4Exchange / Internship Name: Daisy HoedemakerStudent number: 08008639Date: 25-02-14

If other students have questions they can contact me on this e-mail address: _____________@_______________________

Country: Nicaragua City: Granada

1. Your Experiences abroad:

I started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the country. But when I started my search for more information about it, I already fell in love with the country.

The national language is Spanish. So I had to learn to speak Spanish. This was a big challenge because I couldn’t speak a word Spanish. To make it even harder for me. I decided to live with a Nicaraguan host family for the first three weeks. A family that doesn’t speak English or any other language except Spanish.

On the 9th of august I arrived at the airport of Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. There was a taxi driver waiting for me, to bring me to the host family. The family lives in Granada, which is the second biggest city of Nicaragua, and also the most beautiful I think. I will start my internship there and I will go to school to learn Spanish as well. When I arrived at the house of the host family, it already was 11 pm. After a journey of more than 24 hours, and a huge jetlag because of the time difference, I was really exhausted. But the family didn’t wanted me to go to bed without eating some nice rice and chicken and asking me the most difficult questions I’ve ever been asked. Questions like “what does your father do for work?” and “what kind of internship will you be doing?”. I had absolutely no idea of what they were saying. Time to go to bed.

The next day I got some nice fruits and pancakes while the rest were eating rice and beans. Totally not uncomfortable. The mother and daughter decided it would be fun for me to see entire Granada. With 30 degrees of heat shining on my head, no water, can’t speak a word of Spanish and the slowest and longest tour ever, I almost blacked out. But it was nice to see Granada. Like I said I was already in love with it before I got there. The nice colonial houses with all the colours of the rainbow, the easiest and nicest people in the world and 4 people at once on a bike. Amazing!

After a great Sunday with bulls running through the streets, it was time to start school. After three weeks of Spanish classes, I could actually hold a conversation about normal daily things. I got a lot of compliment of how fast I was learning. My

Page 2: portfoliovandaisy.weebly.comportfoliovandaisy.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/2/3/21238570/…  · Web viewI started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the

host family definitely helped a lot. I always eat with them at the table. I watched TV with them. I did a lot with them and they always were very patient if I didn’t understand something, and they would explain it to me. Also the teachers at school were the nicest teachers I know. But to everything comes to an end. I had to start my internship.

After three weeks living with the host family, it was time to move out and stand on my own two feet. I moved to a hostel right around the corner. I had to cook my own food from now on. On Monday I was presented at my internship. I met my supervisor and each and every one who worked at the health care centre where I worked. My supervisor was a nice overweight woman, which I thought was a bit weird because she is a nutritionist. Soon I found out she has problems with her thyroid. It was hard to understand her. She spoke really fast and only half words. I had to ask her a couple times to speak a little slower. But also she was very energetic so I was excited to start working with her.

I agreed with my supervisor that I would do a presentation at the end of my internship. I could fill in entirely what kind of presentation it would be and for what kind of target group. We decided I would see how she works and what kind of patients she has for two weeks and after that I would make a decision on my target group. So I was expecting to be able to sit back and just listen for two weeks. Never the less I had to present to a group of doctors, nurses and nutritionist the second day of my internship! In Spanish! Luckily to me I only had 4 lines and had to explain a formula about child’s length. The third day I worked at the paediatric department to measure and weigh the children.

After the first two weeks I noticed the majority of the patients were young pregnant girls who were underweight. I decided to make my presentation about this particular target group. I got some books from my supervisor so I could do some literature research. I also made a survey for the girls who came to see my supervisor. With all of this information I was able to make a presentation about healthy nutrition for pregnant women on specific points were some help is needed.

For 17 weeks I learned a lot about myself. I learned that if I wanted anything to be done I had to take initiative. I had to be clear about some appointments. I had to be on time if I wanted something like my evaluation and then ask for it at least two times more. I also learned a lot about the country and the culture by working at the health care centre. I saw a lot of different patients with a lot of different illnesses.

At the end of my internship I spoke Spanish pretty good. My presentation was nice but could have been better. I had to keep it in the waiting room where also other patients were sitting and waiting to be called by the doctor. Everyone was quiet and listened. We made sure there would be some pregnant girls there at the time. I made an information board which is still there for people to read whenever they want.

I have done and seen so much in Nicaragua and I loved every piece of it. I’ve met the most incredible people and if I could do it all over, I would definitely do it without a doubt.

2. The connection with the study

I study nutrition and dietetics. My supervisor was a nutritionist. She worked with a lot of different patients which was really interesting for me to see and work with all of the different kind of illnesses. Such as obesity, diabetics, kidney problems, intestinal problems, eating disorders, underweight children by malnutrition and a lot more.

3. Cross cultural issues and suchlike

Page 3: portfoliovandaisy.weebly.comportfoliovandaisy.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/2/3/21238570/…  · Web viewI started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the

In Nicaragua people are really easy. If we can’t do it today, we will do it tomorrow. That is why if I wanted to get something done, I had to ask for it on time. Like a week or more before I actually needed it.

Also the language was really hard for me in the beginning. When my supervisor spoke to the patients, most of the time I didn’t understand what she was saying. I had to ask a lot of times if she could repeat what she said or if she could explain.

The nutritional habits of Nicaragua are completely different than the nutritional habits of The Netherlands. I had to get used to that as well. Before I could give nutritional advise to the patients.

4. Tips Be clear about what your expectations are so your supervisor knows about it. Make

sure that you also know what is expected from you during your internship If you have to learn a foreign language, start learning before you go to the country of

your internship. It will help you develop more quickly Make sure you enjoy your time. Go traveling if you can. Meet as many different

people as you can. Speak to local people. Hang out with local people. See different places. All of this will make you feel like your home


Page 4: portfoliovandaisy.weebly.comportfoliovandaisy.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/2/3/21238570/…  · Web viewI started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the

The lovely group of Dutch people I met in Nicaragua

The lovely group of Spanish teachers

Page 5: portfoliovandaisy.weebly.comportfoliovandaisy.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/2/3/21238570/…  · Web viewI started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the

The most beautiful cathedral of Nicaragua

My birthday party on the beach

Page 6: portfoliovandaisy.weebly.comportfoliovandaisy.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/2/3/21238570/…  · Web viewI started my internship in august 2013. Before my journey I had never heard of the

Best time of my life!