Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Belarus Education Modernization Project Environmental and Social Management Framework 1 FINAL DOCUMENT AFTER PUBLIC HEARINGS

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Belarus Education Modernization Project

Environmental and Social Management Framework

MINSK April 2018



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6 INFORMATION TO STAKEHOLDERS AND TERMS AND PROCEDURES FOR PUBLISHING ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DOCUMENTS.........................................................................................................6.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS AS DEFINED BY THE WORLD BANK'S SAFEGUARDS POLICIES.............................................6.2 PROCEDURE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ACCORDING TO THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS............................6.3 DISCLOSURE OF THE ESMF............................................................7 FORMAT OF MONITORING REPORTS, TERMS AND PROCEDURES FOR SUBMISSION TO, AND APPROVAL BY, THE PIU...7.1 CONTENT OF MONITORING REPORTS.........................................8 TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING........................................ANNEX 1..................................................................................................................BASIC NORMATIVE DOCUMENTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION................................ANNEX 2..................................................................................................................FACILITIES TO BE SUBJECTED TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 7, LAW NO. 399-Z OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS AS OF 18 JULY 2016 ON STATE ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT ASSESSMENT, STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT.........................................................................................................ANNEX 3..................................................................................................................CONTENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SECTION IN DESIGN DOCUMENTATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH P3-02 TO SNB 1.03.02-96 52ANNEX 4..................................................................................................................CHECKLIST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SELECTION (SCREENING) OF SUB-PROJECTS.....................................................................................................ANNEX 5..................................................................................................................CONTENTS OF ESMP...........................................................................................ANNEX 6..................................................................................................................MINUTES.................................................................................................................ANNEX 7. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE...................................................0


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WB – World Bank PIU – Project Implementation Unit SEEA – State Environmental Expert AssessmentMOE – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of BelarusASIL – Approximately Safe Impact Level

EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment

ENV – Environment

EP – Environmental Protection (a section in design documentation)EN – Explanatory NoteBY – Republic of BelarusESMF – Environmental and Social Management FrameworkSNB – Building Standards of BelarusTKP – Technical Code of Established PracticesESMP – Environmental and Social Management Plan

ESMP-CL – Environmental and Social Management Plan - Checklist

MAC – Maximum Allowable Concentration


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As part of implementation of the Belarus Education Modernization Project an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) was developed.

The Project seeks to improve the quality of general secondary education through strengthening the physical infrastructure of schools, supplying educational equipment and laboratory equipment, improving mechanisms for data collection and analysis in the educational sector based on global best practices, and integrating in international programs for quality assessment.

Educational institutions involved in the Project are located across the Republic of Belarus.

The Project includes several components:

1. Ensuring a quality learning environment in general secondary education institutions receiving students from closed and/or reorganized general secondary education institutions.

2. Modernization of system management in general secondary education.

3. Project implementation support.

The ESMF is a methodological document that was developed at the initial stage of the project. It establishes procedures and forms for individual sub-projects at the stage of their implementation.

Implemented sub-projects can have a negative impact on the environment during both construction and operation of the facilities. This ESMF sets out the procedures and mechanisms as well as practical approaches (examples) to be used to ensure the compliance of the project activities with the laws of the Republic of Belarus and the requirements of the World Bank.

Part 1.

The Ministry of Education, in its capacity of the government body implementing the state policy in education, is responsible, inter alia, for monitoring the status of the physical infrastructure of education institutions and timely maintenance of all


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engineering systems of their buildings. The buildings of education institutions are exclusively state-owned in the Republic of Belarus.

State expert assessment bodies of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus (Gosstandart) ensure that design documentation undergo state expert assessment following the established procedure.

In case of state environmental expert assessment organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection (MOE) issue a report regarding the compliance of project documentation with legal requirements for environmental protection.

According to the laws regulating environmental assessment in the Republic of Belarus, the considered sub-projects under the Belarus Education Modernization Project, may be subject to state environmental impact assessment carried out by the organizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and/or state expert assessment by Glavgosstroiexpertiza (Gosstandart).

The content of the Environmental Protection section in the design documentation includes sub-sections which analyze impacts on all components of the natural environment, i.e. air, water, topsoil, plant life and animal life. When analyzing impacts on atmospheric air, such physical factors as noise, vibration and others shall be reviewed.

Before commissioning, the representatives of MOE oblast committees issue a report regarding the compliance of the constructed facility with environmental safety requirements.

The regional bodies of MOE control compliance of all economic agents with the environmental legislation.

In relation to this Project the World Bank's Safeguard Policy "Environmental Assessment of the World Bank's OR / BP 4.01" is also applied. The construction works to be performed shall include the replacement of roofs, windows, floors and indoor partitions, repair of basements and laboratories, and retrofitting of heating and sewerage systems. All construction works will have some minor temporary negative impacts. They can be mitigated through standard impact mitigation procedures. In this regard, OP/BP 4.01 Environmental Assessment is triggered.


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Part 2.

All reconstruction and retrofitting works will be performed exclusively at existing sites. The reconstruction and retrofitting of school buildings will have a positive effect on the quality of education services in the Republic of Belarus. In addition, maintenance expenses related to selected school buildings will be reduced. The social effects will also be positive and long-term. The potential negative environmental and social impacts are detailed for the stage of reconstruction and retrofitting works and for further operation of the facilities. All the impacts described will be short-term and local.

Part 3.

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus has established a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) within its Investment Projects Implementation Department of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus to monitor and control the implementation of the Project. The PIU is responsible for ESMF development and approval and control over its implementation and for advice to the Client (and Sub-Contractors) on environmental protection issues. The PIU includes a Consultant (Expert) for resolving issues of environmental and social nature. The Consultant's (Expert’s) obligations include the development of programmes for training seminars for design companies, construction companies (contractors), managers of schools and rayon education departments regarding compliance with WB policies and laws of the Republic of Belarus in the field of environmental protection during school building reconstruction and retrofitting. The Consultant (Expert) also reviews and analyzes design documentation for its compliance with the ESMF requirements and issues a report, monitors the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), and monitors and assesses prevention and mitigation measures included in the ESMP.

Part 4.

According to the WB safeguards policies, Environmental Assessment (EA) is a process carried out at the project preparation stage.

The Bank undertakes environmental screening of each proposed project and classifies the proposed project into one of four categories, depending on the type, location, scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of its potential environmental impacts.


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The Belarus Education Modernization Project is classified as Category B.

Annex 4 contains a checklist to assist the PIU, design companies and contractors in identifying the potential level of environmental impact under Category B sub-project.

Part 5.

Annex 5 provides a recommended ESMP structure for sub-projects classified as 'high B'. For projects classified as 'low B', an ESMP-CL is to be developed (Sections 3-4 of Annex 5).

ESMPs for individual projects are to be developed by a design company as assigned by the Employer and are to be approved by the PIU (Investment Projects Implementation Department, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus,) which includes a Consultant (Expert) in Safeguard Policies. ESMPs are to be developed based on design documentation, including the Environmental Protection section and/or Environmental Impact Assessment section.

Part 6.

An ESMP shall not be limited to the period of construction works and shall also cover the operation phase under each sub-project.

As required by WB Operational Policy 4.01, an ESMF, ESMP and ESMP-CL are to be disclosed/provided to public stakeholders.

If new information arises out of public hearings (may occur in parallel) for the ESMP to be updated, such update shall be made for contracted companies on a mandatory basis.

The ESMP may be adjusted/updated by the successful contractor with due account of the contractor's equipment, technology, status of the facility, baseline conditions etc. These adjustments/updates shall be communicated to the PIU and be subject to approval from the PIU/the Bank prior to the implementation. The PIU/the Bank would decide whether these adjustments/updates are substantial enough to trigger additional public hearings.

According to the Public Hearings Regulations of the Republic of Belarus, this ESMF must not be subject to public hearings as it does not belong to any of the listed environmentally important decisions. At the same time, according to the cooperation agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the World Bank, this


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document shall be subjected to public hearings. From November 21, 2017 to December 22, 2017, the Draft of the Environmental Management Framework was posted on the website of the Ministry of Education, on the websites of the regional education administrations, on the websites of the district education departments for the purpose of disclosure and holding of public hearings. Based on the results of public hearings an agreement was reached on the eligibility of the proposed activities under the Project.

Part 7.

For supervision over the compliance with environmental requirements in the ESMP, the latter includes a monitoring plan and institutional responsibility for both impact prevention and minimization measures and monitoring (Section 4, Annex 5).

The PIU will make semi-annual reports to the World Bank on the results of the Ministry's of Education supervision over ESMP performance under sub-projects. Representatives of the World Bank will supervise the implementation of the sub-projects.

The ESMF includes mandatory requirements specifying that all ESMPs/ESMP-CLs for selected school buildings shall undergo local public hearings within the time periods prior to submission to the World Bank for approval.

Part 8.

To ensure successful implementation of the ESMF requirements, a series of capacity building activities for various involved parties shall be undertaken. In November 2017, in accordance with the implementation schedule, the Project Implementation Unit conducted a seminar on "Purchase of design-and-survey and construction-and-installation works for design and construction facilities 2018". Employers upon the Belarus Education Modernization Project, representatives of design and construction organizations participated in the seminar.

The Project Implementation Unit and the seminar participants were informed on the ESMF main provisions


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Negative Environmental Impact is any direct or indirect impact on the environment through economic or other activity with consequences leading to negative changes in the environment (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

State Environmental Expert Assessment is the establishment of conformity/non-conformity of pre-design/pre-investment, design and/or other documentation (unless otherwise specified, hereinafter referred to as the "documentation") or planned design solutions or other solutions (hereinafter referred to as the "design solutions") with legal requirements for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources (Article 1, Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment);

Employer in Construction (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer") is a legal or physical person, inter alia an individual entrepreneur, to be defined as required by law, that finances the erection, reconstruction, restoration, repair, and/or beautification of a facility, and/or demolition and carries out construction activities involving a contractor in construction and/or involving an engineer/engineering company on the basis of a concluded contract (Article 1, Law No. 300-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 05 July 2004 on Architectural, Urban-Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus);

State Environmental Expert Assessment Report is a document containing information about the results of a state environmental expert assessment (Article 1, Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment);

Capital Repair of a Construction Facility is a totality of works (including construction, assembly/mounting and commissioning) and activities to restore structural, engineering, technical and aesthetic properties of the construction facility, if they have been lost in the course of operation, and/or improve them, with these works/activities being accomplished through restoring, improving and/or replacing individual structures, parts, utility equipment and elements of the construction facility (Clause 3, TKP 45-1.01-4-2005 — Technical Normalization and Standardization System of the Republic of Belarus. National Body of


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Technical Normative Legal Acts in the Field of Architecture and Construction. Basic Provisions);

Rehabilitation (of buildings, installations, utility and transport systems) is a totality of works and activities associated with the improvement of operation properties of buildings, installations and utility systems, their parts and/or elements to make their operation parameters meet modern requirements within the exiting dimensions. Rehabilitation is a type of reconstruction performed within the existing dimensions of buildings, installations and utility systems. Rehabilitation can include changing the layout without changing the intended purpose of separate rooms, arrangement of built-in rooms for stairways, lifts, and waste chutes, arrangement of balconies/recessed balconies, replacement of individual types of load-carrying structures (walls, stairs, slabs and coverings), improvement of architectural expression of buildings, fitting out with missing utility equipment or increasing its level, rearrangement of outdoor networks (excluding transmission networks) (Clause 3, TKP 45-1.01-4-2005 — Technical Normalization and Standardization System of the Republic of Belarus. National Body of Technical Normative Legal Acts in the Field of Architecture and Construction. Basic Provisions). The World Bank shall regard increase in the floor area and construction of extensions to the existing buildings as reasonable works, provided: (i) these works are performed within limits of the existing land lot of the general secondary education facility and do not require land allotment, (ii) the increased floor area of the building to be expanded together with the increased capacity and expanded installations (utility installations, traffic roads etc.) will allow to ensure that all required needs of pupils for outdoor lessons and sports lessons are satisfied in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Belarus (sanitary and hygienic requirements and fire safety standards), (iii) for each case of the reconstruction of a general secondary education facility that includes increasing the floor area or constructing an extension, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) makes a separate Environmental Management Plan for this facility as defined in updated documentation on safeguard procedures;

Environmental Monitoring is a system for observing the status of the environment and for evaluating and predicting changes in the environment under natural and anthropogenic factors (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Best Available Techniques are technological processes, methods and procedures for manufacturing products and generating energy, performing works


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and providing services, designing, constructing and operating buildings/installations and equipment that reduce and/or prevent release of pollutants in the environment and generation of industrial waste as compared to applied processes, methods and procedures and that are most efficient to meet required environment quality parameters and permissible environmental impact parameters, provided that their use is economically feasible and technically possible (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Public Hearings on Draft Environmentally Important Decisions/Environmental Impact Assessment Reports are a set of mandatory activities that ensure that citizens and legal entities are informed about draft environmentally important decisions and environmental impact assessment reports and that participants of public hearings have the opportunity to express their attitude towards such draft decisions and reports so that public interests are taken into account and rights of citizens and legal entities are observed (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Environment is the totality of components of the natural environment, natural, natural-anthropogenic, as well as anthropogenic objects (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Environmental Impact Assessment Report is a document containing information about results of a performed environmental impact assessment and about sources and types of environmental impact from planned economic and other activities, and about design solutions and activities aimed at environmental protection and rational use of natural resources (Article 1, Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment);

Environmental Protection (Environmental Protection Activity) is the activity of government bodies, public associations, other legal entities and individuals aimed at the preservation and restoration of the natural environment, rational (sustainable) use of natural resources and their reproduction, prevention of pollution, degradation, damage, depletion, destruction, elimination and other negative impacts on the environment from economic or other activities and


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remediation of their consequences (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Environmental Impact Assessment is the determination of possible environmental impact, to be done during the development of pre-design/pre-investment or design documentation, from the implementation of design solutions, and of expected environmental changes, prediction of the status of the environment in future to decide whether it is possible or impossible to implement the design solutions and the identification of necessary activities aimed at environmental protection and rational use of natural resources (Article 1, Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment);

Planned Economic and Other Activities are planned activities to erect/reconstruct facilities, operate them or other activities that are associated with the use of natural resources or can make an impact on the environment (Article 1, Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment);

Building/Institution Footprint is defined as the area of the horizontal cross section along the outer perimeter of the building at the level of the base, including projecting parts. The footprint includes the area of the passage under the building (TKP 45-3.02-189-2010 (02250));

Provision of Environmental Information is actions by holders of environmental information aimed at making it available to government bodies, other legal entities and individuals including individual entrepreneurs due to obligations imposed on holders of such information by the laws of the Republic of Belarus or on the basis of a contract for the provision of specialized environmental information (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Contractor in Construction Activity (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor") is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur which has the right to carry out architectural, urban-planning and construction activities and which concluded a construction contract with the employer, developer/owner and engineer/engineering company to carry out these activities (Article 1, Law No. 300-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 05 July 2004 on Architectural, Urban-Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus);


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Pre-Design/Pre-Investment Documentation is a set of documents about the results of pre-investment studies that precede the investor's, employer's and developer's/owner's decision to implement the investment project, correct the investment idea or refrain from further implementation of the project (Article 1, Law No. 300-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 05 July 2004 on Architectural, Urban-Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus);

Natural Object is a natural ecological system, natural landscape, biotope and natural environment components that compose them and have preserved their natural properties (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Land Use is an economic or other activity the process of which involves using natural resources and makes an impact on the environment (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Design Documentation for the Erection, Reconstruction, Restoration, Capital Repair, Beautification of a Facility or Demolition is interrelated design documents that serve as a basis for the erection, reconstruction, restoration, capital repair, beautification of a facility or demolition and have the form of an architectural design and/or construction design in accordance with the design documentation development phases selected by the employer/developer (Article 1, Law No. 300-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 05 July 2004 on Architectural, Urban-Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus);

Facility Reconstruction is a totality of works (including construction, assembly/mounting and commissioning) and activities aimed at using the facility in line with its new intended purpose and/or associated with changing its basic technical and economic indicators and parameters including the improvement of its operation properties as defined by Technical Normative Legal Acts, alteration of the number and area of rooms, building volume and/or total floor area, alteration of the capacity, throughput, direction and/or location of utility/transport lines (replacement of their parts) and installations on them (Clause 3, TKP 45-1.01-4-2005 — Technical Normalization and Standardization System of the Republic of Belarus. National Body of Technical Normative Legal Acts in the Field of Architecture and Construction. Basic Provisions); the World Bank shall regard the increase in the floor area and construction of extensions to existing buildings as reasonable works, if: (i) these works are performed within limits of the existing land lot of the general secondary educational facility and do not require land


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allotment, (ii) the increased floor area of the building to be expanded together with the increased capacity and expanded installations (utility installations, traffic roads etc.) will allow to ensure that all required needs of pupils for outdoor lessons and sports lessons are satisfied in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Belarus (sanitary and hygienic requirements and fire safety standards), (iii) for each case of the reconstruction of a general secondary educational facility that includes increasing the floor area or constructing an extension, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) makes a separate Environmental Management Plan for this facility as defined in updated documentation on safeguard procedures;

Facility Repair is a totality of works (including construction, assembly/mounting and commissioning) and activities to restore structural, engineering, technical and aesthetic properties of the construction facility, if they have been lost in the course of operation, and/or improve them, including the removal of minor damages and malfunctions and prevention of its wear and tear, with these works and activities having no relation to facility reconstruction (Clause 3, TKP 45-1.01-4-2005 — Technical Normalization and Standardization System of the Republic of Belarus. National Body of Technical Normative Legal Acts in the Field of Architecture and Construction. Basic Provisions);

Facility Restoration is a totality of works (including construction, assembly/mounting and commissioning) and activities to recreate the damaged initial appearance of immovable objects having historical and cultural value, including buildings, installations, their complexes and parts, with these works and activities being carried out on the basis of special studies of their historical authenticity and architectural and artistic value and in accordance with scientific design documentation (Clause 3, TKP 45-1.01-4-2005 — Technical Normalization and Standardization System of the Republic of Belarus. National Body of Technical Normative Legal Acts in the Field of Architecture and Construction. Basic Provisions);

Routine Facility Repair is a totality of works (including construction, assembly/mounting and commissioning) and activities to prevent wear and tear, remove minor damages and malfunctions and improve aesthetic properties of the facility (Clause 3, TKP 45-1.01-4-2005 — Technical Normalization and Standardization System of the Republic of Belarus. National Body of Technical Normative Legal Acts in the Field of Architecture and Construction. Basic Provisions);


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Requirements for Environmental Protection (Environmental Protection Requirements/Environmental Safety Requirements) are mandatory conditions imposed on economic or other activities, restrictions or their aggregate as specified by laws or other normative legal acts including Technical Normative Legal Acts in the field of environmental protection and/or by environmental protection standards (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Environmental Information is documented information containing data on the status of the environment, environmental impacts and environmental protection measures and on impacts of the environment on humans; the content of this information is defined by this Law, other legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and international treaties of the Republic of Belarus (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection);

Environmentally Important Decisions are decisions made by government bodies which are specified in Part 1 of Article 15-2 of this Law and the implementation of which makes an impact on the environment and/or associated with the use of natural resources (Article 1, Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection).


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The Republic of Belarus requested the World Bank to support the Belarus Education Modernization Project aimed to improve the quality of the educational process at general secondary education institutions across the country. All the selected education institutions are of social importance for a particular rayon or oblast.

The project seeks to improve the quality of general secondary education through strengthening the physical infrastructure of schools, supplying educational equipment and laboratory equipment, improving mechanisms for data collection and analysis in the educational sector based on global best practices, and integrating in international programs for quality assessment. The total cost of the project is US$50 million. The project will tentatively cover from 120 to 150 schools, which plan to educate about 35,000 students. Educational institutions involved in the Project are located across the Republic of Belarus. Implementation schedule spanning over 5 years (2016-2020). At present 24 schools have already been reconstructed.


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Project Description

The project includes the following key components:1) Ensuring a quality learning environment in general secondary education

institutions receiving students from closed and/or reorganized general secondary education institutions. The aim of this component is to ensure equal conditions for students to get quality education that will promote their further socialization. This component involves:

A) Strengthening infrastructure of general secondary education institutions (major repair, rehabilitation, etc.) which receive (or plan to receive) students from closed and/or reorganized general secondary education institutions.

It is to be achieved through the following activities:

- Preparation works for activities related to reconstruction and capital repair of general secondary education institutions;


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- Reconstruction and capital repair of general secondary education institutions.

B) Expansion of access to and use of laboratory equipment and information technologies in the educational process.

It is to be achieved through the following activities:

- Equipping Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and CS classrooms with educational equipment;

- Training teachers to use the laboratory equipment in the educational process efficiently.

2) Modernization of system management in general secondary education. The aim of this component is to apply the best international practices of education quality assessment, collection and analysis of statistical data to support management decision-making in the educational sector.This component involves:

A) Improvements to the national student assessment system.It is to be achieved through the following activities:- Consultation with international experts on improving the national system of education quality assessment (based on the results of its component review using the SABER instrument):

- Formative students’ academic achievement assessment; - Improvement of the national system of monitoring students’ academic achievements (development and expertise of the diagnostic instruments; statistical processing and analysis of results, using the results to manage education quality); - Study visits of Belarusian experts to such countries as Russia, Kazakhstan, and Finland to cover issues of student assessment;

- Creation of an interactive computer laboratory to process the results of monitoring, in particular, buying hardware and licensed software; organization of webinars to train Belarusian experts across the country in assessing the quality of education.

B) Participation in international systems of student academic achievement assessments.

It is to be achieved through the following activities:

- International overhead costs: annual fees to the OECD;19

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- National expenses on training: test development, translation, and editing, instruction, trainings, workshops, piloting;- National expenses on training: running tests (including printing and delivery of tests and oversight of the testing process), data processing and analysis, dissemination of results;- Institutional development: strengthening the information and technical infrastructure of the national implementing agency to run the tests, hiring temporary staff for the national implementing agencies to run the tests, technical assistance from international experts on the issues related to test preparation and running. C) Improvement of the existing Education Management Information System (EMIS) for the general secondary education sector to facilitate the use of data analysis for supporting sector management decisions.

It is to be achieved through the following activities:

- Development of the primary data collection and processing system:- Development of a single platform to integrate the existing information and analysis systems, data bases and data banks with their subsequent automation;- Automation of primary data preparation, collection, and processing based on a single platform and unified software;- Development of a system of multiuser primary data processing in the single information space of the corporate network of the Ministry of Education.- Development of a data aggregating system:- Development of a system of data aggregating with different breakdowns, including the facility for consolidating data from different observations in one document; - Development of a system of extracting data for further analytical work using modern methods of statistical modeling and analysis;- Development of instruments for users with no skills of working with data bases to create any formats of information output. - Development of a system of informational and analytical support:- Development of informational and analytical support models for the general secondary education system and their links to other levels of education;- Development and maintenance of a user index ensuring a systemic approach to describing the data used for informational and analytical support;- Provision of efficient and user-friendly services to different categories of users to work with analytical information based on using modern information technologies.


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- Information security system development and certification.

3) Project Implementation Support. The aim is to provide organizational and financial support in the achievement of goals and objectives of the project.

This component involves:- Costs associated with project implementation.

It is to be achieved through the following activities:

- Project management, procurement, financial management, monitoring, and evaluation.

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is fully responsible for the project implementation.

The Belarus Education Modernization Project involves mobilization of a loan of the World Bank in the framework of the World Bank Group Country Partnership Strategy for the Republic of Belarus 2014-2017.

Environmental Management Framework Structure

Implemented sub-projects can have a negative impact on the environment during both construction and operation of the facilities. This ESMF sets out the procedures and mechanisms as well as practical approaches (examples) to be used to ensure the compliance of the project activities with the laws of the Republic of Belarus and the requirements of the World Bank. The ESMF serves as guidelines for the Employer, contractors, design companies, PIU and public stakeholders as regards the performance of all works under the Project.

The ESMF describes:

- the legal framework of the Republic of Belarus and WB that regulates the development and implementation of environmental protection activities

- basic types of impact by sub-projects on the environment and a basic list of measures to mitigate negative impact on the environment

- the rights and obligations of the PIU with regards to the development and monitoring the implementation of activities in the field of environmental protection

- the screening procedure as a basis for selecting the required environmental protection document (checklist)


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- the format of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)/ESMP-CL and terms and procedures for submission to, and approval by, the PIU

- the procedure for providing information to public stakeholders and terms and procedures for publishing required environmental protection documents

- the format of monitoring reports and terms and procedures for submission to, and approval by, the PIU).

This document is a revised version of ESMF made to define and clarify some procedural and methodological issues and to include relevant data from the first stage of Project implementation.


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The educational process at general secondary education institutions at the regional level is regulated by education departments of specific rayons subordinated to oblast (Minsk city) education departments of executive committees. The buildings of education institutions are exclusively state-owned in the Republic of Belarus. The construction of new and reconstruction/capital repair of existing buildings is financed exclusively by state budget resources within the annual allocations to the Ministry of Education for these purposes. Oblast (Minsk city) education departments of executive committees prepare annual plans of capital repair and construction of new buildings for education institutions in general for their rayon/oblast identifying the work required and considering the development of the specific urban or rural settlement.

The Ministry of Education, in its capacity of the government body implementing the state policy in education, is responsible, inter alia, for monitoring the status of the physical infrastructure of education institutions and timely maintenance of all engineering systems of their buildings.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection (MOE) in Belarus has a vertical structure: the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection in its capacity of a national government body has its regional (local) bodies: Minsk city and oblast committees of natural resources and environmental protection in all oblasts of Belarus and relevant inspections at municipal and rayon levels. These are the regional bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection that control compliance of all economic agents with the environmental legislation. Within the framework of sub-projects, the National Centre for State Environmental Expert Assessment and Professional Development of Managers and Experts under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus will issue a report regarding the compliance of the constructed facility with environmental safety requirements in case the facility undergoes state environmental expert assessment, and regional MOE bodies will perform routine inspections of further


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economic activities of legal entities in accordance with legal requirements for environmental protection.

State expert assessment bodies of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus (Gosstandart) ensure that urban planning projects, feasibility studies for investments in construction, architectural, construction projects, stages of work identified therein, construction phases, start-up facilities, and estimates (estimate documents) undergo state expert assessment following the established procedure. Representatives of MOE oblast committees will issue a report regarding the compliance of the constructed facility with environmental safety requirements. Regional MOE bodies will carry out routine monitoring of further economic activities of legal entities in accordance with legal requirements for environmental protection. Thus, design documentation for retrofitting, reconstruction and capital repair of buildings of general secondary education institutions may also be subject to state expert assessment by Gosstandart.


An overview of environmental protection laws in the Republic of Belarus is given in Annex 1. This section will address in detail the requirements for environmental assessment applicable in the Republic of Belarus. There is no term "environmental assessment" in the country's legal framework in the field of environmental protection. At the same time, Belarus has legally defined and thoroughly developed procedures for state environmental expert assessment (SEEA) of projects, environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment carried out by the National Centre for State Environmental Expert Assessment and Professional Development of Managers and Experts under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and state expert assessment by Glavgosstroiexpertiza (Gosstandart). All these procedures make up an "environmental assessment" as it is understood in many countries worldwide.

The state environmental policies have become a key element of sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus. The state environmental policies are determined by the national environmental legislation. Its key element is Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection which is of universal nature. A separate chapter of this document (Chapter 6) is dedicated to the environmental requirements applicable to design,


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construction, rehabilitation, operation of facilities used for economic and other activities in the Republic of Belarus and specifies that in each individual case there should be environmental measures planned, considering the environmental safety requirements.

The main international instrument in the field of environmental assessment is the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context signed by the Republic of Belarus and adopted by Order No. 487 of the President of the Republic of Belarus as of 20 October 2005. The legal base for environmental assessment in the Republic of Belarus includes the following basic normative legal acts. These are Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection; Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment; the Regulations for the Procedure of State Environmental Expert Assessment Including Requirements for the Content of Documentation to be Submitted for State Environmental Expert Assessment, a State Environmental Expert Assessment Report and for the Procedure of Its Approval/Cancellation, Special Conditions for Implementing Design Solutions, and Requirements for Specialists Conducting State Environmental Expert Assessment; the Regulations for the Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure, Requirements for the Content of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Requirements for Specialists Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (hereinafter - EIA Regulations); and the Regulations for the Procedure of Strategic Environmental Assessment, Requirements for the Content of an Environmental Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment and Requirements for Specialists Conducting Strategic Environmental Assessment (as approved by Resolution No. 47 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 19 January 2017); the Regulations for the Procedure for Public Environmental Expert Assessment (as approved by Resolution No. 1592 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 29 October 2010); and the Regulations for the Procedure of Public Hearings on Draft Environmentally Important Decisions, Environmental Reports on Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports and Taking Adopted Environmentally Important Decisions into Consideration (as approved by Resolution No. 458 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 14 June 2016). Additionally, the addressed issue is also covered by the Regulations for the Procedure of State Expert Assessment of Urban Planning Projects, Architectural and Construction Projects and Feasibility Studies for


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Investments in Construction and the Regulations for the Procedure for Coordinating and Approving Design Documentation and Approving Urban Planning Projects (as approved by Resolution No. 1476 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 08 October 2008) as well as by Resolution No. 156 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 17 February 2012 on Approving the Single List of Administrative Procedures Carried out by Government Bodies and Other Organizations with Regard to Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, Making an Addition to Resolution No. 193 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 14 February 2009 and Repealing Certain Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No 156 as of 17 February, 2012. The latter document specifies a new procedure for issuing a report by the National Centre for State Environmental Expert Assessment and Professional Development of Managers and Experts under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on projects submitted for state environmental expert assessment. Information about this institution can be obtained at: http://www.oos.by/index.php/kontakty.

The following important technical normative legal acts regulating the performance of EIA and development of the EP section as part of design documentation should also be noted: TKP 17.02-08-2012 (02120) — Rules for the Conduct of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Making of the Report, and a guide to construction standards of the Republic of Belarus, P3-02 to SNB 1.03.02-96 — Content and Procedure of Developing the EP Section in Design Documentation.

The Ministry of Architecture and Construction developed and adopted TKP 45-1.04-206-2010 — Repair, Reconstruction and Restoration of Residential and Public Buildings and Installations. Basic Requirements for Design. This document directly applies construction works in educational buildings in the Republic of Belarus.

TKP 45-1.01-4-2005 (System of Technical Normalization and Standardization in the Republic of Belarus. National Body of Technical Normative Legal Acts in the Field of Architecture and Construction. Basic Provisions) also deserves pointing out as it defines basic concepts which are used in the laws of the Republic of Belarus and in this ESMF. These are 'retrofitting', 'facility reconstruction', and 'capital repair on a facility under construction'. These definitions are included in the Definitions section of this ESMF.


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According to the new laws regulating environmental assessment in the Republic of Belarus, strategic environmental assessment will not apply to the considered sub-projects under the Belarus Education Modernization Project, but they may be subject to state environmental impact assessment carried out by the National Centre for State Environmental Expert Assessment and Professional Development of Managers and Experts under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and/or state expert assessment by Glavgosstroiexpertiza (Gosstandart).

The state environmental expert assessment is arranged and conducted exclusively by experts of the National Centre for State Environmental Expert Assessment and Professional Development of Managers and Experts under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. It is financed by the party which ordered the development of design documentation. Resolution No. 1476 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 08 October 2008 (as amended on 12 January 2017) approved the Regulations for the Procedure of State Expert Assessment of Urban Planning Projects, Architectural and Construction Projects and Feasibility Studies for Investments in Construction and the Regulations for the Procedure for Coordinating and Approving Design Documentation and Approving Urban Planning Projects. This Resolution contains a list of design documentation to be submitted for state expert assessment by Glavgosstroiexpertiza.

Code No. 194-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 21 April 2003 on Administrative Offences (Article 21.19) prohibits any economic activity that is subject to state environmental expert assessment, unless a positive state environmental expert assessment report is issued.

According to the laws of the Republic of Belarus, individual sub-project types under the Project will require an EIA section as part of design/pre-design documentation. EIA objects are specified in Article 7 of Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment (Law No. 399-Z) (see Annex 2 to the ESMF).

The sub-projects under this Project which may be subject EIA procedures under Law No. 399-Z (Article 7) are as follows:

- located in areas specified under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat signed in Ramsar on 2 February 1971 and within 2 kilometres from their boundaries;


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- located within the boundaries of specially protected natural territories, their protective zones and territories reserved for being declared as specially protected natural territories;

-located within the boundaries of wild animal habitats and habitats for wild plants belonging to species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus;

- located within the boundaries of typical and rare natural landscapes and biotopes the protection of which is vested in users of land lots and water facilities;

- facilities for economic or other activities that are planned to be constructed in areas of protection for immovable material historically and culturally valuable objects;

- facilities for economic or other activities that are planned to be constructed on wetlands adjacent to the state border of the Republic of Belarus or in areas from which an impact can be made on these wetlands;

- facilities for economic and other activities that are planned to be constructed in resort areas, if they do not meet the functional purpose of these areas.

For all facilities that are subject to SEEA and/or state environmental assessment (SEA) (Glavgosstroiexpertiza, Gosstandart), their design documentation shall include the EP section compliant with P3-02 to SNB 1.03.02-96 — Content and Procedure of Developing the EP Section in Design Documentation. See Annex 3 to this ESMF for the content of the EP section. In addition, SEEA is mandatory in cases specified in Article 5 of Law No. 399-Z, and facilities specified in Article 7 of Law No. 399-Z also require the EIA section to be developed. After receiving a positive SEEA report, a sub-project, including the EP section in the design documentation, may undergo a full SEA by Glavgosstroiexpertiza. If environmental expert assessment is not required, the EP section in the design documentation is directly submitted for state expert assessment (Table 1).

The necessity to undergo SEEA and SEA (Glavgosstroiexpertiza) is specified in Table 1.

Table 1Algorithm for submitting design documentation for capital repair,

retrofitting and reconstruction of school buildings for expert assessment

Facility SEEA is required

SEA (Glavgosstroiexpertiza) is


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requiredA sub-project is subject to Article 5 of Law

No. 399-Z and involves load-carrying structures (e.g.: reconstruction of a school within the area which is subject to special protection)

Yes* Yes

A sub-project is subject to Article 5 of Law No. 399-Z but does not involve load-carrying structures (e.g.: reconstruction of a school within the area which is subject to special protection)

Yes No

A sub-project is not subject to Article 5 of Law No. 399-Z and involves load-carrying structures (e.g.: reconstruction of a school)

No Yes

A sub-project is not subject to Article 5 of Law No. 399-Z and does not involve load-carrying structures (e.g.: reconstruction of a school)

No** No**

* A SEA report is issued by Glavgosstroiexpertiza only if a positive SEEA is available.

** A sub-project does not undergo expert assessment, but the EP section in the design documentation shall be developed and provided to the employer.The content of the EP section in the design documentation includes sub-sections which analyze impacts on all components of the natural environment, i.e. air, water, topsoil, plant life and animal life. When analyzing impacts on atmospheric air, such physical factors as noise, vibration and health risks shall be reviewed. Only regional bodies of the Ministry of Health are entitled to identify health risks in line with Law No. 340-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 07 January 2012 on Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-being.



The application of WB safeguard policies and their relevance to the Project are defined in Table 2.

Table 2Relevance of the World Bank's Policies to the Belarus Education Modernization

ProjectSafeguard Policy Relevant to

this Project Explanation


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(yes or no)Environmental Assessment OP/BP 4.01

Yes Component 1 of the proposed project includes activities to rehabilitate school facilities. The schools where the rehabilitation will take place and exact nature of rehabilitation needs in each school are defined on case-by-case basis, and may include work on external walls, roofs, windows, floors, basements, laboratories, gymnasiums, and heating and sewer systems, among others. Works may also include construction of building expansions and annexes. These works are expected to have some temporary negative impacts typical for civil works and reconstruction/rehabilitation of small to medium size constructions. The potential negative impacts are perceived to be relatively minor and can be readily mitigated with standard procedures. Due to the expected environmental impact of these activities, OP/BP 4.01 Environmental Assessment is triggered. Based on the safeguards policy and given the expected nature of the works, the proposed Project is classified as Category B.

Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04

No The policies aim to preserve natural habitats and their biodiversity and prevent significant modification or degradation of forest ecosystems. The works to reconstruct and retrofit school buildings do not imply any significant transformation or degradation of natural habitats or forest ecosystems and do not lead to decreased biodiversity.

Forests OP/BP 4.36

No No transformation of forest ecosystems is expected in the course of retrofitting and reconstruction of school buildings

Physical Cultural Resources OP/BP 4.11

No All project works are anticipated to occur within the existing school sites and it is unlikely that any of the school buildings selected for the rehabilitation will have a historic value and/or have present physical cultural resources. As such, OP/BP 4.11 Physical Cultural Resources is not triggered. Nevertheless, the ESMF includes procedures for addressing physical cultural resources encountered during implementation (“chance finds”).

Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10

No The works to be performed will not affect the historically developed life structure of the local population.

Involuntary ResettlementOP/BP 4.12

No Works under the project may include construction of school building expansions and annexes with the provision that these works are to be conducted at the existing land plot of the school and no land acquisition is required. The Republic of Belarus enjoys a well-enforced regulatory framework that prohibits squatters and vendors within the territory of the school compound, thus permanent or temporary physical or economic displacement as the result of the project is not expected


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and OP/BP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement is not triggered by the project.

Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37

No The policies aim to ensure due control over the construction of new dams, safety of existing dams and take into account data on the dam height and collector volume. There no plans that the construction works will have any impact on existing dams and no construction of new dams is expected.

Project on International WaterwaysOP/BP 7.50

No The policies aim to protect international bodies of water and waterways. None of the sub-projects under this Project is expected to make a negative impact on surface water resources during reconstruction and retrofitting.

Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP 7.60

No All sub-projects will only be implemented in the Republic of Belarus which is not a disputed area. No works under the Project concern disputed areas.

In addition, Provisions of the IFC1 Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines (EHS), which are technical reference documents with general and industry-specific examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP)2 shall apply.



All reconstruction and retrofitting works will be performed exclusively at existing sites. The reconstruction and retrofitting of school buildings will have a positive effect on the quality of education services in the Republic of Belarus. In addition, maintenance expenses related to selected school buildings will be reduced. The social effects will also be positive and long-term. The potential negative environmental and social impacts are detailed below for the stage of reconstruction and retrofitting works and for further operation of the facilities. All the impacts described will be short-term and local.

1 Open access http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/topics_ext_content/ifc_external_corporate_site/sustainability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines2 Open access (in Russian) http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/de5fc780488658d8b742f76a6515bb18/General%2BEHS%2B-%2BRussian%2B-%2BFinal_.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=de5fc780488658d8b742f76a6515bb18


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All possible options for location, internal and external design of buildings, separate rooms and adjacent school territories shall be considered in the course of design development. The designer may select optimal options for building materials to be used, energy consumption, landscape design, internal layout and room finishing, taking into account their functional purpose.

Landscape degradation and topsoil disturbance. Certain areas of land adjacent to schools can be disturbed in the process of construction works (greenery, removal of fertile soil layer, paving-stone, asphalt and concrete covering, access roads, storage of materials, etc.). Therefore, reclamation works shall be performed prior to the operation of these facilities.

Ground water and soil pollution with oil products. Because of oil product spillages in the process of on-site maintenance of vehicles, ground water can be polluted with oil products and oil-contaminated soils can be generated. Such maintenance shall only be performed at maintenance stations, and the contractor shall exert control over timely vehicle repair.

Impact on biodiversity. No impact on biodiversity is expected as all the school buildings are located within settlements where the ecosystems have transformed significantly under a certain anthropogenic stress. Should any plants are to be re-planted or removed, the requirements specified in Resolution No. 1426 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 25 October 2011 on Certain Matters of Handling Plant-Life Objects shall be observed. An inventory of the plant-life objects growing on the site shall be made prior to their re-planting or removal, and there shall be prevented any possibility of damaging these trees as required by the plant-life handling laws of the Republic of Belarus.

Noise, vibration, and emissions. The operation of construction vehicles and trucks will cause noise, vibration, and emissions. Non-organic dust emission will occur in the process of earthwork, and emission of pollutants will result from the operation of vehicles (transportation of construction materials and wastes) at the stage of construction. The construction works are not recommended to be performed during study time. Only vehicles that correspond to environmental standards of the Republic of Belarus shall be used. The consultations with stakeholders as to define the most appropriate timing to the short-period repairing works with the increased noise shall be held. Workers shall be supplied with


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personal protective equipment for works associated with high noise. Measures shall be taken to minimize dust emission during long dry periods through watering the construction site. Electric compressors should be used to the highest possible extent to minimize emissions of pollutants. Welding can generate pollutants which are subject to pollutant dissemination calculation to be included in the design documentation. Lowest-emission welding equipment shall be used.

Pollution of surface and ground waters. The deliveries of bottled drinking water to construction sites shall be arranged. Anti-erosion and anti-slump measures shall be taken, in particular, the construction site shall be banked; a rainwater sewerage can be built, or earth stabilization can be done to prevent the slumped soil from moving beyond the construction site boundaries. The ground surface and ground waters can be polluted with sewage. Biotoilets shall be arranged and serviced. Land disposal or groundwater disposal of waste waters in the Republic of Belarus is prohibited by law.

Drinking water consumption. Arrangements shall be made at the sites to ensure rational consumption of water for drinking and service purposes. When the municipal/rayon water supply system is switched off for the period of reconstruction and retrofitting of school buildings, the deliveries of bottled drinking water for personnel shall be arranged, and any use of water from local wells shall be prevented.

Generation of construction waste. Construction waste will be created in the process of building repair, potentially including asbestos containing materials, which had served as the basic roofing material until recently. Almost all basic types of construction waste (roll roofing waste, concrete fragments, brick fragments, glass fragments, various plastics, insulation materials, scrap metal and others) are currently processed by construction waste processing companies in line with the Register of Waste Processing Operators in the Republic of Belarus. Mixed waste generated during dismantling of buildings and installations shall be forwarded to respective organizations for disassembling and processing.

Generation of PCB-containing wastes is not expected because the transformer substations pertain to urban and regional electric grids and are not located on school grounds. These impacts will be localized and minimized by arranging temporary storage sites, separate waste collection by hazard classes for the purposes of recycling (Article 17 of the Law on Waste Management). As to the non-recyclable waste, specific permits will be acquired in each individual case to dispose of such waste at municipal solid waste landfills on condition of delivery thereof to the landfill. In the process of reconstruction of school chemistry and


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physics labs, expired and spoilt leftover stock of non-organic wastes may be generated (highly hazardous, hazard class 2 according to the Waste Classification of the Republic of Belarus). According to the laws of the Republic of Belarus, these wastes are subject to documented and scientifically substantiated detoxification prior to their disposal to municipal waste water or such wastes shall be accumulated, and a long-term storage facility shall be opened, subject to a permit from MOE regional bodies.

Health risks of workers and population in the process of construction work. If health and safety requirements are not complied with, there can be risks arising for the health and safety of workers and the population that can result in injuries and accidents. Occupational safety requirements shall be observed, including the conduct of mandatory safety briefings and maintenance of registers. In addition, Provisions of the IFC3 Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines (EHS), which are technical reference documents with general and industry-specific examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP)4 shall apply.

Safety of public transport and pedestrians. According to the national legal requirements, the contractor shall fence the construction site and adjacent territory and ensure safe vehicle traffic there, including putting warning signs and arranging a traffic management system.

Preservation of historically and culturally valuable objects (in accordance with Law No. 98-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 09 January 2006 on the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Belarus).

If construction works are performed near a historic building or in a historic area or if selected sub-projects are immovable material historically and culturally valuable objects of the Republic of Belarus, then routine repairs of buildings and internal rooms shall meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for repair works in historically and culturally valuable buildings (Article 37, Law No. 98-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 09 January 2006 on the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Belarus). In particular, this applies to facade works, dismantling works, replacement of load-carrying structures, building re-planning and finishing works (wall and floor painting, replacement of electric lighting etc.). All these works can

3 Open access http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/topics_ext_content/ifc_external_corporate_site/sustainability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines4 Open access (in Russian) http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/de5fc780488658d8b742f76a6515bb18/General%2BEHS%2B-%2BRussian%2B-%2BFinal_.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=de5fc780488658d8b742f76a6515bb18


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potentially affect the historical and cultural value of buildings. The performance of these works shall be approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

Measures shall be taken to observe Order No. 485 of the President of the Republic of Belarus as of 14 December 2015 on Enhancing the Protection of Archeological Objects and Archeological Artifacts. All necessary rules and requirements shall be set to ensure that artifacts or other possible 'chance finds' discovered during earthworks or construction works are passed to government bodies and put on the register, the responsible persons (contractor and PIU) are informed and all works are suspended, or their schedules are changed, depending on the finds' nature.

Risk of emergencies. Construction works can generate a risk of emergencies. It can be reduced through the observance of all planned design solutions. Firstly, the largest amount of works is to be planned during vacation time (autumn, winter, spring).

Influence on the educational process in case of parallel construction work.

Working without resettlement of the educational institution assumes tighter monitoring of safety from both the contractor and the educational institution, in particular, elaboration of additional instructions on safety during construction works is required, as well as other activities to ensure safety to students and fully functional educational process.

These may include:- During construction works in entrance rooms, corridors, stairs, it is

required to temporary block evacuation routs and open additional passways;- Educational organizations, consisting of several buildings of the same

functionality, have the possibility to relocate uncompleted or unexploited buildings during repairs. In such cases, it may be sufficient to limit access of students into buildings under reconstruction;

Many buildings of educational institutions have the possibility to resettle floor-by-floor to other buildings having a reserve of free studying seats or to organize the educational process on a double-shift basis.

Such activities shall be timely coordinated with the educational institution staff and parents’ committees through public consultations (including public hearings).


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The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus has established a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) within its Investment Projects Implementation Department of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus to monitor and control the implementation of the Project. The PIU is responsible for ESMF development and approval and control over its implementation and for advice to the Client (and Sub-Contractors) on environmental protection issues.

The PIU shall include a Consultant (Expert) for resolving issues of environmental and social nature. The Consultant's (Expert’s) obligations include the development of programmes for training seminars for design companies, construction companies (contractors), managers of schools and rayon education departments regarding compliance with WB policies and laws of the Republic of Belarus in the field of environmental protection during school building reconstruction and upgrading. The Consultant (Expert) also reviews and analyzes design documentation for its compliance with the ESMF requirements and issues a report, monitors the implementation of the ESMP, and monitors and assesses prevention and mitigation measures included in the ESMP.

The PIU shall perform on-site inspection (monitoring) of the facilities to verify compliance of the performed work with the ESMP practices and standards.

The PIU shall supervise the organization and undertaking of public hearings on individual school building designs under consideration and ensure access to information for public stakeholders as required by law.

Representatives of the World Bank will visit individual facilities to supervise the implementation of the Project.


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According to the WB safeguards policies, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process carried out at the project preparation stage.

The Bank undertakes environmental screening of each proposed project to determine the appropriate extent of environmental impact and EIA type. The Bank classifies the proposed project into one of four categories, depending on the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of its potential environmental impacts. The Bank's Operational Policy (OP/BP/GP) 4.01 provides for the following environmental categories of projects:

Category A: A proposed project is classified as Category A if it is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts that are sensitive, diverse, or unprecedented. Such project requires a full EIA.

Category B: A proposed project is classified as Category B if its potential adverse impacts on environment, human population or nature protected areas are less adverse than those of Category A projects. These impacts are site-specific; and in most cases mitigation measures can be designed more readily than for Category A projects.

Category C: A proposed project is classified as Category C if it is likely to have minimal or no adverse environmental impacts. Beyond screening, no further EIA action is required for a Category C projects.

Category FI: It is applied to sub-projects that may result in adverse environmental impacts, when the Bank provides funds through a financial intermediary (FI).

The Belarus Education Modernization Project is classified as Category B.

Annex 4 contains a checklist to assist the PIU, design companies and contractors in identifying the potential level of environmental impact under Category B sub-project. The checklist form includes standard basic questions to consider potential environmental impact from planned activities and classify a sub-project as 'low B' or 'high B'. Checklists for environmental screening shall be submitted to the Bank along with regular project implementation reports.


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Low B projects include works associated with minor environmental issues, e.g. replacement of windows/doors, indoor works etc.; a ESMP-CL is prepared for them (see Sections 3-4, Annex 5).

All sub-projects that include substantial construction works, e.g. roofing repair, facade replacement, arrangement of partitions, also involving load-carrying structures etc.; projects with parallel educational process shall be classified as 'high B' (i.e. a significant number of environmental and social issues); a full ESMP is prepared for them (see Annex 5).


The ESMP specifies environmental, social and economically feasible measures to reduce negative impacts on the environment to an environmentally safe level.

Annex 5 provides a recommended ESMP structure for sub-projects classified as 'high B'. For projects classified as 'low B', a ESMP Checklist is to be developed (see Sections 3-4 of Annex 5).

The procedure for ESMP development, submission, approval and publication is as follows:

1. The designer develops an ESMP/ESMP-CL based on existing EIA and/or EP sections in the design documentation;

2. The ESMP/ESMP-CL is to be agreed upon with the PIU (Investment Projects Implementation Department, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus) which includes a Consultant (Expert) in Safeguard Policies;

3. The ESMP/ESMP-CL is published for access by local stakeholders and is subject to public hearings (it is obligatory that the ESMP shall be subject to public hearings, the ESMP-CL shall be discussed in the formats applicable for the scope of works and facility);

4. The ESMP/ESMP-CL becomes part of the bidding documents and the contractor's obligations under the contract on building and construction works (BCW);


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5. During sub-project implementation, the BCW contractor may adjust/update the ESMP/ESMP-CL to reflect on changed baseline conditions or unforeseen circumstances, subject to consent from the PIU and the Bank.

ESMPs for individual projects are to be developed by a design company as assigned by the Employer and are to be approved by the PIU (Investment Projects Implementation Department, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, [email protected]) which includes a Consultant (Expert) in Safeguard Policies. ESMPs are to be developed based on design documentation, including the EP section and/or EIA section.


An ESMP includes the following sections:

Part 1 includes a descriptive part which characterizes the project, identifies organizational and normative aspects, describes the scope of the sub-project, availability of natural resources, baseline conditions for construction (to define the effect of WB-funded activities) and required construction permits and gives a summary of the public hearings process. The indicative size of this section is up to 4 pages. It is developed on an individual basis with due consideration of the specifics of each construction site. The contractor, design company and PIU are responsible for the development and implementation of this document. It can be supplemented with annexes containing further information, as needed.

Part 2 includes basic aspects to identify potential environmental and social implications; information about activities and potential environmental issues may be given in the simple form of answers 'yes' or 'no'. In case of a positive answer on a question about an activity, a reference can be given to the respective section in the table in subsequent part 3 which clearly specifies environmental and social measures to mitigate impacts.

Part 3 is an environmental action plan to ensure that measures adopted on the basis of part 2 are duly implemented. It has the same format which is required for an ESMP in line with standard safeguards requirements for sub-projects classified as category 'high B'.

Part 4 includes a monitoring plan for the Contractor, authorities and WB experts to monitor the implementation of EP measures and detect, on a timely


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basis, any deviations during reconstruction and retrofitting works. As needed, monitoring reports should be supplemented with graphic materials (photos of baseline conditions, general view of the facility prior to reconstruction works including the adjacent territory, and photos illustrating implemented measures and final work results etc.). The contractor should develop key indicators (having a scope and evaluation scale) to determine the completeness of implementation of negative impact mitigation measures and control the implementation of the ESMP and compliance of the documentation developed.

The structure of Parts 2 and 3 enables to ensure specific implementable environmental and social measures which are understandable to non-experts (e.g.: managers at the Contractor's site) and can be readily checked and implemented. Part 4 is specifically developed to allow monitoring key parameters by simple tools and non-experts.



Pursuant to par. 15 of WB Operational Policy 4.015, the borrower shall hold public hearings on all Category B projects to discuss the project's environmental aspects at the earliest stages; the conduct of public hearings implies access to information and broad public participation at all project consideration stages. To ensure meaningful consultations, the borrower provides relevant material in a timely manner prior to consultation. Pursuant to par. 17 of WB Operational Policy 4.01, public access shall be ensured to reports on Category B projects. These are prerequisites for receiving a WB credit.

For the Belarus Education Modernization Project, public consultation process shall start when the implementation of the Project commences and last until the reconstruction and retrofitting of school buildings is completed. An ESMP shall not be limited to the period of construction works and shall also cover the operation phase under each sub-project. It means that the schools commit to adhere to WB safeguards provisions including stakeholder interaction standards.

As required by WB Operational Policy 4.01, an ESMF, ESMP and ESMP-CL are to be disclosed/provided to public stakeholders prior to any civil works commencement. Besides ensuring participation of stakeholders, public hearings on

5 Internet access mode: https://policies.worldbank.org/sites/ppf3/PPFDocuments/Forms/DispPage.aspx?docid=1565&ver=current


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these documents can help identify possible impact types and environmental issues that were nor earlier reflected in the ESMPs. This will allow to update ESMPs/-CLs and include its final version in the bidding documents for procurements.


ESMPs/ESMP-CLs are to be made by the design companies in charge of design documentation for the groups of schools (it is part of the TOR). After receiving draft ESMPs from design companies, end recipients can initiate the process of public hearings which includes the disclosure of the document, arrangement of communication interaction with stakeholders and conduct of public hearings. At the same time, the bidding commission shall include draft ESMPs/ESMP-CLs in the bidding packages and add a provision specifying that if new information arises out of (may occur in parallel) public hearings for the ESMPs/ESMP-CLs to be updated, such update shall be made contracted companies on a mandatory basis (it is an extremely rare occasion when changes in ESMPs/ESMP-CLs on the basis of public hearings require a significant budget increase which can put bidders at risk). After the successful contractor is selected, the contractor prepares site specific ESMPs/ESMP-CLs with due account of the contractor's equipment, technology, status of the facility etc. This document shall be included in the first monitoring report on the sub-project, and then the PIU is entitled to decide whether this document is in compliance with WB and ESMF requirements, and if differences from draft ESMPs/ESMP-CLs (from the bidding package) are substantial enough to trigger additional public hearings.


The normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus applicable to the conduct of public hearings and international conventions regulating public hearings and environmental assessment procedures as well as information availability for the public are listed below:


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- Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus, 1998; Belarus acceded to the Convention in 2000).

- Resolution No. 458 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 14 June 2016 on Approving the Regulations for the Procedure of Public Hearings on Draft Environmentally Important Decisions, Environmental Reports on Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, Taking Adopted Environmentally Important Decisions into Consideration and Making Changes and Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (specifies the procedure for public hearings on environmentally important decisions in the Republic of Belarus).

The procedure for public hearings in the Republic of Belarus is clearly regulated as to the time for submitting a reporting document, time for a meeting with the public and time for submitting a final document.

The public hearings procedure is specified in detail in the Regulations for the Procedure of Public Hearings on Draft Environmentally Important Decisions, Environmental Reports on Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports and Taking Adopted Environmentally Important Decisions into Consideration approved by Resolution No. 458 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 14 June 2016 (the "Public Hearings Regulations"). The parties responsible for the arrangement of public hearings for each type of draft environmentally important decisions are specified in this document.

According to the Public Hearings Regulations (Article 1, Clause 2), public hearings are mandatory for the following draft environmentally important decisions:

- concepts, programmes, plans and schemes the implementation of which makes an impact on the environment and/or is associated with the use of natural resources, including non-technical amendments thereto (unless specified otherwise, the "draft program documents");

- normative legal documents of the Republic of Belarus (concerning those provisions which aim to regulate relations associated with economic or other activities classified as environmentally hazardous, as defined by the President of the Republic of Belarus or the government body authorized by the President);

- decisions to issue permits to remove plant-life objects and permits to re-plant such objects in cases specified by the laws of the Republic of Belarus on plant life.


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and also for:- environmental reports on strategic environmental assessment ("SEA

environmental reports"), where strategic environmental assessment is to be carried as required by the laws of the Republic of Belarus in the field of state environmental expert assessment, strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment;

- environmental impact assessment reports ("EIA reports"), where environmental impact assessment is to be carried as required by the laws of the Republic of Belarus in the field of state environmental expert assessment, strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment;

According to Clause 4, Article 1 of the Public Hearings Regulations, public hearings shall be organized by:

- for draft program documents: a government body in charge of such decisions or an organization authorized by this body in the legally established procedure (unless specified otherwise, the "government body/organization");

- for draft normative legal acts: a lawmaking initiator that has developed a draft normative legal act (the "lawmaking initiator");

- for draft decisions to issue permits: a local executive and administrative body;

- for SEA environmental reports: local councils of deputies and local executive and administrative bodies of the areas that may be affected by the implementation of national, regional and sectoral strategies, programmes, and urban planning projects, together with a government body which plans to develop draft national, regional and sectoral strategies, programmes, and urban planning projects and with design company's participation;

- for EIA reports: local councils of deputies and local executive and administrative bodies in the areas where an economic or other activity is planned and will affect these areas, together with the initiator of the planned economic or other activity.

The period of public hearings shall not be less than 30 calendar days. Public hearings (a meeting) shall be documented in the form of meeting minutes indicating the number of participants, conclusions and proposals from the commission responsible for the arrangement and conduct of public hearings on the document under consideration/EIA report. A meeting is convened not earlier than 25 calendar days of the commencement date of the public hearings (where a meeting request has been filed).


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Based on the public hearings of the document/EIA report, the initiator of the planned economic or other activity and design companies are to work out a coordinated decision regarding the possibility and feasibility of the planned economic or other activity in the proposed area considering environmental implications and associated socio-economic implications (Clause 50 of the Public Hearings Regulations).

A meeting to discuss a document under consideration/EIA report will not be held, if citizens and legal entities fail to file a meeting request with the respective local executive and administrative body within 10 working days following the publication of the notice on public hearings on an EIA report (Clause 54, Public Hearings Regulations).


According to the Public Hearings Regulations of the Republic of Belarus, this ESMF must not be subject to public hearings as it does not belong to any of the listed environmentally important decisions, i.e. normative legal acts or program documents of the Republic of Belarus. It also does not belong to the categories of EIA report or SEA environmental report. At the same time, according to the cooperation agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the World Bank, this document shall be subjected to public hearings.

From November 21, 2017 to December 22, 2017, the Draft of the Environmental Management Framework was posted on the website of the Ministry of Education, on the websites of the regional education administrations, on the websites of the district education departments for the purpose of disclosure and holding of public hearings.

Based on the results of public hearings, 6 (six) summary minutes of public hearings drawn up upon the submitted (84 eighty four) minutes of the regional departments of education of sport and tourism from Minsk (7 minutes), Gomel (35 minutes), Mogilev (16 minutes), Vitebsk (7 minutes), Grodno (4 minutes) and Brest (15 minutes) regions, the Working Group of the Ministry of Education prepared a final minutes as of December 22, 2017 (enclosed).

The minutes provide evidence that: i) Information on planned activities under the Project was posted on the

websites of local authorities and other sources of local information;


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ii) Public hearings were held with the participation of representatives of local authorities, education and health institutions, as well as representatives of the public, and no substantive comments requiring changes to the proposed Project structure were received;

iii) Agreement was reached on the eligibility of the proposed activities under the Project.


For supervision over the compliance with environmental requirements in the ESMP, the latter shall include a monitoring plan and institutional responsibility for both impact prevention and minimization measures and monitoring (Section 4, Annex 5).

The Ministry of Education will supervise contractors' compliance with their obligations to fully meet ESMF requirements including obligations to prepare monitoring reports on sub-projects. The Ministry of Education may engage an external environmental consultant to fulfill this function.

The PIU will make semi-annual reports to the World Bank on the results of the Ministry's supervision over ESMP performance under sub-projects. Regular project implementation reports shall include information about the status of agreed mitigation activities. Regular project implementation reports shall include Screening Checklists (Annex 4) and updated Implementation Schedule table (Annex 7) for review/revision by Bank Safeguard Specialist.

Representatives of the World Bank will supervise the implementation of the Project.

The ESMF includes mandatory requirements specifying that all ESMPs/ESMP-CLs for selected school buildings shall undergo local public hearings within the time periods prior to submission to the World Bank for approval.

If environmental protection requirements set by design documentation for a sub-project are not fully met, the Ministry of Education will provide recommendations for further action to impose penalties on the recipient of loan funding including termination of financing.


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The most detailed and complete report shall be made at the initial stage and filed with the PIU, after all respective measures are taken (e.g.: containers for separate waste collection are installed, waste chutes are installed to remove waste from higher floors, water supply is arranged through connection to the central water supply system, waste disposal is arranged through a contract with specialized waste operators, workers are instructed on safety rules/emergency rules and the use of PPE etc.).

Further reports may be less detailed and limited to reflecting changes (if any) in the above-mentioned measures (e.g.: changes in the water supply system or waste collection and disposal, accident reports, complaints from local residents etc.).

The final report shall include general outcomes of the sub-project implementation as compared to the baseline conditions (sub-project works completed, no unauthorized waste on the site, no harm to plant life or compensation planting/payments made etc.). An ESMPs and monitoring reports shall include photo reports and graphical material on the works completed: photos of baseline conditions and general view of the site before repair, layouts of the facility under reconstruction/retrofitting, photos of work, photos of final work results etc. The final report is to be filed with the PIU after all works at the facility are completed;


To ensure successful implementation of the ESMF requirements, a series of capacity building activities for various involved parties were undertaken. All these activities are covered by the PIU budget.

In November 2017, in accordance with the implementation schedule, the Project Implementation Unit conducted a seminar on "Purchase of design-and-survey and construction-and-installation works for design and construction objects 2018". Employers of the Belarus Education Modernization Project, representatives of design and construction organizations participated in were invited to the seminar. The World Bank consultant made a presentation on "Description of the process of document development in accordance with the World Bank's safeguard policies in environmental protection".


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The Project Implementation Unit and the seminar participants were informed on the ESMF main provisions, as well as on:

• Environmental Assessment during the screening of the applications;• National and World Bank requirements for the content and quality of

ESMPs and ESMP Checklists;• The requirements of the WB Policy on Access to Information (public

disclosure requirements);Implementers were trained on:• ESMF requirements for environmental screening and assessment;• The content of the ESMPs/ ESMP Checklists;• Sustainable practices in construction management.

In February 2018, a seminar on "Purchase of design-and-survey and construction-and-installation works for design and construction objects 2019" was planned, where participants will be informed on the ESMF requirements and get the necessary explanations from the environmental consultant of the Project Implementation Unit.


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1. Law No. 1982-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 26 November 1992 on Environmental Protection

2. Code No. 149-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 30 April 2014 (Water Code of the Republic of Belarus)

3. Law No. 271-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 24 June 1999 on Drinking Water Supply 4. Law No. 340-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 07 January 2012 on Sanitary and

Epidemiological Well-being 5. Law No. 2-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 16 December 2008 on the Protection of

Atmospheric Air6. Law No. 56-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 12 November 2001 on the Protection of the

Ozone Layer7. Code No. 332-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 24 December 2015 (Forest Code of the

Republic of Belarus)8. Code No. 425-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 23 July 2008 (Land Code of the Republic

of Belarus) 9. Code No. 406-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 14 July 2008 (Subsoil Code of the Republic

of Belarus)10. Law No. 402-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on Changes and Amendments

to Certain Laws of the Republic of Belarus on Matters of Handling Plant-Life Objects11. Law No. 3335-XII of the Republic of Belarus as of 20 October 1994 on Specially Protected

Natural Territories12. Law No. 271-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 20 July 2007 on Waste Treatment 13. Law No. 257-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 10 July 2007 on Animal Life14. Code No. 71-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 29 December 2009 (Tax Code of the

Republic of Belarus, Special Part)15. Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert

Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment16. Order No. 450 of the President of the Republic of Belarus as of 01 September 2010 on

Licensing Certain Types of Activity17. Resolution No. 156 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 17 February

2012 on Approving the Single List of Administrative Procedures Carried out by Government Bodies and Other Organizations with Regard to Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, Making an Addition to Resolution No. 193 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 14 February 2009 and Repealing Certain Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus

18. Order No. 528 of the President of the Republic of Belarus as of 17 November 2011 on Complex Environmental Protection Permits

19. Environmental Protection Strategy of the Republic of Belarus for the Period up to 2025 (endorsed by Decision No. 8-R of the Collegium of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus as of 28 January 2011)


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20. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons Phasing-out Strategy of the Republic of Belarus for the Period up to 2020 (approved by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus on 13 March 2013, No. 06/214-62)

21. Water Strategy of the Republic of Belarus for the Period up to 2020 (endorsed by Decision No. 72-R of the Collegium of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus as of 11 August 2011)

22. National Strategy for Sustainable Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for the Period up to 2020 (endorsed by the National Sustainable Development Commission of the Republic of Belarus (Minutes No. 11/15pr as of 06 May 2004) and by the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (Minutes No. 25 as of 22 June 2004))

23. Resolution No. 25 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus as of 07 June 2013 on Approving the Instructions for the Procedure of Maintaining a Corporate Environmental Passport and Repealing Resolution No. 107 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus as of 1 December 2008

24. Resolution No. 47 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 19 January 2017 on Certain Measures to Implement Law No. 399-Z of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 July 2016 on State Environmental Expert Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment (includes the Regulations for the Procedure of State Environmental Expert Assessment Including Requirements for the Content of Documentation to be Submitted for State Environmental Expert Assessment, a State Environmental Expert Assessment Report and for the Procedure of Its Approval/Cancellation, Special Conditions for Implementing Design Solutions, and Requirements for Specialists Conducting State Environmental Expert Assessment; the Regulations for the Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure, Requirements for the Content of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Requirements for Specialists Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment; and the Regulations for the Procedure of Strategic Environmental Assessment, Requirements for the Content of an Environmental Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment and Requirements for Specialists Conducting Strategic Environmental Assessment)

25. Resolution No. 458 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of 14 June 2016 on Approving the Regulations for the Procedure of Public Hearings on Draft Environmentally Important Decisions, Environmental Reports on Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, Taking Adopted Environmentally Important Decisions into Consideration and Making Changes and Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus

26. STB ISO 14001-2005 — Environmental Management Systems. Requirements with Guidance for Use

27. STB ISO 50001-2013 — Energy Management Systems. Requirements with Guidance for Use

28. STB 1803-2007 — Environmental Protection Services. General Requirements


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29. STB 17.00.00-01-2008 — Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management. System of Standards for Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management. Basic Provisions

30. STB 17.01.00-01-2012 — Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management. Corporate Environmental Passport. Basic Provisions

31. GOST ISO 19011-2013 — Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems (effective since 01 March 2014)

32. TKP 5.1.05-2012 (03220) — National Conformity Assurance System of the Republic of Belarus. Certification of Management Systems. Basic Provisions

33. TKP 5.1.07-2007 (03220) — National Conformity Assurance System of the Republic of Belarus. Ecological Certification. Procedure for Ecological Certification of Environmental Protection Services

34. TKP 5.1.08-2012 (03220) — National Conformity Assurance System of the Republic of Belarus. Conformity Marks. Description and Procedure for Use

35. TKP 5.1.15-2008 (03220) — National Conformity Assurance System of the Republic of Belarus. Ecological Certification. Basic Provisions


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1. The following facilities are subjected to environmental impact assessment during the development of design documentation:

facilities having the basic size of their sanitary protection zone of 300 m or more;

industrial facilities (facilities to be constructed where economic activity is planned in the area of manufacturing associated with the production of means of labour (both for other economic sectors and for industry itself), materials, fuels, energy, further processing of industrial or agricultural products as well as with the production of goods, equipment, machines and mechanisms, and extraction of mineral resources) having no specified basic size of their sanitary protection zone;

nuclear power stations and other nuclear installations (excluding installations and complexes with nuclear reactors for experimental and research use and critical and sub-critical nuclear stands/assemblies with maximal power not exceeding 1 kW under permanent hear load);

installations intended for the production or enrichment of nuclear material or for regeneration of spent nuclear material;

stationary facilities and/or installations intended for storing nuclear materials, spent nuclear materials and/or radioactive operational waste;

facilities where radioactive waste is neutralized, processed, stored and/or buried;

facilities where wastes are stored, used, neutralized and buried;

radio transmitters and television transmitters having radiating microwave antennas (radiation of 10-1-10-2 m or 3 x 109 - 3 Hz);

CHP stations and other installations for burning fuels with installed combined (heat and electricity) power of 100 MW or more;

national automobile roads, railways, airfields and airports with the main runway of 1500 m or more;

main pipeline transport with pipeline diameter of 500 mm or more;


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man-made bodies of water with a surface area exceeding 50 hectares;

facilities to be constructed that are associated with modifying and/or rectifying a river/stream bed and/or encasing a part of a river/stream in a collector or deepening the bed;

facilities for economic or other activity that are planned to be constructed within the boundaries of surface-water facilities, excluding transport, utility and/or defense infrastructure facilities;

dams with a height of 2 m or more and canals, excluding conducting reclamation canals of the second order and up;

ground water intakes with a throughput of 5,000 cubic metres a day or more;

facilities for open-pit extraction of mineral resources (excluding peat) with a surveyed area of mineral deposits of 20 hectares or more;

facilities for underground extraction of mineral resources with a total amount of extracted rock of 250,000 cubic metres per year or more;

facilities for peat extraction;

facilities for extracting petroleum in the amount of 5,000 tonnes a year or more per one borehole;

facilities for extracting natural gas in the amount of 2 million cubic metres a year or more;

installations for gasifying and liquefying coal and bituminous slates with a throughput of 500 tonnes a day or more;

warehouses for storing petroleum and/or petrochemical products in the amount of 50,000 cubic metres or more and chemical products with a capacity of 1 tonne and more;

underground gas storage facilities;

facilities for cellulose and/or wood mass production facilities with a design capacity of 100,000 tonnes a year or more and for paper and/or cardboard production with a design capacity of 20,000 tonnes a day or more;

glass production facilities;

facilities for producing steel-making iron and steel (primary or secondary melting) including uninterrupted cast with a throughput of 2.5 tonnes per hour or more;

facilities for hot rolling of ferrous metals with an output of 20 tonnes of crude steel per hour or more;

facilities for casting of ferrous metals with an output of 20 tonnes per hour or more;


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facilities for smelting, including alloying, of non-ferrous metals including recuperated products (including refining, founding and other) with a smelting capacity of 4 tones a day or more for lead and cadmium or 20 tonnes a day or more for all other metals;

facilities for producing wooden chipboard and fibreboard using synthetic resins as a binder;

facilities for economic and other activities (excluding residential houses, public buildings and installations, utility infrastructure systems and territorial beautification systems in settlements located within the boundaries of nature reserves, national parks and animal sanctuaries) that are planned to be constructed:

in areas specified under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat signed in Ramsar on 2 February 1971 and within 2 kilometres from their boundaries;

within the boundaries of specially protected natural territories, their protective zones and territories reserved for being declared as specially protected natural territories;

within the boundaries of wild animal habitats and habitats for wild plants belonging to species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus;

within the boundaries of typical and rare natural landscapes and biotopes the protection of which is vested in users of land lots and water facilities;

facilities for economic or other activities that are planned to be constructed in areas of protection for immovable material historically and culturally valuable objects;

facilities for economic or other activities that are planned to be constructed on wetlands adjacent to the state border of the Republic of Belarus or in areas from which an impact can be made on these wetlands;

reclamation systems with a design area of 10 square kilometres or more;

Overhead power lines with a voltage of 220 kV or more and a length of 15 km or more;

facilities for economic and other activities that are planned to be constructed in resort areas, if they do not meet the functional purpose of these areas.

2. An environmental impact assessment is also made with regard to other facilities specified in legal acts and international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.


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02 TO SNB 1.03.02-961 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................

2 Normative references ......................................................................................................................

3 Definitions and abbreviations .........................................................................................................

4 General provisions ..........................................................................................................................

5 General requirements for the development of the EP section ........................................................

6 Development of the subsection: General Part.................................................................................

7 Development of the subsection: Technology Solutions .................................................................

8 Development of the subsection: Protection of Atmospheric Air from Pollution............................

9 Development of the subsection: Protection of Surface and Ground Waters from Pollution

and Depletion ................................................................................................................................

10 Development of the subsection: Protection of the Environment from Pollution

by Industrial Waste, Utility Wastes and Solid Household Wastes.................................................

11 Development of the subsections: Protection and Rational Use of Land Resources;

Protection and Transformation of Landscape; Protection and Rational Use of the Subsoil;

Soil Protection; Land Lot Restoration (Recultivation) ...................................................................

12 Development of the subsection: Vegetation Protection..................................................................

13 Development of the subsection: Animal Life Protection................................................................

Annex A Bibliography ..........................................................................................................

Annex B List of basic primary data and technical specifications required . . .to develop the EP section and documents enclosed therewith for submitting the design for environmental expert assessment

Annex C General list of drawings to be enclosed with the EP section ................................

Annex D Example of the content (composition) of the EP section for facilities in buildings for various ....................................................................................intended purpose (forms)

Annex E Forms of tables to be enclosed with the EP section...............................................

Annex F List of basic methodological documents for calculating releases

(emissions) of pollutants into atmospheric air ......................................................

Annex G List of existing software products for calculating pollution of the

atmosphere ...........................................................................................................

Annex H Form of the terms of reference for the development of land lot recultivation.......


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Checklist for filling in and keeping in the documentation. It is used to classify sub-projects as 'high B' or 'low B'

CRITERIA YES NO Comments by PIU Consultant for

Engineering and Technical


Proposed sub-project

Is design documentation planned to be developed within this sub-project?

Will the planned economic activity be located within or near protected natural territories/objects or territories/objects which are under consideration by the MOE for receiving the official status of protected object?

Can the works under this sub-project have a potential impact on areas that are important for local or national cultural heritage?

Have residents of the rayon/oblast or public associations expressed concerns or clear opposition with regard to environmental aspects of the planned economic activity?

Is the vegetation cover planned to be disrupted during the reconstruction and retrofitting of the facility?

Are the soil, lands and landscapes planned to be disrupted during the reconstruction and retrofitting of the facility?

Will the planned economic activity induce an increased level of noise, ionizing radiation and vibration which will require the arrangement of noise, vibration and radiation management as required by the laws of the Republic of Belarus?

Will the level of noise make an impact on school students and staff or on facilities located close by (natural habitats, hospitals and medical institutions, social welfare centers)?

Will measures be taken to reduce atmospheric air pollution during the performance of construction works?

Is it planned to arrange and timely service biotoilets at the construction site?

Is it planned to use hazardous materials and/or substances in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus during the performance of reconstruction and retrofitting works, which: require special permits or licenses require licenses or trained personnel


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are prohibited in the EU are subject to handling requirements in accordance

with the laws of the Republic of Belarus can cause soil and water pollution in case no adequate

management measures are taken

Will a system be arranged to handle construction waste and solid utility waste during the performance of construction works?

Will an emergency management plan be developed?

This Form is filled in by (Employer and/or Contractor):




Company seal:

This form is reviewed by (PIU Consultant for Engineering and Technical Monitoring):





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Part 1. General Sub-project Information


Part 2. Checklist to identify the scope of assessment and application of safeguard



Part 3. Impact mitigation measures.


Part 4. Monitoring plan.




Project Title

Sub-project area and




(Name and contacts)

World Bank

(Project Team




Rayon Education Department



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(Name and contacts)



Local Supervision

(Rayon Education






Name of facility

Describe the location Annex 1: Site map

[ ]Yes [ ]No

Who is the land lot


Describe the

geographical, physical,

biological, geological,

hydro-graphical and

socio-economic context

Indicative need for

feedstock and materials

for construction


Identify national and

regional legal

framework and permits

applicable to the project


Identify when / where

the public hearings took



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Will the site



the following


Activity/issue Status Measures applied

A. General reconstruction and construction activities [ ]Yes [ ]No If yes, see Section A below

B. Impact on surface and ground waters [ ]Yes [ ]No If yes, see Section A below

C. Buildings belonging to historical and cultural heritage and


[ ]Yes [ ]No If yes, see Section B below

D. Land lot acquisition6 [ ]Yes [ ]No If yes, see Section C below

E. Hazardous or toxic materials7 and wastes [ ]Yes [ ]No If yes, see Section D below

F. Conservation of forests, wetlands and/or protected natural


[ ]Yes [ ]No If yes, see Section E below

G. Risk of unexploded ordnance [ ]Yes [ ]No If yes, see Section F below

H. Traffic and pedestrian safety [ ]Yes [ ]No If yes, see Section G below


6 Land lot acquisition requires the provision of a Land Lot Selection Certificate in accordance with Order No. 667 of the President of the Republic of Belarus on the Withdrawal and Provision of Land Lots. 7 Toxic and hazardous materials inter alia include asbestos, toxic paints, harmful solvents, removal of lead-based paint etc.


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0. General


Notification and

worker safety

(a) Local architecture and construction departments and regional bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental

Protection have been notified of upcoming activities.

(b) The public has been notified of the upcoming works through appropriate notification in the media and/or at publicly accessible

sites (including the site of the works).

(c) All legally required permits to perform construction/repair works have been acquired.

(d) The Contractor has formally consented that all works will be carried out in compliance with construction safety measures and

construction rules to maximally minimize negative impacts on the health of neighboring residents and the environment.

(e) Workers' personal protective equipment will comply with international standards (there will always be used construction

helmets and, where required, respirators and protective glasses, fall arrest mechanisms and special footwear)

(f) Appropriate signposting of the sites will inform workers of key rules and regulations to follow.

A. General





Atmospheric air


(a) Dust management measures are taken during earthworks, e.g.: water spraying and topsoil watering.

(b) Construction waste, excavated earth and aggregates are kept at controlled temporary storage sites with regular watering and

dust control.

(c) During pneumatic drilling or removal of road surface layer or base, dust should be suppressed by ongoing water spraying

and/or installing on-site dust screen enclosures.

(d) Pavements and roads around the site are kept free of dust and construction waste to reduce dust.

(e) All machinery shall undergo timely maintenance at service stations with regard to CO emissions and smoke; construction

equipment engine idling on site is not allowed.


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Noise (a) Construction works shall be performed exclusively during working hours specified in the permit.

(b) During operations the engine covers of generators, air compressors and other powered equipment should be closed, and

equipment placed as far away from residential areas as possible.

Water quality (a) Anti-erosion and anti-slump measures shall be taken, in particular, the construction site shall be banked; a rainwater

sewerage can be built, or earth stabilization can be done to prevent the slumped soil from moving beyond the construction

site boundaries.



(a) Collection sites and facilities to use, neutralize and bury wastes shall be specified for all basic wastes expected to be

generated during the works to remove fertile topsoil, dismantling works and construction works.

(b) Construction wastes will be separated from municipal wastes through their collection in different containers.

(c) Construction waste will be collected and forwarded to special facilities for further use and neutralization in line with the

Register of Waste Processing Operators in the Republic of Belarus.

(d) Waste management records will be maintained to prove appropriate waste management.


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B. Impact on

surface and

ground waters

Water quality (a) No uncontrolled ground water intake and no uncontrolled discharge of cement solutions or other polluted waters into soil or

nearby surface waters will be done. The Contractor will receive necessary permits for water use and waste water disposal.

(b) The site shall be equipped with sewerage systems and measures shall be taken to prevent pollution, blocking or other

negative impact that construction works can make on natural ecosystems.

(c) Measures shall be taken to prevent spillage of fuels, lubricants and other toxic or hazardous substances.

(d) Construction vehicles and machinery shall only be washed at specially designated areas, and polluted waste waters shall be

prevented from getting into surface waters.


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C. Buildings belonging to

historical and cultural

heritage and artifacts

Cultural heritage (a) If construction works are performed near a historic building or in a historic area, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of

Belarus shall be notified, and all necessary permit shall be obtained from local authorities, and all construction works shall

be planned and performed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus.

(b) All necessary rules and requirements shall be met to ensure that artifacts or other possible 'chance finds' discovered during

earthworks or construction works are inventoried and put on the register, the responsible persons are informed, and all

works are suspended or their schedules are changed, depending on the finds' nature.

D. Land lot acquisition Land lot acquisition


(a) If no extension of the school territory has been planned but such necessity arises, advice shall be promptly sought from the

Project Implementation Team of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

(b) An approved Land Lot Selection Certificate will be implemented to locate the facility (if the design so requires).

E. Hazardous or toxic

materials and wastes

Asbestos handling(a) If works at the site involve asbestos, it shall be clearly marked as hazardous material.

(b) All asbestos-containing wastes (corrugated asbestos board etc.) shall be forwarded to waste processing operators.

Management of hazardous

substances and wastes

(a) Temporary on-site storage of all hazardous or toxic substances and wastes belonging to hazard classes 1 and 2 will be

arranged in separate rooms in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus (mercury-containing wastes, intact

spent lead batteries with electrolyte inside, cell batteries etc.), including restricted access and marking affixed.

(b) The hazardous waste management procedures shall be specified in the waste management manual.

(c) Wastes shall be transported in accordance with legal requirements applicable in the Republic of Belarus to the

transportation of hazardous wastes.

(d) Paints or solvents with toxic ingredients or lead-based paints will not be used.


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F. Conservation of forests,

wetlands and/or protected

natural territories

Ecosystem protection (a) All natural ecosystems, wetlands and protected territories located in the immediate vicinity of the construction site will not

be disturbed or used.

(b) Large trees in the immediate vicinity of construction works shall be inspected and inventoried. Large trees shall be marked

and fenced for protection, their root systems shall be protected and any damage to the trees shall be prevented.

(c) Protection measures should be taken regarding nearby wetlands to avoid erosion and fallout, including, e.g. construction

site banking.

(d) It is prohibited to arrange borrow pits or storage sites or keep waste without authorization in adjacent areas, especially in

unprotected areas.

(e) It is prohibited to damage or use natural ecosystems, wetlands and protected territories located in the immediate vicinity of

the construction site.

G. Risk of unexploded


Hazard for human health

and safety

(a) Prior to any earthworks, the Contractor shall make sure that the construction site has been inspected for the availability of

unexploded ordinance.

H. Safety of public

transport and pedestrians

Direct or indirect hazards to

public traffic and

pedestrians by construction


(a) In line with national legal requirements, the contractor guarantees that the construction site will be fenced and that the

construction works will be clearly regulated at the site.

Visible warning signs shall be posted for the public and public transport to notify of all potentially hazardous works.

A traffic management system and personnel training shall be arranged, especially about the access to the site and

heavy traffic in the vicinity. Safe passages and crossings for pedestrians will be provided in the locations of public

traffic and construction machinery traffic.

Working hours shall be corrected depending on local traffic, e.g. to avoid heavy traffic in rush hours or livestock

driving hours.

Where needed, traffic management shall be carried out at the site to ensure safe passage of people.

Safe and uninterrupted access for the public to nearby offices, sales outlets and residential houses shall be maintained


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during construction works.


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What will be monitored?

Which parameter will be controlled?

Where is the monitoring expected to take place?

Specify the monitoring location

for each selected parameter

How will the monitoring be performed?

How will measurements be done?

When is the monitoring expected to take place?

At which intervals or ongoing?

Who will perform the monitoring?

Specify persons responsible for the monitoring for each parameter

Monitoring cost

Specify expenses associated with the monitoring, unless they are included

in the project budget

Design stage






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of the Meeting of the Working Group on the evaluation of the results of public hearings of the procedures and mechanisms to ensure compliance with environmental safety measures during the implementation of the Belarus Education Modernization Project, outlined in the Framework Document for Environmental Protection with amendments and updates in accordance with the recommendations of the World Bank, based on the results of the visit on April 18-19, 2017 (hereinafter the Project).

Minsk December 22, 2017

The Group consisting of:

1. Rudy Sergey Valentinovich

2. Kazak Aleksandr Konstantinovich

3. Vashkevich Svetlana Stepanovna

4. Stelmashonok Oleg Vladimirovich

5. Shalukho Dmitry Grigorievich

6. Misyuchenko Viktoria Mecheslavovna

reviewed six (6) furnished summary minutes of public discussions with comments and proposals of the working group members drawn up on the basis of the 84 (eighty-four) minutes of the regional departments of education of sport and tourism from Minsk (7 minutes), Gomel (35 minutes), Mogilev (16 minutes), Vitebsk (7 minutes), Grodno (4 minutes) and Brest (15 minutes) and decided to take them into account during implementation of the Belarus Education Modernization Project.

The minutes provide evidence that:

i) Information on planned activities under the Project was published on the websites of local governments and other sources of local information;


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ii) Public discussions were held with the participation of representatives of local governments, education and health institutions, as well as representatives of the public, and no substantive comments requiring changes to the proposed Project structure were received;

iii) Agreement was reached on the eligibility of the proposed activities under the Project.

We propose to submit the completed version of the Framework Document for Environmental Protection for the implementation of the Belarus Education Modernization Project to the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development for publication on the website.

Deputy Minister S.V. Rudy


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