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21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Civil Drafting Engineering and Technical Cluster

Drafting Concentration

Title: Civil Drafting (WEVIS 1723)

Standard Number:ET.S.CIV.1

Maps and Construction Students will utilize civil drawing techniques and proper cartography to develop accurate maps and construction drawings.


What techniques are required to create accurate maps and construction drawings?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ET.O.CIV.1.1 examine common mapping concepts

including earth directions, latitude, longitude, and relationship to sea level.

Find the latitude, longitude, and elevation of a given point using a US GS 7.5 minute quad map.

ET.O.CIV.1.2 convert azimuth to bearings and reverse. Meridian-north /south line Magnetic True Grid Astronomic Assumed

Azimuth In plane surveying, a horizontal angle measured

clockwise from north meridian to the direction of an object or fixed point.


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Bearings In surveying, the horizontal angle between a line

and a reference meridian adjacent to the quadrant in which the line lies.

ET.O.CIV.1.3 plot traverses, contours, and profiles. Traverse Series of connected lines whose direction and

length are knownContours

Two dimensional representation of the surface of the earth

Profiles Shows what the plan would look like of a giant


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knife sliced through the centerline and the project were turned on its side such as pipelines, roads, and sewer lines.

ET.O.CIV.1.4 draw and/or plot land from legal descriptions.

Using bearings and distances, plot property boundariesdescribed on a deed obtained from the local courthouse.

ET.O.CIV.1.5 write legal descriptions from data. Using property map and survey data, write a legal description of property.

ET.O.CIV.1.6 examine structural design of weight supports for bridges, towers, and roads.

Use West Point Bridge Design for structural designhttp://bridgecontest.usma.edu/

Standard Number: ET.S.CIV.2

Utilizing Survey Data Students will utilize CAD software to create drawings from field notes.


How is survey information converted into a CAD drawing?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ET.O.CIV.2.1 examine field surveying data and its

applications to site/plot plan.Visit www.wvgis.wvu.edu for maps and information

ET.O.CIV.2.2 create a model using surveying data. Construct a 3D model of a contour mapStandard Number: ET.S.CIV.3

Student Organization Participation Students will participate in a local student organization.


How can a student organization better prepare me to work in a global society?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ET.O.CIV.3.1 assess the purpose and goals of student

organizations.Encourage formation of a school chapter in local student organization such as Skills, USA and/or TSA.

ET.O.CIV.3.2 demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings, programs, projects and competitions.

Encourage membership in local student organization such as Skills, USA and/or TSA.

ET.O.CIV.3.3 evaluate the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student, professional and civic organizations as an adult.

Encourage attendance and competition at local, state, and national Skills, USA and/or TSA conferences.

21st Century Skills Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity

Evidence of Success

Information and 21C.O.9- Student recognizes Student accesses various Students produce a


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Communication Skills:

12.1.LS1 information needed for problem solving, can efficiently browse, search and navigate online to access relevant information, evaluates information based on credibility, social, economic, political and/or ethical issues, and presents findings clearly and persuasively using a range of technology tools and media.

search engines utilizing advanced search parameters to obtain information to solve problem.Engineering related or professional organization sites offer more ‘industry reliant’ information.

Students should not rely on sites which do not contain verified information i.e. Wikipedia

Verify information by checking numerous sources.

presentation with hyperlinks and cited sources which outlines information utilized to solve a problem


Student analyzes and interprets visuals and recognizes the impact digital media influences (e.g. design, technique, and rate of speed) have on audiences. The student’s visual products reflect a sophisticated understanding of subject, digital media and design techniques.

Setup a demonstration by showing the students a manual drawing of the outline of a shape and a printed copy of an electronic copy of the same object which has been revolved into a 3d object. Ask students which is the most complicated drawing; which drawing they believe required the most time to create and which is most interesting.Teacher demonstrates manual drawing method of creating the outline of

Student contrasts the audience appeal of digital data and compares the time utilized to create a seemingly simple design as opposed to an apparently complex design.


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an object then contrasts by creating the same outline in CAD, using the revolve command to construct a 3d object which can then be placed in an orbit(More complex CAD object should be created in much less time)


Student creates information using advanced skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation and shares this information through a variety of oral, written and multimedia communications that target academic, professional and technical audiences and purposes.

Students work as a team on a project which requires identifying a design problem or need in their school or community, researching possible solutions, analyzing data, determining solutions, developing drawings and presenting ideas to appropriate responsible parties for consideration

Completed oral presentation utilizing digital media and written documentation tracking project progress


Student makes informed choices among available advanced technology systems, resources and services (e.g., global positioning software, graphing calculators, personal digital assistants, web casting, online collaboration tools) for completing curriculum assignments and projects and for managing and communicating

Students are assigned a project which requires collaboration of all team members. Students are to determine the most efficient tools available which will allow them to communicate and share information

Students will participate in a geocaching team competition by using a

Selection of best resource

Students locate objects using GPS


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personal/professional information.

GPS device to locate objects


Student routinely applies keyboarding skills, keyboarding shortcut techniques, and mouse skills with facility, speed and accuracy.

Students will utilize computer software on a routine basis to complete assignments.

Completed assignments


Student uses advanced utilities (e.g., zipping or compressing files, file level anti-virus scans), converts files to different formats (e.g., .doc, .xls, .mdb, .htm, .pdf) and saves finished products to multiple media sources (e.g., CDRW, DVDR, USB drives, shared folders, web-based file storage).

Students are to download and save a shareware program of their choice to a USB drive and then extract it on a different computer for use

Students are to export a CAD drawing to a format which can be used by a Microsoft Office program. The file is to be burned onto a CDRW, passed to another student and inserted in a Microsoft Office program

Students are to take a digital image and upload it to a shared folder. All digital images are then inserted into a drawing

Use program

Successful completion of Powerpoint or Word project which includes exported drawing file

Plot drawing with images


Student uses audio, video, pictures, clip art, moviemaker programs, webpage design software, electronic

Students are to design continuously playing electronic presentation which highlights the

Use of presentation for Open House or Introduction of Course to Upcoming Students


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documents and other files to collaborate for the creation of electronic products that inform multiple audiences both inside and outside the school environment.

drafting courses using sample drawings assignments, electronic syllabus, images of students working in the classroom and an appropriate audio selection playing in the background


Student uses advanced features of word processing software (e.g., outline, table of contents, index feature, draw tool, headers and footers, track changes, macros, hyperlinks to other file formats, etc.).

Create a bill of material using Word and insert it into a CAD program.

Modify contents of document in either program to demonstrate OLE functions (object linking and embedding)


Student uses advanced features and utilities of spreadsheet software, (e.g., formulas, filters, pivot tables, pivot charts, macros, conditional formatting), to perform calculations and to organize, analyze and report data.

Create an Excel spreadsheet which lists the material, quantity and cost of materials or tools in the drafting room. Insert formulas which calculate the total cost by multiplying the quantity by the cost of each item. Insert formula which calculates the sales tax which would be added

Correct total cost of drafting materials or tools


Student uses advanced features and utilities of presentation software (e.g., slide transitions, master slides, narrations and timings, creating web-enabled presentations, creating a non-

Students are to design continuously playing electronic presentation which highlights the drafting courses using sample drawings assignments, electronic

Use of presentation for Open House or Introduction of Course to Upcoming Students


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linear presentation) to communicate ideas to multiple audiences.

syllabus, images of students working in the classroom and an appropriate audio selection playing in the background


Student uses advanced features and utilities of database software (e.g., to create tables, forms, perform table relationships, advanced queries, and simple reports) to test hypotheses or research questions and to report results.

Utilize fields in a CAD table to extract information from the software databaseSample fields could be date, drawing file name, drawing time, etc.

Table with completed fields


Student uses advanced telecommunication tools (e.g., email, video conferencing, interactive websites, newsgroups, video phones, chats) to create collaborative projects that are relevant to real world situations and contribute to the communication process among various groups.

Students to go to the Autodesk website or other applicable website, submit a question to a forum and forward the answer via email to a fellow student and instructor

Receipt of email


Student implements various Internet search techniques (e.g., Boolean searches, meta-searches, web bots) to gather information; student evaluates the information for validity, appropriateness, content, bias, currency, and usefulness.

Student accesses various search engines utilizing advanced search parameters to obtain information to solve problem.Engineering related or professional organization sites offer more ‘industry reliant’ information.

Students produce a presentation with hyperlinks and cited sources which outlines information utilized to solve a problem


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Students should not rely on sites which do not contain verified information i.e. WikipediaVerify information by checking numerous sources.

Thinking and Reasoning Skills:


Student engages in a critical thinking process that supports synthesis and conducts evaluation using complex criteria.

Students are to work in teams to sketch a design for a rock sorting machine which sorts rocks by size and places them in storage based on size.Students will copy sketches onto transparency sheets and utilize an overhead projector to present design concept to class

Students are to identify what knowledge or past experience they utilized to create the design(rock sorting machine project is similar to a coin sorting machine)


Student draws conclusions from a variety of data sources to analyze and interpret systems.

Student researches their dream CAD station, determines components, price of workstation, and availability

Student submits specifications and price of workstation


Student visualizes the connection between seemingly unrelated ideas and independently produces solutions that are fresh, unique, original and well developed. Student shows capacity for originality, concentration, commitment to completion, and persistence to develop unique and cogent

Students are given a list of piping materials such as: 50 feet of pipe, 2 valves, 6-90 degree elbows and 1 tee. Students are to use the items to develop various designs for a run of piping between a pump and a vessel.Students to evaluate

Students accomplish design utilizing available materials


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products. most feasible design.21C.O.9-12.2.TT1

Student knows how to find information necessary to solve advanced problems related to hardware, software, networks, and connections (e.g., by accessing online help, Internet searches, technical documentation, system utilities, and communication with technical experts).

Assign group of students an unfamiliar task such as: performing a function in CAD, setting up a printer, determining why they have lost their network connectivity, or changing the paper in the plotter

Students access “Help” in software programStudents poll their peers for helpStudents troubleshoot the problem by tracing back the process and testing componentsStudents read technical manual or equipment manualStudents locate a local resource with technical expertise.Students search on web


Student collaborates with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works.

Go to AUGI.com (Autodesk Users’ Group International); join a forum group; monitor questions and post a comment to answer question.

Students provide answer to a question from a peer in the global community


Student uses multiple electronic sources of information and multiple technology tools and resource tools (e.g., digital cameras, graphing calculators, probes, mp3 players, handheld devices, other emerging technologies, simulations, models, browsers, word processing, authoring tools, spreadsheets, databases) to

Students work as a group to reroute a run of piping. Students will use a digital camera to document present location of pipeline.Students will sketch & dimension proposed new location and scan sketch into a digital format.Students will create a folder on the server for

Drawings which indicate the new location of the pipeline


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collaborate with others, to formulate a hypothesis, to solve problems, make decisions, and present and justify the solutions.

their project & place digital image, sketches & other project related data in folder.Students are to use Excel to calculate cost of new piping & time involved in the project.Students will model new run of piping in CAD program.


Student uses technology tools and multiple media sources to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement a process to assess the information, and chart and evaluate progress toward the solution.

Personal and Workplace Skills:


Student remains composed and focused, even under stress, willingly aligns his/her personal goals to the goals of others when appropriate, approaches conflict from win-win perspective, and derives personal satisfaction from achieving group goals.

Assign a group activity in which a student is selected as the project manager and must produce a preliminary design in an unrealistic time period.Video tape each group.Using team member evaluation forms, have each tearm member evaluate the team leader and the team leader each team member

Students compare the evaluations with the information recorded on the video.


Student independently considers multiple perspectives and can

Assign students complex topics to present as student teachers to the

Student professionally presented topic by various methods attaining universal


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represent a problem in more than one way, quickly and calmly changes focus and goals as the situation requires, and actively seeks innovations (e.g. technology) that will enhance his/her work.

class. Instruct students to utilize any technology or method needed.

Teacher is to challenge student to utilize multiple presentation methods to overcome the teacher’s implied lack of understanding of the topic presented.



Student demonstrates ownership of his/her learning by setting goals, monitoring and adjusting performance, extending learning, using what he/she has learned to adapt to new situations, and displaying perseverance and commitment to continued learning.

Students are to engage in individualized, self-paced learning by working through a tutorial of a new piece of software

Student acquires knowledge and skill required by effectively resolving difficulties gaining confidence to attempt similar task


Student demonstrates ethical behavior and works responsibly and collaboratively with others in the context of the school and the larger community, and he/she demonstrates civic responsibility through engagement in public discourse and participation in service learning.

Present scenarios which require choices involving personal ethics and work ethics

Students debate what is the ethically correct course of action.

Students display ethical, responsible behavior


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Student exhibits positive leadership through interpersonal and problem-solving skills that contribute to achieving the goal. He/she helps others stay focused, distributes tasks and responsibilities effectively, and monitors group progress toward the goal without undermining the efforts of others.

Students will participate in SkillsUSA or TSA and become a chapter or state officer or serve as chairpersons of committees. Students will work cooperatively in the classroom taking leadership roles.

SkillsUSA or TSA meeting minutes

Class work


Student maintains a strong focus on the larger project goal and frames appropriate questions and planning processes around goal. Prior to beginning work, student reflects upon possible courses of action and their likely consequences; sets objectives related to the larger goal; and establishes benchmarks for monitoring progress. While working on the project, student adjusts time and resources to allow for completion of a quality product.

Student selects a project of at least a month in duration, determines scope of work and projects schedule timeline using project management software or a spreadsheet. The student sets intervals to evaluate progress.

Student completes project and reports on adjustments which were required to meet the project deadline


Student protects software, hardware and network resources from viruses, vandalism, and unauthorized use and employs proper techniques to access, use and shut down technology

Student signs usage agreement

Student demonstrates proper use


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Student works collaboratively to acquire information from electronic resources, conducts online research, and evaluates information as to validity, appropriateness, usefulness, comprehensiveness and bias.

Working as a team, students are to research a term utilized in their course; determine which sources provide applicable information for the word as it is used in drafting courses

Students to copy & paste the URL for the most valuable source and the least applicable source in an electronic document and print it


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Student evaluates current trends in information technology, discusses the potential social, ethical, political, and economic impact of these technologies, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of widespread use and reliance on technology in the workplace and society.


Student adheres to acceptable use policy and displays ethical behaviors related to acceptable use of information and communication technology (e.g., privacy, security, copyright, file-sharing, plagiarism); student predicts the possible cost and effects of unethical use of technology (e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion, spamming, virus settling, hacking) on culture and society; student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems.

Students will sign and adhere to a school-wide acceptable use policy.

Ethical use of technology


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Student models ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, computer etiquette, passwords and personal information and demonstrates an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multi-media presentations. Student advocates for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information.

Students will sign and adhere to a school-wide acceptable use policy.

Students will research the cost to companies and individuals of ‘stolen’ data and the legal consequences of obtaining and utilizing illegally acquired materials

Ethical use of technology and information in their academic and personal experiences


Student evaluates and applies technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving, content learning, decision making, and lifelong learning.

Student researches their dream CAD station, determines components, price of workstation, and availability

Student submits specifications and price of workstation


Student protects his/her identity online and in email and/or websites, limits the distribution of personal information/pictures, and evaluates the authenticity of emails that solicit personal information. Student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems.

Students to remove any data which is publicly accessible that might allow identity theft to occur

Search student’s name and report information found


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Student uses technology to seek strategies and information to address limits in their own knowledge.

Students utilize web search engines to locate information

Student successfully locates needed information

Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity

Evidence of Success

Entrepreneurial Skills:

Student understands the personal traits/behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance.

Students take available on-line quizzes to learn their entrepreneurial aptitudes such as: http://www.bizmove.com/other/quiz.htm

Results from self-quizzes

Student understands concepts and procedures needed for basic computer operations.

Students will utilize computer software and hardware to complete assignments.

Completed assignments

Student understands concepts and strategies needed for career exploration, development and growth.

Students will interview draftspersons to learn how their career paths developed.


Culminating Assessment:Culminating Assessment:

End of Concentration Performance Evaluation

Students will participate in TSA’s competitive events: Architectural Model, Computer aided Design 2D, Architecture and Computer Aided Design Animation, Architecture, Technical Sketching and Application, Leadership Development Contests: Career Comparisons, Written and Oral Chapter Team, Extemporaneous Presentation, and Prepared Presentation

Students will participate in SkillsUSA’s competitive events: Architectural Drafting, Leadership Development Contests: Action Skills, American Spirit, Chapter Business Procedure, Chapter Display, Community Service, Extemporaneous Speaking, Job Interview, Job skill Demonstration A, Job Skill Demonstration B, Occupational Health and Safety, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Outstanding Chapter, Prepared Speech, Promotional Bulletin Board, and Quiz Bowl


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Links and Other ResourcesLinks and Other Resources:

Related Websites:

Process Pipe Drafting, Shumaker, Terence M., The Goodheart- Willcox Company, Inc., Tinley Park, IL, ISBN # 1-59070-247-6

'The Piping Guide' 2nd Ed 1991 (CD format)www.pipingguide.com

PVC Marshmallow Shooter Projecthttp://www.stewmuse.com/MarshmallowWar.html

Chemical Resistance Guide Charthttp://www.nibco.com/assets/ChemGuide.pdfhttp://www.roymech.co.uk/Useful_Tables/Corrosion/Cor_piping.html

Pipe Diameter Referencehttp://www.engineeringtoolbox.com

Google Sketchup for pipinghttp://sketchup.engineeringtoolbox.com/pipes-tubes-to_4.html

Piping Centralhttp://www.pipingdesign.com/

View Pipe Fittings & Useshttp://www.thepipefittings.com

Pathways to Successhttp://careertech.k12.wv.us/pathwaystosuccess/

U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Centuryhttp://www.dol.gov/

Advanced Distributed Learning


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America's Career InfoNetwww.acinet.org

America's Job Bankwww.ajb.org

America's Service Locatorwww.servicelocator.org


Employment & Training Administrationwww.doleta.gov

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)http://www.jan.wvu.edu

Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archiveshttp://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force

Occupational Information Networkwww.doleta.gov/programs/onet

Office of Disability Employment Policywww.dol.gov/odep

Career Voyageshttp://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm

Workforce West Virginiahttps://www.workforcewv.org/

West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE)http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm

West Virginia Career and Technical Education


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ContactsContacts: CTE Teachers: See CTE Directory

Cluster Coordinator: Kathy Gillman, [email protected] OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson