Volunteer Newsletter October 2020 Hello Everyone You’ll remember we stopped publishing the Volunteer Newsletter last summer after a good run as we no longer felt it was an effective enough communication tool. Not true really I just wanted a rest! Well what a difference a year makes! So here we are again sharing news and views and snippets of information. This is especially important as we are unable to hold our usual monthly drop in’s at the Hippodrome and the Forum Music Centre. I’m not planning to publish one every month but there will definitely be a Christmas edition. Goodness me did I just use the C word!!! If you want to contribute just e mail me on: [email protected] Remember the volunteer website is: darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk If you need any help with access to it or indeed anything else please let us know. Enjoy the read. Heather Carter, Volunteer Co-ordinator What Have We Been Doing? Cornerstone Arts Café Cornerstone Arts, took over the Marks and Spencer building at the beginning of the year hoping to open it as an Arts Centre in time for the Arts Festival in May. Due to Covid it opened instead over the August Bank Holiday weekend and we had volunteers supporting them over the four days giving a total of 88.5 hours. The volunteers staffed the front desk, acted as stewards for the films and live performances, directed and engaged with the public, promoted the stalls and helped out with the refreshments. There were mixed reactions from the Volunteers who helped out. Most welcomed the idea of 1

€¦  · Web view2020. 12. 8. · Runaway Samba. from 2.30pm . Eternal Taal - Indian Dhol Drummers and Bangla dancers. from 7.30 pm. Madeleine was there and saw the Origin Moko

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Volunteer Newsletter

October 2020

Hello Everyone

You’ll remember we stopped publishing the Volunteer Newsletter last summer after a good run as we no longer felt it was an effective enough communication tool. Not true really I just wanted a rest! Well what a difference a year makes! So here we are again sharing news and views and snippets of information. This is especially important as we are unable to hold our usual monthly drop in’s at the Hippodrome and the Forum Music Centre. I’m not planning to publish one every month but there will definitely be a Christmas edition. Goodness me did I just use the C word!!!

If you want to contribute just e mail me on: [email protected]

Remember the volunteer website is: darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk

If you need any help with access to it or indeed anything else please let us know. Enjoy the read. Heather Carter, Volunteer Co-ordinator

What Have We Been Doing?

Cornerstone Arts Café

Cornerstone Arts, took over the Marks and Spencer building at the beginning of the year hoping to open it as an Arts Centre in time for the Arts Festival in May. Due to Covid it opened instead over the August Bank Holiday weekend and we had volunteers supporting them over the four days giving a total of 88.5 hours.

The volunteers staffed the front desk, acted as stewards for the films and live performances, directed and engaged with the public, promoted the stalls and helped out with the refreshments. There were mixed reactions from the Volunteers who helped out. Most welcomed the idea of an Arts Centre in the middle of town and remarked on the excellent sculptures and pictures on display. The drumming displays and films were enjoyed by those who attended. Others felt that the overall organisation of the venue was still in the early stages and there were many improvements that could be made. Having said that we did see improvements over the four days based on the feedback from volunteers. This included the provision of more detailed information at the front desk about the venue’s development and future programme which we were able to share with the public. We all commented on the lack of information advertising the venue outside in the main street to draw people in.

Within the building there are multiple, flexible gallery spaces, a performance space, workshop space, meeting rooms and studios for artists to rent. It is open daily now Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm so if you didn’t get there over the Bank Holiday call in any day and check it out.

Cornerstone were very pleased with the support that they received from us over the Bank Holiday four days and thanked us very much. However they are recruiting their own volunteers so if you would like to help out why not call in and ask for the Duty Manager or ring 01325 630771 or check them out on Social Media.

Drum Festival

By popular demand the second Darlington Drum Festival was held on Saturday, 19th September from 10.30 am to 10 pm, with three events in the town centre and with performances and workshops online. Darlington Culture Volunteers have enjoyed supporting this event in the past but weren’t needed this year due to most of the events being online and a much reduced parade.

Origin Moko Jumbies - danced on stilts from 11 am - 4 pm

Runaway Samba from 2.30pm

Eternal Taal - Indian Dhol Drummers and Bangla dancers from 7.30 pm.

Madeleine was there and saw the Origin Moko Jumbies which included stilt walking and drumming which was enjoyable and entertaining.

Thanks to Luke for the great photos.

For more details visit www.harambeepasadia.com


Archiving – Glenda tells us:

On Monday 7th September 2020 the Hippodrome reopened its doors, without live shows for now but they are trying a range of activities to encourage the public to return.  On Tuesday 8th September to a resounding cheer, archiving began again for those volunteers who have been engaged in the work in the past.  To ensure the safety of the volunteers, all tasks are being undertaken on an individual basis and not in pairs as previously, tables are spaced out so that we adhere to social distancing rules and we have each been given our own stationery pack and we stick to the ‘no more than six rule’.

The majority of the existing archiving volunteers have returned, we feel comfortable with the measures being taken by the theatre to ensure we are all in a Covid secure environment and it is so nice to do something normal and worthwhile and have a really good catch up with the folk we haven’t seen for six months.

In these unpredictable times we just have everything crossed that we are able to continue. If you are not already involved and this is something you want to help out with watch this space as we’ll keep you informed of any vacancies.

Book Review

The Reviews section on the Darlington for Culture (DfC) website provides an opportunity for volunteers to write about events - from art exhibitions, live music, dance and theatre to their favourite museum or gallery. Recently, an author, Antony J Stowers asked DfC to review his new book ‘Mixed-up Kid’ on the website. This is a local story following the life of an ordinary boy as he moves from childhood to adulthood in the 1970’s. Liz one of our new volunteers has taken up the challenge, read the book and completed a review. Why not check it out on the website darlingtonforculture.org.uk

If you have any suggestions for reviews, please email [email protected] to discuss.

Darlington for Culture Committee

Darlington for Culture Committee made up of Jo Potter Chair, Ian Ross Treasurer, Lorraine Cook Assistant Treasurer, Julie Vickerman What’s App and Small Grants lead, Helen Devonshire Media Lead, Ann McMorris Company Secretary, Kathleen Matthews Purple Flag Lead, Glenda Lynn and Heather Carter Volunteer Co-ordinators continue to meet periodically with the wonders of Zoom Technology. There were meetings on 3rd July, 4th September and 2nd October 2020. Key issues being discussed are how we can continue to support the Arts to survive through these difficult times and keep in regular touch with our members and Volunteers. Regular meetings take place with Creative Darlington who continue to support the Arts to hold events and develop digital alternatives. Remember if you are not already a member of Darlington for Culture you can join for an annual fee of £10. Check out the details on the website: darlingtonforculture.org.uk

What Does the Future Hold?

Hippodrome Theatre – Cait tells us:

Throughout September the Hippodrome has been trying lots of new things in the building; from Art and Adult dance classes on the stage to book clubs and ghost tours. We are trying to offer a range of activities for all ages while making sure our audience feels comfortable!  While it may be a while before there are shows back on the stage, we will continue to shows films, including classic cinema, children’s movies and some special Halloween films in October! Our new October brochure is available online now.

We have really enjoyed having the archive volunteers back in the building on Tuesday and they are continuing to dig into the Theatres archives.  With changing guidance and sector advice we are constantly looking at the different volunteering opportunities we can offer. The current guidance is that face masks must be worn whilst in the Hippodrome by everyone.

The café is open in the Hippodrome Monday to Saturday 10am – 2pm so if you fancy a coffee call in and say hello to the staff

Volunteer Induction

You will see on the Darlington Culture Volunteers (DCV) website that we are not recruiting any new volunteers at this time due to the lack of opportunities to support Arts and Culture Events in and around the town. However we have some volunteers who have been going through the recruitment process during the lock down and we are delighted to welcome them to a Volunteer Induction Event on Saturday 24th October 9.30am to 11.30am at the Hippodrome. Some of you have met Liz, Ela and Ann at the Drop In in the Park on Wednesday 19th August or the Forum on Wednesday 2nd September or at Cornerstone over the Bank Holiday weekend and I know you will continue to make them feel welcome and support them.

Unforgettable Experiences

We have been approached by an organisation called Unforgettable Experiences which has a base in Woodland House, Woodland Road, Darlington.

Their mission is:

to help older people with dementia, neurological conditions and their carers to improve their emotional wellbeing, physical health, social connections and quality of life through access to existing arts, sports, heritage and cultural places, events and activities.

They are currently looking to recruit volunteers to be Creative Champions who would meet clients on a weekly basis to ensure they are attending activities and help build confidence and/or Digital Champions who would help build clients confidence and self-esteem with using digital technology.

For more information check out www.unforgettableexperiences.org.uk

Facebook: @UnforgetExp

Twitter: @UnforgetExp

Shout out to Valerie

Sorry to hear Valerie hasn’t been too well recently. We hope she is soon feeling better and raring to go! We wish her the very best and a speedy recovery.

Social Media

Helen our Media Lead tells us: ‘During these unusual times, while our calendar of volunteering activities is limited by Covid-19 restrictions, social media is a great way to show the world we’re still here. Social media for Darlington Culture Volunteers (DCV) includes a website, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts. These are visible to the public, whereas the DCV WhatsApp is a closed group just for our volunteers.

The DCV website (https://www.darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk/) provides background information, including how to join, policies and procedures, and testimonials from groups that have used the service. There is also a ‘login’ area for volunteers. We don’t use this section yet but please do register and we might be able to develop the Forum. For now, you’ll still receive emails from the volunteer co-ordinators about volunteer opportunities.

Twitter (https://twitter.com/DtonCultureVols/) is used to share info about events or activities that might be of interest to volunteers in general, with some details about DCV events. Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/darlingtonculturevolunteers/) is (usually) used to post images promoting forthcoming events supported by volunteers. And the DCV Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/DarlingtonCultureVolunteers/) provides a record of various activities supported by our volunteers. Each event has its own album and a brief description about how the volunteers helped. It’s also used to share other events that might be of interest to followers.

When you’re volunteering, please remember to take photos (with permission) and send them with some details about what was happening to [email protected], so we can post an album on Facebook and show people all the interesting things we do. DCV social media focuses on volunteering-related activities, and it is part of the general Darlington for Culture (DC) media set-up. DfC also has a website, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts and they’re used to help promote all sorts of activities, not only those supported by our volunteers. For example, posts include online and real-world arts events, both locally and nationally, writing competitions, callouts for artists, funding opportunities, exhibitions, and live music and theatre.

DfC’s social media accounts continued to attract more followers during the recent lockdown and that’s thanks to the ongoing work of volunteers Pam and Catherine in challenging circumstances. Follow DCV and DfC on social media and help us share information to support the arts in and around Darlington. To find out more, visit the website (www.darlingtonforculture.org) and follow us on Facebook:


Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/darlingtonforculture/)

Twitter (https://twitter.com/darloforculture)

Would you like to join the Media Team? If so just let us know and we can update you on opportunities.

WhatsApp - Julie’s Story

I became a volunteer with Darlington Culture Volunteers (DCV) a couple of years ago because I want to encourage everyone to experience the arts and because I think that The Darlington Hippodrome, in particular, is a fantastic venue and one that needs to be supported and enjoyed by all. The reason I am a volunteer is not all about the Arts, it's also for selfish reasons...it's because I enjoy meeting the public and helping them and this gives me satisfaction and makes me feel valued.

I have helped out at many things ...such as ' Big Little Gigs' at the library where I have been making arts and crafts and playing musical instruments encouraging everyone to join in....not that they needed too much encouraging.... it was like a fab concert! One other highlight was helping at a guided tour at the Hippodrome with all the UK Town Criers finalists ...they were such fun! I've helped out on Open days at the Hippodrome and on many guided tours including leading part of a tour myself and also have staffed promotional stands in Stanhope park where I helped explain all that was going on in the area. Most recently I helped out at the opening event of the newest arts facility in Darlington, the Cornerstone Arts facility in the old Marks and Spencer building. I have done too many things to mention and loved them all.

Seeing the value in keeping the volunteers in communication with each other and as a fan of WhatsApp for my own friends and family, I decided to start a DCV WhatsApp group. This has been very useful before lockdown as a way of sharing information instantly as well as sharing the photos of volunteering activities we have all been involved with and inspiring others to take part next time in activities they may not have considered. Over lockdown, the WhatsApp group has played a different role in helping volunteers cope with their own lockdown experiences by keeping in touch and especially with the adventures of 'Yelly', Heather's newest recruit.

I am delighted that the Hippodrome has once again opened its doors for some activities and its cafe and look forward to 'working' there very soon. 

Julie and the Town Crier

What’s coming up?

Halloween Events in the Town

We met with Katie Greenwood from the Town Centre Team on Wednesday 30th September. Although the team did not require volunteer support for the Drumming Festival on Saturday 19th September, due to the much reduced programme, they are looking for volunteers to help with their ongoing programme as follows:

· Halloween event on Saturday 31st October and possibly the Friday 30th as well. A number of town centre attractions are planned such as Halloween decorations, Halloween specific buskers, a Trick or Treat station with prizes for children (and adults) who are dressed in costume, a green screen in Queen’s Street to take relevant comic photographs, a town centre trail with prizes and an information point. Volunteers will support the Town Centre Team by giving out information, talking to and supporting the public as they collect/hand in their Trail Sheets and queue for the Green Screen Photographs. We are needed for Saturday 31st October between 9am and 5pm to undertake a two hour slot (you can do more if you like!) with two volunteers rostered at a time. Please make a note in your diaries as the rota will be coming out next week!!!

· Ice Sculptures are planned in the town for 5th and 6th December and depending on the Covid 19 restrictions it is hoped that this will go ahead and that volunteers from our service will support the Town Centre Team. Another date for your diaries!

Railway Heritage

In October/November 2020 time there are plans for a festival week to celebrate the Bishop Auckland and Stockton & Darlington railway heritage action zones. Via Chris Lloyd we are talking to Trish Pemberton, of the Friends of the Stockton & Darlington Railway, and Annalisa Ward of the Bishop Auckland Heritage Action Zone, who are arranging the festival and currently looking for volunteers.

The Forum Music Centre – Kath tells us:

The Forum has just held its first gig of 36 people – all kept apart on small tables with bar service and it went very well. There was a standing ovation from the customers! There is more planned and the Film Club is as busy as ever but on a Wednesday night so it does not clash with the films at the Hippodrome.

There will be another Purple Tuesday event on 3rd November in the town to celebrate the ongoing Purple Flag status which we were awarded last year. Purple Flag is a standard awarded to those towns and cities in the United Kingdome that offer safe and enjoyable nights out.

Want to Volunteer for an Event?

Regrettably in these unusual times the volunteer opportunities are few and far between but rest assured we will be in touch with you whenever we are called upon to support Arts and Culture events. We are endeavouring to keep in touch by e mail but where previously we had a Volunteer Forward Programme from which you could pick and choose the events you fancied supporting, regrettably this no longer exists.

If you have seen anything you want to know more about then please let me know. Remember new volunteers can do ‘taster’ sessions and this offer was taken up with enthusiasm at Cornerstone. Your enthusiasm is all that is required. Thanks for reading the newsletter to the end. If you have any suggestions for improvement or indeed want to write a piece or be a guest editor for a future edition please let me know.

Keep in Touch

E mail - [email protected]

Twitter - @DtonCultureVols

Facebook - DarlingtonCultureVolunteers

Instagram - darlingtonculturevolunteers

Website – www.darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk

WhatsApp – to join our closed volunteer group, read lots of local information and meet Yelly Dean simply download WhatsApp onto your phone and e mail your request to us/give your permission and include your up to date mobile phone number. Go on you know you want to!