Web 2.0 Web 2.0 A Journey for All A Journey for All

Web 2.0 A Journey for All. 10 Top Reasons Students Can’t Do Their Homework... 10.Tech Support for my PC was outsourced offshore. 9. I had to delete it

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Web 2.0Web 2.0A Journey for AllA Journey for All

10 Top Reasons Students Can’t 10 Top Reasons Students Can’t Do Their Homework. . .Do Their Homework. . .

10.Tech Support for my PC was outsourced offshore.

9. I had to delete it to make room for my iTunes.8. I’m still handwriting it. The MS Office license was too expensive.7. I e-mailed it. . .didn’t you get it?6. I couldn’t afford the HP ink cartridge.

5.It took too long to type on a regular keyboard. Can I text it to you instead?

4.The cut and paste keys on my keyboard are worn out.

3.I plan on “open sourcing” from the kid next to me.

2.I had a visit from the Blue Screen of Death.

1.The dog chewed up my laptop.

Web 1.0Web 1.0

Could find information online and use it Show your work to your peers Store your portfolios Even create web pages

Web 2.0Web 2.0

Write directly online in a blog Get immediate feedback from peers Collaborate with peers Post photos, videos, and podcasts You do the posting You control the tools of production You control the publishing

What is Web 2.0?What is Web 2.0?

Disruptive technologies Invented term

Desktop applications Many tools free Social

Open Source movement Isolation to interconnectedness Open and democratic May have the greatest impact on businesses

Best ExampleBest Example

Wikipedia Collaborative encyclopedia Entries created and updated by more people.

What is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is a trend in World Wide Web technology, and web design, a second

generation of web-based communities and hosted services such as social-networking sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies, which aim to facilitate creativity, information sharing, collaboration, and sharing among users. It is almost defined as the new era of the World Wide Web. The term became notable after the first O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004.[2][3] Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to any technical specifications, but to changes in the ways software developers and end-users use webs. According to Tim O'Reilly:

“Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.[4]”Some technology experts, notably Tim Berners-Lee, have questioned whether one can use the term in a meaningful way, since many of the technology components of "Web 2.0" have existed since the early days of the Web.[5][6] (Source: Wikipedia)

Web 2.0 DefinitionWeb 2.0 Definition

Tim O'Reilly regards Web 2.0 as business embracing the web as a platform and using its strengths (global audiences, for example).

Eric Schmidt's abridged slogan, don't fight the Internet, encompasses the essence of Web 2.0 — building applications and services around the unique features of the Internet

Web 2.0" can also relate to a transition of some websites from isolated information silos to interlinked computing platforms that function like locally-available software in the perception of the user

includes a social element where users generate and distribute content, often with freedom to share and re-use

rise in the economic value of the web to businesses, as users can perform more activities online

Change the nature of the Web from distributed to participatory Not a technological revolution it’s a social revolution

Source: Wikipedia

2121stst Century Learning Century Learning

Digital-Age Literacy Basic, scientific, economic, and technology literacy Visual and information literacy Multicultural and global awareness

Inventive Thinking Adaptability and managing complexity Self-direction Curiosity, creativity, and risk taking Higher order thinking

2121stst Century Learning (continued) Century Learning (continued)

Effective Communication Teaming, collaboration, and interpersonal skills Personal, social, and civic responsibility Interactive communication

High Productivity Prioritizing, planning, and managing results Effective use of real-world tools Ability to produce relevant, high quality products

Web 2.0 ToolsWeb 2.0 Tools

Based on Ajax programming Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Web development technique Creating interactive web applications Code is open source Web pages work faster It updates asynchronously—independent of

communication with the servers

Open SourceOpen Source

Genesis of Web 2.0 Proponents believe the source code for programs should

be available to anyone to use, study, enhance and distribute.

Open source is a set of principles and practices on how to write software, the most important of which is that the source code is openly available. The Open Source Definition, which was created by Bruce Perens[1] and Eric Raymond and is currently maintained by the Open Source Initiative, adds additional meaning to the term: one should not only get the source code but also have the right to use it. If the latter is denied the license is categorized as a shared source license. (Source: Wikipedia)

Open Source DefinitionOpen Source Definition

Under The Open Source Definition, licenses must meet ten conditions in order to be considered opensource licenses. Below is a copy of the definition, with unauthorized explanatory additions. There is a linkto the original unmodified text below. It was taken under/for fair use.

1. Free Redistribution: the software can be freely given away or sold. (This was intended to encourage sharing and use of the software on a legal basis.)

2. Source Code: the source code must either be included or freely obtainable. (Without source code, making changes or modifications can be impossible.)

3. Derived Works: redistribution of modifications must be allowed. (To allow legal sharing and to permit new features or repairs.)

4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code: licenses may require that modifications are redistributed only as patches.

5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups: no one can be locked out. 6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor: commercial users cannot be excluded. 7. Distribution of License: The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is

redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties. 8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product: the program cannot be licensed only as part of a larger

distribution. 9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software: the license cannot insist that any other software it is

distributed with must also be open source. 10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral: no click-wrap licenses or other medium-specific ways of

accepting the license must be required. (Source: Wikipedia)


Metadata Traditional Web Pages

Search engines can find content because of content managers adding metadata or metatags

Web 2.0 Organized differently It uses words that authors select and attach to content

called folksonomies Keywords or tags that convey meaning to content Tags are logical and can be arranged in groups into concept

maps called tag clouds


Making information available to other web sites or to individual subscribers Done by adding XML code that readers can use

RSS Really Simple Syndication Difference between going out to find something

or having it come to you


Using an aggregator Don’t have to keep checking for updates RSS feeds

In computing, a feed aggregator, also known as a feed reader, news reader or simply as an aggregator, is client software or a Web application which aggregates syndicated web content such as news headlines, blogs, podcasts, and vlogs in a single location for easy viewing. (Source: Wikipedia)

Tools, Tools, and More Tools!Tools, Tools, and More Tools!

3 most common Blogs Wikis Podcasts


Web log Personal commentaries Contains text, images and links related to information on

other blogs, web pages, and media Readers participate easily Promotes open dialog Encourages community building Exchange ideas, opinions and attitudes Entries posted in reverse chronological order (most

recent first)

Blogs ContinuedBlogs Continued

2006-50 million blogs 2 new blogs launched every second Has become an important method of

communicating New way to express oneself to an authentic


Blogs ContinuedBlogs Continued

Dangers Blogs students find when researching a topic

are highly subjective or inaccruate However, the audience itself may act as a filter

to its credibility Video web log


Blogs ContinuedBlogs Continued

Blog Sites www.blogger.com www.wordpress.com www.drupal.org Classblogmeister.com www.gaggle.net Edublogs.org www.blogspot.com


Web page accessible to anyone with a Web browser and Internet connection

Allows readers to collaborate with others writing it and adding, editing and changing contents

Wikipedia infamous

Wikis ContinuedWikis Continued

Benefits Group collaboration Problem solving Peer editing Writing ePortfolios Track changes

Wikis ContinuedWikis Continued

Wiki Sites www.wikispaces.com Mediawiki.com www.pbwiki.com www.jotspot.com www.wikidot.com


Distribute multimedia files over the Internet Term created from Apple’s Ipod and

broadcast Can mean both content and delivery method

Used for Sharing expertise and opinios Keeping notes and reflections Tracking projects

Podcasts ContinuedPodcasts Continued

Sites www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts www.feedforall.com www.recordforall.com www.audacity.com www.Feed2podcast.com www.talkr.com www.findsounds.com www.freeplaymusic.com

Directories www.podcast.net www.podcastingnews.com

Social BookmarkingSocial Bookmarking

Popular web-based service that displays shared lists of user-created Internet bookmarks

Instead of using Favorites Classify the content using tags based

folksonomies Create annotated pages People connect through shared tags and

subscribe to one another’s lists Favorites available all the time

Social BookmarkingSocial Bookmarking ContinuedContinued

Sites Del.icio.us.com www.backflip.com www.furl.net www.blinklist.com www.simpy.com www.spurl.net


Free online photo management and sharing applications

Invite people to view your pictures Viewers can leave comments Can notes and tags Tags are searchable Creative Commons License

Photosharing ContinuedPhotosharing Continued

Sites www.flickr.com www.webshots.com Zoto.com www.bubbleshare.com www.snapfish.com

Photo EditingPhoto Editing

Photo enhancing software A lot of good, free programs available Non-open source software

Picasa.google.com www.apple.com/iphoto/ www.microsoft.com/photostory

Photo Editing ContinuedPhoto Editing Continued

Open-Source Software www.gimp.org http://Sketchup.google.com www.apple.com/iphoto/ www.microsoft.com/photostory http://picasa.google.com www.tuxpaint.org http://cooltext.com www.1001freefonts.com

Video ShowcasingVideo Showcasing

Videos created with digital camcorders People can build or join a community that

produces and shows videos Create thoughtful and meaningful video clips Collaborate by uploading individual videos Digital story telling

Video Showcasing ContinuedVideo Showcasing Continued

Sites www.youtube.com www.teachertube.com www.videofurnace.com www.jumpcut.com www.eyespot.com www.grouper.com www.videoegg.com

Desktop ToolsDesktop Tools

Many Web-based applications have recently emerged

Word processing, spreadsheets, presentations

Most compatible with major office suites Social writing tools, people can share

docuements and collaborate

Desktop Tools ContinuedDesktop Tools Continued

Sites www.theopencd.org http://openoffice.org http://docs.google.com www.zohowriter.com, www.zohosheet.com, etc. www.ajaxwrite.com http://writeboard.com http://fanfiction.net www.glypho.com http://numbler.com http://numsum.com www.slideshare.net www.thumbstacks.com

Search EnginesSearch Engines

www.technorati.com www.google.com/notebook http://live.grokker.com http://rollyo.com www.squidoo.com

Aggregators (RSS)Aggregators (RSS)

www.bloglines.com http://google.com/reader/ www.newsisfree.com www.newsgater.com www.rojo.com

File SharingFile Sharing

http://windowslive.com http://allmydata.com http://glidedigital.com http://docs.google.com http://openomy.com http://xdrive.com

Surveys and PollsSurveys and Polls


Task ManagementTask Management

www.tadalist.com www.voo2do.com

Online CalendarsOnline Calendars

http://calendarhub.com http://calendar.google.com www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php www.airset.com http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/intech/javatimer.html www.clockworktimer.com www.megaconverter.com/mega2 http://timeanddate.com

Content ManagementContent Management


Mapping Mapping

http://earth.google.com www.gliffy.com http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/graphing www3.newberry.org/k12maps

Web Start PagesWeb Start Pages

www.google.com/ig www.netvibes.com www.pageflakes.com http://protopage.com

Social NetworkingSocial Networking

www.myspace.com www.facebook.com http://imeem.com www.whyville.net