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talking about weather

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Weather easy level

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People are always talking about the weather. It is something you can talk about in a group of strangers. We often turn on the television or radio to watch and find out the weather forecast.

And someone always finds something wrong with the weather - it's too hot, too cold, too rainy or too sunny.

Below you will find examples of different 'weather wisdom' from around the world.

A Storm is Coming when...

■ Flowers close up before a storm.

■ When the leaves of trees turn over

■ Before a storm, cows lie down or will not go out. But, when cows are lying down in a field it'll be fine weather, once they stand up rain is on its way.

■ Flowers smell best just before a rain.

■ Killing a spider will make it rain the next day.

■ Swallows fly high when winds are light. So when they start flying low, the storm is coming!

■ When you see that the ants come out at unusual hours to do their work, it means that it is going to rain.

■ Rain before seven, fine for eleven.

■ Snow is coming when the cat washes behind both ears.

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It Will Be a Bad Winter:

■ If there are lots of berries on trees.

■ If squirrels collect big stores of nuts and have thick bushy tails.

■ If ant hills are high in July, winter will be snowy.

■ If the first week in August is unusually warm, the coming winter will be snowy and long.

■ For every fog in August, there will be a snowfall in winter.

■ If the first snow falls on unfrozen ground, it will be a mild winter.

■ The first frost in autumn will be exactly six months after the first thunderstorm of the spring.

■ Worms plug the entrances to their holes when it gets cold.

Here are a few things people say around the world:

■ April showers (rain) bring May flowers.

■ Red sky at night is a sailor's delight.(makes them happy) Red sky in morning - sailor take warning.

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Weather 'Wisdom'

■ A green Christmas means a full churchyard - meaning that colds and other sicknesses, etc are all worse in warm winters.

■ If you sneeze three times within a few seconds, the next day will be sunny.

■ When a woman sleeps with her foot outside the covers, cold weather is over.