Waves of 2 Presidents Ma-Xi Meeting and Predicting Its Future Andrew B.C. Huang PhD Professor, Taiwan Tech University, IMBA/EMBA President, Koo-idea Campus

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Rich philosophic viewpoints in the thoughts In Chinese, Yi means change, an eternal truth to descript the world's motion. Jing means the way or classic. So, I Ching is a classic text to expatriate inexhaustible changes.

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Waves of 2 Presidents Ma-Xi Meeting and Predicting Its Future Andrew B.C. Huang PhD Professor, Taiwan Tech University, IMBA/EMBA President, Koo-idea Campus Incorporation November 2015 Wise Talk with 3 Scholars of I-Ching Ma-Xi Historic Meeting in Singapore --2 Presidents wave to the media after their meeting November 7, Rich philosophic viewpoints in the thoughts In Chinese, Yi means change, an eternal truth to descript the world's motion. Jing means the way or classic. So, I Ching is a classic text to expatriate inexhaustible changes. : Book of Changes and The Unchanging Truth Changes From which one may not hold aloof Its tao is forever changing - Alteration, movement without rest, Flowing through the six empty places; Rising and sinking without fixed law, Firm and yielding transform each other. They cannot be confined within a rule; It is only change that is at work here. The Whole Map We Will Talk -- -- Past Time: Days before Meeting Space: bounded by 9% no perception of 1992 consensus One China, different interpretations Present Time: 2 presidents meeting in Singapore November 7, 2015 Space: 2 presidents first meeting in 66 years Read the historic events between the lines Changes, chances and chaos Future Historical Meeting Two-straits peace and welfare development or Newsworthy Meeting Nothing importance and difference happened between two straits relationships and international pressure Whats value and how to do to make it good Change Reality-- Dynamics complexities in lots of uncertainties among external/internal factors and human behaviors *http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTgzOTYxODE2.html United or Divided The trend in the world is that The empire, long divided will unite; long united, will divide. HP PC Division Netflix DVD and Streaming China: Unification or Separation (Independence) -- Three Kingdoms Situation Analysis Framework Time/Timing Trends = Disposition/ Posture DD TT Position/Role/ Point of View Full Empty Be careful at the beginning Be cautious at the end Initiate Grow Decay The end is the start of a new beginning Inside out Outside in High Low Solid middle Dimensions for Situation Analysis Time Ending and Beginning Precedence Fast or Slow Posture & trends Strength and weakness Full or empty (Boom or bust) (Waxing and Waning) Resist or follow the trend Position: Top vs. bottom Inside vs. outside (inner circle vs. outsiders) Noble vs. commoner Negotiation How to collaborate and integrate, from strategic partner to M&A Stakeholders at individual, party, and country levels: President Xi ad Ma, PRC vs ROC, etc. Stakes Authorization Driving Force/Benefits/Perils/Risks Bottom Line/Red line BATNA: An acronym for Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. (It is not a bottom line.) BATNABest Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement The I Ching or Book of Changes The Richard Wilhelm Translation rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes Foreword by C. G. Jung Preface to the Third Edition by Hellmut Wilhelm sh h or Shih Ho Biting Through, Chewing, Occlusion Occlusion (dentistry), the manner in which the upper and lower teeth come together when the mouth is closed. Occlusion (dentistry) Social occultation occurs when a particular set of cultural values and beliefs combine with the operation of personal and mass media communication functions leads to blind spots (preventing the two parties to see eye to eye).valuesbeliefsmass mediablind spots THE JUDGMENT BITING THROUGH has success. It is favorable to let justice be administered. When an obstacle to union arises, energetic biting through brings success. This is true in all situations. Whenever unity cannot be established, the obstruction is due to a talebearer and traitor who is interfering and blocking the way. To prevent permanent injury, vigorous measures must be taken at once. Deliberate obstruction of this sort does not vanish of its own accord. Judgment and punishment are required to deter or obviate it. However, it is important to proceed in the right way. The hexagram combines Li , clarity, and Chn , excitement. Li is yielding, Chn is hard. Unqualified hardness and excitement would be too violent in meting out punishment; unqualified clarity and gentleness would be too weak. The two together create the just measure. It is of moment that the man who makes the decisions (represented by the fifth line) is gentle by nature, while he commands respect by his conduct in his position. Hexagrams Image Teeth Food in your mouth Obstacles preventing biting through Upper Jaw Lower Jaw Early Harvesting Northern Star: A road map for long road ahead More benefits and less downside Keep sticking points (road blocks) fuzzy Work firmly and steadily on basic issues to set the foundation for future collaboration The driving forces/benefits for the collaboration Following the wishes of the people and the trends THE IMAGE Thunder and lightning: The image of BITING THROUGH. Thus the kings of former times made firm the laws through clearly defined penalties. A hexagram signifies a marketplace for buyers and sellers come together to trade. It has an image of having food in your mouth that you need to chew to digest it. Shihe is about chewing. The upper jaw and lower jaw need to match/align. Food in the mouth implies dine and wine and invitation to a gathering/party. Economic issues (money) is at the stake but it can be achieve without too much difficulty. All the actions need to be reasonable and transparent to ensure comfort of internal (citizens) and external forces. Biting Through When the sun stood at midday, the Market Maker held a market. He caused the buyers and sellers from all corners to come together. They buy and sell or exchange their goods and services with one another, then returned home, and each gets what they want. Probably the Market Maker took the idea from the hexagram of BITING THROUGH. Marketplace Matching If a sentence is imposed the first time a man attempts to do wrong, the penalty is a mild one. Only the toes are put in the stocks. This prevents him from sinning further and thus he becomes free of blame. It is a warning to halt in time on the path of evil. Another interpretation: Sit down at the dining table to get ready to eat and to discuss (negotiate). THE LINES Nine at the beginning means: His feet are fastened in the stocks, So that his toes disappear. No blame. : * Six in the second place means: Bites through tender meat, So that his nose disappears. No blame. : * It is easy to discriminate between right and wrong in this case; it is like biting through tender meat. But one encounters a hardened sinner, and, aroused by anger, one goes a little too far. The disappearance of the nose in the course of the bite signifies that indignation blots out finer sensibility. However, there is no great harm in this, because the penalty as such is just Punishment is to be carried out by someone who lacks the power and authority to do so. Therefore the culprits (suspects) do not submit. The matter at issue is an old oneas symbolized by salted gameand in dealing with it difficulties arise. This old meat is spoiled: by taking up the problem the punisher arouses poisonous hatred against himself, and in this way is put in a somewhat humiliating position. But since punishment was required by the time, he remains free of blame. * Six in the third place means: Bites on old dried meat And strikes on something poisonous. Slight humiliation. No blame : * : There are great obstacles to be overcome, powerful opponents are to be punished. Though this is arduous, the effort succeeds. But it is necessary to be hard as metal and straight as an arrow to surmount the difficulties. If one knows these difficulties and remains persevering, he attains good fortune. The difficult task is achieved in the end. Nine in the fourth place means: Bites on dried gristly meat. Receives metal arrows. It furthers one to be mindful of difficulties And to be persevering. Good fortune. The case to be decided is indeed not easy but perfectly clear. Since we naturally incline to leniency, we must make every effort to be like yellow goldthat is, as true as gold and as impartial as yellow, the color of the middle [the mean]. It is only by remaining conscious of the dangers growing out of the responsibility we have assumed that we can avoid making mistakes. The Six at Fifth Place Bites on dried lean meat. Receives yellow gold. Perseveringly aware of danger. No blame. * : In contrast to the first line, this line refers to a man who is incorrigible (incurable). His punishment is the wooden cangue, and his ears disappear under itthat is to say, he is deaf to warnings. This obstinacy (stubbornness) leads to misfortune. Nine at the top means: His neck is fastened in the wooden cangue, So that his ears disappear. Misfortune. *A cangue (/k/) is a device that was used for public humiliation and corporal punishment in China. * : Human Teeth Different teeth perform different functions Types of Teeth and What They Do Incisors. Incisors are the eight teeth in the front and center of your mouth (four on top and four on bottom). These are the teeth that you use to take bites of your food. Incisors are usually the first teeth to erupt, at around 6 months of age for your first set of teeth, and between 6 and 8 years of age for your adult set. Canines. Your four canines are the next type of teeth to develop. These are your sharpest teeth and are used for ripping and tearing food apart. Primary canines generally appear between 16 and 20 months of age with the upper canines coming in just ahead of the lower canines. In permanent teeth, the order is reversed. Lower canines erupt around age 9 with the uppers arriving between 11 and 12 years of age. Premolars. Premolars, or bicuspids, are used for chewing and grinding food. You have four premolars on each side of your mouth, two on the upper and two on the lower jaw. The first premolars appear around age 10 and the second premolars arrive about a year later. Molars. Primary molars are also used for chewing and grinding food. These appear between 12 and 15 months of age. These molars, also known as decidious molars, are replaced by the first and second permanent premolars (four upper and four lower). The permanent molars do not replace, but come in behind the primary teeth. The first molars erupt around 6 years of age (before the primary molars fall out) while the second molars come in between 11 and 13 years of age. Third molars. Third molars are commonly known as wisdom teeth. These are the last teeth to develop and do not typically erupt until age 18 to 20, and some people never develop third molars at all. For those who do, these molars may cause crowding and need to be removed.crowding