TtflB-T »j»w>-'f' •w'i { <,y*n | """W" 1 " ''H^'a^W^Wfaumw VR WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1924. ^V 1 ** ^ ^ ^ 9 » i rd tor two I another end . A pass aaued aeveu! ! a ttrst down J ill. FreemanI ._ losing five! ak the ball onj ins Provencial 1 m the fourth »ur yards thru for three not gain and who signaled •lead of catch- it strike the made a long > fourth down from place- line which feet. It waa r »r punted on Masseae tried formation . _ wes which ^uverneur took lain posted. »ut of danger Masseua mad* get within turned hack. Eaaseaa in pos- Goaverneur's Masaena (13) . . . Hanson Dtahaw .. Matthews Blair Chase ..Provencial Lynch ..Frego . . . Beaulieu . . .Germaao .. .Delaware 1 I 4 n 9 I 0—Zt 7 e a—xj Met, Water- Ogdana- * r. Og- HENRY H. RYAN PURCHASES THE G.LTAIT STORE WATER POWER POLICY IS IN THIS STATE TO DEVELOP ITS Had Beta in ftatneaf Hare for 31 Yttrs ud Wa. fee of ftyaa to Take P. ~Skj Gooes Merckaat si Newly Aeaajrtd CWthmf Aieaf With Hit See We* Liked Y George L. Tait, well known and popular clothing merchant and tailor of this village, disposed of his busi- ness to H. H. Ryan, dry goods mer- chant of tarn* village tor many yeaxa. Inventory ia being taken in the fait store aad the new owner will take possession on November 1. Mr. Tait has been in the clothing and teilorlni business in Gouverneur for the paat II years. He first started in business as a tailor in the store now occupied by the fit. hewrence Transmission company. Ha remained there for several yeara aad than re- moved to the old postomee building in Church street. The place BOW is occupied by the Road Musk eompany. Seventeen years ago he removed to his present location ia Main street aad there waa associated with Perle A. Grarea for a nam bar of years About six or seres years ago, Mr Graves retired aad his interests were purchased by Mr. Tait wko since has conducted the business aloae. Iftreogh aeretamnt efforts Mr. Tait from baaiaeas with a an _ Circles. When t a Jr\>saflaat/ *)*& ke conducted a than removed purchased a known as for many by N. • . Xa i m he aad m\m SO SAYS GEORGE L VANKENNEN OF DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE ONE OF THE BEST POSTED MEN ON POWER DEVELOPMENT Of THIS COMMONWEALTH. *: if: tefcr^-e-sr* 55 ^ 13 to 0. and ****** M**a rar the cane. laey \»4^jF^*<^Zr££>.M aa the had seen them beaten by^tf y»*>t Una. Geaverneur eoakl aa* « team into the ie*f fctf^g^g^ * ^ £ *""**' **** aad here Ooavetasmv.; Aye yards for being id Tb^ ead aeea Dene pat # winaiag team into the aejd the paat five yean aad ma) year whew it era* said that Maaseaa would i»ave the same eleven this year with the adtjanaa of Frego, most fan« were ready to concede Masaeaa aaotber iliiisiiiiajhii, but here Wilbam I. Graf eaters the4***$ **> f**» *M ' scsar. aad taJdag a riaash of mvbmeaed mea whips them into shape bttie by Jtlit natf b * Setarday wm^ Is it any wonder that Gouveiaeariaas weot wild far dm reiaaiader of the day aad far into the flight r in the ftrat fire minutes of play. Jen alevato did hta part la the afternoon was ready wr at id-cvery man called upea. Ore**e ayatam oc eoaea* Jag waa ajrita agsmrsat throughout the game aad wohetter coadidoaed the football can be said df awery man la the whom team. Latham. Ritchie. Good- aoash. Gale, Laidlaw aad Wkitaey with Melroaa at tester made ap the forward llae which man Impregnable, as Delaware aad Oermaao, tike at qaartarjslayaaVa heady aama caH- •~*''*twf Ida ~BBK] ^aall like a ^ wail dotaaj i eaaemi waa ia naialiirpl the has} 4a the Isagmo rssamsaa played 'kla entirely the air aad it waa Gouverneur's hall oa the Jft-yard line. Seven plays took the ball over, every play tarn the llae. The crowd waa so takea by aarprJae that they forgot to yell aad they were again aatonished to see a Mssseas player fumble the oral aad see Jenkins scoop it op and run 20 yards for the second toachdowa. , These two touchdowns were simply' knockouts aad put the Qoaveraewr ,team mto the lead by a 1 margin which waa too mrge to erer- afbie for the first toachdown with a • eix-yard smash thru tackle. Captain Jenkins Bead up to the reautattoa ha haa asasm this season. He pat ap a woaderfal game through- out. It was ha who picked ap the •Uaseaa rumbla aooa after the game started aam-riaad ha that «oal IBM for the second toachdowa aad scored again thru caster la the third oaarter. Bo waa alee aaeeaasfal la two ef hia kJcka from pmeemsat after toaehdawa. Be realty can he celled the metMsw of tm " ' Oouatry. - One anmt mat forget *he team which pmyed a aaaaaj R waa a two kfaa kicked oa! and Provencial a a a t e d i J ^ * * a,e b * 11 o n *** I*-**** ttaa. ™thT fSit pmy mTrSSk ~ »*£?• I 0 "? • « S ^ ***** failure aa ft weat almost entirely into 1 fP*» ****** toj" » toocAdowaspd ha MttiBS the hall rraco w*eat thra r" a field goal i the a. famg raw by Fraaw la a atroaa; aeaatsaa. for the aoare aad ami for the extra point. Gourantear's third the third ewarter whoa aa of puata aad aa inter- aa pat the locals la a poat- tSoa to seore. Jenkins saado. the toachdowa. With the score za~7 the keaam played a defeaatve game aad thai would have aeea the final seore kl*h Mtfm the ami ~ i half yards around <ead «o punted 10 to Sayer who made, a fair Sayar pmated oat of Masaena had the hall aa the t#- yurd Uae. A Pream fumbled the baU but recawafad " ho circled toft end for t f a-goal from the field Tor the point. Score, Qouvsrasar U; 7. Jenkins kicked off to who got 10 yards on.hue re- Goodaoagh made a pretty Brorencial punted to amyaf returned the punt on the next Proveaeiars paat waa mocked recovered the haU loaamg l o >arda oa the play. He punted 40 Sayar who ran back 7 yavda. " eoded with the bail In Qhsveraenr's 4»-yard hme. IS; fumble sttdestepped aeveraf mea aad hroagat the ball to the It-yard Uae. He scored again aooa after. There waa ao scoring fa the fourth oaarter both teams resortiag to pwata with netcher aartag much of aa advaat- oa the It-yard ttaa ta aaid Chat ao riaaaer beach of saea ever payed oa the Oocreraear grtd- gaard, the latter taking Imstam'a at aad. Prwveacml kicked off the aaO going over the line. Goarrer- aall oa the J ©-yard llae. Bayer punted 10 yards to Frego who could aot advanoa, three Gourernear atom tackling him. Blair, the Maaseaa center mad a bad pasa had Ritchie recovered the haU for Goaveraear. Ooavaraear could aot gala beiag aeUt for downs aad Miasms took thoaafi oa lta own 10-yard Uae. Frego swated If yards hat Qou?eiaewi was offmde aad the baU was hrougM baefc. Piuteacial pwated 10 vsrwa aad oa Che third amy Sayer retexraeftj the paat to Frego who waa agn the "Uae of fjaaee high ta the air aad ]tt aad it waa Gowvaraei the ive-yard Uae. Sayar gala hat Jeakias took the bail over wmea a heaaUfal hale spaasi aa> tmw aim aad he foil over the Be* for the third teacamowa. I hat peettkm at aad aad at guard. Frego fooled them sad circled right ead for a toachdowa. HSs drop kick yat wide. Score. Oowvuacaj St; Jeakias kicked off to Frego who tu- rf rwaaiag with the ball need* lateral pass to to fleet eae Piiaiaiasai uae aad tt was ap to Frego ta snake the gars*, though several tbwea he waa tackled; 4mama Waa a Cmwaae for a lose by Whttaev. the Gowrar-' The game will always he reasasa- veur ead. wie waa a smrveea the aw-; oared aa earn ef the grtdiroa elassses f MS e. ef Meitheia New Tork. Coach Demo aaat la several sab- The game piay by ntrtutes to try to turn the tide hat tb*y were hetamue, aad he declsrud CaateJa Frego eteeted to mrxer the game that ao team ta Hw aad Jeakias kicked off at t fCorth ooald have doae aj better. The baJJ waa eaagkt by Frego The locals had the fight, pep aad ewa two-yard Uae aad he traveled raced 4t yards before beta* dseraed. rr^rvthtag ehm which goes to make It yards before being downed byiBe slmaat had a dear aeM. a victory poaafble aad they eertaiary Latham. On the first play Prtrree-. aroaght him down with a flowed everything. Owe psmarkable etsl pwated high into the air aad tackle. Reaaad aad Delaware eewJd feature of the aame was the fact Sayer caaeht the ball oa the IS-yard wot can ead Proveacial was hrwagkt that oety ear plays were used by Hue. Jeakias made thrve yards thru **<* for ead rua ' Graft gmdSaior* aad away Ogdsas teckie. Frcamsii made three atere thrwwa for ao p herr aeoale who vera oa the look- thru center aad Jeakias get eevea **+ •* n trr « r * * awal Bae. «at for parya ware doomed to dhma- yards aad firm down Jeakias rua wear's sail oa the St-yard ^uoratmnrt fr aright he aaJd that the ban out of bound* far ao data «**• * * thtrd < thW wfB have u caaaee to sue assae The haU was brought ta aad be made iOawiaiaiui It. Miinniii 11 M aatye next Satafaaj at Cuaioa. four Tares thru taewJa. Sayer wwatC ' for three mere. Freemmaf Oa .^ . ^ jaaadeeUht tamal •*» o»aa tar the firm teach-i Swdi ^Prwtmises to B t j i i rrerioiif Ti It eras announced committee in charge anal armistice ball ef lay Post, No. 6S that thie year's eveat Monday night, N Armiative eve. and thak fiaa Boarlet Sereaaders of Canton ^teffl faraiah the music for the oecasaam. Tkis afi- aaal dancing party of tarn American Legion has come to ha laeogalsed the social event of fam autumnal season in Gonverneur umm there is every Indication that ttm ajaroaeh- lag party will ecllpas tmuaffairs of previous years givaa JV ami local poet. Commander Caram -ageyoiated the various committee* to have charge of the affair at and these am actively preparfa that ta sure to bring hsmdreds of lovers to Gouv••••!' oa the of November lawk. The general committee, heeded by Commander Curtis ta amvde ap of •lea-Commander Bligh A. Dodda, Lawrence Parks. Clyde maaue, Leon- ard Caten. Louis Brmaaaaohr, 8Ua- toy Stowell. Harold fyea, Joseph flcalao aad Leon Maxley. It was only after extreme effort that tt waa able to secure the Scarlet Baiaasduis as thie ordheatra at preaant to being after almost aagteiy la this of the state. Tfcey played into maaieal aad staging at Alexandria Bay hast aammer famisbiiig the mmmc for the by the Oaatda Oaunty lea company which will eammliah a chain store here about November it la the new eSothlag lies I win he Mr. Ryaa's son. Dwrwood, wko auto been connected warn Mr. Tait for the past three yeara. aad ta a splendid aad moat Ukeable young feUow. Mr. Tait says that upon hit retire- ment, he wUr take a long desired rest He expects to speed the win- ter months fa the south, prohahlg ia Florida, and will return tat the spring or early summer. MRS. METCALF HAS DELIGHTFUL TRIP IN FOREIGN LANDS Fraaca, far/, SH* NO Relief for tne PeoplefromPrinte relopimff the State's Water Powert M t ^ Rep^Wcw PI»V A * » JPUat—Gor^eradmaaf Hire Made SplncSe* Afaimtt These Greedr, GraipwaaS Cofpce^tsoat aai XtnUrmamml^ Appropristbt $lN f »MI ta Fight the Twa Prfrate CoDcermsia 9, IOSJMJ HCeat Standi far State Derekpaieat ef Hi Water Pewer, Deputy Attorney Geaeral George E. VaaKeaaea ol __ oo power devejopmeat writes the Free Pram the foBoeraff oa the subject aad ta waidi G«ivkrneuriau% woo have BUtatcipai imhriitf plant with which h> oppose list 9, 10 aad tl cent fcajttm* ratn of Ac two private bttstaets here, are deeply coocerneol Whether the natural lenoorcet ol Ac state saafi he with eght heat aad power fwaJaVed ta COJ or by private corporation* waa atteadaat For a long time the Free PreaahaJ •tabs where he stood oa tarn aaaertaat ataht amMm% hat made, it k gaowa« howewa. troai am Muscm Sboals biU was BaoW eascaseioa amd he Ht is repotted to be the oamwr #1 the Saefl f W t r River aad also of beiag r . i m M with the Mr. VanKeunea's a.tmuuit it aa 'New Tork state ta diealy jajtae> eated la the early ilsish>eiatwl a( ear water powers. The power arsHbhU oa the Niagara aad St. Lawraaee riv- ers to aloae sufleiemt t w ——--*—- preaaar needs. These sourese-damain largely notwithatandlng the ra maad -jtorurywhere for power. %er industries for ms ilrad. fwmaty medlaht aertoa ia reeu wXa wee ae hope af early meat In theReaa^tteaa pm declares for a oo&missloa of peadeat mea, capable aad free of politics to study the entire majeef with a view to determlulag ' po^sibie p a n to earry veioaments. There ta tats promise. It la merely a Every well informed all about 4»eaa water sources. Theloeatiea, extettt af avajlahla power aad aiethode af de- velopment have been study for at least St gent men also knew that the government has control of these wat- ers for navigatioa purposes ealy. Thej Federal government canaot, however, eagage la power development. Ko authority to go into the power ness has ever been delegated to xovernmeat. The state aloae jurisdiction over these waters for the Burpoee of the development of power It aloae owns the bod of the* It 50(INTSWILLof*^ ADMISSION PRICE TO CANTON GAME That est Price to the Geaver- laask Bad Beta la $ 1 5 0 Domed by feat Pekio Tea roeau ef the is- Since ortaasti • has oeen Caareace Pre no of ta probably tbe best ja thif section. feat what tbe aatare of the dee- will be has but tat fact that this part of the entertainment will he directed by Lawrence Parks to eaeagh. Mr Parks wfl] to the aoveltr features aad aramlste' to tatroduce several aew a umbers.! Ia this art be bas already proved his eaaepUoe ab:litT as the daace fol- lowers of Northers New Tork can at- j met, at least, the haadreda who have \ attoaaed the dances which he baa neatly supervised. j The ban as asual win he held la! s hall and daadag wljl he: eajoyed betvr«s aiae aad two' o'clock Concrete detoOs of this sarumeai socal ^reut, which is con- ceded to be the best gtvea daring the year, will b* ansouaced ta rime sc that pvervtxx:? -w\U know the* swell it it :/» be ii~ Humors have been loatfag about the village to the effect that the ad- mitsloa price to the toeChall ciaaaic at Canton. Satarday, between Oew- eraear aad Ogdensburg high aehool teams had been Increased from St cents to SI.it aad have eaused rnaeh unfa vol ahla eomment. eaade a gaaj fresajaamv A peas waa ^r" t^saiai.rfete': *.. LOCAL AUTO OWTfERS COWG TO CATTOU GAWE ASSXD TO ATD STUDENT? Papiis of :t* h.gh aad grammar jeaooie. who k* T * ae way af gettiue to Canton o w t>«ea the Ooavcraes Qgdeaiburg fooibaXr or at Eraeat Jark street at 12 U 3 ,. toaaohflisu r» a* te the ami it Haw Vi lives aad rrmadt tor ef late D. J. Wamaty. Mra. Julian Tracy Metcalf nee Mms Mildren Whitney, daughter of the late D. G. Whitney of thia village, who now resides in Chicago haa jaat returned from aa exteueive foreign trip and is the guest of Mrs. William Legate aad other relatives in town. Mrs. Metcalf sailed from New Tork in January oa the 8teamahip President Polk aad returned last week to America oa the steamship Rotterdam. She speat several weeks in London, vtotted frteads la Paris aad stadied with Dergouge, the fam- ous French palator. She toured through 8wltaeriaad, speat three mouths la Italy, netting Floreaoa, Milan. Venice, Rome, Maples aad oth- er places. From Italy, Mra. MeseaU weat to Moaaea and the French Reviera, speading a month at the famed Monte dw-Jsort of Fraaee. aha retarned to P a r i s ! e m r ^ L T S S l 5 5 & ^ 5 ? ^ B S From there this veritable globe-trot-,^?. 1^ £^ t J2S!^J!2J^Z? ter vtaited the beaatifal foreeta of S e A"J ^Tadm^^^2eI^J-te Barbisoa aad Fontainbleu aad the' M * -* *** » 4 »»» l «» Frtee weald battle aelds of Fraaca. Through the air in aa areoplaae shs made her way to Brussels where she spent some time. She then weat to Belgium aad Hoi laud where remained for a tew weeks sailing for i this country earry this month. Father Time has kiadly treated) Mra Metcalf aa there is but little: difference to be seen in her from! the days when she was oae of Gouv-j emeur s popular yoang women. She '• will spend a few weeks here with,; _ Mra. Legate and relatives retaining to Cbicajro some time next mouth Mrs. C aaarael Tamatomw tf where ah* will >otn Mr. Metcalf. j Mra Metcalf has had s wonderful < sad nsoet enjoyable trip and noth-< lag delights her more than to re-i ^ M ^ count to her friends the scene- £ *****?* for k R *S" W ^ through which she has paeeed Her ^ » "• beM at the Repuhtteaa club many trends Iz town have given ™ om > » *** ^ ^ Wo 5 k _? v * r ***" aer a warm welcome berry s store. Friday afteraoea. H-r father D G. Whitney was la Mrs. C Mitchell TaJmXenw of he St coats Just the aame as la are- £ REPUBLICAN WOMEN TO BOLD A MEETNG FRIDAY AFTERNOON Terkw bean Cbab BAPTBT PASTOR DRGESCmZENS TOVOTETDESDAT ta the werlsVaadyet bt aUowwd to coatrei bath oil his :.a:e. one of the most nrooinent Tork iy. Ia«L __ 17.«M. ef If per em metarar aad wrttor of note failed to cast a veto. will store ia Mala aa-1 sad Maocvu and leading marble men of ^ V , * * * •*•» —I*?*** t -*^5f*I Xorthera Xew Tork A »*« j l ! ^ * * 1 *»^ k ^^ ¥w ?f5_? f ** Fkaos to where , jRcpwhlleaa party, wfll address the duty as at the -_ _ _ {sseertag AH saea * TMK H W T W TRAPOT j Mrs. TuMaferre *n\e Siagtag Teapot,*" s eratic rasa soars sruaositJou was ta ' eight m town Friday oa the way from Platte- with Br traaaaortatioa ^'-^^^ NLJ

WATER POWER POLICY IS G.LTAIT STORE DEVELOP ITSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1924-10-29/ed-1/seq-1.pdfTtflB-T »j»w>-'f' •w'i{

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TtflB-T »j»w>-'f' •w'i{<,y*n|"""W"1" ''H^'a^W^Wfaumw VR

WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1924. ^ V 1 * * ^ ^ ^ 9 » i

rd tor two I another end •

. A pass aaued aeveu! ! a ttrst down J ill. FreemanI

._ losing five! ak the ball onj ins Provencial1

m the fourth »ur yards thru

for three not gain and who signaled

•lead of catch-it strike the made a long > fourth down

from place-line which

feet. It waa r»r punted on Masseae tried

formation . _ wes which ^uverneur took lain posted.

»ut of danger Masseua mad*

get within turned hack.

Eaaseaa in pos-Goaverneur's

Masaena (13) . . . Hanson

Dtahaw . . Matthews

Blair Chase

..Provencial Lynch

. .Frego . . . Beaulieu . . .Germaao . . .Delaware

1 I 4 n 9 I 0—Zt 7 e a—xj Met, Water-

Ogdana-* r. Og-




DEVELOP ITS Had Beta in ftatneaf Hare for

31 Yttrs ud Wa. fee of

ftyaa to Take P. ~Skj Gooes Merckaat s i

Newly Aeaajrtd CWthmf Aieaf With Hit See We* Liked Y George L. Tait, well known and

popular clothing merchant and tailor of this village, disposed of his busi­ness to H. H. Ryan, dry goods mer­chant of tarn* village tor many yeaxa. Inventory ia being taken in the fai t store aad the new owner will take possession on November 1.

Mr. Tait has been in the clothing and teilorlni business in Gouverneur for the paat I I years. He first started in business as a tailor in the store now occupied by the fit. hewrence Transmission company. Ha remained there for several yeara aad than re­moved to the old postomee building in Church street. The place BOW is occupied by the Road Musk eompany. Seventeen years ago he removed to his present location ia Main street aad there waa associated with Perle A. Grarea for a nam bar of years About six or seres years ago, Mr Graves retired aad his interests were purchased by Mr. Tait wko since has conducted the business aloae. Iftreogh aeretamnt efforts Mr. Tait

from baaiaeas with a an

_ Circles. When

t a Jr\>saflaat/ *)*& ke conducted a than removed

purchased a known as for many by N. • .

Xa i m he aad





tefcr^-e-sr*55^ 13 to 0. and

****** M * * a

rar the c a n e . l a e y \»4^jF^*<^Zr££>.M aa the had seen them beaten by^t f y»*>t Una. Geaverneur eoakl aa* « team into the ie*f fctf^g^g^ * ^ ™ £ *""**' * * * *

aad here Ooavetasmv.; Aye yards for being id

T b ^ ead aeea D e n e pat # winaiag team into the aejd the paat five yean aad ma) year whew it era* said that Maaseaa would i»ave the same eleven this year with the adtjanaa of Frego, most fan« were ready to concede Masaeaa aaotber iliiisiiiiajhii, but here Wilbam I. Graf eaters t h e 4 * * * $ **> f**» * M

' scsar. aad taJdag a riaash of mvbmeaed mea whips them into shape bttie by J t l i t natf b * Setarday w m ^ Is it any wonder that Gouveiaeariaas weot wild far dm reiaaiader of the day aad far into the flight r

in the ftrat fire minutes of play. Jen alevato did hta part la the afternoon

was ready wr at

id-cvery man called upea. Ore**e ayatam oc eoaea* Jag waa ajrita agsmrsat throughout the game aad wohet ter coadidoaed

the football can be said df awery man la the whom team. Latham. Ritchie. Good-aoash . Gale, Laidlaw aad Wkitaey with Melroaa at tes ter made ap the forward llae which man Impregnable,

as Delaware aad Oermaao, tike

at qaartarjslayaaVa heady aama caH-•~*''*twf Ida ~BBK] ^ a a l l like a ^ wail dotaaj i

eaaemi waa ia naial i irpl the has} 4a the Isagmo rssamsaa played 'kla

entirely the air aad i t waa Gouverneur's hall oa the Jft-yard line. Seven plays took the ball over, every play tarn the llae. The crowd waa so takea by aarprJae that they forgot to yell aad they were again aatonished to see a Mssseas player fumble the oral aad see Jenkins scoop it op and run 20 yards for the second toachdowa. , These two touchdowns were simply' knockouts aad put the Qoaveraewr ,team mto the lead by a

1 margin which waa too mrge to erer-

afbie for the first toachdown with a • eix-yard smash thru tackle.

Captain Jenkins Bead up to the reautattoa ha haa asasm this season. He pat ap a woaderfal game through­out. It was ha who picked ap the •Uaseaa rumbla aooa after the game started aam-riaad ha that «oal IBM for the second toachdowa aad scored again thru caster la the third oaarter. Bo waa alee aaeeaasfal la two ef hia kJcka from pmeemsat after toaehdawa. B e realty can he celled the metMsw of tm " ' Oouatry.

- One anmt mat forget *he team which pmyed a aaaaaj

R waa a two

kfaa kicked oa! and Provencial a a a t e d i J ^ * * a , e b*11 o n *** I*-**** ttaa. ™thT fSit pmy mTrSSk ~ » * £ ? • I0"? • « S ^ ***** failure aa ft weat almost entirely into 1 fP*» ****** toj" » toocAdowaspd ha

MttiBS the hall rraco w*eat thra r"

a field goal

i the a. famg raw by Fraaw la a atroaa; aeaatsaa. for the aoare aad ami for the extra point.

Gourantear's third the third ewarter whoa aa

of puata aad aa inter-aa pat the locals la a poat-

tSoa to seore. Jenkins saado. the toachdowa. With the score za~7 the keaam played a defeaatve game aad thai would have aeea the final seore

kl*h Mtfm t h e ami ~ i half

yards around <ead

« o punted 10 to Sayer who made, a fair

Sayar pmated oat of Masaena had the hall a a the t # -

yurd Uae. A Pream fumbled the baU but recawafad

" ho circled toft end for t f

a-goal from the field Tor the point. Score, Qouvsrasar U;

7. Jenkins kicked off t o who got 10 yards on.hue re-Goodaoagh made a pretty

Brorencial punted to amyaf returned the punt on the next

Proveaeiars paat waa mocked recovered the haU loaamg l o

>arda oa the play. He punted 40 Sayar who ran back 7 yavda. " eoded with the bail In

Qhsveraenr's 4»-yard hme.


fumble sttdestepped aeveraf mea aad hroagat the ball to the It-yard Uae. He scored again aooa after. There waa ao scoring fa the fourth oaarter both teams resortiag to pwata with netcher aartag much of aa advaat-

oa the It-yard ttaa ta

aaid Chat ao riaaaer beach of saea ever payed oa the Oocreraear grtd-

gaard, the latter taking Imstam'a at aad. Prwveacml kicked off

the aaO going over the line. Goarrer-aall oa the J ©-yard llae. Bayer

punted 10 yards to Frego who could aot advanoa, three Gourernear atom tackling him. Blair, the Maaseaa center mad a bad pasa had Ritchie recovered the haU for Goaveraear. Ooavaraear could aot gala beiag aeUt for downs aad Miasms took thoaaf i oa lta own 10-yard Uae. Frego swated I f yards hat Qou?eiaewi was offmde aad the baU was hrougM baefc. Piuteacial pwated 10 vsrwa aad oa Che third amy Sayer retexraeftj the paat to Frego who waa agn

the "Uae of fjaaee high ta the air aad ] t t aad it waa Gowvaraei

the ive-yard Uae. Sayar gala hat Jeakias took the bail over wmea a heaaUfal hale spaasi aa> tmw aim aad he foil over the Be* for the third teacamowa. I hat peettkm at aad aad

at guard.

Frego fooled them sad circled right ead for a toachdowa. HSs drop kick y a t wide. Score. Oowvuacaj S t ;

Jeakias kicked off to Frego who tu­rf rwaaiag with the ball need*

lateral pass to

to fleet eae Piiaiaiasai uae aad tt was ap to Frego ta snake the gars*,

though several tbwea h e waa tackled; • 4mama Waa a Cmwaae for a lose by Whttaev. the Gowrar-' The game will always he reasasa-veur ead. w i e waa a smrveea the aw-; oared aa earn ef the grtdiroa elassses f M S e . ef Meitheia New Tork.

Coach Demo aaat la several sab- The game piay by ntrtutes to try to turn the tide hat tb*y were hetamue, aad he declsrud CaateJa Frego eteeted to mrxer the game that ao team ta Hw aad Jeakias kicked off at t fCorth ooald have doae aj better. The baJJ waa eaagkt by Frego The locals had the fight, pep aad ewa two-yard Uae aad he traveled raced 4 t yards before beta* dseraed. rr^rvthtag ehm which goes to make I t yards before being downed b y i B e slmaat had a dear aeM. a victory poaafble aad they eertaiary Latham. On the first play Prtrree-. aroaght him down with a flowed everything. Owe psmarkable etsl pwated high into the air aad tackle. Reaaad aad Delaware eewJd feature of the aame was the fact Sayer caaeht the ball oa the IS-yard wot c a n ead Proveacial was hrwagkt that oety ear plays were used by Hue. Jeakias made thrve yards thru **<* for ead rua ' Graft gmdSaior* aad away Ogdsas teckie. Frcamsii made three atere thrwwa for a o p herr aeoale who vera oa the look- thru center aad Jeakias get eevea **+ • * n t r r « r * * awal Bae. «at for parya ware doomed to dhma- yards aad firm down Jeakias rua wear's sail oa the St-yard

^uoratmnrt fr aright he aaJd that the ban out of bound* far ao data «**• * * thtrd < thW wfB have u caaaee to sue assae The haU was brought ta aad be made iOawiaiaiui I t . Miinniii 11

M aatye next Satafaaj at Cuaioa. four Tares thru taewJa. Sayer wwatC ' for three mere. Freemmaf Oa

. ^ . ^ jaaadeeUht tamal •*» o » a a tar the firm teach-i

Swdi ^Prwtmises to Bt

jii rrerioiif Ti

I t eras announced committee in charge anal armistice ball ef lay Post, No. 6S that thie year's eveat Monday night, N Armiative eve. and thak fiaa Boarlet Sereaaders of Canton ^teffl faraiah the music for the oecasaam. Tkis afi-aaal dancing party of tarn American Legion has come to h a laeogalsed — the social event of fam autumnal season in Gonverneur umm there is every Indication that ttm ajaroaeh-lag party will ecllpas tmuaffairs of previous years givaa J V ami local poet. Commander Caram -ageyoiated the various committee* to have charge of the affair at

and these am actively preparfa

that ta sure to bring hsmdreds of lovers to G o u v • • • • ! ' oa the

of November lawk. The general committee, heeded by

Commander Curtis ta amvde ap of •lea-Commander Bligh A. Dodda, Lawrence Parks. Clyde maaue, Leon­ard Caten. Louis Brmaaaaohr, 8Ua-toy Stowell. Harold fyea, Joseph flcalao aad Leon Maxley. I t was only after extreme effort that tt waa able to secure the Scarlet Baiaasduis as thie ordheatra at preaant to being

after almost aagteiy la this of the state. Tfcey played

into maaieal aad staging at Alexandria Bay hast aammer famisbiiig the mmmc for the

by the Oaatda Oaunty lea company which will eammliah a chain store here about November i t

l a the new eSothlag lies I win he Mr. Ryaa's son. Dwrwood, wko auto been connected warn Mr. Tait for the past three yeara. aad ta a splendid aad moat Ukeable young feUow.

Mr. Tait says that upon hit retire­ment, h e wUr take a long desired rest He expects to speed the win­ter months fa the south, prohahlg ia Florida, and will return tat the spring or early summer.



Fraaca, far/,

SH* NO Relief for tne People from Printe relopimff the State's Water Powert M t ^ Rep^Wcw PI»V A*» JPUat—Gor^eradmaaf Hire Made SplncSe* Afaimtt These Greedr, GraipwaaS Cofpce^tsoat a a i XtnUrmamml^ Appropristbt $lNf»MI ta Fight the Twa Prfrate CoDcermsia 9, IOSJMJ HCeat Standi far State Derekpaieat ef Hi Water Pewer,

Deputy Attorney Geaeral George E. VaaKeaaea o l _ _ oo power devejopmeat writes the Free Pram the foBoeraff oa the subject aad ta waidi G«ivkrneuriau% woo have BUtatcipai imhriitf plant with which h> oppose list 9, 10 aad t l cent fcajttm* ratn of A c two private bttstaets here, are deeply coocerneol

Whether the natural lenoorcet o l A c state saafi he with eght heat aad power fwaJaVed ta COJ or by private corporation* waa atteadaat

For a long time the Free PreaahaJ •tabs where he stood oa tarn aaaertaat ataht amMm% hat made, it k gaowa« howewa. troai am Muscm Sboals biU was BaoW eascaseioa amd he Ht is repotted to be the oamwr #1 the Saefl f W t r River aad also of beiag r . i m M with the

Mr. VanKeunea's a.tmuuit it aa 'New Tork state ta diealy jajtae>

eated la the early ilsish>eiatwl a( ear water powers. The power arsHbhU oa the Niagara aad St. Lawraaee riv­ers to aloae sufleiemt tw — — - - * — -preaaar needs. These sourese-damain largely notwithatandlng the r a maad -jtorurywhere for power. %er industries for ms

ilrad. fwmaty

medlaht aertoa ia reeu wXa wee ae hope af early

meat In theReaa^tteaa pm declares for a oo&missloa of peadeat mea, capable aad free of politics to study the entire majeef with a view to determlulag ' po^sibie p a n to earry veioaments. There ta tats promise. It la merely a Every well informed all about 4»eaa water sources. The loea t i ea , extettt af avajlahla power aad aiethode af de­velopment have been study for at least S t gent men also knew that the government has control of these wat­ers for navigatioa purposes ealy. T h e j Federal government canaot, however, eagage la power development. Ko authority to go into the power ness has ever been delegated to xovernmeat. The state aloae jurisdiction over these waters for the Burpoee of the development of power It aloae owns the bod of t h e *


5 0 ( I N T S W I L L o f * ^ ADMISSION PRICE

TO CANTON GAME That est Price to the Geaver-

laask Bad Beta la $ 1 5 0 Domed by feat

Pekio Tea roeau e f the i s -Since

ortaasti • has oeen Caareace Pre no of ta probably tbe best ja thif section.

feat what tbe aatare of the dee-will be has

but tat fact that this part of the entertainment will he directed by Lawrence Parks to eaeagh. Mr Parks wfl] to the aoveltr features aad aramlste' to tatroduce several aew a umbers.! Ia this art be bas already proved his eaaepUoe ab:litT as the daace fol­lowers of Northers New Tork can at- j met, at least, the haadreda who have \ attoaaed the dances which he baa

neatly supervised. j The ban as asual win he held la!

s hall and daadag wljl he: eajoyed betvr«s aiae aad two' o'clock Concrete detoOs of this sarumeai socal ^reut, which is con­ceded to be the best gtvea daring the year, will b* ansouaced ta rime sc that pvervtxx:? -w\U know the* swell

it it :/» be i i~

Humors have been loatfag about the village to the effect that the ad-mitsloa price to the toeChall ciaaaic at Canton. Satarday, between O e w -eraear aad Ogdensburg high aehool teams had been Increased from St cents to S I . i t aad have eaused rnaeh unfa vol ahla eomment.

eaade a gaaj fresajaamv A peas waa

^r" t^saiai.rfete': * . .


jeaooie. who k*T* ae way af gettiue to Canton o w t>«ea the Ooavcraes Qgdeaiburg fooibaXr or at Eraeat Jark street at 12 U 3 , . toaaohflisu r» a* te the

ami i t Haw Vi lives aad rrmadt tor ef l a t e D . J. Wamaty. Mra. Julian Tracy Metcalf nee Mms

Mildren Whitney, daughter of the late D. G. Whitney of thia village, who now resides in Chicago haa jaat returned from aa exteueive foreign trip and is the guest of Mrs. William Legate aad other relatives in town.

Mrs. Metcalf sailed from New Tork in January oa the 8teamahip President Polk aad returned last week to America oa the steamship Rotterdam. She speat several weeks in London, vtotted frteads la Paris aad stadied with Dergouge, the fam­ous French palator. She toured through 8wltaeriaad, speat three mouths la Italy, netting Floreaoa, Milan. Venice, Rome, Maples aad oth­er places.

From Italy, Mra. MeseaU weat to Moaaea and the French Reviera, speading a month at the famed Monte

dw-Jsort of Fraaee. aha retarned to P a r i s ! e m r ^ L T S S l 5 5 & ^ 5 ? ^ B S From there this veritable globe-trot- ,^?. 1^ £^tJ2S!^J!2J^Z? ter vtaited the beaatifal foreeta of S e A " J ^ T a d m ^ ^ ^ 2 e I ^ J - t e Barbisoa aad Fontainbleu aad t h e ' M * - * *** » 4 » » » l « » Frtee weald battle aelds of Fraaca.

Through the air in aa areoplaae shs made her way to Brussels where she spent some time. She then weat to Belgium aad Hoi laud where remained for a tew weeks sailing for i this country earry this month.

Father Time has kiadly treated) Mra Metcalf aa there is but little: difference to be seen in her from! the days when she was oae of Gouv-j emeur s popular yoang women. She '• will spend a few weeks here with,; _ Mra. Legate and relatives retaining to Cbicajro some time next mouth Mrs. C aaarael Tamatomw t f where ah* will >otn Mr. Metcalf. j

Mra Metcalf has had s wonderful < sad nsoet enjoyable trip and noth-< lag delights her more than to re-i ^ M ^ count to her friends the scene- £ *****?* f o r

kR * S " W ^

through which she has paeeed Her ^ » "• beM at the Repuhtteaa club many trends Iz town have given ™ o m > » *** ^ ^ W o 5 k _ ? v * r * * * " aer a warm welcome berry s store. Friday afteraoea.

H-r father D G. Whitney was la Mrs. C Mitchell TaJmXenw of

he St coats Just the aame as la are-


Terkw bean Cbab



ta the wer l sVaadyet bt aUowwd to coatrei bath


his :.a:e. one of the most nrooinent Tork

iy. I a « L _ _ 17.«M. ef I f per em

metarar aad wrttor of note failed to cast a veto.

will store ia Mala

aa-1 sad

Maocvu and leading marble men of ^ V , * * * •* •» —I*?*** ™ t-*^5f*I Xorthera Xew Tork A »*« j l ! ^ * * 1 * » ^ k ^ ^ ¥ w ? f 5 _ ? f * * Fkaos to where

, jRcpwhlleaa party, wfll address the duty as at the -_ _ _ {sseertag AH saea * —

TMK H W T W TRAPOT j Mrs. TuMaferre * n \ e Siagtag Teapot,*" s eratic rasa soars sruaositJou was ta ' eight m town Friday oa the way from Platte- with Br


^'-^^^ NLJ