' ""•'••;;»'- - v * £ . v - 5 . "•-.• .£!$?' i ;>••:•- •'• -l- I { d 1 n 1 i- * « \ : i \ * ~* JL f -K .^ £ 1 r s i ' •- 8 r t r 1 t ?*•-'! --^wsssEKslBfa^ : m «\J r "szr -mp J * '* *r*s" *^^^^*";^V*^ , * ?* <h *\ v~* ^ r ^*u v^v ^ * * •/ ^iSSs^^r? ^ * *<-*** , ^ •' "\. . . v -* * ^ - * % ' * - ••-*••• ^- • ' " >*\*a3«w<-..^*&., •^>^4•> , fWDAY; AHUL *7. 1928 GOUVERNEUR. FREE PRESS IITH1 ;e Notes Personal Mention lOAIMSBOOrt |H.R FLED CAPTORS LEAVES BOARD i .._ After &*• Rrr. litct The condition of Mrs. James ton of Wilson street, who Is serious- ly ill at her home, is nndianied. Attorney Delos M. CO**TOY* of Trmak 8. Ball of Auburn visited Thirty-fir* co*ew were laid for at Rtfvbr Classified 14 ACRKS—With food baildinsr*. thrr#' nllH out for »*U or w*»uld take house in GouT^rneur. H C Roc«r» GEO. W. ROWLEY DIES AT ALTON My •* F Harry H. Hodfkitt* nifuibfr of the WANTED—Scotch pups and do Watertown was in GouTe«ieiir Maa-UbUiMd employment day on business. Walter B. Winne of Watertowii was a business risitor in Oouvemeur on Tuesday. ,- . Mrs. W. B. Stouflltoa left Mon- day for New York where she will spend a week. Mrs. W. Leonard Caten returned to her home here 8«ft4ay in* the past three weeks in New York. Mrs. J esse L. Skinner of John street is confined to the Lee Haven Rest Home in Watertown for treat* ment. Mrs. Myron Huntley of John street, spent last week with Mrs. Jesse Skinner who Is receiving treat- ment in a Watertown nospiial. frifiiids in Gourerneur on Tuesday. { th# first of a series of get-toKfther ylllasie board of «*••**_*•_• resigned Leo Ryan of this Thursday for Cleveland colltr*. mo aon. Arc hi* ton. N. Y.. R F D. •h«pherd Bmithcrs. UwJtp „, , *J meetings of the Brotherhood of the' his office at the regular meeting of W wS\^ N v T ?nH #«i^?£r&T* fari "* r wliWakS^^^^ chuTch be,d ^ the i the board on TuetKUr erring last j h *£2! ^VooTu^r^it^gooi wnere ne nasj caurcn p^,^,, Friday eveaiag The Mr. Hodgkin had beegi a member on-, m«»duwi, a*>os« and bam. about 7 Pi 1 !? t fr< J? n G <i"**™*"r w v *«-y chr*D curred on April 21 at Alton, N. Y H C. R o a ^ U C ° W ' When W<>rk ^ The body was brought to OouTer food was served by the women Oftly ttiftee April 1. He was elected on • the Republican ticket *t the March Funeral services were held at I:SO Wednesday afternoon at the Free Methodist church in West Mala street for George Washington Row- ley, aged 86 years, whose death oc- A daughter. Jane Vivian Gates.'unit S of the church .was born April 1*. to Mr. and Mrs. I Ea r i w Riley, president of the! election Brotherhood, introduced Prof Scott Mr Hodgkin U general manager L. Brown as the leader of the com- °* the Gouverneur Umeatone com- munity songs, after which he intro- P*ny which furnishes limestone for duced Rev. Maynard P Beach, pas- road-making purpo*e» from time to tor of the First Methodist church, j time it was due to this connection was born at who B poke interestingly on -The'that he resigned, feelm* that his Claude Gates of Antwerp Mrs. Lottie Brown returned Sat- urday after spending two weeks in Washington, D. C. and vicinity. A son, Clarence, Jr Roger*. —_— ; neur, Mr. Rowley's former home. FOR .RKNT--4 room apertmaatpCsu-, Wednesday morning Interment was trally located Call at Free Pr^a , madft |B ^ Rowlt?y famUy plot |n J ACRES—ju»t outside, with mce' Riverside cemetery. hou»e. lights, hardwood floor* Could Mr. Rowley resided in Gouverneur Urae hen hou.e. H C Rog^re tt °° d « mor « thlLn 40 >«*" a H e W M born mammam Mr. aad Mrs. Joe*** tertalned at their hosme I street Frtda> eresiimg ta hesMT SJC the 12th weddiag j^alveraary ^«C Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Premo. r fe„., Six ubles ot pedro were playvi, the first honors being won by LeRoy Blair and WiiUam The consoiaUom prise was to Mrs. Paul Brans and Dougal. Refreshmenu ' after which Lomls Waahbnm« la behalf of the guesu. presented Mr. and Mrs. Premo with a rocking chair. .. _ ,..;.. v- %& There were SO gnests present in- cluding Mr. and Mrs. Paal Krans, Natural Dam April 26 to Mr and Assassination of Lincoln and *sj Mrs. Clarence LaMoore of that place, j Escape of Booth." The condition of Mrs. Melrin The story^ss told by Rev. Beach Truax, who is ill at Howard street, remains same. «r* mcir u ia« »iw 7 -• w». », »**\ .1 village law to appoint her home in was given "rrof two angles, the t M " MrtH - k<n Xrit u is about The" first o7"which is the account as giv- lo Mr Ho<1 Kkin. or it n the' membership on the board might J prove embarrassing. 1 The board is empowered under the successor may lt*ave the A son, Richard Wayne Mac Adam, was born April 24 to Mr. and Mrs William C. MacAdam, 2*8 West Main street. The Home Economics committee en through the fEover&meot bie-^ tories. which differs greatly from i that which was given afterward as | related by Clarence True Wilson, i through whom Rev. Mr. Beach first '• heard the different version. j He held the close attention of! be uited a* double hou»r _ ——__ 'in Antwerp, July 1. 1842. the son of f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDonxaL Mr. M «S??1 AN 1P CE Y ENT WORK-Kalso- the late Lewis and Sarah Brlggs | and Mrt. LouU Wasbbara! Mr. and ?$?'tfi& S~£uZt%* ^ l T: Rowley He enlisted during the Mrs. WMtaa^ MoiinT M^and McArtha. Sr. 4t mil Bt SwStc 'Civil war in Co. K. 14th New York Irvin Gardner, Mr and Mrs, Frank IOME—u acr.a su.t i H ** r l artillery and served through- j Boprev. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Boprwy, SidT^oodihoui - iuo!° u L the term of hostilities. | Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jennings, Mr t. Would t*ke hou»r ' For four years he made " * * GCK>D NKARBY HOME—19 outalde Good road barn. Price rlgh part pay if neceseary. H C Rogrr* of the Grange will hold a pedro and ' those present, the story which is B. 0. Loomis of Watertown was a bridge_j>arty in the Grange hall Fri- said to be supported by affidavits guest Monday of his brother. W. H. s <** v evening. May 4. Loomt* and his son. A. Prescott \ Mrg Andrew Turnbull of How- toomis, in this village. j ard BlTeei w ^ 0 naB o^en seriously MT. and Mrs. H. C. Rogers and Mr. ill for the past five weeks, is re- and Mrs. George F. Leak left on ported as slightly improved today. Monday for a two days automobile' Mr> and MrB j_ L> M ason and son. and other proof showing that in-1 stead of John Wilkes Booth being' killed in the bam in which he was' cornered, and was buried on the < order of the governement. he escaped and lived for years afterward, a con- fession being first made on what he ^P* ,. [James, and Miss Gertrude Loveland gupposed was his death bed, and up-; Gouverneur Grange held its regu- and Mrs. H. Douglas Johnson left on his recovery being ajraTn related! lar fortnightly dence on Wednesday * Thursday for Syracuse where they^y Booth. -«s^ evening. Tails orchestra furnished { wll l remain over the week end. , R eT Mr. Beach presented a map music, I Harry N Bockus and family of Ne-! *hich illustrated a portion of the Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cushman and'wark. N. J., are visiting at the home Jtory to!,! He said1 that . " / * * < > son. Robert, returned Saturday after of his parents. Mr. and Mr. Vin C. wUhnd for more ^tailed wifica- "spending two wesU in w»hin r tnn Bockus in East Main street. They ei-.tionof the fltorj^s.-He-tnlrt it cnalrl and"Sew York ^^^ pect to be in Gouverneur several: *et from the slate library at Al-, ana .iew iora. j days j bany. a copy of 'The Assassination] The condition of Robert L. Kinney | of Lincoln." together with other' of this village, who has been serious- A daughter. Aileen. was born on ma gaiines and literature bearing ly ill at his home here for the past Tuesday, April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. \ oui the facts as related by Clarence two weeks, is gradually improving. Charles Redmond of Watertown. Mrs. xrue Wilson. fh* ,nn^it« n n «f Mrs Andrew < %?£ mond ? as ^ ormerl y M j 88 Helen Th e committee in charge of the Tn«h«i?£f^ ° f Jerome J - «rst *«PPer included .Scott L. Sa?^rio^sfy 0 Ul tor^ p^t° few \ °' B «'» ° f Gouverneur. Brown, chairman; Philip Nelson and days, is somewhat improved. Tire-Mothers club will hold its £r. J. H. Hewitt with Clayton F. regular business meeting Saturday Rush in charge of the refreshment i with bis son, H. E. Rowley in Ful- TAILORING-Pant. and vest making I t ° B / n d to * two years resided St Work *t*ne on lad tee clothe*. Prices' Henderson Harbor. Jefferson coun- reaeonable Carrie Bpacoe, Bavlnge ty. He then went to Alton to make a Loan Bids. Phone 14-J. twttc ; h{9 home w U h hiu ^ L B Row . ley. where his death occurred. Mr. his home t and Mrs. Joseph LaReen. Mr. NICK COl'NTRY HOME with city ad- vantage*. 9 acres outside corpora- tion. House has furnace, lights, oath, lavatory, cloeet. hot and cold water U»n, shade kwirn. hen house Land Mrs. W K. Premo. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeRoche. Mrs. Perle Thomas, Mrs. N. D. Gardner. Charles. JBd- win and Harold Boprey. and ~&ir^*^ : Rowley is survived by three sons. Fred L.. of Buffalo; L. E. Row- ley of Alton; H. E. Rowley of Ful- tn high state of cultivation. Not all j ton; ana. slaughter, Mrs Elisabeth money necessary. Owner would take. fj nwar H rt # * n i tAll . rtf% - •f«tj fc r \MT+ i;oud house in (Souverneur If necee- " owar * °£ ™ton. one sister. Mrs. < aary. H c. Roaem j Cora Griffin \of Long Beach. Calif, f ' and one brother\JE. W. Rowley of . North Gouverneur. He also leaves \ replaced with new ones 21 grandchildren and 20 great WANTED—Broken ge&rs and springs, Vnrth worn ring-" and brake lining. Auto ^ uriu part* to be replaced with new ones by Gouverneur Welding and Machine grandchildren. Work * 43wtf I Rev Samuel Ghent, district elder MAYING COUNTRY STORK-^U «,4i*«tand Rev. C. M. Hartson. pastor of Gouverneur. good country town, old the Free Methodist church at Water- established. For sale onJy accaunt 111 #-y health. Would take house In Canton- * ^Y ^_ sii or Gouverneur if priced right. H. C Rogers, .•• i^R QTICK •—tuwrt SALE—Owner Mrs. Alice Christopher of Wa-, afternoon, April 28. at the home 0 f'P r ** rftm - lt is planned to hold sim- tertown was the week end guest at J JJ,^ Ernest McCullough with Mrs ,lar meetings each month. The com- the home of Mrs. Anne Bpulet in \ mitred Stowell and Mrs. Howard mittee for May includes G. Wilson <—-Photo by Elmer. Harry H. Hti%t In. _ leaving 5fir# Coty six room house and barn on East Main Street. Lights, water, g>ood garden, nice shade. woodshed. Part cash down. $1660. Write M-W. care Free Press, for an appointment. 12w2tc FOR SALE— D*rk Blue Baby Stroller Good as new. Price reasonable. Mrs. Erskine Hawn, 10 Babcock St.. City. llwltc HOUSE FOR QUICK SALE—Bunralow type, all modern conveniences. Pr moo L >wn. officiated at the services, as- sted by Rev. John Roberts, pastor of the Gouverneur church. hostesses. Mrs. JProapeci street '_^— j Leeson. assistant Mr. and Mrs. William* Carr of [Edward Anderson will have charge Lewiston. Vt.. have been spending a* A h Kilbourne of few days in Gouverneur. Mrs. Carr who conducU a bus service between .was formerly Miss Haiel Clifton of, Gouverneur. . Piercefield and Tup- this village. - - % | p er j^ake will resume the service Dr. Howard Bowman of Ridge-j May 1 and will mak\e stops at all way, N. J., was the guest of his' towns along _the route. Passenpers mother, Mrs. Charles Bowman, in for Old Forpe can connect with the Gordon street, the latter part of trains at Piercefield. the week. . Crescent Encampment. 82. "I. O. Mrs. Lou Fuller of Trinity avenue, O. F.. will hold a special session left Monday, for New York, where Tuesday evening. May 1. and the she will be the guest for a short Golden Rule and Royal Purple de- Dodds, chairman, who will select bis assistants, and Mr. Rush will i again be in charge of the refresh- Star Lake me nts. office unfilled, at its discretion. How- ever, it is believed the office will be filled. No action has been taken thus tar, however. , i The board meeting on Tuesday! FOU SALE evening proved to be one of the busi-1 of car*. WOMEN'S CLUBS HOLD MEET AT OGDENSBURG The spring meeting of the first St. Lawrence district of the North ern Federation of Women's Clubs was held last Thursday at St. John's parish house. Ogdensbnrg. About 100 women from Osdensbnrf. Harmon* Canton. -Gouvernenr, Heuvelton. H. B. Post. 275 West Main 8? I Morl «y ; U d * m * nd B ^ W * rd » w « ltwtf present. Mrs. H. L. Wallace, district chairman of Canton, presided. The HOME MADE—Quality ice cream the Crystal Palace, brick and bulk always on hand. 60c per quart. S cial prices on quantities. t. Spe- ISwtf time at the home'of Fred Marsell. her brother grees will be conferred on a class of i 17 candidates. Refreshments wirl fol- Mrs. Floyd Inghem of East Main low the degree work. All Patriarchs Street was Called to Potsdam Sunday j MRS. MYERS, 32, DIES IN SYRACUSE Formerly Miss Genera MerrHt of This Valafe—Body Eipected to Be Broafni Here Word was- recei'red here today or; **}** Garfield Burleigh was heard the death in the Hospital of the Good and ac^pted. The report covered the Shepherd. Syracuse, at 5 Thursday vear ending with his terra of office. —I'sed parts for all makes Als^new and second hand upper Mam street residents appear-j ;i:4.w. 4Swtf ed to file a protest against a request of the Potsdam American Oil com-! GI I ?^ u frrlJ ti b r , ulb ^ ilr far t !i' J£Z*Z ««^.. T«^ »w.* i* w & •* ,.-.~ ••*».! #« • rl<»wers, sparkling like the broken pany. Inc., that it be permitted to i place large gasoline tanks on the j morning session was followed by a luncheon at noon. The hostesses of the convention Miss Viva Barr entertained at bridge st her horns in Starting str—t on Friday evening- last. Two tables were played. First honors ware won by Mrs. Mace Hopper. The eonsosa tioa prise went to Mrs. Ray Wlttsra. Those present were: Mrs: Clajv ence I. Bockus. Mrs. Mace Hopper,' Mrs. Ray Witters, Mrs. Carl Barer* ance, Mrs. L. Meade, Miss Everm Brown, Mrs. John Constant!*:** and Mrs G. Wright. A card party was held at the of Mi* Isaac Wood in Wilson street last Friday afternoon. Mrs. F. Walls was awarded first honors and Mrs. M. Kilburn the eonsolatioja prisa. Light refreshments were served at the close of the party and every ana reported aa excellent time. The following guests ware In at- tendance: Mrs, D. Bowsaw strsu H. Thomas, Mrs. R. O'Neil. Mrs. F. Wells, Mrs 8. Pike, Mrs. H. Gard- ner. Mrs. K. Lamb, Mrs. M. Kilbarm. Annonncement was mads that ti* next reanlar party will be- bald at the home of Mrs. 8. Pike la Smith Street Friday afternoon. Mrs. Gertrude Corbin of this Til- lage entertained at her home on were theCitisens'and Newian^clnbs Thursday in honor of Miss Helen L of Ogdensburg and the guest of Parker who will sail for Europe honor. Mrs. WTITIam Hllligan of Low- ln M * T - A ** B **?°*y* 1 ville. president of the Northern Fed- eration. The afternoon session be- gan at 1:30. The principal speaker was Mrs. at noon at which Miss Parker was taa guest et honor. Those present ; Joseph Wall property in East Main street. The residents of that section feel that they are a danger and will detract from the value of their prop- erty. The board heard the request, but deferred action on it. The annual report of retiring fire Mrs. A. B. OTeracker. Mrs. Ida Lore- i%: less, Mrs. Bert Rhoda Fox. Wallace and Mrs. iheart of a luscious watermelon. , »»,».. « v -. > . . . rlowmg crimson, stately white, rtame * Mllllgan, who discussed dab work apricot, etherial shell pink, velvety ; a n d the activities of the Northern frarnel. radiant rose and richest i Federation Other* war* Mr* cream, and pink. *V% to 2-tnch bulbs Z^Zi^^ <o~* V*%*.Z i? * i a -dinner DSrtv WAdnssdar of the above for ii.oTJ. postpaid. Fred j Charles G. Reeder of Carthage, first « *" in l t r J*V1 7 *rlL!2!^i-r L. Ashworth. Heuvelton. S Y vice president of the State" Tedera* at their borne. Thoee .^bo ^^^ rows ran sur Twentr 11 ^ 1 ?^ ' Uon « MieXETfcabeth Grubb. St. Law-W«^ ». aad^lra. H. O. Hulbart. Tr^de H°oSte^ L a^I^ n hW h T 1C a f -"- -«^v rMi/i w.ifsr. srsnt . n . f Mr. and Mrs. Bmerson *mit>. Mr Mr. and Mrs. George Bosnian bald are requested to be present. morning by the death of her fa.th-j ^-The regular meeting of Geuver- afternoon of Mrs. Geneva Merritt Ap ^. 1 ** er> John Lawrence, which occurred neur Morris Chapter D. A. R. will be Myers, aged 32 years, wife, of George! Tne Tupper Lake to that Tillage Sunday. . [held today at the home of Mrs."V. Myers of that city. Mrs.ftyersfor- Raymond C. B u r d i c k . s u p e r t n t e n d - f f / ^ ^ 1 ^ > e i , y T % ided > ^ G ^ 1 ttverneuh A K ent of schools of Watertown. and ll^l^ll^ \ JiLw n^7h^7n^ KI ^7* ^ ^ 7 d ? ath W ^ ?*?*>*! Gary M. Jones, principal of Wate?- f ^ l J f f f > D 'Zi lTh« j f v l ° hv" ^ poisoning from which she had town high school, were registered at \\£™£^ f on UI? J il l ^Jlj^ hy I te*nsutter\ngtot;the past week. Her the St. Lawrence Inn here Friday. I the re ^ nt » Mn H G - Aldrich. (death was*a shock to members of ber Miss* Florine Btftler of this vil- lage underwent an operation at the A. Barton Hepburn hospital in- Og- ftrouWe 011 * m0rnlng f ° r tatwUon -!oVmliead*Rlcha7d^ Harold Apps>. son of Mr. and Mrs |fyron Apple of Somerville, is seri-1 wedding was not announced. onsly ill at his home in Somerville. A niArrtage ±ieeae* --*** -issnad: ffta J n 3 r ^ho n ? d not known of her this- week to Bdwant Thomas Drakfii? 0 ^*^IIliieBa- - - —-- of 2i* Valley Drive, Syracuse^ a 1, 3*7.7?* i ^ ™ *» ^^^l?^ D ? C ' Bei-lel 10,_lf96, the daughter of Charles daughter* of f * nd J wniie Boscoe Merritt. She re- Mr. and Mrs, Orison Dean Richard- i ^ ^ h f r edncaUoa here and later son of^aVnrai Dam 'm date of the' wa «Jf m P°3red in Syracuse where she married ten years ago George Myers. street ear driver, and Miss Bus company appeared again and . asked for a public hearing on their request for an extension of —their -tranchise through the village from Gordon street to Depot street. The re- quest for a hearing was granted. A new sewer was aujtoorised in West Male street at the corner of Hei4 street where considerable dif- ficulty has been experienced from water during the past few weeks. FLORflM DESERTED BT GOUVERNEUR VISITORS He was stricken several days ago with an attack of pneumonia. Alger- Conger of Worcester. Mass., ias been spending several days in luveraeur. He was accompanied lere by Miss Martha Brown, who mt the Easter vacation at the Con- ?r home. , Cecil Dake of Morristown has tak- a < pe*ftion with the Oswegatchie Light k. Power company of this vil- lage. He will have charge of the con- struction and wiring department of the Gouverneur company. She leaves, besides her husband The regular- meeting of - the! one daughter. Alta. aged 8. and one, By John JUxrwick Philathea class of the Presbyterian: son. Robert, aged 7; ber mother.) 6t. Petersburg, Fla.. April 1%.church will be~h~eld Tuesday eve-. Mrs. Jennie Merritt of Vista street, i More than 15 Gopvernenr residents ning. May 1, at the home of Mrs. Gouverneur: four brothers^ Warren 'were winter visitors in the Sunshine Walter Leonard The committee in ' of South Hammond; Hosrara or PhiFj City during the season now drawing charge is Mrs. Etta Pickert, Mrs. ladelphia. Pa.; Leo and Daniel, both i to a close. Of that number, most of Edwin Bond, Mrs. Alice Webster, of Gouverneur. and one sister, Mary I the Gouverneur tourists have retnrn- Miss Wilcox and Mrs. Chester Hart- of Philadelphia, Pa.' Her father died j ed to their northern homes by auto- ley, f ^** 14 years ago. \ mobile and by rail, planning to come Forty Hours Devotion . •errtcesl^t^^^^ * reiniln w*re r\a**A at the «%t James church i t0 tnts •Mage for funeraT services ? through the cold months, were closed at the St. James cnurcn | and intermeBt t h o u g h trjb arrange- Included among the Goureraeur Tested. These cow* have all passed three clean test* under the restricted art'a-pian of the Province of Quebec, Canada. J. B Bapcock, Rowley St.. O. C. Baldwin, East Main St., Gouverneur. X. Y. lSWtfc FOR SALE—Bicycles. 4 burner oil stove, baby stroller. : Fix-It Shop, John St. llwltc CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE etc. EL C Bogex* stKiX LAUrfWtY wssn H. a Margaret—I wonder if Lee will love me when I'm old. _, Marian— You'H know-, pretty-soon now. Music was furnished by a quar- tet of young women from the Crane Normal Institute at Potsdam. rence county child welfare agent, and Mr - " « ""•, *»erson » John M. Nichols, county prohibition fj? d Jf**,:*^** 1 ** f°^ U Mr ^ * £ d - officer, who spoke on welfare work j JJ J*^Storie, and Mr. and Mrs. M in this county. . * i _ ^_ MRS. B. J. CARPENTER HEADS THE ARTS CLUB Mas. Byron J. Carpenter ed president of the Arts club of Gouverneur st the annual CARD OF THANKS m We wish to express oar sincere thanks to the neighbors, friends snd relstives for their kindness shown as, _ _ _ M A . . . M A . ^ duHng the sickness and death of our £ W at tbe horns of Mrs. Archibald beioved husband and father: also for , McUntock la South street on MOB- the beautiful flowers, use of cars and <*«* afternoon. Tbe election of of- tbe singing, not forgettlug tbe re- *ieer* and bastness meeting foUow- spect shown as by tbe High 8chool! ** * laacbeon held at tbe McLintock students. ^ Mabel B. Davis. Denver D. Darts, «*r Gladys L. Davis, Mr and M.rs. S. G. McAagbey. home. ... -i -.-Tr*'^,*-'• *"' 'Other officers chosen wars: ^Vlea;^ $*? president, Mrs. W. L. Catea; aacrs* -^ Ury, Mrs. Frank Atkinson; trsas ^V«gS5 nrer, Mrs. Archibald McUn^oek. ^ ^^1 at 9: SO Wednesday. The pastor. Rev M. F. Gallivan. was assisted by sev eral priests from neighboring vil-j lages. including Father Holland of; n* U^^O^H r»^w««« ^# T>iArr~«*r »Ma88ena; Father Mahoney, Potsdam; j r^i£rS^TS^^SP^\j^O^ Canton; and Father spending the past week as the~guest j ^ e11 ^ nrntas. j oT^bis mother. Mrs. Charles Bow-1 Rev. P. D. Mang. pastor of the \ ______ man, Gordon street. Dr. Bowman is: Methodist Episcopal Churches at Ca - " AtLt.^z ' ^ practising osteopathy in Ridgway. - | Hailesboro and Natural Dam, left darrafate HeaSt Ub|ecooas ta Mr. an/Mrs. M. H. Streeter of. * n ^ W€ * k *? } iB ne 7 c ** T l e V £**' !• *ct»a of Caart m Jasass L ^^^ tor of the Federated church at Con- l ments have not been completed. ADJOURNMENT IN CANTON WILL CASE (-residents, who sojourned here were: Mr. ad Mrs. B. F. Brown, 4? John street; Mrs. Florence H. A?lark, Mr. J. W. Clark. R. F. D. fs*-Mr. North Gouverneur returned on Thursday fronw Rochester, Minn.,, ^ , . -. . „ . . n where Mrs. Strdeter recenUy under-1 ^ tura J ?* m and Hailesboro by Rev stable, N. T. He will be succeeded at operation at the Mavo Otto Melne. a supply pastor. Rev. ! Surrogate Ceylon G. Chaney on hospital. Mrs. Streeter's I Man & aa8 bee11 P*»tor of the two Monday granted an adjournment in churches for tbe past three years went an. Brothers condition is greatly Improved Mrs. Margaret Garvin of McKean! PfsPF M i l I C street has returned from a visit | ^ 'Ji., * Wia_i_aS ^with her daughters. Mrs. Harry I ~ Fope Mills, ApHl 2«— Miss Vesta Hansen of Newburg. N. Y.. and her; *<**** from New Tork city gave her aon. William Gajnrin of New Tork ! n* 010 *^ «*». Bertha Boscoe. a *ur- city. Mrs. Hansen returned with : Drt * e *nnda^by^ returning home for Mrs. H. G. Farmer. 72 Rasihay street; Mrs. J. W. Griffith, lfY Kowley street; Mr. and Mrs, XI. M. Holmes, 209 East Main street; Mrs. Hattie R. Hurlbnt, 57 West Wall street; Miss Faith Lehigh, 7v West Barney street; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steven- son. Mrs. Lucy^*r - Tumbail m llr. and Mrs. J. J. Wallace. 237 Bast Main Vstreet. ^ i - - Customer—Your price*4»re disH the hearing of the James Edward i graceful. And the papers said the Case s visit. Johnson will case, to the May term of surrogate's court in Canton May 21. . Mr. Chaney heard objections to the jurisdiction of the court from Attorney George H. Bowers, rep^ I Miss Rn^ w^rtr. *« » . - resenting Pan E Coughlin of Car- ! * w^^Z? 800 ^ wor £ 8 ln tlle thage, claiming to be the bene- price of fish had fallen I'm sorry. Madam; but we don't jread the, papers here. LEGAL NOTICES JfOTICB ber mother for a two weeks' visit , _ . . . . M ^ «** K c, ciauumg w ^ m^ ^«=«^- ,^ , __ I telephone business and has been gone #£i™ W< ,TKU »if« A # ,k* i rt >.t^«f» Pursuant to aa order of Hon. Carlo* Gouverneur Grange. 203. will hold since last June ficiary with his wife of the Johnson, 0 cnaney. Surrogate of the County of BE A DETECTIVE! See ! Learn ! Travel 1 and INVESTIGATE! "Mi in TWPlktaTN •stress eeoooeeeoooeeeooeeoeoeeeeeeeM 7— TW Wcrtft Grata* Daadaf Sight ; J* Cinderella Ball W Mardi Grasl 'tiiMj, Apti ntfc -"-««••• jr HEAR -PEP** BARNARTTS OCaU^QIAHS OF eTTsVAOCWC Palace, Fan Galore, Aa DOXTT MISS TEPS ONM DOOR OPKN 7:30 ADNlNi02f fl^O Of Jowl BAHCDfG, w TO * +*O0—m——m x G^L^XMJSESL £ M " V1 ^ n tolteta ^ te ending ! 5BT5 MY nit w i n T s a i a V h . ^ K t M ^ S a d S ? . EffEfy&i& , ^ t u f L ? o ; ^ ^ been° tbe'third drawn by Mr. John- *-£ luElS *j£X2i \U£ES* S i 2^ P Ma 0 u%?c: T ^ S o i o S ffiaa S ^ P ^ , ^ A will drawn in i m was pre-'n?*^^^ I sft.R^Mba.^ CJ^U was called J « t - t o Ua «art for proams^^ nounced 4 Gouverneur Sunday to see her moth- will named Ella Remington Mills,, at u»e office of McDonald a&d Ro>i«oem. er. Mrs. Melvin Truax. who Is ill Andorer, Mass . as residuary legatee. jl»c- M^in su in the vniasw of Oonw- , J pear {n sakl^Countv. oa or before the 22ad day of Sept em Dated, Mardr Sth, 1S2S. o«zL The Margaret Turnbull Sunday with heart trouble. , Attorney Delos M. Cosgrore of Wa- school class of the First Presbyter- DT and Mrs. Howard Ferris, C. tertown appeared for Mrs. Mills at Ian church will hold It* regular meet- Collins. Boyd Mandlgo and Mr. and the bearing. on Monday, April 30. at the Mrs. Carl Mandlgo attended the ' of tbe teacher. Mm TurobnU. Firemen's dance at Morristown Fr4- _ * CARD OF THAXKfi eases will be Mrs < day night. , We wish to thank oar neighbors ^i^?^' Mrm * W M Van 81yke A Urg * crowd • « ~ * ^ the La- ,an 2 frl^ds for their sasistsjice cars Wl4wjfc m ^ ^ ^ and Mms Agnes Allen. . i dies Aid dinner at Mrs. McKlnley f^d ^ e m ^rlng the faaeral of oar D ^T x £OkSm^ ^ toT Jo^So\a£rs w M r-v.*i^- A » 1. m 0 ' Fish el ThursdaT Nearly olrkt AaU brother. W. W. McKean. jMc-DostfUd-Robinson. Inc. for the o wl^SVtto Sensor SIS. ' B T W a d M L »?2Ug? fr^m Mrs. ROT Alia, sad Family. *— - town of Roesie, raeerved s sprained ' *** **********: P* "»J1 »»*lng ankle on Tharsdsy evening whan she l wiU ** ™* WIta Mr8 E *• Knowl- fell at her home while doing her ._i ALFRED C RAKSKT ^_ •»- Kxoeotor ARTHUR R ABBOTT. AtVj GovTornear. M. T SwtStc sorici ^NOTICE te hereby giTen that the aa- - - - " ofi •ioe- IfioB of dlroetors and the transaction of II-, A T Rfftfl w. ._,. «,_(%_ 'other sworaoao will he heM at the osseo Mrs. A. J. Brooks and FamQy. of ^ Oerporation at » Maia stroot. GovTornomr. N T.. on Toesday. the S4th ton. Mrs. »ter bouse work She was attaaded by L Mim ^J J ^ 1 Richardson retamed is ilL T>r. D. M. Foss of Gonrernear sad' » om# wadnesday with tbe German .School commenced Monday with is now resting comfortably i tt *Sfl em ^ . .. ^ \ »» rl T a full attendance. Sickness w iX . « . ' Clyde Mitchell has purchased a caases many abaeacea. 5^V e^^r°L JU 1 ?? ^ f J m * w **** eo,I ^ e f r o m ** m Scaalon Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan TenEyek JZ?J£*Z ^ fSi °rUtf Jw ^Si^S^f v . ^ 1 mad cMldraa. spent Sunday with bar ^^ }VL v ^T°P *** *«*ta^tbis making a bastnass parents, Mr and Mrs. Smith of tbe home of Grovwr trta to Adasas this woek itoDepeystar mnesboro sirewt,^ UkmTRBm* Tamer sf— f ^^"^ Is making her borne. She . weak es*d wttb friends la ^^ - by Dr D M Mills, Her 4 t near ^ , Braate Comers condition m reported as satisfactary.: Mr * " - - - - 1 Brmsae c o m e r s Mrs Emerson Woodwork. w to . ia &Saa\rA^^ Itvrftc masting of the Phila- of tbe FreshTteinaa c h s r d on Tsesday evening. e of Mr* Walter Tbe the* will be May : at taa r „^ fiA ^ d * 7>m casaaiittae in charge wi.l he Mrs Etta mckert. Mr* Ed- w z Bond. Mrs Attee Webster Miss A.*c# W.Jcox and Mrs Chester Han- Mr and t the Mr sad Mrs. Tbad Wright spent Oowear-. Taaaday wttb Mrs G-eorge Sltts st *r*. Charles Ssydar sad! Toss Bnrke from Hewaltoa WiiUam HaV»aaoa tn town s few days tbe pern to Watertown Satardsy to rmtXMg Howard Fsrrts and family. latter part of tbe week A. M. Bishop retamed bosse San- with reistrvaa aad friends They re- day after a abort stay La Watertown. tamed bosse Sunday 4 Frank Wallace, saperistaadcat of Mrs Wartar Breekmridge spent schools, from Morristown. passed se-reni days with ber sister Mrs- through her* Tsesday Ray Woodwnrtb in Gosremear tbe Mr and Mrs JscKinley riskel P** 1 w*e>k - B spent Sunday with relatrv*# near Og- l>- Mr* Olrvs Johnson has r*tsmed densbarr ko«e from Watertown f Mr and Mr* Sberd TeaEyck are - ~ - - -^siesbsry so- leaving tbe Pope farm proTjad } raofv^tha 1 Sophia Egg>e*toa of Scmer wto has been -erlttcsOy ill at M- afrS r^s* for the pest sevaraJ days tor%d to tioaiasrafmr *^eameaday ; to ^^ym^H where Mr if! r fvl!I'??!iti m *rZ2 r ^* rr 3Ste mT * ^ * fe ^V^T«^»y »*" * « work for U. McOsar !^f w!T %J£L£ t £*** m ' ****$<**' « •* fisaksslMsslkls spring* A! Y 7 ST ^?^£J? J^* 9 *" M « Mim Ada * H « ^ « » trom Ogdems- siotber. Mr*. age 5^# ^ the moth-rr of Mrs. C A ! b«rg m*A* a briet *tert tn bar sax othax Wa are e a j o y ^ g Apr!T say artlmgh they are saas^mmm) swssji ^^^e^a How are tbe Scree* Doors. tbe Faraitare. Virtroia. Sew- tag Machine. Washing Machine —anytktng tn and aroaad tbe boase that seeds repairs Phone 124-W. W# cai: for i^ad daliveT FOR SALE 1 st Redeeed Price. THEra-rrsiof DANCE! SNLUIAN'S HALL HAILESBORO SAT. EVE, APR. 28 RttmdftSqure Ih*ct$ L 0. F. 6 Pitc^ Orckestni 9-12 AAmnnm: 75c C*«ple, 25c Extr. U4y Tlsal sssAalsVl IsbssawftaksV VOT so ssag ago rich and poor alike were bmned ta sodden graves with or'.7 s pretemm of protsetloa in vnoden sr aetaJ bonea. Today every c7-to-da:« andertaker ases tbe Nor- e-alk VssJt of moulded oesiaat. re- jaf ar-e-d. m*r-'Ja£ 0 * and sso'stare wmsjtBti a WHALDI ^i EVERY TYPE OF BOOt for Youths, Boys and Men - . £ ^ J SHORTS HIP - SPORTING All are Steam Pressure Cured Guaranteed •wr^ HENITft9TAN « SON "*e?a

Mi - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1928-04-27/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · MAYING COUNTRY STORK-^U «,4i*«tand Rev. C. M. Hartson. pastor of Gouverneur. good

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Page 1: Mi - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1928-04-27/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · MAYING COUNTRY STORK-^U «,4i*«tand Rev. C. M. Hartson. pastor of Gouverneur. good

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;e Notes Personal Mention


i .._ After &* • Rrr. l i tc t

The condition of Mrs. James ton of Wilson street, who Is serious­ly ill at her home, is nndianied.

Attorney Delos M. CO**TOY* of

Trmak 8. Ball of Auburn visited Thirty-fir* co*ew were laid for

at Rtfvbr

Classified 14 A C R K S — W i t h f o o d bai ldinsr*. t h r r # '

n l l H o u t f o r » * U o r w*»uld t a k e h o u s e i n G o u T ^ r n e u r . H C R o c « r »


M y •* F

Harry H. Hodfkitt* nifuibfr of the W A N T E D — S c o t c h

p u p s a n d d o

Watertown was in GouTe«ieiir M a a - U b U i M d employment day on business.

Walter B. Winne of Watertowii was a business risitor in Oouvemeur on Tuesday. , - .

Mrs. W. B. Stouf l l toa left Mon­day for New York where she will spend a week.

Mrs. W. Leonard Caten returned to her home here 8«ft4ay i n * the past three weeks in New York.

Mrs. J esse L. Skinner of John street is confined to the Lee Haven Rest Home in Watertown for treat* ment.

Mrs. Myron Huntley of J o h n street , spent last week with Mrs. Jesse Skinner who Is receiving treat­m e n t in a Watertown nospiial.

frifiiids in Gourerneur on Tuesday. {th# first of a series of get-toKfther ylllasie board of «*••**_*•_• resigned Leo Ryan of this

Thursday for Cleveland

co l l t r* . m o a o n . A r c h i* t o n . N. Y.. R F D.

• h « p h e r d B m i t h c r s . U w J t p

„, , *J meetings of the Brotherhood of the' his office at the regular meeting of W w S \ ^ Nv

T ? n H #«i^?£r&T* fari"*r

w l i W a k S ^ ^ ^ ^ chuTch b e , d ^ the i the board on TuetKUr err ing last j T£h*£2! ^ V o o T u ^ r ^ i t ^ g o o i wnere ne n a s j c a u r c n p ^ , ^ , , Friday eveaiag The Mr. Hodgkin had beegi a member on-, m«»duwi, a*>os« and bam. about 7

— Pi1!? tfr<J?n G<i"**™*"r wv*«-y chr*D curred on April 21 at Alton, N. Y

H C. R o a ^ U C ° W ' W h e n W < > r k^ The body was brought to OouTer food was served by the women Oft ly ttiftee April 1. He was elected on

• the Republican ticket *t the March

Funeral services were held at I:SO Wednesday afternoon at the Free Methodist church in West Mala street for George Washington Row­ley, aged 86 years, whose death oc-

A daughter . Jane Vivian Gates . 'un i t S of the church .was born April 1*. to Mr. and Mrs. I Ea r i w Riley, president of the! election

Brotherhood, introduced Prof Scott Mr Hodgkin U general manager L. Brown as the leader of the com- °* the Gouverneur Umeatone com­munity songs, after which he intro- P*ny which furnishes l imestone for duced Rev. Maynard P Beach, pas- road-making purpo*e» from time to tor of the First Methodist church, j t ime it was due to this connection

was born at w h o Bpoke interest ingly on - T h e ' t h a t he resigned, fee lm* that his

Claude Gates of Antwerp Mrs. Lottie Brown returned Sat­

urday after spending two weeks in Washington, D. C . and vicinity.

A son, Clarence, Jr

R o g e r * . • — _ — ; neur, Mr. Rowley's former home.

FOR .RKNT--4 room a p e r t m a a t p C s u - , Wednesday morning Interment was t r a l l y l o c a t e d C a l l a t F r e e P r ^ a , m a d f t | B ^ R o w l t ? y f a m U y p l o t | n

J A C R E S — j u » t outside, with mce' Riverside cemetery. hou»e. lights, hardwood floor* Could Mr. Rowley resided in Gouverneur U r a e h e n h o u . e . H C R o g ^ r e t t ° ° d « m o r « t h l L n 4 0 > « * " a * ° H e W M b o r n


Mr. aad Mrs. Joe*** tertalned at their hosme I street Frtda> eresiimg ta hesMT SJC the 12th weddiag j^alveraary «C Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Premo. r fe„.,

Six ubles ot pedro were playvi, the first honors being won by LeRoy Blair and WiiUam The consoiaUom prise was to Mrs. Paul Brans and Dougal. Refreshmenu ' after which Lomls Waahbnm« la behalf of the guesu. presented Mr. and Mrs. Premo with a rocking chair. .. _ , . . ; . .


There were SO gnests present in­cluding Mr. and Mrs. Paal Krans,

Natural Dam April 26 to Mr and Assassination of Lincoln and *sj Mrs. Clarence LaMoore of that place, j Escape of Booth."

The condition of Mrs. Melrin The story^ss told by Rev. Beach Truax, who is ill at Howard street, remains same.

«r* mcir u ia« » iw 7 - • w». », »**\ .1 village law to appoint her home in was given " r r o f two angles, the t M" M r t H-k < n Xrit u i s about The" first o7"which is the account as giv- l o M r H o < 1Kkin. or i t n

the ' membership on the board might J prove embarrassing. 1 The board is empowered under the

successor may lt*ave the

A son, Richard Wayne Mac Adam, was born April 24 to Mr. and Mrs Will iam C. MacAdam, 2*8 West Main street.

The Home Economics committee

en through the fEover&meot bie-^ tories. which differs greatly from i that which was given afterward as | related by Clarence True Wilson, i through whom Rev. Mr. Beach first '• heard the different version. j

He held the close a t tent ion of!

b e uited a* d o u b l e h o u » r _

— — _ _ 'in Antwerp, July 1. 1842. the son of f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDonxaL Mr. M«S??1 AN1P C E Y E N T WORK-Kalso- the late Lewis and Sarah Brlggs | and Mrt. LouU Wasbbara! Mr. and

?$?'tfi& S~£uZt%* ^ l T : Rowley He enlisted during the Mrs. WMtaa^ MoiinT M ^ a n d u£ McArtha. Sr. 4t mil Bt SwStc 'Civil war in Co. K. 14th New York Irvin Gardner, Mr and Mrs, Frank

— IOME—u acr.a su.t i H**rl artillery and served through- j Boprev. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Boprwy, SidT^oodihoui- i u o ! ° u L the term of hostilities. | Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jennings, Mr t. Would t*ke hou»r ' For four years he made " * *

GCK>D N K A R B Y H O M E — 1 9 o u t a l d e G o o d r o a d b a r n . P r i c e r l g h p a r t p a y if n e c e s e a r y . H C R o g r r *

of the Grange will hold a pedro and ' those present, the story which is B. 0 . Loomis of Watertown was a bridge_j>arty in the Grange hall Fri- said to be supported by affidavits

guest Monday of his brother. W. H. s <**v evening. May 4. Loomt* and his son. A. Prescott \ M r g Andrew Turnbull of How-toomis, in this village. j a r d BlTeei w^0 n a B o^en seriously

MT. and Mrs. H. C. Rogers and Mr. ill for the past five weeks , is re-and Mrs. George F. Leak left on ported as sl ightly improved today. Monday for a two days automobi le ' Mr> a n d M r B j_ L> M a s o n and son.

and other proof showing that in-1 stead of John Wilkes Booth being' killed in the b a m in which he w a s ' cornered, and was buried on the < order of the governement. he escaped and lived for years afterward, a con­fession being first made on what he

^ P * ,. [James , and Miss Gertrude Loveland gupposed was his death bed, and up-; Gouverneur Grange held its regu- and Mrs. H. Douglas Johnson left o n his recovery being ajraTn related!

lar fortnight ly dence on Wednesday * Thursday for Syracuse where t h e y ^ y Booth. - « s ^ evening. T a i l s orchestra furnished {

w l l l remain over the week end. , ReT Mr. Beach presented a map music, I Harry N Bockus and family of Ne-! *hich illustrated a portion of the

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cushman and'wark. N. J., are visiting at the home Jtory to!,! He said1 that . " / * * < > son. Robert, returned Saturday after of his parents. Mr. and Mr. Vin C. wUhnd for more ^tailed wi f i ca -

"spending two wesU i n w»hin r tnn Bockus in East Main street. They e i - . t i o n o f the fltorj^s.-He-tnlrt it cnalrl and"Sew York ^ ^ ^ • pect to be in Gouverneur several: *et from the slate library at Al-, ana .iew iora. j days j bany. a copy of 'The Assassination]

The condition of Robert L. Kinney | of Lincoln." together with other' of this village, who has been serious- A daughter. Aileen. was born on m agaiines and literature bearing ly ill at his home here for the past Tuesday, April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. \ oui the facts as related by Clarence two weeks, is gradually improving. Charles Redmond of Watertown. Mrs. xrue Wilson.

f h * ,nn^it«nn «f Mrs Andrew < %?£mond ? a s ^ o r m e r l y M j 8 8 Helen The committee in charge of the T n « h « i ? £ f ^ ° f J e r o m e J- «rst *«PPer included . S c o t t L. S a ? ^ r i o ^ s f y 0 Ul t o r ^ p^t° few \ °'B«'» °f Gouverneur. Brown, chairman; Philip Nelson and days, is somewhat improved. Tire-Mothers club will hold its £r. J. H. Hewitt with Clayton F.

regular business meeting Saturday Rush in charge of the refreshment

i with bis son, H. E. Rowley in Ful-T A I L O R I N G - P a n t . a n d v e s t m a k i n g I t ° B / n d to* t w o y e a r s r e s i d e d S t

W o r k *t*ne on lad tee c l o t h e * . P r i c e s ' H e n d e r s o n H a r b o r . J e f f e r s o n c o u n -r e a e o n a b l e C a r r i e Bpacoe , B a v l n g e t y . H e t h e n w e n t t o A l t o n t o m a k e a L o a n B i d s . P h o n e 14-J . t w t t c ; h{9 h o m e w U h h i u ^ L B R o w .

ley. where his death occurred. Mr.

his home t and Mrs. Joseph LaReen . Mr.

NICK C O l ' N T R Y H O M E w i t h c i t y a d ­v a n t a g e * . 9 a c r e s o u t s i d e c o r p o r a ­t i o n . H o u s e h a s f u r n a c e , l i g h t s , o a t h , l a v a t o r y , c l o e e t . hot a n d c o l d w a t e r U » n , s h a d e kwirn. h e n h o u s e L a n d

Mrs. W K. Premo. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeRoche. Mrs. Per le Thomas , Mrs. N. D. Gardner. Charles. JBd-win and Harold Boprey.

and ~&ir^*^:

Rowley is survived by three sons. Fred L.. of Buffalo; L. E. Row­ley of Alton; H. E. Rowley of Ful-

tn high state of cultivation. Not all j ton; ana . s laughter, Mrs Elisabeth m o n e y n e c e s s a r y . O w n e r w o u l d t a k e . f j n w a r H rt# * n i t A l l . rtf%- •f«tjfcr \MT+ i ;oud h o u s e in ( S o u v e r n e u r If n e c e e - " o w a r * ° £ ™ t o n . o n e s i s t e r . M r s . < aary. H c . Roaem j Cora Griffin \of Long Beach. Calif , f

' and one brother\JE. W. Rowley of . North Gouverneur. He also leaves \

replaced with new ones 21 grandchildren and 20 great

W A N T E D — B r o k e n ge&rs a n d s p r i n g s , V n r t h w o r n ring-" a n d b r a k e l i n i n g . A u t o ^ u r i u

p a r t * to b e r e p l a c e d w i t h n e w o n e s b y G o u v e r n e u r W e l d i n g a n d M a c h i n e • g r a n d c h i l d r e n . W o r k * 4 3 w t f I Rev Samuel Ghent, district elder

M A Y I N G C O U N T R Y S T O R K - ^ U «,4i*«tand Rev. C. M. Hartson. pastor of G o u v e r n e u r . g o o d c o u n t r y t o w n , o l d t h e F r e e M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h a t W a t e r -e s t a b l i s h e d . F o r s a l e onJy a c c a u n t 111 #-y h e a l t h . W o u l d t a k e h o u s e In Canton- * ^Y

_ s i i or G o u v e r n e u r if p r i c e d r i g h t . H. C R o g e r s , .••

i ^ R Q T I C K • — t u w r t

S A L E — O w n e r

Mrs. Al ice Christopher of W a - , afternoon, April 28. at the home 0 f ' P r * * r f t m - lt i s planned to hold sim-tertown was the week end guest at J J J , ^ Ernest McCullough with Mrs , l a r meet ings each month. The com-the home of Mrs. Anne Bpulet in \ mitred Stowell and Mrs. Howard mittee for May includes G. Wilson

<—-Photo b y E l m e r .

H a r r y H . H t i % t In.

— _ — l e a v i n g 5fir# Coty s i x r o o m h o u s e a n d

b a r n on E a s t M a i n S t r e e t . L i g h t s , w a t e r , g>ood g a r d e n , n i c e s h a d e . w o o d s h e d . P a r t c a s h d o w n . $1660. W r i t e M - W . c a r e F r e e P r e s s , f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t . 1 2 w 2 t c

F O R S A L E — D * r k B l u e B a b y S t r o l l e r G o o d a s n e w . P r i c e r e a s o n a b l e . Mrs. E r s k i n e H a w n , 10 B a b c o c k St. . C i ty .

l l w l t c

H O U S E F O R Q U I C K S A L E — B u n r a l o w t y p e , a l l m o d e r n c o n v e n i e n c e s . P r


L>wn. officiated at the services, as-sted by Rev. John Roberts, pastor

of the Gouverneur church.

hostesses. Mrs. JProapeci street '_^— j Leeson. assistant Mr. and Mrs. William* Carr of [Edward Anderson will have charge

Lewiston. Vt.. have been spending a* A h Kilbourne of few days in Gouverneur. Mrs. Carr w h o c o n d u c U a bus service between

.was formerly Miss Haiel Clifton of, Gouverneur. . Piercefield and Tup-this village. - -% | p e r j^ake will resume the service

Dr. Howard Bowman of Ridge-j May 1 and will mak\e stops at all way, N. J., was the guest of his' towns along _the route. Passenpers mother, Mrs. Charles Bowman, in for Old Forpe can connect with the Gordon street, the latter part of trains at Piercefield. the week. . Crescent Encampment. 82. "I. O.

Mrs. Lou Fuller of Trinity avenue, O. F.. will hold a special session left Monday, for New York, where Tuesday evening. May 1. and the she will be the guest for a short Golden Rule and Royal Purple de-

Dodds, chairman, who will select bis assistants, and Mr. Rush will

i again be in charge of the refresh-Star Lake m e nts .

office unfilled, at its discretion. How­ever, it is believed the office will be filled. No action has been taken thus tar, however. ,

i The board meeting on Tuesday! FOU SALE evening proved to be one of the busi-1 of car*.


The spring meeting o f the first St. Lawrence district of the North ern Federation of Women's Clubs was held last Thursday at St. John's parish house. Ogdensbnrg. About 100 women from Osdensbnrf. Harmon* Canton. -Gouvernenr, Heuvelton.

H. B. P o s t . 275 W e s t M a i n 8 ? I M o r l « y ; ^ ° U d * m * n d B ^ W * r d » w « l twt f present. Mrs. H. L. Wallace , district

— chairman of Canton, presided. The H O M E M A D E — Q u a l i t y i c e c r e a m t h e C r y s t a l P a l a c e , b r i c k a n d b u l k a l w a y s o n h a n d . 60c p e r quar t . S c i a l p r i c e s on q u a n t i t i e s .

t. Spe-I S w t f

t ime at the h o m e ' o f Fred Marsell.

her brother grees will be conferred on a class of i 17 candidates. Refreshments wirl fol-

Mrs. Floyd Inghem of East Main low the degree work. All Patriarchs Street was Called to Potsdam Sunday j


Formerly Miss Genera MerrHt of This V a l a f e — B o d y Eipected to Be

Broafni Here

Word was- recei'red here today or; **}** Garfield B u r l e i g h was heard the death in the Hospital of the Good a n d a c ^ p t e d . The report covered the Shepherd. Syracuse, at 5 Thursday • v e a r ending with h is terra of office.

—I'sed p a r t s f o r a l l m a k e s A l s ^ n e w a n d s e c o n d h a n d

upper Mam street residents appear-j ; i :4 .w. 4Swtf ed to file a protest against a request of the Potsdam American Oil c o m - ! G I ^ £ I ? ^ u f r r l J t i

br , u l b ^ i l r

f a r t ! i ' J£Z*Z « « ^ . . T « ^ » w . * i* w& •* ,.-.~ ••*».! #« • rl<»wers, s p a r k l i n g l i k e t h e b r o k e n pany. Inc., that it be permitted to i

place large gasoline tanks on the j

morning session was followed by a luncheon at noon.

The hostesses of the convention

Miss Viva Barr entertained at bridge st her horns in Starting str—t on Friday evening- last. Two tables were played. First honors ware won by Mrs. Mace Hopper. The eonsosa tioa prise went to Mrs. Ray Wlttsra.

Those present were: Mrs: Clajv ence I. Bockus. Mrs. Mace Hopper,' Mrs. Ray Witters, Mrs. Carl Barer* ance, Mrs. L. Meade, Miss Everm Brown, Mrs. John Constant!*:** and Mrs G. Wright.

A card party was held at the of Mi* Isaac Wood in Wilson street last Friday afternoon. Mrs. F. Walls was awarded first honors and Mrs. M. Kilburn the eonsolatioja prisa. Light refreshments were served at the close of the party and every ana reported aa excellent time.

The following guests ware In at­tendance: Mrs, D. Bowsaw strsu H. Thomas, Mrs. R. O'Neil. Mrs. F. Wells, Mrs 8. Pike, Mrs. H. Gard­ner. Mrs. K. Lamb, Mrs. M. Kilbarm.

Annonncement was mads that t i * next reanlar party will be- bald at the home of Mrs. 8. Pike la Smith Street Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Gertrude Corbin of this Til­lage entertained at her home on

were theCitisens'and Newian^clnbs Thursday in honor of Miss Helen L of Ogdensburg and the guest of Parker who will sail for Europe honor. Mrs. WTITIam Hllligan of Low- l n M*T- A * * B * * ? ° * y * 1

ville. president of the Northern Fed­eration. The afternoon session be­gan at 1:30.

The principal speaker was Mrs.

at noon at which Miss Parker was taa guest et honor. Those present

; Joseph Wall property in East Main street. The residents of that section feel that they are a danger and will detract from the value of their prop­erty. The board heard the request, but deferred action on it.

The annual report of retiring fire

Mrs. A. B. OTeracker. Mrs. Ida Lore- i % : less, Mrs. Bert Rhoda Fox.

Wallace and Mrs. iheart o f a l u s c i o u s w a t e r m e l o n . , »»,». . « v - . > . . . r l o w m g c r i m s o n , s t a t e l y w h i t e , rtame * M l l l l g a n , w h o d i s c u s s e d d a b w o r k a p r i c o t , e t h e r i a l s h e l l p i n k , v e l v e t y ; a n d t h e a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e N o r t h e r n frarnel . r a d i a n t r o s e a n d r i c h e s t i F e d e r a t i o n O t h e r * w a r * Mr* c r e a m , a n d p i n k . *V% t o 2 - t n c h b u l b s Z^Zi^^ <o~* V*%*.Z i ? * i a - d i n n e r D S r t v W A d n s s d a r of the above for ii.oTJ. postpaid. Fred j Charles G. Reeder of Carthage, first « * " i n

l t r J*V17 * r l L ! 2 ! ^ i - r L. Ashworth. Heuvelton. S Y vice president of the State" Tedera* a t their borne. Thoee .^bo ^^^

r o w s ran s u r Twentr 1 1 ^ 1 ?^ ' U o n« MieXETfcabeth Grubb. St. L a w - W « ^ » . aad^lra. H. O. Hulbart. T r ^ d e H ° o S t e ^ L a ^ I ^ n h W h T 1Ca f - " - - « ^ v rMi/i w . i f s r . s r s n t . n . f Mr. and Mrs. Bmerson *mit> . Mr

Mr. and Mrs. George Bosnian ba ld

are requested to be present. morning by the death of her fa.th-j ^-The regular meet ing of Geuver- afternoon of Mrs. Geneva Merritt Ap^.1 ** er> John Lawrence, which occurred neur Morris Chapter D. A. R. will be Myers, aged 32 years, wife, of George! T n e Tupper Lake to that Tillage Sunday. . [he ld today at the home of Mrs."V. Myers of that city. Mrs. ftyers for-

Raymond C. Burdick. s u p e r t n t e n d - f f / ^ ^ 1 ^ > e i , y T%ided> ^ G ^ 1t t v e r n e u h

A K ent of schools of Watertown. and l l ^ l ^ l l ^ \ J i L w n ^ 7 h ^ 7 n ^ KI ^ 7 * ^ ^ 7 d ? a t h W ^ ?*?*>*! Gary M. Jones, principal of Wate?- f ^ l J f f f > D ' Z i l T h « j f v l ° hv" ^ poisoning from which she had town high school, were registered at \\£™£^f

onUI? Jill ^Jlj^ hy I te*nsutter\ngtot;the past week. Her the St. Lawrence Inn here Friday. I t h e r e ^ n t » Mn H G- Aldrich. (death was*a shock to members of ber

Miss* Florine Btftler of this vil­lage underwent an operation at the A. Barton Hepburn hospital in- Og-ftrouWe011* m 0 r n l n g f ° r tatwUon-!oVmliead*Rlcha7d^

Harold Apps>. son of Mr. and Mrs |fyron Apple of Somerville, is seri-1 wedding was not announced. onsly ill at his home in Somerville.

A niArrtage ±ieeae* --*** -issnad:fftaJn3r ^ho n?d not known of her this- week t o Bdwant Thomas Drakfii?0^*^IIliieBa- - — - —--of 2i* Valley Drive, Syracuse^ a 1, 3 * 7 . 7 ? * i ^ ™ *» ^ ^ ^ l ? ^ D?C '

Bei-lel 10,_l f96, the daughter of Charles daughter* off * n d J w n i i e Boscoe Merritt. S h e re-

Mr. and Mrs, Orison Dean Richard- i ^ ^ h f r edncaUoa here and later son o f^aVnra i Dam ' m date of the ' w a « J f m P ° 3 r e d in Syracuse where she

married ten years ago George Myers.

street ear driver, and Miss

B u s company appeared again and . asked for a public hearing on their request for an extens ion of —their -tranchise through the vi l lage from Gordon street to Depot street . The re­quest for a hearing was granted.

A n e w sewer was aujtoorised in West Male street at the corner of Hei4 s treet where considerable dif­ficulty has been experienced from water during t h e past few weeks .


He was stricken several days ago with an attack of pneumonia.

Alger- Conger of Worcester. Mass., ias been spending several days in

luveraeur. He was accompanied lere by Miss Martha Brown, who

mt the Easter vacation at the Con-?r home. , Cecil Dake of Morristown has tak-

a <pe*ftion with the Oswegatchie Light k. Power company of this vil­lage. He will have charge of the con­struction and wiring department of the Gouverneur company.

She leaves, besides her husband The regular- meeting of - the! one daughter. Alta. aged 8. and one, By John JUxrwick

Philathea class of the Presbyterian: son. Robert, aged 7; ber mother.) 6t. Petersburg, Fla.. April 1%.— church will be~h~eld Tuesday eve-. Mrs. Jennie Merritt of Vista street, i More than 15 Gopvernenr residents ning. May 1, at the home of Mrs. Gouverneur: four brothers^ Warren 'were winter visitors in the Sunshine Walter Leonard The committee in ' of South Hammond; Hosrara or PhiFj City during the season now drawing charge is Mrs. Etta Pickert, Mrs. ladelphia. Pa.; Leo and Daniel, both i to a close. Of that number, most of Edwin Bond, Mrs. Alice Webster, of Gouverneur. and one sister, Mary I the Gouverneur tourists have retnrn-Miss Wilcox and Mrs. Chester Hart- of Philadelphia, Pa.' Her father died j ed to their northern homes by auto-ley, f ^** 14 years ago. \ mobile and by rail, planning to come

Forty Hours Devotion . • e r r t c e s l ^ t ^ ^ ^ ^ * r e i n i l n

w*re r\a**A at the «%t James church i t 0 t n t s • M a g e for funeraT services ? through the cold months, were closed at the St. James cnurcn | a n d i n t e r m e B t t h o u g h trjb arrange- Included among the Goureraeur

T e s t e d . T h e s e c o w * h a v e a l l p a s s e d t h r e e c l e a n t e s t * u n d e r t h e r e s t r i c t e d a r t ' a - p i a n of the P r o v i n c e of Q u e b e c , C a n a d a . J. B B a p c o c k , 8« R o w l e y St . . O. C. B a l d w i n , E a s t M a i n St . , G o u v e r n e u r . X. Y. l S W t f c

F O R S A L E — B i c y c l e s . 4 b u r n e r o i l s t o v e , b a b y s t r o l l e r . : F i x - I t S h o p , J o h n St. l l w l t c


s t K i X LAUrfWtY wssn H. a

Margaret—I wonder if Lee will love me when I'm old. _,

Marian— You'H know-, pretty-soon now.

Music was furnished by a quar­tet of young women from the Crane Normal Institute at Potsdam.

rence county child welfare agent, and Mr- " « " " • , *»erson » John M. Nichols, county prohibition fj?d Jf**,:*^**1** f°^U M r^ * £ d -officer, who spoke on welfare work j J J J*^Storie, and Mr. and Mrs. M in this county. . * i _ ^_


ed president of the Arts c lub of Gouverneur s t the annual

C A R D O F T H A N K S m We wish to express oar sincere

thanks to the neighbors, friends snd relstives for their kindness shown as, _ _ _ M A. . . M A . „ ^ duHng the sickness and death of our £ W at tbe horns of Mrs. Archibald beioved husband and father: also for , McUntock la South street on MOB-the beautiful flowers, use of cars and <*«* afternoon. Tbe election of of-tbe singing, not forgettlug tbe re- *ieer* and bastness meeting foUow-spect shown as by tbe High 8chool! ** * laacbeon held at tbe McLintock students.

^ Mabel B. Davis. Denver D. Darts,

«*r Gladys L. Davis, Mr and M.rs. S. G. McAagbey.

home. ... -i -.-Tr*' ,*-'• *"' 'Other officers chosen w a r s : ^ V l e a ; ^ $*?

president, Mrs. W. L. Catea; aacrs* - ^ Ury , Mrs. Frank Atkinson; trsas ^ V « g S 5 nrer, Mrs. Archibald McUn^oek. ^ ^ ^ 1

at 9: SO Wednesday. T h e pastor. Rev M. F. Gallivan. was assisted by sev eral priests from neighboring vil-j l ages . including Father Holland of;

n* U ^ ^ O ^ H r»^w««« ^# T>iArr~«*r »Ma88ena; Father Mahoney, Potsdam; j r^i£rS^TS^^SP^\j^O^ Canton; and Father spending the past week as the~guest j ^ e 1 1 ^ n r n t a s . j oT^bis mother. Mrs. Charles Bow-1 Rev. P . D. Mang. pastor of the \ _ _ _ _ _ _ man , Gordon street. Dr. Bowman i s : Methodist Episcopal Churches a t Ca - " AtLt.^z ' ^ practising osteopathy in Ridgway. - | Hailesboro and Natural Dam, left darrafate HeaSt Ub|ecooas ta

Mr. an /Mrs . M. H. Streeter of. * n ^ W € * k *? } i B n e 7 c**Tle V £**' !• * c t » a of Caart m Jasass L ^ ^ ^ tor of the Federated church at Con- l

ments have not been completed.


(-residents, who sojourned here were: Mr. ad Mrs. B. F. Brown, 4? John street; Mrs. Florence H. A?lark, Mr. J. W. Clark. R. F. D. fs*-Mr.

North Gouverneur returned on Thursday fronw Rochester, Minn.,, ^ , . -. . „ „ . . n

where Mrs. Strdeter recenUy under-1 ^ t u r a J ?*m a n d Hailesboro by Rev

stable, N. T. He will be succeeded at

operation a t the Mavo O t t o Melne. a supply pastor. Rev . ! Surrogate Ceylon G. Chaney on hospital. Mrs. Streeter's I M a n & a a 8 b e e 1 1 P*»tor of the two Monday granted an adjournment in

churches for tbe past three years went an. Brothers condition is greatly Improved

Mrs. Margaret Garvin of McKean! P f s P F M i l I C street has returned from a visit | ^ 'Ji . , * Wia_i_aS ^with her daughters. Mrs. Harry I ~ Fope Mills, ApHl 2 « — Miss Vesta Hansen of Newburg. N. Y.. and her; *<**** from New Tork city gave her aon. William Gajnrin of New Tork ! n*010*^ «*». Bertha Boscoe. a *ur-city. Mrs. Hansen returned with : D r t*e *nnda^by^ returning home for

Mrs. H. G. Farmer. 72 Rasihay street; Mrs. J. W. Griffith, lfY Kowley street; Mr. and Mrs, XI. M. Holmes, 209 East Main street; Mrs. Hattie R. Hurlbnt, 57 West Wall street; Miss Faith Lehigh, 7v West Barney street; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steven­son. Mrs. Lucy^*r-Tumbailmllr. and Mrs. J. J. Wallace. 237 Bast Main

Vstreet. ^ • i - • -

Customer—Your price*4»re disH the hearing of the James Edward i graceful. And the papers said the


s visit.

Johnson will case, to the May term of surrogate's court in Canton May 21.

. Mr. Chaney heard objections to the jurisdiction of the court from Attorney George H. Bowers , r e p ^ I

Miss R n ^ w^rtr. *« » . - resent ing Pan E Coughlin of Car- ! * w ^ ^ Z ? 8 0 0 ^ w o r £ 8 l n t l l e thage, c laiming to be the bene-

price of fish had fallen I'm sorry. Madam; but we don't

jread the, papers here.

LEGAL NOTICES JfOTICB b e r mother for a two weeks' v i s i t , _ . . . . M^ «**Kc, c iauumg w ^ m^ ^«=« - , ^ , __

I te lephone business and has been gone # £ i ™ W < , T K U » i f« A# ,k* irt>.t^«f» Pursuant to aa order of Hon. Carlo* Gouverneur Grange. 203 . will hold since last June ficiary with his wife of the J o h n s o n , 0 cnaney. Surrogate of the County of

BE A DETECTIVE! See ! Learn ! Travel 1



"Mi * «

in TWPlk taTN •stress

eeoooeeeoooeeeooeeoeoeeeeeeeM 7 — TW Wcrtft Grata* Daadaf Sight ; J*

Cinderella Ball W Mardi Grasl 'tiiMj, Apti ntfc -"-««••• j r


Palace, Fan Galore, Aa DOXTT MISS TEPS ONM

DOOR OPKN 7:30 ADNlNi02f f l ^ O

Of Jowl




G^L^XMJSESL £ M " V 1 ^ n tolteta^ te e n d i n g ! 5 B T 5 MY nit w i n T s a i a V h . ^ K t M ^ S a dS?. EffEfy&i& , ^ t u f L ? o ; ^ ^ been° tbe'third drawn by Mr. John- * - £ l u E l S *j£X2i \ U £ E S * S i

2 ^ PMa0u%?c: T ^ S o i o S ffiaa S ^ P ^ , ^ A will drawn in i m was p r e - ' n ? * ^ ^ ^ I s f t . R ^ M b a . ^ CJ^U was called J « t - t o Ua «art for proams ^ nounced 4 Gouverneur Sunday to see her moth- will named Ella Remington Mil ls , , at u»e office of McDonald a&d Ro>i«oem. er. Mrs. Melvin Truax. who Is ill Andorer, Mass . as residuary legatee . j l»c- M^in su in the vniasw of O o n w - ,

J p e a r {n s a k l ^ C o u n t v . oa or b e f o r e t h e 2 2 a d d a y o f S e p t e m D a t e d , M a r d r Sth, 1S2S.

o « z L The Margaret Turnbull Sunday with heart trouble. , Attorney Delos M. Cosgrore of Wa-school class of the First Presbyter- DT and Mrs. Howard Ferris , C. tertown appeared for Mrs. Mills at Ian church will hold It* regular meet- Collins. Boyd Mandlgo and Mr. and the bearing.

on Monday, April 30. at the Mrs. Carl Mandlgo attended the ' of tbe teacher. M m TurobnU. Firemen's dance at Morristown Fr4- _ * C A R D O F THAXKfi

eases will be Mrs < day night. , W e wish to thank oar neighbors ^ i ^ ? ^ ' Mrm* W M V a n 8 1 y k e A U r g * c r o w d • « ~ * ^ the L a - , a n 2 frl^ds for their sasistsjice cars W l 4 w j f c m ^ ^ and Mms Agnes Allen. . i dies Aid dinner at Mrs. McKlnley f^d ^ e m ^ r l n g the faaera l of oar D ^ T x £ O k S m ^ ^ t o T J o ^ S o \ a £ r s

w M r-v.*i^- A » 1. m 0 ' Fish el ThursdaT Nearly olrkt AaU brother. W. W. McKean. jMc-DostfUd-Robinson. Inc. for the o w l ^ S V t t o S e n s o r S I S . ' B T W a d M L »?2Ug? fr^m Mrs. ROT Alia, sad Family. * — -town of Roesie, raeerved s sprained ' *** **********: P * "»J1 » » * l n g ankle on Tharsdsy evening whan she l wiU ** ™* W I t a M r 8 E *• Knowl-fell at her home whi le doing her

._i A L F R E D C R A K S K T ^_ •»- Kxoeotor

A R T H U R R A B B O T T . AtVj G o v T o r n e a r . M. T S w t S t c

s o r i c i ^NOTICE te h e r e b y g iTen t h a t t h e a a -

- - - " o f i •ioe-

I f i o B of d l r o e t o r s a n d the t r a n s a c t i o n o f I I - , A T R f f t f l w . . _ , . « , _ ( % _ ' o t h e r sworaoao will he heM a t t h e o s s e o M r s . A . J . B r o o k s a n d F a m Q y . • o f ^ O e r p o r a t i o n at » M a i a s t r o o t .

GovTornomr. N T.. on T o e s d a y . t h e S4th t o n .


»ter bouse work She was attaaded by L Mim^JJ^1 Richardson retamed is ilL T>r. D. M. Foss of Gonrernear sad' » o m # wadnesday with tbe German .School commenced Monday with

is now resting comfortably i tt*Sflem ^ . .. ^ \ » » r l T a full attendance. Sickness w iX. « . ' • Clyde Mitchell has purchased a caases many abaeacea.

5 ^ V e ^ ^ r ° L JU1?? ^ f J m*w **** e o , I ^ e f r o m **m— Scaalon Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan TenEyek JZ?J£*Z ^ f S i °rUtf J w ^ S i ^ S ^ f v . ^ 1 m a d cMldraa. spent Sunday with bar ^ ^ }VL v ^T°P *** * « * ta^tb is making a bastnass parents, Mr and Mrs. Smith

of tbe home of Grovwr trta to Adasas this woek i to Depeystar mnesboro sirewt,^ UkmTRBm* Tamer sf— — f ^ ^ " ^

Is making her borne. She . weak es*d wttb friends la ^ ^ - by Dr D M Mills, Her4

t near ^ , Braate Comers condition m reported as satisfactary.: Mr * " - - - - 1 Brmsae comers

Mrs Emerson Woodwork. w t o . i a & S a a \ r A ^ ^

I tvrftc

masting of the Phila-of tbe FreshTteinaa chsrd

on Tsesday evening. e of Mr* Walter

Tbe the* will be May : at taa r „ ^ f i A ^ d * 7>m casaaiittae in charge wi.l he Mrs Etta mckert . Mr* Ed-w z Bond. Mrs Attee Webster Miss A.*c# W.Jcox and Mrs Chester H a n -

Mr and

t the Mr s a d Mrs. Tbad Wright spent Oowear-. Taaaday wttb Mrs G-eorge S l t t s s t

* r * . Charles Ssydar s a d ! Toss Bnrke from H e w a l t o a WiiUam H a V » a a o a tn town s few days tbe pern

to Watertown Satardsy to rmtXMg Howard Fsrrts and family. latter part of tbe week A. M. Bishop r e t a m e d bosse San-

with reistrvaa aad friends They re- day after a abort stay La Watertown. t a m e d bosse Sunday 4 Frank Wallace, saper i s taadcat of

Mrs Wartar Breekmridge spent schools , from Morristown. passed se-reni days with ber sister Mrs- through her* Tsesday Ray Woodwnrtb in G o s r e m e a r tbe Mr and Mrs JscKinley r i s k e l P**1 w*e>k - B spent Sunday with relatrv*# near Og-


Mr* Olrvs Johnson has r* t smed d e n s b a r r k o « e from Watertown f Mr and Mr* Sberd TeaEyck are

— - ~ - - -^siesbsry s o - leaving tbe Pope farm proTjad } raofv^tha

1 Sophia Egg>e*toa of Scmer wto has been -erlttcsOy ill at M- afrS r^s* for the pest sevaraJ days tor%d to tioaiasrafmr *^eameaday ; to ^ ^ y m ^ H where Mr

if! r f v l ! I ' ? ? ! i t i m*rZ2r^*rr3Ste mT* * f e ^ V ^ T « ^ » y »*" * « work for U. McOsar !^f w!T %J£L£t£***m' ****$<**' « •* fisaksslMsslkls spring* A! Y7 ST ^?^£J? J^*9*" M « Mim A d a * H « ^ « » trom Ogdems- siotber. Mr*. age 5^# ^ the moth-rr of Mrs. C A ! b«rg m*A* a briet *tert tn bar sax othax

Wa are eajoy^g Apr!T say artlmgh they are

saas mmm) swssji • ^ e a

How are tbe Scree* Doors. tbe Faraitare. Virtroia. Sew-tag Machine. Washing Machine —anytktng tn and aroaad tbe boase that seeds repairs Phone 124-W. W# cai: for i ad daliveT



st Redeeed Price.

THE ra-rr siof


HAILESBORO SAT. EVE, APR. 2 8 Rttmd ft Squre Ih*ct$ L 0. F. 6 Pitc^ Orckestni

9 - 1 2 AAmnnm: 75c C*«ple,

25c Extr. U 4 y

Tlsal sssAalsVl IsbssawftaksV

VOT so ssag ago rich and poor al ike were bmned ta sodden graves with or'.7 s pretemm of protsetloa in vnoden sr aetaJ bonea. Today every c7-to-da:« andertaker ases tbe Nor-e-alk VssJt of moulded oesiaat. re-jaf ar-e-d. m*r-'Ja£0* and sso'stare

wmsjtBti a WHALDI

^ i

EVERY TYPE OF BOOt for Youths, Boys and Men - . £ ^ J


All are Steam Pressure Cured

Guaranteed • w r ^

