WASTER PUN IN Downtown Parking District Wins Approval A JOB THAT - NEEDED DOING (An Editorial) The Los Angeles Times did a job Sunday that's long needed doing. It pulled the iriH^k of so-called "Freedom of the Press" from a Redondo Beach newspaper and exposed it for \yhat it really, i*. I'erhaps yon missed Paul Coales' column on the edi- >*rial |Mge. You shoud'n't have. For not only did it de-j under provisions of a $100.- VO | \\Mf\\V Ml IMRFl? Tend the hurnariilarian aims of CXICKF, but, it silently ' (KM) assessment district, an 'NUIVIDEK Submit Plans First TO.RKAXCK Downtown shoppers will get expanded I parking some time next, year ( THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD DEVOTED TO TORRANCE TORRANCE PRESS 3238 StPULVLDA BLVD. Phone DA 5-1315 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1962 lOc A COPY (rind perhaps unknowingly) struck a long-overdue blow ut yellow journalism. Mr. Coates ?»poke lor the thousands «>| Amnriran newsmen \vho abhor half-truths and blackmail in the edi- torial columns. Jle spoke for the score of local readers who already have Heen through the veil of phony freedoms behind which this newspaper hide*. 9 And, most significant of all, Mr. Coates lamfed a mighty defensive punch for those steadfast public offi- cials whose refusal to become newspaper puppeflk has brought down on them the wrath of a revengeful pen. Jt. is with hesitation that we attack the aims. of a neighboring newspaper, for we feel, as does Mr. Coates, that everone is entitled to his opinion. But when a newspaper, through .subtleties and vi- clotis half reporting, casts the shadow of distrust on a profession \\licre trust is paramount. then we must ll f»ur doOiKp. Soldiers Call Torrance Home ORT BCCKNJKR, OKI-. Mr. and "Mrs. Dewey L. Me Torrance is a far-jdanahan, 20817 S. Margaret "plance name" foijSt. He attended (Jardena Lacombe C. Gregory Donald D. McClanahan High School and was Pm- plp.yed by Dasher Business are participating with I Machines before entering member* of th« 2nrfj the Army in ()<a., 1!)62..Like iiornp. Battle Croup, fir*gory. 'McClanahan is re- thori/ed tentatively ' Tue.s day by City Council. Councilmen indicated fav- or of the project, which would add approximately fi$ parking spaces in the down- town area, but said they wanted to approve final plans before granting actual approval . William II. T o I s « n, chairman of the Down- town R e (I cl r v e I opmcnl Committee, hail requested coimcilmen to tfHiisfer money from an curlier-ap- proved fund in order to get an off-street parking and heautification project under way. Tolson .said the $I(M).()0() would be used to redesign and widen existing streets in the downtown area, in- cluding an increase in HIP number of parking spaces from 2.')f) to 300. He said the proposal will provide rent-or street and curb parallel parking in addition to the plant* ing of trees and other landscape archite c t u r a I improvements. Councilinen Krn Millei Success Told in Plan To Better CD Program People Must Act T<>i;n.\\ci<; bring this cit.y's Tense program up to par vvrrr launched this week \v itli apparent success. In a r e po r t .submitted ftaidhe approved of the proj-i Tuesday by City Manager eel, but wanted "some de-i Wade Peebles, councilmen gree of assurance the rlis-jwrrp lold the program - ii;rd Infantry, in Kxerci.-.e: gularly stationed in Okina-'tricl would go forth." Final: although still/Tar short, of Sky Soldier II on Formosa, wa. ' authori/alion for the money \ ade(|iiate -- \* undergoing (.Yegory, son of Mr. and 1 The combined Nationalist ! will be withheld until plans ! constant improvement. '!; «. Louis ],. La com be, 525, t'hinpsp-l'nited States Army'are studied by the council. 'Mlh St. a 7-adio telf-j maneuver is providing field' f -HP operator in the bat-i training for airborne sol- ' lie group's Company f) readier* against aggressor gularly stationed on Okina-l forces. The. exercise is re- ua, v Iceiving air support, from the attended B a n n i n gl Nationalist Air Force and Ifigh School in Wilmington. elements of the U.S. Pacific McClanahan is the non of Air* Forces. Wider Range 01 Products To Be Sold TORRANCR A wider range of structural steel pro- ducts for the Western con struction i n d u s t r y nov\ available from its local mill! announced today by j Said Peebles: "The program has been so nebulous nnd lacking that WP <-on Id not give (lip pooplr information mi* til \vc had Hierkrd with Area <i" (CD headquar- ters for Torrancr). "\Ve are advised that flc- cording to the most recent figure on .shelter spaces, we can house approximately : *{)0u of t ' 1,^ U^.OOO Torrance reKH !^ nt ! i ' 1 , ***"" snld (he nilm - ^ ''«' '.r expanded to !«,»»« «r I .VMM) "if the people want it. ,,.,.. , , , . He said that on v bv their lnlerfljlt ( . an thp pp()plp cip Cnited States Steel Corp. .T. D. Mr-Call, president of: ( .j fj r jf H ( ; })'ins trillion plan Columbia (Icneva Steel Mill.! is warranted. "There is no said beams, channels, and purpose in spending the peo- angles in several larger p| r ' s money for H program sixes already have been add ed. and other new «i/es also', port it." hr will become available short-1- ly to fabricators and steql service centers from this kev Southern California lo- | cation. The plant nlso has add- ed a substantial number of hot rolled bars and bar fthapes to its product ranjfe In the past year. In addition to expand- ing tbe firm's schedule of M/.es and grade*, out of Torranre, MrCall said new production facilities are under construction at tbe mill to meet cbanginK cus- tomer requirements in quality and .service. I'art of thn will be ac < omplished bv building a: new continuous billrl ir healing I'urnacp. The phint is at 840 Rorder Ave. if they aren't going to sup- said. TRICKS OF TRADE in hair colonnn ond bleaching ore given (I i) Yoshikoc Oishi and Em.ko Amazumi, Jap- anese hair stylists who arc visiting the United States to leorn Western methods. Demonstrating for visitors are (right) Joe Hgmachi, sfudent in cosmetology,.and rlavio Bisignano, world famous hair style consultant and owner pi beauty colleges in Torrance and Redondo Beoch. . - PRESS Photo by Carolyn Perkio Civil Defense Plan Outlined (EDITOR'S NOTK: With news of the Cuban crisis, Torrance City Hall and police headquarters were Hooded with inquiries re- ttardin;; defensive meas- ures in case of attack. A* a public service, the Tor- rance Press publishes tbe following newsletter from (Mayor Albert Isen and City Manager Wade in the event \vc are \ is-! stud\ OFFICIAL GROUP proclaims November as City Beau- tiful Month, slogan for which wdl appear on sign in foreground. Group includes <l-r) Mrs. Tony Santaello, iiairman of citywide cleanup drive; Mrs, Frank Sciar- 'fa, member of City Beautiful Commission; Mayor Woert | sen ^ wno proclaimed month, and Mrs. Roy Ap- sey, chairman of beautification commission Inside the Press Dear ('iti/,en; ci< , ited by a major disaster. In accordance with City Ordinance, voiir Civil dp tense and Disaster" Council has been organized to plan for actions which'\rill be re quirerl in time ryf flisaster. A Civil Delpnxe plan has been prepared and approved bv I IIP California Disaster of licr. Due t<) the changes brought aboAl! hy nuclear development, w e a p o n r y. and the degree of protection required, our Plan is under is being revised .structure, in the light of recent inter- national developments. The basic principle of Civil Defense is the ac- tion taken by tbe indivi- dual to help himsrlf when disaster strikes. Knowing what to dn and how to do it may well determine you nnd \oiir Inmilv's survl- \al. Your Ciiv (Government and will as.vist \ oil bv Classified ..._ Women ... _. Sports ........_. carelull planning, by organ-j i/ing. and augmenting its Tlie following briet out-J constant scrutiny by Civil! resources, and by joining jlme'of your Civil Defense j Defense officials and civic'with other communities on , ...C13-J)11 and Disaster Organization leaders such as the Torrance< a mutual aid basis. These casiu rs lo pi t»leci \ ni i The City ot Torrance has lamily. To assist YOU in dc joined \vith other eommuui-! termining what steps \f. tip- in the Centinela X'allev should take jm\v. our Pl.ir and South Bay in integral -'is based on the -follouin- ing our resources and nm Assembling the Fumil* tually helping each other. C.roup --. hi the event ol This cpnccpt has born «--\- disaster or threatened di tended thiH)ugh the Los An aster \v<» belive the be.st pro- geles Basin, thr St..ito and ceriure is to a^embhe \]\? the Nation. .family at home or in'a pre- Kvery riupl»>ee «>l the determine,^ place, if at all City is n Civil Defense practicable. U movement to worker. We are constantly another safer area is IP endeavoring to strengthen mined later, due to To, _.....C6|has been prepared for the; Civil Defens -PRESS p«!oto j E DR purpose of informing the cl-i At the present time, for e.\- tixens of the City of Tor- ample, the Plan j<? under ranee of our plan* and p* li-; careful ,- "! ' font inning measures have been taken and no effort is being our Organisation to the end that we can meet with and o\ercome the ef- fects of a disaster as quickly «s possible. You can participate iu our i-«nco becoming unsafe, you v\ ill be so advised. II una,bl« to assemble the family pvior to a disaster, establish' a rendezvous whore yon can gat licr when conditions pcr- spared lo improve and ex- j effort s bv understanding the init. "iir Civil herenseiprohlem and hy .taking' (Continued on Sunday) November: City Beautiful Month

WASTER PUN IN · iiornp. Battle Croup, fir*gory. 'McClanahan is re-thori/ed tentatively ' Tue.s day by City Council. Councilmen indicated fav or of the project, which would add approximately

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    Downtown Parking District Wins ApprovalA JOB THAT

    - NEEDED DOING(An Editorial)

    The Los Angeles Times did a job Sunday that's long needed doing.

    It pulled the iriH^k of so-called "Freedom of the Press" from a Redondo Beach newspaper and exposed it for \yhat it really, i*.

    I'erhaps yon missed Paul Coales' column on the edi->*rial |Mge. You shoud'n't have. For not only did it de-j under provisions of a $100.- VO | \\Mf\\V Ml IMRFl?

    Tend the hurnariilarian aims of CXICKF, but, it silently ' (KM) assessment district, an 'NUIVIDEK


    TO.RKAXCK Downtown shoppers will get expanded I parking some time next, year (



    WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1962 lOc A COPY(rind perhaps unknowingly) struck a long-overdue blow ut yellow journalism.

    Mr. Coates ?»poke lor the thousands «>| Amnriran newsmen \vho abhor half-truths and blackmail in the edi- torial columns.

    Jle spoke for the score of local readers who already have Heen through the veil of phony freedoms behind which this newspaper hide*.9 And, most significant of all, Mr. Coates lamfed a mighty defensive punch for those steadfast public offi- cials whose refusal to become newspaper puppeflk has brought down on them the wrath of a revengeful pen.

    Jt. is with hesitation that we attack the aims. of a neighboring newspaper, for we feel, as does Mr. Coates, that everone is entitled to his opinion.

    But when a newspaper, through .subtleties and vi-clotis half reporting, casts the shadow of distrust on aprofession \\licre trust is paramount. then we must

    ll f»ur doOiKp.

    Soldiers CallTorrance Home

    ORT BCCKNJKR, OKI-. Mr. and "Mrs. Dewey L. Me Torrance is a far-jdanahan, 20817 S. Margaret

    "plance name" foijSt. He attended (JardenaLacombe C. Gregory

    Donald D. McClanahanHigh School and was Pm- plp.yed by Dasher Business

    are participating with I Machines before enteringmember* of th« 2nrfj the Army in ()ee «>l the determine,^ place, if at all City is n Civil Defense practicable. U movement to worker. We are constantly another safer area is IP endeavoring to strengthen mined later, due to To,

    _.....C6|has been prepared for the; Civil Defens

    -PRESS p«!oto j E DR

    purpose of informing the cl-i At the present time, for e.\- tixens of the City of Tor- ample, the Plan j