Is it easy to get a Free Scholarship to study in a foreign country?? Imagine that you are one among the hundreds of competitors trying to get their hands on something that you had al- ways wanted. It may seem impossible when competition arises, but don’t give up! Here is the story of Samuel, a student who had given up hope of continuing his higher education, until one day he got some intriguing advice. So, he decided to give it a try… p.4 p.8 p.2

Wassup 9

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Is it easy to get a Free Scholarship to

study in a foreign country?? Imagine

that you are one among the hundreds

of competitors trying to get their

hands on something that you had al-

ways wanted. It may seem impossible

when competition arises, but don’t

give up! Here is the story of Samuel,

a student who had given up hope of

continuing his higher education, until

one day he got some intriguing advice.

So, he decided to give it a try…



What does a healthy, Biblical dating or courting relationship look like in practice?What is the difference between courtship and dating, and is one more

biblical than the other? I will provide a definition of each, describe how the two methods are different, and then recommend why one method is more biblical than the other.

Defining Courtship and DatingLet’s begin by defining courtship. Courtship ordinarily begins when a single

man approaches a single woman by going through the woman’s father, and then conducts his relationship with the woman under the authority of her father, family, or church, whichever is most appropriate. Courtship always has marriage as its direct goal.

What then is dating? Dating, a more modern approach, begins when either the man or the woman initiates a more-than-friends relationship with the other, and then they conduct that relationship outside of any oversight or authority. Dat-ing may or may not have marriage as its goal.

The Differences Between Courtship and Dating What are the differences in these two experiences? I believe there are three

broad differences between what has been called Biblical courtship and modern dating.

1. The Difference in Motive:The first difference lies with the man’s motive in pursuing the relation-

ship. Biblical courtship has one motive — to find a spouse. A man will court a particular woman because he believes it is possible that he could marry her, and the courtship is the process of discerning whether that belief is correct. To the extent that the Bible addresses premarital relationships at all, it uses the language of men marrying and women being given in marriage (see Matthew 24:38; Luke 20:34-35).

Numbers 30:3-16, talks about a transfer of authority from the father to the husband when a woman leaves her father’s house and is united to her husband. The Song of Solo-mon showcases the meeting, courtship, and marriage of a couple — always with marriage in view. I am not advocating arranged marriages; rather, I am pointing toward the Biblical purpose for why young men and women associate with one another. These passages do not argue that marriage should be the direct goal of such relationships so much as they assume it.

Modern dating, on the other hand, does not necessarily have marriage as a goal at all. Dating can be recreational. Not only is “dating for fun” acceptable, it is assumed that “practice” and learning by “trial and error” are necessary, even advisable, before finding the person that is just right for you. The fact that individuals will be emotionally and probably physically intimate with many people before settling down with the “right person” is just part of the deal. Yet where is the Biblical support for such an approach to marriage? There is none. How many examples of “recreational dating” do we see among God’s people in the Bible? Zero. The category of premarital intimacy does not exist, other than in the context of grievous sexual sin.

The motive for dating or courting is marriage. The practical advice I give the singles at our church is, if you cannot happily see yourself as a married man (or woman) in less than one year, then you should not consider dating.

2. The Difference in Mind-set:The second major difference between Biblical courtship and modern dating is the

mind-set couples have when interacting with one another. What do I mean by that? Modern dating is essentially a selfish endeavor. I don’t mean maliciously selfish, as in “I’m going to try to hurt you for my benefit.” I mean an oblivious self-centeredness that treats the whole process as ultimately about me. After all, what is the main question everyone asks about dating, falling in love, and getting married? “How do I know if I’ve found the one?” What is the unspoken ending to that question? “For me.” Will this person make me happy? Will this relationship meet my needs? How does she look? What is the chemistry like? Have I done as well as I can do?

Selfishness is not what drives a Biblical marriage, and therefore should not be what drives a Biblical courtship. Biblical courtship recognizes the general call to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves” (Phil. 2:3 NIV). It also recognizes the specific call that Ephesians 5:25 gives men in mar-riage, where our main role is sacrificial service. We are to love our wives as Christ loved the church, giving himself up for her. That means loving sacrificially every day. Biblical courtship means that a man does not look for a laundry list of characteristics that comprise his fantasy woman so that his every desire can be fulfilled, but he looks for a godly woman as Scripture defines her — a woman he can love and, yes, be attracted to, but a woman whom he can serve and love as a godly husband.

In other words, modern dating asks, “How can I find the one for me?” while biblical courtship asks, “How can I be the one for her?”

The Wassup crew wishes u a Happy and prospe-rous new year!!!! As we look into the coming year, it seems like we’ve got a block of time! We see 12months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536,000 seconds. And all this is a gift from our loving God.

We have done nothing to deserve it, earn it, or purchase it. Like the air we breathe, time comes to us as a part of life. It is given equally to each per-son - rich and poor, educated and ignorant, strong and weak – every man, woman and child has the same twenty-four hours every day.

Another cool thing about time is that you cannot stop it! There’s just no way to slow it down, turn it off, or adjust it. You cannot bring back time! Once it is gone, it is gone! Yesterday is lost forever. Time marches on and on!!

Yesterday is lost and tomorrow is uncertain. We may look ahead at a full year’s block of time, but we have no guarantee if we will experience any of it.

Obviously, time is one of our most precious pos-sessions. We can waste it, we can worry over it, we can spend it on ourselves. But the gift of time is not ours alone. We can invest it in the kingdom of God!! The new year is full of time.

As the seconds tick away, will you be tossing time out the window, or will you make every minute count? Don’t let this time pass you by. Truly yesterday is gone forever, therefore, whatever your hands find doing, do it well, ‘cuz today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday!Be a wise steward of time in the year 2008! Ap-preciate every moment given to you by God and use it for His glory!

Have a blessed New Year!


I dreamed I had an interview with God. “So you would like to interview me?” God asked.“If you have the time” I said. God smiled. “My time is eternity.”“What questions do you have in mind for me?”“What surprises you most about humankind?”God answered... “That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.”“That they lose their health to make money...and then lose their money to restore their health.”“That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future.”“That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived.”God’s hand took mine and we were silent for a while.And then I asked... “As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons you want your children to learn?”“To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved.”“To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.”“To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.”“To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal them.” “To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most,but is one who needs the least.”“To learn that there are people who love them dearly, but simply have not yet learned how to express or show their feelings.”“To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.”“To learn that it is not enough that they forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.”“Thank you for your time,” I said humbly. “Is there anything else you would like your children to know?”God smiled and said, “Just know that I am here... always.”

3. The Difference in Methods:Third, and most practically, modern dating and Biblical courtship are different in

their methods. And this is the heart of the matter. In modern dating, intimacy precedes commitment. In Biblical courtship, commitment precedes intimacy.

According to the current school of thought, the best way to figure out whether you want to marry a particular person is to act as if you are married and see if you like it. Spend large amounts of time alone together. Become each other’s primary emotional confidantes. Share your deepest secrets and desires. Get to know that person better than anyone else in your life. Grow your physical intimacy and intensity on the same track as your emotional intimacy. What you do and say together is private and is no one else’s business, and since the relationship is private, you need not submit to anyone else’s authority or be accountable. And if this pseudo-marriage works for both of you, then get married. But if one or both of you do not like how it is going, go ahead and break up even if it means going through something like an emotional and probably physical divorce.

Such is the process of finding “the one,” and this can happen with several differ-ent people before one finally marries. In the self-centered world of secular dating, we want as much information as possible to ensure that the right decision is being made. And if we can enjoy a little physical or emotional comfort along the way, great.

Clearly, this is not the Biblical picture. The process just described is hurtful to the woman that the man purports to care about, not to mention to himself. And it clearly violates the command of 1 Thessalonians 4:6 not to wrong or defraud our sisters in Christ by implying a marriage-level commitment where one does not exist. It will have a damaging effect on the man’s marriage and hers, whether they marry each other or not.

In Biblical relationship, commitment precedes intimacy. Within this model, the man should follow the admonition in, 1 Timothy 5:1-2 to treat all young women to whom he is not married as sisters, with absolute purity. The man should show leadership and willingness to bear the risk of rejection by defining the nature and the pace of the relationship. He should do this before spending significant time alone with her in order to avoid hurting or confusing her.

He should also seek to ensure that a significant amount of time is spent with other couples or friends rather than alone. The topics, manner, and frequency of conversa-tions should be characterized by the desire to become acquainted with each other more deeply, but not in a way that defrauds each other. There should be no physical intimacy outside the context of marriage, and the couple should seek accountability for the spiri-tual health and progress of the relationship, as well as for their physical and emotional intimacy.

Within this model, both parties should seek to find out, before God, whether they should be married, and whether they can sere and honor God better together than apart. The man should take care not to treat any woman like his wife who is not his wife. Of course he must get to know his courting partner well enough to make a decision on marriage. However, prior to the decision to marry, he should always engage with her emotionally in a way he would be happy for other men to engage with her.

In all these ways, a Biblical relationship looks different from a worldly relation-ship. If this is done well, Christian women will be honored, even as they are pursued. Christian wives will be honored and God will be glorified.


I am a third year chemistry student studying in Voronezh, Russia. I was born and brought up in a Christian family in Ghana. I still remember how my Mum used to take my sis-

ter and me to Sunday school every Sunday. She knew and understood that, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

After my junior secondary school educa-tion, I was supposed to continue with my senior secondary school education in a town away from home. But later my Dad thought it was wise if I studied in the same town where we lived. Today I see that decision of my father’s as God’s in-tervention. This is because my friends and I had made up our minds to live any way we wanted since our parents would not be around. Although I had never made my intentions known to any-one until today, God came to my rescue through that decision my Dad made. I can now testify to the glory of God, that as a result of this decision I have a successful secondary school education with good grades.

The saddest side of it was that those close friends who continued their education away from our place of settlement did not get good grades in their exams and one was even expelled from school as a result of drug addiction. Had it not been for the Lord, I do not know where l would have been by now. Looking at what happened to my friends always strengthens me to trust in the Lord more and more.

God’s words are always true. As it is writ-ten in Isaiah 1:19, “If you are willing and obedi-ent, you shall eat the good of the land.” So, I have come to believe that these words are true.

After passing my senior secondary school certificate exams, I had applied to some universi-ties to be admitted for the next academic year. I was not given the programs of my choice, though I received a letter from one university, it was not what I had wanted. This really took away all the joy inside me and you could even read from my face that all was not well. My father suggested that I enroll in the polytechnic college for that year, so that I wouldn’t stay

home doing nothing. But I disagreed with that idea since it would be difficult leaving college and joining the university.

When my Pastor heard what was happen-ing he advised me that if for one year I would devote my time in doing the work of the Lord diligently, then God would reward my efforts. This is because He rewards those who seek him diligently!

I remember saying to myself, “Well, let me give it a try.” During this period I served as the leader for The Student’s Association, headed the Youth Witness Movement, lead the praise team and assisted the local secretary, etc. I did this because I really wanted to know if there was go-ing to be any reward. After seven months, as my friends were struggling with university admis-sions, I had already been granted a scholarship to come and study in this great country of Russia. I had never dreamt of this opportunity in my entire life. This is what the Lord can do!

Dear Reader, I want to assure you that He who promises is faithful, and no one who gives his time or money or any-thing, does it without God rewarding him. For it is written “Therefore, my be-loved brethren, be steadfast, immov-able, always abounding in the works of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1Corinthians 15:58

Is it easy to get a Free Scholarship to study in a foreign country?? Imagine that you are one among the hun-

dreds of competitors trying to get their hands on something that you had always wanted. It may seem im-

possible when competition arises, but don’t give up! Here is the story of Samuel, a student who had given

up hope of continuing his higher education, until one day he got some intriguing advice. So, he decided to

give it a try…

God gave you:hEart = to love HimhaNds = to clap 4 HimfeeT = to shake da placemoUth = to shout His fameeYes = to behold His beutyearS = to hear His voice

Join us for a gr8 time of worship and fellowship on Saturday, Feb.16

Venue: chrchOFFул.Продольная, 33 АVolgograd+7-917-332-4196

Samuelstudent from GhanaVoronezh


“Xmas BASH’07: a night to re-member” was indeed a blast! Taking place on the evening

of December 22nd, this joint event between “Je-sus Embassy” and “United” – the Russian youth group, is a testimony of God’s awesomeness. With the desire to share the good news of Christ-mas and also bless our friends, God’s grace has allowed us to make this an annual event, thus celebrating the 5th Xmas bash.

On the event day, it wasn’t long before the hall was already filled with people, all beauti-fully and wonderfully dressed. Many of the guests present weren’t first timers and were actually looking forward to the party since it was announced weeks ago. The program kicked of with a solo performance of the hymn, O Holy Night, which ushered in a choir by the students. Among the songs sang were Silent Night, Mary’s Boy Child and Joy to the World. Rather than a perfect score these students delivered a joyous and heart-felt performance which brought about the spirit of Christmas.

Throughout the night, our guests (and members as well) were entertained and as-tounded by a variety or dances by students from different parts of the world. Our Nigerian friends danced to a hip-hop beat while our sisters from India did a contemporary dance to the song,

Love Above. Last but not least was a mod-ern dance from the LIFE dance minis-

try of our local church. The Impres-sions Of God drama

team did indeed leave the crowd with the idea of how Christmas should be. The drama tells of a news reporter who interviewed different people from different walks of life to hear what they have to say about Christmas. The response he received was rather unexpected, it even resulted in him being beaten! Finally someone made the difference by sharing the true message of love. Midway through the party, we had the pleasure of our pastor, Bishop Alexey rudenky, share about the love of God and the forgiveness of sins through the coming of Christ on Christmas day. He also took the chance to welcome us and prayed for God’s favor and blessing to be upon our lives.

We also got our friends to take part in some whacky games. From passing rubber bands with straws, which became a battle of the sexes, we made our guests seek out similarities in their belongings with others. These games turned out to be simple, but hilarious. In short, the aim is to get everyone involved and to be a part of the event.

Next was a combination of a mime and bal-let dance while the choir sang the song, We are the Reason, dressed in white with glittery gold sashes. The dance was beautiful and nonethe-less grand. The final performance was one which

simply depicts God’s sacrifice. Acting to the song, Every-thing,. this simple skit with neither words nor props shows that we

can’t find

satisfaction in money or alcohol or anything for that matter, but in Christ alone. It left many of our guests in awe of God’s love and sacrifice.

The menu this year was burgers and salad with mash potatoes. Dinner was served rather timely as our guest were getting hungry, but not before a short session of free-style and break-dancing, to build the appetite perhaps.

An unexpected treat which was prepared for our friends this year was an award for Mr. and Ms. Christmas. Throughout the event, our organizers secretly picked out a few nominees, This group of charming ladies and gentlemen were later required to dance, sing and even cat-walk to win the crowd over.

A highlight for this year’s Christmas bash was a live band. It was the 1st time that we had a band performance. Nevertheless the musicians manage to hype up the atmosphere with songs of praise. Before long everyone was shouting and cheering as the musicians played and sang.

The only thing that could be said about this year’s Xmas bash was that it ended too soon. God was indeed “in da house”. Everyone left rather reluctantly as it drew late into the night and we had to start unplugging and cleaning.

On a personal note, one can only stand in wonder as we see how the event came to unfold, especially when we started off with nothing. Indeed all praise and glory goes to You, Abba father, God of heaven and the earth.

=Xun Jin=see all pics at our blog jesusembassy.blogspot.com

God gave you:hEart = to love HimhaNds = to clap 4 HimfeeT = to shake da placemoUth = to shout His fameeYes = to behold His beutyearS = to hear His voice

Join us for a gr8 time of worship and fellowship on Saturday, Feb.16

Venue: chrchOFFул.Продольная, 33 АVolgograd+7-917-332-4196

It’s the time of the season once more. A time of giving and sharing. A season of joy and love. Well, this year most

of us are looking forward to the Biggest Bash of the Year - Christmas Bash Charity Concert 2007. “Together We Can Make A Difference” as the theme definitely caught everyone attention. It is not an ordinary Christmas celebration but the First Charity Concert organized by Malaysian Medical Students studying in Moscow.

Finally, the long awaited and anticipated Christmas Bash 2007 stepped up and the crowds were massive. We saw the invasion of Malaysian students approximately up to the 1000 and people from all walks of life were there too. Pastors, businessman and even various countries ambassadors were there and not to be forgotten the Children’s Hope International representative were present. All the tickets earning and fund raising will be outreach to them. However the greatest surprise of all, Jaclyn Victor our very own Malaysia Idol was with us celebrating the greatest event of the year.

Lists of programmers were perfectly organized for all the spectators. Emcees for the day is our very own Project President , Mr. Dalvinder Singh and Tiffany from The United States donned in a traditional Indian sari costume. It kick started with a video clip which included the speech of the Malaysia Ambassador and Malaysian astronauts and of course words from Jaclyn Victor herself. Next part of the event , most of the specta-tors couldn’t take their eyes off the stage. It started with cultural dance by The Tourism of Malaysia Dance troupe. They managed to show the culture of Malaysia from Malays to Ethnic Groups in a single dance and the costume were fabulous. Next the spectators were entertained by a duet piano perfor-mances by Billy Lee and Koh Yun Min. The Hungarian Dance and Secret Medley

performed by them were so perfectly coor-dinated and the tempo was amazing fast.Well since it’s a charity concert in Moscow how can we left out those talented Russian Hip-Hop Dancers. Their moves were aston-ishing and what amazed us most is their age They are all so young and the youngest of all is a little boy around 4 years old. But he actually managed to do a upside down stand with help from his crew. Wow! How about that! Well it is Christmas how can we forget the International Christmas Choir lead by Flora Iton the creative director of Interna-tional Christian Assembly. They definitely managed to lift up the Christmas spirits with renowned Christmas carols. I bet most of the spectators were singing in tune with the choir team as well. Well since the Russians had their version of hip-hop, Malaysians also give our shot with the Wake up Call Crew which consists of 12 medical students bringing down the house with their Pop Dance. It’s just amazing to see how they managed to choreograph so perfectly. During the intervals of pro-grammes there were CD give away ses-sions. Whoever managed to call the number appear in screen as fast as possible will win a Jaclyn Victor latest album. About half way to the show, we were astounded by our very own professional model Miss Angel Ang with her team of models doing wonderful catwalks. Just like Project Runways. Who would have thought that medical students here have such ability in them?

Next, the moment that all of us been wait-ing for Jaclyn Victor’s performance. She is indeed a great singer, She sang her award winning song “GEMILANG” and the spectators had a chance of singing with her too. She was indeed modest and humorous as well... Next up we had band performance by The Sifu’s Band. They brought us from the 21st century by performing Hinder’s- Lips On An Angel to the 70s era Johnny

Be Good by Chuck Berry .Nextly, a rap performance by the Local Famous DJ Elf Shakil, performing rap in Russian and for Malaysia to listen to a live Russian rap was indeed refreshing to our ears. Then , The Brazilian Copoiera. Wow just by looking at their well built six packs body most of us were more than delightful. Capoiera is a dance cum martial arts that really caught up with the modernization of time . Finally, the highlight of the day was the Drama presentation. It was a skit about how the worldly desire like money, alcohols, beauty even committing suicide tempting a youth-ful teenager but the teenager soon found her way back with the protection of her guarding angel. I believe it move everyone to tears even though the actors and actress presented it totally without uttering a single word. Merely action moved many to tears.

Lastly, joined performances by all the performers singing WE ARE THE WORLD on stage. It is awe –inspiring song and everyone sang whole hearted. It was just simply amazing seeing people from differ-ent nations come united together to make a difference. Next, our project president presented the cheque of 125000 Rubles to the Children’s Hope International represen-tative. Well isn’t this all about Christmas an entertaining yet charitable time for all. Well it all ends in a high note and everyone attended the concert went back with a bag of goodies too. All well ends well. A victori-ous day for all of us and praised God for all cause He deserved all the honour and glory. As the word of the God goes, “nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them”. All things are possible with the strengthening of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

=Leong May Shi=see more pics at theMF blogwww.malaysianfellowship.blogspot.com



There are two scriptures that I want to point out.First: John 1:9 The Bible says

that Jesus is the Light that Lights up every man that comes into the world. This means that no matter where you live...however advanced or primitive, Jesus at some point in your life will illuminate your understanding with truth about God and righteousness. If that person chooses to receive this know-ledge, Paul said in Romans 2:14-16 that these people are judged according to the knowledge or ‘light’ they have received.

Those who know more are held to a higher standard then those who just know by their conscience ‘don’t steal, don’t lie, be just, acknowledge the Creator, don’t kill and on & on’.

People will be judged according to the amount of ‘light’ they had available to them and if they accepted this light. You and I have no excuse...we have been given much light. A Pygmy tribe would be held accountable differently.

I am sure that science can come up with many reasons why people jump out of bed or become startled in their

sleep. As well as having night mares.

The Bible teaches us that we live in a spiritual world and there are two forces at work in a person’s life. First, there is the Spirit of God and second, there is an evil spirit of the devil that is trying to dominate our soul (mind) and flesh.

In order to understand why we are plagued by nightmares and discom-forted sleep, we must take an inven-tory of what we are allowing to come into our soul via our senses. If we are allowing things that are not profitable for our lives such as horror movies, that are influenced from the power of dark-ness, then we expose ourselves to this power.

We create an avenue in which our adversary has a right to effect our lives in a evil way such as nightmares, etc. It is one of those “you reap what you sow” type things. If you sow ‘night-mare things’ into your spirit, you will

reap ‘nightmare things.’ This is why it is so important to always have the Word of God being fed into our spirit.

Now, if you are not sowing ‘nightmare things’ then the devil has intruded unlawfully into your life and you have a right to command, to demand that he release your mind and emotions. The devils great way of attack is through influence. he can only influence...you make the final descision on the out-come. If you are involved in things that are not profitable for your spirit souls and body...let them go. As long as you hold on to them they will seek to dominate you. They are not just ‘inno-cent’ scary movies or whatever it may be that you allow. Remember, there is a spirit that drives all things...good or evil. Sow the good...sow the Word and these things must leave you.

Why does a human from time to time during his sleeping hours will jump out of bed ?? Why do night-mares occurre in our lives? What can we do to make it disappear and

never haunt us again, especially the same nightmare that keeps on reappearing as if it is coming true into this reality? =Wendy=


How does Christianity view in-

equalities on this earth i.e. given

that each person is born with dif-

ferent conditions (some are born

in 3rd world countries without

access to Christianity). To the

Christian context, how can they

be saved?



Do you have any questions on relationship, marriage, sexuality, entertainment, bible, Christianity, God, soul and spirit, college life, etc?Ask a question and we will gladly try our best to answer questions from you. Questions may be emailed to [email protected] To read further opinions on different questions, please visit our website: www.thewassup.info

Your questions in this issue are

answered by Pastor Paul Ellis


Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at their church, the Pastor and his 11-year-old son would go out into their

town and hand out Gospel tracts. This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside as well as pouring down rain. The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said “Okay Dad, I’m ready.”

His Pastor Dad asked, “Ready for what? “Dad, it’s time we gather our tracts together and go out.” Dad responds, “Son, it’s very cold outside and it’s pouring down rain.” The boy gives his Dad a surprised look, asking, “But Dad, aren’t people still going to Hell, even though it’s rain-ing?” Dad answers, “Son, I am not going out in this weather.”

Despondently the boy asks, “Dad, can I go -- Please?”

His father hesitated for a moment then said, “Son, you can go. Here’s the tracts; be care-ful son.” “Thanks, Dad!” And with that he was off and out into the rain. This 11-year-old boy walked the streets of the town going door-to-door and handing everybody he met in the street a Gospel tract. After 2-hours of walking in the rain he was soaking bone-chilled wet and down to his very last tract. He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to but the streets were totally deserted.

Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the doorbell. He rang the bell -- but nobody answered. He rang it again and again but still no one answered. He waited but still no answer. Finally this 11-year-old trooper turned to leave but something stopped him. Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist. He waited, something holding him there on the front porch. He rang again, and this time the door slowly opened.

Standing in the doorway was a very sad looking elderly lady. She softly asked, “What can I do for you, son?” With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world, this little boy said, “Ma’am, I’m sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that Jesus Really Does Love You!

I came to give you my very last Gospel tract which will tell you all about Jesus and His great love.” With that, he handed her his last tract, and turned to leave. She called to him as he departed, “Thank you, son! And God bless you!” Well, the following Sunday morning in church, Pastor Dad was in the pulpit and as the service began he asked, “Does anybody have a testi-mony or want to say anything?”

Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet. As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face. “None of you in this church know me. I’ve never been here before. You see, before last Sunday I was not a Christian. My husband has passed on, some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world.

Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart . . . as I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live. “So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home. I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck. “Standing on that chair, so lonely and broken-hearted, I was about to leap off when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me. I thought, ‘I’ll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.’ “I waited and waited -- but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly.

I thought to myself again, ‘Who on earth could this be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me!’ “I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder. When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes! “There on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever seen in my life! His smile! Oh, I could never describe it to you! And the words that came from his mouth caused my heart, that had long been dead, to leap to life as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, ‘Ma’am, I just came to tell you that JESUS RE-ALLY DOES LOVE YOU.’

“Then he gave me this Gospel tract that I now hold in my hand. As the little angel disappeared back out, into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel tract. Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair. I wouldn’t be needing them any more.

“You see, I am now a happy child of the King, and since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel tract I have come here to personally say, ‘Thank you to God’s little angel who came just in the nick of time, and by so do-ing, spared my soul from an eternity in Hell.’”

There were now no dry eyes in the church. As shouts of praise and honor to the Lord resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated. He took him in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.

If you don’t know Jesus as your per-sonal Lord and Savior, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the greatest Friend you’ll ever have. As you say these words, if you’ll believe them with your heart, you will be born again (Romans 10:9-10)

Jesus, come into my life. Forgive me of all my sins. I ask you to cleanse my heart, and make me a new person in You right now. I believe that You are the Son of God and that You died on the cross for me. Jesus, I want to thank you for loving me enough to die for me. I accept all that your shed blood bought for me on the cross, and I receive You as my Savior and Lord. In Your name I pray. Amen.

If you’ve just prayed this prayer, con-gratulations! You are “a new creation in Christ and, as 2 Corinthians 5:17 in the New Testament says, “old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”


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