81, No, 20.101. WASHINGTON, D. . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1892.TW CHNTS. TE EVENIONG STAB no f.......- i.massin, Ir Wao spmgawl xeuw es-usa. £7 135 erm 3t.uLasea.. kommem soer 11th S Eseumang Utrs Newppe Oam weMl at tonn Put UT-04. a aN b a t Brea I wr 0 ed I" I anthee mosth Qw& ons Igreas as 0 Par gm, - .pe__h m.." $eImw eaeead.D 44 -o590 was in iase f gased scam a Sesat~e per seth-W eeame te mast meg ow au b n. -o mew e a .s Mae" somom a knows, an inWUOk SPMrAL NOTICES. &- TAL Pri i t'mD ASMOCIATIMo Sitath AMuGl sewi. IS @nATOlsT ANNit4 REPOKT ETh to ST A 310I e4I A'SO1CIATION. MOWIN54G TUE IMMMM .,the ear ... ns Sam the vso. -m. n" 0f I'Tet Ae U IorN bes - e memiwar darting the yar. OM. Si u metmms Ia eleen ya, llas. 90ins m O J40 ta .f ft. we ae pta ar 61.rnn of tater. Mel osst'weI s -... or .. 0:4.i1taef tat.er p5. W~bMut ter a - *.u ,eply" of .a st.I. g wbirh a. ame- 4s1t . 6.111 4. an IS-re.e & N r. i.the ,-ar Ue'her. aebrtatttieg on eett oS msohtmegten I-*.51 411.41111 Par week IN to ~ ~~~~ a Interenbrstse hek o ofet the i t,"ear a' I 316M. esale. b.- at - ereues arenust sai "l e% Swe besed -e red .f as limeuttth.a -domhe rai nsch belmimem at msrb a .tth' e.' 'a te e lb,. e?. .kisft-e as we".ai ii Pr'.s.. eror%2 t4. mad O- 11Ieseense. Mes ludag aslaresn. rent. A ,. onlY tI" Th b MIT 011 0418 oft the dollar of ttaft? Qt 4etmee-1 s tinsh ~-i a t-,e dr.llar of prte, besee es g rwat estof every stelle~r of snG gt 'rb to be mesbee birrowere atid non-torow- ge ell as em enhoe g00.o Elsin Iteasdetae the yar, ST 0 % oft ate'. of eteemr paett f" teember. 5 P" -OW. per mest and V-- rer -at p-r ane t. The abe to as eitrAowdins srin.wag for a purely ashntast m~5tae,. ha - aer - braaebea heother 'Uml mad .11 War b.eese treastd at - ar es.. .... et '4i1 1 9h at. It. nnk. are nte np- f"r .uberrip- aV I'. the tW" awnl. We have le estraare ie-4 e-. Wt be seol All mae, i mid Is *arew toThe es.itt ..4 the sebeseet..-r r.d 'a& be all stLabeml wit'.'e any dtedlo-t a whaever Tb sope."t n a th. baads-f the prtaler and wil be Sisto 6i .tyte. copwut .f which stay Se had by ePn ma* as Ihe .', or from al S the filoewans a.. .4 D mDas- P.. Pemedeat. aewie Abeaban. vies pe" .et Fasve.t &. wabsm. tresesre, Johu ca". 5....tary. Silsit I th in. e't as F De'a'amete. aitrey, n ii. 70. C .v er.a tu,.l nr %a4rew t. &-..Wa. P. .1.. 4 v. 1 hke. u iS H. tUib.t.. F w ira- n'"wt. tses Mean. that W l.h.' Wm. I. 31el1e. -' * B. e.:4 m. w.90 sTt) I ItLUICRAIAC VUTERh. AL 4manr 9 "er oft the diferet tasios cam pre- ofet nett for raeaisa twotl et edared rate by plyW at Doom 3 WaumtCa Loan ad Tru t buam . eae Wah andy aga a. w. JUNn MILIER. er '''e ChatTirm eanoItuCt.* oFFri rN %ieTMrtoNTI~ I.me as t 1 -&4 . Weazeataa. to t'. s tem0 -rn re-- e-a . b I.. .- u-amy It e entaus. No 3. -. buear "' lieo .ar n -.' ..s , antsmehars It. it c trk. menmta, In the e o..r Waarhem Parba. I--a 1es .r it ad. and hateb t. Us.au toera dAm: a.. sortms. mes warses mges:i..t .taa lt the Ieet asse atb as -ay Sts.001 .sa as yemrispuon the a.s a fanwser. it l11-UR W. TLLOe'H. _enS-sesUe.tary and rr.--%suer. NesTI1)E 4'T. 1. l19e- SE HAVE Mhr. anyabw ear ere re l? Fe. beg keu.w s.t. f"a.n. te m1sa 3. 1. Ue)PE15q & CO. ~ATE it)L'S FtitNAiED. SANGUES AND L A iD' 'U~i ermrcmetoesre .aahies lefowe the base _____ 1abasea bras tw. reea.. . uArh At Co. e_1.4 tkk. st. a.t. W..~ 64men new for u e1a...tabtina. L. NAUIt, er and P"tbliber. r lbielli. 3W. N.IS'S AMIRTS T4) ODDER. %.w is the time I., have your AShirt made pao. hewn tant that a sheet aade In t1e 6bsarm.- Ow winter a.l . -r fo- emu ner We A.31. 0the bosm .a 'Ipp ' ashar' f'at..te. tine owmnose. emt'..m N:y tio -_'Zt-1r e.4-vt1oea wor- .am1Euermteeerse. '-t'ta2 at-f r'0. Im.a in the aammer. If eth r7 :- .1, a' be tI... We' l..tAis A 1.101 A i)OP. N 3OS.- PF N X %. ATr. Misps LA2strom. Tin Ropesle. .n1 tar nwadwasoL %kUor WUrS etMOVII- ..Us. !11164 soi-:a RAIAA.& 1CWTW1110sW WWWSITURE PiLlSf OSTER DEar. ALA A6E3T7 F 1R IN'S MOTON BARD WAX FLOOR I'VLIDU. orls alp Fammy Sws 83.50. FM ETENI- REdC PT TONS. saew Psea amism. bloe. gellow. wU.&e. piad-ll ceu. SmOSFOR) GIRIA ml 3 31OK FOS t'UlL~l'ES. Vammb~er U m-ea. Dsaeetng Psee emS *jasued . tv nele Raeast ibue. I5FANTl' 3*Ju~3a A LL CuLARW tohatleTl W. buLTSMEE stURE. 4 ad S W. BlteteeSt. 13 tnistla-am ue aW *ba at*t.,sIue)bet adeenssoene %u.E e' an .LL ET. 741FF Ts, ... .. tot. .~ No.'lr.,f. i. ab. ee an er t ae- a t ert.~ 'M ep.r -a',.a Negh ats . ' Sm. me'. . h. "-a trat. Mief. Jasets. e . t,.. .p~ lar Lge .........e ,-e .a r..t ... en ii, n'. ebsima to. amy persaer & & Rrovr, F.'(u. A IC. ME'cmAt .3 CiOMttTRUCTED WATin A 9353 IT) USEr. AT Tiii. UtINIM IWsc. Ta1 3151 lrs IM uR EL-, 1130 s'eeLsht TIME. 133 sCPE3-B tiiVI-IEt'E. 35 PNNT? 01 STILE. DURABILITY AND ACCU. SMT 3. Bas N aEeR3k0Rel AMONG Al.. T01 DENtWNED~ SAICES of1 AT 4' U EDs Ln D.AUls. 1 IE UltU.T & tlUDLS. AND) 'DAL T & B ao. * .Es. AND bL.Ek4MUlms. TEMPOin.aRmL AT 1437 PE.. A T. MID. A G00EST 0, JO P. Cm. F0. CA. T. 00TL. "'9.e .%P? .rm --atn r. SPECIAL NOTICES. EVERT DAT AT RENNING'S UITEL SATURDAT. OCTORER R All fa hm herae a Wa go sure at m seems "Masnae n adeRcs ... .a.m ha .. .. ........... LADIES. 80CET, Trates be" es me 1r3L FIRST RACE AT -1 P. M. 'O~eetb hemtese smaded emU-iS 'LEVELANDAND XTEVENSON. AI D HEAI OARTERR OF THE AD~~lORY e'M TEor THE DEMOCRATIC NATION %L COMMITTEE FOR THE FI4TRp:T OF COLCMBIA. NO 1-1:3 F 1nTREEFr NORTHWEST. Friend-- ,- demmrrary adl citdnea who &ode the .o ' of the democrattc caa is for the !-'-t-tYy ad vce pesadeny o eo b .... h ase ent-red on the laut mouth of ta cam- ;-aia-a Iertoit the anderatmra~d tn rembi 7ad ~., asd all. that while many have pemare re-n.-d in -up onst the demoertu came. are mul'tta le who Uadoubtedly let Its tri- 'aph nol w oid hail ans Utmph as a hon al clae ..f ithe ople, 1At who have a= et d mid mi o i a -enpltihaman'. 1t to believe thea little r.eto wt!l . ew w all ach tv-mce that a reni.tental -a 'p-atin -annot be carried on withot av..:vsn"r a lofrti:na.. anil heavy ibmrden of is and that it In only juat that thn barden abdimibe bore. not by a stasie. claa, but by all the friess and W.:! wisherv of our -ase. C.n:ribmtinne will be re-etwed W the tremasuer. J. Herr 3an- Jobnai a at the oomme rthe advi.ory cem- nqtw -. -L No ' St. St. W.. Sidrnmae Soor or remit- n made Ici hi by smal., iw je;Arei ad- dreaced to Ik '.s Lft . nt-Vsttat. may almo be madle to any of the asm- -'r. of tb advisory committee. whoeaamss ae pub- li-het ta the palto . thiledat.. 1R--tre willhe Promptly fortched ad will be fel- low.-d with .chacwledarmut of the democratic ad- tioaal cmamIttee fm w o e. MORRIS Chaltnas of the Adviesry C a f the Vewo- cretic NIattialr u.mte g the h of Co- n-.abia. orl.t--tr JAMES I.. NORRIS, Chairman es-oelt THE FOLLOWING GENTLEMEN MATE , beea app tated by the Republican Natieal V._ 1ntt6e. a a elvisory committee for the Dtatrt of 4colunmbia: 0 A D I % F ISG. NUSBA AD. 1129 fOgnneetent ave, NYRON M. PAREER. 11 Ft. a. w. FRANK B. N'I"VE. 1101 efhlivaaiaava. HENRIY A. WILLARD. 9,.lleghlidir. a ErTEJo!N-o. a I es. a. w. HENRY C. WIN-HIP. footn ':Wh ml. A. B. BROWN v rwe building. HUENitI F. b TjNf. The ame, Gecetetow.. D. C. Ni. BraDxTrgOES Ft. a. w. A. A. '1 H4MAS I1*t st. a.w. JOWN F. INEiL L 119 ivivadftavee. J.m ivW f rp M $31. id ae . w. JOHN Jiy )Iq S F at . 1EWTA T. IN Notde biilet A. T. .111. w. At a -eet the- the f Set.-n l l. tt b anmmm h tee ve ri earamented. As , wesif- ecteid thv lb - eto.n of- l)'-tt -an. .ARDINER G. MUmmAaLD Tr.saurr-A. T. BRITTON. P.- re:arv-lFRIK B. NOYES. A.' -tia-n 4--sita to tie Sn aArtal aid to the Re.- t---'rar '. tonal ,ommittetn the p-aihureampaira 't'; r. cl t antse~rptetoa to either member of th- al e adviarv amntuee rto the tremwer. Col. 1t,1ion Ihoa who %0 dAA?* to adshouldart at , : -. Ea.+ n-tptiosn will be duly acha-swledard Z!heR , awa National Cowuanittee from New orh 1, or1I.tf - F PROp-RTy ADtCs'ENT TO THE Bai of Wasin a i6 beta remeleled, the Ar' at. 'n for atore. I upper Soeo will he atdam halm '-r 'nd-es". c.. or for lfirt storme. Pirt.. mi--tiner to reat by applyin ew oem have chasare made to slt. A. H. SEMMES. Sm F s. -'-,,DO YOU WANT FINE GROCERIWES 4 4L and etamin nutr emnlete and fresh swtk for th- tal &rt'. Rieeatc-tta of Georgetow., it will pay Y'u I.' mon your aeroent wi h am. w14-ln = k and X "a.. B. W. OFFUTT. NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF REMAINS from Ebe-neser burial sramd. In eemar 1 i. eity of Wamington. D. C. Notice i% herm-iy gived to all partte. hateregted ia remaias interred in the aforemenmtioned cemetery that the heaith oac-r. after tea says from the dafe of ti puti ati4n. will Nome to the tresteem of the Fourth Str-*t Methediat Epteroll Church. permits for the rea..va! if aid retains, inder the direction. of the C-n t't-al..ner, of the Distrelt of Co.umbiafor re- mate:~ ~mt in s:n suitable public cemetery withia the simi stratct of Caumnbia.at the espemmo of Fourth Street Metl.udict Estecopal Charrh uidey of aid Dietrtet. Prir to the .svtranoe of aid tmv dave ermits for lb- r.-msn em. of bodie fr-ou said burial mtroumd will be I.,ie 'Uy to pe soam claiutatr reatatonshp Intern i in the reioa whom Memoval they regunst. W. J. THOMPSON. R. W. DUNN. For th- Board of Trastees et Fourth Street M. R. Churr oes.1t*b TWv NOVELTIES FOR NINETT-TUMre DIAMOND RAMBLER Ne. . Spriscath-am: Framne--Tras ditsoad. rtctd. anl bollow Imtte lapset and br-mind. Iaarbt range ateel tuherg of hih. est qalhty emsieed. Hadmle Bar--Dropped, e. dtahy tegedt tmu -.: the reqmirennente or faint i- Iera. Whet a.. d'. inchem, am heel,-3ltE i!ntches ta diame~ter, taanent mpe. deab-, butt ended and liadiat the crmmna. l.tam-e- ttalG. ASJ. paeteuted fro entubena tre~ ad liarhtmein. Tire'-- hear 'E inches. Wehrh-Wibh all 'ma. lacludtng to ci bar, tea' . llart macidle ad rutber mdaa :M4 lba etInf' e-tmand with scorcher maddlle mdrat-trap pedals, DIA~oND RAMRLER No. Similar In deakar to or No. 3, but lightems o "8 Ibm. metght. aaayle of buth now oa eshibttoa. GORMULLYX & JEFFERT MFG.00O.. i134Ith sU. m.. ecl ~Weakhaarto. D.'C. O-~.-~iN ANDI AFTER OCTOBERI 5. I1LJ t 're tN) n1 t.- per month. good over behthe lmesorretownc *n-t Tenllytown railway ad the I .. ai 3 towandi- Rockville railromad. will be mold at the l'ower ilota... *ieertretown, for 53 each. ""him =t , enc.le hoc~'lccc of? ticetsi to rile da ovn Csrot..cnt to Be-th-d Park ad from Parhkh toaetuwn fo :.'- ear-h way. bPEN!CER WATEINS. Preamdsnt inecreete wanmd Teallytown Ra~lway. JuUZ, E. BEALL, PresidentTenalown and - O~ .E HJLLA .V'S EISZMAX130R Mere for ler vveee., twe reab, etg mae for 5.retef .. EIlsEMAN 1. Cat. 7thad E an w.. eel7 Nanufacturera.Cc-him ad Teu, SZS 'ML FiINIMVA VIVAMNUB. -TAm.. r w..tA's.- Asmd I have the Sneet eiach of esteeted fuM hoth Coul ad ceod, ever edeend fer estema the city. It was b.ught raelf haute pea J. MAURT DOVE. whr Rs fe eeeand aeem 1 . -mL REMYA . w ..I h SPECIAL NOTICES. &---LINOTYPE I4TOCEBOLDERS. -THE AD- .ourned annual meetlu r of the stookholderl Comny of th Dlatrkt of Columbia r the e feand the transaction of such other msiness as may come before them wil be held an SATI'kDAY. the 19th day of Novembar. I4 at the oace of co a. at. a.w.. at a'cl -ek ..m. ABER r.-kr ERM. eretpry. ac19. 26. nt. 9.16.10-0t IVIDFND NOTICE. WASHINGTON. D.C..October24,1SM. No tIs hereb iven that a na dividend of three r 'emohae been lare. on the capital stock of'The anrt= ea Estate Conpanyi" out of It not earnings to date and will be payale at the otce of thecomptaid F at, n.w.. on TUESDAY No- vmber all stootholders of ;Z4 Fit- day. 2wM I Books for twransfer,of stock will be closed an FrI- br to Tuda. Novernber L ISM. both DY order af the board of directnrs. W. MOSBY WILLIAMS. Searetary. feefs olles. 517 R. car. fth t. 11.w. MR. FRANK M LEWIs WISHES TO AN- P-ounce to a friends and former Patme en ad after th staut he will be with S. DSO. Manufacturing Jeweler. oe -t - 1012 7et. IN EVERY HOME THERE FIRST DAYS of winter. when summer has loosened Its Id question of what sort of ICE to use Is one of utmost Importance. Hywi. sic Ice is made of pure spring water, this wair be of a qal surpase* by no other In the District of lumi In order secure clearness of the Ice the water 1. distilled an themalitered. This serves to absolutely 1rotect those who ume Hygenle Ice from the dangser to health which attnd Um use of ice which is imynre or whose is uncertain. as no uahealthful -em- can stan both extremes of the heat of distilation and of fresingcold. The management invite the falleqt in- speetton of every proe. in every part of its work% by Intelli-ent. fair-minded people. aured tha there- atter Byrienic Ice will be ief to any other for ey home purpose. Rate ar no highe than for Ice. by postal or by telep one (No. 44) will be quiekly responded to. Oos No. 41 9th ot. n.w- ocf.>-4 HEAT YOUR ROOMS WITH ''To Filla fiedter." 7ce, $1.50. Effict1 rclen. 8,onomieal and cons ent. C. M. E 101 N. Frederick st.. Bato..and WOODWARD & LOTEROP. 10th. 11th and F sts.. Washington. oc25-:M 1YOU CAN ENJO A modern machine built on modern principles. Nothing old-fashIoned about it. A great improvement on all others. Adapted to every clam of work. Sush to the SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. HENRY A. CLARKE & SON. Goa. Asta.. e5 W35F at. n. w. A TALE tBOUT SHIRTS. No need to have your Shirts made-to. order. We have all the different neck sizes and five difterent sleeve le, gihe toesch nlck size In our Men'% "Invincible" Drueashirts. Cant he p heinir Stt-d perfetly. "TAe Two Old Tinners," 3. B. ELLFRV A Jo., H. ItELAND. Manaers Branch Bello. tirt Factory. xe2 91 9th st. n. w.. near N. Y. ave. junction. DO O t ISH TO ~EONOMIZE? It's natural. Econawmy leads to richek! Thrfty ruen ar. buyini their winter supply of Coal now. t efore the prien advan" and snowy. eleety weather arrives. avinte .c to 75m. per too and e, asiderable inconenence. Do you wish to econontire? ARTHUR B. SMITH. lain Yard. 4th tni I **a. n.e. 'Brnch. Caywood's. 9th ad N. T. ave. .30-3m I4-= A "HINT" TO DItI'Gu;il8T. Druera-l w:o prime a grood nat t1r WIne nd C(coa.' 'Va'aa and %Ioe. " 4c .should use theb tet inred, ate. We tave a %; rcial" grade of sherry par- ticularly suite.1 to this ut-. whi -h we are selling to drunrists at "sp.-etal" pri.-. Dru.cgiett sboui write us to -all on then with a samip e or two andI get our prices. TO-KALON WINE COMPANY. 514 14th st. n.w. [oc251 Telephone. On. APROPOS THIS WEATHER. Let this weather bring tot your mind what we aa few davs aro about the extensivenea of our stock of Underwear. Men'. Underwear from 50-. to S15(milk). and all tf tunis price-s'oppaaee between theme extremee. O en's Natural Gray Wcxd Shirts and Drawers at dollar lead the town--havn't a su; *rior-if indeed an inal for the tries. Why not see tusabut your under- Wear wants. W. S. TEEL (Men's enaginge. IVMS Pa. ave. a. w. ocr25 MONEY TO LOAtON REAL E ATE IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. Leans made on Installmnt Trusts for peri-xii of 5 o@20 Years. payablg mohly. quarterly or half yearly. to d-Ired. Atr4i ht Trusts at lowest rates. Money advanced oa rl estatA. In s of deth ret isacei-d. Apply t R. L. GOODMAN. Agest. IITED SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE AND 1RUST COMPANY OF PEN NSYLVANIA. n 13th Wt. a. w.. Washington. D.C. CapIta). 61000. fm0 Ful Paid. -urplus. 4.100. au6-w&sibm WAS THAT BRIEF PRINTED "OR- rectly Wr.. It furalhed at Iicen:. a page torSO opl? If not let ine have yoir next one.-*Prentpta.-se. A euacweand Peuncturiluty" guaTaiN ADAMS. Printer. TelephoneSIt1. (oc24] 512 11th at. a. w. MISSES NVOINION AND GREENE. *MODISTES." Formerly of St. Ros's Industrial School. have opened room* 1012 F ST., oc24-1w* Opposite Boston House. MERE MENTION OF PRICE ne nothing, you c-anot judge of qual- try withto-t seeng. Other dealers are toling how cheat their clothes are. We prefer to dwed on the goodne. of oears.th We put into them the utn at value for a moderate price and invite your custom with the purpose of re:aIniner It. A Srst-clar. sit or overcoat 0-3 to $30. some lower and a few hivher. but that 4s the practi-a limit both ways of what 90 in every 100 man wMaL GEORGE SPRANST. seCAg- 434 7th treet. TAILORING OUT OF THE ORDINARY. If you re in search of something "out of the ordinary" in exclusive. high-clas tailortg you should go to Eeen's. He makes the finest garments that can be pro- dufed by human skilU-the very embodi- sment of "correct' style ant good -'tate.' Never mind about prices. Keen only asks what the garments are fully worth. EEEN'ti. 1312 F ST. N. W. oc24 FOR ALE-HOtRaE BLANEETS AND ~,,FOR LAP ItOBES. Ers Blnkets for street use: "AElectri '........................-.n A-usean"............ nda3. Berne Blankets for stable~ us.....:.. "SA Raker-...........................-.-, WOODWARtD & LOTH iotob % 10ION. 11TUHA N DF SrtL N. I. e1.3m SLADIES. You should e the New Confecttonery Store of Moaa. Pinot's. It is am ezact rpo duction of the Snest confeetionery establ sh- ment In Paris. W -truanufacture a lag asrt- ment of Mandl-tuade Confeetons. adas a leader we are aein, 20 varieties of French Chocolate Creams at 25 cents apon oe17-lm PINUT'i *7th at. SDR. LIGHTUILL DEVOTES HIS EE. mlaave attention to the cuss of Catarrh. Azthma. Deafsm. Throat Afeetioms. Bronchitis andi tonaump- tion. OBrel1411E et. n~w. Bemasfrm8 tol2 and 4to 6. ec12-1m nDR. H. M. SCHOOLEY. m a M M DENTIST. ac13m 1012 F at. n.. SDR. 1. 3. STONE HAS REMOVED HIS oIn t 1504 H at. a. w. *o4-1m* ~U lDRESS SUITS FOR MIRE. WM. GARNER. seS6&m 1S 7th at. n.w. D.NICHOLSON HAS RETURNED AND aies ...ti. 0.5 hem....e 1.S.t ~U. S. DENTAL A*SW, Cm. 7thsand Daw~ The leading dental -raan ot Amss. em- peadeiasiey of espest .g...aflas. Esslbg.....................5 * I eamer~s ... .30 '' IH Slahe........... .3 - - e~d....eees.. VERY MlT 'MT ESSIeatn. .- ed dese end 40 Week a SPECIAL NOTICES. HED ARTERS ETCABS)N P T. W tofthe =.aG.A . Pont are a d t tom for sad representatives and alternates to the at t en camapment for 15B are a vote of tmade aMnoca order fr Ito rvua Meeting onthe MOlh iLtant. I4is hoIt. all fe 0G. E. DAVIS. Adjutant. Post &inn TPN11NEWIEE REPUBLICANS. Members of the Tennessee Associatio d other rennb-lican voters of the state to ileet at 17100 st. n. w. on THURSDAY. at 8 p.m. By order of Commtitte. Ost8.2 M--- THE MARY WASHINGTON C13AM Daahters of the American Revointia. whl Mrs. Harrisen was a member, have ordered a floral tribute in the form of a hadwe of the society. In order that all the members of t chae way se this emblem they are requested to call at the w- tablishment of.J R. Small & Sons co 14th and 0 s. a. w.. after 7 o'clock THIS EVEIING. it EI.PONEO YOUNGS COMPANY. Mandhalfng Java Is the ighst grade Coee Known To The Traef. We have just received a large invaies of ensen Mandheltng. and as we make eWsAk reset 4-ry dW there is no possibility of getting stale GOODS when yeu order of us. ELPEONZO YOUNGS COMPANY. it d28 Ninth at. N7ZazLAWYEBR KNOW IT That the place to have their Briefs printed cor- recly. promptly and at reasonable rate. is of- McGILL & WALLACE. 1107 E at. a. W. ocL tr Nothing too large or too smal! for us to print. 9:3_NO ADVANCE OF PRICES. The same schedule of pricee charged.when we were on 11th street sball be maintained on * 'the seenue. " The same high-class work and gener I1 ezcellence which has built n up and dstinsrul-hed us from the 'rank and ile" of Tailordom shall. If anything, be im- proved upon. Superb line of fabriesto select from. SNYDER & WOOD. 1111 PENN. AVE. (Barreed stsud.) ow2 Q- EASIER ON BOTH. It Iourotenolrrapherisienezencedand iuneatisfactory get hi, an Edlou Phono raph. Then dictate your eurrsso:,ndence to the - noirraph in.-teed of th- stenogrrapher and let him transcrib the cylinders. More eoie, mist for yo and easter for hit. Sold on insta- mants. Can be ised in ant state excot N J. COlIlbiA PHPNUGRAPH CO.. 6c27 st.n.w. E. D. EASTON. Pres It. F. CROMELIN.Sec. It ELEGANT DRESS SUITS TO ORDERU.. We are making elegant Fu!l Dreaw Suits to measure for 1aO-faultless in ft. of the fnset cloth -and of the richest and tastiest fnish. 4W0 is about a fourth less than is asked by other Srlet-clas tailors. 0. WARFIELD SIMPSON. 7fter. Corner 12th and F ots. a. w. oc6 NEED NOT BE *'GUNBOATS.* Your shoe. need not be " bo& to be comfortable. sur ja 4 4 shape. We can *ive y e as welle' cwrf"rt and rbily in hese U A0 and shos. Broad. 1naM sad nserw toes. Button. le e or eon. Lr w. e a we- HOOVER"T M-V*YER. 12J7 A. AVE. X..W. oc1-Im THE REASON WHilY Thereason why we- know our prices for the sie qualityofnaussareae low, (fe lo-er. than any others in the sam" line is that we tmuy 'breet in large quaatiffes and secure the bottom vrices. We follow our contract closely-Alling every promise-promptiy nd e odently. CHA. E. HODGKIN. "Eztert Handler qf Plt" Glds@." 9137th at. n.w. orgg W. C. MERTZ'S Es'orine Ahep. The Bnoiness Muits we make to ordo r at an even qaerter-qf.e- Aundred dollars are unetcelled In point of cut. style, fabric and workmanship 14 Eleventh oc2f Strest. WA NTED-IN THE N. W. SECTION of the city or in Wambinigton. Ealo- rania or Columbia Hei-rts. a plot of Mund that will subdivide well into iding lots. PtOCTOR & PROCTOR. Real Estate and Insurance. oc26 9d,7 0 t. n.w. EORGE W. GROVE. 917 F t. n.w. ARCHITECT. Ar rl designinhr, construction and s'perin- tendenco.. remodeling. &c. oc26-w&s3M IF YOU'RE GOING TO SCHOOL yTere are -to f little thiAngs Vanet. "A big, fat TABLET"is almost indirpen. sable. Whe r can you do hetter than thi- atle-pag tabletfor Scentae The prover place to buy your Composition Books. Note Books and other Books Is from C. C. PURSELL.Staffener. 41 TH ST. N. W. se9-3 TAsw ~ether is likely to be generally fear; We have just secured alotof 4. 6.5,. 9and 10-Inch No. 1 Clear Georgia Pine Dressed Lumber, which we een sell at about half the cost of clear white gline. As you know, thgse have various uses. such as for wahboarda, utep risers. lanishing lumber. hc. We can save you about one-half of what you have bssn paying for Clear White Pine. Libbey. Blttingsr & Miller, Lumber end Mill 8'ork. Cor. 6th and N. Y. ave. n. Cor. 11th and Ou ste. . egg EETHEM QUICE. Etch SBuitinge Gf esufse etglyleefs arr fee. OWEN, ee.lm 'ALR4231 11Th ST. ABOON '0 IIOUSEWIYES. Ever e a Gee Stove? They're a boon to every housewIfe - asmokeless - odorleaa-dirtleas. Small, hut throws outan immense amount of heat. One toach of the matc-. mtat heat. Another teuch -out. Does a cost stove work at lee. eapses. with heas trouble-mere heat. We have a vsristy of nmakes and shapes and am,. eral aisma In sash style. Three ses inths Pepn- .lar Asbestos Stoves. Thres sizes in the Un- riva'ed "Sunshine" Gas Beeting Stoves. whisk we stee sung at speedal de, CU 11ITM AXAG STh. . W. -o 3IN "P WF O NUSDYROU. Washington News and Gossip. Index to Adves..-. ACOOUNTANTS .... . .Pae I Aw~EN~...........................,awe u< AT ORNEY ..................................... ,as I AUCTION SALES ...............................pae I BOARDING .. ......... ..... ........... Pag I 008 AND TA IOT...................P BUSINESS CHANCE ..... Pags I CITY ITEMS .....a......s I( COUNTRY REAL ESTATE .................... Pae DEATHS .........................................pa DENTIS T .....................................v,, g EDUCAIONAL .................._.............,e I EXCURSIONS, 64- ......... .................Pag x FINANCtAL ...................a..................I",X FOE RENT (Flats)...- ........................page I FOR RENT (Ra..s) P I TOR RENT (oin ) .. . . , FOR *ENT .oons ...... I FOR RENT (No0ua)-.... .... .................Pass I FOR RENT (Stom . ...... ...P. . FOR RENT (Xie..ia.ee... gan I FOR SALE (Dieylhs)..........''.''.'...''. pm g FORSALE (Hores sal Vehiis..-- Pa,, a FOR SALE (Houma)........ ....................Pme 0 FOR SALE (Lot) ............................ pol FOR SALE (s )n. .......a . Pase I 1OR SALE (P2ms) ..................".... g HOTELS.---.......... . .......................p s I LADIES' GOODS.- .............................Pe I LOCAL MENTION.--.............................ge1U LOST AND FOUND-...........................Pa" I MARRIAGES................ Pa, a MANICURE-----............................... . i MEDICAL ................. Pas , MISCELLANEOUS......................,64% a MONEY WANTED AN OLA...........PasM I XkW PUULICATIONS .........................pass 10 NOTARIES PUBLIC ............................Page I OCEAN STEAMR.............................page I OFFIoIAL NOTICE8 ................ ..........Pg I POTOMAC RIVER BOATS................... Pase I PIANOS AND OsAANS.........................,ase 1 PERSONAL - --...-............................ Pag I PIROFESSIONAL-.................................P. I PROPOSALS... a RAILROAD.. . ....Pa"s I SPECIAL NOTICE .........................Pae STEAM CARPET CLEANING..............Pae I BTORAGE .....................Pa.e U SUBURBAN PROPERTY........................Pa" I UNDERTAKERS.. .................... Pag 1 WANTED<ei) ................................Pam I WANTED (Lote)......... .....I......Page I WANTED (Rouses)...............................Page I WANTED (Roon.....................Pam WANTED <8ltuons,..................PasIs WAATALD(Xiscananeoum) .......................ag fto Govuaexrxx Rzoasr TonAY.-Internal rev. nue, 0858.821; customs, 819,68. Tzz Now RITuaS Poeva. Cann was placed on' sae today at all irst-class post offce throughout the country. Those cards are a l plied by the contractor, Mr. Albert Daggett. A Cuirona Courazmaca.-Col. Tichenor, president of the board of general appraisers, was at the Treasury Department today in oon- rerence with Acting Secretary Saulding in re- gard to the condition of affairs In the ap- praiser's office at New York. PuasoXA.-Senator David B. Hill and Gen. 1. G. Farnsworth of Albany, N. Y., registered this morning at the Arlngton.---J. E. Hoff- man of New York, C. J. Orrick of Cumberland, A. 0. Bliss, Prince George's county,Md.. and J. C. Garvan of Brooklyn. are at the Shoreham.- W. W. Churchill of Boston. R. W. Virgoe of London, L. I. Ross of New York and 0. A. Stranahan of Chicago are at Willard's.--Geo. N. Loomis of Sousa's Band, Geo. W. Shok of Wilkewbarre, Pa., and T. Tunis of Maryland are at the Randall.-Iter. E. Ashley of South Dakota, Dan Peabody of Illinois and Charles B. Pelton of Florida are at the Bbbitt.-. C. Austin of New York, W. F. Robison of Pitt@- burg, H. Fiochler of Phidpa, Jas. A. Janee of Boston AnJ. C. Bogge of Alleghenf .re at th Wiggs.--nzhall. Rse end- J. . Stevens of New York are at Chamherlin's. -F. T. Cntchton of New York, W. S. Boyer of Haddosfied, N. J., A. C. Thomas of Cleve. land and a. D. Brown of New Haven, Conn., are at the Howard.-D. J. Crain of New York, H. A. Miller of Philadelphia and Charles E. Burke of Brooklyn arE at the Norman- die.-John Meadowcroft of Providence, R. L, C. H. Vanderhoff of New York, A. Dangerheld of Virginia and A. A. Clarke of Philadelphia, Baron Fava, Italian minister, Theodore B. Dale of New York, E. B. Jarvis of Boston and Henry Harrison of Virginia are at the Worm. ley.---Jay L. Frank of Philadelphia, L. A. Conrad of Richmond, D. C. Barkman of Staun- ton and Thomas C. Jones of Montgomery, Ala., are at the Metropolitn.-C. L. Hendershot$ of Parkersburg, W. Va.. 8. Wayland of Texas, C. W. Dailey of Keyser, W. Va., and L L Flynn of Illinois are at the National. JUDGE REA'S DOLT. It Gives the Deesecrats - - 60.a.i s Have a Grievance. The announcement that Judge John P. Bea, ex-commander-in-chief of the 0. A. B., haa mome out for Cleveland because of the tari and Mr. Cleveland's pension vetoes has caused the democrats great satisfaction. They count over the converts that are announced from time to time and, as a rule, think very differently from the expression of Mr. Hill on the subject. They think it means that the tide has set in for Cleveland and there is great rejoicing at each announcement. The trouble about Judge Rea's conversion ii that it is too evident that he Is a disappointed office seeker. He was an ap. plicant for the position of commis. sioner of pensions after the retirement of Crorral Tanner and was greatly grieved that hedid not got the apoitment. Hehad very good backing for the plc, but ths two Senators From his state refuedto indorse him, and It was irrged that he did not posesm the executive ability for the position. He was eleted listrict judge a few years ago by the repub- ieans, but has been three times disappointed in his efforts to get the republican nom.ination for Congress. While this may not have inuenced his :.hange of politice It puts him under suspicion. 03EN. EOBART SATISWIED. Re Thinke Gen. Kearien WIll CarrF New York and Do wae.e.a Gen. Hobart, the republican national oan- nitteeman for New Jersey, was at the Arlington eday. During-the day he had interviews with sine of the members of the cabinet who are mow in the city.- in conversation wva a reporter he said that there was prae *ething developing n the political Afid just at this timse. He said ae was fully satisfied that Mr. Harrison would oe eleted. There wans nothtag In the western altuation which gave the committee any reas to doubt that Harrison would carry every state in that section, and that there was no develop- meet In the campaign as elsetien day ap- precebs which e-e--s--ae seaanness on the pert of the republicans. ~"In New Jersey," he sid, "we awe as smr et iaft'yimg the statee. the lessi ticket as we are meof anyt e of e ete tieEtthe *== et i eme- arats. "New York Is a ve~lw statemnda dembt. rae sttsend diffeult j et, he bt huewing an -nmes Ia as- Iem ht n cry lb satle." 'Ese Use. Mabtem a a~min. OnL ehert Gest lb wBheews hmsgj mue & egam3 esisante .neai et to ag s ke 0, aa-tnb "hsen; sha m..aaA. n.a T35 PRESIDElT'S 503BO W. Armagsments fase Temervew'm ad Ose- molies Comapleted, TIM TICS sEDRNt aR u=ns.. or Ta cAnrest To saV AS amSoUAny 5AL.ZEA- ans-ranaL ARIMmU5anmog AXD mON&OW, O COXDOLILca. Menugs of condolence continue to pour in upon the mourners at the Executive Mans.an and at the same time social Washington is can- ceiling a hundred engagements to show its re- spect for the memory of Mrs. Harrison. At the request of Mr. Do Struve, minister from Russia, a dinner which was to be given in his honor this evening by some sixty prominent fellow members of the Metropolitan Club as a parting evidence of their esteem-just prior to his departure for Europe-a been indefinitely postponed. Mr. Do Struave made this request became of the death of Mrs. Harrison. annAmoKaxTS oR Tan aIZZ31. Arrangements for the funeral have not un- dergone any material change since they were published in yesterday's STAR. Secretary Charles Foster of the Treasury Department and Secretary Elkins were the only cabinet officers out of town this morning and both are expected to arrive before evening. Secretary Rusk got in this morning. Secretary John W. Foster called at the White House immediately after his arrival last night, and, although he did not see the President, he remained in the office of Private Secretary Hal- ford for more than an hour. The members of the cabinet will act as hon- orarv pallbearers in this city. The body bearers will be employes of the White House. TRE FUNERAL ARaTT. The pallbearers who will officiate at Indian- apelis have been selected, as stated in Tat STaR. Tiey are Dr. H. R. Allen, John B. Elm, Hugh Hanna. E. B. Martindale, Gen. IAw Wal- lace of Crawfordsville. Hon. Wn. E. Niblack of Vincennes, John B. Elder and Theodore P. Haughey. All the members of the President's family with the exception of his three grandchildren will accompany the remains of Mrs. Harrison to Indiana lis. This of course includes Dr. Scott, tvenerable father of the deceased. It was at first felt that him advanced age would prevent his making the trip, but when thematter was broached to him he announced emphatic- ally that he p ro to go, and would not listen to a pro tion to the contrary. Mr.J. B. McKee, the President's son-in-law. has canceled an Important business engage- ment in Boston tomorrow, and will also accompany the President, as will also the mem- bers of the cabinet and probably the ladies of their families. It is also likely that Vice Presi- dent Morton and family, Chief Justice Fuller and a few others will be specially invited to ac- company the party. Mr. John Scott Harrison, brother of the Pregdent, has left him home in Kansas City and is expected here tomorrow morning. Mr. Car- ter N. Harrison of Tennessee, another brother, has notified Secretary Halford that he will meet the party at Indianapolis. TIRE UNEAL TRAIN. Arrangements for the funeral train are being perfected. The train will consist of six vesti- bled Pullman cars, a composite baggage and saloon car, a dining car, a sleeping car, a com- partment car, a private car and an observation car. The casket will be In the latter. The train will leave this city at 11:80 tomorrow morning, and run on the following schedule: Iave Har- riurg :35 p. m., leave Altoona 7 p. m., leave Pittsburg, 9:20 p. m., leave Columbus 3:45 a. m., arrive at Indiapols 9:0 a. m. The at Indianapolis includes services al the Presbyterian Church at 11:30 a.m., foblowed by interment'in Crown Hill cemetery. NOW temaining a few hours at the residence ;t . R. S. na114 the party will leave on the return trip at 5:40 oclock 'Friday afternoon, reaching this city Saturday evening at about 6 o'clock. DaPaarywxTs wrLL XoT a CLOSED. The departments will be open tomorrow, the day of the funeral, the same as on other day., and by the wish of the family the business of government will run on as though the nation ad not last the wire of Its most distinguished citizen. Mrs. Harrison's body has been laid out in the room in which she died. and this afternoon it will be placed in the casket in which it will finally repose. She shows in her emaciation the effects of the long wasting illnes of eight months that reduced her large, matronly figure to a thin, trail form. But her face in death has the same kindly expression that it had in life. Her appearance is natural. There are no hard lines of suffering visible upon it. She looks as if her last moments had been full of peace and her expression suggests that she was tireA and had gently dropped asleep. Mrs. McKee superintended the preparation of the dead woman for burial and communi- cated the wishes of the family to the under- taker. Mrs. Harrison, as is well known, was exceedingly fond of flowers. The casket will be deeply strewn with them and they will form her couch. The body will be placed in the casket during the afternoon and quietly re.- moved to the east room at a later hour to await the funeral services. The President is more composed today than he was yesterday. He is reasosbly e1a, thougdee y grief stricken. Private Secre- tary to consulted him for a short the during the morning about the details of the arragements here and in Indianapolis and the V~ioat made suggestions with refersee to VIcE PEEIDZXT 0onTOX TO 0XvI. Vice President Morton willbe one of the pall- bearers, taking the place of Secretary Charles Foster of the Treasury Department, who is the only one of the cabinet offiers notexpectedtobe p resent at the services tomorrow morning. The Secretary is not In the city. He will go direst from the place where he is stain to Indian- apolis and will attend the servioes thnand be present at the Interment. Secretary Rush upon his arrival in Waslg ton this morning from Wisconsin hastened t the President. Secretary Elkins and Vice President Morton will arrive here darmng the day. Prtvate Secretary Halford said today that the statement that invitations would be isd to the funeral services in the east room temerrew is erronsons. Ha said that the family woald not issne invitations, but eE1Inly the kinm== and relativee and a tthe really fred fthe dead womsan and et the i toated He added that the ll did not wish to make a dlserhminatien by the Issaanee of Invitations and that eash must dtsrine for hmen..a or herself or not the relations to the badly brought him er her within the designaion of a asemi MeaL easom The services here tomorrow will he estremely simple. The 3ev. Dr. Eamilaoeta ch of the Covenant winl be a..i.ed in --e-=aag them by the Rev. Dr. RerietI, eatoro the New York Avenue Presbyterian ine i eity. Dr, hertlett was te pser for yeas of the churek in Iim'apob ot the -andUM Mrs. Maem wore ams- here.The chair of Ut. Behas basespel tsarek wE in a few hymme, sm ar,...m m. Ame o lentl piseessat tedees Osas m Xr. wasa. ase a--eu-- weea Mrs. W m Ma~enm, Oee ad tied wisk b6u..hef ~ W , et Xet Gevei, a Tax CAS1N3T at TES 1U1Nrana. At the request of the Secretary of State the members of the cablnet who we in Washington not at the State Department this morning to arrange Ior the attending of Mrs. Harrison's funeral. There were present Sec"" Tracy, Postmaster General Wanamaker, Attorney Gen- eral Miller, Secretary Noble and Secretary Rusk. Secretary lkins is expected to retura to Washington this afternoon. All the members of the cabinet will accom- pany the President to Indianapolis. except See- retary Tracy. It was decided that one eember of the cabinet should remain in Washington. &8cretav Charles Foster. who is In the west, will join the part at Indianapolis. Mrs. Miller, wife of the Attorney General, will accompany her husband. Mrs. Noble is unable to go. Mrs. Charles Foster will go, and other ladies of the cabinet also it possihle. TE DAOEcoT25 01, TIE ANKntoAX aaVoLCTMoW. The national board of Daughters of the American Revolution mAt yesterday afternoon for the purpose of ex= the feelings of the board on the death Mrs. arson. The fol- lowing member were presAnt: Mrs. Cabelt, Mr ustice Field. Mrs. Marshall MacDonald. Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Boynton. Mrs. Keim, Miss Desha, Mrs. Lient. Claire. Mrs. Tittman, Mrs. Rose Wright Smith, Mrs. Senator Cockrell, Mrs. Walworth, Mrs. Hamlin, Mrs. Blount, Mrs. Oreely, Mrs. Devereux. Mrs. Cockrell preided. Resolutions. ofered by Mrs. Cabell. of eulogy for the character of Mrs. Harrison and of sympathy for President Harrison and other membere of the family wer un-niy adoted. ywr unmal Resident members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, including the Mary -Washington and Dolly Madison Chapters, met lost night and adopted resolutions which re#Ate the services rendered by Mrs. Harrison as pres- ident general of the organization, gave her credit for much of the order's macce and ten- dered to the President and his family un- bounded sym pathy. A copy of the resolutions suitably engroesed will be sent to the President. Aside from the position which she held as president general of the organization, Mrs. Harrison was a member of the Mary Washington Chapter, and this so- ciety will show its regard and esteem for its late honored member by sending to the White House an elaborate floral design representing the insignia of the order. Gea. H. V. Boynton, who has taken a deepin- terest in this society and also in the Society of Sons of the Revolution, speakiof Mrs. Harri- son's connnection with the y of the Daughters of the Revolution. said: "She was not only the presiding oicer, but a working member oi it and took the livelisst in- terest in its proceedings. The board of man- agement, I know, ascribed the great sucese of the society as much to Mrs. Harrison's work as to all other influences. It is now a very 0er- ishing society." As president of the national society Mrs. Harrison signed all the charters for the state societies and local chapters. It is a carlons coincidence that th last one of these charters which Mrs. Harrison signed was mailed yete- day. It went to Arlington, Vt., where a heop- ter has recently been organized. Zzars 5 oW' oFunoLs.inum In addition to the list given in yesterday' StaIA mes-sge of ondolence have been to- ceived at the White Home from the following: Thomas B ryan. vice president of the world's Columbian exposition' Gov. Wiliam Merriam of Minnesota, W. Gardinar. Dr. Allen of tamnplia Senator Hale, MrAmd Mms. H. G. Davis, ex-oenstor Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. Elam of Indianapolis. Senator Washburn of MNn-soa, GO. and Mra. Eagle of kaIn, Col. and Mrs. Clos of West PoInt, Senator Cno1m's family, Sersetary John W. Foster, Gen. L G holled (en. Hernes Porter of New York, Cla Studebadher and family, South Bend, Ind.; Mr. Jamese A. Gary, Baltimore, Md.; Ea-Governer Gear of Iowa, Gov. Peck of Wiseensin, D. 0. Mile of ei York, Mrs. John A. Lon, Congess- man H. C. L annheegh, Cyr C. Hines Postmaster VAn Cot of New York, Mr. McAlpin. Now York city; Mr. and Mrs. . . 'ihylor, Fort Wayne, IAd.; John Rsell Young, Phadephia; Archbishop A. G. Wei,- sert, comnmander-in-chief . A. R.; L Conten- cin, president Italian chember of commanee of New York; the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Chaplean, Ottawa, Ontario; Win. K Hahn of Calatmbas, Ohio; Hugh J. Grant, mayor of New York; Gen. 8. V. R. Cruger of New York, Dopey Delome for the legation of Spain, ex-Congresman leo. E. Adams of Chicago Henry White, secretary of the United States legation at London; Win. R. Moore. Memphis, Tenn.; Geo V. W. Dorsey of Fremont, Neb.; Representative 11oe. 2. Henderson of Walnut, IIL.; Representative Watson R. Sperry of Delaware, Geo. W. Chid. of Philadelphia, Senator Goo. L Shoup of Idaho. Chauncey K. D w, Ge. . Pulman of Chicago, Arthur L. Thomas, governor ot Utah; Morris . Estes of San Francisc, Rakky Boy, for the Turkish exhibitors at the Calam- bian exposition; L. T. Michsner of Indiana. D. Lispenard Stewart of New York, ex-Senator Ferry of Michigan, Cs. Foster, Secetry of the tressn , and family; C.W. Hnaket of s York, John R. Pitkins, H.C. Lodge or ao- Chusette, W. Brokinld of Now York, Go,. and Mrs. John L. Rout of Colorado, N. Mat- thews, Jr., mayor of Boston; Hon. anmpstnad Washburn, mayor, on behalf of thpese of Chicago; ex-Gov. Brecekt of ex- Senator Hill of Colorado, Hon. C. W. Vmir- banks of Indi.napoH Mj. and Mrs. V. 3. Rexford of Springfield, Mass.' Cougressm J. . Belden of Syracuse, Go. kMeet of gouth Dukoa Bogesa uff of renneyhuala. Senator Doiphof OregonHon. J. Mc tnnaof SenFracsco, JameLChs realD, e.ei.n=de amechasette department G. A. L; Edward 0. Arthur, New York, colonel seventh ; Congregatioeal Club of MiEste.= and Boston; John N. Satehe 14,First se I.Y.) Republican = ;A. J. Ister, IRAQ chairanr can ms meeting; Gab, N ;akMrs. mSh E.Pnlr,Dstmnpres- Ident National Women's Relief Cerpe; John 0.1 Arnold presden Democuntie Gab, New York ReliCa abof -es- sa. atr secretary Union Leages e Phlhiasaghis. Ph. 1 V. A. Pledger, Atlantea,, en es of Afro-Americans of Gergia Do. Me. Galloway, president Ibanesse e-n-----s N. E. Church, Nash leTen4 h;e U seo Nebka now --- at Omhea;~ p tie of Oregon, now msmses d at Grand Divisien, Seas of Iminpamsane weste New York at Lkp r seelaes by e isk mnistes of New Yok Riih3. Esesm Monide, eesatsry; theuministse of East OhMo nif.mne K. ( h mm J at Gevelani; M----n---"- bumsh Iehsrat DestesnOmsseandlba eebk e stes m p em-i d Om~arinL myPateeso stonce' DMste ot niste Csntv., eer.' DBs of Iea endter and r henlen, Mrs. Jema V. Gs4nb of Insa-Peb~ as-Geser L . K er af MInsse Omiseur A. O, ebin Gerinnar bemtr g na~s f Sof Osmlie. I Ksu3 Wl ef Iamien. Ge. Gem, an M. K 5 ef 6t: the Usdisma esoamat 3 UBtns LesheAgmam aof th'er. beMmsinyEGame k~myuenef asnsf EM- eso wm m abisef a THE PRESBYTERIANS. an al Sion e the l ime W CASE Of' Ai1 C CROL Four Pesons Burned to Death in a Cleveland Fir*. THE 8WrTCHMEN MAY STUS seW of a~reand se . prtl DIc to The. EvTninA s Bs~rtoms. Oct. 26. Th1e Baltimege ayned Of the Presbyterian chUrCh, which heg He annual meeting last night at the Oaenstm pres. byterian (urch. on Eutaw pmoe., met again this morning at 9 n'clock. Rev. Joseph T. Kelly. the retiring moderator, Celled the *set to order.and the following ofeiBre were e00tMs Moderator. tm MeLamahan of Balitmnrs.elsated clerk, Rev. E. H. lAbtna of Maletmare; tem- .a=4screta:ea Rev. JnO. 1). Blake. D...,4 lawae, ad M . a . Brown. 'Ibepetacigud matter of interest at the mornaing sasion was the constitution of manxio work among the colored people of the anoth. This subject wan opene4.v' Hev. Dr. Fi-her of the freedmaa's board of New York. He delivered a adreas in behalf of that work. Bev. J. C. Eccleston of Grae colore Church ft Baltimore and Rev. George I. Mor. riM. also made earnest appeals em behalf of the work. Addressee were aleo delivered br Bev. . D. Babcock, Hew. W. E. Brown of Ratamare aun others. 1he syned passed a reeOlutina of sympathy with the work among colored people. Rev. Dr. Mcknight of New York was invited to a "eat with the synod. Rev. Dr. Craven iof New York spoke upom the subject of the educational work and uon, the necessty of increasing the minutarV. me poke of the need of ministers in the freagn fied among colored people in the west and for the general work. He gave reason, for the' esi- ence of the board of education as a means. to carry on work in the barren plaes. of tour own country. Speaking of placs whs-e ch.qrht* have been a ndoned, the home board seals e. the need of chonls in all thesse toe.. He .4." the synod of Baltimore to read ele careulars sent by the board and not to thrOw thena 1"6e the waste basket. The following committeen were apninted at the morning scesion: [hlhs and overtnrts, Re. Joseph T. KeUv. George M.svon. . . Miller. D. D., E rlet Henry cla-., J. r. s. meimmeran. Judicial cases. Revs. Henry Drench. D. D., Dr. . w. Etyort. to. F. Iathburs; on finance, E. D. Zeilman. E. L. Wails, C. C. Wright. 4tiandang commit- tee and rules. Revs. Dr. Bittir, D. H. La- erty. Ministers presbyterv. timnoti, fasmui M. Perry. 3. F. Myer; elder, R. L. Jordan. Minisers prembrtery of New Castle, Dr. J. Q. Craigheand, W. . Austan; elder, E. E. HeMh Ministers of Washington city prestytery. J. F. A. T. I. ,wte elder. Rome It.BL d. ms 6Mc ase y, Rem. W. R. LAgan, J. Most; elder, C. . Jewel. Mitero et Rev. G.. . Jones, C. . em=n T. D.= A. P. Silver. Abraham na. a r rative for lo, Reve. T. . keep, J. W. Soo F . m nese Beynolds and F. ILM -.On he.et ab. "otie-Bev. J. W. Mclvelon, W. ILu, C. I. LdvIngstom, Wim WiMen, J We MAsTism an urm . WWar Uses Eew I a a-oft mamo 4 t Cb&estad. -seMeAVa, OMM, OL O,-& 6eN, ae ppaliug in s 'It, eers abaft IN O . E ag in a tw6eery mme bdt at so earner of %sbtie seem aml .." OWN% nar Geveland Pitbeuq em d m of .M esine MA6y, --81-" of aene. m ne eMA two Ue bey^, 6e building mie = by r. L Taf and is a eh-ee and slern tam In hal of t hel jeeru of ae Was a i.tnon by m l Me Jeha MCGinty UM en, and bi lived in te upper Weoi e an They wae m tat perih. h o e eud not be aseerielmd. but 46 mm bd. meved to have orisned n the edemn. no Tmy, it in sm, med the knhs frea ream Wsa jee lvag rtmest. 11e, wareve hel overcme by the mae be&* She The front half f the d as destoyed and the fear ere 6bried in the burned Umbere. hames mm. gigh ;r od mAd his wise wasIirr' two. edest boy, Jasme J., ese oi years old,and John, the tokged, f Obam-e-'s sist.rain-w, Me Hr. t, 119"d with em, but attendeda dame Iat ight and had met reterned when toe ae oceurred. Her Nib m mm prehably seedL aSanna's business partner, Jeha UGeaty won hb brother4i-law. Me ne at h emom he G aend almost fbmwtie with grWef. One of the boy' bedies was buet reaoelo. tt was .abb, but it was beleed to t h Ihad th e aoe 14= ee.he ohe be.i.. warn har dag from bhe debaes aed warn m about bie ea enditio Another sady lived in bhe roar ot the bdigdews sr, 0.. R nee.ck and his wife. Dahet memen by a reporter. He aid ha and bis wis ware awahened by bhe ieSof esmeha and eseeped kem b hams. They warn, hewever, ahead wmanua we -m emgma. I s3 me of d. utme . Emme Car, 3. 1., Oat. 5-Thm ews u imat in e neoees pertien ot Jsmer d Eehi be mesing in eenende e ha mne of Wt.dsaaa. light~ f iiV namaseSwant bo week in e udamr at nss gutam ee ~be dMe1 a m en e m merming. Ds.LG.e. a a. . sha emted 3eme, psmedn Us osf A~Sio ohelme. 5.L~ hery at , at tmnues drmer kmQ hadhd. M swm sedmeldas enbrDL merudaw n died from meni, C Oeent 3b mees - Se J amedet mesbes. He es mathr in be emSe eh a eemeafam m m M -== g 0 honamms Wrn man thmame& Heer Tmsoe Z - thcmeee a eme===bpynamer f eomb be Lpas .......6 unm..- a.g O at. bmsead snsbso ass - sam aus e4en

WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, Death - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1892-10-26/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · WASHINGTON, D.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1892.TW CHNTS. TE

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81, No, 20.101. WASHINGTON, D. . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1892.TW CHNTS.


no f.......- i.massin, Ir Waospmgawl xeuw es-usa.£7 135 erm 3t.uLasea..

kommem soer 11th SEseumang Utrs Newppe Oam

weMl attonn PutUT-04. aaN ba t Brea Iwr0 ed I" I antheemosthQw& ons Igreas as 0 Par gm,

- .pe__h m.."$eImweaeead.D44 -o590 was in iase f gased scam aSesat~e per seth-Weeame te mast meg

ow au b n.-omew e a.sMae" somom a knows, an inWUOk

SPMrAL NOTICES.&- TAL Pri i t'mD ASMOCIATIMoSitath AMuGl sewi.


IMMMM .,the ear ... ns

Sam the vso.-m. n"0f I'Tet AeU IorN

bes - e memiwar darting the yar. OM.

Si u metmms Ia eleen ya, llas.90ins m O

J40 ta .f ft. we ae pta ar 61.rnn of tater.Mel osst'weI s -... or .. 0:4.i1taef tat.er

p5. W~bMut ter a - *.u ,eply" of .a st.I.g wbirh a. ame- 4s1t . 6.111 4. an IS-re.e

& N r. i.the ,-ar Ue'her. aebrtatttiegon eett oS msohtmegten I-*.51 411.41111 Par week IN

to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Interenbrstsehekoofet the i t,"ear a' I

316M. esale. b.- at - ereues arenust sai "le% Swe besed -e red .f as limeuttth.a -domhe rai nsch

belmimem at msrb a .tth' e.' 'ate e lb,. e?..kisft-e as we".ai ii Pr'.s.. eror%2 t4. madO- 11Ieseense. Mes ludag aslaresn. rent. A ,. onlY


Th b MIT 011 0418 oft the dollar of ttaft?Qt4etmee-1 s tinsh ~-i a t-,e dr.llar of prte,

besee es g rwat estof every stelle~r of snGgt 'rb to be mesbee birrowere atid non-torow-ge ell

as em enhoe g00.o Elsin Iteasdetae the yar,ST 0 % oft ate'. of eteemr paett f" teember. 5

P" -OW. per mest and V-- rer -at p-r ane t.The abe to as eitrAowdins srin.wag for a purelyashntast m~5tae,. ha -aer - braaebea heother'Uml mad .11 War b.eese treastd at - ar es.. ....

et '4i1 1 9h at. It. nnk. are nte np- f"r .uberrip-aV I'. the tW" awnl. We have le estraare ie-4

e-. Wt be seol All mae, i mid Is *arew toThees.itt ..4 the sebeseet..-r r.d 'a& be all stLabemlwit'.'e any dtedlo-t a whaever

Tb sope."t n a th. baads-f the prtaler and wil beSisto 6i .tyte. copwut .f which stay Se had by

ePn ma* as Ihe .', or from al S the filoewansa.. .4

D mDas- P.. Pemedeat. aewie Abeaban. viespe" .et Fasve.t &. wabsm. tresesre, Johu ca".

5....tary. Silsit I th in. e't as F De'a'amete. aitrey,n ii. 70. C .v er.a tu,.l nr %a4rew t. &-..Wa.P.

.1.. 4 v. 1 hke. u iS H. tUib.t.. F w ira-

n'"wt. tses Mean. that W l.h.' Wm. I.

31el1e. -' * B. e.:4 m.w.90


AL 4manr 9 "er oft the diferet tasios cam pre-ofet nett for raeaisa twotl et edared rate by

plyW at Doom 3 WaumtCa Loan ad Tru t

buam . eae Wah andy aga a. w.JUNn MILIER.

er '''e ChatTirm eanoItuCt.*oFFri rN%ieTMrtoNTI~

I.me as t 1 -&4 . Weazeataa. to t'.s tem0 -rn re-- e-a . b I.. .- u-amy It e

entaus. No 3. -. buear "' lieo .ar n -.' ..s,

antsmehars It. it c trk. menmta, In thee o..r Waarhem Parba. I--a 1es .r it ad. and

hateb t. Us.au toera dAm: a..sortms. mes warses mges:i..t .taa lt the Ieet

asse atb as -ay Sts.001 .sa as yemrispuon thea.s a fanwser.

it l11-UR W. TLLOe'H._enS-sesUe.tary and rr.--%suer.

NesTI1)E 4'T. 1. l19e- SE HAVE

Mhr. anyabw ear ere re l? Fe. begkeu.w s.t. f"a.n. te

m1sa 3. 1. Ue)PE15q & CO.~ATE it)L'S FtitNAiED. SANGUES AND

L A iD' 'U~iermrcmetoesre .aahies lefowe the base

_____ 1abasea bras tw. reea.. .uArh At Co.

e_1.4 tkk. st. a.t.W..~ 64men new for u e1a...tabtina.

L. NAUIt, er and P"tbliber.r lbielli. 3W.

N.IS'S AMIRTS T4) ODDER.%.w is the time I., have your AShirt made

pao. hewn tant that a sheet aade In t1e6bsarm.- Ow winter a.l . -r fo- emu ner WeA.31. 0the bosm .a 'Ipp 'ashar' f'at..te. tine

owmnose. emt'..m N:y tio -_'Zt-1r e.4-vt1oea wor-.am1Euermteeerse. '-t'ta2 at-f r'0. Im.a in the

aammer. If eth r7 :- .1, a' be tI...We' l..tAis A 1.101 A i)OP.

N 3OS.- PF N X %. ATr.Misps LA2strom. Tin Ropesle..n1 tar nwadwasoL %kUor WUrSetMOVII- ..Us. !11164 soi-:a





Fammy Sws83.50.

FM ETENI- REdCPTTONS.saew Psea amism. bloe. gellow. wU.&e.

piad-ll ceu.


Vammb~er U m-ea. DsaeetngPseeemS *jasued . tv nele Raeast ibue.

I5FANTl' 3*Ju~3a A LL CuLARW

tohatleTl W.

buLTSMEE stURE. 4 ad S W. BlteteeSt.

13 tnistla-am ueaW

*ba at*t.,sIue)bet adeenssoene%u.E e' an .LL ET. 741FF

Ts, ... .. tot. .~ No.'lr.,f. i.ab. ee an er t ae- a t ert.~ 'Mep.r-a',.a Negh ats . ' Sm.

me'. . h. "-a trat. Mief. Jasets.e . t,.. .p~ lar Lge

.........e ,-e .a r..t ...

en ii,n'. ebsima to. amy persaer

& & Rrovr,

F.'(u. AIC.


9353 IT) USEr. AT Tiii. UtINIMIWsc. Ta1 3151 lrs IM uR EL-,1130 s'eeLsht TIME.133 sCPE3-B tiiVI-IEt'E. 35 PNNT?01 STILE. DURABILITY AND ACCU.SMT3.Bas N aEeR3k0Rel AMONGAl.. T01 DENtWNED~ SAICES of1

AT 4' U EDsLn D.AUls. 1 IE UltU.T

& tlUDLS. AND)

'DAL T & B ao.* .Es. AND bL.Ek4MUlms.


1437 PE.. A T.MID. A G00EST 0,

JO P. Cm. F0. CA.

T. 00TL."'9.e .%P?.rm--atn r.




All fa hm herae a Wa go

sure at m seems"Masnae n adeRcs

... .a.m ha .. .. ...........


Trates be" es me 1r3L


'O~eetb hemtese smaded emU-iS



Friend-- ,- demmrrary adl citdnea who &ode the.o ' of the democrattc caa is for the

!-'-t-tYy ad vce pesadeny o eo b ....h ase ent-red on the laut mouth of ta cam-;-aia-a Iertoit the anderatmra~d tn rembi7ad~., asd all. that while many have pemare

re-n.-d in -up onst the demoertu came.are mul'tta le who Uadoubtedly let Its tri-'aph nol w oid hail ans Utmph as ahon alclae ..f ithe ople,1At who have a= et dmid mi o i a -enpltihaman'. 1t to believe thealittle r.eto wt!l . ew w all ach tv-mce that areni.tental -a 'p-atin -annot be carried on withotav..:vsn"r a lofrti:na.. anil heavy ibmrden ofisand that it In only juat that thn barden abdimibebore. not by a stasie. claa, but by all the friess andW.:! wisherv of our -ase.C.n:ribmtinne will be re-etwed W the tremasuer. J.

Herr 3an- Jobnai a at the oomme rthe advi.ory cem-nqtw -. -L No ' St. St. W.. Sidrnmae Soor or remit-

n made Ici hi by smal., iw je;Arei ad-dreaced to Ik '.s Lft. nt-Vsttat. may almobe madle to any of the asm-

-'r. of tb advisory committee. whoeaamss ae pub-li-het ta the palto . thiledat..1R--tre willhe Promptly fortched ad will be fel-

low.-d with .chacwledarmut of the democratic ad-tioaal cmamIttee fm w o e. MORRIS

Chaltnas of the Adviesry C a f the Vewo-cretic NIattialr u.mte g the h of Co-n-.abia.


, beea app tated by the Republican NatiealV._ 1ntt6e. a a elvisory committee for the Dtatrtof 4colunmbia:

0 A D I % F ISG. NUSBA AD. 1129 fOgnneetent ave,NYRON M. PAREER. 11 Ft. a. w.FRANK B. N'I"VE. 1101 efhlivaaiaava.HENRIY A. WILLARD. 9,.lleghlidir.

a ErTEJo!N-o. a I es. a. w.HENRY C. WIN-HIP. footn ':Wh ml.A. B. BROWN v rwe building.HUENitI F. b TjNf. The ame, Gecetetow.. D.C. Ni. BraDxTrgOES Ft. a. w.A. A. '1 H4MAS I1*t st. a.w.JOWN F. INEiL L 119 ivivadftavee.J.m ivW f rp M $31. id ae .w.JOHN Jiy )Iq S F at.1EWTA T. IN Notde biiletA. T. .111. w.

At a -eet the- the fSet.-n l l. tt b anmmm htee ve ri earamented. As , wesif-ecteid thv lb - eto.n of-l)'-tt -an. .ARDINER G. MUmmAaLDTr.saurr-A. T. BRITTON.P.- re:arv-lFRIK B. NOYES.A.' -tia-n 4--sita to tie Sn aArtal aid to the Re.-

t---'rar '. tonal ,ommittetn the p-aihureampaira't'; r. cl t antse~rptetoa to either member of

th- al e adviarv amntuee rto the tremwer. Col.1t,1ion Ihoa who %0 dAA?* to adshouldart at, : -. Ea.+ n-tptiosn will be duly acha-swledard

Z!heR , awa National Cowuanittee from Neworh 1, or1I.tf- F PROp-RTy ADtCs'ENT TO THE

Bai of Wasin a i6 beta remeleled,the Ar' at. 'n for atore. I upper Soeo will heatdam halm '-r 'nd-es". c.. or for lfirt storme.

Pirt.. mi--tiner to reat by applyin ew oem havechasare made to slt.

A. H. SEMMES. Sm F s.

-'-,,DO YOU WANT FINE GROCERIWES4 4L and etamin nutr emnlete and fresh swtk for

th- tal &rt'. Rieeatc-tta of Georgetow., it will payY'u I.' mon your aeroent wi h am.w14-ln = k and X "a.. B. W. OFFUTT.

NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF REMAINSfrom Ebe-neser burial sramd. In eemar

1 i. eity of Wamington. D. C.Notice i% herm-iy gived to all partte. hateregted ia

remaias interred in the aforemenmtioned cemetery thatthe heaith oac-r. after tea says from the dafe of tiputi ati4n. will Nome to the tresteem of the FourthStr-*t Methediat Epteroll Church. permits for therea..va! if aid retains, inder the direction. of theC-n t't-al..ner, of the Distrelt of Co.umbiafor re-mate:~ ~mt in s:n suitable public cemetery withiathe simi stratct of Caumnbia.at the espemmo of FourthStreet Metl.udict Estecopal Charrh uidey of aidDietrtet.Prir to the .svtranoe of aid tmv dave ermits for

lb- r.-msn em. of bodie fr-ou said burial mtroumd will beI.,ie 'Uy to pe soam claiutatr reatatonshp Intern i

in the reioa whom Memoval they regunst.W. J. THOMPSON.R. W. DUNN.

For th- Board of Trastees et Fourth Street M. R.Churr oes.1t*b



Spriscath-am:Framne--Tras ditsoad. rtctd. anl bollow Imtte

lapset and br-mind. Iaarbt range ateel tuherg of hih.est qalhty emsieed. Hadmle Bar--Dropped, e.dtahy tegedt tmu -.: the reqmirennente or faint i-

Iera. Whet a.. d'. inchem, am heel,-3ltE i!ntchesta diame~ter, taanent mpe. deab-, butt ended and

liadiat thecrmmna. l.tam-e- ttalG. ASJ. paeteutedfro entubena tre~ ad liarhtmein. Tire'--

hear 'E inches. Wehrh-Wibh all 'ma. lacludtng to cibar, tea' . llart macidle ad rutber mdaa :M4 lbaetInf' e-tmand with scorcher maddlle mdrat-trap pedals,


Similar In deakar to or No. 3, but lightems o "8Ibm. metght. aaayle of buth now oa eshibttoa.GORMULLYX & JEFFERT MFG.00O..

i134Ith sU. m..ecl ~Weakhaarto. D.'C.

O-~.-~iN ANDI AFTER OCTOBERI 5. I1LJt 're tN) n1 t.- per month. good over behthe

lmesorretownc *n-t Tenllytown railway ad theI .. ai 3 towandi- Rockville railromad. will be mold atthe l'ower ilota... *ieertretown, for 53 each. ""him=t , enc.le hoc~'lccc of? ticetsi to rile da ovnCsrot..cnt to Be-th-d Park ad fromParhkh toaetuwn fo :.'- ear-h way.bPEN!CER WATEINS.Preamdsnt inecreete wanmd

Teallytown Ra~lway.JuUZ, E. BEALL,

PresidentTenalown and

- O~ .E HJLLA .V'S

EISZMAX130RMere for ler vveee.,

twe reab, etgmae for 5.retef ..

EIlsEMAN 1.Cat. 7thad E an w..

eel7 Nanufacturera.Cc-him ad Teu,SZS 'ML FiINIMVA VIVAMNUB.

-TAm.. r w..tA's.-Asmd I have the Sneet eiach of esteeted fuMhoth Coul ad ceod, ever edeend fer estemathe city. It was b.ught raelf haute pea


whrRsfe eeeand aeem 1 .

-mL REMYA . w ..I h


.ourned annual meetlu r of the stookholderlComny of th Dlatrkt of Columbia

r the efeand the transaction ofsuch other msiness as may come before them wil beheld an SATI'kDAY. the 19th day of Novembar.I4 at the oace of co a. at. a.w.. ata'cl -ek ..m. ABERr.-kr ERM. eretpry.ac19. 26. nt. 9.16.10-0t

IVIDFND NOTICE.WASHINGTON. D.C..October24,1SM.No tIs hereb iven that a na dividend of threer 'emohae been lare. on the capital stock of'Theanrt= ea Estate Conpanyi" out of It notearnings to date and will be payale at the otce ofthecomptaid F at, n.w.. on TUESDAY No-vmber all stootholders of ;Z4 Fit-day. 2wM IBooks for twransfer,of stock will be closed an FrI-

brto Tuda. Novernber L ISM. bothDY order af the board of directnrs.

W. MOSBY WILLIAMS. Searetary.feefs olles. 517 R. car. fth t. 11.w.

MR. FRANK M LEWIs WISHES TO AN-P-ounce to a friends and former Patme

en ad after th staut he will be withS. DSO. Manufacturing Jeweler.oe -t - 1012 7et.

IN EVERY HOME THERE FIRST DAYSof winter. when summer has loosened ItsId question of what sort of ICE to use Is one ofutmost Importance. Hywi. sic Ice is made of purespring water, this wair be of a qal surpase*by no other In the District of lumi In ordersecure clearness of the Ice the water 1. distilled anthemalitered. This serves to absolutely 1rotect thosewho ume Hygenle Ice from the dangser to healthwhich attnd Um use of ice which is imynre or whoseis uncertain. as no uahealthful -em- canstan both extremes of the heat of distilation and offresingcold. Themanagement invite the falleqt in-speetton of every proe. in every part of its work% byIntelli-ent. fair-minded people. aured tha there-atter Byrienic Ice will be ief to any other forey home purpose. Rate ar no highe than forIce. by postal or by telep one (No. 44)will be quiekly responded to. Oos No. 41 9th ot.n.w- ocf.>-4

HEAT YOUR ROOMS WITH ''To Fillafiedter." 7ce, $1.50. Effict1 rclen.8,onomieal andcons ent. C. M. E 101 N.Frederick st.. Bato..and WOODWARD & LOTEROP.10th. 11th and F sts.. Washington. oc25-:M1YOU CAN ENJO

A modern machine built on modern principles.Nothing old-fashIoned about it.

A great improvement on all others.Adapted to every clam of work.


e5 W35F at. n. w.A TALE tBOUT SHIRTS.No need to have your Shirts made-to.

order. We have all the different neck sizesand five difterent sleeve le, gihe toesch nlcksize In our Men'% "Invincible" Drueashirts.Cant he p heinir Stt-d perfetly."TAe Two Old Tinners,"3. B. ELLFRV A Jo., H. ItELAND.Manaers Branch Bello. tirt Factory.xe2 91 9th st. n. w.. near N. Y. ave. junction.

DO Ot ISH TO~EONOMIZE?It's natural. Econawmy leads to richek!Thrfty ruen ar. buyini their winter supply ofCoal now. tefore the prien advan" and snowy.eleety weather arrives. avinte .c to 75m. pertoo and e, asiderable inconenence. Do youwish to econontire?

ARTHUR B. SMITH.lain Yard. 4th tni I **a. n.e.'Brnch. Caywood's. 9th ad N. T. ave. .30-3m

I4-= A "HINT" TO DItI'Gu;il8T.Druera-l w:o prime a grood natt1r WIne nd C(coa.' 'Va'aa and

%Ioe. " 4c .should use thebtet inred, ate.We tave a %; rcial" grade of sherry par-ticularly suite.1 to this ut-. whi -h we areselling to drunrists at "sp.-etal" pri.-.Dru.cgiett sboui write us to -all on thenwith a samip e or two andIget our prices.

TO-KALON WINE COMPANY.514 14th st. n.w. [oc251 Telephone. On.

APROPOS THIS WEATHER.Let this weather bring tot your mind what

we aa few davs aro about the extensivenea of ourstock of Underwear.Men'. Underwear from 50-. to S15(milk). and alltf tunis price-s'oppaaee between theme extremee.

O en's Natural Gray Wcxd Shirts and Drawers atdollar lead the town--havn't a su; *rior-if indeed aninal for the tries. Why not see tusabut your under-Wear wants.W. S. TEEL (Men's enaginge.

IVMS Pa. ave. a. w. ocr25


Leans made on Installmnt Trusts for peri-xii of 5o@20 Years. payablg mohly. quarterly or half yearly.to d-Ired.Atr4i ht Trusts at lowest rates.Money advanced oa rl estatA. In s of dethret isacei-d. Apply t


1RUST COMPANY OF PEN NSYLVANIA.n 13th Wt. a. w.. Washington. D.C.

CapIta). 61000. fm0 Ful Paid.-urplus.4.100. au6-w&sibm

WAS THAT BRIEF PRINTED "OR-rectly Wr.. It furalhed at Iicen:. a pagetorSO opl? If not let ine have yoir nextone.-*Prentpta.-se. A euacweand Peuncturiluty"guaTaiN ADAMS. Printer.TelephoneSIt1. (oc24] 512 11th at. a. w.


Formerly of St. Ros's Industrial School. have openedroom*1012 F ST.,oc24-1w* Opposite Boston House.

MERE MENTION OF PRICEne nothing, you c-anot judge of qual-try withto-t seeng. Other dealers are tolinghow cheat their clothes are.

We prefer to dwed on the goodne. ofoears.thWe put into them the utn at value for a

moderate price and invite your custom withthe purpose of re:aIniner It. A Srst-clar.sit or overcoat 0-3 to $30. some lower anda few hivher. but that 4s the practi-a limitboth ways of what 90 in every 100 manwMaL

GEORGE SPRANST.seCAg- 434 7th treet.

TAILORING OUT OF THE ORDINARY.If you re in search of something "out of

the ordinary" in exclusive. high-clastailortg you should go to Eeen's. Hemakes the finest garments that can be pro-dufed by human skilU-the very embodi-sment of "correct' style ant good -'tate.'Never mind about prices. Keen only askswhat the garments are fully worth.


Ers Blnkets for street use:"AElectri '........................-.nA-usean"............ nda3.

Berne Blankets for stable~us.....:.."SA Raker-...........................-.-,

WOODWARtD & LOTH iotob %10ION. 11TUHANDF SrtLN. I. e1.3mSLADIES.You should e the New ConfecttoneryStore of Moaa. Pinot's. It is am ezact rpo

duction of the Snest confeetionery establ sh-ment In Paris. W -truanufacture a lag asrt-ment of Mandl-tuade Confeetons. adas aleader we are aein, 20 varieties of FrenchChocolate Creams at 25 cents aponoe17-lm PINUT'i *7th at.

SDR. LIGHTUILL DEVOTES HIS EE.mlaave attention to the cuss of Catarrh. Azthma.

Deafsm. Throat Afeetioms. Bronchitis andi tonaump-

tion.OBrel1411E et. n~w.Bemasfrm8 tol2and4to6. ec12-1m


DENTIST.ac13m 1012 F at. n..

SDR. 1. 3. STONE HAS REMOVED HISoInt 1504 H at. a. w. *o4-1m*



aies ...ti. 0.5 hem....e 1.S.t

~U.S. DENTAL A*SW,Cm. 7thsandDaw~

The leading dental -raan ot Amss. em-

peadeiasiey of espest .g...aflas.


I eamer~s ... .30

'' IH Slahe........... .3- - e~d....eees..VERY MlT 'MT ESSIeatn. .-

ed dese end 40 Week a


Pont are a d t tom for sadrepresentatives and alternates to the at t encamapment for 15B are a vote of tmadeaMnoca order fr Ito rvua Meeting onthe MOlhiLtant. I4is hoIt. all fe0G. E. DAVIS. Adjutant. Post &inn

TPN11NEWIEE REPUBLICANS.Members of the Tennessee Associatio dother rennb-lican voters of the state toileet at 17100 st. n. w. on THURSDAY. at8 p.m. By order of Commtitte. Ost8.2

M--- THE MARY WASHINGTON C13AMDaahters of the American Revointia.whl Mrs. Harrisen was a member, have ordered afloral tribute in the form of a hadwe of the society.In order that all the members of t chae way sethis emblem they are requested to call at the w-tablishment of.J R. Small & Sons co 14th and 0s. a. w.. after 7 o'clock THIS EVEIING. it



Is the

ighst gradeCoee


Traef.We have just received a large invaies of ensen

Mandheltng. and as we make eWsAk reset 4-ry dWthere is no possibility of getting stale GOODS when yeuorder of us.


N7ZazLAWYEBR KNOW ITThat the place to have their Briefs printed cor-recly. promptly and at reasonable rate. is of-

McGILL & WALLACE.1107 E at. a. W.ocL tr Nothing too large or toosmal! for us to print.

9:3_NO ADVANCE OF PRICES.The same schedule of pricee charged.when

we were on 11th street sball be maintainedon * 'the seenue. " The same high-class workand gener I1 ezcellence which has built n upand dstinsrul-hed us from the 'rank andile" of Tailordom shall. If anything, be im-proved upon.Superb line of fabriesto select from.

SNYDER & WOOD.1111 PENN. AVE. (Barreed stsud.) ow2Q- EASIER ON BOTH.

ItIourotenolrrapherisienezencedandiuneatisfactory get hi, an Edlou Phono raph.Then dictate your eurrsso:,ndence to the -noirraph in.-teed of th- stenogrrapher and lethim transcrib the cylinders. More eoie, mistfor yo and easter for hit. Sold on insta-mants. Can be ised in ant state excot N J.COlIlbiA PHPNUGRAPH CO.. 6c27 st.n.w.E. D. EASTON. Pres It. F. CROMELIN.Sec. It


We are making elegant Fu!l Dreaw Suits tomeasure for 1aO-faultless in ft. of the fnsetcloth -and of the richest and tastiest fnish.4W0 is about a fourth less than is asked by otherSrlet-clas tailors.

0. WARFIELD SIMPSON. 7fter.Corner 12th and F ots. a. w. oc6

NEED NOT BE *'GUNBOATS.*Your shoe. need not be " bo& tobe comfortable. surja 4 4shape. We can *ive y e as welle'

cwrf"rt and rbily in heseUA0 and shos. Broad. 1naMsad nserw toes. Button. le e or eon.

Lr w.e a we-HOOVER"T M-V*YER. 12J7 A. AVE. X..W. oc1-ImTHE REASON WHilY

Thereason why we- know our prices forthe siequalityofnaussareae low, (felo-er. than any others in the sam" line isthat we tmuy 'breet in large quaatiffes andsecure the bottom vrices.We follow our contract closely-Alling

every promise-promptiy nd eodently.CHA. E. HODGKIN."Eztert Handler qf Plt" Glds@."9137th at. n.w. orgg

W. C. MERTZ'S Es'orine Ahep.The Bnoiness Muits we make to

ordo r at an even qaerter-qf.e-Aundred dollars are unetcelledIn point of cut. style, fabric andworkmanship


oc2f Strest.

WANTED-IN THE N. W. SECTIONof the city or in Wambinigton. Ealo-

rania or Columbia Hei-rts. a plot ofMund that will subdivide well intoiding lots.

PtOCTOR & PROCTOR.Real Estate and Insurance.oc26 9d,7 0 t. n.w.EORGE W. GROVE.917 F t. n.w. ARCHITECT.Ar rl designinhr, construction and s'perin-tendenco.. remodeling. &c. oc26-w&s3M

IF YOU'RE GOING TO SCHOOLyTere are -to f little thiAngs Vanet."A big, fat TABLET"is almost indirpen.sable. Whe r can you do hetter than thi-atle-pag tabletfor Scentae The proverplace to buy your Composition Books.

Note Books and other Books Is fromC. C. PURSELL.Staffener. 41 TH ST. N. W. se9-3

TAsw~ether is likely to be generally fear;We have just securedalotof 4. 6.5,.9and 10-Inch No. 1 Clear Georgia Pine

Dressed Lumber, which we een sell atabout half the cost of clear white gline.As you know, thgse have various uses.such as for wahboarda, utep risers.lanishing lumber. hc. We can save youabout one-half of what you have bssnpaying for Clear White Pine.

Libbey. Blttingsr & Miller,Lumber end Mill 8'ork.Cor. 6th and N. Y. ave. n.Cor. 11thand Ouste. . egg

EETHEM QUICE.Etch SBuitinge Gf esufse

etglyleefs arrfee.OWEN,

ee.lm 'ALR4231 11Th ST.ABOON '0 IIOUSEWIYES.

Ever e a Gee Stove?They're a boon to everyhousewIfe - asmokeless -odorleaa-dirtleas. Small,hut throws outan immenseamount of heat. Onetoach of the matc-.mtat heat. Another teuch-out. Does a cost stovework at lee. eapses. withheas trouble-mere heat.We have a vsristy of

nmakes and shapes and am,.eral aisma In sash style.Three ses inths Pepn-.lar Asbestos Stoves.Thres sizes in theUn-riva'ed "Sunshine" Gas

Beeting Stoves. whisk westee sung at speedal

de,CU 11ITMAXAG STh. .W. -o


Washington News and Gossip.Index to Adves..-.

ACOOUNTANTS .... . .Pae IAw~EN~...........................,awe u<AT ORNEY ..................................... ,as I

AUCTION SALES...............................pae IBOARDING

.. ......... ..... ........... Pag I

008 AND TA IOT...................PBUSINESS CHANCE ..... Pags ICITY ITEMS .....a......s I(COUNTRY REAL ESTATE ....................PaeDEATHS .........................................paDENTIS T .....................................v,, gEDUCAIONAL.................._.............,e IEXCURSIONS, 64- ......... .................Pag xFINANCtAL ...................a..................I",XFOE RENT (Flats)...- ........................page IFOR RENT (Ra..s) P I

TOR RENT (oin ).. . . ,FOR *ENT .oons ...... I

FOR RENT (No0ua)-.... .... .................Pass IFORRENT (Stom . ...... ...P. .FOR RENT (Xie..ia.ee... ganIFOR SALE (Dieylhs)..........''.''.'...''. pm gFORSALE (Hores sal Vehiis..-- Pa,, aFOR SALE (Houma)........ ....................Pme 0FOR SALE (Lot) ............................polFORSALE (s )n........a . Pase I1OR SALE (P2ms)..................".... gHOTELS.---........... .......................p s ILADIES' GOODS.- .............................Pe ILOCAL MENTION.--.............................ge1ULOST AND FOUND-...........................Pa" IMARRIAGES................ Pa, aMANICURE-----............................... . iMEDICAL ................. Pas ,MISCELLANEOUS......................,64% aMONEY WANTED AN OLA...........PasM IXkW PUULICATIONS .........................pass 10NOTARIES PUBLIC ............................Page IOCEAN STEAMR.............................page IOFFIoIAL NOTICE8................ ..........Pg IPOTOMAC RIVER BOATS................... Pase IPIANOS AND OsAANS.........................,ase 1PERSONAL - --...-............................ Pag IPIROFESSIONAL-.................................P. IPROPOSALS... aRAILROAD.. . ....Pa"s ISPECIALNOTICE .........................PaeSTEAM CARPET CLEANING..............Pae IBTORAGE.....................Pa.e USUBURBAN PROPERTY........................Pa" IUNDERTAKERS.. ....................Pag 1

WANTED<ei) ................................Pam IWANTED (Lote)......... .....I......Page IWANTED (Rouses)...............................Page IWANTED (Roon.....................PamWANTED <8ltuons,..................PasIsWAATALD(Xiscananeoum).......................agfto

Govuaexrxx Rzoasr TonAY.-Internal rev.nue, 0858.821; customs, 819,68.Tzz Now RITuaS Poeva. Cann was placedon' sae today at all irst-class post offce

throughout the country. Those cards are a lplied by the contractor, Mr. Albert Daggett.A Cuirona Courazmaca.-Col. Tichenor,

president of the board of general appraisers,was at the Treasury Department today in oon-rerence with Acting Secretary Saulding in re-gard to the condition of affairs In the ap-praiser's office at New York.

PuasoXA.-Senator David B. Hill and Gen.1. G. Farnsworth of Albany, N. Y., registeredthis morning at the Arlngton.---J. E. Hoff-man of New York, C. J. Orrick of Cumberland,A. 0. Bliss, Prince George's county,Md.. and J.C. Garvan of Brooklyn. are at theShoreham.-W. W. Churchill of Boston. R. W. Virgoe ofLondon, L. I. Ross of New York and 0. A.Stranahan of Chicago are at Willard's.--Geo.N. Loomis of Sousa's Band, Geo. W. Shokof Wilkewbarre, Pa., and T. Tunis of Marylandare at the Randall.-Iter. E. Ashley of SouthDakota, Dan Peabody of Illinois and CharlesB. Pelton of Florida are at the Bbbitt.-. C.Austin of New York, W. F. Robison of Pitt@-burg, H. Fiochler of Phidpa, Jas.A. Janee of Boston AnJ. C.Bogge of Alleghenf .re at thWiggs.--nzhall. Rse end- J. .Stevens of New York are at Chamherlin's.-F. T. Cntchton of New York, W. S. Boyerof Haddosfied, N. J., A. C. Thomas of Cleve.land and a. D. Brown of New Haven,Conn., are at the Howard.-D. J. Crain of NewYork, H. A. Miller of Philadelphia and CharlesE. Burke of Brooklyn arE at the Norman-die.-John Meadowcroft of Providence, R. L,C. H. Vanderhoff of New York, A. DangerheldofVirginiaand A. A. Clarke of Philadelphia,Baron Fava, Italian minister, Theodore B.Dale of New York, E. B. Jarvis of Boston andHenry Harrison of Virginia are at the Worm.ley.---Jay L. Frank of Philadelphia, L. A.Conrad of Richmond, D. C. Barkman of Staun-ton and Thomas C. Jones of Montgomery, Ala.,are at the Metropolitn.-C. L. Hendershot$of Parkersburg, W. Va.. 8. Wayland of Texas,C. W. Dailey of Keyser, W. Va., and L L Flynnof Illinois are at the National.

JUDGE REA'S DOLT.It Gives the Deesecrats - - 60.a.is

Have a Grievance.The announcement that Judge John P. Bea,

ex-commander-in-chief of the 0. A. B., haamome out for Cleveland because of the tariand Mr. Cleveland's pension vetoes has causedthe democrats great satisfaction. They countover the converts that are announced fromtime to time and, as a rule, thinkvery differently from the expression of Mr. Hillon the subject. They think it means that thetide has set in for Cleveland and there is greatrejoicing at each announcement.The trouble about Judge Rea's conversion ii

that it is too evident that he Is adisappointed office seeker. He was an ap.plicant for the position of commis.sioner of pensions after the retirementof Crorral Tanner and was greatly grievedthat hedid not got the apoitment. Hehad verygood backing for the plc, but ths two SenatorsFrom his state refuedto indorse him,and It wasirrged that he did not posesm the executive

ability for the position. He was eletedlistrict judge a few years ago by the repub-ieans, but has been three times disappointed

in his efforts to get the republican nom.inationfor Congress.While this may not have inuenced his:.hange of politice It puts him under suspicion.


Re Thinke Gen. Kearien WIll CarrF NewYork and Do wae.e.aGen. Hobart, the republican national oan-

nitteeman for New Jersey, was at the Arlingtoneday. During-the day he had interviews withsine of the members of the cabinet who aremow in the city.-in conversation wva a reporter he said

that there was prae *ething developingn the political Afid just at this timse. He saidae was fully satisfied that Mr. Harrison wouldoe eleted. There wans nothtag In the western

altuation which gave the committee any reas

to doubt that Harrison would carry every state

in that section, and that there was no develop-

meet In the campaign as elsetien day ap-

precebs which e-e--s--ae seaanness on the

pert of the republicans.~"In New Jersey," he sid, "we awe as smr et

iaft'yimg the statee. the lessi ticket as we are

meofanyt e of e etetieEtthe *==eti eme-


"New York Isa ve~lw statemnda dembt.rae sttsend diffeult j et, hebt huewing

an -nmes Ia as-Iemht ncry lb satle."

'Ese Use. Mabtem aa~min.OnL ehert Gest lb wBheews hmsgjmue & egam3 esisante .neai et to

ag s ke 0, aa-tnb"hsen;sha m..aaA. n.a


Armagsments fase Temervew'm ad Ose-molies Comapleted,

TIM TICS sEDRNt aR u=ns.. or TacAnrest To saV AS amSoUAny 5AL.ZEA-ans-ranaL ARIMmU5anmog AXD mON&OW,O COXDOLILca.

Menugs of condolence continue to pour inupon the mourners at the Executive Mans.anand at the same time social Washington is can-ceiling a hundred engagements to show its re-spect for the memory of Mrs. Harrison.At the request of Mr. Do Struve, minister

from Russia, a dinner which was to be given inhis honor this evening by some sixty prominentfellow members of the Metropolitan Club as aparting evidence of their esteem-just prior tohis departure for Europe-a been indefinitelypostponed. Mr. Do Struave made this requestbecame of the death of Mrs. Harrison.

annAmoKaxTS oR Tan aIZZ31.Arrangements for the funeral have not un-

dergone any material change since they were

published in yesterday's STAR. SecretaryCharles Foster of the Treasury Departmentand Secretary Elkins were the only cabinetofficers out of town this morning and both areexpected to arrive before evening. SecretaryRusk got in this morning.Secretary John W. Foster called at the WhiteHouse immediately after his arrival last night,and, although he did not see the President, heremained in the office of Private Secretary Hal-ford for more than an hour.The members of the cabinet will act as hon-

orarv pallbearers in this city. The body bearerswill be employes of the White House.

TRE FUNERAL ARaTT.The pallbearers who will officiate at Indian-

apelis have been selected, as stated in TatSTaR. Tiey are Dr. H. R. Allen, John B. Elm,Hugh Hanna. E. B. Martindale, Gen. IAw Wal-lace of Crawfordsville. Hon. Wn. E. Niblack ofVincennes, John B. Elder and Theodore P.Haughey.

All the members of the President's familywith the exception of his three grandchildrenwill accompany the remains of Mrs. Harrison toIndiana lis. This of course includes Dr.Scott, tvenerable father of the deceased. Itwas at first felt that him advanced age wouldprevent his making the trip, but when thematterwas broached to him he announced emphatic-ally that he p ro to go, and would notlisten to a pro tion to the contrary. Mr.J.B. McKee, the President's son-in-law. hascanceled an Important business engage-ment in Boston tomorrow, and will alsoaccompany the President, as will also the mem-bers of the cabinet and probably the ladies oftheir families. It is also likely that Vice Presi-dent Morton and family, Chief Justice Fullerand a few others will be specially invited to ac-company the party.

Mr. John Scott Harrison, brother of thePregdent, has left him home in Kansas City andis expected here tomorrow morning. Mr. Car-ter N. Harrison of Tennessee, another brother,has notified Secretary Halford that he will meetthe party at Indianapolis.

TIRE UNEAL TRAIN.Arrangements for the funeral train are being

perfected. The train will consist of six vesti-bled Pullman cars, a composite baggage andsaloon car, a dining car, a sleeping car, a com-partment car, a private car and an observationcar. The casket will be In the latter. The trainwill leave this city at 11:80 tomorrow morning,and run on the following schedule: Iave Har-riurg :35 p. m., leave Altoona 7 p. m., leavePittsburg, 9:20 p. m., leave Columbus 3:45 a.m., arrive at Indiapols 9:0 a. m.The at Indianapolis includes services

al the Presbyterian Church at 11:30 a.m.,foblowed by interment'in Crown Hill cemetery.NOW temaining a few hours at the residence ;t

. R. S. na114 the party will leave on thereturn trip at 5:40 oclock 'Friday afternoon,reaching this city Saturday evening at about 6o'clock.

DaPaarywxTs wrLL XoT a CLOSED.The departments will be open tomorrow, the

day of the funeral, the same as on other day.,and by the wish of the family the business ofgovernment will run on as though the nationad not last the wire of Its most distinguishedcitizen.Mrs. Harrison's body has been laid out in

the room in which she died. and this afternoonit will be placed in the casket in which it willfinally repose. She shows in her emaciationthe effects of the long wasting illnes of eightmonths that reduced her large, matronly figureto a thin, trail form. But her face indeath has the same kindly expression that ithad in life. Her appearance is natural. Thereare no hard lines of suffering visible upon it.She looks as if her last moments had been fullof peace and her expression suggests that shewas tireA and had gently dropped asleep.Mrs. McKee superintended the preparationof the dead woman for burial and communi-cated the wishes of the family to the under-taker. Mrs. Harrison, as is well known, wasexceedingly fond of flowers. The casket willbe deeply strewn with them and they will formher couch. The body will be placed in thecasket during the afternoon and quietly re.-moved to the east room at a later hour to awaitthe funeral services.The President is more composed today than

he was yesterday. He is reasosbly e1a,thougdee y grief stricken. Private Secre-tary to consulted him for a short theduring the morning about the details of thearragements here and in Indianapolis and theV~ioat made suggestions with refersee to

VIcE PEEIDZXT 0onTOX TO 0XvI.Vice President Morton willbe one of the pall-

bearers, taking the place of Secretary CharlesFoster of the Treasury Department, who is theonly one of the cabinet offiers notexpectedtobepresent at the services tomorrow morning. TheSecretary is not In the city. He will go direstfrom the place where he is stain to Indian-apolis and will attend the servioes thnand bepresent at the Interment.

Secretary Rush upon his arrival in Waslgton this morning from Wisconsin hastened tthe President. Secretary Elkins and VicePresident Morton will arrive here darmng theday.

Prtvate Secretary Halford said today that thestatement that invitations would be isd tothe funeral services in the east room temerrewis erronsons. Ha said that the family woaldnot issne invitations, but eE1Inly thekinm== and relativee and a tthe really

fredfthe dead womsan and et thei toated He added that the ll

did not wish to make a dlserhminatien by theIssaanee of Invitations and that eashmust dtsrine for hmen..a or herselfor not the relations to the badly brought himer her within the designaion of a asemi



The services here tomorrow will he estremelysimple. The 3ev. Dr. Eamilaoeta chof the Covenant winl be a..i.ed in --e-=aagthem by the Rev. Dr. RerietI, eatoro theNew York Avenue Presbyterian ineieity. Dr, hertlett was te pser foryeas of the churek in Iim'apob otthe -andUM Mrs. Maem wore ams-

here.The chair of Ut. Behas basespeltsarek wE in a few hymme,smar,...m m.

Ame o lentl piseessattedees Osasm Xr. wasa. ase a--eu-- weeaMrs.W m Ma~enm, Oee adtied wisk b6u..hef ~ W

, etXet

Gevei, a

Tax CAS1N3T at TES 1U1Nrana.At the request of the Secretary of State the

members of the cablnet who we in Washingtonnot at the State Department this morning toarrange Ior the attending of Mrs. Harrison'sfuneral. There were present Sec"" Tracy,Postmaster General Wanamaker, Attorney Gen-eral Miller, Secretary Noble and SecretaryRusk.Secretary lkins is expected to retura to

Washington this afternoon.All the members of the cabinet will accom-

pany the President to Indianapolis. except See-retary Tracy. It was decided that one eemberof the cabinet should remain in Washington.

&8cretav Charles Foster. who is In the west,will join the part at Indianapolis.Mrs. Miller, wife of the Attorney General,will accompany her husband. Mrs. Noble isunable to go. Mrs. Charles Foster will go, andother ladies of the cabinet also it possihle.TE DAOEcoT25 01, TIE ANKntoAX aaVoLCTMoW.The national board of Daughters of the

American Revolution mAt yesterday afternoonfor the purpose ofex= the feelings of theboard on the death Mrs. arson. The fol-lowing member were presAnt: Mrs. Cabelt,Mr ustice Field. Mrs. Marshall MacDonald.Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Boynton. Mrs. Keim, MissDesha, Mrs. Lient. Claire. Mrs. Tittman, Mrs.Rose Wright Smith, Mrs. Senator Cockrell, Mrs.Walworth, Mrs. Hamlin, Mrs. Blount, Mrs.Oreely, Mrs. Devereux. Mrs. Cockrell preided.Resolutions. ofered by Mrs. Cabell. of eulogyfor the character of Mrs. Harrison and ofsympathy for President Harrison and othermembere of the family wer un-niyadoted. ywr unmal

Resident members of the Daughters of theAmerican Revolution, including the Mary-Washington and Dolly Madison Chapters, metlost night and adopted resolutions which re#Atethe services rendered by Mrs. Harrison as pres-ident general of the organization, gave hercredit for much of the order's macce and ten-dered to the President and his family un-bounded sympathy.A copy of the resolutions suitably engroesedwill be sent to the President. Aside from the

position which she held as president general ofthe organization, Mrs. Harrison was a memberof the Mary Washington Chapter, and this so-ciety will show its regard and esteem for itslate honored member by sending to the WhiteHouse an elaborate floral design representingthe insignia of the order.Gea. H. V. Boynton, who has taken a deepin-terest in this society and also in the Society of

Sons of the Revolution, speakiof Mrs. Harri-son's connnection with the y of theDaughters of the Revolution. said:"She was not only the presiding oicer, but a

working member oi it and took the livelisst in-terest in its proceedings. The board of man-agement, I know, ascribed the great sucese ofthe society as much to Mrs. Harrison's work asto all other influences. It is now a very 0er-ishing society."As president of the national society Mrs.

Harrison signed all the charters for the statesocieties and local chapters. It is a carlonscoincidence that th last one of these charterswhich Mrs. Harrison signed was mailed yete-day. It went to Arlington, Vt., where a heop-ter has recently been organized.

Zzars 5 oW'oFunoLs.inumIn addition to the list given in yesterday'

StaIA mes-sge of ondolence have been to-ceived at the WhiteHome from the following:Thomas B ryan. vice president of theworld's Columbian exposition' Gov. WiliamMerriam of Minnesota, W. Gardinar. Dr.Allen of tamnplia Senator Hale, MrAmdMms.H. G. Davis, ex-oenstor Sewell, Mr. and Mrs.Elam of Indianapolis. Senator Washburn ofMNn-soa, GO. and Mra. Eagle of kaIn,Col. and Mrs. Clos of West PoInt,Senator Cno1m's family, Sersetary John W.Foster, Gen. L Gholled (en. HernesPorter of New York, Cla Studebadher andfamily, South Bend, Ind.; Mr. Jamese A. Gary,Baltimore, Md.; Ea-Governer Gear of Iowa,Gov. Peck of Wiseensin, D. 0. Mile of eiYork, Mrs. John A. Lon, Congess-man H. C.L annheegh, Cyr C. HinesPostmaster VAn Cot of New York, Mr.McAlpin. Now York city; Mr. and Mrs. . .'ihylor, Fort Wayne, IAd.; John Rsell Young,Phadephia; Archbishop A. G. Wei,-sert, comnmander-in-chief . A. R.; L Conten-cin, president Italian chember of commaneeof New York; the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Chaplean,Ottawa, Ontario; Win. K Hahn of Calatmbas,Ohio; Hugh J. Grant, mayor of New York; Gen.8. V. R. Cruger of New York, Dopey Delomefor the legation of Spain, ex-Congresman leo.E. Adams of Chicago Henry White, secretaryof the United States legation at London; Win.R. Moore. Memphis, Tenn.; Geo V.W. Dorseyof Fremont, Neb.; Representative 11oe. 2.Henderson of Walnut, IIL.; RepresentativeWatson R. Sperry of Delaware, Geo. W. Chid.of Philadelphia, Senator Goo. L Shoup ofIdaho. Chauncey K. D w, Ge. . Pulmanof Chicago, Arthur L. Thomas, governor otUtah; Morris . Estes of San Francisc, RakkyBoy, for the Turkish exhibitors at the Calam-bian exposition; L. T. Michsner of Indiana. D.Lispenard Stewart of New York, ex-SenatorFerry of Michigan, Cs. Foster, Secetry ofthe tressn , and family; C.W. Hnaket of sYork, JohnR. Pitkins, H.C. Lodge orao-Chusette, W. Brokinld of Now York, Go,.and Mrs. John L. Rout of Colorado, N. Mat-thews, Jr., mayor of Boston; Hon. anmpstnadWashburn, mayor, on behalf of thpese ofChicago; ex-Gov. Brecekt of ex-Senator Hill of Colorado, Hon. C. W. Vmir-banks of Indi.napoH Mj. and Mrs. V. 3.Rexford of Springfield, Mass.' Cougressm J.. Belden of Syracuse, Go. kMeet of gouthDukoa Bogesa uff of renneyhuala.

Senator Doiphof OregonHon. J. Mc tnnaofSenFracsco, JameLChs realD, e.ei.n=deamechasette department G. A. L; Edward 0.Arthur, New York, colonel seventh ;Congregatioeal Club of MiEste.= andBoston; John N. Satehe 14,First se I.Y.)Republican = ;A. J. Ister, IRAQchairanr can ms meeting;Gab, N ;akMrs. mSh E.Pnlr,Dstmnpres-Ident National Women's Relief Cerpe; John 0.1Arnold presden Democuntie Gab, New YorkReliCa abof -es- sa. atrsecretary Union Leages e Phlhiasaghis. Ph. 1V. A. Pledger, Atlantea,, en esof Afro-Americans of Gergia Do. Me.Galloway, president Ibanesse e-n-----s N.E. Church, Nash leTen4h;e U seoNebka now --- at Omhea;~ ptie of Oregon, now msmses d atGrand Divisien, Seas of Iminpamsane westeNew York at Lkp r seelaes by e

isk mnistes of New Yok Riih3. EsesmMonide, eesatsry; theuministse of

East OhMo nif.mne K. ( h m m Jat Gevelani; M----n---"- bumshIehsrat DestesnOmsseandlba

eebk estes m p em-idOm~arinL myPateeso

stonce' DMste ot niste Csntv., eer.'DBs of Iea endter and r

henlen, Mrs. Jema V. Gs4nbof Insa-Peb~ as-Geser L .K erafMInsse Omiseur A. O, ebin

Gerinnar bemtr g na~s f

Sof Osmlie. IKsu3 Wl ef Iamien. Ge.

Gem, an M.K 5ef 6t:

the Usdisma esoamat 3UBtns



k~myuenefasnsfEM-esowm m abisef a

THE PRESBYTERIANS.an al Sion e the l ime

W CASE Of'Ai1 C CROLFour Pesons Burned to Death in a

Cleveland Fir*.


seW of a~reand se .

prtl DIc to The. EvTninA s

Bs~rtoms. Oct. 26. Th1e Baltimege aynedOf the Presbyterian chUrCh, which heg Heannual meeting last night at the Oaenstm pres.byterian (urch. on Eutaw pmoe., met againthis morning at 9 n'clock. Rev. Joseph T.Kelly. the retiring moderator, Celled the *setto order.and the following ofeiBre were e00tMsModerator. tm MeLamahan of Balitmnrs.elsatedclerk, Rev. E. H. lAbtna of Maletmare; tem-

.a=4screta:ea Rev. JnO. 1). Blake. D...,4

lawae, ad M . a . Brown. 'Ibepetacigudmatter of interest at the mornaing sasion wasthe constitution of manxio work among thecolored people of the anoth. This subject wanopene4.v' Hev. Dr. Fi-her of the freedmaa'sboard of New York. He delivered a adreasin behalf of that work.

Bev. J. C. Eccleston of Grae coloreChurch ft Baltimore and Rev. George I. Mor.riM. also made earnest appeals em behalf ofthe work.Addressee were aleo delivered br Bev. . D.

Babcock, Hew. W. E. Brown of Ratamare aunothers.1he syned passed a reeOlutina of sympathywith the work among colored people.Rev. Dr. Mcknight of New York was invited

to a "eat with the synod.Rev. Dr. Craven iof New York spoke upom the

subject of the educational work and uon, thenecessty of increasing the minutarV. me pokeof the need of ministers in the freagn fiedamong colored people in the west and for thegeneral work. He gave reason, for the' esi-ence of the board of education as a means. tocarry on work in the barren plaes. of tour owncountry. Speaking of placs whs-e ch.qrht*have been a ndoned, the home board seals e.the need of chonls in all thesse toe.. He .4."the synod of Baltimore to read ele careularssent by the board and not to thrOw thena 1"6ethe waste basket.The following committeen were apninted at

the morning scesion: [hlhs and overtnrts,Re. Joseph T. KeUv. George M.svon. . .

Miller. D. D., E rlet Henry cla-., J. r. s.meimmeran. Judicial cases. Revs. HenryDrench. D. D., Dr. . w. Etyort. to.F. Iathburs; on finance, E. D. Zeilman.E. L. Wails, C. C. Wright. 4tiandang commit-tee and rules. Revs. Dr. Bittir, D. H. La-erty. Ministers presbyterv. timnoti, fasmuiM. Perry. 3. F. Myer; elder, R. L. Jordan.Minisers prembrtery of New Castle,Dr. J. Q. Craigheand, W. . Austan;elder, E. E. HeMh Ministers ofWashington city prestytery. J. F.

A. T. I. ,wte elder. Rome It.BL d. ms6Mc ase y, Rem. W. R. LAgan, J.

Most; elder, C. .Jewel. Mitero etRev. G.. . Jones, C. . em=n T. D.=A. P. Silver. Abraham na. a rrative for lo, Reve. T. .

keep, J. W. Soo F . m neseBeynolds and F. ILM -.On he.et ab."otie-Bev. J. W. Mclvelon, W. ILu, C. I.LdvIngstom, Wim WiMen, J We

MAsTism an urm .

WWar Uses Eew I a a-oft mamo 4 tCb&estad.

-seMeAVa, OMM, OL O,-& 6eN, aeppaliug in s 'It, eers abaft IN O. E ag in a tw6eery mme bdt at so

earner of %sbtie seem aml .." OWN%nar Geveland Pitbeuq em d m of.M esine MA6y, --81-" ofaene.m neeMA two Ue bey^,

6e building mie = by r. L Tafand is a eh-ee and slern tamIn hal of t hel jeeru of aeWas a i.tnon by mlMe Jeha MCGinty UM en, and bilived in te upper Weoi e anThey wae m tat perih. h o

e eud not be aseerielmd. but 46 mm bd.meved to have orisned n the edemn. no

Tmy, it in sm, med the knhs frea ream Wsajee lvag rtmest. 11e, wareve helovercme by the mae be&* She

The front half f the d asdestoyed and the fear ere 6bried inthe burned Umbere. hames mm.

gigh ;r od mAd his wise wasIirr'two. edest boy, Jasme J., eseoi years old,and John, the tokged,f

Obam-e-'s sist.rain-w, Me Hr.t, 119"d with em, but attendeda dame

Iat ight and had met reterned when toe aeoceurred. Her Nib m mm prehably seedLaSanna's business partner,Jeha UGeaty

won hb brother4i-law. Me ne at h emomhe G aend almost fbmwtie with grWef.One of the boy' bedies was buet reaoelo.tt was .abb, but it was beleed to

t h Ihad th e aoe14= ee.he ohe be.i.. warn

har dag from bhe debaes aed warn m

about bie ea enditio Another sady

lived in bhe roar ot the bdigdews sr,0.. R nee.ck and his wife. Dahet memen

by a reporter. He aid ha and bis wis wareawahened by bhe ieSof esmeha and eseeped

kem b hams. They warn, hewever, ahead

wmanua we -m emgma.

I s3meof d.utme.

Emme Car, 3. 1., Oat. 5-Thm ews uimat in e neoees pertien ot Jsmer d

Eehi be mesing ineenende e hamne of Wt.dsaaa.

light~ f iiV namaseSwant boweek in e udamr at nss gutam ee

~be dMe1 a m en e mmerming. Ds.LG.e. a a. .

sha emted 3eme, psmedn Us

osf A~Sio ohelme. 5.L~hery at , at

tmnues drmer kmQ hadhd. M swm

sedmeldas enbrDL merudaw n

died from meni, C

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amedet mesbes. He es

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honamms Wrn man thmame&

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eme===bpynamer f eomb be

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