V.. 80, Na 20,295. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 24, 1892. TWO CENTS. THE EVF2IJG BTAB. ~uinm AMKY. ucza v mud.sa AT TMSARNDUIUINUU & I. KAUFIUMN, P~wf B. - 4oMuss to sm 4.it a.raasa wrma ftfi o wi mw atocm m NWP All swllnam mb~m ___FEANCAIL Tm NADONAL 8"m Dti.. aaViue A"m TVWT CVNUIR Com= RITE Or A"D 53W OSE AT& Charles" wW met of Cmism am. 1337. and meft cc Ot.. wS. sm Yak. Ifi CArnAL: 051 311.1*0 DOXIARE alot afe*m 600 e - Parn MM CzM ml TS amid - ie m &IIIGNMIM Isles anew"a mam Ofm a" Was am SL UqNI Amfthenw Wa"e dehmgm0-41to AM off a khalimmlm . ~ u-awmT 31 AN IL JONES. WWlr VfrePh&. Ah~ . saew. IL Ibm C. Jl~. d LAS C.AXC TO N"7 nu aSTOCK is TEX COCGISAllVE TOWS COMPAST. Tbft =ri. dm" JULY s uat tdmn tal bm "u em buy 5 arems Ar 65 dow a" SMS In twet Imaly iaMmt.L RINE CDNVINCIG EAONS VW, Coo.pradv* Town Comspmy Staek Itth at beamt on the weablaglom inset today: 3am. is pWoU..f hee retum and t Val" IN IsM a mlmi esa atusly owmed by the company. - I-- ewary gdoI~Uarembed Pmyiow to July 1 -Ml be dimmled ta value by *be eomiao al sa dow s hee. hmndad sawn ne ow ewgdbulld, hr 1 4and ml w ry~aw to ausplet Ild oad by but a wen-onambnabd and proas boam mind by a.w Duar of Dtreetmu Mansm the pa, *It M, ofth comay In bentad to So vrbeM mira tebeanml agalculturl a' ad hem, 00 ecampmy pamelaly ovw. a. w a Vamews. Valley andtbaalatehl. madilgIm Dwsa, a.e evazpmy Is today makftw hmy. hfemmo evry lot oar.. evwy reatuel sm a" wesy dead of any dewitrbu. b am&* ta a.e Itolus ad Ta eck. No outait. Am... Utackboldem stand tios . heomid Is,. stock bs the powntoI whiel easy prom ceuve a" mlUpon wVia ey dkvbfdmi DIUICTO: ROIL JOUNG. CARNUSLL BOIL ISSEAM M. IMARIS. No.. M. C. XANFSENOGL ROL. 30333? P. 103733. BOIL SUM. ULTTEELWOSTE. Lm&I 317105. COAM A. T. *TorNo. 31 Allende b~il% Ads - W hra mistt ad Colsmabiu T-. 1[ - mr S9 -N TaVE.m. CuEsm swaud Inosulf or6 apmulo the m or pproved seerity. LzWi1 30ENSoN a 00.. .m.asa, 31@16-11 Dh. uing.335 IdF. Yeu. W L 3yemmwe.hgtebeam. WAMINGTON ZARaN AND TVUST COM- 3t PANT AS E302CTOB )''D &NATIOAL CAPITAL AM . At ansiee o the hbo. of. di me a I "S2 heat leja aial~oeum dividnmi 31par ewe(6 3aharz the .0wta ath yeadc&. pya TiE3AWr booka will be chwd bun Jums is July 5. ot dto'tclusve. W. 13L NA Lft : TJLS WET END NATIONAL BANK. W M. Pt t. A. P. FA eaON~kMh..Mid CEARLSS P. VILA3 .. S. C1MAM. ra. . F. o..t. fthm.. . P. mdm OAo Jr.e NtjC'W-fdp. F.TN. r . e. .. this py.. IL.. ew. XE. bet . . =1241i Wti~m I~Li. T=W Rz0YOK 1.113 Inn1XNCK COMANT which. hm .8th.t f~matr e Stan..~~ Thdekt f "Ae rulesotbfe n~an M ..rIA P&V.aw maeinmagm II 6d esss. besf. btooM wilhout 1.folnsm The "ieerwnatatu. w ostaftm wn erg wheteve alperting oceua"6m. ,Iwd-une &ues. h.6b gWker .m...*efdeth. The e~y--asem ef the poet. that the ph be pid....eed. er trell perticular..ederfe NOW Tcr A&4b -vs eI OA... IS Pat. .W. JeD-im FiDEM NUI.DNO. LAN AD IXYE.T NT ASSO- CIATION OF WASNINGTON. D. C. OFFICEB: 931. Ksl .ma r151 ST. NW. To .aee dedring a ibeal .d al IaIm t we -m-m eur a pe c &.ye.r ertisem. -- -er cast p-d .. .auler Depsite.- To c.. bw 1..00 SL om s as Re Estate .mewity man pay it tock . the ta t of613 per mth. 0wer unpgeisdauted opprtuaity fortevesw.am. r--m..as .ith .b..lat. .ewoity. M.Ab .sm. Sm STOCK 01 PIE 53AR, MATURING IN 3W0 MONT, WITE GUARANTEED VALUE OF O.W. Allmse wrowed by beat real .te. lAmm.as Uini.r the peruo..l insectam.1 the .Smr af the , .o. Slhty gums.Teow rn Ml=b w.eLa CbinIMM~oiwieeinetIA.tO 3AR MiON D1 M AN .......................Preseoi t ANDREW WALL........Vim. Pseidat l N....ar ALONZ TWKDALE,........................ esetoy sEoSE m3n8....... ............T..mar. XEW. . YORE..... .. ......* t.M Dagodmo. TIO V. mWI...*Au. c , 3m. Dpu C0 L 3U.I... R .. . mi NIN FUND OMUNCIA The em enehAes for e sew comsy. Vnw, am audintm byr ofdj am- .iodrh kn.. lamb~.et~ s . a tam -""W-P fkaom 41. b ito ;=ft arlrm*r. - a . Tp t....b..9..= ...... .. Three boidle ownue by the puie of odd =aw r at coust s ir.m d aw. a V ea = =taagwt the ym w mafl to low~m aet the o.. c. a tce.. ha a10k. fumi forer le EW E at miaturity. and th" k4.000 lerybi a e bom theagou rersamul "'WueeiYaueoftheprpet of the camly er... re t 1205 a AuNt W ~qay~aiSelaMi of cm.v the~~M~M AY Or UK ILa ~g atte ai dah m a. Wmtew 1306.3 ILWILLIM Ckeeh Sw__ JN0. V. Cousion. JxN.!.xjrt.IIL3 swrmln w. w caM ' Da..-SIOO.D . las manmkinear =no whem Tabs ea. ATE 5W03 2.LVS n=""lso a-*a X WN3XSAN YOKI 2 7 t.WRINGO. .C &a arooe SbashLbe Dan"~in~wl SPECIAL NOTICES. L.T @ ."IE5 -. . ". V.o-n..-m-..n .. go . F. ITCRIN3. M. W. TIM WAXIEINGTON XaZZWT 00 &at rsato ail %*oter 1-0To.orw u I the byat t mnagther thb WAMbUe.. L C..ame 11, IM i. ~az sM0OVAL NOTICE, on the compleio. of improvements and the enlasmeent of our ptown store. 1126 Coma. ave.. about September L we will onliae our two store and continSue the hsines at116Coma. ave. For the neat D days. commencing June 31. we will oferour surplu stock at 12SF st. mugretly reduced prices. .JiS4 0EO. E. KENNEDT a BoS. Z bTERM POINTS OF BUPEEIORItT TEND TO KEEP TH EEMNI NGTON ITANDARD TYPEWEITEE Ahead cf an Competitoa. ICELNCZ o DESIGN. ?.ERIORITY OF CONSTRUCTION. EAE OF MANIPULATION. CALL. AND SEE TE NEW IN MODEL WTCEOFF. SEAMANS A BENEDICT. LEL DROIT NUILDING. mN17-t STE AND F STE, N.W. S~~WASHINGTON. D. C.. JUNZ lfS2 I be hi y leosed and rumor myref estate c6ce to the n.e. corner 12th and G. the bull M&=~% =Vu~~ by Ohio National fek Y.~ R.Eostate. Loa sad In. ~~AMK31CAN h IC ON OAL CO.. earamem. jald-. O. c cer 10th and? a te. n. w Fnaneot river Ice only. Bee grade, of fame" Copn books and See coal. saud n ordarmearl Smet.at reduced prices. before price advagsc. -- NOONS A AND 6, XEAL ESTATE TITLE IN build No.470 IA. &vs. m.w.-av- mm=ctle wth My hushand. Gen.L R. D. foer ii law huelnese he has Scontinue to conduct the and~~~ hascrd-My associate Mr. J. H. a te arthe SupremCor 35-aml ELLEN 8PENC M EY. ARE YOU GOING AWAY? We~t ~ ma. retn a ocialty It you a ie oin away for the mummer Vplase Your houac In our h ,ads. we wil endeaver to And you a desir- able tensat. ORN . WIGHT. o l t. ad ITeelence, 4I-10 41 at. a..31-6 "MER1 T E'" XOD ERN IDEAL WVa-cut paramem of unessd qualy At J~pula Prioes. C. C. mRT Ta0CiBE gop S n1th mt 0 NE WEEE OWLI. 'sd~a tceer at Gry memdeed Jit.* All or- LS. 85 S SL s7 ad 6.0 CMadren's th aurm, price Of 0375. EIAEMAN MON.. Manuheturing Taiors and Clothers. i3 Coar. 7th and ests. n.w. XMONE TO LAN AT AND PEE coentoamhowovedor unimproved property 1 a=V W.DOWLING. 612 Eet. a.w. ft EAVE YOU ANYTHING TO BELL? - Then tey my Patented process circulars. IbegaAte k i to progrsive man. 120 000 used inetom aoms durtog May. Why Grp e- Woos on thseft Why kee" that property =W oks! thl em-end nmy =roMie i cran do tha f you I have no In v~8 itforousetBYR!ON d. ADAMS. __ _ U. Un1J A12n11thoat. w. 3~eyrR fOUN FUNNITUNE AND YAW A wththe T N SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANT. ~'4~P~ave. 3N BOAGII A SPEOIALTT. GEN9 S .M.; CLOSES 4:30 7.M3 fe'10411 §P-M.CMIGAN HARDWOOD REFRIGEA 1= 1 N Q N 2:n v. W..ver. G f n e rce mieS~e a-- - VEA TR IN mad' FI Alues N W eAlR E 1 e to o v er o me t hi d if oejt w=aeSlyadpe a blue oval tin tog Ur nee pned hit in white which is a 9136a1 aur ea atsptecovered or uncovred. too ~baced to thsm jaiwO ly ffrw EADTWMDEPATUE IN FINE TAILORIN ME IX DARN. O OT Penei Tl a . sTit from F swap TC mes LFomE 10 upC loInpeI frm t df with hiu.ab at, % 3 TUE -W-EAWTO. FON T K OTE EAND. MOAS?. DTEIE ENEETIOS O1 IN TCE NoAT OA PLETDMB ANNOBaT AN INTEE WMl MTO. AN TEEAN (NN HANT. EACS 003T EEAOTONS N ING4 YEN MnST umaoCs AND NA A W.g~, aT Cam303an2a TSALEI-M ADENTOBEE, ANAWOES OW AH. umul1s ANDVOlET 01 SPECIAL NOTICES. a bele or SIMa does-Misd aknhms. an Gherkins. Battle god ais. Easwm style. Picke man aed erip. Pat up in the e~am mett risagar. lkt*be uendred begiu jSt received. Se dhplayInd "I oest of car north window. A great bseom, am they ae regular Me. good. Quality ae as mosey and hl Alsoe ths meet a esplet. in.e 4 Lea Good e Inthe city. It will pay any persona wt of seb things to hopet oa stock befoe buying. BgSkenre Tense sassenm . &ofth St. It TJOIN TI PROCESSION OF BUYERS. 1zR* he sore had been fairly &live with m for thee 07.50 Light Flanne S oGht to be $10. Of 1: the me.'s S-h-- ta --sm, meake highest. We hawe It. AllIleaher its.in blark and tons.with IL L T~tofatenins And MAt" B. H. ST ITZ I NS 1227 f. ave. u.w. le24 "BARGAINS" IN STATIONERY. @FThere- hardlvoae of=yo that pealt Ad use or these.In prces w compered with the oD nd imoerandum N19t l.. eh 6M Nit.. 6 by 9-Ms Wrting Pper. As. eear n -a. Bottle Good black Ink. Rc. nBle I Black eon, thW t thatv f brett ygste' a chance for econoy he these saeo to buare'esuppy 101 .PARKE. py Boor.1e9h and .tationer. 619 7th e. w. 306 b HOW TALL ARlE YOU1? The m Mty of tailor buy e -yard ottepe (45 In...) EveryaRtterU we buy eceurese r .. mAD.) 00 E re.me (48 nh..in Ie Wfore areason that haoe the trede of a great meny t lm. They apte thie. They et a better ft. eot- telt boare you for a a mo theme JosB Troueries. Allt an were ARE OEYUB. DNG E Ca. 10th end N.eY. eve. is" A NA TY Je-a c ortable SUMMER Su .We're mking such a Suit fo ~.It's verfectIn every elugle weepct.Youllhe proud of It. for it i. made obf.h best ,rater". at it n o multleu In workmaaahfp. s.ete. At WOME h. Droi in sad let a e2| v-n J. L. GESBAUME Artistic rem. 1 431 "RE ST. LS.Z ADON. SON. ST. dsr W"Velvet-shn Lemo#-the gewme mardv-- gareftgrown-woUl rive and full of Velvet-skin juice We saeawane mat eaono Lommm I dealers cry ' ahumbugr end try to are persuade con.Emers that all Lmoke the we alike except o meto in. We ofer beet both kinds-you can meke the cosm- perisom youreelt. Penise Rpftin Wand-wholesaleand retell. is niphoto hoal scom aoo. 4m oEt hr. ~ARE YOU BUILDING A fOUSE? You naty desire stone trhn- mines. They edd rery much Ned utre w to the a btractines o of a dit th uldle end their coat is raw"te compertively tridingly smmill. We make.aself of supplying STONEfr before you buy. Ourtock OT Bee th earj nd our is P""1010 then wemin town. D. -. use" chesrj'lilyllmsihed. J. F. MANNING. Nonuis~mtj Works. 301-1' COIL 14TH AND STS. N. W BARNES D WEAVE man Reel Eaeme atav% ame hour dujelm~ 341WL S !eye.Js. n to 4:00 pm.___ CA TOGIE MtAT THE N T'S LIKEo 0 'SitDIh 75me end bhele t&rrsongh rt under the firm e Worm- ley eeler. attedpn of Blair aend eatwood u de et3ic to 1ta. aithow d beesie- ole by mat consent, the sead Chl Keeler s- a all exetiar deta of the late Airm 0. SMITH WOtLEY. CHARLES KRELLE. 3asi-mt R- AVING RETIRED FROM THE FIRM OF Wan. M. Lawon ot. I des re to sa- nounce to my friend. and the public that I em pre- pard to execute a w l e AMne Cotace2t seNtlrne, ALONZO M. LA SON. Contractor end Builder. jerf3.29 Brilhtwood Park. D. C. szw~l MIRAIR A CIGARS. It dos not uniter who will, he Harrima PresideLt. Ethe will mac e the Mlral~t ciar because It In or the acme of American produc- tion and en ordinary Imported are6md. cigar Is. not hael o ood. Either candidate will encourage home industie.. while we produce the bee. Nobody now disputee the fact that theMIRARILIA IS THR DBST CIGAR EVER MADE. SCOTT a lo. The o i wholse tobacconist In Wasilgto. D. Q~ A O THAKS. ' Lto thank my numerome patrons for thirk Indulgence during removal. The warm wl nat=1l crowded all the laundris. conseqmently ityco notgive me ay astsn... I em now In ba~luf In MORGAN STEAM LAUNDRY 3053-M Pevent oisce 516 L . Sj~n A]BESO AND CLEVELAND ADl REAL ESTAT IN WASHINGTON. AIfeofWashington's futue settled. Eah of the 1Cam" hve eenyo~ ed our yews, and waoderful b" beenr ospomt e o ioatstn during their reign. I rboernment omployere should, wet In the swim beitme wae0pt too deep. I hero a ammahr of 0. afee sale,.agn e .0 JWye nt R ow a: motly em at o s 5.lla J. C3RPEN1TKR. 50tfthM. .r SPECIAL NOTICF. TTNTION. ECCENTIO AEnOrIA. tiQ00ron e-W apNee-There will be a d. fh . . .f St badness. A a A. I. .-A.LL MEMEBRS OF PLACTER- i ~r IL A 16 K.9t U. S ery ~SA4il Amportance to0all. y d t Asembly. JIM4.9 WOXN'U HALL. T 6r1 ST. N. W.- .m.. es~ thatei et fblac.* 'T' Auto, Na m iOna ccOawbr S bIE40= f_____ e ap Ch%~ b2 831EkB. Tomiy =.3@26-2** WASHINGTON. D. C.. JUNE 24. 1M - Kw'! OTCE.-Ail______ haviar dlain C.4 the Sm of AS. 0. NALL& SON et ft C!r them without delay to je~~~e-M*N. A 1.ns fCba .BB b_-INTERERTINGb larsolmofSam at the AreagM of Sunday Her- IKd June 2&. Je06.2t WONDERFUL ACTIVITY! Of land value. nave changed hands within two weeks an ROSSLYN, VA. Th aestll oorner busine lota to be bad of FRANCIS RUTY. Lith and F ats.. j.64 Washingiom. D.C. DO YOU NEED NEW TROUSEBSI QUALITY ensidered. the Trousees pat- tr.wame now clostig out at 5or 0O 7. and 0 have never boom equale tthe bj bth o~ertna of amyother eetab- to make 6 fwyefeta-b.= thee.0a1i sees. SNYDER & WOOD. Model Tailers. 423 Eleventh utreet northwest.- T "FIL THE BIL."-THE PRO. re men are tired of the old methods of 4iaauthinw ores ance and have adopted the which aeasier and les expensrve metbo 4 sing of thi at ite business to" s with a qgahr. Thlive men have sealiad that the Phonograph comeey * We the f1" fjw ve not reelized. toi try a PHO- ORA be convinced. Sold monthly CO VBTA PHONOGRAPH 00., (27E Et. n.w. It K A PLAIN STATEMENT. An interview with Mr.John N. Webb.president of the Electrolibration Company. Bead it in Sunday Herald at June 26. frst column. Arst pagm. J@a2-2U DELICIOUS SUMMER DRINKS VN gzc Medicinal Brandy for the sick. Wark. berry Cordial for thoe who ame troubled with cramps and other summer complaints. Claret fo those who muge with Indigation and want adeuir- able subetitute forlteaand coffee. Delicioum home- made punch for the thirsty. Wines for those in the country or at the seashore, shiied In boxes that dyreontion. Famous Tonics Normors" oo ""t'"waterfor thaoe who .r: *ek and Ti of P Etaac w Jr.dPA50 per dos.n quarts. 614 14th st n. w. Telephone 0. J.4 8 iHOMES ARE HAPPIER Whenthere'nofiesto petertbem. There'll be unne if pvde th pr e meen. AdIasbIM Widw screens. 25c. sach. Wlnt ~ e sqae ter smakting your own screes. 17c. each. Strog Wi liceenDoors. Snubhed with spiLur hi book and eye and knob. Only 90C. YOULL BE COOLER AND THE HOUSE CLEANR I o water the street and lawn frsquently. -e TVosAW". with 60.nlo..mo YbUZ LAWN WILL ALWAYS LOOK VELVETY fcu about twice a week.. It is nh & m the hand o-ythe and plow to te the mews. Think of a tully guaranteed lawn Mower am low ae $3.21 YOU'IL SAVE HALF YOUR MONEY By making yo1W own ice cresin-en haw4 its o a yo wiub. 3.qt. Ice Creamt R=su only 01.3L 4..q. Ie Ceam reearsonly 41.70. BARBER & ROBS. Cor. 11th and G st. nw. 7% ~weeater is hbdvto be eeep rb o bed favedceervcr Conminusaly buying en credit is taking th sure read to porertV. The smart man with.eash should spend i where it will go fart beat. and that is where bul a little credit business Is done. We couldn't aford to quote these pricesif Nw did an indiacriminate credit businaes: Beet gme-seed Lustbaer. S1I per M ewereftet. 4*4m. Flering. 81.89 per A aqgureje. Beet -inck Siding, 1 per im aquareet. Beet Cyprese shingles.4 by g. $4 ver 1.4 LIBBEY. HITTINGER a MiLLER. Lumber and Mill Work. Cor. 6thand N. Y. ave. U.w. J4e VALUABLE INFORMATION CONCERN W.. , nsthe Eleafiroaj. See statement of Mrz John N We. president of tha Elemtrolibtation CO.I 2at column. Srae of mmadog Beretd. June 29 ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF . 1. DOWNEY & 9INS. EARNESS AND CAuMAG EECHANGE. 0121 TE ST.. AWOVE . ONE.TEIRD Oil Of regular paeas.en all Horse Sheeta. NIy Netb, Em Nes. Whips, tra== &cgm Behs labs Beta anma en eher iteMS sspgnes se A imag steak et Nlm Cnutagesae Eerineas at -e u. w. muoom, assima Janea 013 Umied. m.. *usebisamsbberamdti 1..ts....s b h...e..,. Ow. MQ Qe ie sese.QB Ene een - tee..tae asu aphst sh -a seeAss artet Gim e a-Ae sest ,es eastrad eeam geW a e b e em~ * n ag esel m ewg a lel-, ben-' fern meB sn wbiny.e 3at Wuhagt Now wd Gomip. .1skna e,--. - ADTEtIG .........................as T A UE E ENrTS............ ..................... Pase a ATTORNEYS. ..........................PAM 2 AUCTION BALM ................... .......Pae BICYCLES........................................Pase 7 BOARDING .......................................Pae 2 BUINEUB CEARCES .......................... Pase 2 CITY ITEMS .....................................Pa" a COUNTRY REAL ESTATE .................... Pae 2 COUNTRY BOARD ......................... ...P.g 2 DEATHS ..........................................Page 5 DENTISTRY ..................................... Pfe 7 EDUCATIONAL..................................Pog 7 EXCURSIONS 6&................. .............Page 8 ANCIAL . ................. Page 1 FOI RENT (Flas) . ...................Pag 2 70 RENT (o0io).............................Ph" 2 FOR RENT (Room) ........................... P0 2 FOR RENT (Roma)..........age 2 FOR RENT (Stim) .............................Pae 2 FOR RENT (Smab ........................... Page 2 FOR RENT (ame.) ..P2..................Par* 2 FOR SALE (Harmm amd Vebis) P..a............Page 2 FOR SALE (Rasm.).............................Pane a FOR SALE (eft).............................Page 3 FOR BALE (wa.on..... ..................... Phir 2 FOR GAUj Pbsa.)............................Paes 2 <E..................................Pae 2 INSURANCR...................................Page 2 LADIES' GOODS..............................Pa 8 LEGAL NOTICES................................Pab" 2 LOCAL MENTION..........................Pmge 0 LOST AND FOUND.......................Page 2 MANICURE-....................................Pas 2 MEDICAL ........... ....................Page 7 MISCELLANEOUS............................Page 6 MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN...........Page 2 NOTARIES PUBLIC.............................Page 2 OFFICIAL NOTICES............................Page 2 OCEAN-STEAMERS..........................Pale 7 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS.....................Pase 7 PIANOS AND ORGANS......................page 6 PERSONAL............................. .ge 2 PROFESSIONAL.........................age 7 PROPOSALS......................................ge 2 RAILROADS.....................................Page 7 SPECIAL NOTICES............... . Page 1 SPECIALTIES....................................Page 2 STEAM CARPET CLEANING...............Pase 2 STORAGE-........................................Page 2 SURURRAN PROPERTY.....................Page 2 SUMMER RESORTS................... Pages 2 and 7 WANTED (Board)................................Page 2 WANTED (Help)..............................Page 2 WANTED (Eoquse)............................Page 2 WANTED (Rooms)...............................Pae 2 WANTED (Stuations)...........................Page 2 WANTED(Miscellaneou)..................... 2 GovzaixxT REcErPrU ToDAT.-Internal rev- onus, 495,631; customs, S5*5,665 JuL1r A.WonsnmA-has been appointed fourth- clas postmaster at Negro Arm, Va. Gui. J. W. FosTar has returned ftoma shert business visit to New York. SoLIcrTo PAaTarnoo of the State Depart- ment haa gone to Boston for a few days. JunoZ Cao1esZ, assistant secretary of the tremaury. has been away from the department several days on account of illness. CEoLERa In BerA.-'he State Department is kformed that cholera has appeared at B- New PaNriTLTAIAr BAI.-T1e controler of currency bas authorized the First National Bank of Chartiers, Pa., to begin busiaes with a capital of *i,000. Goxa To OArLAN.-Seeretary Yoeter and Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Batbbowm went to Oakland today, to remain until Xon- day. Acts Areb ra.-The Presient Aeday e proved the act conirming the New Madrid lo. cation survey No. 2,475 in Boonvie. No., and the el directing the iasue of dulate United States bonds to the guardian of J. Parr . _2 Tuu PasINT has designated Samuel V Holliday, commissioner of customs, to perform in addition the duties of ifth auditor of thi treasury during the temporary absence of th auditor and his deputy. CommITTEE oN Corn BAos.-Mears. A. L Sturtevant, Walter 8. Eaton and Jerome Wii of the Treasury Department have been ap pointed a committee to consider proposals fo supplying the department with begs for use b the storing and transportation of coin. Tas Paasraxxa's CALI.u. -The Predent'i callers today included Senatora Hale. Proto and Sawyer, Representatives Crain, Brookshire Johnston and Smith, Mrs. Elen Poster, Mr Henry Gleason of New York, the P.t.es.i General, Rev. Dr. Bartlett. GoIs oN AN IxaPWTuM TOUL.-4e. Grant asistant secretary of war, has gone on a tour o inspection of the posts at Jef'erson barracks Fort Leavenworth and Fort Omaha. He wil be away about four weeks, and will spend a portion of the time at Minneapol. MAZ. OvaXaN HAS RMoxua.-Maj. LAwil G. Overman of the engineer corps of the army who was recently tried by court martial a Cleveland, Ohio,for alleged irregularitias in hi aceounts, has tendered hisresignation and it he been accepted by the Preident to take edec September 21. 3j. Overman was formerly i charge of the water work. of the District of C lumI. - NAVAr. Oa~n.-Lieut. Come=ma==g 0. W Parenholt has been detached from the Bot. navy yard and ordered as light homse inepectoe of the thiruenth distriet, July Slt next, reler lug Lieut. Coader W. W. Rhode., who il pleced on waiting order.. Naval Csdetsumash Halley and Win. A. Mafet to the training shi Por-mth. J~~I. 1. Laby froma thi Cashing and to the Saratoga. MnaE BAND Coucma.-The fellowing is th progras ot th Marie. Hand eameert e lafayette Square teinerrow ofteeseen, ms aseagatso'elee: Overue, "DeimNatr; Auher; dese "Amghm" B..ax -cnt "~Umn of the ? ger.'5p Shor; "he r~ejase (b reume), Ueas march, "Femasi~l" (b e , geM soic air, "ad emh Pimmeva-Athr . Ie Beay et Gehf nali, A. E. 0 reP etna'h, Wu. Ha m at Jeesp and 3. aSerms et New Task -s a Wae.--Brasy Meer, et New Teuh Theodis.e Leg af m~a mae am . m~asgam et Newr Yeak -s atof a d 4.-.-N. S. Thsyeeed of Ia~. I, ineu.et of amey, J. . 3--.yet se. Yorkand C. K. Demlbussa Oer m a thbUit.-4C.. I igfe eh Ryne of et 5.3.e Geoulhm ese a FIGHT OVER A WORD. T. S&uen - fUr a" m ge i. T1lhllT FLIDIE8 LOTALTT. District Reprentatives at Chicage Friends Again. qrEm TEMUR"mO NEWS. va sme ON saLVE1. Room VIEY OXa wni 5ft a rws Emie ,te er *tthe mus ggte i- Cmcao, Jume 2.-Theatory frem to insi of the remAimble ght iathe p erm eam- mitte en eiver is told by Themmms . Patter an of Denver, who was o oa the pdart- eipants in the struggle. Mr. Patteo amid: "The comteemesy eer| the coinage Plank reo almost e sens that apon the rf was daspoed of. The aloer r0- tio that had bdepardandeered by Mr. Jome was the one around which the for a long time oentered. Thea in favor of free et and dim at an etab aed ratio, metal in beth dene to be of samme intrinsic valuem. "Discmmion,"eentinead Mr.Patteremm,"aeee as to the use of somme the w Crd iit. and it commenced to dvlo t the one obnoxious word In the rMam wa" 'fre' For a l time it was ured upon the one tha~t 'fes ees be eliMnated;oa theotherthatithoeld nat,Uen- atmore McPherpou and Vias and ex-emater - ard claiming that the word 'fae"' ae0e ing to the force of the relation, which ey maintaied did declare for tee bimn..tan eaim- age. It was asked if without a ward fee' I Is a free coinage Plank why did thiy object In the use of the word? Why notny atthepeeplee the United Statees in .mieaMlan cisdy what rmeant tT thi it was p that the word ws a catch word. whic,ae applied to ae.was of- feneive to thousands in the eaern nd mrth- western state, and tht it would boe vote to the party thout being eem to ao t.e td.red..Whe this -o. .e.e wmm proposed to atles out the obeentem weed and - "s the wa. 'for.theie- in it. .6. so that the pert of the me..ation nder Assmb- mia would reed folowe: 'We held to the - of both gold and Oiver al the n md of the country, and the ce-mer e bothg and silver for the holders thereet VNIh O- crinme-ion again either metal but dheoabg for coinage.' "t was pointed out," Mr. Pereen sad, "that the teat of free Coeage after eliwas te colnage of gold end dver $s Q holdere of the bellon and met by the government of bene Aeat pr- cheaied by' it for that purp1ee; th11 111 is the way in which gold is oimed ed en whek direr was coined until its --Mmo-ift in '167g and that it weuld ws ah the word 'free,' or i of it the wee 'far the holders,' it would, so tar an the plage was concerned, antiafy the free dier -ma at th "atr McPhereon a m engts ad- mit that the reolutien where th word meer was ocaneined in it or the wee peeed to be -abetlined did met men the m-me eig a withoat tha. am1 totldw egybeomtoaft aet W r. ~eu wes e and probehaby eeted t free e10ge mn, beeving that Mr. aeeahed weold veot any free cobine assmere, wemtad em eher 1as to windward so t at th eopalen af be term we coeldetilimitedee---"* w ewmga edto hee b ibeDO and ~ ~ them d d pledg be fulfilled mby hai -. We pee out that rmolation as we Seom willing to Go% it -oneded ah meat exacting deman of the of fee coinage a1 they wM We @oa& them if they wer bimetae hew tl es ob to the free coage et liver et the me intrine valas wft geld deIa, and if they did not object t they shed oepese a plain delawation to that 4e610 "The controversy ade livery eere am ea oponnt wul oned aeetay~g b"t aclear~~~ delrto o lec eOrawme of ua~ that nooemrfy mat" the -m thing. .were told t It de"medstmtd what democratic has ainsaen S med- that the real fuaamea dmmm, between them and their eo-calied bimeeuli.im, wa that hee amen deM.ad a dob.e Or geld aeiver Standard of valns, whie their appemnt ws, at heart, single gold mhanhu. winng to ar under th~o thbu~sbu e cakmight be f t eaf amd ah" ingle "That w m e the eleaed," Mr. Patterno. eulned "we Ion, with ex-Snamtor Bpard, -MI 6h active opponents of h nqemt of free coinage me. I amter D2Ml end I were the active flee eIa 1e0. Mr. 3ome being chairman ef the __ - mmaned meutral is controwmey, while .'Aimm of Tmemt ma, former eessaemi= r e falen sake nader Mr . "A @ouengttoet a prf er~nbehalf asee s eredthimun the -hem-mn-- pasy Thme ee me se- "We mses have 4eetad *he GEes hase et aie nd unti an casermb to as- .vr tn.eIe Inneig ...n... Mr.eemtte.ees at~d -m Mamnime worne et maJ3A der. Te mbesmttee reportedto s feDs ----lt-- ati . 'ee en to eat e the eenetie me evring en mehlbte etsse dier ed 'Ee herqhet i neder de -a out mi e. winess its wh -im as mms r assmeian, we esit mas am me um .~m ob a e- -insbard s..sa.... in ac tote..m ££&a a -ne in ~ms amme. a show. seme me aseomeUnn mum& knew sases m..besr Was..N... emm am- ode" teamet do asoeneset an -esque is 69 MhOW Munt. no 6swaleffe was gOw bift avemple and as eao made atmap -pehi meemassin wath is. ..aldml e "hm ao s pa.t The us a fie do Woomaenn mapool,es sema GA mn.L D eubtog =mAw as ee is weisunwa, kerng dambe er asM ...lmi4el ne -e - =ln at . do me..de Proen. o Modese af atlm anaa ailoee Ow eg be Dease IkL as detess * as eu Blod bemaem.e hid we e- seo eve adeems leftas bspdemtoemas at as nmand eae.m, bet they ve* al- WWa ley"S when do time -onne to uate for be so 'eYSme GMAY to et seoul cated be- toes bimalr as& amel . and mYees am as- aem-FI It to baee ben seedy am adoth. e hT e wied eer 10 Mr. Ntds, bb amseer, mA itredem bin as aen gadded to the hibghet v- spee from his -~as. .....am. al corn- me him to he mweaies meld . abl wesbe. Menu obeteh hads eardiay th DMe= and do buma la to Diserict deoneeeer wn quley aml greeaet hm..l. J. P. . so Rm vPLmmm E*Tae.TW. me - IbM 1.... wt mm -. ca.e CEawaoo, Jane ML.-Sicherd Ceeew plods the lummmay vote to (beeand. Speaking of the tihes b. .ys: "We wm upport (reeah Vas eartily we usod have M. "-..dem...a... ad . we aeo".r... w we for him Why obeeld saw ow doubt owr lev- ay to ae " z"l. aui""om ao ka.... ne d t. G.w. t,..- hi. "e ar bin hems be is a gal ema.When hi wasn Grot andotnlmt post- Maoser gemna be for turnng out evew 7 =1 acn and putting a Aeocrat in his plae. e . h. tisn e. a e.a. .. ew ras delolmee wintgo homedo work loTally for be he l. uowllL" la tike ahvace o te mow&s at beAge-he- I I.I dripping d-m-c.t. who ieaded te City ld Monaday the ree. t.a.y Pr.ent a compmtaivdY quie1t appmaaae. e. Gray'. amy beromers weta.k to .di..a lad ..h. ...eL. m.di am . bman MR the cay es less trein. The OMm. too wee. hem a might. Raving soIno rs-o ies Mores~ Cam- bell boing declare hif no candidae. ..a.e'e":ware 'i-a t ar. EMy at tho Iows e abe lk thei A*.- lAst sight, but may @M reininG. The as~lat all diogruatd. 2Uey 44"k&.Ida .1 3.1 with eqadoiy. the more e, It is believed. hams they at No time my hapel be , him. Mir I"a van to putbin s "insu far IOU. have beeesse th I er m t Tomnummy k town a the t.Tb Ip e e a.m Ie low - eeve. . e r t the doal% wht S .hetI anm S1I ma 0MeIm ae y.we" grim wute"0aI.:an-- '"..--.. M:rer.M e. '|"e r hi m : .M AMeeen& heing po as .i.0 . .I S .i. t. - .&Ibee fene. Am hor the ee.r= .be., ab.e to --ema- ble o epinie onto 40ml 1 ae .emeamtie. Most of Om we stasled. bub two mt he d"gmies at ba wE him wta hiavy hts-aer ct mme Carolna. The Aiver qmie lo whin wu s fit oenaf- mesand h" bees Is be ese e far 6e Ca.- snsle ml othear dssr ses 1.- m.- Is aetbes lai. al us Muenim es ton, bth e in m by mnesagem do um fina Afti by I @ II Emisdopeaboeatmeemeu. AN-. bewaver 6e erd at o e ga A i4ou ae e-ma Lda tres desan to simeate ae -e amn Wm;, OEs wIaee.wa wasammn 11e ombsegb ..p.t . . Io... g -....- , .ealo .. MR wUth we t g t ..e.a... e- ap~d on 60 Is 1101h401 hu mldiy-,eees..o 6.ad.te- M2 hm M f ab eaftes.Emm. adieft o m book.ar in d"m pm- b ~y orap ey.es sesyal ho or ko- pn sa was hia b. a a ps~semtbe~- aim. we hmve ma-1t a des~ de dwnme mehwsbts, ml e be- 42ry0 a m.- o. 3amwt 6r aLAiat ndd e ml by er eeegmelt o. basats fr. 6.mbeaBee abei. sm ewayes eR-n e. A hs ama e eln .e d...d. s em.s,.. hi..shalseamlee by eag bern. do h wy prerm hUal s. el ie ee.si sm fra- Ehese be s.L. selds la aem uttinthsesmla ree osanadsomee ames a am s .===sse laame a atn ... sa marsssmn.., amalm see -ar er - -mm U. e t Whla t Wth se am, Lamsa, n. am L- a ssa to e 3ui re tur beneup Qd Qi beldeed Qdie hm m -nsll awain Q- Qua b lada are anis mle nen ml hi eua en basheerDaml wub mu al" hi .Mb E m- semanage sendet helUm ee nah duua, Ws.asae be ~ u- e manlee es atme asseenen ila b ag o b teameneseseag.entemaase b sam m. m am rQ sammar hiamme

L.T -. .f S&uen ge St %*oter fblac.* Reprentativeschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1892-06-24/ed-1/seq-1.pdfV.. 80, Na 20,295. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 24, 1892. TWO

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Page 1: L.T -. .f S&uen ge St %*oter fblac.* Reprentativeschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1892-06-24/ed-1/seq-1.pdfV.. 80, Na 20,295. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 24, 1892. TWO

V.. 80, Na 20,295. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 24, 1892. TWO CENTS.

THE EVF2IJG BTAB.~uinm AMKY. ucza v mud.sa



B. - 4oMuss to sm 4.it a.raasa

wrma ftfi o wi mw atocm m

NWP All swllnam mb~m


Tm NADONAL 8"m Dti..aaViue A"m TVWT CVNUIR

Com= RITE Or A"D 53W OSE AT&

Charles" wW metof Cmismam. 1337. and meft cc Ot.. wS. sm Yak. Ifi

CArnAL: 051 311.1*0 DOXIAREalot afe*m 600 e - Parn

MM CzM ml TS amid - ie m &IIIGNMIMIsles anew"a mam Ofm a" Wasam SL

UqNI Amfthenw Wa"e dehmgm0-41toAMoff a khalimmlm. ~ u-awmT

31 AN IL JONES. WWlr VfrePh&.

Ah~ . saew.

IL Ibm C. Jl~. d



Tbft =ri.dm" JULY s uat tdmn tal bm"u em buy 5 arems Ar 65 dow a" SMS In twetImaly iaMmt.L


VW, Coo.pradv* Town Comspmy Staek Itthatbeamt on the weablaglom inset today:3am. is pWoU..f hee retum and t Val" IN

IsM a mlmi esa atusly owmed by the company.- I-- ewary gdoI~Uarembed Pmyiow to July 1 -Ml

be dimmled ta value by *be eomiao al sa dow

s hee. hmndad sawn ne ow ewgdbulld,hr 1 4and ml w ry~aw to ausplet Ild oad by

but a wen-onambnabd and proasboam

mind by a.w Duar of DtreetmuMansm the pa, *It M, ofth comay In bentad to

So vrbeM mira tebeanml agalculturl a' ad

hem, 00 ecampmy pamelaly ovw. a. w aVamews. Valley andtbaalatehl. madilgImDwsa, a.e evazpmy Is today makftw hmy.hfemmo evry lot oar.. evwy reatuelsm a"

wesy dead of any dewitrbu.b am&* taa.e Itolus adTa eck. No outait. Am... Utackboldem standtios . heomid Is,. stock bs the powntoI whieleasy prom ceuve a" mlUpon wVia ey dkvbfdmi


Lm&I 317105. COAMA. T. *TorNo.

31 Allende b~il%Ads - W hra mistt ad Colsmabiu

T-. 1[ - mr S9 -N

TaVE.m. CuEsmswaudInosulf or6apmulothe

m or pproved seerity.

LzWi1 30ENSoN a 00.. .m.asa,

31@16-11 Dh. uing.335IdF.

Yeu. W L




)''D &NATIOAL CAPITAL AM .Atansiee o the hbo. of. di me a I "S2heat leja aial~oeum dividnmi 31par ewe(63aharz the .0wta ath yeadc&. pya

TiE3AWr booka will be chwd bun Jums is July5. ot dto'tclusve. W. 13L NA Lft :



.. S. C1MAM. ra. . F. o..t.fthm.. . P. mdm

OAo Jr.e NtjC'W-fdp.

F.TN. r . e. .. this py..IL.. ew. XE. bet . .=1241i Wti~m I~Li.


which. hm .8th.t f~matr e Stan..~~Thdekt f "Ae rulesotbfe n~an M ..rIA

P&V.aw maeinmagm II 6d esss. besf.

btooM wilhout 1.folnsmThe "ieerwnatatu. w ostaftm wn erg

wheteve alperting oceua"6m. ,Iwd-une&ues.h.6b gWker .m...*efdeth. Thee~y--asemef the poet. that the ph be pid....eed.er trell perticular..ederfe NOW Tcr A&4b -vs eI

OA... IS Pat. .W. JeD-im



To .aee dedring a ibeal .d al IaIm t we-m-m eura pe c &.ye.r ertisem.-- -er cast p-d .. .auler Depsite.-

To c.. bw 1..00 SL om s as Re Estate.mewity man pay it tock . the ta t of613 per mth.

0wer unpgeisdauted opprtuaity fortevesw.am.r--m..as .ith .b..lat. .ewoity. M.Ab .sm. Sm


WITE GUARANTEED VALUE OF O.W.Allmse wrowed by beat real .te. lAmm.as

Uini.r the peruo..l insectam.1 the .Smr af the, .o. Slhty gums.Teow rn Ml=b

w.eLa CbinIMM~oiwieeinetIA.tO3AR MiON D1 M AN .......................Preseoi t

ANDREW WALL........Vim. Pseidat l N....arALONZ TWKDALE,........................ esetoy

sEoSE m3n8....... ............T..mar.

XEW. . YORE..... .. ......* t.M Dagodmo.TIO V.mWI...*Au. c , 3m. Dpu

C0L 3U.I... R .. .


NIN FUND OMUNCIAThe em enehAes for e sew

comsy. Vnw, am audintm byr ofdj am-

.iodrh kn.. lamb~.et~ s .a

tam -""W-P fkaom 41. bito;=ft arlrm*r. - a

. Tp t....b..9..= ...... ..

Three boidle ownue by the puie of odd

=aw r at coust s ir.m d aw. a V ea= =taagwt the ym w mafl to low~maet the o.. c. a tce.. ha a10k.

fumi forer le EW E at miaturity. and th"k4.000 lerybi a e bom theagou rersamul

"'WueeiYaueoftheprpet of the camly

er... re t1205 a AuNtW ~qay~aiSelaMi of cm.v

the~~M~M AY Or UK ILa ~g

atte ai dah m a. Wmtew

1306.3 ILWILLIM Ckeeh Sw__JN0. V. Cousion. JxN.!.xjrt.IIL3

swrmln w. wcaM '

Da..-SIOO.D .


manmkinear =no

whem Tabs ea. ATE 5W03 2.LVS

n=""lso a-*a


2 7 t.WRINGO. .C&a arooe SbashLbe Dan"~in~wl


L.T @."IE5 -. . ".



&at rsatoail%*oter1-0To.orw u

I thebyat t mnagther thb

WAMbUe.. L C..ame 11, IM i.

~az sM0OVAL NOTICE,on the compleio. of improvements andthe enlasmeent of our ptown store. 1126Coma. ave.. about September L we will

onliae our two store and continSue thehsines at116Coma. ave.For the neat D days. commencing June

31. we will oferour surplu stock at12SFst. mugretly reduced prices.

.JiS4 0EO. E. KENNEDT a BoS.




Ahead cf an Competitoa.





mN17-t STE AND F STE, N.W.

S~~WASHINGTON. D. C.. JUNZ lfS2I be hi y leosed and rumor myref

estate c6ce to the n.e. corner 12th and G. the bullM&=~% =Vu~~ by Ohio National fekY.~ R.Eostate. Loa sad In.

~~AMK31CAN h IC ON OAL CO..earamem. jald-.O. c cer 10th and? a te. n.w

Fnaneot river Iceonly. Bee grade, of fame"Copn books and See coal. saud n ordarmearlSmet.at reduced prices. before price advagsc.- - NOONS A AND 6, XEAL ESTATE TITLE

IN build No.470 IA.&vs. m.w.-av-mm=ctle wth My hushand. Gen.L R. D.

foer ii law huelnese he hasScontinue to conduct the

and~~~ hascrd-My associate Mr. J. H.a te arthe SupremCor

35-aml ELLEN 8PENC M EY.

ARE YOU GOING AWAY?We~t ~ ma. retn a ocialty It

you a ie oin away for the mummerVplase Your houac In our h ,ads. wewil endeaver to And you a desir-able tensat.ORN . WIGHT.o l t. adITeelence,

4I-10 41 at. a..31-6

"MER1 T E'" XOD ERN IDEALWVa-cut paramem


unessd qualyAt

J~pula Prioes.C.C. mRTTa0CiBE gop

S n1th mt

0 NE WEEE OWLI.'sd~a tceer at Gry memdeed Jit.*

All or- LS. 85 S SL s7 ad 6.0 CMadren'sth aurm, priceOf0375.

EIAEMAN MON..Manuheturing Taiors and Clothers.

i3 Coar. 7th and ests. n.w.XMONE TO LAN AT AND PEEcoentoamhowovedor unimproved property1 a=V W.DOWLING. 612 Eet. a.w.

ft EAVE YOU ANYTHING TO BELL?- Then tey my Patented process circulars.

IbegaAte k i to progrsive man. 120 000used inetom aoms durtog May. Why Grp

e- Woos on thseft Why kee" that property=W oks! thl em-end nmy =roMie icran do tha f you I have no In

v~8 itforousetBYR!ON d. ADAMS.__ _ U. Un1J A12n11thoat. w.



3N BOAGII A SPEOIALTT.GEN9 S .M.; CLOSES 4:30 7.M3 fe'10411


1= 1 N Q N 2:n v.

W..ver. G f n e rce mieS~e

a-- -VEAT R IN mad'FIAlues NW eAlR E 1 e to o v er o m e t hi d ifoejt w=aeSlyadpe a blue oval tin togUr nee pned hit in white which is a

9136a1 aur ea atsptecovered or uncovred.too ~baced to thsm jaiwO lyffrw


ME IX DARN.O OT Penei Tl a .

sTit from FswapTC mesLFomE10upC

loInpeI frm t df with hiu.ab at, %3






W.g~, aT Cam303an2a TSALEI-M


umul1s ANDVOlET 01

SPECIAL NOTICES.a bele or SIMa does-Misd aknhms.

an Gherkins. Battle god ais.Easwm style. Picke man aed

erip. Pat up in the e~am mettrisagar. lkt*be uendred begiujSt received. Se dhplayInd "Ioest of car north window.

A great bseom, am they ae regular Me. good.Quality ae as mosey and hl

Alsoe ths meet a esplet. in.e 4 Lea Good e Inthecity. It will pay any persona wtof seb things to hopet oa stock

befoe buying.BgSkenre Tense sassenm . &ofth St. It

TJOIN TI PROCESSION OF BUYERS.1zR* he sore had been fairly &live with m

for thee 07.50 Light Flanne SoGht to be $10.

Of 1: the me.'s S-h-- ta--sm,

meake highest. We hawe It.AllIleaher its.in blark and tons.with

IL L T~tofatenins And MAt"B. H. ST ITZ I NS1227 f. ave. u.w. le24

"BARGAINS" IN STATIONERY.@FThere- hardlvoae of=yo that pealt Ad useor these.In prces w compered with the

oD nd imoerandum N19t l.. eh6M Nit.. 6 by 9-Ms Wrting Pper. As. eear n-a. Bottle Good black Ink. Rc.nBle I Black eon,thW

t thatv f brettygste' a chance for econoy he thesesaeo to buare'esuppy101 .PARKE. py

Boor.1e9h and .tationer. 619 7th e. w. 306b HOW TALL ARlE YOU1?

The m Mty of tailor buy e-yard ottepe(45 In...)EveryaRtterU we buy eceurese r

.. mAD.) 00 E re.me

(48 nh..in Ie Wfore areason that haoethe trede of a great meny t lm. They

apte thie. They et a better ft. eot-telt boare you for a a mo themeJosB Troueries. Alltan were


Ca. 10th endN.eY. eve. is"A NA TY

Je-a c ortable SUMMERSu .We're mking such a Suit

fo ~.It's verfectIn every elugleweepct.Youllhe proud of It. for iti. made obf.h best ,rater". at it n

o multleu In workmaaahfp. s.ete.AtWOME h. Droi in sad let a e2| v-n

J. L. GESBAUME Artistic rem.1 431 "RE ST.


W"Velvet-shn Lemo#-the gewme mardv--

gareftgrown-woUl rive and full of

Velvet-skin juice We saeawane mat eaonoLommm I dealerscry ' ahumbugr end tryto

are persuade con.Emers that all Lmokethe we alike except o meto in. We ofer

beet both kinds-you can meke the cosm-perisom youreelt.

Penise Rpftin Wand-wholesaleand retell.is niphoto hoal scom aoo. 4m oEt hr.

~ARE YOU BUILDING A fOUSE?You naty desire stone trhn-

mines. They edd rery muchNed utre w to the a btractines o ofadit th uldle end their coat is

raw"te compertively tridinglysmmill. We make.aself

of supplying STONEfr

before you buy. Ourtock OT Beeth earj nd our is P""1010then wemin town. D. -.

use" chesrj'lilyllmsihed. J. F. MANNING.Nonuis~mtj Works.


manReel Eaeme atav%

ame hour dujelm~341WL S !eye.Js. n to 4:00 pm.___


N T'S LIKEo0 'SitDIh 75me end bhele

t&rrsongh rt under the firm e Worm-ley eeler. attedpn of Blair aend eatwood

u de et3ic to 1ta. aithow d beesie-ole by mat consent, the sead Chl Keeler s-

a all exetiar deta of the late Airm 0. SMITHWOtLEY. CHARLES KRELLE. 3asi-mtR- AVING RETIRED FROM THE FIRM OF

Wan. M. Lawon ot. I des re to sa-nounce to my friend. and the public that I em pre-pard to execute a w l e

AMne Cotace2t seNtlrne,

ALONZO M. LA SON. Contractor end Builder.jerf3.29 Brilhtwood Park. D. C.

szw~l MIRAIR A CIGARS.It dos not uniter who will, he

Harrima PresideLt. Ethe will mac ethe Mlral~t ciar because It In

or the acme of American produc-tion and en ordinary Imported

are6md. cigar Is. not hael o ood. Eithercandidate will encourage home

industie.. while we produce the bee. Nobody now

disputee the fact that theMIRARILIA IS THR DBSTCIGAR EVER MADE.

SCOTT a lo.

The o i wholse tobacconist In Wasilgto. D. Q~

A O THAKS.' Lto thank my numerome patrons for thirk

Indulgence during removal. The warm wlnat=1l crowded all the laundris. conseqmentlyityco notgive me ay astsn... I em now In

ba~luf In MORGAN STEAM LAUNDRY3053-M Pevent oisce 516 L .


AIfeofWashington's futue settled. Eah of the1Cam" hve eenyo~ ed our yews,and waoderful

b" beenr ospomt e o ioatstn during their reign.I rboernment omployere should, wet In the swim beitmewae0pt too deep. I hero a ammahr of 0.

afee sale,.agn e .0JWye ntR ow a: motly em at o s

5.lla J. C3RPEN1TKR. 50tfthM. .r


tiQ00ron e-W apNee-There will be a

d. fh . . .fSt badness. A a

A. I. .-A.LL MEMEBRS OF PLACTER-i ~r IL A 16 K.9t U.S ery ~SA4il

Amportance to0all. y d t Asembly. JIM4.9WOXN'U HALL. T 6r1 ST. N. W.-

.m.. es~ thatei etfblac.*'T' Auto,

Na m iOna ccOawbr S bIE40=f_____ e ap Ch%~b2831EkB. Tomiy =.3@26-2**

WASHINGTON. D. C.. JUNE 24. 1M -Kw'! OTCE.-Ail______ haviar dlainC.4 the Sm of AS.0. NALL& SON et

ft C!r them without delay to

je~~~e-M*N. A 1.ns fCba .BB

b_-INTERERTINGblarsolmofSam at the AreagM of Sunday Her-


Of land value.nave changed hands within two weeks an

ROSSLYN, VA.Th aestll oorner busine lota to be bad of

FRANCIS RUTY.Lith and F ats..

j.64 Washingiom. D.C.

DO YOU NEED NEW TROUSEBSIQUALITY ensidered. the Trousees pat-tr.wame now clostig out at 5or 0O 7.and 0 have never boom equale tthe

bj bth o~ertna of amyother eetab-to make 6 fwyefeta-b.= thee.0a1isees.

SNYDER & WOOD.Model Tailers.

423 Eleventh utreet northwest.-T "FIL THE BIL."-THE PRO.

re men are tired of the old methods of4iaauthinw ores ance and have adopted the

which aeasier and les expensrvemetbo 4 sing of thi at ite businessto" s with a qgahr. Thlive men havesealiad thatthe Phonographcomeey * We the

f1" fjw ve not reelized. toi try a PHO-ORA be convinced. Sold monthly

CO VBTA PHONOGRAPH 00., (27E Et. n.w. It


An interview with Mr.John N. Webb.president ofthe Electrolibration Company. Bead it in SundayHerald at June 26. frst column. Arst pagm. J@a2-2U

DELICIOUS SUMMER DRINKS VNgzc Medicinal Brandy for the sick. Wark.berry Cordial for thoe who ame troubled with

cramps and other summer complaints. Claret fothose who muge with Indigation and want adeuir-able subetitute forlteaand coffee. Delicioum home-made punch for the thirsty. Wines for those in thecountry or at the seashore, shiied In boxes thatdyreontion. Famous Tonics Normors"oo ""t'"waterfor thaoe who .r: *ek andTi of P Etaac w Jr.dPA50 per dos.n quarts.

614 14th st n. w. Telephone 0. J.4

8 iHOMES ARE HAPPIERWhenthere'nofiesto petertbem. There'llbe unne if pvde th pr e meen.

AdIasbIM Widw screens. 25c. sach.Wlnt ~ e sqae tersmakting your own screes. 17c. each.

Strog Wi liceenDoors. Snubhed withspiLur hi book and eye and knob.Only 90C.

YOULL BE COOLER AND THE HOUSE CLEANRI o water the street and lawn frsquently.-eTVosAW". with 60.nlo..mo

YbUZ LAWN WILL ALWAYS LOOK VELVETYfcu about twice a week.. It isnh & m

the hand o-ythe and plow to te the mews.Think of a tully guaranteed lawn Mower


By making yo1W own ice cresin-en haw4its o a yo wiub.3.qt. Ice Creamt R=su only 01.3L4..q. Ie Ceam reearsonly 41.70.

BARBER & ROBS.Cor. 11th and G st. nw.

7% ~weeater is hbdvto be eeep rbobed favedceervcr

Conminusaly buying en credit is taking thsure read to porertV.The smart man with.eash should spend i

where it will go fart beat. and that is where bula little credit business Is done.We couldn't aford to quote these pricesif Nw

did an indiacriminate credit businaes:Beet gme-seed Lustbaer. S1I per Mewereftet.4*4m. Flering. 81.89 per A aqgureje.

Beet -inck Siding, 1 per im aquareet.Beet Cypreseshingles.4 by g. $4 ver 1.4

LIBBEY. HITTINGER a MiLLER.Lumber and Mill Work.Cor. 6thand N. Y. ave. U.w. J4e

VALUABLE INFORMATION CONCERNW.. , nsthe Eleafiroaj. See statement of MrzJohn N We. president of tha Elemtrolibtation CO.I2at column. Srae of mmadog Beretd. June 29


. 1. DOWNEY & 9INS.


0121 TE ST.. AWOVE .

ONE.TEIRD OilOf regular paeas.en all Horse Sheeta. NIy Netb, Em

Nes. Whips,tra== &cgm Behslabs Beta anma en eher

iteMS sspgnes se

A imag steak et Nlm Cnutagesae Eerineas at -e

u. w. muoom, assimaJanea 013 Umied. m..


1..ts....sb h...e..,.

Ow.MQQeie sese.QB Ene een

- tee..tae asu aphst sh

-a seeAss artet Gim e a-Ae

sest,es eastrad eeam

geW a e be em~* n ag esel mewgalel-,

ben-' fernmeB sn wbiny.e 3at

Wuhagt Now wd Gomip..1skna e,--. -

ADTEtIG .........................as TA UE EENrTS............ ..................... PaseaATTORNEYS. ..........................PAM 2AUCTION BALM ................... .......PaeBICYCLES........................................Pase 7BOARDING .......................................Pae 2BUINEUB CEARCES ..........................Pase 2CITY ITEMS .....................................Pa" aCOUNTRY REAL ESTATE ....................Pae 2COUNTRY BOARD ......................... ...P.g 2DEATHS ..........................................Page 5DENTISTRY .....................................Pfe 7EDUCATIONAL..................................Pog 7EXCURSIONS 6&................. .............Page 8

ANCIAL . .................Page 1FOI RENT (Flas) . ...................Pag 270 RENT (o0io).............................Ph" 2FOR RENT (Room)........................... P0 2FOR RENT (Roma)..........age 2FOR RENT (Stim) .............................Pae 2FOR RENT (Smab ........................... Page 2FOR RENT(ame.)..P2..................Par* 2FOR SALE (Harmm amd Vebis)P..a............Page 2FOR SALE (Rasm.).............................Pane aFOR SALE (eft).............................Page 3FOR BALE (wa.on..... .....................Phir 2FOR GAUj Pbsa.)............................Paes2<E..................................Pae 2

INSURANCR...................................Page 2LADIES' GOODS..............................Pa 8LEGAL NOTICES................................Pab" 2LOCAL MENTION..........................Pmge 0LOST AND FOUND.......................Page 2MANICURE-....................................Pas 2MEDICAL ........... ....................Page 7MISCELLANEOUS............................Page 6MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN...........Page 2NOTARIES PUBLIC.............................Page 2OFFICIAL NOTICES............................Page 2OCEAN-STEAMERS..........................Pale 7POTOMAC RIVER BOATS.....................Pase 7PIANOS AND ORGANS......................page 6PERSONAL............................. .ge 2PROFESSIONAL.........................age 7PROPOSALS......................................ge 2RAILROADS.....................................Page 7SPECIAL NOTICES................ Page 1SPECIALTIES....................................Page 2STEAM CARPET CLEANING...............Pase 2STORAGE-........................................Page 2SURURRAN PROPERTY.....................Page 2SUMMER RESORTS...................Pages 2 and 7WANTED (Board)................................Page 2WANTED (Help)..............................Page 2WANTED (Eoquse)............................Page 2WANTED (Rooms)...............................Pae 2WANTED (Stuations)...........................Page 2WANTED(Miscellaneou)..................... 2

GovzaixxT REcErPrU ToDAT.-Internal rev-onus, 495,631; customs, S5*5,665

JuL1r A.WonsnmA-hasbeen appointed fourth-clas postmaster at Negro Arm, Va.

Gui. J. W. FosTar has returned ftoma shertbusiness visit to New York.

SoLIcrTo PAaTarnoo of the State Depart-ment haa gone to Boston for a few days.JunoZ Cao1esZ, assistant secretary of the

tremaury. has been away from the departmentseveral days on account of illness.

CEoLERa In BerA.-'he State Departmentis kformed that cholera has appeared at B-

New PaNriTLTAIAr BAI.-T1e controlerof currency bas authorized the First NationalBank of Chartiers, Pa., to begin busiaes with acapital of *i,000.

Goxa To OArLAN.-Seeretary Yoeter andFourth Assistant Postmaster General Batbbowmwent to Oakland today, to remain until Xon-day.Acts Areb ra.-The Presient Aeday e

proved the act conirming the New Madrid lo.cation survey No. 2,475 in Boonvie. No., andthe el directing the iasue of dulate UnitedStates bonds to the guardian of J. Parr

. _2

Tuu PasINT has designated Samuel VHolliday, commissioner of customs, to performin addition the duties of ifth auditor of thitreasury during the temporary absence of thauditor and his deputy.CommITTEE oN Corn BAos.-Mears. A. L

Sturtevant, Walter 8. Eaton and Jerome Wiiof the Treasury Department have been appointed a committee to consider proposals fosupplying the department with begs for use bthe storing and transportation of coin.

Tas Paasraxxa's CALI.u. -The Predent'icallers today included Senatora Hale. Protoand Sawyer, Representatives Crain, BrookshireJohnston and Smith, Mrs. Elen Poster, MrHenry Gleason of New York, the P.t.es.iGeneral, Rev. Dr. Bartlett.

GoIs oN AN IxaPWTuM TOUL.-4e. Grantasistant secretary of war, has gone on a tour oinspection of the posts at Jef'erson barracksFort Leavenworth and Fort Omaha. He wilbe away about four weeks, and will spend a

portion of the time at Minneapol.

MAZ. OvaXaN HAS RMoxua.-Maj. LAwilG. Overman of the engineer corps of the armywho was recently tried by court martial aCleveland, Ohio,for alleged irregularitias in hiaceounts, has tendered hisresignation and it hebeen accepted by the Preident to take edecSeptember 21. 3j. Overman was formerly icharge of the water work. of the District of ClumI. -

NAVAr. Oa~n.-Lieut. Come=ma==g 0. WParenholt has been detached from the Bot.navy yard and ordered as light homse inepectoeof the thiruenth distriet, July Slt next, relerlug Lieut. Coader W. W. Rhode., who ilpleced on waiting order.. Naval CsdetsumashHalley and Win. A. Mafet to the training shiPor-mth. J~~I. 1. Laby froma thiCashingand to the Saratoga.MnaEBAND Coucma.-The fellowing is th

progras ot th Marie. Hand eameert elafayette Square teinerrow ofteeseen, msaseagatso'elee: Overue, "DeimNatr;Auher; dese "Amghm" B..ax-cnt "~Umn of the ? ger.'5p

Shor;"her~ejase (b reume), Ueasmarch, "Femasi~l" (b e

, geMsoic air, "ad emh

Pimmeva-Athr . Ie Beay et Gehfnali,A.E. 0 rePetna'h, Wu. Hamat Jeesp and 3. aSerms et New Task -s aWae.--Brasy Meer, et New TeuhTheodis.e Leg af m~a mae am .

m~asgam et Newr Yeak -s atof ad4.-.-N. S. Thsyeeed of Ia~.I,ineu.etof amey,J. . 3--.yet se.Yorkand C. K. DemlbussaOer m athbUit.-4C..I igfe ehRyne of et5.3.e Geoulhm

ese a

FIGHT OVER A WORD.T. S&uen -fUra"m ge i.

T1lhllT FLIDIE8 LOTALTT.District Reprentatives at Chicage

Friends Again.qrEm TEMUR"mO NEWS.

va sme ON saLVE1.Room VIEY OXa wni 5ft a rws

Emie ,te er *tthe mus ggte i-

Cmcao, Jume2.-Theatory frem to insiof the remAimble ght iathep erm eam-mitte en eiver is told by Themmms . Patteran of Denver, who was o oa the pdart-eipants in the struggle.Mr. Patteo amid: "The comteemesy eer|

the coinage Plank reo almost e sens thatapon the rf was daspoed of. The aloer r0-

tio that had bdepardandeered by Mr.Jome was the one around which thefor a long time oentered. Theain favor of free et and dim atan etab aedratio, metal in beth deneto be of samme intrinsic valuem."Discmmion,"eentinead Mr.Patteremm,"aeee

as to the use of somme the w Crd iit.and it commenced to dvlo t theone obnoxious word In the rMam wa"'fre' For a l time it was uredupon the one tha~t 'fes eesbe eliMnated;oa theotherthatithoeld nat,Uen-atmore McPherpou and Vias and ex-emater -

ard claiming that the word 'fae"'ae0eing to the force of the relation, which eymaintaied did declare for tee bimn..tan eaim-age.

It was asked if without a ward fee' I Is afree coinage Plank why did thiy object In theuse of the word? Why notny atthepeepleethe United Statees in .mieaMlancisdy what rmeant tTthi it was p that the word ws acatch word. whic,ae applied to ae.was of-

feneive to thousands in the eaern nd mrth-western state, and tht it would boe vote tothe party thoutbeing eem to aot.e td.red..Whe this -o. .e.ewmm proposed to atles out the obeentem weedand- "s the wa. 'for.theie- in it. .6.so that the pert of the me..ation nder Assmb-mia would reed folowe: 'We held to the -of both gold and Oiver al the n mdof the country,and the ce-mere bothgand silver for the holders thereet VNIh O-crinme-ion again either metal but dheoabgfor coinage.'

"t was pointed out," Mr. Pereen sad,"that the teat of free Coeage after eliwas tecolnage of gold end dver $s Qholdere of the bellon and met bythe government of bene Aeat pr-cheaied by' it for that purp1ee; th11 111

is the way in which gold is oimed ed en whekdirer was coined until its --Mmo-ift in'167g and that it weuld ws ah theword 'free,' or i of it the wee 'far theholders,' it would, so tar an the plage wasconcerned, antiafy the free dier -ma at th

"atr McPhereon a m engts ad-mit that the reolutien where th word meerwas ocaneined in it or the wee peeed to be-abetlined did met men the m-me eig awithoat tha.am1totldw egybeomtoaftaet W r. ~eu wes eand probehaby eeted t free e10ge mn,beeving that Mr. aeeahed weold veot anyfree cobine assmere, wemtad em eher 1asto windward so t at th eopalen af beterm we coeldetilimitedee---"*

w ewmga edto hee b ibeDOand ~ ~ them d d pledg

be fulfilled mby hai -. We peeout that rmolation as we Seomwilling to Go% it -oneded ah meatexacting deman of the of feecoinage a1 they wM We @oa&them if they wer bimetae hewtl esob to the free coage et liver etthe me intrine valas wft geld deIa, andif they did not object t they shed oepesea plain delawation to that 4e610"The controversy ade livery eere am ea

oponnt wul oned aeetay~g b"taclear~~~ delrto o lec eOrawme

of ua~ that nooemrfy mat" the -mthing. .were told t It de"medstmtdwhat democratic has ainsaen S med-that the real fuaamea dmmm,between them and theireo-calied bimeeuli.im, wa that heeamen deM.ad a dob.e Or geld aeiverStandard of valns, whie their appemnt ws,at heart, single gold mhanhu. winng toar underth~o thbu~sbu ecakmight be f t eaf amd ah" ingle"Thatw m e the eleaed,"

Mr. Patterno. eulned "we

Ion, with ex-Snamtor Bpard, -MI 6hactive opponents of h nqemtof free coinage me. I amter D2Ml end Iwere the active flee eIa 1e0. Mr. 3omebeing chairman ef the __ - mmanedmeutral is controwmey, while .'Aimmof Tmemt ma, former eessaemi= r e

falen sake nader Mr . "A@ouengttoet a prf

er~nbehalf asee s eredthimunthe -hem-mn-- pasy Thme ee me se-

"We mses have 4eetad *he GEes hase etaie nd unti an casermb to as-

.vr tn.eIe Inneig ...n...

Mr.eemtte.ees at~d -m

Mamnime worne et maJ3A

der. Te mbesmttee reportedto s feDs----lt-- ati . 'ee en to eat e

the eenetie me evring enmehlbte etsse dier ed 'Ee

herqheti nederde-a out mi e. winess

itswh -im as mmsr

assmeian, we esit mas am

me um .~m ob a e- -insbard

s..sa.... in ac tote..m

££&a a -ne in ~ms amme. a

show. seme me aseomeUnn mum&

knew sases m..besr Was..N... emm am-ode" teamet do asoeneset an -esque

is 69 MhOW Munt. no 6swaleffe was gOwbift avemple and as eao made atmap

-pehi meemassin wathis...aldml e"hm ao s pa.t The us a fie doWoomaennmapool,es sema

GAmn.LD eubtog =mAw as ee is weisunwa,kerng dambe er asM ...lmi4elne -e- =ln at .do me..deProen. o Modese af atlm anaa ailoee

Ow eg be DeaseIkL as detess *as eu Blod bemaem.e hid we e-

seo eve adeems leftas bspdemtoemas

at as nmand eae.m, bet they ve* al-WWa ley"S when do time -onne to uate for be

so 'eYSme GMAY to et seoul cated be-toes bimalr as& amel . and mYees am as-

aem-FI It to baee ben seedy amadoth. e hT e wied eer 10 Mr.

Ntds,bb amseer, mA itredem

bin as aen gadded to the hibghet v-

spee from his -~as. .....am. al corn-me him to he mweaies meld .

abl wesbe.Menu obeteh hads eardiay th DMe=and do buma lato Diserict deoneeeer wnquley aml greeaet hm..l. J. P. .

so RmvPLmmm E*Tae.TW.me - IbM 1.... wt mm -. ca.e

CEawaoo, Jane ML.-Sicherd Ceeew plods

the lummmay vote to (beeand. Speaking ofthe tihes b. .ys: "We wm upport (reeahVas eartily we usod have M.

"-..dem...a... ad . we aeo".r... wwe for him Why obeeld saw ow doubt owr lev-ay to ae " z"l. aui""omao

ka.... ne d t.G.w. t,..-hi. "e ar bin hems be isa galema.When hi wasn Grot andotnlmt post-

Maoser gemna be for turnng out evew7 =1 acn and putting a Aeocrat in his plae.

e . h. tisn e. a e.a. .. ew rasdelolmee wintgo homedo work loTally for be

he l. uowllL"la tike ahvace o te mow&s at beAge-he-I I.I dripping d-m-c.t. who ieaded te

City ld Monaday the ree. t.a.y Pr.ent acompmtaivdY quie1t appmaaae.

e. Gray'. amy beromers weta.kto .di..a lad ..h....eL. m.di am.bman MR the cay es less trein.The OMm. too wee. hem a might.

Raving soIno rs-o ies Mores~ Cam-bell boing declare hif no candidae.

..a.e'e":ware 'i-atar.EMy at tho Iows e abe lk thei A*.-lAst sight, but may@M reininG. The

as~lat all diogruatd. 2Uey44"k&.Ida .1 3.1 with eqadoiy. the

more e, It is believed. hams they at No timemy hapel be , him. Mir I"a vantoputbin s "insu far IOU.

have beeesse th I er mtTomnummy k town a the t.Tb Ip

e ea.m Ie low- eeve. . e rt the doal% wht S .hetI anmS1I ma 0MeIm ae y.we" grim

wute"0aI.:an-- '"..--.. M:rer.M

e. '|"e r hi m : .M AMeeen&heing po as.i.0 ..IS .i. t. -

.&Ibee fene.Am hor the ee.r= .be., ab.e to --ema-ble o epinie onto 40ml 1 ae.emeamtie. Most of Om we stasled. bubtwo mt he d"gmies at ba wE himwta hiavy hts-aer ct mmeCarolna.The Aiver qmie lowhin wu s fit oenaf-mesand h" bees Is be ese e far6e Ca.-snsle ml othear dssr ses 1.- m.- Isaetbes lai. al usMuenim es ton,bth e in m by mnesagemdo um fina Afti by I @ IIEmisdopeaboeatmeemeu.AN-. bewaver 6e erd at oe

ga A i4ou ae e-ma Lda tres

desan to simeate ae -e

amn Wm;, OEswIaee.wa wasammn 11e ombsegb

..p.t .. Io...g -....- ,.ealo ..MR wUth we t gt..e.a... e-

ap~d on 60 Is1101h401hu

mldiy-,eees..o6.ad.te-M2 hm M f ab eaftes.Emm.

adieft o m book.ar in d"m pm-b ~y orap ey.es sesyalho orko-

pn sa was hia b. a a ps~semtbe~-

aim. we hmve ma-1t a

des~ de dwnme mehwsbts, ml e be-42ry0am.- o.

3amwt6r aLAiat ndd eml

byer eeegmelt o. basats fr.

6.mbeaBee abei. sm ewayes eR-n

e. A hs ama e eln

.e d...d. s em.s,.. hi..shalseamleebyeag bern. do hwy prerm

hUal s. el ie ee.si sm fra-

Ehese be s.L. selds la aemuttinthsesmla ree osanadsomeeames a am s .===sse laame a

atn ... samarsssmn.., amalm

see -ar er -

-mm U. e t Whla t Wth

se am,Lamsa, n. am L- a ssa to e 3ui

re tur beneup Qd QibeldeedQdiehm m-nsll awainQ- Qua bladaare anis mlenen

ml hi eua enbasheerDaml wubmual" hi .MbE m-

semanage sendet helUm ee nah

duua, Ws.asae

be ~ u- e manlee es atme

asseenen ilab ag o b

teameneseseag.entemaase b

sam m. m am rQ

sammar hiamme