WASiHINGTOmEEBAID SUNDAY ATI HIST 28 1910 I I i 4 r i I THE WALL STREET NEWS Dullest Week in the Market Since 1907 Panic POLITICS GIVEN AS THE CAUSE Totnl Trnnnnctlona ot Day Involve Only Biffht Stoclw with Sales of 1000 Slmrcs RnilrondM Venker and Trndinp in Unnally Active In dnitrlals Becomes Stnsmnnt Naw York Aug 27 Total tranBfliotlons on tlTe stock exchange today wero less than 100000 shares Not slnoo tho stag- nant period following tho panlo of 1001 has so little businesfl been done in any markot session Moreover today in only eight stocks wore transactions abovo 1000 shares and three stocks Reading Union Pacific and Steel common supplied more than tx othirds of tho entire turn over Half an hour before tho close there had been no sala ot whole groups of stocks in which ordinarily there is consUloraW activity such as the Hill stocks Northern Pacific Groat Northern and Groat Northern Ore tho Southern group Louisville and Nashville Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railway Rook Island and Wabash recently closely as soofetod In spaculatlon and Important trunk lines as Brio and Baltimore and Ohio It is doubtful It oven in tho stagnation following the panic thero was at any- time market with such a narrow range What little trading there was was on tiroly professional with price movomontfl In narrow rang and net changes only fractional at tho end Only in the Den- ver and Rio Grando shares was there a price movement attracting any attention whateverj theso shares accompaniment of the publication of the companys annual report showing sur plus earnings erual to 4 14 per cant on the common stock M compared with 17 per cent tn the previous year Railroad Shares Weak Tho course of tho stock market was reactionary thrdughoutthe week With tho railroad shares rather weaker than the industrial trading became less and less active as tho week advanced One of the most discouraging features was the sub stdienoe of the investment which last week showed some signs of a return to animation In bonds In which the trans- actions last week hold out the hope of permanent Improvement the slackness of tho investment demand was quite as strik ing as in stocks For this deterioration in the markets tho reason generally assign- ed was renewed political activity display- ed in the seeming turn of political events in favor of Col Roosevelt in tills State in tho hearty reception accorded him on his Western trip and In President Tafts reported recommendation of further ofnho tariff Reasons for waiting for a readjustment of complicated busi- ness and financial conditions been abundant enough before those political developments supplied another deterrent against purchases of securities Investors naturally determining to remain away from the markets until a reasonably cor- rect Idea can be formed as to govern- mental policies In tho future The tendency of bank clearings this weok been again toward contraction Clearings for the week showed a decrease of K per cent from the corresponding week last year In the railroad business an improvement is indicated by a decrease of 29000 in the number of Idle cars but tho decrease was principally duo to the rapid movement of tho grain crop to In terior centers and there the surplus is still good as compared with 38000 In January and 14000 In February In money the trend of events was generally favor- able throughout the weok The banks Chipped SlGOOOM to Canada and large mims to tho Interior and the tendency ol Unto money rates was toward increased firmness but the bank statement today showed a loss of about 1001000 in surplus reserve and loss of but 2416000 in cash The surplus reserve remains at 484iQQO which seems to bo a sum more than ample to cover all known requirements of crop moving and other business NEW YORK STOCK MARKET QeetotlMM fantobed tr W n Httte Co- me bes ef UK New York Stock Bieheace HftbsI- JeifcMep Ml Boner Opea 1 Ueji 1 low IK IK SALE OF SIIAUB6 BY noUns Shares to 11 K m 6XWO Shares to tt a Ifijfco RAILROADS Opni High Low Owe Atafe rev 3 Efe com 97 K 9- BeKfcsere OWo IttK m MB Brooklyn Traaeti Tfft 71 Tl N- Cbenpetite Oblo 3 n n- fhk BD G W eon M chi m at P m m- rbk BB K W com W Heaver Jt Rio Orawk cem A te Gnase pM Hi T Ml fM Erie em 3Hfc K Vft- tireet XortberapM 1WH M t W UK Inter 3Ietro cots 17 Mil KH 1HS Inter Matrix pM 4t- Mexkaa Central tUg Wf S W MK Ma HUM Tex cow M4 M Jttt 3t M S P S a K cera UM 188 18 18- 3MitMari P d s KH sm MK Mr- N Y Ceetnl Bed It Ill 111 1M INK Xortlieni Pwisc Wit imi Hilt tXfA- IenfleyrmDito 19O6 KMK m m- KeMtog eon A 1M Ufa 141 Rode Uked con 39 3IH 3m- HouUHra PacKe coat 113 IB 112ft ltt- ToledB St L W cm 22 22 23 2- TMede St U W pCd 4e 4H 4K PMMc eom MR4 MK iI Itttt UHbMhpfti Wit MM 9K 3S- VUowwhi Cootwl eon CO SO 10 INUU8TR1AM- Amlpiiuifed Copper M M 64 H- Am Meet Sugar eon Aa Can An ran pfd H 4 H 8W4 ft Fdjr 900 Am loo Sesuritfei 19H MH 194 Am Smelting lief cow 68S4 SJ- A Smeltinn lid pfd 104 mH W M4H Am TV A Tel HSH 19tH 1SSH Central Lrathrr fwn 33 O 3 3S- Cowolldated Gas N Y 129 131 19H I9H rum Irodnots Ref pfd M H u ll rMMillfT Sccnrttirt 2T V nrrat Electric 141 Mt M National Bicntt eena 110 1- Ioopfe1 Gas of Chfcaffo W- 6Ir ed Sleet coaa 34 U a Realty Imp torn 71 u s sui com H aw ant U S Steel pfd 115 IBfc 118 1 R BONDS Attflecn crt 9Mi H 9M n 11 T get U IVt 11 8Hi P B Q joist 4 Mi MM NK C R I I 4 7 7t TW TW Penr rlT ni JIM UIS K N w U 8 Steel tt h MM N9K M MNi largest Morning Circulation LOAN SOCIETIES OX DIAMONDS JKUTBLKY a t A 1BUeetbrapla lastltaUoiv- iHO EXTRAS Itetercnee Aay JiRaadtl- kMtitnUon IB tbe city Re- d pdow made ITOM pa m brokers and ww tana iv- aned at treat rcduwd- Mrirg to Ute borrower PRUT1SNTIAL LOAN SOaETi Ground fltwr N W Cw nth MId O sts- frlrtU til tatnnc Traneactiooa itrictlj coo tUtoUal t has a I oi lIB k 51 54 I2D M4 J4 MI ft DenY 41 k 141 I It 35 35 MIL AlL Car JM6 A to 1 ISI mil rr III 1JI IGI 3W If t Ie n i1 71 81 I 41 114 Wit k crt W ATc CAPITAL 1WtOO re- vision had I die t flit W StL k fl ii t Sti i t 4 31 l 411 t- UnIc II a 4 354 t 5 45 4Pi t it W m let 31 Wit Wit S a1WiL MONEY l70t02 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > PRICE CHANGES FOR THE WEEK Washington Stock Exchange Amount Bonds 2010 Washington Gas cots 918 Capital Traction 8s 6000 Washington Itwy Bloc 4s MOO Potomac Electric pens 6s Opon High Low Close 100 109 100 114 114 114 114 1 lob 101 100 101 u- 16918 Total amount of boftfls Shares Stocks 44 Capital Traction S3 Washington Rwy Elec com 6T Washington Rwy Eloe pea 110 Washington Gas 91 Mergonthalor 73 Lanston 10 Nor Wash Steamboat 28 National Metropolitan Bank 10 District National Bank 7 Union Trust 10 U S Trust 129 129 114 114J4 114 U- l308 Total sharon of stocks r f r I r 100 S3 81 S3 S3 Y I 199 120 8811 S8 8 N jI 73 73 217 tIS 218 S1 82 210 20 210 196 9lQ 106 310 132 J2 133 IS 1l2 182 132 34 323 323 33 SS 28 2 SO3fJ 210 132 1144 < < QMiattena furnished br W R HHAs Ce w n New Ywk Stock Bxdwnge lllhba OHM toe 1W Atted State Oaa 8K 1116 HritWi Oolwnbb Copper K Untie CeeJtUoa B If 9 6 Ml- m 8W6 7 Tfc- BH T CIa M K Cobalt OMtral T- Kb Central Oirtmx Cower S ioMfleU VoaaolWaled- UrNM CMMBM Lake s Manhattan TrmMtt 1 Mist W- Mioee Oa t AtMrioa fi- SNeradaUtfth S Corp NlpteMi C Mtew Co M Ohio Ooppv t Rawhide QtwHtton j SB Sioux Untied Oepper United jrfd- Yakea Gold GoWlteW Ftereacc- Nerwia Uflk 11 3- 031itt 3KU- 1KI3 21M XEW TOUK MONEY X vr York Ass 37 Momy oa can was aomtaoUy k p r cant tod y Dttttog the week the suriiet- ntlwl rtsy CMT armnxf IKilM per seat fc t of the thee A geed man IMM vm nad at un- ttHMl rate of per emt Oa Mmdar nud Tunday loans iraro BMd at IK and 1V4 per cent Wadoca- d r 1 and 1 per cent Tkondajr at IVtalH pet emt aad FrMaJr 1K 1 CMC raoneT was Ulgbtlr firmer sod in better d- aand at the dose of UM wwk The Mppljr WM ample sad broken reported an menaced boataaw- Mcrantik wee in Mxmvrhat better d and but buateaa All ramalofd very Mrfbt A good a MrtnmU Mafetrade oasa wee offnvd Kath SHaWi per cent for aixtj and ninety days iadeised receivable S afi per cast for dvoioe four to BwuUM ftacto name IK per for oUtan BOSTON COPPER STOCKS Quotations funrfshrd or W R Hlbba O- BHmlwn f tlw Kew York Stack Bxcbapg Illbil- BnildiaR UM Aak dr- AdmHora V SK 6- Bobnnift pH 6 Bud DMMUon SH 19 Cahmet and Arisen CO 60 Calumet and Uoeie M KB WO Copper Rags 6 97 Beat Vh 8 FraukUn MVi 11 Indiana 15K 18H JU SODS N Wi Maatw VaMejr K Marfentkaivr w 37 BO- Mich 4 f Mohawk M 4H4 North Belie 23 North Lake M UK 8 r TM- iSirrott IS 11- Q ioey 12- ShABMMt 4 9ra Sooth Lalie M M- iioporter and MUAtmrj Wt Swift MK Tamarack C 6 Trinity OMMlUated aK Victoria 1- Wrtiartno Ml K3 GOVERNMENT BONDS York Ass 27 Bid and asked prices OB got cmmet seenritiee DH Asktd- as registered JIll Nt ttlVi fc couon MB Ml Ml- aa rep t red mIN 11 1MK coupon JftBtt m NfS- areslaterad M US 11SH 116 JlfK Panama Canal W jear S r z 1M Mt Panama Canal lt30year SB reff UK Ml MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Xenr York A t 27OtofiHg atMtaUons of maicel- lajMons bonde New York Stale Erie a 0 Onal 4 Wft New York Central iHa N Ateafeon Tow SanlA pea 4s A T S F ett 4i tem receipts full paid 12- Cental Leather Sa 19- CMeano Bnmnftoo QatncyIUhwis 4 M- Oifcaw Rod latead Pac rfg 4 Cbicaao laland lOt Is 7WI Colorado Southern 4Hs- Oeneral Electric crt 9s 1 H Norfolk Weatem ODD 4 Norfolk Western cit 4 Wk St Louis Iron Mmtutata Southern 4 m Southern Pftdnc crt 4 aT- Wabaafa rf 4e SK Total aafet NEAV YORK EAAIC STATB3IE1XT- AetmL Noaoemtor- r M n4ca w in tor Specie UUON SJST OO 8KIWJ- LtgeJ tender l llfiCO- tDepeeito Sraj t Cheedation 13UD- IOA per tent 28JJJ- DocroaM Hereaie iReeerr mr8- iJ COTTON MARKET QttoUUoas faratohcd by W n milk Ue- raemban of the New York Stock Bxtbange HUM OttfMtog New York Auax A MCM tutmoU was noted at the opening of the cottea market with tnteteat- eentertoe in the Auguftt eoatract nIB deMwy gained aoaatalag Hke 3C points setHtie up to lUG making a new nigh record It was aLe 85 points Ugher than price of yesterday moran equal to H a halo Corering by sited came or the advance After touching 190 August went don to 1675 under liberal offerings aad tIteR went up to 1689 The Mg BwiDRi In did not UTe a pcdal effect en the general mar- ket Thor WM no gea ral efltort to bull the Au rust OMitract V Outside ot August opeuute prices were S to M hIt on Arm ahowwR br forefcm market Then carae a aright felliag OWWR to Knttered offerings The general ran at buetoeea HoIst t Low Ctote- Ammst Iu73 N90 ItW October liO 1X 1U1 ASS Dccembtr y lUt UN li HL- WJaunarr UJ9 tt IXtf BALTIMORE GRAIN MARKET Baltimore Aug ZTWHEATStock in eteraton- IJMMl bushel ahlptBenta from etevaUm WO bualiofe Sales of caraoea on paM L for No 2 red M for No rill K for special bin steamer No 2 red W for stock ateaiMr Ko 2 red for special bin rejected and tt for stock wjecled Bate teto by NHBte as to quality and condition 73 81 a 88 98 H T sod M i bushel SeUling- Mfees Contraet UHK No S tad Western IMA No c merNo S red 9SKst ua- er N 2 red Westera COlUCatoek in dcnton WL02 buabda ship- ments from elevators S3B6 busnete Coatnct BMC spot nixed eora 67 ta okrators 4 882 bMh4s sblp menta tress elevators 83B bmbcla X 2 white 31 atnndard white 3a tt No 3 white 3SH S7 No 4 white 30aW- 4UYEStock m deiatorn J7 bnehete ship meets frow ckraton 1 bushel No 1 rye Wentftn dojaestic 78 SJ No 2 ryee teni do- mestic No 2 M lo Quality and oomjttkm- Na73 No 3 rye Wwtfrn domestte No 2 fW nearby 74 No 3 rye nearby 7w71 JF- KLOUn Winter extra sew XlmXe do now 48alZ do atralafat sew UtolA do pat- ent new OQaS00 spring slier do straight JSai69 do patent 3 atW city mills brat ptrtnt 639 do higharade patent 34 do traJght choke famtly 409 rifts 3MI373 Tie lour medium to choice 4SaLfO coremral pet 100 lbs 15PsL90 largest Morning Circulation i i I CURB loIUUEl lien st the liar 5 1IaIeatJo wr 4i 5 a TM Keno II 1146 ltt1 I n Ray Coesolidatod J8t fi 1 the 1 at pet Ut teat Old Do8tiIIIe 35 6- Ollf I Jat n is IS LIllIe Jr If Utah 31 Psi New lit F Ma Padle If riix ion mull lltiervss tMIi- 1nrla s 2m ititt 1II of the was the ta off was ID a II spot 3 nil 9M1 AlI 731 IR 1 Wi4 lie 031 31 4 j i Tie per bin six Butt 45 PsI 361 3 I I 31 Ito III L 31 3 I L Atones L773175 1 a act 1161300 StaiN 31WJIr ioaca motto Aegis it Web iLl 31 i tO OATStodc des In 43 aIN < < < > ¬ BALTIMORE PRODTTOil MARKET Aug ST QuetatleiM bf UMllraoW Pratt wl Produce Association are as leNmw BinTBRCnMSMiT raaej1 llx 3e30 choice S fta2 do used 2 4 2 dev iffliUtkm 2 i- att pdnta W 3t do blocks ladle 23 Maryland anti Pvemflvattia 22 Ohio roll West Virginia rout 21 torei e4 21 YirglHte sad Peitatyirania eUlrjr pri U S proem butter 34a- VE003llarjl l PemujrlTaHia Ants per doe II Western SI Simtkeni onto B Wet Virginia flrt S gnlitca een LIVE POULTRYCbickeM princ per lb 1- 6da small and medtarn M oM ken per ft booty 15 Mull to medlwm 14 old rootim per lb 10 Hiring kirue per Ib 16al7 do mall to mediwB Mai dock per lb 13 do BwaU K do nraervMr and rMMRrei ItaiZ afiring 3 Ibt aDd ow 13al4 do MMU r 12 idgeOM young per 15aa do oW per pair 29 cuinea each POTATORBWhite near hr rr bwlwl tiles Ba do WeM ra Marrtand and PeBtMtrif le- liime Matt do teeowb 4 W RaBpahaanoek terse per barrel lSCalCQ do Eaetent Shone bury land Xo 1 LM LCO awe t yellow per barrel North CaroUm Ir5at yams North Carolina per barrel new LMnL7 Potoeiac MW U al7 Rap pabamioefc laU ORKKX FRUIT AND VBGETABtB8Appie natty Hanctt per bbL fancy 14KNl8 to Matt 60 TS do per box StaM do per VfcbU UaJiet- 40nW do Western Maryland and packed per bbi 2WtZ beets native 4 2 eabbaite satire per M6 LStetOO onlatoupea York tIm per crate 30ae Potocoac crate JBaH do uathf yer basest Sam celery New York per bunch airit con nell t pot do sager 8a2 do Virginia per doc foS eocnmben narhv per baeket 18a damaom Marytood and Tr tM barre ICOtOM do pun biw baehet Efcff do bus box lW onioo Rapptbaonodc liarrel- 19kL6 do Manland sad Peooaylvaoia yeflew pus Hiss SEeai peacbea Florida med Georgia pet crate LMaUQ do Maryhnd and Vlrslnk pos bus lidS da per Vbesket da laney lartct 4fe7S da per carrier OmiW peers Kaetera Shore beeket 39aS aittaah per batket- MOI Item beam natlre per boa loot 6te7S wax per late Ma 0 tomatoea Petomae pot MMMket carrier 3 M da RappahejModc carrier SleW do Shore Harytand pus carrier JBaflS da natire pot Vba MAefttt POT bm XoM irateraMteM North Carottaa per XO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Quotations furnished bjr W D HlWn Co ratrabtn rf the Chicago Board of Trade IlNte BaDdteC- WoBBD ABS STA better tone has derelopcd to the wheat market sod pri went M from ye- tentoy dote to LOiK DecemW sod IJtSK for Majr ta the Ant hour ShlpmcaU wen 8HtK bneh- eto Preorccta are that there will be a WR iaereiwe- m the rWble avppiy Northweateni receipts eara agalnM 3H an last year Corn adranced with wheat catntoe H erar yes terejgr doatos seirttiK n to K for May nd for September There WM no preaMre of offeriDR SUpmenU were llrJW UusHtis acaiwt l a000- boahekt lest year Oatt sea up Kc with ours and aa Kartemt imy taC Reeelpta for the weak were S13MM bmeei- wWok are the afensre ahbooch UHC Jessie JW bMbeb from the prevtoue weak Shrpnieau were 1UIJM bushels ajaAM 211X091 btukob teM load Tradlot M prorMona bee bees Ifebt with MUJ- eebange ic prfcw Most of the bwltioM JIM beets m- traaaferriaR trec M from near to dteuat ftrtarM nee prices WIn sinuous with Ttoripta t 09 bead and 7000 expected on Monday sad MMXX wwk agniast year WHEAT Open Hleh Low cleat SeoUaber 99 LOOK 99 lW December 103H 1JMU I H lWH COItK- Septembor fl S an EOS 61 Doccnber SSK SK C3 SOU OATS Septembcr 34K K SiK MV PUBIC Septembar SOO S S LARD Septembcr 11J5 1SCC 1196 allis Sentarater U9T 1L30 12ST- Ne r York Aeg SFVirjaTFiraer3- 9J5 a 1239 ie- Qwfcy New Net 1 NorUwna apriee t arrH f a b 1 54 Ka S red now f ak J3 Xa S herd f a b LIt Na 1 meoanwi L a k 1W aew No 1 Mamttoba T ak 1WS Quotatlooi are oa rail buN Reported taken by esportera 4t lush part ria Montreal sat BalUaaor- eCOKNnrmcr quiet Steamer MIMI mal export basis export Xa S namfaml 71 itemeetic in Mat Briwtew took aothwg WHBAT Opto Hk Low Clots September LWH 1H LOdtl L K December 1MK LU LUfc 1WK tWit Lf4 LWi CORN Septembcr WH December 97 May NEW YORK PRODUCE NW York Aug 2TMILLFBEDStea4r t trade Spins bran JkSOaSJS stand i4 aMdHoo US city bran 2JW in bulk Weetwn red deff H to arrire winter wheat bran in IWlb wck to arriw WJ8- OATSSteady quiet trade No 2 wWto 39 No 3 white 39 No 4 white 3SVi white OB trail Stan Quotations all for ew FLOURStwdy aman bnei e9 Kaaeas straight 5fiea a in wck soft straighto 44480 Ja bar tel prioe pattotta 7fa600 ID barrel S dears 46084aX- RYB FLOURSteady trade Is lifeless Choke brands auoied at 400at4S- CORJOlKALrEasler iwjulry is moderate KH trial for export JJO coarso meal in bass L3GeL- 30HAYRewipta 1003 tons steady lifeless QBO tatione are ion new Prime tlmetbjf LSI Xo 1 110H11S Xa 2 10Jal No 3 STILVWReee4pU 90 totes trade i dull Lone rye quoted at Ka0- BBKFStcady limited business Packet lCO family 1900BWJ9 PORKSteady trade Mess 2J50aS00 family S00a250 LARDSt ady slew Prime Weatem 1155 dtf KXO rcflncd continent 1278 Bontb American 1340- reflnod Braadin kegs 1450 oleoetearlae llallVt brd atMrioe dull New York 1314 lOCAL GR4IN MARKET GRAIN Wfceat vcr bushel SOaSS com hclls buabcl flfaTS cob 375aCOO per barrel oat Western white No 2 per bushel 4SnM mixed per bushel 4IatO bran per ton STO midJIIncs per ton VGQ HAY AND STRAWHay Western No 1 SW Na 2 mixed 2ZW beau at local settles 190 straw rye Uwdte 1100 straw tie machine NOO Uavr wUeat per ton 550 straw oat per toe 8W LIVE STOCK MARKETN- ew York Aug 27CATTLER celpU b d DreeKd beef quiet at for nature TaS for Texan beef Liverpool and London cattle and beef markets nncbanRc- dCALVESRtceipta C63 head Pikes wets full steady for veals and stronger tot We tvni Veala were quoted at SaQsll00 per 100 pounds throwonts CMaB00 Two cars of Wee ora calves fold 7 4aSJI Dreend calves firm at halT for cUr draaetf vcala 1 UH for country dressed IWSaU for dreetcsl buttafmilks SHEEf AND LAMBSHeceipts 5SW head Sheep were steady to strong lAmb Arm to fie hlRher with a goed clcaraace of the pens Com WPB to vrinw sheep soW 300a462i4 per 100 pound evils S30 dreswcf niHtton steady at SaW per pouted iltxKi lambs lIon at W aH- HOiiSIteceipts 2408 N nc for sale aliTC Nominally steady da for all weights VASIIIXGTOX MARKET CATTLE Extra per SOa70Q da butcher IWaS O do common 203a38- 0HOGSPer cwL cross 9Ma8jO do ordinary 800 6HEElrlrtEe 3E9a00 do conunon ZBOalOO 8prllg 6a6 0 fall choice per Ib 7 do medium 5 CALVKSPrime pot lb aP4 80 medium 7 do common COWSPrlmp fresb eseh 3SOOaliCO do com- mon 25COa30CO do old and dry 1900al509 t f a 0 more do Sam 1 fat U fowl old l bail bunch 1 > pot i lO the pus Rut f19atDOO or wenD R coo last 3J tr3al lair loB 61 lot I meager itO CAT E J cat 3 h l talK han ail sod nearby irMa aIr poi per ashy buss shot sax Detataher 70 Wi 13t07 May eats i 5 sorts 160 tip- per this 5 ZClit alB caIn Pta < > > > < > NATIONAL FORESTS ARE PLAYGROUNDS Visit Them for Rest and Recreation MAKE PINE HUNTING GROUNDS half n Mullets Persons Will Have Entered the Government Reaert cB sit End qf Preient Sewnn Intcre t lug Facl Mndc Public by Depart- ment of Agriculture Before the years outing season Is over noarfjK half a million persons will have ought recreation and health In tho na- tional forests of the United Statts With the tlnost mountain scenery and much ot the beet fishing and bis game hunting In the United States the national forests more and more accessible each year through protection and development the government are fast becoming groat national playgrounds for tho people The use of the forests for recreation is a yet In its beginning but is growing steadily and rnpldly in some of the at the rate of 100 per cent per an- num The day seems not far distant when- a million persons will annually visit them 1 Go for Various Purpoweii The records show that the seasonal use of forests runs from two months In a Colorado forest such as the Routt twelve months in an Alaskan such as Tongass But the uses differ In Colo rado 2000 visitors entered the forest to flab to camp to climb and to drink the medicinal water In Alaska 10UO went almost solely to hunt and fish The llMO person who went l jo the Coconino For- est Arizona during nine months went to camp or to enjoy the scenery During tour months 50000 persons visited Angeles Forest California The most popular af the forests is the Pike containing the fatuous peak of that name The various f ttrctk ns within Its limits Including the sctnlc drew IftXOOj tourists and others By principal States the vitional forest visitors num bered 23100 in Arizona KOOOO in Cali fornia 140009 in Colorado Mon- tana 10060 in New Mexico 3MM in Ore- gon 28M9 in Idaho 16000 In Utah and 120M in Washington V Wanders in the Forentn Of the natural wonder and landmarks of Interest In the national forests several boon set apart as national menu lop among them Cinder Cone 3 great basin in California tho Cliff Dwellings extensive remains of a pre histori race in New Mexico the utt ur- paaae4l Grand Canyon of the Colorado in Artaona Jewel Cave South Dakota Lessen Peak the terminus of a long line of extinct volcanoes In tho Cascades the Pinnacles a toilpction of remarkable jagged peaks In California and the Tonto a group of prehistoric ruins in the Tonto Forest In Arizona The Big Trees Gla clef Park the Petrified Forest tho Oro gon Caves and numerous other phenom one serve to attract other hosts of vis Its Sportwinnn Finds Pa rn dine The sportsman finds kin paradise in the natIonal forest In many ofthembig abounds The rangers and the guards besides the service they perform against the spread of lire often point out the bOlt site for the camper and the easiest route A record of 921 miles of trait 123S miles of road laid out and 4SS1 miles of telephone line sorting tell what the government has done In the way of pushing tho conveniences of civilization into the primeval forest The day of the wilderness of the savage and the pioneer is swiftly passing the day of the national forests as productive resources and as notional parks ap- proaches The report of last years ad ministration by the United States De partmcnt of Agriculture evidences the rapidity of the transformation WILL WAR ON BEARS Dcnrcdntions Stir llnntcra- io Folloiv Trail Baton Rouge La Aug 27 A parts of hunters set out frpm hero today for the Atchafalaya country to wage war on bears that have ruined hundreds of acres of corn in that part of the State The depredations of the animals have not stopped ID cornfields They Invaded pas- tures and killed scores of cattle Bruin even got lo bold as to shuffle into several of the small Ajtcbalalaya towns Seldom he shuffled out tar rifles and revolvers are always handy in that part of Louis iana Years ago the Atchafalaya was a hunt ers paradise Eventually however as great plantations turned into small farms the deer and bear warp driven back Into the swamps In the past two years Bruin has bred rapidly and this summer he and his family advanced on civilization eating up a acreage of cornfields In tho outposts Yesterday telephone messages from several Atcha falaya towns to wellknown huntsmen here resulted In the organization of an expedition to make war on the bears There are twenty hunters In the party LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted arc wholesale BUTTEUCrftamery fancy 31Ua32 do prints 3 do 30 iroce fancy 23 do fair to- eed 25aB dairy choice SUS do good a 3- storepecked 18 2- CHEBSBNew York State factory fancy lialiK do small irali 4 do Inret 16Hal7 choke r t trnebk cases 24aSJ Wet Virginia and Southern VirginIa ret rnaWe can TcnnesiM returnable cases 22 North Carolina rctnnuble case 3 LIVE POULTUYChickcns spring tango ISaDJ- Jarw 16 roosters per Ib 11 ducks old 12 do spring 3 lbs and orer 13 geese per Ib Cal2 do fancy 12al4 turkeys per lb 15 do hen turkeys thin 10al2 keats per lb 15 YEGETABLESPotatocsf Norfolk pet barrel LOhlS cucumbers Norfolk bukrt lOOal23 do North Carolina WalW strIng bcaaa per bas hint 25nSe North Carolina lettuce MalCO radishes 4rrA plant per crate lCOal75 tomatoes per 75i 100 asparapir 7aL50 per dozen bundles rhubarb 18a 5 per dozen bunches new cabbage 68a75 per crate spring onions 3a5 hundred beets 3iS bunch green oaskct 75aSa DRESSED POULTKYChtckens per lb 18al9 chickens and hew mixed 15 allps per lb 11 ducks llall per Ib Salt DIIESSBD MEATSllarcs country anc r urtd- IS DRIED FRDITSApplcs sliced fancy 4a5 riea 12al5 Wackbsrriw 7 12ii WOOL AND HIDESWooi mnxrashed free burrs per Ib 30 wool burry per Ib So23 hides green lb 19 do dry per Ib 13alC sheep skIns grtca each oatOO do dry each 25a60 eaU tkhns crqSP oath lSOal75 CHICAGO Chicago Aug 27 Lire boSS were dell at daya average prices The rccaipts wire estimated at 8W Ltght 8SOa92 heavy 816aSS mIxed 8KaJM rough heavy 8135 Cattle were steady estimated receipts 300 Sheep were steady A single swallow will detour 000 flies in day Thousands i made b for- est the 11 In bA lava QUa game cut Bruin His Were great seconds BaGS earbJ do medium lilllS do smUl POt Jb 15 1 torn per pen 100 spInach 7laLOl tilt ate nor per per i N per a a y the the railway 000 tint a 22 hens tier barrel pea geese cbs i LIVESTOCK pestsin ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ADOPTS NEW FORM OF MONEY ORDER Postoffice Expects to Annually IS SIMILAR TO CHECK Order rind Coupon Malice liy Sender Latter Is Retained at Office of Payment n Voucher Govern- ment Also Eliminates Reqelnt of the Registered Package Two Innovation have recently been nfloptod by the Department in tendejl to work out in the way of large economy which affect the public In no degree These are the new form of money order and the disuse of the receipt sent from the ofltee of delivery of the registered package Hitherto the form of the money order lw consisted of two coupons one In the form of a check given to the sender mailed by him and giving name of sender and name or the person to whom tho order was to be paid by the department w the information of the postmaster at the office of payment Thia double mailing or one mailing by the government for every money order Issued in the United States resulted m great expellee in the way of printed blanks carriage of malls and other Items connected therewith It was thought expedient by officials of tho to eliminate this Item of cost if possible which has been done through Vho nev orm of money order which has D en prepared and which will go Into universal use at the end of tie calendar year Fcnture of Netv Form The distinctive feature ot the new form of order ie the detachable coupon con taifilns particulars of the order and de- signed to take the place of the advice but to be delivered by the Issuing otikrial to the purchaser and presented with the order by the payee or indorsee at the paying office and there held after separated from the order which af er payment wIll be as voucher with the scraimetithly or monthly money order statement to the auditor The names of the remitter and payee will not appear in tho body of the or doe but the sending of the coupon with the order will serve to acquaint or re mind the payee of the name of the person entitled to credit for the remittance On each order will appear two num- ber printed in red ink along the upper margin one of them on the left and the other on the right of the na of tao ieeuiag office The one on the left Is the number of the office placed there simply for convenience accounting and auditing The one on the right is the number of the order itself its serial number It appears on the stub and is repeated oa the coupon and receipt and is the number to be used in designating the order in returns and correspondence Size Shape of Order The order and coupon together are somewhat longer than the order ROW in aWe but may be handled conveniently with commercial paper by banks anti business houses The width is the same as that of the present order Models of the new style said its ad junctsr consisting of stub coupon and receipt for remitter are on exhibition Inasmuch as many postmasters will be called upon to pay orders of the new form before they issue any of them postmasters should familiarize themselves with the model at once It will be seen that he principal fea- ture of this new form will be a detachable coupon to take the place of the advice to be presented with the order by the payee or Indorsed at the paying office To meet the requirements of the Postal Union however a separate advice by the department must be IDled out and sent at once and directly by tit issuing postmaster to the country of mont in the case of each money order of the now style drawn payable in any- one of the countries with which the United States conducts money order bue IRe on the domestic basis Will Effect n Savlnjr The Postmaster General has figured on a very conservative basis that about 300880 a year will be saved by eliminat- ing the advice feature of the domestic money order A large part of this sav- ing will doubtless result from the eUm nation of work made necessary by tho Old form such as the assorting and fil- ing ef advices by States and then by cities in advance of presentation of the orders which under the old system re- quired Ute services of hundreds of clerks who were kept busy on tiling a greater part of the time Hereafter the sender of a registered letter or package through the mans will not receive a regular receipt returned to him from the party to whom the letter or package was addressed ns has always been customary heretofore unless a request is made that a receipt be returned to the sender at the time of mailing This change In the postal regulations Is made in accordance with an amend- ment to tho postal laws passed at the last session of Congress It is oxpected that tho cltange in the regulations will make a great reduction in the expenses of operation of the registry division for the cost of furnishing transporting sorting and delivering mull lions of these receipt cards every year ARMY AND NAVY Army Orders at absence from S t t niber 1 to and IsclwllBS September S IWO b nmtcd Capt JAMES D TILFORD aunrteroMMer Capt CHARLES If IIILTON Coast TUNer Come to roHercd from aitipuBcnt the Tvveitte rixth Company Coast Artillery Corps sort b- ylared on time uneadeHrd list CapL 10BBUT W COLLINS Coast Artlikr Corps k trausferrfd from the 5 xtjt Bd pauy to tbe TweBtyetxtk Company Coast ArtH- Icry Oon Xnval Order The folltwlng orders hare been leased Commander M L MILLER to duty C jincctlcut as cxccutiTC officer Commander G U 15UIUUGE detached duty Con Hecticut and granted t ick leave two months Lieut ComnMwIer E R 1OLLOCK to duty office Judge drooatc Coastal Nary Departmcni- WaabJngtnn P C Lieut A W PRB6SEY retired detached duty nary reuniting station New York to home Lient H E SHOEMAKER to duty couB ctIon fitting out McOtll and duty on board wb m oommUeion- Lieut P CRONAN detached in charpc nary rccniitia stntien New N Y to duty iu charge PubUcity Bureau Nary Recruit Ing Service New York N Y Medical Inspector H 15 KITTS retired ptectd upon the retired Met of officers of the nary frem August 23 m t The interior of a ccnnpnxrf dining IB also lutely devoid of deroraticn which could otter a lodff inc place for a speck of JJANK POtIlo lee one sent de- partment I be- Ing HIlt I and pay spe- cial I Lea t to Cues placed n W ditty otk eAt dust I s b Save- S OO000 stud mall to- o I fur- nished ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < FINANCIAL Capital and Surplus 2200000 U S Government Supervision 7v- S fflW iM- j i This company desires all offices of trust acting as executor or trustee under wills guardian agent receiver and assignee Extensive experience and complete facilities guar antee service of the highest character Intcrviewsjon all questions of a fiduciary nature invited J BANKING DEPARTMENT pays interest- on all accounts Deposits Subject to check Cor 15th liSts OFFICERS 1 FINANCIAL t I I OFFICES OF TRUST Efficiently Discharged I appointmcntto 0 T II 11L- V L Union rustLo0 < Edward J StlLwa President Goo B Haivittoelst PreaWeat and Trust Oldest and Assistant Trust OOeer J McGlii Jd Vie rrwWeBt I Gee E VIee President Nota Vice Attorney WANTS PLMH FOOD- Mr Eoosevelt Once Told a Reporter His Choice HOTELS SHOULD TARE NOTICE Xmhitlonn Menu Planned Iiy St Paul Chef 3Iny Offend KxProiiaontin1 Palate Mixtnlce XcwKpaiJer EdO tor Once 31ade AVhlnper It In Twin CItlcJi lernornnt oC DcmitnuKe A aew te tck from St Paul itiiauftcas that preparations are betas made by one of the hoteta there to former President Bftoscvelt not Ottir wM but to reirteUoo on oc canton of his visit to th t city to drew the NtMam Conservation CoogrtM This dispatch do not o far tails except that sage oC Oyster Bay will have placed befiere Wm some of the choicest ranghrooins die State can af- ford It M darkly htated that there will be deiecats mid toothsome viands though they ane not specified Some one ttt ht to whtoper cautiously- out in St Paul the experience of one of the Washington newspaper editors who ones ra up against the White House menu while Theodore Roosevelt was President Siinilny Stories Go Wrong The story told of affair is about as follows i The Sunday editor of a local newspaper once bought from feature bureau story of what the Roosevelt family ate The menus of the three meals were et forth in detail The story was used papers magazine section President Roosevelt read it At once a secretary was told to get onto communication with the newspaper offioe and ask that re- porter be sent to the White House to see the President Of course such a tommand was obeyed and the city editor smelling great affair of state picked out his boat reporter and sent him to tho Executive Mansion- It was not an affair of atate that the President wished to discuss but was an of the palate The President had the trtlcle before him AH wrong he excHDined with a snap I of his teeth We have no such things as those to oat here We like plain and wholesome food Why for I eat boiled eggs end drink a cup of coffee For luncheon nothing please me bet ter than a bowl of bread and milk or crackers Plain Stuff for Dinner For dinner we pleased if we can have some nice roast beet Iamb or veal with vegetables like any other American family has on Its dinner table The writer of the original story had put Kernilfs name into the article in connection with a demltasse As for Kermit snapped the Presi- dent again he doesnt know what a demitasse is The President was never more in earn- est in his life nnd he insisted that the familys menu bo placed before the pub- lic in the right light He explained that some dishes with highsounding Dames might be served when state dinners were given but that for his own luncheons and breakfasts breed and milk and boiled eggs wore sufficient Despite his preference for those sub- stantial articles jof food however it is probable that the former President will not get them at his breakfast and lunch eon in the Twin Cities i j I a roc at teal the the other a a la- the a alto I ast I areA large into tie the a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Edson B Olds Treasurer Bdward 1 HiOyer Secretary Harry O Wilson Asst Treasurer W Frank D Herroa Auditor William L Crane Assc Secretary II t I c REAL ECTATE LOANS nt Rate ot Intcreet W H WALKER 729 15th st nw IOAAS blADE OX HEAL ESTATJ3 E curlty at lowest rate ot intcrc u- Pruutpt attention HEISKELI McLERAX 1 OT H nw DAILY COURT RECORD Saturday Ausrunt 7 1910 DISTRICT COURTS Probate Court fl MMffc C Biaaii will datsi Mef JU- MB fkd- Bettte of Daalei 0 etmj perltiaa for p end reeoed K n sod ktten tesfwoentssr AttenMT Geoege P HOCTC- TLa vsnlt f- No SCn U A A Son TS WhIte Oak Coal Ccsirear ecooont 9B3e Plaintiffs am P M BM B W B Car JtEAI BSTATK TRA SPBRS Twelfth street Borthweet heiress Rhode IMtnd- evoaw sad Q etreetSqwr m lot S U H kn- Mettatf t Qcorje B SN- CbktesterSqwiv SRJ liSa 1 to nare 5CB Jot S and Chinks P Pooh et ux to Aau M rUrknr SW- Sou UK MaauKlnMetta avenue northeast B Mrtrt- outhwert between Fleet and South Cai it4- treetf K betwen fichtii and Ninth streets Squete 733 76 square 635 lot H- qaarc M weit baIt of C Joarpb Auerurb et X to LOOM Anerbacii Hi Mount neeaant Lot 4 t tiOa M Cartrcll sod Oeorfle K Stokes trustees to W Kiex jr St- Hi 4h abwrt neetkewt between K street aid Kent rdaee Sqnaie tSL lot 13 nx toiLeott M Mimes et UL itt sod TM Sereath tre t eoothwest Sqiere- 4K iatemt on origInal lot M md pert of lot U Marie Dr Atlry to G ward and harks t De Alley truslcer 110- 1Xa UK Vermeat afeime ncrthwe tS inare 2 Dub 86 North Kandle HfcUandiSquare SM lot 20 and qvarr 54M 1 and IS American eorhy and Trn t C nroT trasree to Ko rrt A lUtthw Edtrard P ny and Robert B MMVT SW P strcrt ncnhrart bet ern TweKth and Thlrtrrnr- TetrertaSqiare MM Tart d tot K MarY G Nil MM to M Shafw OO lADler Hei htLots 3 39 3 Chins W Jr It m tn Brteile M Gertrrll and W K Stakes ittr sad titbtoe Jie- PrrwrrthLot 3f blucfc 75 TDiam A Hill nod HamM W Basil rrasteei Guy S Zfi f sad Carroll S 3Sew 6- BPetwortb Lot 37 Mock S Gnv S Zepp et ns rind Caxron 8 Xepp et nx to Cbarin P Williataa- tnwtee DICBUS OP TIIUST Square 581 Ixit I to 9 square 583 VHa 22 to U A aa M Harknr H tin to Vura4 R sad Chants K BMwfele fro ee to secare Charles P PwreH M5 monthly par aent 6 per vet per ananam Hri ht Lft 3 Meek M Robert W i ilKaM et nx to CantOr L RonneU and irorco It Linltin trustee to nerore tKway B Ztot sinter H239 3 pests r r east eea iaantallr Square TO Lot D Leon M et nx t Harold B Doyle sad Wilttaw L Mills imttee to siesta C torsr S Cooper 1230 1 to 91 months C per Tot per aimnat 15 Sarah J Butler et aL sad Chad L Woodward sad Cbarle C De Atley tracteee and C Clinton aawa trastoea to ewrure Mitts G De Atlas SllQt 1 year etmntnil Squaw W17Lnt 37 WQItam S Cheesier et u to Comeliqs Bcaberdt aad Cbarles Jesse trustee to secure The Nntlonal Lntberan for the Atfd J1S61 3 War 5 per ent smiannnsHr 14 blot IS Robert H Hazard et- nx to Georftt A Meyera and William J Ilrower mutter to axare Caarlea Week OtJW 3 I per rent aemiamitjaJlj Square 4111 Lot M Oeonr G Brown to WilHam H M Bcsne and Henry 3 Hut tmeteei to lecwe the Kmpire State Surety Company N- iiadcaualy hood Sqwarr I Julia B Vftater to Ernest L SchmIdt and i once M Kndaerieh trustee to tIN G aiaiAinc7icaii Bonding As ci- tton JWa I Square JCTVLot 47 Arthur B Fambam et tOt to the Unfam Treat Comwny trustee to oun the Itdrtttr Tnat Cesopany neater 3008 5 y an S per cent f rnfV Square IMLoU IS aad W Carolyn J Htn T et to John B Leaner and John A Hamilton troMee to secure the VVashin t n I 4r aatl Tn t Ccarnny 3 yrars 3 ier ceat- Bdtsianmully Turkish the aoftettoned of Modem taasatges Japanese children are tansfat to writs with both aDdS 31ft fIe personal at I Jfl8TSCW 12OULDV LaM filed lathe and t Bee S f U lot lIt w harks S COOJCr d sa- N a L Wood I lot 53 Charks Dodge et ox to lchn J U s Has stud 1 16 DNDwnod I Roes Square and part ol lot t 1 per ftnt L r Woodtlda Lot year Lot tit mill iI l 4 Lowest VV hoe a tot rest 5 itichaitis tnt King Cert I Web 61Lit 31 6 amei Reese taco > > > < < < > < > °

Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-08-28 [p 4].Atafe rev 3 Efe com 97 K 9-BeKfcsere OWo IttK m MB Brooklyn Traaeti Tfft 71 Tl N-Cbenpetite Oblo 3 n n-fhk BD G W eon M chi m at

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-08-28 [p 4].Atafe rev 3 Efe com 97 K 9-BeKfcsere OWo IttK m MB Brooklyn Traaeti Tfft 71 Tl N-Cbenpetite Oblo 3 n n-fhk BD G W eon M chi m at




4r iI THE


Dullest Week in the MarketSince 1907 Panic


Totnl Trnnnnctlona ot Day InvolveOnly Biffht Stoclw with Sales of1000 Slmrcs RnilrondM Venkerand Trndinp in Unnally Active Indnitrlals Becomes Stnsmnnt

Naw York Aug 27 Total tranBfliotlonson tlTe stock exchange today wero lessthan 100000 shares Not slnoo tho stag-nant period following tho panlo of 1001

has so little businesfl been done in anymarkot session Moreover today in onlyeight stocks wore transactions abovo 1000shares and three stocks Reading UnionPacific and Steel common suppliedmore than tx othirds of tho entire turnover Half an hour before tho closethere had been no sala ot whole groupsof stocks in which ordinarily there isconsUloraW activity such as the Hillstocks Northern Pacific Groat Northernand Groat Northern Ore tho Southerngroup Louisville and Nashville AtlanticCoast Line and Southern Railway RookIsland and Wabash recently closely assoofetod In spaculatlon and Importanttrunk lines as Brio and Baltimore andOhio

It is doubtful It oven in tho stagnationfollowing the panic thero was at any-

time market with such a narrow rangeWhat little trading there was was ontiroly professional with price movomontflIn narrow rang and net changes onlyfractional at tho end Only in the Den-ver and Rio Grando shares was there aprice movement attracting any attentionwhateverj theso sharesaccompaniment of the publication of thecompanys annual report showing surplus earnings erual to 4 14 per cant onthe common stock M compared with 17per cent tn the previous year

Railroad Shares WeakTho course of tho stock market was

reactionary thrdughoutthe week With thorailroad shares rather weaker than theindustrial trading became less and lessactive as tho week advanced One of themost discouraging features was the substdienoe of the investment which lastweek showed some signs of a return toanimation In bonds In which the trans-actions last week hold out the hope ofpermanent Improvement the slackness oftho investment demand was quite as striking as in stocks For this deterioration inthe markets tho reason generally assign-ed was renewed political activity display-ed in the seeming turn of political eventsin favor of Col Roosevelt in tills Statein tho hearty reception accorded him onhis Western trip and In President Taftsreported recommendation of further

ofnho tariff Reasons for waitingfor a readjustment of complicated busi-ness and financial conditions beenabundant enough before those politicaldevelopments supplied another deterrentagainst purchases of securities Investorsnaturally determining to remain awayfrom the markets until a reasonably cor-

rect Idea can be formed as to govern-

mental policies In tho futureThe tendency of bank clearings this

weok been again toward contractionClearings for the week showed a decreaseof K per cent from the correspondingweek last year In the railroad businessan improvement is indicated by a decreaseof 29000 in the number of Idle cars buttho decrease was principally duo to therapid movement of tho grain crop to Interior centers and there the surplus isstill good as compared with 38000 InJanuary and 14000 In February In moneythe trend of events was generally favor-able throughout the weok The banksChipped SlGOOOM to Canada and largemims to tho Interior and the tendency olUnto money rates was toward increasedfirmness but the bank statement todayshowed a loss of about 1001000 in surplusreserve and loss of but 2416000 in cashThe surplus reserve remains at 484iQQOwhich seems to bo a sum more than ampleto cover all known requirements of cropmoving and other business


QeetotlMM fantobed tr W n Httte Co-me bes ef UK New York Stock Bieheace HftbsI-

JeifcMepMl Boner Opea 1 Ueji 1 low IK IK

SALE OF SIIAUB6 BY noUnsShares to 11 K m 6XWOShares to tt a Ifijfco

RAILROADSOpni High Low Owe

Atafe rev 3 Efe com 97 K 9-BeKfcsere OWo IttK m MBBrooklyn Traaeti Tfft 71 Tl N-

Cbenpetite Oblo 3 n n-fhk BD G W eon Mchi m at P m m-rbk BB K W com WHeaver Jt Rio Orawk cem

A te Gnase pM Hi T Ml fMErie em 3Hfc K Vft-tireet XortberapM 1WH M t W UKInter 3Ietro cots 17 Mil KH 1HSInter Matrix pM 4t-Mexkaa Central tUg Wf S W MKMa HUM Tex cow M 4 M Jttt 3tM S P S a K cera UM 188 18 18-3MitMari P d s KH sm MK Mr-N Y Ceetnl Bed It Ill 111 1M INKXortlieni Pwisc Wit imi Hilt tXfA-IenfleyrmDito 19O6 KMK m m-KeMtog eon A 1M Ufa 141Rode Uked con 39 3IH 3m-HouUHra PacKe coat 113 IB 112ft ltt-ToledB St L W cm 22 22 23 2-TMede St U W pCd 4e 4H 4K

PMMc eom MR4 MK iI IttttUHbMhpfti Wit MM 9K 3S-

VUowwhi Cootwl eon CO SO 10

INUU8TR1AM-Amlpiiuifed Copper M M 64 H-

Am Meet Sugar eonAa CanAn ran pfd H 4 H 8W4

ft Fdjr 900Am loo Sesuritfei 19H MH 194Am Smelting lief cow 68S4 SJ-

A Smeltinn lid pfd 104 mH W M4HAm TV A Tel HSH 19tH 1SSHCentral Lrathrr fwn 33 O 3 3S-

Cowolldated Gas N Y 129 131 19H I9Hrum Irodnots Ref pfd M H u llrMMillfT Sccnrttirt 2T V

nrrat Electric 141 Mt MNational Bicntt eena 110 1-

Ioopfe1 Gas of Chfcaffo W-6Ir ed Sleet coaa 34U a Realty Imp torn 71

u s sui com H aw antU S Steel pfd 115 IBfc 118 1 R

BONDSAttflecn crt 9Mi H 9Mn 11 T get U IVt 11 8HiP B Q joist 4 Mi MM NKC R I I 4 7 7t TW TWPenr rlT ni JIM UIS K N wU 8 Steel tt h MM N9K M MNi

largest Morning Circulation



JKUTBLKY a tA 1BUeetbrapla lastltaUoiv-



Itetercnee Aay JiRaadtl-kMtitnUon IB tbe city Re-d pdow made ITOM pa mbrokers and ww tana iv-aned at treat rcduwd-Mrirg to Ute borrower

PRUT1SNTIAL LOAN SOaETiGround fltwr N W Cw nth MId O sts-

frlrtU til tatnnc Traneactiooa itrictlj cootUtoUal




I oi lIB

k 5154







35 35


AlL CarJM6



mil rr

III 1JIIGI 3W Ift Ien i1 71


41 114Wit











flitW StLk fl

ii tSti




l411 t-



354 t5

45 4Pi t it






S a1WiLMONEYl70t02



















Washington Stock ExchangeAmount Bonds

2010 Washington Gas cots918 Capital Traction 8s

6000 Washington Itwy Bloc 4sMOO Potomac Electric pens 6s

Opon High Low Close100 109 100114 114 114 114 1

lob 101 100 101 u-

16918 Total amount of boftflsShares Stocks

44 Capital TractionS3 Washington Rwy Elec com

6T Washington Rwy Eloe pea110 Washington Gas

91 Mergonthalor73 Lanston10 Nor Wash Steamboat28 National Metropolitan Bank10 District National Bank

7 Union Trust10 U S Trust

129 129

114 114J4 114 U-

l308 Total sharon of stocks

r f r I



S3 81 S3 S3 Y


199 120

8811 S8 8

N jI 73 73217 tIS 218

S1 82210 20 210196 9lQ 106 310132 J2 133IS 1l2 182 132

34 323 323 33SS

282 SO3fJ






QMiattena furnished br W R HHAs Ce w nNew Ywk Stock Bxdwnge lllhba OHM

toe 1W AttedState Oaa 8K 1116

HritWi Oolwnbb Copper KUntie CeeJtUoa B If

96 Ml-

m 8W67 Tfc-


CIa M KCobalt OMtral T-

Kb CentralOirtmx Cower SioMfleU VoaaolWaled-


Manhattan TrmMtt 1

Mist W-

Mioee Oa t AtMrioa fi-SNeradaUtfth S CorpNlpteMi C Mtew Co MOhio Ooppv tRawhide QtwHtton

j SBSiouxUntied OepperUnited jrfd-

Yakea GoldGoWlteW Ftereacc-Nerwia Uflk

11 3-031itt 3KU-1KI3 21M


X vr York Ass 37 Momy oa can was aomtaoUyk p r cant tod y Dttttog the week the suriiet-

ntlwl rtsy CMT armnxf IKilM per seat fc t of thethee A geed man IMM vm nad at un-ttHMl rate of per emt Oa Mmdar nud Tundayloans iraro BMd at IK and 1V4 per cent Wadoca-d r 1 and 1 per cent Tkondajr at IVtalH petemt aad FrMaJr 1K 1 CMC

raoneT was Ulgbtlr firmer sod in better d-

aand at the dose of UM wwk The Mppljr WMample sad broken reported an menaced boataaw-

Mcrantik wee in Mxmvrhat better d andbut buateaa All ramalofd very Mrfbt A good aMrtnmU Mafetrade oasa wee offnvd KathSHaWi per cent for aixtj and ninety days iadeised

receivable S afi per cast for dvoioe four toBwuUM ftacto name IK per for oUtan


Quotations funrfshrd or W R Hlbba O-BHmlwn f tlw Kew York Stack Bxcbapg Illbil-BnildiaR UM Aak dr-AdmHora V SK 6-

Bobnnift pH 6

Bud DMMUon SH 19Cahmet and Arisen CO 60Calumet and Uoeie M KB WO

Copper Rags 6 97Beat Vh 8FraukUn MVi 11

Indiana 15K 18HJU SODS N WiMaatw VaMejr KMarfentkaivr w 37 BO-

Mich 4 fMohawk M 4H4North Belie 23North Lake M UK

8 r TM-

iSirrott IS 11-

Q ioey 12-

ShABMMt 4 9raSooth Lalie M M-

iioporter and MUAtmrj WtSwift MK

Tamarack C 6Trinity

OMMlUated aKVictoria 1-

Wrtiartno Ml K3


York Ass 27 Bid and asked prices OB gotcmmet seenritiee

DH Asktd-as registered JIll Nt ttlVifc couon MB Ml Ml-aa rep t red mIN 11 1MK

coupon JftBtt m NfS-

areslaterad M US 11SH116 JlfK

Panama Canal W jear S r z 1M MtPanama Canal lt30year SB reff UK Ml


Xenr York A t 27OtofiHg atMtaUons of maicel-lajMons bondeNew York Stale Erie a 0 Onal 4 WftNew York Central iHa NAteafeon Tow SanlA pea 4sA T S F ett 4i tem receipts full paid 12-Cental Leather Sa 19-

CMeano Bnmnftoo QatncyIUhwis 4 M-

Oifcaw Rod latead Pac rfg 4Cbicaao laland lOt Is 7WIColorado Southern 4Hs-Oeneral Electric crt 9s 1 HNorfolk Weatem ODD 4Norfolk Western cit 4 Wk

St Louis Iron Mmtutata Southern 4 mSouthern Pftdnc crt 4 aT-

Wabaafa rf 4e SKTotal aafet


AetmL Noaoemtor-

r M n4ca w in torSpecie UUON SJST OO 8KIWJ-LtgeJ tender l llfiCO-tDepeeito Sraj tCheedation 13UD-IOA per tent 28JJJ-

DocroaM Hereaie iReeerr



QttoUUoas faratohcd by W n milk Ue-

raemban of the New York Stock Bxtbange HUMOttfMtog

New York Auax A MCM tutmoU was notedat the opening of the cottea market with tnteteat-eentertoe in the Auguftt eoatract nIB deMwygained aoaatalag Hke 3C points setHtie up to lUGmaking a new nigh record It was aLe 85 pointsUgher than price of yesterday moran equalto H a halo Corering by sitedcame or the advance After touching 190 Augustwent don to 1675 under liberal offerings aadtIteR went up to 1689 The Mg BwiDRi Indid not UTe a pcdal effect en the general mar-ket Thor WM no gea ral efltort to bull the Aurust OMitract V

Outside ot August opeuute prices were S to M

hIt on Arm ahowwR br forefcm marketThen carae a aright felliag OWWR to Kntteredofferings The general ran at buetoeea HoIst

t Low Ctote-Ammst Iu73 N90 ItWOctober liO 1X 1U1 ASSDccembtr y lUt UN li HL-WJaunarr UJ9 tt IXtf


Baltimore Aug ZTWHEATStock in eteraton-IJMMl bushel ahlptBenta from etevaUm WObualiofe Sales of caraoea on paM L for No 2red M for No rill K for special bin steamerNo 2 red W for stock ateaiMr Ko 2 red forspecial bin rejected and tt for stock wjecled Bateteto by NHBte as to quality and condition 7381 a 88 98 H T sod M i bushel SeUling-Mfees Contraet UHK No S tad WesternIMA No c merNo S red 9SKst ua-er N 2 red Westera

COlUCatoek in dcnton WL02 buabda ship-ments from elevators S3B6 busnete Coatnct BMCspot nixed eora 67

ta okrators 4 882 bMh4s sblpmenta tress elevators 83B bmbcla X 2 white31 atnndard white 3a tt No 3 white 3SH S7

No 4 white 30aW-4UYEStock m deiatorn J7 bnehete ship

meets frow ckraton 1 bushel No 1 ryeWentftn dojaestic 78 SJ No 2 ryee teni do-

mestic No 2 M lo Quality and oomjttkm-Na73 No 3 rye Wwtfrn domestte No 2fW nearby 74 No 3 rye nearby 7w71 JF-

KLOUn Winter extra sew XlmXe donow 48alZ do atralafat sew UtolA do pat-ent new OQaS00 spring slier dostraight JSai69 do patent 3 atW city millsbrat ptrtnt 639 do higharade patent 34 dotraJght choke famtly 409 rifts 3MI373Tie lour medium to choice 4SaLfO coremralpet 100 lbs 15PsL90

largest Morning Circulation




lien st the


1IaIeatJo wr 4i 5






I nRay Coesolidatod J8t







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Utah 31




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Aug ST QuetatleiM bf UMllraoWPratt wl Produce Association are as leNmw

BinTBRCnMSMiT raaej1 llx 3e30choice S fta2 do used 2 4 2 dev iffliUtkm 2 i-

att pdnta W 3t do blocks ladle 23

Maryland anti Pvemflvattia 22 Ohio rollWest Virginia rout 21 torei e4 21

YirglHte sad Peitatyirania eUlrjr pri U Sproem butter 34a-

VE003llarjl l PemujrlTaHia Antsper doe II Western SI Simtkeni onto BWet Virginia flrt S gnlitca een

LIVE POULTRYCbickeM princ per lb 1-6da small and medtarn M oM ken per ftbooty 15 Mull to medlwm 14 old rootimper lb 10 Hiring kirue per Ib 16al7 do mallto mediwB Mai dock per lb 13 do BwaUK do nraervMr and rMMRrei ItaiZ afiring 3 IbtaDd ow 13al4 do MMU r 12 idgeOM young per

15aa do oW per pair 29 cuineaeach

POTATORBWhite near hr r r bwlwl tilesBa do WeM ra Marrtand and PeBtMtrif le-

liime Matt do teeowb 4 W RaBpahaanoekterse per barrel lSCalCQ do Eaetent Shone buryland Xo 1 LM LCO awe t yellow per barrelNorth CaroUm Ir5at yams North Carolina perbarrel new LMnL7 Potoeiac MW U al7 Rappabamioefc laU

ORKKX FRUIT AND VBGETABtB8Appienatty Hanctt per bbL fancy 14KNl8 to Matt60 TS do per box StaM do per VfcbU UaJiet-40nW do Western Maryland andpacked per bbi 2WtZ beets native 42 eabbaite satire per M6 LStetOO onlatoupeaYork tIm per crate 30ae Potocoac crate JBaHdo uathf yer basest Sam celery New York perbunch airit con nell t pot do sager 8a2do Virginia per doc foS eocnmben narhv per

baeket 18a damaom Marytood and Tr tMbarre ICOtOM do pun biw baehet Efcff do

bus box lW onioo Rapptbaonodc liarrel-19kL6 do Manland sad Peooaylvaoia yeflewpus Hiss SEeai peacbea Florida med Georgia petcrate LMaUQ do Maryhnd and Vlrslnk posbus lidS da per Vbesket da laneylartct 4fe7S da per carrier OmiW peers KaeteraShore beeket 39aS aittaah per batket-MOI Item beam natlre per boa loot 6te7S wax

per late Ma 0 tomatoea Petomaepot MMMket carrier 3 M da RappahejModccarrier SleW do Shore Harytand puscarrier JBaflS da natire pot Vba MAeftttPOT bm XoM irateraMteM North Carottaa per XO


Quotations furnished bjr W D HlWn Coratrabtn rf the Chicago Board of Trade IlNteBaDdteC-

WoBBD ABS STA better tone has derelopcd tothe wheat market sod pri went M from ye-

tentoy dote to LOiK DecemW sod IJtSK forMajr ta the Ant hour ShlpmcaU wen 8HtK bneh-eto Preorccta are that there will be a WR iaereiwe-m the rWble avppiy Northweateni receiptseara agalnM 3H an last year

Corn adranced with wheat catntoe H erar yesterejgr doatos seirttiK n to K for May ndfor September There WM no preaMre of offeriDRSUpmenU were llrJW UusHtis acaiwt l a000-boahekt lest year

Oatt sea up Kc with ours and aa Kartemt imytaC Reeelpta for the weak were S13MM bmeei-wWok are the afensre ahbooch UHC JessieJW bMbeb from the prevtoue weak Shrpnieauwere 1UIJM bushels ajaAM 211X091 btukob teMload

Tradlot M prorMona bee bees Ifebt with MUJ-eebange ic prfcw Most of the bwltioM JIM beets m-

traaaferriaR trec M from near to dteuat ftrtarMnee prices WIn sinuous with Ttoripta t 09 beadand 7000 expected on Monday sad MMXX

wwk agniast yearWHEAT Open Hleh Low cleat

SeoUaber 99 LOOK 99 lWDecember 103H 1JMU I H lWH

COItK-Septembor fl S an EOS 61Doccnber SSK SK C3 SOU

OATSSeptembcr 34K K SiK MV

PUBICSeptembar SOO S S

LARDSeptembcr 11J5 1SCC 1196

allisSentarater U9T 1L30 12ST-

Ne r York Aeg SFVirjaTFiraer3-

9J5 a


ie-Qwfcy New Net 1 NorUwna apriee t arrH f ab 1 54 Ka S red now f a k J3 Xa S herdf a b LIt Na 1 meoanwi L a k 1W aewNo 1 Mamttoba T a k 1WS Quotatlooi are oarail buN Reported taken by esportera 4t lushpart ria Montreal sat BalUaaor-

eCOKNnrmcr quiet Steamer MIMI malexport basis export Xa S namfaml 71 itemeeticin Mat Briwtew took aothwgWHBAT Opto Hk Low Clots

September LWH 1H LOdtl L KDecember 1MK LU LUfc 1WK

tWit Lf4 LWiCORN

Septembcr WHDecember 97May


NW York Aug 2TMILLFBEDStea4r ttrade Spins bran JkSOaSJS stand i4 aMdHooUS city bran 2JW in bulk Weetwn red deff

H to arrire winter wheat bran in IWlb wckto arriw WJ8-

OATSSteady quiet trade No 2 wWto 39No 3 white 39 No 4 white 3SVi white OB trailStan Quotations all for ew

FLOURStwdy aman bnei e9 Kaaeas straight5fiea a in wck soft straighto 44480 Ja bartel prioe pattotta 7fa600 ID barrel Sdears 46084aX-

RYB FLOURSteady trade Is lifeless Chokebrands auoied at 400at4S-

CORJOlKALrEasler iwjulry is moderate KHtrial for export JJO coarso meal in bass L3GeL-

30HAYRewipta 1003 tons steady lifeless QBOtatione are ion new Prime tlmetbjf LSI Xo 1

110H11S Xa 2 10Jal No 3STILVWReee4pU 90 totes trade i dull Lone

rye quoted at Ka0-BBKFStcady limited business Packet

lCO family 1900BWJ9PORKSteady trade Mess 2J50aS00

family S00a250LARDSt ady slew Prime Weatem 1155 dtf

KXO rcflncd continent 1278 Bontb American 1340-reflnod Braadin kegs 1450 oleoetearlae llallVtbrd atMrioe dull New York 1314


GRAIN Wfceat vcr bushel SOaSS com hcllsbuabcl flfaTS cob 375aCOO per barrel oat

Western white No 2 per bushel 4SnM mixedper bushel 4IatO bran per ton STO midJIIncsper ton VGQ

HAY AND STRAWHay Western No 1 SWNa 2 mixed 2ZW beau at local settles 190straw rye Uwdte 1100 straw tie machineNOO Uavr wUeat per ton 550 straw oat pertoe 8W


ew York Aug 27CATTLER celpUb d DreeKd beef quiet at for nature TaSfor Texan beef Liverpool and London cattle andbeef markets nncbanRc-

dCALVESRtceipta C63 head Pikes wets fullsteady for veals and stronger tot We tvniVeala were quoted at SaQsll00 per 100 poundsthrowonts CMaB00 Two cars of Wee ora calvesfold 7 4aSJI Dreend calves firm at halT for cUrdraaetf vcala 1 UH for country dressed IWSaUfor dreetcsl buttafmilks

SHEEf AND LAMBSHeceipts 5SW headSheep were steady to strong lAmb Arm to fiehlRher with a goed clcaraace of the pens ComWPB to vrinw sheep soW 300a462i4 per 100 poundevils S30 dreswcf niHtton steady at SaW perpouted iltxKi lambs lIon at W aH-

HOiiSIteceipts 2408 N nc for sale aliTCNominally steady da for all weights


IWaS O do common 203a38-0HOGSPer cwL cross 9Ma8jO do ordinary


6HEElrlrtEe 3E9a00 do conunon ZBOalOO8prllg 6a6 0 fall choice per Ib

7 do medium 5CALVKSPrime pot lb aP4 80 medium 7

do commonCOWSPrlmp fresb eseh 3SOOaliCO do com-

mon 25COa30CO do old and dry 1900al509






do Sam




fowl old

l bailbunch 1



i lO







coo last










CAT E Jcat






sod nearbyirMa



per ashy




Detataher 70 Wi










this 5












Visit Them forRest and Recreation


half n Mullets Persons Will HaveEntered the Government Reaert cB

sit End qf Preient Sewnn Intcre tlug Facl Mndc Public by Depart-ment of Agriculture

Before the years outing season Is overnoarfjK half a million persons will haveought recreation and health In tho na-

tional forests of the United Statts Withthe tlnost mountain scenery and much otthe beet fishing and bis game hunting Inthe United States the national forests

more and more accessible eachyear through protection and development

the government are fast becominggroat national playgrounds for tho people

The use of the forests for recreation isa yet In its beginning but is growingsteadily and rnpldly in some of the

at the rate of 100 per cent per an-

num The day seems not far distant when-a million persons will annually visitthem 1

Go for Various PurpoweiiThe records show that the seasonal use

of forests runs from two months Ina Colorado forest such as the Routttwelve months in an Alaskan such asTongass But the uses differ In Colorado 2000 visitors entered the forest toflab to camp to climb and to drink themedicinal water In Alaska 10UO wentalmost solely to hunt and fish The llMOperson who went l jo the Coconino For-est Arizona during nine months went tocamp or to enjoy the scenery Duringtour months 50000 persons visitedAngeles Forest California

The most popular af the forests is thePike containing the fatuous peak of thatname The various f ttrctk ns within Itslimits Including the sctnlc drewIftXOOj tourists and others By principalStates the vitional forest visitors numbered 23100 in Arizona KOOOO in California 140009 in Colorado Mon-

tana 10060 in New Mexico 3MM in Ore-gon 28M9 in Idaho 16000 In Utah and120M in Washington V

Wanders in the ForentnOf the natural wonder and landmarks

of Interest In the national forests severalboon set apart as national menu

lop among them Cinder Cone 3 greatbasin in California tho Cliff

Dwellings extensive remains of a prehistori race in New Mexico the utt ur-paaae4l Grand Canyon of the Coloradoin Artaona Jewel Cave South DakotaLessen Peak the terminus of a long lineof extinct volcanoes In tho Cascades thePinnacles a toilpction of remarkablejagged peaks In California and the Tontoa group of prehistoric ruins in the TontoForest In Arizona The Big Trees Glaclef Park the Petrified Forest tho Orogon Caves and numerous other phenomone serve to attract other hosts of visIts Sportwinnn Finds Pa rn dine

The sportsman finds kin paradise in thenatIonal forest In many ofthembigabounds The rangers and the guardsbesides the service they perform againstthe spread of lire often point out thebOlt site for the camper and the easiestroute A record of 921 miles of trait

123S miles of road laid out and 4SS1miles of telephone line sorting tell whatthe government has done In the way ofpushing tho conveniences of civilizationinto the primeval forest

The day of the wilderness of the savageand the pioneer is swiftly passing theday of the national forests as productiveresources and as notional parks ap-

proaches The report of last years administration by the United States Departmcnt of Agriculture evidences therapidity of the transformation


Dcnrcdntions Stir llnntcra-io Folloiv Trail

Baton Rouge La Aug 27 A parts ofhunters set out frpm hero today for theAtchafalaya country to wage war onbears that have ruined hundreds of acresof corn in that part of the State Thedepredations of the animals have notstopped ID cornfields They Invaded pas-tures and killed scores of cattle Bruineven got lo bold as to shuffle into severalof the small Ajtcbalalaya towns Seldomhe shuffled out tar rifles and revolversare always handy in that part of Louisiana

Years ago the Atchafalaya was a hunters paradise Eventually however asgreat plantations turned into smallfarms the deer and bear warp drivenback Into the swamps In the past twoyears Bruin has bred rapidly and thissummer he and his family advanced oncivilization eating up a acreageof cornfields In tho outposts Yesterdaytelephone messages from several Atchafalaya towns to wellknown huntsmenhere resulted In the organization of anexpedition to make war on the bearsThere are twenty hunters In the party


Prices Quoted arc wholesaleBUTTEUCrftamery fancy 31Ua32 do prints

3 do 30 iroce fancy 23 do fair to-

eed 25aB dairy choice SUS do good a 3-storepecked 18 2-

CHEBSBNew York State factory fancylialiK do small irali 4 do Inret 16Hal7

choke r t trnebk cases 24aSJWet Virginia and Southern VirginIa ret rnaWecan TcnnesiM returnable cases 22 NorthCarolina rctnnuble case 3

LIVE POULTUYChickcns spring tango ISaDJ-

Jarw 16 roosters per Ib 11 ducks old 12 dospring 3 lbs and orer 13 geese per Ib Cal2 dofancy 12al4 turkeys per lb 15 do hen

turkeys thin 10al2 keats per lb 15YEGETABLESPotatocsf Norfolk pet barrel

LOhlS cucumbers Norfolk bukrt lOOal23do North Carolina WalW strIng bcaaa per bashint 25nSe North Carolina lettuce MalCO radishes

4rrAplant per crate lCOal75 tomatoes per 75i100 asparapir 7aL50 per dozen bundles rhubarb18a 5 per dozen bunches new cabbage 68a75 percrate spring onions 3a5 hundred beets 3iS

bunch green oaskct 75aSaDRESSED POULTKYChtckens per lb 18al9

chickens and hew mixed 15 allps per lb 11ducks llall per Ib Salt

DIIESSBD MEATSllarcs country anc r urtd-IS

DRIED FRDITSApplcs sliced fancy 4a5riea 12al5 Wackbsrriw 7 12ii

WOOL AND HIDESWooi mnxrashed freeburrs per Ib 30 wool burry per Ib So23 hidesgreen lb 19 do dry per Ib 13alC sheepskIns grtca each oatOO do dry each 25a60 eaUtkhns crqSP oath lSOal75


Chicago Aug 27 Lire boSS were dell atdaya average prices The rccaipts wire estimatedat 8W Ltght 8SOa92 heavy 816aSS mIxed8KaJM rough heavy 8135

Cattle were steady estimated receipts 300 Sheepwere steady

A single swallow will detour 000 flies in day







11 In


lava QUa







BaGS earbJ

do medium lilllS do smUl POt Jb 15




pen 100 spInach 7laLOl tiltate

norper per














tier barrel



cbs i


















Postoffice Expects to



Order rind Coupon Malice liy SenderLatter Is Retained at Office

of Payment n Voucher Govern-ment Also Eliminates Reqelnt ofthe Registered Package

Two Innovation have recently beennfloptod by the Department intendejl to work out in the way of largeeconomy which affect the public In no

degree These are the new formof money order and the disuse of thereceipt sent from the ofltee of deliveryof the registered package

Hitherto the form of the money orderlw consisted of two coupons one In theform of a check given to the sender

mailed by him and giving nameof sender and name or the person towhom tho order was to be paid bythe department w the information ofthe postmaster at the office of paymentThia double mailing or one mailing bythe government for every money orderIssued in the United States resulted mgreat expellee in the way of printedblanks carriage of malls and otherItems connected therewith It wasthought expedient by officials of tho

to eliminate this Item of cost ifpossible which has been done through

Vho nev orm of money order which hasD en prepared and which will go Intouniversal use at the end of tie calendaryear

Fcnture of Netv FormThe distinctive feature ot the new form

of order ie the detachable coupon contaifilns particulars of the order and de-

signed to take the place of the advicebut to be delivered by the Issuing otikrialto the purchaser and presented withthe order by the payee or indorsee atthe paying office and there held after

separated from the order whichaf er payment wIll be as voucherwith the scraimetithly or monthly moneyorder statement to the auditor

The names of the remitter and payeewill not appear in tho body of the ordoe but the sending of the coupon withthe order will serve to acquaint or remind the payee of the name of the personentitled to credit for the remittance

On each order will appear two num-ber printed in red ink along the uppermargin one of them on the left and theother on the right of the na of taoieeuiag office The one on the left Isthe number of the office placed theresimply for convenience accounting andauditing The one on the right is thenumber of the order itself its serialnumber It appears on the stub and isrepeated oa the coupon and receipt andis the number to be used in designatingthe order in returns and correspondence

Size Shape of OrderThe order and coupon together are

somewhat longer than the order ROW inaWe but may be handled convenientlywith commercial paper by banks antibusiness houses The width is the sameas that of the present order

Models of the new style said its adjunctsr consisting of stub coupon andreceipt for remitter are on exhibitionInasmuch as many postmasters will becalled upon to pay orders of the newform before they issue any of thempostmasters should familiarize themselveswith the model at once

It will be seen that he principal fea-ture of this new form will be a detachablecoupon to take the place of the adviceto be presented with the order by thepayee or Indorsed at the paying officeTo meet the requirements of the PostalUnion however a separate advice

by the department must be IDledout and sent at once and directly by titissuing postmaster to the country ofmont in the case of each money orderof the now style drawn payable in any-one of the countries with which theUnited States conducts money order bueIRe on the domestic basis

Will Effect n SavlnjrThe Postmaster General has figured on

a very conservative basis that about300880 a year will be saved by eliminat-ing the advice feature of the domesticmoney order A large part of this sav-ing will doubtless result from the eUmnation of work made necessary by thoOld form such as the assorting and fil-

ing ef advices by States and then bycities in advance of presentation of theorders which under the old system re-quired Ute services of hundreds of clerkswho were kept busy on tiling a greaterpart of the time

Hereafter the sender of a registeredletter or package through the mans willnot receive a regular receipt returned tohim from the party to whom the letteror package was addressed ns has alwaysbeen customary heretofore unless a

request is made that a receipt bereturned to the sender at the time ofmailing

This change In the postal regulationsIs made in accordance with an amend-ment to tho postal laws passed at thelast session of Congress

It is oxpected that tho cltange in theregulations will make a great reduction inthe expenses of operation of the registrydivision for the cost of furnishingtransporting sorting and delivering mulllions of these receipt cards every year


Army Ordersat absence from S t t niber 1 to and IsclwllBS

September S IWO b nmtcd Capt JAMES DTILFORD aunrteroMMer

Capt CHARLES If IIILTON Coast TUNerCome to roHercd from aitipuBcnt the Tvveitterixth Company Coast Artillery Corps sort b-ylared on time uneadeHrd list

CapL 10BBUT W COLLINS Coast ArtlikrCorps k trausferrfd from the 5 xtjt Bdpauy to tbe TweBtyetxtk Company Coast ArtH-Icry Oon

Xnval OrderThe folltwlng orders hare been leased

Commander M L MILLER to duty C jincctlcutas cxccutiTC officer

Commander G U 15UIUUGE detached duty ConHecticut and granted t ick leave two months

Lieut ComnMwIer E R 1OLLOCK to duty officeJudge drooatc Coastal Nary Departmcni-WaabJngtnn P C

Lieut A W PRB6SEY retired detached dutynary reuniting station New York to home

Lient H E SHOEMAKER to duty couB ctIonfitting out McOtll and duty on board wb m

oommUeion-Lieut P CRONAN detached in charpc

nary rccniitia stntien New N Y toduty iu charge PubUcity Bureau Nary RecruitIng Service New York N Y

Medical Inspector H 15 KITTS retired ptectdupon the retired Met of officers of the nary fremAugust 23 m t

The interior of a ccnnpnxrf dining IB alsolutely devoid of deroraticn which could otter a lodffinc place for a speck of


POtIlo lee












Lea t



placed nW ditty



dust I




S OO000

















Capital and Surplus 2200000 U S Government Supervision


S fflW



This company desires all offices

of trust acting as executor or trustee under willsguardian agent receiver and assignee

Extensive experience and complete facilities guar

antee service of the highest character Intcrviewsjon

all questions of a fiduciary nature invited


on all accounts Deposits Subject to check

Cor 15thliSts





OFFICES OF TRUSTEfficiently Discharged







Union rustLo0


Edward J StlLwa PresidentGoo B Haivittoelst PreaWeat

and Trust Oldest

and Assistant Trust OOeerJ McGlii Jd Vie rrwWeBtI

Gee E VIee President




Mr Eoosevelt Once Told a

Reporter His Choice


Xmhitlonn Menu Planned Iiy St PaulChef 3Iny Offend KxProiiaontin1PalateMixtnlce XcwKpaiJer EdO

tor Once 31ade AVhlnper It In TwinCItlcJi lernornnt oC DcmitnuKe

A aew te tck from St Paulitiiauftcas that preparations arebetas made by one of the hoteta thereto former President Bftoscvelt notOttir wM but to reirteUoo on occanton of his visit to th t city to drewthe NtMam Conservation CoogrtM

This dispatch do not o fartails except that sage oC Oyster Baywill have placed befiere Wm some of thechoicest ranghrooins die State can af-

ford It M darkly htated that there willbe deiecats mid toothsome viandsthough they ane not specified

Some one ttt ht to whtoper cautiously-out in St Paul the experience of one ofthe Washington newspaper editors whoones ra up against the White Housemenu while Theodore Roosevelt wasPresident

Siinilny Stories Go WrongThe story told of affair is about as

follows i

The Sunday editor of a local newspaperonce bought from feature bureaustory of what the Roosevelt family ateThe menus of the three meals were etforth in detail The story was used

papers magazine section PresidentRoosevelt read it At once a secretarywas told to get onto communication withthe newspaper offioe and ask that re-

porter be sent to the White House tosee the President Of course such atommand was obeyed and the city editorsmelling great affair of state pickedout his boat reporter and sent him totho Executive Mansion-

It was not an affair of atate that thePresident wished to discuss but was an

of the palate The President hadthe trtlcle before him

AH wrong he excHDined with a snap I

of his teeth We have no such thingsas those to oat here We like plain andwholesome food

Why for I eat boiled eggsend drink a cup of coffee

For luncheon nothing please me better than a bowl of bread and milk orcrackers

Plain Stuff for DinnerFor dinner we pleased if we can

have some nice roast beet Iamb or vealwith vegetables like any other Americanfamily has on Its dinner table

The writer of the original story hadput Kernilfs name into the article inconnection with a demltasse

As for Kermit snapped the Presi-dent again he doesnt know what ademitasse is

The President was never more in earn-est in his life nnd he insisted that thefamilys menu bo placed before the pub-lic in the right light He explained thatsome dishes with highsounding Damesmight be served when state dinners weregiven but that for his own luncheonsand breakfasts breed and milk and boiledeggs wore sufficient

Despite his preference for those sub-stantial articles jof food however it isprobable that the former President willnot get them at his breakfast and luncheon in the Twin Cities









a a









into tie








Edson B Olds TreasurerBdward 1 HiOyer SecretaryHarry O Wilson Asst TreasurerW Frank D Herroa AuditorWilliam L Crane Assc Secretary II



REAL ECTATE LOANSnt Rate ot Intcreet

W H WALKER 729 15th st nw

IOAAS blADE OX HEAL ESTATJ3 Ecurlty at lowest rate ot intcrc u-

Pruutpt attentionHEISKELI McLERAX

1 OT H nw

DAILY COURT RECORDSaturday Ausrunt 7 1910


Probate Court

fl MMffc C Biaaii will datsi Mef JU-

MB fkd-Bettte of Daalei 0 etmj perltiaa for p

end reeoed K n sod ktten tesfwoentssrAttenMT Geoege P HOCTC-

TLa vsnlt f-

No SCn U A A Son TS WhIte OakCoal Ccsirear ecooont 9B3e Plaintiffsam P M BM B W B Car


Twelfth street Borthweet heiress Rhode IMtnd-evoaw sad Q etreetSqwr m lot S U H kn-Mettatf t Qcorje B SN-

CbktesterSqwiv SRJ liSa 1 to nare 5CBJot S and Chinks P Pooh et ux toAau M rUrknr SW-

Sou UK MaauKlnMetta avenue northeast B Mrtrt-outhwert between Fleet and South Cai it4-treetf K betwen fichtii and Ninth

streets Squete 733 76 square 635 lot H-qaarc M weit baIt of C Joarpb Auerurb

et X to LOOM Anerbacii HiMount neeaant Lot 4 t tiOa M Cartrcll sod

Oeorfle K Stokes trustees to WKiex jr St-

Hi 4h abwrt neetkewt between K street aid Kentrdaee Sqnaie tSL lot 13nx toiLeott M Mimes et UL

itt sod TM Sereath tre t eoothwest Sqiere-4K iatemt on origInal lot M md pert of lotU Marie Dr Atlry to Gward and harks t De Alley truslcer 110-

1Xa UK Vermeat afeime ncrthwe tS inare 2

Dub 86North Kandle HfcUandiSquare SM lot 20 and

qvarr 54M 1 and IS Americaneorhy and Trn t C nroT trasree to Ko rrt A

lUtthw Edtrard P ny and Robert BMMVT SW

P strcrt ncnhrart bet ern TweKth and Thlrtrrnr-TetrertaSqiare MM Tart d tot K MarY G NilMM to M Shafw OO

lADler Hei htLots 3 39 3 Chins WJr It m tn Brteile M Gertrrll andW K Stakes ittr sad titbtoe Jie-

PrrwrrthLot 3f blucfc 75 TDiam A Hill nodHamM W Basil rrasteei Guy S Zfif sadCarroll S 3Sew 6-

BPetwortb Lot 37 Mock S Gnv S Zepp et ns rindCaxron 8 Xepp et nx to Cbarin P Williataa-tnwtee


Square 581 Ixit I to 9 square 583 VHa 22 toU A aa M Harknr H tin to Vura4 Rsad Chants K BMwfele fro ee to secareCharles P PwreH M5 monthly par aent 6 pervet per ananam

Hri ht Lft 3 Meek M Robert Wi ilKaM et nx to CantOr L RonneU and irorcoIt Linltin trustee to nerore tKway B Ztotsinter H239 3 pests r r east eea iaantallr

Square TO Lot D Leon M et nx t HaroldB Doyle sad Wilttaw L Mills imttee tosiesta C torsr S Cooper 1230 1 to 91 monthsC per Tot per aimnat

15 Sarah JButler et aL sad Chad L Woodward sadCbarle C De Atley tracteee

and C Clinton aawa trastoea to ewrure MittsG De Atlas SllQt 1 yearetmntnil

Squaw W17Lnt 37 WQItam S Cheesier et u toComeliqs Bcaberdt aad Cbarles Jesse trusteeto secure The Nntlonal Lntberan for theAtfd J1S61 3 War 5 per ent smiannnsHr

14 blot IS Robert H Hazard et-

nx to Georftt A Meyera and William J Ilrowermutter to axare Caarlea Week OtJW 3

I per rent aemiamitjaJljSquare 4111 Lot M Oeonr G Brown to WilHam

H M Bcsne and Henry 3 Hut tmeteei tolecwe the Kmpire State Surety Company N-

iiadcaualy hoodSqwarr I Julia B Vftater to Ernest L

SchmIdt and i once M Kndaerieh trustee totIN G aiaiAinc7icaii Bonding As ci-

tton JWa ISquare JCTVLot 47 Arthur B Fambam et tOt to

the Unfam Treat Comwny trustee to oun theItdrtttr Tnat Cesopany neater 3008 5 y anS per cent f rnfV

Square IMLoU IS aad W Carolyn J Htn T etto John B Leaner and John A Hamilton

troMee to secure the VVashin t n I 4r aatlTn t Ccarnny 3 yrars 3 ier ceat-Bdtsianmully

Turkish the aoftettoned of Modem taasatges

Japanese children are tansfat to writs with bothaDdS

31ft fIe








tBeeS f



w harks

S COOJCr dsa-


a L Wood Ilot

53 Charks Dodge et ox to lchn J








Square and part ol lot

t1per ftnt


Woodtlda Lot









a tot








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6 amei











