THE WASHrZTGTOir HERALD PBIDAY MAY 28 1909U r GOSPEL ARMY MEN TELL THEIR WOES Head of the Organization Subject of Dispute SUCCESSORS TO GEN OBLEY Leo Lauterbach Asserts He Ix Presi dent of Army Which Has Member- ship of Thirty in the United States Em II Tobler Says He Has Suspended Mr Lauterbacli Once agata the ranks the Gespat Army have been rest asunder Gen M K MeDley was the cause ef Ute first disturbance The present tronMe te between Xeo who is presi- dent of the army aid EmU TeWer mer He dedares he Is aowi president of the organization The first trouble was eked In the Pale Court the present trouble wilt be aired la the new Municipal Court The first trouble had to do with matrimonial of Capt Mobley The present trouble has to do with some furniture To date the friction has resulted in the firing of Lauterbach sad Tobler That is each has discharged the other a suit Is pending ta the Municipal Court which Lauterbach declares was by him to recover damages from- a trust company and which Tobler de- clares was instituted by Lauterbach to regain coaKaad of the gospel forces te this city The Tale of Tobler The story of Vice PrefiMentT TaWer Is that several months ago he as vice president of the army aimed PreeWeiit1- Lauterbach to be suspended Lauterbach declares that ToWer was merely secre- tary of the army Lad wa asked te because he had some furniture from the office of the army and put in storage According to Lauterbacti Tobler ran affairs with a high hand while he was out of the dry Lauterbach said test sight Tobler had formerly been aa ofcer of the army Several months ago be said he left the city for a short time Upon bib return so he declared he found the Chrtetfan Home for Working Girls conducted by the army at UK Marytead avenue soutn- sr st to be denuded of furniture This furniture he said was bought oa the in- stallment plan The president became much he satt as to the beet manner of going to bed when the bed part of the programme was minue After thinking natters over he procured lawyer and oUter furniture were traced te- a storage warehouse Then with Lautdrbaeh it resolved lt- fimp a question of to be or not to b Lauterbach declares his lawyer talked with officials of the trust company and proving ownership had4 the furniture re- turned to the Christian Home for Work- Ing Girls There was a coadttioa hew Laaterbach bed to pay storage find hauling fees He agate consulted his Lau rbac trou- bles Be- sides re- sign re- moved beds f for secretary In- stituted concern- ed a ere ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ and then he said suit was in- stituted against the trust company to re- cover the money the responsibility for- th debt beta shifted to tbe shoulders of Tobler The suit has yet to be decided Imnterbach in Charge In the meantime Lauterbach Is en JH need ta the Chrtettan Home for te of tile fomRurd He declares hhneehT the only heed of th array Towers authority being as follows Tobler wee secretary and also treasurer He had te his official made payments on the furniture When I left the city be went to the trust company and bad the furniture placed ta storage In his same When I returned and found out how things stood I went to the trust company after retaining a and had the articles returned I Bred TeWer Tobler therefore has nothing more to do with the nay He is a hasbeen He is ta the same crass with Xobtey Now Tobler tells quite a different story Tobler declares Laaterbach became a stumbHag block in the path of the progress He decided it would be for alt concerned K Lanterbach was t out Therefore he declares be as vice president suspended Lauterbach Then be declares Laaterbach Instituted suit to be reinstated ta the good graces of the army This suit also has yet to be decided At one time the army bad offices at 229 D street northwest The army also had headquarters at the Christian Home for Working Girls at 1H Maryland Tobler Is In proud possession at 29 D street aad Lauterbach holds the fort at th Christian Home for Working D street were abandoned ta February Tobler declares the Christian Home for Working Gins was abandoned ta Febru- ary So the army has in reality become an army and the soldiers of the gospel have become soldiers According to the officers of the army that Is officers of both factions there are thirty members of the organization In the States of the Union These thirty members are scattered broadcast It Is on these thirty members that fall the duty of converting unbelievers te every large city in the United States Origin of the Army The history and origin of the army te not written ta the archives at the Library of Congress According to Tobler It was founded about ten yours ago by a man whose name has since been forgotten The array was first brought into the limelight when one of the ours cawed the arrest of Gen Xobtey then head of the organization Charges and counter charges followed and Gen Mobtey dropped from sight He left the city Capital and Surplus 220 0 Girls pos nJl acted- s ca- p iry 1 rye Then rays ven- ue Glrls declares the offices in I I 4ttor reT Work- ing def- ined test ¬ ¬ ¬ Before Starting for Europe- Or other foreign countries secure travelers checks from banking dept of Union Trust Co 15th and H sts Theyre safe convenient and uni- versally available 7Deposit your surplus money here Interest paid on accounts subject to check U S Government supervision Edward J Stellvracen President j ¬ EASTERN STAR EHTEKTAIHS School Days of Ago Shown In- n Play About 40 members and friends of Bethlehem Chapter Order of the East era Star attended ah original eonric burlesque on the oldtime country school given last night by members of the chapter at Odd Fellows DeestricJc Skule was the title of the comedy given by ye youths and maidens of ye Bethlehem Chapter under the direction of A W Bewen and H W Weber The first scene represented the pupils with books slates and teach playing and tottering on their way to school The morning session began with the song Good Morning Teacher followed by the roll call which was seriously inter- rupted bjr the straggling In of tardy After spelling grammar and classes were held the of the recess bell became a signal for a general rush for the playground During the intermission William Weber gave a piano solo and Albert Unstrom a cornet solo acvoinpanted by Miss Al berta Buehler afternoon session rep resented the closing day of the school year when the coknmltteanee and vis ttors from village were received The address of welcome by the smart girl of the class the discharge of the teacher and the singing of Auid Lang Sync were greeted with applause by the au- dience who seemed to appreciate greatly the amateur efforts of their friends on the stage H W Weber took the part of Obedlah Dumps the teacher Potty the redhaired girl Doremus Doootos the bashful boy Jemima PerrfwiaWe chew girl and the fjewn eoaMaluee Squire Kicker Deacon Wayback and Dr Slowcoach were particularly good members of the cast The play was given te raise tends for the benefit work of the order More than ttt was realized from the sale of tickets SHOWS NEED OF UNITY Representative Ansberry Speaks Be fore Immaculate Social Club Representative Timothy T Aasberry of Ohio was the principal speaker at a meeting of the Immaculate Social Club test night at the Globs auditorium fat N street northwest where he delivered as address on Unity of Catholic organiza Long HaK- e tile geography The the gum pu- pil sound- ing Reese ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tionMr Aasberry pointed oat the advan- tages to be derived by such unity not only te debs but also m a political sense He seW he had always taken aa Interest hi athletics aad since nearly every organ- ization of men in the church throughout- the country was interested more or less in athletics their uniting in the near future would tend to strengthen not only the bond of fellowship but the spirit of fair play ss wett Preceding Mr AasbemTs address Fran- cis J Kilkenny of the Treasury Depart- ment spike Ameriean banking He said It was Nearly flfty years since a na- tional bank laid failed In District and that they were sound hwrttuttons at print An incr8e in deposits over previous years said the speaker always means that general prosperity is being enjoyed During the test ten years an increase of SMCMro in deposits has been shows over the same period preceding the year Ma Speaking of the objects of the Catholic dubs William J Sullivan said it was to promote the work of the young men interested In church affairs OIl the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DIES AGED NINETYTWO YEARS Mr Nary Whlteside Leet Stricken- in Melrose Apartment Mrs Mary Leet died at her apartments in the Melrose Wl Clifton street yesterday nwrateg She was nearly years old Funeral tees be at the Melrose this morning at If oclock Interment will e private Mrs Leet was well known in Grand Rapids and Pittsburg She is survived by Alfred B Grant B Miss Elizabeth C and Mrs Sarah an of whom live in the Metaose WEATHER CONDITIONS CV S Dept of Awe Weather Bonne Z K 5 m- A Mcra ore that Ute Lake imgita ai U- MXertbostoa States his CMMd coBOnttta f xrew sottorei States with bearr local rstet of me Mte- iteiippi Hirer except te Soother Tctw the XOOBKB Ptelera wgtoe ad o the SON Tactic eoMt there were loot the weather tries bus A tutee te tmf4axK bM- tdna place te the Atlantic States shad the XidOe W Curler weather repotted iron the North- western States and the Lake open leek States the Bate Gulf State the Lake and the Northwest sad Smarter te the 9UM Sovth AUaatlc States aad New Bgi M- aad at scattered potato ta the Plates States sad via lair M 4 3U MSB tnapeatare is tedi toted for the Middle Atlantic sad SMOHSS Stabs ad the Middle Sawwaat coofcr weather is pentane te the Upper JUawazi Vamy and the Keck Montate resta dank Friday sad Satar dar scvthtftr shMtteg soaoiweaterij ao B the South Atlantic and East Gull tat to aor te wiabie oa the Weet cost atxfcrst soatberlr oa the Lower Labia n C a awdente sootbwwt and west ad oa the Upper Lakes Kjit te aawierate Tariabk- Ste aer departteg fer Baeapeaa soils vfll rule to brisk math rest uteas and seer to the Grand Beaks Local Temperature MKa t tt 2 a B 4 S a a M SB S 13 DOOR 2 a m 3 4 p m a 6 p SI 5- Maskaaav 21 stetson iLL a 74 Kaiafall a to 3 aa Ml Baaa- f sweatee 1 Per teat of posafcle maaina a- T apczatare save date Let jorMccbaam 3- Temperatnrei In Other Cities Tea watares fa other dUes te e with the Maoaat of lahWa far the twd aaars eaded at 3- B BU yesUrd y are as Mfews- AsaecWe N a- Atlaata a- Aifeatic CSty N J o Min SULI- S3 K T- SBcffafe X Y 65- Cyrano IH 63- CfacwBti Ohio Tr- aCtereaae Wjw 5- 2n r i crt leva fie Dearer Oote B- I es Mofees lecra S- Gilrcstoa 3 Moat 65- Jacksosriflc Fla S3 lianas City 3fo K Little Rock Ark S8 Los Angeles 65- Mamaette Midi 53 Memphis Tem ri New Orleans Ls 3 New Turk N T R- North Platte Xebr S Omaha Nebr 63 Portland Me Portkad Ores Salt Lake City Utah vo St Loch Me SS St PxnL Miaa 63 Sea Fraadsco Oat S Tacoma J fie Vfcksbuis Miff 79 Tide Table tiic 9 5 a as and 338 p sT- feraorro1 Hi i tide 353 a ra and del p ra Low tide 1937 a m ant p a Condition of the Water Spsdal to The Washington HmM Harpcra Ferry W Ve ST Both rfren muddy largest Morning WhIt 6kJe YJO held Po II all Mt- pfI Kit Taos Ttasnday ill the xua sad SwIha Flat tau was fair sod tut rise Local t1 ate sdieatM Jar Fray ta ue At Golf the Rocky rP WNCIa be winds aha tile eMIt the Middie Atiiattc adeMe vest roosts Gulf Friday JuTe a a JL a 61 R L rs R ii 11 a m 6i ReIadt caWkJ8 a a s p w as p t llaia tai Sl k C eel 1- 3BI Dak H 2 2 13 tQ S 5 SI 54 sa i LIZ 3S as 54 ia T- I 4i 51- I I- I Tex iii n Helena Sl IE- IadiuaiO Ind 3 a 66 T Ii N T st T 6e is CaL tS 50 906 Ei6 f2 6 i1 551 So 915 a 5 fiG si 6 9Jl a 4S 5e SI 5t sa 2- I T sa E Sl 1H i2 54 f5 Wash 53 Ul SI 6 e TbdayH1h tip 3 a m and 35p 11 Low 1945 Circulation will B- Lest Wash tee Than r lay Ooasta hooey wsatber n dikrrhes lie tha- ie stars ehesa shore eoera verat derig the men ie ra- bies Mosntain ekwo the West The Six Esgld ails be- asde ass to coat twuhseet and le 6 a a 2 a Spa aiaalaa 9t G 5t 6 535 Bask Man 51 311 63 b6 lr st 45 Pittsbatts Pa 1 tier a M 63 it 11 R Sold May I ¬ > < > French Natural Sparkling Table Water J A great aid to digestion Perrier contains only its own pure natural gas Bottled at the springs in the South of France The ideal table wafer for ihs summer home All dealers And Were You Not Reminded That June 1 Is Near at Hand YOU HAVE ONLY FIVE DAYS MORE OF So Youd Better Get You Havent Entered Do So at Once I t111JO4o I errieJr3 i I 7J- SID YOU SEE THE LIST PUBLISHED YESTERDAY t IT- t BusyIf e 4 4- Eti king stl Jb- t I HI 53t Did you look over the Met of contestants which we yesterday What do you think of it If you are la the lead youd better be careful that you stay there as tillage may begin to get lively at say time now about time too for the extra vote period wilt not test much longer only until midnight next Tuesday This gives you only five more days te which to get these extra votes You havent so many no matter who you are but whet you may need more So youd bettor take oouneel with your- self and decide te get bay right away What do you want to wok until this extra vote period is over fer Theres no sense ta that It is nothing more than reasonable that we should expect you to work hardest while the vote scale Is greatest And Its to your advantage ac wen ac ours As we told you yesterday we have been recount tog all the ballots which have bees turned ta since the contest started We are trying to avoid any errors te the number ef votes accorded each contestant and if you are of the opinion that you have not as many votes as you should have Just come and tell as about hv We have every vote that t Its pte shed ¬ HOW VOTES WILL BE ISSUEDI- N THE WASHINGTON HERALDS VOTING CONTEST- A number of Inquiries liuve been received regarding the scale of votes in The Washington Heralds Great Voting Contest which leads us to it necessary to publish the Declining Vote Scale la each Issue of this paper Below will be found any information you may desire upon this select SECOND May 3 to Jane 15 1909 BY MAIL OR CARRIER Price 1 months subscription Dally Sunday Herald m 3 months subscription Daily Sunday Herald Led 6 months subscription DaJJy Sunday Herald 300 1 years subscription Daily Sunday Herald BM 2 years subscription Dally Sunday Herald 12W 3 years subscription Daily Sunday Herald 1800 5 years subscription Dally Sunday Herald 38W No of votes New Old Sttbecrip Subscrip- tion tion 225 900 300 2 58- C1B9 2 0- lWO 60GO THIRD June 16 to July 3 1909 i No o votes Old BY MAIL OR CARRIER Subscrlp Subscrip Price don tion I months subscription Dally Sunday Herald SB 138 r 3 months subscription Daily Sunday Herald 159 609 200 6 months subscription Dally Sunday Herald 300 1 00 500 1 years subscription Dally Sunday Herald SC9 4500 1500 2 years subscription Dally Sunday Herald nee 12000 4000 S subscription Dally Sunday Herald 1500 2C03 6 00 5 years subscription Daily Sunday Herald 30N 45000 15000 Twenty cent less votes will be issued where subscriptions are received for the Dally Herald at S4SO a year t PERIODFrom 75 roo 18000 6iite PERIODFrom e1 1 k be- lieve 30000 x500 a- New years ¬ ¬ ENGINEERS IN SESSION Washington Branch of American Institute Elects Officers The Washington section of the Amer ican Institute of Electrical Engineers held its annual meeting at the rooms In the Washington and Chesapeake Tele- phone Company Questions regarding the welfare of the organization Tere dis cussed by Ralph W Pope general sec retary of the institute and it was due to- Ms influence and arguments that the sec- tion did not suspend business on account of the small Interest shown by the mem bers in the meetings of the society The election of officers resulted as fol- lows P Betts president Dr M G Lloyd secretary and the following ex ecutive committee P G Burton J H Harms H B Stabler R P Lamberton and Maj Squiers ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ has been cast and you are at liberty to took yours over at any time We shall not be satisned unless are ana we are going to use every effort to prevent dissatisfaction not only ia your case but in every one Once more we are going to Invite new contestants to enter tIM race We that there are any number of those who would like to come in but are under the Impression tint it Ss toO late Be assured that it is not and If you al- low yourself to become frightened at the samba of votes any given contestant ha and stay out of the raoe oa this ac count all we have to say te that you are very easily frightened The contest Is far from being over and there ia no way of telling what roar happen between now aad July L We expect to have a greet many new names hi the list before the dose and w hope that you win Ve one of them If you are at all interested but are hanging hack for some reason come and WIlt tile contest department about it We win probably be able to allay an your fears You shouldnt stay out of the race except for good and reasons but you may be mistaken in the belief that yours rosily are good and sufficient A lease should UWio a talk with you about it bel- ieve We yen su dent base ¬ DEBATE GOVERNMENT CHANGE Chamber of Commerce Sleets Be hind Closed Doors The subcommittee of the committee on law and legislation of the Chamber of Commerce met In executive session last night ia the rooms of the chamber in F street to consider the resolution offered by Francis Scott Smith regarding the change of the form of government of the District It was an adjourned meeting called by E H Daniel cneirswn of the Among the fifteen members were W H HoHoway George B Farqubar F C Handy and B F SauL No information as to what transpired at the meeting was given out except that it was decided to hold a public session In the near future The exact date has not yet been set subcom- mittee pres- ent ¬ ¬ ¬ THE WORLDS BEST TABLE WATER As supplied to His Most Particular Highness The American Citizen King of Connoisseurs and Prince of Good Fellows imported II I sorrynot NAVAL OFFICIALS WILL GREET MID Veteran of RussoJapanese War Arrives Today MAY MEET PRESIDENT TAFT Members of the Embassy Stan to Escort Vice Admiral from Union Station to WIllard Hotel Was Graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1881 Vice Admiral Baron Sot Ichl Urla chief o staff of the Japanese navy will arrive In Washington at 6 this evening aecompejBied by Baroness Urta The distinguished visitor wilt be met at the station by members of the Japanese Embassy and several American naval of- ficers who will escort him to his apart- ment at the New Willard He is coming to Washington to attend a dinner given In his honor by the class of of United States Naval Academy with he graduated OfScers of the navy and army are much Interested In his visit to as Baron Urlu Is one of the distinguished veterans of the Japanese wars with Chins and Russia who resolved their early rafl Itary training ta this country He came to America in 1S 7 as one f fifteen Jap anese students who were permitted to study here as an act of international courtesy Baron Urlu will he presented t Taft br Baron Takahlra Several entertainments be gives in his honor while he is In Washington On Monday he will be the guest of Representative Meeks of Massachusetts of poUtlan clubs are planning f r his Dinner In Sere York Admiral Urta will leave Washington te time to attend a dinner given ht his ban oc on Tuesday by the Japanese Sociaty- in New York A few days later he will be entertained at dinner br OoiSL M Thompson With Baroneee Uric he win go to Pouhkeeeeto to visit Col- lege of which the baroness Is a ate They will also pay a visit to some friends ia New Haven Gnat Alter spending several ta ADMcioa they will return te Japan by say of Europe vistttag several Europaaa oapKaht on their trip Baron Uric is one of thirteen vice admirals of eoiaatry and Idle friends say that he has excellent chances of be- ing made an admiral before his retire moot He Is fiftytwo years old sad has served la the Japanese navy continuously since ISO After graduating from be spent two years studying ta Europe before a lieutenant la- the Naval College at Tokyo He served en several ships and was afterward de ailed to the general staff department ta IEla a short be was made second ta command f the great Tekaaafca deck yard Later he was pteeed ta command- of the Akagi and after beb g at MA for one year waa appointed naval attache at Parts a important and much dueired post After serving four years ta Parts be re tvmed Jam and placed te corn mend e a cruise la WK he became eaptito 9f the Paso with orders to watch the toast of the HaBSzhm pooeocrtonc ta Asia Three years later he was promoted to s rear admiral lid In lift daring the naval maneuvers he was appointed chief ef of the test dtvfefcm- A rear admiral Baron Urta was ta command of the Japanese at tile battle of the Yahx ta the Chinese war At the outbreak of the war with Bneefe- he was placed ta command of the fourth squadron of the Japaaeee fleet Action at Chemnlpo IDs action at Cbemateo ta stokteg the Russian vessels Yarhvg and Koriets began the war His squadron did excellent work off Port Arthur and ta the great battle of the Sea of Japan he commanded the light cruisers under Ad- miral Togo The successful career of Admiral Urta Is all the more remarkable stove be was born in poverty He te known te his country as a strategic gem and is often called by America omcers the Cast Xahan of Japan His countrymen speak of him as Toe Little Admiral because of his small stature AH through his ex- citing career Admiral aria has kept up his interest in Annapolis and his friend- ship with his American classmates He corresponds with them frequently and has every textbook used at the Na- val Academy sent to him He is regarded as a strong friend of the UaHed States G 0 P LEAGUE ACTS Holds Meeting and Adopts Set of Resolutions The executive committee of the League- of Republican State Clubs held a meet- Ing In league headquarters test evening In the Corcoran Building President C Snyder presided Committees were to manage the third annual on July SI at Marshall HalL j I I deck I I est I wheat WaR lGIa Members the Army and H of the Metro Vassar weeks Ute becoming time war staff tone E i tat Presi- dent will Navy en- tertainment grade his An- napolis to vir- tually ap- pointed ex- cursion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A resolution of sympaUhy for John G Capers Commissioner of Internal who has been fll was passed and a committee wilt apprise Xr Capers of the action It was resolved to present engrossed resolutions of thanks to Henry 34 Camp and T Lincoln Townsend retiring presi dent and treasurer respectively for the able manner in which they have served the tinerests of the organization Win field Jones was reappointed press repre- sentative LENPAIfT PLAN PRAISED Pittuburf Chamber of Commerce Makes Suggestions Resolutions adopted at recent meeting- of the Chamber of Commerce of Pitts burg presented by the committee on municipal art urges that Pennsylvania Senators and Representatives be asked to assist in the passage of such laws as wCI make possible the development of the city of Washington on the original plan as laid out by MaJ 1Enfant In presenting the resolution the declared the plans for the city of Washington to be one cf the legacies left by George Washington to the coon try now considered the best devised for a Capital City in dignity beautiful vistas and grouping of buildings and statues The resolution also declares that the plan has not been followed ta its en tirety especially with regard to park treatment and location of buildings much to the detriment of the National Capital The last paragraph of the resolution- as related to the IEnfaat plan reeds The only plan submitted for the future growth of the city has bean presented by the Park Commission which Is a to and development of new portions of the city in harmony with this plan Therefore the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce urges the adoptloetpf this plan for the future development of Washing- ton The committee further urges the adop- tion of the Newlands bHl for Lincoln Memorial Reve- nue a a com- mittee re- turn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I TO DAY I Special prices on aU flue floors i I Not for remnants but for most wanted things in new styles ail sizes colors THE PALAIS ROYAL 1 Garments 89c Any ot the thousands or n Walls and Wash same as illustrated at see for choke I See yes terdays Evening Star and Times for more or bargains r a e gtw 1 9 a today s The Palais Royal G s JI St Iii f j CITIZENS ASK IMPROVEMENT Heights Association Regular Session Would Have Lieut Anderson to Captaincy of Xew Police Precinct PacchtttoiTi adopted at a meeting of Congcaas Heights Improvement tJoa last night at the residence of WnHant Brayabw which will be pre- sented to tile District Ceramfs OBers recommend that LJeat Anderson of AaacoMla and Sorgt Charles A Stevens of the same preetact be captain and lieutenant the new station soon to be established The association that Washington Railway and Electric Com pas be asked to repair tile roadbed from Anacoeda to Congress Heights and that Secretary Eddy of the District electric railway commission be asked to investi- gate crowding of street oars ta section George W Kennedy chaIrman of the railway committee reported h had held a conference with Mr Moffatt of the railway company and cleaner cars He said Me Moffait prom Seed to remedy condtttoas W W Price president of the aSsocla don presided Seven new members were admitted to membership They were W L Ballard Phillip B Msghiner A 3 Righter H W Walter J H Green Dr iGu ave Bender and George E foflowlag coawktees to serve the association for the year named by PreflUeat Pries Sewer maid water E J Newcomb A E McKay and G B Darling EafiroadsG W Kennedy W E and F Wahier HighwaysM J FttUus J A Saalthsos and J Ford Taylor Finance A E McKay Rev William Bray and Edward Legtehition Gustave said Rev William Brayshaw Public hnprovemeats S 34 J Talbert aad V Wailer SchooteT M Hollows B J ewcoiab and S Jones Postoffice S J Stebbtos A E Mc Kay and M J Fflttos F Perdy J S IOB W E Porter Police and ftreJ Weber H H Potts lad J Hardester The next meeting of the association be MId the second Thursday In June the town hall and visitors will be ad mitted It is planned to have prominent speakers deliver addresses PORTO RICO BILL UP TODAY House Will Vote on It Discussed Yesterday 3 Consideration of the bill to remedy the existing political and financial deadlock ta Porto Rico between the executive council and the house of delegates which declined to appropriate money to carry- on the government until the council ap- proved bills which the house of delegates had passed was resumed ta the House of Representatives yesterday Mr Douglas spoke In favor of the bilL The house of delegates in Porto Rico he said should not be allowed to coerce the executive council by refusing to pass the appropriation bills The discussion of the Porto RIcan measure was temporarily suspended to enable the House by unanimous consent- to reach an agreement to meet today at noon and then adjourn over until Tuesday next in order to avoid a session on Mon dayRepresentatives Olmsted and Scott of Kansas spoke In support of the Olrasted bill and Representatives Garrett of Tennessee and Martin of Colorado and Delegate Larrinaga spoke In opposition- to it Delegate Larriaaga arraigned the execu tive council ascribing to It all the trou bles that beset Porto Rico under American rule Mr Martin made an address in which he referred to present rule In Porto Rico as nothing more or less than carpetbag govern- ment Mr Scott who has Just returned from Porto Rico defended the executive coun- cil and complimented the United States on Its government of the island declaring that the best people of Porto Rico would never consent to a return of the condi- tions that prevailed under Spanish A vote on the measure win be reached today PRIVATE ROOMS 5C 7 S710 5S 9 S12 513 14 515 10 SiS 20 24 S25 and 40 per month for household goods and personal effects files and office rec- ords Send for illustrated booklet and pricelist arnlture TVarehocsemcn Packers and For ardlny 1140 FIFTEENTH STREET Congress Holds Pro- moted the substation made respectively of also urged the that requested Stro je- T were Por- ter Bender S S Lyon E R PressCharles and will In have ex- tended dom- Ination STORAGE t4 4 o 85 sro 10 rnragF Qnmpa1i1 Agents tits Assoc Rex bet Blame Fishes several Measures 52o t 4 Fcurir ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ URIU IN CHICAGO Japanese TIce Admiral On His Way to Washington Chicago May 27 Vice Admiral Urfn of the Japanese navy a graduate of Naval Academy and his wife a Vassar College alumnus arrived In Chicago today from San Francisco their WIly ta Washington D C The Japanese navy oQcer was accompanied by CoL H C Hafaes United States Marine Corps a classmate at Annapolis which educational institution be was graduated ta 18S2 with high honors His visit to tills country is of a seariedL lam here portly oe a private mission and partly for the pleasure of meeting spoils saj Admiral Urta 1 to pass two weeks in the East before to Japan The Japanese sailer smiled when asked the old question as to the possibility of Japan warring with tile United He said That is practically Impossible We got our civilization from this country Our friendly relations would make such a con- tingency impossible Christian Xanders full quart BMdfetetl silos this lair the cx- 3gente r adrerdsed tewwfc OB the auricet Only obUiatM at the HBBSB 909 7tfe St bnBctes Phone M SI Established 1S70 314 Sth St P Money to Loan Watches Diamonds one Jewelry BARGAINS AT RETAIL DIED Wednesday May at 33 JOHANNA wlf of the fete Patrick Downey native County Limerick Ireland Funeral from her late residence 47 B street northwest on Saturday May 29 at S3 a thence to Sf Aloysius Church where high requiem mass be sung for the repose of her soul a 9 oclock Relatives and friends spectf ally invited to attend FEGANOn Wednesday May 25 1S69 a 635 p JOSEPH P FEGAN in the year of age lineal from his late residence 361 G street southwest Saturday May 9 at 9 a thence to St Dominics Church where requiem raass will bei offered for the repose of his souL Friends and relatives invited to GLASGOW On Wednesday May 26 1539 at 123 a m SARAH E of the late Beechezn Glasgow Funeral from her late residence 1323 Eleventh southeast Saturday May a m Relatives friends invited to attend LEET On Thursday morning May 27 1969 Mrs MARY WHITESIDE LEET In her Btaetysacoad year Friends are Invited to services at the Melrose 13O Clifton street Friday May 2S at 5 a ra Interment private Grand Rapids and Pittsburg paperi please copy this life on May 25 MW at p m at dente Thirteenth street northeast BERTIE HOLMES beloved daughter of Ottoway and Sarah Holmes sister of Daisy Lei Brant Funeral from Zion Baptist Church P street between Third and Fouranda half streets at IM p a Saturday May 29 Friends and relatives invited A rose JSower IB ax rnidit- Fiocked acMogst wilt Ve ahrnT Gene to bet bona by God called Ittf etUd oooroed aadpcaiMdhr BY ONE WHO MISSES HES FUNERAL DIRECTORS GEORGE P ZURHORST 301 East Capitol Stree- tJ WILLIAM LEE Funeral Director tad KrihaTniT Lima is coaaecdes Casssocsf- GsayA ad Modem CrKrutorJaEx Modest S3 Pesssrfrtsia ate aw Tdep QBe 13- SSFUNEEL DESIGNS GEO C SHAFFER FLOttAI DESIGNS SEASONABLE PRICES Phone 1CS Mils 14th ad Eye s4i aw FUNERAL FLOWERS Of Etta Dervishes Moderately Prices GLIDE THOSE St X MONUMENTS- LET US ESTIMATE OX TOUR CEMETEBr hat for Desmttaa Day ine disbar t stock ta select feexs Place crd r sow and avoid dtoppoJst pest JOHN T TRAPP Lincoln we tad T it GEO COOPEE MARBLE AND GSANrTB MONTJMSST3 WORE AT MODERATE PRICES 223 ITH ST KW THOSE X 3CO WE FURNISH MONUHENTS Of for mast hcabfe rtose to net frees maaHftctBrcv UTiss you iia jsaflt 33 New 5i to Select From The DELAWARE AVE AND fi ST SW PHOXS JIA1N S3 8 SIDE U S CAPHOA the Anna 9H5 from nature son of DIY former dasseuntes at An t J Malt Whisky- 75c risky d IIQ ali y II t- t IH K FULTON w DOWNEYOn o IlL tweD lIIDth hip m at- tend HOLMESDeparted Stt t L fin t mt F ST c E beta the Des FlaIll Pare l- an j expect re- turning Stales 4 trLsSMsltMtt4L4a1 W tits tlee ymr eid gesie- rI trash views i e s a s i beloved l rep m t street Tuesday all runs Main a NORTHwEST FIRSTCLSS ache ncs di thus middles a Coy C ¬ > >

Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-05-28 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1909-05-28/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · THE WASHrZTGTOir HERALD PBIDAY MAY 28 1909U r GOSPEL ARMY

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-05-28 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1909-05-28/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · THE WASHrZTGTOir HERALD PBIDAY MAY 28 1909U r GOSPEL ARMY





Head of the OrganizationSubject of Dispute


Leo Lauterbach Asserts He Ix President of Army Which Has Member-

ship of Thirty in the UnitedStates Em II Tobler Says He HasSuspended Mr Lauterbacli

Once agata the ranks the GespatArmy have been rest asunder

Gen M K MeDley was the cause ef Ute

first disturbance The present tronMe te

between Xeo who is presi-

dent of the army aid EmU TeWermer He dedares he Is aowipresident of the organization

The first trouble was eked In the PaleCourt the present trouble wilt be airedla the new Municipal Court The firsttrouble had to do with matrimonial

of Capt Mobley The present troublehas to do with some furniture

To date the friction has resulted in thefiring of Lauterbach sad Tobler That

is each has discharged the othera suit Is pending ta the Municipal

Court which Lauterbach declares wasby him to recover damages from-

a trust company and which Tobler de-

clares was instituted by Lauterbach toregain coaKaad of the gospel forces tethis city

The Tale of ToblerThe story of Vice PrefiMentT TaWer

Is that several months ago he as vicepresident of the army aimed PreeWeiit1-

Lauterbach to be suspended Lauterbachdeclares that ToWer was merely secre-

tary of the army Lad wa asked tebecause he had some furniture

from the office of the army andput in storage According to LauterbactiTobler ran affairs with a high hand whilehe was out of the dry

Lauterbach said test sight Tobler hadformerly been aa ofcer of the armySeveral months ago be said he left thecity for a short time Upon bib returnso he declared he found the ChrtetfanHome for Working Girls conducted bythe army at UK Marytead avenue soutn-sr st to be denuded of furniture Thisfurniture he said was bought oa the in-

stallment planThe president became much

he satt as to the beet manner ofgoing to bed when the bed part of theprogramme was minue After thinkingnatters over he procured lawyer

and oUter furniture were traced te-

a storage warehouseThen with Lautdrbaeh it resolved lt-

fimp a question of to be or not tob

Lauterbach declares his lawyer talkedwith officials of the trust company andproving ownership had4 the furniture re-

turned to the Christian Home for Work-Ing Girls There was a coadttioa hew

Laaterbach bed to pay storage findhauling fees He agate consulted his

Lau rbac




re-sign re-moved















and then he said suit was in-

stituted against the trust company to re-cover the money the responsibility for-th debt beta shifted to tbe shoulders ofTobler The suit has yet to be decided

Imnterbach in ChargeIn the meantime Lauterbach Is en

JH need ta the Chrtettan Home forte of tile fomRurd

He declares hhneehT the only heed ofth array Towers authority being

as followsTobler wee secretary and alsotreasurer He had te his official

made payments on the furnitureWhen I left the city be went to the trustcompany and bad the furniture placed tastorage In his same When I returnedand found out how things stood I wentto the trust company after retaining a

and had the articles returnedI Bred TeWer Tobler therefore

has nothing more to do with the nayHe is a hasbeen He is ta the samecrass with Xobtey

Now Tobler tells quite a different storyTobler declares Laaterbach became astumbHag block in the path of the

progress He decided it would befor alt concerned K Lanterbach was

t out Therefore he declares be asvice president suspended LauterbachThen be declares Laaterbach Institutedsuit to be reinstated ta the good gracesof the army

This suit also has yet to be decidedAt one time the army bad offices at

229 D street northwest The army alsohad headquarters at the Christian Homefor Working Girls at 1H Maryland

Tobler Is In proud possession at29 D street aad Lauterbach holds the

fort at th Christian Home for Working

D street were abandoned ta FebruaryTobler declares the Christian Home forWorking Gins was abandoned ta Febru-ary

So the army has in reality become anarmy and the soldiers of the gospel havebecome soldiers

According to the officers of the armythat Is officers of both factions thereare thirty members of the organization Inthe States of the Union These thirtymembers are scattered broadcast It Ison these thirty members that fall theduty of converting unbelievers te everylarge city in the United States

Origin of the ArmyThe history and origin of the army te

not written ta the archives at the Libraryof Congress According to Tobler It wasfounded about ten yours ago by a manwhose name has since been forgotten

The array was first brought into thelimelight when one of the ours cawedthe arrest of Gen Xobtey then head ofthe organization Charges and countercharges followed and Gen Mobteydropped from sight He left the city

Capital and Surplus 220 0

Girls pos nJl

acted-s ca-

p iry

1 ryeThen



Glrls declares the offices in










Before Starting for Europe-Or other foreign countries securetravelers checks from banking deptof Union Trust Co 15th and H stsTheyre safe convenient and uni-versally available

7Deposit your surplus moneyhere Interest paid on accountssubject to check U S Governmentsupervision

Edward J Stellvracen President




School Days of Ago Shown In-

n PlayAbout 40 members and friends of

Bethlehem Chapter Order of the Eastera Star attended ah original eonricburlesque on the oldtime country schoolgiven last night by members of thechapter at Odd Fellows

DeestricJc Skule was the title ofthe comedy given by ye youths andmaidens of ye Bethlehem Chapterunder the direction of A W Bewenand H W Weber

The first scene represented the pupilswith books slates and teach playingand tottering on their way to school Themorning session began with the song

Good Morning Teacher followed bythe roll call which was seriously inter-rupted bjr the straggling In of tardy

After spelling grammar andclasses were held the

of the recess bell became a signalfor a general rush for the playground

During the intermission William Webergave a piano solo and Albert Unstroma cornet solo acvoinpanted by Miss Alberta Buehler afternoon session represented the closing day of the schoolyear when the coknmltteanee and visttors from village were received Theaddress of welcome by the smart girl ofthe class the discharge of the teacherand the singing of Auid Lang Syncwere greeted with applause by the au-

dience who seemed to appreciate greatlythe amateur efforts of their friends onthe stage

H W Weber took the part of ObedlahDumps the teacher Potty theredhaired girl Doremus Doootos thebashful boy Jemima PerrfwiaWe chew

girl and the fjewn eoaMalueeSquire Kicker Deacon Wayback andDr Slowcoach were particularly goodmembers of the cast

The play was given te raise tends forthe benefit work of the order More thanttt was realized from the sale of



Representative Ansberry Speaks Before Immaculate Social Club

Representative Timothy T Aasberryof Ohio was the principal speaker at ameeting of the Immaculate Social Clubtest night at the Globs auditorium fat Nstreet northwest where he delivered asaddress on Unity of Catholic organiza
















tionMr Aasberry pointed oat the advan-tages to be derived by such unity notonly te debs but also m a political senseHe seW he had always taken aa Interesthi athletics aad since nearly every organ-

ization of men in the church throughout-the country was interested more or lessin athletics their uniting in the nearfuture would tend to strengthen not onlythe bond of fellowship but the spiritof fair play ss wett

Preceding Mr AasbemTs address Fran-cis J Kilkenny of the Treasury Depart-ment spike Ameriean banking Hesaid It was Nearly flfty years since a na-

tional bank laid failed In Districtand that they were sound hwrttuttons atprint

An incr8e in deposits over previousyears said the speaker always meansthat general prosperity is being enjoyedDuring the test ten years an increase ofSMCMro in deposits has been shows overthe same period preceding the year Ma

Speaking of the objects of the Catholicdubs William J Sullivan said it wasto promote the work of the young meninterested In church affairs








Mr Nary Whlteside Leet Stricken-in Melrose Apartment

Mrs Mary Leet died at herapartments in the Melrose Wl Cliftonstreet yesterday nwrateg She wasnearly years old Funeraltees be at the Melrose thismorning at If oclock Interment will eprivate Mrs Leet was well known inGrand Rapids and Pittsburg

She is survived by Alfred B Grant BMiss Elizabeth C and Mrs Sarah

an of whom live in the Metaose


CV S Dept of Awe Weather BonneZ K 5 m-

A Mcra ore that Ute Lake imgita ai U-MXertbostoa States his CMMd coBOnttta f

xrew sottorei

States with bearr local rstet of me Mte-

iteiippi Hirer except te Soother Tctw theXOOBKB Ptelera wgtoe ad o the SON TacticeoMt there were loot the weather

tries bus A tutee te tmf4axK bM-

tdna place te the Atlantic States shad the XidOeW Curler weather repotted iron the North-western States and the Lake open

leek States the Bate Gulf State the Lakeand the Northwest sad Smarter te the

9UM Sovth AUaatlc States aad New Bgi M-

aad at scattered potato ta the Plates States sad

via lair M 4 3U MSB tnapeatare is teditoted for the Middle Atlantic sad SMOHSS Stabsad the Middle Sawwaat coofcr weather

is pentane te the Upper JUawazi Vamy and theKeck Montate resta dank Friday sad Satardar

scvthtftr shMtteg soaoiweaterij ao

B the South Atlantic and East Gulltat to aor te wiabie oa the Weet costatxfcrst soatberlr oa the Lower Labia n C aawdente sootbwwt and west ad oa the UpperLakes Kjit te aawierate Tariabk-

Ste aer departteg fer Baeapeaa soilsvfll rule to brisk math rest uteas andseer to the Grand Beaks

Local TemperatureMKa t tt 2 a B 4

S a a M SB S 13 DOOR 2 a m 34 p m a 6 p SI 5-

Maskaaav 21 stetson iLL

a 74 Kaiafall a to 3 aa Ml Baaa-f sweatee 1 Per teat of posafcle maaina a-T apczatare save date Let jorMccbaam 3-

Temperatnrei In Other CitiesTea watares fa other dUes te e with the

Maoaat of lahWa far the twd aaars eaded at 3-

B BU yesUrd y are as Mfews-

AsaecWe N a-Atlaata a-

Aifeatic CSty N J

o Min SULI-S3 K T-

SBcffafe X Y 65-

Cyrano IH 63-

CfacwBti Ohio Tr-

aCtereaae Wjw 5-2n r icrt leva fie

Dearer Oote B-I es Mofees lecra S-Gilrcstoa 3

Moat 65-

Jacksosriflc Fla S3

lianas City 3fo KLittle Rock Ark S8

Los Angeles 65-

Mamaette Midi 53Memphis Tem riNew Orleans Ls 3

New Turk N T R-

North Platte Xebr SOmaha Nebr 63

Portland MePortkad OresSalt Lake City Utah vo

St Loch Me SS

St PxnL Miaa 63

Sea Fraadsco Oat STacoma J fie

Vfcksbuis Miff 79

Tide Table

tiic 9 5 a as and 338 p sT-

feraorro1 Hi i tide 353 a ra and del p raLow tide 1937 a m ant p a

Condition of the WaterSpsdal to The Washington HmM

Harpcra Ferry W Ve ST Both rfrenmuddy

largest Morning

WhIt 6kJe




IIall Mt-pfI Kit Taos

Ttasnday ill the xua sad SwIhaFlat

tauwas fair sod tut


Local t1 ate sdieatM Jar Fray ta ue AtGolf

the Rocky rP WNCIabe

winds aha tile eMIt

the Middie Atiiattc adeMevest roosts



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asde ass tocoat twuhseet and

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5t 6 535

Bask Man 51



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French NaturalSparkling Table Water

J A great aid to digestion

Perrier contains only its own purenatural gas

Bottled at the springs in the Southof FranceThe ideal table wafer for ihs summerhome

All dealers

And Were You Not Reminded That June 1

Is Near at Hand


So Youd Better Get You Havent Entered

Do So at Once



I errieJr3 iI







e4 4-

Eti king stl




Did you look over the Met of contestantswhich we yesterday What doyou think of it If you are la the leadyoud better be careful that you staythere as tillage may begin to get lively

at say time now about time toofor the extra vote period wilt not testmuch longer only until midnight nextTuesday This gives you only five moredays te which to get these extra votesYou havent so many no matter whoyou are but whet you may need moreSo youd bettor take oouneel with your-

self and decide te get bay right awayWhat do you want to wok until thisextra vote period is over fer Theresno sense ta that It is nothing morethan reasonable that we should expectyou to work hardest while the vote scaleIs greatest And Its to your advantageac wen ac ours

As we told you yesterday we havebeen recount tog all the ballots whichhave bees turned ta since the conteststarted We are trying to avoid anyerrors te the number ef votes accordedeach contestant and if you are of theopinion that you have not as many votesas you should have Just come and tellas about hv We have every vote that



pte shed




A number of Inquiries liuve been received regarding the scale of votesin The Washington Heralds Great Voting Contest which leads us to

it necessary to publish the Declining Vote Scale la each Issue ofthis paper Below will be found any information you may desire uponthis select

SECOND May 3 to Jane 15 1909


1 months subscription Dally Sunday Herald m3 months subscription Daily Sunday Herald Led6 months subscription DaJJy Sunday Herald 3001 years subscription Daily Sunday Herald BM2 years subscription Dally Sunday Herald 12W3 years subscription Daily Sunday Herald 18005 years subscription Dally Sunday Herald 38W

No of votesNew Old

Sttbecrip Subscrip-tion tion


900 300

2 58-

C1B9 2 0-

lWO 60GO

THIRD June 16 to July 3 1909i No o votes

OldBY MAIL OR CARRIER Subscrlp Subscrip

Price don tionI months subscription Dally Sunday Herald SB 138 r3 months subscription Daily Sunday Herald 159 609 200

6 months subscription Dally Sunday Herald 300 1 00 500

1 years subscription Dally Sunday Herald SC9 4500 15002 years subscription Dally Sunday Herald nee 12000 4000S subscription Dally Sunday Herald 1500 2C03 6 00

5 years subscription Daily Sunday Herald 30N 45000 15000Twenty cent less votes will be issued where subscriptions are received

for the Dally Herald at S4SO a year




















Washington Branch of AmericanInstitute Elects Officers

The Washington section of the American Institute of Electrical Engineersheld its annual meeting at the rooms Inthe Washington and Chesapeake Tele-

phone Company Questions regardingthe welfare of the organization Tere discussed by Ralph W Pope general secretary of the institute and it was due to-

Ms influence and arguments that the sec-

tion did not suspend business on accountof the small Interest shown by the members in the meetings of the society

The election of officers resulted as fol-

lows P Betts president Dr M GLloyd secretary and the following executive committee P G Burton J HHarms H B Stabler R P Lambertonand Maj Squiers








has been cast and you are at liberty totook yours over at any time We shallnot be satisned unless are ana weare going to use every effort to preventdissatisfaction not only ia your casebut in every one

Once more we are going to Invite newcontestants to enter tIM race We

that there are any number of thosewho would like to come in but areunder the Impression tint it Ss toO lateBe assured that it is not and If you al-

low yourself to become frightened at thesamba of votes any given contestantha and stay out of the raoe oa this account all we have to say te that you arevery easily frightened The contest Isfar from being over and there ia noway of telling what roar happen betweennow aad July L We expect to have agreet many new names hi the list beforethe dose and w hope that you win Veone of them

If you are at all interested but arehanging hack for some reason come andWIlt tile contest department about itWe win probably be able to allay an yourfears You shouldnt stay out of the raceexcept for good and reasons butyou may be mistaken in the belief thatyours rosily are good and sufficient Alease should UWio a talk withyou about it




su dent




Chamber of Commerce Sleets Behind Closed Doors

The subcommittee of the committee onlaw and legislation of the Chamber ofCommerce met In executive session lastnight ia the rooms of the chamber in Fstreet to consider the resolution offeredby Francis Scott Smith regarding thechange of the form of government of theDistrict

It was an adjourned meeting called byE H Daniel cneirswn of the

Among the fifteen memberswere W H HoHoway George B

Farqubar F C Handy and B F SauLNo information as to what transpired at

the meeting was given out except that itwas decided to hold a public session Inthe near future The exact date has notyet been set

subcom-mittee pres-ent





As supplied to

His Most Particular HighnessThe American CitizenKing of Connoisseurs

and Prince of Good Fellows







Veteran of RussoJapaneseWar Arrives Today


Members of the Embassy Stan toEscort Vice Admiral from UnionStation to WIllard Hotel WasGraduated from the United StatesNaval Academy in 1881

Vice Admiral Baron Sot Ichl Urlachief o staff of the Japanese navy willarrive In Washington at 6 thisevening aecompejBied by Baroness UrtaThe distinguished visitor wilt be met atthe station by members of the JapaneseEmbassy and several American naval of-

ficers who will escort him to his apart-ment at the New Willard He is comingto Washington to attend a dinner givenIn his honor by the class of ofUnited States Naval Academy with

he graduatedOfScers of the navy and army are much

Interested In his visit to asBaron Urlu Is one of the distinguishedveterans of the Japanese wars with Chinsand Russia who resolved their early raflItary training ta this country He cameto America in 1S 7 as one f fifteen Japanese students who were permitted tostudy here as an act of internationalcourtesy

Baron Urlu will he presented tTaft br Baron Takahlra Several

entertainments be gives in his honorwhile he is In Washington On Mondayhe will be the guest of RepresentativeMeeks of Massachusetts of

poUtlan clubs are planning f r his

Dinner In Sere YorkAdmiral Urta will leave Washington te

time to attend a dinner given ht his banoc on Tuesday by the Japanese Sociaty-

in New York A few days later he willbe entertained at dinner br OoiSL MThompson With Baroneee Uric he wingo to Pouhkeeeeto to visit Col-

lege of which the baroness Is aate They will also pay a visit to somefriends ia New Haven Gnat Alterspending several ta ADMcioa theywill return te Japan by say of Europevistttag several Europaaa oapKaht ontheir trip

Baron Uric is one of thirteen viceadmirals of eoiaatry and Idle friendssay that he has excellent chances of be-ing made an admiral before his retiremoot He Is fiftytwo years old sad hasserved la the Japanese navy continuouslysince ISO After graduating from

be spent two years studying taEurope before a lieutenant la-

the Naval College at Tokyo He serveden several ships and was afterward deailed to the general staff department taIEla a short be was made second tacommand f the great Tekaaafca deckyard Later he was pteeed ta command-of the Akagi and after beb g at MA forone year waa appointed naval attache atParts a important and much dueiredpost

After serving four years ta Parts be retvmed Jam and placed te cornmend e a cruise la WK he becameeaptito 9f the Paso with orders to watchthe toast of the HaBSzhm pooeocrtonc taAsia Three years later he was promotedto s rear admiral lid In lift daring thenaval maneuvers he was appointed chiefef of the test dtvfefcm-

A rear admiral Baron Urta was tacommand of the Japanese at tilebattle of the Yahx ta the Chinese warAt the outbreak of the war with Bneefe-he was placed ta command of the fourthsquadron of the Japaaeee fleet

Action at ChemnlpoIDs action at Cbemateo ta stokteg the

Russian vessels Yarhvg and Korietsbegan the war His squadron did

excellent work off Port Arthur and tathe great battle of the Sea of Japan hecommanded the light cruisers under Ad-

miral TogoThe successful career of Admiral Urta

Is all the more remarkable stove be wasborn in poverty He te known te hiscountry as a strategic gem and is oftencalled by America omcers the CastXahan of Japan His countrymen speakof him as Toe Little Admiral becauseof his small stature AH through his ex-

citing career Admiral aria has kept uphis interest in Annapolis and his friend-ship with his American classmates

He corresponds with them frequentlyand has every textbook used at the Na-

val Academy sent to him He is regardedas a strong friend of the UaHed States


Holds Meeting and Adopts Set ofResolutions

The executive committee of the League-of Republican State Clubs held a meet-

Ing In league headquarters test eveningIn the Corcoran Building PresidentC Snyder presided Committees were

to manage the third annualon July SI at Marshall HalL




deck I




WaR lGIa

Membersthe Army and H of the Metro





















ap-pointed ex-











A resolution of sympaUhy for John GCapers Commissioner of Internal

who has been fll was passed and acommittee wilt apprise Xr Capers of theaction

It was resolved to present engrossedresolutions of thanks to Henry 34 Campand T Lincoln Townsend retiring president and treasurer respectively for theable manner in which they have servedthe tinerests of the organization Winfield Jones was reappointed press repre-



Pittuburf Chamber of CommerceMakes Suggestions

Resolutions adopted at recent meeting-of the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg presented by the committee onmunicipal art urges that PennsylvaniaSenators and Representatives be askedto assist in the passage of such laws aswCI make possible the development of thecity of Washington on the original planas laid out by MaJ 1Enfant

In presenting the resolution thedeclared the plans for the city of

Washington to be one cf the legaciesleft by George Washington to the coontry now considered the best devisedfor a Capital City in dignity beautifulvistas and grouping of buildings andstatues

The resolution also declares that theplan has not been followed ta its entirety especially with regard to parktreatment and location of buildingsmuch to the detriment of the National

CapitalThe last paragraph of the resolution-

as related to the IEnfaat plan reedsThe only plan submitted for the future

growth of the city has bean presentedby the Park Commission which Is a

to and development of new portionsof the city in harmony with this planTherefore the Pittsburg Chamber ofCommerce urges the adoptloetpf this planfor the future development of Washing-ton

The committee further urges the adop-tion of the Newlands bHl for LincolnMemorial















Special prices on aU flue floors i I

Not for remnants but for most

wanted things in new styles ail

sizes colors

THE PALAIS ROYAL1 Garments 89c

Any ot the thousands or n Walls and Washsame as illustrated at see for choke I

See yes terdays Evening Star and Times formore or bargains







today s

The Palais Royal G sJI

St Iiif j


Heights Association

Regular Session

Would Have Lieut Andersonto Captaincy of Xew

Police Precinct

PacchtttoiTi adopted at a meeting ofCongcaas Heights ImprovementtJoa last night at the residence ofWnHant Brayabw which will be pre-

sented to tile District Ceramfs OBers

recommend that LJeat Anderson ofAaacoMla and Sorgt CharlesA Stevens of the same preetact becaptain and lieutenantthe new station soon to be established

The association thatWashington Railway and Electric Compas be asked to repair tile roadbed fromAnacoeda to Congress Heights and thatSecretary Eddy of the District electricrailway commission be asked to investi-

gate crowding of street oars tasection George W Kennedy chaIrmanof the railway committee reported hhad held a conference with Mr Moffattof the railway company andcleaner cars He said Me Moffait promSeed to remedy condtttoas

W W Price president of the aSsocla

don presided Seven new members were

admitted to membership They were WL Ballard Phillip B Msghiner A 3Righter H W Walter J H Green Dr

iGu ave Bender and George E

foflowlag coawktees to serve theassociation for the year named byPreflUeat Pries

Sewer maid water E J Newcomb AE McKay and G B Darling

EafiroadsG W Kennedy W Eand F Wahier

HighwaysM J FttUus J A Saalthsosand J Ford Taylor

Finance A E McKay Rev WilliamBray and Edward

Legtehition Gustavesaid Rev William Brayshaw

Public hnprovemeats S 34 JTalbert aad V Wailer

SchooteT M Hollows B J ewcoiaband S Jones

Postoffice S J Stebbtos A E McKay and M J Fflttos

F Perdy J S IOBW E Porter

Police and ftreJ Weber H H Pottslad J Hardester

The next meeting of the associationbe MId the second Thursday In Junethe town hall and visitors will be admitted It is planned to haveprominent speakers deliver addresses


House Will Vote on ItDiscussed Yesterday 3

Consideration of the bill to remedy theexisting political and financial deadlockta Porto Rico between the executivecouncil and the house of delegates whichdeclined to appropriate money to carry-on the government until the council ap-proved bills which the house of delegateshad passed was resumed ta the House ofRepresentatives yesterday

Mr Douglas spoke In favor of the bilLThe house of delegates in Porto Rico hesaid should not be allowed to coerce theexecutive council by refusing to pass theappropriation bills

The discussion of the Porto RIcanmeasure was temporarily suspended toenable the House by unanimous consent-to reach an agreement to meet today atnoon and then adjourn over until Tuesdaynext in order to avoid a session on Mon

dayRepresentatives Olmsted and Scott ofKansas spoke In support of the Olrastedbill and Representatives Garrett ofTennessee and Martin of Colorado andDelegate Larrinaga spoke In opposition-to it

Delegate Larriaaga arraigned the executive council ascribing to It all the troubles that beset Porto Rico underAmerican rule Mr Martin made an

address in which he referred topresent rule In Porto Rico as nothingmore or less than carpetbag govern-ment

Mr Scott who has Just returned fromPorto Rico defended the executive coun-cil and complimented the United Stateson Its government of the island declaringthat the best people of Porto Rico wouldnever consent to a return of the condi-tions that prevailed under Spanish

A vote on the measure win bereached today


ROOMS5C 7 S710 5S 9 S12 513 14515 10 SiS 20 24 S25 and 40per month for household goods andpersonal effects files and office rec-ords

Send for illustrated booklet andpricelist

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Congress Holds




maderespectively of

also urged the






Bender S S Lyon



PressCharles and






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Japanese TIce Admiral On His Wayto Washington

Chicago May 27 Vice AdmiralUrfn of the Japanese navy a graduateof Naval Academy and hiswife a Vassar College alumnus arrivedIn Chicago today from San Francisco

their WIly ta Washington D C TheJapanese navy oQcer was accompanied byCoL H C Hafaes United States MarineCorps a classmate at Annapoliswhich educational institution be wasgraduated ta 18S2 with high honors Hisvisit to tills country is of a seariedL

lam here portly oe a private missionand partly for the pleasure of meeting

spoils saj Admiral Urta 1

to pass two weeks in the East beforeto Japan

The Japanese sailer smiled when askedthe old question as to the possibility ofJapan warring with tile UnitedHe said

That is practically Impossible We gotour civilization from this country Ourfriendly relations would make such a con-

tingency impossible

Christian Xanders

full quartBMdfetetl silos this lair the cx-

3gente r adrerdsed tewwfc OB theauricet Only obUiatM at the

HBBSB 909 7tfe StbnBctes Phone M SI

Established 1S70

314 Sth St P

Money to LoanWatches Diamonds one Jewelry


DIEDWednesday May

at 33 JOHANNA wlfof the fete Patrick Downey nativeCounty Limerick Ireland

Funeral from her late residence 47 Bstreet northwest on Saturday May 29

at S3 a thence to Sf AloysiusChurch where high requiem massbe sung for the repose of her soul a9 oclock Relatives and friendsspectf ally invited to attend

FEGANOn Wednesday May 25 1S69 a635 p JOSEPH P FEGAN in the

year of agelineal from his late residence 361 G

street southwest Saturday May 9 at9 a thence to St DominicsChurch where requiem raass will beioffered for the repose of his souLFriends and relatives invited to

GLASGOW On Wednesday May 26 1539

at 123 a m SARAH E of thelate Beechezn Glasgow

Funeral from her late residence 1323

Eleventh southeast SaturdayMay a m Relativesfriends invited to attend

LEET On Thursday morning May 271969 Mrs MARY WHITESIDE LEETIn her Btaetysacoad year

Friends are Invited to services at theMelrose 13O Clifton street FridayMay 2S at 5 a ra Interment privateGrand Rapids and Pittsburg paperi

please copythis life on

May 25 MW at p m atdente Thirteenth street northeastBERTIE HOLMES beloved daughterof Ottoway and Sarah Holmessister of Daisy Lei Brant

Funeral from Zion Baptist Church Pstreet between Third and Fourandahalf streets at IM p a SaturdayMay 29 Friends and relatives invited

A rose JSower IB ax rnidit-Fiocked acMogst wilt Ve ahrnTGene to bet bona by God calledIttf etUd oooroed aadpcaiMdhr



GEORGE P ZURHORST301 East Capitol Stree-

tJ WILLIAM LEE Funeral Directortad KrihaTniT Lima is coaaecdes Casssocsf-GsayA ad Modem CrKrutorJaEx ModestS3 Pesssrfrtsia ate aw Tdep QBe 13-



Phone 1CS Mils 14th ad Eye s4i aw

FUNERAL FLOWERSOf Etta Dervishes Moderately Prices



LET US ESTIMATE OX TOUR CEMETEBrhat for Desmttaa Day ine disbar t stock ta

select feexs Place crd r sow and avoid dtoppoJstpest JOHN T TRAPP Lincoln we tad T it



WE FURNISH MONUHENTSOf for mast hcabfe rtose tonet frees maaHftctBrcv UTiss you iia

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