FEE WASHINGTON TIMES THURSDAY NOYEiUBER 21 J90t a f lb PliltS ON SOUND Looted elliam Villa While Family Ate Dinner TEN THOUSAND IN PLUNDER Entered Another House But Were Frightened Off by Telephone Bell Probably Famous Gang MT VERNON Nov 2 Tha bcr ara who it is believed belong to a bland of sound pirates that for months has holding nigh ernival in towns along the northern shore of Long Island sound entered two big at Pelham Heights and carried off 10000 in plunder The booty was principally taken the country house of T L Jacques who was formerly manager of the Murray Hill Hotel At the residence of R M Johnson a business roan who llves at Pelhaxo Manor the ringing of a telephone boll frightened the burglars BO that they dropped a part of their plunder and fled The thieves took from the John son house about 1000 worth ot Jewelry At tho Jacques residence the burglars climbed up the front balcony while Mr Jacquea was at dinner and all the rooms on the second Soar The Jacques estimate their loss at 3000 Chief of Police Marks of Pelhsin that the burglars used an us a strange machine containing two men was seen in the vicinity of tho Jacques house COUNTESS GASTELp Meets an Accident While on Runt But Is Not Severely Injured PABJS Nov 23 An evening par the LIberte says the Comtesso Bonl de Castellane is rapidly recovering from the effects of a hunting accident The comtesse was riding with the Bonnelles hunt througn tho Forest of Bonnelles on Tuesday when to the the other followers of the pack she was seen to fall from her horse Her Injuries fortunately were slight ROSE FROI CLERK TO PRESIDENT RICHMOND Va The an nual meeting of the of the Atlantic Coast railway elected T M Emerson of Wilmington N C who has been fourth vice president and traf- fic manager president of the road to succeed R T Brwin who presented his resignation stating that he lived far from the headquarters or tile road and desired to give up the active work Seeond Vice President Alexander Hamilton was promoted to be first vice president C S Gadsden was promoted from third to second vice president and J R Kenley was elected third vice president The office of fourth vice wAs left vacant slid may be A dividend of 3 per cent has been on the stock thus raising it from 5 cent to a 6 per cent basis The only change in board of di- rectors was that Mr Emerson succeeds Mr Brwto Emerson started with Q e road as a cork In the freight offices In Wilmington at 75 a month RICH HAUL been on i FALLS FROM Of stockholders de- clared MAKE s t many villas c from ran- sacked be- lieves auto- mobile With dis- may AIJ l president ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ COMING TO THE THEATERS f National Her Great Match The Thanksgiving week attraction at the New National will be Miss Maxine Elliott and her company under the management of Charles Dlllingham The engagement will open next Monday night and will include matinees on Thursday Thanksgiving Day and Sat urday Miss Elliott cornea here direct from a long and successful run at the Criterion Theater New York which closes next Saturday night Her this seasons play is Her Great Match which Is by Clyde Fitch and in four acts The scenes are laid In Hertford shire England and in London Miss Elliotts role is that of Miss Jo Shel don an American girl abroad moving- In British social circles where she meets tho crown prince of a European power who Is traveling Incognito This meeting results in the love story of the play and a very pretty and fascinating love story it is said to be One of the strong climaxes is when the crown prince offers a morganatic marriage This subject has been handled by Mr a manner which permits of no one In Miss support are a i number at able including Charles Cherry Herbert Leon Girdlestone Nellie Cottrelly and Suzanne Perry seat sale began this morning Belasco Sweet Kitty Bellairs Another Belasco success will be on view at the Belasco Theater on Monday evening when Bertha Galland makes appearance In Sweet Kitty Bel lalre a comedy of manners in which Belasco again demonstrates his right to be hailed as a master of stage craft Sweet Kitty Is a part that fits Miss Galland perfectly as many Washing tonlans who saw her in the part last season will testify and the company supporting her Is with few exceptions the same that has made the play a notable success wherever It has been produced for the past two years The play is as sumptuously staged as any thing has produced and MlsaJ Gallands impersonation of the Widow BellaIre Is the most artistic things this clever young actress has as done The engagement Is for one week only with the usual Wednesday and matinees and a Thanksgiving Day matinee on Thursday sale or seats begins Columbia JRaffles- KyAe Bellew returns to Columbia next week as Baffles which is aa popular today as it was when the curtain went up on it two years ago It I not a mere study In criminology Although Rallies Is a thief he has a heart which he loses to Gwendolyn Conron Rallies has a struggle with himself on this account which renders the character dramatic to a point of pathos yet not without fascination for the spectator A born criminal with an inherited cerebral affliction craving ex citement that the ordinary cannot give yet with the and hopes born of an innate refinement and he sees in the love of a good woman his best chance of redemption Bftllew is an ideal Ragles Clara Blandick he has a beautiful and accomplished Gwendolyn The erotic element play is complicated by the facts that that the burglar knowing his own unworthiness at first pleads Bunnys cause with the girL But as in the case of Miles Standish and Priscilla the maiden the proxy is finally Induced to for himself There will be a Thanksgiving Day matinee Chases Lee Harrison and Otters I In the van of the due at jlhases next week comes Lee Harrison late oT the Rogers Brothers company Apart from this wellknown comedian a regular Thanksgiving dinner of a menu has been prepared In deference- to the season The program will In clude the Musical Cuttys in a refined and artistic musical novelty Annie and Jennie Yeamans In eccentric and specialties J K Murray and Clara Lane comic opera favorites In a lively singing comedy A Knight at Home Casting Dunbars In a nigh bar exhibi tion the comedy character monologiste Helen Reimer James Mooney and Ida Holbein In a grotesque singing and dancing specialty and the motion pic- tures showing The Escape From Sing j I offense and the plaY 121 a Quartermaine Felix J per the Frank Connor pi i hap- py Edwards Mathew first gen- tility loves Gtwe dol n- and Puri- tan entertainers popu- lar < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < PROFESSOR DENNIS SPANKING MACHINE l Saying Device for Punishing Small Boys With the Introduction of the trolley car the horseless carriage tho linotype and a score of other laborsaving and timesparing inventions an enterpris ing Western town called East Penna- a suburb of Peoria Ill has put in oper ation a machine which will probably revolutionize the gentle art of spank ing as known to th average American small boy This Ingenious contrivance- is called by the laity a spanking and is the invention as one might well Imagine of a professor whose name Is Dennis according to a dispatch from Peoria Jt also appears however that if the principal of the public school where the machine is In- troduced does not close down shop his name may also be aptly termed Den nis The worst that Is threatened just now however is that the children or spankees will be ordered to go on a strike by their parents The mode of operating the machine is certainly unique and leaves the hickory birch idea way in the shade The pupil who is to be spanked is placed over a chair near the laborsav ing spanking machine At the proper moment the one to give the with about as much effort as to take a snapshot presses a button which starts a flow of electricity Some ingenious paddles are then turned and Labor In- vented ma- chine punish- ment ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Sing In conformity with the well established custom of the house the matinee prices will prevail the Thanksgiving Day matinee Majestic Oliver Eugecle Blair whose Washington friends are legion comes to the Ma- jestic Theater for the week commencing Monday November 2T with a great sceulc production of Dickens Oliver Twist Miss Blair plays Nancy Sykes and tatlon of the character showing Nancy- as a woman more sinned than the sodden murderer of Nancy said b x a wonder Special scenery according to Dickens has been In New matinee will give- a special performance of East Lynne Oliver Twist will the bill at th special Thursday Thanksgiving on Saturday Academy The Child Slaves of New York One of Charles E Blaneys thrillers Is due at the Academy next week The Child Slaves of New York is a detec tive story whose scene Is laid In Alaska York It tells of a mothers search for her stolen child who of course after all sorts of halfraising adventures Is restored to her arms through the cleverness of Homer Sher wood the boy detective Junle Hart an n w gatherer and Butts the office boy lend assistance- in unraveling of the knotty prob- lems with which he finds himself It Is promised that lovers of real melodrama find something Slaves of New York The scen- ery is unusually elaborate and massive and the company is a large one Columbia Holmes At the Columbia Theater next Monday afternoon at 430 oclock Burton Holmes will give his third travelogue In his j present series the title of which Is The Tyrolean Alps Innsbruck to Italy Most travelers know the Tyrol by name but few know Just where or what It is the westernmost part of the AustroHungarian empire Tho north ern part of Tyrol is Teutonic the south- ern vales and lakes Italian and the western highland with its peaks and glaciers is gloriously Alpine Some of the places through Mr Holmes will take audience and which are best remembered by travelers through Tyrol are Innsbruck Cortina the Val the Dolomites the Karer 1 I Twist I gives a thoroughly sympathetic sinning Edmund Elton as Bm Sykes York for this productIon At Wed nesda de- cidedly out or the beaten track tn The t his d master- piece interpre to care de- scription the mati- nee and New some con- fronted Burton s- It i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Danderine Grew Miss Wallices i HairA- ND WE PROVE IT I EVERYBODY CAN HAVE NICE HAIR l NOW and you dont have to wait around f weeks and months for results either You will see improvements from the very first application JEANETTE WALLICE S43W 14th Street NEW YORK CITY Her Hair Takes on New Life and Grows 3 Feet It was Before KXOWITOW DAXDEJUN Co Gentlemen Your Danderine made my hair grow over three fcetlpnjrer than it was t be eon its use It is now over five feet lone ood keeps right on growing it seems to fairly crawl out of my BO glossy and nice too Danderine will my best wishes Sincerely JBANRTTe WAIUCB for and fcuarante4 jy This GREAT HAIRGROWING REMEDY now be had at all Druggists in 25c SOc and 100 per bottle To shovr how quickly l anderlno acts ire will send a lartc sample free by return mail to anyone who sends this advertisement to the t andorln Co Chicago wIth their f and address and ten cents In silver or stamps y postage 322924 P gt N t Lancer than has when alwny avc three- s taR EE rlton f A1 J i i 4 T r 4- t CAN- s r s 1 awi- t l s r a 1 r r i t t 1 4 4j EP I I I t i a a 9 r 4i s FZ 2 1 r r f i t t tt 7 1 Ii y i r can zes I x 1 x s rti r r- s v bate HENRY E1 o r > > + > + + + = A iwg 10 yea OUR they do the About this starts to holler Jt Is that the of transmission that is between the moment when disciplin- arian pressesthe button and the when the pupil responds to very short Why In this age of administering massage such a spank- ing not meet with rather than condemnation on the part of parents is not mentioned in the dis for simple and effective chastisement it seems to be well suited for weak school damsels who have to teach and control strenuous Western boys r t e treat mentIs rtacfiei- s f 1 xr ir- a 1- I the said ¬ ¬ ¬ see Botzen the Mendel Pass Arco RIva the Lake of Garda Moran Trafol Order Range and the Ste vlo Pass The mention or these names the of this Journey through Tyrolean Alps Emma Eames in Concert Madame Eames soprano of the Met- ropolitan Opera Company will mako her only appearance in this city after an absence of five years In the National Theater on Tuesday afternoon Novem ber 28 at 430 Madame Eames roles are Elizabeth in Tann hauser and Elsa In Lohengrin and Eva in Die She is now preparing Brunhilde as well as Isolde Eames will sing several arias Including recitative and aria from Coal Fan TutU by Mozart the Jewel Song from Faust groups of Schubert Brahms Madame Eames will also be heard in a duet with Ernillo de Gogorza Marie Nichols and SAengerbund Sunday Night Last season a new violinist came into view of tjjc musical world quite She was Marie Nichols an Amer ican girl who had lived and studied abroad most of her life Her fIrst suc cesses were made In Europe and were confirmed when she made her first over here with the Boston Symphony Orchestra Miss will appear with the Washington Sa next Sun day evening at their first grand public concert of the season at the Na the present home ot Wag- nerian ap- pearance Trent John unher- alded ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Immigrants Are Rustled Across Mexican Border Are Disguised and Furnished Swift Mustangs With Which Easily Cross the Rio Fo J Undesirables With They Grande din Alarming Condition The manner in which tho Chi nese and nationalities flocH over the BIo Grande all the time would take the entire States army to stop them Marcus Braun The outlook for restricting if not abolishing Immigration to this of debarred persons such as Chinese- as well as those of diseased or crimi- nal classes Is not very optimistic ac- cording to an Interview given out by Marcus Braun the Hungarian Imm- igrant Inspector He Is stationed at Montreal by tIle Immigration Bureau to look out for immigrants tying to the United States The Chinese exclusion act In ho Is effective the 500 head on Chinese having completely stopped coolie smuggling Canada The great danger now lies along the Mexican border The manner in which the Chinese and ent orers t b other United country un- desirable Cana- da says tax Ja into ¬ ¬ ¬ tlonal Theater when the society will also have the assistance of Carson Kidd dramatic soprano of New York who makes her debut to a local audience and an orchestra of forty mu Pander musical of the Bund Convention Hall Patti Dreamland Southland Pinafore Review and Varieties are the salient features of the Black Patti show announced for next Monday night and and night at Convention Hall Black Patti will seen in the role of Joseph- ine in a condensed version of Sullivans masterpiece Pinafore also in the new Southland Scene assisted by the entire singing forces of John Rucker The Blossom will enact the leading comedy role in Looney Dreamland which has been embellished with new songs dances and situations Harry Kraton the hoop roller tho Pramplns Instru- mentalists AI Watts and others will bo seen In the big olio A champion cake walk contest on a buck dance contest on Tuesday night are to be special features Tickets are now on at 933 avenue Droops music store Foster Company Fay Foster Company comes to the It Is one of the most popular organizations likely to be seen season It is up of high class burlesque and vaudeville artists The opening part Cleopatra In Central Is from the of George Totten Smith and Is bright and I siclans under the leadership Honry Looney A LyceumFay For the week ot Noveriber 7J Joseph Black mati- nee be Alabama s Pennsyl- vania ¬ ¬ ¬ other nationalities flock over the Rio all the time would take the en United States Army to stop them A rushing business IS being done by the French steamship line which touches at the im the United States has sent back Jto Europe arrive and are met by Agents df the smuggling station who are to get them across the line at 3200 They board the trains for El Paso Laredo or Eagle Pass drop ping oft a A SW jniies south of the Mexi can border fir onTer to hoodwink our Cowboy outfits and swift mustangs dothe rest as the Rio Grande ao shallow is no great trick to over it The department doing excellent work In apprehending many of these Undesirables them through the signs they of unfa with our customs or lan guage Spoiled Plans Mr Braun disguised as a smuggled made the trip he mentions with a consignment of de- ported immigrants who went from New York to Italy thence to France and bifcSfc to Vera Cruz Thence they got Into the United States though Mr Braun the trip for a number of them In causing their arrest and second deportation get rlty r Grandee the ahead agents it Their SQnieyears foreigner ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Witty with lively musical numbers In portion are Dacre Rosa Cushman and St sketch artists The burlesque The Mysterious Mrs Baffles Includes bright songs dances Imposing marches and affords unusual opportuni- ties for clever comedians In ENGLISH GRAND OPERA TO COME HERE SOON The fact that the Metropolitan opera season opened Sn week is not half as Interesting to as the fact that the English Grand Opera Company la shortly tt open For the Grand Company gives Washington a week or the best music it has during the season The Valkyrie which has been highly praised in Boston Buffalo and other it seen The production Is an elaborate one and In order not to keep the too late it has been found neces- sary to ring the curtain up half air hour earlier than usual All the old favorites with the company still and as usual Mr Savage has imported a number of new ones Of the four new prima donnas he has brought over one them at least Miss Florence Easton seems to have created- a sensation Hale most critical of Boston critics waxes eloquent over the Joy pf hearing Gilda in sung a woman understudy Another Boston writer describes Miss Easton as a graceful blonde girl with the bluest of eyes and a roguish chin as pret ty as Cupids elbow ThIs years ot pro Louie Clair com- pany Washing- tonians audi- ence are of ¬ > ¬ ¬ Takes Laudanum on Street in York HAD WARNED YOUNG WIFE Robert H Formerly for Interstate Commerce Commis sioniJiow Hospital NEW YORK Nov 23 A man said to be Robert H Barr aged twehtytw of T attempted t commit suicide at the at Broad- way and Chambers street today by a dose of laudanum He was taken toa hospital Robert H Barr was employed as meS8enger t the interstate until about six months ago to accept j jpositlott as collector for the Prudential Insur nn e Company of city j He worked steadily there he Jnysterlously disappeared Only a Boy BarrIs said by officials of the to be only a boy and rather weak He is married and his wife yesterday received a note from him stating that his body would be found floating In Potomac riverWife Prostrates Since receiving the note from her Mr Barr been lying at her home 20 Seventh street southeast with met Captain man upon hearing that man who attempted in New York wan the telegraphed possible his condition and clues to an explanation of act PITTSBURG SCHOOL FUND SHY TEN THOUSAND PITTSBURG Pa Nov 23 The Stats treasurer has paid to the city of Pjtts burg the last installment of the State school appropriations which was due last June The fund Is 10000 less than last year a diminution which Comp- troller Jarkin Is at a pss to account BURGLARS IJT AUTOMOBILE 3IT VEJlxfQN K Y NoV 23 Bnrff- larjs who it Is said use large automo- bile In their operations entered two big at Pelham Heights last night ana secured 10009 In at the resi deuce of M Johnson The ringing of a telephone bell frightened the burglars so that they dropped part of their plunder and fled SIGNIFICANT OF PfiOSPERIT f Retail prices of meat are higher In than they were a year ago Prosperity roust be flriq country Chicago RecordHeraia WASHINGTON BOY AT EMPTS SUICIDE New Barr I a Commerce tit has prostrated from police of that at ht for a n y Mess ger yin t corner tap- ing commission until Mon- day when Pruden- tial the young husband tathe city to lead his o u atlas e cents ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < There are other cigarettes of equal quality There are other cigarettes at the same price But there are none of equal quality at the same prijee as if i iT- V ff- lI CIGARETTES ft That is why they axe the largestsellhig cigar- ettes in the world Cigar- ettes as pure as richly fragrant as mellow and as mild cost twice as much or 10 FOR 10 CENTS Everywhere THE FLAG GIRLS Exquisite reproductions of size VUX9 inches fourteen the famous paintings j series 25 beautiful women in characteristic national costume Effective decoration for den clubroom or cafe The whole series sent post- paid for 25c S ANARGYROS 111 Fifth Avenue New York j 0 f j tc 14 of of g 1 6- J r s r- s y J- t I t 4 1 I more- S e large v color 1 = <

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1905 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-11-23/ed-1/seq-13.pdfFEE WASHINGTON TIMES THURSDAY NOYEiUBER 21 J90t a f lb PliltS

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1905 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1905-11-23/ed-1/seq-13.pdfFEE WASHINGTON TIMES THURSDAY NOYEiUBER 21 J90t a f lb PliltS



f lb


Looted elliam Villa WhileFamily Ate Dinner


Entered Another House But Were

Frightened Off by Telephone BellProbably Famous Gang

MT VERNON Nov 2 Tha bcr arawho it is believed belong to a bland

of sound pirates that for months hasholding nigh ernival in

towns along the northern shore of LongIsland sound entered two big atPelham Heights and carried off 10000in plunder

The booty was principally takenthe country house of T L Jacques whowas formerly manager of the MurrayHill Hotel

At the residence of R M Johnsona business roan who llves at PelhaxoManor the ringing of a telephone bollfrightened the burglars BO that theydropped a part of their plunder andfled The thieves took from the Johnson house about 1000 worth ot Jewelry

At tho Jacques residence the burglarsclimbed up the front balcony whileMr Jacquea was at dinner and

all the rooms on the second SoarThe Jacques estimate their loss at

3000Chief of Police Marks of Pelhsin

that the burglars used anus a strange machine containing

two men was seen in the vicinity of thoJacques house


Meets an Accident While on RuntBut Is Not Severely


PABJS Nov 23 An evening parthe LIberte says the Comtesso Bonl deCastellane is rapidly recovering fromthe effects of a hunting accident

The comtesse was riding with theBonnelles hunt througn tho Forest ofBonnelles on Tuesday when to the

the other followers of the packshe was seen to fall from her horseHer Injuries fortunately were slight



RICHMOND Va The annual meeting of the of theAtlantic Coast railway elected TM Emerson of Wilmington N C whohas been fourth vice president and traf-fic manager president of the road tosucceed R T Brwin who presented hisresignation stating that he lived farfrom the headquarters or tile road anddesired to give up the active work

Seeond Vice President AlexanderHamilton was promoted to be first vicepresident C S Gadsden was promotedfrom third to second vice president andJ R Kenley was elected third vicepresident The office of fourth vice

wAs left vacant slid may be

A dividend of 3 per cent has beenon the stock thus raising it

from 5 cent to a 6 per cent basisThe only change in board of di-

rectors was that Mr Emerson succeedsMr Brwto Emerson startedwith Q e road as a cork In the freightoffices In Wilmington at 75 a month











t many


c from



lieves auto-mobile














National Her Great MatchThe Thanksgiving week attraction at

the New National will be Miss MaxineElliott and her company under themanagement of Charles DlllinghamThe engagement will open next Mondaynight and will include matinees onThursday Thanksgiving Day and Saturday Miss Elliott cornea here directfrom a long and successful run at theCriterion Theater New York whichcloses next Saturday night Her thisseasons play is Her Great Matchwhich Is by Clyde Fitch and in fouracts The scenes are laid In Hertfordshire England and in London MissElliotts role is that of Miss Jo Sheldon an American girl abroad moving-In British social circles where shemeets tho crown prince of a Europeanpower who Is traveling Incognito Thismeeting results in the love story of theplay and a very pretty and fascinatinglove story it is said to be One of thestrong climaxes is when the crownprince offers a morganatic marriageThis subject has been handled by Mr

a manner which permits of no

one In Miss support are a i

number at able includingCharles Cherry Herbert Leon

Girdlestone NellieCottrelly and Suzanne Perry seatsale began this morning

Belasco Sweet Kitty BellairsAnother Belasco success will be on

view at the Belasco Theater on Mondayevening when Bertha Galland makes

appearance In Sweet Kitty Bellalre a comedy of manners in whichBelasco again demonstrates his right tobe hailed as a master of stage craft

Sweet Kitty Is a part that fits MissGalland perfectly as many Washingtonlans who saw her in the part lastseason will testify and the companysupporting her Is with few exceptionsthe same that has made the play anotable success wherever It has beenproduced for the past two years Theplay is as sumptuously staged as anything has produced and MlsaJGallands impersonation of the WidowBellaIre Is the most artistic things thisclever young actress has as doneThe engagement Is for one week onlywith the usual Wednesday andmatinees and a ThanksgivingDay matinee on Thursday sale orseats begins

Columbia JRaffles-KyAe Bellew returns to Columbia

next week as Baffles which is aapopular today as it was when thecurtain went up on it two years agoIt I not a mere study In criminologyAlthough Rallies Is a thief he has aheart which he loses to GwendolynConron Rallies has a struggle withhimself on this account which rendersthe character dramatic to a point ofpathos yet not without fascination forthe spectator A born criminal with aninherited cerebral affliction craving excitement that the ordinary cannotgive yet with the and hopesborn of an innate refinement and

he sees in the love of a goodwoman his best chance of redemptionBftllew is an ideal RaglesClara Blandick he has a beautiful andaccomplished Gwendolyn The eroticelement play is complicated bythe facts that

that the burglar knowing his ownunworthiness at first pleads Bunnyscause with the girL But as in the caseof Miles Standish and Priscilla the

maiden the proxy is finally Inducedto for himself There will be aThanksgiving Day matinee

Chases Lee Harrison and OttersI In the van of the due atjlhases next week comes Lee Harrisonlate oT the Rogers Brothers companyApart from this wellknown comediana regular Thanksgiving dinner of amenu has been prepared In deference-to the season The program will Include the Musical Cuttys in a refinedand artistic musical novelty Annie andJennie Yeamans In eccentric and

specialties J K Murray and ClaraLane comic opera favorites In a livelysinging comedy A Knight at HomeCasting Dunbars In a nigh bar exhibition the comedy character monologisteHelen Reimer James Mooney and IdaHolbein In a grotesque singing anddancing specialty and the motion pic-tures showing The Escape From Sing



offense and the plaY 121 a

Quartermaine Felix




Frank Connor







loves Gtwe dol n-
















Saying Devicefor Punishing

Small Boys

With the Introduction of the trolleycar the horseless carriage tho linotypeand a score of other laborsaving andtimesparing inventions an enterprising Western town called East Penna-a suburb of Peoria Ill has put in operation a machine which will probablyrevolutionize the gentle art of spanking as known to th average Americansmall boy This Ingenious contrivance-is called by the laity a spanking

and is the invention as onemight well Imagine of a professorwhose name Is Dennis according to adispatch from Peoria Jt also appearshowever that if the principal of thepublic school where the machine is In-

troduced does not close down shop hisname may also be aptly termed Dennis The worst that Is threatened justnow however is that the children or

spankees will be ordered to go on astrike by their parents

The mode of operating the machine iscertainly unique and leaves thehickory birch idea way in the shade

The pupil who is to be spanked isplaced over a chair near the laborsaving spanking machine At the propermoment the one to give the

with about as much effort as totake a snapshot presses a buttonwhich starts a flow of electricity Someingenious paddles are then turned and

Labor In-












Sing In conformity with the wellestablished custom of the house the

matinee prices will prevailthe Thanksgiving Day matinee

Majestic OliverEugecle Blair whose Washington

friends are legion comes to the Ma-jestic Theater for the week commencingMonday November 2T with a greatsceulc production of Dickens

Oliver TwistMiss Blair plays Nancy Sykes and

tatlon of the character showing Nancy-as a woman more sinned than

the sodden murderer of Nancy saidb x a wonder Special scenery

according to Dickenshas been In New

matinee will give-a special performance of East Lynne

Oliver Twist will the bill at thspecial Thursday Thanksgiving

on Saturday

Academy The Child Slaves of NewYork

One of Charles E Blaneys thrillers Isdue at the Academy next week TheChild Slaves of New York is a detective story whose scene Is laid In Alaska

York It tells of a motherssearch for her stolen child who ofcourse after all sorts of halfraisingadventures Is restored to her armsthrough the cleverness of Homer Sherwood the boy detective Junle Hartan n w gatherer and Buttsthe office boy lend assistance-in unraveling of the knotty prob-lems with which he finds himself

It Is promised that lovers ofreal melodrama find something

Slaves of New York The scen-ery is unusually elaborate and massiveand the company is a large one

Columbia HolmesAt the Columbia Theater next Monday

afternoon at 430 oclock Burton Holmeswill give his third travelogue In his j

present series the title of which Is TheTyrolean Alps Innsbruck to ItalyMost travelers know the Tyrol by namebut few know Just where or what It

is the westernmost part of theAustroHungarian empire Tho northern part of Tyrol is Teutonic the south-ern vales and lakes Italian and thewestern highland with its peaks andglaciers is gloriously Alpine Some ofthe places through Mr Holmeswill take audience and which arebest remembered by travelers throughTyrol are Innsbruck Cortina the Val

the Dolomites the Karer 1



I gives a thoroughly sympathetic

sinning Edmund Elton as Bm Sykes

York for this productIon At Wednesda

de-cidedly out or the beaten track tn The






to carede-



and New

















Miss Wallices




PROVE ITI EVERYBODY CAN HAVE NICE HAIRl NOW and you dont have to wait aroundf weeks and months for results either You

will see improvements from the very firstapplication


Her Hair Takes on New Life and Grows 3Feet It was Before


Your Danderine made my hair growover three fcetlpnjrer than it was t beeon its use

It is now over five feet lone ood keeps righton growing it seems to fairly crawl out of my

BO glossy and nice tooDanderine will my best wishes


for and fcuarante4 j y

This GREAT HAIRGROWING REMEDYnow be had at all Druggists in

25c SOc and 100 per bottle

To shovr how quickly l anderlnoacts ire will send a lartc samplefree by return mail to anyone whosends this advertisement to thet andorln Co Chicago wIth their

f and address and ten cents In silver or stampsy postage

322924 P gt N


Lancer than


alwny avc


taR E Erlton



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Aiwg 10 yea


they do the About thisstarts to holler Jt Is that

the of transmission that isbetween the moment when disciplin-arian pressesthe button and thewhen the pupil responds to

very short Why In this ageof administering massage such a spank-ing not meet withrather than condemnation on the partof parents is not mentioned in the dis

for simple and effectivechastisement it seems to be well suitedfor weak school damsels who have toteach and control strenuous Westernboys

r t e



s f


xr ir-a






see Botzen the Mendel Pass ArcoRIva the Lake of Garda Moran

Trafol Order Range and the Stevlo Pass The mention or these names

the of this Journeythrough Tyrolean Alps

Emma Eames in ConcertMadame Eames soprano of the Met-

ropolitan Opera Company will makoher only appearance in this city afteran absence of five years In the NationalTheater on Tuesday afternoon November 28 at 430 Madame Eames

roles are Elizabeth in Tannhauser and Elsa In Lohengrin andEva in Die She isnow preparing Brunhilde as well asIsolde Eames will sing severalarias Including recitative and aria from

Coal Fan TutU by Mozart the JewelSong from Faust groups ofSchubert Brahms MadameEames will also be heard in a duet withErnillo de Gogorza

Marie Nichols and SAengerbund SundayNight

Last season a new violinist came intoview of tjjc musical world quite

She was Marie Nichols an American girl who had lived and studiedabroad most of her life Her fIrst successes were made In Europe and wereconfirmed when she made her first

over here with the BostonSymphony Orchestra

Miss will appear with theWashington Sa next Sunday evening at their first grand publicconcert of the season at the Na

the present home ot










Immigrants Are RustledAcross Mexican Border

Are Disguised and FurnishedSwift Mustangs With WhichEasily Cross the Rio

Fo J

UndesirablesWith They


din Alarming Condition

The manner in which tho Chinese and nationalities flocHover the BIo Grande all the timewould take the entireStates army to stop them MarcusBraun

The outlook for restricting if notabolishing Immigration to thisof debarred persons such as Chinese-as well as those of diseased or crimi-nal classes Is not very optimistic ac-cording to an Interview given out byMarcus Braun the Hungarian Imm-igrant Inspector

He Is stationed at Montreal by tIleImmigration Bureau to look out for

immigrants tying tothe United States

The Chinese exclusion act Inho Is effective the 500

head on Chinese havingcompletely stopped coolie smugglingCanada The great danger now liesalong the Mexican border

The manner in which the Chinese and








Cana-da says

tax Jainto




tlonal Theater when the society willalso have the assistance ofCarson Kidd dramatic soprano of NewYork who makes her debut to a localaudience and an orchestra of forty muPander musical of the Bund

Convention Hall PattiDreamland Southland

Pinafore Review andVarieties are the salient features of

the Black Patti show announced fornext Monday night andand night at Convention Hall Black

Patti will seen in the role of Joseph-ine in a condensed version ofSullivans masterpiece Pinafore alsoin the new Southland Scene assistedby the entire singing forces of

John Rucker TheBlossom will enact the leading comedyrole in Looney Dreamland which hasbeen embellished with new songsdances and situations Harry Kratonthe hoop roller tho Pramplns Instru-mentalists AI Watts and others will boseen In the big olio A champion cakewalk contest on abuck dance contest on Tuesday nightare to be special features Tickets arenow on at 933

avenue Droops music store

Foster Company

Fay Foster Companycomes to the It Is one of themost popular organizations likely to beseen season It is upof high class burlesque and vaudevilleartists The opening part Cleopatra InCentral Is from the ofGeorge Totten Smith and Is bright and


siclans under the leadership Honry


LyceumFayFor the week ot Noveriber 7J Joseph




s Pennsyl-vania




other nationalities flock over the Rioall the time would take the en

United States Army to stop themA rushing business IS being done by

the French steamship line whichtouches at the im

the United States has sentback Jto Europe arrive and are met by

Agents df the smuggling stationwho are to get them across the line at3200 They board the trains forEl Paso Laredo or Eagle Pass dropping oft a A SW jniies south of the Mexican border fir onTer to hoodwink our

Cowboy outfits and swiftmustangs dothe rest as the Rio Grande

ao shallow is no great trick toover it

The department doingexcellent work In apprehending manyof these Undesirables themthrough the signs they of unfa

with our customs or language

Spoiled PlansMr Braun disguised

as a smuggled made the triphe mentions with a consignment of de-

ported immigrants who went from NewYork to Italy thence to France andbifcSfc to Vera Cruz Thence they gotInto the United States though MrBraun the trip for a number ofthem In causing their arrest and seconddeportation

















Witty with lively musical numbers Inportion are DacreRosa Cushman and

St sketch artists The burlesqueThe Mysterious Mrs Baffles Includes

bright songs dances Imposingmarches and affords unusual opportuni-ties for clever comedians In


The fact that the Metropolitan operaseason opened Sn weekis not half as Interesting to

as the fact that the EnglishGrand Opera Company la shortly ttopen For the GrandCompany gives Washington a week orthe best music it has during the season

The Valkyrie which hasbeen highly praised in Boston Buffaloand other itseen The production Is an elaborateone and In order not to keep the

too late it has been found neces-sary to ring the curtain up half air hourearlier than usual

All the old favorites with thecompany still and as usual Mr Savagehas imported a number of new ones

Of the four new prima donnas he hasbrought over one them at least MissFlorence Easton seems to have created-a sensation Hale most criticalof Boston critics waxes eloquent overthe Joy pf hearing Gilda insung a woman understudy AnotherBoston writer describes Miss Easton asa graceful blonde girl with the bluest

of eyes and a roguish chin as pretty as Cupids elbow

ThIs years ot pro












Takes Laudanum on Streetin York


Robert H Formerlyfor Interstate Commerce Commis

sioniJiow Hospital

NEW YORK Nov 23 A man said tobe Robert H Barr aged twehtytwof T attempted tcommit suicide at the at Broad-way and Chambers street today by

a dose of laudanumHe was taken toa hospital

Robert H Barr was employed asmeS8enger t the interstate

until about six months agoto accept j jpositlott

as collector for the Prudential Insurnn e Company of city j

He worked steadily therehe Jnysterlously disappeared

Only a BoyBarrIs said by officials of the

to be only a boy and rather weakHe is married and his wife yesterday

received a note from him stating thathis body would be found floating InPotomac


Since receiving the note from herMr Barr been

lying at her home 20 Seventh streetsoutheast with met

Captain man upon hearing thatman who attempted in NewYork wan the telegraphedpossible his condition and clues

to an explanation ofact



PITTSBURG Pa Nov 23 The Statstreasurer has paid to the city of Pjttsburg the last installment of the Stateschool appropriations which was duelast June The fund Is 10000 less thanlast year a diminution which Comp-troller Jarkin Is at a pss to account


larjs who it Is said use large automo-bile In their operations entered two big

at Pelham Heights last night anasecured 10009 In at the resideuce of M Johnson The ringing of atelephone bell frightened the burglarsso that they dropped part of theirplunder and fled

SIGNIFICANT OF PfiOSPERIT fRetail prices of meat arehigher In than they were ayear ago Prosperity roust beflriq country Chicago











frompolice of that

at ht





Mess ger





until Mon-day when



young husband

tathe city to

lead his












There are other cigarettes of equal qualityThere are other cigarettes at the same priceBut there are none of equal quality at the same prijee as




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That is why they axethe largestsellhig cigar-ettes in the world Cigar-ettes as pure as richlyfragrant as mellow andas mild cost twice asmuch


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