THE TASHINOTO TJaffiS JKBlBAy OCTOBER 13 1905 J I 3 > Orient Number Five Made Brilliant Spectacle FIELD DAY GRAND SUCCESS Set on Having One Every Year Now Bankers Among Visiting Masons The Knights Templar grand field day exercIses held yesterday at Friend on road were a grand In every detail The concert picnic and as climax the Inspection and drill exercises all carried out to the letter It was unanimous opinion of the Templars field day will be an annual af- fair Equal of Veterans As expected the youngest command ery captured the beautiful flag ed to the best drilled and best appear- ing commandery Orient No 6 Fred S Cawson commander easily won em blem They executed the move ments as veteran soldiers Every man was In line and every one was bent upon carrying that silk flag home with them It was nearly 3 oclock when For ward was sounded by a member of the Marine Band The staff of the com mandery emerged from behind a cluster of shrubbery directly south of the Mc Lean summer home followed by the commandery In sets of four The ap plause was enough to inspire them opt to their best Notwithstanding that the commandery won the nag the others fought for it Every commandery was spick and span and the they made upon the drill field was The most hopeful did not expect- so grand an affair and those who did see it stayed for the last feature Raising Flag The program began with the flag rais ing The Marine Band In full dress played The StarSpangled Banner and two of the bandsmen ran the colors up Every man woman and child stood erect and each commandery In company front were brought to the present The picnic followed then came about Tour hours of the most Interesting cere- monies in fraternal affairs that was ever held In Washington The first to on the field In answer to the Wash ington No 1 commanded by William H was followed ai intervals of thirtyfive minutes Col umbia No 2 by Donald H renton Potomac No 3 undo the of Charles T Lindsay DeMolay No 4 commanded shall captain general who commanded Iri Commander Otter back and the victors Their time the field a continuous siege of flag waving and nand clappQig was half over Jt was apparent there was a new star In the Templar ranks Inthe of Fred commander of the young commandery Press Parade intermission of ten minutes sounded and the five commanderles formed In line for dress do The appearance these 400 made in passing in review was rllliant spectacle In dress similar k that by naval officers at full dress each commandery first passed m company was then formed Into columns of fours and again paid trib ute to their chief After parade came the ceremonies in cident to presenting the to Ori ent banner was presented by Sir F H Thomas Fred S Cawson recipient replied with praise for the men under for their cooperation in winning the first prize of the first day exercises ever held in Washington Call to colors was sounded and the usual ceremonies of taking down the colors were observed The day for the outing was ideal and the shrill blasts the band could be heard for a neat distance Many prominent Masons were present KNIGHTS TEMPLAR I HAD BIG TIME t Knights hIp Tenl ytown success a were the that- a grand award the youngeSt appearance Yerke Th Iaurce Assembly was lars a worn extraordi- nary coma com- mand their knight ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE BIG cnivrF rrF7rrr tFC FROM rrFFAT TEMPLAR FIELDDAY T 7 Including 80310 of the bankers now In session here These around Grand headquarters and impromptu speeches were made during the afternoon Bennett A Allen grand commander of the Grand managed the field assisted by Inspec tor General W T and Irvine W Johnson ALEXANDRIA NEWS NOTES j ALEXANDRIA Va Oct 13 The Republicans of this city will hold a mass meeting at the Opera House Monday night Jacob Tost of Staun ton and J B Henderson of Alexan dria county candidate for the house of will Yost has challenged any Democratic speaker to a on this occasion CHAIN GANG IN STREETS The appointment by Engineer Dunn of Norman Treaklc as superintendent- of the gang and his confirmation the city council will bring at an a chain gang work the streets of this For a number of years there has been no chain gang In and the prisoners jail have been allowed to eat and rest C CLEADBEATER ENGAGED Announcement has been of the engagement of Clarence C Leadbeater of the firm of E S Co this to Miss Lillian M Alexander daughter of Mr and Mrs M Alexander Pa WILL GIVE EUCHRE PARTY The Catholic Womens Benevolent Le- gion will give a progressive euchre in the han of Young Lyceum Monday PREACHER LICENSED In the corporation court Judge Louis C Barley presiding yesterday the Rev A J of New York was granted license to marry persons in this city chain b earl clt Leadb party made o Men s ¬ ¬ ¬ REVOLT Two Hundred Benedicts Pa- rade in Protest Object to Wines and Social Declare Homes f Neglected INDIANAPOLIS ind Oct 13 TWO hundred husbands of Willlamsport lejv are in revolt against clubs and social funcfldns which a burden Expostulations at home having failed j to produce results the husbands called a meeting In the afternoon and while their wives at euchre parties plait teas receptions and the like the men got I together and had a pink tea themselves J They then marched around to the var j bus places where their wives were being entertained and burlesqued the womens social functions Some of the wives did not take to tho intrusion but others that their husbands had Just cause of complaint and promised better things for the future Jt is declared by the husbands that languid movements In the daytime are some of the results of their wives themselves up to social functions PINK TEAS CAUSE HUSBANDS mans they say hhve duties been and Ute for the men has were I dinners constant I the purse late hours at nIKht Func- tions Warms count wo their wives cultWated until household have ne- glected be- come admitted long delayed and < ¬ Is YOUR PRIVILEGE HERE WHENEVER YOU WISH IT The illustration alongside pictures exactly this new suit cut ac to newest and tailored a manner entirely foreign to the ordinary readytowear clothes We name specials be cause we know them to be much better values than you can find else- where and you dont have to have the YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD OUR LADIES DEPARTMENT OFFERS MANY ITEMS OF MORE THAN ORDINARY INTEREST n CEIJSr3 S SUITS In single and doublebreasted styles made of fancy and plain cheviots Scotch effects offering a selection of three distinctly different models splendidly and perfect fitting f f Regular 2000 value 5 kill Special at U TOP COATS The short smart Coat shown here includes the new tan and olive shades made in correct lengths with hand collar and the loose effect tf f appreciated by neat dressers Regular 1 8 value I Kll r 1 Mot IMZEnSTS SUITS Our productions in the better grades of Mens Suits made with the hand padded collars and concave shoulders handmade here in all the new ffVA AA fabrics and late in worsted cheviot and cassimere Regularly 2750 Special at TwUaUV PETTIT CO COR SEVENTH EYE I i I Cor 7th Eye i Credit I j CREDIT I I 3 SATURDAY 3 buttonholesare 1 I Cashj 1 1T t tr r 4 ti ij To x r a se4 s S ti s i r r s t ¬ ¬ + < INDICTED FOR ROBBING BANK NEW YOPK Oct 13 Harry A Leon ard the young bank clerk who took 359000 of securities from the National Bank by means of a forg- ed check has been Indicted for In the first degree He will be we worth Cit arraign- ed y ¬ ¬ DELEGATES REVEL Bankers Firmly Believe in Their Own Sections WASHINGTONS HOOSIER COPY Indianapolis Much Like This City in Many Ways and Is Growing Rapidly One of the brightest young bankers In attendance on the American Bank ers Association meeting Is Frank Mar tin treasurer of the Indiana Trust Company Indianapolis He is a loyal Hoosier and served a term as deputy auditor of State He left that office for more profitable private employment- At the New Willard this morning Mr Martin said Indianapolis Is making the most rapid progress In population and business of any inland city in the United States The Hoosier capital has doubled its population since 1890 The census of 1890 gave Indianapolis about 101000 the census of 1900 showed 169000 while the most recent figures show a population In excess of 200000 It is essentially city of homes In that respect Indianapolis resembles Washington The plan on which the city is laid out much resembles that of Washington our beautiful soldiers and sailors monument corresponding with the United States Capitol building as thp center from which street numbering Indianapolis is the center of the greatest interurban railway develop In country of electric roads lead from the city and some of them extend beyond the State line Electric travel has nowhere perfection there The Harrison fittingly characterized his mean city Indianapolis is tons most rival as a con- vention city TWO MEN SCALDED NORFOLK Va Oct 13 Michael chief water tender and Patrick Saulsberry secondclass fireman on tile United States torpedo boat Stockton at the Norfolk Naval Hospital seriously scalded as the result of an ac on theStockton while that vessel out from this yard on a five days cruise tN HOME AFFAIRS at from which avenues radiate Was reach- ed greater Washing aria lf are ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HEAD OF HOSPITAL- J F OREILLY INDORSES DOANSJoh- n Fanning QRelHy who for three years was superintendent of the Man hattan Hospital of New York city and for six years to that chief clerk of insane f at Wards warm admiration for Ddans Kidney Pills We have many letters from prominent physicians and hospital authorities who have used Doans Kidney Pills in prac tfce with great success 4lr OReillys tetler follows Ij9sicrMHhurn Co Buffalo N Y pentIcmeo I wish to publicly indorse Dbans There Is no doubt that all who have disordered kidneys be cured If they use your remedy For over a year I had kidney trouble but for some time did not know what caused my distress Incessant suf- fering backache pain across the gYoins urinary troubles loss of and ln acqalntance who had been through a similar experience J me to take Doans Kidney Pills and I am happy to the remedy was most successful Yours truly It Signed J FANNING OREILJJT Hard Work Often Strains and Brings on Kidney Dis orders Doans Kidney Pills Keep the Kidneys th Back Strong JOHN FANNING KIDNEY PILLS preylo service- s the depart- ment Islattd appe- tite sea sa t Welland expresses r i i 9 3 tam Kidney Pills J can readily 4 y L I O 1L t v the Back ¬ ¬ ¬ Any work that is a constant strain on the back is certain to injure the kidneys- in time That Is why desk workers hands railroaders teamsters bar bers painters and workers In a hun- dred trades suffer so much from Many tasks like housework that do not require great physical strength are very trying on the back and kidneys That Is why backache is so common among women That la why so many women arc unnaturally weak and tired and sleepless When the are sick tion sends a sharp stinging pain through will be a dull heavy throbbing ache in the small of the will feel weary all the time and urinary troubles may add to your misery Doans Kidney Pills have given thou sands of working men and women strong backs for their dally work This reme- dy helps tb kidneys to do their wo k f filter the liquid from the blood and to send pure healthgiving blood to the muscles and organs We would sincerely advise every man or woman whose work is hard on the back to help the with an occasional dose of Doans Kidney Pills Sold by all druggists Foster A1 farm ele the loins and for hour after hour there back- ache ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Washington Proof Albert C Day carpenter and builder of 1919 Second street northwest says 1 had no faith in Deans Kidney Pills nor In any other medicine when I first got a box of them at Stevens Pharm- acy Ninth street and Pennsylvania but a short experience with compelled- me to acknowledge their merit The rea son for Unbelief that I had suf- fered kidney trouble and backache a long time and every medicine I used failed to help me The trouble was principally a dull heavy pain across the small of the back and the kidney secretions were sluugglsh heavy and full of sediment Since I used the pills I have been without the backache and the secretions from the kidneys have been restored to a natural color and consistency I can certainty recommend Doans Kidney Pills very highly A TRIAL prove what Dorms Kidney Pills will do for vcu we will mall a free trial box on application Address given below Co Buffalo N Y my FREETo Props them was from for had ¬ ¬ Editorial Horse Sense Kins AT WAS6CVISCOIUUJ We are going to quit about that 14 BLACK THIBET SUIT until we get taught up This week we were swamped with orders not able to get the goods in Mills to Man fast enough For a business suit we now offer a number of styles each different and made of genuine Scotch tweed To Order at 1400 Dont buy a cheap readymade suit The fellow with the editorial horse sense should you GLASGOW WOOLEN MILLS CO Mills to Man Direct Worlds Largest Tailors 615 Penna Ave N W I talk- ing o i r si Mu i Direct CAILISHER SAYS Tiiai Hs Will Sell Saturday and Monday 250 Spectacles and Eyeglasses for Ufll Te best 20year guaranteed goldfilled frame spectacles fitted with best lenses The best solid goldspring frameless eyeglasses fitted with best lenses EYE EXAMINATION FREE 917 Pa five N W mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- I Credit for Everyone I- B We Can Give You 5 Better Values in B Carpets Than You Can Get Anywhere i Else in the City We have such a big Carpet trade that 5 we can buy in big quantities and by so doing get inside prices This enables us to shave the selling prices without lowering M qualities We have a most fascinating assortment of new patterns in all kinds of Floor Coverings which we shall be glad to have you come and look at When in Doubt Buy of i House L Herrmann Jf Seventh and I Eye Sts N W W DOLLAR 11 II II ia T a yti tv Y- I 1 a a a a a a a a = ° ° FOR SALE This desirably residence property on 21st streef a substantial dwelling frontage 24 feet alley alley stable n rear This property will be sold at a bargain price and we home buyers to communicate with us about We are the exclusive agents and we give courteous attention to every inquiry Get our List of Small INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Established 1880 Real Estate Loan and Insurance Brokers 1925 Pa Ave near rear itz it 1 MARTIN BROS Pa- P ave in e

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1905-10-13 [p 3].The Knights Templar grand field day exercIses held yesterday at Friend on road were a grand In every detail The concert

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1905-10-13 [p 3].The Knights Templar grand field day exercIses held yesterday at Friend on road were a grand In every detail The concert



I 3>

Orient Number Five MadeBrilliant Spectacle


Set on Having One EveryYear Now Bankers Among

Visiting Masons

The Knights Templar grand field dayexercIses held yesterday at Friend

on road were a grandIn every detail

The concert picnic and as climaxthe Inspection and drill exercisesall carried out to the letter It wasunanimous opinion of the Templars

field day will be an annual af-fair

Equal of VeteransAs expected the youngest command

ery captured the beautiful flaged to the best drilled and best appear-ing commandery Orient No 6 Fred SCawson commander easily won emblem They executed the movements as veteran soldiers Every manwas In line and every one was bent uponcarrying that silk flag home with them

It was nearly 3 oclock when Forward was sounded by a member of theMarine Band The staff of the commandery emerged from behind a clusterof shrubbery directly south of the McLean summer home followed by thecommandery In sets of four The applause was enough to inspire them optto their best

Notwithstanding that thecommandery won the nag the othersfought for it Every commandery wasspick and span and the theymade upon the drill field was

The most hopeful did not expect-so grand an affair and those who didsee it stayed for the last feature

Raising FlagThe program began with the flag raising The Marine Band In full dress

played The StarSpangled Banner andtwo of the bandsmen ran the colors upEvery man woman and child stood erectand each commandery In company frontwere brought to the present

The picnic followed then came aboutTour hours of the most Interesting cere-monies in fraternal affairs that was everheld In Washington

The first to on thefield In answer to the Washington No 1 commanded by WilliamH was followed aiintervals of thirtyfive minutes Columbia No 2 by Donald Hrenton Potomac No 3 undo theof Charles T Lindsay DeMolay

No 4 commandedshall captain general who commandedIri Commander Otterback and the victors Their timethe field a continuous siege of flagwaving and nand clappQig

was half over Jt was apparentthere was a new star In the Templarranks Inthe of Fredcommander of the young commandery

Press Paradeintermission of ten minutes

sounded and the fivecommanderles formed In line for dress

do The appearance these 400made in passing in review was

rllliant spectacle In dress similark that by naval officers at fulldress each commandery first passed mcompany was then formed Intocolumns of fours and again paid tribute to their chief

After parade came the ceremonies incident to presenting the to Orient banner was presentedby Sir F H Thomas Fred SCawson recipient replied withpraise for the men under for theircooperation in winning the first prizeof the first day exercisesever held in WashingtonCall to colors was sounded and theusual ceremonies of taking down thecolors were observedThe day for the outing was ideal andthe shrill blasts the band could beheard for a neat distanceMany prominent Masons were present






hIp Tenl ytownsuccess



a grand





Yerke Th


Assembly was



























Including 80310 of the bankers now Insession here These aroundGrand headquarters and

impromptu speeches were madeduring the afternoonBennett A Allen grand commander

of the Grand managedthe field assisted by Inspector General W T and IrvineW Johnson


ALEXANDRIA Va Oct 13 TheRepublicans of this city will hold amass meeting at the Opera HouseMonday night Jacob Tost of Staunton and J B Henderson of Alexandria county candidate for the houseof will Yost haschallenged any Democratic speaker toa on this occasion

CHAIN GANG IN STREETSThe appointment by Engineer Dunn

of Norman Treaklc as superintendent-of the gang and his confirmation

the city council will bring at ana chain gang workthe streets of this For a numberof years there has been no chain gangIn and the prisonersjail have been allowed to eat and restC CLEADBEATER ENGAGED

Announcement has been of theengagement of Clarence C Leadbeaterof the firm of E S Cothis to Miss Lillian M Alexanderdaughter of Mr and Mrs M AlexanderPa

WILL GIVE EUCHRE PARTYThe Catholic Womens Benevolent Le-

gion will give a progressive euchrein the han of Young

Lyceum Monday

PREACHER LICENSEDIn the corporation court Judge Louis

C Barley presiding yesterday the RevA J of New York was grantedlicense to marry persons in this city







Men s





Two Hundred Benedicts Pa-

rade in Protest

Object to Wines and SocialDeclare Homes f


INDIANAPOLIS ind Oct 13 TWOhundred husbands of Willlamsportlejv are in revolt against

clubs and social funcfldns which

a burdenExpostulations at home having failed j

to produce results the husbands calleda meeting In the afternoon and whiletheir wives at euchre parties plaitteas receptions and the like the men got I

together and had a pink tea themselves J

They then marched around to the var j

bus places where their wives were beingentertained and burlesqued the womenssocial functions

Some of the wives did not taketo tho intrusion but othersthat their husbands had Just cause ofcomplaint and promised better thingsfor the futureJt is declared by the husbands that

languid movements In the daytime aresome of the results of their wivesthemselves up to social functions



mansthey say hhve

duties beenand Ute for the men has



dinners constant I

the purse late hours at nIKht



Warmscount wo

their wives cultWateduntil household have ne-glected be-come


long delayed and




The illustration alongside pictures exactly this new suit cut acto newest and tailored a manner entirely foreign to

the ordinary readytowear clothes We name specials because we know them to be much better values than you can find else-where and you dont have to have the YOUR CREDITIS GOOD OUR LADIES DEPARTMENT OFFERS MANYITEMS OF MORE THAN ORDINARY INTEREST

n CEIJSr3 S SUITSIn single and doublebreasted styles made of fancy and plain cheviotsScotch effects offering a selection of three distinctly different

models splendidly and perfect fitting f fRegular 2000 value 5 killSpecial at UTOP COATSThe short smart Coat shown here includes the new tanand olive shades made in correct lengths withhand collar and the loose effect tf fappreciated by neat dressers Regular 1 8 value I Kllr 1 Mot

IMZEnSTS SUITSOur productions in the better grades of Mens Suits made withthe hand padded collars and concave shouldershandmade here in all the new ffVA A Afabrics and late in worsted cheviot andcassimere Regularly 2750 Special at TwUaUV





Cor 7th Eye i Credit I










r4 ti



x ra

se4 s Sti


rr s







ard the young bank clerk who took359000 of securities from the

National Bank by means of a forg-ed check has been Indicted forIn the first degree He will be








Bankers Firmly Believe inTheir Own Sections


Indianapolis Much Like This City inMany Ways and Is Growing


One of the brightest young bankersIn attendance on the American Bankers Association meeting Is Frank Martin treasurer of the Indiana TrustCompany Indianapolis He is a loyalHoosier and served a term as deputyauditor of State He left that office formore profitable private employment-

At the New Willard this morning MrMartin said Indianapolis Is makingthe most rapid progress In populationand business of any inland city in theUnited States The Hoosier capital hasdoubled its population since 1890 Thecensus of 1890 gave Indianapolis about101000 the census of 1900 showed 169000while the most recent figures show apopulation In excess of 200000

It is essentially city of homes Inthat respect Indianapolis resemblesWashington The plan on which the cityis laid out much resembles that ofWashington our beautiful soldiers andsailors monument corresponding withthe United States Capitol building asthp center from which street numbering

Indianapolis is the center of thegreatest interurban railway developIn country ofelectric roads lead from the city andsome of them extend beyond the Stateline Electric travel has nowhere

perfection thereThe Harrisonfittingly characterized his

mean city Indianapolis istons most rival as a con-vention city


chief water tender and PatrickSaulsberry secondclass fireman on tileUnited States torpedo boat Stockton

at the Norfolk Naval Hospitalseriously scalded as the result of an ac

on theStockton while that vesselout from this yard on a five days




from which avenues radiate


reach-ed greater











DOANSJoh-n Fanning QRelHy who for threeyears was superintendent of the Man

hattan Hospital of New York city andfor six years to that

chief clerk of insanef at Wards warm

admiration for Ddans Kidney PillsWe have many letters from prominent

physicians and hospital authorities whohave used Doans Kidney Pills in practfce with great success4lr OReillys tetler followsIj9sicrMHhurn Co Buffalo N Y

pentIcmeo I wish to publicly indorseDbans There Is no doubtthat all who have disordered kidneys

be cured If they use yourremedy For over a year I had kidneytrouble but for some time did not knowwhat caused my distress Incessant suf-fering backache pain across thegYoins urinary troubles loss of

and ln acqalntance whohad been through a similar experience

J me to take Doans Kidney Pillsand I am happy to the remedywas most successful Yours truly


Hard Work Often Strains and Brings on Kidney Disorders Doans Kidney Pills Keep the Kidneys

th Back Strong



preylo service-s the depart-

ment Islattd







ii9 3

tam Kidney PillsJ can readily




t v

the Back




Any work that is a constant strain onthe back is certain to injure the kidneys-in time That Is why desk workers

hands railroaders teamsters barbers painters and workers In a hun-dred trades suffer so much from

Many tasks like housework that donot require great physical strength arevery trying on the back and kidneysThat Is why backache is so commonamong women That la why so manywomen arc unnaturally weak and tiredand sleepless

When the are sicktion sends a sharp stinging pain through

will be a dull heavy throbbing ache inthe small of the will feelweary all the time and urinary troublesmay add to your misery

Doans Kidney Pills have given thousands of working men and women strongbacks for their dally work This reme-dy helps tb kidneys to do their wo k ffilter the liquid from the bloodand to send pure healthgiving bloodto the muscles and organs We wouldsincerely advise every man or womanwhose work is hard on the back to helpthe with an occasional dose ofDoans Kidney Pills

Sold by all druggists Foster A1


elethe loins and for hour after hour there









Washington ProofAlbert C Day carpenter and builder

of 1919 Second street northwest says1 had no faith in Deans Kidney Pills

nor In any other medicine when I firstgot a box of them at Stevens Pharm-acy Ninth street and Pennsylvania buta short experience with compelled-me to acknowledge their merit The reason for Unbelief that I had suf-fered kidney trouble and backache

a long time and every medicine Iused failed to help me The trouble

was principally a dull heavy pain acrossthe small of the back and the kidneysecretions were sluugglsh heavy andfull of sediment Since I used the pillsI have been without the backache andthe secretions from the kidneys havebeen restored to a natural color andconsistency I can certainty recommendDoans Kidney Pills very highly

A TRIAL prove whatDorms Kidney Pills will do for vcu wewill mall a free trial box on applicationAddress given below

Co Buffalo N Y









Editorial Horse SenseKins AT WAS6CVISCOIUUJ We are going to quit

about that 14 BLACK

THIBET SUIT until we get

taught up This week we

were swamped with ordersnot able to get the goods in

Mills to Man fast enough

For a business suit we now offer a number of styleseach different and made of genuine Scotch tweed

To Order at 1400Dont buy a cheap readymade suit The fellow with the

editorial horse sense should you

GLASGOW WOOLEN MILLS COMills to Man Direct Worlds Largest Tailors

615 Penna Ave N W




o i






Saturday and Monday

250 Spectaclesand Eyeglasses for Ufll

Te best 20year guaranteed goldfilled framespectacles fitted with best lenses

The best solid goldspring frameless eyeglassesfitted with best lenses


917 Pa five N W

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-I Credit for Everyone I-

B We Can Give You 5Better Values in

B Carpets Than YouCan Get Anywhere iElse in the City

We have such a big Carpet trade that5we can buy in big quantities and by sodoing get inside prices This enables us toshave the selling prices without lowering Mqualities We have a most fascinatingassortment of new patterns in all kinds ofFloor Coverings which we shall be gladto have you come and look at

When in Doubt Buy of

i House L Herrmann JfSeventh and I Eye Sts N W W




ia T a yti tv




a a





° °

FOR SALEThis desirably residence property on 21st streef a

substantial dwelling frontage 24 feet alley alleystable n rear

This property will be sold at a bargain price and we homebuyers to communicate with us about We are the exclusive agentsand we give courteous attention to every inquiry


Established 1880Real Estate Loan and Insurance

Brokers1925 Pa Ave





Pa-P ave

