THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATURDAY MAY 28 1904 I I 5 iii HIS LEAVE OF BAR Distinguished Gathering in the City Hall A PUNCH BOWL PRESENTED- Brief Addresses Made by Henry and the Retiring Justice Regret at Departure Justice Jeter C Pritchard of the Dis trict Supreme Court who recently re- signed to accept a place on the bench of the circuit court of the United States jestcrday formally took leave of the members of the Washington benci end bar WhIle the Justice had not long- b en c member of the District bench he had by his courteous treatment of the members of the bar his Impartiality in all rulings and fearlessness In discharge of his duty endeared himself not alone to those who practiced In his court but also to residents or Washington gen- erally So it was that after he had rounded out a hard days work and completed his official duties on the local bench he was asked to meet the members of the bar and his associates on the bench In Criminal Court No 2 It was a distin guished gathering and there was no doubt or the sincerity of the of regret so unanimously by those present Meeting Called April 23 The meeting was in response to a call Issued April 23 last when a committee WHS appointed to draft resolutions ex- pressing the regret of the members of the Washington bar in the loss they sustain In the resignation of Justice Pritchard and congratulating him on his elevation to the bench of the circuit court of the United States The assemblage was presided over by J Holdsworth Gordon president of the Washington Bar Association with John E Laskey as secretary The report of the committee was an- nounced by Henry E Davis chairman who after reading the resolutions also in behalf of the members of the bar pre- sented the justice with a large and beautiful silver gold inlaid punch bowl Mr Davis Speaks- In making the presentation Mr Davis said in part We are here in illustration of the fact that the Judge who sits behind the rail is still the brother of the lawyer who stands before IL If ever the time shall come that our experience is con trary to this God save the administra- tion of Justice No truer thing perhaps was ever said than that the breath of the judicial nostrils is the esteem and respect ot the bar And It Is our very pleasant testify our appreciation of one atoovLtrfo leave v who has ex emplified in his brief stay with us his appreciation whether conscious or un conscious or the truth and meaning of that sentiment It the tongues of men and of angels I could not express the senti- ment that lies behind these very feeble words Let It suffice to say that you go from us with a regard and affection I am unable to express You go from us with wishes for your future that could not be too extravagantly phrased Judge Pritchard Replies In reply Justice Pritchard snld In this life which ts but short to say the most of It It makes one feel good to realize willIe he is living that he has the good will of his fellowmon I prize it more highly than anything else in life My endeavor has been while presid ing in your court to know no man but to administer the law as I understood It regardless of consequences and that shall be my course in the future But Jet me go where I may I shall never fojget the members of the bar of the District of Columbia I have never met a more high toned set ot gentlemen In my life I have never met abler lawyers than I have met at this bar During my brief pi act Ice I have mingled with many of the lawyers of the country and it is my pleasure to say that this bar ranks with any that I know both in character and Intelligence Feeling of Sorrow Whan I went Into the court this morning to alear up the docket I did ro with a feeling of sadness I never appreciated mull then what It meant to- me to sever my connection with you gentlemen dud I then realized for the first time the full Import of what it meant to resign the position which I now hold While I go back to my own people among whom I grew up and to the lawyers with whom I have practiced Jaw In the past at the same time I know tht I will not receive a more cordial weleome among those lawyers than I received at the hands of the members of this bar The epmmlttee which prepared the resolutions consisted of Henry E Davis chairman D W Baker George E Hamilton J J Darlington R Ross Perry A S Worthington and Conrad Syme GAYETY AT ANNAPOLIS Annual examinations at the Naval Academy ended yesterday and gayety will reign at Annapolis next week when the board of visitors will be entertained The exercises will close on Friday even- Ing with the June ball in the and on Saturday the midshipmen will embark for their summer cruise A Grand Success The opening of Halls summer at Street southwest last evening was a gratifying success in ev- ery music was delightful rendered excellent dainties to eat were served and cheer followed in abundance The garden was crowded to its ca- pacity and all enjoyed the festivities of the occasion complimentary remarks were extend to Mr on the happy and genial manner in entertained the visitors Coach Excursions to St Louis via the Pennsylvania R R From Washington 1 tickets for ten days Special train of standard coaches leaves further information Through Sleeper to St Louis via Penn n R Commencing May 29 the Penn leaving at 330 m will carry Wash ington to without change PRITCHARD TAKES E Dvis th exp IJ who i had have 6nth Hall 9 16 23 and 30 trip good Sngton 1050 s m ticket agents for train p Louis I ence9 I s S i rate ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ALEXANDRIA NEWS NOTES t l I ALEXANDRIA May 23 At the last session of Congress u bill was passed referring to the Court of Claims all the claims of Virginia churches growing out of the occupancy by the Federal soldiers of Virginia churches during the civil war St Pauls Church in this city has a claim for 5000 the Baptist Church a claim for JG850 and the South- ern Methodist Church a claim for 5000 Testimony relative to the claims was taken yesterday at the First Baptist Church and on Thursday last for the- M E Church South W W Scott as sistant attorney In the Department of Justice appeared for the Government and G W X Black represented the churches NEGRO THREW BRICK Allen Bell a negro was lost night arrested by Policemen Young and Hen derson charged with assaulting E T Matthias with a brick The trouble It is said originated at the old fair- grounds where Matthias Is operating a merrysoround Bell having been or dered oft the grounds by Matthias re- turned and threw a brick at him hit ting him on the arm His case will come up in the police court Monday FIREMENS EXCURSION The Columbia Steam Fire Engine Com- pany Is making active preparations for its annual excursion to Marshall Hall on Wednesday The tire laddies expect to down a large crowd with them OTI that day CKtJRCH NINES TO PLAY The Episcopal and Southern Methodist nines will cross bats at Colross this afternoon at 530 oclock An interesting game is expected The Alexandria Athletic Club will play the Clerks of the Southern railway In Washington at the old Fair grounds this afternoon at 430 NORMAL SCHOOL SITE The last General Assembly of Virginia made an appropriation of 200000 for the establishment of an additional normal school besides that at Formvllle at some point in this section of the State Applications were forwarded from vari- ous cities Alexandria among the rest of them to secure the location of the school but no action was taken and the General Assembly appointed a corn Sunday Night Train From Baltimore The Pennsylvania Railroad runs a spe cial train from Baltimore Union Sta tion at 1130 p m every Sunday night due Washington 1230 a m Round trip to Baltimore 125 every Saturday and Sunday I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Worth The Washington 4 VV v Sunday Times For TomorrowTh- ere is something essentially American essentially appealing to the American heart about the Sunday newspaper of the better class Filled with the worlds news of the day with bright stories of men and women who are in the public eye and dramatic accounts of the strange happenings and discoveries of all the continents with intimate portraits and carefully chosen pictures of scenes and events the Sun day newspaper asserts its claim to consideration with assured The increasing popularity shown by results in which the Washington public has come to hold The Washington Sunday Times is one indication of the manner in which it has reached up its ideals For tomorrow there are offerings especially they will serve as another indication of what is meant Here are glimpses- of some of them I confi- dence attractiveperhaps t Reading ¬ ¬ > MYSTERIES OF WASHINGTON The police records of the Na- tions Capital contain accounts of brutal crimes which have never been solved and the perpetrators- of which have never been detect ed Hatred and love their parts In these grim tragedies the veil of obscurity that hides them has never been lifted STRANGE SUNSET LAND In Morocco where foji Perdicarls is now held for ransom by the bandits of the foothills it is said that robbery has become the sys- tem of government The account of people and customs and the savage and bigoted marauders illustrated with recent photo graphs has a present day interest of its own Look for it in the Sunday Times AN INDIAN IN THE SENATE The wise men of politics sny that if Oklahoma and Indian Ter- ritories are merged and admitted to the Union as a State one of the new Commonwealths first Senators will be Quattnah Parker- a Comanche Indian chief In the illustration to the account of his life In the Sunday Times he wears tile aboriginal nnery or his raoe THE FIRST TO VOLUNTEER- The first man t6 respond to the call of President Lincoln for 75000 volunteers was Charles F Rurid now a resident of Washington He had offered his services within ten minutes of the time the call was issued A dramatic story of hlu army service tilled with color in- cident and reminiscence uppoars tomorrow DIPLOMATS 11 AUTOS Representatives of foreign gov- ernments at Washington have ac- quired an appreciation of the pleasure and convenience the mo- tor car offers An attractively written account of theIr yielding- to the seduction of the sport with pictures of diplomatic celebrities is one of the features of the Sun day Times revengeand perhapsplayed S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ mission to act during the vacation of the General Assembly and visit the vari- ous portions of the State with a view to determining the proper location for th school That committee will reach 4 oclock this afternoon and will be met by M B Harlow president of the Business Mens League and other gentlemen and a conference on the sub- ject will take place at the rooms of the league A number of leading citizens have been Invited to be present IN CORPORATION COURT In corporation court Judge C Barley presiding the following ness was transacted yesterday W H Smith was admitted to practice In this court Richard H Cox city sergeant was appointed by the court administrator of the estate of the late R P Kuhn WOOL COMPANY CHARTERED- The State corporation commissioners Company Incorporated The company has a capital stock of 400000 and the officers are I Hooper president and Della Hooper secretary both of Pop- lar Bluff Mo S L Boothe of this city Is the State IN POLICE COURT In the police court Justice H B Caton presiding the following cases were disposed of this morning William Hansburger arrested by Po- liceman Sherwood charged with being drunk and disorderly was fined 5 John Butler a negro by Po- liceman Beach shoes from Drake a negro was fined 250 Charles Thompson a negro arrested by Policeman with as- sault and cutting Walter Brown a negro was lined 5 PERSONAL MENTION Mrs Edmund Entwisle who has been visiting her mother Mrs Michael has returned to her home In stone Va Mrs Will F Came Is sick at her homo In King Street near St Asaph Street The Rev J P Stump is at Purcell vllle where he will dedicate n church today The Rev W J Morton will preach in Leesburg tomorrow To Baltimore and Return 125 Via Pennsylvania Railroad every Satur and Sunday All trains except Con gressional Limited Most Convenient schedule Special train 1130- every Sunday night from Baltimore th LOll a charter to the yool V agent arrestEd Edward Nah mornIng da here- about granted Vhlteley ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEUHUYS AT CORCORAN When the distinguished Dutch was in Washington he lec a class at the Corcoran Art Gallery In the course of his lecture he took the unfinished painting of one of the girl of the class and with deft trans- formed It Into a With this article are pictures of the artist and the A FIGHT FOR CONGRESS or not less Importance than the Presidency to the political parties is the the na tional House of Representatives perhaps its party value Is even greater In doubtful districts In every State the battle Is sternly fought The inside of these campaigns the Times prints tomorrow ought to prove largely interesting OF STRICKEN SHIPS the coast of Cape Hntteras every year many gallant vessels find their tate Attempt haye been made in the past to build a lighthouse on Diamond Shculs but always without success A Boston inventor has been granted permission by Congress to try at his own expense a new plan which Is described tomorrow in the Sunday Times SPONSOR FOR SOUTH a New Orleans girls Miss Corinne Tebeault has fallen the double distinction of being spon sor for boUt the United Confed- erate Veterans and the United Sons of Confederate Veterans at the Nashville reunion next month Miss Tebeault Is the first to wear the honor There Is a charming picture of this uttracMye young Southern vv mun OF HEALTH AND FASHION Speaking of Southern women fashion hUH decreed a return to the styles they wore Just before the war The gowns of the Con federacy have already made n successful assault upon Paris and are crossing the water ijy steamer Physical culture and fashions and pretty women lend Interest to see tion of the Sunday Times pinter stroke complete grot star GRAVE FAR t tOmor- row J ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ON PLACE Mrs Page Cou- pons to Her Number- J H OBRIEN NOW SECOND Citizens List De- velopments Expected in Three Re maining Days of Times Contest Only three more days remain in which- to collect coupons for The Times Worlds Fair Contest Mrs Page tight- ens her hold on first place by 2000 while J H OBrien sends in enough coupons- to make him second in the Government contest The competitors in the Con test remain almost the same as day Following Is the corrected list up to 9 this morning Government Employes J H OBrien G B O 304C9 L Barnum Com and Labor issa H St Elizabeth 5521 Charles Hammond Treasury 700 Mrs Ida Lewis Postofllce 609 R R Dutton U S Senate 5014 W J Fagan Eng and 6170 A C Wright War Department 15 W J Pension 5003 Ida V Office 5437 J Walker Navy Department 100 A H Morehead Fire Alarm Office 21265 Tyson Kinsell War Department 46 L S Smith Eng and 1572 R H Smith Agricultural Dept 45 J McKenna Postofllce 1210 J B Yard 2213 Agnes Quirk Agricultural Dept 47 R Postofflce 77 C A Rainey Printing Office 378 W A Pension Office 96 J H Clear Interior 1 N C Dameron Treasury 11 Mrs E M Page Treasury 48000 G S Carroll 215 C J King Eng and Printing 93 J T Simpson Treasury 3535 H C Dooley Navy Yard 127 J H Wood Interior 814 W P Souder Eng and Printing 58 N B Sparks Postofflce 34 Eng and Printing 22 S Unman U S Senate 1500 J C Calhoun Library 5000 H J Camfield Eng and Printing 25 R T Corbin 10 C P McCurdy Postofflce J Iredale H of R 1SOO E Kengln Court of Claims 151 A J Lee District Building 797 Bertha Davis State Department 2100- J W Dlckerson watchman 33 G P Allen Printing Office 2S2 A McMullln Printing Office 330 Corinne Hay Treasury COO J A Gordon Postoffice 26404 J W Starr War Department 2S7CO Miss L W Gary Treasury 7133 H W Postofflce 138W Finch 5W- 1J E D C repair shops 39 F A Treasury 3 H E Marshall U S Jail 102S M A Johnson Int Rev HI Miss Bettle Hayden Eng Ptg 4000 T Merrltt Pension 123 L A Spless Postoffice 30000 W R Adams Postofflce 134K C J Hicks Pension Office 20000- M C Pension S8 H L Postofflce 57 G B M Rycker Dlst Gov 5000 E V Clark Navy Yard 1000 C T Ziegler Postofflce 7IW J H Anderson Interstate Com 631 CJ S Livingstone Pension JO M L Carter Census Office oOO P C Shannon Eng and Printing 4EX W O Baldwin Interior 1 W F Brown Interior 26050 C E Jones Var Department 115B K Forrest Pension 100 C C Ester Tenth Precinct ttt David Hulchoson Library- C J Brantly Postofflce Is T H Looker Navy Department i J W Tannehlll Treasury fl M King Postofflce 1900 E Ludwig War Department 1 Dr J J Wharton Postofflce 10 Charles B Jonas Pension 1 Dr F M Ward Pension 1 Miscellaneous Citizens M P Roche 2204 13th St N W 3045 w H Dickey 1024 Bladensburg Road 5409 353 Pa Ave N 3110 J N Thompson 200S G St N W 1 Mrs C Lewis D St N W 4192 J D Williams lilT 10th St N W 704 E 117 G St S 7EOO M Hartsook 521 2d St N E 10 MissJ Young 922 8th St A 3700 Elmer Peerce 1417 Duncan St N E 2 W Anderson 40S 6 St S W r W J Whlttlngton 1332 I St N W E H Franke 727 20th St 2106 Pa Ave 8425 S I 223 North Capitalist 287 Mrs M Rumby 217 F 20 A C 1224 Duncan N E 21 J L Hammack 130 E St N E 43 J W Nicholson 1905 9th St N W 25000- J W Fry 30U 3d St N E 10000 Peter White 1113 4th St N E 19595 C T Cathcart 3407 R St N W GO Brown 1412 1st St N W 52 R A McDonald 223 1st N E 30 H Trotter 493 Pa Ave N W ICO S G Davis B3 4th St N W 17000- A G Cole 1335 F St N W 400 D 615 F St N W 7400 Miss V G Sherlock 13C9 HN W 202 H E Weeks BOO O St S W 18304 Gertrude Berry 827 S St N W 03 W H Tracey 022 H St N W ioR B Swingle 612 F St N W 138 Frank Mudd Hyattsvllle 14HW Mrs M Ross SOC 9th St N W 900 J A Simmons 1230 S St N W 814 B M Hilderbrand 202 Q St N W 10 M S Sturgeon 1227 S St N W 10014 Mabel Rush 2719 Duke Alexandria 633 J B Archer 1117 4 4 St S W 1 G H Sisemore 1007 llth St S E 1521 J L Edwards 1905 F St N W 1 M B Johnson Vienna Va 60 Mrs Sarah King 1087 Slat St 52 A O Hlndlft 324 6th St S E 1000 William MInnls 1501 H St N E 1 F Nightingale 1360 B St S W 1 Every Hour on the Hour Washington- to Baltimore with Pullman service Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Not nec- essary to carry a timetable ONLY PYLES 6 Ibs Cal Prunes for 25c 5 lbs Evap Peaches for 25c 5 Ihs Carolina Rice for 25c 5 lbs Macaroni for 25c 3 Ibs Pure Lard for 26c 3 Ibs Cheese for 26c Z pkgs Jellcon for 25c 2 pkgs Nuts for 25c 3 cans Challenge Milk for 25c C cans Peerless Cream for 25c S qts Hominy for 25c 3 qts Beans for 25c 3 lbs Gloss Jtarch for lOc 5 pkgs Cornstarch for lOc 3 pkss Gelatine for 10c 3 pkgs Wheat Crystals for lOc 3 bottles Blue for lOc Potomac Herring lie dor 850 per bbl Star of the East Flour 575 per bbl Choice Potatoes 36c pk 135 bu 7 STORES Including 943 La Ave HOLD I FIST UnchangedNew CItizen V Cook D Inch Bat t f F 61 N J N W f Mrs I C 601 I N J Orem V 1 A G Messmore St G Johnson D C 3 V Folsom Mrs V Miss J Forrest N J Ave N W 3310 W W ATE 7 STORES Jd Da rIGHTENS M Mrs Geraci Ave St V- ii Leonard 2518 12 it 237 Gall T5 PYLS ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ADVERTISED LETTERS The following Is a list of advertised letters re- maining in the Washington D C Poztoffice Saturday May 23 10W To obtain any of these the applicant should cult for M not called for within two 2 weeks they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office LIST Adam Mrs Miss Mary Aldrich Mrs J H Johnson Mrs Mary Alexander Mrs Sarah Johnson Miss t Alien Edith Johnson Mrs Surah te Jordan Mia Annie Anderson Mlsa Hilda Jordan Sirs Carrie Armour Mrs Oeo 2 Joy Mrs 0 L Athey Oeo Carrie Alley Fannie D King Mrs L Atwill MUs Rose Lee Kinwlla MIss A S Atwell hiss Bertha Kirby aicn F Bacon Miss Sadie Kiebs Miss Margaret Bailey Mrs U E Knolt Miss Marjorie Baker Miss Minnie Kolien Miss Anna Baker Mia Minnie Lee Kreps Mrs J Baldwin Mrs Mary ConKroh Florence M Enuua Mies Joan LawtenceMUs Banney Sirs M Langley Mis Barry Mrs I E Laws Miss Agnes Mrs Thos Lee Mua Ellen Miss MurgurritoLebent Adelaide Sean Miss Deteina Lewis Mrs M A Beleches hiss Lucy Lewis Sirs 1 A Bell Mrs J E Lincoln Celia Bell Mrs Mamie Lincoln Miss Beckerton Miss B L Lind Mia BlonchonJ Mrs Agnes Logan Mrs Josephine Bloom Mrs J H Logan Miss Rusu Booker MUs Mary AV Lomax Miss Julia Boolinger Mrs K C Lucus Mrs Ella BorvilB Mrs Ada McAltsjter Miss Maria Bowman Mrs Amanda McAllister Mrs Dudley lioadley Mary C MetVtswev Jliw F Bradshaw Mrs E A McConnell hiss Xcllle- Branct Miss A McKenncy Mrs K Jane Braxon Mfw Annie McMakin Mrs J Bright Mrs Ida May Mactten Mrs Mary Bright Miss Mary MacConachle Broudus Mrs Lucy A Marlow Mrs A Bttxlis D y JIartett Ray Brooks Miss Adhne Martin Miss Olive Brooks Mrs Ennna Marthnar Susie A Brown Mrs Ada Matthews Miss Brown Miss fatlox its It Brown Miss D y Agnes Jllss Ucorgiana Maytenn lila K Brown Miss Ida 8 Mrs M P Brown Mrs Ida Menne Mrs A J Brown Miss Lottie Merlin Mrs Albert Brown Miss Louise 2 Merrills Miss Brown MaryL Slier Mrs Brown Mrs R Mitten Miss Dorothy Brown Mrs Sarah Miller Miss Delphi Brubacher Mrs LE Miller Mist Hannah Burner Mrs Mary Sillier Miss Marie Brunriell MiM Kate Miner Mrs Irene Bryant Miss Donny Minor Mrs F Burke Miss Minor Miss Pearl A Burke Mra Fannie Minor MISS Rose Burnett Mis Louise Mitchell Mrs JF D Burrotchn Miss N H Mitchell Mrs LE Butler Mrs C M Montgomery Miss ilag- Batler Miss Llllle gie Butler Mrs Louisa MUs Olive V Butter Mary Mrs T B Butler Mrs Morgan Mrs Choi C Buxton Mrs II H Morgan Mrs U AV Byron Miss Mary E Monatt Mrs J Calbort Mrs Munch Sirs F Campbell Miss Annie Mundl Miss Lillian Campbell Mrs AV W Xelll Mrs J H Cnnn Mrs Jas E Nesbit Miss Lilly May Carpenter hiss Mary Newkirk Mrs J A Ciitlin Miss Bertha NIXOn Mrs Eliza Carter Miss Mary AV Sake Mrs Carter Suwn Norris Mis CarroH Misa Martha OConnell Miss Minnie Causes Miss Emma Page Mrs Rate B Click Miss Maud Pamurr Mia M C Chandler Mrs HL Parker Mrs Clara Chapman Gertie Parker Mrs Elizabeth Chatmon Mrs Mile Patterson Mrs Ada M Mlw Pavne Mrs Florence Miss Xomle E Penny Miss Marie Clark Mrs Thou C Pettebone Mrs 0 L Clarke Miss Mabel Miss L Mte Margaret Mrs A J Clubb Miss Elizabeth Phillips Mrs Irene Coffey Mrs Hose 1 Pinked Mrs Eleanora Coher Miss Alice PInklney Mrs Llllle Colbert Mia Edna Piper1 Mrs Charlotte Colic Mrs L W Foley Mrs Sarah E Coleman Fannie Powell Mrs Oussie T Collerd Mrs Jno F Powell Mrs Mollie Colliscmo Miss Condlta Itainey AIUs CotilEon Mw V F Ralk Mrs Mlf lledmond Miss LL 3 Sombs lire E Mrs Bessie Mrs Ida Miss Julia E D H Reed Mrs Surrilla- Cozzln Mrs lledn Estelle Craig Mrs Clara Rhodes Emma Mrs Rosa Rich Miss Herritop- vr H Mrs C Rlfchard Miss Maria Cros Mm DouRlas Richards Miss Annie Crump Miw Ellis Richardson Mia Belle Mlw Susie Hlfhardson Sirs Matilda Dalonw Mlsa Margaret Richardson Minnie Dann Mrs Roberts Mrs Jullen Davidson Miss E Robinson Mrs W Mrs Maggie Rorge Laura W Sirs Mary Rojet Henrlette Davies Mrs AValter Anna Davies Zelda Mrs Annie DavIs Mls DanzeWa Ills Rosa S Davis Mia Ida hose Mrs Saml Davis Mrs Ida Reston Mrs Delia Davis Mrs Russell Mrs Ltille Davis Mrs Virginia L HuweN Miss Xannle De Ills Sagar Mrs Alias 0 Mrs V V St Nicholas Mlw A Donegre Mrs D Savage Rose De Ills vms Schuylcr Miss Dora E rs Seldon Mis Bertha Dorse MUw Scott Mrs Jno Douglass Mlsa Marlnda Sendall Miss Eagle Dudley Sites Rosa Belt Sluieseue Airs Emma Over Mrs Sham Else Sarah Basan Mrs Shepherd C Eddy Dr Krmlna C Shepherd E Mrs Helen 2 Sherman Miss Elizabeth Edmouston Lucy Shinne Mrs J H Elliott Mls3 Ro Shaver Miss Carrie Emery Mrs Anna Siddell Mrs F E Emery Mrs J I Mrs Mrs F Taylor Mrs Jessie Mrs Smith Mrs Ella Evans Miss M Smith MlS3 Fannie C Finky Iliac Smith Isabell Finn IBM Smith Mrs Xannle E Fletcher Mrs Annie Smith Miss Jennie Ford Miss May Smith Mrs Jennie T Ford Mrs Mennie Smith Miss l uiw- Forthunc Miss HebeccuSmith Mrs Rachel Poster Eleanor U Smith SItes Ruth B Francis Miss Florence Smith Mrs Walter Fralzr Mrs Susie Snyder Mrs AV- mFffinrh Elsa Fanny Sprlgss Katie Jfry Susie Steward Mrs Irene Jos D Stewart Mrs Alice II Gallagher Sirs Frank Stokes Miss Z Oallhcr Miss Bo e Stuart Mn H C Gatlo Mlw Bessie Stublw Miss Mostella Mrs Virginia Sullivan Miss Ellen Gib m Mii Annie Swift Mrs G A C11r ViM Nettle Sylvia Ills S Gill Mrs Hobt F Conan E Gray Mi Rickett Mrs C Talar MN Taylor l Green Ida M Taylor Miss CTara Green lies Lucy Taylor Miss Julia Gunlon Mrs Minnie 2 Taylour Mitt Jeanett Mrs Em falter Mrs M 51lw Kate M TInker Miss Nellie llall Mrs Thomas Miss Jonnie Hamilton Mrs Amelia Thomas Miss Hemlten Miss Jennie Thomas Miss Sand Harding Miss E J Thompson Ml Annie Hare Miss P Thompson hiM Ulllun- HarrclU Miss Thompson Mrs Mary Harrlj Mrs Martha Hart Miss Miss Mary D Harts Mrs Tlbbs Mis Corn Hay Mrs John Todd Mrs C C Mrs HnricttaTompson Mrs Mrs Hnora Tome Miss Hattie Heath Mrs Annie Tripp Elsa F Heekard Mrs Annie Mrs Henderson Mrs Trlplett Mls ERas Henderson Mrs M A Trundoll Miss Belle Henderson Mrs Rachel Tyler Miss E- Herrell Mrs Man Aamey Mw Herring Rifle Vtnnery Mii Katie Hicks Mi s Jennie Ver Bryck V S 2 Hill lire Carrie Waddy Miss Mwr- yHillcr Grace Walker Mra J G Mis Hlvn Mrs vnila Walktr Mrs Mary Lisa Hedge Mrs Hattie Walker Lucia M- HotVson Mis Maude Walfork Mrs Minnie Mrs Mary Collie D- How Miw Ida Howanl Emraii Wallace Maggie AVallace Miss M K Lalar Mice M C Howard Miss Jwmip AVardell Miss Maggie Howard Mrs Mary Ware Mis Ally H- Hughe Mrs Katie E Ida B Hutton Mra Win Stone AVashingtoii Miss Clare Jackson Mia Alien AVariiington Hannah Jackson Carrie Washington Mra JHckson MI Jwwle 2AVat on H Jackson Mrs Lena uyne Miur Lonna Jackson Lillian 2Wesfy lila Jaekion Mte Mary AVhitc Mrs James Mrs B hittow Mr Susie MUw HUiel Wllilmcs Ml s Mary MM Mare WHHitms Miss May Ieffre Miss Rebeecu Williams Miss Jenifer Mrs M Wilson Mns K Jiihnon Mra A AV Wiison Mitt Ieutha Johnson Kwiw AViswaW lilac JI F Johnson Mrs Emma WerUilnjctwi Mr K A- lrhnson Else Florence Wright M Gertrude lolmston Mi8S Ida Wright Mi lane Tolinson Miss Lizzie Young A T TohnMii Mr Lizzie Young Bertha Ji lmjn Mrs M Young Mia Carrie Johnwn MUM M aggi Young Mis Emnut- i Young Mi Emma Jclmswj lire Mary T Young Miss Mary letter LADE MIl lbs gel laude A- Bate Pear ale Drown Lila More LuiS Cark Yam e Pet Age Plo le Cure Rode Y Dave How FOrt W Wit Pet CeDe Luc I Slate K t- eE 2 Per Mil Get B- Us SUn Has Nor Tom tare Ha woo Del Isaac Roe Hole Wale Warln I ely putt Jab Mutt Mil 21 3in Ills Mrs Mrs Miss Bessie litton Reed heed Mrs Elsa hiss Rose lies Mrs V Glara Eta itis V hiss SaBle Miss Mrs Mrs lIthe hiss Mrs hiss W Ills II rtlia Miss i ADVERTISED LETTERS GENTLEMENS LIST Adams J Adams Prank J Albert Ghas Alien II C Altniun Win Anderson Cutler O Atkinson Walter Austin Jim Bryant H- BMrd BC Baker B L Baker Arthur BaMour U A Coo 0 Barker Hurry C Boniw Jlobt 0 Dr Ceo Baxter llobt Bell Geo Benkert G F Bennett Jn T Bejfcw D B C Blackel Rtlw Rebt C Bottmon Pred- Boorman C R Borthout Ed Boston Ceo B- BosWell Jsunts Bowman Janice Barley Jas Bradford A B Bradley H L Gee B rang ton A- Brfiiten Andrew Brice James- Bdnkley Clarence B Henry A Bi ke R H- Brtate H C Braote Win H Brown A Chas A drown Gco Brom H Brown Gent J S f Brown John Br J E Br wn J H Brown J M- Brdvfn Robt Brown S BrMvn W H Browning P S Sons Bryant F E E Burger F L B ess Alfred Bark R dfeas H Butler Benny Butler Byrd Charlie Cbrew John Carter Carter John carter P C Carter W M C B Clnrk ChsA- O Ic E W Cements Harry Cuffnun CbJenirm Louis 0 Collins Win T Chas H jr Onoreer E H O ok CA Oapps Corbtt J UIe- CorUns Wm Cox A Cox David II Crandford Walter B J Alkin Crump Lamar Henry C CtllT J- Dihcerfeldf R F n Jahn Davis John Davis Laden Day James Dearing Harry X J A Prank II Dodge Ofo James Dflmlioc W Wallace Amos I Dr w Albert S Dunley J AV Dutro O T Kberie Henry A Edward Geo Edwards Bell HdrWge SH Brnw A S W P Evans Ray Everett J Coo Ferguson F B Fisher Carl Fiske Wm F Pitch RliP- itzhugh W Pis Harry K CS Fearee Tho Herein Joe A Flemne J P Fletcher A B Foley FE M j Ford Ernest R FBwier M B P wer M L Pbs JarfMe Fiance Rev J II Prance Royal W FnmJrtln Prey AVtWe Puller a F Fulton AV T G lbgherBG- arflner Thoa J A Gmriesy Ole II- Gofkins Danl GaniMt FJ Gates Maryland T GnvJor I II C Gilbert It W- GMsen Martin Garen I S GflnMn J II Gcnlofl II Gtmbam Wm II Grantley A G Granite J E Green litany Ocean Grew AV G Green S O Grayer Thee Grafer II Grace Fred Pm t- Hiiddvek H P Hahlen Fred hamilton Rielid Hamilton Win Hansen M Hanson Alex Harding Saml Barney TiMM L home J D Harrison B P Harrison Harry ll E 0 Hants Bert m Hawkins Robt Heaiey Tl L Heart W M- Hendenon Gen T Hemleiaan TlrtrnVTn- HeJcnrd Prof E W Heifer Herbert Wm H Jw W ina LouIs 11111 Vfr HUt AV E- Hllliunl W S Ulllyer J T Holmes Thes J M W llA m r I H- HotehklM Carl AV- H inefc Pr f Wm Uoftidor Kddle Howell Rev A Huggett M C- Hunter Jno M AVulter- HntcJiltuKHi R- HuUhiion I II Isaacs Ix uU Jackson W B JaeJtfo Cltav Jason hUIdle Jackson Harry B Jackson Willie Jacrson hack Jamson Sidney C fohrnon Anthony Johnson A L JoJiRsw Even Jehnson Isaac Johnson John Jordan M Jousted Frank L Kauffman W U Kearney Ww P Koeler Bade E 2 KelloBe Th- Kenedy Miller Kennedy J AV Kepler Wm R Kern W E Kessler AV H Emma M- Kllmartln R 0 King Gee KSrxttnd R Kurek J W K hlmieJr Bmorj- Krfim J Lancaster Win Larftcf M- Lawnmee D S Joe Lawrence Yirgie Lawrence W T Leftdbeater 0 A- VLedbettor M J Lee Lea Legs Clarence Leicester Prlner- L wJls Charlie Luis Gina O- cwlv James Logan Ned Lentux Joe C Longfellow H E lioilirop Bros LouramJ AC Lucas Wnt E Lunt C H- MoArthur Ed II- McColm C P McDonald C II McChee J E MeKfohey Rlehd- McKenrie W A McKinney Oscar Michael MeXeol Hufus Mahoney M A Mann Geo H March C E Mattel Walter R Marshall Thos O Marshall Wm Martinez Joaquin Mosor liars Mathaw Homer Mtfttaews SE May Harold lieatfey Chris Me ck J AV Co Mlnnoban John Fred Sieyer H A Mfvcr Lemuel W Root Miller ft- Mlteheli R L Milfer Warren A- VMitiheU Joseph M V Saml MOntague D P Moore Robt L Moore S E Margan R A- VMcrgaa W B- MQrjgun Win G Morris Charlie Marrijey Win B Mowhp Richd Mullen Jas Murphy J Jon J Murphy Lester T Mnrrar John XVder Rezallo AM Arthur Ofceo Robt Olsen S It Orth CL CbCx Lawrence Packsin B F Page T C Potnplin Jas H Palmer W 0 Parker J D C- SParifw Payto- nParns J L S Patterson Jo F Payne Imnen Payne Maurice Pepper J L Willie Pltty H M L It PhflBps Harry PflbSrory J E Harry 2 Plunger m Ptaffln Theo Psalter V Powell A D PowcM Wm AV W Primes Rutu A- VRanldns Raleigh Reeves WH Co Regar Max Rice homer D Richard F B 2 Richardson II It Rivera Robbins Dr E Jtoaitf V Robinson Jack RobInson John Robinson Johnnie RoVtiMon Maurice PAinson AV Locke Wm L fleets Aubrey Ruihen II Rutherford Thompson Stanford Dr J L Sargend W J Cart Sokoellkoph L C G H Scott Eiifene- Seeour G E Serdol Alberto Shaefer Dr C L Shank H C Shepherd Judge J Sherman Slirum Geo E Stems Willie SiaM Jao SIv na S Smell Chas Slnly Wm Smith Amos Smith Predanka Smith Geo Smith lion Geo D Smith lIon n Smith Jas H Smith LiRday Smith Malcolm Smith Rtefcd Smith Will Smith Wm Sny4er J B Robt M Stevens Geo K SUekwgr G o H Stone Joseph Stott Clan E StreWer A iw Don dena Harry W Tustanan AV- mTayter Clarence TVylor Harry Taylor R 2 Taylor Thos Tbanias Clarence Thcro Q Tltompron Capt A J Thomfiton Saml S R Thom ston Frank Tliormv I G TlMfW E It A L Tiffany Carroll F ToUver Lemon IHirrej Dr H C Rev ELK rwderwwHl R 0 Wr Willie YrJdi Stephen liottt Van Midd Wvke RA ViMCwnt GIbes B Vlneenzo A AVakeraan AV F 8 Walls C W Warren Aknz Warren Win F- WoihlBcton Luther J AVatown E B Watson Joe A AVatsoun C W AVett Ceo Weave KHJah Welch AV H Wesley V J Vlweec KrtiPst P AVheeJdwi L D- A1iitlamu V jr White ItMt- A1ilte Will S- AVldgcn Jo phi Wilba iki Chat D AVillum r H- WUUiuns Nuah Robe Andre Aver Bar lau Here BroIl Erne Bowl Ben 31 j B 3c BWd r Morse CC Neighbors C Oonnor Joseph Cui tel Dais 0 D PfeIffer lJOn r Power Ene Fake Lau lot Stunt Fong Ier Tyler Ou net George t Osta Lent 11uckerman L Tune IUtk t Valentl e nom lIwtlhi I > Jones m BarberS Bauer harry H Go1umus Lockhart Leslie n tt has James W 2igent iis Crawford 1 DeS 5 11 > > > > < ADVER35ISED LETTERS ttorthfnj i W AV WInk r 0 H Wood AV it- AVoodfault Laurence Woodruff ell H- Wwicy Ad ghas You Dr S C 2 Yocago G ZinMHerman J AVflHamsM C Wlfetnch Pa l- AVInSald JameS AVIngeard AVm Withers PF S- AVTltwi AV C C 0 FOREIGN LIST Ariow FJetf LawUmk W Bavata Ouls pfK Morris Joe fleeces AVra Ueary Mann MM Crag A AV Sadkir Vise Antonio SaveHcoul MJse Marie DuB s JI P Short F J J G Siaglta J Franalts Mrs Florence StackpooJe Annie Cabal Bdw To fc4 wit P QrambattHta Cfllone Tworaeay Mlw L CHoNMnn Lortmi tti AVlttnrs Miss lUgyie Kfller KrmneU MISCELLAXEOrs Arts e Wine List Co Howe for Feeble Mind Comoraial Printing C ed Children Cora ef Civil Servlee Xatt Chttmlaal Co Refflrm Penn Mfj Oo t Bujlnes AV t River Man Sfrorthaml School AVadner Oevt Land Bu iu Intornwtion S PACKAGES Harris AValter White Mona Rugje Mlgs Ltszte FOREIGN MAILS AVASIUNGTOX D C POSTOFFICE NOTICE Sliould be read daily as changes may occur at any time FOREIGN MAILS are dispatched to the pert of sailing daily and the schedule of closing is arraaptd on presumption of their mint r overland transit For the week endizX May 28 IPU the last connecting will lv made from the MAIN OFFICE as follows Malls for South and Central America West Indies Etc MAILS close here at 3 m Mon 1 Tampa and at 10 re Mondays and Thursdays via New Orleans MEXICO overland unless specially for dispatch by steamers sailing from Sew York close nere doily at 1005 a m f and 10 p m h NEWFOUNDLAND by rail fo Sydney and thence via steamer close hare Sundays at 12 m d and on Sundays at ll30 a m k the connecting closes on Mondays nod Saturdays JAMAICA by rat to Boston and thence via steamer close here on Tuesdays and 230 b MIQUELOX rail to Boston and thence via steamer close here dally Sundays at 233 pm b and en Sundays at 1130 ara- O BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GATE MALA by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close here daily at 1005 In 10 p m fa the connecting doses leUitf COSTA RICA by ran to New Orleans and via steamer doe here daily at 10U5 a m and 10 p m h connecting filoscs being on Tuesdays TransPacific Mails PHILIPPIXE ISLANDS vi San Francisco close here daily at 630 pm up to May 27 for per S transport o CHINA HAAAAU and specialty ad- dressed mail for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via San Francisco close here dolly at 030 p m to May 27 for dispatch per ss Doric 0 HAWAII via SlID Francisco close here at 630 m up to May 0 for dispatch per ss Alameda o CHIXA and JAPAN Tacoma close here dally at 030 p m up to June 3 for dispatch SS Hyson o CHINA JAPAX HAWAII and PHILIPPIXE ISLANDS via San Francisco close here daily at 30 n m up to June 6 for dispatch per s3 Siberia 0 ChINA and JAPAN via Aaacouvorand Vic- toria B C close here daily at 630 m up to June 7 for dispatch per SLS Empress of Ja- pan Merchandise for the U S PosUl at Shanghai China cannot be forwarded via Canada 0 AUSTRALIA except mails for West Aas rnfr nnvt- i SAMOA HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS via San Kranohce close here doily at 630 m up to June 11 for per BS Ventura o AUSTRALIA except nan for Austra FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA Vancouver and Victoria B C close here dally at flSO pm up to June IS J r dispatch per 9S Moans o- NOTK Mails tar COCHIX CHIKA are dis- patched to New York N Y for connection European steamers JOHN A f Rnr P m stw PROPOSALS- TO National ical Park Washington D C May r 191 proposals will b received at this office until 2 P M on MONDAY the SIXTH DAY OF JUNE 191M and then opened for the furnishing and of the constructional metal work ana the furnishing and setting of roof of an animal house in the Na- tional Zoological Park Plans specifications forms of proposal dad other Information be obtained- on application to the architects Messrs Hornbiower Marshall 161S H Street northwest this city The right is to reject any or all bids or parts of bids and to waive any defects S P LANGLEY Secretary Smithsonian Institution my2S Jel PROPOSALS will be received at the Bureau of and Accounts Navy Department Washington D C until 12 OCLOCK U 1964 and publicly opened immediately thereafter- to furnish at the navy yards Ports mouth NH Boston Mass New York N Y League Island Pa AVashlngton D C Norfolk Va and Pensacola Fla as specified a quantity of machine tools etc comprising lathes drills drill pres punches shapers planers grinders saws cutting machines plate bending machine mill duplex folding press arbor presses etc loco- motive steam cranes air compressor concrete mixer electric elevutors boiler hydraulic Jacks hand trucks and Installation of fireextinguishing ap atus Blank will be fur- nished upon application to the navy paY offices Portsmouth N H Boston Mass New York N Y Philadelphia Pa Norfolk Va and Pensacola Fin or to the bureau H T B HARRIS Paymaster General U S N my2Sjel GENERAL DEPOT of Quarterma- sters Department Washington D May 17 19W proposals in tripli- cate will be at 2O LOCK P M MONDAY JUNE 27 1594 and then opened for aad delivering forage and straw at Wash- ington Barracks and Washington city D C Forts Myer and Hunt Va Fort AVashington Md and St Asaph Va during focal year July 1 10W forms with Instructions for making proposals and further informa- tion will be contending Hl dens on application to this office En- velopes proposals must t marked Proposals for Fprage and ad dressed to A W Quarter master U S Army in Charge of Depot my2S3831Je28342S OFFICE PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Washington D C May JS 1904 Sealed proposals In duplicate be received here 2 P M MAY 31 1904 for lighting portions cf grounds in this city year ending 1905 with Welsbach or other highcandlepower gas lights Infprmu- W SYMONS MachinesF- or 50c weekly payment you can have one of our Golden Oak Sewing Ma- chines We will take old Sewing Machine in exchange 54 Ninth St N W Bring this advertisement with you We will allow you SOc for it tVliflinw Riehol t Knee lie Weed 1ttn a w aq 11 Wins k I 1 CUBA das and Saturdays via North ex- cept king Fridays- at prn a on u trails NEW ZEALAND NEW lib BUILDERSOffice Zo log th- Ule ma res- erved OON J tINE boring tubu- lar the c 1il Lion can here Colonel mvlS192Q212830 t Jaoe you i l d iV11SIme w z IC 4a lisa Elsa S hiss a closes Wednesdays Pert address- ed tI- led Mondays 1 tin Wait set- ting 2 commencing 00 C 0 S C S I 0C C S a I 0 0C5 4 0 0 444 Sewing 4 4444 4 CC 04 C S 04 ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ >> ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ =

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1904 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1904-05-28/ed...In Morocco where foji Perdicarls is now held for ransom by the bandits

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1904 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1904-05-28/ed...In Morocco where foji Perdicarls is now held for ransom by the bandits






Distinguished Gathering inthe City Hall


Brief Addresses Made by Henryand the Retiring Justice

Regret at Departure

Justice Jeter C Pritchard of the District Supreme Court who recently re-signed to accept a place on the bench ofthe circuit court of the United Statesjestcrday formally took leave of themembers of the Washington benci endbar WhIle the Justice had not long-b en c member of the District bench hehad by his courteous treatment of themembers of the bar his Impartiality inall rulings and fearlessness In dischargeof his duty endeared himself not aloneto those who practiced In his court butalso to residents or Washington gen-erally

So it was that after he had roundedout a hard days work and completedhis official duties on the local bench hewas asked to meet the members of thebar and his associates on the bench InCriminal Court No 2 It was a distinguished gathering and there was nodoubt or the sincerity of theof regret so unanimously by thosepresent

Meeting Called April 23The meeting was in response to a call

Issued April 23 last when a committeeWHS appointed to draft resolutions ex-pressing the regret of the members ofthe Washington bar in the loss theysustain In the resignation of JusticePritchard and congratulating him on hiselevation to the bench of the circuitcourt of the United States

The assemblage was presided over byJ Holdsworth Gordon president of theWashington Bar Association with JohnE Laskey as secretary

The report of the committee was an-nounced by Henry E Davis chairmanwho after reading the resolutions alsoin behalf of the members of the bar pre-sented the justice with a largeand beautiful silver gold inlaid punchbowl

Mr Davis Speaks-In making the presentation Mr Davis

said in partWe are here in illustration of the

fact that the Judge who sits behindthe rail is still the brother of the lawyerwho stands before IL If ever the timeshall come that our experience is contrary to this God save the administra-tion of Justice

No truer thing perhaps was eversaid than that the breath of the judicialnostrils is the esteem and respect ot thebar And It Is our very pleasant

testify our appreciation of oneatoovLtrfo leave v who has ex

emplified in his brief stay with us hisappreciation whether conscious or unconscious or the truth and meaning ofthat sentiment

It the tongues of men and ofangels I could not express the senti-ment that lies behind these very feeblewords Let It suffice to say that you gofrom us with a regard and affection I amunable to express You go from us withwishes for your future that could not betoo extravagantly phrased

Judge Pritchard RepliesIn reply Justice Pritchard snld

In this life which ts but short to saythe most of It It makes one feel goodto realize willIe he is living that he hasthe good will of his fellowmon I prizeit more highly than anything else in life

My endeavor has been while presiding in your court to know no man butto administer the law as I understoodIt regardless of consequences and thatshall be my course in the future ButJet me go where I may I shall neverfojget the members of the bar of theDistrict of ColumbiaI have never met a more high

toned set ot gentlemen In my life Ihave never met abler lawyers than Ihave met at this bar During my briefpi act Ice I have mingled with many ofthe lawyers of the country and it ismy pleasure to say that this bar rankswith any that I know both in characterand Intelligence

Feeling of SorrowWhan I went Into the court thismorning to alear up the docket I didro with a feeling of sadness I never

appreciated mull then what It meant to-me to sever my connection with yougentlemen dud I then realized for thefirst time the full Import of what itmeant to resign the position which Inow hold

While I go back to my own peopleamong whom I grew up and to thelawyers with whom I have practicedJaw In the past at the same time Iknow tht I will not receive a morecordial weleome among those lawyersthan I received at the hands ofthe members of this bar

The epmmlttee which prepared theresolutions consisted of Henry E Davischairman D W Baker George EHamilton J J Darlington R RossPerry A S Worthington and ConradSyme

GAYETY AT ANNAPOLISAnnual examinations at the Naval

Academy ended yesterday and gayetywill reign at Annapolis next week whenthe board of visitors will be entertainedThe exercises will close on Friday even-Ing with the June ball in theand on Saturday the midshipmen willembark for their summer cruise

A Grand SuccessThe opening of Halls summer

at Street southwest lastevening was a gratifying success in ev-ery music was delightful

rendered excellent dainties to eatwere served and cheer followed inabundance

The garden was crowded to its ca-pacity and all enjoyed the festivitiesof the occasion complimentaryremarks were extend to Mr onthe happy and genial manner inentertained the visitors

Coach Excursions to St Louis via thePennsylvania R R From Washington

1 tickets for ten days Specialtrain of standard coaches leavesfurther information

Through Sleeper to St Louis via Pennn R Commencing May 29 the Pennleaving at 330m will carry Washington to without change




exp IJ


i had




9 16 23 and 30 tripgoodSngton 1050 s m ticket agents for



ence9I s
























ALEXANDRIA May 23 At the lastsession of Congress u bill was passedreferring to the Court of Claims all theclaims of Virginia churches growingout of the occupancy by the Federalsoldiers of Virginia churches during thecivil war St Pauls Church in this cityhas a claim for 5000 the BaptistChurch a claim for JG850 and the South-ern Methodist Church a claim for 5000Testimony relative to the claims wastaken yesterday at the First BaptistChurch and on Thursday last for the-M E Church South W W Scott assistant attorney In the Department ofJustice appeared for the Governmentand G W X Black represented thechurches

NEGRO THREW BRICKAllen Bell a negro was lost night

arrested by Policemen Young and Henderson charged with assaulting E TMatthias with a brick The trouble Itis said originated at the old fair-grounds where Matthias Is operating amerrysoround Bell having been ordered oft the grounds by Matthias re-turned and threw a brick at him hitting him on the arm His case willcome up in the police court Monday

FIREMENS EXCURSIONThe Columbia Steam Fire Engine Com-

pany Is making active preparations forits annual excursion to Marshall Hallon Wednesday The tire laddies expectto down a large crowd with themOTI that day

CKtJRCH NINES TO PLAYThe Episcopal and Southern Methodist

nines will cross bats at Colross thisafternoon at 530 oclock An interestinggame is expected The AlexandriaAthletic Club will play the Clerks of theSouthern railway In Washington at theold Fair grounds this afternoon at 430

NORMAL SCHOOL SITEThe last General Assembly of Virginia

made an appropriation of 200000 for theestablishment of an additional normalschool besides that at Formvllle atsome point in this section of the StateApplications were forwarded from vari-ous cities Alexandria among the restof them to secure the location of theschool but no action was taken andthe General Assembly appointed a corn

Sunday Night Train From BaltimoreThe Pennsylvania Railroad runs a spe

cial train from Baltimore Union Station at 1130 p m every Sunday nightdue Washington 1230 a m Round tripto Baltimore 125 every Saturday andSunday










WorthThe Washington

4 VV v Sunday TimesFor TomorrowTh-

ere is something essentially American essentially appealing to

the American heart about the Sunday newspaper of the better class

Filled with the worlds news of the day with bright stories of men

and women who are in the public eye and dramatic accounts of thestrange happenings and discoveries of all the continents with intimateportraits and carefully chosen pictures of scenes and events the Sunday newspaper asserts its claim to consideration with assured

The increasing popularity shown by results in which theWashington public has come to hold The Washington Sunday Timesis one indication of the manner in which it has reached up its ideals

For tomorrow there are offerings especially theywill serve as another indication of what is meant Here are glimpses-

of some of them











The police records of the Na-

tions Capital contain accounts ofbrutal crimes which have neverbeen solved and the perpetrators-of which have never been detected Hatred and love

their parts Inthese grim tragedies the veil ofobscurity that hides them hasnever been lifted


In Morocco where foji Perdicarlsis now held for ransom by thebandits of the foothills it is saidthat robbery has become the sys-

tem of government The accountof people and customs and thesavage and bigoted maraudersillustrated with recent photographs has a present day interestof its own Look for it in theSunday Times

AN INDIAN IN THE SENATEThe wise men of politics sny

that if Oklahoma and Indian Ter-ritories are merged and admittedto the Union as a State one ofthe new Commonwealths firstSenators will be Quattnah Parker-a Comanche Indian chief In theillustration to the account of hislife In the Sunday Times he wearstile aboriginal nnery or his raoe

THE FIRST TO VOLUNTEER-The first man t6 respond to the

call of President Lincoln for 75000volunteers was Charles F Ruridnow a resident of Washington Hehad offered his services within tenminutes of the time the call wasissued A dramatic story of hluarmy service tilled with color in-

cident and reminiscence uppoarstomorrow

DIPLOMATS 11 AUTOSRepresentatives of foreign gov-

ernments at Washington have ac-quired an appreciation of thepleasure and convenience the mo-

tor car offers An attractivelywritten account of theIr yielding-to the seduction of the sport withpictures of diplomatic celebritiesis one of the features of the Sunday Times














mission to act during the vacation ofthe General Assembly and visit the vari-ous portions of the State with a view todetermining the proper location for thschool That committee will reach

4 oclock this afternoon and willbe met by M B Harlow president ofthe Business Mens League and othergentlemen and a conference on the sub-ject will take place at the rooms of theleague A number of leading citizenshave been Invited to be present

IN CORPORATION COURTIn corporation court Judge

C Barley presiding the followingness was transacted yesterday

W H Smith was admitted to practiceIn this court

Richard H Cox city sergeant wasappointed by the court administrator ofthe estate of the late R P Kuhn


The State corporation commissioners

Company Incorporated The companyhas a capital stock of 400000 and theofficers are I Hooper president andDella Hooper secretary both of Pop-

lar Bluff Mo S L Boothe of thiscity Is the State

IN POLICE COURTIn the police court Justice H B

Caton presiding the following caseswere disposed of this morning

William Hansburger arrested by Po-

liceman Sherwood charged with beingdrunk and disorderly was fined 5

John Butler a negro by Po-

liceman Beachshoes from Drake a negro wasfined 250

Charles Thompson a negro arrestedby Policeman with as-sault and cutting Walter Brown anegro was lined 5

PERSONAL MENTIONMrs Edmund Entwisle who has been

visiting her mother Mrs Michaelhas returned to her home Instone Va

Mrs Will F Came Is sick at her homoIn King Street near St Asaph Street

The Rev J P Stump is at Purcellvllle where he will dedicate n churchtoday

The Rev W J Morton will preach inLeesburg tomorrow

To Baltimore and Return 125Via Pennsylvania Railroad every Satur

and Sunday All trains except Congressional Limited Most Convenientschedule Special train 1130-every Sunday night from Baltimore

th LOll

a charter to the yool









granted Vhlteley









NEUHUYS AT CORCORANWhen the distinguished Dutch

was in Washington he leca class at the Corcoran

Art Gallery In the course of hislecture he took the unfinishedpainting of one of the girl of theclass and with deft trans-formed It Into aWith this article are pictures ofthe artist and the

A FIGHT FOR CONGRESSor not less Importance than the

Presidency to the politicalparties is the the national House of Representativesperhaps its party value Is evengreater In doubtful districts Inevery State the battle Is sternlyfought The inside of thesecampaigns the Timesprints tomorrow ought to provelargely interesting

OF STRICKEN SHIPSthe coast of Cape Hntteras

every year many gallant vesselsfind their tate Attempt hayebeen made in the past to build alighthouse on Diamond Shculsbut always without success ABoston inventor has been grantedpermission by Congress to try athis own expense a new planwhich Is described tomorrow inthe Sunday Times

SPONSOR FOR SOUTHa New Orleans girls Miss

Corinne Tebeault has fallen thedouble distinction of being sponsor for boUt the United Confed-erate Veterans and the UnitedSons of Confederate Veterans atthe Nashville reunion next monthMiss Tebeault Is the first to wearthe honor There Is a charmingpicture of this uttracMye youngSouthern vv mun

OF HEALTH AND FASHIONSpeaking of Southern women

fashion hUH decreed a return tothe styles they wore Just beforethe war The gowns of the Confederacy have already made nsuccessful assault upon Paris andare crossing the water ijysteamer Physical culture andfashions and prettywomen lend Interest to seetion of the Sunday Times





















Mrs Page Cou-

pons to Her Number-


Citizens List De-

velopments Expected in Three Remaining Days of Times Contest

Only three more days remain in which-to collect coupons for The TimesWorlds Fair Contest Mrs Page tight-ens her hold on first place by 2000 whileJ H OBrien sends in enough coupons-to make him second in the Governmentcontest

The competitors in the Contest remain almost the same asday Following Is the corrected list upto 9 this morning

Government EmployesJ H OBrien G B O 304C9

L Barnum Com and Labor issaH St Elizabeth 5521Charles Hammond Treasury 700Mrs Ida Lewis Postofllce 609R R Dutton U S Senate 5014W J Fagan Eng and 6170A C Wright War Department 15W J Pension 5003Ida V Office 5437J Walker Navy Department 100A H Morehead Fire Alarm Office 21265Tyson Kinsell War Department 46L S Smith Eng and 1572R H Smith Agricultural Dept 45J McKenna Postofllce 1210J B Yard 2213Agnes Quirk Agricultural Dept 47R Postofflce 77C A Rainey Printing Office 378W A Pension Office 96J H Clear Interior 1N C Dameron Treasury 11Mrs E M Page Treasury 48000G S Carroll 215C J King Eng and Printing 93J T Simpson Treasury 3535H C Dooley Navy Yard 127J H Wood Interior 814W P Souder Eng and Printing 58N B Sparks Postofflce 34

Eng and Printing 22S Unman U S Senate 1500J C Calhoun Library 5000H J Camfield Eng and Printing 25R T Corbin 10C P McCurdy PostofflceJ Iredale H of R 1SOO

E Kengln Court of Claims 151A J Lee District Building 797Bertha Davis State Department 2100-J W Dlckerson watchman 33G P Allen Printing Office 2S2

A McMullln Printing Office 330Corinne Hay Treasury COO

J A Gordon Postoffice 26404J W Starr War Department 2S7COMiss L W Gary Treasury 7133H W Postofflce 138W

Finch 5W-1J E D C repair shops 39F A Treasury 3

H E Marshall U S Jail 102SM A Johnson Int Rev HI

Miss Bettle Hayden Eng Ptg 4000T Merrltt Pension 123L A Spless Postoffice 30000W R Adams Postofflce 134KC J Hicks Pension Office 20000-M C Pension S8H L Postofflce 57G B M Rycker Dlst Gov 5000E V Clark Navy Yard 1000C T Ziegler Postofflce 7IWJ H Anderson Interstate Com 631CJ S Livingstone Pension JO

M L Carter Census Office oOO

P C Shannon Eng and Printing 4EX

W O Baldwin Interior 1

W F Brown Interior 26050C E Jones Var Department 115BK Forrest Pension 100C C Ester Tenth Precinct tttDavid Hulchoson Library-C J Brantly Postofflce IsT H Looker Navy Department iJ W Tannehlll Treasuryfl M King Postofflce 1900E Ludwig War Department 1

Dr J J Wharton Postofflce 10

Charles B Jonas Pension 1

Dr F M Ward Pension 1

Miscellaneous CitizensM P Roche 2204 13th St N W 3045

wH Dickey 1024 Bladensburg Road 5409

353 Pa Ave N 3110J N Thompson 200S G St N W 1Mrs C Lewis D St N W 4192J D Williams lilT 10th St N W 704

E 117 G St S 7EOO

M Hartsook 521 2d St N E 10

MissJ Young 922 8th St A 3700Elmer Peerce 1417 Duncan St N E 2W Anderson 40S 6 St S W rW J Whlttlngton 1332 I St N W

E H Franke 727 20th St2106 Pa Ave 8425

S I 223 North Capitalist 287Mrs M Rumby 217 F 20A C 1224 Duncan N E 21

J L Hammack 130 E St N E 43J W Nicholson 1905 9th St N W 25000-J W Fry 30U 3d St N E 10000Peter White 1113 4th St N E 19595C T Cathcart 3407 R St N W GO

Brown 1412 1st St N W 52R A McDonald 223 1st N E 30

H Trotter 493 Pa Ave N W ICO

S G Davis B3 4th St N W 17000-

A G Cole 1335 F St N W 400

D 615 F St N W 7400Miss V G Sherlock 13C9 H N W 202H E Weeks BOO O St S W 18304Gertrude Berry 827 S St N W 03W H Tracey 022 H St N W ioR

B Swingle 612 F St N W 138Frank Mudd Hyattsvllle 14HWMrs M Ross SOC 9th St N W 900J A Simmons 1230 S St N W 814

B M Hilderbrand 202 Q St N W 10

M S Sturgeon 1227 S St N W 10014Mabel Rush 2719 Duke Alexandria 633J B Archer 1117 4 4 St S W 1G H Sisemore 1007 llth St S E 1521J L Edwards 1905 F St N W 1M B Johnson Vienna Va 60Mrs Sarah King 1087 Slat St 52A O Hlndlft 324 6th St S E 1000William MInnls 1501 H St N E 1

F Nightingale 1360 B St S W 1

Every Hour on the Hour Washington-to Baltimore with Pullman serviceBaltimore and Ohio Railroad Not nec-essary to carry a timetable


PYLES6 Ibs Cal Prunes for 25c5 lbs Evap Peaches for 25c5 Ihs Carolina Rice for 25c5 lbs Macaroni for 25c3 Ibs Pure Lard for 26c3 Ibs Cheese for 26cZ pkgs Jellcon for 25c2 pkgs Nuts for 25c3 cans Challenge Milk for 25cC cans Peerless Cream for 25cS qts Hominy for 25c3 qts Beans for 25c3 lbs Gloss Jtarch for lOc5 pkgs Cornstarch for lOc3 pkss Gelatine for 10c3 pkgs Wheat Crystals for lOc3 bottles Blue for lOcPotomac Herring lie dor 850 per

bblStar of the East Flour 575 perbbl

Choice Potatoes 36c pk 135 bu

7 STORESIncluding 943 La Ave











F 61 N J N W fMrs I C 601 I N

J Orem V


A G Messmore St

G Johnson D C 3V



Miss J Forrest N J Ave N W 3310W




Jd Da




Geraci AveSt


iiLeonard 2518 12












The following Is a list of advertised letters re-maining in the Washington D C PoztofficeSaturday May 23 10W

To obtain any of these the applicantshould cult for

M not called for within two 2 weeks theywill be sent to the Dead Letter Office

LISTAdam Mrs Miss MaryAldrich Mrs J H Johnson Mrs MaryAlexander Mrs Sarah Johnson Miss tAlien Edith Johnson Mrs Surah

te Jordan Mia AnnieAnderson Mlsa Hilda Jordan Sirs CarrieArmour Mrs Oeo 2 Joy Mrs 0 LAthey Oeo CarrieAlley Fannie D King Mrs LAtwill MUs Rose Lee Kinwlla MIss A SAtwell hiss Bertha Kirby aicn FBacon Miss Sadie Kiebs Miss MargaretBailey Mrs U E Knolt Miss MarjorieBaker Miss Minnie Kolien Miss AnnaBaker Mia Minnie Lee Kreps Mrs JBaldwin Mrs Mary ConKroh Florence M

EnuuaMies Joan LawtenceMUs

Banney Sirs M Langley MisBarry Mrs I E Laws Miss Agnes

Mrs Thos Lee Mua EllenMiss MurgurritoLebent Adelaide

Sean Miss Deteina Lewis Mrs M ABeleches hiss Lucy Lewis Sirs 1 ABell Mrs J E Lincoln CeliaBell Mrs Mamie Lincoln MissBeckerton Miss B L Lind MiaBlonchonJ Mrs Agnes Logan Mrs JosephineBloom Mrs J H Logan Miss RusuBooker MUs Mary AV Lomax Miss JuliaBoolinger Mrs K C Lucus Mrs EllaBorvilB Mrs Ada McAltsjter Miss MariaBowman Mrs Amanda McAllister Mrs Dudleylioadley Mary C MetVtswev Jliw FBradshaw Mrs E A McConnell hiss Xcllle-Branct Miss A McKenncy Mrs K JaneBraxon Mfw Annie McMakin Mrs JBright Mrs Ida May Mactten Mrs MaryBright Miss Mary MacConachleBroudus Mrs Lucy A Marlow Mrs ABttxlis D y JIartett RayBrooks Miss Adhne Martin Miss OliveBrooks Mrs Ennna Marthnar Susie ABrown Mrs Ada Matthews MissBrown Miss fatlox its ItBrown Miss D y Agnes

Jllss Ucorgiana Maytenn lila KBrown Miss Ida 8 Mrs M PBrown Mrs Ida Menne Mrs A JBrown Miss Lottie Merlin Mrs AlbertBrown Miss Louise 2 Merrills MissBrown MaryL Slier MrsBrown Mrs R Mitten Miss DorothyBrown Mrs Sarah Miller Miss DelphiBrubacher Mrs L E Miller Mist HannahBurner Mrs Mary Sillier Miss MarieBrunriell MiM Kate Miner Mrs IreneBryant Miss Donny Minor Mrs FBurke Miss Minor Miss Pearl ABurke Mra Fannie Minor MISS RoseBurnett Mis Louise Mitchell Mrs J F D

Burrotchn Miss N H Mitchell Mrs L EButler Mrs C M Montgomery Miss ilag-Batler Miss Llllle gieButler Mrs Louisa MUs Olive V

Butter Mary Mrs T BButler Mrs Morgan Mrs Choi CBuxton Mrs II H Morgan Mrs U AV

Byron Miss Mary E Monatt Mrs JCalbort Mrs Munch Sirs FCampbell Miss Annie Mundl Miss LillianCampbell Mrs AV W Xelll Mrs J HCnnn Mrs Jas E Nesbit Miss Lilly MayCarpenter hiss Mary Newkirk Mrs J ACiitlin Miss Bertha NIXOn Mrs ElizaCarter Miss Mary AV Sake MrsCarter Suwn Norris MisCarroH Misa Martha OConnell Miss MinnieCauses Miss Emma Page Mrs Rate BClick Miss Maud Pamurr Mia M CChandler Mrs H L Parker Mrs ClaraChapman Gertie Parker Mrs ElizabethChatmon Mrs Mile Patterson Mrs Ada M

Mlw Pavne Mrs FlorenceMiss Xomle E Penny Miss Marie

Clark Mrs Thou C Pettebone Mrs 0 LClarke Miss Mabel Miss L

Mte Margaret Mrs A JClubb Miss Elizabeth Phillips Mrs IreneCoffey Mrs Hose 1 Pinked Mrs EleanoraCoher Miss Alice PInklney Mrs LlllleColbert Mia Edna Piper1 Mrs CharlotteColic Mrs L W Foley Mrs Sarah EColeman Fannie Powell Mrs Oussie TCollerd Mrs Jno F Powell Mrs MollieColliscmo Miss Condlta Itainey AIUs

CotilEon Mw V F Ralk MrsMlf lledmond Miss L L 3

Sombs lire E Mrs BessieMrs Ida Miss Julia ED H Reed Mrs Surrilla-

Cozzln Mrs lledn EstelleCraig Mrs Clara Rhodes Emma

Mrs Rosa Rich Miss Herritop-vr H Mrs C Rlfchard Miss MariaCros Mm DouRlas Richards Miss AnnieCrump Miw Ellis Richardson Mia Belle

Mlw Susie Hlfhardson Sirs MatildaDalonw Mlsa Margaret Richardson MinnieDann Mrs Roberts Mrs JullenDavidson Miss E Robinson Mrs W

Mrs Maggie Rorge Laura WSirs Mary Rojet Henrlette

Davies Mrs AValter AnnaDavies Zelda Mrs AnnieDavIs Mls DanzeWa Ills Rosa S

Davis Mia Ida hose Mrs SamlDavis Mrs Ida Reston Mrs DeliaDavis Mrs Russell Mrs LtilleDavis Mrs Virginia L HuweN Miss XannleDe Ills Sagar Mrs Alias 0

Mrs V V St Nicholas Mlw A

Donegre Mrs D Savage RoseDe Ills vms Schuylcr Miss Dora E

rs Seldon Mis BerthaDorse MUw Scott Mrs JnoDouglass Mlsa Marlnda Sendall Miss EagleDudley Sites Rosa Belt Sluieseue Airs EmmaOver Mrs Sham Else SarahBasan Mrs Shepherd CEddy Dr Krmlna C Shepherd E

Mrs Helen 2 Sherman Miss ElizabethEdmouston Lucy Shinne Mrs J HElliott Mls3 Ro Shaver Miss CarrieEmery Mrs Anna Siddell Mrs F EEmery Mrs J I Mrs

Mrs F Taylor Mrs JessieMrs Smith Mrs Ella

Evans Miss M Smith MlS3 Fannie CFinky Iliac Smith IsabellFinn IBM Smith Mrs Xannle EFletcher Mrs Annie Smith Miss JennieFord Miss May Smith Mrs Jennie TFord Mrs Mennie Smith Miss l uiw-Forthunc Miss HebeccuSmith Mrs RachelPoster Eleanor U Smith SItes Ruth BFrancis Miss Florence Smith Mrs WalterFralzr Mrs Susie Snyder Mrs AV-mFffinrh Elsa Fanny Sprlgss KatieJfry Susie Steward Mrs Irene

Jos D Stewart Mrs Alice IIGallagher Sirs Frank Stokes Miss ZOallhcr Miss Bo e Stuart Mn H CGatlo Mlw Bessie Stublw Miss Mostella

Mrs Virginia Sullivan Miss EllenGib m Mii Annie Swift Mrs G AC11r ViM Nettle Sylvia Ills SGill Mrs Hobt FConan EGray Mi

Rickett Mrs CTalar MNTaylor l

Green Ida M Taylor Miss CTaraGreen lies Lucy Taylor Miss JuliaGunlon Mrs Minnie 2 Taylour Mitt Jeanett

Mrs Em falter Mrs M

51lw Kate M TInker Miss Nelliellall Mrs Thomas Miss JonnieHamilton Mrs Amelia Thomas MissHemlten Miss Jennie Thomas Miss SandHarding Miss E J Thompson Ml AnnieHare Miss P Thompson hiM Ulllun-HarrclU Miss Thompson Mrs MaryHarrlj Mrs MarthaHart Miss Miss Mary DHarts Mrs Tlbbs Mis CornHay Mrs John Todd Mrs C C

Mrs HnricttaTompson MrsMrs Hnora Tome Miss Hattie

Heath Mrs Annie Tripp Elsa FHeekard Mrs Annie MrsHenderson Mrs Trlplett Mls ERasHenderson Mrs M A Trundoll Miss BelleHenderson Mrs Rachel Tyler Miss E-

Herrell Mrs Man Aamey MwHerring Rifle Vtnnery Mii KatieHicks Mi s Jennie Ver Bryck V S 2Hill lire Carrie Waddy Miss Mwr-yHillcr Grace Walker Mra J GMisHlvn Mrs vnila Walktr Mrs Mary LisaHedge Mrs Hattie Walker Lucia M-

HotVson Mis Maude Walfork Mrs MinnieMrs MaryCollie D-

How Miw IdaHowanl Emraii

Wallace MaggieAVallace Miss M K

LalarMice M C

Howard Miss Jwmip AVardell Miss MaggieHoward Mrs Mary Ware Mis Ally H-

Hughe Mrs Katie E Ida BHutton Mra Win Stone AVashingtoii Miss ClareJackson Mia Alien AVariiington HannahJackson Carrie Washington MraJHckson MI Jwwle 2AVat on HJackson Mrs Lena uyne Miur LonnaJackson Lillian 2Wesfy lilaJaekion Mte Mary AVhitc MrsJames Mrs B hittow Mr Susie

MUw HUiel Wllilmcs Ml s MaryMM Mare WHHitms Miss May

Ieffre Miss Rebeecu Williams MissJenifer Mrs M Wilson Mns K

Jiihnon Mra A AV Wiison Mitt IeuthaJohnson Kwiw AViswaW lilac JI FJohnson Mrs Emma WerUilnjctwi Mr K A-

lrhnson Else Florence Wright M Gertrudelolmston Mi8S Ida Wright Mi laneTolinson Miss Lizzie Young A TTohnMii Mr Lizzie Young BerthaJi lmjn Mrs M Young Mia CarrieJohnwn MUM M aggi Young Mis Emnut-

i Young Mi EmmaJclmswj lire Mary T Young Miss Mary












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Adams JAdams Prank JAlbert GhasAlien II CAltniun WinAnderson Cutler

OAtkinson WalterAustin Jim


BMrd B CBaker B LBaker ArthurBaMour U A

Coo 0Barker Hurry CBoniw


Dr CeoBaxter llobtBell GeoBenkert G FBennett Jn TBejfcw D B


RtlwRebt C

Bottmon Pred-Boorman C RBorthout EdBoston Ceo B-


JsuntsBowman JaniceBarley JasBradford A BBradley H L

GeeB rang ton A-

Brfiiten AndrewBrice James-Bdnkley Clarence B


Bi ke R H-Brtate H CBraote Win HBrown A

Chas Adrown GcoBrom HBrown Gent J S fBrown JohnBr J EBr wn J HBrown J M-

Brdvfn RobtBrown SBrMvn W HBrowning P S

SonsBryant F E

EBurger F LB ess AlfredBark R

dfeas HButler BennyButlerByrd CharlieCbrew JohnCarterCarter Johncarter P CCarter W M

C BClnrk ChsA-O Ic E WCements HarryCuffnunCbJenirm Louis 0Collins Win T

Chas H jrOnoreer E HO ok C AOappsCorbtt J UIe-

CorUns WmCox ACox David II

Crandford Walter BJ Alkin

Crump LamarHenry

CCtllT J-

Dihcerfeldf R Fn Jahn

Davis JohnDavis LadenDay JamesDearing Harry

XJ APrank II

Dodge OfoJames

Dflmlioc W WallaceAmos I

Dr w Albert SDunley J AV

Dutro O TKberie Henry AEdward GeoEdwards BellHdrWge S HBrnw A S

W PEvans RayEverett J

CooFerguson F BFisher CarlFiske Wm FPitch RliP-itzhugh WPis Harry K

C SFearee ThoHerein Joe AFlemne J PFletcher A BFoley F E

M j

Ford Ernest RFBwier M BP wer M LPbs JarfMeFiance Rev J IIPrance Royal WFnmJrtln

Prey AVtWe

Puller a FFulton AV TG lbgherBG-arflner Thoa

J AGmriesy Ole II-

Gofkins DanlGaniMt F JGates Maryland TGnvJor I

II CGilbert It W-

GMsen MartinGaren I SGflnMn J IIGcnlofl IIGtmbam Wm IIGrantley A G

Granite J EGreen litanyOceanGrew AV GGreen S OGrayer TheeGrafer IIGrace Fred

Pm t-

Hiiddvek H PHahlen Fredhamilton RielidHamilton WinHansen MHanson AlexHarding SamlBarney TiMM Lhome J DHarrison B PHarrison Harryll E 0Hants Bert mHawkins RobtHeaiey Tl LHeart W M-

Hendenon Gen THemleiaan TlrtrnVTn-HeJcnrd Prof E W

HeiferHerbert Wm H

Jw Wina LouIs11111 VfrHUt AV E-

Hllliunl W SUlllyer J THolmes Thes J

M WllA m r I H-

HotehklM Carl AV-

H inefc Pr f WmUoftidor KddleHowell Rev AHuggett M C-

Hunter Jno MAVulter-

HntcJiltuKHi R-

HuUhiion I IIIsaacs Ix uUJackson W BJaeJtfo CltavJason hUIdleJackson Harry BJackson WillieJacrson hackJamson Sidney Cfohrnon AnthonyJohnson A L

JoJiRsw EvenJehnson IsaacJohnson John

Jordan MJousted Frank LKauffman W UKearney Ww PKoeler Bade E 2KelloBe Th-Kenedy MillerKennedy J AV

Kepler Wm RKern W EKessler AV HEmma M-

Kllmartln R 0King GeeKSrxttnd RKurek J WK hlmieJr Bmorj-Krfim JLancaster WinLarftcf


Lawnmee D SJoe

Lawrence YirgieLawrence W TLeftdbeater 0 A-

VLedbettor M JLeeLeaLegs ClarenceLeicester Prlner-L wJls CharlieLuis Gina O-

cwlv James

Logan NedLentux Joe CLongfellow H E

lioilirop BrosLouramJ A CLucas Wnt ELunt C H-

MoArthur Ed II-McColm C PMcDonald C IIMcChee J EMeKfohey Rlehd-McKenrie W AMcKinney Oscar

MichaelMeXeol HufusMahoney M AMann Geo HMarch C EMattel Walter RMarshall Thos OMarshall WmMartinez JoaquinMosor liarsMathaw HomerMtfttaews S EMay Haroldlieatfey ChrisMe ck J AV CoMlnnoban John

FredSieyer H AMfvcr Lemuel W

RootMiller ft-Mlteheli R LMilfer Warren A-VMitiheU JosephM V SamlMOntague D PMoore Robt LMoore S EMargan R A-VMcrgaa W B-

MQrjgun Win GMorris Charlie

Marrijey WinB

Mowhp RichdMullen JasMurphy J

Jon JMurphy Lester TMnrrar JohnXVder Rezallo AM


Ofceo RobtOlsen S ItOrth C LCbCx LawrencePacksin B FPage T CPotnplin Jas HPalmer W 0Parker J D C-SParifw Payto-nParns J L SPatterson Jo FPayne ImnenPayne MauricePepper J L

WilliePltty H M

L ItPhflBps HarryPflbSrory J E

Harry 2Plunger mPtaffln TheoPsalter V

Powell A DPowcM Wm

AV WPrimes Rutu A-VRanldns RaleighReeves W H CoRegar MaxRice homer DRichard F B 2Richardson II ItRiveraRobbins Dr EJtoaitf VRobinson JackRobInson JohnRobinson JohnnieRoVtiMon MauricePAinson AV

Locke Wm Lfleets AubreyRuihen IIRutherford ThompsonStanford Dr J LSargend W J

CartSokoellkoph L C

G HScott Eiifene-Seeour G ESerdol AlbertoShaefer Dr C LShank H CShepherd Judge JShermanSlirum Geo EStems WillieSiaM JaoSIv na SSmell ChasSlnly WmSmith AmosSmith PredankaSmith GeoSmith lion Geo DSmith lIon nSmith Jas HSmith LiRdaySmith MalcolmSmith RtefcdSmith WillSmith WmSny4er J B

Robt MStevens Geo KSUekwgr G o HStone JosephStott Clan EStreWer A

iw Dondena Harry W

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S RThom ston FrankTliormv I GTlMfW E It

A LTiffany Carroll FToUver LemonIHirrej Dr H C

Rev ELKrwderwwHl R 0

Wr WillieYrJdi Stephen

liotttVan Midd Wvke R AViMCwnt GIbes BVlneenzo AAVakeraan AV F 8Walls C WWarren AknzWarren Win F-WoihlBcton Luther JAVatown E BWatson Joe AAVatsoun C WAVett CeoWeave KHJahWelch AV HWesley V JVlweec KrtiPst PAVheeJdwi L D-

A1iitlamu V jrWhite ItMt-A1ilte Will S-

AVldgcn Jo phiWilba iki Chat DAVillum r H-

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ttorthfnj i W AV

WInk r 0 HWood AV it-AVoodfault LaurenceWoodruff ell H-

Wwicy Ad ghasYou Dr S C 2Yocago GZinMHerman J

AVflHamsM CWlfetnch Pa l-

AVInSald JameSAVIngeard AVm

Withers P F S-

AVTltwi AV CC 0

FOREIGN LISTAriow FJetf LawUmk WBavata Ouls pfK Morris Joefleeces AVra Ueary Mann MMCrag A AV Sadkir Vise

Antonio SaveHcoul MJse MarieDuB s JI P Short F J

J G Siaglta JFranalts Mrs Florence StackpooJe AnnieCabal Bdw To fc4 wit PQrambattHta Cfllone Tworaeay Mlw LCHoNMnn Lortmi tti AVlttnrs Miss lUgyieKfller KrmneU

MISCELLAXEOrsArts e Wine List Co Howe for Feeble MindComoraial Printing C ed ChildrenCora ef Civil Servlee Xatt Chttmlaal Co

Refflrm Penn Mfj Oo tBujlnes AV t River ManSfrorthaml School AVadner Oevt Land Bu

iu Intornwtion S

PACKAGESHarris AValter White MonaRugje Mlgs Ltszte


AVASIUNGTOX D C POSTOFFICE NOTICESliould be read daily as changes may occurat any timeFOREIGN MAILS are dispatched to the pert

of sailing daily and the schedule of closing isarraaptd on presumption of their mint r

overland transit For the week endizXMay 28 IPU the last connecting will lvmade from the MAIN OFFICE as followsMalls for South and Central America

West Indies EtcMAILS close here at 3 m Mon 1

Tampa and at 10 re Mondays andThursdays via New Orleans

MEXICO overland unless speciallyfor dispatch by steamers sailing from Sew

York close nere doily at 1005 a m f and10 p m h

NEWFOUNDLAND by rail fo Sydneyand thence via steamer close hare

Sundays at 12 m d and on Sundays atll30 a m k the connecting closeson Mondays nod Saturdays

JAMAICA by rat to Boston and thence viasteamer close here on Tuesdays and

230 bMIQUELOX rail to Boston and thence

via steamer close here dally Sundaysat 233 pm b and en Sundays at 1130 ara-O

BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GATEMALA by rail to New Orleans and thence viasteamer close here daily at 1005 In

10 p m fa the connecting doses leUitf

COSTA RICA by ran to New Orleans andvia steamer doe here daily at 10U5

a m and 10 p m h connectingfiloscs being on Tuesdays

TransPacific MailsPHILIPPIXE ISLANDS vi San Francisco

close here daily at 630 pm up to May 27 forper S transport o

CHINA HAAAAU and specialty ad-dressed mail for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS viaSan Francisco close here dolly at 030 p m

to May 27 for dispatch per ss Doric 0HAWAII via SlID Francisco close here

at 630 m up to May 0 for dispatch perss Alameda o

CHIXA and JAPAN Tacoma close heredally at 030 p m up to June 3 for dispatch


ISLANDS via San Francisco close here daily at30 n m up to June 6 for dispatch per s3Siberia 0ChINA and JAPAN via Aaacouvorand Vic-

toria B C close here daily at 630 m upto June 7 for dispatch per SLS Empress of Ja-pan Merchandise for the U S PosUlat Shanghai China cannot be forwarded viaCanada 0

AUSTRALIA except mails for West Aasrnfr nnvt-i SAMOA HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS via SanKranohce close here doily at 630 m up toJune 11 for per BS Ventura o


Vancouver and Victoria B C close heredally at flSO pm up to June IS J r dispatchper 9S Moans o-

NOTK Mails tar COCHIX CHIKA are dis-patched to New York N Y for connection

European steamersJOHN A f Rnr P m stw


TO Nationalical Park Washington D C May r191 proposals will b receivedat this office until 2 P M on MONDAYthe SIXTH DAY OF JUNE 191M andthen opened for the furnishing and

of the constructional metal workana the furnishing and setting of

roof of an animal house in the Na-tional Zoological Park

Plans specifications forms of proposaldad other Information be obtained-on application to the architects MessrsHornbiower Marshall 161S H Streetnorthwest this city The right is

to reject any or all bids orparts of bids and to waive any defectsS P LANGLEY Secretary SmithsonianInstitution my2S JelPROPOSALS will be received at theBureau of and Accounts NavyDepartment Washington D C until 12OCLOCK U 1964 andpublicly opened immediately thereafter-to furnish at the navy yards Portsmouth N H Boston Mass New YorkN Y League Island Pa AVashlngtonD C Norfolk Va and Pensacola Flaas specified a quantity of machine toolsetc comprising lathes drills drill prespunches shapers planers grinderssaws cutting machines platebending machine mill duplexfolding press arbor presses etc loco-motive steam cranes air compressorconcrete mixer electric elevutors

boiler hydraulic Jacks hand trucksand Installation of fireextinguishing ap

atus Blank will be fur-nished upon application to the navy paYoffices Portsmouth N H BostonMass New York N Y PhiladelphiaPa Norfolk Va and Pensacola Finor to the bureau H T B HARRISPaymaster General U S N my2Sjel

GENERAL DEPOT of Quarterma-sters Department Washington DMay 17 19W proposals in tripli-cate will be at2 O LOCK P M MONDAY JUNE 27

1594 and then opened for aaddelivering forage and straw at Wash-ington Barracks and Washington cityD C Forts Myer and Hunt Va FortAVashington Md and St Asaph Vaduring focal year July 1

10W forms with Instructions formaking proposals and further informa-tion will be contending Hldens on application to this office En-velopes proposals must tmarked Proposals for Fprage and addressed to A W Quartermaster U S Army in Charge of Depot


OFFICE PUBLIC BUILDINGS ANDGROUNDS Washington D C May JS1904 Sealed proposals In duplicatebe received here 2 P M MAY 311904 for lighting portions cfgrounds in this city year ending

1905 with Welsbach or otherhighcandlepower gas lights Infprmu-



or 50c weekly payment you canhave one of our

Golden Oak Sewing Ma-chines

We will take old SewingMachine in exchange

54 Ninth St N WBring this advertisement with

you We will allow you SOc for it

tVliflinw Riehol tKnee lie


1ttn a w aq 11





CUBAdas and Saturdays via



Fridays-at prn





BUILDERSOffice Zo log







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