F THE EVEIG 11MES WASIIiiiIGTOii FRIDAY 1tAIiCH 7 1902 3 FORTUNES FAVOR WON WITHAPIE Hearts of Millionaires Are Touched by Lemon Marvel II QTUER USED TO 1 KEi1 JUST LIKE Peward for Creation Was Check for Thousands IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN MORE Hnsbad of Maker However Told John w Gatos and Aaseciates That He- Theught the Profits Were Sufficient NXW YORK March 7It stay no Issuer be BM that Joha W Gates and big fellow mIIIionairee from the Weot are devoid of- eeaUment aad the hoer feeiiags or that they are aot poeoeeaed of gratit ado Like Other mea their hearts and their pockets are to be reached through their atoaachs and it is beet doae by means of pie which must be of tire good old homemade va- riety Mr Gates prides himself oa being a good judge of pie as he is of ether thtage- He knows good pie whea he tastes It and be is ready to reward the maker A check was rocoatly draws for a sea that rep- resents a small fortune and it was In pay- ment for two pica The transaction prob- ably Masde snique and the highest price ever paid for pie Is repreoented by that cheek Bat had the turn of a coin been different the cheek would base been draws for abort 11001 the pro8ta reeult fag from a deal In Northera Pacific securi- ties Memory Stun Lingers Altheugh the cheek wag recently drawn the pie was eaten last May but the mom 0 of it still lingers to make the mqutks- of the eaters water The blatory of the pie aad the check was related yesterday by one of those Interested with Mr Gates in the speculation of last spring J F Harris new head of the Arm of Harris Gates Co then bad an office at No 12 West Thirtythird Street Dar- ing the days whoa the New York Stock Iarket seemed to have gone crazy Mr Harris once was occupied every after- noon by a number of gentlemen from the West whose interesta were common Em- ployed there then was J E Kane a tele- graph operator whose duty It was to keep a close watch of the market and post the speculators en every turn When the excitement was at its height Kane was told to take his luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria and have it charged to his em- ployer who was desirous that he should be out of the office as short a time as rosiblo- Ne offence Is meant to any person when it is said that Mr Kane bead the fowl provided for him by 0scar a trifle too In return for a culinary dainty she made them a Party of mag- nates bought one hundred shares of Northern Pacific for Mrs Kane just before that stocks seneA- tiomal rise and turned over the margins to her rich for his digeetIos so he arranged to have a luncheon sent to him from his home How It All Started It so happened one day just at neon that there was a loll in speculation and the operator was permitted to eat with- out keeping one bead on the telegraph key He had Just prepared to bite late a thick piece of lemon pie when the of- f ee stsaager Mr R M Rogers now gen- eral pmssenger sad freight agent of the Cimclnmati Riehm emd and Muncie Rail- road catered the room lie was hungry and the pie attracted his attention Hints that were not to be misunderstood were made and the pie was divided into halves Best pie I eve ate said Mr Rog era with his mouth full Whered you get it Wife made it responded Kane with his mouth equally fall Them Rogers was struck by as inspira- tion He remembered that Mr Harris bad invited some friends to have leecheos with him in the office the next day and lie plamned a surprise for them De you think that your wife vaeuhd make a pie like that for me tomorrow if- I would send the porter up for It he ventured Sure she would replied Kane who was proud to have his wifes cooking ap- iweeiated And so It was arranged The next day there was spread a leach table in that oMce with a big gorgeous lemon pie as the centre piece and gathered around it were John W Gates J F ilarris George F Randolph now connected with the Bal- timore and Ohio L N Huestoa a Chicago capitalist and T P Sheets president of the Indiana Iowa and Illinois Railroad All of the other food was slighted and these at the table exhibited a willingness to reach the pie stage as early as pee aibie It was a large pie and it leaked good and there was plenty of It By agreement It was IIVIded late four pieces and proceedinge pontineed Might Have Been More i Just like m lher need to make said Mr Gates wk the frst to apeak- We must do something to Immertallse this pie and the maker was the comment of Mr Shonts There was a repetition of the luncheon nextdsy and there was another pie Then the four gentlemen lastructed Mr Rogers to bay one hundred shares of Northern Pacific stack for which they stood re- sponsible and turn the proAta ever to Mrs Kane It was done the stock being purchased in the name of A G Pymacher which is easily translated Into a good pie maker The securities were bought at 113 i and the vory next day the sensa- tional advance Is Northers Pacitk began By leaps and bounds the price of Nip per went up From 113 It rose to 130 and the next day it was selling around 136- Mr Kane was perceptibly nervous He did net like to suggest selling o it but the prnts ea two pies aeemed to him to be something remarkable Them Mr Rogers pointedly called his attention to the fact that Aorthora Pacific might have a tmm- tWe Well said tho fortunate husband of the maker of pies I will toss a gearter Heads we sell tails we hold on- It came heads and the Mock was sold That night there was almost a panic is Northern Pacific sad the stock brought any price that holders demanded The next day sales wore made at 1011 a share Had the hundred share lot beet held for the top flgur there would have been a profit for A 0 Pymaeher of 88676 less the brokers cemmiseloe As- it was the advance was sufficient to stake Mrs Kane start when the check was placed In her bands ADA RERAN MAY RETIRE Friends Do Not Expect She Will Ever Appear on the Stage Again NEW YORK March 7Ada Rehaa who sailed for England on Wednesday has in the opinion of her nearest friends retired for all time from the stage Miss Rehaa has not been seen at all during the present season although there have frequently bees rumors that she was about to resume her professional work When the Daly estate won the litiga- tion agalmst George Edwardes of Dalys Theatre in London which bed continued for apward of four years a large sum had accumulated frost the rentals paid into trust pending the adjudication of the con- troversy Miss Rehaa secured a large share of this sum and also draws a regu- lar income from Dalys Theatre In Lea don Miss Rehan said one of her most Is- timate friends yesterday will In all probability never act again She had a- long career for she began as a mere girl and a busy one She is mow enjoying her leisure Her health is again gplte good and she prepoces to enjoy life for a while She has made no foal announcement of her Intention to retire and I dont knew that she will ever do that But It will be a groat surprise to those who knew her beet if she ever appears again ea the stage HIS EYES DESTROYED IN JOKE Humorous Friend Gave Him a Cigar 1ill- ed With Powder SHARON Pa March 7As the result of a psaetleal joke played ea him Alfred Curtis a young mea of Transfer will be sightless for life A fried Ailed a cigar with powder and gave it to him While smoking It the cigar exploded Curtis face was painfully burned and the sight of both eyes was destroyed SEEES BAPTISM IN RIVER JORDAN Aged Millionaire Not Satisfied With American Waters NEWBURO N Y March 7A letter received here says that Cornelius Van mess one of a party touring the Orient is- to be baptized in the Jordan Vannes is an aged millionaire who al- though twice a widower and eightythree years old married a Miss Wowl of Port Jervis Afty years his junior WANT ALL DOLLARS MADE FOOD AS GOLD New York Chamber of Commerce Views on Parity URGES COINING IDLE SILVER Upholding of Equality Between Money of the Two Metals Declared Moral O- bligationConversion of TBurdensome Bullion Into Subsidiary Coinage NEW YORK March 7 Bbllevimg that the beet interests f the ceuntry require a panty between the legal tender silver dol- lar and gold and that the subsidiary atl- ver coinage of the United States should be increased the ehambei af commerce yesterday adopted unanimously rosolu- tioss urging Congress to take favorable action on both propositions which are Included In a bail now before the House of Repreeentatives- Attenllon was directed to the subject by J Harses Rhoades chairman of the chambers committee ea baaking and cur- rency He prefaced his resolutions with a report which dealt exhaustively with the subject of the coinage and circulation of gold and silver Maintenance of Parity He explained that while Congress on March 14 1910 declared for the geld standard and made the geld dollar the standard unit of value it did not aside from providing for the redemption of United States notes in gold prescribe any method by which parity with silver should be maintained It was the purpose of the present Iegis- latien to remedy this defect and at the same time provide an outlet for the volume of subsidiary coin in circulation to meet the needs of commerce Good Use for Idle Silver in the judgment of your committee said Mr Rhoades no wiser use can he made of the Mock of bullion on had than to turn It Into the subsidiary coinage as needed giving the Secretary of the Treas- ury a free hand fa reducing from time to time the volume of silver eertigatee or silver dollars sow in circulation or lying idle is the vaults of the Treasury Itseems to your oomidttee that It k the part of good judgment and wise pro endure having on hand a large and her densome stock of silver bullion to utilize it is suck form as will keep It in rirce- latoa either in cola or small bills rep- resented by hellion deposited for in this way at least it an be made of some use and through small coinage the risk of Its return to the Treasury irl volume at ua- aeaeoaable and perilous periods is largely reduced Can Be Absorbed Flue rapfd growth of The eauatrr Ia trade and population will enable it to ab- sorb and keep in eireulaties a much larger per capita volume of silver coin- age than now exists hile the enormous increase in our stock of gold which will Mainlenance of Pari1C- ongrete is urged to take fav- orable aetion out the lull mow be- fore the house providing for the actual Parity between the legall lender silver dollar and gold mad to increase the subsidiary silver coinage Parity is now maintain- ed urges the New York Chamber of Commerce only by the abiding faith of the people The Iasutl- eieney of the act of March 14 iIOfl- is pointed out probably continue will he adding an am- ple geld reserve to efset the issue of silver eelnage But the vital essence of the bill In- questioa is to make the legal tender silver dollars remaining outstanding exchange- able rt all times into gold when presented in seine of 6 or multiples thereof Exchangeable With Gold If the act of March 14 1910 really means what it says that the standard dollar of issue shall be the gold dollar then every dollar issued ether then gold should be exchangeable into gold for the maintenance of parity as the House com- mittee truly says Is not only a moral obligation resting upon the nation but it- is one which the Government cannot evade far whether exchangeable or not they must be accepted by the Treasury for all Government dues is lieu of geld Maintained by Faith In our judgment nothing now prevents silver dollars from going to a discount ox- eept the abiding faith of the people that the Government will at all times keep them worth their face value in geld and it it is the Intention of the Government le do this as is presumably the ease then why should not the Government prove Its Intention by its act and by de- claring sliver dollars exchangeable In gold at the will of the holder forever end all doubt even if the strain upon the gold reserve proves too great and a larger re- serve Is needed Even new it the strain does come and come it will gold must be bought to maintain the parity or the parity will cease to exist COURT COSTUME TOO MUCH ExGevernor Hehg Balked at Knee Breeches and Braid LONDON March fi ExGevernor Hogg- of Texas gives the following reasons for not appearing at the Kings levee Ambassador Choaie Invited me but I did net understand that court clothes were required When I learned it was the en- tabitahed custom for Americans to wear knee breeches silk stockings heckled shoes and coats trimmed with braid I bilked as I was not shaped for suck tog gory Mr Choate most kindly offered to make an exception is my case but I ilW net desire to make myself eoa- spleuena and embarrass the ambassador by wearing clothes different from ethers Beeides I had as important business engagement which I could net have kept had I met the King BURNED A GIRLS TRESSES Strange Man en Car Held cI of toHer- Lvxwrknt Basil 1 r- PH1LLDWPHIA March 7liertks Snyder a fartoeyeseoid girl v g at 1212 North T rtyaeeod Street Ci es lest her lag rows hair by the apparest- m alke of some unknown men a a L1nm- dus and 9nburbsa trolly car The girl was a a Nsrtk Crassr Mill ear en rents to Second and Jurist Streets Camden whet a siMdleaged edam who was smoking a cigar and had beta talking to the condoctr sat Iowa behind her Later she felt nose heat at the back of her neck but tbenght seth iag el It until she got s1C the car whin her plait of hair felt to he l groomd The girl picked up the plait and her Tied home with It and yesterday her mother Mrs Mary Geatbeemma stowed j It to oielals of the railway company as I she told the story of her dsnghtsrs isu- It is supposed that the sun held a light- ed cigar to the plait until it was horsed throtetk City Detective Hart has been detatied ea the ease TO BE BIGGEST OF SHIPS HamburgAmerican Line Awards Con- tract for New Steamer NBW YORK March 7It is naoicMliy- asnsuaced that the HaubrrgAmerkaa Line baa awarded a contract for a steamer 725 feet long to have a guaranteed speed of 26Y knots which will be twelve hours faster than the Deutachiaad The Deatscblands best time from Sandy Hook to Cherbourg is Ire days seven hours and thirtyeight minutes which k the record The sew Hamburg Liner will be a gsar- ter of a knot faster than the new steam- ers the Cusard Line Is to build SOUGHT SLEEP FOI D DEATH Young Carolina Pkyaiciaa Accidentally Kills Himself COLUMBIA S C March 7Wbtie is a highly nervous Mate Dr Richard Psegu- nus jr tried to put himself to sleep yes- terday afternoon with chloroform his head foil forward is a saturated badker chief and be was dead when found Dr Ferguson wus twentyeight years old and as eye and ear specialist sad wee regard- ed as one of the brightest young sea Is his profession la the South He came here from Richmond and was very aweessfo ills young wife Is visiting her home is Hampton Va I l Pr Fiendish Crime Perpetrated ice Butler Pa Odieess Netlied of Affair Tkis Meckg sad Aye Nwrr is Pttralt of the Criminals 1iUTLSR Pa Maeda 7I nhia It these saeird men bckk lade the ltatlo- of as aged na aimed Stith living arsr- 8axosbsrg Mattes en the Welt POie Railroad brutailr murdered the old men tortured lira Sim In a feaileit mouser raaaeked the house securing Silk ruth ksely iatreytag other prsperty and eo aped Mrs lrutlh was se badly frightened that tie did not dare to leave the house but stayed a1 Sight wish the carpes of her murdered haebaad She did sot venture out to alma the aeigbbss until 7lS oclock thin mtscsdsg Lewis IL avlne khgr gibed to er Neon and the feere started fur 9sasn burg station at 930- 9mtth was auppeoed tebe very weadlq- N partieulses hays yet boss r eedvsd M- limier TO STOP SONG STEALING Deputation of American Musical Cepyu right Owners LOMDOPf March 7A deputation of musical espyright owners wlA see Amabu- aador Chemte today and request his e urge the United States to maim ropes seetatiena to Greet Britlala eeaeeralag the piracy of aoags The deputation will include Amorimss- erms trading in England sad Eagi h Irma who have rights la Amerleaa sae- It Is setlsated that 3110 pecans ape aoifertng tram the raey They are ear pending la the aggregate thousands of pounds la poosecatias which are vlrtmally useless owing to the tiademltmaeJ of the peaerities > TWO OCTOGENARIANS MARRY WOMEN IN THEIR SIXTIES Bride eeaa of Eightytwo WkoIOSev- eraI Times a Millionaire Weds His Business Client of Slzty- HO6TOlf March 7Reuaa Sherburne who is eightytwo years old sad a mil- lionaire severai times over a week ago today married Mrs Annie T Mills who Is about sixty years of age sad a charming woman Mr Sierburae was the business adviser of Mrs Mills and had charge of bee affairs after the death of her beebsad Henry F MU e whom be knew welt Mrs Mills has been a frequent visitor to- Heston and at such times has stayed at the Hotel Veeieme Bridegreeia of Eightyfive Who Is a Wealthy Manufacturer Weds His Housekeeper e SixtyoneP- ROVIDlNCS R I March 7 The marriage of Gargo Chattertos eightylee years old a wealthy mtaaufaelerer to Mrs Abbe A Kerr sixtyone was made public today The eeromony was per- former lust Tuesday Mr Cbattertos has hens In business In this city nearly seventy gears He was a widower bin fret wife having died about fve years age Mrs Clattertea had acted as housekeeper for her husbands family since 890 at the old homestead ha Brow nett Street where the couple will reside t t 1 a- I y I- e a- lr ne er y be assorted HORSE STANDARD NAVY SPEAR BEADDRUPviIt ONO NATURAL LEAF GOOD LUCK BOOT JACK T with TAGS fromaS AR SHOE ePIPER IIEIDSIECK aOBBY SPUN ROLL J T OLD HONESTY MASTER WORKMAN JOLLY TAR SICKLE BRANDY WINE CROSS BOW OLD PEACH AND HONEY RAZOR E RICE GRELNVILLE TENNESSEE CROSSTIE PLANET NEPTUNE OLE VARGINY and TRADE MARK STICKERS from aI IVE BROTHERS Pipe Smoking Tobacco 3m seclring these presents ONE TAG being equal tQ TWO CUBANOLA CIGAR BANDS or TWO OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOT WRAPPERS I- Rt ENOUGH Ta SIiLD POSKETlltbfElM ht IMTEid TOOlS A HAt1tE eoFFE s rr Rasevfeodtiandle Bestslee- irr Qa w wig 5000 BAND5 150 6ANDS r o ti eE S d S tetiu135ilver TRAY 2200 BANDS SkiFARS 8 Bost nisei J ii 1z z 7 n tntmntg5 RAZOR t i- yc t t tidbw round f3esl 1 sleel i50 3ANUS- t 10 BANDS POCSE7fS 11CE s i OLIiET H1lfI- ANTEI d MATCHBOX 7 5 Bestsl4elS1 M ixOCi inamoly by TCH eststnisaght dt QQS15ke151 f1aC1 2- ur t Meta15013At405 4 130 BANGS a I ho Gong s nee Sled S kJer ZOOOBANDS I 80 BA DS WATCH Tool se7 1200 BANDS N cke1400BANDS Solid ld C141fdrat tine 1300 BANDT 10000 B 1 S SgS50RS KNfVES FORKS y o I bU7TER NIFC Y u- Eaell Shell des gn Shea del n 120 BANOS tN- t 1 SO BANDS 1000 BANDS SUGAR SPOON fle ue CARVERS Bucklioin handl st 120 BAND5 Q S0 BANDS Sitelldes 3n a 0 ANp 400 BANDS S1K 71ASPOOfV Shell design QRESS SUtT CASE 5AFE AN TY RAZOit D STROP xa Leather ra SIX TA5LESPOONS Igwide 6deep 2 HANDBAG 500 BANi7S v Fi I- r Ailu ator t T She 1 de51 50 DS Leather 8rntd 2100 HANDS REMIt1GiON RIF1E Nose tsor32 Calibre 1600 BANDS TOOL HANDLE TOOLS 1tNIVES FORKS Six each zih 280 BANDS a 5ee BufkhorA handles 504BAND5 tool e MARLIN REPEATING SHOTGUN FIREPROOF5AFE TakedoxnIZgua e4000BAND x y ALTS REVOLVER r i MACHINE BluedSteel 6a 15S401bs5600ANDS- c I 3400 BAPiDS REVOLVIEt 4000 NUT SET MARLINIIAGAZIWERIl1 1 t r racker end roc ptchs flu omatic E key SANDS TRUNK Takedawn3Q30Gali5i 40008AN 160 BANDS 1200 BAN Camras Covered 3000 BANDS TRAVELLING BAG LADYS Sf LKUMBRELLA 1N1kfC1FSTER MAGAZINE Rlrtl t 18 Cotnbinalio d6Guaranteed Takedown 16 shot 22 Ceti6tr 3500 BANDS 1400 BAN0S 3600 BA1 OS BA9- Yrl s r o o ttrlFiflEttlES PISTOL CiZAF HOPHCNE SET f WashbS r GUITAR W hiwritl ve i usrag 14etl51ock 800 BANDS to lnch Nitkeied Hoi l 5 e 0 Ltrnk Fork p0 1ANDOUN- I 01 AND5 3i0QB6NDS Standard inane 00D BAND5 6ecSbflt 6001ffi H represent the presents to be given for 3 S kle lpecotdltDQO EIPtO I I Cubanola 5C Bands > ° + ± ° WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY on outsido of package containing BANDS or WRAPPERS and forward them by registered mall or express prepaid Bo sure to have your package ecurely wrapped and prnpsrly marked so that is will not be lost in transit Send bands or wrappers and requests for presents also requests fur catalogues to C Hy Brown 4241 Eo1som Avenue St Louis Mo OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of presents for 1902 includes maciy atieles not yiawn above It contains the most attractive list of presents ever offered for bands and wrappeoe and will be sent by mail on receipt of postagetwo cents Our offer of presents for bands and wrappers will expire November 30 19V Cigar Company iI r- iiiiP 64 N fFi06 ies si 01 tFNtiHi14 HHi MiF 1 NFib 4 iN 1 ta HfFt i H sestees f eIt h 4 4 o N N1 se 4ea oaI + ° ° ° ° + ° ° + + + + + + + ++ + + +

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-03-07 [p 3].F THE EVEIG 11MES WASIIiiiIGTOii FRIDAY 1tAIiCH 7 1902 3 FORTUNES FAVOR WON WITHAPIE Hearts of Millionaires Are Touched

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    Hearts of Millionaires Are

    Touched by LemonMarvel


    Peward for Creation WasCheck for Thousands


    Hnsbad of Maker However Told Johnw Gatos and Aaseciates That He-Theught the Profits Were Sufficient

    NXW YORK March 7It stay no Issuerbe BM that Joha W Gates and big fellowmIIIionairee from the Weot are devoid of-eeaUment aad the hoer feeiiags or thatthey are aot poeoeeaed of gratit ado LikeOther mea their hearts and their pocketsare to be reached through their atoaachsand it is beet doae by means of pie whichmust be of tire good old homemade va-riety

    Mr Gates prides himself oa being agood judge of pie as he is of ether thtage-He knows good pie whea he tastes It andbe is ready to reward the maker A checkwas rocoatly draws for a sea that rep-resents a small fortune and it was In pay-ment for two pica The transaction prob-ably Masde snique and the highest priceever paid for pie Is repreoented by thatcheek Bat had the turn of a coin beendifferent the cheek would base beendraws for abort 11001 the pro8ta reeultfag from a deal In Northera Pacific securi-ties

    Memory Stun LingersAltheugh the cheek wag recently drawn

    the pie was eaten last May but the mom0 of it still lingers to make the mqutks-of the eaters water The blatory of thepie aad the check was related yesterdayby one of those Interested with Mr Gatesin the speculation of last spring

    J F Harris new head of the Arm ofHarris Gates Co then bad an officeat No 12 West Thirtythird Street Dar-ing the days whoa the New York StockIarket seemed to have gone crazy Mr

    Harris once was occupied every after-noon by a number of gentlemen from theWest whose interesta were common Em-ployed there then was J E Kane a tele-graph operator whose duty It was to keepa close watch of the market and post thespeculators en every turn When theexcitement was at its height Kane wastold to take his luncheon at the WaldorfAstoria and have it charged to his em-ployer who was desirous that he shouldbe out of the office as short a time asrosiblo-

    Ne offence Is meant to any person whenit is said that Mr Kane bead the fowlprovided for him by 0scar a trifle too

    In return for a culinary daintyshe made them a Party of mag-nates bought one hundred sharesof Northern Pacific for Mrs Kanejust before that stocks seneA-tiomal rise and turned over themargins to her

    rich for his digeetIos so he arranged tohave a luncheon sent to him from hishome

    How It All StartedIt so happened one day just at neon

    that there was a loll in speculation andthe operator was permitted to eat with-out keeping one bead on the telegraphkey He had Just prepared to bite latea thick piece of lemon pie when the of-f ee stsaager Mr R M Rogers now gen-eral pmssenger sad freight agent of theCimclnmati Riehm emd and Muncie Rail-road catered the room lie was hungryand the pie attracted his attention Hintsthat were not to be misunderstood weremade and the pie was divided into halves

    Best pie I eve ate said Mr Rogera with his mouth full Whered youget it

    Wife made it responded Kane withhis mouth equally fall

    Them Rogers was struck by as inspira-tion He remembered that Mr Harrisbad invited some friends to have leecheoswith him in the office the next day and lieplamned a surprise for them

    De you think that your wife vaeuhdmake a pie like that for me tomorrow if-I would send the porter up for It heventured

    Sure she would replied Kane whowas proud to have his wifes cooking ap-iweeiated

    And so It was arranged The next daythere was spread a leach table in thatoMce with a big gorgeous lemon pie asthe centre piece and gathered around itwere John W Gates J F ilarris GeorgeF Randolph now connected with the Bal-timore and Ohio L N Huestoa a Chicagocapitalist and T P Sheets president ofthe Indiana Iowa and Illinois Railroad

    All of the other food was slighted andthese at the table exhibited a willingnessto reach the pie stage as early as peeaibie It was a large pie and it leakedgood and there was plenty of It Byagreement It was IIVIded late four piecesand proceedinge pontineed

    Might Have Been More

    i Just like m lher need to make saidMr Gates wk the frst to apeak-

    We must do something to Immertallsethis pie and the maker was the commentof Mr Shonts

    There was a repetition of the luncheonnextdsy and there was another pie Thenthe four gentlemen lastructed Mr Rogersto bay one hundred shares of NorthernPacific stack for which they stood re-sponsible and turn the proAta ever toMrs Kane It was done the stock beingpurchased in the name of A G Pymacherwhich is easily translated Into a good piemaker The securities were bought at113 i and the vory next day the sensa-tional advance Is Northers Pacitk began

    By leaps and bounds the price of Nip

    per went up From 113 It rose to 130and the next day it was selling around 136-Mr Kane was perceptibly nervous Hedid net like to suggest selling o it but theprnts ea two pies aeemed to him to besomething remarkable Them Mr Rogerspointedly called his attention to the factthat Aorthora Pacific might have a tmm-tWe

    Well said tho fortunate husband ofthe maker of pies I will toss a gearterHeads we sell tails we hold on-

    It came heads and the Mock was soldThat night there was almost a panic isNorthern Pacific sad the stock broughtany price that holders demanded Thenext day sales wore made at 1011 ashare Had the hundred share lot beetheld for the top flgur there would havebeen a profit for A 0 Pymaeher of

    88676 less the brokers cemmiseloe As-it was the advance was sufficient to stakeMrs Kane start when the check wasplaced In her bands


    Friends Do Not Expect She Will EverAppear on the Stage Again

    NEW YORK March 7Ada Rehaa whosailed for England on Wednesday has inthe opinion of her nearest friends retiredfor all time from the stage

    Miss Rehaa has not been seen at allduring the present season although therehave frequently bees rumors that she wasabout to resume her professional work

    When the Daly estate won the litiga-tion agalmst George Edwardes of DalysTheatre in London which bed continuedfor apward of four years a large sum hadaccumulated frost the rentals paid intotrust pending the adjudication of the con-troversy Miss Rehaa secured a largeshare of this sum and also draws a regu-lar income from Dalys Theatre In Leadon

    Miss Rehan said one of her most Is-timate friends yesterday will In allprobability never act again She had a-long career for she began as a mere girland a busy one She is mow enjoying herleisure Her health is again gplte goodand she prepoces to enjoy life for a whileShe has made no foal announcement ofher Intention to retire and I dont knewthat she will ever do that But It willbe a groat surprise to those who knewher beet if she ever appears again ea thestage


    Humorous Friend Gave Him a Cigar 1ill-ed With Powder

    SHARON Pa March 7As the resultof a psaetleal joke played ea him AlfredCurtis a young mea of Transfer will besightless for life A fried Ailed a cigarwith powder and gave it to him Whilesmoking It the cigar exploded Curtisface was painfully burned and the sightof both eyes was destroyed


    Aged Millionaire Not Satisfied WithAmerican Waters

    NEWBURO N Y March 7A letterreceived here says that Cornelius Vanmess one of a party touring the Orient is-to be baptized in the Jordan

    Vannes is an aged millionaire who al-though twice a widower and eightythreeyears old married a Miss Wowl of PortJervis Afty years his junior


    New York Chamber ofCommerce Views

    on Parity


    Upholding of Equality Between Moneyof the Two Metals Declared Moral O-bligationConversion of TBurdensome

    Bullion Into Subsidiary Coinage

    NEW YORK March 7 Bbllevimg thatthe beet interests f the ceuntry require apanty between the legal tender silver dol-lar and gold and that the subsidiary atl-ver coinage of the United States shouldbe increased the ehambei af commerceyesterday adopted unanimously rosolu-tioss urging Congress to take favorableaction on both propositions which areIncluded In a bail now before the House ofRepreeentatives-

    Attenllon was directed to the subjectby J Harses Rhoades chairman of thechambers committee ea baaking and cur-rency He prefaced his resolutions witha report which dealt exhaustively with thesubject of the coinage and circulation ofgold and silver

    Maintenance of ParityHe explained that while Congress on

    March 14 1910 declared for the geldstandard and made the geld dollar thestandard unit of value it did not asidefrom providing for the redemption ofUnited States notes in gold prescribe anymethod by which parity with silver shouldbe maintained

    It was the purpose of the present Iegis-latien to remedy this defect and at thesame time provide an outlet for thevolume of subsidiary coin in circulationto meet the needs of commerce

    Good Use for Idle Silverin the judgment of your committee

    said Mr Rhoades no wiser use can hemade of the Mock of bullion on had thanto turn It Into the subsidiary coinage asneeded giving the Secretary of the Treas-ury a free hand fa reducing from time totime the volume of silver eertigatee orsilver dollars sow in circulation or lyingidle is the vaults of the Treasury

    Itseems to your oomidttee that It kthe part of good judgment and wise proendure having on hand a large and herdensome stock of silver bullion to utilizeit is suck form as will keep It in rirce-latoa either in cola or small bills rep-resented by hellion deposited for in thisway at least it an be made of some useand through small coinage the risk of Itsreturn to the Treasury irl volume at ua-aeaeoaable and perilous periods is largelyreduced

    Can Be AbsorbedFlue rapfd growth of The eauatrr Ia

    trade and population will enable it to ab-sorb and keep in eireulaties a muchlarger per capita volume of silver coin-age than now exists hile the enormousincrease in our stock of gold which will

    Mainlenance of Pari1C-

    ongrete is urged to take fav-orable aetion out the lull mow be-fore the house providing for theactual Parity between the legalllender silver dollar and gold madto increase the subsidiary silvercoinage Parity is now maintain-ed urges the New York Chamberof Commerce only by the abidingfaith of the people The Iasutl-eieney of the act of March 14 iIOfl-is pointed out

    probably continue will he adding an am-ple geld reserve to efset the issue ofsilver eelnage

    But the vital essence of the bill In-questioa is to make the legal tender silverdollars remaining outstanding exchange-able rt all times into gold when presentedin seine of 6 or multiples thereof

    Exchangeable With GoldIf the act of March 14 1910 really

    means what it says that the standarddollar of issue shall be the gold dollarthen every dollar issued ether then goldshould be exchangeable into gold for themaintenance of parity as the House com-mittee truly says Is not only a moralobligation resting upon the nation but it-is one which the Government cannotevade far whether exchangeable or notthey must be accepted by the Treasuryfor all Government dues is lieu of geld

    Maintained by FaithIn our judgment nothing now prevents

    silver dollars from going to a discount ox-eept the abiding faith of the people thatthe Government will at all times keepthem worth their face value in geld andit it is the Intention of the Governmentle do this as is presumably the ease thenwhy should not the Government proveIts Intention by its act and by de-claring sliver dollars exchangeable In goldat the will of the holder forever end alldoubt even if the strain upon the goldreserve proves too great and a larger re-serve Is needed Even new it the straindoes come and come it will gold must bebought to maintain the parity or theparity will cease to exist


    ExGevernor Hehg Balked at KneeBreeches and Braid

    LONDON March fi ExGevernor Hogg-of Texas gives the following reasons fornot appearing at the Kings levee

    Ambassador Choaie Invited me but Idid net understand that court clothes wererequired When I learned it was the en-tabitahed custom for Americans to wearknee breeches silk stockings heckledshoes and coats trimmed with braid Ibilked as I was not shaped for suck toggory

    Mr Choate most kindly offeredto make an exception is my casebut I ilW net desire to make myself eoa-spleuena and embarrass the ambassadorby wearing clothes different from ethers

    Beeides I had as important businessengagement which I could net have kepthad I met the King


    Strange Man en Car Held cI of toHer-Lvxwrknt Basil 1 r-

    PH1LLDWPHIA March 7liertksSnyder a fartoeyeseoid girl v g at1212 North T rtyaeeod Street Ci eslest her lag rows hair by the apparest-m alke of some unknown men a a L1nm-dus and 9nburbsa trolly car

    The girl was a a Nsrtk Crassr Millear en rents to Second and JuristStreets Camden whet a siMdleagededam who was smoking a cigar and hadbeta talking to the condoctr sat Iowabehind her Later she felt nose heat atthe back of her neck but tbenght sethiag el It until she got s1C the car whinher plait of hair felt to he lgroomd

    The girl picked up the plait and herTied home with It and yesterday hermother Mrs Mary Geatbeemma stowed jIt to oielals of the railway company as Ishe told the story of her dsnghtsrs isu-It is supposed that the sun held a light-ed cigar to the plait until it was horsedthrotetk City Detective Hart has beendetatied ea the ease


    HamburgAmerican Line Awards Con-tract for New Steamer

    NBW YORK March 7It is naoicMliy-asnsuaced that the HaubrrgAmerkaaLine baa awarded a contract for a steamer725 feet long to have a guaranteed speedof 26Y knots which will be twelve hoursfaster than the Deutachiaad

    The Deatscblands best time from SandyHook to Cherbourg is Ire days sevenhours and thirtyeight minutes which kthe record

    The sew Hamburg Liner will be a gsar-ter of a knot faster than the new steam-ers the Cusard Line Is to build


    Young Carolina Pkyaiciaa AccidentallyKills Himself

    COLUMBIA S C March 7Wbtie is ahighly nervous Mate Dr Richard Psegu-nus jr tried to put himself to sleep yes-terday afternoon with chloroform hishead foil forward is a saturated badkerchief and be was dead when found DrFerguson wus twentyeight years old andas eye and ear specialist sad wee regard-ed as one of the brightest young sea Ishis profession la the South

    He came here from Richmond and wasvery aweessfo

    ills young wife Is visiting her home isHampton Va I



    Fiendish Crime Perpetratedice Butler Pa

    Odieess Netlied of Affair Tkis Meckgsad Aye Nwrr is Pttralt of the


    1iUTLSR Pa Maeda 7I nhia Itthese saeird men bckk lade the ltatlo-of as aged na aimed Stith living arsr-8axosbsrg Mattes en the Welt POieRailroad brutailr murdered the old mentortured lira Sim In a feaileit mouserraaaeked the house securing Silk ruthksely iatreytag other prsperty and eoaped

    Mrs lrutlh was se badly frightened thattie did not dare to leave the house butstayed a1 Sight wish the carpes of hermurdered haebaad

    She did sot venture out to alma theaeigbbss until 7lS oclock thin mtscsdsgLewis IL avlne khgr gibed to erNeon and the feere started fur 9sasnburg station at 930-

    9mtth was auppeoed tebe very weadlq-N partieulses hays yet boss reedvsd M-limier


    Deputation of American Musical Cepyuright Owners

    LOMDOPf March 7A deputation ofmusical espyright owners wlA see Amabu-aador Chemte today and request his eurge the United States to maim ropesseetatiena to Greet Britlala eeaeeralagthe piracy of aoags

    The deputation will include Amorimss-erms trading in England sad Eagi hIrma who have rights la Amerleaa sae-

    It Is setlsated that 3110 pecans apeaoifertng tram the raey They are earpending la the aggregate thousands ofpounds la poosecatias which are vlrtmallyuseless owing to the tiademltmaeJ of thepeaerities



    Bride eeaa of Eightytwo WkoIOSev-eraI Times a Millionaire Weds His

    Business Client of Slzty-

    HO6TOlf March 7Reuaa Sherburnewho is eightytwo years old sad a mil-lionaire severai times over a week agotoday married Mrs Annie T Mills who Isabout sixty years of age sad a charmingwoman Mr Sierburae was the businessadviser of Mrs Mills and had charge ofbee affairs after the death of her beebsadHenry F MU e whom be knew weltMrs Mills has been a frequent visitor to-Heston and at such times has stayed atthe Hotel Veeieme

    Bridegreeia of Eightyfive Who Is aWealthy Manufacturer Weds His

    Housekeeper e SixtyoneP-

    ROVIDlNCS R I March 7 Themarriage of Gargo Chattertos eightyleeyears old a wealthy mtaaufaelerer toMrs Abbe A Kerr sixtyone was madepublic today The eeromony was per-former lust Tuesday

    Mr Cbattertos has hens In business Inthis city nearly seventy gears He wasa widower bin fret wife having died aboutfve years age Mrs Clattertea had actedas housekeeper for her husbands familysince 890 at the old homestead ha Brownett Street where the couple will reside


    t 1 a-






    irr Qa w wig 5000 BAND5 150 6ANDS ro ti eE S d S tetiu135ilver TRAY 2200 BANDS SkiFARS 8 Bost niseiJ ii 1z z 7 n tntmntg5 RAZOR t i-yc t t tidbw round f3esl 1 sleel i50 3ANUS-

    t 10 BANDS

    POCSE7fS 11CEs i OLIiET H1lfI-ANTEI d MATCHBOX 7 5 Bestsl4elS1M ixOCi inamoly by TCH eststnisaght dt

    QQS15ke151 f1aC1 2-

    ur t Meta15013At405 4 130 BANGSa I ho Gong s nee Sled S kJer ZOOOBANDS I 80 BA DSWATCH Tool se71200 BANDS N cke1400BANDS

    Solid ld C141fdrat tine 1300 BANDT10000 B 1 S SgS50RSKNfVES FORKS

    y oI bU7TER NIFC


    u-Eaell Shell des gn Shea del n 120 BANOS tN-t 1 SO BANDS1000 BANDS SUGAR SPOON fle ue CARVERS Bucklioin handl st120 BAND5 Q S0 BANDSSitelldes 3n a 0 ANp 400 BANDS

    S1K 71ASPOOfVShell design QRESS SUtT CASE 5AFE ANTY RAZOit D STROP xaLeather ra

    SIX TA5LESPOONS Igwide 6deep 2 HANDBAG 500 BANi7S vFi I-r Ailu ator tT She 1 de51 50 DS Leather 8rntd2100 HANDS REMIt1GiON RIF1E Nosetsor32 Calibre 1600 BANDS TOOL HANDLE TOOLS 1tNIVES FORKS Six eachzih 280 BANDSa 5ee BufkhorA handles 504BAND5 toole MARLIN REPEATING SHOTGUN FIREPROOF5AFETakedoxnIZgua e4000BAND xy ALTS REVOLVER r iMACHINE BluedSteel

    6a 15S401bs5600ANDS-c


    r racker end roc ptchs flu omatic E keySANDS TRUNK Takedawn3Q30Gali5i 40008AN160 BANDS 1200 BANCamras Covered

    3000 BANDSTRAVELLING BAG LADYS SfLKUMBRELLA 1N1kfC1FSTER MAGAZINE Rlrtlt 18 Cotnbinalio d6Guaranteed Takedown 16 shot 22 Ceti6tr

    3500 BANDS 1400 BAN0S 3600 BA1 OS BA9-Yrl sr o o ttrlFiflEttlES PISTOL CiZAF HOPHCNESET

    f WashbS r GUITAR W hiwritl ve i usrag 14etl51ock 800 BANDS to lnch Nitkeied Hoi l5 e 0Ltrnk Fork p0 1ANDOUN-I 01 AND5 3i0QB6NDS Standard inane 00D BAND5 6ecSbflt 6001ffi Hrepresent the presents to be given for3 S kle lpecotdltDQO EIPtO

    II Cubanola 5C Bands

    > °+



    WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY on outsido of package containing BANDS orWRAPPERS and forward them by registered mall or express prepaid Bo sure to have your package

    ecurely wrapped and prnpsrly marked so that is will not be lost in transit Send bands or wrappers andrequests for presents also requests fur catalogues to C Hy Brown 4241 Eo1som Avenue St Louis Mo

    OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of presents for 1902 includes maciy atieles not yiawnabove It contains the most attractive list of presents ever offered for bands and wrappeoe and will be sentby mail on receipt of postagetwo cents

    Our offer of presents for bands and wrappers will expire November 30 19V

    Cigar Company

    iI r-

    iiiiP 64 N fFi06 ies si 01 tFNtiHi14 HHi MiF 1 NFib 4 iN 1 ta HfFt i H sestees f eIt h 4 4 o N N1 se 4ea oaI+ ° ° ° ° + ° ° + + + + + + + ++ + + +