TIrE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON TUESDAY JUNE 24 1902 t3 j Opens Active and Decidedly Weak This Morning DECLINES ABOUT ONE POINT Extreme nit for Kaflraad Issues But Greater Losses Ara ng tie Miscellaneous Stocks Off But Recovered Decline YORK June 24 TMs mornings v union of the true nature of the ia- oston of the King of England and to operation undertaken in connection crtnviia seemed to come as a severe ri k o the London market which inrd abruptly on this inJrelligence- rFols broke over one point and the of the market was extremely UK in sympathy In the American rvr losses which extended to one sppsared Largely for the same on the local market opened active cidedJy weak The extreme de t in the railway list extended to a one point greater losses were v n among the miscellaneous i r o Fuel and Iron in particular nearly two points although ia- 3tince uneasiness as to the diyi- in be acted on tomorrow was an oal factor in the course of the Steel Reflects Pressure he U S Steel stores Sugar Refining ilie Distilling securities again re substantial pressure The I rtocts which was the feature of tnrdays dealing In respect of r ia and acttrtty also opened lower recovered the decline IB- frsi few minutes of business Mis Pacific St Paul Atchison and the ires in the early dealings extending ja to 1 point ComparatlTely little ri fcne in the local traction stocks otber respects the general situation urine upon the market showed no im i tnt baDges Strike conditions were iilered and the news from the West irain growing States continued fa SYIP ATRETIC- ON NEWS FRO LOlffiON I Shown I ash I YEW I l t l1 de Cv r Jfji der c I TL 2 c and s ocks t yc S re than shares all scored i i r AiKj1T Open- ed r E Wa- LL acfive railway r > = > voraoie The Stock Market contiaued unsettled thr uehout the forenoon with a further hr decline appearing in Colorado iitl rnd Iron on the belief that the dlv- i na to IKS acted on tomorrow would be c1 rlarc at a muchreduced rate The j stocks on the other hand reified sharply ca the reports that the regular dividend would be declared on the pre- ferred stock The United States Steel issues after being weak recovered seminal on supporting orders In the railway list declines which approximated 2 per cent in some Instances were EC ored Wabash Texas and Pac and and Great Western were com- paratively arm features of the market l ut in the other active stocks there verc no evidences of effective support JJoney on call was reported at to 3 por cent and sterling exchange at its level Sales of stocks to 1 p m 351600 siares bonds 237100- 0ViAHM6TOM STOCK MARKET Sales D C SSs 1000 124 1 0- nl2 j Franklin Ins 255 Wash 73 2574 Greene Copper 10 fi29- itor Call Mergeataaler 10iS4 5- ff i Traction 16 il23 Cd Fire lee 2 i Riggs Fire Ins 24 H Greene Copper 50 2 E0tl2 5e 28- UIsTKJCI or COLCMWA BOXK- Md JWfce- aCaritai Tracdan R R ILS- L IL B Ss M8S J X- p r Cot iafebtedaeM A TMVi- V iMU crt imJeSjtetoess H4- urliia U R I l 1 t i hia R R 2d inort 3 T i Street Raflicay f S- MBCELLAXEOCS BOK0- St S ier IJfb Deb Imp 13i 1 1S- V ozs Causer It ra1SW27 J J- X Kec Lisbt Cert inSeot- I oC Tel Cow 5 Virtu Col Ut 7 retired annually 188- it iiall A n3 C I30S JM J can a hrrfjcne Deb 5 K DEPOSIT TRUST OOMTAXIB- Sniion Loan T- rrr Security airfJ Tnw- tiiinoa Sife D vafiit- a a 4 Sone Ml Hi- oa iarnxgs Bask JW- ajui JIOAO STOCKS i Traction tS Ji3- ii trwthyptX- ATWXAI niNE STOCKS I3i End t39- C5 25- IXSCBA CE STOCKS 1 hit K TITLE 1XSCRAXCE STOCKS Gas 11 1 un It 18 h Ia Q A Id OI Wit Ie- TIUIt U- h tI- E j i leI i p rUt 4s ia 6s i u 8 liiif7 9- a 4i V ta l2- I eoo a af Dept n T and b I i I 41 r of Wragtos id 42- x r oitan- TJI F r and llednni i TAI 1o- i 4 iJ I4- l4 liThe 43 t4 1 ii5j 31 a3 ¬ ¬ = < = < > = Boa Brtate Title- D iumbia Title t- VushiRirton Title 2- TKLEPHOXE AXD GRAPHOPHOXK STOCiE- Ci saneake and Potomac 6644 American Grapbopboue Anxruan Graphopfaoa pf J 7 CAS STOOCS- Kashinirton CM 73- Gecruetowa Gac 3j- 1OSCKLLAKEOCS STOCKS Hergpnthaler Linotype ISj 15- 4iainion Monotype 2J e- Grp ne Copper 2S- Wasiiington Market Xorfolk Washinglao 175 SENATOR HAWLEY MUST TAKE LONG REST WOODMONT Cmia June 24 Senator Hawley nm arrived at his summer home here He has bema ordered to take a rst of fcevetal months He has been ex- hausted by his severe labors of the past v nter In Fee aca baa b c7i or- dered to keep quiet for some Uuc tiil HP fully recuperates He is vigorous mentally and by next winter It Is hoped te will be able to resume his lutTcs at the National Capitol In as uxiQg condition as ever u S n 4 n f n J 00 74K 0 i 0 It u < ¬ ¬ IN THE BASEBALL WORLD AMERICAN LEAGUE Result of Yesterdays Game Chicago 8 Detroit 0 Where They Play Today i at Washington Philadelphia at Baltimore Chicago at Detroit St Louis at Cleveland Standing of the Teams Won Per C icago 31 18 29 Si 1 HadelpfcJa 25 25 521- t Louis 25 23 J 24 23 24 SB 462 Vashingtcn 24 29 453 22 32 487 Yesterday was an off day in the big American league as most of the teams were traveling from one burg to an other seeking new worlds to conquer The Tigers managed to skip into a little ahead of time and to show theIr appreciation of the fast time which the Wolverines had made the White Sox jumped on them and drubbed them to the tune of S to 0 The Tigers were completely ignorant of the exist ence of such a thing as home plate This was the only game yesterday The Senators will welcome the men from the City of Culture to the home grounds today and after exchanging courtesies with the boys who live on baked henna and brown bread the Lot tus lads will chip in and do things that beggar description It is said that there will be doings in the vicinity of Fif- teenth end H Streets just about that time Yesterdays Game At Chicago HH L Chicago 01064380 8 If 1 0 0 88 0 4 3 Batteries Griffith and Sullivan Siever and McGuire NATIONAL LEAGUE Results of Yesterdays Games Plttsburg 7 Chicago 2 Brooklyn 8 New York Boston 5 Philadelphia 1 Where They Play Today Philadelphia at Boston Pittsburg at Chicago Brooklyn at New York Cincinnati at Louis Boston Lost 633 Boston 21 Detroit ffi Baltimore eland ChI- cago Detroit e it e 6 I I St ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Standing of the Teams Won Per C Pittsbarg 33 12 760 Brooklyn 3 23 3 Chicago 2S 22 50 Boston 24 24 500 Philadelphia 22 31 415 Cincinnati 21 3 412 New York 2 31 392 St Louis 2t 31 32 Yesterdays Gamea At Brooklyn RILE Brooklyn 0 tt 2 6 i i S 12 1 New York 68 i tl 8 1 7 3 Batteries Klttsoa Ahern Tajrtor Blewett and Bowman At Chicago RHE Ptttsbnrg L Chicago 11 Batteries Doheny and Zinmier Rhoades and KUng At Boston RHE Boston jft floino ii Philadelphia I Batteries Pittinger and Moran Iberg Felix and Jacklitsch SYRACUSE HAVE SMALL FEET Young Ladys Challenge Results in Dis coveY That the Town Has Many Cinderellas STRACDSS N Y June 24 Syracuse women are engaged in a contest over who baa the mnallest feet and the Is that treatyone have been found who wear No 12 ntisses size A challenge was issued by Miss Knight who thought no one could put slipper on She left it at a newspaper office and Cinderellas by the score been trying their luck with tile condition was that the aspirant for pedal honors must be over eighteen Those who succeeded Ja the feat were of every description taU and short young and old and their weight varied from aaetysis pounds to 150 A peculiar development was that of the candidates wore a much larger Shoe than the size of the foot demanded Stearaship Arrivals NEW YORK June 24 Arrived Aller from Gibraltar Koealgin Lame from Southampton Pandosla from Cape Town SCountSelds from Santos Cevlc from Liverpool ronprinz Wilhelm from Cherbourg Washington from GenOA and Gangense from Para FINANCIAL THE NATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY CORNER 1STH ST AND XEW YORK AVE CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS Interest on Deposits Rents Safes Irue Burglarproof 7aclt Acts ai AJminiatrator Kxtcutor Tnstee etc n 88 8 I and 3 I 83 1 i7 OQ fr82 S S x 1 It t 89 1 8 01 1 re- sult flor- ence her have aboe some Pays Lon 63 00 S WOMEN the result = A TALK WITH RENTERS- It makes no difference whether you a Jur c Tent a wnall rent or a medium rent we would like to talk with y Tf caa how you Row TO MAKE A OOOD PART OF YOUR RENT PAY FOR A HOUSK en rasieflt fif temu We can 8 H WARNER CO 916 F Street N W AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST CO Capta StirplM SSOOOOO SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Safe Deposit Boxes for tent ir large bargi r proof vault i5 per annum and upward sufiU C J President thin tit sort prest a of to fit near h U l COO 1 DELL cc plan vayment etr eSse mye TfflOlHOOT SOUiH Cotton Crop Declared to Be- n Best oi Condition GREAT DEMAND FOR LABOR Editor of Manufacturers Record Just Returned From Tour of South- ern States Reports Great Activity Along All Commercial Lines BALTIMORE Md Tune 24 Mr H Edmonds editor of the Records who returned from a trip to the South says that business men throughout the whole central South report great activity and that everybody Is looking forward to a busy and prosperous fall and winter Continuing Mr Edmonds said The outlook for cotton except in Texas where rain is needed is better than for many years at this season and though the crop still has to pass through its most critical period it is noW at the top notch of condition The farmers are getting high prices for their diversified products such as fruits chickens eggs etc and while already enjoying a good share of the general prosperity a large cotton yield would put them In a strong financial position Property Values Advancing Throughout the South there is a gen eral cry for laborers skilled and un skilled Everywhere the demand is ac- tive and in the Alabama coal and iron regions laborers are so scarce that every company is hampered in its onerations Coal and Iron interests are rushed with business at remunerative prices the leading iron concerns making large profits more by the great expansion In the business than by high return since most of the iron now being delivered was sold months ago before the price took place The Birmingham district will make 1250060 tons of pig iron this year mine 10000000 or more tons of coal New capital is coming in from every di and iron and coal properties PROSPEROUS UbUK I allot advance- in over and rection as Rich- ard Manu- facturers yes- terday ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ well as city real estate are advancing in values Scarcely a day passes without the announcement of some new ann important enterprise at Birmingham or Ensley or the adjacent towns and while T was there last week sites were being sought for a manufac- turing company to employ 2500 hands and for a new furnace and steel plant to cost a million or two of dollars and H- is probably safe to say that including railroad operations immediately in and adjacent to the city plans are being matured for investments which will rep- resent from nSWOWe to eOOOOd or more Whole South Alive The day of doubt and uncertainty has passed The whole South is alive with hope and energy and is planning for great things This is not only true In coal and iron but in cotton manufac- ture in which 5000000 to is now being invested in enlarging estab- lished plants while many entirely new mills are also under constructioajn lumbering operations which are being vigorously pushed in every direction and in railroad improvements and con- struction which are more active than ever before in the history of the South In oil matters the progress is so great as to make it almost jmpossibJerto portray the tremendous developments In the building of refineries and tanks and the establishment of shipping facilities for handling oil by rail and water which have been worked ut since the first gusher was struck In Texas eighteen months ago I have never seen Southern roads 30 crowded with passengers and the freight traffic is by far the largest the roads have ever been called upon to handle Chronic Diarrhea his mainly for the reason that the usually employed are zneSettuaL That it can be cured however has been fully proven in many cases The fOllOwing tells of one of them Mr T W GreatbooK of Prattsburp- Ga says I had been saffmus from chronic diarrhea for seven yews Last year I began taking CfcaroberUins Colic Cholera and IMar rhea Remedy and it baa entirely cured me I bad spent lots of money for doctor medicine- in tIe run of the seven years If it had not bE for this remedy I would have been dead now and I feel that I can never cay too much in its favor or recommend it too highly Sold by Henry Evans wholesale and retail and all 6000000 Tills prded u incura remedies qliaa 4 geoeral drug ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GENERAL SPORTING GOSSIP- Kid McCoy has been offered a 5000 purse to box George Gardiner in San Francisco Jack Jeffries and Soldier Wilson sparing partner of Bob Fitzsiaunons will meet in the preliminary of the championship battle The Haynes Valley Athletic Club of San Francisco has offered 60 per cent of the gross receipts and a 19000 for a meeting between Yanger and Corbett Yanger has accepted Ralph F HutchInson who been athletic director and head coach at Dickinson College for the past year resigned to accept a position as coach for next years Princeton football team Jack Reese one of the ablest young trainers of thoroughbred horses in has signed a contract to go to Russia to train for the minister of finance Peter Reilly the bookmaker died re cently He was well known to race goers from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean as a plunger of the first water Governor Durbin of Indiana will not permit finish fights Jimmy Britt will challenge the win- ner of the GansMcFadden fight Kid Lewis of Baltimore is to be a contestant in the pool tournament for the worlds championship to be held at Syracuse N Y on August 19 This tourney will bring together the crack good players of the world including Grant Eby Stofft Clearwater Charles Weston the O bcy and Patrick Walsh Lewis was at one time cham pn pool player of New York He is now playing in great form Without practice be met the then Champion Clearwater in Baltimore May 2 and came close to winning Manager Herman of Fort Erie is said to be trying to arrange a bout between Jack OBrien and Harvin Hart George Gardner hI trying to match his little brother Billy with Rufe Turner the match to take place on July 5 at Stockton CaL Owen Ziegler the exPhiladelphia who recently returned from the West and Twin Sullivan the hard hitting welterweight of Boston have signed articles to meet in a 20round bout before the arannah Ga Ath letic Club on June 16 Both men have started in to train for the bout They will box at 140 pounds I th I guar- antee hAS has Ken- tucky wel- terweight ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ An automobile club has been organ- ized by the summer residents at Ar verne L I A 7000 clubhouse is being built with bachelor living apartments ia the upper story It will have a front- age of 60 feet and a depth of SQ feet Harry Gill the Canadian allround athletic champion of who became a professional is an as- pirant for the allround championship this Year When Siiarkey landed in London he received a great reception He was driven to the National Sporting Club in a fotirinhaad coach with a brass band to lead the way At the club a banquet had been prepared and the pugilist was entertained hi royal style While running in a field at the KetchsDi Farm near Toledo Ohio re cently the trotting mIL e Arietta 22Cfc fell and broke her neck She was just due to foal to Cresceas 202 Miss Heckers phenomenal 77 made last week on the links of the Essex county course is likely to stand for time to come as the only under 80 by a woman in an IShole course or tournament play There are but few men could have beaten Miss Heek er so few that the fingers of one hand would contain the number Hennr Williams of Cumberland Md and James Reeder of Altoona Pa lightweights have signed articles to fight 20 rounds at Ravencrofts Opera House Frcstburg Md on Tuesday July L Club Whiskey You can be sure it Is putt and rood because icy name appears on the bottle Quarts Pints 50c Half Pints 25 Geo Wa Driver 605 Pa AveB 1900 after- ward I Melville I I j I 100 I I j a- long who ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL FINANCIAL NEw YORK CITY GOLD 3000000 Payable NOV 1951 1167000 Payable Nov 1942 500000 Payable Apr 1922 TO BE SOLD THURSDAY JUNE 26 Bend blfla In a uealed envelope enclosed In the aadres d envelope Two per- cent of par value bid for in cash or certlfijd chock on State or bank Cf New York City must accompany bid This depot will be returned day of tale to unBiicccsfu bidders If called for For fuller Information City Record or address EDWARD M GROUT Comptroller 280 Broadway New York WILL OPEN SATURDAY 28 AH patrons will receive proper d l- I Uman Special Race Train will leave a ake Beach Junction at 1 oclock- iy Tickets in he secured for thia train tivim my a ront at Chrsapcake Junction ffCheEapeokc BeAch Club Now Open I J 3 I BONDSO t 1902 National see City of CHESAPEAKE BEACH TURf EXCHANGE ti p r jUNE r f jL 1 I the onl- J j I t EXEMPT NewYork r picA x 4 < > > FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANOS 25 45 AND 65 1 weekly payment F G SMITH 1225 Pa Ave VLB Ctatp at one entire contents oC room residence tOre almost boom dining and rior fwnit re folding mirrors iron and bee beds ehrtlouiers ladies dressing tables fearing city 431 9th fit nw or piece Mote 100 e2M FOR SALE Cheap twin baby carriage CaUan st ne e243 FOR SALE Howhold goods gocart New Home sewior machine ice chest diiWs bed ate Sth nc el SALE Cheap two boys riding smiles bridles MM II st nw 243 SALK Two bull paps cheap 2S0- 7rightwood ava rrrJ43 FOR SALE Two ftae roller top fete cheap and owe Morris ails 39x2Ex24 outside Call at room 39 Lel roit Building eS3 FOR SALE large oak sMebosrd rest 30 foe 11 Call SW lath st ilewarts Express Co FOR SALE CM gascrcBe am Blue Flame oil stoves up JOS UcGltATH 1744 7th st nw BriSS FOR SALE Very fine oak sideboard large glass f3 cost 55 JOS McGRATU 17 4 7th St nw mISS FOR SALE Handsome dark oak dresser wirror 9 JOS MeCRATH 1744 7th st aw mS33 FOR SALE 3hotse water motor 3 motor 3horae power 1112 H st aw rott3 FOR SALE 183 baby carriage splendid condi- tion for So JOo X St nw miSS FOlt cart leads of brohen brick for concreting at a sacrifice Apj y 1111 M th- it nw mgg FOR SALE Seven large window frames with shutters to mitch flU 19th at nw mZSS FOR Sat top desks ateo bookcases very cheap S15 Sib at nw m223- FOR SALS S con hm furniture 1750 bargain zia st HW mK8 FOR SALE Some oM roahogany at greet bargains 815 6Ut st nw jn22S FOR SALE Verv line set of bar Artora everything complete for 0cost 1OOJ Call S15 Sth st HW niSS3 FOR SALE Very fine Hammond typewriter good as new 2250 cost 0 th St FOR SALE A new Domestic Drop Cabinet Sewing Machine Great Saeriffce if sold st once Address BOX 69 ofllce Bt223 FOR SALE OB account of leaving city will telL pawn ticket for handsome diamond cheap Address BOX 96 this office FOR SALE Kitchen and dining room furni- ture fine square piano standard make splen- did tone and finish gas range refrigerator etc Call 201 6th st ne millS FOR SALE Cheap lunch room tables B S DICKINSON 1731S337 7th st nw sillS Three Pianos at 45 and 6 OR FOR thiS is beds lit FOR antI FOR eI8 plate power ben SALETwenty l SALEWalnut iSO Sib turn t8re irs I I sillS Squsre 93 sew 600 2 fans wagon Sit 03233 this ring > + ¬ > ¬ FOR SALE Very fine 5piece parlor suite cheap at S5 will K for 5 B S 1711SS37 7ti sC nw nfi2S FOR SALE Cheap lot of tables suit- able for ice cream parlor B S DICKISSOX 17813337 7th st nw m22 FOR SALE Cheapest place in city to your refriserator or gas range B DICKiNSON 17 Ia37 7th st aw mSSS FOR SALE Solid oak chiffonier with five drawers 475 B S DICKINSON 17Sl33tT 7th st nw UI223 FOR suite S1250 B S 17313337 7th nw mS2S FOR Flame oil stoves slightly ured perfect order FRIES t HOPWOOD 8th and K sU rw nJK3 FOR SALE Furniture slightly used See vs We have the stock FRIES i HOPWOOD 8th and K sU cw raSS FOR SALE P no upright 950 Meat be leaving the city HOPHOOD- Sth and K sts nw js2t FOR SALE 36ft slooprig sail boat all in good condition and test Apply at 1 9th st IH22S FOR SALE Pedigree pointer gspi ZK 4 st- ew n FOR SALE Medium sized refrigerator cheap 1217 12th st nc e lS FOR SALE Xew upright piano very cheap lor cash 1625 14th fit etlI GENTS lSD LADIES watches best movements on easy payments The cbea place on earth J DRUKKER OL corner Pa eve and ISth sos upstairs SEWING MACHIKES all makes on 50c a week Every machine guaranteed Light easyrunnine machines from 6 upJ THE GUARANTEE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 425 4li st s Optn until 9p m mlS7 FOP SALE Market baskets and tin buckets JOHN R HOPKINS 160 to Ifla Center Market mlS7 FOR excellent upright pianos good as new 900 STIEFF PIANO WAREROOMS S2i 11th st nw 4 G- CONL1FF aenager e5tf FOR SALE Carload o windows screens doors screens from lie up doors complete with all fixtures We fancy hard oil finish doors Sic high grade suburban doors in alt sizes in stock screen windows l c squire foot substantial screens made to order 75c KLEEBLVTT llth and II sts nc ap tf FOR SALE 15 for Morris chairs with hair cushion 6 for hair mattress in two ports ock son rockers L43 bedroom and parlor suites 100 per week REDMONDS 511313 7th et nw FOR SALE Mahogany upright piano guaran- teed good as new Steinw r 1W Knabe- W Luckhart 20 squares all guaranteed STIEFF PIANO WAKEROOMS 521 llth st nw J C CONL1FF Manager je3tt SPECIAL One gallon port sherry blackberry Catawba or claret wine for 75r one box 24 bottles lager beer 75c deKvcreJ THOS K HEAVERS 423 4 a K sw IJione Main 10C65 FOR quality opaque shades fitted o your windows only 25c the best quality oil opaque sl de 50c hung free will cal with samples KI EEBLiTTS 11th and H its ne Phone East 25D clOtf LOST Monday buncl of keys from Brookland to 17th st reward return to 2T19 II at nw el LOST Sunday evening silver watch initials M P betwecp 9th and 10th sts and Penn- sylvania arc nw reward return to 300 Penn- sylvania arc nw e54S LOST On Metropolitan car line Monday with name engravr1 liberal reward if returned to ct div Pension Office or 115 Fast Capitol st e24S LOST LHtle fox terrier with black spot OB back black ears Reward if returned to- MS 8th st nw ml LOST At ISth and Pa aye Sataurday 12 oclock trace and breast strap Liberal re- ward if returned to 1S47 Pa ave e233 LOST Sunday evening silver watch initial M F between and 19th sts and Pa ave nw ciS3 LOST At corner 5th and E ala nw black more silk short coat lined with white silk Liberal reward if returned to HIS 29th st sic LOST Monday or Tuesday geld breot with diamonds Reward if returned to MISS STEV- ENS S21 with at nw eli LEGAL NOTICES- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take that the certificate of for team of lot 3 s niare 47 VjKhwgton C on OCTOBEJJ 3 ISIS issued to Isaac S Lyon has heel lost or destroyed and that I have applied tt the Commissioners I C to issue m a dup licate ISAAC S LYON je2430 buy s I i SALEParlor at SALEBlue I sold 4 a America credit SALETwo and dot 50 mSti SALEGood LOST morn- Ing purse his h Sib m 3 notice tale P DiCK- INSON small DICK- INSON SW silOS Stan guar- anteed > ¬ ± ¬ < < = FOPEIGN MAILS WASHINGTON B C POSTOFFICB NOTICE changes way occur at any time FOREIGN MAILS are di iehed to the of sailing daily ad UK schedule C doina is arranged on the of their nn interrupted overland transit For te eoiing June 28 MKJS the list co oectJaer closes will be made from the MAIN WFICB- a fottowa TransAtlantic Mails TUESDAY b At 715 p ra for IRELAND per s A Oceanic from New York via Qoeew- towii Mail for other of EUROPK wwt be directed Per s s Oceanic 0 At 715 m for EUROPE per t s St Paul tom New Yurt via Southampton c At 11 5 p 91 for DEXMAKK direct r R II from New York lieS be directed Per s s Oscar H WEDNESDAY b At 715 p BJ toe rer K 3imarcii Irma New via PljTuouth CherbooK and hamburg for FKASCE SWITZERLAND ITALY PORTUGAL TURKKY EGYPT GREECE BRITtSli INDIA and LOKENZO MARQUEE moot lie directed Per s s F BwBtarck- cV At 915 p for FRANCE SWITZER LAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE KRITlII 1 JA and LO RENZO MARQUEE per s s I heroin Item New York v EUROPE muse be directed Per s s La Sa voie FRIDAY c At 915 p m for ITALY di- rect s MISt from New York Malt directed Per s e Alter- c At 1125 p m for EUROPE per a s Umbria from New York via QaeeaeUwn c At 1125 p m lee NETHERLANDS di- rect iter s s Staatendam from New York Mad inset be directed Ier s Staalcodaro c At 1123 p m for ITALY direct per s s- Ckta 41 Torino from New York Mail be directed Per a s CUt di Torino c At 112S p m for SCOTLAND direct per g s Columbia from New York Mail must be directed Per g a Columbia c At 11 3 m for UELG1CM direct s a Kroonland from New York Mail tacit be directed Per s g Kroonland PRINTED MATTER STC This steamer takes Matter Commercial Papers and Samples foe GERMANY only The same dais of mail matter for other narts of EUROPE ROt be sent by this ship unless specially di- rected by her Mails for South and Central America West Indies Etc TUESDAY It At 1500 m for JAMAICA per s s Admiral Farragut from Boston c At U S for JAMAICA per s s Wat- son from Philadelphia c At 1125 for ARGENTINE URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per s s Merchant Prince from Hew York c At 815 p m for IxEWFOUNBLAND di- rect per B f Rosaland iron New by At 605 p ra for awl NORTHERN BRAZIL per s Hilary from New York via Pars and Banana WEBNESDAY c At 11 5p in for CAM PEC E CHIAPAS TABASCO and YUCATAN per s s Monterey from New York Mail for other parts of MEXICO must be directed Per s s Monterey c At 1125 p m for the PROVINCE of SANTIAGO CUBA per B s Cienfuegos front New York THURSDAY k At 12MM m for JAMAICA per s s Admiral Schlev from Boston e At 1185 p m toe NKVVFOUNDIAND per s s Corean from Philadeipb c At 1125 m for MEi X per s s Niagara from New York via Tamptco Mail be read deity lIS pena week parts s must s s Mall SPI rn IIaTC Mail for other parts of per inset boo II swat Print l I llt DOS 15 r Sbothd a Oscar EU- ROPE Toot p per will York < > < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ must be directed Per s s Niagara FRIDAY c At 1135 p m for PORTO RICO CURACAO and VENEZUELA s s Caracas from New York Mail for SAVANILLA- and CARTEGENA must be directed Per s s Caracas At 1126 p m for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA SAVANILLA and CARTEGENA per s s AHegfcaov from New rn Mail for COSTA RICA must be directed Per s s Al leghany c At 1125 p m for HAH and SANTA MARTA pet s a Alps from New York e At 1125 p ro for LEHWAR and WIND- WARD ISLANDS and BRITISH hUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA per s s FoattbeHe from New York c At 1125 p m for ARGENTINE URU- GUAY and PARAGUAY per s s Coronda from New York Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail to North Sydney an thence via steamer close at 1200 m and on or- e ¬ Sundays at 1139 a m The are made on Mondays Wednesdays and Mails for by rail to Boston and thence via steamer close here daily except Sundays at ItsHW m and on Sundays at lld a m dj OO CUBA MAILS close here via Port Fla Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3 p m and via Miami Fla Tuesdays and Sundays at 1030 a m Mails for MEXICO overland unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer sailing New York p m Mails for BELIZE PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans sad thence via steamer cites here daily at lOrIS a m and 10 p m the connecting closes for which being Mondays Mails for COSTA RICA by rail to New Or leans and thence via steamer close here dsfly at K 90 a m and 1600 p m the connect- ing closes being on Tuesdays TransPacific Mails Mafia for CHXA and JAPAN via Seattle do c here at p m ap to June 25th inclusive fur dispatch per s s Ears Yam Registered mail must be directed Via Seat- tle o Mails for AUSTRALIA ecccpt those for Australia which are dispatched via Europe NEW ZEALAND FIJI SAMOA and Hawaii via San Francisco close here daily at 630 after W and up to June lath in- clusive for disjxit per s s Sonoma o Mails for CHINA and JAPAN via Vancouver and Victoria B C close here daily at 630 p ra up to July 1st inclusive for dispatch per s s Empress of China He istered mail t be specialy addressed SlerchandUe for the United States Postal Agency at Shaasiha- iOiica cannot be forwarJed Maui for CHINA JAPAN anti HAWAII and flrrtclaes matter for the PHILIPPINE ISL- ANDS via San Frenetic close here daily at 639 p m up to July 3 t incfesrve dispatch per s s China o Mails for CHINA and JAPAN via Tacoma close here dilly at 690 p ra cp to 4th inctuaive for dispatch per s Taeoma Mails for HAWAII via S n Francisco close here daily at 630 p m up to July 7th in- clusive for dispatch per s s Alameda fo Mails for TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS via San Francisco close here daily at 630 up to July 10th inclusive for dispatch per s s 0 Mails for Australia except those for West Australia which are dispatched via Europe and New Zealand mails for which go via San Francisco and FIJI ISLANDS via Vancouver and Victoria B C close here daily at 630 p TO up to July M th inclusive for dispatch per s s Nouns Specially addressed only o Mails for COCHIN CHINA are dispatched to New York for connection with Ennpean steam- ers PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Military Mail dispatched to San Francisco at all closes for that office to connect with Gavernment trans the sailings cf which are irregular REGISTERED MAILS close at the MAIN OF- FICE as follows b at 100 p m same day c at S00 p m same day at 500 a m same dsx 0 at 100 p m previous day h- at 1200 p m previous Saturdtr k at 809 p m previous del 0 at 600 p m previous JOHN A MERRITT Postmaster PROPOSALS PNEUMATIC TUBE MAIL SERVICE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Washinstjr D 29 1902 SEALED PROPOSLS will be received at the office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General Postofficc Department until 4 P M JULY 12 1802 for the performance of mail service by pneumatic tubes or other similar devices at the following cities Bos- ton Mass Brooklyn N Y Sew N Y St Louis Mo Philadelphia Washing- ton D C Chicago IlL Pamphlets giving description of routes and requirements under the advertisement may be bad on application to the Postmaster at any of the above cities or upon application to the Second As- sistant Postmaster General Washington D C H C PAYNE Postmaster General je3101724julSF- OCND yellow dcg Send name and description BOX MS this office FOUND That Wilkins wiH furnish you delic- ious ice errant and cake than others and loan you saucers acd spoors Junction 9th sod Sew York avc KOUKD At Laceys most Jsndcm ice cream factory in America delicious chocoiaies va niila and strawb ry ice cream made from time Irdt nut the acid tOe per gallon Vise Bpecu1 TOe r r gallon Office rig New Ave Phone 333 JelQtf chats Sat- urdays close here daily tt 1030 a lB and 10 on da June Ii a Canada o July p- In I d day C- lay ork Pa named FOUND e shaggy d3 lees dOS Lacey ork Iai1 Silo p- in via for ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < LOAN COMPAKIES MONEY HOW TO GET IT WHERE TO GET IT L T r rr with US sad you win set she money the misuse you wa i it it toots nothing to application here All informatkw free We han on Salaries with- out indorsement OB Fsraitcn Pluses soul Property etc without renewal Our rfwrpcs ire very reawnable Since our las cut we sot bM beat compcti lion Loam of other cottpMK paid oS and more mcney advanced The only company that make STRICTLY PRIVATE LOANS The old reUUe LOAN GTJAEAHT5E CO for F St K W Phe e End 3P6 Coraer h St Loans made ea furni- ture pianos etc with out simply for You caa make your own terms as to repayment oC loan and owe make BO aaaecessary U you apprecl MONEY ate rates treatment and honest dealing we can be of ser- vice to you Private of- fices WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN CO 610 F Strtet N W LOANS OF S10 AND DPWAI11 ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS at Sowcs rates and ea the day y wc loaning en the bcikring end lan AssocIation plan which makes tLe con of carrying loans much lest than you where sail shows you to pay it u any tlzed nous you desire running front on t twelve months If you hav a loan with some other company tre Wilt pay it off and advance you more money if desired Kat given no cost to you coins loon is cada Call and get rates Front room first floor NATIONAl MORTGAGE LOAN 623 F St If W MONEY If you do call on us We loan on Planes Furniture etc with- out removal and oa terms to suit your con- venience All dealings quick and private POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN GO Rooms 74 and 76 Atlantic BWff SfSS839 F St S W Tel Mala 6T83 Take derator to 5th door WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY On your furniture pianos organs and you can pay it back weekly or month Got bnsinesj is strictly confidential no em- barrassing s to you Lowest rates in Private offices COLUMBIA GUARANTEE cOMPANY 613 F Street K W 00 000 Loan on FURNITURE PIANOS ETC At lowest rates without removal publicity or delay You can pay it beck In small monthly payments to suit yourself If hove a iron elsewhere and need more money come to aj We can accommodate you Pritate roowa business confidential SURETY LOAN CO ROOM 1 Warder 2A floor Sh and F aw app Aft in Per meet all CAPITAl rem asking TO charges LOA low courteous I are tse in an y DO YOU rlrrrr Ira ly paymentS UCSOhurELY DELAY I S 1 to in Any Amount you Did ecu the I apply pcy Co- t 1 eta NO ask ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ WE DO NOT CARE you owe ur will pay them off and you more money Come to see us Lew rates Monthly payments DISTRICT LOAN TRUST CO TOT c ST rr vr MONEY TO LOAITI- OKEY to loan on real estate pssooal prop rty and collateral J C DAVIS elS7 506 E Bt fiw 10000 FOR YOU OX GOOD SECOND TRUST LOANS I hare the above sum idle and wish 6 per ent will accept second trust loans Cora mInion charged D C real estate only AtMress BOX SIS this oSice ieTlm- MOXEY TO LOt AT 4 4 AXD 5 OX D C REALTY SECURITY OF FEllED REGULATING RATE IMMEDIATE aLLOWANCES EXPENSES SMALL- j Slm C a WARIXG 1114 G st nw Money Loaned Salaried People Retail merchants teamsters boarding honscj without security largest business in 42 cities TOLilAX Boom 101 535 15th st MONEY TO LOAN at S to 5 per cent of 1COO to 10 X on D CL real estate pay oS S and C cent mortgages and begin anew transactions conducted with economical con w H SACXDER3 PERSONAL PIRITUAUS3C Alfred H Terry conducts ft meeting 25 at S ft m at ne Sittings dally MME LYDIAN Palmist 4K G St BW m249 dont know the Old Porch and what it russia to the workingaoen of Wa jington Tae and oldest oneprice bore where man buy a complete outfit wit of clothes ard serything a man wears tailormade slightly sed for prices far below that handraeaoan stuff Your friend JCSTKS OLD STAND 19 I si e23T THBO Card Reader Palmist Medium Removes spells reunites the separated gives luck German spoken 928 H st nw 2Sc Sdc m232 MME DAVIS Bora Clairvoyant and Card Reader Tells abont buaneas removes speil evil infiaences reunites separated and gives luck cures piles and drunkenness 1222 25t- st nw 1S1S FOR ADOPTION Tw alec healthy table irIs to respectaW parties Address DOS 473 this office ieliif DYSPEPSIA and constipation cured Box free C IL HOWAX North Milwaukee WIt jelly DR LEATHERMAN Expert Specialist in cure of all acute and chronic ailments Complaints of the digestive organs nervous and blood disorders qaiiiiy Consultation free 602 KW- H K FULTONS w Loan Office 3t4 NINTH STREET IT W Money Loaned ca Watches Diamocdj Jewelry Etc OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOCGHT Business strictly coofldmttaL Xo conaec- tion with anv other Loan Office in the city WALL PAPER ROOMS PAPERED 175 up bouse pairtiny lowe prices roof painting SOc i er squire CARLISLE BROS lieS 6th st nc Phone East 35 D raia3- XOLTE S21 th st aw is constantly r ceiv ins the latest and must attractive dtsigns ia Wall 1apers aad papers rooms from LXi tip Call and investigate fcr ourself and be a- Tinced ailitj BRDS DOGS ETC BELGIAN hares just the tock for boys to breed durirg vaca- tion we have vhite miN and pig as- SCUMIDS BIRD STORE Tli 12tU st nv cHit prin- cipal nw m14tf in sums all sideratlon for k F to Wednesday J I Ul C WHO only a can BEE die cured F St anii guinea or up 1 nbc ad- vance a PER- CENT borrowers CO 14A7 ow a- new i ThTI5 v pigs pnii also > ¬ >

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-06-24 [p 6]. · 2017-12-26 · TIrE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON TUESDAY JUNE 24 1902 t3 j Opens Active and Decidedly Weak This Morning

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-06-24 [p 6]. · 2017-12-26 · TIrE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON TUESDAY JUNE 24 1902 t3 j Opens Active and Decidedly Weak This Morning



Opens Active and DecidedlyWeak This Morning


Extreme nit for Kaflraad Issues ButGreater Losses Ara ng tieMiscellaneous Stocks

Off But Recovered Decline

YORK June 24 TMs morningsv union of the true nature of the ia-

oston of the King of England and tooperation undertaken in connection

crtnviia seemed to come as a severeri k o the London market whichinrd abruptly on this inJrelligence-

rFols broke over one point and theof the market was extremely

UK in sympathy In the Americanrvr losses which extended to one

sppsared Largely for the sameon the local market opened active

cidedJy weak The extreme det in the railway list extended toa one point greater losses werev n among the miscellaneous

i r o Fuel and Iron in particularnearly two points although ia-3tince uneasiness as to the diyi-

in be acted on tomorrow was anoal factor in the course of the

Steel Reflects Pressurehe U S Steel stores Sugar Refining

ilie Distilling securities again resubstantial pressure The

I rtocts which was the feature oftnrdays dealing In respect ofr ia and acttrtty also opened lower

recovered the decline IB-

frsi few minutes of business MisPacific St Paul Atchison and the

ires in the early dealings extendingja to 1 point ComparatlTely little

ri fcne in the local traction stocksotber respects the general situation

urine upon the market showed no imi tnt baDges Strike conditions wereiilered and the news from the West

irain growing States continued fa




Shown I





l1 de


r Jfji der


2c and

s ocks



re than

shares all scored









acfive railway





voraoieThe Stock Market contiaued unsettled

thr uehout the forenoon with a furtherhr decline appearing in Colorado

iitl rnd Iron on the belief that the dlv-

i na to IKS acted on tomorrow would bec1 rlarc at a muchreduced rate Thej stocks on the other hand reifiedsharply ca the reports that the regulardividend would be declared on the pre-

ferred stock The United States Steelissues after being weak recoveredseminal on supporting orders In therailway list declines which approximated2 per cent in some Instances wereEC ored Wabash Texas and Pac and

and Great Western were com-paratively arm features of the marketl ut in the other active stocks thereverc no evidences of effective support

JJoney on call was reported at to3 por cent and sterling exchange at

its levelSales of stocks to 1 p m 351600

siares bonds 237100-


Sales D C SSs 1000 124 1 0-

nl2 j Franklin Ins 255 Wash73 2574 Greene Copper 10


itor Call Mergeataaler 10iS4 5-

ff i Traction 16 il23 Cd Fire lee2 i Riggs Fire Ins 24 H GreeneCopper 50 2 E0tl2 5e 28-


aCaritai Tracdan R R ILS-L IL B Ss M8S J X-

p r Cot iafebtedaeM A TMVi-

V iMU crt imJeSjtetoess H4-

urliia U R I l 1

t i hia R R 2d inort 3T i Street Raflicay f S-

MBCELLAXEOCS BOK0-St S ier IJfb Deb Imp 13i 1 1S-

V ozs Causer It ra1SW27 J J-

X Kec Lisbt Cert inSeot-I oC Tel Cow 5

Virtu Col Ut7 retired annually 188-

it iiall A n 3 C I30S JM J

can a hrrfjcne Deb 5 KDEPOSIT TRUST OOMTAXIB-

Sniion Loan T-rrr Security airfJ Tnw-tiiinoa Sife D vafiit-

a a 4 Sone Ml Hi-oa iarnxgs Bask JW-

ajui JIOAO STOCKSi Traction tS Ji3-

ii trwthyptX-ATWXAI niNE STOCKS

I3iEnd t39-








1 un It 18



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ia6s i

u 8 liiif79-


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r of Wragtos id 42-

x r oitan-TJI

F r and llednni iTAI 1o-

i 4 iJI4-


43 t4

1ii5j 31a3









Boa Brtate Title-D iumbia Title t-

VushiRirton Title 2-

TKLEPHOXE AXD GRAPHOPHOXK STOCiE-Ci saneake and Potomac 6644American GrapbopboueAnxruan Graphopfaoa pf J 7


Kashinirton CM 73-

Gecruetowa Gac 3j-

1OSCKLLAKEOCS STOCKSHergpnthaler Linotype ISj 15-4iainion Monotype 2J e-Grp ne Copper 2S-

Wasiiington MarketXorfolk Washinglao 175


WOODMONT Cmia June 24 SenatorHawley nm arrived at his summer homehere He has bema ordered to take arst of fcevetal months He has been ex-

hausted by his severe labors of the pastv nter In Fee aca baa b c7i or-

dered to keep quiet for some Uuc tiilHP fully recuperates He is vigorousmentally and by next winter It Ishoped te will be able to resume hislutTcs at the National Capitol In asuxiQg condition as ever


n 4

n fn J

00 74K0

i0It u






Result of Yesterdays Game

Chicago 8 Detroit 0

Where They Play Today i

at WashingtonPhiladelphia at Baltimore

Chicago at DetroitSt Louis at Cleveland

Standing of the TeamsWon Per C

icago 31 1829 Si 1

HadelpfcJa 25 25 521-

t Louis 25 23 J24 2324 SB 462

Vashingtcn 24 29 45322 32 487

Yesterday was an off day in the bigAmerican league as most of the teamswere traveling from one burg to another seeking new worlds to conquerThe Tigers managed to skip into

a little ahead of time and toshow theIr appreciation of the fast timewhich the Wolverines had made theWhite Sox jumped on them and drubbedthem to the tune of S to 0 The Tigerswere completely ignorant of the existence of such a thing as home plateThis was the only game yesterday

The Senators will welcome the menfrom the City of Culture to the homegrounds today and after exchangingcourtesies with the boys who live onbaked henna and brown bread the Lottus lads will chip in and do things thatbeggar description It is said that therewill be doings in the vicinity of Fif-teenth end H Streets just about thattime

Yesterdays GameAt Chicago HH L

Chicago 01064380 8 If 10 0 8 8 0 4 3

Batteries Griffith and Sullivan Sieverand McGuire


Results of Yesterdays GamesPlttsburg 7 Chicago 2

Brooklyn 8 New YorkBoston 5 Philadelphia 1

Where They Play TodayPhiladelphia at Boston

Pittsburg at ChicagoBrooklyn at New York

Cincinnati at Louis





Detroit ffiBaltimore




Detroit e it e 6







Standing of the TeamsWon Per C

Pittsbarg 33 12 760Brooklyn 3 23 3Chicago 2S 22 50Boston 24 24 500Philadelphia 22 31 415Cincinnati 21 3 412New York 2 31 392

St Louis 2t 31 32

Yesterdays Gamea

At Brooklyn RILEBrooklyn 0 tt 2 6 i i S 12 1New York 68 i tl 8 1 7 3

Batteries Klttsoa Ahern TajrtorBlewett and Bowman

At Chicago RHEPtttsbnrg L

Chicago 1 1Batteries Doheny and Zinmier

Rhoades and KUng

At Boston RHEBoston jft floino iiPhiladelphia I

Batteries Pittinger and Moran IbergFelix and Jacklitsch


Young Ladys Challenge Results in Dis

coveY That the Town HasMany Cinderellas

STRACDSS N Y June 24 Syracusewomen are engaged in a contest overwho baa the mnallest feet and the

Is that treatyone have been foundwho wear No 12 ntisses size

A challenge was issued by MissKnight who thought no one could

put slipper on She left it at anewspaper office and Cinderellas by thescore been trying their luck with

tile condition was that the aspirantfor pedal honors must be over eighteenThose who succeeded Ja the feat wereof every description taU and shortyoung and old and their weight variedfrom aaetysis pounds to 150

A peculiar development was thatof the candidates wore a much largerShoe than the size of the foot demanded

Stearaship ArrivalsNEW YORK June 24 Arrived Aller

from Gibraltar Koealgin Lame fromSouthampton Pandosla from Cape

Town SCountSelds from Santos Cevlc

from Liverpool ronprinz Wilhelmfrom Cherbourg Washington fromGenOA and Gangense from Para






Rents Safes Irue Burglarproof 7acltActs ai AJminiatrator Kxtcutor Tnstee etc


8 88 I


3 I 83 1 i7OQ fr82 S S

x 1It t 8 9 1 8 01 1









630 0



the result



It makes no difference whether youa Jur c Tent a wnall rent or a

medium rent we would like to talkwith y Tf caa how youRow TO MAKE A OOOD PART OFYOUR RENT PAY FOR A HOUSKen rasieflt fif temu We can


916 F Street N W


CaptaStirplM SSOOOOO

SAFE DEPOSIT BOXESSafe Deposit Boxes for tent ir large bargi r

proof vault i5 per annum and upwardsufiU C J President


tit sortprest a of to fit nearh






plan vaymentetr eSse



Cotton Crop Declared to Be-

n Best oi Condition


Editor of Manufacturers Record

Just Returned From Tour of South-

ern States Reports Great Activity

Along All Commercial Lines

BALTIMORE Md Tune 24 MrH Edmonds editor of the

Records who returnedfrom a trip to the South says

that business men throughout the wholecentral South report great activity andthat everybody Is looking forward to abusy and prosperous fall and winterContinuing Mr Edmonds said

The outlook for cotton except inTexas where rain is needed is betterthan for many years at this season andthough the crop still has to pass throughits most critical period it is noW at thetop notch of condition The farmers aregetting high prices for their diversifiedproducts such as fruits chickens eggs

etc and while already enjoying a good

share of the general prosperity a largecotton yield would put them In a strongfinancial position

Property Values Advancing

Throughout the South there is a general cry for laborers skilled and unskilled Everywhere the demand is ac-

tive and in the Alabama coal and ironregions laborers are so scarce that everycompany is hampered in its onerationsCoal and Iron interests are rushed with

business at remunerative pricesthe leading iron concerns making largeprofits more by the great expansion Inthe business than by high return sincemost of the iron now being deliveredwas sold months ago before the

price took placeThe Birmingham district will make

1250060 tons of pig iron this yearmine 10000000 or more tons of coal

New capital is coming in from every diand iron and coal properties





rection as


ard Manu-

facturers yes-







well as city real estate areadvancing in values Scarcely a daypasses without the announcement ofsome new ann important enterprise atBirmingham or Ensley or the adjacenttowns and while T was there last weeksites were being sought for a manufac-turing company to employ 2500 handsand for a new furnace and steel plant tocost a million or two of dollars and H-

is probably safe to say that includingrailroad operations immediately in andadjacent to the city plans are beingmatured for investments which will rep-

resent from nSWOWe to eOOOOd ormore

Whole South AliveThe day of doubt and uncertainty

has passed The whole South is alivewith hope and energy and is planningfor great things This is not only trueIn coal and iron but in cotton manufac-ture in which 5000000 to isnow being invested in enlarging estab-lished plants while many entirely newmills are also under constructioajnlumbering operations which are beingvigorously pushed in every directionand in railroad improvements and con-

struction which are more active thanever before in the history of the South

In oil matters the progress is sogreat as to make it almost jmpossibJertoportray the tremendous developments Inthe building of refineries and tanks andthe establishment of shipping facilitiesfor handling oil by rail and water whichhave been worked ut since the firstgusher was struck In Texas eighteenmonths ago

I have never seen Southern roads 30crowded with passengers and the freighttraffic is by far the largest the roadshave ever been called upon to handle

Chronic Diarrhea

his mainly for the reason that theusually employed are zneSettuaL That it canbe cured however has been fully proven inmany cases The fOllOwing tells of one ofthem Mr T W GreatbooK of Prattsburp-Ga says I had been saffmus from chronicdiarrhea for seven yews Last year I begantaking CfcaroberUins Colic Cholera and IMarrhea Remedy and it baa entirely cured me Ibad spent lots of money for doctor medicine-in tIe run of the seven years If it had notbE for this remedy I would have been deadnow and I feel that I can never cay too muchin its favor or recommend it too highly Soldby Henry Evans wholesale and retail and all


Tills prded u incuraremedies

qliaa 4 geoeral








Kid McCoy has been offered a 5000purse to box George Gardiner in SanFrancisco

Jack Jeffries and Soldier Wilsonsparing partner of Bob Fitzsiaunons

will meet in the preliminary of thechampionship battle

The Haynes Valley Athletic Club ofSan Francisco has offered 60 per centof the gross receipts and a 19000

for a meeting between Yanger andCorbett Yanger has accepted

Ralph F HutchInson who beenathletic director and head coach atDickinson College for the past yearresigned to accept a position as coachfor next years Princeton football team

Jack Reese one of the ablest young

trainers of thoroughbred horses inhas signed a contract to go to

Russia to train for the minister offinance

Peter Reilly the bookmaker died recently He was well known to racegoers from the Atlantic to the PacificOcean as a plunger of the first water

Governor Durbin of Indiana will notpermit finish fights

Jimmy Britt will challenge the win-ner of the GansMcFadden fight

Kid Lewis of Baltimore is to be acontestant in the pool tournament forthe worlds championship to be held atSyracuse N Y on August 19 Thistourney will bring together the crackgood players of the world includingGrant Eby Stofft Clearwater CharlesWeston the O bcy and PatrickWalsh Lewis was at one time champn pool player of New York He isnow playing in great form Withoutpractice be met the then ChampionClearwater in Baltimore May 2 andcame close to winning

Manager Herman of Fort Erie is saidto be trying to arrange a bout betweenJack OBrien and Harvin Hart

George Gardner hI trying to match hislittle brother Billy with Rufe Turnerthe match to take place on July 5 atStockton CaL

Owen Ziegler the exPhiladelphiawho recently returned from

the West and Twin Sullivan the hardhitting welterweight of Boston havesigned articles to meet in a 20roundbout before the arannah Ga Athletic Club on June 16 Both men havestarted in to train for the bout Theywill box at 140 pounds
















An automobile club has been organ-ized by the summer residents at Arverne L I A 7000 clubhouse is beingbuilt with bachelor living apartmentsia the upper story It will have a front-age of 60 feet and a depth of SQ feet

Harry Gill the Canadian allroundathletic champion of who

became a professional is an as-pirant for the allround championshipthis Year

When Siiarkey landed in London hereceived a great reception He wasdriven to the National Sporting Club ina fotirinhaad coach with a brass bandto lead the way At the club a banquethad been prepared and the pugilist wasentertained hi royal style

While running in a field at theKetchsDi Farm near Toledo Ohio recently the trotting mIL e Arietta 22Cfcfell and broke her neck She was justdue to foal to Cresceas 202

Miss Heckers phenomenal 77 madelast week on the links of the Essexcounty course is likely to stand for

time to come as the only under80 by a woman in an IShole course ortournament play There are but fewmen could have beaten Miss Heeker so few that the fingers of one handwould contain the number

Hennr Williams of Cumberland Mdand James Reeder of Altoona Palightweights have signed articles tofight 20 rounds at Ravencrofts OperaHouse Frcstburg Md on TuesdayJuly L


You can be sure it Is putt androod because icy name appears on thebottle

QuartsPints 50cHalf Pints 25

Geo Wa Driver605 Pa AveB

1900 after-ward


Melville I



I 100 I









GOLD3000000 Payable NOV 19511167000 Payable Nov 1942500000 Payable Apr 1922

TO BE SOLD THURSDAY JUNE 26Bend blfla In a uealed envelope enclosed In the aadres d envelope Two per-cent of par value bid for in cash or certlfijd chock on State or bankCf New York City must accompany bid This depot will be returned day oftale to unBiicccsfu bidders If called for For fuller Information CityRecord or address

EDWARD M GROUT Comptroller

280 Broadway New York


SATURDAY 28AH patrons will receive proper d l-

I Uman Special Race Train will leavea ake Beach Junction at 1 oclock-

iyTickets in he secured for thia train

tivim my a ront at Chrsapcake JunctionffCheEapeokc BeAch Club Now Open









City of


tip r jUNEr f jL 1



onl-J j

I t





x 4





PIANOS 25 45 AND 65

1 weekly payment

F G SMITH 1225 Pa Ave

VLB Ctatp at one entire contents oC

room residence tOre almostboom dining and rior fwnit re folding

mirrors iron and bee beds ehrtlouiersladies dressing tables fearing city 431 9th fitnw or piece Mote 100 e2MFOR SALE Cheap twin baby carriageCaUan st ne e243

FOR SALE Howhold goods gocart NewHome sewior machine ice chest diiWs bedate Sth nc el

SALE Cheap two boys riding smilesbridles MM II st nw 243

SALK Two bull paps cheap 2S0-7rightwood ava rrrJ43

FOR SALE Two ftae roller top fete cheapand owe Morris ails 39x2Ex24 outside Call atroom 39 Lel roit Building eS3FOR SALE large oak sMebosrd rest 30 foe

11 Call SW lath st ilewarts Express Co

FOR SALE CM gascrcBe am Blue Flame oilstoves up JOS UcGltATH 1744 7th stnw BriSS

FOR SALE Very fine oak sideboard largeglass f3 cost 55 JOS McGRATU 17 4 7thSt nw mISSFOR SALE Handsome dark oak dresserwirror 9 JOS MeCRATH 1744 7th st aw


FOR SALE 3hotsewater motor 3

motor 3horae power1112 H st aw rott3

FOR SALE 183 baby carriage splendid condi-tion for So JOo X St nw miSSFOlt cart leads of brohen brickfor concreting at a sacrifice Apj y 1111 M th-

it nw mggFOR SALE Seven large window frames withshutters to mitch flU 19th at nw mZSS

FOR Sat top desks ateobookcases very cheap S15 Sib at nw m223-

FOR SALS S con hm furniture1750 bargain zia st HW mK8

FOR SALE Some oM roahogany atgreet bargains 815 6Ut st nw jn22S

FOR SALE Verv line set of bar Artoraeverything complete for 0cost 1OOJ CallS15 Sth st HW niSS3

FOR SALE Very fine Hammond typewritergood as new 2250 cost 0 th St

FOR SALE A new Domestic Drop CabinetSewing Machine Great Saeriffce if sold stonce Address BOX 69 ofllce Bt223

FOR SALE OB account of leaving city willtelL pawn ticket for handsome diamondcheap Address BOX 96 this office

FOR SALE Kitchen and dining room furni-ture fine square piano standard make splen-did tone and finish gas range refrigerator etcCall 201 6th st ne millS

FOR SALE Cheap lunch room tables B SDICKINSON 1731S337 7th st nw sillS

Three Pianos at 45 and 6 OR

FORthiS is








SALEWalnut iSO


turn t8re





Squsre 93














FOR SALE Very fine 5piece parlor suitecheap at S5 will K for 5 B S

1711SS37 7ti sC nw nfi2S

FOR SALE Cheap lot of tables suit-able for ice cream parlor B S DICKISSOX17813337 7th st nw m22

FOR SALE Cheapest place in city to yourrefriserator or gas range B DICKiNSON17 Ia37 7th st aw mSSS

FOR SALE Solid oak chiffonier with fivedrawers 475 B S DICKINSON 17Sl33tT7th st nw UI223

FOR suite S1250 B S17313337 7th nw mS2S

FOR Flame oil stoves slightlyured perfect order FRIES t HOPWOOD 8thand K sU rw nJK3

FOR SALE Furniture slightly used See vsWe have the stock FRIES i HOPWOOD 8thand K sU cw raSSFOR SALE P no upright 950 Meat be

leaving the city HOPHOOD-Sth and K sts nw js2t

FOR SALE 36ft slooprig sail boat all ingood condition and test Apply at 1 9th st


FOR SALE Pedigree pointer gspi ZK 4 st-ew nFOR SALE Medium sized refrigerator cheap1217 12th st nc e lSFOR SALE Xew upright piano very cheap lorcash 1625 14th fit etlIGENTS lSD LADIES watches bestmovements on easy payments The cbeaplace on earth J DRUKKER OL corner Paeve and ISth sos upstairs

SEWING MACHIKES all makes on50c a week Every machine guaranteed

Light easyrunnine machines from 6 upJ THEGUARANTEE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY425 4li st s Optn until 9 p m mlS7

FOP SALE Market baskets and tin bucketsJOHN R HOPKINS 160 to Ifla Center Market


FOR excellent upright pianosgood as new 900 STIEFF

PIANO WAREROOMS S2i 11th st nw 4 G-CONL1FF aenager e5tf

FOR SALE Carload o windows screensdoors screens from lie up doors completewith all fixtures We fancy hard oil finishdoors Sic high grade suburban doors in altsizes in stock screen windows l c squirefoot substantial screens made to order 75cKLEEBLVTT llth and II sts nc ap tf

FOR SALE 15 for Morris chairs with haircushion 6 for hair mattress in two ports ockson rockers L43 bedroom and parlor suites

100 per week REDMONDS 511313 7th etnw

FOR SALE Mahogany upright piano guaran-teed good as new Steinw r 1 W Knabe-

W Luckhart 20 squares all guaranteedSTIEFF PIANO WAKEROOMS 521 llth st nwJ C CONL1FF Manager je3tt

SPECIAL One gallon port sherry blackberryCatawba or claret wine for 75r one box 24bottles lager beer 75c deKvcreJ THOS KHEAVERS 423 4 a K sw IJione Main 10C65

FOR quality opaque shades fittedo your windows only 25c the best quality

oil opaque sl de 50c hung free will cal withsamples KI EEBLiTTS 11th and H its nePhone East 25D clOtf

LOST Monday buncl of keys from Brooklandto 17th st reward return to 2T19 II at nw el

LOST Sunday evening silver watch initialsM P betwecp 9th and 10th sts and Penn-

sylvania arc nw reward return to 300 Penn-sylvania arc nw e54S

LOST On Metropolitan car line Mondaywith name engravr1 liberal reward

if returned to ct div Pension Office or 115

Fast Capitol st e24S

LOST LHtle fox terrier with black spot OB

back black ears Reward if returned to-

MS 8th st nw ml

LOST At ISth and Pa aye Sataurday 12oclock trace and breast strap Liberal re-ward if returned to 1S47 Pa ave


LOST Sunday evening silver watch initialM F between and 19th sts and Pa

ave nw ciS3

LOST At corner 5th and E ala nw blackmore silk short coat lined with white silkLiberal reward if returned to HIS 29th st sic

LOST Monday or Tuesday geld breot withdiamonds Reward if returned to MISS STEV-

ENS S21 with at nw eli


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Takethat the certificate of for team of lot 3s niare 47 VjKhwgton C on OCTOBEJJ3 ISIS issued to Isaac S Lyon has heellost or destroyed and that I have applied ttthe Commissioners I C to issue m a duplicate ISAAC S LYON je2430

















morn-Ing purse


h Sib

m 3




















at any timeFOREIGN MAILS are di iehed to the

of sailing daily ad UK schedule C doinais arranged on the of their nninterrupted overland transit For teeoiing June 28 MKJS the list co oectJaercloses will be made from the MAIN WFICB-

a fottowa

TransAtlantic MailsTUESDAY b At 715 p ra for IRELAND

per s A Oceanic from New York via Qoeew-towii Mail for other of EUROPK wwtbe directed Per s s Oceanic

0 At 715 m for EUROPE per t s StPaul tom New Yurt via Southampton

c At 11 5 p 91 for DEXMAKK directr R II from New York lieSbe directed Per s s Oscar H

WEDNESDAY b At 715 p BJ toerer K 3imarcii Irma New

via PljTuouth CherbooK and hamburgfor FKASCE SWITZERLAND ITALYPORTUGAL TURKKY EGYPT GREECEBRITtSli INDIA and LOKENZO MARQUEEmoot lie directed Per s s F BwBtarck-

cV At 915 p for FRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEYEGYPT GREECE KRITlII 1 JA and LORENZO MARQUEE per s s I heroin ItemNew York vEUROPE muse be directed Per s s La Savoie

FRIDAY c At 915 p m for ITALY di-

rect s MISt from New York Maltdirected Per s e Alter-

c At 1125 p m for EUROPE per a sUmbria from New York via QaeeaeUwn

c At 1125 p m lee NETHERLANDS di-

rect iter s s Staatendam from New YorkMad inset be directed Ier s Staalcodaro

c At 1123 p m for ITALY direct per s s-

Ckta 41 Torino from New York Mailbe directed Per a s CUt di Torino

c At 112S p m for SCOTLAND directper g s Columbia from New York Mailmust be directed Per g a Columbia

c At 11 3 m for UELG1CM directs a Kroonland from New York Mail tacitbe directed Per s g Kroonland

PRINTED MATTER STC This steamertakes Matter Commercial Papers andSamples foe GERMANY only The same daisof mail matter for other narts of EUROPEROt be sent by this ship unless specially di-rected by her

Mails for South and Central AmericaWest Indies Etc

TUESDAY It At 1500 m for JAMAICAper s s Admiral Farragut from Boston

c At U S for JAMAICA per s s Wat-son from Philadelphia

c At 1125 for ARGENTINE URUGUAYand PARAGUAY per s s Merchant Princefrom Hew York

c At 815 p m for IxEWFOUNBLAND di-

rect per B f Rosaland iron Newby At 605 p ra for awl

NORTHERN BRAZIL per s Hilary fromNew York via Pars and Banana

WEBNESDAY c At 11 5 p in for CAMPEC E CHIAPAS TABASCO and YUCATANper s s Monterey from New York Mail forother parts of MEXICO must be directed Pers s Monterey

c At 1125 p m for the PROVINCE ofSANTIAGO CUBA per B s Cienfuegos frontNew York

THURSDAY k At 12MM m for JAMAICAper s s Admiral Schlev from Boston

e At 1185 p m toe NKVVFOUNDIANDper s s Corean from Philadeipb

c At 1125 m for MEi X per s sNiagara from New York via Tamptco Mail

be read deity lIS






s sMall



IIaTC Mail for other parts of

perinset boo




llt DOS15



a Oscar


p per













must be directed Per s s NiagaraFRIDAY c At 1135 p m for PORTO

RICO CURACAO and VENEZUELA s sCaracas from New York Mail for SAVANILLA-and CARTEGENA must be directed Per s sCaracas

At 1126 p m for FORTUNE ISLANDJAMAICA SAVANILLA and CARTEGENAper s s AHegfcaov from New rn Mail forCOSTA RICA must be directed Per s s Alleghany

c At 1125 p m for HAH and SANTAMARTA pet s a Alps from New York

e At 1125 p ro for LEHWAR and WIND-WARD ISLANDS and BRITISH hUTCH andFRENCH GUIANA per s s FoattbeHe fromNew York

c At 1125 p m for ARGENTINE URU-GUAY and PARAGUAY per s s Corondafrom New York

Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND by rail toNorth Sydney an thence via steamer close

at 1200 m and on




Sundays at 1139 a m Theare made on Mondays Wednesdays and

Mails for by rail to Boston andthence via steamer close here daily exceptSundays at ItsHW m and on Sundays at llda m dj OO

CUBA MAILS close here via PortFla Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays at3 p m and via Miami Fla Tuesdays andSundays at 1030 a m

Mails for MEXICO overland unless speciallyaddressed for dispatch by steamer sailingNew York


GUATEMALA by rail to New Orleans sadthence via steamer cites here daily at lOrISa m and 10 p m the connecting closes forwhich being Mondays

Mails for COSTA RICA by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close here dsflyat K 90 a m and 1600 p m the connect-ing closes being on Tuesdays

TransPacific MailsMafia for CHXA and JAPAN via Seattle

do c here at p m ap to June 25thinclusive fur dispatch per s s Ears YamRegistered mail must be directed Via Seat-

tle oMails for AUSTRALIA ecccpt those for

Australia which are dispatched via EuropeNEW ZEALAND FIJI SAMOA and Hawaiivia San Francisco close here daily at 630

after W and up to June lath in-

clusive for disjxit per s s Sonoma oMails for CHINA and JAPAN via Vancouver

and Victoria B C close here daily at 630p ra up to July 1st inclusive for dispatchper s s Empress of China He istered mail

t be specialy addressed SlerchandUe forthe United States Postal Agency at Shaasiha-iOiica cannot be forwarJed

Maui for CHINA JAPAN anti HAWAII andflrrtclaes matter for the PHILIPPINE ISL-

ANDS via San Frenetic close here dailyat 639 p m up to July 3 t incfesrvedispatch per s s China o

Mails for CHINA and JAPAN via Tacomaclose here dilly at 690 p ra cp to 4thinctuaive for dispatch per s Taeoma

Mails for HAWAII via S n Francisco closehere daily at 630 p m up to July 7th in-

clusive for dispatch per s s Alameda foMails for TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS

via San Francisco close here daily at 630up to July 10th inclusive for dispatch per

s s 0Mails for Australia except those for West

Australia which are dispatched via Europeand New Zealand mails for which go via SanFrancisco and FIJI ISLANDS via Vancouverand Victoria B C close here daily at 630p TO up to July M th inclusive for dispatchper s s Nouns Specially addressed only o

Mails for COCHIN CHINA are dispatched toNew York for connection with Ennpean steam-ers

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Military Maildispatched to San Francisco at all closes forthat office to connect with Gavernment trans

the sailings cf which are irregularREGISTERED MAILS close at the MAIN OF-

FICE as follows b at 100 p m same dayc at S00 p m same day at 500 a m

same dsx 0 at 100 p m previous day h-

at 1200 p m previous Saturdtr k at 809p m previous del 0 at 600 p m previous




29 1902 SEALED PROPOSLS will bereceived at the office of the Second AssistantPostmaster General Postofficc Department until4 P M JULY 12 1802 for the performanceof mail service by pneumatic tubes or othersimilar devices at the following cities Bos-

ton Mass Brooklyn N Y Sew N YSt Louis Mo Philadelphia Washing-ton D C Chicago IlL Pamphlets givingdescription of routes and requirements underthe advertisement may be bad on applicationto the Postmaster at any of the abovecities or upon application to the Second As-

sistant Postmaster General Washington D CH C PAYNE Postmaster General


OCND yellow dcg Sendname and description BOX MS this office

FOUND That Wilkins wiH furnish you delic-ious ice errant and cake than others andloan you saucers acd spoors Junction 9th sodSew York avc

KOUKD At Laceys most Jsndcm ice creamfactory in America delicious chocoiaies vaniila and strawb ry ice cream made fromtime Irdt nut the acid tOe per gallon Vise

Bpecu1 TOe r r gallon Office rig NewAve Phone 333 JelQtf



close here daily tt 1030 a lB and10




Canada o












e shaggy



Laceyork Iai1




















L T r rr with US sad you winset she money the misuse you wa i it ittoots nothing to application here Allinformatkw free We han on Salaries with-out indorsement OB Fsraitcn Plusessoul Property etc without renewal Ourrfwrpcs ire very reawnable Since our lascut we sot bM beat compctilion Loam of other cottpMK paid oS andmore mcney advanced The only company thatmake STRICTLY PRIVATE LOANS The oldreUUe


for F St K WPhe e End 3P6 Coraer h St

Loans made ea furni-ture pianos etc without simply for

You caamake your own terms asto repayment oC loan andowe make BO aaaecessary

U you apprecl


ate ratestreatment and honestdealing we can be of ser-

vice to you Private of-



610 F Strtet N W

LOANS OF S10AND DPWAI11 ON FURNITURE ANDPIANOS at Sowcs rates and ea the day y

wc loaning en the bcikring endlan AssocIation plan which makes tLe conof carrying loans much lest than youwhere sail shows you to pay it u anytlzed nous you desire running front on ttwelve months If you hav a loan with someother company tre Wilt pay it off and advanceyou more money if desired Katgiven no cost to you coins loon is cadaCall and get rates Front room first floor



If you do call on usWe loan on PlanesFurniture etc with-out removal and oaterms to suit your con-venience All dealingsquick and privatePOTOMAC GUARANTEE


Rooms 74 and 76 AtlanticBWff SfSS839 F St S W

Tel Mala 6T83Take derator to 5th door


On your furniture pianos organs andyou can pay it back weekly or month

Got bnsinesj is strictly confidential no em-

barrassing s to you Lowest ratesin Private offices


00 000 Loan on

FURNITURE PIANOS ETCAt lowest rates without removal publicity ordelay You can pay it beck In small monthlypayments to suit yourself If hove a ironelsewhere and need more money come to ajWe can accommodate you Pritate roowabusiness confidential


ROOM 1 Warder 2A floor Sh and F aw


Aft inPer

meet all




LOAlow courteous










ly paymentS UCSOhurELY DELAY


S 1 to in Any Amount




















WE DO NOT CAREyou owe ur will pay them off and

you more money Come to see us Lewrates Monthly payments


TOT c ST rr vr


OKEY to loan on real estate pssooal proprty and collateral

J C DAVISelS7 506 E Bt fiw


I hare the above sum idle and wish 6 perent will accept second trust loans Cora

mInion charged D C real estate onlyAtMress BOX SIS this oSice ieTlm-



j Slm C a WARIXG 1114 G st nw

Money Loaned Salaried PeopleRetail merchants teamsters boarding honscjwithout security largest business in 42

cities TOLilAX Boom 101 535 15th st

MONEY TO LOAN at S to 5 per centof 1COO to 10 X on D CL real estate payoS S and C cent mortgages and begin anew

transactions conducted with economical conw H SACXDER3


PIRITUAUS3C Alfred H Terry conducts ftmeeting 25 at S ft m

at ne Sittings dally

MME LYDIANPalmist 4K G St BW m249

dont know the Old Porch and what itrussia to the workingaoen of Wa jington Tae

and oldest oneprice bore where manbuy a complete outfit wit of clothes ard

serything a man wears tailormade slightlysed for prices far below that handraeaoan

stuff Your friend JCSTKS OLD STAND19 I si e23T

THBOCard Reader Palmist Medium Removes spellsreunites the separated gives luck Germanspoken 928 H st nw 2Sc Sdc m232

MME DAVIS Bora Clairvoyant and CardReader Tells abont buaneas removes speilevil infiaences reunites separated and givesluck cures piles and drunkenness 1222 25t-

st nw 1S1S

FOR ADOPTION Tw alec healthy tableirIs to respectaW parties Address DOS 473

this office ieliifDYSPEPSIA and constipation cured Box freeC IL HOWAX North Milwaukee WIt jelly

DR LEATHERMANExpert Specialist in cure of all acute andchronic ailments Complaints of the digestiveorgans nervous and blood disorders qaiiiiy

Consultation free 602 KW-


w Loan Office

3t4 NINTH STREET IT WMoney Loaned ca Watches Diamocdj Jewelry


Business strictly coofldmttaL Xo conaec-

tion with anv other Loan Office in the city


ROOMS PAPERED 175 up bouse pairtinylowe prices roof painting SOc i er squireCARLISLE BROS lieS 6th st nc PhoneEast 35 D raia3-

XOLTE S21 th st aw is constantly r ceivins the latest and must attractive dtsigns iaWall 1apers aad papers rooms from LXi tipCall and investigate fcr ourself and be a-

Tinced ailitj


BELGIAN haresjust the tock for boys to breed durirg vaca-tion we have vhite miN and pig as-SCUMIDS BIRD STORE Tli 12tU st nv cHit


cipalnw m14tf

in sums

allsideratlon fork F to

Wednesday JI UlC


only acan



curedF St

anii guinea or up


nbc ad-




borrowersCO 14A7 ow






pigs pnii



