Braid Scarf Braid scarf 2The scarf was inspired by a picture I saw on a group. As I sat and looked at it, I realized that I could design it on my knitting loom, and here we are, a pattern just for you. Materials: Knitting loom: Any small gauge knitting board with at least 20 number of pegs. All-n-One knitting loom with 1cm spacers was used in sample. Yarn: 200g of worsted weight yarn . Feria Bella Acrylgarn mit Glitzereffekt was used in sample. Notions: Knitting tool, stitch markers, tapestry tool, crochet hook, cable needle/yarn/big safety pins Pattern note: The scarf is double sided, you need a knitting board for this project. Useful Video Links: Stockinette stitch cast on (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF2DdQO-oCQ) Stockinette stitch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gvk1PRxsoQU&feature=relmfu)

Washcloth Holder Patterns

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Page 1: Washcloth Holder Patterns

Braid Scarf

Braid scarf 2The scarf was inspired by a picture I saw on a group. As I sat and looked at it, I realized that I could design it on my knitting loom, and here we are, a pattern just for you.


Knitting loom:

Any small gauge knitting board with at least 20 number of pegs. All-n-One knitting loom with 1cm spacers was used in sample.


200g of worsted weight yarn . Feria Bella Acrylgarn mit Glitzereffekt was used in sample.


Knitting tool, stitch markers, tapestry tool, crochet hook, cable needle/yarn/big safety pins

Pattern note:

The scarf is double sided, you need a knitting board for this project.

Useful Video Links:

Stockinette stitch cast on (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF2DdQO-oCQ)

Stockinette stitch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gvk1PRxsoQU&feature=relmfu)

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Criss Cross stitch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOUsdtAXnFI)

Bind off (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1Z3lCDBsRI


Place stitch marker on the first peg, 6 peg, 11 peg, 16 peg and if you like to on peg 20.If you count the pegs there must be a stitch marker on every 6th peg.

Cast on with stockinette stitch 20pegs. Place anchor yarn.

Knit for 13 rows in criss cross stitch.

Knit 1 row in stokinette stitch.


Each braid is worked over 5 pegs (5 pegs= 5 pegs from the front rail and 5 pegs from the back rail). 4 total braids will be completed.

Braid instructions

WY coming from the 1st peg, *cont in stockinette stitch over 5 pegs.

Next: Cont with stockinette stitch for another 32 rows. Cut yarn, leave a 6 inch yarn tail. *

**Put a slip knot on the next peg with stitch marker on (6th peg). Rep from * to * (The peg with a marker will have 3 loops on, because of the slip knot, you work the first two loops over one, and then you have one loop on every peg again.)

Rep from ** at peg peg 11, peg 16.


Make a slip knot, place the slip knot on peg 1 and work 1 row in stockinette stitch for .

Next: Work in Criss cross stitch for 40 rows (or desired length).

Next: work 1 row in stockinette stitch.

Repeat Braid Instructions

Place every braid string on a stitch holder or yarn scrap or a big safety pin. Be careful not to lose a stitch when braiding.

Braid your strings thru the other strings like on the picture below.

Braid scarf 1

When finish with the braiding part, put every string back on your loom again, make sure you put all 4 strings back with every stitch.

Start with the last part of scarf.

Page 3: Washcloth Holder Patterns

Tie your yarn with the first stitch string, or you can make a slip knot. The other yarn strings from the other braid/strings I did tie it together.

Next: work 1 row in stockinette stitch.

Next: Work 13 rows in Criss cross stitch.

Next: Work 1 row in stockinette stitch.

Bind off with your crochet hook.

Weave all ends in.

Cherry Luo Fingerless Mitts

Page 4: Washcloth Holder Patterns

Fingerless gloves 2Deliciously soft and warm with just the right amount of added texture with sets of cables, the Cherry Luo fingerless mitts is my pair of dream mitts. No fuss of knitting in the round, these mitts are knit as flat panels with horizontal cables that break up the monotony of ribbing, seam them up along the cast on and bind off edge, leaving just a small opening for the thumb and you have yourself a new pair of mitts.


Knitting loom:

41 peg regular gauge knitting loom. Sample was knit using the Long Blue Knifty Knitter Loom.


120 yards of chunky weight yarn. Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky in 17033 color was used in sample.


9 sts x 15 rows = 2 inches in stockinette stitch (blocked)


7 length x 6 circumference inches

Pattern note:Mitts Abbreviations

The fingerless mitts are worked as a flat panel, once the flat panel is knitted, the cast on edge is seamed invisibly to the bind off edge. How to invisibly seam the bound off edges: with the bound-off edges together, lined up stitch to stitch, insert the tapestry needle under a stitch inside the bound off edge of one side and then under the corresponding stitch on the cast on edge/other side.

Instructions for the 4-st LC cable can be found in the Learn to Loom Knit Cables tutorial.


Fingerless mitts 002(Make 2)

CO 41 sts, prepare to knit a flat panel.

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Rows 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 19 and 21: *p1, k4; rep from *, end p1.

Row 2 and all even rows: p1, *k4, p1; rep from * to end.

Rows 3 and 23: *p1, 4-st LC, p1, k4; rep from *, end p1.

Rows 11 and 15: *p1, k4, p1, 4-st LC; rep from *, end p1.

Row 24: Rep row 2.

Rep rows 1-24.

BBO, leaving a 2 yard tail.

Seam: invisibly stitch seam the cast on edge to the bind off edge as follows: seam 1-inch, then leave approx 1-inch opening for the thumb, continue seaming to the end. Once seamed, it should resemble another row of knitted stitches.

Weave ends in. Block lightly.

Dish Towel Holder

got tired of picking up my clean dish towel off the floor . When someone would walk by the the stove the towel would take a nose dive off the handal. So I loomed up its new little friend. no more nose dives.


Knitting loom:

Blue Knifty Knitter Loom

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20 yards of worsted weight yarn. Red heart soft touch white worsted was used in sample.


Crochet hook, knitting tool, tapestry needle

Gauge: gauge is not important for this pattern.

Size: item will measure about 7 inches.

Patten notes: use 2 strands as one. Cast on used: ewap


Towel Holder Abbreviations

CO 24 pegs, prepare to work in the round.

Round 1-3: E-wrap knit. (It will curl).

Bind off 16 sts, 8 sts remain on the loom.

Rows 1-30: Cont working a flat panel on the 8 sts remaing on the loom: E-wrap knit.

BO. Weave ends in. Button hole: simply stretch one of the stitches over where you want the button to show through.

Secure button of choice on inside (on the wrong side) of the flat panel, fold over.

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Hostess Gift: Washcloth & Towel Set


Other: 2 cute small buttons (for towel)

Size: 8 x 8 inches (washcloth); 8 x 10 inches.

Gauge: 9 sts x 14.5 rows= 2 inches in Welted Rib stitch pattern

Stitch Pattern

Welted Rib (multiple of 4 + 2)

Row 1: k2, *k1, p2, k1; rep from *

Row 2: k to the end of the row.



CO=Cast on

BBO=Basic Bind Off


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k=knit stitch (not flat stitch or u-wrap or e-wrap).

p=purl stitch

yo=yarn over (either e-wrap the peg, or take the working yarn in front of the empty peg)


k2tog=knit two stitches together (a decrease)

p2tog=purl two stitches together (a decrease)


CO 40 sts, prepare to knit a flat panel.

Row 1: (Going from left to right). k to the end.

Row 2: p to the end.

Row 3: k to the end.

Row 4: p to the end.

Row 5: k3, Welted Rib to last 3 sts, k3

Row 6: p3, Welted Rib to last 3 sts, p3

Rep Row 5 and Row 6: until item measures 7.5 inches. End on a Row 6.

Cont with instructions for either Washcloth or Towel

Washcloth Only

Next row: k to the end.

Next row: p to the end.

Next row: k to the end.

Next row: p to the end.


Weave ends in. Block lightly.

Towel Only

Next row: p2tog, p to the last 2 sts, p2tog.

Next row: k2tog, k to the last 2 sts, k2tog.

Rep last two rows until 20 sts rem on the loom. Cont in this garter stitch pattern (purl one row, knit the next row) for approx. 2.5 inches. End on the second row.

Next row: p6, yo, p2tog, p to last 8 sts, p2tog, yo, p6.

Next row: k to the end.

Next row: p to the end.

Rep last two rows two more times.


Weave ends in. Block lightly.

Sew to buttons on the opposite side the buttonholes–be sure they line up with the

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PS: if the towel feels a bit stiff at first, it is normal, soak it in some shampoo and it softens right up and the stitches become a bit more uniform.