Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!! Date War/Conflict Issues 1755-1763 British vs. French Over Ohio Valley Lands and Settlement 1775-1783 American Independence 1812-1814 Trading Rights of Neutral Nations and Freedom of the Seas 1846-1848 Land and Border Dispute in Texas and SW US Due to US Expansionism 1861-1865 Slavery, States Rights, Sectionalism 1890 Placing Native Americans on Reservations 1898 Imperialism, Cuba and the Philippines 1917-1918 Trading Rights of Neutral Nations and Freedom of the Seas and “Making the World Safe for Democracy” 1941-1945 Opposing Expansion of Germany, Italy and Japan 1945-1990 Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR 1950-1953 Stopping Spread of Communism into S. Korea 1964-1975 Domino Theory 1991 Oil and Kicking Saddam Hussein’s Iraq Out of Kuwait 2001- present Hijacked jetliner attack on NYC and Washington leads to US invasion of Afghanistan, deposing the Taliban regime 2003- present US invades Iraq and deposes dictator Saddam Hussein because of suspected WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!! · Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the ... Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR 1950-1953 : ... The cartoon, which

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Page 1: Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!! · Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the ... Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR 1950-1953 : ... The cartoon, which

Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!!

Date War/Conflict Issues 1755-1763 British vs. French Over

Ohio Valley Lands and Settlement

1775-1783 American Independence 1812-1814 Trading Rights of Neutral

Nations and Freedom of the Seas

1846-1848 Land and Border Dispute in Texas and SW US Due to US Expansionism

1861-1865 Slavery, States Rights, Sectionalism

1890 Placing Native Americans on Reservations

1898 Imperialism, Cuba and the Philippines

1917-1918 Trading Rights of Neutral Nations and Freedom of the Seas and “Making the World Safe for Democracy”

1941-1945 Opposing Expansion of Germany, Italy and Japan

1945-1990 Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR

1950-1953 Stopping Spread of Communism into S. Korea

1964-1975 Domino Theory 1991 Oil and Kicking Saddam

Hussein’s Iraq Out of Kuwait


Hijacked jetliner attack on NYC and Washington leads to US invasion of Afghanistan, deposing the Taliban regime


US invades Iraq and deposes dictator Saddam Hussein because of suspected WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

Page 2: Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!! · Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the ... Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR 1950-1953 : ... The cartoon, which

Questions: Answer each in 5 sentences, unless otherwise indicated. Use your notes and text to help you.

1. Explain the shift from Manifest Destiny to Imperialism, using examples to illustrate (notes/class discussion)

2. Create a dialogue (min. 6 lines) between Sanford Dole and Queen Lilioukalani in which they express their views on the annexation of Hawaii. (Use p. 342, 344-5 to help you.)

3. Discuss the causes of the Spanish American War. (p. 346-348) 4. Explain how the fate of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines was affected by

the Spanish-American War. (p. 349-355) 5. Create an analogy using “Open Door Policy” and “Spheres of Influence” and

name the relationship you used. Then write 3 sentences explaining your analogy. (p. 356-357)

6. Theodore Roosevelt (TR) is considered by many to be one of our greatest presidents. He is often called a “Progressive” in domestic matters and an “Imperialist” in international matters. Define these two terms, and explain one example of TR as a progressive and another of TR as an imperialist. (10 sentences/2paragraphs). (p.359-362; 317-325; video from class)

7. Create a timeline of 5 key events surrounding the building of the Panama Canal. Be sure to state the importance of the events you chose (p. 360-362)

8. Take the role of President Wilson and write a note to the British explaining why you finally got into the war on the side of the British and French. (p. 378-380)

9. Take one of the following roles: Schenck, US Government, Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes. From the perspective you chose, explain whether or not the First Amendment should allow Schenck to distribute anti-draft leaflets. (class notes, p. 396-397)

10. Create a list of 5 factors leading to the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles. Be sure to explain how each helped cause the Senate to reject the Treaty. (notes, p. 398-402).

11. Create analogy using “Rejection of the Treaty of Versailles” and “Kellogg-Briand Pact” and name the relationship you used. Then write three sentences explaining your analogy

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Imperialism to WWI

Name: ____________________________________


Figure 1

The headlines are an example of

1. the use of journalism as propaganda 3. warnings to belligerent nations2. unbiased news reporting 4. official reports released to the press

2.The Open Door policy of 1899 was originally adopted so that the United States could

1. restrict Chinese immigration 3. gain equal trading rights in China2. stop Japan from colonizing China 4. encourage the development of democracy in China

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Imperialism to WWI


Speaker A: "There was nothing left for us to do but to take the Philippines, to educate theFilipinos, and to uplift, civilize, and Christianize them."

Speaker B: "If we wish to compete with other nations for foreign possessions, we must havenavies and armies like theirs. Happily, the United States has no need to drain itsresources in this way."

Speaker C: "We must insure that a canal across Central America is built. The United Statesneeds an efficient shipping route between the east and west coasts."

Speaker D: "The principles of the Declaration of Independence should guide United Statespolicy toward other nations."

Figure 2

Which foreign policy action is supported by the statement of Speaker A?

1. assuming the "White Man's Burden" 3. implementing collective security2. guaranteeing free trade 4. instituting economic sanctions

4.Involvement in the Spanish-American War, acquisition of Hawaii, and introduction of the Open Door policy inChina were actions taken by the United States Government to

1. establish military alliances with other nations 3. begin the policy of manifest destiny2. gain overseas markets and sources of raw materials 4. support isolationist forces in Congress

5.A goal of President Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick policy and President William Howard Taft's DollarDiplomacy policy toward Latin America was to

1. join Western Hemisphere nations in a military 3. encourage foreign nations to establishalliance colonies

2. protect American economic and political interests 4. raise Latin America's standard of living

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Imperialism to WWI


Figure 3

The primary goal of the United States foreign policy referred to in the cartoon was to

1. build United States factories in the Caribbean 3. provide defense for nations in the Caribbeanregion

2. improve relations with Caribbean nations 4. protect United States interests in the Caribbeanregion

7.Which headline is the best example of "yellow journalism," as practiced in the late 1890's?

1. "Maine Sunk in Havana Harbor" 3. "Maine Split by Enemy's Secret Infernal Machine"2. "Several Sailors die in Main Sinking" 4. "Anti-Imperialists Oppose War with Spain"

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Imperialism to WWI

8.Between the 1890s and the start of World War I, the United States expanded its access to overseas marketsand raw materials through the policy of

1. containment 3. isolationism2. imperialism 4. neutrality

9.In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, United States intervention in Latin America was motivated mainly bythe United States desire to

1. suppress Latin American movements for national 3. ensure the safety of its growing investments inindependence the area

2. reduce the influence of communism 4. counteract Spain's economic domination ofthe area


[Refer to figure 2 in question 3]

The discussion concerns United States foreign policy. When did this discussion most likely take place?

1. during the American Revolution 3. just after the Spanish-American War2. during the Civil War 4. just after the announcement of the Good Neighbor policy

11.Which belief was the basis of President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere?

1. The United States can intervene in the Western 3. The Monroe Doctrine has outlived itsHemisphere to protect political stability and American usefulness and should be ignored.interests.

2. Each nation in the Western Hemisphere is entitled to 4. European nations should be allowed tofull respect for its sovereign rights. protect their interests in the Western


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Imperialism to WWI

12."But today we are raising more than we can consume. Today we are making more than we can use.Today our industrial society is congested; there are more workers than there is work; there is morecapital than there is investment. We do not need more money - we need more circulation, moreemployment. Therefore, we must find new markets for our produce, new occupation for our capital,new work for our labor. . . ."-- Senator Albert J. Beveridge, 1898

This statement provides a reason why political leaders of the late 1800s adopted the policy of

1. imperialism 3. protectionism2. isolationism 4. collective security

13.United States foreign policies toward Latin America during the early 20th century resulted in

1. a lasting resentment and distrust of the United 3. a period of little economic involvement with theStates United States

2. long periods of economic prosperity in most 4. the establishment of stable democratic governmentsLatin American nations in Latin American nations

14.One major result of the Spanish-American War was that the United States

1. established many foreign-aid 3. abandoned the principles of the Monroe Doctrineprograms

2. obtained overseas colonies 4. settled disputes by relying on international peaceorganizations

15.The principle that the United States has the right to act as the "policeman of the Western Hemisphere" andintervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations was established by the

1. Good Neighbor policy 3. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine2. Open Door policy 4. Marshall Plan

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Imperialism to WWI


Figure 4

The graph supports the idea that the United States entered World War I to

1. limit the spread of communism in Europe 3. stop attacks on its warships2. protect its economic interests 4. punish Germany for war crimes

17.The main objective of President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points was to

1. establish a military alliance with European nations 3. provide for a just and lasting peace2. punish Germany for causing World War I 4. encourage open immigration in industrial nations

18.The "clear and present danger" principle stated in the Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States upheld theidea that

1. consitutional freedoms can be limited 3. government powers cannot expand during nationalemergencies

2. foreign affairs do not justify civil rights 4. the rights of the accused should not be endangered torestrictions facilitate police work

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Imperialism to WWI

19.One goal for a lasting peace that President Woodrow Wilson included in his Fourteen Points was

1. establishing a League of Nations 3. returning the United States to a policy ofisolationism

2. maintaining a permanent military force in 4. blaming Germany for causing World War IEurope

20.Which situation was the immediate cause of the United States entry into World War I in 1917?

1. The League of Nations requested help. 3. Nazi tyranny threatened Western democracy.2. The Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor. 4. German submarines sank United States merchant ships.

21."The seeds of World War II were sown earlier in the 20th century."

Which statement does this quotation most strongly support?

1. United States involvement in Europe after World War I 3. The European democracies encouragedcreated an atmosphere of mistrust. Adolf Hitler to rearm Germany.

2. The United States was not successful in stopping 4. The World War I peace settlement createdSoviet expansion by peaceful means. bitterness and resentment.

22.At the beginning of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson continued the traditional foreign policy of theUnited States by

1. asking Congress to declare war against Germany 3. adopting a policy of neutrality2. refusing to allow trade with either side 4. sending troops to aid Britain and France

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Imperialism to WWI


Figure 5

The cartoon, which reflects the period from 1898 to 1900, suggests the United States was primarily interestedin

1. increasing its empire 3. establishing democracies in other countries2. improving living standards 4. forming a world peace organization

24.A major reason for the United States decision to build the Panama Canal was the

1. success of the Erie Canal 3. need to prevent Mexico from retaking California and Texas2. discovery of silver in Nevada 4. desire to increase foreign trade and military security

25.Why did the Senate reject the Versailles Treaty (1919)?

1. to keep the United States free from foreign 3. to avoid the dues for membership in theentanglements League of Nations

2. to express opposition to the harsh sanctions imposed 4. to reduce United States military forces inon Germany Europe

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Page 11: Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!! · Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the ... Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR 1950-1953 : ... The cartoon, which

From “Manifest Destiny” to “Imperialism”

Manifest Destiny is to ___________ as Imperialism is to ___________.

Relationship: takeovers

Manifest Destiny

Belief that US is “fated” to expand from “_____________________________________”

Map of US expansion (Reference Atlas A28-29):Describe 3 major steps used by the US to

achieve Manifest Destiny


When one power (i.e. a nation) economically or politically controls another region

Examples:? ________________________________________________________

US becomes imperialist after achieving Manifest Destiny.

Reasons? 4 “M’s”

_______________________________ – sell US goods

_______________________________ – cheap raw materials

_______________________________– to Christianize and show benefits of the American way

(i.e. “democracy”)

_______________________________ – bases and refueling stations


Early 1800s – American missionaries settle, start ________________________________

1887 – US builds _________________________________________________________

1890 – McKinley Tariff _______________________________________ from Hawaii

1891- American planters overthrow the _______________________________________,

Queen Liliuokalani, and set up government under Sanford B. Dole

1898 -- US government ____________________________________________ Hawaii

Write analogies: Manifest Destiny and Imperialism

Possible relationships: areas conquered, peoples taken over, motives, impact on US size, etc.

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Spanish-American War

Yellow Journalism • Articles written ________________. Stresses _____________________ over


• Catchy or sensational ____________________

• “Incredible” __________________

• Text that appeals to ________________ rather than _________________

According to the headline (right), what happened?

Name the aspects of yellow journalism that are evident here

Spanish American War: Watch the video to list the following:



Page 13: Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!! · Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the ... Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR 1950-1953 : ... The cartoon, which

Begin an article written in the style of a yellow journalist. Include: A) Headline and sub-headlines OR B) A sketch for a political cartoon and comment

TOPICS: Reconcentration under General Weyler DeLome Letter Rough Riders Battle of San Juan Hill (Cuba) Battle of Manilla Bay (Philippines)

Sources: Use the film and p. 346-351. Put your work in the space below:

New York World

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SS 11 US Imperialism in Asia and Latin American Name: ____________________ Nation US Policy toward that Nation Reasons for Policy Results of the Policy

(positives and negatives) Puerto Rico p 352-353

Cuba p. 353-355

Philippines p 355

China p. 356-357

Mexico p. 363-365

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SS 11 Name: _____________________

1. What were Theodore Roosevelt’s nicknames? 2. What illness did Theodore Roosevelt have as a child?

3. Tell what hobby interested young TR?

4. What was the name of TR’s first wife?

5. Where did TR go to college?

6. What party did TR belong to?

7. Describe TR’s double tragedy on February 14, 1884.

8. Where did TR go after his wife died? 9. The name of his second wife was _____________________________________. 10. Civil Service Reform meant that political appointments were made by ________________ not based on_________________________________________. 11. Roosevelt was appointed Assistant Secretary of the __________after his job as

NYC Police Commissioner. 12. The sinking of the _______________ was a cause of the Spanish-American War. 13. Roosevelt resigned as Assistant Secretary to become the leader of an army troop called the ___________________. 14. The Battle of _________________ was the troop’s greatest success, and made

Roosevelt into a hero. 15. Roosevelt next became governor of __________________________________. 16. To get rid of him, the Republicans “kicked him upstairs” to the office of

______________________(Vice President) 17. In September 1901, TR became President when __________________________. 18. Did TR increase or decrease the power of the presidency? 19. TR was called ___________________________________because he regulated

monopolies. 20. TR saw the US as the policeman of the western hemisphere, and said to speak softly and use a “_____________________________” to promote US interests. 21. A good example of this policy was TR’s military intervention’s to make the ___________________________________ connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, possible.

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SS 11 Name: _____________________

22. What was the name of Roosevelt’s policy to serve the interests of the people, including helping the poor, conservation, and trustbusting?

23. As a conservationist, TR ___________________ the number of National Parks.

24. TR won the _____________________________ for helping achieve an end to

the Russo-Japanese War. 25. To impress the world with US military power, and technology, especially in the Pacific, TR sent the _________________ steaming around the world. 26. What did TR promise after being reelected in 1904?

27. TR went to _____________ on Safari after ending the Presidency in 1908. 28. What resulted from TR’s refusal to shoot the bear in Mississippi?

29. The party that TR represented in the 1912 election was the ______________________ or __________________________party. 30. TR was ______________ while campaigning, but gave the speech he was to give

anyway. 31. TR’s last great adventure was an expedition to find the source of the River of Doubt in ________________________ 32. TR’s home on Long Island was called __________________________________. 33. TR died in 19___ .

34. TR said it is not the critic who counts, but to the man in the _______________,

who may fail, but at least fails daring greatness. The place of such a man will never be with those timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.

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SS 11 Panama Canal Activities

A trip along the canal from its Atlantic entrance would take you through a 7 mile dredged channel in Limón Bay. The canal then proceeds for a distance of 11.5 miles to the Gatun Locks. This series of three locks raise ships to Gatun Lake. It continues south through a channel in Gatun Lake for 32 miles to Gamboa, where the Culebra Cut begins. This channel through the cut is 8 miles long and 150 metres wide. At the end of this cut are the locks at Pedro Miguel. The Pedro Miguel locks lower ships 9.4 metres to a lake which then takes you to the Miraflores Locks which lower ships 16 metres to sea level at the canals Pacific terminus in the bay of Panama. Math Questions:

1. Use the information above to figure out how many miles long the trip through the canal is. 2. If locks raise ships the same number of meters as they lower them in the end, how many meters

above sea level do the series of three locks raise ships to get them to Gatun Lake? Geography/Visualization Questions: Draw a diagram depicting the route, including the distance, elevation and names of each section of the canal.

Medical researchers at around this time were becoming more receptive to the idea of a relationship between mosquitoes and malaria and yellow fever. Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay, as early as 1881, had become convinced that yellow fever was transmitted by a specific mosquito vector, the Stegomyia fasciata (later to be named the Aedes aegypti). The only problem was that he couldn’t prove what appeared to most at the time to be a totally far-fetched theory. However, others would take their lead from Finlay. Dr. Henry Rose Carter doing research in Mississippi discovered “extrinsic incubation,” the fact that a specific period of time was involved in the person to person transmittal of the disease. However, the great yellow fever discoveries in Cuba in 1900 were the work of Dr. Walter Reed, who happened at the time to be Gorgas’ commanding officer, who proved that Stegomyia fasciata was the carrier, debunking all previous theories, including the belief that "fomites," the term used for the soiled clothes or bedding of yellow fever victims, could spread the disease. Gorgas, himself a yellow fever survivor and thus immune to the disease, was a particularly valuable member of the medical team. Still skeptical, however, he suggested to Reed that, to prove the theory once and for all, Havana needed to be rid of the Stegomyia fasciata and the results observed. Gorgas, with Reed’s approval, began the work in February of 1901. Results showed a dramatic reduction in yellow fever cases – from 1,400 known cases in 1900, to only 37 cases in 1901; none of them after October. The eradication procedures didn’t just kill off the Stegomyia fasciata, but reduced the Anopheles population as well, thus decreasing malaria cases by more than half. These same techniques were what Gorgas brought with him to Panama in 1904.

The breeding habits of the Stegomyia, which leads them to flourish in and around human habitations, made them much easier to kill than the malaria-carrying Anopheles, which are found everywhere – jungles as well as back yards, making them very difficult to control. Besides, as Gorgas continually stressed, malaria was far more dangerous than yellow fever, accounting for the largest loss of life.

For Gorgas, it was urgent to get a jump on mosquito eradication before workers arrived and became infected with yellow fever and malaria. Reducing and eradicating the swarms of mosquitoes was a huge task. But some information about the general habits of mosquitoes was known. Further knowing that the Anopheles mosquito cannot fly far without lighting on some sort of vegetation gave additional information to those involved in eradication efforts.

Biology Questions:

1. What steps would you take to eradicate yellow fever? 2. What steps would you take to eradicate malaria?

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SS 11 Panama Canal Activities

Political Cartoon Questions: 1. List the words, figures and symbols represented in the cartoon. 2. What is happening in the cartoon? 3. What historical aspects of the building of the Canal are being satirized here?

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WW I Begins

Four MAIN causes p 373

• Militarism ______________________________________________

• Alliances ______________________________________________

• Imperialism ______________________________________________

• Nationalism ______________________________________________

Spark: ___________________________________________________________

Sides: Triple Alliance: ______________________________________________

Triple Entente: ______________________________________________

Document: State the author, audience and purpose of the message. Then place yourself in the role of an advisor to President Wilson. Wilson has just won re-election based largely on his slogan “He kept us out of war.” What advice would you give Wilson concerning this policy of isolationism? The Zimmerman Note to the German Minister to Mexico Berlin, January 19, 1917 On the first of February we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted. In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavor to keep neutral the United States of America. If this attempt is not successful, we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and together make peace. We shall give general financial support, and it is understood that Mexico is to re-conquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details are left to you for settlement.... You are instructed to inform the President of Mexico of the above in the greatest confidence as soon as it is certain that there will be an outbreak of war with the United States and suggest that the President of Mexico, on his own initiative, should communicate with Japan suggesting adherence at once to this plan; at the same time, offer to mediate between Germany and Japan. Please call to the attention of the President of Mexico that the employment of ruthless submarine warfare now promises to compel England to make peace in a few months. Zimmerman (Secretary of State)

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Put work for Zimmermann Note task here:

Aspects of WWI: Write a summary/descriptive sentence War in Europe – p. 375 – interactive Trench Warfare – p. 377 – interactive New Weapons – p. 383-384 What did the picture below have to do with US involvement in the War?

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Fear of Treason (video): Identify/Explain the following: Selective Service Act ______________________________________________

Sedition Act ______________________________________________

Espionage Act ______________________________________________

Schenck v. United States ______________________________________________

Affects on society:

Immigrants ______________________________________________

African Americans ______________________________________________

Women ______________________________________________

16 May, 1918 The U.S. Sedition Act

United States, Statutes at Large, Washington, D.C., 1918, Vol. XL, pp 553 ff. A portion of the amendment to Section 3 of the Espionage Act of June 15, 1917. The act was subsequently repealed in 1921.

SECTION 3. Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully make or convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States, or to promote the success of its enemies, or shall willfully make or convey false reports, or false statements, . . . or incite insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States, or shall willfully obstruct . . . the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, or . . . shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States, or the Constitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States . . . or shall willfully display the flag of any foreign enemy, or shall willfully . . . urge, incite, or advocate any curtailment of production . . . or advocate, teach, defend, or suggest the doing of any of the acts or things in this section enumerated and whoever shall by word or act support or favor the cause of any country with which the United States is at war or by word or act oppose the cause of the United States therein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both....

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Schenck v. United States: p. 396-397

Schenck Facts of the case: Constitutional Question: Amendments/Articles: Other cases: Argument:

US Facts of the case: Constitutional Question: Amendments/Articles: Other cases: Argument:

Judicial Decision: Class – include a ruling and reasoning: Judicial Decision: Historical: Famous phrase and interpretation:

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WW I ends

I. End of fighting

April 1917 -- US enters war to “__________________________________


Mid 1918 -- Allies push back ________________________

November 1918 -_________________________ in Germany -- republic declared

II. _____________________________________________

“Big Four” nations: _____________________________________________________


–Wilson’s plan for a “________________________________________” so that WWI would be the


–End_______________________________, and promote free trade, _____________

__________________________________________, & . . .

_____________________________________________________!!! – so nations could resolve

disputes peacefully

III. _______________________________________________ of 14 Points

In Europe

–France and Britain want to ______________________________________________

–France wanted to ______________________________________________________

US opposes

–treaty provisions punishing ___________________________________________


Rejection in the US because of League of Nations

________________________________________ --

WW I was horrible and senseless (30 mil casualties)

feared League of Nations would ________________________________________

feared loss of ______________________________________________________

How does this reflect: Checks and Balances, Separation of Powers, Isolationism

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SS 11 WWI/Treaty of Versailles TicTacToe Name: _________________

Tell what “separation of powers” is, and what power each branch of government has in treaty making

Take on the role of the imperialist British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George. Write a slogan to express your feeling about Wilson’s 14 Points

Name 3 ideas that Woodrow Wilson promoted in the Fourteen Point Peace Plan. Tell what problem each was designed to solve.

For each of the MAIN causes of WWI, select one area of the 14 Points and explain how it was supposed to solve that problem

Create a slogan or poster sketch designed to gain support for the League of Nations. Your audience is the Reservationist group in the Senate.

You are Wilson’s new political advisor. What should Woodrow Wilson have done differently to get the Treaty of Versailles approved by the Senate? Make a list of strategies.

Summarize the definition of “isolationism” in your own words and describe an example

Explain how the failure of the Treaty of Versailles impacted events of the 1930s and 1940s

Summarize the definition of “checks and balances” in your own words and explain why the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles is an example of checks and balances

Versailles Tic-Tac-Toe Do three in a row or the four corners!

Page 26: Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!! · Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the ... Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR 1950-1953 : ... The cartoon, which

SS 11 Review Sheet: Imperialism Name: ________________ Wars Timeline: Study wars quiz sheet for matching style wars quiz Vocabulary: Study words from Units1-4 (first page of packet) for matching vocabulary) Multiple Choice Question Preparation: Define and give an example: Yellow Journalism


Big Stick Policy

White Man’s Burden



Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Monroe Doctrine

Manifest Destiny

Causes of WWI

Checks and Balances

Page 27: Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the Wars/Conflicts!! · Wars Quiz: Study the Issues as well as the ... Capitalism vs. Communism USA vs. USSR 1950-1953 : ... The cartoon, which

Describe and tell why it was created or why it happened: Open Door Policy

Fourteen Point Plan

Panama Canal

Rejection of the Treaty of Versailles

Essay Preparation: MAKE AN OUTLINE INCLUDING FACTS EXAMPLES AND DETAILS! In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the US began to get involved in other or countries. Choose 2 examples and for each

*explain the reasons for US involvement *Discuss the results of the US actions, both in the USA and in the other

country/region. Choose two of the following examples as you write your essay:

Hawaii Cuba Philippines Mexico

Panama/Colombia China Europe (WWI)