Warm Up 1. Turn in your “Carbon Footprint Quiz” 2. Take out your “Vanishing Resources” worksheet and have it out on your desk. 3. How do fossil fuels form? 4. What two elements are they made of? Time’s Up!

Warm Up 1. Turn in your “Carbon Footprint Quiz” 2. Take out your “Vanishing Resources” worksheet and have it out on your desk. 3. How do fossil fuels

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Natural Resources

Warm UpTurn in your Carbon Footprint QuizTake out your Vanishing Resources worksheet and have it out on your desk.How do fossil fuels form? What two elements are they made of?

Times Up!Vanishing Resources DiscussionPatterns in data?Why did fossil fuels spike and then drop down very low?Why did solar power grow at the end?Did anyone run out of white beans or black beans in the last round?What does running out of black beans represent? Will this happen in real life at some point?What does running out of white beans represent?What could we do to add more white beans in the future?Fossil Fuels, Mining, and FrackingCoalFossil fuelDirtiest burnerFormed in former bogDecaying plant/ animal materialAcidicPressure and time

Where and How?MiningDeep: Dangerous, health hazard (black lung)Strip: Extreme environmental impactRefinementTransportation: TrainMostly U.S.Used forElectricity

CoalAdvantagesDisadvantagesPetroleumFossil FuelMarine organismsBrown/black thick liquidExtractionDrillingFrackingRefined distillationHeated to a gasCooled to various liquids or gassesMake many different things

Images: http://www.xtremepapers.com/revision/gcse/chemistry/lab_skills_and_separating_methods.php, http://www.ppa.sk/?p=1277Petroleum Where?

Images: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/07/dependence-on-middle-eastern-oil-now-its-chinas-problem-too/259947/, http://www.geologycafe.com/images/basins_oil_gas.jpg8

PetroleumAdvantages (Pros)Disadvantages (Cons)Natural GasLighter component of petroleum. MethaneOdorless gasBurns cleaner than other fossil fuelsUsesHeating homes/waterCookingTransportation

Combustion DemoFrackingUse existing wellDrills horizontallyPumps inWaterSandChemicalsHigh pressureBreaks open rocksReleases trapped oil and gasSand holds open cracksChemicals aids processProducts pumped out

Image: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/05/27/1212010/-A-map-of-every-fracking-well-in-the-US-and-the-list-of-many-of-its-chemicals#13Fracking Where?

Images: http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-9/issue-07/features/an-oil-revolution-is-taking-place.html, http://www.fracfocusdata.org/DisclosureSearch/MapSearch.aspx14Homework!!Find at least TWO articles about pros and/or cons of fracking from the library search databases. Find them!Print them! (or take notes on them if you dont have a printer)Bring them with you to class on Tuesday/Wednesday!!