liS 11"- :1cl: tn- ,nlf Ii" J OLAND I: and 1\, S, Peter; lrod : : he Dept of \;, Included the "r ducks and d al,o Ihe lr diUcrcnl and a club membtn .. s deputy ZIIIIr \lh much SUetfll. ('oncrl'lion BI) ,priu.! for III the lariel! :. the three l&rJftI half dozen n the lIay 25th :\"111 be clh ': Eric ,bern on .he judges will OSltln·. ew luxuries is all mike lure !.luI hne 10 ;il'e up Tt'311y is the t Life Insul'lnCt fimily. 9 11 PiY Pum pf'1)l'Idl net. MoIMII" 111 ST. JC)IIN1 on the ., - y not be .r in yo"r for many SIDELINE. Holi.'" f Sf E HN'S , 'I',,: t., Wanted Immedia,tely ED CARS AND PICK·UP TRUCKS US 1953's 1954's, .1955's, 1956's 1952's, ' ARE WANTED. T'HE DAILY NEWS / r " Terra Nova Motors Ltd. , . Vol, 66. No. 109 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, MAY 18, 19.59 (Pric:el 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons , ' Berlin Talks: \CELLon of University, Viscount Rothcnnere, opens the Tenth Annual Convocation of 'It St. P"tric1<'s Auditorium on Saturday. To his immediate left is His Honour, the Honour- I II I \hL'llhcrson Lieutcnant Go\'emor ,of Newroundland, and to his right is Dr. Raymond Gushue, C31r,p If "," , "I the Nova Photo Service. Cairo Press Suggests assem And· Reds Split Hit And ROn Victim Is Dead Allen ,J<'aushell of 43 By ARTHUR GAVSHOS GENEVA lAP) - Western dip· lomats said Sunday night they may have to negotiate I separ· ate stopgap Berlin settlement with Russia after full debate of rival East· West' German peace plans. ' Word of the new Western posi· tion came after In American del, egation spokesma:1 call e d for thorough discus.sioJI In the Big Four foreign ministers meeting of the West's package plan, This en' visages B phased program toward settlement of the future of BerUn and Germany and the buildup 01 a European security system, Soviet Foreign 1H:llster Andrei e 0 la e emen Gromyko offered Friday a five, to be negotiated for Berlin-but Therefore, they haVe decided te month-old Soviet draft peace pact only as part of a general pack· invoke a decision, reached lee ,as the basis of his country's pol· age seltlement of tile over - all relly in Paris in April by the for, icy for a German settlement. Sov· German and European security eign ministers of the Unitetl iet Premier Nikita Khrushchev problems, States, Britain, France and Weal has criticized the Western pack· to seek some sort .. age approach, but some But a.1d British dip'I' separate stopgap Berlin parts-not specified-llf the pack· 10malE reported privately Sunday ment with the Russians. age are worth talking about. night that the Western foreign I The Big Four ministers !lanked mini.sters see no chance of Rny, by their East and West Germa, INTERIM STATU!! .. early settlement of the German II advi,'ers. resume their conlerenei As tnings now stand the West I problem 0:1 the basis either of the today after a break has allowed for an I ,terim status: Western or Soviet proposals, ' with Gromyko in the chair. Khrushchev Says West Proposals Impossible Newtown Road died at the General Hospital at one o'clock yesterday morning, His death was due to in, 1.IIII,!Ii\ 11'\' l'ulllllluni,t, ann Both: lis machincry so that it ju'rics received when he \r -I lOr ,'_II" I'll'" P,IJH'I'S slrc"sed Kassem I' c.o;l , might go underground in, I bid was hlt and knocked down Bleachers Collapse Bv ,'I:o.'CE:o.'T BUIST ,pecch I\a, nCloted to criticizing I the contrary, lI'e !II (Relllcl's-Prcmicr the fnl1l"stage We,lcrn plan PI'C' i to seek aCCCpIIJ I ), ·v.,1 10',01 cp,'" 10 Communits demand for to wrcst power by force," by a hit'Hnd,run driver on ,,..(en' 1'11,11:' Illnl,If'I' participation in the cabinet and The paper said the Commu· the Topsail Road on Mal' . .... ( Khrusi1cl,lcv hilS inl'ited the West' ;cn\ed at tile Big Four foreign I at the conference table, \ E [fA, AP ,n e, to untie Its deal for Grr, ministers' talks in Geneva Thurs· i "But it is neces.lary Lo ni:rl h,,,pnl Ihr I [OJ' the l'l',llinptioll of legitimate ni,l.; Jln,blic insistence on "r I political party activity. the, cabinet had had a sharp 3, Faushcll was reportrll ,:'f I r,l "I'e 11\ 1110 III"., Gil lINllEnliR.oUND,' "', and had p\lbllc as to Ihe city [,:1,1"',, il;'\r r\':, '\khbar \ om the Iraqi, opinion police in the early mom timaten 300 prr10n, were hurled I man reunificatioJ and "consider day, ! the qllestions separately and nel to the ground Sunday when a sec' I thr separately" He reileraten to tie them together lnto onl tion of bleachcl's collapsed at the i The plan as it slands is "im': Andrei Gromyko's state· knot, to Oil Mayetta Rodeo, ! possible," he said Saturday, I Friday that the plan 10ught is beinR done lJy the Western , rm Ilill l\a,'.IL'111 t after i Al Ahram said the m ing of :'!ay 3 when he fail, ::::1cd I,.om [0111:1111·1 Commllnlsts had declI\:.' Iraq at the \185 not at cd to return home. He Rich Clarkson, Tnpeka Daily! addrcssed a Krpm,1 all so.1ution, powers,", ' C 't I h tographer reported lin [or an hour after \\ORTH\ . KhrushchcI ur;:ed "re 1"1 '0': tile lu' trated in theil' bid to over all The paper was walklng west on thc , :,\ Icrdcd 10 lI'r'lc of! Iraq throuch open political prc.o;· went on to list signs of frlctlo:! Topsail highway when the that :xi to 100 per· reccivin;: the Lenin Peace Prize, 'But he added: "The proposa!s power, to lcave reUnification to were injured about 15 ser' He looked bappy and fit as eight of the Western powers contam the Germans themselves '!l co:nplclrh sure, between the and the accident occurred, Found , ::. pap r r ,\ "The who only Kas.sem government. Al Ahralll ' speaker, praised his efforts for certain que .I t ions which arc work instead for a peace treaty 10US y, 1I'0rld peace, [worthy o[ discussion and against signed by the two Gcrma:: ;ov- KlS'C:n w"s a card, la,t week were gettlng ready to pointed to Kassem's relusal to by ,RCM,P he W<u con· "t hil11\clf, take part In Iraq's government, legallze polltlcal parties despite veyed to the General Hos· There were. no immedi ate reo A large portion of the premier's which we shall not object. ernments, Cai,o', 111'0 most are suddenly becoming panicky," Communlst demands hIs I'e· pltal, and was a patient , i1"pm, AI Akhbar El Yom declared. "The fusal to admit Communists to the there up until the time of Ambulances took the more ser·' ports 01 fatalitles, oj Ak:lb,lr EI Yom, I' party suddenly reo cabinet, even though one of his hi! death. iously hurt to hospitals at Topeka, 1:1:: repon" o[ I ceil'ed instructions last week that own ministers had demanded L.. _________ --' i Holto:! and Forbes air lorce base, Red Tune Changipg In Nuclear Talks :mion bel',\ rrn the it should immediately reorganlze I thll, oned On Heart Seizure )1:" ',\1' - 'tprs Sunday the cerebral hemor· , rhage wa, "caused by high blood I pressure on by extreme I :0',1)'1>:1"1 II illl il :ICI'lOUSness and leru;ion," The i 0 :('.1 liollrs' doctnr added that questioning i l"<rra: 'Rill 0:,,, III In,' eOllld have hecn a factor. lic slIpposedly ques· linnI'd Smith en n e r nillg his II'hel'cJhollts at the lime a band 'nf hllnd.:ci mrn hrokr inlo the 'Prarl niler ('OU;lty at Pop. hl'litlc s::d the 'old ParKcr to a waiting car and , dL'nti1 1:1 Pearl Rivr.r, , 1::' :::':l:'II': 111 thl' Parker, a Lllmberton. MI.I!" ': :,'\n iI\'(lIl:hcasl ' trllck driver was BwaitinR trial , , : on charges of raping a pregnant· ;:,).:(", :r Ij [I'por" white woman, Weather Mainly sunny, Hight today 55, TEMPERAruRES st, John' ....... S3 Sydney ........ 31 Halifax ........ 37 Mon treal .. .. .. Ottawa 55 Quebee ........ 49 4fl 52 M 114 79 B! Fear New Violence In Britain LONDON (Reutersl-A slaying on the Irlnges of London's down· '(P, - (/::chcc court districts, all Identical. The Ap at·the-heels Notting Hill district S':;,cay lIr.ilninlO11sly peals Court decision Saturday raIsed fears Sunday 'of renewed I.l a"'eal hy Premier rna)' possibly have a bearlng on mob vlolence between Negroes frJ1.1'S·" his them, a:ld whites In the district. Motion A,ccepted ,Blames' 'Leftists' For "Slanted" Programln.e GENEVA - ,ge,t ,around over, ad· I o[ an _ on ces.sation offrcials Saturoay were closely mlttmg foreign Inspeclion teams, r or all klOds o[ tests, e x ami n ing Soviet Premier Russia previously has balked at I Eisenhower sent a Khrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May 5 and President Eisenhower and Prime teams,' and held out for velo I wrote to the Russian Minister Macmlllan on moves to power on the commission I leader May 6, ban nuclear test explosions, I which the treaty would establish'l Both are understood to have " h dr· d Observel's said Khrushche\' ap· I llrged Khrushchev 10 accept the (CP-Hon, Paullll'ere, a speec e I\Cre an d 10 b d i-l" cautiously to.' KIll'l1shehCI' said: United States' plan for a step·by- Que,beC minister of n;un· I : the position in reached on this question w0l11d i step trc,aty halting nuclear test, Iclpal mght I 51' f 'd I fl: t P I t, I agreein" that scientists should pave Ihe lI'ay [01' the concluslOn I and poliCing the ban, blamed "leftl.'it elements' for a conI en lon, C IS e .' . ' , . telel'ision program on Mother I hal'c infiltrated telelision, He' amIDe new da,ta on le,st control at: U S Willi M ' - M g r't d'Youvilie contmued: I altltudcs abolc 30 miles, i ling To Negotiate h a,rlhe h maJ'or con it pure coineicJence or.' But hi' letters, published Satur·: I W IC a,s s Irr , . . ' I dav m"h:, made no direct trol'ers), m Quebec provl:1cc, rather the mfille,lce of thiS small I " I 11'.t ' t f I DF'iVFn (\p) - P!'csilient MIT ALL SWEET , . ' 't t'"· th t d I tlOIl of llc es el'll rl'<1l1CS or· " . elemc,nts In the province agl a In b gloup 'h a prfo uclesl,sr o : rxaminalion of new [,isenholl'er notified Premier Eut Hagerty added that part! he,58ld, are usmg ,every meands to !l'any Plrogrlams \\' tamd I,y til e : ericnn dal a on detection of Kh1'llsl1('hcv tllat the U nit e d of Khrushchev's latest note wert about the trJllmph of 8 oc' IS ncar y a ways presen c In Ie i . munrl nuclear biasls, II Slates is willing to disClL,S 8 ball "not all re.lponsil'e" to trine that could. leart to com· form of ql1rrels, bel wee:! the par, g Th '10' thr nl1cle"r po\\" on hi;:h·altitude nuclear wearon, !lOwer s Apnl message, suggest' munlsm and the children or hetwec1 e us, d t B 'I ' : tests bevond the 30,mile ing an immediate ban on nudea! . the husband wife? These pr,1 - I nlte a tCSd' t rih,alln" Ih'e 'u S 'proposed '" r weapons te,<;ts conducted mort t kid' 'd ll' and Ru:;sla-sre exnec e 0 0 u I "., , , The May 3 eBC program con, scenes h a eln n blVlt ubes can ap' further informal lalks to discuss I A note the president St'Ilt tn: than 30 miles m atmosphere, N!rned the eariy life of Mother pear arm ess u, leve me, , h' I t Ik I Khl'llShdlPV Ma)" S . was made Else!1hower menhoned no new d'Youvllle, 10u!1der of the Grey on the sllch program" tec mca a s on I ruiJlic Saturday Hfter Mosco\\' I in telling the Set Nuns order, Quebec French·lan' tend to tJ:e authority t ese pro ems, I Radio had announced that Russia I'iet leader that the US, nO\\1 if guage viewer! have protested [of parents, Is thelr mfluence so In his letter said,! is ready to talk over snch a high willing to talk about a higher II· that the program Immoral. 1 great that In every for"!'1 put on there was "hardly any need" for altitude ban, titude ban, The CBC has apologized to the the air by the 0l C left,'st technical discussions of what crit· Moscow said Khrushchev lent Setllement on ,new ceilin. Grey for the program, are always l:1 maJority, eria should govern Ihe dispatch o[ notes Friday to Eisenhower was left to at til, shown the same day that Cana' It Is evlde,nt that We can at, inspection teams to sites of sus' Minister Macmillan ex' Geneva conference on that mat, dlan·born Mother d'Youvllle was to thiS !a'!1 e group !If pected nuclear explosions - a::· pressing willingness to discliss I ler, beatified In St. BaslllcR leftISts the dlsgustmg program other point pressed by the West. halting extremely high tests, ! In his letter earlier this month, In Rome. presented t ele v I s Ion May The Soviet leader urged accept· The president' who ,the' the president said the .u,S Is pre- Mr, Dozoll, whose statements last •• , . ance of a plan which would lay weekend here-authorized Press pared to explore RUSSIa's formal 1(· de'" , , \' ",.1 III connecllon A gang of white youth! !tabbed B Sh lei: i.e Dc· a West Indian Negor In a street- ears ot , dal\ ne',\'pilper, corner brawl late Saturday !lIght. Boats Collide down how many times a year Secretary James C, Hagerty to proposal for agreement on carry· mobile inspection teams could .. say the new Khrushchev me.lsage ing out a predetermined ter the territory of the three nu· "apparently seems to indicate number of to enfo.rc. clear powers to exami!1e suspect I some readiness on the part of a test ban. Th!s was first SItes, Pre m i e r Khrushchev to ne· proposed by Prune Minister Mar , )U;;IfPnI rClw<cd Woman Dl·eS The Negro, 32 • year - old Kelso ak Off J 01 SUPI',ior [nul'! in Cochrane of Antigua, died In I To M e apan 11m lair 111.,\ ,I'car hospital early,sunday. II. l prc'l11ier's DurlOng Graha'm Nottlng Hili was the of N H NUSHlRO, ,Japan lAP) - An , ' elashes last Summer between ew ats M·ton fishlng boat collided with :\ P'od Couc :, ordrl'rrl I.e whites and some of the many its 71!14-ton mother ship in dense I ,',It C d West Indians who I fog' off Kushiro Saturday a.,d , ,'"c.,n c ,: I, ria)'" I rusa e ' Into the area as lmmlgrants smcc ,ICP) - Th;ee small I sank, Fifteen 01 Ihose rescued but , ' , a,,'OIl :0" >I ')(IO! . the end of the war, ' i bears, welghmg about,100 pounds f' "d 0, , 0: \OF ' ,'I I, , . I each, wel'e shot Saturday during II'e are miss 109 sn, presume II I.', nC',I,'," t . I "LMDI:;, ,\II;tl aha Detecllves II'CI'e huntl:l" Sunda;'t tI fir t day of the Northern on'IIOSl. The mother ship was not j I \\on;an eoUal,ps t edBlal,nd GdlCdh for the men who killed to sUllply damaged, ,':l, 'I, " ' I cvange IS ,v ra am S One policcman adm'tt " ,' _____ _ I)" ,01 01 .('01 ,,'S' I L'l'usade Sllnday Her I h J ell we ham Palace Guards With new I ;, Q'ch· \' ' I , ., al'e not made much headway," h t , • . I ( ,oIl'.Iral hoil\' was ql1leLiI' carried oul' "W' h kl' , a s, : (. "I'h ' - e arc e ec ns on varIOus o:hf,' ,'1'1" " I :om t Ie t IO!1g of 10,000 rCllort! of the The first bear was shot by Fred OIhtr Qu "r,r, I hstencrs, Her name was not dis· bUl most of the statement! 'are Egerland late Saturday afternoon riJpc J,ldlclal closed by authorltie!,... conflicling" he ., added. and about two hours later Don Diefenbaker Wants Canada ..'n Small Car Produdion , , I PrCl1 SI [' '. Dlefenbaker, though de· that "every Consideration' Is be-' (P, I\nt,r I clinlng to say whether be Is more IDg gIven to small· car, production oig hopeful" as a result to the meet· In Canada, The United States Ings, was In good splrlU. pare:!t company Ii preparing to DI eVI ence The Saturday meeUl!is, beld put one out, to at Mr. Dlefe:lbaker'l fnvltation, Mr, Sale earlier thls year 'said t e !mall were called amid growing, fears preliminary move. hail been par· that Can a d I an ,manufacturers made tha t )IIould permit Ford to e such may be caught In a lIq\Ieeze be- begin production of an "economy I[ Fonl, Vhr' tWl'en EUropean small cars, al· car 11 and when such a car Is in I and rendy making last Inroads In the placed In productloJl by Ford b unJa), r ; It e North American market. po- tne U,S, tlnd providing mar'krt 11r, told II' r, ef· .Us., productlon, -, conditions and ether' circum. I"ls lie Ilrlme The prime mlnlster II to con· stances at that time justl[!ecl, pro- ler TueJday w Ith Studebaker· ductlon In St, Jean bagged the second, Adelard Paquette shot the third Saturday evening on the farm of Elol Robitaille of Playfair Town, shlp, eo mlies HStof Tlmmlns, THE COUNTRY PARSON lit! I. Ihe S llid Packard which already Is pro- 'Whlle President E. H, Walker II smail car "compact" cars although of General Motors of Canada has r':' Salt, Pres'd Its plant localed In Hamilton 1I0t ,aId what Is planned, com· lilid Mrl 01 now I.i strikebound. pany ofliclalB Saturday said con. "A man ,of oulstnuding 1!fJ ItroB ,D,lefen. F. G, executive vice- Alderation has ,lven .t var. character usually that I Ylewl" president of Chrysler loul times in tile past toamall. way by With me of of Canadl, reptlte!! I Saturday auto.. loutstandinl characters," , J Pope Urges Respect For Traffic Laws VATICAN CITY (AP) -Pope John Sunday urged automobile drivers to be more respectful of traffic laws. Traffic laws, the pontiff' told 15,000 ltaUan Auto· moblle Club members particlpat· Ing In a :lational rally, "sre drafted by and are to be ,respected by everyone with common sense courtesy, pa' tience and watch[ullness." Mother 26 Has 10th Child HO(JSTON, Tex, lAP) - A mother yeal's old gave birth to her l!lth baby here Sun· day, The latest addition is Lor· etta, five pounds, sevcn ounces, Aveline Suarez ha" borne a child yr.ar since her mal" riage in 1949,' The, quota plan, is designed to gotiate," millan. DEAN M, O. ORCAi\' drapes the hood of degree on the shoulders of Patrick A, O'Flaherty as Viscount Rothcnncre looks 00. Mr, O'Flahcrty, was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours. Tbe scene look place the tlfcmorial University Convocation on which was held in SI. Patrkk's Auditorium,-Terra Novo Photo Service. " 4 .' ,I " . , : " .. ,. 1'\' , : , I i ' I , " . : \" " ", " , \ ! \ 1,' .. j ! 1'1. r '; f.:' , i . I; , , , , . , .. , :' , , " ,'! I . ./ ' ,Iii, !, I J" :: I I , " , ':\, ;. , , , ' , . I" i , ( , \' '.,,' . J '-' '

Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

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Page 1: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May


11"­:1cl: tn­,nlf




I: ;::ur~l~ and 1\, S, Peter; lrod : : he Dept of ~llttJ


\;, Included the "r ducks and d al,o Ihe

lr diUcrcnl

~ and a club membtn

'~d .. s deputy ZIIIIr \lh much SUetfll.

('oncrl'lion BI) th~e ,priu.! for

III the lariel! :. the three l&rJftI c~c~l half dozen n the lIay 25th

:\"111 be clh ': ~r. Eric ,bern on ~hl' .he judges will


i ew luxuries is all ) mike lure !.luI I hne 10 ;il'e up Tt'311y is the ~ Jt Life Insul'lnCt , ~'our fimily. 911

PiY Pum pf'1)l'Idl

• .net. MoIMII" 1111 ST. JC)IIN1

on the

., ~ -ly not be It.r in yo"r is for many -' SIDELINE.

Holi.'" iSf



'I',,: t.,

Wanted Immedia,tely ED CARS AND PICK·UP TRUCKS

1~ US 1953's 1954's, .1955's, 1956's 1952's, '


~~, /

r &A_~ "

Terra Nova Motors Ltd. , .

Vol, 66. No. 109 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, MAY 18, 19.59 (Pric:el 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons , '

Berlin Talks: •

\CELLon of ~Iemorial University, Viscount Rothcnnere, opens the Tenth Annual Convocation of ~I.\rllilwit~ 'It St. P"tric1<'s Auditorium on Saturday. To his immediate left is His Honour, the Honour-

I II I \hL'llhcrson Lieutcnant Go\'emor ,of Newroundland, and to his right is Dr. Raymond Gushue, C31r,p If "," ,

"I the rl1i\L'r~it~',-Tcrra Nova Photo Service. ------~-

Cairo Press Suggests assem And· Reds Split

Hit And ROn Victim Is Dead

Allen ,J<'aushell of 43


lomats said Sunday night they may have to negotiate I separ· ate stopgap Berlin settlement with Russia after full debate of rival East· West' German peace plans. '

Word of the new Western posi· tion came after In American del, egation spokesma:1 call e d for thorough discus.sioJI In the Big Four foreign ministers meeting of the West's package plan, This en' visages B phased program toward settlement of the future of BerUn and Germany and the buildup 01 a European security system,

Soviet Foreign 1H:llster Andrei

• e 0 la e

emen Gromyko offered Friday a five, to be negotiated for Berlin-but Therefore, they haVe decided te month-old Soviet draft peace pact only as part of a general pack· invoke a decision, reached lee ,as the basis of his country's pol· age seltlement of tile over - all relly in Paris in April by the for, icy for a German settlement. Sov· German and European security eign ministers of the Unitetl iet Premier Nikita Khrushchev problems, States, Britain, France and Weal has criticized the Western pack· Germa~y, to seek some sort .. age approach, but ~aid some But Ameri~an a.1d British dip'I' separate stopgap Berlin ~ettle parts-not specified-llf the pack· 10malE reported privately Sunday ment with the Russians. age are worth talking about. night that the Western foreign I The Big Four ministers !lanked

mini.sters see no chance of Rny, by their East and West Germa, INTERIM STATU!! .. early settlement of the German II advi,'ers. resume their conlerenei

As tnings now stand the West I problem 0:1 the basis either of the today after a weeken~ break has allowed for an I ,terim status: Western or Soviet proposals, ' with Gromyko in the chair.

Khrushchev Says West Proposals Impossible Newtown Road died at the

General Hospital at one o'clock yesterday morning, His death was due to in,

1.IIII,!Ii\ 11'\' l'ulllllluni,t, ann ~asse~, Both: lis se~ret machincry so that it ju'rics received when he \r - I lOr ,'_II" I'll'" P,IJH'I'S slrc"sed Kassem ~ I' c.o;l , might go underground in, I bid was hlt and knocked down

Bleachers Collapse Bv ,'I:o.'CE:o.'T BUIST ,pecch I\a, nCloted to criticizing I "O~ the contrary, lI'e ~haU !II

Mosi~'ow (Relllcl's-Prcmicr the fnl1l"stage We,lcrn plan PI'C' i ~('C[larcd to seek aCCCpIIJ I), ·v.,1

10',01 I"~' cp,'" hlra~ ,1~l1cr 10 Communits demand for to wrcst power by force," by a hit'Hnd,run driver on ,,..(en' 1'11,11:' Illnl,If'I' participation in the cabinet and The paper said the Commu· the Topsail Road on Mal'

. .... • ( )_~ ~. Khrusi1cl,lcv hilS inl'ited the West' ;cn\ed at tile Big Four foreign I tion~ at the conference table, ~'A \ E [fA, Ka~, AP ,n e, to untie Its pack~~e deal for Grr, ministers' talks in Geneva Thurs· i "But it is neces.lary Lo con~ider

ni:rl h,,,pnl ~nd Ihr I [OJ' the l'l',llinptioll of legitimate ni,l.; Jln,blic insistence on ioi~ing "r tr"~ I political party activity. the, cabinet had had a sharp r~' 3, Faushcll was reportrll

,:'f I r,l "I'e 11\ 1110 III"., Gil lINllEnliR.oUND,' "', aC!I~11 and had a~rned p\lbllc as missill~ to Ihe city [,:1,1"',, il;'\r r\':, '\khbar E~l \ om ~ald the Iraqi, opinion 5tron~l~ agal~t th~m" police in the early mom

timaten 300 prr10n, were hurled I man reunificatioJ and "consider day, ! the qllestions separately and nel to the ground Sunday when a sec' I thr ~uC'tiOlt, separately" He reileraten ~o\'ict For~gn to tie them together lnto onl tion of bleachcl's collapsed at the i The plan as it slands is "im': ~linislcr Andrei Gromyko's state· lar~e knot, impo~5ible to lI~do, Oil

Mayetta Rodeo, ! possible," he said Saturday, I me~t Friday that the plan 10ught is beinR done lJy the Western , ,r~ rm Ilill l\a,'.IL'111 t r,llterSl'o~lOd after ~Il'. i Al Ahram said the ~ltll~~lOn m ing of :'!ay 3 when he fail, ~~ ::::1cd I,.om [0111:1111·1 Commllnlsts had declI\:.' Iraq at the m0!TIen~, \185 not at cd to return home. He

Rich Clarkson, Tnpeka Daily! ,Khrll~hc~el' addrcssed a Krpm,1 all il1lpo~sihle so.1ution, powers,", ' C 't I h tographer reported lin ~atheflng [or an hour after SO~1E \\ORTH\ . KhrushchcI ur;:ed t~e, \\~stern

"re 1"1 '0': ~l':I;' tile lu' trated in theil' bid to ~ake over all eomprehenslbl~. The paper was walklng west on thc , :,\ Icrdcd 10 lI'r'lc of! Iraq throuch open political prc.o;· went on to list signs of frlctlo:! Topsail highway when the

Ir~~ ~he ~c~ne that :xi to 100 per· reccivin;: the Lenin Peace Prize, 'But he added: "The proposa!s power, to lcave reUnification to were injured about 15 ser' He looked bappy and fit as eight of the Western powers contam the Germans themselves ~nd

'!l co:nplclrh infiue~ced sure, between the Communlst~ and the accident occurred, Found , ::. ~"m~ pap r r ,\ "The Communist~, who only Kas.sem government. Al Ahralll

~onsl ' speaker, praised his efforts for certain que .I t ions which arc work instead for a peace treaty 10US y, 1I'0rld peace, [worthy o[ discussion and against signed by the two Gcrma:: ;ov-

KlS'C:n w"s a card, la,t week were gettlng ready to pointed to Kassem's relusal to by ,RCM,P he W<u con· "t hil11\clf, take part In Iraq's government, legallze polltlcal parties despite veyed to the General Hos·

There were. no immedi ate reo A large portion of the premier's which we shall not object. ernments,

Cai,o', 111'0 most are suddenly becoming panicky," Communlst demands a~d hIs I'e· pltal, and was a patient , c:rc~:a!l-d i1"pm, AI Akhbar El Yom declared. "The fusal to admit Communists to the there up until the time of Ambulances took the more ser·'

ports 01 fatalitles,

oj Ak:lb,lr EI Yom, I' Commu~ist party suddenly reo cabinet, even though one of his hi! death. iously hurt to hospitals at Topeka, 1:1:: p"g~ repon" o[ I ceil'ed instructions last week that own ministers had demanded L.. _________ --' i Holto:! and Forbes air lorce base, Red Tune Changipg In Nuclear Talks :mion bel',\ rrn the it should immediately reorganlze I thll,

oned On Negr~ Heart Seizure )1:" ',\1' - 'tprs Sunday the cerebral hemor· ,

rhage wa, "caused by high blood I

pressure bl'OIl~ht on by extreme I :0',1)'1>:1"1 II illl il :ICI'lOUSness and leru;ion," The i

:~f~":r:"l:'. 0 :('.1 liollrs' doctnr added that questioning i l"<rra: 'Rill 0:,,, III In,' eOllld have hecn a factor.

lic a~cnts slIpposedly ques· linnI'd Smith en n l~ e r nillg his II'hel'cJhollts at the lime a band

'nf hllnd.:ci mrn hrokr inlo the 'Prarl niler ('OU;lty j~il at Pop. hl'litlc s::d dl'a~grd the 2~,year·

'old ParKcr to a waiting car and , dL'nti1 1:1 Pearl Rivr.r, ,

1::' :::':l:'II': 111 thl' Parker, a Lllmberton. MI.I!" ': :,'\n iI\'(lIl:hcasl ' trllck driver was BwaitinR trial , , : on charges of raping a pregnant·

;:,).:(", :r Ij [I'por" white woman,

Weather Mainly sunny, Hight

today 55,


st, John' ....... S3 Sydney ........ 31 Halifax ........ 37 Mon treal .. .. .. ~1 Ottawa 55 Quebee ........ 49

4fl 52 M 114

• 79 B!

Fear New Violence

In Britain LONDON (Reutersl-A slaying

on the Irlnges of London's down· '(P, - (/::chcc court districts, all Identical. The Ap at·the-heels Notting Hill district

S':;,cay lIr.ilninlO11sly peals Court decision Saturday raIsed fears Sunday 'of renewed I.l a"'eal hy Premier rna)' possibly have a bearlng on mob vlolence between Negroes frJ1.1'S·" ~rJnllO~ his them, a:ld whites In the district.

Motion A,ccepted

,Blames' 'Leftists' For "Slanted" Programln.e

GENEVA lReut~rs) - Wester~ ,ge,t ,around rel~ctance. over, ad· I o[ an _ a,~reement on !~C ces.sation offrcials Saturoay were closely mlttmg foreign Inspeclion teams, r or all klOds o[ tests, e x ami n ing Soviet Premier Russia previously has balked at I Preside~t Eisenhower sent a Khrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May 5 and President Eisenhower and Prime teams,' and held out for velo I ~{acmillan wrote to the Russian Minister Macmlllan on moves to power on the co~trol commission I leader May 6, ban nuclear test explosions, I which the treaty would establish'l Both are understood to have

" h dr· d Observel's said Khrushche\' ap· I llrged Khrushchev 10 accept the MO~TREAL (CP-Hon, Paullll'ere, I~ a speec e I\Cre an d 10 b d i-l" cautiously to.' KIll'l1shehCI' said: "A~reemcntl United States' plan for a step·by-

~ozois, Que,beC minister of n;un· I o?e.~~g ~es~~~mo~llsthe ro~~:~::: : ;ve;~e the \~e;t~rOn position in reached on this question w0l11d i step trc,aty halting nuclear test, Iclpal arralr~, Saturda~ mght I Km~ 51' f 'd I fl: tP I t, I agreein" that scientists should ~X.I pave Ihe lI'ay [01' the concluslOn I and poliCing the ban, blamed "leftl.'it elements' for a conI en lon, ~al C IS e eme~ .' . ' ~ , . telel'ision program on Mother I hal'c infiltrated telelision, He' amIDe new da,ta on le,st control at: U S Willi M ' - M g r't d'Youvilie contmued: I altltudcs abolc 30 miles, i ling To Negotiate

ha,rlhe h t~redU\lpea maJ'or con "J~ it pure coineicJence or.' But hi' letters, published Satur·: I • W IC a,s s Irr , . . ' I dav m"h:, made no direct mC~'1 trol'ers), m Quebec provl:1cc, rather the mfille,lce of thiS small I " ~ I 11'.t ' t f I DF'iVFn (\p) - P!'csilient MIT ALL SWEET , . ' 't t'"· th t d I tlOIl of llc es el'll rl'<1l1CS or· " • . Le~lst elemc,nts In the province agl a In b gloup 'ha prfo uclesl,sro : te~l1nieal rxaminalion of new ,~m.1 [,isenholl'er h~s notified Premier Eut Hagerty added that part!

he,58ld, are usmg ,every meands to !l'any Plrogrlams \\' e~e tamd I,y til e : ericnn dal a on detection of ll~del" Kh1'llsl1('hcv tllat the U nit e d of Khrushchev's latest note wert b~lng about the trJllmph of 8 oc' IS ncar y a ways presen c In Ie i . munrl nuclear biasls, II Slates is willing to disClL,S 8 ball "not ~t all re.lponsil'e" to Ei,e~' trine that could. leart to com· form of ql1rrels, bel wee:! the par, g Th '10' thr nl1cle"r po\\" on hi;:h·altitude nuclear wearon, !lOwer s Apnl message, suggest' munlsm enl~ and the children or hetwec1 e 'I~r us, d ~t t B 'I ' : tests bevond the 30,mile ceili~~. ing an immediate ban on nudea!

. the husband an~ wife? These pr,1 - I ~ nlte a tCSd' t rih,alln" Ih'e 'u S 'proposed ~ar1ier '" r weapons te,<;ts conducted mort t kid' 'd ll' and Ru:;sla-sre exnec e 0 0 u I "., , ,

The May 3 eBC program con, scenesh a eln n blVlt ubes l~ can ap' further informal lalks to discuss I A note the president St'Ilt tn: than 30 miles m th~ atmosphere, N!rned the eariy life of Mother pear arm ess u, leve me, , h' I t Ik I Khl'llShdlPV Ma)" S . was made Else!1hower menhoned no new d'Youvllle, 10u!1der of the Grey on the 10!1~ ru~ sllch program" c~nve!1m~btew tec mca a s on I ruiJlic Saturday Hfter Mosco\\' I ~pecific ceilin~ in telling the Set Nuns order, Quebec French·lan' tend to undermln~ tJ:e authority t ese pro ems, I Radio had announced that Russia I'iet leader that the US, nO\\1 if guage viewer! have protested [of parents, Is thelr mfluence so In his letter Khrll~hchev said,! is ready to talk over snch a high willing to talk about a higher II· that the program wa~ Immoral. 1 great that In every for"!'1 put on there was "hardly any need" for altitude ban, titude ban,

The CBC has apologized to the the air by the 0lC left,'st p~nel' technical discussions of what crit· Moscow said Khrushchev lent Setllement on a~y ,new ceilin. Grey Nun~ for the program, Is~ are always l:1 maJority, eria should govern Ihe dispatch o[ notes Friday to Eisenhower 3~d was left to ~egotlal1ons at til, shown the same day that Cana' It Is evlde,nt that We can at, inspection teams to sites of sus' Prim~ Minister Macmillan ex' Geneva conference on that mat, dlan·born Mother d'Youvllle was trl~ute to thiS !a'!1e group !If pected nuclear explosions - a::· pressing willingness to discliss I ler, beatified In St. Peter'~ BaslllcR leftISts the dlsgustmg program other point pressed by the West. halting extremely high tests, ! In his letter earlier this month, In Rome. presented o~, t ele v I s Ion May The Soviet leader urged accept· The president' who spe~t ,the' the president said the .u,S Is pre-

Mr, Dozoll, whose statements last •• , . ance of a plan which would lay weekend here-authorized Press pared to explore RUSSIa's formal

1(· de'" , , \' ",.1 III connecllon A gang of white youth! !tabbed B Sh ,~! lei: ;~"ilq i.e Dc· a West Indian Negor In a street- ears ot

, dal\ ne',\'pilper, corner brawl late Saturday !lIght. Boats Collide

down how many times a year Secretary James C, Hagerty to proposal for agreement on carry· mobile inspection teams could .. n· say the new Khrushchev me.lsage ing out an~ually a predetermined ter the territory of the three nu· "apparently seems to indicate number of insp~ction5 to enfo.rc. clear powers to exami!1e suspect I some readiness on the part of a test ban. Th!s pla~ was first SItes, Pre m i e r Khrushchev to ne· proposed by Prune Minister Mar , )U;;IfPnI rClw<cd Woman Dl·eS The Negro, 32 • year - old Kelso ak Off J

01 SUPI',ior [nul'! in Cochrane of Antigua, died In I To M e apan 11m lair 111.,\ ,I'car hospital early,sunday.

"rt~aci~d II. l prc'l11ier's DurlOng Graha'm Nottlng Hili was the sce~e of N H NUSHlRO, ,Japan lAP) - An , ' elashes last Summer between ew ats M·ton fishlng boat collided with :\ P'od Couc:, ordrl'rrl I.e whites and some of the many its 71!14-ton mother ship in dense I :~: ,',It I:;~ !r:I"I~'terlll C d West Indians who ~ave m~I'ed I fog' off Kushiro Saturday a.,d , ,'"c.,nc,: I, ria)'" I rusa e ' Into the area as lmmlgrants smcc TJ~MINS ,ICP) - Th;ee small I sank, Fifteen 01 Ihose rescued but

, ' , a,,'OIl :0" >I ')(IO! . the end of the war, ' i bears, welghmg about,100 pounds f' "d 0, , "~:Ie, 0: ,'ni~k,: \OF ' ,'I I, , . I each, wel'e shot Saturday during II'e are miss 109 sn, presume

II I.', nC',I,'," t . I "LMDI:;, ,\II;tl aha .'~P)-AI Detecllves II'CI'e huntl:l" Sunda;'t tI fir t day of the Northern on'IIOSl. The mother ship was not j l:,:itil:~~"'I,d~(~; Q~~I I \\on;an eoUal,pst edBlal,nd GdlCdh du~" for the men who killed Co~hrane, t~~io b~arhunt to sUllply Bueki~g, damaged,

,':l, 'I, " ' I In~ cvange IS ,v ra am S One policcman adm'tt ~ " ,' _____ _ I)" ,01 01.('01 ~;:, ,,'S' I L'l'usade mcclill~ Sllnday Her I h J ell we ham Palace Guards With new I ;, I~ Q'ch· \' ' I , ., al'e not made much headway," h t , • . I ( ,oIl'.Iral hoil\' was ql1leLiI' carried oul' "W' h kl' , a s,

: (. "I'h ' - e arc e ec ns on varIOus o:hf,' ,'1'1" " I :om amOll~ t Ie t IO!1g of 10,000 p.~'ewltn~ss rCllort! of the fi~ht'. The first bear was shot by Fred

OIhtr Qu "r,r, 1~~Pl\ I hstencrs, Her name was not dis· bUl most of the statement! 'are Egerland late Saturday afternoon riJpc J,ldlclal closed by authorltie!,... conflicling" he ., added. and about two hours later Don

Diefenbaker Wants Canada ..'n Small Car Produdion , ,

r~ )larKt::~'ZIf' I PrCl1 SI [' '. ,~Il', Dlefenbaker, though de· that "every Consideration' Is be-' (P, '~f I\nt,r I clinlng to say whether be Is more IDg gIven to small· car, production aJla~obi~na~a's oig hopeful" as a result to the meet· In Canada, The United States firll'han~ ln~ustry Ings, was In good splrlU. pare:!t company Ii preparing to

DI eVI ence The Saturday meeUl!is, beld put one out, to ~fenbaker'R at Mr. Dlefe:lbaker'l fnvltation, Mr, Sale earlier thls year 'said t e !mall were called amid growing, fears preliminary move. hail been

Underta~'S' par· that Can a d I an ,manufacturers made tha t )IIould permit Ford to e such may be caught In a lIq\Ieeze be- begin production of an "economy

I[ Fonl, Vhr' tWl'en EUropean small cars, al· car 11 and when such a car Is ~ilrl, in I )S1~r and rendy making last Inroads In the placed In productloJl by Ford b

unJa), wit~ ~~~ r ; It e North American market. a~d po- tne U,S, tlnd providing mar'krt 11r, told II' r, ~ ef· t~ntlal .Us., productlon, -, conditions and ether' circum.

I"ls '\~r lie Ilrlme The prime mlnlster II to con· stances at that time justl[!ecl, pro­~ ~D~fa~t~rerilro~I)''' ler TueJday w Ith Studebaker· ductlon In Ca~(1da.'

St, Jean bagged the second, Adelard Paquette shot the third Saturday evening on the farm of Elol Robitaille of Playfair Town, shlp, eo mlies HStof Tlmmlns,


lit! I. Ihe ~ S llid Packard which already Is pro- 'Whlle President E. H, Walker II smail car ~uclng "compact" cars although of General Motors of Canada has r':' Salt, Pres'd Its plant localed In Hamilton 1I0t ,aId what Is planned, com· ~i, lilid Mrl e~t 01 now I.i strikebound. pany ofliclalB Saturday said con. "A man ,of oulstnuding

1!fJ ItroB ,D,lefen. F. G, Hoga~, executive vice- Alderation has bee~ ,lven .t var. character usually ~ets that I Ylewl" president of Chrysler Corporall~n loul times in tile past toamall. way by a5~oelatlnR With me of

of Canadl, reptlte!! I Saturday auto.. loutstandinl characters,"

• , ~I J

Pope Urges Respect For Traffic Laws VATICAN CITY (AP) -Pope

John Sunday urged automobile drivers to be more respectful of traffic laws. Traffic laws, the pontiff' told 15,000 ltaUan Auto· moblle Club members particlpat· Ing In a :lational rally, "sre drafted by ex~rts and are to be ,respected by everyone with common sense courtesy, pa' tience and watch[ullness."

Mother 26 Has 10th Child

HO(JSTON, Tex, lAP) - A mother o~ly ~fi yeal's old gave birth to her l!lth baby here Sun· day, The latest addition is Lor· etta, five pounds, sevcn ounces, ~!l's, Aveline Suarez ha" borne a child c~ch yr.ar since her mal" riage in 1949,'

The, quota plan, is designed to gotiate," millan.

DEAN M, O. ORCAi\' drapes the hood of degree on the shoulders of Patrick A, O'Flaherty as Viscount Rothcnncre looks 00. Mr, O'Flahcrty,

was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours. Tbe scene look place ~t the tlfcmorial University Convocation on Sat~day which was held in SI. Patrkk's Auditorium,-Terra Novo Photo Service.

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Page 2: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May


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. -~ .

•• . .-




another Grell" Savings Event Stores .•. and this time the

is on [fashions for a Boy's Spring ... pick his wardrobe now while the selections ~re choice

It's Royal light

••• the prices rea.lly low.

BOYS' QUALITY SUITS, .. right for so many different oec:asions

for a boy', view of Spring, , . a wide lelection of Suit5 tailored

in handlome fleck., stripes, twists and gabardines, in single

and doubll breasted .tyles. Colours of Brown, Blue, Grey

or Navy Nylon Gabardine, Pants have pleate'd front and

zipper clo.sure. Sizes 24 to 28 - regularly priced from $8.50

to S 16,95 - liz •• 29 to 34 - regularly priced from $8,50 to

$18.95. All these Suits are now selling for 20% off

30 BOYS' SUITS, •• handsomely tailored for the young man

In any family ... Double breasted ,Suits available in assorted

fabrici of tweld., fecks, stripes and gabardines in a wide

choici of colour ••

I Regularly up to $26.50. Special .. , .. , .... ""',, ....... $12.75

SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTIONS Sturdy w.ar for the outdoor Boy ... that dOli double duty at school and play ••. Fashions that Icorl a hit from thl Royal Stores - homl baSI for BoYI who want Ityle and parents who want low prlcl ••

BOYS' RUBBER RAINCOATS A mu.t in eVlry boy.' wardrobe full Iingth Rubb ... Coats with capl,

/ roglan .INvI, .Iash pockets, Hood to match. SiZIl B to 16 years, Special ......... , ............ :.$3.75 ea.

IOYS' WINDBREAKERS Rugged action cut Ivy Liagul Wind­breaklrs in popular brown, blue and grlY Itrlpe.. . Elanlc back with Itlf .. pattlrn. Slalh pocklh. Zipper clolure • $iDS 26 to 34 • Special .... , ......................... $3.98

, \


IOYS' GAIARDINE PANTS To io anywhere for an activi Spring. Self belt, zipper closure. Colours of bown, blul, grey. Sizel 26 to 34. Regular $2,49. Special $1.98



at the spot­




MONDAY, May 18th ..

lO.45-Housewivtj tl.OO-Newl. 11.Ql-Rev. Matth! 11.30- Honour y ."

7.3O---tiBt NI"'. 1l.45-Swlfl Oil! '1.35-Top of Thl MornID'. 12.0G-~e\\s in 8.00-CBC Newl andl Weather 12.01-1'011'0 and 8.l3-Muilul C1oek. . 1.OO-New!. e.OO-ldornlnl DevoUol\I. 1.01-Weather

. e.IS-Program Prelil~". US-News 1I.2a-Piano Playtime. l.3S-Editorial UO-Newi. l.4Q-Sports. e.33-Dlretl Report... 1.45-Arl Baker'1 ' e.45-Retords at Random. 2.0t-Made for nil

IO.DO-Archers. 2.1S-The Ben~e~ lO.1S-lril Power. 2.3ll-Gerry . 1

1O.25-fo~ C •• n,umera. 3.01- Western

11O.30-Music in tbe Morninl. 400-(;eIJPral

" 10.4S-BBC Variety ·4.05-lI'cstcrn · : IUS-Musical' Program. 5.01-Roh i.e"il' : 11.30-School Broadcast. 600-New~ and 1l.45-Regina McBride. 6.1)Z- Whilll liJ()ItI'

: I~UU-BBC News. 6U5-Rullel'o BOHt i 12.l0-Announcers Cboice. B.IO-Nilllvr.al ~! . 12.3[}-Farm Br~adcast. 6.lf>----Splll " .. 12.4:'>--Mld Day Serenade. 6.:10- :' .. 1\ Thr'lr!

i l.W-JJoyie Bulletin. 7.01-lIub n 1.1f>.-To Love Ind Hnnuur. 8111-B('1 II,,," "

. ,,' 1.3~CdC News and Weather 9.01-lI'h"l·s locll' 1.4f>.-Operation Moon Satel· ~U~-"r.d Soilcr I

lite. O.:JO-RI,,,h.·oud 2.00- Words with ~lu.llr. g.;)-- Uilltu ,\,,\!.

I 'U S-;>; lid. School Brolcca.t. to 31~i\"'lvr:,11 ~"I 2.29-JJumlnlOn abs Tim. 1O.Ol-l'mne Files 0'

Signal. • 1U4a-~purl5 ' 2.3~ Variations on A Th~n!e. lllIl-liuu,.ep,rly ~.4f>.-Happy G.ng. , 12.;j()-l'iel" KllllndJ 3.1$-1i.inde~gHten of the Air 11235-1I1J~!'rpart\' l ~.3G-:-lews and Tr;;n~ Lijl1Jda I l.OI-Si~1l Off .'

~latinec. ' ---...:-4.30-Song Shop. VOU5 5.UO--News. . .1!O\Il.\1', )11<

, a.a5-Platter Parade. I - . ,i.30-Fisheries Broadcast !HJU- ~ulid,al 5.4S-~[usical Program. D.:JO-\'l\\.\ and 6.00--Intermezlo. 7. 00-.'; e II' I ,,,d , 6.25-Progr;\m Plcviel!1 7 30-~:r-\\. "l:d 6.1O--Supper (;uest. B.UO-Bre,;';I;" 6.45-Granny ~Iartin S'ers i 8.30-B, r\ I'Jrk;

Out. g.Ut~jl II, 7.0G-CBC News and We<llhcr 9.55-1'\(,., .. , "d 7.15-~lusical Program. ! to.OO-CoUre T:[1 7.3[}-Musical Program. : IIOO-lul n B'ci; 'hI 7.~O--TupsTuday 11 25-1'IJlII III La 745-JJu)"p Bulletin. 11.30-rro~rJm I!. B.15-Rawhide. 12.3U-~Llrcll of B.:lO-Hour of SI. Francis. 12A5-Sprd I, 1'311.

B.45-Isobel OIds Sings. 1.00-J.,,,·, 1';;3r S:crl 9.0G-lJawaii Call,. 130-~IJr'.ln lIil:er 9.~[}-Vancouver Theatre. 1.45-Co:lfle \'"

: 10.0l)..,-Wayne and Shuster Sho\1 2UU-Strll LJ"r/r~' .: 11.00-M<ln to ~fan. 230-:\n·'. 1'113()-CBC Nalional News I ' Roundup and Talk.

12.00-Sign Olf. a Canada. The ~.35-Trlli,q Di~H 4.()O--F,:r.' Ihe \l:i~_ 4.:10-:\rl\ .'.


VOCM MO!llDA Y, ~lay IHtll.

6.30-"'ews and Weather. 6.3S-Breakfasl with Bill.

t 6,5S-New5.

~.I 7.00-Breakful witb Bill. 7.3~Nell'& and Waterfron't

Directory. 7.35-Breakfast With Bill .• 7,~5-New.,

8,OO-Torhay Weather, 8.05--Breakfast with Bill. B.25-!\I ews. B.30-Hit TUM of the Day. B.3S-Sportscast. B.40-Breakfast with Bill. 8.55-News_ 9.00-~IDrning Date. 9.15-Linda's First Love. ll.30-Morning Date.

1O.O[}-Xews . to.OS-Stork ClUb .

,10.l1>--Jnke Boh Jamboree. : 10.3O-Juke Box Jamboree. IIO.55-News. ~ 11.0[}-Wilf Doyle Show.

• 11.5f>.-:-l eli'S. 112.OD-Midday Melodies.

: ,12.3[}-New5. Ilz.3S-Rambling wltit Records iI2.45-F;sherman's Forecast.

\ . 12.5G-Rambling witb Records 1.15-Sportsca5t,

II' 1.2[}-Rambling with Recorili · 1.3[}-Newl. I US-Pas,ing Parade (John : Nesbitt) .

.. : 2.00-~!usic Matinee. 'i' 2.55-:-lews.


- , 3.00-Dollars on Parade. : 3.5S-:\ews. · 4.00-Bob's Bandwagon. ~ 1.55-X eli'S,

,. 5.00-Bob's Bandwagon. , 5.3G-Superman. · 5.4S-Supper Serenade.

i . 5.50-Fi.lherman'. Forecast.

4,-1.5~ \\'01 ~d {If ~~C:J

5.00-\lClI' ,Ii (3il; 5.30-l·hrlk:n' Ir .. 6.30-:\ r\"-6.45-,\ inC " ,,'i, 6.5G-Chp("II~' In. B.OO-Spor:, T~:,). 8.l5-~!a, II ,', Qf B.3[}-Wh:l!' JI) 8.55-Xew, ,,,I , 9,OO-lnrhrl'""t, 9.2~-Dlllf.\' Tmr~ 9.30-Frollll'r I;b i

, 95,l.-Eho:1I ,,1 . I ! In.OO-fin31 E1:'::'~ 'lO.lfl--.\(,\\'C .,. ,r~(,';

; 10.30-Rnn;,,', in

10.55-Thi, I '1:1(11. . I\.UU-.'.;u,,( 1':1 i 12.0fl-Slgn G,(

111':1 2.3U-IJ[·II: r'lrrtr. 3.I)O-~llr'm Srh~ 3. I 5-~[<ltillrr, 4.3U-lIo\\'(l~ lIoody. 5.DO-follow )11.

5.l5-Child,rn·§ .. j.3O-Danrin~ 6.00-RJnthlim~. 6.30-~1'" .• (1,,111k

La IIll'r~. K.OU-The ~lil\iolJilt H,3U-('ru" r,n3dl 9.0G-lJ~1I1I1I· ThorBll 9.3U-I"III1;'" 11111.

IO,OO-DI',iI" I' . IJ.OO--:'iatiull,1 ~tJ1. l1.1O-Loral ~eRI.

: 11.15-The I.all Silf.

5.5S-News.. , storms. hili ,"rl1. 6.OD-BulletIn Board. : occur ~t the rn!/l, 6.1.5-Sportscast and Travel;

'd " . . gUt e. I Rich~r~ TI:r1" 6.30-Supper Serenade, callrd [lICK . t!.45-Ne.w!. . En~lish ropper 7.DO-Shlllelagh Showtlme. "h !il·.rl 7.1f>.-Shillelagh Showtime. ~~~~ \I ~ B.OO-Cream of the Crop. I". __ -'":" 9.4S-News.

IO.DO-VOOI All Time Hit Parade.

: IO.30-Eventlde Meditation. 10.45-Sporllica.\t. IO.55--Nell'!. 11.00.-..:.Torbay Weather


The stole ~! i named for Quren'l'J I who was ra:led


Elbru" in mountains of "'\. I .• the hi~llrst reI with. an altitude cf


n.OS-Club 590. 1.00-Close DOWIl,

. CJON Thp nh' r!"f p!.1 . ; ... '" ,,-,r

MONDAY, May 18th. 'lde hee:· ..... ' . I • " I" I" '01 .--.---------- i 11l1~~r. Iii",. ',c rl •

6.30-TbeBob LeWIl Shuw I ~ IH,'e 01 :',,, LIlI' . 6.30-Nfld. News. ' date. 6.35-Weatiter. 7.00-Nfld. New. anti SporU . 7.05-Local Weather. 7.30-Round the World Newl 7.35-Complele Weather Fore-

cast. 7.~Whal's Cookln. ~.O[}-Nfld. News. B.05-Prov. New •. a.l~bl~·pIDIL Report. 8.2[}-Kll1diti Calendu. 8,30-Ntll1. News anq Weather 8.o1O-The Bob Lewil Shuw

I 8.45-~lornlrlll Mer r y Gil i

Rouna. I B.55---Jusl a ~linllte. 1.(J(J-General Prol'incial. Newt a,05-Mulic for Millionl. 11.20-The Bob Lewis ShQ.

I 9.~PrGdill.1 HUJband . • lO.OO-Nen ! lO.lJ:-Martin'l Corner. I 10.1~No Love for Linda. I to-Rl- What'l CookID' .. ; lO.35-Who Am 11

Be Moder~

Liye Electri

,\ ,


Ext have nol .1 in edens! past feW Gusbue I Convocat:

University Dr. Gusl

to be a dt made by I

III th

CO~SIDER' GU5bue studies

cOllsiderall study Ihe 511 that.

appointed In septemb

wbom he wltb "~a I



Right Rev. J,C,B., PiI.

the I Univer

lIte."nnn. D


Page 3: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May


. II HrUf' "b 93.

6, ,~ I, ,.'T1 1 h, \\~cls COCku!' .\: (1 ~lrrt Il:,c\;,,·ood d·:~..:-u ~t.s

"",unat \rltl I·r:me fu~ 0/ !'lX'ru 1lL',,-,epany :'\ r... !\[\u'ndup HO:loepaMy. ~:~~ orr

VOUS 'tl'O\Y. 'II)


\f'''~ anc ':f!\{": ,ar,d \''''' !:.d \\ 5'f;;k:~~1 Ciuo B, rt P.rk~ it Hapl't'·.~d

l n':C-f T.i::f'

T J:n BJr~ Ihe r ':'1t (II 1 .... ". P,-o~ram l~. \\trch 01 [leL'l.

-J~, a; p:!~; ~~OT.

~::""'In '1.I:'f ., ".Irle :'oIe\1

I ::",1J:1 [)I':{"!'t.

~- ("f' thrr. ~.JljCl~

'r\, '". \\" ('1;10 of ~~r'.!i.

P.::..\'1 Jii rail~.

-< helk:n· h.

-. \ mc..' r,~· .. ' ~ -<.hedin· In. -Spom Today. - \I;l>lrr~ 01 ~I

-Wh.r~ lly

,-\btinre. '-Howd, [loody. ,--rolt •• ;\It. >-t·hildren·, ~Danrin~ ~~Qchtlmr.

1- "en lIllie_ I-Riflraun. I-Tbe i'th. IIfSIJI

l..aaH'fS. ()-"I1Ir ~ i t\iN&ilt. ~ ·r ... (~T1lda iii ~JlaU,. Th.­I--{un~n RIll. t-IH-silu PII) MIl' ~-"'alj.nal St. l-Lecal St~ j....-TlIe (.aU SIs ... •

~ere i. no plart ::ou: ho:hlln~ Dr : m<. hut ~lIch ~t~ " a: the polrs.

;I.:~ard Tur~ln. rd Dick TUrpin.

:::'h rol-her Ind , .... ho \I\'~d fI'OlII 1

~~ ~tat~ of :n!"d for Qup~n n wu called I("en ....


untains of :he hlllhe5! ptlll: . h an altitudp of

·1" nlll·rr~e of , p hrarin~ .lllt ,-r inc cripllon :~ ~f the t"lI llcrl ·r

8. Moderi' .

L°." • •

• Electr.

ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND : The Daily News MONDAY, MAY 1',··1959

-Gushue Defends 'Memorial •

Extension Program Effort ,


n~1 ~l'rn rlltirl'iy i il,r \lrl"l~n \I ork dur·:

r In r -" Dr· fe w ,rar!l, . ,

career," wUl have In Inillal perIod Dr· close study of the Newroundland problem. Then a programme will be set up which will best lult Ihe needs of Newfoundland.

aalel he was happy to Bee that' Memorial had a less than aver· age disciplinary problem. He then went on to enumerate stu· dent achievements both of those dt Memorial and of those attend· Ing other unlversltlu •

"'<{. h 'G~ilUP I~ldlhe Tent (nHK'JI101l of ~Ie· .0 -r'il\" O~ Salurday

I L'I" . . k • D' Gu,hur'; remar s ~~ i d"rn'e a~ainst

I~ ''''" ,., . . • hI" Premier J. R. in 'Ihe Prolincial

CiJ,SlDfR.\TJ()\ : . GD\hue !oo1lrl I.\tra·

, !ladies hal e been rtIIsidmlion and pre·

slud, for srl·eral Ibe· ~3mr lime ke Ihal a \lim·lor has

ptlnltd 10 la~r of· · a'SfPltmhrr. This rll· III • ·h d

\OIU he rl,'crt e as · ~Ib .. , rll'II\1~uishrd

PRAISE NEEDS Dr. Gushue also had words of The need for a larger campus

praise for tile Faculty and the was atreued In the President's students. He called. the Faculty report. Because of overcrowd· a good one pointing out that Ing the university had been two members had been granted obliged to Hmlt the n·umber of Senior Research Fellowships students registering in first

: from the CanadaColft1cll. They year. The student body has In· . are G. O. Rothney, History ereased from 307 In 1950 to I Department and P. N. West, 1150 In 1909. This Increase has I English Department. The stu· used up all available space so : dent5 were praised for the. that if Ihe university were to I awards and. achievements of ~ remain long In Its present quart·

I, ~ome of the members tnd for ers It would hal'e to cut first their right attitude towards: year enrollment back even fur·

i higher education. Dr. Gushue 1 ther.



Briefs In The "News"

Big Crowd

, • . , , . . :.


Premier J. R.Smallwood, visited Happy Valley on Sat. urday and was met by a crowd of about 3,000 people, repre· sentlng nearly the Whole population of the settlement. Speaking to the crowd on a Public Address system the Premier discussed their com· munlty problems. He describ· ed Happy Valley as the fast· est growing· settlement -In Newfoundlancl.

Armed Forces Day

Has Praise For Premier .( '0" :,1 \, I'"wrial Ihe rcnewal in unmistakable II J.R.S. ABSEST

Premier SmlllwDod utend. ed tke Armed Forctl Diy celebralions It GODS. Bly Airport on Friday Ind Salur· dlY. He WI' Iccomplnled Ity

'I Gordon Pu,kl" Dlreclor Gen· TIlE PROCE~:;:O:';AL preceding ~Icmnrial Univcrsitys Tcnth Annllal Conl'ocation mnl'CS through the ~~ruunds orll of Economic Dev.lap.

'·1 , , .' I I I· h d . I ,. -j.'" 0" ~,<Iilrd,<y Dr terms 0 t lat ilil an 1'15 on. ce .• ,., D G h fIt '

I'remler Smallwood did not allend the Com'ocallon but went In!tud to Goose Bay. When asked by Ille DAILY NEWS If there wal anything &Ignifleant In the Premier's absence, Dr. Gushue stated Ihat a rormer commitment necessitated the Premier'! absence and that he had known that the Premier would not be attending the Convoca· tlon.

of 51. Patrick's Hull School toward the entrance to the Audilorium whcrc the com'ocation took place. I ment; O. L. Vardy, Tourist 'I Developm'nt Dlr.ctor; Elrl , G.J,~~lr rrc;ldrlll of r. us uc was re err ng 0'

\::lcr,::I. i1rfrllded Ihe Premier's statement in the f ~.'Ir,::r I::d .1: :hr ,arne, House on Wednesday, th.at c~n· -. ~.'h O(,·r ~lId a structlon of the new unlversltl'!

I, Terra :'\ol'a Photo Serl·iee. Winsor, member for thl III ... ------------------------:----------------------.:..:..- I trict; Ind Chlrl.. Roblrts,

Premier Say_s: Bowater .. ' '58 Prof.-ts I ~fnl~~:;I~~:~h:~:I~~~~.:~~~ lIt."," I'" I .. I ef thar'" 10 Premier, lI'oulct begIn Ihls year. The n~ed

fel 1I:,"t "r lermed, lor new quarters was pressIng I I:: d ,!':rn .' rrcmier t saId the President .and he felt I

"ro\:~rc in ,poll,oring: sure that the, provInce would I CI::lO~ of :hr IIn i '·rrsily I benefil greatly and would be

d 1.011 :1: 1~5~ In the: I'ery ~ratcful to Premier Small· e! f\~lr.:;al problems. [or: wood.

I ' I Wi II Let Th e i ~'~I?~ B"W"~~~~'~i" "~"~'~~~~h~' I

, foundland Pulp Ilnrl Paper ~1ills involved stiil then remained \ 'Limited were chopped by ncar·' oul.5landing."

Record Number Graduate Ilhe Corporallon s annual report.· the year, other than expenditur, I P e 0 pie C hOD s e ' .IY a .third in. 1~58: according to! 'Capital expenditures during

The report shows net profits, I arising out of the fire" the reo . after allowing for depreciation port says, were conce;lIcd wilh

:9!) (o::IlWI\"l llf Itp·1 ("l'ilnr, Lord Rothermere,!\'hen · r,.\IT:":.'. hr:rl 5,1:"r· lhr Deans of the dlHerent de· ~:£".oo". ,'.1 ~Ir~·~ ,Ill· 1'3rtmcilts pl'esented their p:~3::c. ::11" ncr b~· respeclh·e students. The Presl· i.:fi:.'·!rur '.If rr awarded dent Iken ~nnounced the pl'lze

Of twc. :hrre I\"rrr winners. The Governor·Gen· : 0: .\r:< (Honours I. 15 eral'! medal, a prize awarded Suhrlor' ~f\fl>, 18 were· to the student wbo Itan,}s

of Smllrr. -Iii were: htghest In the graduating class · .. of At:; :~ Education· went 10 Elizabeth A. Pike,

r:! n! I Barhelor of Com· B.A. (Ed.l The Blrk's Medal itl!! dr;rrc' of ~Ia'ters Is awarded to the student l1\·ho llrf jllarnrri and Ihere has done mOlt for !.he unl·

r.r l:;cOlrr of Smnce.· verslty In extra· curricular I: u d r n I' reeril'cd actll'lIles. Robert J. Olivero

:f. ~ nll:~lhrr o[ was the winner. For ncel·

Douglas Mouland received a ! and depletion, for inlerest on Ihe replacement of equipment Bronze Medal. The Groller Premier J. R. Smallwood says land since :.tr. Diefenbaker, fUllded debt, for taxa lion ~nd for. the maintenance of the Society Book Award went to he is prepared to. stake his stand came to office and the people· for exchange losses. was S2,23R,. maximum level of operating ef· Harvey Abbott who came very on Term 29 against the one of his province, on this basis,! 000 lasl year ~s opposed to Illelcncy. With a view of per-close 10 Miss Pike In class taken by Federal JustIce ~Iin· should not expect It 10 be un·, 53,621.000 for 19~7. : mancntly linandng these and standing. Ister E. D. Fulton. Mr. Small- generous when a review is I •• • . other substantial capital ex-

I wood made this clear in an i made of financial arrangements' , A 1O~7. fire In Ihe nnlls at, pCllditures during recrnt ~'ears After all degrees and prizes intervi~ Sunday night with the· in 1962. Co~ner; Blonk. Ihe report ':I)'S. ,lllel also 10 pro\'ide additional

had been conferred the convoca·1 Daily News. He was commenting i Mr. Smal!wooll's rC;1ction 10 ~aH r,se . I~ many prr'bll'nlS working capllal arrangements tion heard an address by the on Mr. Fulton's statement in this statement 11',,5 exprr,.ssed in I:imh. a,(ilclsel y .afrreled tI,c were m.1de for an isslle of $10

I Right Rev. H. J. Somers, ·Presi. Saturdal"s News that he thoUb.nt· one sentence. He saiel: "We pre· lompal!) s ~pclatlons Ihrough. "."Illon 5', per Ircnt Sinking

I dent of SI. Francis Xavier, Uni· the people of Newfoundland. as' ler to depclld on the conslit,,·: Ollt JnJ~. lIowelw, :I,e prlJ· I' unn Denentures ~eries A of II'crsi!y, AntigonIsh. The Chan· a rcsult of his speech to Ihe: tion of C~nada marc than 9n th~ g~~mme of rcl,alJllllatlOn. wlllCh the :'IIcw!ollndland Company to

I cellor Ihen closed the Conl'oca·1 Board of Tra.de, might be cws"lI'hims of the Canadian Govern·· I~~S fO~jlld 10 ~e mOIC cx~cnmc " group of companies of which lion a[tc! which the company I cd to QuestIon whelher Ihe, ment whoever they are." t all lIas ill O"C time «1I.!Clpat·, S7.900.00U Wil., I.'sued in Oclo·

. retired to Ihe University Annex Premicr is working in Ihcir best· TIle Premier has charger! thill cd. '~ladc good progrc,s during i bcr, 1958, ill1d Ihe balilnce in ·whcre all th~ ~rildllalcs were: interests. . by lerminating payments under I~e )_e~~ '~Ihou~~ cert,1I11 major I January. IO~9."

; talks th're.

Three Give Birth Children were born to

Ihree Newfoundland servlee­men !tationed In Germany III A pri!. Th e paren ts were Lance Corporal and Mrs. James A. Ryall 01 St. John's; Sergeant and Mrs. William H. Good· Year, SI. John's; Bnd Crafts· man and Mrs. Robert L. Burry. St. John's.

No Stamps Buying stampi over a w .. k.

end lametlmls II ImpoIIIIII,. Outside thl Glnual Pest Offl CI II • Ita mp v.ndln. mlchin., bUI It wal out of ardlr Salurd,y and Sunday. Trying tk. Harvev ROlli Post OffiCI where th.re II In· alker mlchln.. • NEWS ,tlfflr wilh urgenl mail to past found thlt Ihl vlnd.inll mackin. tker. WI, sold 01111

lence In French PatrIck A. U'Flallerty r e c·r i v e d the Frrnch Government Slh'u Medal, Gudron HUle lid

1 prescnte(l to the Chancellor.: ~tr. Smililwood said of ~tr'l Term 29 in 1962 ~Ir. Diclcll· -.-,Then coffeo Rnu ~andwichcs,Fulton's Itiltemenl: "I :1m pre·ibaker's G.overnment ~s violnting Named T [Robb.-ng Gardens Behind I were 5Hved, pared Ht any time 10 let the: tha constItutIOn of CanAda. HIS . 0 . Because of the long·delayed

people of Newfoundland choose I' stand has been that since Term; II winter and practically' no

Have Become Soft " between ~Ir. Fulton and my· 29 I~ I part of the Canadian I' spring weather, gardeners are self." I constitution Ottawa cRnnot place C d Peter finding their gardens far ·be-

I • , Mr. Fulton s;dd as well in his I a limit on the recommendations a n a a hInd other years in proire!!.

lI,hl Rn H .T. ~olllr"" FE. N111. F.R.Hil.S ..

the lnnlot'.lion of I rnirtr,ily on Sa tur·

Dr. Somers lAId he feared I Itt f til Id" slalement to the Dally New. on of the McNair Commission. New· OTTAW . , There has not been much sale Ihat In in the We!t did not 1 QJ:I ver;O e~~ADUeA';~;' Saturday thRt the people of foundland's right to a perpetual Counc," Bat'en· A (Speclal)-H. M. i yet for flower seeds, shrubs . I Newfoundland should not mis-! payment under the recommen· " ,LIberal member of the and trees say the florists but realize the importance 01 edu· AddreSSing the graduaUng trust the Diefenbaker Govern. dations of the 1vlc:'>/air Com· Commo,ns for Humber-SI. If we get a few warm 'dayS callan. But the Soviet. have ~la81 Dr. Somers urged them to 1 ment. He laid Ottawa has not m is. ion II constitutionally George s has aCCused the Fed· they will pick up.

· Dr. Somers told' hod)" :hilt "we on I

tl~ti~!nl har~ become . i, hi\"! hrcome too In· I

U'I ~ater:i\1i.~tic gilin,'

realized It. They have used It take up the tasks that had de· been ungenerous to Newfound. guaranteed. . eral Government of "robbing to capture world markell. So feated tilelr elders. He urged a selective Peter to pay for I

far Dr. Somen thinks only them to dedicate their llves to collective Paul. Mr. Batten Busy Road Torbay Road WII I bUIY

Ihorougk'are Sunday IHer­noon .. hundrtdl of citlun. drove to the airport (0 IN the .Ir skew. The fIn. wI.th.r brought many people out­only 10 enloy a driver over their favourlt, rOidl but many were Wilkin •.

~! ~j'" manr Irln:~ of tr.d ru'~ hultons and

our pride hI! been hurt and excellence, to the caU!e of D 1. was speaking on an amend· that hurt pride had eBlljIed UI democracy; to show that they Jobless ec Ine I ment to the Unemployment to luddenly taie a IIrut could llve for a cause just as I, Insurance Act which wlll

Ir:jOtl!n the important In Ie rest in science. "Make no the youth of the West showed : boost employer and employee mlslake about It", he Aid, that they could die for a cause The number of unemployed period last year. ' contributions to the fund with· "the cold wlr may be decIded In tile 1939-40 war. On that persons registered with the Na· The figures, in themselves, I ' out increasing benelits.

I'II'ORTANCE i Ultimately In the school. and sober note the address ended. tlonal Employment Office of may npt be truly indicative of I Charles R. Granger. the ::. jj!f.

-----------.-:~----~==---==..::.:.:.::..~:.-..::.::::-..:..:.: the Unemployment Insurance the number of jobless for many! ! member for Grand ralls· CommissIon In St. John's show· people who are still out of work! I White Bay·Labradol·. charged

, Granger Blast Administration

I cd another sharp decline last may no longer be registered' that wholes<lle unemployment week, being morp- than 1,000 wilh the of!iee.. . is hbtoric<llly RS50~J<ltert with. Collisions

. smaller th~n at the same time The figures nS released by· Tor)· limes :lnrl "this whole.! .. last week. :~!r. B.tten·are:ls follow,:, I sille lIocmplovmrnt shnulrl he: SevN:l1 colhSlOnl,\ w'dre .r,,·

Figures released. by N. s.. i . mel hy a dir"ret government i porlerl In CIty po IC' urm. Batten. ~!anagrr of the Office. I UNPLACF.n Al'PLICMiTS : "rantralher than by incl'ea i Saturrlay I ~nd yesterday. A

:\ ,Spre:.I,-II. :II. !\cwfoundland and Labrador L:or~~1 memher of the i of fishing prop~ly in northern

show R tolRI of 13,585 person~. ~!ale Female in" the Amount III contrilm. i two·rar co lIslen on Barnr~ regislered as seeking work on 14 ~fay, 1n59 12,168 1417 llon.'." , Roarl felulted In $250 dam· F ·d Th' f e 7 ~[a)' 11}59 13.18R 1388 <\11 of the r ·h I h' ages to one 01 the cars. lI. rl ay. IS Igure was SOI11., • , MR. GERALD M. WINTER o· h ,I era mem ers, parked car was hit by An·

:Of IIl1mher·SI.· more stages should be plan· Inrl C n Granger, ncd now for construction next

· fe: Gra:,rl Falls.whlte, fall and In I the following f • ., hOle all~cked, spring. H~ said In that part of t1U} (,OIrrnown! sad·. the Province fail and &prlng

or Ih! IInrmplo)·.: vlork Is more Important than

: 4,000 lesl than for the same: 1511<.)" 1958 '16,670 1253 Prime 2Ilinister Diefenbaker h;ll~ e Commons opposed the olhcd car at the junetion of

I announced on ThursdilY the· Le :'!archant Road and Ben·

:r.!Uranc! commIssion' winter work. · it II app\:ed In XCII"I ~lr. Granger said employ.

P· k 'll Unh 'appoIntment of 2\!r. Gerald 2\p.' nell Ave., Ind both cars IUS' IC ersgI appy Winter to the Canada Coun·! ['real,ed some years ~go as a talned considerable damage. eil. : result of recommendations by A ear slipped its brake! on

2\!r. Winter is a Director of the :lIasscy Commission. Hamilton Avenue, went down ; . • I ment otrlces should give con·

In a ('(,mmons de· I sideratlon to people !lvlng In ~ !~! Ar: :Ill'. Batten' dIstant places equal to that

1: dUring .\t~rch in received by people In heavlly 1. C. TIPTON

h J b P I the well·known firin of T. &! The Council adminlsters a the. street and coll\ded with

WI·t . 0 5 ro ram I ~1. Winter Limited, and serv-I fund of $200,O()O,OOO, set up a parked car, crossed the g ed as President of the ~ew· by the Federal Government to street and hit anether car. fOllndland Board of Trade In assIst and foster scleiltlfic reo The damagu to all three car! 1957. seanh, the Arts, and speclflc were heavy. Two cars that · Ih" 3i,~21 per· populated centres near the of·

nre wl:haut Income on flces. It was announced recently OTTAWA (Speclal)-J. W. Federal Gavernmenl. that Mr. J. C. Tipton bas been Plckersgill, Uberal member for' The Bonavlsta· Twlllingate promoted to the tDsltion of B onavlsta·Twlllln~ate, has charg· member charged that the winter Vlce·Presldent and General Man· ed that tbe Federal Govern· works programme Is not geared ager of Concrete Products (New· ment's fallure.to pay Newfound· to Newfoundland cnndltions and loundland) Limited, M a u.n t land what It Is ri~htlully owed he said he would hate to think

, of Unemployment. ______ _ ,1m :h, families of 7. ~!.':1Plo)·ed men. Th~ ." M Ih~!e men employ . •. f. BoUrn liiid wa~ I:~ thc\' iI.~~r~ families • lO.\~ r.nrlp.

· RIll," rlr~lnrrrt th~1 ~'n PI\( 'rilonl ~~p

In .rhnnl \\hllr Ihry mpln.lrrt wrre rte.

" .... 1 Purl. Mr. Tipton has been a has hampered efforts to stlmu· of what thing, would have been Director of the company since lale extra employment in the like in Newfoundland hAct it nol 19M] and hal carried out Ihe province. . heen for the efforl.~ o[ lhe pres·

I duties 01 treasurer durIng the II Mr. Plckersglll s~id one rea·. ent Premier of th&- province past fell' yean. He joined son [or Newfoundland's inability I "and 50me others" who had ac­

I Concrete Products In 1945 as 10 participate In the winter \ complished I great deal in this lofflce manager. Prior· 10 -that works programme was because direction over the past ten; ,t Ih . , "If pmpln)'ment time he was employed In Ihe 11 had to spend I half million years. I

office of Ihe McNamara Con. dollars of Intercst charges on Humb~r·St. George's f 1:'0 rxpf~S5Cd regret II ur~ of the Federal h to r~sume work

strucHon Co.,· Limited, durIng money which it 'had to borrow the construction of Torbay Air· because Ottawa did not ~ve the port. province what was 11.5 by rIght. Bowaters

Power Sales /!i~;lbour at Codroy. He Cross-Countlry. led the failure· to

Olltratlan the bait de. POint. He charg· Truck Arrives

I. a r~\Ult fishermen ~::dy In hl'"ln lohster KEVIN J. O'REGAN At Glenwood

r b~rn lInohl t 1 0, l~cOunt of I ~ 0 Kevin J. O'Regan was re- , . oc of., elected vlce.presldenl for New· The truck ownetl by ~!c·

i\(,ran'rr. in hi, ad Iioundialld at the recent meet· Donald's Trucking Service is .. 11 lithou'h Ih ".re.ls, ling of Atlantic Provlces Bakers' mRklng good progrc~s In its

· • e winter hi ki I · , \\'al not apPII hi Assoclatlon. The annual conven· story·ma ng tr p across Ihe . ndland Iher I Co e tlon of thIs association was held island to Port ~ux nd~ques. -ork_the CU~tI s on~ at For Cumberland Hotel, Am· J~mes Connony, driver of

· 'hi.th can be nR 0 nerst, Nova Scotia, on· May 12 t~e truck, phoned Terra Nova PrOVide extra ~~~IOlt and 13th. Mr. O'Regan Is salu· Motor8 at 10 O'clock Saturday I JObless ~;II'[~U~~r manager with the firm of East mornIng and Informed th~m

~ He !U~ge~ted th t End Bakery Limited, director of that he had just arrived In C~i mlde in .d\'a a SI. John's Junior Chamber of Glenwood, after moklng guod

'1 P<llcs, C;o;R tl~ce Ido Commerce. Mr. J. M. Maher, time, and withoul Rny mishap. or 1thar\"P~ allli h' an managlne director of Eaat End all the way. Connoll~ said that

,t'Ut lor the f0110rp~k Dakery was also In attendance he had driven Ihe vehIcle "ort In Ihe vic 1IIIIIlltyg a\ this convention. Ihrough Ihe Natinn;J1 I'urlc Bnd

f harl not used the ferry, keep· be qr Which the ing to his d~terminRtlon not (r

Gr-anl Used. . cross water at any I)oint. By er termed th ON I this tIme h~ Is nn 11I~ way 10 Itl~cs proJel.t ~ MORE LOCAL NEWS 1

n . Port ~ux· Bas~lles alld hllpr, t(l ~ Itt: but SUl2est· PAGE 5. I mah . good lime In gellln~

t of the loaS _________ - there~ ,


That half million dollars, Mr. Pickersglll said, would have made poas!ble more tban the mere 26 projects amounting to The Bowater Power Company $49,000 which . was all New. had what Bowater's Corporation foundland . received from the of North America L!mited de· winter works programme. scribes as "a modest increase '[

in sales" last year. As a result. Mr. Plckersgill said unem· the Corporation says in lis

ployment In Newfoundland is annual report, 11.5 trading profits substantially higher than In any increased from $2,410,000 in other part 01 Canada. There has 1957 to $2,624,000 in 1958. been a disastrous fisheries The net income of the Power failure, he said, and it is the Companr in 1958, the repo kind of fallure that had it hap· says, was $679,000. Dividends of pened in Bny other province 12Yz cents a share· were paid would have been rFU-ved by Ihe on ~ommon stock. --_... ~-------

Walsh. HeadsiLions Jack WaIBh will guide the

destinies of the St. John's Lions Club lor the twelve· month period starting July .1st. Officers and Executive relurned at Thursday nigh1's' mcclin~ of tne Lions Cluh IVere: Presidcnr, John ~1. W~I~h; lsI. Vice·presi· dent, W. F. Kendall; 2nd. Vice·

president. Bob Bartlett: Vice·presldenll, .llaywarli RIll"­rage; ·Secretary, L e s lie Freah; Treasurer. Don Penney; Tail Twisler, Ray )faeGillivray; Lion Tamer, W. Clore Godriell: Direclors, Doug . BrolVll. Pilil Field: Larr)' Sulherl"lI<1 ami George Tessier.

The Canada Counell was varIous of dUcation In Canada. Continued on page 20 .


I DRESS With full length detachable sleeves and nylon 51ip ta match. SIZES 10 - 12 $4.95.

VEILS> of the finesl nylon, embroid­ered in all four corners. SIZE 36x 36 ........ $1.65



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Page 4: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

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~ __ ...... ,...., ___ =-.:-:-::-:-;-;--:-;:::== ___ --~:4 =================~ __ TH_E_DAJl Y NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., MONDAY, MAy 18,

THE DAlL y. NEWS Woke N.wfound/and', Only Morning Pamr I' n' . T·. h e' N r w' . 5

, , By WAYF~.RER .

- Th' DlILl NEW' .. • mornilll paper .11 blllheel ID 18M. aDd pu bllJheo at thl N'IWI BuilcUlIIlI~ IS Dueiwur~ !!tret't. at.' Jobn, Nell'foundlln4 III RobinloD • Compan" L1JI!Jted

. THI CHlljII P'ItOII.IMS to the growth of Canada's national' stature .

!EAIlL'l' I!ItB!lrBIPTION UTEI Danldl ...... $12.00 per annum United Kinldom IItI

all loreilUl euurtrleJ '14.00 p.r annum Authoriled aa steund e]w mlti. POit Office. Department, 9ttawl. .


• Th. Canadian PrMl II m!IIII"I, .nUlled to the Ut. for republication of aU neWt dlllpttehea In th1a Piper credit. ed to It or til tilt "'lIoelated Prell or P~uten and allO lbe locil aewapubliJb eel the~n.

AU f'rw aervlrr Illd feature article. In thla Piper art eopyriahted anel their repJ'oductillll II problhlt.d.

• M~mber Audit BUrelu

of Clreulatlonl.

MONDAY, MAY 18, 1959. ____________ ~------r-----------The Mission 'That Failed

Mr. Fulton came, saw and failed to conquer. Failure was predestin­ed. The "isit was founded on the belief that a plausible approach in the guise of Il peace mission would persuade us to gi"e llP the sub­stance of' Term Twent~'-nine for the shadow of Mr. Diefenbaker's far mme indefinite promises.

;'lr. Fulton's performance was incredibh' bad in "iew of its pur­pose. Ne~doundland is not just Imother have-not province seeking the crumbs of charity from Otta­wa's table. We have been trying to lift ourselves by our own boot­straps and have asked for n"o hand­outs. In our stand on Term TwentY-nine we are concerned . , with onl~' one thing and that was something that Mr. Fulton neither knew nor understood.

Without the promise clearly im­plied in the Terms of Union, con­federation would never have occurred. That pledge is clear. Newfoundland was to have eight "ears at least in which to raise the ievels of standards of its public sen' ices. 'l11ereafter the difference between our revenues and the cost of continuing those services at the approved level would be borne by the government of Canada.

For anyone to say that there are no obligations in Term 29 is non~ sense. The alternative is to believe that this clause was inserted in the agreement by Canada in an effort to make Newfoundland a Canadian pro\'ince by fraud and deceit. This was not the intention. But that is the spirit in which the present government of Canada appears to see it.

Mr. Fulton's approach was tact­less' if not unprecedented. Mr. Diefenbaker had tried it earlier. Mr. Sinclair put it more brashly when he addressed the Board of

Trade eight years ago. Look, they all said, at how much money we have given you, And.in effect they suggest that we should go down on our knees and give thanks for the benefactions of warm - hearted Ottawa.

But what wI! have received, ex­cept for the transitional grants and the· first payment under the McNair award, is no more than our proportionate share of federal pa~'- .

. ments to all provinces. Three other provinces shared in the Atlantic grants. No special benefits or favours have been conferred on Newfoundland .. And . while Mr .. Fulton in a dream world of frenzied finance, gave his own exaggerated version of Canadian generosity, he had not one word to say about the benefits that New­foundland had brought to main­land Canada.

What kind of people do they think we are? This has been asked before. It needs. to be asked again. We claim no more than our con­tractual rights. We are fobbed off with false evidence of generosity evanescent promises. For Term Twenty-nine, a solid pledge incor­porated In the constitution of the nation, we are asked to accept a promise of fair and equitable treatment in 1962. But how fair and how equitable will be the treatment to come from a govern­ment that arrogates to itself the right to repudiate a solemn under­taking in the confederation agree­ment?

The honour of Canada is at stake in this matter. And if Mr. Fulton has said the last word for his gov­ernment, if the prime min.ister stands by his denunciation of the constitutional rights of this prov­ince, the good faith of the nat jon will be forfeited before the world.

Alternate Airport The endless frustrations to which

travellers are subjected and the inconvenience to commerce of the interruption of mails are good reason~ for the construction of a new landing field in a fog-free area of the IlUburbs.

This has been obvious for many years. The present. site was chosen to meet the requirements of a military airfield in time of war. If the selection had been made with the needs. of a civilian airport in mind, meteorological studies and other factors would undoubtedly have suggested a site in the west-ern. outskirts of the town. \

Nothin~ could be more vexatious to passengers than the experience


of arriving over St. John's only to find a landing impossible and a return to Gander necessary. Even this would not be so bad if a paved highway connected Gander with St. John's. At least it would serve to reduce the confusion arising from the need of seeking train accommodation and the discomfort of. a long rail journey to the capital..

An alternate to Torbay should be given immediate consideration by the Department of Transport. Until it has been provided a serious gap will exist in our communications system and serious inconvenience will continue to be suffered by travellers in particular and the public in general.

The . Necessary Incentive We have never been convinced

that anything-was to be gained by ~. noor price or Support scheme for iIlt codfish, . . ;; 'The reasons are plain. A IlUpport ~cy cannot remedy the situation tf the fisherman whose catch if aMll. On the other hand, it can in other circumstances put a premium ~. quantity :without regard to

-enough gocd light-salted- cod and the only basis on which the aver­'age fishennan can be persuaded to devote the time and care needed for the cU»ing of fish of a high standard is the establishment of B

premium for quality.

In Its letter on genera] polley the Board of Trade hu told the Prime Mlnllter three fundamental facts. The first h that Newfoundland came Into confederation too late to benefit from the great era of basic develop"

• ment. The second is that our popu· lation is rapidly outgrowing our ability to take care of a rapldly·ln· creasing working force. And the third is that. powerful case for na­tional assistance In the expansion of the N ewfoundlanll economy can be founded on enllllhtened self·interest.

+ + + The proof of the Baird of

Trlde" lubmlillani mly b. 'found . In the flrat chlp',r of 'hi McNllr Report. I.e, u, take' 'hi pain" mad. In ,h.lr prop.r ord.r. Her. la I releVln' quo'itlon for the flra' rtf tfi ... palnll, 'hi one ,hi' Ihowl ,hi' w,' ml, .. d out on 'h. Now dlaCirld.d polley of Iconomlc dey,lopmen' on I nl'lonll ICII.: "Unllk. the rill of Canldl, New·­foundland hid nol r.cllvld Ih. beneflll of over eighty yearl of. .ggrelilva federal pollcl .. dlSlgn. ed to urlst economic develop· ment and to falter Iconomlc U·

plnllon. Newfoundland has bun oullide Ihe ;rut national Ilruc· turl of Irlnsportallon facilltl8l, hlghly.deve:oPld government ser· VICI', Ind Ixtenilvi reglonll and ladultrlal IUpports. Newfound. land WII without. modern IYltem of tranaportatlon." But we Ire carrying our Ihare of the burden of debt rllultlng from then nilional economic pollclel. w. .re entitled to cempenullon In the form of apeclal as'.lstincete piaci ulan a comparabll level with oth.r provlnc.. In resp.cl of thl adventa; .. that they hive derlvld from th... nltlonll economic pollcl .. In the pal'.

+ + + The second point made by the

Board of Trade is related to popula. tion. We have gained by natural Inc~ease since union at the .same rate as the nation has gained by a com· blnation of nalural increase and net gain on Immigration. Our population has grown from under 350.000 in ]948 10 more than 4~0,ooO In ]9~9 and our working force Is Increasing an· nually at the rate of about 4,000 a year. It ls not a population that lends itself to emigration because of the accent on YOllth. It follows that It I! the duty of the federal government to consider the ~peclal nature of the problem and find, In co·operatlon with the provincial government, means by which Newfoundlanders in Newfound· land may make a larger contribution

CALLAS, AGAIN David Cairns in The London Spectator

The other day a taxi·driver Inform· ed me. In the course of some sound and pithy observations on the state of music, that fifty years ago :lfadame Callas, in his opinion, would have got nowhere.

+ + + The third polnl II Ihe matter of

Inll,hlened .. If·lnt.rlst. It hll many lupportlng irgumentl. The McNair Report Slid thll w. prO­duci only one.tenth of our .grl. culturll nledl Ind that no more then thr .. to four per cent of the popul.tlon II emploYld In .econd. ery manufaclurlng Indultrili. In oth.r wordl, . WI mUlt Impart Iboul 90 per cent of .our conlumer n.eda.At one tlml we bought thel, In thl chuPlst markets. Since union WI hlVI been. cap· tlve mlrket of Canld.. We hlv. not only dlvlrted 10 th. mainland malt of our purchnl. from thl relt of th. world but we' have Iho lien the drastic reduction of

. our own firming Industry under thl prenurel of Canadien com· petition. In our consumer buy. Ing from abroad before the war we prDcurld one·thlrd of Dur needs from Canada. As a result of wartime condilloni which tern· porarlly reduced our purcha~es

from Britain and Ihe United Slates, Canada had a IIttl. less than half of our trade. Today Ih' Is In the pDslt]on of • vlrtuII manDpalist and her shere of New· foundland Imp.Drh I. clas. 'a 90 per c.nt. Moreover th.le Im­parl. Ir. Ilia about 90 per cenl of our total conlumer needs. AI an export market for Cenada, WI

rank third afler the United Stalu and Ihe United Kingdom.

+ + + If these facts are doubted, they are

capable of proof. And they make a formidable argument for Canadian aid in the expansion or the l'Icwfound· land economy as an act of enlightened self-interest. But we take leave to doubt that, In spite of his friendly formal reply, :\Ir. Diefenbaker has read the Board of Trade letter. This Is not said bccaus'e we are agairtst :lIr. Dlefenbaker any more than we ere for his opponents. We take leave to doubt lhat there is in Canada one man. be his political allegiance what It may. who has been willing to stud)' and accept these facts. That is what Is wrong with Canada. In Newfound· land we are not concerned with the by·plays of party politics on a national scale. We are concerned with the question of whether Canadian politi· cians of all parties arc capable of rising above the trivialities of party conflict and provincial Jealousies to the point of seeing the nation as a whole and founding their poilcles upon national need. If and when they do, Newfoundland will get the fair deal she has been so rar denied.

hold more danger than the excise tax, which is levied directly on such pro· ducts as Cigarettes and liquor. not on their producers. And no matter how weI! hidden, they must ultimately be paid by the consumer.

As I paid the fare and lefl him he was atm expatiating on the width of her wobble on high notes and spread· . Ing his hands eloquently In an attempt

It will be well to remember this fact dUring the Budget debate In the next few days. There wlll be muclt chatter from the CCF about soaking the rich corporations and protecting the work· Ing mnn. The party's theme song has

to measure it. . Personally I am prepared to forgive

Madame Callas everything, eVen the witless pomposity of her television pronouncement about her Art.

FROGS FOR HOLLYWOOD South African Press Service

A consignment of live frogs has left Cape Town In the "Robin' Sherwood" for an Important mission In Studio City, Los Angeles, reports "The Cape Argus."

Tbe frogs are not destined for film atardom but It Is almost certain they' will play an Important Pllrt In the ~I8Ung of Hollywood films. The frogs are "Platannn" (Zenopu. Laevls) which abound In dams all over the country and which have become fa· moul throughout the world for their efficiency In pregnancy tesls.

Altogether 3,000 trogs are on their way to the United State~ of which ],000 Ire bound for studio City. The reat will go to Maryland.

HIDING THI! PACTS Toronto Globe and Mai]

In the wake of the Dominion Bud· let, leading companies In two major Indultrles-oll and rubber-have in· creased the price of gasoHne and tires. Tax Increases were the decisive factor In each case.

The buyer o! these products has no wly of knowlnll that the extra cost II In fact. hidden tax; there Is noth· Inll on the price tail to warn him. For all·1le knows, the complnlu have de· clded to Incruse "their profits at his expen.e, an act which Is not likely to InCl'H!e hi. appreciation of their aervlees. Thul th.· companies are forced to take the rap for, the Gov· ernment.

alreadY begun: over the wep.k-end CCF leaders were rehearing the old refrain.

Superficially, the argument ha! II

certain allure to those who assume they would benefit from 8 tax·the· titans program. But even a cursory examination of the thesis re\'eals It to be a piece or devious sophistry. It Is lXIrt!cularly Irrelevant In ·relatlon to this year's Budget, which Is alleged­ly sparing the so-ealled little man and singling out corporations for par· tlcularly heavy Increases. These In· creases, In the CCF view, are still not enough.

We repeat: No matter where the tax Is levied, or what artful devices are employe d to hide It, the consume~ must Inevitably pay It, whatever his Income. The consumer Is ultimately the sole sourCe of Income for both G<Jvernment and Ind6stry; he Is the backbone of commerce. When the corporation tex increased, the COl'por· atlon must view It as an Increase In operating casU! and act accordingly

The CCF wHl argue that corpora· tion profits are already high and the tax Increase could be absorbed with· out Increasing prices. This argu· ment is equally suspicious. A corpora· tlon gets It money from stockhOlders, who expects a reasonable return on tbelr Investment. But before the corporation can consider them, it must fork over to the Government at least half of all It hElll ~rned. Then the stockholders, when they' receive dividends on this reduced profit, must pay taxes on them. The company lind 111 .wckholders take all the risks, and

. the Government collects most of the profit.

~ty. . .; :The question of prodUction can De" dealt with only by Improving th •. mechanism of catching fish, In mOlt cases thill means that fisher men .will have to be provided with the means of fishi,ng the offshore

Once this incentive has been provided, more fisherrpen will build their stagel and make a real effort to produce the kind of fish for which the name of Newfound­land was renowned in world mar­kets in the past,

Thls'is the absurdity of hidden tue.. Theoretically, they are pain· le.. and praetlcal; In practice, they

. ire inslcUoul and Inflationary. They

. If company earnings are not main talned, if stockholders do not get a reasonable return on their-investment, they w!!.l 'WIthdraw their support. Then the company w1l1 be hard pressed to maintain Its status, let alone expand The et'Onomy would soon stagnate.

,rounds. . .. ' 'But once fish has been caught

f;n. salting, the major problem is aile of quality,

POLITIC' IN C:USlItOOM . . Sudbury !tar

Can a aehOOl teaeh.r b.,ICIee-4HP In PQlltlcll party' pollUcs . and 'lUll maintain Independence of thouiht be-. fore bls Dr her pupil.,

caUon and IICbool boBrd~artlC)\llarly . the latter.

Edson In Washingl'on


.' By PETER EDSON :'-lEA Washington Correspondent

WASI!INGTON - (NEA) - Getting the U.S. State Department organized for a greater interest in African affairs has now been under way about six month!.

Last !\ugust Congres.s authorized a new as.,istant secretary of state for Afric~n

affairs. The job was given to Joseph C. Sattherthwaite, a 59·year·old career for· ign service officer with 33 years' experl· ence in Latin America, the ~iddle Ea.st ant! South Asia.

lIis African experience consists prin· cipally of a hitch as consul general in Tangiers. But he has put in six years in the State Department'. old office of ~ear East and African Affairs, as de· puty director and head of research. So he has a broad knowledge of the Dark Continent. And today he described hi! job with the simple statement that 'everything in Africa Is happening at

once." Building up a staff of American ell·

perts on Africa to handle its explosive situations is a major function of his new division. Number of foreign service officers with African experience is limit· ed. But they form the nucleus for a big· ger organization. It now has 74 people In Washington, 406 in the field, plus 432 on foreign aid projects-912 in all.

Today the U.S. has embassies in seven African countrie~ - Ethiopia. Ghana. Liberia, Libya, l\Iorocco, Tunisia and Union of South Afri~a. There are in addition 11 consulates general, 14 con· sula tes and one branch office In 21 uut of nearly M nations. territories and co]· onles ..

These counts exclude U. S. embassies and diplomatic posts In Egypt and Sudan which are still regarded as parts of the Near East. and Algiers which is regard·· ed as Fanee.

this admittedly isn't much representa· tlon for a continent almost four times the size of tbe U.S" with about 22~ million pepple. About five million are of Eur­opean attraction. The Africans are 85 to 99 per cent llliterate and per capita wealth runs from $30 to $200 a year.

The situation in eacb country is dif· ferent and American policy for each country has to he tailored to m.

It Is therefore ridiculous to try to lump Africa statistically. But its main cultures have been estimated as 32 mil· lion Christian, 86 million Moslem. 75 million primith·e. one mUUon Hindu, Jew and minor sect, 31 million witb only tribal affiliations at best.

Politically Africa'. ~O national ooun· , , dary Unell Bre not drawn Qn ethics nor even geographic lines. If anyone pre­diction about Africa's future is safe, It h that the map Is going to change dras· tlcally in coming yean. Just how, no one can say.

Since World War II. fi\'~ new. Inde· pendent African nations 1::I'C been established - Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Ghana and Guinea. In 1960 four more new nations will come into being­Somalia, Nigeria, Camkeroon and Togo.

But the movement toward confedera· tion in Afrjca.ls strong today, and many countries will be loosely united. Ghana and Guinea are in the prOCelil of fed· erating. Tunisia, Morocco and the Algerian revolutionary government have discussed forming a Greater Maghre~ Kenya, Uganda, Zanzibar, Nyasaland and. Tangnylka bave discussed an East Afrl· can regional association. Others are in th~ making.

In which the company Is engaged. It! !tockholders, after dividing up what Is felt, must ahare that, too, wIth

J/.' have not btID producm, Thll '11 a que.tlO2l that .hould con·

IIl'Il PJOriDc1ll dtPll'bltAlil Ii IIfu.

Th6 country hi. witnessed anum· ber of Icheel teachers desertlnil their profellion 10 enter polities. It Is nl\urll to Ilk If, In' the CO'Ilne of their teaching duties, they made any attempll to Indoctrinate pupllJ with thtlr 01m polltical b,Um,

The company position can be mus trated by the CBll! of George Weston Limited, whose annual report can be found on our financial pages today On its 1958 operations, the company expects to pay $1,84~,173 In corpora· tlon income tax. This tax is a hidden IeV)' 011 th. food .nd othll' activities Ottawa.

, ...


Don't We Trust Ours The chances would not !~

too strong that there will iii of the constitutional llmltlng presidential tenure terms. But at least one of til ments for repeal docs mm ~ some force.

H Is not the one pointedly by former Prp!;i~,",,"

in his recent congressional namely, that the two· term limll a president a nearly duck In his second term.

This Is a contention thll been proved, and there mUll II than a little doubt that it

President Eisenhower II ~ chief executive who il !ubi!!! constitutional limit.

No one has yet persua5if!~ strated that hi~ control orr: has been markedly affected "lame duck" situation.

Mr. Eisenhower has by very conservative view of !he presidential power. would Inevitably be exlrelteJ cult to show that his exmilf ership has been and will ~ ped by the fact his tenure January, 1961.

There is good reason to a more free-swinging executirr not really find his POIr!!

clipped. A more forceful ohjeftio~ U

two·term limit may hr· that il stiff halter on the .; ·"rnm freedom of choiee.

We cannot forcsr~ Ril the and circumstances :hR: 1\'J this nation. There "",. be the people will agree that they want a refrain president, even t~ou~h he ready be winding up his

To say we cannot have him there Is danger he might dictator Is to place little raiLl selves-Indeed, In the whole cratic proceBS of ,·oting. H the power to Install J man, the power ro oust him.

No one sugge!ted Canlda-,ll Ing for dictatorship when h Mackenzie King In the prlCll ter's post over a long !P~ the Canadians wanted a got It.

By the 22nd Amendment" to be saying that we hal'! hi! II a limitation Into th .. law do not belle,'! we can man!!! It. It that really so:


One day In the mict·1930! a chance encounter in a hotel room between .lohn 1.

he then busy building uP If of known as the Committee trial Organizations (CIO), aDd C. Taylor, then chairman of tlJ of United State~ Steel

Taylor and Lewis met laler on the terms of the first wage contract ever signed in Industry. It prevented I.

. costly strike In the nation I steel firm and gave the CIO ~ig boo~t toward power .

The agreemen~ was \\'ide~ on III sides, for It kept tbe one broad .erroent of the at a time when !trife and were painfUllY comrnonp\l~~ enabled U. S. Steel to tnl ductlon In a period not tOO til moved from the depth! III Tlreulon.

Dead now at ~, Taylor P doubtedly be . most the America'. ambasudor to I f from 1939 to 1I1~. But! be did In hI! Ufe had J!lO~ tffect on th!J countrY than do1m with .JollA I. Lf'ri'.

Ellzabe June

lil'e ac Canadian

It w, . 15th.

SYlvia happy ab prodUct! Candle! behalf

Profes \hat th


Page 5: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

t We

Jtiona] ; ial tenure II 1.!;1 one of tht d~ SPPlII "


tll'Ooterm limit ·arly po'l'el'lell nd term. ention that l1li thPTT mlllt lit

• bt that h CII

l'f'&son 10

-'g'.n~ nPMIti" his pont

oful objr<'ti"lI Ie may ~ ~ ~Jt it lh~ .... ~ntl~ IJC't'.

~ al~ :lit ,~ tb.t ,..iU ~ ml." bt agne " .... ,....I!tJIII

: a tertl.ln I UIou~ be 11& up bu ~ IIDOl blt'e bllll

~ hI' might iKe little lai~ hi the ,..bolt

r.( 90 tin ". II 11'1 :1st all • mlll. .. 'Ill't him. ostlPd Canida" o!'!Ihip ... ~ 11 • ill the prllllf . a 10nJ S1IIII­... nt~ a rhlDJ'.

"'rMndment W1 ~; _ hlt"e lid 10

:0 the 1&'" " can ftl&nllf l\" IO~ • • •

1959 _______________________________ ~--------~--~---------------------S :~~~~~~~~-- ,


.Weather' And· The

Hawks Newfoundland', unpredIctable

weather Ilmost prevented local clilienl from leeln, I iplendld diaplay at aerobatlci ; by the !amed RCAF "Goldeni Hawa" tellJIl thll weekend,.'

Cancelled on Siturday, be· cluse: or poor weather condl· tlON, the show we'nt ahead Sunday alternoon In bright and aunny weather under a elear blue s~, ..

Tne III Sabre J.lI. painted aold Ind Ileaminii brightly In the sun, took aU .bortly after 2 p.m. and for ibout SO minutes pu t on 'In amullll display of precision flylnl, In elate forma· tlon.

Miss Maple .. Leaf Canada Contest -,1

~ l CII ,,,CFL tOR Viscount Rothermere tBlk§ with three of Saturday" graduates who are .11 former 01 the "'Ij,\ \lcmorial" award. 'f!1ey are, left to right:-Elcllnor Squires, Linda Winter, Jo Lundrigan.

SklmmlJli over the rooftop.! .t fantastically hltlhlpeeds the jet.s, looped. turned,' rolled and .hot vertically up Into the IkY, wln,Up to wingtIp, In a display of aerobatics that SL John'. hu nBver before leen.

A really amazing perform· ance. and one that loeal towns· folk could have eully missed if Old Man Weather had not re­lented at the lillt minute.

Holds Naval Inspection

Captain Pearce, l\oyal Canl' . dian Navy, accompanied by 'Lleutenant Commander Shaver.


Area Officer for Sea Cadet. In MONTREAL, May tS-When! this is a lmowlcdgc o[ bn;.:uages ,and pIanIst as well as a ballet Newfoundland, !.a conducllng an Miss 1I1aple Leaf·Canada is i which includes flu .,. in Eng·: dar.cer. She has studi~d art at inspection tour on th. South crowned here next August. a lish. French, 5101.,:. C;';ranian,. the Ecole des Beaux Art3 her! Coast this week on Itte HMCS young lady who has won mallY Hal ian. POll S h, llungarian. I and. in the little !ree time shp Huron. On Wednesday the corps beauty contests herself. will be Spanish and. Greek She can I" has; runs a modelling school. at Ramea was Inspected and in charge of the pageant which I "get by" RUSSlan and Humanlan The Dally News and the Thursday the corps at Burgeo. brings tOi!ether representatives I as well. 1 ~Iodei Shop LId. are sponsoring Last night the o!flcen InaI!ec!·, from all 10 provinces. Margie enteren her first Call' a )liss Newfoundland Contesl ed llCSCC Atlantic herel which ~ managing director of :Ill;, tcst in 1952 when she was nam· and will send a young lady t~ had to be done Indoors due to World Canada Inc., sponsors 0; ed :ltiss Congeniality. Since tlla! represent Newfoundland to thi~ Inclement weather. Lat~r In. the the Canada·wide competition time she has been named \Ii" \Iiss Maple Leaf·Canada Contest evenIng tile vIsiting officers Margie Gecy. brown· hairvr. Outdoor, ~liss Glamour, ~liss ~!iss Newfoundland will re were entertained by the Grand beauty authority, will preside. Personality, ~Iiss 'Papillarily and' ceive a complet travelling trous Bank·Fortune Navy LelljfUe Sea over the festivities. ; a host of other titles: I seau from the ~!odel Shop and Cldet Committee .t Clawboney And Miss Gecy is certainly I Recently accompanied bv the she will be sent to :'I!ontrcalfor aod a dance was held In the not "beautiful but dumb." Add· current \Ii;s ~laplc Leaf.Ca'nada. the competition by the Dalh' theatre In honour of the eve.nt., ~d to her many contest hOllours :.!aril)·n Keddie. ami .Jo5cph A. :'tOews. Today the RCSCC .t Lamahne 115 a pretty ~ood scholasllc I Pardie, president of ~liss World' Girls ill the proper age group Is ~elng lrupected and RCS.CC I reco:d. Ma:gle ~s a graduate of i Canada. she was received by I may enler themsel\'es or a per. Burin wIll hold Its Inspectlon :'!!cGlll Umverslty •. grad~ate. of 1 Prime \Iinister Diefcnbaker in son may enter. a young lady to.nlght. The corp.! at Marystown the Montreal Hospital Nurslllg I h' ff' . th House of C ., whom he or she thinks would

following which tile offlcla!J wlll for her C.A, degree at McGill mons. 1 make a httmg MISS Newfou,nd·

\1. I\srrcTlo\, of West Cout Garrison Command by Brlg. S. E. E. Morrew, C.D. The "nspectton of . :'inrl. Rq:imcnt and the 168th Nfld. Field Regiment, R.A., took place in the Corner Brook Armouries

1J!IitM~da\' ni~ht. Here the Brigadier Inspects the Band.

WIll ba Inspected on Monday School and has one year to go liS 0 Ice me, om I ...•

return to St. John'I,' University here. Coupled with She is an accomplished singer .land. '

McNamara Harbour

Given Contract

, Swimming. Pool Plans • Icrowave Will' Open For

yol Visit To St. John's' rLla~,'!h; arri\'31I co·operallve planning by CNT June 18 1\";\1 be I and the CBC which called for

Clf ":0'S Canada live television Into but not out (cle.ar. llr[lactraqin~ of :-iewfoundland by June.

r.lr. Jerrett aald all of Can· I ada will be able to see the

C Je:rt::. ~~pprilltenrl· initial stages of the Royal \~t:cnal Tele· tour only because CNT person.

::I 't'~!OUI11;Jllrt sait! nel had accepted a challenge 'l"fowalt network to put the east·west circuit

thO! ,rol';ncp will into operation sev(,'al months !or U,p hy t:~at uatc. earller than originally ached·

Ctlliopmpnl reprcsent· uled. ItllOl chance in eilrlicr DecIsion to advance the

Little Women ro,t! ~,pi:' nf WIn. St~ool mMI'cd an

Ol'''::rn from ngh:'; iI~"1'rnce at

.\C'~ P:.:i\, Fl1sti\'al -'", T" "...... .1e)· prc'ent·

fro!)', ·L.::lr \\'0'

was half the aeeret of a IUe­cessful production.

Bill Westcott, who played the role of the volallie llttle RussIan. wu highly commend· ed for hIs Interpretation of the part. "He had the most de­lightful little mannerisms,"

Ind <ri:rr,s'essed the adjudIcator said. Fran'kle Ir:or! drcw prai,e O':-ielll as Madame' popova

dit!:or l'~(.rr"or E. and Clyde Rose as the manser· "bo rl':1:a:'Kl'<\ that I'ant were also excellently cast.

:n~<: ~a'.(· ellrn pial" and the. whole prodUction was from ·Ll'.l'e \\'~. extremely well done in the

l~!'r hO!)',~I. Ile laid opinion of the judges. !~ttr<!fu!l) raptu,ed The £lnal play for Thursday

of a rIal writ· nIght was "Seven Nune at Las a,o and ',crmed Ve~as" and was non·compet!·

!nJO)ahlr prorluc· IIl'e. It was presented by the I· . I Drama Workshop of the Adult IJ;!:tllnrl. I'rorC5sor ' EducatIon Centre.

I':-;,!I<or G. \1 Storc\,! The last night of the One· ~ S,ll'i! lI'i~hl I\'e~e 1 Act Festival goes ahead to· m Ibo'JI the \\·a\,· night. when Waban a Little

lilndUttion of "The Theatre will present "The Day ~:leSlick'.'· Speak· After Forever" and the Argen· Pr if o! his col· tla Stage Club will play "The

Cb afessor Story rc' Terrible Meek." . It this was not a

play and fclt It The one·acter "Sunday Costs Suitable as a FIve Pesos" presented by the

day rlay." He Wayfarers Is non·competltlve PI'OdUttion was un. and wll1 play whlle the adjudi. thit a number of cators retire to deCide on the on stage were not Winning play of the Festival. litb the period of Two awards will be made­iiked Gordon Bas. The Speech Stuldo Drama Cup interpretation of for tbe best all·round produc, but felt the part llon. and the ,Merit Inlurance

plaYed Il)' Doug ,CompanY School Drama Cup acted too strong. for the best play by a school

date. in order to provide live television coverage of the Queen's arrival. had shoulder· ed engineers. technicians and Installallon crews with a "ter­rific burden." Mr. Jerrett said.

"They have taken It as a personal challenge. They are determined to have the circuit ready ao that all Canadians can see the Queen In New· foundland and there has be~n no letup In their efforts, They are working days, nlgbt, Bun· days and holidays.

Contract Awarded

A contract for approximate­ly $14,400 bas been awarded by the Department of public Works to Avalon Dredging Limited, of St, J.ohn's, Nfld., for dredging at Branch. Nfld. The company submitted the sUccenful bid on the project In response to the Depart­ment's advertising for publlc tenders. It Is expected that work wll! be completed within six months or by November e. 1959.

The first part of this work will conalst of dredging a channel approximately 870 feet long by 30 feet wide. This wlll be followed by the dredg· Ing of a basin 70 feet square. The work wIll Involve the re­moval of approximately 8,000 . cubic yards (scow measdre­ment) of land. slit and aravel, at the unit 'rate of SUO per cubic yard,

Planl and IPeclfl~ailon8 were prepared by the St John'. District OffiCII of' the Harbaur,and Rivers Enllneer. Ing Branch, Department of Public Woru.

aroup. . FolIowlna the presentation

of awards. all participants In the Festival will attend a party at . Buckmaster's Field.

1Pl>elrlnce WBS too

tattr lis prlaYed by Betty

~ed almost too • fessor Story

~I~ ~ Of the even.

Special, , Qonations . To . SL Patrick's·' Drive

rial UnlvmltY'1 01 '1'Ite Boor" by


$1000.~Knlghtlof Colum· bus. Holy Nan'le, Sodety o! St. PatrIck'. Parish.

S2QO,OO-Joaeph P. O'Keefe. $l80.00-Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlel Kaher. .

nOO,OO-Friend from Bulllca Parlsb.

$eO.OO-Eut End Friend, I $3O.00-Hubert Moaklll' •

$28,OO-John B. Norr1l. $2O.00-Mn. Ellen Kennedy. . $U,OO-lI[n. Thom.. Hollett,

A. Vlncenl Summers, F. J. Kayanaah.· . . ,10.00-Thomll Doheney, Pat

J. Hinchey, MrI. Lawrence Mor· rlne)' •.

$e.OO-MoI'I. Anlell.Hanrahan. $2.00.!-Jolllph X1elle,. ,

Carter Says Payments


Work on the Lions Club will likely be for a two year swimming pool definitely com· period when the mailer o[ mences this week and there is opernting will come up for

A contract for approximately volve the removal of material, every reason to think that the further review. . $271.900 has been awarded to I dolWl to top of dense sandy 1 pool WIll. be ready by July .1st.! Lton Aiden \\'oodford. Hon. McNamara Construction Com· gravel over an area approximat·! By unammous vO.te the ItO~S' Treasurer of the Financial dri\'c pany, Limited. of Toronto. for Iy 900 feet In length by 450 I have a.greed to take care 0 t e. reported that tho appeal made d d · t St J h' N ft" 'dth 'th ·at·o I operatrng of the pool mcludlng . . " . OTTAWA (S ecial) -New' re grng a . 0 n s. ell" ee In Wl ,wI a van I n I . .' h l' to Citizens to contl'llJute to th ...

p 'foundland, It was announced to· of grade depth. cost, unhl such I1mc as t e poo ',balance required to pay for the foundland Commons .member ~ day by the Minister of Public TIlls will be followed b)' the. IS fully completed and running iI' '.'" v r' C. W, Carter has suggested Works Honourable Howard dredging of two areas ,im.! in a satisfaclory manner. This poo, 1\.35 .. recell l~IM t ~;' that there Is an Imbalance in' ... generous re,ponse .. CIl lOn 11"1 th !li bId f Green. The company submitted mediately adjacent to the made of the complimentary rc

Ie tPaymenk e jng tmal e thor! the lowest bid on the project terminal site down to a depth sand. gravel. organic material marks made on the Lions ,wim w n er wor s pro ec s n e 1 . th D t t' f 30 f t b I It' d b Id' t b . d . .. .' . MaritImes as opposed to those III reaPlolnse ~o e eiPart medn sOd' ee. e o~d ow t wa ekr 1 ~n I dOU er'fare 0 de bremol e h' mlng pool proposilion In a rc bid I th t f advert s ng lor publ c en ers. or mary sprmg tl es, or .0 roc " me u lng un orseen e ns sue cent broadcast by His \"or,hi' Ce ngd ma e n 0 er par s 0 It is expected that work will be The two areas vary in width, i as old pilc.s and refuse as en· )Ia),or r.lews.

ana a. completed by January 6. 1960. but are approximately 1400 feet I countered, at the unit rate of ____ . __ . __ SpeakIng FrIday III the Com· This work will take place. and 1000 feet in lettgth. 150.70 pe.r cubic yard.

mons Mr. Carter saId the total within the harbour for tile Demolition of a llmited num· Plans ami spccifications were One of every six of the earth'~ amount of money In the whole future construction and opera· ber of timber pile finger piers' prepared by the 51. John's Dis· elements belongs to the ral'e MaritImes area was only a tion of the ~ialn Terminal at is included in this contract. AP'j trict Office of the Harbours and earth famil),. a group of metal, fraction of that spent In other St. John·s. At tbe proposed Main proximately 367.000 cubic yards Rivers Engineering Branch. De· such 8S praseodymium. dyspru regions, Terminal site the work will in· (ICOW measurement) of silt. partment of public Works. sium and utterbium.


A ne~ idea'in smoking... .

Salem refreshes your taste

• menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste

• moder~- filter, too·

Salem adds a wholly ~ew quality to smoking.' •• refreshes your taste just as a sudden breeze on a warm Spnng day refreshes you. Rich tobacco taste with a new surprise soft . ness ••• menthol· fresh comfort .•• most modern filter, through which Bows the freshest :a,sle in cigarefte!. Smoke refreshed .•. pack after pack ••• get B carton of Salems!

Take a PUff .. . It' s Springtim:('~ ", ~ -

. , >,

': I

j: i ~., ~

':1 ' j

I ~ ',1

Page 6: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

" '.

, , 1



I , , .


, !

I' ; I' ,

, ' , . i \ '


• F,.. Day-to .. DiDner


, The· , Mature Parent -THOBE WHO KNOW OUK


by MRS, MURIEL LAWRENECE One Sunday when 1 was 14 my

parents hild a iuest, a European painter, male 'and u~attactled.

Becausel I was a hoi summer day I wore' my hair up, The guest was shown the garden and OUr prize goat, ilven tea and conversation, At, his departure neared, he .escorted me to the lIvlngroom where he'd left his hat and stick.

I was saying "It's been :lIce to meet you." when he, sUddenly seized my hand and, Implanllng a passionate kissu pon It, cried "Ach, you are 80 enchanting, 80

young, so beautiful!" Struck dumb, I was strullglbg

with mingled delight and dlsbe, lief when giggles broke from he­hind the sofa where my younger brother and his perpetually grimy companion had taken re· fuge. Bursting Into the open. mv litUcb rother yellcd. "ach, yo'u are so beautiful!" 1:1 ecsta· tic mimicry of my admirer's ac· cent. Snorting with laughter, he ran from the room,


• FOR THE LADIES * , , , .................. ~~~~~~--------~-------~~--------------------.--~.--.----~-~'.-~.~~ ...... ,-. .• .... . .1.. . .... .

. Personal Chit Chat' U.C, MUSIC RECITAL

The'Mount Allispn Student Concert Party which 5cored such an outstanding success with their recital last night will €ive their major SI. John's perform· ance tonight at Pitt's :.temorlal Hall, commencing at 8.15,

Featured pianist with the group Is I talented young st. John', girl, Miss Penny Bur· ridge, ,B.Mus" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burridge of Corn wail Avenue. ,

The two other.featured artists i are Miss Maida Rogerson of Charlottetown, Mezzo· Soprano I and Mr, Paul Campbell o[ Hali·, !ax, Violinist. !

AccQmpaniment on the piano! will be provided by Allison G .• Patt~rson of the ~Iount Allison' Conservatory of Music Faculty,

t~LIZAB'ETll i\, PIKE, B.A. Ed" winner of the Governor·General's MedAl. is 1\ nAtive of Silaniard's Bay. The medal was Awarded Mis~ l'ike for hi~hrst .ItAndin~ in thegrndllating clASS. ~1iss Pike is to take

1111 1\ teaching p~sition in Happy Valley, Labrador, in Septcmber. Terra Nova Photo Sen'iet,

I'-,-'-\i:7U I DEli For Monday, May 10

Present-For You Ind Yours .. , It will pay to give in 011 minor issu" In order to reslore barmony. Refrain from lending or borrowing money as lhat would be an open invitation to trouble: undec CLlrTent con. figuratioDll, Don't compromi5e on matters ilia! in~olve your prestige Dr your integrity.


. . , On May 18, 1863, Future ... An General U. S. Grant began the ber of clothing itlml

oE Vicksburg. Many North· hold linens will be deplore1i the effort, charg' the supcmllrht of the

that a "noble army" was be. More and more will ~ wasted by a "drunke~, stu. opaque con~,iners, .

show oulselt the pid general." packed in transparelt

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Bo," Mm~ 2110 Ap,i1 t9) LIBRA (Sopl. n I, 0'1 Ocn'l pout lJe~u~e )'00 don't Inn tho BriCo, im.:giM:lryr, i~';' llmrli6'hL YOI.I.r lurn Will (lltTlrt I:ltl. rrKJ\f: .. 1 .. ~n\.~·i '

(Ap,il20 I. M.V 20) SCORPIO (Od.lJ 10 II" . putt!)\! 111& tJ~ ~cm:t ~c lurpr.·~d if 701 ~ I InslltullIJ!1 .l.O..r..

INIIMIV,2110,Juno 21'. SAGITTARIUS IN ov.12h bul,n(~1 ,,:ctur~ l) ~" ~Ith IC' \ 1)',1 wc.n't J;rt l,a!~T!r.~ c..n m:ul'OTder .and a~"(rtlllnr. rMlllr rllJ rt:'~n "hI ,.b'l

""'~"':K lJuno 22 t. JulV 21), CA~,RtCORN fooe.ll ... how 0( IIH~t \00.1 Ih:nl.: r,.·~·rl JTt

101JDI' pcvp:~. tJut 1100't fur.lIlc D1 il. LEO (.J.ly lZ I. Aug. 21] AQUARIUS 1J".11"

' \'O':Ir dirAC' ll!I n.i'!",CJ:~h .~1 be nco T.ait~ .1.':IHnl.t;:t rJ ~r'r~ due to III old fmnd. Ilnl,i'htcn t't~t ~;::-:::::t.~ ..

VIRGO I"ug. 22 t. Sopl. 22) PISCES IFob. 20 '. AJ,cCh rU'orlbl~. but don't bt urried The .In'n ,.,r . .w., by ley dnin to tpCtuJue. IOInnrhll, h-:l1

! didn't speak to him for day~. ~etravals of adolescent dl~l·

tv can be so painful that We for· iet the pain, Thl! Is a pity. We need to remember It 10 Ivold, hurt when our ow~ adolescent

L. /J /J I . If bo\'s and girls explode rage at "'I~".. ~."., I be'trayals of their dignity.

The St. John's recitals arc being sponsored by the Men's Scrl'ice ClUb of Cochrane Street United Church, Tickets are available today at Hutton's Music Store, [rom Club memo bers, or from Reid's, Confec, tlonery on Rowan Street. Any remaining ticket! will be sold at the box office tonight,

,---------,----------,------- Hollywood Featurette

Easy Sport One bewitching curve ~lter I Families are mlxedb lesslngs

the other - from the scooped' to adolescent people. , VISITING PARENTS neckhr.e to the c1o;€·~o.)'ou shall' A family hns seen your face 1.!r. and Mrs. S, R. Steele ar. Ing of the skirt. EaE)'-to·;ew,: di;tnrterl by the mumps. It has too' - :lote princes; back, Bul'! ,pen ),0',1 ,~anked and returned rived In st. Jol)n's on Saturday ton trim is optlo~al. Tomor·' to the b~throom to wash )'Ollr after attending the wedding oE


GET IT f "I It ha' )'OU cr" when their dollohler, Dorern, In EIl~' rc~'s paltEr,.: Half·;ize B"l10n, eal';, " ;.een., '.. , Printed Pattern 4,23: ~li~c;' ~ )'011 are leased, It P?ssesses the lonn. Mr,;, Slerie 15 to VI~lt he,r By ERSKINE JOHNSON

S!:es 10, 1:. H, 16, lR. ,n, Size' mo,t ample bfol'matlOn on el'ery I p~rr.nts, ~fr. onci Mrs .. 1. ". 15 takes ~'. \'ards 3D·inch fab· ,\I'~31<ne~" ~I'PI')' n~lt.I" ~I'pr)' Hiscock, at Bntll" hdorp rr· ! ~~tL:~go~07~sl~~de~~yS i

r '.c. . , ; hlll11ilialion ,with which you'I'e! t\lTIIIIl~ to SI. ,lohn'." 10 spend , , I b f rl th J t M ; and Dolls: The salanes some ac· PrintM dirfctlcns on eilrh pal· stru.~ ed smre YOII were. orn, i ~ ell' ,~y~ 11'1 ler,,, rr, : rs. I 'tors make-for not acllllg. All'

t~~n part. Ea;ler, aCCllrate, Thcn Ihe p\~)'slcal m:lltmt)' of : T?m \\ Inter, She :Inri Mr. Steel I'

Send FIFTY (E:"'T5 li~ co:nsl ado\e;ccnce hils sou a~d Icrrcs i :vllI th\n return to their home : thony Franciosa is the actor 1 I !tampl cannot be accepted I for you to claim thc new rll~nll~', In· : In Barrie, : mean. Because of production t:~is oa~tfrn, ?Iea:e print plam' I'oll'cd l\'lth )'nur new Cn~dllion. I - I delays, his lalary for playing Iv SIZE. :"''\'IE, ADDRES5, ,~nd )'Ollr, faI11H)" ,to. whom the I LEFT FOR BOSTON ,I Francisco Goya opposite Ava STYLE SnlBER, n~\\' di;:l\l(\' I. rldlclllou~, pro· Mrs, J. R, Chalker left 5t. Gardner in "The Naked Maja"

S~r,d ardor to ,~:\"E ADA:lIS, ml'll~' slrtrts to mak~ It appear John's by TCA on Sunday for Wall $250,OOO! And now he will care of ST JOH:\'S DAILY r!d:c!llous In your own eyes. Boston where she wl11 visit her receive $75,000 for relinquishing XEWS, Patle~n Dept. 60 FROXT This Is why adolescents are 10 sister and brother·ln·law, Dr, the lead in "Orpheus Descend. S!. WEST, TOROXTO, O:\T, critical of their famllle5, and Mrs, Harry Wilson, I ing" to Marlon Brando. There:

.' , And It's why We shoulda ccept __ , was a mix.up in shooting sched· i The al)plication of lipstick Is a their critIcism b B quiet spirit TO VISIT TORONTO I ules-and that was nice mixing

little marc complic, ted this )'ear until the'.' ad~lesce~t is sur~ of I Peter Gardiner, Professor of' for Tony. h:lt' it I., worth the efforL, his nell' tUI:~lty. hi' uncertainty! Commerce at :.t~morial Uni\'er- They're saying a cert~iq actor' Sm~odl your fou~dalion ol'er I ~?out It makc,~ mlr kno\Vlcd~e of I ,it)', is 10 spend some time in has gone 60 far Hollywood t:lal! \'o\ir 1'0" tllen rowrtPl'. Outline I hlSD list cMclitlon ,ueh 1\ thrent ! Toronto thi~ ~ummer. ~!r. Garrti. he el'en has an unlisted numher : \'OI'lf Ii!,' ,.-lIh ~ )'ollthful cline Ihat 11P c~nn~t tre~t 11~ II! ~mlAb 'ncr will work in Toronto Rlln , fOf the radio phone in his car. : lI'ln: Ihe rI"rker,h;Hir nf 1;1": I)' ~' we ~ like, " ! then will fly to Engl~nd to HL\\'CES U;, l'.ILL is ,lho\\11 here rccemng her B.A. degrce from A Hollywood bartender witll ~:


4698 SIZES Hl--IS

<lick, l'l'li',1 !lIe (,I1I'l1er.-, 1'111: \\p r~nt hpI~ rpm~mhrrln_'I'I'!l'l hi! p •• mad ~ensp of humor figured it: I I , 'I' I V • ~ 'I I . ar~n... Lurd Rothermrre, ChAncellor of the Cnil'mily. Miss O':'\eill i,1 IIctiv. k ' b I In 1";lh ~ kl1trl' hili m~ c \ln~ I 11111 R' ~ r'l II .• ~nll Il~ rAn out for filt drun I WIth ar i _

'h~,I. Tn h':hli:hl. rill ~ lillir I ~t.I>"~ rrT1\Ptnbl'rln: hlm,rl/ ~, in drAmatic' circle~ in St. John'~. For the ~lImmrr she wiu he working teeth-skim beer mad. with tnlrl r\'r ,IFlrlnll' 0\'01 th. Inwrr; 01P, TI'.. ~ rr"hl~m thilt ... ~ RS 8 SociAl Workl'r hi Grand Falls,-Terrll NovR Photo Sen'ic.. flouridAted water. I lip. or' H'P ""r Df thp ncw Itllni'/'mll"t Ipl Um, .01l·p, Manners Make Sign on I Hullywoofl sport ... noUs lip<tick" car: "Help stamp Out Tall:

Thlrd--l~-r-~c-s-t -Ir-on-ore field ilKnits In Blond Fn'ends ----,-'---,,--'---------~-, B'-----B--'-f-" ~~S~~tation of Lile,". remake

., -In \ the t'nl~rr\ ~ta!es I, 10' eauty fIe S with Lana Turner, comes across Cst~atOt-ed in ncr~~ern 7\C11_' York II' Sllades SpnOng '" '". the Icreen as the tearjerker of'

, A new fllp·slick. ill'e, yoU, the year. At the preview, Red If ,.ou hear I eompllment' the n.ew.p,carly white Bnd the, Buttollll flipped: "I was lata 10

I about! I' d ~- t II red hpsl1cl\ In one case, one at I -tarted crvl'ng before I went 7\erild:1, \\,\,kh ho5 tllr' THEY STAY SPRUCEE "' .... 1) Tlen "" slire 0 'e each end, [or cOIll'enlence . • J

!el'enth lar~r;t orra of th.' :-:EAT him, abollt it, I!.ncl If YOli can. 8 U W : in," 49 sta te,', ha; the smallest manage. tell him In Iront of 'etween 5 0' men f" h d b' I Bill Kennedy noted that the

olher so th t th h II ' Bu fl~g, whlc ten s to mel' $3.75 volume titled "How to Be' number of people. :-;e:\or;tl~E (Z~~~~ _ ThP too, ~It"! kl:dne.l.~: ca~ ear, the spht la):ers 0;. YO\l~ 3ails and: a Success" is now selling in a this summrr In

r"l1. }tna'" now.' I'" from .. ft.rl,,.,tl)' war", al'" urin.

DEIGHTON'S iWIRT REMOVER i ..... man.ntI1 ,.mo'ifl .,.,.ta end I eUMr fir.! "11.11,,,,,,,1-1 on hindi, falll, f fett .1\1\\1'\:1 to 6 "'Mkl. Not In I MI. An hlrul '.rmull, t1.rml.n : ,. ~.tthr Ikln. Now obtalnabl, Gt


girl who hasn't yet dlscoI'ered . ' ;~::o~~~erCI(oCI~:~~~~~ta:;~~l~t~: Hollywood be ok store for 39. switth separa',e5 whal knitter! fAShions can do for complement th. pale wooleru, DO YOU STILt. CARRY (With books) and star Ie? calling: ting fingerr.ailS. :I1ore of the cents", . blouse b'J~to:lS on:o

, her wardrobe isml!slng a whole the landy silks, creamy coltons AROU:"'D ORSOLETEE SOCIAL It the [amlly.room or, qu!et room, : answer is not to file deeply LES KAUF~IAN, who explOits or shapely 4,gr,e I lot. and champagne·colored leather.l m:"'OSAURS? A mink 51,0Ie. Don t give ,away I at the corners, and to use two the ~Irtues .of La.wr~nce Welk row's pattern' . ' In tral'rl, the knit dres~ I! In· Rcce.lSOries. A knit I'est andl -- the o~e you ve got-but don t ex· I thin coats of polish 0:1 top of the and The Millionaire TV show, Printed p,:'cn'. VIII. "dispcmablc. A ~he~th with a ~kirt worn with silk .hlrt, all ln i Things )'ou can now do with, pect It to make you look pam· nail and 8 coat of colorless under arrived borne aEter a long day at Size~ 10. I:, 14, I~, II, liltle jacket can lake )'DlI from blonde .hades, mak81 I stuD:l'1 out and keep your head up p!!red. To? many wo~en have neath the tips for reinforcement. the, office. HIS ~3.)'ear.old son blouse take, ;"".~ nne coast to the other looking Ing costun1e. soclally- bought their own on time. I __ Chns was ~tllrlymg hIS home. shorL~ 1 yar;i: !k'~ imflPfcable, It won't wrinkle If you're not familiar with the A back yard barbecue pit. A swimming pool. They don't Hair parted dia~onally and 'I{ork, his wife was in the kitchen Printed d:r,,!iO~1 M

I, and It won't show signs of lira In. 1959 knit, then you don't know Parties are moving from the put you in the I11Ilvie·star lea'!brushed forward on" the cheeks and his daughter was plucking tern part, F3'0r, It will keep you looking neat and that It won't ug, wrinkle or back yard to the front parlor. gue. They grow In popularity I in soft waves and curls helps her eyebrows. ' Send FIFTY ('[\1\ fresh when you emerge from stretch. ManuIacturers h a v e Dlnne~~ with candlel.t are fa~t each ye~r. '. I mbimize 8 prominent nose, There was a quick "Hi, Dad" I rstamps canc.J: 01 plane or trab at the end of your worked long a~d hard to eHml· replaCing t h ~ come·a~d·gct-It A dO·lt·yourself .project th3t Darker foundation on the sides from the kids who didn't stop this pattrrr. P11a>!, trip. ~ nate these chief fault,s of tlie ~ld type of. entertaining, , you can POint t? wl~h pnde .. If and tip of no~e highlighted by Iheir studying and eyebrow 1)' SIZE, ';\\1[,

At home, the knit suit, aepara· knits. But furthrr, their design· Ah HI system. You can have I you can arlord It, It 5 now qmte your normal shade down the plucking. "On TV shows" Les STYLE "r:,IIIER, ~ tes, coats,d resses, all lead In 'ers have worked equally hard to one If YOll like music-but don't i ~tI right to hir~ a craftsma:J ~nd bridge also helps. pouted, "when a fathcr 'comes Send o,<k ',o\\~; active life, The flat knits are giVe bits 8 styling that'l young e~pect. it to Impre,~ your 1~'lends I Just take credit for dreaming up In tile interest 01 bigger and home everyone jumps up and care of ,r, .IOR. perfect for buslne.~! and city and chic. There are knits lor L,I.ste.nrng to otner people 5 h. I· tile Idea. i)TI'gllt"r looki:l!! e\,'CS, \lse a smother!' him with fond greet. NEWS. r,,:k: ~ DIP'",

I I Ik bl k It kl d f Ilf f I th • - ST" \I'I;:~T, !'OHO':Tl wenr: tie 1II y or nil l)' n 5 every nee and from mor' , I s ,IS '!lOW ~ mosl ~n a par WI A brand new home. So many fractional false eyelash. Cut a ings. How come none for me?" n

tah to cOllntry liI'ing with ~e~t, nl~g to evening, when cocktaH havl~g to vIew their home mov- families are lil'ing in brand new half inch from an ordi:1ary slrip The answer carne from Chris: This spring, the knits are knits bound ln satin make an ap· les. homes that to get any attention and apply to the corners. ' Shape I "Don't be a square, Dad, Those

bloombg in blonde colors. They p!!aranCe, A rumpus room, If you've al· today )'ou almost hove to buy ao before you apply them and then I kids get ·paid for it." F;;;;;;;;;;;'-;;;;;;;';;;-;;-;;';";"-;;;;-;;"';'';:;;;;;;;-;;;;'';-;';;;;'';;-;;-;;-;'-;;;;---;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;~_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ready got olle In the lJa~ement, old ru:Hlown plaCe and hal'e It brush up anti out with mascara, ~ HESITATE. to say this but I .

It's time you got rid of the cute remoueled. ~--'---- thmk I'll say It anywa)'. Are. traha. "IIrlU'U fi ll' 1 little bar and the cle\'er 5ign.1 on Ulcers. So manyp eople now are a mark of the man who has: cent headline-why it was a ' -------' - a £n' ove with the the wall and put In bookshelve~ have ulcers that they no longer "arrived." ! headline I don't know ~ read: I What I'd like lo!~ "Jayne Mansfield's Ripped Dress ,let's hope Jayne gOel I

hugging With

'I •

, clinging caressin

.; .. ,

• BLAC,K, BROWN, TAN · " • \

, .


WEDGIES They're th" softelt thing next to your f"tl Their soft suppleness" combined with smooth fir, gives you the Idea! daytime' Ihoes. Come In today and see how perfectly they go with new Spring fashions, Sizes 4-9, 'AA and B widths,


Jewelry A, Quality :Look

, . ~ :; : .. :. .~ " ... :'~

For girls who like qllaHty Jewelry with the took of the real thing. these pieces are the answer. Stones are set In sterting sliver or ~'I orentlne linlsh gold in these pieces by Van Dell. MarqulsNhaped_ cry~tals (left) are ~et in sterling silver in slender ,nccklace, bracelet " and earr'ings. S'apphlre.colored ~tones are set (right) in Florentine finish gold fill in s'ct of pin, bracelet and earring,-By GAILE DUGA S, NEA Women's Editor.


Goes to Brazilian Fan." and stays thrre,

f Cafeteria Styfe


I-and ""' 4Ccm-IICbIU -

12 COllBtellatiOll La Mortgage 14l!eraldie band IG Knlght's title 1B Small planets IB ClIltfure

2 Operatic 1010 8l'r1!paru

berrintl 4 FactOl7 ~Freneh ri_ B Irritate 7 Mariner'I'

dlrectlgn 81..outa II Great Lake

10 Former alXe500l'J' soprano

201!eglObll 11 Cape 21 Negative word 17:Raved 22 CamOl'a part 19 Latin 24 TbBUand 23 FinIl;hed 26 'I'ransmilted 24 Resc:ue 27 Brother ~r 25 Inflammation

sister (suffix) SO Reaoh 32 Wish 34 AU5trlan city "h--t--t-l 3SSevIsed 36Wonn 37 DIscover • 39Ado 40 Remove 41 MusIcal

dlrej:i!on ~lIlxes 45 Dampen 49 Acute 1;1- cream 52 Malt

beverages 53 FeminIne

suJl\x 54 M01\ths 1;5 Golf mounds Ii6 Show. , disapproval' \f Date and

- puddtn~


'. Corned bee!

, . •

Anlwer to

26 Fremh delleaCl'

27 Place 43 2BAngers 29 ReIling pl3CCS

31 Overrun 33 Scrcell!l 38 Thread


Page 7: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May


t\iiED PA ~8 :.s 11

I' -

, • sl~k l~~ l1:1l:'I ~ .;1',:T.er Ln rl.iY·,Sl'I' :h uparale>, ~ b~l1o~, on:o , ::3;>e:~' 4·J;orr ' !t raatrn: ,~: ,,":,,1 Pltt~r. _: , ,0. 12. U. 1~, 1', '~ !a~~ 1'. yarn ., 1 "ard. ~k'~ 3', ·:,:ci dirt<:lIor! D!I

;Ian Ea"r~. ,~~ FIFTY nST5 :-n~ c.!.nno! ~ ;la::rrn. plra!f ~lZE, ~,UH:. U: "'DIRER

,~r. order to ,\\'\1 " of ST, ,WHYS 'I" Pattern Dept 611

\\:EST, TOP'O"iO,

~~: e;p a rr mort thl~ 1 ~{'3d of dairv clt:l!

~ 3.. ------,:,U I'd likt to Sll' , ho~ Ja~'ne ~Of.! to S:'~5 there.

1'rs2clI dd.ia~

Place ADctn R8tinl' plJen o.-emm Saft!II ,nrud (prrlX)

NEWS ST, JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY 18, 1959 O.ll V '

United Church Educational Building Programme Forges Ahead I •

dollars provide the Contributors see, their

facilities for the Educa tion of city children necessary modem

..... your c~ntinued generosity


and interest required as work progresses. ,

To complete the proiects shown here we earn estly solicit the continued support of present contributors as well as the support of new donors such 05:-

1. People who have moved to St, John'. since our lost canvass. 2. Young people who ~avi become wage earners since our Icst canvass. 3, A11 United Church and Presbyterian people who are Interested in the education of

our youth and who havi not yet contrlb uted.

NOT! 'W!tL

It Is not out Intention In this fotlow-up campaign to canvass those contributors who have given us their uninterrupted support,

Shown above is a photograph of the architects scale model of the Regional High School. This modern building is designed to toke core of grades 9, 10, 11 and 12, It will house about ,600 pupils at the star! and will be erected so as to permit expansion at any future time, It is estimated that this whole project complete with equipment will cost approximately one million dollars.

In addition to modern classrooms the new building ,will house a 70',x 90' gymnasium, a library, cafeteria and dining room, music room, metal and woodworking shop, technical drawing room, che~istry and physics laboratory, science lecture room, commercial room, business machines room, and a long list of other rooms and working areas required for the varlousactivitles that take place In our modern system of education,


, "

'United Church Educational Campaig~ -,

, \ '

• I

, '.

I, I i I

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Page 8: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

• :" -

- , -.


. !

; ; ,

I :

. " • .

. .

STEPHENVILLE Maritime ! Pipe Band' To-Central Airwavs I Appear At Co North .. Stephenville

Save A Life Week Off To Good Start •

By TEMPLE BUTLER STEPH~VILLE-The Gaelic I STEPHENVILLE - Two reo The new maps of the world College Senior students, leader r presentatives of the st. John

thal places the North Pole in of the ":dacdonald Hundred" .An1bulance Corner Brook Brig' the center llUtead of way out Junior PiPe Band, will be per· ade visited StephenVille on Mon·

-Stephenville Crossing Sodal Notes

A baby boy was born to i ?llr. and Mrs. Carl !llc~'atridge i at the hospital on May 10th. I

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Valis, a baby boy on 10th, at the hospital.

Tom May'

Mr. Roy Bandfleld arrived from Sydney recently where he underwent an operation at St. Elizabeth's Hospital.

of all routing, have brought a forming a concert of Hlghland day, May 11, for what proved Mrs. WlIliam Fleet left by revolution in tral'el and think· Music and Danclng 'at Stephen· to be an all too brief but sue· T.C.A. for Sl. Elizabeth Hos. inS that has begun to take man I'ille, Nfld., under the auspices cessful series. of . instrucHon on pltal where she will receive north aU over the world. In of the Stephenville Lions Club, artiflcial respIratIOn, one of thc i medical attention. Greenllnd Sweden, In Russia The ":'lacdonald Hundred" most Important phases of the I

from the' west to eastern Si· Pipe Band is one of the most First Aid Courses which hal'e! Congratulations be~la ar.rl in Canada the drive colorful girls' bands in North made. the St. Joh,n Ambulance: ed to ~!r. Clyde Is .to the North. America. The lull complement ASSOCIation so Widely known i passing his final

First there iO the defence of thi.l band is upwards of 100 I and respected. I his B.A.

i~ extend· Wells on exams for

oUtJ)CWIU, FrobLlher. Skaglec. and consist of three divisions. I Through the courtesy of the' , __ ~dar Lines. Air Ficlds, ~Ian· Hnmr. base for .he hand is the: Civil·Defense Of.ficer, Douglas A meeting of i/le C.E.W."". oeuI'ers, An election was won Gaelic College at St Ann's, I Oliphant permiSSIon wa~ recelv, was held on May 12J.h, The with the cry "Develop tbe Cape Breton : cd fro~ the ~ir~ctor, :'!ajor' P. mectlng was presldcd OI'Cl'

North." In th~ Atlalltic Prol" The three dil'isions of the ,1. Cashin, to lnvlle members of bl' the Vlce·President ;\lr5. Inees wh05e Joint plann' ~c is band' arc: Senior, Junior and' t~e Brigade ~o. "isit. Stephen· R'obert Bishop. :'.1inutes of the through th~ Atlantic Province,l ,IUI'Cllilc Each dil'ision is com· : Ville. The offIctal l'lSlt of .the last meeting were read and, Eeonomie Conference interest pri~erl of Pipers. Drummers. i instructors ~!e~rs. S~l1~y \I 11k· adopted. 14 members were r

Uea in Goose, Skaglck, rrobish· ~!ajorette and Flag Girls How· : inson and SAilor \\ IIliams or present. A lettcr was then cr; the thre~ AlrporLs and elCI', a spokesman for. th~1 the Corner Brook Brigade was read from the presiden of the BUN to which flows material Lions Clcb said that 19 girls: the re~u.lt of this request. It c'E,W.A. branch of Hare iirid men in el'er increasing will make up the gro\lp who. was Originally ~oped that memo I Bay, Gambo, asking for a amounts. In the background will be performing at Stephen· I bera of the Brlga~e would be: donation toward B church and of great potential are the I·illc. with ages ranging from able ~o spend a \\e~k or ten I they are trying to erect. It mines at Wabush which are 17 to 12 years d~~s m ~e Stephenville arca to was proposed and seconded swting deveiopment this sum· This student Pipe Band Is ~ gIVe an mtensive sertes of i~' that the sum of 510 be sent. mer ... :ith . u!1ding of a railroad I weI! trained and talented group, struchons In the full First Aid The meeting adjourned al aild town site at tbe mines. having performed in such plac~s Courses to a sele~tcd group.of 9,30. A lunch was served and Thue have to bt served througb In North America as at the In volunteer fire ftghters,. Girl enjoyed by all. Seven Islands,' ternational Congress In 1903 at Guides, and Boy Scout lead· __,

Into the midst of thIs dy· Chicago, Ill, and have since en, who could ~hen p~ss on A Division Guiders meeting namle Ind fast developing tral'elled to Boston, Mass., their knowl~dge In class Instruc-, was held at the home of Mrs. northern expansion has come Xorth Carollna, Washington, tlons of ,theIr own cho~sing. Dudley Shears, Area Commls. the ~larltlme Central Airways, D. C. Ottawa and Montreal. f ~~w~~e~ ~s ~e :~hre e~f~rt sioner, on :'olay 9th, with Guid· who from a base In Moncton Only 'last year this same band 0 d ~ . 01 n t m u ance ng· ers attending from Channel. are flylni men and cargo In was well received ,whilst per· a ~ Id a t~O un 37 bone,. pn~e Robinson's, Sl. GMrge's, Gal· ever Increaslns amounts to forming a't Corner Brook, as ~~e s m~~~ on m~ e gIven 0 lants, Stephenvllle and Ste. Ste;'lhenville. north to Goose, well as participating In tbe structl g c~nf~en ~t to t~he i~i phenvllle CrossIng. Mrs, Stan­SU&lek and Frobisher, They Arm Forces Day festivIties at 11 that" is s baei~ \\In~~~te~m~ ley Pieroway, Division Com· have th~1r eyes aet on the fast Ernest Harmon Air Force to this factor M~. Wllkins~n dUe~ missioner, conducting the developmg area of Seven Is· Base. cided It would b I th b t meeting. lands and the Wabush )tlnes In addition to being able to intests of 11 ten . e t es Arrangements were made

. . 1 d 11 a 0 give Ins rue· f G id dB' f bel'ond It. Pipe or pay rums, a mem- tiona in artifci I . I' or ,u es an rownles or



A 1'1<t)S1'cD FRiEND 15 IN DIRE: NEED, LADS, BUT 1 UI(f.( l'HE Co,DITAL 10 ASSIS1' HIM! ""'" u.".\-H,6,Ki......,COME: NOW, W~ICH OF 'IoU FINE: CHAP; \\lILt... RESPOND FIRST ':! EGAD, SlJI<EL'i '{o'..) DON'T PLACE; MONEY ON A PEDESTAL. A60VE


.. .... - ._- . _. - - . - - -- .



By J. R. WilliI" '. i-HAiE i'PU-T:~~~ ------PA~TS O~ A DOR(", BUT MY GOSH, WE {-___ -j GOTTA HAVE A ,. BOZO, ,fr DOG­FACED BO,.," I'J OU~ SIDE SHOW.'

Brigus I

1'11(· \\ l'l,k Il~;: ~ O\!(' fr,r rr~'111hp:1 l- (;1,\, .1l1n :hr :. S;<l U I'(k·. . \Ia, ~'(; rCtl\~' Wh!()l rlr~~" Ir'lIl :hr O'-':·'r l' ( 'rr\'. nl(l\!:li2 lh~ , Brigu,l;. '1:~~ P.r',. 'rho \I;,d p::.nr.'n'.

: ',\ CI" un;!l)',r l" ,:." I hrl' r:t:.I~I'I"1" ~.r'l"1 ' , ,\1 ,. I 1- - . I l' .... ; U:.!,1 In \\ ii;; ::i , Thf' ! :1"Il~r "":It r '" I ; artl'r Ih(' nnfl:;;ni

thr ('nIl:'" l)(',fh'r'

I ;!rOlip', r;1rh If'd h): I r('pl'l'c,rnt~j'.i\'P o~ I

II for womrn, ~lIr.~i.I'Z

sorird C;Cf\':('P, ,',

Gl'cUJ1 d linnal I

I ~iolllel'op)·. Thp . pl"rPlll'cttion to ~~I'~

Ithr'p fir!n, we:,

I but Ihe ,-r"'"nt 11 \\.~, ~ lIr.nnerU . tl'e )'OUI1~ n.r.~e'

I the opr!!i"g; ~ : hap~ ~Jill Ir,p ,

: I"hkh \\,o\l!d k'/i' ;('hool.


abollt ,rl'rlllr!i\', girl'. IlIPmher t

'I thp \\'.'l.~. ~r.~ I met in :"lP r c . ! the ~,'!'Ii~:'on I wherrh.'· Iilr ('Gil

At Goosr, their main port of bers of the band are accomplish· : only at thi tlImea H·resPIJrHI~on the Queen's I'isit. :'Ilrs. Dud· I h · . ' S, I.~ se ec Ion . b I. p:l('it; .. supply a,~ yet. the Base and I e ed highland dancers. ThIS Is receives the heart\' endorsement ley Shears was nomUlated Y the hope was expresscd by thr Gordon Butler. Lllnch was ser\,·; ('1'0" ('lull. \.oIHrl· and ,alad, :.

civilian population of Happy part of their course. And for the lof all concer ed' t' I I' ;\Irs. Pieroway to atten~ the I'isitors. that the membcrs of cd huffet ,t)·le. The el'ening 11'('1,' .':'I'II·d. f;~ff1e gift lIas' Af:",. :hr 'n.:'Cf'<

---- : tile \\'..11 ~ '" I

Valle)' numbering al'lund 12000 past firc ycars, these girls hal'e I thos interest nrt in pnrt~u. ar ) , conference at Ottaw" In ,june! the I'arioll; church organiza· II'a5 enjoyed by all. ,I"", h.I'I\1". Hl'll)' SnooK, ~ and affil:",,,,,, l

mean.~ alrcady business of no been trained cilch summer by I Tl~rough th e klnrt YOU" I [ as hcl' repl'esentallvc. : tions lni~ht be again in Stephen· I -- \"\1 mrlllhcr ~II'. rilitia (i1m, wrl'r '1',",1, mnn importance. Tile)' arc f1y- Ithe 1I'01'Id champion highland I forts of ~!r e Arthl;rer,~," ,Pt; :\[tel' the meeting adjourn· i .ville. ~Ir. and ~Ir, .. \Ir, 'Iein/o,h. 1'",.: .. ,. 11'''' in'tlJINI. Her pin in.~ in Z'api'ic k~ In£ twa opcratiol1.l a II'N)k, Riso I dancer, James L. ~!acKenzie of CBS man;ge~ent rep ~r:.e: I'd a rtriil'illu, Ilinch was ,cr\" I left recently U) TL'A [or Yal' ",,,1 \,ionc!'.,', con'titntion was' of ,\Coho!.,,,, ac/ car:o fli~ht5 at l'ariOus times Aberdeen. Scotland. The result of CFS:\,.TV R 15 min~~'~~l1l a II~ . cn. :lIrs. Shears would li~c to: A h<lhy shower was gil'en to' mOllth, where ~1,.. 'klnto,h ]l1'(',(,llt('([ 10 la'l' by the pl'c.,j. with 14000 Ibl. pcr fli~ht. )!uch ,of)!r. JlncKenzic's expert teach· on artificiai rcspjl'at~onee~~:s thank all Guidcs .nci.Gllldrr, .~!rs. Gerald Shal'e <It her.homr, wil! resume hil dlllt'is 35 ,t3' cic'lll. \Ii" .llIe Tilol'burn_ or the freisht handled IS made, ing has been ~110WI1 by tllc presenled HI's adl'l" ' who helped to pl'Q\'ide the, recently, some twenty laclies at· tioll agenl \l'ith the TL'A Linl's \lr.'. ,\Ii('e 'lullla attelalNj' ('up or \"" . f .. Le on pro·, I .' h up. of pe:sonol equipment. or: nllmher of dance champions on gramming anrt presentalioll to. lunch. ,tended. At the same lime, a t ere. , till' lIIe,,:il1)! a, gllcst of \11". fCI'I'lcc:nrn at thc AmcTlcan. the rosier of the ~!acrtonald gcthcr with the tcchni I k' • --- i shower was gll'rn ~!rs. Thomas i I)i \0'('1"01'111),. It \\'a, nec'iril'd Ba;lcs In the "anua~··Fc\)l'uar)'· Hundred Pipe Band. bolY of the militarl' I c:f now, \!r. ann :-'!r.l. \!;]X She<ll" Ford, nn the arrival of their :I!r. and 'frs. HarI'C)' l1el\lil1 til hold a rlancr at I\'hreler's ~Urch quarlcr of t959 the)' The Band is under ,u!,crl'ision berl of Ernest Ha ~ a m~m .. left lor St. ,Iohn's on 'Ia)' 13th chosen na\lghlcr "~!al'lene .lane". "isited ,Irs. Hell'lins [atllt'r rr-. Oil :11;].\' l'lth .. E~l('ll llH'lllhrr handlcd 8 total of M~.9i9 Ibs·'of RCI·. A. W. R. \!acKenzie, For~e Base, resuilerll~';na su~~i Rreompanied by thCII', littlc ,ister for "~!itchell. Tro)""'~,cntly ond spent tite In'd"Ilc!. 1ll,'lte tllO glfP,t, ~:tnd\\l(he,' SlIrr)" 01 frel~ht. G'f thiS the ShiP' DIrector of the GaeliC College. cessflll and pleasing prcsenta.1 girl Karen. whom t~e) shall Cards were pl.;]),ed, prIZes won: lhey were accompnJ:lrd hy ~11(t coflee 11111 IJP ,cn·rn .. 'l"lg 0;",,: r..~n! betl\'e~l1 \toneton .and. A spokesman for the Lions hon.' seck m~dical attentIOn for by the follOWing: first, ~!rs,; their chIldren. ! EIre! ion of offirers th~n, :'III'S. \\Innp Goose was 32::481 Ibs: Freight' Club confir:ned. that plans have The Civil.Defense representa.1 while there. Frank French; seconrt, j!rs.:·. . .! touk pl;]re for the earning. ,. shi!l~.ents originatIng In Sleph·. now been finalized to have thiS til'e wishes special crertils .. ' Thomas Ford; boohy, ~!rs.. A LlOnettes dlnlwi' l1Irrtll1~. \l'ar and wrre "; tollows: I J he mret.n, enville to Goose were about I concert on May 15, at SI. tion be made of ~1.Sgt Ame~. The "mount of money rn\le~t· i Clayton Bragg, tral'eller. ~!rs.! lin, held :'I!ay 5tit at the Rcd ' Pre,ic!enl. :'111'.'. Rita SWal'tl.s;' R.OO p.llI. 10.030 for the last quarter of I Stephcn's Gymnasium, com· Bryson, S.Sgt. Ma~.J Kaz;lba" ert b.\' the Canad~an R~c1 Cross ' ------- ---- --.- -----.----------------.-- ------ ... - .- - .. -------_ .... 1953 and were from Simpson· j mendn& at 9.00 p.m. Tickets R'nd r.!.&!t. John Faison fo' $3.327.1iO. CollecllOn Illcluded Sezrs. Sydney Auto Parts, TDK ' will be on sale at I'arious busi· their sPI;ndid' spirit of' coopera~ B"rarhoix R:OOK, Bla.ck Duck ~J~:lE;', Blse Procurement Of· 1 ness establi.lhments, as well as lion ill helping him ~oordin I Rn~gtephenville Crossing. Cam· f!~~. at the door. Admission: Adult.; the delails whiCh mHke or ~a~ pai~n :\!nnoger was Mr. ,Tame,

To hi!'h!i5ht this nEil' north·: S1.00, Children 50c. a telecast presentation Joy. Collector" nomes wrre. a~ e~~. tr~de, A?EC this Spring: '. follows: Stephenville Crossll1g, Fut 0:1 an exhibition in [005e I . At 7.30 p,m. an IntenSIVe 3 ~!rs. Frank Dollard, Mrs. Dan a::d 5teohem·ille. At the former, )!r. Roy Banfield und,erwent i hour ~eries of inslruction w.as I Parson, Mrs. Fred Morris, :\!r5. it ·A·!.> a' brilliant SUCCESS. at the an operation at st. Elizabeth I given to members of the Girl, Charlie Gilliard. Mrs. Raber I 1ltt~r 3 dismal fallure. ThL; Bo~pltal recently and Is report· I Guides and B.oy Scout 'Troops I Bisnop, Mrs. Ralph Wells, Mrs. ~!c!~ e;,;hibitic!1 which '.I·l.5 put. ed to be doil11! fine. at St, Stephen 5 Parish Hall. In i Alf McKay, ~Irs. James ,Jo)', O:l by manufacturV3 and di3· the absence of CommIssioner H'I ~!rs. Cahill, ~!rs, Andy ~!lIr-t:i'cuUlrs . of the four Fro\'inces ~Irs. Billie Sbears visited Mr. Bruce" C~P:h ;\~el!:a !,!urphy, phy, Mrs, B, Tuff, Mrs. Hayward! t~d ranKed frem heavy equip· and ~Irs. Dudley Shears for a ~~pe~.lSet Sel ~s r~~llJans tOil Young. Barachoix Brook, ~Irs. :::e::t of Iniersol! Rand to con· few days recently.. : G e'd l~ ep em e Girl Chester Tilley. Mrs. N. McKay. feeUonery by Molrs. ~Iost of the " F~\l~ ~mpan'h\" Br~wn hOWl, Black Duck Mr. Ray' Hobbl, ".hib·t from New i a es eoug was In c arge =- 1 ors came t on that first put.; In a flight to of the 3rd. Stephenville Brunswick but some ,of the~ this area and captures this busi- Brownie Pack and Brown Owl were from st. Jo~n s, NOl a ~e5.5. there will be rich and con· Theresa Georges had an excel. ~otla and P.E.!. II ere repre· llnulOg returns. Both M~A and lent turn out of her group, the sented. .. ' ~ICA and TCA have their eyes 41h, Stephenville Brownie Pack

Stephenville Social Notes Why an .exhlblhon that was i on this area. It is likely that Acting It: AIi~e ~Iuma was i~,

successful l.n Goose. should be one or both will attempt to be· • charge of the 2nd. Stephenville i __ so lou:gely linored lI1 Stephen· gin servicing Seven lslands In Girl Guide l'ompanv. but lin.! STEPIlENVILLE-~lr. snn \'IUe IS a mystery but It seem· the immediale future. depend- fartunately Capt. B;rbarH Bar.1 ~Irs. Berkley El'an~. celehrated ed to steam fr~m lack of proper . in~, on the rapidit)' with which, rett could not attend DIVing to: their ninth wedding annil'ers. I publlclty. Barring a few nolice,: Labrador Iron Ore Develop-' another commitment. 'ar)' on May 9th., by enlertaln· brought ou the ienera! public. ment. comes into active can· . Two memb~l's of the Town' ing some of thed rrie~ds. In the paper and radIo there structlon and shipment. Council Fire Dept., ~!essl's. Don i Games were playcd and pmes was n~ fanfare and advance m·: In the first quarter of 1959 White and John White were' won by different guest~. Buffet format~~n on such as could ha\'e I th~re was a 27% increase of present and expressed the hope supper was sen'ed. The even· been 'lle~. I shlpmenls or NAVL. There ,for R more extended instruction ing was enjoyed by all.

One ~Otnt that becomfs ap'l were 2100 Ibs. of freight ship·' in other forms of fir.t aid, lIlr. JIlrent tn. the !lua~tcrly teport I ped b)' road to ~tancton from! Oliphant promis~d he would Mrs. C, Hath of Port RUX Bas· of MeA IS that .!hlpme~t from Montreal anrt forwarder!. 373921 approach hi~ Minister, the Hon.: ques, alllli or !III'S. Leo Dortge,) Mnntre.! and" est 1.1 lnrr~as- Ih~. of rall was handled in the 11II)'1e& :-'Iurray through tne of.: visited her recently for three tnl uslns road transportalton £Irst /lusrter of 1959 and In; fice of the Director, r.!aJor p.1 wee~. to Moncton and ,then arrehip· this period there were 929 ship· ! J. Cashin, requesting such a I __ ,

ment kI northern polO!!. Thu. men~ between Goose and I programme recell'e considera. i The C.Y.O, held I banquet at lettilll an advantaie from Moncton. There was a 49% I tiOI}. He said he had high hopes' Stephen's Parlsb Hall on ~!ay lower ratea. . gain in first quarter shipments i that funds would be Rllocated i15th., for their Mothers In hOll'

Dependl", on the frel,bt you from st. John's, Nfld., to Goose ifor such a wortty cause which! our of Mother'! Day. The ban· have to shiP. ratea are not too and reached for three months I constituted the first principle of', quet was . largely attended and bid for the hiih value per 3600 Ibs .. The largest shippers Civll·Defense namelY-"Save Ii: enjoyed by all. pound mlterlal. Thua f,!'om from this place was Nfld, Poul. Llfe.w The Guides of the 1st. Goon kI Stephenville It Is pos' try Producers, with 9868 lbs. An excellent tur nout of both Stephenville Co., entertained libl, kI Ihlp in Iarle amounts From Goose to Saglek In Labra- Scout Troops was prf.'lent with their Mothers, and K1,I.ests at an for 8 to D centl per lb, A dor there Willi ·17000 lbs. ship. Leaders VlncentCormie~ and alternot\ll tea, an Sat~rday, r.~ay

. thousand pound piece af equip- ment and to Frobisher 1BOoo Joseph Sheppard In charge of sib" at St, Stephen I Parl.5h :lent· would eo~t 58 for freight, Ibs., showinK the Increlllling tbe st. Stephen'a Troop while Hal!, In _honour of Mother's whichP!ltl It In reaoonable pric' movement North to these de· Mr, Gerald Noseworthy' super. Day. It .was enjoyed by all who ~. A 32 lb. outboard motor \'elopini milEary base.~. . vised the activities of tite lst. attendill. eould belandld for $3.~0 extra MCA Is Rolidly eslabllshcn! Stephenville Troop, Scout Mas. ellll, and so on. nower;;, cloth· after a rough winter on this ler No.leworthy expressed his On Friday May Bth., tbe Pro· inll or other hlah ,value per northern rau1e and Is loakin~ pleA,lure with tbe audi~nce par. teslant Women's Gulld of the wl1lht &hipments are made for ahead to adl';mclng tracie and tlcipation ideR of instruction i Base Chapel, entertained me~l1' thlJ !!leans of r.hipment. . It ~ .shlpment.ll. The fact that Steph. ~nd hopert thRt efforts would bers, of the ~rotestant ,\\ o· Dot1eed that '1800·lb~. of new.· envllle is th'e key point on the be mane soon to have the in. men s Orgomzalions of Step,I?I:' Pipers· :went n.orth wo In 19~B. route Is something to cause structiors return. ville at afternoon tea. Tbe VISI·

BeJjdea·Ih1.!·,devlloplni trade thoughtful men to take A new The system used by Jl!essrs, tors were met at the Base plus the Jru!er. supplyini of I ok at the map and trends of Wlikinson and Williams was the Chapel and taken to the Base baH procurem,erit:thaf' Is Awing· trade. Alidience participation in~lhod Sunday school. Bullding wl:cre in, .elst£.there~ the approach· The Manager '. of Labrador wherehy volunteer alter receiv. they were served a deliCIOUS inI. d.vBlop~entth:touih Seven :dlnln, Co" Mr. Durelle, has ing instructions got the practi. afternoon tea. This was follow· Ialandl tolupplythe Wabush definitely atated that they wi!: cal experience by Instructing ed by, a sbort service In the 3l1nu. Since thiJ is· b~ilnninil want 1500 miners from New. other volUnteer! after they be, school chapel, wbere the guest thlJ twon with & 30 mile raU· foundland in 1960 besides came proficient or at least cap, speaker was Chaplain Cooper. road and a tOWIIIlte althe miDe other workera. So this has able. This }l1ethod' proved high. Mrs. Anne ~~oper, ,~ave. a to 110l1li eventually lIQOO and Is come out of the realm of specu. Iy satisfactbry as interest of Bil, mastel'll' :en~lhon of Consld­to have final. preparatlolls for latlon and Into practical busi. was Sllstalned throughout b~' reo er the AllIes, Mlicb waa ~reat. Ihlpment at, millions o[ Ion! ~r ness .. The carrying of two or celvlllg practise as well as Iy ap~reclated by her aucll~IIl'e, ore by the end of 1960, there IS three Ihouland men to the slle Iheory with tne added Ilenc!il At the close of the tea party lliely in the next two ,years to, and the tralUportation of a or observing others d------h---t-- h I th .-be all Influx of at . least 2000 . t' t h' if' . 0 your s are 0 e p em or

. . I prop or Ion a e 8 IP,P ng 0 goods . The tired but,happy instru~·other members to return for men to this .. place and tans of and material Is gOing to make a tor's were driven to the Railway further instructlon in first aid ,qUlp_l!Ien~ In .~ .~evelopm~nt. tre~endous suree. in this flying I at StephenVIlle Crossin)! hy Mi: and home nursin~ by R contri­tllat IS. clalme.d.-·M PremIer bUSiness In the North. If MeA and MrA. JameA Cochrane who bullon however smail to the St 5IJIllwood . to reach evrlltually realizes Its planning and obtains attended the· nlstructiol1.l. Mr. John Ambulance Association 'i~ ~OOO,OOO)hus l~rpa.5.l1n~ .the this Stephen,v111e will become I Wilkinson and Mr, Williams I care of P.O. Box ~56, Stcph~. ~t. w.-rt,nce .. S.eaWIY. De\eloJl' i suddenly a Hry Important rout., have surely. done their share in I ville. or Mr. E. (AI) Kawc ia . Ia~t.<·. .. I in, center on thili traffic line of i the true. !plrit.flf St. John Am, I Corner Brook. It ~ nel'er too :::~~e lu~y A1r~nn.a~orta. the air. . . I bulanC!l AS60ciaUon, You can lale to do iood. I

, ..


, /




exciting things .to try during your

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De Soto's great Torsion-AIRE Ride does! De Soto is the o!!IU class that gives you Torsion-AIRE superiority. And it's yout! DeSoto you choose! Why not take your. Adventure-Ho! test tun at your DeSoto dealer's? You'lljeel what we meanl


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Page 9: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

• ·~~r!"l !'ur'l:12.

l:(,:"y r,. .. 1ub;!~ l' n";;' ·:lrrap,. . :--;;rw. Tht .

:--", 'n~ to f'':1:r.­~ r~rl.;. W~!'"~ •

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r:~:n tl'-.f' I

wnul~ krpp

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. "'r t· c\

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"RUN ) ~uspeDsion systtlll ten a corner the ,to is the olllw at .~nd it's yours 011

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NUFAply DOORS flush or slab door. mad. from NUFAply are guarante.d to m •• t maximum require­ments. There are ov.r twentytypel of doors 10 chaos. from .ach wIth a dlstlnctlv. window opening design. NUFApl) doors IOGk wonderful in any home, new or old.


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(1) Thl. Is a Match the PaIrs Contest. MAe ludges will award first prIze to the contestant having the (2) n. Dally News will publish for 60 days, Menday to Friday, 2 highest number of matched pairs correct and 50 an for second and

pldures a day. Picture. ,number 1 to 60 will b. Newfound- third prizes. lewd.r. as they are today, and pictures numbered 61 to 120 will (8) The prizes arel be tho •• lame people in theIr youth or as children. The adult pic-

ture and !he youth picture will nol necessarily appear on the same day. (3) The contestant must cut out the two pictures which appear .ach day. (4) At the clo.. of the contest· the young and old plctur. must b.

corr.ctly paired. (.5) It wNI NOT b. nemlary to nom. the persons In th. piclures. (6) At the close. of the contest an enlry form will be published and

must· be filled ollt by .ach cont.stant and sent to ,.~. Dally N.ws Contest P.O. Box 972, St. John' •.





.::- I~r the firat tim. II • Fully 5nt~!e au Ran,e. Here ,liD for tbe IIdern ~ la In 011 Ranle u Imart and III tl In appearance IS the very best • llIttttnt and Gil.! Ranges, Built into It )!Irs . txPtrlence ~alned by over .Ixl, ' !t>I\i In Ih, m~nurlclure of hllh quality

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t~Olli~hl1n~. no ~Ue55worlc In cooking ~! :h) ',II Ihe thernsmltic oven control "t'! I d ,pmp'r~lure required and the !Url I)fl Ihe rell and malntalnl the in . lemperature I'cqulr!d. Wen cook· ~:i hN~hcrl. 111rn the dial to the "off"

l!tPs iO• IIhlCh ('UI~ 1he [Jame to pilot and ~. t thm rudy for UI. at an In·

• aotltt. Silt .

1&Ue:~ flllIIPle1 aU PlUDP' InI1 be In, ~ behlad ran Ie to lutomltleally

ra.,. ~llrom buement tank dlrletJI to ~l ... ~aa orderlnl lpeelfy oWlfttr -l,


, ~RNEST CLOUSTON\tD .. : 216 WATER ST. ' ", I -' ST. JOHN1S

151,-$250.00. 2nd.-$15Q,OO. 3rd.-$100.00.

(9) The Match the Pairs contest is open to all persons living in New­foundland excepting employees and their families of the Doily NeWl.

(10) In the evegt of a tie, the contestants concerned will be asked to Identify the 60 Newfoundlanders. Then the contestant with the highest number correct will be firsl and the other second.

(II) By entering the contest the contestant agrees to the decision of ·he iudges.

(12) Only line prize will be awarded to one family.

DIAL 7665 • 7431

, · • "

. "

· ,

· ~ . :

J .:! ~ . ~. , . ~

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· I ~ •

· " . .. ',--


" "!~. 'I

'. ': ;: : r ,:1 'J ~ I

1i I ; ~ ,

I : '.1

) I' ':1 ; " ." ,I-

Page 10: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May


, .


I i

. I I

I 1



. i . I , I


" . ' .. ':: .,',,' ' ..

-. What U. S', ·And Russia Want From S·ummit ' Talks STEAMSmp MOVEMENTS ----HARBOUR GRACE HE NFLD GRE AT LAKES week we shall give ~

T .':" for puddino, wh'l"h"1Ii! STEAMSHIPS LTD. ... • lit S,S. Gowrie, loading at To expensive. but art


, By LEON DESNEN I confederation would merely t . UNllED NATIONS, N.Y- create a dangeroua lOuret of ~

(NE."}-What will RUssia permanent tension which the I ne',otlatf about at the foreign .Russians will alway a be able I mlnlatfra' meetln~? European to usc to their advantagf, diplomatic aourees believe the 3. Establish yet a third Ger· IIlswcr lies hidden In a recent man state out of West Berlin SOI'let document known as which would be declared a "dralt of a peace treaty." "demilitarized free city." . I

The draft was first present. Since Communist East Ber· e<! by the Kremlin last Janu· lin I! not inclUded In the So­Iry to Z8 nations which (ought "let proposal West Berlin In the war against Germany. would thus become easy prey But It \l'I&S largely Ignored by for Red subversion, Inmtra· the Western pow en. tlon and subsequent dom,lna.

However, according to • tion by the Kremlin's puppeu. 'hl~hranklng West German 4. Wcst Germany Ihould dlptomat famlllar with each wlthdrllw from NATO after twist and turn of 'Soviet policy the peace treaty has been sign· it 1& this draft of a peace ed. trelty rather thnn Nlklta This, Moscow Is obviously I

Khrushchev's confllctlng slate· convinced, would lead rapldiy ments that revca Is the tacticR to the deterloratlon IIf !,he :\{oacow 11'111 employ at the Western alliance througb the forelln ministers' conference. economic, political and mill· It 1150 throws !lght on the tary isolation of West Ger· true alms Khrushchev hopes many. Eventually It will allO to achieve at a summit meet· lead to the withdrawal of U. In I. S. forces from Europe-

"Ju~t as Hitler disclosed his which is, of course, ·Khrusb· plan for world conquest In chev's fondest hope. ' Meln Kampf, Khrushchev reo !I.The frontiers of Germany "eals Russla's goals In Ger· Rre to be fixed as of January m3nV In his pre posed treaty 1, 19~9. drnri:' the German said. Thus the Russlana hope to

Here are the main points of Irick the West Into confirming the pcace proposals Moscow their and Poland's right to the w!ll try hard to sell to the Oder·Nelsse line territory with· West as a reallstlc and over· out negotiations and exelud; all solution of the German In~ declslons arrived It eol· question and how European lectively. experts on RUll!Ia interpret i\lo!ICow's draft of a peace them: treaty which the Russians ob-

1. A peace trcRty should bc vlously hope to use II I dlplo­,iined separateb' with West matlc weapon for Western dis­GermanY and Communist East I:nlty Is thu! secn by Eu!opean G~rmany. experts not as the much·

This would in effect mcan I trumpeted security program Western acceptance of the' for the SOI'let Union but a leillity of Ihe Communist bold Red thrust Into the demo· regime in East Germany and crallcn bas lion of the West. al!o ,In admission that Gcr· 1t alms not only to open man), will remain split {Ol' an West Germany to Communist int\ctinite period. aggression, but also 10 destroy

! Thr two ~;crillan st~tr;; the pos!lbility of European In· ~Iwuhl (orm a . confederation tegration. the common market as all initial step toward and combined defense polle· el'~ntual unity. ies.

Since We~t Germany i~ a demorrac\' and East r.~rman)· Nikita KhrUlhchev has sue·

Union can't afford a UnLted over U.S. routes to West Ber· ron to May 21st, Hamilton May Perhaps someone G h t th Ii It ld I I recipe for an Old

ermany now, w a ever e n. wou ser OU! yen' 20th., and Montreal May 23rd Rice Pudd' " . terms. Inevitably, the strong danger U.S. occupation rights for St. John's, and Botwool. I Ii In~. 55 . million West Gernnans In the city. So the U.S. will M.V. Perth loading at To I 4" cup nee would take over the govern- not agree. ronto May 26th., Hamilton lila),' I' ~~~s milk ment of all Germany froon the American officials Ilso be· 127th and Montreal May 29th I :~ SPOOI1 sail

';i 17 mlllion East Germans. !levI!: formal recognition of II' for ·St. John's. ;~ ~ups su~ar " Russia Is now building in divided .Germany would lead ?I.V. Dundee, loading at To - ~"tPUt, \2111111

.j East Germany a crucial chern· inevitably to war. Sooner or ronto June 5th. Hamilton June '" h ra er rind I, , , iJ· f1ce miX .

Ical Industry aimed at tying later.' one part of Gcrma.ny 6th., Montreai June 8th., lor 51. in"rcdienls' d With the satellite even more tight· would attempt to force unity John's. ; • an ~ Iy to the Soviet economy. on the other. NFLIJ C:\N:\D \ STE.\MSHlI':i butter~d purl[hn~ dii~ . ., .' hOUl'S In a IWv ,I That'S why the Kremlln's So much·for the ne)(atives. M.S. Bcdrord 11 In port 011. de"I'ccsl ,,', .o~ '['k d' kiN US' 1 Th ' . . " '11 0 ;tlrnn" ,,1 oyan was IC er ng for ew .. "pproac 1- e . completion nl' '-;;C WI duri I" tho r . pipe on his recent U.S. trip. first·stage American get·Ger· sail. for Halifax, N.S. 'to Ir~vcnl i~'t hOJr

The British, though thllmp' many.tog~ther ~roposal ~ill .M.S. Fauveltc Sailing from in/ c nce Ing for a united GermaDY In be decepllvely Simple provide Halifax ~lay 19th., due~, principle, look back to two for a handful 01 ail·German John',; }!ay 21st. wo~ld wars and worry about technical commissions on mi· M. S. Bellc Isle II cllt"oulc a resurgent, united Reich. gratlon and movement of lab· from ~!ontreai, duc SI. JO!In':,: They're subconsciously drag· or, customs and trade,' com· May 19th. . : glng their heels on union. munlcatlons (telephone, radio, ~LS. Belle Isle II ,ailing from!

I • • • highway, canal, railway, bus). MOlltrcJI ~;r,y 28th., tlue SI ~

,\ ~OTl!En P.1CE 2 CL'r.S h~ilerl rit! 1 quarl flUid m:1

evaporated m'n 1\'11 h an eq'121 watcr .

I On Disengagement - The and currency exchange, . John's June 1st. I' 1._, teaspoon "It . RUssians want disengagement, These commissions - com·'. CLARKE STEA~ISHIP I 2 c.;~s

or almost anything else that posed of East and West Ger·' CO" L~D. I J,~ teaspoon ranillt will ge't American troops out mans-would be strictly tech· "GuI£port, leaVIng ~Iontreal Corr.binc rice 'U' of Berlin. nicnl. That's so the big May 13'~.,. due SI. John's ~Iay 1 eggs ,lightly ht~l~t'

The U.S. has decided firmly stumi>]\ng block-which side 18th .. saIlIng May 20th., (for I' ing. Bake in a In advance of the conference gets the most reoresentatlve Bay RobertJ;). I dish at modmte that American (roops will not wouldn't bog things down. "Nova port. leaving ~Iontrcall (350 degrees) until i,'J get out of Berlin now under On a technical c~mmis,ion it May 20th., due 5t. John's ~!ay "bout 30 minutes.

THEY'RI STAYING: Whatlv.r the outcom. of thl \prlng tnd aumm.r lut,W'lt mllin II, U.S. troops 11k, thll Red· etonl mllill. crlw will r.mal n In Blrlin tnd Wilt Germlny.

any circumstances. U'S' l wouldn't matter. 25th., sailing ~j3Y 27th. ' I _

troops would only withdraw ,If these commissions work London. leaving ~aiifa:; ~!ay' B.\KED Ct:ST,\l) gradually over a long period successfully over a period of 22nd., due st. John s "lay 25th. Use 1 cup o[ mill I of time if a satisfactory agree· years, the U.S. would be ready sailing 1I1ay 26th. >poon sugar. and a .

Ing the West by scrambling the Berlin issue llke I eat's ball of twine. But he has made no secret of his strong opposition to German unity unless, of course, it is a Ger· many united entirely under Red control. The Soviet lead· er made his view emphatic· ally clear In a recent conversa· tlon In MoscolV with Carlo Schmid, vlce·chalrman of Bonn's Bundestag Ind the So­cial Democrats' candidate for

By RAY CROMLEY ment could be reached on a to propOSe the next step-an Hi((hliner. leaving )!ontreal salt for each e"' . WASHINGTON( _ NEAl - united Germany. East.W:st German Federation jlay 27th., due SI. John's June slightly, add ,~;ar. Here's what to count on when The U.S. would agree to put , ~o~ethmg on the or~er of the lsI., sailing June 3rd .. (for Bay milk. Pour In cU5L1rd the foreign ministers meet May B~rlin under .the United :-Ia'l United States. IndiVIdual Ger· Roberts). sprinkle wilh nulrr,eg. 11, and at a summit meeting, if lions only with. no Rus~lan man states would ~e~aln a, London, leaving Halifax ~lay cups in a pan of hal there is one.' veto and only With AmerIcan great deal of PO\l er. The.

l, 29th., due 51. John's June lsI.. I bake in a moderate ~

No unification of Germany I troops satying in the city. 1 central or federal government sailing June 2nd. I the custards are fire No disengagement. Ko U.S U,S. officials bcl.ieve Am,eri' would have only the ~mo~nt I "Gulfport. leal'in.« ~~ontreal mi~ture doc, not

agreement to withdraw troops. can troops cssenl1al If \\ est i of power the democral1c "cst! June 3~~ .. due SI. John s June knlfc. when inserled, from West Beriln under any I Germany and t.he, free wo;-Id I Gcrr:'an states and tile Com~ i 8th .. sailIng June lOth.. of milk illld I e~g Il'JJ circumstances. i are to bc conl'lnced the U.S. I ITIUnist Eas~ German. st~te" I London, lcanng Halifax Junr of Ihe usual size CU1~

>., flU S 'recognition' I"ili hAck thelll In case oJ: would be \l'11!!n:;! to gil'c It, 5th .. due St, John's June 8th,. ,,0 orma t" t 'th trouble U.S. offic,ials know the RUs· I sailing June 9th.

of or peace rea y WI -' . II . E - G Tile theon': If I he C.S. I S;!.lIlS won't accent a free a . I "!'io\'aporl, leal'ing jlolllreal FIRST R.\ILRO!)

a!t ermany. would agree' to 1lI0\'C out o( il

German I'otc. ~o the)' hope I.June 10th., due 51. John's June Prfsldent of West Germany. A new U.S. approach that' \rcst Berlin. tile Western al·, to erlgc to\\'ard a !Init~d Ger· 1 15th .. sailing JUlle 17th.

could sew the seeds for el'entu· lianccs would begin to I nl3ny through tillS step·b)·, i London. Ical'ing Halifax .tunc

Thc (il'st rallroad iJ America h •. , been twccn Callao and . si 11 ce 18.) I. accordinz cye)opedla Bril'llnica, ":\'0 one really wants a unl·

fled Germany," Khrushchev told Schmid bluntly. By "no one" he meant, of course, Rus· sla since Germany unity has 10nl been a eornerstone of U. S. policy.

ally bringing the Germans to· crumble. .'Irn method. That's pru\'idcd : 121h,. duc 5t. .1,,11I1·S June 15th .. )lether If the Russians will • • • , Britain and France lI'ill ~o. sailing JUlie 16th. It-which they probably won·t., 011 fleco~llilioll of E,\SI Ger· ! aloll~, And prodded tilc i Gtil:F AN~. ~()RTHERN . i RAnI; L\RTI15

Thi I lh tl ' k', r t . mal1l·.·The Russians want all, J1u-slans can bc sold. : SmpP)I'IG CO., LTD. ! 1)IlC or CITl, ,IX of sse 1111 In~ 0 oP, I ." b I "V d St 1 h . ~I 'I I h I men in Ihe State Departmcnt. ! .\lIied peatc treaty rceognil., But It 5 a long way e ween, II I crgu-'I: 11?1 .' °h II S • ay 1 C rlllel(l S ,r ')1:", :~ tl

H • h tl "j'ln- Ea-L Ccr1ll311Y That would I the CliP ann the lIP. AIIlCl'lCall I II" sal lllg .' al' 12t . :, earth arml,,' ~r, o~p cl ere s t e way ley reason. " " , , . . .. . . . h [I I 'F" In· .. " CI .J I '. h . I" o U Wc tion-The Soviet give East C,ermans ('ontrol [.[[lc1als alen tope u. ! er"us .• ,.a\lll" lal 0 Ie· ,,:IC as pr"rn(:.ml~:J\

_________ n __ n __ R____ . town ~1:lY lJth" due st. John', II slum and IHlcl·blUm .

• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . t II I F A k Me) lRth.,s~lllnga~y 16th. -~---~ •• . and olher st~lIs nelling a sa IS' I OC "evanS S "Fergus, leaving Charlotte GRASSHOPPER I factory sum which will be used I, \.., lawn ~!ay 22nd., due 51. John's In many p,rls oi lit

~ Communist dictatorship such I reeded In confusing and ba!fl·

1 for school needs. C ih· May 25th., sailing ~lay 25th. (notably .I,pan ",d t:./ I --'- ontr utlons ·Fergus, leaving Charlotte East, roasted 1 Turkey teas were sent ou.t b.Y town ~Iay 29th., due st. John's eaten as a foon, I the members of St. Cathenne s June 1st., sailing June lst. can Indians also Guild from the Parish Room, H~RBOUR GRACE-A com· "Fergus, leaving Charlotte. grasshoppers,


, B . f and three hundred customers mittee of fans under the span· tuwn June 5th" due 5t. John's Teachers Newsy ne s were pleased io enjoy a plenti.1

sorship of th; .Harbour Grace June 8th., sailing June 8th. HIPPO ATT.\Cil ful dish of turkey and salad, Hockey Assoclalion are makmg ·'Fergus. leaving Charlotte, A hippopatnmU5 IlilJ

• HARBOUR GRACE _ LAC \il · HARBOUR GRACE - An etc. a eollaction among the business· town June 12th., due SI. John's attack people, bilt!J Harbour Grace History Gordon Peddle, RCAF, arrived iT eetIng afternoon social sponsored by men of this town in order to

home last week 10 .pend hil . the Hlgh School Club, which On Saturday, the Ladies' purchase championship jacketJ; June 15th .. sailing June 15th. bull hippo has been THE OLD SHIPS, ETC. I vacation with hia parenti, Mr. ! was held on April 29th., proved Auxiliary of the Navy League for the Harbour Grace Hockey ",FergUS. leaving Charlotte· I lift boats Ollt o[ W.[1r 1 I H F Sh tl h HARBOUR GRACE-Clergy" a very successful event·, pro. k' 1 I t A . h' d t lown June 19th., due st. John's or slash hole, In the . T Ie ate . . or s, 1\' 0, 'r.nd Mr!. Absalom Peddle. Gar. held a cake and coo 1C sa e at I earn.. ny person \l'IS 1n~. 0 June 22nd" sailing June 22nd.

In his I~fe time endc~vaured to . don II llationed at Chatham, ~:o~ato~~:p~l~ a~~~a~~~:~hae~~ ceeds from the afternoon teas MacKay's Store, which proved 1 contnbute may leal'e a donatlOn '·Fergus. leaving Charlotte I A doctor sa)' thai ;~ keep ahve. by tll5 writings, the i N.B. Trinity Bay Soulh met at the' an outstanding success, : at Strapp's Pharmacy. lo\\'n June 26th" due St. John's placc to kbs a ,irlll

b r hi d th th Central High School Noad that while some 0 IS was ex· ..' I· i hs 1 I June 29th., salling June 29th. photograph. CJll you ItOry of the olden days, wrote I ' f th' . I lome ~eaf5" e ,ore ! ea e Cdngratulationa are extended Street Hr. Grace o~ Thurs· I pensive, cheaper kinds might be CanadIan !Ii allona Te. egrap . I "Refrigeration. ! that? follOWing: It IS to be ~egretted ito rilr. and Mrs. Gordon Slm· d ' . M' 8th t b had to supply Sunday Schools, oH1ce and the Post OffIce ha\e I HARBOUR GRACE-At the i FUI1~ESS RED CROSS that our )'oung generallon dilcs 'mons who celebrated their da~ evendtnbg, Ray A B" CO . e I where funds were not so ea'sy i been given a new look on the regular meeting of the Harbom ~Ianchestcr Pioneer lc'lI ill"' Father ~els In:" H!

ot (\C\'ot more 01 thclr time I a uresse v ev. . . ralg,. . ' . '. b f h . t . b : ." b '! lth ' .' ~ , . ~ c . . twenty.third weddlnK annlver· B A B D DI t f R r . u 'to come bl'. All kinds were: In ten 01 y a res paIn JO •. Grace KlIvaDls Clu .. ' ay 1 '. :->e\I' York )!ay 19th.. S3int i the gardcll ',',hilc In endca\'ourlllG to ma~c them· 1 sary. on Saturday, May 9th. Ed'" t:" dreeyor tOh OC IgI? s found to b~ very useful in the I which was done by ~Ir. Alfred I president Clifford Gray wei· John, X.B. ~!ay 22nd,. Halifax, ~ctting 111C dlrI I~O~ I

d 1'1 lion for the Church of England work of Sunday schools and i oger~ an r. a . Ct~me e ll~ 0 O\\'IlCI~lfllues ,5,. rlolln N.S. ~I,\y 20th.. aTl'ivini( SL: bol' ol·er the il<ll" ic~ nlvcs acquallltcd 11'llh thc I ' UCi IOn an au !'iiamza· , 'R d M Willi m Hen d th f II· t ( Ciorioul histor)' an traut ons Mis5es Joan Carrolland'Helen I C d covercd the ground thoroughly' nessc). lie ne 19rews u I: a cr John's ~Ia)· 29th .. leal'ing ,Illne ---- .. -- - . 01 OIlr fC.llow countrl ~en. Hearn. who had been attending n ana r R I A J from pre·school age to Bible i Hibbs, Peter LcDre\\', Bert 1st.. for Corncr Brook, Halifax.' !amc da\' ('JI' l.l\crw~ Tho~c tradilions arc a glOriOUS! ~Iemoriai Unll'ersity, hal'e com. L Pdrlesen HwerGe ev. R'· . w' l Clas. student. 'fhere 1'. some· I The "Carlisle Bay", I\'hi~h had, Grecnslade and .lack Richards. N C "Ild N \ )' L • • 11 ita t ~ r dl d U ow r race' ev 0 o. 0 , ' •• J n C \. or~. , 1\'cwfuulIdl"ld. Ic,\!~,:'

er ie 0 an) , C\\· OUII an cr: pitted their course Ind Irrived '! 'U· lId' C .'R . thing to suit evcry nced open; heen delayed by ice COlldilio\l~' On ,'lay 15th. there \\'ill be a .'L'nchc;tcr Piunecr. IC"I'ing', pool ,'lay 1'.1, (Iu" 'I" J'::' -ttle rclaling of the prowcss· d I' 'th I n .creer, pper 5 an ove, ev. ' . th· t It 1 dina oal b ttl d' . 'd! th . " • ~ " ; Ind darin!: of our forefathcrs home to spen I vaCI Ion WI W H B Gill Carbon ear Rnd by correspondence, Mr. Craig III IS por: a cr an ~ C ,0 c m'e In 31 0 C sWim· New York .Iulle 10111.. ~:tilll: 19, Ica\'l\1" fill H.:b

, h Iheir parent!. R' '"1 'Will" Sid" B statcd. at the premises of ~ll1nn & Co,': mlllg pool and as well a colfee· .lolln, N.B .. llIne 13th, Hali[:lx. Boston "'1::1' :'0, ,Iue H'.::Z intensely intcre~tillg and t e1r ev .• 1 r. 15, pan ar 5 ay, ., t Mo d Y It' f . r d··t '0 "0 -Ich o( heroism worthy of being as well II .ome fifty of the FoilowllIg hiS tal~, Rev. ~!r. go away on . n a . It!on to thmagfaw;cs f.orl' IS frl l ut' ;\'.S. June 16th., fol' Corner 22 ~nd B(",I~II ,\12,1 ~

Mr. and ~lrs. E. D. Freeman, 1'1 Ludlow expressed hiS apprecla· I Ion 0 e orelgn IS ling ce. Brook. lea\"lllg Corncr BI"Jul; Boston .\!o': '." arC broullilt to the attention of Ihe ... h d b I It I G d al y. A 1St f th . 0 u Newfoundlander o( the presenl ~IIO a een v s n, In er The meeting opened with I tion 01 the niformation so clear· ~Ielllhrrs of lhe 11~ ican i or~mas .cr ~~ k ; el'e\ll."~ June 19111.: due SI. John's June 'lay 30. dll'c 51 Jonr,'!' dl)', !o that the history of the and St. John'., returned home prayer by Rev. Mr. Ludlow, who ly given by the speaker and a School Board at Hr. .Grace were I ~;as . ~wa~:~ll Ie. ~r? I~~ 21sl.. leavlllg June 24th.. fur sailing ag"n ,a'l1! put ,rna}' be handed on from on Saturday. then Introduced Rev. Mr. Craig vote of thanks was proposed by among thos~ attending a meet· I , rs·t, 0 II Cd as.tPhlatnhls.. . C Halifax and New York. 'L:\'erpo[ll.

I th bl Rev. Mr. Mercer and seconded Ing at Spaniard's Bay on Satur· mee Il1g case WI e singing Fl..INESS WAHRE:'II LINE rio"a SClltiJ. fWl!i, 'Inetatlon to generation." M H I H k Bid 0 e uaem y. . f th N t' I A th • essrs. ea ey, 00 ey, 0 an by Rev. Mr. Gill. ThiS was sup· day, where a site and other de· I 0 e a lona n em. Nova Scotia, leaving Liverpool pool ~!ay 30, uue ~~,

.. It was pleulng to the writer and Stead, who are a' Harbour 'It M C I ddt rt d b 'I L V Ch f j'l f th dR' I . : If' tbil column for the Dilly ~ .-ev. r. ra g procee e 0 po e y 11 r. ., a e, al S 0 e propose eglona Aprii 29. due St John's May 5. June 5, learln, [or News to recently have a visit Grace on property appraisal outline the advantages to be superintendent, St. Paul's Sun· Scll'lol were discussed. for the firm, leaving for Halifax and Boston Buston June 6. nue from a young man-a gradf business, apent the weekend at derived from the use of GBRE day School at Hr. Grace, and May 6, due Halifax ~1ay 8 and Band Boslon Jllne It

, ;ItI Itudent of Freshwater, Car. their homes at St. John', and literature. Many kinds of this was carried by acclamation. The Mr. S. Moores, Director N.E.' Dr. H. ~!. and Mrs. Butt, SI. Boston May 11, leaving Boston Boston June 12 and : honear, who W85 looking for returned on Monday to com· were on display and the meeting closed with prayer by Fisheries, left last week. for i John's, visited relatives at Hr, ,llay 12 and Halifax ~!ay 16, due June 16, due 51 : informaUon regardlnll that town plete theIr busln! .. hen before reverend gentleman Ixplalned Rev. Mr. Ludlow. Gloucester, Mass" on 0l1S1neSS Grace on Sunday. SI. John's May 18, sailing again 18. sailing again lame · and the atory 01 It.. share in the proceedlnc to Carbonelr.

memorable raldl by the French 011 Carbonear In 1696.

We regretted that we could, at that Ume, add little to the

,Inlonnltion which he Ilready : had, but It Will Interesting to · learn tbat there are Indeed

lome of the younger lIeneration who wish to know lomethlng of the historic past of their native tOll'ns,

· May we be pardon cd If we : lIIe here a quotation uscd reo : cently by Dr. Robert Saundl!rs : in ~~ issue o( the Newfoundland : Quarterly: "For what IB,the life : o! rttan if memory of the past · be I)ot WO\'cn Into the life of ; later timcs."

. 'And so we continue for I · while Ion ~er to write of some : of the old Ihlps who helped :.IJ.I}t. the hIBtory of Ihls country.

, T!lere were great shlpbullders in that Ume and amon, them ·l!~.~ad of Curtis of Sllmonler ~.wtiO.'. buUt, amon, othera, the

CongratulaUolII art extended to Mr. Robert Holme., YOUDlltit Ion of Rev. A. N. Ind lira. Holme. of thla town, who won hll enlineering cartlfieall at Mount Allllon Universltyifter I very lucceuful term at ttllt Institution.

Mrs. Edwin Martin Is pre.sent· Iy attending a conference of tbe Dominion Board of the United Church Woman'. Alloclatlon It Toronto .. the representative for Newfoundland. While away ~Irs. ~!arlin wUl visit her broth· er·in·law and lister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Munn at Toronto.

Mr. Ind Mn. Jamel Y. Par· Ion! paid 8 brief villt to friends at Harbour Grace on Saturday lut. Mr. Panolll II receivlnl congratulations on havlnll It­talned hll B.A, degree It Me­morial Unlversity.

"Mlcha~1 AnlhollY", after the great Bishop . '!Ir. and Hn. Fowler were

He buill the "Hound" 1 l'ISltO~" to thll town lilt wellt:. Wm. Whelan, who was' Mr. Fowler will be Illached to

Ily ~uceesful at the the tilafl of the Central mil> her.\'. It haa been. tolrl School In September. little black dog always

of the ship and iuld, Into the '8111.

Bemlater of ~ew Per· ",a. aho' I great Iblp. and built many veuel.

Rev. A. B, Crail, B.A., B.D., wu I lunt of Rev. and Mrs. Ludlow It St, Paul't Rectory lut weelt:.

firm of John Munn " mllter. She waa transferred to Harbour Grncl', and otber the firm of W ... H. Thoma It nls of that day. SI. John'~. Capt. FI.ld WII In "Henry Thomas", one of t'liarge of her on a voyage to st known ~hlp~ 01 those Syclnry and on her way bark

o'T1ear-. II':I~ hllill 1Iy ('hllrlp~ Npw ~h, waR WI'prkpo al SI. Plerr~, ~ . at . SlOlIrll1an'~ ()ork al The St. Pierre mercl\anlB boui!ht I

..... , ... u Ind W38 luunciml on the her and had her ,repaired, and' &r;;·'I"elbruIII'V. 191111 (the (rosty mad. her 'the Clipper of the I

). She went to tne leal French b~nkinl fleet. It W81 In March that year said Ibat ahe could 10 tjlrouih,!



ROUGH ••• '., ••••••• 1 1 7e ea •

DRESSED • , •••• · ••••••• t. Be ea •

2x4xl0 ft.

- cu: n

. FENCE POSTS 4 X 4 X 6 ft. ROUGH .............. ·· .......... ··88C ea.

4 X 4 X 6 ft. DRESSED .. · ........ · .... , ...... ·::96C' 10.

.. 74c ea.

Ell. Ie.


HOUSE PArNT Five shades and white .

$3.69 Gal. $1.47 Qt. Capt. GeoT,e Stoneman, iee. where other Ihlp~' would I

' ,wu aIao employed In tet jammed and that abl eouId !!:==========:;==;:================~~=======================:::::~ &MIMI willi I~III. u run 11 lmoll. . ' , .. ,

, , .':' ;.,

, . 7

Anothe 10 MOl wool IT

at beck

pockets. outfit f Miss Pc Insurer

Page 11: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

MAy 18 •


Jp ri~

"P' milk '"'rOOn ~h lp SU~3r

O,";>oon 'aniHI ,c',:Nl nnd " L r'c~, mu "ilb ~

"~l' and PO ~ ; J'luddin~ dU: " a \'t~' ,1011'

. ~ !-t~rrin~ thrtt ,h, lI!'>l hour a( ,"~l lh~ riC1' f~

. -\ :("r

"roon ~II ..::.. ..

R\R[ L\RTRS ,,' r't~ >1~ of lhr '. ~Io~:, to lhl :"mli~, ; :roup of " "TO '('on:, m i u IT\,

,"~ ullrrbium,

.,.,,, n~' pU13 of Iht -:' J~pan and the ro»:P<i grasshoppm ~~ i food, Som! 'dl.:U al~o a.sfll1l OPPCTl§,

'lppop.Umll.! .-iI) ~ople. but an

II"PO bas ~n '.:. Dill of wOll~r and " nOIl'5 in Ihf

!.-.clor SlI~S th.t thr :0 ki.\5 i ~lrl il 01

i:nph, Coin lOU

1rr ~ct~ Into :hr ;.,,-icn "hlle : ;h~ d:r1 Irom I \ r~ lhc b.1\'~ I~nrt',

d]y for LI'tr~I, ~ fllundlalld, ICjnnl \I:-l' 13. due :it. Jam) r.\;!,~ lor Hilifll Ir, ~,h\' :(). due Hllilu 'd Bf:~l(1n ~~~. 23.. 'n ~hy' ~ and 30, d~ 5t John'! : ~ IIgaln ~!m~ dl! 'pl'ni " ScutiJ. lenin, llay 30. due Sl 5, luring for

)n Jcne 6. du~ 1 Boston J ur.f 11. )n Jane I~ Ind

16. due Sl Jobnl .. ilinC apin ume dIl'

t-lEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAr, MAY 18, 1959


.. ",:




.' , '. ISS Newound land

Contest •

ArOlher entrant to the Miss Newfoundland Contest Is Miss Marjorie Power, 10 Mount Cashel Avenue in £'1. John's. She model~ here a twa piece ali \11001 moulin red tartan outfit. The pencil slim skirt has an invented pleat

at back and is topped by a matching jerkin with V-neck and twin hip pockets, Marjorie choose a white no iron cotton sport blouse - the ideal au~it from the Model Shop for flattering comments in fashion sport news, Mill Power attended thl Presentation Convent and works at thl Johnson IniUrenC! OffiCIIS.

" and -for

Foundation Garments by Dominion •••


~he em"J.} Shop ~ 0. ................ /

Winner will go to .~oo.·breal to

comJH!tte in MUJ .ilfaple-Leaf

Canada Con-ted in .tugzut

• Classes of Entry:








• Entries must belong to above Classes.

• Entries must be accompanied by Picture of Entrants.

• Entrants will be judged by beauty of face and figure and by performance of a three-minute routine - Singing, 'ancing, Speaking, etc,



I " L,;i

the choice of· fashionable women the world over

The Famous


Included in "Miss New­

foundland's" trousseau

will be a complete found­ation wardrobe by the

Dominion Corset Co.


thl Daintillt Things next to you

What "telr, .ali.r way

to carry a truly wandlr­

ful trousslGu - but in

beautiful h'avelite lug­

gage by CARSON, Misl

N.wfoundland rlclivls a

four pieci set ,of this

famous luggagl,'


JtIHH .. PIC! Mill Newfoundland INry

for", tot

Nail'll .................... t~ ... U ... III ........... I ... " •• 11

Acfdrt.H ... lIt .. IIII .. II .... II ...... ~C ..... II ..... t ..

Clcts. ., ......... 11' •••• " •••• , .................. 1 ......... .

Age 10' ........ .

• Miss Newfoundland will be '

chosen by June 26th.


• Expense paid trip to Montreal by

the Daily News.

• Complete Trousseau by the

Model Shop.

n '.


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Page 12: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

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Hollywood Flaturette



BrookIyn.bom "Dead End" kid who arew up to breome I fash· ion clelll1ler with a "Mr." on his Ilblb I. lort of like Mickey Co­hen breomlnl In Ictor and play inl Little Lord Fauntleroy op' poall4l LII RenlY'. "Dearest."

Bllt the crazlelt thllllli happen In Bollywood.

'l'lda, I can II, tII.t the ''Mr. Blackwell" who hal lOOmed to curTHrlplng fame IJ onetime teeHle "terror" Dick Bllcll· weU of 19S"1 "Dead End" rOld COatiII)' IDd one of the llrats In the "Llltle TOUHII Guy" film HriM of 1938. •

From "Dead End" to dreu fit· tlnl-well, that'. one Paris may not Wlnt to darken . Ita Dlor wth. But even If tilat new genllU at DiM hoou about It, Mr. Black· well I, making fuhlon news, not to mention money.

TIlE GLAD IlAGS he design!, he uY!, "ar. to make women loole like women again. I've reo turn~ to women their bustl, wlillJ and hipi which lot 10lt durinll till last Cew fashion ,·ean. DrUSe! were so busy no ~n. looked at the women. I'm just covering the feminine form wtllle sUlI l~avinll, .it, the ,wa), it WI! create.d."

With Lily Pons, Betty Grable, Shirley Jones, Terry Moore and :'In. Alex Perino (wife of the

The siyle in shoes for '59 have been set up by Koch Shoe Compan~' of Harbour Grace, in an eye catching booth at this year's Kinsmen Trade Karnival.-(Terra Nova Photo Service)

famed L, A. reltaufant owner) my modela and clothe •. I bu. witil Blackwel\ designing-still Lily's amazement. among those w\igling into trumpets, druml Ind bonill. I right on the baeD of modela- It was the day Mr. Blackwell Blackwel!'ssexy duds,he doesn't also have fani blowing chiffon in partnership with R, 1. Speno remembers ne had a partner In have to worry about his old all over the stage." eer, one·tlme hairdresser .t the flipping. "Dead End" and "Little Tough The bp.ckiround on BlIele· Beverly Hilton Hotel. They ______ _ Guy" IIld pals waving at the pin weU'1 .witch from .eliDl tI de- pooled their resources-:-$2,OOO OLDEST USIVERSITY cu~hion on hl~ sleeve. signing IJ • dltch,ln.tlme Iue· -and went Into business only Harvard University, founded

The Dick BI~ck\\'el\ who be- I tm alory, Ue ,.ve IlP Ictlng three years ago,Today the "Mr. I in 1636, Is the oldc!t univer,· cH"·~!r. Bi,ckll'rli c~n hll: five yeaTS .~o, he told me, for Blackwell" label Is all over the Ity In the United Slates, accord· Ihp", \\'1111 IllS honk hook. which. prl'sollai m~n"~ell1ent IDd hi. land, ·Ing to the Encyrinprrl:a Bri, IS ~rt~II~~ l~r.~\'lrl' r~-rr)" rl~y. : flnL client wa~ .lnser Wanda He Iwean he'. never sludied t;ll1l1iea.

TU,~·'\(.l. M'TI:-iG 011 ~l.~r..: l.:ul'Lis detlgning or drawn a sillile radln "I~ lal~r in rilm.~,-nt"rk·' " sketch, HARASCHI!IIO LIQUEUR


Chal'b R. Bell Limited, distributors for John~on out board motors in Newfoundland. have set , al the KinSll1l!n Trade Karnival of various types of engines that sportsmen can purchase at their

(Terra Nova Pho~

well played a romantic Corsican Wanda had a nici voice but He'. still f\\pplni over the Maraschino, properly speak. ~ 'In Howard Hughes' "Vendetta" ner wardrobe, Blackwell dec1d· show gown he whipped up for ing, is an Italian liqueur dis· ,. · ...... iRve tte calf·eyed, bUBhy· ed, was out of tune. Between cne of Lily Pons' Hollywood TV tilled from the fermented juice " haired young desl{ner what be I them, there wal lomethlng else appearances, One fitting, he told of the marasca cherrY. ~Iara~, .. calls. "dramatic flair." : out of tune-no money-but: her, WB.! all that would he neces. chino cherries afe preserl'cd in

. 'I'm sUII acting-with chiffon, Wanda had a leven·pound port·' aary. "But I've never had a gown the liqueur or an imitation. alld ~i1k and lace," he says. : ablll"lell'illi macbine and Wanda made with les~ than 10 fittings," thereof. I

"And you ~hoilid SI'e and hear 'al~o had I figure for modeling. laId Lily. ",lust one with mc,", 1 me narrate one of m)' fashion, So Blackwell atarted whipping amiled Mr. Blackwell.· i shows," he saiel. Wh~t happen."! i up Wanda'. clothes right on her I The k~)' derr is the smallest, "[ flip," he feplled, "There'S no back. ' Well Lily smiled Imugly and of the several !ol'ms of while· . ~ofl .:\ Pretty Girl h Like a· ONE GOWN led to another' said, "We'l iee." tailed deer of the eastern half ~Ielody' background music for until today It II bli bUIlnm But on. fltt\n~ did It-to of tile Gnlled StatPs. I

All si;'es ann h'pe~ of batteriec: h,l\'e been arranged 8"(~ set up at thi~ ~'ears Kinsmen's Trace b\' j["~l1ill;:: Elec:t: c Cllmpal1." Limited. thc,e are .Il:~t a leI\' of the Blall)' batteries no',\' Hanning Electl'ic CompanY.--1 Terra No\'a Photo Se l'\il':~)

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TRY A * -----¥ .___. ,.,."""".-" LOAF TODAY . .., ............... ~ *- -~

In The D;stinctiv~ Wrapper, Sliced Thicker For That He .. M It Will 'Make Hubby's Breakfast And Toast, Tasle B




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Hertel the U.S. POI

of 50, hu . a breaking

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lak.n I I~ Her I

Llnd.rs will dis

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Page 13: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

I He-Man, .. Be



Y ·~S ST. JOHN'S,NFLD., MONDAY, MAY lB, 1959 1 DJoIl I'I~ IT ,

. : 13


HALF THE U.S. populatlon IU fren along with SecretaI)' of State Herter from lome degr ee of osteoarthritis.

hour or' wallu several blocks. On' such occasionB, he uses crutches to help relieve pres­sure.

More Berloua than osteoarlh· ritls Is rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammation of a thin mem­brane that lines Joints. It eats away both the membrane and bone eartilage and often results in lievere pain and stiffening. In extreme cases} the expo!ed bones may grow together and cause the Joint to lock. Unlike osteoarthritis, the rheumatoid kind may spread from one joint to' another,

The number of Americans af­flicted wiln thi!! disease is esti· mated to be four million. Any­one betwecn 18 amI 45 is a po· tenlial. victim.

In recent years several steroid drugs have been deveioped that reduce inflammation and pain. A steroid Is a chemical com· pound that', produced In the body by the adrcnal glands. The compounds used in the' drugs are. concocted by special labora­lory techniques.

Drugs, however, canllot cure I the mysterious inflammation. 10ccasiollally the inflammation I will disappear. In sum cases vic. Urns can stop taking the drugs indefinitely. But usually the in· flammatlon returns and medica· tlon must be renewed immedi­ately. Many' CMes are so severe that victims must take the drugs .r llfe.

The main drawback to the steroids is that they can produce side effects Bueh as peptic ulcers, brittle bones and mental <tilments. Improved. synthetic Rteroids, the newest of whim is

erabie movemcnt In thclr af· dexamethasone, are more potent lIieted joints. Also pain can hc and have fewer side effects than cffe~tivclY reduced. and furthcr the old drugs. . cartilage degeneratton stopped. Recently scientists discovered

Ihr .!flieliull, Olher rer nas a curvature of the spine Heat, rest and ccr~aln d~ugs are I that a drug used as a muscle Lor brln~ m~rtc on cart.: caused by his excessively rapid ~sed to relieve pain whllc spec· I relaxant is highly effective in

IIlrlrn 'thy H. IIcakens 'growth as a tioy. Herter Is 6/1al therapeutic exercises. h.ave' treating goul. This type of ar-ultnl Ihat )DlIlt mOl'e·; feet 6 inches tall. I been developed to keep Jomts thritis i!! produced by a large

elm II to wear awa)". I Poor posture caused by the, operating. accumulation oI uric acid in doctOr! art mystl·, curvature produced abnormpli Osteoarthritis produces no Ilhe blood stream. The acid de,

liclat tht ha.'I~ ~auses. I pre~!U!'e on Herter's hips when! dam~ing effects on I'ictims'l posits in the joints in a solid iii kM. Ihat factor. s that' he walkPd. This helped hasten! general healtn. Exc~pt In some I form and causes severe pain Bnd IIdtd .tl~ht or wain on the breakdown 01 the nip Jointi ca.!el involving the hips, sel· swelling. U~ hl,trn the ailment. cartilage. I dam causes deformitlc~ or crip· The new drug. zoxazolamine.

If I~N ("·tn,, are ol'er· Treatment for o~teoarthrilis piing. Herter doesn:t exper, t helps eliminale the acid from pi)!lt31 Ilrain. injury has improvrd in recent years so I ience pain or disability unless! the body by increasing its excre. ~ po<tllft. that victims can retain consid. he stands for as long as a hal!' lion In the urine. .

'Paddle Wh.ee/s' To Tap The Sun .. ,

Onl of the Itrlngest looking satellites yet devised I, snown In tnll Imprellianiltic painting by NEA .rtlst John Lane. DUI to bl launched loon by the National Aeral1autic •. and Spae, Administration, the ,atellite, is only 28 inc he. in dllmlter, yet It will tap tne tremendous power of the sun for man'. pur post.. Once in space, four "paddle wheels" will Iprlng out from the metal·skinned sphere. Their sur· hell will b, covered with photoelectric material which will


turn sunlight Into electricity. Nick.l,cldmium "111 .. 1 .. will store this energy-Ibaut 400 watts-Ind on Ilgnal.from earth will power the ,.t.llite's radio transmitter. Purpo •• of the paddle·wheel IIt.llitl il to test the palllbillty of radio communications with a IpaCI probe unt IS fir IWIY os Venus. But its first trip will consist of I hugl orbit around the .arth, about 30,000 mil .. It III firth ... polnl. It Is another beginning in man's uplorltlon of Ipaci.

- -------_._-- -------------------------h il d and a ve1!owed paper, worn II see a bride start out with The others looked at her

tiiether and his face took on on er co e braIds and t th folds some linens anrl things of for a few seconds of hiank a !ullen look she had never gloves. that made. her hands a Ka~lle picked up the money I her ~wn." 0 'llenre. ;llrs . .Tensen ~aid then, Seen there before. He' was feei. warm and awkward, rode wonderingly. :lTr .. jensen mane i K~thir smilrrt ngllrly al "So that's where hp ramr.,

softi)!. '.'1 wonder what like, really?"


[To B, Cantinu~dl

like a stranRer this morning. ~ow<n to the valley with lIfrs. a muffled SOUlln, and she saw' tholn hotll anri l'il'l,or! liP Ihr fl'l1l11. T alll·a.l·s wr\nderrrl." I EXQUISITE NEST8 "Buck," she said suddenly, ,.en.,c,n and her husband, Buck: they were ~100 hills. )'plll)\I'crt ,Iwrt of rarer anrt "\I'hal does it mean?" The mOlt beautiful neslJi are

her \'olce thin with alarm, ~Ittmg In the back seat beSide • • • Ilnf"lrlrrl il ~il1g('l'I\". . Kat11ie hegged ~Ir .. Jensen. bllilt by the humminlbird, "th~rc's a car going up tn the hcr. ".Joh ollgilta ha~ morr II \\a~ \1;'11[\lI'riltrn. in tl,e· "Slllillri<"' ir .\'our LInde whos~ ne~t is an exquisite cup house!" " Aft~r the si.1l1ple ~r.r.vi~~~, sense!" ~lr5. ,Tensen rlcclarpil.' floll'ing script of, t\l'n ~rl\rr.,·' o\I'lled ~nrnp .. lanri ol'pr therr lr~! thall two inmes acro!s and

STORY: Klthil Eb· YOll." l\lomentarll) dherted. he I reople gathelerl allkllaldly "\\1 that money lying around . lim" agn. Kiltl1lP reil,1 Willi "1 OIlP III11P. he repllerl raul m3dp of fplI, plant, Iern or I Clli/ornll firm "Yes," Kathie said, with looked towarrl the I'alie)" ~ around Kathie aud Blick. h I I" ; rli(firLlllv' ; il'lI~h, "Did he n'er say anY' dRndeliolHPed down. Covered

~ rm.d during the sudden spirit. "And he could 5hading his eYe~ ft~alnst the' The~, e~pressed tI~eir ~ym· i t ~a~~l~:\egan tn rotlnt the: "\\,11p~~ds T. Phillo", Rr~rl,! Ihin~ "hout W" perf~rtl)' with mDS5 and liehen~, by I "'illhbar wamln, have s~nl me to a home aiter ray~ of the ~un, 8lantlnt< oVer path;\" said R fr.w kind war.d~ I'll " l~ 14 10'" 11~ [I·ni..h" heine of ~nIlIH\ minn anri honl' i "\'c"cr.·' I it i~ fa,teneo with 8pider webs

th I I f J b d th r II . d' )1 ~ - .1, , .}, ~ c, , '. . t t b ~ Ihying with hlr. Auntie Eva died. It'! what e lor zon now. . or 0, an en, e e\ e . rt ,'t t I her \"oirr. "IHI il1 filii cnntrnl of m~': 'Jln ,1111 'Ul''''''' it'~ ~n": ~o a~ 0 "ppear a mere pro u er·. hu bun nriaully Iii, most men his age would have "Yeah," h~ sale\. "It's the thOlt that ~a5 over, thcy fin· i e "'F~~~lr~m~~nrt;erl dn1!ar5!" f"clillir~, wi,h to "rknowlrrl~o' cnnd:" Ruck aok~rl. j "nce on th~ limh. tl"" I turn for thl done with a ninc·year·old girl doc, I think. nil." srattclc.ct. : H k cho d. "nn pa)' ~ richt IncUITrrl hI', \11' .. Icnsrn ,l'I"Ir-\lr,1 hi~ ----- '---

Her IWlft hurt, -an orphan. I'm llrate!ul to Kathl,e start en down the Afte~ a hrlef stop at a town ~'~s ft AI~ minc?" K"thir I11C 10 ,)lIb llall1l11N. I herrh,": hcrtri. "I rtunno. I rton't knoll': Purposes of Ihe tiny hol.e in ll"dm, uy, thl I him for what he did do these slope ,,,thout looking bJck to restOllllant for lunch, t1:e knc'l' Unclc Tob hMI Ielt a! drrri him in payment of s~ld! l11ul'l, ahout- Ihese tllJltg,. bul;the cap of;; fountain' pen I! to wlli die Ind wanh [' 10 \'cars. And I don't like i see if Huck was following her. ,)Cllscns. HuclL amI K~thle I h' k Ilhii::"1 illl1 tllol .,trip of 1~l1ri i tll;lI .r\0I1·1 look like iI prupcr I reliel'e the !Ii~ht vacuum creat .. t. ,mmv him. talk'in~ 'hl~ way," she added' Beh!nd hcr, one of the dogs drOl'r. ba.ek to t~e bcnehland. nO,\:rhRa\'~ 1~l'h~~ :Joh ':1in 011 ;,Ion:: tltc Bc;,cli whil'h r,lends ~ \r~"1 dred 10 me Course it I' Cd. during remol'al of the cap

, , coldly. "when he'5-" let out R low mournful sound. By the lime the~ reached tlte I' d hb d "ghl I thi, from Ihe street known :1S 1':.1> excl'utrd a IOl1g limc ago. which would othel'll'lsc form an IT I Buck CAught her ~hottlders She quickened her steps, a farm it was early afternoon. I ~IS c~t t~ 'h 1.lk P:1:~lour" Lono-" ~Ia)'be til at', tlte way they: ink droplet at the point.

'1'1 momenl hdorr .lte in a firm Rlmost rough grasp shIver striking along her and Kathie a~ked cveryonc to ~~use;n Ie ";d p • itil'el~ I • • • rlicl tllings there at tbat time.: Irtlk. '\0. Buck," ~he Rnd turn~d her around, fore· spine. The dog lifted his nose come. In. She had deferred .~. '~~S~~n~a spo~: will;: Kalhic stull1bled /)\'er the BUl as far as tltat goes," hc I Alaska, of all the 50 state5 of 'I:d. "\0, \ol-right Ing her to meet his eyes. to the red sky and spll\ed out opening the strongbo~ Uncle ae:ured s deliberation. and' next word ana spelled: "eell',a ?r1dcd. "he could hal'c sol.d it: the Union, has the highest birtil

Ullhn" "You love me, don't you. the savage places of his soul Job had left her until after ~eth' l' t d t him for: t -anolher word I can't make! a duzen times ovcr since I rate, lowest death rate, biggest tl'JC~!d hrr chcrk with Kathie? You do love me!" In a long, chll\ing wall. the' funeral, for reasons she h a hl~ tlskene ~ of Uncle 1 O~lt anrl-" She stumbled! then," I ercentage of babies and amall.

f:n~rrs. "Look, Her eyes widened. "Buck Suddenly Kathie began to felt strongly 'but could not J~b'Sa arr~n~~mcea~ts fo~ her. I aga'in. ":"'-m.a,lI.k,a to the i "I-Ion~I\llll." Kathie said est percentage oI old people. look at It 'cnsibly! Lander~! What's got Into you run. quite explain. "The bank Is attaching his boundary of the property of' . - .. -".--

D:ltle doe,n't own this thlR morning?" • • • In spite of themselves, thcy bank account and tbe lIve- Joseph H. Arrendal along the! You ~on", be ~ble to "Answer me!" he demanded. The serv!ces. for Uncle Job made a little ceremony. of it, stock and machinery to cover 5treet known 8S-" She broke,

r.J here-elrn if you "Haven't I said I'll marry were held at 10 o'clock Wed· Kathie went upstairs and got their note. Job's funeral ex' off agnin to exclaim, "Oh, sllch \0 lay on 1!! hy )·our· you?" nesday morning at a funeral the box from the closet !n the penses were paid by his lods:e I names! Signed by my hand

":,:e ~:1I )'0U ~o: What "Yes, KathIe," he said, but parlour down In the valley room that had been Uncle Insurance. He didn't run up Ihis thirteenth day of August, ~ ,do; I ~'ant t~ take he did not relea!e her, town. Most of the benchland Job's until hIs illness. She any bills except when he had 1908." ... cu. l\ath:e, The "Well, .what more do you families at;ended for while placed It on the kitchen to borrow from the bnnk, I Her \'olre was rising. "Wil

I' h ~'fnt r,"~ of his want?" not many of them could truly table, and the other~ stood guess thIs Is rightly all your.<, l1essed by-srrall'l. scrawl and ~ .H~tntn. d< h~ (htl1l( I Roughly, he pulled hfr rlose ~ay Job Hammer had been a around, solemn and unfamiliar Kathlf." He l'huckled and \o~ Sl't'Jwl, scrawl. Exerutrcl in

I. n',: going into to him. Afler B startled mo· friend, stili he had been' a In thell' tOWl1 clothe~, while "deleci "1'1\ bet tlte bank I1t" I ~ , th., ('ity of llonottllu, Terri·

. ,I,1j (1l'er ,To> ment Kathie jerked her~elf neighbor for over 30 year~. she Jnscl'ted the key Uncle woulll be surjJi'isetl to know tlll'\' of lIawaii'" t... fl'Ct:, hpt' rhe.ells angrily flush· Anct. they were all fond ot .Tob hall g~ven 11Pf, antI open· he hnd It, though." I'"

! 'fn '",',<1 t" nIP ... " erl. Hurk. how ral1 you-nt a Kat!lle. _ ec! the hmc. "Well, il'll make a right· Slie lonkpd up .. ,hlklng noll' , ." hlld. ',id ':'J·,·&stlr. time like thls~?" Kathie, In a new black suit, There was not much In H.I nice dowry." :'III'S . .felhPI1 snid.

I' 11'1111 ,·xelteIllPlIt: "lluI101u\II'"

lit I,J AI,.I ,\1)1 h~li He drew his hp'avy brows I with 8 hat that sat strangel.v t ,Tust a small parket of hills, pleased. "1 always liked hi ,III' ~;:1itl, .

arrV Truman Nears 75; ~\~:\' Ii.\\' FU',\,:,\ : side the entrance to his 5uile of I for stop·marks for tne agIng. ly more than half a mlie Irom i personally escort a sludent i signing some of the 100,odd

His Goal 100 Is . ,rr fnrr,r,pnnrlrnt : Library building here, mllch in "I work like I always did home; usually he drives. ,through the huilding or greet: letters he dictiltcs daily.

I" (f ... lln I :\EA) . the same manner he mi~ht greet; when I Wall In the White "Illy day at the office starts: an unexpected I'isitor. Names; "Happy birthday,". was this ,:;"1: t~ 1110 In he 100 a I'isilor in nis own home, Mr. i House." the iormer ChieI Ex. between 7,30 and 8 a.m. and. in the guest registcr range from' reporler's partmg Wish, A fell' \ "r formrr l'rcsident Truman enthused over his husy I ecutive remarked. "The only ends wl1en I am ready to go I those of nei~hborhood ,'Ollng,' minutrs earlier ~Ir, Truman had

''':.,. run-on "I.'plays R' lile. He 'looked fit Rnd buoyan\. 'difference is this-the responsi- home," Mr. Truman said. His sters to fOlmOU5 prrsons who. expresseel emb:lrnssment over f~'ij;·.:'11rnt fnr lontcl'it)·,. "Retirement is R .l:ood word. billty no longer Is mine." smile indicated satisfaction with have heiped 5h:lpe world hi~lor); .. the nalional attention focuserl . ~.z. AI h. approach·, hut it is not to he taken literal· I .• -. • th. arranJ:ement. As this rcporter signer! in' on his forlhcomin~ hirthd",. I~'jp!r-qu'rtn mork on' Iy," he eaulloned, "because That difference Is re(lecled When "The Prcsident"-as his just belore a mid,mnl'!1in~ ap'! Bllt he f1"sh~rt an arpreri;]tiu ':4rt~~~d 10 bp .£cltinR when a man retires he d~es." I In hl~ pre!!!nt practice of I ~tarr and visitor~ address Mr. pointment, Mr. Truman :lppear'! smile as if he \\'ere hearinl: Ihe of l't' of hI! own The airy manner in which he "knocking It off" when he Truman-Is not keeping speak. cd at his suite entrance, escort· : greeling lor the first time. , Iremrnt " . th h d d kl '.

up I '., Zip.!! raUl: crow e wee y pleascs after a long stretm at I~ engagement 50r ofIlee hours, ing three departin.ll glle,ls. Hc I chair Just In· agendas attest! to his disdain his desk. A""arently, It Is. a he Just plain relaxes at a paused to grect Thomas lIar11

,.,. FlRST RULER part of his se!f-Iabeled "pres· myriad of interests ranging Benton and a companion who ,

·Canada Steamships Ltd. FREIGHT SAILINGS

sure prooJinR IL procedure. from hobnobbing wit h old happened past. Benton, a Kansas: 'Hislory of Licchtenstein goe.' He' get! up at ~.30 a.m. Be· cronies te making notes for his City artist of world fame, is I hack to 1342, when Count Hart· :

fore 7 o'clock breakfast, he takes lectures to students on our doIng preliminary work on a mann I became ruler of the a two·mlle walk and usually government. $60,000 mural for the library I principality of Vaduz, a town tackles a stack of 20() or more • ", lobby.. which now is the capital 01 letters. Occoslonally he walks He delightedly takes time out The earlier part of the morn· Liechtenstein. ,



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Through Rate5 "a CPR, CNR, I< C~1.

Refrigerated CUeD Space to 5t. John',


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For Frei~ht Reserl'ations Contact

R.SELLAR!;i "'peci.11 Repr~senfati Ir

Tel,; 5483 or 2131 HARVEY· STEAM

SHIPS LTD. Agents.

HALlF,\X_ST. JOHN'S LeavIng Halllax

Due to his off!ce, the distance slight· from hl~ ofllce schedule to ing had been taken up hy can·' ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'-;;;-;;;;;;;;;-;;..;..;-;.;. . ...:-;;;-~.....;--.;;--...:-;;.-=--;.;;-.;,;.'~~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:..

ferences with a rcprc~cnlatil'e I from Columbia University rp, 'I

~ardrng a series of lecturrs Mr . Truman was to' deliver at the

: BEDFORn 1I" St. John'.

. FAtVETIE" ........ .. "" "" ............ May 19


May 17 May 21

Leaving Due 'lItll' . Montreal St. John', . ..1: 1:-;1 F II'" May 19 . BELLE I " ....". . . r. SLE 11" '" " .......... " .. May 28 . June 1

or tlTtmed' ,. ' FOI tilts II", clcarance per direct aalilnili.

Spact Ind othel' informaUon apply:


COLE, Special Repr.sentatlve, St. John's DIAL 2m OR TO



. .;

FURNESS, ·WITHY & .CO., LTD. Liverpool St. Johr's BostOD' H~lIfax St. John'

to to Hfx. & to to to St. Jhno's Baston Halifax st. John's L'poo!

"Nova Scotia" May. 16 May 18 "Newfoundland' Mav 13 May 20 May 26 May 30 ,Tne. 1 "Nova Seotia" May 30 Jne 6 Jrte. 12 Jne. 16 Jne. 18 "Newfoundland" Jne. 13 Jne. 20 ,Tne. 26 ,Tne. '30 ,iIy. 2 jNova Scotia" Jiy. 1 Jly, 8 Jly. 14 Jiy. '18 Jly. 20 "NeWfoundland" Jly. HI Jly. 22 Jly. 28' Aug. 1 Aug. 3

uniVersity. "So it goes, all day long," Ihe

genial uniformed guard 'at the reception desk observed.

• • • Commenllng on the student

lectures, his pet project, Mr. Truman said that he gets tremendous enjoyment from the question and answer periods fol· lowing the talks.

Persons contemplatln~ passoge to Europe .' .hould make bookings well In advance.


"Those stUdents often ask PAN more Intelligent questions than I and reporters - at press confer· I

enccs," he chuckled. 1 ~onlleetlng AlrHnes. . Consult us regard!nR your travel problems So the subject WftS changed,

to photographs. 'The Prcsident" :




Sailing from: New York, Saint John, N.B., Halifax, N.S.,and St. John's Vo~'age 5 ........ May 19th May 22nd. Mr;JY 26th June lst Voycge 6 ......... .June 10th June 13th June 16th June 24th Voyage 7 ......... ,June 30th July 3rd July 7th 'July 13th

Voyage 6 will call at Corner Brook prior calling St. John's. Vessels call at' Newfoul1dland Outports as Indueeme.t Offers. -

For Freii!ht Rates and other information contacl

FURNESS WITHY & COMPANY, ·LlMITED ohJigingly walked to his drsk; " 5623in the next room and 5tart~d :... _________________ .;... __________ -:-__ FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE WATER ST., EAST, 51'. JOHN'S TEL. 2073 (5 lines) and 5890


: "


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~ ".~ 1 .f I

'1 I J .

" 'J'

", I • " ~ I

'I.' ..

Page 14: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

, I ,

: i . \

I , I

, .


J. V. R.' Tournament High Scores-Retords


Ladles' Single Framel Ullian Valeher, May 13 ''''

Ladles' Three Framell Mercedes Jardine, May 4 ." ......... ".. .... ........ 863

Men'. Single Frame I Tommy Carroll, May 7 ." ... ,' 396

Men'. J1Iree Framesl Joe O'Brien, May 13 " .. ,., ........ ,., ... ,' .......... . 1078

Men', Doubles Single Framel Joe ~furphy ,... .... .... .... .... .... ......... .... .... .... 328 Jack Byrne ...................... " .... .... .... .... ........ 297

May 7 8~

Men', Doubles Three Framesl George Marshall " ..................................... .. Joe O'Brien "" .................................. ..

May 13

. Ladles' Doubles Single Framel . Marie Haves ............ " ........ " .................. .. . . Mercedes Jardine ." .................................... ..

May 4

Ladles' Doubles Three Framesl !-!arie Hayes ........ "" ..... " ....................... " .. .. Mercedes Jardine ...................................... ..

May 4

~lind Doubles Single Frame I ~!ary Coombs ........... : .. " "" .. " ...... " .. " ....... . Frank Crocker .............. " ................ : ......... ..

May 12

!\Iind Doubles Three Framul Gl'rtie Lesler .... , ................ " ......... ". " .... " Tommy Carroll .......................................... "

~!ay 7


Ladies' Single Framel Lillian Vateher, April 18, 1956 ....

Ladies' Three Frames; Lillian' \'alcher. 'April 18, 1958 ... ,,,.

~len'5 Single Frame I Alec J. English, June 7, 1951 ".

Men', Three Framesl Joe O'Bripn, MIIY 13. 1959 .

~Ien'~ Doubles Single Framel .",If Smith ." .. " ..... " ................... .. Mike Martin .......... ..

April 10. 1958 .

Men's Doubles Three Framesl Don Dooley ..... " .................. : ................. . Joe ~1urphy .... ". ...: .... "" '10' .11' ....... : ........ ".,

April 29, 1952

Ladies' Doubln Single Framel Mae Piercey ...................................... : ... .. Monnie Grant ... "" ................................... .

June 8, 1951

Marie Hayes ...... " ....................................... . Mercedes Jardine '''' ................................... .

May 4, 1959

Ladles' Doubles nuN Fral'llesl Mae Piercey .......................................... .. Monnle Grant .......................................... ..

June 8, 1951

Mixed Doubles Single Framel Mary Brennan· .......................................... .. Alee J. English ..................... : .................... ..

June 7, 1951

Mixed Doubles Three Framell

699 10711 1775

3111 332 848

-721 863


348 825 873

752 887




319 397 118

009 918


349 299 M8

318 382 M8

~ 793


~Iary Brennan .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . 731 Alee J. English ." .......................... :.. .... ........ 1011

May 22, 1951 17(2

Grand Aggregate: Lillian Vatcher, 1956 Joe ~Iurphy, 1952 ....

... 810 1028 708-2.54e

.... 781 896 979-26ISB

LILLIAN VATCHER won the Ladl .. ' Singles of the amllill J. V. B._Ung Tournament and Is shown hire.

'. ~ ~" , ", . Ifta pret"~'''':.~ her trophy by J. V, R. Thun· .,. llfaht,-T.,.. Nova Photo Semce. , . .

, ; ,


MACPHERSON ACADEMY won the Junior High School 'Girls' Basketball Championship by stopping Curtis Academy four gamet to one, Members of the champioru are, left to right, front row I-Brooks Popham, Shirley Kellow.y, Judy Ivany, Carolyn' Pike, coach; Lorraine Moore, Susan Lebam, Hilda Yetman. Back row:-Brenda Godfrey, Karen Jensen, Shirley Mercer, andl Jean Andlews.-Staff Photo .

~fERV GREEl'iE of SI. Bon's ",al the Top Goalie and was presented with the Haml\ll 'Irophy by Mrs. Hamlyn at the Hocke\' LeagU!'1

entation - which was held at the Old Colon, Friday night.-Terra Nova Photo Ser.ice. .

AmeriCIIJI Lell1le

Cleveland Chlc.lIo Baltimor. Washington Kanll5 City Boston New Yorl! Detroit

W L Pet. GBL 19 10 .855-:10 12 .m. '>'0 18 14 .e63 ~III 17 17 .500 411. 14 18 .4e7 5111 13 17 .433 8.,., 12 17 .414 7

'10 20 .353 9'>'0

Nldllllal Leal1l' W L Pct. GBL

MUw.uk" 19 10 .&55-San rraneltco 18 14 .1\63 2'>'0 Los A:lieles 18 16 .Sl9 3'>'0 ClncinnaU 16 IS .518 4 ChlcalO 18 17 .514 4 Pitl..!buri\! 15 18 .484 S St. Louis· 12 20 .m 8"" Philadelphia 11 19 .st7 8'11

Rangers Take Boston Twice

KREFlELD, Germany AP­l)~ln Prentle~ knocked in twa loall Sunday night for New York .. Ihe Ranger. trounced Borton Bruirll 7·2 and increased their lead in their exhiblUon iCI hoekey serie.. Th. Rangen now han won 10 Ind lDit 7.

other New York 1011a wen IeOled by Hlnk Cleala, John Hanna, Ed LltJenber8eT, Bill heeney Ind Jim Bartlett.

Bolton'. 'Oall wert register­ed by Gordie Redahl Ind t.o Lablnl, both in the .econd per· lod.

Saturday. Litzenbtrler KOred thrH 10111 to pae. the Ralnaen to an 8-0 win onr thl Bruins.

Eddie Litaenb'l'Ilr IeOnd J IDIla II Nrw York J\allilfl blankld laltoa Brullll B-O be­fore 2 ,BOO perlOIIIrlaturda,. .. thl National Hoeu, LealUl elubt IOIItlnuld their .IlarapwI nhlbition "'ur.

Jim Bartlett leored twa 10111 whll. Cllubmlt .. Dean Prentice, LeI Calwill and Red 8ulllnll JOt 1111 IIch.

City Inter.Club Bowling League

MONDAY, MAY 18th. Alley. 1 " I

(Championship Game) U~Holy Croll v •. Imperial

'!'C. U5-Maellonald'. TC ft.

:Mun. WOlter •• AIleYl J II ,

U~-PonUac TC VI. Welt End Te.·

AUey. 5 • 8 8.SCl-Royal Garag_ VI. CJON. U.4i5-Feildlans VI. BLC TC.

NOTE: Memben' 'IV III pleate nole thlt the lealU' hI! aeeured alley.- for 10-night ia order that the knockout series wUI lei underway on Tuesday night.

-7.15-1·2-0pen .. 3~Coehrane "B" VB. !It.

David's "B". !!-6-St. Mary'. "A" VS. Gower

itA", \. ,-8.SCI-

1-2-op·en. 34-Gower "B" VB. Kirk "A",

The lame on alley. H at 8.30 p.m. II far the cham. phllllhip of the In.ue.

Bowling Dance-The bowllnll 1'l(IIe of the ,

Newfoundland, Lllht and Power Company wUl hold Ita present. lion at .w.rd. and danee at tbe I Old Colony tomorrow nieht.

L k B N R d olle High School, Saturday . DC Y ets ew ecor S broke the oldest existing U.S. U M' B' C

__ __ schoolboy record and tied I mps eetIng I nan ullen IIf AP world record when b~ was I

. ST. LOUIS-AP - The man SAN DIEGO. Ca . - - , clocked in 93 5econd! for 100 I - I H A! J . at the pari-mutuel window rais· I World hammer throw champion i yards at the' Englewood Mem·' This week't meeting of the as CCruen! ed hla eyebrows wher. Steve I Harold ~onnolly of Boston S~t. ! orial Meet. ! SI. John's Basebsll Umpires' 1.3. . Blonoff bet the elg~th r~ce at I urday nI~ht lurpassed his Of, n Jesse Owens set the school. :. sociation will be held on Tues­Cahokia tra.ck S~t .... "i· I1lght. record With a throw of 226 feet. boy mark In 1933 with 9.4 I day night and not tonight. It Is

'But yn" "" \ a bet ,l~ Inches. but Amateur Ath- while ~el Patten, Dave Sime j scheduled for the Ball Park at on"that ,race. he said. 1_ I Ie tiC Union official! later found and Bobby Morrow have 9.3: B.OO p.m. with most of the

That ~ l. . .I .B~ I the. throwing range wal too times In the book. t agenda alated for rule reading. off, who d plch~.J u~ a tip. I . I The two new applications for wlnt to bet both horses." I Officials laid their measure· . i entrance to the group, Jack

The eighth turned out to be . .• showed the rings was 2% INDIANAPOLIS - AP Jerry Cranshaw and Bill Corbet! will a photo finish between Chief inches too wide but added they Unser. 2B. of Lakewood. Calif..: take their exams at 7.30' p.m. OshkOllh and Prairie Prince. 'voulrl submit Connolly's throw i died Sunday of complication., , and any other person interested The pictures showed they'd run for official recognition. ,following hi sthird auto racing' should also be pnsent at 7.30. I dead heat. , His existing record I~ 225 I ac~dent in less than a year. He

Blonoff strolled to the win·: feet. four inehes. set last year. was severely burned :'lay 2nd i A hippopatamws will rarely

ST. CATHARJ~'ES -Brian Cullen. ' tre with the National was taken to h05piW Saturday fOllowing II while cutting hi.! lurn.

Cullen had one·third toe on his right r~ when a power mots sliced through hil lhot dow and presented tickets on ! -- when his Kuzma race CDr crash· attack people, but an enraged

those two h?rse!. " ENGLEWOOD. N. J. - AP- cd into a retaining wall on a I bull hippo has been known to The Injury i! not Blonoff picked up hi! prahl I John MOIltyn, 18-year·old senior practice run at the Indianapolis 'lift boats out of water and bite

of $210.50 and walked off. I fro~ New Jersey's Bergen Calh· motor speedway. C" ,!",h holes in Uwo !l1ll1s. affect his hockey lutln --.;-' . .._-_ ..... --- -_._ .. __ ..

mf RIIIII\ ... III,·f, • f

You can step up to Mercury as easily as you step into it!

Considel' these facts: In every model, Mercury is the mo~t spacious car in its class. It has the largest front doors. It is the easic$t car to step into, It is a true six-passenger design.

That's why Mercury has become to many Canadians, the real step up in cars-at a price that makes stepping up easy. Add to this, its classic big car styling, superb, silent-running performance and scrupulous attention to detail, and you'll Tmow that Mercury gives you more of all that counts.

Your Mercury dealer can show you convincing comparison proof. For a preview of these Mercury advantages see below. Then see your Mercury dealer. Cfrtlln f!!lurtl 1II~!lrattd 01 mtntloned are standard on lome ~del!. optlM.I,1 .. tra rm1 rill otIIm.

~p.nln~ m widest See how much more held A brelk for the "middle look at III 111, knetrnom Notica haw yoa have tli Seals In til. '59 Mlrcury In th. iiidu!try-mike loom there I~ In Mircury. man"-the flool tunnel up fronl No o'l!IlIanging slep oYer lI1e dool siJl tli let you sil hlghel-Qlm' at!Hnlln Ind ovtmlar- Even people Dverslx feat is 50% smaller. provides Inslrumentp!neItDcrow~ get Inlo many naw CIII1 1 'Drta~leen delp fDlm wlllllICI'!uttini door post. till can sit upright plen!), cf centre legrocm. long legged pasmgers. N ltSO in Ina '59 Meralfyi rabber, front 011111.


,cIIHIIal-prleed 1IOIITIII£1 •• • hlih-performin& UllTCUII ••• llIlurloua PIIIIJII I


For SAFE·BUY used cars and trucks, see your Mercury-LiDcolD.-Meteor d~er

, .

1 2

Page 15: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

i t~ Top Hamlyn k~' ~~'I Old Colon,. n"n.

n Cullen Accident'

.0\ THAllIXES Cullen. • . Toronto !Uplt ~onal Hocker ~!l to hospiu] III f 10110"; n ~ 1I1

1 t ti 1\1 his lu.1I.



''IIImIJ r_ .,.. ••


.. 1lA~1~~~~~..;.;,,;;;; __ M_O.:.;,N;.;,DA,;,;,Y~~~'~9;.;,"9 __ .. ____ -:-__ ....i... ______ -':"' ______ -:--__ ~ _________ T.5'·;


ilwauke,e Stays Out Front Defeating los Angeles '8-3

the fir!! game after leading 2'() In the ninth, but cam~ blck to trounce New York .Yangee. 10-0 in the second game on Bob Grim's pitching. In the league's onl)' single contcst, Boston end· ed a five..game losing streak, swamping Detroit 10·1.

ANOTHER AARON HOMIR A Los Angeles crowd df 49,

347 saw Hank Aaron break a 2·2 tie with a home run to give :'Ililwaukee rlght·hander Lew Burdette his sixth victory of the season. Don Drysdale, who had beaten the Braves eight straight times, was tagged for

p,l<:rcn,'nl.rnl of ~ II fll'e runs Bnd his fourth de· do;~!rhl')it'r ;;1 St. feat . . Ihr Cordlll"I' ;;nd I Stu, Miller befuddled the Ph1I1i('. Reds batters and Andr~ Rodg·

ers hit two home runs and ~~lr:r3n 1.(,,"111' ,1;;l1d· I Willie :'Ilays one as the Giants '. unrh,lnclIl Clrlr· look Ihe rubber of the three­

.. :h 3)::::nl'1'.'. Will' game series from Cincinnati. . ''''or,rl '.In: •. ~ ;;. "fll'r ! Boh Purkey, who whipped the ':./ D",'r.t'f R~. 111 11 I Ginnts four out of five last I .. I , I

a:,~ "b:."llrn a I year, was the loser. Mllh!r "'.' \\'"hm~l~n 10"1' hurled a flve·hltter.

.If 11:,ilrr! hJn \Ion the A total of 10 home runs fea· -~; I turea the Plrates·Cubs twin

:';:' .\:h:r::.' r.rorp~d i bill. Two by Bill lIIazeroskl . 3~ r.erl>lnn in I and one by Roberto Clemente


helped the Pirate! win the op.· brew clouted two homers for the ener. Elroy face-caved It for Nats t.p Increase hi. league lead· starter Vernon Law by puttIng Ing total to 14. down I Cub uprlaltig In the Dick Gernert had a perfect ninth. After Dale Lllng'S tW1)o four·for·four, Including a run homer had tied the second home run, to lead the Red Sox game, a.~, the Cuba went to their first victory of their ahead on a three·run rally In current home atay, Ike Delock the fifth, capped by Ernie sp aced six Detroit hits for his Banks' ninth home run, fourth victory In five decl·

slons, TRIANDOI KEY MAN Chicago won their elgth

At Baltimore relief pitcher straight game Saturday, an iI· Jim Perry walked GUJ Triandos Inning 4-3 decision over the with the basel full In the 11th Yankees. In other American to force In the Orioles' winning League action Saturday Cleve-run In the first game .. It was land llcked Boston 12·6. . Triandos who forced the game Washington Senators clob· Into overtime by .Iammlng a bered Kansas City A's 7·2,' and three-run homer with two out Baltimore Orioles . whipped In Ibe ninth to He tbe Icore at Detroit Tigers 6·1. 7·7. Garry llell hurled I aeven· In the :-<atlonal League Sat· hitter for hll third Cleveland urday, 51. Louis Cardinals victory In the aecond game. scored an 8·2 decision over

Pet. Ramol hurled a flve·b[t· Philadelphia Phillles, Chicago ter In Walhlngton's first game Cubs nipped Pittsburg Pirates victory over Chlc~o. Hartle runs 3·2 and San Francisco Giants by Jim Lemon and Reno Bertola vanquished Cincinnati Reds, off loser Dick Donovan In the 9-2. second, accounted for the win· Mllwaukee Braves shut out nlnll runa. The White Sox cluJ>. the Dodgers 6·0 on four hom· bed four pitchers for 13 hits. ers and Bob Buh!'s four· hit four of them by Nellie Fox, In pitching at Los Angeles In sat· the .econd game. Harmon Kille· ,urday's only night game,

·wanis Give Dinner Leagues For Minor

p(t \\C~ ann !l~!1tam. ;:&.\/~, 01 1!;l,hour

rtrl 'rrc31 ~Ile,t! at prn hy thr lIar·

G:ltl 1\:\130.' Cluh at H~',r: O~ !'~t\lrd8Y

rll:r:nar. 10r the el'en· prt·:dl'~t Cliff

Tizzanl 2 Cups

WALLY 'l'IZZARD, left, ClIPtam cl the St. Jom;,. Inter·C1ub All·Stan, II preleated with the DomJaIoa' Ale All.NfJd. DarbTropby by Mr. P. O'Dotm.u Of t!It IIemIttt Bmvtp" Cempauy 0\1 Saturday nllllt. St. Jahn'. "aatll. l'rovIDclal eI'II1nI fer tbi fourth' ttralght year.

I • Royal Photo Service.

• I •

--;)'------~ ... DARTS CHAMPS-The St. John's Inter·Club AII·Stan won the Provincial Darts crown by d~reatlng Grand Falls in the final!. This was their fourl? straight title. Member.~ of the championship squad are, left to right; seated:-Ed O'Brien, Fronk Furlong, Frank Hynes, Standing:-Peter O'Mara, manager; Dave Wareham, and Wally Tlzzard,-Royal Photo Service.

Football: . Annual . Meeting

Important Topics

ELECl'S EXECUTIVE-The Nnd. Darts As'soclatlon elected its exectUive at its annual meeting on Saturday afternoon, Heading the grDUp For the next season will be, leFt to right, scated:-'-W'alter Williams, Secretary. Treasurer; FranIc -Armstrong, Prelidellli M. Sweet,· Lrt Vice.President. Standing:-Sid MollDY,. 2nd Vice·Presl· dlalj R. BeDlOJi andE. \VlleeiM, exeeutive member .. ~ ROfal Photo Service,' I

, I , "

, ,I.


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'. ~: . I,.

:·1 'J!

Page 16: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

, ~< •• '-



. , , I


i I ! ,

i , , , I



i . : .

'~~~~ ______ ~ _______________________ . _, ____________________________ '._'_! __________________ ~rn~E~D~A~ll~Y~N~E~~~;S~T~.~JO~H~N~'S~,~N~F~lD~.,~M~O~N~D~A~Y~, ~MA~Y~,



~' BEAUTIFUL MODERN· Ja'coby '00 h:.. ,. ' • 'Bridge


All the finest feature.s you look for in bedroom furniture .•• ample drawer space, superb delign, sturdy construction, big, clear mirrors, truly the finishing touch of elegance in a happy combina1ion of comfort and utility. Visit our showrooms now and make your choice of fine bedroom furniture from an out· standing quality selection:

Sprnig Filled Matresses ««.«.$21.95

Hi·Riser Spring~ « ..... , ...... ", ... $16.50



. These fine chrome sets are exceptionally good va lue, the rr,odest price is no real

'indication of the value you receive. l:ieavy construction tables, with sturdy double legs and extension leaf-well built, podded choirs available in red, blue, lemon and aqua,

Table (36" x 48") and 4 choirs Table (40" x 60") and 6 choirs


$82.00 •

Luxurious 3 Piece Chesterfield Suites

Any family will appreciate comfort. whether lis for TV or homework, en· tertaining or just relaxing, When se~d comfort is combined with last. 1~9 beauty in a modern chesterfield'S suite, you have a bargain that is hard '0 beat. Here is furniture' of dis· !inciton that will give many years of colours galore in luxurious fabrics, comfort and service, ChooslI from check the' comfortable, spring.filled cushions and the superb design that will be in good taste for y8'a~s to come.



.50 UP


The Great Eastern Oi:1 CompanYf

. '.\



I .



By OSWALD ·JACOBY West had to find some open·

Ing lead against the three no· I trump contrac't and finally se· lected the, four of spades.

East wa,n with the king and could have beaten the hand illl' mediately.by simply playing the jac~ of hear.~ but East could not see all the· cards' and jllst returned the suit his partner had'led.

This gave Harry Fishbein of New York a chance to wrap up the contract and when' Harry

. gets a chancl!' he takes it. . It wasn't hard for him. His

ten of spades was covered by West'. queen and 1I'0n in dum· j my with the ace. Now he cash· ed f'lur diamand tricks ·discard· ing a, club from dummy. 'II

His nex} plays were the jack , ,


• AS 65 " 73 • AQ9 ",ASS 3

W~ST EAST AQ974 .K2 " A Q 10 6 " J 8 5 4 +7 .85432 '" Q 1064 '" 9 7


• J 10 3 "K92 + KJ 10 8 ",KJ2

No or.e vulnerable North Ead SDuth We!! 1 '" Pa,s 1. PaS5 1. pass 2 N.T. Pass

.3 N,T. Pass' Pass Pass O~enlng lead-A 4

: 01 spildes ~!Ir1 ~ Inw club 10 I dummy's <lce fot' his seventh : trick. Now he Icd Ihe IRst ~pade , from dummy and discarded the deuce of hearls from his hand.

West was in end play. A heart lead would estabiish Har· ry's king while a club lead would gii'e Harry two more tricks in that suit.

Card Sense I Q-The bidding has been: i West North East South ,

• I A Pass 2. Pass Pass Dou ble Pass' 3 • Pass 4 + - Pass ?

You, South, hold: .4 ¥A Q 7 6 +K J 7 6 "'9

~ 5 4 What do you do? A-Pass. Your partner could

not double at his first turn. You have made B very strong bid and he could have jumped to fh'e. dIamonds If he had the carus for it .

TODAY'S QUESTION: Your partner has opened the

I biddIng with one spade. You , hold:

AA 2 "K ~ 4 +A Q 9 8 7 ",J 5 4.

What do you do~ Anmer Tomon'o\\,


It would be interesting to know how many of last year's Christmas presents will wind up as wedding presents in June.

• • • Restful tip lor ~l1mmrrlim~.

Buy YOllrsrl[ 8 rubbpr bathing suit and have a niet slt'rtch 011 somp bead!.

•• • • Girl b~!Jie~ blk he fore boy

babi~~, ~c('ul'lli"~ 10 bIHti;tir~.

I • • •

II' It'~. funny Iiow !as! a deliber. ate he travels when it hBm't a leg to stand on.



Will Knock at Your Door with Gifts and Greetings

from Friendly Business Neighbours .and Your

Civic a nd Social On the' occasion of:

New Comer to the City. The. Birth of a ~aby,


94865, 6957 or 90943



. "' . • <





C ',""~II_'" 'I'll...., .. ' .... .".


!-l!S 1-l0RSE~


. '


Page 17: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

Cecil B. DaM ilia ___ 'IUt~l! •


~XlIB~ ...,,_.. ... ...... (a·fllll'.'

,flGlR Sm[NS' H[IlRY HUlL· [C. NIRSHllL


Causes Other


\ '.

Publtc's' Mood \ Memorial and st.·John's Hollywood I filld themselvrs ill cunliie!. Her I past problems: 1 Murder ill "I WHnt to Lin."

Aeute aleohollsm in ''I'll Cry

F eaturette \ TucTr~~~~~'~ h,jury in "Witb a Top honors in this year's I also interpreted well, !'.IISS,· . Song In ~iy Heart."

Concern In ! Players Win Festival

Allied Capitals One.Act Play Festival were Wigh said. Ida Lupino directed a western I' Her carly film problem>: Ter· shared by TlIemorlal University The semnd play In comp~l· ldefilm the other day and tho~c rib Ie scripts. Drall1atic Soelety and St.' lion on Saturrlay night -.Jss hor~@ wranglers may nel'er bc I STUART N. I,AKE, the we~t· John's Players, bolh groups ambltious·and unusual. ArgclI·. the same. One da)' Ida wanted ern novell!t, looks a little pain' winning a total of 94 points tia Stage Club's presentation' the crew to put the horses awny I. ed when he tells it-but he

. of 100 for their plays "The of "The Terrible :\leek" wa .. ;; and she told them: started. use of the word '·lhala· Boor" and "Fumed Oak". don~ almo~t entirely In com· ~ "Unleash your poodle!, dllrl· way." Heard it down in TeXAS

Adjudicators Sylvia Wigh, plele darkncs~, with lhe ae·, Ings, and put them In their ken· and pUI il inlo a magazine slory Professor E. R. Scary and Pro· tors relying only on thcir nels." years and year~ ago .... Sign lessor G. M. Slorey gave high voices to create their eharac· Talking about an actor who' on a bar in Burbank, Calif.: marks for acting, direction, ters. specializes in cowardly roles in: "No TV ~ But Fights Every productIon and choice of play An out.ol·the·ordlnary anrl. T~ westerns, Peter Wilitney: NIGh!."

i In both cases. Professor story moving play with a meS5ar,~" said: "He's played SO many of, Two news items, In diffw'n' i told the audIence that they it was termed an cxce1lrn,: 'em he's listed in the yellow: sections of a Los Angeles papL'r I had been quite unable to sub· choIce and' a challenging plaY, pages of the telephone bool(': which makc you wonder. In 0111

I tract or add a point from eilh· by Professor Slory. ' ... If. they handed out Oscnrs: section:' I er group In order to let one I The direction wa~ good. hr for being Hollywood's No. 1 "Jack Oakie seems to hove . alone be declared winner. 'said, and after having rrad probl~m girl, Susan Hayward found a really effective home ! 1I1r. Fred DavIes, sponsor of the play he confessed \0 be' would win in an unanimous reducing 5)'stem-rolier skatinl{. II the Festival, announced that Ing exlr~mely curious R, \0 vote: Current problem in a He convcrted Ilis tennis court . two cups would be awarded, how It would he presented. I mOI'IC, "Woman Qbsessed," for into a rink, skates an hour I

his decision meeting with ob. The wund effects and 1 StL,an: Emotion:!! situation of a day and is under 200 pounds for 1 vious approval from the Fcstl· subtle lighting near lhe close I wldowecl . young mother whose the first time in years." : vol aurlience. of the play were Ideal, hc, small child and new husband! Second section: "

The Speech Studio cup for thought, but sudden blaze of 1 "Out uf the hospit~l. Jadl: the best all round play was light just hefore the curtain Oakie will be hedded for 1t day. shared far the evening by dl·, fell. revcaliug a crucifixion to recuperate." rectors Betty Ferry and Bryan I. scene WAS too startling, and a ,:;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;=': Reardoll and was prc~ented I had lapse In taste. to them by i'lrs. E. 'R. Seary. The three voices. a prasant

Pupils of Winterton School' woman pli\y~rl by Belly Slr~et. received the cup for the best an army Coplain and a solc!irr play entered by B school played by .Jlm Corum onc! nob· recell'cc! the cup for thc best erl Ball, were all beautiful, play entered by a school group . . . the C<lplain esper)aIly: -The Merit In~urance Co. wa.l R rlelight to lIslen too,!. Public Notice Award. ,but didn't have quite e-nough I


PRINTS Sylvia Wigh, speaking for authority in his voice. The 11'0' i SHOP

lhe adjudicator~ told the Bell man's \'olce was very flexible 'I

Khrushchev laying a wreath In London: Left behind, an l~land group that th~lr play and successfully conveyed the. Impre!slon you call do business wllh hlb.. "Tile Day After Forever" was emotions of lore, grief, des·.

Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.


. .. a very good choice and was I pair and resignation.. Pursuant to existIng Shop By TO~f A .. CULLEN ,dlctillor has toured the BnllSh. well cast. The play suited the I The soldier had a goon com· Closing Regulations, shop~ in

NE.~ Staff cnrresponuent. : lsl.~s, ~een s~en by the crowd~; I group, she sold and lhe direc' mand 01 th,.Coekney dialect, Harbour Grace are presentlv . ". LONDON (NEAl-Can Brit·. QUite a genial sort" he. was., I tion lhroughout was good. I Profes~or StTlty said. and sum· required to observe a weekly I ,,;n-thc, oldest. most powerful. a. taxl·starter at Cla;Hlges. Erna Higgerson played "a med up by calling the playa holiday as follows: t ,S'. all~-be . trusted .In the, Ilhere KhruBhchev stll) ed In ~hal'lnlng litlle bl'lde" :'Itlss most interesting pr~sentation. (i )dul'lng the monlhs of June, .• ~~~~~~~~~~~~ r?I~lng negotiations wllh Rus· ~ondon,. told. me. 'Not at all Wlgh said and dlre~tor Ronald "'hile the three adjudica· Jly and August in each ' ~Ia. . . like Stahn-Khrush Is more the Emery who also played the lors retired to make theIr year-a whOle hollday on f

\ . ~r arp :hr British rrnd~ 10, heArt)' Rus5la~ peasant type. only male role, WAS thorough· final d~cision as to the win. Wednesday in each week : ,;'11, er \\ ~stern ,~,~,Cllnl\ .. fa ,4. Thot RUSSia docs not want I), at case on the stage. The ning rlay, the audience was except when there is I , p~"ce In ollr tlml. 1, llllllC lIar. but pconomle develop· adilldicalors were I'pry pleas. cntertained with a go)' little another whole holiday in I '11~ISI('r ~I.acmllinn free to ne·' ments .. heR beco~~ a ba~le. as· . I'd wilh the r~rrormonce o[ \Iexican romed.l· "Sunday (11'1 the same week; and I gotwlr or 1.1 he th.e pn.,ollrr o! . sumpllOll of Bnlish thlnkmg'l 001111)' Watrrland as the woo Costs Fil'e Pesos." which the during the remainder of I an appro~el11enl·mHlded pllhl.lr .. The fad thot the recent ~Ioscow ,man just relrased from Jail. playCl's apreared to enjoy just (ile ycar-a half holiday : . Acc(lrdll~g to rrporl~ l'l'3chln il , ~!~l: Day parade soft,pfdalIpu I It wa~ a part lhat rould eas·, as mllch a~ th£' audience. on Wednesday in each : diplomats In London. these. arc , mlh~a:)' mlj(ht In favor of 11Igh .. il.I' ha\'e hen badly "hammed,'" TIle light·llcarted pre~enta· i week except during the , qllestlolL~ b.elng a~ked In \I ash· 'rr li\'ln.~ slandards. ~Yrnt dnwn i but wa~ played \\'£'11. A nice' tion hy the \\'ayfarrr~ round·: Christmas Period and ex· ington. PHIS and Ronn. ,lI'cli wllh the Brlll~h publiC. I bal:l1H'en performance. The I cd out a I'prv successful Fesll· rcpt when there is a whole

From rcrrllt _ ~oundll1~s .' of, II is .agaln~t .this backgroun.d . pans of the molher Bnd the: lill and one 'which proll1ise~ to I holiday !n the same week. ,public oplnlO~ the folIolllllg. lllHI Prime MllllSter ~!asmilian S ! maill, plal'cd by Grace Pol"I bl'l'ome more popular with St. 2. A peUlJon has now been fnrl.l empr~r: summit slrategy mllst be \·Iewed. sons and RIHlcla Krnl. wcre ,To11n's audiences each ~·ear. submilt.ed to t~lS Department

, 1. 'The Brilish are not prepar. In judgln~ the British premier' _. __ . _____ . -- . --- ."-- _ ....... _ ... - ---.-- by \'anous resldenls of Hal" PO to ri.,k a war ol'cr Herlin .. the We.stern allies. a~d America. I . I I bour Grace requestin~ that the

. SCI'enty pe crnt 01 lhose ques· , in particular, have Inclined to . ~ ~ Wt GruU present weekly hohday ar· lioned In a recent ~allup PolI i he harsh, the political expert! : KOJ? t • I'angement, as described above,

: lhink the Wesl should either' here claim. ' IJ be repealed and replaced lI'ilhnraw immediately from I ~Iacmllian has no amhilion henceforth by a weekly whole Brrlin. hark ~o\\'n If it comc~ I In wrest the leadership of the: llOliday on Wednesday in each \0 a militar;' cla,h. or clse they Wesl from \\'a,hin~lon. nor: week excePt during the Christ·

,hol'e lin opinion on the que;. I does h~ fnnc.I' hl~el£ as a' mas Period And except when ! tion. 0111;' 11 prr cent He will. 1 world 5al'lor'. Ralhcr the pre. : there I, another whole holidoy : &:'r--.;.-.,r

ing to ri,k I\urlrar lI'ar. I micr SCI'S hi mself as R servant' In the ,"me lI'eek. ,

'PHONE ~0876

We've your

carneecis always

on hand ... -;~

// .. ~ ..... ~\

. ~""""\~

--u And,.wJ.,duan­..... \ "'5" .... ' ...... ,Ml'- W:' :.tIN' III.: 'oil t RMillIII.

TmaHl'fJ:aOLOR." : . A slmll~r poll in lhe Unl1rn I of Ihe \\'est-an "honest: 3. A 11.1' person wishlnll to I * I SI:1IC~ .<hower! 100~r out of ril'e I hrokcr.". , rnmmen! on this p~opn~~I. is

'--_____ II!l&. _____ ...l '. Amcmans favoring a firm, Nor clio 'lacmil!nn ~n to' requP.llcn In rio so 111 wntlng : 5t~nd In Berlin. : 'Iosroll' to wIn I'ote.~ in the com. ' tn thr unrirrsignprl on or be·

• .D~IJ.iTA(Tt.JIf.

'--_ 'V


!"~NING SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK - 9.00








MATINEE: 1.30 P.M.



. ,

I 2. Ordinary Briton, are fed' in~ British elertion~. ~ccnl'cling fore ~Oth )Ial· .. In.59. , III' with cold lI'~r tellsion. wrl·1 to those who are rlose to Down. J. G. CHANNING, : cnme all)' su;;~estion thai prom· I in)! Streel. He went because he Deputy Mlnisle~ of ProvincIal I lsI'S to rennce lhe war 01 ncrvr.'. thought the time WAS ripl' for Affalrl. I They would R~ee with Ficlrl contact Bt the tnll. they claim. mylA.26 : ~IArshnl ~Iontgomery that "an.v I idea which is senslhle. whirh He din nnt Pllt of[ the f!le~· i

I, will try to rt'rlmr tenslpn Ann lion In hnpe~ of A personal· ~et ! more flexible appro~ch lriumph at the ~ummlt. It WoR ' ~hould be examIned." postponed ~imply becaUlie the

: . ,premier could not he 5U:'e at' lI. There L~ a wlde;pr~an fpd· winning a !ufflclent majority

Ing here that "you CBn do busl· I' in Parliament. I nm wilh Khrushchev." This . feeling was helped along by I Macm!1lan h undoubtedly I Britl.h reporting of ~Iatm\llan'l ! subject 10 electioneering pre .... \ visit to Moscow. British newS· \ !ures. but there Is no lllnda·

I papers found Khrushchev ap· mental quarr~1 between parties proach.ble. Beslde& the Soviet on foreign policy. The Labor

, I' Parly has been nudging Macmil· Inn clo~rr to the .Iummit as

I mmh as ha\'e his own Conser· I vatil'e IIlpporlers.



And he does enjov solid pub· lIc support on for'elgn policy. Slxly.eightftper cent 01 Briton~ back Macmillan's propo~al for an EaBt·West withdrawal o! forces in central Europe. Wheth· er it goe~ by the namt of "dis·: en$lagement." or "thln·out," or:

A. snapshot of the bride and rroom cutUnA' the weddln, uke III es.~entlal to yoUr plelure·story, Arranlle It careru1ty and take two or t6ree shots to make sure you wllllulve a sood one.

. '.

Make Your Wedding Pictures Tell a Story II "free7.e" of armaments at: existing Ir.vels, the ~nnlrovcrslol : mensure has bl·partlsan support here.

i . Underl,in!! the anSlVerll to 1 polIt. Is an apparently growing concern among the British pub· IIh over II1p. devastation B nu· clear war ml~ht hrlnjl to this small andcrowd'ed. Island.

A recent science fiction TV' play ol'er the government own· i ed BBC network, while It per· : haps exaggerate! the public i mood, Is typical of current anti· nuclear propaganda. The drama dpplcM a Britlah family maroon· ed on their farm which mlrac· ulously has escaped the halo· caust that hll& destroyed firitaln,

But It iIIn't the Russians who haveH.bombed thlB sceptered ille. It'. the Americans. The U.S, and RUdla, It tranlplres. are now more or less allies and Intent upon turning every bit of land between them into a delert, not worth figh,tlng for.

It was fiction, but perhaps many Britons are thinkIng that a few years ago' So was space tro VI'l.

or All the oc~asion~ ·that call ror pictUres, sur~ly a wedding Is one or the most important. And a wedding is a natural for a connected picture story.

The fornlal pictures will probably be taken by a pro· fessional photograph~, but that won't prevent the ama­tr,ur fans from clicking their camerll5, too. If you are one of these amateurs and one of the 'principals i; a relative or close friend, you might make a pic· ture story your wedding gift. If !o, you can be sure that it wll! be among the most treas­ured gifts they will receive \'i'h'ether your. story is in black.and.white or color, in color !lldes or in movies.

For many of us, the inex­pensive snapshot camera is the one we know best. We know that all we have to do is to iet the Illcture we want into the viewfinder and press the shutter - release (!ently to avoid' any camera move· ment.

With our flash attachments, we know we can get some good Intetlor shots In the church, at the reception and at home whether we're using

TO VISIT TORONtO black·and· ..... hite or eoltlr film, Peter Gardiner, Professor of i . 1nd that a Rash bulb is good

Comrnerte at MemorIal Univer· lor fllI·in lighting when we sit)', Is to ~pcnd some time in Ire taking shots outdoors.

: toronto this sUfllmcr. ~Ir. Gardi· ' 'there are, of course, other I ner wlil work in Toronto a III I ypes or cameras that are al·

35mm CAmeras thnt ~ive you such wonderful slides end, nowadays, practically anyone can take excellent. movies with the popular·priced amm snd 1 Gmm cameras.

But no mnlter what kind 01 cam~ra you hal'e, you'll get far bettrr lind more satisfying rewlts if you take a few min· utes to write down the ~cenes that, when combined, will tell the most interesting story.

Fi goure out where yO'J think your ~tory ~hould begin snd go on from there, step by step, until the last shot ""here yoU show the happy couple in their be·rlbboned car as they set off on their honeymoon. If there was a camera among their wedding presents they can do the honeymoon chapter themselves. They won't want you aroundl ,

On the wedding day, be at the church in time to pictUre the arrival of the groom and of the bridal party. In some churches it is permissible to take pictures during the cere mony, but you'd better makl sure before you try it. Then hurry to the back of. Ill(' church for a picture as thl bride and groom come down the aisle and, again, on the church steps. At the reception. be sure \0 get a picture when the couple cuts the weddinl! cake. . 22 - George H. Kay , then will . fly to Ellgland to ,nost as easy to use such as the

I I'lslt his parents. .------------------


Wh.tev~r your car IIffda ... (rom IBSoline to BCCftIIOrie8 .•• you get lhe finest rrom tW.

ed to the undersigned, and en: I I' dored "Tender For Wharf And Shed. Goose Bay (Happy Val· L1 lel, Nfld.", will be received In If. the office o[ the Secretary un· til 3.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T. ' WHELAN'S

GARAGE LTD. Wedllesday, June 10, 1951.

Plans allil specification can be seen and forms of tender ob· tnlned at (he office of the Chief EngIneer. De\ll. of Public Wor~, Ottawa, Ontario, at the o[flee of the District Engineer, Buckmaster's Field, Building

511111 Ind S.rvlu fori Rlmbl.r Cars Inttrnatlonel Trucks

29, st. John's, Nfld.; the District ------... -- ..... -.-.----Engineer, Ralston Building Halifax, N. S.; the Reglona! I

Director, 1631 Dclorimler SI. ~Iontral, P.Q .. amI can be seen at the Po~t Offices ~t Gund F~II.'. COrller Brook and Goo~e Airporl (Goo~e Ray1, NOd.

To he considHed each ttn lipr Tn,!.,t be accomJlanied 0)

. one of tho ~Iternative 'ecuritie~ ; callerl for In the tenner dOCIl i !nent.'. Tcnnprs mllst he madp ; on I he printen forms supplied '. b~' the Dpp:lrtment ami in ac· . 1 ~ol'Cl<lnre wilh the conrlitions ~el 1 forth thrrrin. I : The Department. through the I Chief Engineer's office (H. &


ll), or throu~h the undersign en, or through the office of the District Engineer at St. Jobn'! :-;fld., Halifax, N. S., and the Regional Director at Montreal P.Q., will supply blue-prints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of $50.00 in

,the form of a certilied bank : !eheque or money·order payable i : te the order of the Receiver i

I Geneml of Canada. The deposit i

will be released on return of . the blue'prints and specification in ,guod condition wilhln a; 'llonth from .the dnte of recep· tioll of tenders. If not return cd within that period the de ' ;1;5it will be forfeited.

The lowest or any tender nil: llece~sal'oily accepted.

ROBERT FOkTIEIl fhier of Adlnlnl~tratlve Sen:,.'

allli Sccrct~ry. Drpl I'llblic \\'urk.~,

• Ottawa. ~!a)' 15, 1:159. I ma)'18

, \

\\.'.:~Kly Sailingl from

Gloucester, Mms. to

St, John's and

'tlwfoundlancl Outports


r rom Gloucesfe r:

M.V. Blue prince May 12 - 13

M.V, Blue Trader May 19 - 20

r bookings conloe.

Blue Peter SteanlShips

limited 3661, 41n ;

: ~ )' " .


, . . ,. "

.' .1

.. L . , . I i

:J , 1\

i. l

"1 1,-.' ,

'. t "

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l .1

I' t-. I

1 .. 1,

• I



, ~ I



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"'. ,.

,. .,

;:1, .J i ..

Page 18: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May

I. : .. .',


J . j

I 1 J I


~ I

i .

j I, : " I

. i

I I, I

; , , ,I \.; I, I

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THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, MAY ~.--~------------------------~----------------~~~~~~.-~~~~~~ :~.' ~.~ . ~:~'-:' .. :-::., . : ..• ~~:; .. ~ .. ~~l ;: •. <~; ~,,:: .

~~ f dl' d IIG.·ftS· By Mal·I" ~~~.w Oun an {r'" Services Service ~~ i

;:;: PASS~NGER S~RVICE Free catalogue on request; t:mNNECTlON SOUTH COAST ~- . SERVICE Terra Nova Sales 8'Tnin "The Caribou" leavlne rlt. JoM'. Thursday, May 21st, I land Rd. Marshfield 1 ;:1UI make connection a t Port re , ,

E:Basquel with. 5. S: Bur M h tt USA I h Clssac use 5, •.• "en for reru ar porIJ Sou t


Af.1CI10~ No, 134 WATERFORD

BRIDGE ROAD . . (Eatate Late Elizabeth Foote)

On Tuesday, MAY 19th. Ins!., at 12 o'clock noon

Where To Stay I 1

Balsam Hotel,. BARNES ROAD

Sltuatp.d In the Heart 01 tl1e City.

Qutet. Comlortable AImOlo pbere.

For. Reservation! aod I,,· formation

Dial 6336 MRS. JOHN FACEY Relhlf'DI Manlllerell

m3\,tI ~: Frelsht for regular ports 'Iouth Cout Service I, accepted ;laily at the Railway Freight ~lIhed but in order to ~uarantee :~ovement by this trip of the ::.5. Baccalieu freight must be 1

i!j!t the Railway Freight Shed I ~iot later than 1.00 p.m. Tues· [ .... \., !.lay 19th.

~Iodern bungalow containing I==~~~~~===' Hvlng room, two bedl·ooms. kitchen and bathl'oom on first floor and two bedrooms up· s;.ir!. Hardwood fioors; oil furnace-hot waleI' radiation; concrete foundation with base·, ment. Garage located on pro. i

perty. Freehold land. Loll' reserve.


Dial 7450 Ind 6062

H. R CLARKE Topsail R ...

Dial !lUll



~:: Freight for regular partl St. ·:)lohn·s·Lewlsportt S~r\'ice ror ~:to!'tW'tllnll loil Lewlsporte and ________ _ :.ft\'. TreplWey will be accept· -ea at the .Rallway Freight Shed today from 9 a.m. to ~ p.m.

Inspection 8 to ~ p.m. ~!ondBY. _ Time of aalc-TUESDAY, :llay 11lth, 12 noon. L. HEALEY

RESTRICTED CARGO Shipper! Please :-late: - Ol\!

and. other re.\trlcted cargo fur' regular ports South Coast Ser. I

vice for forwarding via Argen· : tia· and !.I.V. '!arlortia will be i accepted at the Railway ~'reight I Shed Wednesday, ~Iay 20th from '·a.m. to 5 p.m.

TaThe Trade For prompt delivery at lowest prices





"Gold Medal" Trimmed Navels Kegs and .Barrel.. Small lean piece., ide.al for retail trade.

"Crown" brand Broken Orange Pekoe Tea.

Five .pound Boxes.

A high quality tea at a reaionamle price.


78 GEORGE 5T. PHONE 1071


John D. O'Driscoll

Real Estat! Auctioneer. myl0, 16, 18.19

For Fast Taxi Service HOTEL TAXI Dial 2424-2410 Open tro1l' ••• te I •• 111.


CrIll Roads and Wlter M DIal 3026


JOB BROTHERS .. CO LTD. Water Street

Dial 2658, 4123

MEEHAN & co. I.A. Bldg, Duckwnrtb ~c.

Dill 7046·7047

REG. T. MORGA.N I Temp', BldK. Dnrkworlb 81 . 1

0111 80!70·7~ 5&



Dial 2208 i CA:-IADA


SEALED TENDEll.'; arlrlrm pd to the undersigner!, Rl\d ell' dorHe! "Tender r:or Hubuur Iniprol'emcnL, - COllcrcte Re.:

[taillin~ W~il. Charlottetown,: I Queen'~ Country, P.E.!'''. will I

bto reecil'en in the office of the ' Secretary, until 3.00 p.m. (E,D.' S,T.) .

i Wednesday. ,June I', 1959. , 1 Plan~ and 5pecificatifln r~n. 1 be sepn and fMms of trnrlcl' : obtained At the office o[ the' Chief Engincer, Department of , Public Works, Ontario, at the: office of the District Enslneer, I P.O. Box 1268. Dominion Build. lng, Charlottetown, P.E,I., ann can be seen at the Post Office at Charlottetown. P.E,l.

To be consideren each tender must he accompanied by one of the allernatll'e securities callen I for In the tender documents. Tenders must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and In accordance with the conditiON aet forlp , tbereln. 'i

The Department. through the I Chief Englneer's office (H. &:

Cor. Monchy & Empire An Dial 9OIt70


104 Uu~kwortll Sl­DbI 2381


Cor. Mayor an~ Merrymeetlng lid.

DIAL 1388


Elizabeth AYe. Dial 91120


119 Mllltliry ROlli Dial 8".


.5 Quid! VI4I ROlli


18~ Pellnywell 10" Dial 92931

JOHN J, FEEHAN Around St. John's

Dial ISS] .90 Water 8&,

R.), or through the undersign· ed, or tbrough the office of the Dl.atrict Engineer at Charlotte· town, P.E.I., will supply blue· printa and specification of the work on deposit of. Burn of I $20.00 In the form of a cerli· fied bank ~heque or money· order payable to the order of the Receil'er General of Canada.


The deposit will b'l! released on CI Y FISH SHOP. relurn of the blue'prints and T '. specification In good condltlon 16 PRESCO'M' ST. within a month from the date DIAL 2226 of receplion, of tenders. If. not Service, Quality. Variety returned within that period tHe' ________ _ deposit will be forfeited.· i

The lowest or any tender not i 'neceSllarlly accepted, 1

ROBERT FORTIER, I ChI!1 of Admlnlstratlve Sen'lces I

and Secretary. Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa, May 15, 1959.




2(8 Water Street . .I)Ia] 1089 .


'Waiting For Your Phone Calls? T.llple Bldg.; Duckwonl! 11&

Dial 11I13711-'75f

CROSBIE & CO., LID Woo11l'ortb Bilk, Water It





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No lire wben w. wire Dial '1I9CI1



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Door". DIAL 9M'"

WANTED· A STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of bookkeeping, good'

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BOX 506 cl a DAILY NEWS m.vlS.lS

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PROMPT LOSS S-et~lements


i WANTED_A Barll , 1'1 (. Ir, i ,1.. rntr,1 Barbt:

24 ~ ell' riow. , I ~ d ! I'llolir 5:W7. 1-·-·

I FOR SALE-Ata," ~lantlt' and a C F ' Ul ll'l'rtar(.. n11'er \'allid al ~\.'iO.OO Ing for .~jj fj{) . I

FOR SALE-On Strcrl HoI\' II'" Gcol\·gr\. \ hUild~;

i Idea for SlIa('k

_f~~Dm('_~pPI1 rOR S.\I.E-Twa

BOllse ~o. ~i B~a~ INSURANCE LTD. Appl~' on prer:1~'l

211 WATER STREET Box ~21:i St. JohOl PHONE 6921. _mYl~.lR"~_~

--- --~.-- rOR "j\l"t;-·~tn"tl"' · AUTO PARTS (Whole)! I Ream; H

Armature Works Ltd DIAL 7191 • 719~ .'»IU. Nfld.


Nfld. Armalure

Works 38

Channel,: Pbtp!: pic., nriou, 'iz!!.. Sail' age & Salt, (, 11 Patti(. Str/!t; • 1709.


WE offer Fur Sale, the following list of Commercial Properties:

37 CAMPBELL AVE. - Two Shops and Apartment. Lots of land at rear. Free­hold.

DICK'S SQ.-Snack Bar and Apartments­(Vacant).

HOUSING AREA-Snack Bar, Restaurant and Two Apartments, Good business. stand. Freehold land. Bargain.

36 LeMARCHANT ROAD-House in com­mercial area - Only $9,800.00.

EAGAN BUILDING-Large building .. Fur­nace heated •. elevator •• Showroom and Offices.

SERVICE STATION-Excellent central loea­'ion. Plenty of working space. Not ex­pensive to operate, and selling at a very reasonable price. Drop in at our office ond check it further.

QUICK SERVICE LAUNDERETTE-Queen's Road Business may be purchased for $2500.00.

COMMERCIAL LAND - Blackmcrsh Road, 40 . ft. x 500 ft.

FRESHWATER RD.-Three Storey Bldg. Good commercial area.

NEW GOWER ST.-Vacant •• , Shop and Apart. ment.

MAYOR AVE.-House and Garage, . good busI· ness stand.

DUCKWORTH ST,-Luncheonette • • low down· payment.

75 NEW GOWER ST.-$1500 down (onsidered. Corner Shop, with Apartment.


off Duckworth St, Three suites of Of­fices and Warehouse. Full basement.

TWO BIG COMMERCIAL BLDGS.-Private listing. FRESHWATER RD,-Near Parade St, • • Lorge

Building. Valuable piece of properly. 165 WATER ST, - Vacant •• Large Shop and

Offices. • DRUG STORE-Going strong for years ••

Apartment included. See it today. FOR LEAS€:""Large ultra modern Stare on Water

St, . , I'!o phone calls. BLACKMARSH ROAD-Large Building. HR. GRACE-Water St .•• Furnished House and

Shop, $6;000.00, WEST END-Building suitable for Restaurant or

Showroom. COMMERCIAL LANO-2 blocks, 600 to 700

feet frontage on the railway, just we" of Syme's Bridge. .

$15,000 taKes a Large Building near the New Post Office,

FOR RENT-Dry Goods Department of the Twr.,. Way Stores on .Golf and St. Clore Aves.

73 PLEASANT ST.-House and Shop. LARGE BLOCK OF LANo' on Freshwater Road,

near Stamp's Lane. Also COMMERCIAL LAND on Waterford Bridge

Rood and Water St. We still have· several BlOCKS of Land In and

around the city. Check them today, Another good investmeItt-Large Building, with

Three Stores, Good business site.

GOWER ST.-Shop and Two Apartments.

DIAL 7848'·7103 • 4813


}'or all )'our Building Requirements call

8UI61-911jl PAI:,\TI:,\.~ .\\0

T1\'(;-I'"or your and intrnJr

: DRUG STORES paperhan~in~ Ird ---------/ w~shing r.1i \Ir. L



L.nIIlEH1"S l'OUl,;lI SYRUP can be obtainel! at


DIAL 2206



Agency Departm~nt 143 Water SI. Dial 2102



WANTED-W, buy pOl'ket n(1\f':~, ,·jolin,. r,rl,o,. '

I men's {'llllhp., 1\1

\\ are Juhn D

BEAL'Tn."\ll. III I Road (Thpalr~ Hii'l,

izing in a'i me-.hoGl manent walin! 'in~. Sppcial Open E'en n~\ Dii

· Wirillg Matcrial~, Wire and.

PRE~IER rlmm:T ERS - Ran~'l. FillP~, ['lInn/liing, : ed by ,·aCllllm. lion gil'cn to .' Cables, ~!otors, Starters,

Lamps, Switches, Lighting Fixtures, etc.




I Servin;l st. John', from two locatioll'

I m I1AmL'fO\' AVENUE '1 IJIAL R0059 , 802 WATER ST.

~IAL 7110 i ....... !..-. ______ _


i CROSBIE & CO., LTD. A.pnts for



For fast reliable 5607.

NEW METlIOD m F:RS. Rug) 'D~ to look like Schrader proc* to life of rllgL

hom. or d OIJI 'Phone 910:lJ. ~!'

I Rug Cleanm.

; COR:-IS.(,AI.1.0l'nS. i relit! from pailllul

and ralloJ<'< ,",II

Corn Ind Ca::o,l Par!" Sa:', i

! HARDWARE STORES _~~t_llI drl'uim

I HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD.. FOR GE:,\mL\l. HARIJW ARE I Distributors for Sunbealll

Eleclrical Appliance) '1 writer ill nflllo'

1 (,hp~\I~ Sports Goods and Sporta

wear for ali occnsionl. DIAL 5016 1 Rookkprpinl

The~~ ilf'nl' mU~~ ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTD.: for In~pPc:ion 'Phl'J

l\!cCLAHY AUTmlATIC [' --;;;~;::;:;=;:::;;:; .... WAllM AIR COXDITIONlNG i"




C. A. HUBLEY, LTD, Suiloble lor o~ PLl'~YBING and HEATIJIiG 1

CONTRACTORS . workinlJ gir I.

Rep. General Eiectrlc i privilege!. N!OI 36 Klng'R Roar! Dial 2916 F /vrM stop. or

NEW COAL SERVICE We dellver promptly

ODe hoiit' delivery, Call 4795.

.tOil per bag, No Glmmlch,

Honest Weight.



When selecting a Diamond Ring, see our private

Diamond Booth. DIAL 4502



ticular~ PHONE


APPLIANCES DLU 3001 10 3005




''\ Complete Slort At Your DIAL 3015




CAE It prize:

prElt prize:

The rts n 7. "~

For C for Pare $pott.d Appllc SECRI

La IS,18,1I



Pi F.

Page 19: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May


,.r in "r tr

Ch!"quP o{'I",,~p,nt

ilrm< mUo;1 bt <pf'{'I,or. 1'b!!tl


,bl! for onl tI

in; girls. eg! s. p..IecII

For furihl'



IfI'!!,.!::;,;.:.;:_5_T._J_O_HN_'S, NfLO., MO~AY, MAy liS, 1959




I N G 0 21 34 48 74 19 38 46 62

26 43 SS 73 44 SO 66

18 35 61 56

28 40


Kin Help Kiddie.

Eltertainment and Sick Committee

CABOT LODGE 1237 pril.3261 (unclaimed) .".""" .. $50.00 pril' 1981 (claimed) ............ $25.00

prill 5752 (unclaimed) ............ $12.00 pril' 3435 (claimed) " ... " ...... ".$10.00

2 pr!zl won by F. SpreH, Craigmillar Ave. • pnze won by T. McDonald, Jr. S8 Black. morsh.

NOTICE ~ regular Monthly Metting of Local

780. Plum&.rs and 'Steamflttlrs 1M h.ld TO·NIGHT at Victoria Ha"

I o'clock.

Signed: P. KENNEDY, Recording Secretary.

TEACHERS required by the Anglican School Board at

. Duti~s to begin in September 1959. ,-For Car~rlg~t two Assistant Teacher •.

ParadlSl River Principal and Assistant. Spatt..d Is!ands Teacher for ,ole charge .chool. Appllcatlonl should b. forwarded tOI SECRETARY, School Board, Cartwright,· 11 !Bl~qb;~dor, Slating qualification ••


the Jackson Memorial S(hool, Bell Island, a First Grade

MAlE TEACHER ~r /EMALE to teach Grades .5 and 6.

U leI to commence Septemb.r. I!"d yaur I' t' . U.c. B app Ica Ions to the Secretary

oord of Edocation, Bell Island.



8: 15 p.m. .

Pitts Memorial Hall \ F~t . .

lll... Urlng Three Talented Artists ..... I_R

oglrlOn, Charlottetown-Mllzo Soprano.

'::,7 Burridge, 51'. John'., Planl.,

~ Campbell, Halifax-Vlollnl.t. r... Allison G p . '"""IIrwgt . aHenon of Mount Alli.on

C:r :f MUlic Faculty a. accompanist. leid'i ~ I. Hutton .. Son" Wat.r Strllt. . -Yu onfection.ry, Rowan Str •• t. '.

~. hi $1.00. Stud.nts SOc ~red ' .

by Cochran. St. M.n'. Service Club •.


"Okay I Okay. I As Soon as we land we'lI start RE· MODELING your kitchen I"

• • • But YOU don't need to walt -Itart rliht In TODA,{ re­modeling your kitchen or any other room In the house. Come In and ask us for ~elp on Ideas and Materials. We've got what It takes.


Velvet Horn Club



9 a.m. to 11 p.m.


DIAL 2177









Ready for 'occupancy Popular areas:


For further particular. conticl

W. Burton & Son Ltd.

Contractors and Builders DIAL 6929 • 91667F


1954 pODGE

P I Ctc.' U P

· ~7,OO'()Q Baird Motors Ltd. MERRYMEETING ROAD·

DIAL 80378.9


-, ,

1 .... ~. u.s. ... OIL ClUt~kU""'''''


. ~ ..


"S~. ahe'. worl<lng her way through klnderl&rWl( She', .. \linK usad magninell" I

. • I

Kinsmen's Trade Karnival TICKET NO. 717

(Winner of a Vidrola Super Portable TypewrIter)

Drawn at Kimimen's Carnival Satuiciay nl£ht, by George McDonald.

Halder of ticket to send to Office Equip. mint Division, Dominion Machinery. & Equipment Co., 191 Water St.

• I



Bllonglng 10 the EI'.'. I.t. I E liubelh Foote, No. 134

Waterford Brld.1 Road, I On Tuesday, 19th:

I .t 10.30 I.m. , ,

1 "Estey" piano, 1 secretary. I wall bookself. 1 oval "twin" table, 1 square centre table. 2 chairs. 1 "Edison!' gramo­phone, fire irons and screen. 1 coal bOl(, 2 !loor lamps, 1 overmantle. 1 sideboard, 1 ex­tension table. 1 bookcase. 1 "Eureka" vllcuum rleaner. 1 ebony cabinet. 1 chest draw­ers. 1 bureau. 2 chairs. 1 rice­tric range. 4 chrome rhalr5, 1

I Alngle bedstead. 1 chest draw· ers, 1 dressing C8~t. 7 chain, I 2 coRi stoves. 1 smail refrig·· eratoI'. 1 couch. 1 chair.

Inlpectlon 9 I.m. morning of .. I •.

John D. O/Driscoll,

Auctlone.r. mylB,19

Wall Washing

WALL WASHING - WaUl cleaned by new machine. Results perfect: Baves paint. . -New '~ethod Rug IIDd Wall Cleaners, Freshwater Rosd. 'Phone 910.13.




AT MEMORIAl UNIVERSITY AN,NEX Vndtr the dl.!tinguished patronage of the Hon. Dr. Joseph R. Smallwood, Premier.

Tickets at $3.00 double obtainable from: The Laurier Club or CommiHee Members, J. D. Ashley, E. J. learning, J. Steinhauer, H. Kelly, N. Billard, Wm. Tiller, G. Clarke, F. Wall, R. Baggs, J. Brown, J. White, l. Keough, G. Byrne, H. Coady. John Crosbie, Doug. Hunt, John Murphy.


Dress Optional





Ideal working conditions, sickness and insurance bane fits. Apply to

Royal Garage Ltd. CARNELL STREET


for thrH adults, In central locality

of St. John's. Apply to

BOX 501, clo Daily News


Automatic transmission, power .teerins radio, automatic windshield washers .Iectric clock, padded instrument panel

.• ~,,"ent· tirll, also In ow tirls -' man' oth.r luxury f.aturls. Drivln lust 17,om mllil. " . '

, Durin, bUlln.ls hours Phone 3257 at 6001. aft" hour.'Phone 6001.


. ,



, !>!odern three bedroom home. ~ full bathroom, hot end colt! . water facilities. waH \0 wall I carpeting in living foom, also ~ open firepiace. kitchen and­pantry. Large picture window. overlooking Conception BIY.

Oil-fired hot air healin. unit. G.E. Range, Gibson elec· tric refrigerator. Asking priCi

1$4,500 .. For inspection apply I to

John D. O'Driscoll

Re.'Il Estate Agent , No. 1 Bideford Place.


TO RENT Bright Shop on Higher

jlevels, fully equipped, well . i lighted, all new plumbing, , : plenty hot water and: i refrigeration. Good· busi- i . ness stand. I


Apply I

BOX No. XX c10 Doily News •

- my15,1B

,-------------1 :\ TIRED? 'I : I of lighting fires for home I i I comfort? I "Invest In the 8e5t" I :1' LENNOX, I Wal'm Air Heating I I Victor Westcott , I Sales Representative For I I JORN l LOUII'l'ON LTD. I I 'PHONE 80311 or 93875·H I I 1 ____________ I




... , . . 19


WANTED The St John's Lions Club requires Board an-cf· Lodging for five technicians for the approximate period of May 20th to July 1 st, 1959. These men will be working on the construction of the Swim· ming Pool beinng built by the Lions Club hi Bannerman Park. Interested parties please con· ~~ -

MR. D. A. MERCER 7115.

WANTED BOY : ... ~ : .. : .. .... -.-

, .. ~ - .


Operate Printing Press~;;§ Experience preferred

Apply .


¥ B. P. O. ELKS

, " ~

'. . , .. " ., ~ :. :," -

ST. JOHN'S lODGE 24S .' "

Members ole reminded of the Eleventh District· Convention Meeting to be held in the Club Rooms­Carpasian Rood, TUESDAY, May 19th., at 8.15 p.m. .

By Order, of the Exalted Ruler, :. R. J. POW!R, '::



Secreta ry;

.. "


TENDERS • Tenders are rllCluested for the supply and installa. tian of Chain Link Fencing. SpeCifications are available 01 the oHice of Ih. City Engineer. Tenders will close at 9.00 a.m. on WEDNESDAY, May 27. 1959. Bids must be delivered at Ihe office of the under· signed in sealed envelopes marked "Tender for Chain Link Fencing". The lowesl or any tender not necessary accepted.


E. B. FORAN, City Clerk.

. i ., . · , ~.. ,. ::!,t-.: .'1 . " ," . I ~. ;1 ' I . ,I .. ' l·,·: ',. :d.,:I'I. I

I!', ' 1 ~.\r,'\~~'!

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• 10 '.

"I·' ' >, . ",

Page 20: Wanted T'HE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19590518.pdfKhrushchev's, latest letters to unrestricted a c c e s 5 of these letter to Khrushchev May


, 1 , , .. i

i ! , , i 1



j 1 .



, I

: I ,1



! .

,I 1 , I ,

: !

:: 1 I

" -..... , ..


.. ', ",:.. \

':<'INSTOCK 1 Briefs In The

News Continued from page 3

bumped on Blackmarsh Road were. only sllghtly damaged, A car hit • parked truck 'on Cashin Avenue and the result of the Impacl was that the car's front was practically

NEW STOCK , , ,. .,.).;....----------_ .... _----.. '

' ... .... -',



• I , I •••• I , .. , .... Bags 100',

Plckag.s 2f1'S

demoilshed .. A resident of THE ST. LAWRENCE Donovans, who was sitting SEAWAY In his pickup ncar the West I. . End Post Ofllce, was very I Lionel Chevner much surprised whe,n h~ op· i ORDE WINGATE ened the door of .hls ~Ickup· Christopher Sykes $6.50 I to see the door bell1g htl by !


RAINBOW TRIMMED '. ROUND PEAS ':. , ••••••• I • I •••• . Bags l00's

an oncoming truck, with re, BRITAIN AND suiting damages of O\'cr $200, THE ARABS TEA

NAVEL BEEF BARRELS All in all, It was a case of Glubb Pasha

PEAS .. I .'. • • • • • • • • • • • , .. BIgs l00's SPLIT HALF-BARRELS lone bump alter another, SETTLED OUT

OF COURT Police Blotter I

GREEN PEAS I • • • • t • • • t • • • t • • , .. ,Bags loo's

.Packages 24.1',

I 23 arrlsts wlrl midi bV ICilY polici OVlr the wllknd.

Four of thlSI werl' Irrlliid for drunken driving, Iwo far, brelklng Ind Interlng, twa for drunk Ind dllordlrly, Ind the rlmllndlr conslst.d of

IS CANADIAN Henry Cecil.""". IT TAKES HEARl (Sports Stories)

GREEN PEAS ....... • • • • • I

Mel AI/en ."" " .. ,,$4.50 THE STATUS SEEKERS

Vance Packard ... $4.50 THE PARADISE TREE

Gerald Vann, O.P. $4.00 FANDANGO ROCK

ALWAYS CHEESE ordlnlry drunks. GOOD


Two Children Hit By Carl

Harold HenneRsey, aged three and a half years, was hit and knocked down by a car on the Blackhead Road shortly

Jonn Masters ........ $4.50


By Ai B. Perlin Illustrated

aeter 8 p,m, Saturday, The driver of the car brought the boy to the General Hospital, where he was examined by Dr, Marsden and detained at Polit::al, industrial


the Institution for a day as and commercial hi~tory he had sustained slight in· K:orr'!kote Cover $2.00 juries, The boy was running across the road when the ac. Cloth Bound .," $5,00

Should WeT ry To Change . ·The Climate? Carter, , eldent happened. Shortly aller r ostage "",,",,., ,1!!


3 p,m, Sunday Gordon Han· ,----------, lon, aged 1\ years, of 13 Hamel Ave., was hit by a cal' on DI'cks & Co Ltd Merrymeeting Road. The dnv. ". cr of the car conveyed the .... B k II boy to the General Hospital Ille 00 se ers

Questions Wages

where it was found he had I OTTAWA (Special) _ C, w, suffered a broken leg, He was Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 Carter, Liberal member for detained al the hospital. In I Hurin·Burgeo, has asked in this case also the boy l'an I I,ARGEST ENROLL:ltENT the Commons if the Depart. across the ~tr'eet, righl into: The University of Calilornia ment of Labour has made the palh of the car, i has Ih~ largesl.\I~iversity enroll· I recommendations as to the

Stolen Car Found Lake

,mcnl In the Unltcd States, IC' Federal Goevrnment in New' In : cording to the Encyclopedia foundLand, charging that they

I Britan nira. were lower than In the Mari· -.-.------ times.

A Hillmin car, owned by TV Labour Minister Michael Hlrold Llkl, wu rlported to REPAIRS Starr told Mr, Carter that the, thl city pollCi II bllng Iiolin questions he had raised were I .. '. _ ... __ . _____ ._ '._

'rom Ihl parking 101 at thll

being considered. THEY PAID OUT-Executives of the Neo Mlmorlll Siadium bltween, Printing Co" of Weehawken, N.J., told the 1.30 and 2.30 yeslerday morn.: Ing. At 4.30 I.m. YlilerdlY II' REASONABLE RATES A doctor says that the safest Rackets Committee that they kept labor WIS found In thl Wllers of GUARANTEED WORK place to kiss a girl is on her paying more than S100,000 in 13 years to a

h photograph, Can you picture Quldl Vidl Llkl, nllr tip H 0 N E. 7 3 1 3 E'la., Teamster official. Left to right are: swlmmlnll pool, whirl, Ippar· that? ently, It hid been' Ibandanld Chenicek, attorney George N. Craig: W' by thl thief. A hippopatamu5 will rarely Hillbrant and Joseph Gervase, all executil'es

The addltlo. '" data h-om wea~er _ill... te tlllt a1rta4y eoDedec! by .tller methods will Ii", III. • 1II0re eomprelt.DlIVI pietvl If "ealher aJld lielp I. tllac:llverlll' how ellmat.

affect. lIIan'. phyalaLl 11111 1I •• lal "IId1t1oL

Electronic attack people, but an enraged company that prints Sunday supplements fora CONCH PEARLS bull hippo has been known to be f t t t'f' ,

Pearls sometimes are lound C L d lilt boats out of water and bite r 0 east coas newspapers, es I ymg In in the Caribbean conch. which entre t. or slash holes in the hulL!. ton, inhabits the "singing", seashells, Aft h 'PHONE 6401 A



Bl' RAY CRO~!LY SEA S~ff Correspondent

WASHINGTON (NEA) - No tellinl whit'. loinl to happen to mill when we Ilart cllanlin. 'he elimate.

That thouiht has .clenliJla worried. Som. of them have been dlacuuinl the problem In. formally In and out of meetinGs ef the National Academy of kieneu.

ne,. note th.: man II dellcat. II adju.ted to the weather:

That men-b\llbandJ Ind ,*lIelOli both-.et mOrl emo· tionll at ,ertaln perlodJ of the Blontll and In different IUSOOI .f the ,.ur.

That reportl from Europe m~ periodJ of wann Illd dr1 iIouthtrly windJ, IrealwaYI UIOdlltd with Inereuel in deaU!. ralel, In IlKomoblle acel· denll, In mental dlsorden.

That ellmltic chariilel"l1lv, prollibly Hen Influential" In d.!umlnlnl the Irowth and de· u, or eivillzalionl III over the world.

That mlny phYliclans are can· ylnced thlt "certain typea 01 w.alller dliturhlncII are u­.odaltd with particular 1II. " ..... "

I These pearls, dcsplte theIr er ours

DiBuaes-even diabetel-ebb iragUlty, There was new reo beauty. are not as valuable as I· 90 CAMPBEll AVE, Ind flow with the 1e1l0lll. 10 learch Information on animals oyster pearls ~ince thcy aTe ~om· do olltbreala of crimi, which luggest that men might paralil'ely 50lt and lade 111 lIme, ------

Sele~tl"lI note that Iny pouibly be more flSily killed by I changes from the narrow fanie atomic radiation Ihlln 1V0men, SPOILED SUMMER , of ~nvironment man is used to There weu reports that large The "ioient eruption of the: are likely to cause serioui dis. atomic or hydrogen bombs ex. I'olcano Tambora, near Jal'a, is I'

turbance.. plOded at the . right heights said La have been rcsponslble, Some Iclentiats . are apparen't. hundreds of miles in the lor making 1816 a yeHr without

Iy II concerned about the effect. Itmoaphere would klll by radia, : a summer. Solar radiation \~'a5 of air conditionln. on man-u tlon men IIvln. in utelliteslong cut by the almost world,wlde· they are about 'pace trlvel IIr di!tances away. dust. i abollt tamperinl with tthe The ac:lenUsll! laoked to Inl· I weather lutl!." mals to determine more new Colorado and Oklahoma are "

What happenJtll, I man, ideu on whit climate changes the 'principal broomcorn.grow· que.stioJls Hene J. DubDl, of Ute milht do to man. Ing states. Rockefeller Institllte In New They noted that animal.! liv· ------York, who mlkel ".udd,n Ind In. In eoldu climates IU WU,

repeated Ihlft.. from the hot. ally llrger than thOle living In humld'itmosphere of the ,.tuet warmer cllmatu.

Bolt sexes Df the bighorn sheep have horns which are never sed. to the cool Ind dry ',nvlron. They quoted reports that' the

ment ,Indoon? comeor! of the hi.her 'the temperature; the work faster-or make him sing moJl\entmly have to be .paId faiter anta move, I in the, future, in, the , form· of They referred ,to findinlls with a qu cker rhythm new respiratory and, cm:ulat> that Whole new strains of some ory disorders." ' viruIeJ d~velop wilen living

Wone yet; th. IClllnUlta "or· under .lIght dlf/erenees In tem· ry, a.lr,condlt!onln. 'may In· peratuie. " terlere with" sODie of mm'~ And. reported, one research· "nasonal ~c1es.'" " er, referrln. to crickets: "It' Is . What, that might eventually lIid,that countlne lite number

do to hilL emotion! make.' lOme· DC chi~pIl 'In ,14 mandl' and scientists click their ton~uu. adding 40 will give the tern· Of course. for all tbe Iclentlst. perature w\thln I couple of dp know. it could change min for grees," the better. But they didn't go so far LI



Diol 5181 . 2 ·3


JA~IIESON -Born at Clare's Mercy Hospital on dny, :\Iny 151h, 10 Doris Amiy JamipsolJ, a son,

~'RASER - Barn at Clare's Mercy Hospital, IIruay, May 16th, to Weldon and Marie a baby boy. 8 Ibs, 1~ Ol,

There were several thlnl! be- to l8y that upping the tem aides weather that worried the perature III the world would .clentl~tJ looklnl Into man'. mike min smalier, make him . and baby doing fine,


St. Fri· and


- ----**** TUCKER - Passed peaceful. ly away at the General Hospital on May 16th, George Tucker aged 80 years, resident of Broad ' Cove Road. Leaving to mOllrn three sons, three daughters. two brothers, Henry and William; two sisters, Mr~. Sarah Hynes and Mrs, Levine Tucker; four· teen grandchildren. Funeral will take place this mornIng at 9.15 from Caul's Funeral Homt, 38 New Gower Street, to the Holy Rosary Church, thence to Portugal Cove for Requiem

-, " ",~, ~",.


lh .':.nrr





A. Adler of Canida I.td. ClIurchlll Sqare'Apla., rT4~~ ........

EU_MIk An:, St. John's

, \

'\' , 'I

Mass at 10 o'clock.



AleA-DI , .



Goes a long way when you Advertise in



We Can Quofe You Lowest Prices

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