Waltham Watchmakers Manual

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  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual



  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    W a t c h m a k e r s ' H a n d b o o k


  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    TIME AND TIMINGSee- t he m lQ u 't :o :! l how UJe)" ~tLi..n~How many :f[lo!!iblhe bou.!: .complete,Bow m~n.y D.QUU brIng about t : . D e - dBJY,How ' m.~fi'~' (i~y~ ' ~U r -; Jj ,t ~ h'l;Ip ' ~b~'y~~l '_

    M'e.an time is obtained hy dividing' a whole year in as many equalparts as the number 01 sola~ devs it contains. [I : w'e lake one o n theseme~n solar days 0 1 : 86,400 ~eoon(b !~r a, comparison, Ihe' sid.er",,,!.day is86,164 ..109 seocnds long" or exacl]y < I minutes 55.91 soconds shorterthan the meiln solar day.Page .2 WAlTH 'AM * * *

    to . illustrate the gene,l'~1 principles ,of liming" it:may be of i l l ter8to liest !lH,~kea comparison between Ihe b"I,"iC~ in

    HOW TH1E PENDULUM WORKS:Fh" pendulum,

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual



    FiqUJas 1-7 illu~,t~ate effect of tempezature-_ _--[:::1l W 1 f fJ ' . 4 t7 l t: W W 4 ! _ .r 4 W A i t :! il l% W 4 " & B I :- _ -_ - ~ : ~ :: J

    Figure 1 shows lwo bats: of meW 01 equal lengths wh~n ,i,\v!lO'!mallempeIatUJ'e'. The dotted line~ indicate, the reLatl"", il!Th01UI,! of expansionof tile twometllis, steel and bzass, -


    Figure 2 shows (he two' metals joined, by fu~io!l,


    Fig"r~ 3 ~hows Ihe elleol 01 Ilea,'! on the birmelallic bar. Th,e qreaiera:moll.!'II,o.i expansion of the brass portion causes Ihe bat 10curve upward.


    r;~u;re4II, cold was ap,plled instea,d of heal; Ihe bat WQuId be lUtJled in Ih" op-posite dIrection as shown in Fiq\lr", 4,

    W A L T H A M * * *

    Figu!,e 6 shows a, 'Walch balance in which the arms and iJIller portioofthe lim are of ,slee1. The out!!! portion of lh .. dm ,s brass" IUBed tosteeL tim, th.. tim b"ings'evered !It two points near tb ,e 'ann, ih us allowinheed'omlor the movement 0.1 the rim. und!.H Ihe cilanges 01 temperature.f tg;lUe 6 shows thls b"l,nfluence olh!!.;I,I.

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    Thi~ will, QI ooune, 1'!.'sl!it ill, IIg:Ieater compensating eUect, !becausethe screws whreh we movemeerer th.eends o! ,the lim m.usl tHlVe! a.greater diistance in or out in relation to the' center 01 tile balallc'e when,Ih,e balance i!exposed 10 changes 01, temperalur ... ,After Ihe screws navebeenmtri

    NI IEW, IMPROVED 'WALTHAM BALANCEIn all newW,allha.m movements a new hardened. balance wllh ,anuncut rim. is used, (as ilIuslIaled in Figure, 8) with ,1 \ :n,ew alloy hair~,pringl u: m is hi ng t em p er at ur e compensation. This eoitlbina!i.oi101balanc.. and

    Fi~Hrrt;!i SMode_["!l WolliHb~m Balance

    ",,"[THAM * * *

    spring is not aUeeled b~ any usual magnetic Ii.eld_ Previous attemptssu"bstitute a combination o! this kind for fne nf-metallic: comp"nsiI.tmgbalance Iii'l.ve teen unsatfsiaetery, both because Ihe haitspring' wasw,e

    W a]tham hal> ovezcome 'Ihese deficie~de~ by lJ'l'ing,tor!h ... b,!l

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    tHE WALTHAM HIAIRSPRINGAll Waltham. ha,iJ:springs are' made of COlle.i. Conel i~~'hename (IIa paJented alloy i.IlJvenl:ed and devel.oped by our s1dlld ilf!",talhngists,In ordar to insure' tbe ulmosl in unHOI:mily it 1$ proouced! under sl:rictlaborah:lIY control. hom th",lim", il i$ lust mel!ed and east inan inductionfurnace te)' tho; . lime 11 is Ierm ed ~ !llto haiIspdnqs.!'Ille name itself; Co,nel, eomes fr~miWoo wo'rds con-stant ande].aslioily because Ihe alloy m,aill~ainsn.earl.ycons1ant elastiicHy (stiflneSi!)with cna)I1.gen tempe1:a:!ure.Actually l1'.eanoy is so madethat hairspringsJUlin il 'will increa&e sli '!iihitly in :s:Iiflne.s>

    the ",lloy h

    rom carefully selected. lots a .I Conel which. have, a total twe'ntyfouhour I:emperaiure error of less than 0.,.2second per degree Fafi r",nh",Uchange ill te'mpentu,re"An. espedal ad"anlag

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    WALTHAM LEVER ES;CAPEMENT'The proper action 0 1: tbehuman heMt is no mote es. ;""rl ial 10'insurea sound and heaUbybody, than is the proper ..djushnent and acti'on ofthe escapemenl 10the IBliabl .. parlormance of the walch. If the w ..tchescKpem.en.lis pr,opexly made and adjusted, it will nolonlyrun, - butwill run with .marvalous sccuracy. Soth~ time-keeping qUaUt~e~of thewatch are In huge meaO'ute dependent on t:hecondition o! the escape-

    m,;mt. II f u ~ , theniore, 01 g:reat impcrtence that eV'e;rywa.tohm,aker should.a,oCf1.1_iren inUmal:e' kn,oW].ed96 of all ' I D . e aolio:ns; in.at are invol'fed! :inth,e kinds .ofescapements with w hlch he has anylMng to do.Th-e (lnly kind o! e~o..pe.menl used in Wa]tham W i I.tdl.es is thedetach!ld lever esc.apement, rometimes designated as the anchor escape-meni. This eseepement requires n.ospecial lnlroduciion 10'watohmakers,lor: by e;z:tE:nsi"'e use,and by tile test o time, it has l 'ieejl prov ..d to ]:,9 th . .most p:raotiCl'l.I as .....ll as ~.b.emost reHabIe .1

    1iHE PALLET ACT.IONIThe action of the escape wheeland. pallet Includes the [oUowitealuIes: impulse, drop, lock, dra!t and slide, and w .. w!ll oo,nside.r brielwhat: consi.ilures each OJn",olhe~ .. featu~@6"The pallet is of the :kind called "oncular pallet/ 'tlte di!!I!!!!~ebothe pallet arbor to the middle of the im~u1se face is tbe same 101 bo


  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    iog on the pallet Il'ione is exeriing a certain pr~"ti1''' ' dir""ctly towuds:the p"ll.e! arbor. II Ill"" IQ(:lting I:aQE!Q f thE! p

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    Ihe pressure 01 the e;:;cape wh,eeltooth is ",xenedl in the directiQnawayuCJm th e p al le t ar!bbi, ,n $l" ,ad 0 1 tow, , ,~d,each oth.er; in other wc}rds, to make -the n~ce~!!'!fYmoves ill orderobtain the proper look, draft. drop, ~lid!e, fork lengtb" i.elofi,e-to.Thebes] Wa'Y of learninq 10 do this work is: to' have a com.pel:ent U1.struowho is aU hand :ready 10 in~peo\ and! to g:!ve advice. Tibe dil[k:ullie~: arno.l so great in 'c;l.,c;linghis work., as In correotly d,alermbiing whal to din order to bring about certain [&suits , and "l$O to Imo,w when thesca:pement is in a. proper oond!ition .. l'i i$ d:ifficult 1 , 0 ' give :in writingcomprehensive idea of how ~o do !hill work. We 'will, however, givefew pa,in.ts: which we trusl will be usefulto the beginner.

    The lirst thing to, recB,ive aJI:en.lion ,~ th~ cQ!l.w!ion 0 :1 the pivoton the esca.pe pillion, pallet lIlIbar and :balance sfal'L to :See that they' ars!:taighl: , andlh.at !hey b~ pTop~dy in !heir respective holes, ]I is absoltl'telyn"c"'lIsary ilial each pivot snouid b.a.ve sam'l! side shaloe, but it i~ iil!ve'!y important to guard ,against too. tIluchs"id.e "-hake, 9$. such an excesOallSI)S IQj!$ ,of power and ImcBdainty in the .)clio!'! of the escapementA d'el>irable amount 0 ,1 side ~hake is . 009, mm., and it should. n.ot: exceed


  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    .013 iliill., a:ndithe amount of end shake should be ffQm .02. 1 :0 .04!J1m.A$ eoo!i < I l l these points. h.ave been .found to be con'eel , we .u:e ready totry the " leek" a:nd the "

    W A . I T H A M * * *

    Ail.af completing the adjustment of the pail,le'! ac~i.on. the jewel piloHon i~ next to be considered. The fork should swing an equa.l distanc10 each ~ide of Illte center line whenlhe Jlallet is. bIthe baIlking. andthl: :; ~hould be tried ,,'reilln, on both sides.this is don",correctly, the :roller will! have the necessary clearam;:", whe'libe be:nldngs are opened 10 all.ow Io! the slide.

    The operation 01 moving a pallet ston e requires II. qreat deal 01 eperience before one is "bIIi ' te do It s

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    SINGLE ROtLER ESCAPEMENTAll Waltham Watches: Now Feature Exclusively Ih .. DO>.lb

    Floll!!r Typ!! of .E~capement:.I.!I

    c o - .I.-1-

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual



    Type Used in A ll ModernWalH:iil.IiI. Watche,s

    Paqe 12 W A L T H } \ M *

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    damp for' holding the' pallet to the plde. The p"llet is plil.ced lop sidedown againsl : thitplat .., and, fhe whole of it i~ w~rm.ed over Ihe alcoholfianu. i.i.iJH]lheshellac is softened so the stenes can be moved!.A good! way 10 apply ~"eUac, for the fastening of pallet ;~"ones' , isto W

    Be.lorereaching this POill'I, l:!owevet, the jewel pin laB to perfor,the very important lWl:.clion of J;>ulodl:ing,. Au !he oompletion ofilie 'Ipulsawe leU ilie fQrk 1$l!linq on the hankin.g, wi"lh.the lark slot in sucposition tllal the jewel pin passed out perledly free, Figuring onlheaesistance of the draft and the safety acli.on, which will be' eJ

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    HOW THE SAFETY ACrlON WOIRKSTh. . Iunction {)flh~ ~;d",ly ilc!!on ill to 'lu

    the gU

    T his g hQ ll! ld 0 0 t.'d with Ih.. malilllpringocly parlly WQ!I;!!diup,i!uesling tlte :motiono! the bala!!oe wi th . ilJ polnted objeot h.ild betweethe .heads of !Wo balance screws,

    In customary design a.:spring is expected 10 return, anter rem.ov01 the defonning lead, to, the same position it had prior to the appliclion of the load!. '[he mainspring of a walch is Ilinique because durinuse it beoom.es: perma.n.mlly d@fonned. Tile wa.t6nmal.I:lsequent:1y, d!lfoImed' or "".,1." Each 9ucceedill.g' win.ding '0'1 tspring PJQdi1ce~ ...ddille>na!"set:' Naturally Ih~ ":~",I!' produced by t!imtwindi!lgl Q

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual




    ---- 5INGU ROLLERDisCOil.full!led in.Waltham Watchell

    Feal,ured. ill! AID!.Mode'rnWaltiham W,atcbe6

    W A l T H A M * * * ' 1fI~,"'~eutl~ Page

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    The temperature :range betweeILwhich ~pl. i ! '!1', l l I may be proo.Rcoothat will not break nor .set 'elcsmvaly when wOl1ndi up ~S!ll.li ,rqe~ :y o!! !!ev er to ,w m di a main8pring in . to II. ba:uel b y . ib a :n d i.bUl4!wA :mairuopring Bhou1d havesufl'ioienl: power at tha end. 01:a 2-4-ho11m tQ : mllke the watch motiO:Il:p!ope:riy, o rnd y... i , ! ' mmlt =tb" , ~Q ~t:H

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    A 9'ooci spring shoukl not be wound on an arbor which has II [,lir.or hook long ,enollg h to p'I'cjeci beyond! Ihe Ihicknes;5' of tho s]uin.g aIthe' ,eye. There is no hole in Ih,,, nex:t coil, so '" NHIl! Ihis. second 000 iswound figll.lly ovar the protruding pin -the spring may break, if it is agood oaa.

    Whell winding a mainspring into the shell or barrel, it should becoiled 'CHl the windet only enough. t , o , allow the ,spring 10 slip ,easily' intoIhe barrel Or shall, Do not ooil H unnecessarily light on the wincle r ,To prove this" lake an ,old spring and coil i.t on the winder, holdingi

    it back fli r:mly all the way; thein lei il out and draw it slowly b"lweeiilIhumb and finq"r and y,QU will feel the kinks, especially at th .. insideend. A"y On.. of th'ese wort bends or kinks would breek a good orproperly tempered spring.

    HOW TO MEASURE MAINSPRINGSIn the' manufacture 01 mainsprings, il is. of the utmost importanceihat ihe sprinqs be made absolulely accurate to slated widths and thick-nesses, The W'aHh

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual



    No. Wallham T.b:ic~1'

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    Don't be:n.d,the, inner or outer end aline mMn$pling with f lal .n ,osed!plicer,s" Provide you:rseU with. $pooiall.y mll:die round-nosed pliers wb:ichwiH gj'v'Qi!ctrcular :form to these parts.Ihis wi l l prelNmu short bends andwiU contrect 'the nmer coll, HI1'l.S se';:l,lring a closer fii 10 the barrel arborwithou.t inj"lfing; the ~pri"9j,

    DOIlj~ expect a poorly fitled mainspring to work. Use a properlyIiN'ad nat mainspdng with rounded edges. This will produce ilie leastfrict io ll to th e bam,,], an.J .ow ihe g-teai~t amoun t 0 : 1 power to "the t ratn, andgliv'ethe 'best results as to time, service, elc ..Don't expect a mainspring toalways endure (1) extreme changes intemperature, (2,) strai'llh tening at lull length, Or (3) !le.gled from ladof cleaning; and oiling. .

    Don't expect 1. 1 watch tna.t needs: cio,anin.g or o,llier repairlj. IQ Y'\l.nsatlsfaote,rily by merely pulting im. a, new m~j!lspring .

    .!Don'i:expect ,1). mah1sprlN!lI to plowthrollgl:t 100 much dirt.CONVEJNTIONAL WATCH CLEANING MErHOD

    Atter the ID,ovemenl 1;;1.1.",11. apart, remove the balance [ewele, andaloo th", escape and I:l

    straiqhteninq the spring. After the spring, is put back in the barre{which should! b." done with a good mainsprinu w!.nd

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    A&, gQ!ngtluQu91Ihisp~Qc",'!'l,weare reawnably :~u.,e tlla t the' ~:ewe1sare olean, bu~ 10 make ,absolu,lelysure, we recom!!Denci a carrelul rubbingwith '" piece 01 pe91wood" which hasbeen pointed. $0 r,nd !his , . ro l i l l i

    snO\lJld be TO,m,ewed es ~OO!l as it shows a tendency to turn dark, Cyanidof pctassium is a virulent poison, anc! qI'ea! care must be 'taken in hadting; it. It :isconsidered d~adly if re

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    : 6 . . Second : fU I l. S" , - Dlsttllad water.6. Fi[sl: D[yinq Rinse ~ Den"fur"d alcobol,7. Second Drying ! 'I inS I l' - Commercia] grain alcohol.8,. Dryin.q - Dry ail or electric fan.EXPLANATION - Cleaning ~ol\lt iO'ns containing volatile so1v'enlsshould. no! 00 allowed 10 stand, . " -xpo~ed to airwh ..n

    C"p'ill"ry action b strilcing;ly musirated in Ihe wick of a lampwhich Ihe dose pro>;i Ini lyol tbt",libIes, acfinq lilce eapiUC!ry lubescauses the ail 10 run upwards Inro:J:gb the wiPage

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    .To lu'br.icale a capped, jewel pla.ce a small. drop of oil in the oil cupand feed 1.1into th.e space between the jewel and! the end stcne with "'.poiJlted 'wire. The amount 01 o.ll :is delennined by' the si~e 01 the bubble[hilI shoul'd covet appmxilnalely % 01 the iewe.! diatne,mt. !If the' 5izeo t I'h .e 1(,u_bbles t : o o :smClll" the supply w m lubricate Iore short time, :be=oausei't fu:~ub:i"'ct 10 drying and ' ;:rldatlQ)]. II the buhb1e covers too I;;ngerut udi!c,"of the p"lletex:t1 S !Q J ie . The paUel should thenbe moved back and, lorlhunliltbe escape wh.eellli.!~ made QJle'evQ1\l'tion,ih.U8 lubricating aaeh e~ca,pe wheel tucth, with a thin liim of eil,

    Do not oil the jewel pin. nor the sd'i\ty i!ctLoo.l!W dtliicull 10 pJescrib .., an acou.ate ,quantity or c i i l drop size to

    IUDr'cat", a watch b~u::tllq.Experi",nced walch_makers will delermineth.. i!mGu,1l1u..eywill. I lS"" in prmiding .). conecl film on any beuing or1!\l.J:lace thill !l.e"& Iu,nrieatiQll,


    glaSl< oo:o.taoiner~ wlthligb:! fililng glass steppers should he used 11'.1Mlulion~.lhey should he :I"ilied about hallway ',n order to aN'oid ;mpO~$ible ~pming whom Ihe \b i !~k"lo Ihe cleaning m,I, or other forl!ign matter.OU.ER - n Is ad ....sablo to use' a plain oiler made from s teel wir

    flatienGd '1'.1,,1n Ihe 'end and notched lighily in ord .. r to hold! a ~!!l.alIdro0.1oil ill Ihe lip. Such w.i, .e o:iler""re sold. by watch "upply houses, TJjl{l:lD.ler, , , . , , , , ] 1 to I~~d oil between hele and! cap j!lwel~, I;,,,,ll be m"d~ hoaIine needle crpivcl Dnoach . It .sbould be shaped tl O a Ihl.e, pIOH'lhed. fpoint and, ,all bUrI:s:removed!. AI ail liro.es:, the oiler and polnter shouldcleaned by pushing! Ihe tip, into a pi.ece 01 Eeatl ierwoodi 0, elcler pith.

    SCR.EWPLATEIHOW TO REMOVE A BROKE.INFROM A WATCHAller ali oti).". SCfews andsteell pads are removed, suspend thpl:!lJe on a copper wi~e in II 6% solution 0:1sl\!pllllrJ.c a

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    CAsu, .aB el ol e c < tl .im .g il.mOV"'JIl.ent, .alw ays oil! Ih e w bIdin g b

    wbere it runs in the sleeve, to p!~v"mt I11'l'! and squeaking, See fh.allhemove:m.ent line~, upproperly w:ilh Ihe windin,g bar in the case, so it willwind omd back :ndchet f~ee!y. It is: so:mel1mesnec,.,.s,sary to remove Ihewindi:ngl bar and ,,1 .eve, i,om Ih.e case pendant and .enla_,ge the hole In ittQ one side or Ihe ,o\h';'r (wrlh. a round IHe) in o:rder to get a !;lerledlyh:ee action. ':Fhe length and positlcn 01 ill..$qilaIl8 on 11.",neg-alive Iypewinding; roil.'! should ,,1,,0 be inspected to, Bee th



    The~\lcc!lS of every unil_erh':ki_ng' depeco~dt!larqel y en fhe abilityfigure o u t ! I! l. d! m' WOII< OOJifflci1y h

    Tile sc~",w in modern micj"ometers (see Figure lli9)has a pilch~ mm., so Oft.. turn is diivid",d. into ~OOpath:, Iii older 10 mea!

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    scale verm.ea the, 3.5 millimeter; the micromel:er shows the p:lra ,,01millimeter.Tile ,only olher' thing lor the beginner te learn, in order' to use themicrometer successfully fOL lin,ear measurem'Bn.m, is t o USB'as Jig.hl at.ouchIII :pO'S&ible in applying it to ' the o!bjecb which are 10 be measured.The uni'l.for aniJUl.u measurements is'the degree, which equals }3'60 part01 a circle. T,he degt .. e os subd.vid ..d inIo, sixty minutes, and fJ1e'minute

    iJ!lto sixty seconds. ilD:steadol wriHnc;Jthe w,ords "deqrees," "'minutes"

    and ''!j>iQoli,di!,,'' the ,~ymbo1!& 0 , " "; have hee,n. adop!ed; 80, lin orderdenole OD e ,ana. o:ne.haU ,d.eg'[&eS,we w :rite E O'30' .It mil.y I:le well to ' peinl ou t IIJl error 'very oommrm dIIlon.g walchma.kers to speait abou~ linear meliilw'emenl:$, such IlS the dilllilleter 01th.pivoiliiandlhl.ckness 01 mainspring's', el'c" as l J I Q many HdeqrHB," Thi!!e1il:i!te~ywrOng', < 18sucb measurements IilioRid !!lw

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual



    D .R lV E OUT THE STA ff ONLY - ALLOW HUB TOREM AIN FIRM LY STA Km TO BA LA NC E A RMTbis' is an, impro.ved form of '" detachable Bal

    St'a:lf Hlcat ill cedain to !Jppeal to tlie w,al'hmake'f. Ii pel-m!,tschanging a slaff ~a~y and quickly without bendingthe balance arm or Uuowing the balance out of shape,'The bevel seating in the hub B ii's precisely the tapershoulder F on the staff, thus insuring a level belance.To driv'e out an old stalf, we recommend using a

    too! as shown 'in Figure 23; to put ina ne." sl~. a punch,as uown inFigure 22, bringing Ihe tapered! aholilde:r' onthe slaff to. its bearing in the hub. Tools designed forthese Bta& can be oi:lt


    /INa ROLlERS,/lSSHIJLt:O. D R /WI IIG 1 / '1 7 00 1 ."


  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual



    In removingl a.walch b

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    Watchma.kers' Notes

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    H I N T S AIND S U G I G E S T I O M SMake it a, rule 10 [elli every watch tOT m

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    G,EHUIHIE WALTH.AM MATIE.RIAl.All Waltham parts !I.re made 10 uniform &ize~.For example all pivotdiameters are made within a lolerance limit o J: .005 mrn. Th . . Jaweh5,S..tfuigs alid BushiIiqtl are made 10 lhe same tolerance. leweI Holes

    are made to .0025 mm., etc. This unlfQrmity of mate:rial"llow~

    As a matter 01 interesting inlorma.tion.reliiihed! and Illl(>d .b y English wa.!chmalo:.e,Is, and Ieli.\!e~ to the e,xlremd!ame'le:r of the p m . . . plale. Being English., its unit omeasmementthe EnglhJb. inch, .and ilie zero, or ~tarling point, 13ODe inch pll,l.sl:i.vthi rtieth!' 01 an. m . e D (l%,~), wh.ic:h is the dillllleter cf an o size moveme.n!Each h i 0 of an inoh added 10 fhi.. m:.asilremen.trepresen.t..: the size 0movement, ilie:tefo,-e,. iI'% 0 p1U5. ~ 0 will b.. th", OJi(un.t",r of CI . On.. 5imovement; ... six size should! measure ].~Y S 0, ~ t.welve size ].1}i Q,"'iQht~e!'!. ~j~e 12'%0, etc,

    NOT!: In ord.eI 10 e,xpress this in. millim.e-leIs we must: multipl:b y 25 . .41,which is the mehic equivaien.t 01 an inch, so the qenerai formulwill be (~%~+SIZl::;~o) X 25.4: and Ih.e formula. for fu2 :sUe. (3%+1 % 0) X 25.4 - 39.8 m!ilim.et",rs.

    The Ligne W

  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    USIEF'UL I N U M B E R St~!~JlJd~~

    The Equator. , .... " . . .... . ... , .. O~3 0 "W",.shinglon,D. C , .... , . . , .. , . . 38~53'N",,,,, Y Q ~k. " , , . . . . ." ,,40043 '45~Greenwkih... .. .. , .. 5:1031'Stockholm,." .. , . , ... .. . .. , .59" 21''The Poles ............ , .. , .. , .. , .. 9Q~


    99 .1029 9 , 2 2 999.2999 9 , 3 1 699.355-99.4l399,48199,609

    ;J , = Iatitude,g' =val'A " < ;>1Ja.vitllti.o.n in em s,t ,., length, i:!!, Qm~;.d "pendulum ~eating;seconds.r ==time, in seconds.

    g o ~ 9'11.989 (I + - 0.0052 sin ' 0 $ )I'9' = ('., )' ," ; I =g ( ; y ; ' I " ' " 1r"; I 9.,.=3.14159265( ~ y - 0, ,1013.21

    Numi:JeJof seoondl:! in 24 hows = 86,,400.Tho;ntreal (lSC) 55 sec. in 24 hours ..

    !B"tw:een EquaiQJ andPoles (OO~J3 min. 44~ec', ill 24 .hours.

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  • 8/6/2019 Waltham Watchmakers Manual


    MEASUREMENT.S RELAY.NO Y'O WAY'CH .MOY'EMEINTS:L ig:ne9 Si;oe Mmlmeims Inches lign,es SUe Mi.I.limet,s!S Inches ligns>!! Size MiUimeleu Inches

    2 % 6,20 , 2 4 4 0 ~ 6/0 25.38 .9992. % 4 4 . S 5 1.7539'3 2 8 ( 0 6.71 . 2 6 e S 71 25.94 1.0013 20 4 5 . 1 2 . 1.17637 a 7.33 ..2886, % ' 26.51 1.0437 ~ 1 9 45.68, 1 . 7 9 8 4~ 7.90 .3.UO 12 4/0 2 7 . 0 7 10057 2: 4I' i .2! l l.B20B% ' 26/0 8.413 .3331 X 2 1 . 6 3 1 . 0 8 1 ' 1 % 46.St 1 . 8 4 2 9 '4 9.02 . 3 5 5 1 Y 2 : 2 8 . 2 0 1.1102 21 2 1 47.37 1.8649'X i: 9.59 ..3776 ~ 2/0 :2876 1.1322 ~ 4 ' 1 . ' 9 4 1.8874!J 1 24/0 10.15 .3996 13 29.33 1 . 1 5 4 7 ~ 48.50 1.9094% 1 0 . 7 2 . 4 2 2 0 % : 2 9 . 8 9 1.1761 ~ 2 3 4H)'l' 1.93185 11.2:8 . 4 4 4 1 31 1 30.45 1 . 1 9 8 8 2 2 4 9 . 6 3 1.9539X i' 22/0 11.84 .4661 ~ 31.02 1.2216 ~ SO.19 1.9-759~ 12.4] .4886 1 4 31.58 1 . 2 4 3 3 1 : I 4 i 2 5 50.76 1.9964% 12:91 .5106 Vi 3 32.15 1 . 2 6 5 > 7 }4 ' 5 1 . 3 2 2 . 0 2 0 46 2010 13.53 . 5 3 2 3 X 3 2 . 7 1 I . Z 8 ' T 1 2 3 51.88 2.0425,14 14.10 .5551 ~ 3 3 . 2 7 1.300s U 2 '1 5'2.45 2 . 0 6 4 9% 1 4 . 6 6 5712 15 5 33.84 1.3322 .l1 53.'01 2.0070% 18/0 1 5 . 2 3 I .5900 }.i 34.40 1 . 3 6 4 3 M 53.58 2 . 1 0 9 4 ,7 1 5 . 7 9 . 6 2 . 1 7 7 2 34.M 1.3167 2 -4 29 54.14 2.1314% : 16.35 64.37 14 '1 38.53 1.3900 U 54,,'11 2.1539'H 16/0 1 6 , 9 2 I . 6 6 6 1 1 ,6 36,09 l.42.01 !1 l 55.21 2.1159'M 17.48 .688l 3i 3 6 . 6 6 1.4433 ~-i 31 55.83 2.1980S 18.0-5 I . 7 1 - 0 6 Y 2 9 3 ' 7 . : 2 2 1.4653 2 5 66,40 2.2204~ 14/0 18,61 I 1326 ~ 3 ' 1 . . 7 9 1 , 4 8 ' ] B , }4 56.'96 2 . 2 4. aS~ 19.17

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