Term 1 Calendar Week 8 Tue 18 Mar Wed 19 Mar Thur 20 Mar Fri 21 Mar 3:20pm Uniform Shop 8:30am Uniform Shop 2:30pm Uniform Shop Harmony Day 8:50am Chapel Week 9 Mon 24 Mar Tues 25 Mar Wed 26 Mar Thu 27 Mar Fri 28 Mar 8:30am Uniform Shop 8:50am Assembly 3:20pm Uniform Shop 8:30am Uniform Shop 2:30pm Uniform Shop Australian Lutheran World Service Day - Loxton No Chapel Week 10 Mon 31 Mar Tue 1 April Wed 2 April Thur 3 April Fri 4 April 8:30am Uniform Shop 8:50am Assembly 3:20pm Uniform Shop 8:30am Uniform Shop 2:30pm Uniform Shop No Chapel Mid Murray Sports Day Week 11 Mon 7 April Tues 8 April Wed 9 April Thur 10 April Fri 11 April 8:30am Uniform Shop 8:50am Assembly 3:30pm Uniform Shop 8:30am Uniform Shop Canteen Day 2:30pm Uniform Shop 7:30pm School Council 1:30pm Chapel 2:30pm Term 1 Finishes Week 1 Mon 28 April Tue 29 April Wed 30 April Fri 2 May 8:50am Opening Chapel 3:30pm Uniform Shop 8:30am Uniform Shop No Chapel Waikerie Lutheran Primary School 16 McCutcheon ST Waikerie SA 5330 Ph: (08) 8541 2344 Fax: 8541 2140 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wlps.sa.edu.au Principal: Adam Borgas Waikerie Lutheran Primary School is a supportive Christian community, equipping each student for life. Message from the Principal God is always there in the lile things. Following Sports Day on Friday this lile reflecon came up from a member of our community. Well done to all of the parents, students and staff who added their own lile piece to the successful running of the day as a rich learning opportunity. PARENTS AND TEACHERS WORKING TOGETHER I dreamed I stood in a studio And watched the sculptors there, The clay they used was a young child’s mind And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher; the tools being used Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day aſter day, the teacher toiled With touch that was deſt and sure, While the parent laboured just as hard And polished and smoothed it o’er. When at last their task was done They were proud of what they had wrought, For the things they had moulded into the child Could neither be sold nor bought. And both agreed they would have failed If they had worked alone; For behind the parents stood the school And behind the teacher, the home. Well done especially to the senior students who assisted their house captains in organisaon and preparaon for the team events in the aſternoon. The sportsmanship and gamesmanship was of excellent quality. Blessings, Adam Borgas Tuesday, 18th March 2014 Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter ALWS trip to Loxton Lutheran Friday, 28th March is when our students will be travelling to Loxton Lutheran school to aend Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) Awareness Day acvies. This day provides children with an awareness of the everyday issues facing people in developing countries and communies. ALWS is the overseas aid and reselement agency of the Lutheran Church. The work done by ALWS is primarily involved in long-term, sustainable community development programs, oſten in developing countries. The work is about empowering people to improve their own lives through teaching, encouraging, supporng and enabling people to help themselves. Children will be travelling by bus and will need to be at school on me, ready for the bus to leave by 9.00am. Buses will be returning by 3.15 to enable children to catch normal buses home. Both recess and lunch will be provided on the day, but children are required to bring their water boles. Consent forms were sent out last week so can they please be returned ASAP. Term 2 Calendar

Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter 8.pdf · Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled While the

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Page 1: Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter 8.pdf · Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled While the

Term 1 Calendar

Week 8

Tue 18 Mar

Wed 19 Mar

Thur 20 Mar

Fri 21 Mar

3:20pm Uniform Shop

8:30am Uniform Shop

2:30pm Uniform Shop

Harmony Day

8:50am Chapel

Week 9

Mon 24 Mar

Tues 25 Mar

Wed 26 Mar

Thu 27 Mar

Fri 28 Mar

8:30am Uniform Shop

8:50am Assembly

3:20pm Uniform Shop

8:30am Uniform Shop

2:30pm Uniform Shop

Australian Lutheran World Service Day - Loxton No Chapel

Week 10

Mon 31 Mar

Tue 1 April

Wed 2 April

Thur 3 April

Fri 4 April

8:30am Uniform Shop

8:50am Assembly

3:20pm Uniform Shop

8:30am Uniform Shop

2:30pm Uniform Shop

No Chapel

Mid Murray Sports Day

Week 11

Mon 7 April

Tues 8 April

Wed 9 April

Thur 10 April

Fri 11 April

8:30am Uniform Shop

8:50am Assembly

3:30pm Uniform Shop

8:30am Uniform Shop

Canteen Day

2:30pm Uniform Shop

7:30pm School Council

1:30pm Chapel

2:30pm Term 1 Finishes

Week 1

Mon 28 April

Tue 29 April

Wed 30 April

Fri 2 May

8:50am Opening Chapel

3:30pm Uniform Shop

8:30am Uniform Shop

No Chapel

Waikerie Lutheran

Primary School

16 McCutcheon ST

Waikerie SA 5330

Ph: (08) 8541 2344

Fax: 8541 2140

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.wlps.sa.edu.au

Principal: Adam Borgas

Waikerie Lutheran Primary School is a supportive Christian community, equipping each student for life.

Message from the Principal God is always there in the little things. Following Sports Day on Friday this little reflection came up from a member of our community. Well done to all of the parents, students and staff who added their own little piece to the successful running of the day as a rich learning opportunity.


And watched the sculptors there, The clay they used was a young child’s mind

And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher; the tools being used

Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand

And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled

With touch that was deft and sure, While the parent laboured just as hard

And polished and smoothed it o’er. When at last their task was done

They were proud of what they had wrought, For the things they had moulded into the child

Could neither be sold nor bought. And both agreed they would have failed

If they had worked alone; For behind the parents stood the school

And behind the teacher, the home.

Well done especially to the senior students who assisted their house captains in organisation and preparation for the team events in the afternoon. The sportsmanship and gamesmanship was of excellent quality.

Blessings, Adam Borgas

Tuesday, 18th March 2014

Waikerie Lutheran Primary School


ALWS trip to Loxton Lutheran Friday, 28th March is when our students will be travelling to Loxton Lutheran school to attend Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) Awareness Day activities. This day provides children with an awareness of the everyday issues facing people in developing countries and communities. ALWS is the overseas aid and resettlement agency of the Lutheran Church. The work done by ALWS is primarily involved in long-term, sustainable community development programs, often in developing countries. The work is about empowering people to improve their own lives through teaching, encouraging, supporting and enabling people to help themselves.

Children will be travelling by bus and will need to be at school on time, ready for the bus to leave by 9.00am. Buses will be returning by 3.15 to enable children to catch normal buses home. Both recess and lunch will be provided on the day, but children are required to bring their water bottles. Consent forms were sent out last week so can they please be returned ASAP.

Term 2 Calendar

Page 2: Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter 8.pdf · Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled While the

Page 2

Mid Murray Sports Day

This year Mid Murray Sports Day is being hosted by Morgan Primary School and will be held at the Morgan Town Oval on Friday, 4th April. If you have not yet filled in and returned the slip to indicate whether you will be taking your child/ren to Mid Murray or if they require transportation via bus from WLPS, please do so ASAP. Excursion Consent Form An Excursion Consent Form is attached to the Newsletter. Could you please fill in and return this form to your child’s classroom teacher by this Friday, 21st March. Parent Helpers Desperately Needed

We are in desperate need of parent helpers for Mid Murray. At present we only have 2 parents who have volunteered to help on the day. If you are attending and are able to help out, even if only for 1/2 hour or for your child’s events (Long Jump or Sprints), it would appreciated. Without help, events such as Mid Murray can not run effectively.

Scholastic Book Club

Please note that Issue 2 Scholastic Bookclub orders are due back by ASAP.

Congratulations Miss Fuss

Miss Fuss was away today attending her teaching graduation! Well done on this wonderful achievement.

Three Way Interviews

Please find attached the time preference sheet for the Three Way Interviews. These interviews will take place in Week 11 (with the exception of Mr Fladrich’s class which will take place in week 10). Please indicate your preferences and return your form as per the interview form. You will be notified of your time once the times have been collated.

Harmony Day

This Friday, 21st March is Harmony Day. Students are invited to wear an orange T-shirt along with their school sports shorts (via gold coin donation) to show their support or their school uniform. Please note this is NOT casual day.

Long Service leave

Mrs Beelitz will be taking a well-earned week of long service leave, starting tomorrow! We are fortunate to have Mrs Mason relieving in the Reception classroom until Mrs Beelitz’s return next Tuesday.

Mr Fladrich will also be taking some long service leave in the last week of school. We are fortunate to have Mrs Wendy-Ann Thiel and Mrs Nicole Field relieving in the Year 2 class during Mr Fladrich’s absence. The IB PYP

Mrs Burns and Mr Borgas are flying to Singapore today to attend the Australasian conference of International Baccalaureate (IB) educators. We pray they have a safe trip as well as an inspiring time to learn more about the IB and how it can be delivered to enrich the learning journey of our students. The Year 4/5’s class will have Mr Mark Pfitzner relieving during Mrs Burn’s absence. (Mr Pfitzner is a retired teacher/principal, who lives in the Barossa. He has relieved at our school a number of times in the past). McIntosh Street

The end of McIntosh Street will be permanently blocked off by council in the next few weeks. The school hall can continue to be accessed via the car park entry, and turning right (as signed) along the back of the school buildings. The speed limit will be signed at 8km/h, as this road passes through student play space. Please observe the pedestrian crossing as you turn right.

School News

Community Notice Ramco Football U/16s

Ramco U/16s football Training commences on Wednesday, 19th March at 5pm at the Ramco Oval. Players turning 11 this year are eligible to play in this competition. Players will be taught basic skills of the game in a fun environment. Everyone is welcome to come and give football a go. For more information please contact Kym Thiel on 0437 939 119.

Youth Gathering Youth Gathering for young people aged from Year 3 to Year 8 Friday March 21st at St. Alberts Catholic school hall Loxton. Celebrating Harmony Day so please wear something orange. Guests from the Philippines will be helping the youth to cook their national dishes including rice, noodles, bread and muffins. There will be traditional dancing, games and fun activities. The evening is free. The evening will start with Mass at 6pm in the Loxton Catholic Church. Please contact Gail Page on 0448 859 009 (Riverland Catholic schools pastoral support worker) if you will be attending.

Family Movie night The MAGS class are hosting a Family Movie night this Friday, 21st March at the Social Centre commencing at 7:30pm. Bring your whole family to this Disney latest release! $4 entry includes popcorn and a drink. for more information please contact Tim Hensel Mobile: 0407600293.

Page 3: Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter 8.pdf · Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled While the

This last week has, for me, been somewhat of a broken week!

My brother-in-law passed away and I was in Loxton for his funeral on Wednesday. Also on Wednesday my son from Alice Springs was operated on.

However, despite the brokenness, there were some really positive things going on. My eldest daughter and her partner were down for the funeral so we were able to spend a couple of days with them. After the funeral we caught up family who, due to distance and circumstances, we do not often see. My son was down extra time for pre-op so we also spent the long week-end together. Furthermore the operation was very successful and he is doing well. Besides these things my youngest grand-daughter celebrated her second birthday.

The thought of brokenness reminds me of when I was a little girl: I had a beloved doll called Elizabeth that went everywhere with me. As her body was cloth and, in time she became torn and broken: my mother would recover her and make her once again as good as new. At the seaside she was swept out by a wave and my father rescued her for me – this required yet another recovering by my mother.

All this, in point of fact, ties in with the time of the church year that we are in. In Lent we remember our own brokenness. On Good Friday and Easter we celebrate the incredible recovery Jesus made for us by dying in our place, to save us from our brokenness and sin: and we remember that our saving and recovery brings us to share in His resurrection and eternal life.

Like my broken doll Elizabeth, which was ministered to by my loving parents, we in our brokenness are saved by the love and sacrifice of Jesus and our Heavenly Father.

My brother-in law’s sister read a bible reading from John 14:1-3, which gives us all hope in our brokenness. We are told: ““Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” And verse 6 reminds us “6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

God bless you all,


Corner of Peace

Week 8 - Mystery Staff Profile - Who Am I?

I was born in Angaston and attended Good Shepherd Lutheran School, Angaston and Nuriootpa High School. My favourite subject at school was Geology.

My favourite animal is a horse. My favourite sport to watch is cricket, my favourite sport to play is athletics and my AFL team of choice is the mighty Port Power.

I have two favourite TV programs which are Midsomer Murders and Miss Marple. My favourite group is Celtic Thunders, however I love all different types of music.

Something that I would like to do during this life time is to go on a holiday to Ireland! My hobbies are quilting and reading. I am…….....

If you think you know who I am, feel free to email the office on [email protected] or drop into the office and let us know who you think it is!

Who Am I?

Last Week’s Mystery Staff Profile was

Mrs Michelle Page Student Support Officer

Congratulations to Deb Bell for being the first person to guess last

week’s Mystery Profile!

WLPS Sports Day Thank You Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins etc who supported our Sports Day last Friday - without your support, we could not have achieved such a great day. An extra special thank you needs to be given to those parents who volunteered to help with our sporting events as well as to the P&F for coordinating the Hot Dog lunch and the food stall. You are all wonderful and very much appreciated.

Page 4: Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter 8.pdf · Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled While the


Page 5: Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter 8.pdf · Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled While the

Page 4

Students of the Week Teaching children about our Skills; Communication, Research, Social, Thinking and Self Management skills provides them with the tool kit for successfully relating with others. As a way of celebrating the demonstration of these skills by students, staff have elected these students this week.

Year 6/7

Communication Skills - Oscar Page. Oscar well done on speaking clearly and organising the teams during Sports Day practice!

Research Skills - Shelby Strauss. Well done Shelby on thoroughly researching and well presenting your ibook on the Human Body!

Year 4/5

Self Management Skills - William Shugg. William has approached tasks in a very positive manner over the last week, especially when working on place values in Maths. Keep up the great work William!

Self Management Skills - Latisha Smith. Latisha has shown improvement in her ability to organise her work and resources over the term. A challenging task sometimes when you begin a new school and class. Keep it up Latisha!

Year 3/4

Social Skills - Haylee Gore. Haylee displayed excellent social skills cooperating and working with her Unit of Inquiry group. She respected all other group members and was a responsible group member. Well done Haylee!

Social Skills - Stella Thomas. Stella was a very mature member of her Unit of Inquiry group. She worked with the other members to resolve issues within their group and made sure everyone was happy with the final product. Well done!

Year 2

Social Skills - Courtney Wood. Courtney used her knowledge of reading strategies to help her with her comprehension during class. Keep it up Courtney!

Research Skills - Aby Mihalopoulos. Aby did some great work in class formulating questions and then finding the answers to those questions. Great work Aby!

Year 1

Self Management Skills - Verity Mee. Verity has shown a healthy lifestyle by continually completing the Be Active Challenge and completing many physical activities. Great to see Verity!

Social Skills - Emily McPherson. Emily has demonstrated respecting others by making good choices with her behaviour, particularly when listening on the carpet. Well done Emily!

Reception Class

Self Management Skills - Abbigail Neal. Abbigail has developed skills in throwing and jumping, as well as improved fitness and running ability!

Thinking Skills - Thivyan Ramesh. Thivyan has demonstrated a good knowledge of his sight words and a quiet confidence to use them!

Families In Our Prayers Tuesday: Hull

Wednesday: Hurst

Thursday: Kalisch

Friday: Kroehn, C&P

Monday: Kroehn, P&B


Pray for healing for those people who are battling an illness at this time.

Ask God to be with us as all during the season of Lent.

Ask God to send us more rain.

Lutheran Worship Wednesday, 19th March

Mid Week Lenten Service

Waikerie: 7:00pm

Sunday, 23rd March

3rd Sunday in Lent

Waikerie: 9:00am HC

Lowbank: 9:00am

Morgan: 9:00am

Ramco: 10:30am HC

Parish Office: 8541 2689 Pastor Perry Hart: 8541 2689

or 0434 799 950

Birthday’s this Week

Jasmine Macey 22nd March

Happy Birthday to You!

Page 6: Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter 8.pdf · Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled While the

Child’s Name Teacher Preferred day


Preferred Times

3 Options

Extra 10 minute option

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

3 Way Interviews – Term 1 - 2014

For Reception/Year 1/ Year 3 - 7

Wednesday, 9th April to Thursday, 10th April 2014

Please return this form no later than Friday, 27th March

Teachers and students have prepared the meeting which will last for 15 minutes. An optional extra 10 minutes without students is available if you or the teacher have any concerns that may take longer to discuss or are not on the agenda. You will be contacted by the teacher if the additional 10 minutes is required by them. Interview times will run from 3:45pm until 6:00pm Wednesday and 2:45pm until 6:00pm Thursday.

*Please note that interviews need to run to time and lateness will result in a shorter interview.

Do you wish to speak to any other teaching staff?……………………………………..............................................................

Please note: every effort will be made to give you your preferred day/time but as you can understand this is not always possible. You will be notified of your time/s once it has all been collated. Thank you

Page 7: Waikerie Lutheran Primary School Newsletter 8.pdf · Were books, Music and Art. One parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled While the

Mid Murray Sports Day (Friday, 4th April 2014)

Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I will be able to help with sporting events. Yes / No

I can help with Junior Sprints Spoke Relay Senior Sprints Long Jump

Travel to Mid Murray Sports Day

I will take my children to Mid Murray: Yes / No

My child/ren _________________________________________________ require transport to Mid Murray Sports Day.

Mid Murray Sports Day (Friday, 4th April 2014)

Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I will be able to help with sporting events. Yes / No

I can help with Junior Sprints Spoke Relay Senior Sprints Long Jump

Travel to Mid Murray Sports Day

I will take my children to Mid Murray: Yes / No

My child/ren _________________________________________________ require transport to Mid Murray Sports Day.

Mid Murray Sports Day (Friday, 4th April 2014)

Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I will be able to help with sporting events. Yes / No

I can help with Junior Sprints Spoke Relay Senior Sprints Long Jump

Travel to Mid Murray Sports Day

I will take my children to Mid Murray: Yes / No

My child/ren _________________________________________________ require transport to Mid Murray Sports Day.