.v «'»-'5wv»-i V w: i.'^y.i. ^"S -' v^V^-'-.'w/" ANTRIM REPORTER VOL. XXX NO. 10 ANTRIM, N. H., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 6 , 1913 3 CENTS A COPY Joined in 1872 Alonzo Alford. our esteeoaed fellow towosmau, in tbe only eurviriog char- ter member of Acanibus Lodge, No. 719, F. & A. M., of Brooklyn, N. Y. This lodge is to bave a grand rally nigbt on tbe 17th of March, and Mr. Alford bas received a 8[}ecial in* Titatio<) to be present as the honored guest of tbe eveuing ; every con- venience will be placed at bis com- mand, even to a special conveyance from Autrim to their lodge room if desired, with the best of care and graudest style wbile iu tbe city. It is probable ibat Mr, Alford will ac- cept tbis invitation, for wbat mao is there wh.i could resist sucb an invita- tion from sucb a source lo meet and eujoy an evening with men ot sucb prominei.ce and standing as those whom he is privilezed to call brothers in this respect. TVe congrat- ulate bim on bis good fortune. the Towo to lie Tfansac- ted Mafcli 11th Besides tbe usual election of Town Officers, hearing the report of Auditors on the Treasurer's accounts, and.the general routine business, tbere are a f«w matters contained in the Warrant which wi'll demand as much if not more than the usual amount of tbought and attention, in order tn dis- pose of them in a manner satisfartory to th& inter- ested parties, the tax payers, and all concerned. In place of the advisory committee's report which has been in vogue the past few years, this year there will be an open discussion of the several articles in the Town Warrant at a public meeting of the Board of Trade at town hall on Friday even- ing of this week, at which it is hoped there will be a larse gathering of all our people. Iiere will be a T Some Business and a Lot Mofe to Do John W. Richardson Died at the Keene hospital last Sniur day morning, ot pneumonia, after having been a patieit there for two weeks, previous to which time be bad suffered with binod poisoning for tbree weeks al the home of his sisier, Mrs. 'Charles \V. TtVompson, on West street. His a^.- was ,o2 years. He was iniiwn smnng our towns- people as Ii sober Miid indiislricus man, one who nlways aave his atten- tions to his oi>-'u affairs; he lived alone in his house on Concord street, his mother dying several years ago. Funeral services were held from the Tbompson homestead on Monday, Rev. Mr. Cannell of the Baptist church officiating. Intermect al Maplewood. The High School Musical talent in tbe High scbool is now preparing tbs operetta entitled "The Japanese Girl," The costumes wili be unique and attractive. Miss Gertrude VanDommele, musi- cal director of the schools, has charge of tbe Rrrangements, This will be presented Friday eve,, March 14 Further particulars each week. W. R. C. Notes A largely attended meeting of the W. li. C, was held last Friday even- iug. Il was voted to hold the usual To'KTi Meelinj; dinner. Interesting exercises were held in memory of Liocoln and Wachiugton. Fannie Hutchin.'on, P. C, Water Rents Due All water rents are now due the Precinct and ?hotild he at once paid, lo enable the officers to make up their aoDual reports. Per order, W. R Cram, Treasurer, Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder. It relieves tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet, and makes walking easy. Takes thc sting out of corns and bunions. Over .30,000 testimonials. Sold everywhere 25c. Don't accapt any substitute. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Omsted, Leroy, N. Y. adv. grand opportunity to consider many of these mat- ters of a public nature and if they are "dug into" as they should be much oratory will be made use of here that will save a good bit of time on Town Meeting Day. The Reporter urges every citizen to read the Town Warrant article by article, (it ap- pears in this paper), attend this meeting, say what he thinks is for the best interests of the town, and when all has been said, he will then be better able to go into the Annual Meeting and vote and act in telligently. There can be no better way of accom- plishing good for our town than by studying her needs in their true light and then voting as thought best, laying aside partisanship, partiality, selfish- ness, and every such thing. It is not best that we should go into details and here tell our ideas upon the difi'erent matters contained in the Warrant; let every one study them carefully, and be ready with individual ideas. There are articles enough in the Warrant to occupy one^s time for many hours thinking out the best way to satisfactorily dispose of them to fhe advan- tage of the town. Again we say, let there be a large meeting Friday night to consider these mat- ters of business from a thoroughly business stand- point; do business for the town just as you would conduct your own business, and see fo it that she gets just as much out of itl' ORGANIZING BENEFICIAL Boafds of Tfade afe Recognized Afnoog ttie Busioess People - Board of Trade organizations are recognized throughout the state as institutions of so much value, that all the cities and prominent towns have inaugurated them. in the ontside world, .•\ntrim has justly earned the reputation of being one of the most np to date towns in the state, and in order to live up to this reputation, she must adopt snch measure? as will insure to her a continuation of this favor from the public at large. If tho Board of Trade brings to Antrim larger opportunities for development along the line of improvements outlined in the consti- tution and by laws of this ai=soriatinn, tho citizens should certainly feel the importance of tbe organi- zation and rally voluntarily to its support. The work of the coming year is now under consideration. At the first meeting of the Board of Directors it was voted to plant fifty or more trees on Arbor Day ; to hold a Town Fair in the early fall; to hold public meetings occasionally for which speakers will be procured to address the meetings on subjerts adapted to the needs of our town. It is never too early to begin preparations for any great work, in consequence of which it was deemed necessary to give at this time, public noti- fication of the coming Town Fair, that it may sur- IContinued on page six.] Among the bills reported during the past week as "ine.xpedient to legislate" was tlie one many of our people were interested in. that of substituting the word lake in place of pond after the name Gregg; the fact that the town having voted this substitution a few years since may have influenced the committee in its report. The bill to hunt deer with a rille in certain'towns in Hillsborough coun- ty met the same fate. About the only business the legislators, sefm to accompli.sh is that which they don't accom- plish.—voting every day for U. .S. Senator and no choice. It would seem now quite evident that Bon, Henry F. Hollis cannot be elected by the Democrats; uf course the Frogressives don't prf- tend they can elect a man ; so it appears progress is hindered somewhat by the Republicans and Pro- gressives failing to agree on some good man whom all of both parties will unite on. The plan appears to be to worry along for a while; finally the legis- lature will be prorogued, and the matter then be- ing up to the Governor to appoint, no one can doubt for long who will represent New Hampshire in this important position. It is not any one thing or any one man that has made the present unpleas- ant conditions possible, but a combination of cir- cumstances which have been long developing. That was not a bad bill that Senator Chalmers had—a way out of the senatorial deadlock, by let- tirg the people select their man—but no, that would never do, and who went on record against it—well, of course there were no politics in it. The shrewd politician, however, pays some regard to the wishes of the people, for sooner or iater they will have their say.—the wheel will surely turn ; it may in some cases turn very slow, but it is bound to turn. The secret ballot which is the people's safe- guard, although disliked by some, has changed con- ditions somewhat in the past few years, and is like- ly to prove/tif still greater benefit to the common people as they grow^...t<>..know more about it and learn better liow to use jt to their advantage- 'S_D[LEGAT[ To ttie Mi Pfoducefs' Conveofion io Bostoo Makes Repoft Frank I. (iraves. who attended tiie milk pro- ducers' convention held in Bo.ston. Friday, the "Jist inst.. as a delegate to voice the sentiment of the Iiroducers of thi* locality, report.* favorably a? to the outlook for fair prices the coming year. The old iiiiinii whirh was iiulicteii iiiuler the Sherman act. was dissolved and a new one formed nnder broader and more effective by-lawis. some of which are as follows: .-Vny person may herome a nionilier on [iay- ment of a membership fee of one dullar. and an annual due of $1,00, for less than six cans per day; .'f"2,00 for 1'2 cans, etc, .-\ii honorary iiieiiilier $."),00; a beneficiary member if 10: a life member ^'I'l: none but producers to have a vote. The idea being to admit to member.ship those in sympathy and aiding financially, as for instance the Rowker Fertilizer (;0,. when the milk strike was on sent their check for $100, and also several others contributed in sums of .flO to $100. Thero wore five diiTerent states r-'prescntcd: Massachtisetls, Vermont, New Hampshire. Maine and Connecticut, and the new constitution pro- vides for fifteen directors, divided aniong the five difTerent states, according to the number of cans from eacb state: New Hampshire will probably have four. The constitution also provides for the organi- Metbodist Churcb Kev. 0. Bcnncit VanBu»lcirlc,,Pii>igr, The "Blue-" of the .Sunday scbool contest, give their entertaiomeot and supper to the victorious "Reds" this Wednesday evening Doors open at sis ; supper at G.30. Every atten- dant of the Snnday school and churcb is urged to be present. Nest Sunday morning will he th» oecasion of the administration of the sacrameut of the Lord's Supper. The fourth (Quarterly Conference for the Conference year will be held March 8 and i). Business session at 7 30 p m , March 8. District Super— inltuden: Waleott will preside Marcl» a, antl preach March 9. The sermon Sunday morning was a home missionary seimon and was al- so in commemoration of the anni- versary of that great and good man, George Washington. Antrim Creamery Corporation The adjourned meeting of the Au- trim Creamery Corporation was helJ at the home of the President, Frank K Bass, February 'i'l, at 8 p.m. Bjr members and by proxies, three- fourths of the stock holders were rep- resented. The following oflicers wcr« elected : Presideut—Frank E. Bass Vice President—John E. Tenney Secretary and Treasurer—Warrea W, Merrill Directors—Officers nf corporatioa atd Richard C, CTOo^ell, George F. Perpy, Ira P, Huichinson. William K Gibney and Clinton P, Davis. "The Queen of Hearts" was the title of a college play which was the feature of the en- tertainment at t-Jrange hall last Friday evening, '{"he cast was entirely local. The program .ilso included readings, duets and solos. Refreshments of ice cream, cake, sandwiches and cofTee were oa sale. Proceed? for benefit of tha Coiigregationa! church at Antrira Centre. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr, King's New Discovery. Tbe Best Cougb, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Money back if it fails to cure you. Do not hesi- tate— take it at our ri-k. First dose helps. .1. R, Wells. Floyd«da. Tr.\. writes I ''Dr. King's New Discovery cured mv terrible coiigii and cold. I gHiiicd 1,1 pouods '• Buy ii at adv, AntricTi Pbarmacy. zation of locals at all shipfiini^ points of certain nuniber of fan% to work in connection witli tb» main union; and it looks frotiY the road as thougli the farnn-r sending his milk during a stri/<» or refusing to contribute hi» share to the canse would have ."» rocky road to travel. During the session a communi- cation was received from Warii- ington that Congress had passeil a resolution not to prosecute a^y labor or farmers union cont:-1- ling less than $.300,000, which will probably result in the disni>=.tl of the indictment against Clerk Hunter of tbe old union. Respectfully. F. I, (iR,^Vi Si C< mtiS^:^4-:M^^liMM% ^^mSms^M^^SB^Z^i^M^^jtiiiiti-iii^ii': :J^:£^sds^i. Vi^-riwiBiigfflM "^i^..^;-.^' ^^^i^^ji^L^^mi

w: ANTRIM REPORTERreporter.antrimlimrik.org/1913/1913_02_26.pdf · "The Japanese Girl," The costumes wili be unique and attractive. Miss Gertrude VanDommele, musi cal director of

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. v «'»-'5wv»-i


w: i.'^y.i. ^"S - '



Joined in 1872

Alonzo Alford. our esteeoaed fellow towosmau, in tbe only eurviriog char­ter member of Acanibus Lodge, No. 719, F . & A. M., of Brooklyn, N. Y. This lodge is to bave a grand rally nigbt on tbe 17th of March, and Mr. Alford bas received a 8[}ecial in* Titatio<) to be present as the honored guest of tbe eveuing ; every con­venience will be placed at bis com­mand, even to a special conveyance from Autrim to their lodge room if desired, with the best of care and graudest style wbile iu tbe city. I t is probable ibat Mr, Alford will ac­cept tbis invitation, for wbat mao is there wh.i could resist sucb an invita­tion from sucb a source lo meet and eujoy an evening with men ot sucb prominei.ce and standing as those whom he is privilezed to call brothers in this respect. TVe congrat­ulate bim on bis good fortune.

the Towo to lie Tfansac­ted Mafcli 11th

Besides tbe usua l e lect ion of Town Officers, h e a r i n g the r epo r t of A u d i t o r s on the Treasure r ' s accoun ts , a n d . t h e genera l rou t ine business , tbe re a re a f«w m a t t e r s con ta ined in the W a r r a n t which wi'll d e m a n d as much if no t more t han t h e usual a m o u n t of t b o u g h t and a t t e n t i o n , in o rde r tn dis-pose of t hem in a m a n n e r sa t i s far tory to th& in te r ­es ted pa r t i e s , t he t ax payers , and all concerned .

In place of the advisory commi t t ee ' s repor t which has been in vogue the pas t few years , this yea r t h e r e will be an open discussion of t h e several a r t ic les in the Town W a r r a n t a t a publ ic mee t ing of the Board of T r a d e a t town hall on F r iday even­ing of th is week, a t which it is hoped t he re will be a l a r s e g a t h e r i n g of all our people. I i e r e will be a


Some Business and a Lot Mofe to Do

John W. Richardson

Died at the Keene hospital last Sniur day morning, ot pneumonia, after having been a patieit there for two weeks, previous to which time be bad suffered with binod poisoning for tbree weeks al the home of his sisier, Mrs. 'Charles \V. TtVompson, on West street. His a^.- was ,o2 years. He was iniiwn smnng our towns­people as Ii sober Miid indiislricus man, one who nlways aave his atten­tions to his oi>-'u affairs; he lived alone in his house on Concord street, his mother dying several years ago. Funeral services were held from the Tbompson homestead on Monday, Rev. Mr. Cannell of the Baptist church officiating. Intermect al Maplewood.

The High School

Musical talent in tbe High scbool is now preparing tbs operetta entitled "The Japanese Girl," The costumes wili be unique and attractive.

Miss Gertrude VanDommele, musi­cal director of the schools, has charge of tbe Rrrangements,

This will be presented Friday eve,, March 14 Further particulars each week.

W. R. C. Notes

A largely attended meeting of the W. li. C, was held last Friday even­iug. Il was voted to hold the usual To'KTi Meelinj; dinner. Interesting exercises were held in memory of Liocoln and Wachiugton.

Fannie Hutchin.'on, P. C,

Water Rents Due

All water rents are now due the Precinct and ?hotild he at once paid, lo enable the officers to make up their aoDual reports.

Per order,

W. R Cram, Treasurer,

Shake Into Your S h o e s

Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder. It relieves tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet, and makes walking easy. Takes thc sting out of corns and bunions. Over .30,000 testimonials. Sold everywhere 25c. Don't accapt any substitute. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Omsted, Leroy, N. Y . adv.

g rand o p p o r t u n i t y to consider many of these mat­ters of a publ ic n a t u r e a n d if they a re " d u g i n t o " as they should be much ora to ry will be m a d e use of here tha t will save a good bi t of t ime on Town Mee t ing Day. The R e p o r t e r urges every ci t izen to read the Town W a r r a n t a r t ic le by a r t i c le , ( i t ap­pears in this p a p e r ) , a t t e n d this mee t ing , say wha t he t h i n k s is for the best in te res t s of the town, and when all has been said, he will then be b e t t e r able to go in to the A n n u a l Meet ing and vote and act in t e l l igen t ly . The re can be no b e t t e r way of accom­pl ishing good for our town than by s t u d y i n g her needs in the i r t r ue light and then vot ing as thought best , l ay ing as ide p a r t i s a n s h i p , pa r t i a l i t y , selfish­ness, and every such th ing .

I t is not best t h a t we should go in to deta i ls and he re tell our ideas upon the difi 'erent m a t t e r s con ta ined in the W a r r a n t ; let every one s tudy them careful ly , and be ready with ind iv idua l ideas. There a re ar t ic les enough in the W a r r a n t to occupy one^s t ime for m a n y hours t h i n k i n g out the best way to sat isfactor i ly dispose of t hem to fhe advan­tage of the town. Aga in we say, let t h e r e be a large m e e t i n g F r iday n i g h t to consider these mat­ters of business from a tho rough ly business s tand­p o i n t ; do business for the town jus t as you would conduct your own business , and see fo it t h a t she gets j u s t as much out of i t l '


Boafds of Tfade afe Recognized Afnoog ttie Busioess People -

Board of T rade organ iza t ions a re recognized t h roughou t the s t a t e as in s t i t u t ions of so much value, t h a t all the ci t ies and p rominen t towns have i n a u g u r a t e d them.

i n the onts ide world, .•\ntrim has jus t ly earned the r e p u t a t i o n of being one of the most np to da te towns in the s t a t e , and in order to live up to this r e p u t a t i o n , she must adopt snch measure? as will insure to her a con t inua t ion of this favor from the publ ic at large. If tho Board of Trade br ings to A n t r i m larger oppo r tun i t i e s for deve lopmen t a long the l ine of improvemen t s out l ined in the consti­tu t ion and by laws of this ai=soriatinn, tho ci t izens should cer ta in ly feel the impor t ance of tbe organi­zation and rally vo lun ta r i ly to its suppor t .

The work of the coming year is now under cons idera t ion . A t the first m e e t i n g of t h e Board of Di rec to rs it was voted to p l an t fifty or more t rees on Arbor Day ; to hold a Town Fai r in the ear ly f a l l ; to hold publ ic mee t ings occasionally for which speakers will be procured to address t h e mee t ings on sub je r t s adap ted to t h e needs of our town.

I t is never too ear ly to begin p r e p a r a t i o n s for any g r e a t work, in consequence of which it was deemed necessary to give a t this t ime , pub l i c noti­fication of the coming Town Fair , t h a t i t m a y sur-

IContinued on page six.]

Among the bi l ls r epor t ed dur ing the past week as " ine.xpedient to l eg i s l a t e" was tlie one many of our people were in te res t ed in . t ha t of subs t i tu t ing the word lake in place of pond after the name G r e g g ; the fact tha t the town having voted this subs t i tu t ion a few years since may have influenced the commi t t ee in its repor t . The bill to hun t deer with a rille in c e r t a i n ' t o w n s in Hil lsborough coun­ty met the same fate .

About the only business the legislators, sefm to accompli.sh is t h a t which they don' t accom­pl ish.—voting every day for U. .S. Senator and no choice. It would seem now qu i t e ev ident that Bon , Henry F. Hollis canno t be elected by the D e m o c r a t s ; uf course the Frogressives don' t prf-tend they can elect a man ; so it appears progress is h indered somewhat by the Republ icans and Pro­gressives fail ing to agree on some good man whom all of both par t ies will u n i t e on. The plan appears to be to worry along for a w h i l e ; finally the legis­l a tu r e will be prorogued, and the ma t t e r then be­ing up to the Governor to appoin t , no one can doubt for long who will represen t New Hampsh i re in this impor t an t posi t ion. I t is not any one th ing or any one man t h a t has m a d e the present unpleas­ant condi t ions possible, bu t a combinat ion of cir­cumstances which have been long developing.

That was not a bad bill t ha t Senator Chalmers had—a way out of the sena tor ia l deadlock, by let-t i r g the people select the i r m a n — b u t no, tha t would never do, and who wen t on record against i t—wel l , of course the re were no politics in it. The shrewd pol i t ic ian , however , pays some regard to the wishes of the people, for sooner or i a te r they will have the i r say .—the wheel will surely tu rn ; it may in some cases t u rn very slow, b u t it is bound to t u rn .

The secret bal lo t which is the people 's safe­guard , a l though disl iked by some, has changed con­di t ions somewhat in the past few years , and is l ike­ly to prove/tif still g r ea t e r benefit to the common people as they grow^...t<>..know more about it and learn b e t t e r liow to use jt to the i r advantage-


To ttie Mi Pfoducefs' Conveofion io Bostoo Makes Repoft

Frank I. ( i raves . who a t t e n d e d tiie milk p r o ­ducers ' convent ion held in Bo.ston. Friday, the "Jist inst. . as a de legate to voice the sen t iment of the Iiroducers of thi* locali ty, report.* favorably a? to the outlook for fair prices the coming year.

The old iiiiinii whi rh was iiulicteii iiiuler the She rman act. was dissolved and a new one formed nnder broader and more effective by-lawis. some of which are as fol lows:

.-Vny person may he rome a nionilier on [iay-ment of a membersh ip fee of one dullar. and an annual due of $1,00, for less than six cans per d a y ; .'f"2,00 for 1'2 cans, etc, .-\ii honorary iiieiiilier $."),00; a beneficiary m e m b e r if 10 : a life member ^'I'l: none but producers to have a vote.

The idea being to admi t to member.ship those in sympa thy and a id ing financially, as for ins tance the Rowker Fer t i l izer (;0,. when the milk s t r ike was on sent the i r check for $100, and also several o thers con t r ibu ted in sums of .flO to $100.

Thero wore five diiTerent s ta tes r - ' p rescn tcd : Massachtiset ls , V e r m o n t , New Hampsh i r e . Maine and Connec t icu t , and the new cons t i tu t ion pro­vides for fifteen directors , d ivided aniong the five difTerent s ta tes , according to the number of cans from eacb s t a t e : New H a m p s h i r e will probably have four.

The cons t i tu t ion also provides for the organi-

Metbodist Churcb

Kev. 0 . Bcnncit VanBu»lcirlc,,Pii>igr,

The "Blue-" of the .Sunday scbool contest, give their entertaiomeot and supper to the victorious "Reds" this Wednesday evening Doors open a t sis ; supper at G.30. Every a t ten­dant of the Snnday school and churcb is urged to be present.

Nest Sunday morning will he th» oecasion of the administration of t h e sacrameut of the Lord's Supper.

The fourth (Quarterly Conference for the Conference year will be held March 8 and i). Business session a t 7 30 p m , March 8. District Super— inltuden: Waleott will preside Marcl» a, antl preach March 9.

The sermon Sunday morning was a home missionary seimon and was a l ­so in commemoration of the a n n i ­versary of that great and good man, George Washington.

Antrim Creamery Corporation

The adjourned meeting of the Au­trim Creamery Corporation was helJ at the home of the President, Frank K Bass, February 'i'l, at 8 p.m. Bjr members and by proxies, t h ree -fourths of the stock holders were rep­resented. The following oflicers wcr« elected :

Presideut—Frank E. Bass Vice President—John E . Tenney Secretary and Treasurer—Warrea

W, Merrill Directors—Officers nf corporatioa

atd Richard C, CTOo^ell, George F . Perpy, Ira P, Huichinson. William K Gibney and Clinton P, Davis.

"The Queen of Hearts"

was the t i t le of a college p l a y which was the fea ture of the e n ­t e r t a i n m e n t at t-Jrange hall l a s t Fr iday evening , '{"he cast w a s ent i re ly local. The program . i lso included readings , duets and solos . Ref reshments of ice cream, c a k e , sandwiches and cofTee were o a sale. Proceed? for benefit of t h a Coiigregat iona! church at A n t r i r a Cen t r e .

Are You a Cold Sufferer?

Take Dr, King's New Discovery. Tbe Best Cougb, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Money back if it fails to cure you. Do not hesi­tate— take it at our ri-k. First dose helps. .1. R, Wells. Floyd«da. T r . \ . writes I ' 'Dr . King's New Discovery cured mv terrible coiigii and cold. I gHiiicd 1,1 pouods '• Buy ii at

adv, AntricTi Pbarmacy.

zation of locals at all shipfiini^ points of cer ta in nuniber of f a n % to work in connect ion witli t b » main u n i o n ; and it looks frotiY the road as thougli the farnn-r sending his milk du r ing a str i /<» or refusing to con t r ibu te h i » share to the canse would have ."» rocky road to t rave l .

Dur ing the session a c o m m u n i ­cation was received from W a r i i -ington tha t Congress had pas se i l a resolution not to prosecute a ^ y labor or fa rmers union c o n t : - 1 -ling less than $.300,000, which w i l l probably resul t in the disni>=.t l of the i n d i c t m e n t against C l e r k H u n t e r of tbe old union.

Respect ful ly . F. I, (iR,^Vi Si


mtiS^:^4-:M^^liMM% ^^mSms^M^^SB^Z^i^M^^jtiiiiti-iii^ii': :J^:£^sds^i. Vi -riwiBiigfflM " ^ i ^ . . ^ ; - . ^ '


• ^ i » V ^ ^ P i W « i « I ^ W P ^ ^ " ^ P " I I I . I • • 1 1 1 ! H iv i^v i^^^ i i i ^^ iK^wi^n ip^wi ippp iHp^ V ,--.-,-.. -f'v?•.I,'.., .:-» • .•^•'.^••M'-.iaii:^'W'^^jiiiititeatgitiiitiifmaiiaiiimui

BBBimBmp^ eiaettiamiaaamSiaae tam eaim ssssss^osq

^^ Business Cards ^



Large and Small F a r m s

S u m m e r Homes

Vil lage Proper iy

Noloharge unless sale is made

W. B. Cram,

AUGTIONEER £ wish to announce to the publu

titai. I will aell goods at auction for aay parties wbo wisb, at reasonabU mtes . Apply to

W. E. CRAM, Autrim, N. H.


Hancock, N. H. Property advertised and sold on reasonable terms.

MnRPmieyEsiatB Trndertaker

Krst Cla.sf E.xperienced Direetor and Embalmer,

For F^very C t s e . Lai^ly A s s i s t a n t .

r u n Liae Funeral Supplies, Sriowors Furnished for All Occaalous •OaUsilav or nlu.i, promptlv aiwnrte*! lo Sew Eneland relephor.e, 17-2. at Real-.lence, Coraer High and Pleasant Sta,,

Antrim, N U.

BLACKSMITH — a n d —

Having purchased the business of Mr. D, P. Bryer, am prepared to do -Ml Kinds of Blacksmithing aud Wbeelwright work.

Horseshoeing A Specialty.



,A.utrim Office open frora the 9th t( I5tb and 24th to 30tb inclusive.

A d d r e s s , for ap|>ioiBtment, Hi l lsboro Bridge. N , H .

T e l e p b o n e C o n n e c t i o n .

B. D. PEASLEE M.D. School Street, Hillsboro'Brldg*, N. H

Special A t t e i t i o - Given E y e , E a t tnd Cbron ic Di seases . H o u r a , 1 t. 5 P.M Sunf ' avs 12 t o 1 P .M

ff. R, MRSSOH, n Main S t r e e t , A n t r i m .

H o u r s : S A M . 1 and 7 P . M , TKL, CONNKCTION.

EDMUND G. DEARBORN, M.D, (Successor to Dr. F. G. Warner)

Main street, Antrim

Office Hours I 1 t;i 3 and 7 to 8 p. ra.

Teleplione 9-2

Agency. I For The

M. E, Wheeler Phosphate.


Henniker Steam Laundrv.

F. Grimes & Co., EKtablishcd ltX),J j

License No 13S ! 7..arge Displav nf ("fiuids on hand at all

Vaies. «o'ii''i'"K'-''-<"i^-'"<' ' " . . f , ' ' ; ? ' " " ,f,"!l L o n g D i s t a n c e T e l e p h o n e . 2 -13 B u r i a l . Prompt iiii!.svi-rs 1.1 all oiilN, liiiv 1 » r ' J ^sr nipht. N". E. Telephone 6-,'i Hill»b,.i Te l ephone at unr expense.

Residence at Hillsboro, N. H.

ICE I Rates for h'amily Ice

30c per 100 lbs.

G,H, HUTCHINSON, Depot St,, .\ntrim, N. H.

F A R M S Listed with ITIC mi' iiiiiokly

SOLD. Xo clmv.'e mil,'Sll Mile

J. D. Ill ' f i l

i i , i i ie.

ITESTER H LATHAM. 1 ' , 1 ) , IJ' X - l l i : ; , I

U i i , i . - s i i i i f " . . > H111111.K, N , 1 1 , I

T e l e p h o n e n inn . rii-m

l '^' — — • • • • ' » — q .' - - , .. :.":•- ' r i-iVpC- 3

- . , , 1, i A . l - H ' l c : . j

. ; , • • - , f " ^ » " . , '-'••'.':: '

- . - • • • 1 -.,:• : I " - - ^ \


SELECT>IE>'S NOTICE. T h e Selectmen wiil ;iii-i t nl th.iir

fiooms. in T wn liall >, ' 'k. tli Kir>i S a t u r d a v in earh in mlli, ' - 'nn i »o lill five o'clock in tlic altern'.- .. 1,1 imiis-Cct town biisii,.-s<.

T h e T a x ('ollcctfir wwl iii.'ii wUi •the Selerim. 'n


( l . INT N P, I XWi-.IAMKS I I'ATT K.u.-(iN

S . ' i - i - l 111.-II o l \ I I r i m .



Civil Engineer, Laii.-l Surveyinc. Levels, etc.

.AN'rUl.M. N, II, TK.r,r;i'IliiNK riiXN"r:rTIiiN"

To P"ublisHers A n d Pr inters

WE M A N U F A C T " U F < i i T H E ViiK


T.V 11.-

H r i i - s Ull il- 111 .~i l i i i -

15riii--i l.iii.'ii Sav in ; : Kule J i i a > - ( i l i l l l l l , . K i l l . - -

l l i a - s C i r c l . ' -H r i i - . > l , ( - i i i : l t - i >

l l i , i - - P . i ' i i i i . l I ' i i i i i e ; -

H i i . - . . K . ' i i . l - l l l l l i r - l i i . - . .

r.ni--. Ci l l . - .v-. M . - l i i l H ' l i - i j . - -

I.iil.iir S,.v: ' _- M.'iiil l-"iiriiil-irt t , < - i n i - II m l ,•»! I I . - -

M . - ^ I l l I , . - ; i i i . - ! -

S ] . - 1 C . ' < l l J i . i ( , > ; l , i i l i .; t n ( S I M l i l t

M.-Ml<^ ; - , . ! . -

O'.d (• ' .hi i i i i i K i l l . - r.'fiu'i'il nn lllll .i .' 11- '.'... Ill ;i- l|i-\v III 11 rl i lul l ca-

!'Ii-ii 7.1- I . 'm.-ii 11" ' I hi: t \K.' iir'> I" ill iiii.\ ;i ,i«i .11' . 'ill,1.111,1; ,1,11 m i d m -III'.'1 lull wi ' i ' i i i i l i n k . ' it L-r.'iitl.v t y o n r ml Viiiitiitr'' tl. il''al « i t l i u s .

.•\ ciip.v of o u r ("iiIalo;riif' w i l l X, • e b e e r f n l l y f i ir i i i - 'o 'c i <ii; a p p l i c a t i o n


^ ! : ^ . l H.;t"x..s""'^' ' PMlieljiliia P'iD^ers' Sipply Co \ Manuf.- 'c t i i rors of

Mee t s KiL'uUrly ill r .nvi i Cl , . , ! ; •< 'Type a n d Hiirh G r a d e .-. flBoom, in Town haH liiiilrniv;, ihc " Pr int lnpr M a t e r i a 9iB8t Sa iu rd iy af iernoon 111 each j Proprletru-n ."O Xn, Main St„ OBontS. qt -i o">'l'i-'<. 10 ;rnr,« , Ponn T y p o Fovmfl rv I'M It, \ UFI.I'H 1 ae% > ll l.i DiBlri.'I iii,,s.i,e--. Ill ,i t . Sicar a.l piiriiKH rejiaiiiii;,'«, liool m r. ' K o c l o l D / S p C { J S i ^ CufC ^ri. ! '•t-'cests wh;».. ycu eat."

Of an tiditorial Nafure

S.B.KI903 flIS




He used to be a "ladles' man," Babbling and gay;

He wore his hair In bangs and had A winning w a y -

He used to be a ••ladies' man," But thlrc? are run on another plaa


Now lie is .1iis-t n. woman'a man, SilL-nt ,ind moek;

His wifi> says m..'n are fools, ,ind he'f AfrnlJ to sfjueak;

She's bii,- am! ,.itr.-iiVK ,-ind runs affaira And siiiJ iinnn "rylm If he dares

T l ' s;-.<-,-."i5:


The man whose grea tes t purpose Is to get even with his enemies keeps making so many of them that his de­sire for satisfaction can never be ful­filled.

Always Available, ""^Tiat is th" t rouble?" asked the

wife of the brilliant essayist , "! have r--»cciivi'd an offer of i^^'^

from the editor of one of the maga­zines for a 2,000-word article on any subject I may choose, but there Isn't a thing 1 cnn think of to write about. Every ma t t e r of any consequence seems rfc^ntly to have been thoroii.ch-ly gone ovr-r,""

When all Is over, And tho dear one Uea

Under the cover Of blossoms and clover—

When the kind, weary eyes Are sightless forever—

How thick and how vast do the ugly ••ifs^^ rise;

"If I hail hOi-n kinder—if I had obeyed, The hand of the reaper, mayhap, had

been stiAyedl Oh, if I hail tlioujiht. Oh. If I had cared. Wh.it heart-breaklns sorrows might

she h.-ivo been spared:"

Oh, h , ipw the lover. Thrice happy lIiu son.

If, when all is over .^nii the ilfiir. patient one.

Litis under the cover or bliKni-iiiii; ,-ir,d clover.

No •*lfs^' come trooping to taunt and torment!

Oh, happy his lot Who c i n s i y i "I would not t'ndo or rh,ini.'.> ,iui.'ht—•'

SVho valiK'iI ,-irnl chorlshfi! hor love ere she went;

^^'hfn nil is over. .-\nd xhe rlear one lies

T.'ii'l-r Ih..- t-os-. r o r i,ir,ssi,ms .Illll .?lover—

\\"h':'n the kind, wonry eyes .,\i'i' i-ijliiless fori'\'er Oil, wiiuM that th.iri- never

U'cr.. ••it's" to .irisc!

"Wh.it leon?"

"Ry coiildn"t self?""


,I( I




ma t t e r with

Of course. thought

-of h

N a no-

Why ra my-

His Regre t . Mr.*!. Peck—liave you for,;oltpn,

Honry, tlir.i yc':: usrd to ?.i>-, bofi-n-wp v.'r-ro ri^arriri!, tha t you would bf- j »-illing to die for nie'.' |

H !''(-rk I in a fit of d.'?pr-ration1— ! Oh, M.'ir.'.i, lio---. T wif'ii you liad tak.-^r. I me a* iny wcrd and put ene. to the i tes t : 1

An Outsider 's Oninion, "Mrs I-'l:-,pi-;'. i lh , who is suing for

a 'ii\"i'rr'^- roTr,;i!,-iir,s that it is impos-sih!'-- i"or i',"r to iive decmitly on ifiO-"11" a y . , a r '

' i^'-'-'p iir.'lnubiodly rieht abnut it. T d'l , ' ! h. '^v.-- sh<^ could live decently on any '.<'"d of an income."

The Wind and thc Leaves. Tho '.I'ii-.J ir- :".-i;.-,

The Ifave.- are men— rhr-V ar" Mown along for a, Ilttle

spaee. And th"!-.

.-\ '.".-'•,• .-iiiirge and tnmble ahead. Over mili over apain,

in r.. r,'.,', if'i • inc- race, .•\nd ill 'I ' ar.d there

One Indies iirid clings In a lonesome plnoe,

I 'nli l ai Lis* but a single leaf Whirls onw-ard into the far some-


.-Vnd 111'.' many leaf-men tha t are left behind

Ga'li.-r ill cliiiitrrs here and there, ' And ail- •.vhirl.^d about by the w-lllful

wird. And. ai last, when the great white

fliiilt is spread. .-\nd all is over and done

They silr-; tiy lie utid slowly rot, Kach on 'ii- ii.irroii spot

Where its troubles were begun.

A Sign. i "Mr \"v",ippkiiion brotight a voliimo j

of Hrownine"a poema with him when I ho cil lod last night. Ho road to me | from •Tho Ring and the llook" nnd ; o i l u r thing?! until noarly 12 o ' c lock" !

'.•Ild mc! How you mussl lovi^ i h i i n ! " 1


Gained 18 Pounds

-> Varked Man. "Yos, Hr.bD'ieston is & man

mark " "Why, \ \hat has he ever done

ma!<e hini so?" "Uad the smallpox."



iiuiiie t ime ago 1 was troubled wi th what tbe d o c t o n proouuaued' tu bu float-iDg kidney. I was cumijluiely ruu down audau weak aud exliuuxicd tuat u I did my buuBewurk cue day I would liave to BUi> lo btsd the nexi. i tlurioicU witb Huveral pbysleiaps and tbey all tvld me tiiat ray kidouyii would uever be well. I deuidru lu iry l>r. Kiluier'a bwaiup-Booc HUU luutid that 1 gui rt-liet. 1 cuutiDued Ul tj»e I^wamp-ituul iiLd loda^ my kid­neys are in tiue sUujje and I am eujoyiDK Il.l- best oi tfeallb. Unve jjuiued eighteen (i.'uudh, aud feel ai> well na ev«i' lu my inc. Yuu cau publibU llll^ Jviler if yutt » mil tu.

"Very tiul> \i ui», Ml t i . JtlU.S S. JU.NES.

t j i . . i WlU', ^ . y .

.".iitlc nf Hew I 'o ik ' ' liiit.N . i | W i U . l u l i f ; l i . | i , s,s,

. \ ; .pr i l l ed beluiv iii. per^oljaliy, thia .• :.i d.'.> o Ju ly , llit/i', Ml^. J«.|,ii b . Joues ' ' M Lsc ibed tilt .iii. w Kiitit ment aod

,111,11- . . . . .I iLai till- ^,.ll,e|l» true lu bub-:,i.«I- l l l l l i in f a c t

C. E. PAI IKKH. Nii'iiij Publ ic . 1.1 Iler III Dr. KlUiiei it Co., Biu<;hatn-

r'fove What Swiimp-Root Will Do ,>. nil to Dr. Kilmer Ji Co., BimJiaintoa

V V,. for a Bample Ijoi tie. It will con-in. >• iiuyoiie. "Vi'U will ;il,»i) leceive a ' "k l . ' t of vahiable inf.'rina'ii.n, telling li iiliiiut iheKldnrys ai (i ISIiirdei. VVhen < I il inj: be Mire to inriition the Autr im :,.'|i..rier. Regular '.Oc. and Sl.DO bottlea

,- -Iilf Ml all Crii;r s-oies.

Long, Long Time. j "And Iiow long have you boon a

widow. Mrs. . \nxlou9ly." "How long? [..et me soe? It wi l lbe

thr'f- yoars next month, but it aeems & * h 'i • I r ,1 n d '' '

Free Speech. "Pa, what 's a Chau tauqua?" "A place whore our public men cai>

«ay what they want to aay without undergoing the nocessity of havlnc their speeches editftd."

An Adv. in iho TiEPOK-TER reaohes Iho people you want for ens tomers!

9R.DAVID f a v o r i t e KENNEDVs]

Farm Machinery, ana Vacuum Cleaners

The Regina Vacuum Cleaner For Rent at 75 cents per day.

I n s u r e .vour t i m e . I n s u r e .vour l i fe , [ i n p r o v e y o u r f a rm a u d P l e a s e t b e L i d y of t h e H o u s e .

'71a E . G Z B X T S ? AH K.NT

A N T U m . N. H.


"S-D The Greai RanesSy fas* RheumaiSsms, Lumbsigo^ Sciatica, C'Ouif, NQus^silsSa,' La Grippe, SZiisl:icyTs'ouhie

It i s n rrepamtion fir both int-rr-.s! nni-.-r-.tr-cal UHO that Kive« q-uir'., rtll.'; Io t,'ie mfi'nr.'r.

Apolitd KtenuHr, It ntjci £11 acl.ts iwd IUIAS. T.i'-ira Internally, il C. :.:.•=;! ti,,; ;..,;.<or,.iu] r u h s n n c o aTid a^sii-lfl r.-. l irc in ri?«tO'inr tho system to a hcclthy- ojr,d.u,-ii. Slid by Qrun<3ti>>

One TVll,-\rTvirK.tiI... or f.—.X. prcpiiidupoTir>. ceipt of price ir not oi.tF.in.-.,t.;c in your Ijci.iily,

SWftWttW RHEUmnC CtJSE C3M?A!irr us Like C!.-»', . . eWcaoB

SWANSOI^'S P8LLS Best XentaOp for e«ns-t)patien, SIctc r-ioadacha. Sour Sisnuich. Belchinz atxi IJvorTroubIci>. 25cFerSc»ot I>rug8 ' i - t?

SKIN SOilES Easily and Quickly l-So&in:^

Tl>f.-«,> -r.',' r\.r,i-r l'l-. Ml U . m i l , i. -1, i^oi c r I,thu.- ,\.-,

ori-i-f,-.-.. ;, r,,, ,-i;i» r.i l,.r 1 ,, •: , • ; * i - " - i ' ',-.-,• . o t t i i j , , , , " , : . i , . 1 c t n t;,r.if «,,( rid of It Iiy a *inir,i; .iriu !:•.

|Oxponslro pn . . nmllon knrT-. ,> MthcFlvo-Dnip Salve. It Is n c/.reti.!Iy <or-.

poxiniliKl o d i t . sn^nt ti.-it t.ir flf-ti-i n yiiiir r. haa prov(»n i*. rii'npin

. — - - T :»• a seothine, hesJ-Ing remedv for eczema, ctmrlcs, runaino; It i>i-es, Wouiuli, bums, »alt rheum, rlng-wortn, pilsii •ml acne. A Unglo »rplleniion will nmikllr e.^.t tmmodlato relief. Tb-. burnine. IrritatlnB lnfl«m. mftllou qulekly re'el les (in.l i lo r. irn .1,; ami dti«,-\r,|.ear.

Thie Five-Drop Salve Is now put <ip la 2S and 50 cent peckaKcs and ndd e x nenrly idl drus^l'ts . If It l« not nrii.ilnnl.le In your l<K:allt» yon enn order <l,reel Irc,ni ,sw;.,)*on R, O. Oo. i,r, L,ikn ,SL, Chlesffo. 111., nnd 11»in l>e ih,nt r irt. rmi-l nt-'m nvelpt nf prleA, Tr. ir, -l ox.-.'ll-^Lt n'metiy f.ir .-H r.->ri]Iotu} .itroct.:oc&, cru iLvil airii* and acalp bnowra.

' • / -


Departure & Arriyal of Mails POST O F F I C E , A N T K I M , N . H .

Iu effect Fehruary 10,191» UKPABTt 'RE

A.M. 7.19. All points south of Elmwood,

including Southern and "Western states.

7.19. All points Xorth; Mass., Soutb­ern and "Western states, Benning­ton, Peterboro.and north of E lm­wood via. Hillsboro.

11 24. Hill,slioro; Mass,, Southern and Weatfirn states, via. Manchester and Henniker R. P.O.. all points north of Manchester,

p .M. 2..5". All points south of Elmwood.

including Southern and Western s ta tes .

S..53, Hillsboro. all points nortb of Coucordj Mass., Sauthern and Western states.

8.,5.3, Bennington, all points north of Elmwood: Mass., Southern and Western states.


8.19, 10.57. 11.34 4.23." 7.02

Leander Patterson. Postmaster.


1 cent a Sheet

We have a l ini i ted a m o u n t of Carbon Pape r , size 8^ by 11 in,, color Viole t , which we will sell for a SHOUT t ime only a t

1 cent a Sheet



COPYRiaHTS A c . Anyone nendlnir a aketeh and deierlptlon may

QQlcklf oseertaln our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patetitable. Comnianlca. liens strictly eonf "*• -" -•ent free. 01 diet ticns strictly eonfidential. HANDBOOK on Patents lent free. Oldiet agency for tecunng oatepu.

Psteiita taken tnrnaeb Munn & Co. recelrt ipeeial iiotice.

ency for securing c - ...rnuRb Munn & C tthont charge. In the

Scientific JIntericam A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. Ijuvest dr.. cnlatlon of any selentlBs loumal. Terns, t3 a year; four montha, ^L Sold byall newsdealera.

MUNN &Co."'B«»*«'-New York Branch Offloe. KS F St, Washington, D. C.

No Need To Stop Work

When tha doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you say. You kuow you are weak, run down and failio^ iu health every day, but you must work as long as vou can stand. What vou need is Fllcctric Bitters to give tone, strength atd vig­or to your syptetn, to prevept break­down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailincr when Elertric Bitters will hentfii you frnm the first dose. Thousands hlcsn them for tiieir glorious health and strength. Try them Kvrry hoiile is gusrantepd to satisfy. Only .')0c at adv. Antrira Pharmacv.

Mothers Can Safely Buy

Dr, King's New Discovery and give it to the Iitlle onci whon ailing and suffering with told,s. coughs, throat or lung troubled, tastes nice, harmless, once used, always used, Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Niagra, Mo. , wriKsi " D r King's New Discovery changed our boy from a pale weak siok hoy to the picture of health." Always helps. Buy it at adv. Antrtm Pharmacy.

wear Hub RubbBPS Next Winter

Annual Warrants OF T I I E

Town, Scliool, Precinct

Town Warrant

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Ilall, in said Town, on the E L E V E N T H DAY OF M A R C H , \9\}, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to act on the following sub­jects :—

i—To choose all necessary Town Officers, Agents and Trus­tees for the ensuing year.

2—To hear the report of the Auditors on the Treasurer's ac­counts and act thereon.

3-r-To see how much money the Town will appropriate for the "James A. Tuttle Library."

4—To see if the Town will appropriate $50 to assist Ephraim Weston Post, No, 87, G, A. R., in properly observ­ing Memorial- Day.

3—To see if the Town will vote to raise a sum of inoney to pay for street lighting as per. contract with Goodell Company, or take any other action thereon.

6—To see if the Town will vote to e.xtend the electric li.ghts from tlie last light on the Hancock road in Clinton Village, to the corner of the roads by B. F. Tenney's house, thence to the last light on West Street, and ap­propriate a sum of money therefor.

7—To see if the 'J'own will put one light at end of Walhice Street noar residence of J. Fluri, and appropriate a sum of money therefor,

8—To see if the Town will vote to have the Invoice and Taxes printed for the ensuing year, with valuation of each lot of real estate printed separately, and appro­priate a j u m of money therefor, or take any other action thereon,

9—To see how niuch money the Town will vote to r.iise to repair roads and bridges for the ensuing year.

10—To see if the Town will vote to raise aud appropriate §100 to cut the bushes on the side of the main high­ways.

I I—To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the amount ot" money necessary to secure State aid for the permanent improvement of highways under the law passed at the January session, 1905.

12—To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the extermination of the Brown Tail .Moth, or take any action thereon,

13—To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the repair of the Town Hall as rec­ommended by the consulting engineer.

14—To see if the Town will vote to buy a Chemical Fire Engine, and appropriate money for same,

I^- -To see if the Town will vote to provide suitable ii.nising for Chemical Fire Engine, and appropriate inoney for same,

16—To see if the Town will vote to buy a Fire .\larni System and appropriate money for the same,

17—To see .if tiic Town will vote to buy a Seal for the use of the Town CU-rk. or take any other a.tioii therecin,

IS—To sec ;f thc 'i'own wiil vott- to p.iy t!ic Clinton ,v South \'illagc Water Co, land daiiinge .is rcconimcncicd in the referees' rejiort, or take any other action tiiere.m,

19—'I'o sec i;' tiie Town will \iite tn r.iise .ind ,-i;';-r.i; ri,-itr a SUI11 rr! iiMncy to wnicn an.i r.iise tiie ronl n tiic sw.inii' :•,!•.ir tiic Kiiicry pla. e so-i .liied, on ti •. Kf(i-,e road, or t,ikc ."iny otlier action thereon,

20—To --It- it tiie T'lur, u:ii \ . i tr tn :-..i\e .-n- H;.;i,-.. \- !i-^-tr',1 t ,"ini; one Ko,i('. , \prnt i'o: tl.i' i'r,tirc Tou:-.. i: L.'ne any otiier action tiicreon.

21—To sei- ;i' th.e Town will votr to ,11 i cpt ,\ ,_:;'i o' .'?2(iO. given to tiic t(i«n in trust by Cicot^.:!' I,. Hrr; . k. I.ile of Rcnniiigtoii. tlie ini ome to he used in tin- ,Tri of the Ceincter\- lot in .'\ntriiii in which, his fir^t uife and son .ire buried,

22—To sec how much money the Town wili raise to pay Town charges the year ensuing, or take any other action thcroon.

2.^—'l"o see if the Town will vote to raise thc sum of $125 for the maintenance of the State Highway in town.

24—To see if thc Town will vote a certain per cent, on the valuation to defray Town charges, pay existing debts, and cover all appropriations made by the Town and

Containing Matters of Much Interest and Considerable importance to the People of the Town for their Consideration at the Annu-al Meetings.

School District, and carry the above articles into ef­fect, or leave it with the Selectmen to fix the rate ac­cording to the appropriations.

Given unde r our hands in said A n t r i m , this 21st day of February , 1913.


Se lec tmen of A n t r i m .

School Warrant

You are hereby notified to meet in the Town Hall, in said District, on the T E N ' I / H DAV OF MARCH, 1913, at two o'clock in the afternoon, to act on the following subjects:—

I—To choose a Moderator fur the ensuing year,

2—To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year.

3—To choose a Treasurer for tite ensuing year.

4—To choose a Member of the School Board for one year.

^—To choose a Member of the School Board for three years.

<•>—To hear tlie report^s of Auditors. Agents, Committees, or Oflicers iieretofore chosen, and pass any vote relat­ing thereto,

7—To see what compensation the District will fix for services of School Board, Truant Ofiicer and other District Officers,

8—To see how n i u ( " money the District will vote to raise and appropriate for the support of Schools addi­tional to Statutory reijuirements,

9—To see how much money the District will vote to raise and ajipropriate for repairs on School buildings.

ID—To choose all other necessary Ofticers, Agents, etc,, for the ensuing year,

(ii^en under our ;i,intls in said .'\ntriin this 20th day of F"ebruary, 191.",

MRS, C H A R L O T T E C H A R V E Y . E D M U N D M. L A N E . G E O R G E E. H A S T I N G S .

School Board of A n t r i m .

Precinct Meeting

You are hereby notified to meet in Eng ine Hotise Ha l l , in said Prec inc t , on the T W E L F T H D A Y O F M A R C H , 1913, at 7.30 o'clock in the af te rnoon, to act on the following s u b j e c t s : —

1—To choose a Modera tor for the year ensu ing .

•2—To choose nil nece.ssary Oiiicers and Agen t s , for the year onsuint ' .

3—To hear tlie report of tlio .Auditors on the account of the Treasurer , and act tliereon.

4—To hear the repor ts of tlie Commiss ioners . Fi re Wards , and .'Xitorts. and act thereon ,

.')—To see what suni tho Precinct will vote to pay the mouihers of the Fire Dejiartnicii t for the i r ser­vices for the year eiisuint:. and a i ip ropr ia te a sum of money therefor .

ll—To sec how niucli money the Prec inct will vote to rai.=e to defray expen.=cs and pay exis t inj ; debts the year ensuing,

T—To see if the Prec inc t will vote to pn t in a sewer through the s t ree t s to the Contoocook river, ac­cording to plans of Dudley and Sawyer , and ap­propr ia te a suin of money for t h e same, or t ake any other act ion thereon .

S—To act upon any o the r business t l iat may legally come before said mee t ing .

( l iven under our hands in said A n t r i m , this "20th day of February , 1013.


Commiss ioners ,

" I pe • «• rrawatauw^yt ^^a^am ^ ^ ^ mm www


•ubecription I'rice, $1.00 por year AdvertlHiuK Kates on Application


N*dc« ol Coo«nt, Lectures, Entertainments, etc. to which as »dmi»»ioB i«e i< charged, or hom which a leaee U derived, D>U>I be paid ior u advertisements by the line.

Cmrda ol Thinks are inserted at 50c. each. Resolutiena ol ordinary leoph 75c

at the Post-ofEce al Antfim, N. H,, as second-dasa matter. Lonf Dlitaaoe Telephooe

W E D N E S D A Y , F E B . 26 , 1913

Go To Cram's Store For Your


BLAMKETS! We have the Largest Line ev­

er shown in this section. Also a good line of


Or To Rent By Day Or Week

A Good Line of SLEIGHS

ot AU Kinds


Parlor Stoves, Kitchen Rtoves,

fe and Ranges

George W. Plnnt, ANTRIM, N. H.


islirg On Giils C i m i HILLSBORO. N. H.

The Satfsfactory Cash Store

7^— ^



i i ' '


E&ch day h« tella me ha has done Some splendid thlni; In splendid st7l*l

Bach day he tells ma ha has won From Fortune an ensa^ni; smile;

Each day he boasts about hi; gains, But. for some reason ho conceals.

Is humble quarters he remains And Iceeps all run down at the heels.

E&eh day he tells me ot high prais* That he has gloriously earned;

If what he s«i>'S Is true his days To sood account must all be turnedi

But frayed cufTs still mischievously Peep fr»m beneath his shiny sleeves.

And. for some reason, only he Recounts the triumphs he achieves.

Eneouraging a Goed Man. "Come in here and have lunch v i th

me," said one business man to anoth­er as they were walking in a down­town street yeaterday, shortly after the noon hour.

•'What? You don't eat la there, do you?"

"Yes, this is my favorite restaur­ant,"

"Well, by George, I'm surprised, I thought you were a man who would

i be more difficult to satisfy than that, 1 I took one meal there, and then de­

clared that I would never go into the I place again. The service was wretch-I ed; the things they gave nve to eat I were miserably prepared, and taking I it all together, it was about the worst

thing 1 ever had in lhe lunch line," "I grant that al! yo j havo said may

be tnip, yet there Is a vast good rea­son why the place ought to have our patronage,"

"What is it?" "Do you see the sign In front? It

Rays, 'Ladies' and Gentlemen's Res­taurant.' Ivook at the othor signs. They all read, 'Ladies' and Gents'. The man who runs this place ought to ho encouraeod even if his grub Is bici. '..:; • .

CU hang tliis on the wall

; ur Calendar for 1913

. I l , i.iiv it home, let your friends see ih« Iliiti^ liouifht at tbe same price else-, I quHl (/r better it please return it ttod liavi- Tiiirc'liHse price refunded. This putclrrtM" Irom Catalogue houses or

• UJ P.\i-{('KL POST charges and give A hat Mill liuy before purchasing. Our wurr.aiit u^ in taking a!l the risks. You '•»»iinn' a'lv of them.

ilK.'*' D K Y : G 0 0 D S E X C H A N G E , iCeene, N. H, • s I.MER'S 2.V STORE, Fitchburg, Mass.

E. A. PALMER, Prop'r

H. Or. P>U£^ISTrBO Prop, of Sillsboro XTaptlia and.

Cleansing W*orks I Will he in Antrim every ,M()ndav at Maplehurst Inn, and i solicits HII kind- Cleansing, Pressing, Altering, e tc . I on Liidics'and Mfii's Garments.

S p r i n g (Styles N o w o n Displa?^ I c j A' Kull Line of Spring Samples for Ladies' and Men's

Siiitp,j:» \\ill he on displav. !

Ladles Tailoring and Altering a Specialty !

An Upinion, "Do you b'^llovfi a poor man can

succeed in politic??" •'! harrtly Ihink I car,- to answer

your question. I wiil s.-iv, however, that It does not seem to be possible for a mnn Xn sucooed in politics and stay poor,"


ZLbe 1

Of a c c e p t i n g perponal ?ecurlt^

iijirui a b o n d , w h e n c o r p o r a t e s(,

c u r i t y is v a s t i y s u p e r i o r ? Th

pcr,^:(iiial s e c u r i t y m a y he fiiiaT

c i a l l y s t r o n g t o d a y and i n s o l v e n

ti>-niorrow ; or he m a y d i e . an

his e s t a t e b e i m m e d i a t e l y d i s t r i l

u t e d . 111 a n y e v e n t , r e c o v e r y i

d i l a t a r y a n d u n c e r t a i n .

The Araericxn .Surety Company t New York, capitalized at $'2,.500,60C is the strongest .Surety Compaoy i e.^ii>tence, and the only one whoe sole bnsines" is to furnish Suret; B^nds. Apply to

.H. W. ELDREDGE, Agent, Antrim.

Her Mistake, Owing to the fact that the car

lurched suddenly as he wa^ passing alon.e tho .lislo. P.ron?on was de­prived of his baiiinco, with tho result that in attomptinff to Favo himsolf from falling he clutchod one of tho shoulders of a handsome woman who had puocoodod in Betting a soat. More­over, he knocked her beautiful hat awry and with great difficulty avoided stopping on her toep. As ho suc-ceoded In recovering his eqi.llibrium the lady turnod toward him and sald^

"You ront'^mptiblo pup' I wish you to undorstand that 1 am not a lamp-post or a piece of furiiituro to be clung to for support. You ought to rido in a cattle train. You have no right to crowd In whoro you can toar olhor pooplo to pio<-<.s with your big, awkward hands, i'ou pitiful clown, you ought to be tlirown out Into the street. You are nc't fit to be allowed fo go where you ire Ilkoly to inter­fere with the com'fort of roflned peo­ple. You unmacaerly bumpkin, you doporve to bo—"

"Kxcuse me, mi.dam," Bn.ns<-n man­aged to say, '•ycu have made a ml*-lake,"

"A mlstako?" the lady demanded, her eyes flashln.? with wrath, "Whr^ do you moan?"

'1 aai NOT y mr hirshand."

= Winter Styles in Regal Shoes for Men and Women

Ci'me and see the display in our windows of a miniature Keg ril taciory lighted by electricity, and a large globe show-iii2 tht' many places where REGAL Shoes are sold.

We arn ,I1PO displaying over

$100.00 Worth of Hides The kiiia KK(;/M, Shoes are made from.

Russia Calf Russia Grain Call King Calf Patent Colt

Black Vici and Willow Calf

Come and visit this display and be fitted to a pair of RE­GAL Shoes. Every pair Guaranteed. Qnarter sizes.

Brown's Shoe Store, Hillsboro

T^^^»r Ptt^maXmmm-S-

a» Local and Personal Mention w*

Custom Sawing!

We sball be pleased to stw loms, shingles, and plane and match aacb limber as you have; dimension lum­ber if deaired.

THAYER'S MILL, Gregg Lake Road,

Antrim, N. U.

Green Wood For Sale

Mrs. H. W Eldredge was in Hills­boro on Monday of this week.

Early Cut Hay—20 toos Eoglieb ior eale, Geo A. Cochran. adv.

Hiss Editb B, Hunt was at ber faome bere from Springvale, Me., (or over Sunday.

Jacob Stutz of Boston, formerly of tbis place, was calling oa friends here Saturday last.

Miss Edith Nay has been spending a few days with ber parents, Charles fit her home io thif. place F . Nay and wife.

I bave a large amount of green hardwood in all sizes, 4 ft., 85 cord ; sawed for stove, S6 cord ; «wed and split, 86..50. Tfrms C. 0 . D . Tel. 19-11 H . W . ELLIOTT

Mrs. George W. Hunt wka in ^lanchesttr on Mouday of tbie week.

Fred Ellsworth, fnm Worcester, Mass,, was calling on friends io town Saturday.

Paul F. Paige spent Saturday and Sunday witb bis parents. Col E, C. Pnige and wife.

Mr. Oxtoo joined his wife here for a week end visit, reluroicg to Wai thsm. Mass., Sunday.

Mias Ethel Muzzey enjoyed tbe Wasbiagton's Birthday and Sumiay

LOST—Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, on Saturday. Retura to Paul B . Colby, Antrim. adv.

Mrs J. L. Larrabee is entertain-i n g her uncle, Jobn Parker of Phil-ladflphia. Pa . , for a seasoa.

Miss Aanie Graham nf Roxbury. Mass., is making ber annual visit at tbe Bats farm, at Antrim Centre.

Tbe Aotrim Hish play tbe Coo •cnrd Bi|>h aehool at basket hail io the towo hall next Saturday eveuing, March 1.

Wallace Cooley bas been coofioed td his home oo Concord stieet tbe pMC week by illness; is somewhat improved now.

Miss Hilda Swademark of Con^ cord, formerly an employe tit Good' -ell Company'." oflice, lius been a re­cent guest of Miis Susie Swett,

To LET—Two tenements on Pleas ant street; town wster Inquire of Howard Pearl, Autrim, N. H,

Clarence Elliott was st bis bome here a few days tbe patt week from Clark college, in Worcester, Mass.

Waverley Lodge. No. 59, I. O 0, F , conferred tbe third degree on ihiee brotbers Saturday eveoing last

Mr. and Mrs. Alford R, Huzzard are in Lincoln. Nebraska, this week on busiuess; tbey will make only a brief slay.

The Democrats will hold tbeir cau cus iu Selectmen's room oo Saturday, evening March 1. For further par-ticuars read posters

Tbe Cuddihy A, C defeated the Worcester A. C at basket bnll oo ,Salurday evening last, at tnwn hall, bj H score of 60 to 16.

Fo LET—To responsible parlies Our friend and townsman, Henry,'my house on North Main S t , An

K Swain, agam puts us uoder obliga tions to him by sending us a nice bunch of souvenir post cards, from Meridian, Miss

trim Address. Thomas Smiih, 12 F"ourth Ave, , Northampton, Mass.


j P'oK SALE—Two horse low steel i wheul Truok, witb extra wooden

Mrs, William Penn Howe is at the | wheels A two-horse low wooden Couant farm Sbe is tbe neice of P J , .McCarty, ex mayor of Providence. R, I , , ber native place, and is also -cousin to Artbur W Halslrick, whn,«e wife is a native of Philadelphia, and -whose folks are coming ou lo visit Bostoa and New Hampshire,

whtel Truck. One extra good two^ horse Lumber Wagr.n, Apply to C, W. Petty, Aurim. Telephone connection. adv,

Tbe Washington dinner at the Presbytsrian church on Saturday was a grand success in evary way and was attended by more thnn itm hundred people, Tbe chicken pie, cold meats, rolls, pnstry, ice cream, etc , were of

Liberal terms. Our stock is com- I the best, as was also the service, and plete aad fir,«t class in every respect { highl.v commented upon. The short ISdw is the time to start in for spring j enierlainment and the alter dinner booinesa. Address Desk .I. AI.LKN | speechts were enjoyed by all who re KuKSEKY Co . Rochester, N, Y, sdv i mnined.

Agents Wanted

Apply quick Secure territory

EAST ANTRIM Most of our people were obliged to

draw ice frum near Cork Bridge this year.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradshaw of Weare spent Weduesday of last week at bia fatfaei's.

George Nylaoder of Keene, was at tbe old homestead for a few days last week.

Mrs. Fred White of Tiltou is visit­ing ber son's family at Belleview farm.

Miss Ethel Day of Melrose Hish Inuds, M«38., spent tbe holiday witb the ferrya.

Don't forget the School District meetiog, March 10.

Warren Woods of Keene is outliog wood for Ed. Rokes

Ralph Whitney and Walter Free­man, of the lumber namp, spent Sun­day near Keene

B . F . Draper, at t'le same camp, spent Sunday at Greeufield.

Mr, Nylander returned from Bos­ton last week.

Only about four weeks more at this place for tbe lumber company operat­ing the lot formerly owned by tbe late James A. Tutlle,

Don't Get All Run Down

Weak and miserable. If you have kidoey or bladder trouble, headache, pains in the back, and feel tired all over and want a pleasant berb rem edy, try Mother Gray's Aromatic Leaf. As a tonic Uxitive it bas DO equal. All diuggists 50c. Ask to-day. Sample Free. Address, The Mother Gr»y Co., Leroy, N, Y adv

Library Notice!

The annual account of books of the James A. Tuttle Library will be taken Tuesday, March 4 On each book not returned by Ihat dxte a fioe of 15 cents wil! be cliariied. Bonks will be ready for circulation Satur­day, March 15

Per Order,


Surprise Your Friend

For four weeks reoular'y use Dr. King's New Life Pills, Tbey stimu­late tbe liver, improve disestion, re move blood impurities, pimples and truDtions disappear from your face and body and you ftel better. Begin at once Buy at adv, Antrim Pharmacy,

All Broken Lots of Shoes will be Closed Out at Greatly Reduced Prices.

Men's *.3..50 Leather lined Shoes to close at $2.79 4.00 Patent Leather Shoes *• 2.87 8.60 Dull Calf " " 2.98 .3..50(;un Metal " " 2.79

Boys" $2.00 Sohool " " 1.49 .3.00 High Cut Storm " " 2.49 .3.25 Bass 2.87

Youths'2.50 2.25 Misses' .$2.00 button, high cut storm " 1,49 Childs' 1.75 1.39

All other lines of High Cut Shoes at aharp reductions. All our Flannel Shirts marked Low to close out. One Edison Phonograph at about half price; a nice Machine

and a narf;ain. 100 4-minute Records at %>G each.


GOODWIN, The Shoeman Goodell Block, Antrim.

To Carpente rs and Masons!

All Carpenters antd Ma­sons desiring work on the new house to be erected on Goodell mountain , will please send tne their natne and address on a postal card.



Elode \M. Beds! W I N N I N G S F O R 1 9 1 3

Nashua, .'Vritriin, I'otf>rhorri. Milford and (Joncord. Shape and Color Specials at .Milford.

Stock and V.ns.?, f>.r S,ile in spa-son. Only a l imited numher of eggs for sale hoth from utility and fancy pens.

A R T H U R F. B E L L ,

Bennington, N. H.

Boys' Watches Free FOR SF.M.IXd 12 pieces of jewelery

at 25c each! when sold return t^ and we will dend prepaid a watch ((naranteed for 1 year. WARD NOVEI.TV Co., .SO Alaska street, Boston,

GENTLEMEN ! Owing to the lack of snow this winter we have left on our hands a,Large Stock of Lumberman's Rub­bers, which must be sold. W e have decided to make our

Spring Mark-Down Sale Now!.... So you may all benefit by it, if the snow should happen our way this ne.\t two months. The follow­ing list will not be duplicated again by us or any one around here, as the prices are very low.

Gents' 1-buckle Lumbermen's Rubbers were $2 00 now $ 1 . 7 5 2 " •• '• " 99R >k ] g o

2.'I 5 2 . 4 0 2 . 9 5 1 . 4 5 1 . 9 0 1 . 1 5

7oc value now 6 0 c

8 " leather top •• " 10 14 '• '•

1 •' t'vershoes 4 " •• heavy '

Alaska Storm Kubbers ' ' Men's Heavy Leggins *1 value now 8 0 c ,

2.25 2.45 2,70 8.20 1.80 2.60 1.85

Come Early ! tJale for a Few Days Only !

Everything in the Grocery line at Lowest Cash Prices.

GRANT & BOYD General Merchandise

3 Loaves of Bread for - CENTS-

Single Loaf for 10c

STOVE COAL I have ordered 2 cars of Stove Coal, one of which is expect­ed to arrive in a dav or two. and the other next week. I shall sell Coal at $ 8 . 5 0 a ton.

Leave Orders Now.

Antrim Home Bakery A. p. HAKANSSON, Proprie'r

PARCEL POST I Makes Buying From Our immense

Stock Very Easy

are so near you niorninc and CPt

pay all postagp

QUICK SERVICE-We that yoil can nrd^r comit; in the them at niL'ht.

FREE DELIVERY—We rharce.s.

N O R I S K —Veil ciiti send haok anytliiiii: that is not .«ati-ilar'iiry and >nur monoy will lie rpfiiiidpd

F O R S E L E C T ! O N - W e will ssend you spv-eral diiferent styles of any article for you to select frotn.

E v e r y t h i n g a L a d y W e a r s — c a n he or­dered from 11-- with a cfrrainty of sretting the vpry latest and Imst of its kind and at much li-s.s than city store prices.

information and Samples—Write to us and we wili c|iiiitp prices or send samjdes.

C a t a l o g u e -The New JJprine Catalogue is ready. Write fnr if. It will show the new things in Suits, Coats. Waists. Dresses, etc.

These are a few reasons why it will pay you to order goods from us. anyfhing from a paper of pins to a kitchen range delivered free. Get the. habit of sending large or smalf orders to us, it will receive our most careful attention. Come fo our store as often as possible; it will save you money each time.

Dep't Store, Milford, N. H.

»1 p i • I • r ^ « ; « i « w f i ^ p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i w ^^u^^^wwirwreae^i^eia^ W^m^tK^w^m ,.';w';^.«-ar,;-;!*i^ai»faS!6^SM«ta Wt^ ^Mn !•!

CASTORIA S 'fV^J^C'JsSSX ''*,^^;

T h e K i n d Y o u H a v e A l ' w a y s B o u g h t , a n d w h i c h h a s b e e n i n u s e f o r o v e r 3 0 y e a r s , h a s b o m e t h e s i g m a t u r e o f

a n d h a s b e e n m a d e u n d o r h i s p c r -T^7*^^1A. s o n a l s u p e r v i s i o n s i n c o i t s i n f a n c y * /•Circc^^dxa A l l o w u o o n o t o d e c e i v e y o u i n t h i s *

A l l C o u n t e r f e i t s , I m i t a t i o n s a n d " J u s t - a s - g o o d " a r e bofe £ x p e r i n i c n t s t b a t t r i f l e w i t h a u d e n d a n g r e r t h e h e a l t h o f I n p u t s a n d C h i l d r e u — E x p e r i e n c e a g a i n s t E x p e r i m e n t *

What is CASTORIA C a s t o r i a i s a h a r m l e s s s u b s t i t u t e f o r C a s t o r O i l , P a r e * g o r i c . D r o p s a n d S o o t h i n g S y r u p s . I t i s P l e a s a n t . I t c o n t a i n s n e i t h e r O p i u m , M o r p h i n e n o r o t h e r N a r c o t i o s u b s t a n c e . I t s a g e i s i t s g u a r a n t e e . I t d e s t r o y s "Worms a n d a l l a y s F e v e r i s h n e s s . I t c u r e s D i a r r h c e a a n d W i n d C o l i c . I t r e l i e v e s T e e t h i n g T r o u b l e s , c u r e s C o u s t i p a t i o n a n d F l a t u l e n c y . I t a s s i m i l a t e s t h e F o o d , r e g u l a t e s t h e S t o m a c h a n d B o ' w e l s , g i v i n g h e a l t h y a u d n a t u r a l s l e e p * T h e C h i l d r e n ' s P a n a c e a — T h e M o t h e r ' s F r i e n d .

CENUINE C A S T O R I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature

The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.


•11 won't De lor Jong," said ne r nus-band. "If our great new advert is ing scheme goes through •we'll flood the country with notices of our new pat­ent. Everybody will r e a d them,. It 's my own idea. Can't s top to tell you now. Good-by," And, with a hurr ied final kiss, he was through the door and has tening toward the stat ion,

Mary sighed a l i t t le—then smiled She and John bad been marr ied only six months and they were very fond of each other.

She put away the breakfast th ings ; then, still Bmlltng a t the thought of her husband 's haste , she went Into t he Ut­tle room in which he worked a t nights upon the new advert is ing plan. A piece of paper lay In one corner ; it had evidently fluttered out of his desk and fallen there, unnoticed. She picked it np and, glancing a t it, felt he r hea r t throb painfully. She could hardly read the worda t h a t danced before her eyes.

It was a love let ter , and it began : "My dearest , sweetest Jack ," It was typewrit ten—evidently tha t the writer might remain immune agains t discov­ery.

Wors t of all, it was headed 2247 An­dover s t reet—her husband 's business aiddress.

Mary Benton had the quick temper which accompanies many lovable na­tures . She flung the le t ter into a cor­ne r and packed her bag. She -WSLS de­te rmined to go home to her mother. Then a t last she composed herself, dabbed some cologne upon her eyes, put the let ter in her bag and s tar ted down town. She would be very quiet and very calm and give the woman no occasion to tr iumph over her. She

?S^E^,^Si?M5f? Qpniziog Beneficial

vS. McClintock

LiceiisE4_ EiBlialier, Funeral Director PcMvxoiiai attention givt n in

all fiiscs. WiM'k (iuariintccd IIILf.SBOkO, X, II..

Cor. Central A: Myi-tlu Sti'irts I ' e l ep l iMi ie 7)7)-'.I

Are You

A Sufferer y

From Rhumatism. Kidney or Liver Troubles.

[ConcUnU'i! from piijie ODC]

If so , w r i t e tVir i n f o r m a t i o n iiinl

t e s t i m M - i i a l * . iV'TJiaps t l i i r o is u

b e l p for y o n .

Harry A. Knight, Benniiiiiton, N. H.

wear Hub Rubbers IMpxt W : - i I o r


pas , ' ia.-it y e a r ' s f a i r in t h e v n i i e t y

a n d PxtiMit f'f e.Nliihit!!. I t w a ?

sa id la>r >e:-ir t h a t if tii,= I ' a i i ne r s

liad k n o w n hi-fore p l a n t i n t r l i m e .

t l i a t t h e F a i r vvas tti b e ht- ld, t h e y

w o u l d h a v e p l a n n e d for i t . N o

Sliell e.Ncuse I'an be otl't-rt-d t l i i s

V'-ar. as p l a i i t i n j : l i m e is a l e w

i imi i th? h e n c e .

' I l l ArL 'or D a y . l i f ly t r e e s a t

•>^ast s h o u h l lie \)!:W]ted, T h i s

mea i i» w o r k , b u t if t i i f oh l a d -

a z e . " . M a n y h a n d s m a k e l i ^ h t

v\(irk."" is p u t i n t o p r a c t i c a : u s e .

t h e w o r k wi l l be i j l e a . su rab l e iii-

s t ea i l cjf lulrd.eI)s<)nl'.^ a n d w i l l

e>.M-taiii!y be a p p r e o i ' i t e d by t h e

few w i i o d i d t h e w o r k i a s t y e a r -

Ti ie y o u t h of t h e t o w n s h o u l d h e

e d u c a t e d in t r e e j i la i i t i i i i r .

It is t o b e h o p e d t i n t t ! i e

w(]iiieii of t h e t o w n wil l j >iii t h e

i^iiiai'd of T r a d e , a n d i n t e r e s t

t l i e i n s e i v e s in t h e w o r k f>f t l i e

' (•r i . 'aniz 'at ion for i t s be t t e r i iu - i i t .

Woi i i e i i m a y j o i n a t an \ - t i m e ,

t h e fOfiiier t l ie l i e t t e r , by ; i : i«sin2

i l i " T n a m e s tn Fri d ( ' . I',ii-;n(-ii.

t e r or a n y ollirt-r of t h e H.u.rd of

Trai l l - \ :r h iln- m " m ;,• r - l , ; ; I,','.

Fi',.\NK K. H.\.-s. I'rt s;,;i,,,t.

CASTORIA F o r I n f a n t s l u d Chi ldren.

Hie Kind You Have Aiways Bought S i g n a t u r e of Cdlut/^Tf/'&tc^^ki

Ti i e J i e v i o r t e r o n e v e a r $l,()i)

Rich.irdsDp. ,\"\l',i:. Go's l-.irm MachiiKTv.

Worcester Buckcxe ,\\(nvers. Rakes, etc.

Kemp .Wanure SpreuJers.— always the best.


A n t r i m . . \ . I I .



W e a r Hub Rubbers N e x t Win te r

John Monson ro.sr. hurrirdl.v from tfip breakfas t t,ibip and plunK'-d for his hr>t: thfn ho plnneof) for his uifo •'(KKKMJV, doaropt." he said, rlaspinp hi-r .-IS tightly a.'; he roulrl. rnnpirinring. that lio was holding ,i dr-rhy and a bap full of office papers, "l must catch tha t 8:27/ '

•c;<>odby, John," satd Mary Ilnnton kts<!inK him fondly, "\ do wish yoii didn't havp to hurry away to that old ofUce." she addpd ootitlnr I

She Was Determined to Go Home to Her Mother.

would request a few moments of John ' s t ime, would walk in, lay down the let' ter, ask hini if he had anything to say, and then go home.

It was nearly eleven o'clock before the alow-moving car reached Andover s t reet . She might have taken the train. Rut she wanted to spin out the journey as long as possible.

She got down from the car and en­tered the dreary office building, high up on the seventh fioor of which John had his business quar ters . She had never been there since their mar­riage. She knew tha t he had a book­keeper, a s tenographer and an office boy. When sho went in she saw the same office boy and bookkeeper; but there was a new stenographer .

"Why, .Mary!" John was a t the door, looking at her with a puzzled expres­sion. He was holding her hands . "Maryl What Is wrong, dea r?"

She could not help her tears . "Send that—womr.n away," she said In-a fal. t e r ins voico, and the s tonosrapher withdrew softly, smiling a little. She had sof-n men's wives go to their hus-liancis' oiTires bofore. Mary Benton entered, put down hor bag and. stand­ing liko a recording angel, r,ung down tlio I'-'ttor silontly, ,lohn Henton read it and ,= ii(;d('niy began to lauph iirroar-i n i i f l y .

•J ' ihn, ui'.n; do you mean? Can you orr-r a:-i> . xousr at all? What is i t?"

,Ic!,:, !,.r,ton ro,-i.l soleninly: • ,My doarest. suoe tes t Jack — When

aro yon going tn take me out to din-f,ir ;,gal:,, as you did on tin- T.^xii. s\>,or,;)ii^art" I miss you e\-ery hour of tho cl:i\ n-,oro than I miss HairofT, the now patent scissors for cutt ing your own hair When I see my brother ' s liairon' i think of your own dark, lus­t rous locks. 1—"

"Oh. r ^ha^ ' " ' said John, thro-.ving the Iottor dn',vn. "Th.-il's a ininieo-Kraj)iieti"cirrular, Mary; we're flooding thn country with them, Kverybody will read them and want a pair. Look at those stacks of let ters up there , dearest—they're all the same let ter , all those thousands of them. And you thoiight—yoii really thought—"

Hut .Mary was past thinking now; she was in his arms, and her t e a r s •R-ere those of relief, happiness and hu­miliation,

(CoDvrlght, U12. by 'W, O, Ch&ptnui.)

W e a r K a b - M a r k R u b b e r s T h i s W i n t e r

" S t e u i d a r d first q u a l i t y " m e a n s t l i a l a f t e r 6 0 y e a r s of c : ; p ; " r i e n c e i t is t h a S t a n d a r d e s t a b l i s h e d b y xit f o r first q a a l i l y t i n d e v e r y r u b b e r i s b r a n d e d w i t h t h e " H u b - i ^ 2 a r k . "

Hub-Mark Rubbers are constructed ar.d the compound pat -i":: ether to give the b*r.t possible service under all ccr.ditior.s :,:',d still be sold at a^uice thnt will pennil everyone to wear them and get tho maximum return for his money. They cost no more than any first-class rubber. Tk*y them. Hub-Mark Rubbers are made in all styles and for all purposes.

The Hub-Mark is your Value-Mark. // your dealer canno} supply you, 'write us.




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'^'^ ^ - n m W Q'JALITY.

i ?* • I 'or mai'V yeniT- 1 \v;i;,, ;:,,; , V ' ' • ' • p f '•'•'' ?••> !''•'•'• ''• , ' ' i i " ' : ; . ^ • ,

i i , \ t ):xn I fo::iic! (•;::, 1; re::, ': r,' 1 , : i::x th:>o n::;:!, 'v. :. U.,:'.,ii;,a ,

^ rvally vvoniifrlul ii 5 ^ B:5 ^-^ K =','' 'f^ ' •.• •

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M O N A D N O C K Seeds, Plants & Shrubs.

Wear Hub Rubbers, N e x t w i n t e r

Reliable Vcceiablr and Unwer S c f d s Ornamenia Vine*, ShruSvan.l Tree* fot the lawn, Curranu,, Rasp Ilerries, Slr,iwb<rrie«, Orajic*, A'paraj;"* Root*, Bed 'line and (;reenh,iti*e Plantv, and in lact, nearly cverjr hine in the .fay ol Shrub*, Plant, and Seed* (nr th. garden

ap- Send lor a CataloRMe, Free lor a ro*taI, ^ « We are always KI""! <O answer enquiries. Send tts i

Ut ol what you need lor Spring planting and we w lladly quote prices.

Choice Cut Flowers and Floral D««igns are also : Specialty,

L. P. BUTLER i CO., KEENE, N. H. Monadnock Greenhouses.

S( U N D t R


WARRANTED FOR ALL T ' V E . )fy.:: , •:: , ] • ; , . , • l l ' , - N I ' , W l l C ' M I ' : N " i ; ' ;i

^ . ^ ^ , • l , • , ; , • : , - - , ! ! , t I ' . , ' | i ! ; , ' . ' . \ , ' i . | , . , ,v . . , 1 , ' , '• . , 1

tint l',,'iv( nn f nil !> ss cl i: i in of npnirv ,

^ • _ : ; z ; _ ^ - j o ; Quality >^ ' I I .•'^*/ - [ ^^ Considered


tn thc end

t, '5Sv,i^S^- ^ to b'siy '

I f y i ',1 w,-!.: n >•'•••.:

;; ), ;, .'V'nt,,;!!!;:!! I-•: Tr,,;r'lil'.'. wr;'.,' for ,.'f >'. . puv . ; , - , ,

THE '^K; urnin Sev^nr Wriciiiis'Cc, Crsc--. v,;ss.

Wea r Hub Rubbers Next Winter


I ' * -

• & i

Uitj^ State^and Cotinty News ^ ^ | ! ^ - - -ri

Items of Interest Culled From Here and There




•New Hampshire Gets Share of

Agricultural Appropriations Runaway Cars at

Frankl in Falls.

New Hampshire Gets a Share. C o n c o r d , . \ . H.—.New H a m p s l i i r e la

Ke iiig a '-'ory comror ta . ; i ; e a l l o w a n c e in I l ie d i s t r i b u t i o n of t l ie approp i r la -t ic i iS , T h e a g r i c u l t u r e ' a p p r o p n a t i o u bii l re | )or tc 'd P r i d a y by i h o sMiatG • toiu .Ti i i tee , of w h i c h .Sena to r n i i r r . h a m i s c l i a i r m a n , a l l o w s ?2ii<i.i>fl0 l o r i i re p r i , ( C t i o n u n d t i r t h e Wofjk's l a w .

Al, a p p r o p r i a t i o n o r s:;o,(»ii is m a d e for t h c e x p e r i m e n t s t a t i o n a t N e w ll i . : i ' , ; .s l i i r r S l a l c c o l l e ^ p , o.\cIiisiv,'. ol t h ' 1 . i s t o i i . a ry a n i o n n t ror i h o c c l t e s e .

' i lir; bill a l s o c o n t a i n s an a m e n d -nv. i\x by S e n a t o r Ga l i in . ?c r t o laci l l -t a i ' t h e ,'iociniiiirion of l a n d s u n d e r t h . ' n ' f c ' a v l a w .

Ti io imh l i c b i i i ld ins : !)ill n s r<?'!crt-ftd I " l iu ' M'!:,",i,' iii(i ' ,u!od t h r a ; ipro-pr i - i ' ,"n o,'' ?7,',,n'!, ^nri 5(;,",liftii rc-s p ' c r i ' , o I y f o r t h o e r e c t i o n of f e d e r a l l)i:i!<iings in l^aeani.-i ar .d B e r l i n ,

i Wound on Head and Wr is t—Found by 17-year-i>ld Gir l .

N o t a H a i r L i f t e r . Fi -ankl i i i l ' 'al!£.---Ho:np or t h e Bos­

t o n |,.;;).-i's h a d a h a i r l i f i i n s s t o r y ol a ,'• i':i;^' of r u n a w a y freif;lii c a r s on tho. K r a n k l i n 8c T i l t o n b r a n c h a n d

• t lK ' i r n a r r o w e s c a p e f rom mer t i n u a n e.v; i( ,-;a. . r a i n on a hea,vy ,?rac|n. Sim­o n it .d d o w n i t s e e m s t h a t t h e locomo-tiv.- h a d b r r n d e t a c h e d f rom four or five (ru'.s a t t h e p u l p m i l l s a b o v e F r a n l i i i n F a l l s s t a t i o n a n d t h e y w e r e t o l)t.' i i l i nwed t o n i i i on t o a s i d e t r a c k by i h e i r o w n m o m e n t u m . F o r eorno r e a s o n t h e b r a k e s fa i led t o w o r k p r o p e r l y a n d t h o c r e w h a d s o m e difS-c i i l ry in stopi-in. i ; t h e c a r s w h i c h r a n np, 'irly t o F r a n k l i n J u n c t i o n , T h e a.?cnl a t X o r t h B o s c a w e n w a s not l -tir-d ,qnd w a s p r e p a r e d t o p r o t e c t t h e e v p r f f s if il hail •.:fnn n('cc';--Kary. it IK '^ir-i ' r-ff! th.-.| thr. tr.-i-., c r e w " hn'.-r-tii 'Iopp I h i s recc- iv rd s u c h i n f o r m a t i o n ro;. ' i ! ' f i i : i j . t h e r u l e s relat i i i i , ' to liiiiid-l i n s e,-.rs w i t h o u t a n en , : i ; i . ' i i ia i a ri:-,-,i;.ir o c c u r r e n c e is no t l i ab l e t o h a p . P ' n 10 t h e m a-.-ain.

j B i ip ing , N, H . — S o m e m y s t e r y i s a t -I t a c b e d t o t h e d e a t h of A r i h u r E. W i h j m o t of S m i i h t o w n , w h o s e b o d y , w i t b I l h e t h i o a t s l a s h e d , w a s found atK>ut j t w o m i l e s f rom Kppi i ig v i l l a : ;e . U ' s i d e ' t h o m a i n h i g h w a y f r o m t h i s t o w u to

.Nev, tieUls. W i l m o t , w h o w a s 30 y e a r s old , h a d

b e e n e m p l o y e d a s a s h o . ' n i a k o r a n d b a d b e e n luvay f rom h o m e r e c i i U y ( d o n t i f l c a t i o n w a s m a d e s e v e r a l h o u r s a f t e r t h e fiiidins; ol l l io b o d y by w ^ a n s Df t a t t o o m a r k s o n t h e r i s h t a r m ,

^^llrdr.'r is s n s p e e i e d by n . W Kno-.vi ion, a s s i s t a n t i l i s t r i o i m e d i c a l r e f e r e e , a n d t h i s t h e o r y Is a l s o a e l d by C o u n t y S o l i e i i o r FL. I., ( I '^pt i i l .

T h o v i e t l m ' s d e a t h v,.;.s , a„= .ca by Ih ' ' c u t in h i s t h r o a t , ac<ordin,:. ' lo l i ie iiifldical r e f e r e e , a l t h o u s h t h e r e wa,«

' i l s o a w o u n d on t h e s k n l l a n d l h e if'ft w r i s t h a d b e e n c J t . .•\ s h o r t dIS' i u n c e I rom t h e l;o<!y a b';oo(i c o v e r e d l;i[>C'.' ol w i n d o w uk's*: w a s l o i n d a n d t h e a u l h o r i l i e s !;.^li..-ve t h a t t h i s m a y n a v e Jjeon i h e i n s i n i m c n i n s o d .

T h e body w a s d i s c o v e r e d by .Miss D o r a H e n d r y , iT-year -o ld d a u i z n t e r ot Mr, a n d , \ ! rs , \Vnl i i im H e n d r y or N'fewtu-ids, whil '^ s b e w a s d r i v - n : f rom I'ZpDiiie to ht-r h o m e . : ;hnr i ! l i ' n i n n e y a n d Ci ty M a r s h a l H ' l r l e y of P o r t s m o u t h a r e i n v e s t l s a t i n s : iho ; a s e .

V a l u a b l e H i s t o r i c a l R e c o r d s F o u n d . . ' P o r t s m o i u h , N , I I , — W h i l e s e a r c h -

iii.s for a n c id d o c n r a e n ! in nn old s to r -a.?e v a u l t in t h e P o n s i - . i o n t h c i l y hal l . ine d a y l a s t w e e k . C i t y C l e r k F r e d -' r i ck f'J, D r e w c a m e a c r o s s s o m e old r e c o r d s of a l m o s t p r i c e l e s s v a l u e , a n d vi'hich c a n n o t p r o b a b l y h e dupltcatP<l in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , .-^mong t h e m a r e c i t y r<'cord'', o i i t i n s f rom lK4.i, rax l i s t datiiipr f r o m 1 7 7 3 , - a n d se l ec t ­m e n ' s r e r c r d s r u n n i n ^ b a c k fo r a h u n ' i r e d y e a r s . T h e r e c o r d s h a v e b e e n . r a n s f e r r e d l o t h o res^ular v a u l t , I

07ft2^ "l^Jat more can we do to convince you that you posinvely

can find perfect health and relief froni your suffering by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound > All the world knows of the wonderful cures which have been made by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, yet some wo­men do not yet realize that all thai is claimed for it is true.

If suffering women could be made to believe that this grand old medicine will do all that is claimed for it, how quickly their suffering would end!

We have published in the newspapers of the United Str.tes more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub­lished in the interest of any other medicine for women ia the world —and every year we publish many new testim> mals, all genuine and true.

Read What These Women Say! one •nliat your remcdie.s have dono inv nie.-'—Mrs Kiioi).\ Wix-cj.\TE, Box U',)o, Bkiffton, Oliio.

S t o r a g e R e s e r v o i r for W e a r e . N'o, We.-^re, X, H ,—I t i.s e x p e c t e d

t h a i , e p r l y in i h e spr in i , ' w o r k will he b t s i i n on t h e e r e c t i o n of a n e w rian.i a r r o s s t h " P i f r a t n q n o ? a t .North W e a r e fo r t h e p i i r i io fo cl" r e i r i ik i i iuc t h e f l rw of fha t r i v e r wl i ich s i ipp l i e? r o w e r for ni.-iny m a n i i f a c t u r i i m |,;ir p o \ s In t!:e t o w n . T h e d a m will 'c aV'n^it m X ' f c c t in i e n c t h on t h e b o i ; ; . m a n d . '1 fee t hirrh. It wil l be rr, r,-.e' In i h i c l i n r . s s a t t h e b n t i o n i n n d flow a b o u t Z'i'i n c r e s t o a dop: l i of ^i\tf>en f e e t . W i t h t l i i s n c w ^•ei ' imc :i;isln a n d fhe pre-ir-nt r^s.-^rvoir v, liirli cov-er.= .nh.Tif i:,i'i a e r e - . if is ,.\r.(.^.,, r, ),.;; a r ' ^ r i l . ' i r flow of w a t e r c an '^r m.-iin-ta inted t h r o u i r h a n y ordinrl^^• si a-^m.

. Me.<<ican P a t r i o t s a t P h i l l i p s E x e t e r , ^:,^:eter, .V, 1! ,—Phil l i ; •= I'lvr-ter . ^ rad-

e m y h a s a r e p r e f c n t a t i v e nf t h e t w o o p p o s i n g fiic;i,')n,s in t h e c o u n t r y of

' . M w i c o , w h o a r e s t u d e n t s in t l io inst i ­t u t i o n . T h e y a r e .John G e o r s e G a r i t a ,

i a m e m b e r of t h e u p p e r m i d d l e c l a s s , : a n d P a u l i n o J o s e p h G o n z a l e z of t h e I l o w e r m i d d l e e l a s s . T h e l a t t e r is a I ! n e p h e w of t h c m e m l i e r of M a d e r o ' s ' , c a b i n e t of t h e s a m e n a m e . Gen . Diaz i is g o d f a t h e r to G a r i t a .

Bluffton, Ohio. — " I wish to thank yon for the good I derived from Lydia E. Rnlvlmin'.-; Vegeta­ble Compound soineiiine ago. I sulfered each month .sueh agf>ny that I could scarcely endure," ami after taking three bottles of Lvdia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Com-iv)und I was entirely cured.

"Then I had an attack of organic inflammation and took Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I am cured. I thank you for what your remedies have done for me and should anythhig bother me again, I .shall use it again, for I have great faith in your reme­dies. .You may use my testimo­nial and welcome. I tell every

For 30 years Lydia E . Plnkh.im'.s Vegetable Compouad has been the .standanl reniedvfoi- fe­male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try tbis fa­mous medicine made from roots and "herbs, it has restored so many sufferinffwomen to heal th. B i ^ ^ W r i t e to LYDU E.PINKHAM MEDICIXE CO. i ^ V (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, 3IASS., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence.

Pentwater, 3Iich.—"A year ago I -tvas very \\eak and the doctor said I had a serious disjihicement. I had backache and Iwaring do^m pains Sl) bad that I could n(>t sit in a chair or walk acro.is the floor and 1 was in severe pain ul! the time. I felt discouraged as I had taken everything I could think of and was no better, I began tak­ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta­ble Coni]xmnd and now I am strong and healthy."—Mrs. ALICE DAHLINO, K. F . D . XO. 2, Box 77, Pentwater, Mich.

• V A L E S H O W S I N C R E A S E ,

• • N e w H a v e n , C f — T h T e a r e • -^"V? s t^^d ' i i t s r e r i ' ^ r e r r r i at \n}o • rn i . . -> r s ;y , a c r e r d i n c : to fh'-' uni -• v - ' - i t y (•af.'\lo-'iie fe r K'''.^•f IM,'',. e i,,..- i . :su"d. T h i s is a slicthf In-• c-;•-',•• o v o r t h e rec i ' s r r^ ' r 'on nf • fh^' p r T i din':; .\ 'ear. T h o o l i i e - r s • e<" i ; i F t - ' ' r t ; o n ,nnd n d••:l;TW.= f^a-• t i nn r cL ' i s ' n r ed in •iic n.^w r n i a -• , lO'ii'-' n u m l i e r ',:'.". a n h i r r e . i s o • of I,") o v e r l a s t v e a r .

T h e i r S e c o n d A n n ' j a l , j C o n c o r d , N. H . — T h e s e c o n d an­

n u a l ni'^etin'-- a n d d i n n e r of t h e T e c h -I n o l o u y c lub of N't w H - m p s h i r e w a s I hold n t the. KaeK- i i o l e l . C o n c o r d , l''ii-I iay e v e n i n a w i t h u b c i t t if ty m e m U e r s I p r e s e n t , T l i e t r u e u r h n o l ( \ s y s p i r i t I r i rcMii led xix t h e n i ' ^ i t i i r . a n d t h e occa ­

s ion wa,-i o n e of m u c h i n t e r " S t ,

T l i e !'(•! 1 rJu ir.a; o t h e r s w e r e e l e c t e d i P r c h i d e u ! , , I a n u s L, .-^'Dbott of Man-,-!H',>iti ;•; vil e p r r s i d i n t , N o r w i n S. •i ' ' ;iu of , \ i a n c h e s i i r : s e c r e t a r y ' a n d ii'-i-.-suriT, \S'. I), I ) e \ o i r of M u n c h e s -ie r .

T h e Boys C a m e B a c k , . M a n c h e s t e r , . \ , H , — ' I ' h r e e b o y s w h o

hari e ? r a p e d f rom t h e S t a t e I n d u s t r i a l .•'chool al M,i ,nrb,esier s u r p r i s e d t h e s u p e r i n t e n d e n t uv v o l u n i a r i l y r c t u r n -liir tn t b a t i n s l i i u l i o n K r i d a y , O n e nt t h e m w e n t a w a y on t h e t>th of . \ o -.-••mlK r and no ir.-iee o; h i m eou id i>e fo^iiid. He .-iiated t i i a t h e h a d b e e n w e r k i n i ; in a I ; inib '-r c a m p !>ut p r e . . ' r r r ed i h e s c h o o l . T h e n t i i e r s had .leen a w a y ! u l a I'.ay o r t w o .

SHJO,!NG AT SOMERSWORTHi '- '""'°"p"p'^>°p«'°-"^^ Station.

W i l l i a m Mitchell Narrowly Escapes! Injury, !

Somi ' r s \< .o r th , ,\', H. - W i l l i a m Mi t - ! Chel l . a s h o p k e e p e r in S o m e r s w i i r t h . ! w a s "o r l i i i i . c in h i s s t o r e T h u r ? i l a > ; e v e n i n c ; w h e n h e h<^:ird s h o u t s iu iii,- I • t r^ '^ I H e o p e n e d i h e d o o r a n d looUed i o u t a n d h i s s i s t e r - i n - l a w w h o w a s in : t h e s t o r e s a w t w o m e n s l a n d i n c ; In i f r o n t of it w i t h r e v o l v e r s . S h o s c r e a m - | e d a n d M i t c h e l l d u c k e d j n s t In t i m e ' t o o s c n n e t w o s h o t s fired at h i m , Sev- ; e r a l o t h e r s h o t s w e r e fired, hu t ,Mit- i c h e l l wa.s no t h i t . A f t e r t h e f l r lna t h e ; ine tS '" ran h u t o f t i c e r s ra i i t sht o n e of ' t h e m w h o p r o v e d t o bo P e i o r P a n t n i a ; k o s w h o h a d a q u a r r e l w i t h M i t c h e l l : • b o u t a m o n t h nsro o v e r t h e s i s t e r l n -to'w, a n d t h i s is s u p p o s e d to h e t h e c a u s e of t h e a l l e m i u a t m u r d e r , Pan-t a l a -kos h a s & po l i ce c o u r t r e c o r d Thc^ o t h e r m a n , w h o l» u n k n o w n , e * c s p e d .

L i t t l o f o u . .v. 11 -Hf^pr r ' s en fa t ives of till- H o s t o n .<- .Maine wr-ro in l - i l l l n ton List w r e k w h e r n t h n y m e t p ' ^p res fn tn -t i v e s of t h e h u s i n r s s m e n a n d d i s c u s s ­ed t h e m a t t e r of a nev p a s s e u K e r sff l l icn ai.il o t h e r i m p r o v e m e n t s at t h a t p l a c e , A b l u e p r i n t s h o w e d t b e p r o p o s " d e l I a n i e ^ , n n d l h e p e o p l e c; I h a t t o w n feel c e r t a i n i hn t s u t i s l a n l l a ; i m p r o i e m e n l s wil l l>e m . i d e .

ilOii. r l , ' , : | , s n . R i c h of Kas't ,Iar-l're\' \' ,•;: . . vien- '> i u j . i n d u n d lus wife v ; ^ I'; diy h u r l w b » u ll ie ear-riti:',i- ii: ,,':'.i,!i t b e y w o r e r i d i n ? col U I U . " ' d .

. 'Xridressi;!-' t o a y o u n g w o m a n hP did no- Knew a remari-: to w h i e h s h r fro!-: r ' i c i p t u u i eos t ,Joiin v"., l-'Vansrof {li",'':l in t iolic^ c o u r t ut Mritiehe.. ; ter

Rob i ' r r !•:. Wi!, y wr;s i;;i.,d ,'-\",n and CO.-;!.-; r( f;-, ;,;,d .'i:'i-.: a s u s i '. 'ud-it

l epa l s:i!" cf lie.uor a t t h " h in ' -o ln h o u s o . I-:\, ! -r.

Cor t -nn i l '.•:. R. Guuth.- ' r :-,;id IViva ' f S. Foru' iT. . fi-i.Triufj s ' a ' ^ T ' ! ;,• '" f s m o u t h u:'.','j yr,r-J, w r - a r r ' - . ' ,i r n t h , ' " h ; : ; " . r f • : , • , , . ; • • „ ' . , . ^ ,

s h o p of P e ' i ' a n i i n Bi,'in;<T!" ers-.

M ' S . ."n-. ;i:i i.. Tri te trif'; T'l-i-Tin by scc id 'tit .It b e r him,- . in i.Iiiticb.'Sf.-r i n d di d .5i\ eh;ldr«-'n ur.^ b-ft mo th -

A s u p " r i " ; ' r ' r " r ; j ' l r y a ' M:v:rbr-s f»»r •.ii:, • , :•'.. ; < : T U , ; , e - ' i . " ,': S ' T -

,n h ' s s ' l ; ' ; ! i - : iu- - Kciwrird Pli d:ck :or : r , i ' i , ,• • 'uMir r . i

P a s ^ ' o - f " : " I r c v ^ s o n B , & M , R o a d

Pc,";-^:r,.., '.: N. ]> T ! I . ' H c s t e n &•

^''•:- '- ::•.-::• d :(i ;n;;ai priss c s ::; . e;-i-,> • ' '"b. ' :u": i 'vbr h a v . , u . , • :.(] for 111. r:i;::-ii,'iri f-v, y r . a r - ',v '1 r"Cc-yc p-;;;^, s nu fbi ' i r r e ^ p i ' r t i N ' , ' i ; i v : - ' , ' : - -r-;, 1 ' ' . \ i - ; - ;;•;,.•;

a r e In ]•,:•.:•,:• -w^scn n«] rb . . o; ' , t iri ' s y s t ' ' u i . a;:il :•-,- X'-y::- n'.en b u ' , . ' tV,. p r i \ i l r •,, ,- ' ;; p-,,.^ fnr - l i i ' m s i d v e s and t h e i r \> ivi 's ( :; ;iil ! : ; ;cs.

Charter for B-stcn & Maine. Ci.::''--fl. V t ; ' - . , , . ^r . , , , , , ^ , ,

Rets nf rb •' N' l iMnti t b-;i<i'.-ir-ire wa? to pus.-^ ,'] bill l as l \\-,-c\.: izUiaz tbr : B o s l e n ,t M a i n e Ihe pr iv i le iz i ' <>:' ox l e u d ' I - ' • ' S ; ' - " ' , •• t ! ' V ": : ' : ' . , : " ;

f rom ",•••" ' . r - •,% W h i t e R'V, r T'lUC t lon . T!ii:- "• •h''^ l ink w h i c h lb.> r e a t

Suitable Companions, F o r t h e X a p o l e o n of f i nance a wil l­

ing b o n d s m a n ; F e r t h o h e i r e s s w h o w i s h e s to m a r ­

r y a t i t l e , a f o r t u n e t e l l e r . F o r l h e m a n w h o s t o p s d r i n k i n g

w h e n h o d i s c o v e r s t h a t w h i s k y is b a d for h i m , a s n a k e c h a r m e r ;

F n r t h e c h a m p i o n a m a t e u r .cnlf'ir, a c u p - b e a r e r .

F o r t h e m a n w h o will no t ' .vear a n o v e r c o a t , a t r a i n e d n u r s e .

T o o O b e d i e n t , " Y o u miffht m a k e a n n i s e an if you

w e r e ki^ ' in .s ; m e . " s h e sa id . " i : ' = t "o c r e a t o a c o m m n t i o n a n i o n g l!;.' c i r l t i:i t h e n e x t r o o m , "

A m o m e n t l a t e r s h e a n g r i l y left M m .Ti'd \M>r.t in a m o n g t h ' ' g i r ! - v ' m m s h e h a d wishef l to f:il w-i'i: I N , ; - . ",.I ut

H e h a d m e r e l y m a d e a ucifc ::s if h e w e r e k i s s i n g he r .

Ohurcli uud Lodge Directory

it'.liyl'-riiwi (^l;'.ii[,'li, Sunday tuoniluK ner-Mcc at 10,4i, ««t-k-i.>iy uieutlnifii Tuoedav «ud rLura.i i i . pvouliitti, * ' >*>ww«r

' ap t lo t Cl'iiic'ii, suiirtuy morniug 8«r>'toeM .•/ ,«. W.'C'k'Uiy iiivL'tliu^a TueBilay nad r i iurai la j ovi'i^iiifs, '

'•othnrtlHi ciuiK I', Siuuliiy uioi'iiliiB mirrioe (itli/,«. Wui.'K.iuy iii(ietiii({s Tuesday and rhui 'miay ;v?.iin),'- ' ^ ^

ooKroKalluiiui ciiurcIi , ut Cent re . , ' 'uuaaF n)orii l in, 'eer\ ice lit ;",<5. Wei-k-iiay Tne«t lUKs TuesdB> anil Kriday uveiilngs.

uiidiiy ,Si:bool m eai'li ui tlie aoove c b u r c h e * i l I'i o 'c lock, uiion.

>'avcrlt'y I..>.I«e, l,o,(>,r , , „„ r t s ,Satui'day e r -eiiliigs in Odd rellowB block.

•It, CrotciK-d Kiif-Huipiuent, No,S9, ] , o . O. J".. m e t u I:' Odd *ui lows Ilall l»l aoil Srd Mon-d»>- evf nlDKs ol oaeh month ,

l a r d in Ililllll ItcbckabI.DiIgB uicela Bc'oona nnil limi'ili W.'ili,..'.,,diiy cvcniiiKt, ol uiibb month,111 abovo hall , n t r im GranKe, l>,or H,. meeta In the i r haUt at the Centre , on tliti ilrai and tlilrd W e d n w (lay even ings in eacli month , phntliii Weaton Post , .So.»:, ti. A, R., m e a t a in tlieir liall In Jameson lilock, Koeond a o d fourth Fr iday even ings of each m o n t t .

' oniHii'i, Keli'if Corp,., nu-i'ts in U, A, R. baU. flrst and th i rd Fr iday even ings ot isSoh tnonth, eorge W, Chandler Camp, Soii(> of Vet raos meet In U, A, R, hal l , tirst and th i rd T u e s ­day even ings of eacb mon th .

TO CONSUMPTIVES E d w n n l A . W i l m i i ' s P r e p a r a t i o n o f

ly i jnpb . i sp l i i t c s anil UlnilHviii frotn t b s rlKinal foni iu l i i is t h e ^llver^•il;^ R e m e d j i r (..'ou.-iiitipiinu, As i l i nu i , I J r o n c h i t i a , a ^ a i r h . I.a C r i p p e , (•oii<;lis, Cul i i s , a n d 11 I . m : - ami T i i r o a t M;i ladics . Tljiius.Illll* uf iieojjlo say t h e y b a r e

'CCii re l ieved hy i t . j Tiid.vir will, l iave UM il it will h a v e r o I l i u r and Ml i iu iu ieud It t e Ihe i r f e l l i n r I i , l l ' , ' n i f i .

I It bu^ouM, l iiuiny iifii 'r t h e y w e r e s'VOB I ,p ::s i i i r u i : i l , ; i ' h y t b e i r p l iysK ' i ahs . ' ' l l i i s n i m dy h a s b ie i i in u s e fur o v e r

.' ,\i'i,!>, :,nil y m i r (Inif j i is t c a n p r o c u r * ' vMtli full d i i . c i i n n ami mlviee frnm t h o < juiiiij: W!iii!e>aU" D n u ' e i f t s . n r f rom m e i l l - I t

Knr full ; i a i l i " u h i r s . t e s t i m e i i i a l s , e t c . , i i i r i s s

('. A. A U n O T ' r , ,Sole A a e n t . ." Ami ,-^lr('et. Xi'W ' i ' e ik C i t y . X . T .

,s dd by ,1. W, H o b b s , N 'o i ih H a m p t o n , , ' H. I ' n e e i?M,fX) iiei bo.t.

OR SALE! K) Tons Best

Eng'lish Hay,

0. F. Butterfield; Arxtrim. N. H.

To and From Antrim Railroad :Station.

T r a i n i . l e a v e A n t r i m D e p o t a,i fo l ( I W S I

A, a,

7. , ' i i s i't-2

l<'-3.-< . 11 .31)

p . M. 3 . 1 7 4 ]ij

•*- I i ; 6 . 3 H

, ' ^ I I M ! . , V : G 3 3 a . m . ; -1 3 1 , 8 , 4 0

' " I 'he -1 31 t i i i i n fm- B o s t o n 'Ul K inwi.f, 1 : a s n v ia C o n c o r d ,

M,"cre l e a v e s E x p r e s s Office 1 5 m l n -.iic> e a r l i e r t h a n d . ' i . a r i n r e of t r a i n s .

'•^lage wi l l e a l l for p a s s p n e e r a if Aord is l e f t a t t b e K x p r e s s Off ice i n ' r a m ' s ^ t o r e .

Comfc rt Your Str W e p a y fo r i.hift t r t .T , .

ts.il.': t-r, -,..-••:-.;•,tl-' r c : i ? . c t i o n e n d D\ ' . . ->-p^ia.

S O M E C R I M E S ANO A C C I D E N T S . F i r e dam<agt;d t h e d w e l l i n g in M a n

C h e s t e r of W a l l e , - A n d e r s o n t o t h e a m o u n t of $l,-2'ifl.

T h e h o m e of H e n r y N e w e l l In n r e e n v l l l e w a s l i i i rncd l a s t wpei t , c a u s i n g i l o s s of $2,(MK1.

N a s h u a h e a r s t h a t G e o r g e PapouMa, w h o w e n t f rom t h a t c i t y t o fight for n^^eece a c a i n s t T u r k e y , w a s k i l l ed by 1 T u r K i s h liullef w h i c h e n t e r e d A hufrle t h a t P a p o i i l i s w a « b l o w i n g a n d I a s s e d c o m p l e t e l y t h r o u g h t h e buR-l e r ' c X\f,.iA

• He U n d e r s t o o d . ' M i s s M l l l i c e n t — N o , Mr, S i m p s o n ,

f m s o r r y t h a t I c a n ' t I n v i t e you t o ca l l a g a i n , b u t t h e fac t la t h a t I m u s t r e f u s e , fo r ray o w n s a f e t y , t o s e e you a n y m o r e .

O e o r g e S i m p s o n — W h — w h y . I d o n ' t u n d e r s t a n d you.

M i a s M i l l i n g t o n - O u r f a m i l y phys i ­c i a n s a y s t h a t I h a v e h e a r t t r o u b l e , a n d I 'm a f r a i d t h a t you m i g h t Bome t i m e g e t bo ld e n o u g h t o s a y s o m e ­t h i n g a n d m a k e mo fall d e a d .

T h e i r e n g a g e m e n t w a a a n n o u n c e d t h o Dpxt d a v

ri'^^.;! ]•: . ; . ;.-:a T l . ' : •; v r t f • , i . i . - h t r . I ' , s I.•,-, ' , , . , -tain t'le j .r ' , , r ;>:, • ',,-• -i , , i n d Ix-ru ' , ' i ; •:: d ;!.- - , miu: ' .v. ' - il : ;,!;-, r,H' ::• •

in t ' lr ,:,i.,rr;- ' ;;r. a e r . . . , ti.in n-vi <:• .. n . '!"• !'•,-.• • :: ; , - . , : , . • . ; ; . , . • : i , . •

C n i ' . v . r r i t j , . ' , r . .;,, ...... ; J

r - T r: .: ;,,"• ..•• - V f . : ,, , , . t l i . ; ' . - ; i . !;, :y ,.....•.

C.irry n ; ,-, ..-^ of P^-, .: ;• --pf','.- I T',',' ••< :-. v .: \ - . o r k . ;> >:. , •.; ;.-i •,' , ; r r

n;:~ ,;•:• r '• . '.. ),••.:'•. v i,: > : -, , : • . < • • ' • ' • - • • ':i r .' : 'v •.. gi'. !: .'1 Ir.iic, l>.,''ii'n:)s y,iu,

\V, kl, m- w!;nt l i . i . i ' i rv r-r, it Tnlii'fq i r c und. •jviu.r t'li,.- .'; ; . W" s: nr ' i i i tp ' tli-ni to r, ;i„',(, .: .- '. g' ' i i , , i i nnd dy-;>,';,-'iri, or Io r :' , , 1 your niiKU'v, if ibey Tiij to d,. -o.

; Dns'.it.'t if. svuud tn rf.ivin t! it '-.ij wimld,-i't fi.'i.'unic thi^Pioncy ri ', -• • r'l

, wo not c.-rt.iir. Kix.ill 'Pv-;,, ; , . : ! j Table ts will .i-.itisfy vr,ii? Thrr,-n-zos: ' V, cccif,. ,50 rnnt.'i. and »1,00, I- You run buy Roxall Dyspepsia T-nblctS

ID this commiiiiity ouly ut our ;sioru.

LANE & WEEKS^ ; Antrim The ^fyj^ Store rrim-^.'hlr..

ThT^ it n Rf tAll St^r" in ni^^rly rvrrv trt«T» I fcnd ritv in tlw L'ntt' fi St.Ti/'*, Cnna*!.! nad ' Grrnt BritMn, Thorr in a rfiffrrrnt RrxAll

R*'m*»dy fnr nnnrlv *»vrr>' ortlinnrj' humAn itl— «s»<*h fspcciftlly <io«ignM fdr ttw particulnr {11 for whirh il '8 rorommfndrd. Th« RAXAII Store* ara America** Gr*«t*«t

Drue Stor*«

WMmm fSho©p€,::':-J-c.^

FINE3T QUALITY '. .•\'r I'.f' ; c v ._ .

P<~'i.'i*.:i ihuCs of a., k


c a r y-ac?. I ' lc. :, . po..; • I lv ,.,,un r«ftii; I , « n , l , ' i:„!i 'L'ii ' . \ ,>. ' - t.y'\ •• blnp. •.,••<:. •TIJE'TK (.ir.'.'.'X:

STAR i.ir,:: .;. •. f,,- ,.•,-', kindu "t rn... ', or t -, .,;i,.

BABY aiTF. c .: tak" priilo in hnvi:... e •-, cr,lnr ftnd I '":roio.i i ',,-. ^^IJ-Il or ciotli, 1,1,-,-:::.

I f . . , 1 - . : , , • . •. ,

' l > - l % '. • .••• I - '

2 0 * 2 S A l b . i n y Ct r 'Ts t . ri:.- (V,',.,' ,1,,.:' ,-.,-,

. S ' /K .^ /•.>.•;.,/I,'• I .

•' • c •' -'

\k. . i i I.I - n b -


TTME WHOLE svstem rce4s tnt-• e.ti'-c.lcil M o o d ' s S a r i n pa r i 11,1—stom­

a c h , l i v e r , k i d n e y s . I n a r t . i i e n e . a r c itTengthcncd tuul fill STAINED

iJ;.'>-"'**'.--'';vHv", •vl'

;>. .J , .-.-•cWiW '.-.ia*'- ' f^ef^itts-.^^ta-.

M| IPt l | ip | l l l | l l l | l * i aawa


I t is r epor t ed tha t Lee Rogers kas sold his place to Joseph Die-


G. llenr.v Hu tch inson and men a re e t i g i s e d in fillinf: his ice house.

Will P . Cudd ihy iias been in JJasliua and Huston on a few days ' TacHtJon.

Miss Ed i th Lnwrence was a Manches te r visi tur on Monday of this week.

The ii(^.\t S. of ,V. Au.xiliary Meet ing will be held a t the i r hall Monday afernoon.

M r - Annie H a w k i n s of F i tch hurt: . .Mass,, spent Sunday in the Lawrence family.

(lecirge Holmes ' d a n g h t e r went to St. .Jojejdi^ liospital Monday for an opera t ion on her ear .

S t a r r e t t it Messer have com-

Good Things to Eat will hold no joys for you if you liuve iadl-gestion or any STOMACB, LIVBt or iODNEY troublo. 'i'uu ueed nol pay big doctor's bills, but if you '.luSlcT from uny of these ailments ju-t sli-p iiito v lur ni^iirest druoi.'ist and get a CO cent bottle of SEVEN BARKS, tbe great bous<-hold ri'iaedy, the fiuirst touic und blo'1'.i iiu-ifu'r ku'"v.'r. If yoursy-'t-'u is run down and ynu wiirt to Tei;:e.n vour yruthiu! e:v-'„-:,•. SEVEN B,\RKS wii!n''"'cm-t'i,-ii :!, ni:L]-.i.' _\"Ur !> ' d ili i- t und givo y.u III •,v V.X-:. Moui'V r-i'iuidi d if dissaii— fied. Try it andi'Lj,,y yuur iKc d*. AddiesB i,VMA.N BRCW.N. SS Kiirray St„ New York, N.Y.

Antrim Locals Washing Day Robbed of Terrors


The Rainbow club held lis second aoDual ball in the fortn of a myster­ious ddDce last Fridny eveuitig at Child's opera bouse. Tbe bull was prettily decorated, «nii tlie W:ilr, et:ih orchestra rendered 010,-10 for the liiuic-

I A very enjoyable uveniuj: w'i< pas­sed "uid a great many out of town

ing. The Indian costumes worn by menced bus iness uii Fred Kn igh t s ' I t he cluh memhers, to-cil.t-r with iliose lot wi th the i r por tab le .saw mil l , j worn by the many mn-quers, hc'p(?d

1 ,, .1 I, ' , , . . „ „ to complete a veiy bril'innt seen" bevera l t rom lhe Benn ing ton i " i . ''.

Grant:e a t t e n d e d the session of t h e I 'omnna ( i r a n g e held Tuesday

/I . ' 1 1 V 1 1 I' I _ „ n „ guests Wi?re pteseol. a t Greeii l ield. . \ he lp iu l m e e t i n g I"* ^

is reportei i . •

The c o m m i t t o e of a r r a n g e m e n t s ! '^' ^'"- '"""^'^ '^°="''' "' '^'"'•'^' "' •••" iu2. the adiirnisefl by lUroiii ilanly ol Hollin. on npple ciillure, nnd luc one by Prof O'Kane ot Duiham on gypsy aud browu tail molhs, were

a re bnsy m a k i n g the necessary p r e p a r a t i o n s t'or the annua l con­cer t and ball given by the P a p e r Makers , on Apri l 4th, The P a g e , .

• , . , ,, 1 valudble proouciionr-, und great:v C a t e r i n g C o m p a n y of L o w e l l . , . , , '^., . , _ ^ .,^_ Mass,, will i 'urnish the supper .

The Chr i s t i an Endeaverors gave 9. social last Tuesday even ing , a New l l ami )sh i re Historical social. Q u i t e a h i s tory of the town of Ben­n ing ton was given. At the close of the social the many fr iends of Lee Rogers and wife p resen ted tbem with twenty-five dol lars in five dol lar goid pieces. His Sun­day school class also con t r i bu t ed . W e a re sorry to lose t hem, but all good wishes go with t h e m in t he i r new home.

Mrs. W. H. Atwood spent Jast week in Beaton.

Harold S. FarnhaDo spent Monday and Tuesday io Boston on bnsiness.

Ralph Hadley of Wilton, was in town today, calling at the Reporter office.

W. D. Farnham was at bis home bere from Bottou for Saturday and Sunday.

Erwin Cummiags and Pbil Whit­temore are now employed in tbe Ab­bott shops, Clinton

On Tuesday. Wilder Elliott left at our office a bunch of pussy willows ; leaves were also in evidence on the twigs,

Tbe Ladies' Aid society of tbe M. E, church will bold tbelr next meet­ing, March 5, Supper will be served as usual,

Misa jkancy Harlow is at ber home. Cottage Farm, Antrim, taking a much needed rest from her duties as nurse at tbe Eliot Hospital, Boston.

I bave for sale some fertile eggs from my S. C. VVhite Orpingtons which wure prize winners at the An­lrim show. F . A, Arbuckle, Antrim.

Tbe concert of the Anttim Choral Society has been set for Friday even­ing, April l l ; tbe piece to be pre-iwiicil is "Joan of Arc," at town hall.

Tbe March tjiimber of Tbe Antrim Courier bas been issued by W. 1) Ff.rnbam & Snn ; it being "chuck full" of store news, everybody will want a copy.

H. V. Warden, Walter C. Hills and j.Johu Bryer were in Durham several diiys rc'cenily attending « series of

By O b t a i n i n g froin E m e r s o n (SL S o n t h e Very Lates t I m p r o v e d U t e n s i l s

WRINGERS—with warranted RolU $8 to $6. Tbey are lower priced tban before for a long wbile; competition does it. We were fortunate in being able to take full advantaice of tfae sitnatlon for you. Bencb Wringers from $5.60.

REEDS EEA'VT BOILERS—with Copper bottoms, $1.25 to $2.75. StronKest and best Boiler made.

WASHING MACHINES — like illustra­tion at il.'yO to SIO. The machine does 3 4 of the work, you do tbo rest. Water Power Machine, $16, does all tbe work.

TUBS—Galvanized Iron, all sizes, OOc up Wood Tubs of clear oiled stock 50c, up, heavy stock and warranted. $1.00 up. Tiber Tubs, best quality, $1,00 up.

CLOTHES BASKETS—Made in Miltord, 50c up.

CLOTHES LINE—Strong braided Lines' tbat will not ravel, 2.')C up.

WASH BOARDS—special Glass Board at 45c. Special Metal Board at a cheaper price. Great variety of patterns, all tbe smaller sizes.

You can Always find Dependable Satisfactory articles in any line " at our Store. The Best of Everything at tbo Lowest Price.


joyed by all who heard tbem Thb town d'.'li; was reduced tli

past year over S'2''i"i' 'Jnd ibat with \ lectures glveu under tbe auspices of tbe t a s rale '27) cents lowRr ibau last ; [be slate agricultural college year. The valiiiUion ot llie lowu was increased 816U,0i)0

Mrs, Celt'sia .J Wilkins, wiiiow o( the lale Andrew A. Wilkins, died Thuri^day, Feb, 12. Mrs. Wilkins was tbe daughter of .John Goodi<ue and wa< born in Biinniiiglon. May 2u. l'"<3.5, making her nearly 7'S years ot age, B'jrial was in Deering.

This Will Interest Mothers

M-other (rray's Sweet Powders for children relieve Feverishness. He^il-

ache. Bad Stomach. Teething Dis- | ^^. Q^^e, to learn lo repair nnd orders, move and regulate tbe bowels , sutomfihileii, nnd prep'jre for

Oh.ildreiiv.Ory FOR FLETCHER'S

C A S T O R I A Fif teen Men Wanted

and destroy worms. Tbey break up colds in 2-1 hours. Used by mothers (or 22 years. All druggists, '.ioc. Sample Free, Address. A. S eted, Leroy, N, Y.


iirivo vacan-I

cies ttt 81.') to S'lD weekly. Limited opportunity. Write, slnling Mge.

T H E MAINK AUTO CO,, adv. And Foic St . . Portland. Me,

We Will Mail The Ladies' World

The Woman's Missionary Alliance will meet in the Methodist vestry next Thursday, at 2 :iO p m. At tbis raeetiai; will be begun the study of the foreign missii n hoik, "China's New Day,"

For a short time wc shall sell pur­ple Carbon Paper al our otllce for on­ly ONK CENT a sheet. A good quality paper, size 8 1-2x11 inches. Only a limited quantity. Reporter OHice, ,'\,ctrim.

The Y. P. S. C, E, of the Presby­terian church will hold its devotional services on Sunday evenings at 6 15 o'clock, beginning the first Sunday in Match. The preaching service will be at 7 o'clock,

Mrs, Nat. Farrant, who has heen spending the winter wilh Mr, Farrant at Hoiel Raymond, South Pasadena, Cal,, is now visiting relatives in Ven­tura, Cal, She reports tbat part of


and avoid costs of collectiop

E. f. BAKER, Collector, Aniri, N. H.

With the Mareli nnmber The I.niiiev' World liecomes Thc Ladies' World und Housekeeper, the piihlicalion fermerly known .IS Tlio Housek-cepcr eeafinj ex­istence as it sep.irate niaRazinp, Thc corabin.ition is very effective, the bricht-nes,'* and sip,irklc of lhe one bcinc heightened liy the jir.irtieality nf the other, Cert.iinly t!,is i.'ssiu' in ilH increas­ed si?:e offers a temptini: rlmioe tn read­ers. The many depattnii'iiti-, am! a veiy strikini: di'ulili' p:it;i'farti.i.ii tiy i,,li-.,,:i, makea n'riile^r lli,i" rn,'irk- a new level in this ma^'aziiie. XcwVi.rk: .'lOr year

S u b s r r i h c for t l i f Ki-piTtcr !

Dr. King ' s New Discovery

Ynu the New Hampshire KiiiiT].!i^e for . tne couulry as beiot^ very beautiful. one year Fi'.e, This niai;a','.ini' is the; H. G. Plaislod. proprietor hi'St f.irm .iii'i >'i>r\ iiaiier |.:i!'.>hi'ii in


.ry paper p:i!.; the state. .-Ml wr ask, send us tin' name anil address nf ten of ymir irii'nds, I)n it today, .\dilres4,

•fiiK NKW II,\»n'MiiHK K,s-i KKIUISI',, D t ' p t , i ' , K i i n i n i \ v . N , H .

NORTHJBRANCH ' Mr^, \"iolt» Kiddei drovi' i-iver to

KriiDces'nwn Ihp Hr-t nf Ih.' w.'.'k

Mr Cfl :jliv li'''S a ti!i'i,!"'r nf l e . m s ilravsi' o <,::- '• ' • T, ih" K :::X 'n' lii the i i i i l l , I ' l i l i i a s " i , l i l l iI - i ; ! w h t i ' l - ,

I All havp their lec housed, snd of ; Nil 1 quality : the 'nsi w.i^ i 7 IM'- .C!

H. G. Plaislod. proprieior of the Naptha and Cleansing Works ol Hillsborn. will be in Anlrim every Monday »l Maplehurst Inn. Tailor­ing for Indies and gentlemen dooe in an up to-dale manner. Also pressing, altering, etc.

Plea.se bring your chairs to bo re­seated.

And Cole ean set his hills receipted, Hattsn nnd p;ilint are safe and sane, Hilt nol thai wicked Cain,

-t- •

Soothes irritated throat an) liincs Slops chronic ami !;;ii''-;i;ii: roii.;li. re l ieves ticklinc throat, taste« ni.'p Take no other : onee userl, used . Hny it at adv. Antrinn Pharmacy



We are :;!a.i thp Hn;i^.' !V h:ri:t;njr I'-hritr liiioiicrh •ii-

ni.tp. Steel pnnd. passpii It v.;'.'.

alway.s I liiP penple ill this vit'initv In wh'ie'n at "err." nine in a wh'

pio-• ' • ' : i .

t . a ' i l e I

:et a

Mrs. Fred t'TOuld visited al Mr,', Fr.tnk Braciion'" tlii past w e i k .

The schools closed at the village

last F'ridny,

Mi«8 I.iiia U. White ot Marlboro is |

visiting her hrotlier. (;. M, White,

xixiOO Hoivarf l riW' i i 'H , I i r^ <il t i l l - I ' l ip i ' i w

l i - u r n I l i i i M l i i T i ' I - lit l i r i - t "Ml t l m t s i ' i i ' T u i - l u i . i l l ' :i a l i l r l u s tMi^i ' - , !i.l|,l : h ; i t i - ( i i t i i T i l i . < n r . ' Is i l l . , o n i \ } ) o - i t i v i ' I'UM i i i i ' i i i i ' l l t i i i t i T i , ; : ' , I i i t i i n !, t i l ' i i i n n i i l l - i ' : l - i ' , r t ' ' ; i i i i | , -• ','*':lti:',i'nl , II 111, • - I , i : : i i I !: (

j n , i ' ,,i.'i l l "

,1 t i i 'Hs

r n r i ' i n n i l I t s I l . i i r - I i i t i i r r h k i i o w n t o i l i p

li*'i;it,' M f f i i i - t i-i " i i - I i t i i t l o n i t l

k i ' i i In 1 l i T T i M l K , l u ' I i n i J i l i r i ' i ' t l \ i i p r i n ; hi ' l i l o i x l t i n i l ' l i r u ' o i i - s i i r l i i c ' i ' S o t t i l l ' v j - t i , ; n , I l i P t ' i ' l i y ' I P S -. 1 ro . \ in i r 1 h i ' l o i i i i i l i i t i n n o'f i h r i l i - c n s r , ' . j i u i l

K l v i m ; t i l l ' p ; i t i f n t - i ; ' , ' i i i ; i l i l,\ ! , i i i l , l i i i v u p t l i p r o n ^ t i t u T i i t i ' i n i t n , l i i s H i N t m s t n.' it ' iri- In i l o l n j f

I I t» w i l l k . T i l l - p " H ! r l i ' t o t ' - lillVI ^ i i i i i n r h f a i l l l ! In I f s r i i r f t U v ' . ' p o M * , i ' « . i h » t t h i - y O I T I T O n e

_ , . . . ' ; i u J I H i i i i i l r i ' . l n o l i i i r - i i . r I i n v f'lisi- ;'.i:ii It f u l l . , t o I he town report" are in Ihr hands | r-un.. ,s..nii fo;-n-t o; ic.timo'ns!-.

F, .1, (iHKNKV A i;o., r.iii'iio, o.

Knr '^'oiir

.Job and Hook I ' r i i i t inp

r a t ron i / . c the


A n t r i m . N. H.

of the printers for the iog .March 11 .

March meet-Sol' l h\' IlTUeifNtM. T.v Take HaWs ?"anillv I'lUi- for consti pall on


kmm Bills, Dance Posters, and Poster Print­ing of every kind and size at right prices at this office. We deliver them at short notice, clearly printed, tree from errors, and deliver them express paid.

Xotice of every BaH or Anction in'scrted in this pajjor free of charge, and many times the notice alono is worth more than tho cost ofthe hills.


Mail or To lophone O r d e r s rocoive onr p rompt a t t en t ion Send y o n r o rde r s to

The Reporter Office, ANTKl.M. N. H,

F O R Y O U R N E X T .IOB O F P R l N T I X t J




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