13 THE- - ORSGON -- DAILYJOURNTAL, PORTtjAND. I T.IDAY CVSHi::g NQVE1 : V i:: citt jrcTicrs. II 70, M . in K. KUoe, to . Aaa . kT Mm. Si.so: west e fret tot . t o( weat 66 feat. ' H.lh'rlVlwessr. V?r" of lot t lytut ' It 63 fexdV Bulk W. Decker. $3.00; kit ' ' ff,?7 8XU0; tot 9. Mom A. " .Sj5Tj iV Agae Buttermuiicr. W. . toT Llabrtb li. J fairies ssd Msry Hufkaj. W,V Patrick .u4 f1: J tot I. Ann K. KUoo. ;. Mw. si.i; tot . ab k. num. i.; M Aim . JOv totA. Ana - KM: tot Harriet Dunham, 2.93; toti t, Harriet Dunham, $4 5ft: tot t. B. L l.ro-- , herd. S443i 'tot . Anthony Keppacu, : HioCK J. let 1, Byron P. Crdwll E.tate, heir, ot. $1.95; lot 2, Rothehlld - (I so; lot 4, Hothefalld Brothers, $1.93: lot 4. ' ItMlirlilM Brothers. 11 .95; tot 8. Hmtbweot d'T'ertland Heal Katate Toinpany, $1.96; lot 6, Hot Wu l Id Brothers. 81.95: hit T. Msurlce tlood- nin. $3.30; lot s, kotbeblld Brothers. $3.0; .l s. RAtbchild Brottm. $3.33; lot 10. Rotb- - - i mil Brothers, t4M; lot 11, Batbeetld ' , Iwhets, $3.53; lot IX, Kotuehlld Brothers. 83.33; lot l.t. Rothehlld Brother, MAM tot 14 Itothelilhl Hretlser. $3.23; tut 15. Retkchlld v hMlm, $3.23, BLOCK K. lot I, KoihehUd 1 30.6.-.- ; ' tot X, - Hot hen Hd Brothers, ..$6.66; lot 3. Hotbcbllil Brothers, $0.65; lot 4 Kothchlk. Brothers, $1 00: lot It. Rothehlld HnMliare, Sl.oO; lot 6, Rothehlld Brothers, .61.00. BLOCK t. Pulton Park land (W i.ny, tSl.Wl. BLOCK M, rulloa.I'uk Uad roninany, $19.90. -"- ('I.TOM-vBI-CH K 1. lot 1. K. Klrcvlfnuii. X4iu; lot X Bl(liBin. $3.00; lot . R. KWirehnwB. S 60; lot 4. C. H. l'Uo". .V0; 1.4 4. B. Blvcrliuaa. 20: lot . B. Blwl-- : f aiuia. (2.30: lot T. B. RlrolMnn. a.; t , K. Rlevlniim. . $X.10. BUXK S. Kotwrt I'attoa Katat. belra of, 15.M KMICK t, all o block t wot of MinuUm , road. Aaroa Walt, (1S.M: all of blork aaat . of MaradaB roa.l. U. Bantom Wllllama, fl.an HI.IM K 4. th KlBS BalaM.. f 18.86. BLOCK . TIot Woodward. $14.03. BIAK-'- T, X. Ali- - aadrr KloarL 17.f5. BLOCK 8. 'lot 1, H. J. R. Blmlmaaa,- - $1.W: vndlTldM H lot - W. i. Morrla. H W; andlvldcd UVitlll. O. . Ilorrl. 1 00; aodlrldrd H lot W. R. liar- - rla. tl.0O: adlMed 4 . W. B. Morrta, $1.00; lot 4. Allr Brrx- - Kuna, . $1..; . lot . Allr Bwry Nuan, $1 IK; ' aadlrldrd U ' lot C II. U. Uor-,- .' rla. $l.w: aadlTMrd H lot 1. af. O. llonia, $I.W: aodlTMod H lot 4, W. B. Morris. $1.00; aaulTldtd H lot W. R. Morruv $1.00; lot . H. J. tttfarlmana, $1.W5. A tract r laad Ijlnf brtwaoa Una rt ouih or sad parallel wltb sontb tin of fclork . Kolton. and tha aorlb lhi of. block F. 1'nllon Park, aad batveea a lino ttO foot Mat of aua narallel wltb tua aat Una of Mock la. ... Kullon. and a Una 60 fort wMtorry from sad narallol with ta waatarly liar of blorka ay 7. raiiaa, aicryt that portloa of aald tract nornnled br tb City A Kubarbaa Rail- - war Coupanr's Hbt of wajr, M. O. ilorrU - w. H MorrMi fll.o,- - . in I.TON BLOCK Id. andlirM4 H lot U at. O 1W; aadlTMcd 4 lot 2. If. O Morrla. $1.00; and ITided H lot S. M- - O. MoT. ria. o.Bo; andivkM 4t tot 4, It. O. Morrta, aodlThlrd M. O. Morris, $0.Wt andlTlded M. O. Moms. aadirMod lot M. G. Morrta. ": aadlTklrdjU lot . M. O.- - Morrla, so.t; aadlvMad U lot 1, W. R. Morris. I no; andlTklod U lot X. W. R. Morris. $1.00: . iHHllTMed H lot t, W. R. Morris. $0.M: an- - - io o, , m. atorru, au.no; .. . vanlrblod J4 lot , W. R. Morris, o.o; uiMTiwa v mi, w. k. Morris, su.i; . nndlrhtsd lot 8, W. R. Morris. $0.65. HMK'K IT, lot 1. H. W. Oorbrtt lCststa. artra 1IS W A H, W. Corbet t Batata, hair . ,. ei.eo. ioi a. Jinqrew w. rTeum, fl.BA; "t aimrfw w. iTeuni, VIM; lot B, K. i, " l.r lot 8, R. J. mum, $1.M; kit T, It. w. Corhett Batata, heirs of, $l..'(o; lot a, II. W. Torbert r.atat. 1m Ira of. $1 80. ' COI'TMERN I"ORTI.ANI, OKRfiON. RTTKR -- - Uiin-I- M i,.r, U. Ulrto, fit. TB lot I, P. H. . Hlytm .7( lot , p. a. Kir to. $8.75; lot 4, . . f. H. Bltb, $.75j lot ft, P. H. Bljth, W W; p- - H- - B,',", I" "i T Wyth. $ T5; lot , P. II. Birth. $.T5: lot . P. H. - BlrtU, $.7Bi lot 10. P. H. Birth. $0.7: north , XI feet lot II, P. H. Blth. $4.M; soatk T feet lot II. H. C. Breed. UM; lot la. H. 0 Braedea. $11.70; lot la. H. C. Bresdea, 8.T5; lot 14. il. C. Braedea. $.T5: lot IS. H. o! Braedea. $.7; lot IB. H. C. Bresdea, $.T5 it. n. i... praauea. av.io; lot in, ft. u. - Jtrsartasv W.75 lot 4a. Breadea, $0.Tr lot at. H. C. Braedea. $.T5: lot HI. H. C. H.7r lot U Krftaman lM m- - mew or lot naansa aiasoa, $7. mi; uuniTKieo il or mt 34. Haanab Mann. undivided t of bit Ilanaab llasoa. aadlTkled i of lot 3H, Ilaaaah Maaoa. sndlTlded I I of lot 27, Hannah Msaoa, andWhled M af lot J, Ilanaab Masoa, ndlThled JM of lot W, Ilaaaak Maan, and It Med i of lot 0. Hannah Maaoa, andlrhled 8 of lot $1. Haaaah Maaoa, andlrlded 2-- 3 f lot SX Haanab II .an. axIWIoed 2 f lo :t, Ilanaab Maaoa, ttwllrldad it of lot M. Jlaanah Maaoa, andlrkled 2--3 f lot 35. Hannah Maaoa. $7.an; aadlTlded 2 3 f lot IM, Haaaah Maaoa, $7.80; andlrlded 3 3 of lot 37. Hanaah Maaoa, 7.80; """wo ro nannaa mmmm, .aadlrlded 2--3 f lot . Ilannak Maaon, MinoM a r ait ail, Hannah M andlrhlrd 28 f kit 41, Hsnash M andlTMrd of lot 43. Hannah M, aadlahled of kit 43, Hannah Mssna, andlrlded f tot 44, Ilannak Maaon, aadlTtderf 3 f lot 43. Ilannak M, amllrhled 2--3 of kit 4H, Hannah ill andlTMed x-- af lot 47. Ilannak Maaoa, nillrlded 1 f 1st 23. J. F. Wataoa; imiTMH-- iam urn , a. r. wstsoa. niHMTi'iei i a or lot xo, s, F. Wstsoa, nn,llTlled S f lot Xfl, J. r. Wstatti. ' wn.llrl.led l- -i of kit 27, J. F. Wataon. andlrlded ef lot Is, J. r. wataoa, andlrlded 2 of kit 29, J. F. Wataon. aadlrMed of lot XO, J. T. Wataoa, awtlTMed ef lot 31. I. F. Wataoa, and Irk led U af lot 31, J. P. Wataoa. aadlrlded 8 of lot 3.1, J. p. Wstsoa. auiTinea 1 ST. jot 04. J, Wstsoa, andlrlded 18 of tot oik J. r. wttsn. a.Uialedl-- ef lot Hd, J. F. Wataoa, asdl. bled 3 t tot 37. J. F. Wataoa. andlrlded f lot 88, J. F. Wataon, andlrlded 3 of lot 30, J. F. Wataon, aadlrlded 3 sf lot 40, J. F. Wataoa, andlrkled of tot 41, J. F. Wataoa, baritrtded 3 sf lot 42. J. F. Watson, aadlrMed 3 of lot 43, J. F. Wataoa, nndlrloed of kit 44. J. F. Wataoa, anaiTHlea 8 or tot 43, J. F. Wataon. andlrlded sf lot , J, F. Wataon, 25; - andlTMed 1- af lot 4T. Ft Wataon. kl.tn. HiAUlK t MiMa aa of lot 1, nsimab " tlM' "adlTlded 2 3 f tot i Hannah 11""' !l !m: andlrlded 2 3 of let 8, Haaaah Maaoa. $1.0ti; andlrlded 3--3 W tot , Hannah Maaoa. $0 86; aadlrlded of lot 1. J. P. wtna, 81.00s aadlTlded 3 of kit 2, J. F. ..Wataoa. $n.65; aadlrMed 11 ef lot 3. J. I Wataoa. 30.51V, andlrlded 3 of kit 4. J. F. wstsoa, $0.85. BLOCK 2. aadlrlded 2--3 of lot 1, Haaaah Masoa. 15; antlirlded 2-- of Hannah awllTbled K a, naanah Maaoa, tl.8t; andlrlded 2 2 of lot 4. Haaaah Maaoa. ijmi; aadlTrda.1 2 8 of lot 5, Hannsb Maaon; l. an; andlTIle. 2 8 of kit 8. Hannah Maarai. it an andlrlded of kH 7. Hannah Maaon il an. ondtrklej 2-- of lot A Hannah Masoa, $1.30; andlrkled 2-- of r w. naanas aiaana, Il.an: andlrl'le-- l 2-- of lot 10, Haanab Maaoa, $1.30; andlrlded 2 3 of lot 11. Hannah Uaana andlrlded 2-- of kit 12. Haaaah Maaoa. S1.30; andlrlded of tot 13, Hannah Maana, aadlrMed 2--3 of oi a. riannaa Maaoa, II. 30: nndlrldcl 3--8 of tot 11. Hannah Ulna $0.85; andlrlded 2-- of lot 13. Hanaah Maaon. fi.wi;. andlrlded 3--8 of fo 1 1, tiaimaa Maana, $0.45; andlrlded 3-- of lot 18, Hannah Masoa. $1.96; nndlTlded of ror i, t. r , watson, andlrlded of kit 2. J. F. Wstsoa. alwlite .a A M! i- - E' ?. andlrlded 1- of " f1 . wlaa, $05; andlrMed 1- of Ci 5 V S"'"""- - fo.85; aadlrMel t of 8, J. F. Wataon, $0.35; andlrlded of kw rf. Fi- - Wstaoa, 0.5r andlrlded of r ! "'on. $086; andlrrided of K fi li W,,,M"' ""' andlTMed I S of f !? i' W,l fO.88; andlrMed f lot II. J. F. Wataon. an SA, ,.i.i.u4 t.a V Yh ?'". S0.i andlrlded of Jot 18, J. F. Wataon. $o.5; andlrMed I t of lot 14. J. F. Wataoa, $0 5; andlrlded I S of lot 15. J. r. W'stson, $0J5; andlrMed I t of " !? i- - L- - Wataoa. $0.n5; andlrkled I I of t lot 17. J. F. Wstsnn, $0.20; nndlTlded I S of W 18. J. F, Wataoa, tlM. BLOCK 3. aadlrMed t-- of kit 1, Hannah Maaon, $15; ' andlrkled 18 of lot 3. Hannah Maaoa, $1.93; andlrkled 33 of lot S, Hannah Maaon, $1.3fr, andlrkled 2-- of kit 4. Hanaah Maaoa, $1.80; anllrMed 38 vf tot 8. Ilannak Maaoa, $1.30; andlrMed 3$ of lot A, Hannah Mason, il-t- o; andlrlded t-- of lot 7. Hannah Maaon, $1.30; aiaoiTKieu a a or q, nannaa Maaon, 81.30 andlrMed S3 of tot , Hannah Maana. 31.30 andlrkled 3-- of tot 10, Hannah Maaoa, II. 30; anoirioeai a a or viv ll, nannaa Maaoa. 1.30; andlrkled 3 S of lot 12. Hannah Maaon, I.XO; andlrlded 3 8 f kH 13. Hannah Maaon, 1 JO; andlrMed 2 t f kit 14, Hannah Masoa, I 30; ansiridea or KH .x nannaa M aeon, si .30; andlrkled 2--1 of lot In, Hannah M aantl, 81 30; andlrkled 22 of tot 17. Hannah M aaaa. $1 .95; andlrlded 1 1 of tot IK, Ilannak Maaon, $1 wv; andlrMed I I of tot 1, J. Watana. $1.00: andlrMed ef lot 2. J. Wataoa, 81.00; rmdlrkled J 3 of lot 8, Watana, XO.aA; nmllrMed 1-- t of tot 4. Wstsnn, $0.85; nodlrl.led 1 3 of lot 5, Wataon, $0.5; mllrvied 1 8 of tot a, Watwsa, 80.85; nndlrlded I3 ef lot 7. Wstsnn, 80.851 na.llrlded i t nf lot 8. Wataon, $0.6( andlrktod 1 1 of lot , J. F. Wataoa, $0 83; andlrkled 1 sf tot IO, s. T. Wstsnn, so.85; andlrMed I 3 of lot 11. J. F. Watana, 10.85; andlrMed 1- of kit 13. J. F. Watana, $0.05; andlrMed M M 13, J. F. Wataon, $0 85: ondlrMed' lletM 14. J. F. Wstana, t05; andlrkled I t of tot 13, J. F. Watana, to sjt. andlrMed f tot 1", J. F. Wstana, $0.83; awllrkled I t of tot 17. 1. T. Wstsoa, 11.00; nmlirtded of lot 18, J. F. Wataoa, ll.oo. uirtt it 4. nndlrtded 3-- of tot I. Hannah klaanei, 13 90; aadiTMeo: a a or an a. nanaan Maana, $3 .23; andlrkled 28 f Ht B, Hannah Maaon. $ 23j aadlrlded 2-- of lot T, Hannah laaan. II I' andlrlded 2 $ of tot , Hannah Maeno, andlrlded 21 of lot II, Hannah , aaos. ui.i.Mt l l of tot 13. Hannah Ilaarat, andlrlded tt f tot 13, Ilanuah . Maaon. andlrkled 2 3 of tot 17, Hannah - klaaoa. It (rt BlMllTloen la or v I. - W alaxat. tl HI andlrMed I 3 of lot I 81 M Sll.llTded I X of : Watana, $1 5; andlrMed 8 of B i.t. Haissa. il.bi; avvdlTkaMl 1 f CITT VOTIOn. Wataoa, $1.5; andlThVd 11 of lot il. J. T Wataoa, tl.WV; andlrhlod 1 3 of lot 15, J. r. Watao. fl.03; i,,n,i.u.i i a or k l.v J. r. Wataoa, fl.tn; nndlTklnl t of lot II. J.''f. Wataua. 1 W: lot x HhI A I'araoaal rtatat .VNuuaay, $HJ3; lot 4, hal A I'araonal K.ali t'OBiMS7. $T.I; lot , Heal A l'arsoaal Eataia Cotnixnr. $7.15; south 1$ of lot H. Bl A rarsoual Kalaw Coaipaji, $IJf: aorth 13 of lot H, Hannah Mason, $A); lot 10. ilaanah Hun S7 1: lot llannak Maaoa. $7J3; lot 14. Ilannak Maaoa, I.li; lot la, llannak Maso,i. $1.15; Vh 18. Uaanak Maaua.$N.I5. Ut JH'IC A mmAivUM - mt lot Irl Maaoa, $:t.0; aatllrlded 2--3 of lot 3. Ilanaab " Maaoa. $: 2n; amllTlded of kit 6. Hannah Masua, II.X5; aadlTHlrd 1 .1 of lot T.. Hannah Maaua, $Xa5; aatllrbled 3 of lot ll.un.h Maaon, $:!.; aadlrkled 2 3 of M 11. Ilanuah Maaoa, $:.: aatllrnled 2-- ( lot 13, Hannah - Maaoa. liM: andlTMed 2$ of M 13. Ilanaab Maaoa, VI m; aadlTbled 2-- of lot 17. II anus k Maaoa. $.t.; and It Wed of M L. J. $1.V3; aodlrl.led 1 $ of lot , J. K V Wataoa, Il.ttS;. aadWIaed I S ( W I. J. . Wataoak $1.85; andlTMed of lot T, J. V Watana. $1 ..';' iHllTMle4 3 of lot J. T Wataoa. $I.U; aadlTkled 3 af lot 11. 1. T. - Wataoa. .3; andltlded 13 of lut 13. J. F. Wataoa, $1 Jill andlTlded of lot 13, 1. V. Wataoa. il.SO; aodlrkled 1- - f kit 17. J. T. Wataoa, $!.; lot 2. Ernathre arbnenberbler. $8.18; lot 4. Rrnatlna Weboenberblor, $7.18; smith 4 lot . John Brbrenhsrblar. $3.80; north H lot a. KrneatlDS Ptpel. $3.00; kit 8. tianaao Maaoa, ai.ia; tot iu. nannaa 87.18; lot IX. Hannah Maaoa. $7.15: kit 14. Hannah Maaon, $7.15; lot 18, Hannah Maaoa, r$7.15: lot 18. Charlea W HUtalna, $8.13. BLOCK 8. tmdlrlded 3 S of lot 1 airant Or(oa A California Railroad Company's vlalil of wajr. Hannah Masoa. $1.55: andlrlded 11 of lot 1 icept Ore fun A California Railroad Coa- - M(bt of way. Real A Personal Ratals Kaa $0.70; lot 2, H. B. Baker, to. 15; andlrlded 2-- of lot 3, Hannah Maaoa. $1.63: undlTloed of kit 4, Heal A Personal Ks-ta- Coaipany. 30.80; lot 4. Hannah Maaoa, lot 5 Martha M. Crowell, $3 JO; lot a. t7.15: M. Crowell, $7.15; lot 8. Amelia Ber-ret- h. $7.11T: all of lot 7 except Oreiroa A Call-- - fornla Railroad Com pan r1 a rlaht a war, Aaaella Hesreth. 1X30: all of lot xrent Orscna A California Railroad Ooropaajr'a rbtht of way, Martha M. Crowell, 25; lot 40. Martha M. Crow.n. $7.1S; all of lot ' 11 eiorpt Orfoa A Callf'irnla Railroad Onra- - rtrbt of way, - Martha M. Crowell. Eanr'a lot 12, Martha M. Crowell. $7.13; all of lot 13 axornt Orecna A California Railroad Company's M(bt of war. Mart Da M. .rowan, - 85.85) kit 14, Martha M. Crowell. $7.15; lot 15. John P. Ward. SA.20: lot 1ft. John ' P. Ward. $7.15; kit 17, John P. Ward, $4.90; tot 18. John P. Ward, $8.1$. BLOCK 7. tot 1, Kllaabath Younc, $8.13; lot 2. Kliaabeth Toanf. 7.M lot 3. Elisabeth Yoonf. $7.13; lot 4, F.ltaabeth Yjmn, $8.15; lot 5. Charity If. MsaJsrmrysr. I7J5: kit 0. Mary F. Adsais. 1 87.15: lot 1. Delia M. Hrbroader, i .IBi. W . . Uarr W. Adama. 88.15T lot Urealer, 38.50; Jot-3- 0.. Ooltfrled Metaler. $.B0: kit 11. A on Is C. Bcbmeer, 7.13; kit 12, Annie C. ftrhavrrr. $7.16; lot 13, J oarph Beat. $7.15; lot 14, Joseph Best, $"-1- lot 13. I. W. Horlblna. $7J5: tot 18. I W. Hoelblns. 13.11: lot 17. Roohla- - Welarer rr. 18.13: tot ls topkU Wsleaerber, $9.73. BLOCK t, kit 1. Ony Bennett. $3.15; lot. 2. Ony i Bennett. 9.75; - lot S, Oar Bennett. 87.1B; lot 4. Ouy Bea-- - aett3S.la: tot t. Perrr H. Blyth. 17.15; .lot f. Percy H. Brytk. t7.1B: lot ft. Perry IL Birth. fT.lo; lot a. lynaiae n. nmnn. $8.13; lot 8, Loulaa H. Smith. IS. 15; kit 111. Harriett B. Klllen. $8.18; lot 11. Oeori II. Vancban. $8.10; lot IX. ueort it. vsunan, an tH mu K a. tot 1. Albert Drmke. $tt.S0; tot 8. Albert Denike. $4.90!' lot 8. Jacob Relach, t4.90; lot T, Jacob Rslsrb.t4.ao; bit 9. Jacob Relack. S9.T5; lot 10, Jafbih Relsch. $8.18; lot X. Albert venue, jo-w- . . - Viii ai. aaoot lot 8.- - C. F. Oakes, t4.0: lot a, C. F. Oakes. $4,901 all of tot 11 U1d east of west 28 feet at ssia lot. C. F. Oakea, $7.80: all f tot 13 rylnf eaat f west 38 feet of aald lot. C. FOsa. $8.45: -- west 28 feet lot 11. Orea A Csllf.irnls Bsllmsd Company. $2.80; west ffeet. tot 12. Orraoa A California Railroad Company, $1.80. lllX)CK .10. lot 1, Ferry Heaahawe. traste. $8.60: lot t. Ferry Heaahawe. Tras-te- $4.90; kit 5, Edward Hufhes Ratate, heirs of. $4.90; lot T. IMwsrd Huichea taUM, " heirs of. $4.90; lot 9, Edward Hushes Ratsts, heirs of, $5.65; lot 11. Edward Hushes Eatats, belts of. 13.80: lot 12. Edward Hushes Bat ate. Jielrs f. $7.13; lot 2. Joel W. Crocker, $8.B; - tot 4, Joel w. Crocker, an mrfm 14.90; lot lorTftllrsfcCarty, -- .(! or lot in except wen imi. ", i'" T3.20; all of tot 14- - axcept west-- 43 feet. . Alex Rleeet. sn.ini; weai it. irri , Ranaenhach. 12 95;. weat 42 fee kit 14. Karl . Ranssnbsch. $i SB. BLOCK 11. lot 1. Mary C. Hurt. $.5o; lot 2. Oeort R. and H. U. Btepheasoa. $4 90f lot 5. A W. Bcldlnj. 4 90; kit T. Henry A. BeMlatV Cor. M. Beldlnt . .; lot 11. V . K Beldlnt-- . 34.90: Vit 13, Henry A. Brldln. $8.15; kit 15. Enlle C. Fety. $8.18: lot 18. EjalleC. ,. Fety. $ TB: Tot 2. Rraeat P. Poach. 88.BO; tot 4. Ernest P- - Dosck $4 90; tot a. IL A. and A. W. Beldlnf $4 90; tot 8. H. A. and A. W. BeMlna. S4.90J. wea .2e feet tot - to. Omfoa- - A CsMfsmla Railroad Company, 12 80; ssst 84 feat lot 10. Era J. Parker. $3.25? tot 12. Era J. Parker 14.90; tot J4. W. II. twiaina. .aa.vo. wia . Joseph F. Kefir. $8.60; kit 3. CbsrW W. Hraacbel. 14.90; tot a. A. C. Lohm ra, $4 90 : tot T. A. C. Lokmlr. 4.90; tot 9. H. A. and A. W, Beldinc, $5.83: tot II. Marfln W'lnrh. 14.90; tot IS. Mary F. Flack, l W; tot 15. , Mary F. Flach. 9.TB: tot 17. RolPk Becker. 88.18; tot 18. Rudolph Becker, f.75; i tot 2. WV C.Stratlllaa. 6 50; tot 4. W 0, McMillan. $4 90; tot 8 W. C. McMllUn. . 34.90; tot W. C. McMlllaa. $4.90; tot 10. Allda J. Rate. $6.85; tot 12. SUlaa Jared. 84.90! tot 14. Etlaa Jared. $4 90; tot 18. Mary F, tnoch, 18,15. BLOCK IS, aadlrlded H tot 1. T.- - V. Brandea. . 1.1.25; ondlrlded H tot 1. Helen A. Joaea, ae.28: tot S, James Humphrey, 14.90: tot t. JaavMi rjumphreji. 34.90: tot T. Jamea Hnmparey, 34,90; tot . . Robart Jaeobaoa, 35.85; tot 11. Honrs Knrel--- stad. 34.90; lot 13. Donas EnftslsUd. 14.90; tot 1ST W. B. Ward, 18, W B. WardT 38.18; tot 3. Real A Personsl Batata Coaipany, 38.60; tot 4. Real A Peraoaal Eatats Company. $4.90; lot . W. H. Oaaiea, 14 90; lot tVw: H. Osmss. $4 90; lot 10, W. Wela-bof- f, 35.81 tot 12. Albert U Albert son, S4.90; tot MrJoseph IVMsrtlnL $4.90; tot IT. M Ich. . ael Ballot. $8 16: tot 18.- - Michael Bo Int. SIOB.' BLOCK 14. tot 1. Fred B. Miller. t.60: lot 8. Richard Kallnrer. S4.90; tot 6. " Joseph DeMartlnl. $4.90; lot f . William F. nnrreli; Trnntee, $4.90: west 26 feet lot 9. Oregon Csllfornli Railroad Company, $2.0; eaat 34 feet tott. W. B. W.jaoa, io.23; tot 11, ftophla Walarerhar, $4.9": tot IS. Bophla Welaferber, $4.90; kit 14. Oeors Elttmarer. $4.90; tot IT, Jsmes V. Csrawell. ' $8.80; tot 18. James ta Cars well. 17 15; lot 2. Anna R. Keen. $8.50: tot 4. Anna R. Keeae, $4.90: tot 8. Anna K. Keeae, $4 90; tot 8. Anna . Keetls. 84 90; tot 10. Anna K Keen. $5.86; tot 12. Anna t. Keene, tt.BOrtor lr. Aaaa E. Keene. 84.90: tot , A ana K. Keens, $4.90; lot 19. Darld. M. Watklnda. 88.16: tot 20. Fred Spsaele. tt.TS. BLOCK 13. tot 1. Jsmes U Csrawell. $8.60; tot 2, James U CsrawsTI, S8.60; lot 3, Jamea L. Caraweli. 34.90: tot 4. Jamea U Csrawell. sa an. u 8 Jamea L. Caraweli. 34.901 lot 8. Jamea I Caraweli. $4.90; tot T. LUllai Cars- - . welL $4 90; lot 8. Jsl L. CarawelL $4.90; tot t. Jamea L. Caraweli. 83.86; tot lo. James U Csrawell. $5.86: tot 11, Jamea I.. Caraweli. 14.90; tot 13. Jamea I,. Csrawell. lot 18. Idlliss tarsweii, ea.aiii norm 4 lot 14, Bat curray. at. no; aorta n lor in. rarrar. $1.85; aoutB H tot 14. Kites McMalty. V 25: eonth H tot 13. EI lea Mo Multy, $3.25: lot id, niinnna msbob. . .; tot 17. Rudolph Becker, tn.75; In 18. Rudolph Becker, $8.16; tot 19, Kate Carray. $8.15; tot 20, Ellen McMnlty, $9.78. BIXICK 18. tot 1. Joaeph and E. Weber. $8 50; tot 2. - Joseph and K. Weber. $8.60; tot t, Joseph and R. Weber, 94.90;. lot. 4, Joseph and B. Weber. $4.90: tot . Joseph and E. Weber, $4.90; tot 8, Joaeph and E. Weber, $4.90; tot 7. Joaeph and B. Weber. $4,901 tot 3, Joasnh and E. Weber. $4.90; lot 9, Joaeph and B. Weber, $5.85; tot 10, Josafih aad B. Weber, $5.86: tot 11. Joaeph and B. Wfher, $4.90; tot IS. Joaeph and B. Weber, $4 90; tot IS, Joseph and E. Weber, $4.90; lot 12. Mlchasl - Tsanler, $4.90; lot 14, Michael Tannlef, $4.90; $4.60; tot 17. Faltoa -- tot 18, - Anna Stork. 1'nited Artlaaa Bnlldlat AsaodatloB. $11.76: tot 18, Ernest Hons, $9.75; tot It, Anna Btnck. $9.76; tot 20, Joseph Weber, $3.28. - BLOCK IT. tot 1, C. K. McCleod, fl ftS; tot 2. C. N. ktcaeod. $1.85; tot 1. C. Ni Mc- Cleod, $1.00; lot 4. C. N. McCleod. $1.00; tot t. C. N. McCleod, $1.85: lot 8. C. M. Mc- - Cleod, $1.85; tot T. C. N. McCleod. $1.00; tot 8, T. N. McCleod, $140; lot 9, Flora R. Crittenden, $1.00: kt 10. Flora E. Critten- den, $1.00; tot 12. C. K. McCleod. $1.00; kit 14. C. N. McCleod. $1.00) tot 16. 0. . Me. Cleod, 11.00. tot 18, C. la. -- McCleod. $1.00: tot 11, Ilaanah Maaoa, $1.00; lot IS. Hanaab . Maaon, $1.00; tot IS, Hannah Maana, $l.oo; tot 17, Hannah Kales, $1,001 tot 19. M. $296; tot 21. M. MrNultr. $4.9o; tot 20. Kllaa and Job a A. Keller. 2.20; tot 22. Eliaa sad John A. Keller, $4 90; tot 24, Kllaa and Job. A. Keller, $4.90: kit 23. ,' Alpbanae Lenoir. $4.90: lot 23. Alpbnnae f aolr, $8.50; tof 28, Alphon Lenoir. $4.90; tot 27. Ilaanah Maana. $4.90; tot 28, Haaaah Maaon. $8 30. BLOCK IS. lot 1. CUra it, Mcbeod, tZ.95i tot 8, Clara IT. MrLend, $2 30; tot a. th Hinernisa nannc nana $3,901 lot T. The Hibernian Karlnaa flank. il.65; tot t) Ladwl Wllnelm, ll.floi lot 11. Lndwlf wuneinT. si.iai; lot IB, nVHomna Betas, iaki; lot 18. RoVdroa Relas, $1.00: tot 17, Mary I. : Hedres. ta .TO; lot 19, Mary I. Hedrea. $4 90; tot 21, Hannah Maaoa, $4.90; tot 23. Hannah Maaon, 34.WO; tot 23. Hannah Maaon. $8.59: tot an. Hannah Mason. S4.90 tot 2, Mariana Vandelenr, $2 05; tot 4, Mariano Yaadelenr. $2 :tO; tot 6, Clara N. Mcleod. S2.S0; tot 8. .. William and Aaaa Bents, 31.05; tot 10, W. F. Bnrrsll, Tree tee. tot it W. F. Bar- ren. Trostee' 31.00; tot 14, R. H. Robblna. $1.00; tot 18, James B. Jnbnstnne, 11.30; hit 1. James B. "Johnstone. $4 90: tot to. North-er- OnanfkM Inr. Trnat. Limited. $3.85; lot x 22. Carl O. Anderson. $4.90: lot 24. W. A. and Mill C. Vlarera, 84 90; tot 27, W. A. and Mill C. Vl.rera, $4 90; tot 28. W. A. and Mill C. Vlaaera. $6-5- BI,K'K 19, lot 1, W.'F. Barrell. Tm.fe4 $1,804 tot 2. W. F. Bm-rel-L Trnat e. $1.88: tot t, W F. Barren. T mates, (1JJ0; 1st a. If. r. arrsll, traat, citt voTioea. Sl.OOl lot a. CUra M. Wrf aaMt. 11 Ml- - lot Wllltaai Frlrdlandrr. R1.00: lot T. William r rieuianoer. f i on; tot n, willlaai rrlrdlaBusr. $1.01': kit t. William rrk.ll..u. si ia, lol - !, William Frtadlander, $t.uo; tot 11, Inltad tti.tea Rational Bank. $1 0O; tot 13. Unltsd - 2!'S imt.T Sk. $1 uo; lt J, lulled ..' SM" ""t t 14. tailed 2 v,;5 i4""' l k li tailed El"??! ?,lf""J kit Itt, laltsd r- - Mi,SJklJMJSoi. Arthur W, tira. T fm,3 i"r T Hsaash Ussoa. $3.js; kM fci. Ilanuah Maaoa, hit K. UI.7Io, tot xaT Jou.ua. irrtoiTl M Moi iR and Cora N. BaldUi. $3.u; -- tie VI" '0,,, HrldlnJ. $J.WO; fj W- - ud U. A. ItaHlIu. 83.no; v W"d'- - A. Beldln. $3.w0; lot 1. - Jimra lot a, w. r nnrreli. Iraate. $3.m: tot 3. W. F. Barren. tss, $3.30: lot 4. W. r. Barrall, Trustee. S3. Jl ? v F. Burrsll. 'Irn.tee, 8i3o; HnrrelL Trti.le. 83.30: Lt T 7 7 ' w'"v tt 1 ff 1 OUrrtJai. llfantV, fl.5: lot 10, Alice V. McCarthy. $3.; tot w ,cC",y. ; tot 11. Edward "aaa aa. usasatt. B4.su; kit 13. T " ilI.i,fr,.,h I4 80' Jreal E. 8. FhKk, v. u essia a. B, f icck, $4 uu; lut in. t.T"" ?: ,rc'. ; tot- IT, Jeaaw a. a, alack. $4.90; tot IS. Jeaal H. 8. Fleck. $4.90: ft 1 Fbxk, $3.83; tot 30. jeaal a. rieck. $3.86; tot XI, James . Jolin siaas, $4.90; lot ta. Jams M. Johnatona. $.9: tot X3. War la R. Uoiale, $8.30; kit 34, Marl K. lloxaie, S43H; tot 22V Miaalnxer A Co., jrnaie, atwu; lot B4, HlaataKer A : Traataa, $4 90: tot 27. ' lllaaliiit- -r A Co. Traare. $4.90; lot 28. Blaalager Co.. . Traate. $8.50, BLOCK 21. lot I. J- - M. 1'aompasa, $6.88; tot 3. J. M. Thompson, 84.au; tot 5. Lisa la Uorrlaoa, $4.90; kit 7, . 'Iisto II.. Near, $4.90; tot 9, Detos 11. Near, S5J); lotv 11, John A. Johnston and James Olaen, 34.90; fet 13. Joha A. Johnatna and 'Jamea Olaen, $4.90: lot 13, Hlberaia oar In.. nana, ujri; lot 17, Hlberaia Bar mas Mankt $4.90: lot 19,- - Hlberaia Bsrlnss Hauk. $3.H; tot 21. T. W. Haanamaa, $4.90; tot 23. Bar-- . nard 0. McCarthy. $4.90: tot 25, NUI 31, Ward. $6.30; tot 2T. Cbsrles P. Little. $4.90: f tot 2, Herman Btea, $4.wl; tot 4, Hernias . Blt, 34.90; tot 6, Herman Ulcer. $4.90: tut 8. A. W. and H. Bekllna. $4.90; tot 10. Van. nl A. Curtis, $.1.85; lot 12. NstUs Ot Oraikm, . 1 OA. t. t A V . . . 1 1 a. uA. 1 . 1 ) - Hoxaaaa Courtney, $,.90: kit J S. William IV I .XMtrtaey, 84.90; tot xa, Joale Biiitirsn, ao.-- n; tot 22, U. U Tstum sad J. J. Howaa, 4.9o; tot 24, Heymour C. Friendly, $4.90; tot-3- 0, W. r, Burrell, Tniatee. $4.90; tot 28, Bessls Elmmer, 14.B0. BLOt'K 22, tot 1, AlUanca Truar- - Compasy, Limited, $5.85; tot 3. or aad Louie $4.90; lot 6, Albert Krura- - rey, $4.90; tot 7. Jennls Bower. $4.90; lot t. Jennla Bower, $3.85; tot 11. Fred 8. MUler, $4.90; lot 13. Fred 8. Miller. $4.90; tot 15, W illamette Tribe, No. 6, Imnrored Order of "Rd Mea, $4.90: k4 17, Wlllamatt Trrfi ,'Wo. .8. Improred Order of Red Men. 8440: tot 19, Kittle E. Emmons, $5.nA: tot 21. Mary B. loiale, $4.90: tot 23.. Mary R. lloxaie, 34 90 tot 25. Mary E. Hoxale. $8.50: tot 27, l.hwl Beldlat', $4.90; lot X. (ieorye Icbmeler. $5.35; . tot 4. Gears Larbmeler. $4.90: lot 6, 8a rah . E. Ereraoa. $4.90; tot 8. Marsh B. P. Hereon, $4.90; lot 10. II. R..lon, $5.85; lot 13. H. '. R. lam. $4.90: tot 14. H. R. Lonr. $4.Ml; tot 18. McK Inter MltchelL $1.90: tot 18. licKlnley . MltchelL 84.90: lot XO..W. O. Relnine 85.85 : f - 22, A. and A. WV Belding, $4.90; lut 24. i i.nuue neiaina. mi aa, Maris K. tiox-- . ale. 34.90; tot 28. Llsxie Beldlnir. $3.60. BLOCK 23. lot 1. Mary B. Taylor. $5.85: tot 8. Maad W. WooUolk. $4.90; lot 6. Karld . Onortasll, ; lot 7, Clara B. Crane.' $4.90; tot 9. Mary B. Horal. $5.35; tot II. Calrary - Preefcyterlaar. Church, 14.90; lot 13. Calrary Prebytriaa Cbnrch. $4.90; lot l.T.3iieanna ,. Elmmsrmsn. $4.90; tot 17. Susanna Xlmmer-- . man, $4.90; tot " 19, 8uaanna Elmmerman. . 35.K1: tot 21, Susanna Zlmmermaa, $4.90; tot . 23. Hnaanoa Zimmerman, $4.90; tot 25, Boaaa-- f aa Elmaiermani $6.50; tot 26. Bnaanna $4.90: tot V O. M. and Hena Bobler, $3.83; tot 4, O. M. aad Pens Bobler, $4 90; tot a. Bruno R. Ounther. $4.90: lot t, Jnsenh Flnke $4.90: lot 10. Ida laMweasoa, $3.85: tot 12. Oeora . Wrlrht Post. No. 1, Grand Army of the rtepnhltc. $4.90: tot 14, Joha - kfsttbleaea, 84.90; tot 16. Rotla R. Laurence, $4.90; lot 18. A. W. Joaea. 14.90: tot 20, MajtrU W. I.lttto, $51: tot 22. Harris R. . Jones sad Mary A. Csoley, 34-9- tot 24. - MlCtlsel- - Mooter. 84.90. tot of Wlnielmlna - Vahl. 34.9tt.- - lna- ttW. Caetattaai-Jofcifc- a SA BA BLOCK 24. tot 1, Hannah Uaaon. $2.95; lot a. nannaa ei aeon, lot a. uannan Maaon. 12.30: tot 4. Hannah Maana. tot 6. Harmab. Maaoa. $2.95; lot 6. Hannah Maaon, $4.90; tot T. Hannah Masoa. $3.26; lot 8, Hannah Maaon, $4.90; tot 9. Hannah Mason, S3.90; tot 10, Hannah Maaoa, $5. 85:. tot 11. Hannah Maaoa. 84.55: tot 13. Hannah at aaon. -- 340; tot 13. Hannah- - Maaon, JH. 90; loi 14, nannaa maaoa, sa.vii: tot in, tiannaa Mason, 14.90; lot 16, Hannah Msaoa, $4.90; tot IT. Hannah Masua. $440: tot 18, Hannah Mason. $4.90,: tot - 19. Hannah - Maana, $6?85; tot 20, Hannah Haana, $3.85: tot -- 41. . Hanaah Mssna, 34.90: lot 22. Haaaah Mason. .14.90; 1st 23, flannah Maana, $4.90r tot 24. . Hannah Ma-o- a, $4.90: tot 23. nannah Masoa. fso.oo; lot X6. Hannah Mason, $4.90; lot 27. . Hannah Maaon, $4,90; tot 28. Hannah Manna. r i.on. ULOCK 30, tot 1. Margaret Markay 16.90: tot 2. Maraaret Mackar. 827.3rr. Ink ' Msnraret Mackay. In. 50; tot 4. Maraaret Mar- ker. $9.73. BLOCK 26. sand It la ton 1 of lot A, II a axle Murphy. $3.23: anhdtTteloa t of lot -- A. .Ilaaxle Murphy, $1.95: snbdrrhnoa S of tot A. Halls R. Dal. tl.tlS; suhdlrlalon 4 of tot .A. U H. snd A. II. Maxwell. $1.65; sabdlrl-aio- n I of tot A. Alantarst Whit. $1.65; auhdl-rlal- of tot A, Marraret White,- $1.65; snb . aiTiaion t or tot-.- Maraaret White, 1.66 suhdlTlaloa 8 of tot A, Jennla Cnrrkv, 1.65 subdlTletea of lot. A, Jennie .Currl, 1.85; suhdlTlaton 10 of tot A, Jennl Currta, l.on; suDairnuoa j i or an A, Jennie Carrie. l.tw anhdlrlaloo 13 of tot A, (luaitor J. Bumuilnf . ' $1.00; anbdlrlatoa It at tot A, Maraaret White. $1.00; snbdlrtolna 14 of tot A. Usrca- - ret White. 11. 0O: anbdirlaloa IS nf toe A n - Haasen. 11.00; an hdlrlaion 16 sf tot A, Tllll F. Comellna, $1.00; aub.llTletoa 17 of lot A, TllUe F. Coraellua. $1.00: aubdlrhrton IS of tot A, M. J. Potter, $1.80; anbdlTlaloa 1 of - tot B, We. ley Miller, 13.30; anbdirlaloa S of tot B. Wealer Miller. 31.U.V autwHrlaloa. a o tot B, Jnlls Marquanu $1.95; aahdlrtaloa 4 of ot is Julia Maruuara. ti.vo; sundlTlslon of tot B. Oander J. Rainmlnc, $1.95; snhdlrxttoa 6 of tot R, alary E. Adama, $1.95: anbdlrntoa x or lot o, w. r. nnrreli, Trmrte $1.96; aahdlTlatoa I of tot B. W. F. Barrell, Trustee. $1.95; so hdlrlaion 9 of lot R. W. F, Burrell. tVnalea IU., .hUIUULu in -- . ... ... a. ' Barrell, Trustee. $2.30; sabdlrlsloa ll of tot B, W. F. Barrel, Trn.tee. $1.30; nbdtrlaloa anrHnn.TT.r- - uurreu, Trnatee. xi.no; ,. auhdlrlatoa 13 of tot B. Mary B. Adams, $1.30; T aabdlrlsioa 14 of tot B, Mary R. Adam. $140; auoniTiaina xo ox tot b, Msry K. Adams. $1 JO; sabdlrlsloa 16 of tot B. Jsmes W. Brandt, - $1.30; sulidlTistoa 17 of lot B. Gunner J. Rum. mine, $1.30; aubdlristna 18 of tot B. W. F. Burrellr- - Trnatee, $2.80. BLOCK 27, tot 1, TB'len HTBchollhorn Eataf. nlraor.TB7.0r tot S. Eltoa H. Bchollhora Eatat. lletra e IJ0.50; anbdlrlston 1 of tot A. 0. If. Bnsacll. Truste. 12.70: sabdrrtstoa 2 of-l- A. 0. M. - RusselL Trnalee. $2.30; sabdlTMloa t of tot A.. C. 11. Rnsaell. Trnate. 11315; snhdlrartoa 4 ef lot A. O. M. RosaeU. Trnate. $2.30; sub- - ' $1.95: subdlrlaton 6 of 'lot' A. C. i. Ruaaeil' ' Trnatee. $1.98: aubdlrlatoa T af tot A, Moy Bark Hln, $1.95: anbdirlaloa 8 of tot A. W. w. nurreii, irnate, ai ho; snodlrhtloB-- M tot ' A, Moy Back Hln, 11.80; suhdlrbilotf Iff of tot A, W. F. Burrell, Trnate, $1.30; snhdlrtaloa J of tot B. II. J. Dnffy, $3.30: anbdlrletoa of tot B, Hon Che How. $3.90; sohdlrtston 8 of tot R. W. H. MeEldowner and J. T. Ijmnard, SS.90I anhdlrlaloo 4 of tot B, W. F. Burrell, Traate. $3.90; sahdlrlstoa 6 of tot B. W. H. MrKldowney aad J. T. Leonard. ' 1.1.90; aubdlrlatoa 6 of tot B. C. M. Rnsaell. 3 90; anhdlTlatoa 7 of lot B, W. M. I .aw. - 3.90: anhdlTlatoa t of tot B. Uor Back Hln. : 3.90; sohdlrlabia 9 of tot B, W. M. w, 3.231 anhdlrlaton 10 of tot B. Moy Back Hln, 113.25. BLOCK 28, tot 1. Jennla and J. M Belcher, $47.90; tot 3. James B. Pnlhemns. 134.05; snbdlrlalon I of tot t. William and - Roalna Oelrer. $2.80: anhdlrlalnn 2 of tot 2, William aad Roalna Oelyer. 16.20: snbdlrlatoa I of tot 2. Wllllsm snd Roalna Oelrer, 15.30; snhdlTlston 4 of tot 1. William and Roalna Oelrer. $6.80; aubdlrtotoa 8 of dot 3. William aad Rosins Oebrer. $6.50: snbdlrlalon of lot - 2. William and Roalna Oelrer. $6.50; aubdl-- " rlalos T of tot 2. William and Hoed na Oelaer, 16.50: sTtbdtrwInn 6 of lot 2. Will 1616' and Roalna (Jelrer. 13.20: snbdlrlalon 9 f In X ft-- j William snd Roalna Oelrer, 1640; snbdlrlalon iu or tot X. William and Roalna Oelaer. 12.30; snbdtrlstoa 1 of tot 4, Mrs. If. J. Weamer, 12.65: auhdlrlatoa 2 of tot 4. Mrs. kl. J. Weamer. 1200; euMlyunoB S of tot 4, Mrs.' M. . weamer. anhdlTlatoa 4 of lot 4, Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $2.65; enhdlrteton 8 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $2.65; snhdlTwrloa 6 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $2.65; snbdl. rlalon T of tot 4, Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $.1.30; snbdlrlatoa 8 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer, $3.30; snbdlrtetoa 9 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Wea- mer.- $2.68. BLOCK 29. lot 1. Msmrat H. IVnholnt. $2.60; lot 2. Marsaref H. Iiennolm. 33.95; tot 8, Mantaret IL Hennolm, $2.60; tot l. Marfaret H. Denbnlin, $343; tot 6. Marys- - n. vrnnmi., ffl.aii mn n, Marrai m ri t fienbolm, $3.25; tot T. Marysret H. Penholm, to: tot n, Msrvsret H. iiennolm. 1. 9. Msnrsret H. Iienholm. $2 60; lot 10, Marsa- ret H. DenboliB. $2 60. BIXK'K SO, sshdtrhrloa 4 of tot A. Emily H. and Jamas rnrraa. $1.93; anbdlrlatoa 2 of tot A, Frederick Frxert, 11.63; atindiTiatna r lot A, rrederira Esxert, 11.63; snbdlrlatoa 4 of lot A, Frederick Essert 11.30; snbdlTlatoa 8 of tot A. Frederick Esrert. $1.30; snhdlrtaton 6 of tot A. W. F, Barrell. Truste. 11.80; euhdlTleton T of lot A. Jenkins A Ste- - erne. $1.00; anbdirlaloa 1 of lot B, W. T. Bnrrell. Trnatee. II. 5; subdlrtotoa 2 of tot B, W. F. Barrell. Trnatee. $1.63. - A tract of land lylnr hetweea th snath tin , ef Vermont street aad th north Una of suh- dlTlaloa T of tot A, block 80. Boat her Port- land, aad between th eaat line of Peuasyl-- ran la street and tb westerly lis of tb Ore-an- a A California Railroad Comoaoy'a rlibt of way. Martha M. CrowsU. $1.66. A tract ef land lylnr between th snath tin of Vermont street aad th north Una of sun. ' dlrtetoa t of tot B, block 30, Monthera Part-lan- and between the treat tin of Ooaaertl. cut etreet end Die eeeterly 11 n af lb Ore-yo- n A California Railroad Company's Mailt af way. C. P. CrorreH- - Catete. Helra of; $3 90. OLZUERX rOETLAND, OREtiO BLOCK SI, ;s CITT wOTICItV Jsa sti ira li "h nyl'ljr' lot 1. Belomoa Relas; II.Bnrtot t; toatoa ReUnC $l.0Ot W 3. .kVAaxa. ""'J''" 4, r.mwa. . T $1.60; tot M. poto-- 11.0O; lot a. Hokimoa He lea, Holoajoa Kelaa, au no; Relas. $0.05: tot a. tot BT.lomoB e toe $0,631 tkiloaana HelaV $0.63; tot 11. 'k.moa aa ltot W.l.. ItoW"f.5l -- Kh-iT; il.wooa $0.00; tot 16, Botomoa ' Heli ? 6T".BLO:'K S3, tot 1. H.nh Malon. $IH.5: lot X. M"J,.i' lil k" $0 53 65; M!wTTl.k.B 3 f tot 1. J.m. J-- a..T ...i.lllkai 3 of tot 1. James Heed! $".'63; Ml1lTlehs 4 of tot 1. Js 8 C! Si M3 mintllTlakia 6 of tot 1, Janie B. Reed, iu 65: t of tot 1, Anna a. r ooTVub.llTl.lo. T of tot 1. Anna-ll- . B,..aJ $1"0: aolHllTlaloa 6 of tot I, J. H. - pfikluVnai and A..W. Wrliht. $1.00; aubdlrk atoa 9 of tot 1. J. N. Bwrt. e".a: nm rsjnn tot N. Burt, $0.65; suhdlTtsloa 11 if kt 1 I'naa Ou: eubutrMon 12 of tot I J B. P lltalti sad A. W. Wrlaht. . auWlTlslon l! of tot 1. J. B. Pllklajt-- ! T W. 80.65; subdtTlal JW i, Joha 1 CoS $0 6 miodlrlaloa 15 of tot L JobaT.Vook. $0.65; subdlrlaton 1 of tot It Cells M. Frler;ad H. MjCltacy. wWlrlaton 3 of tot X. Clla M - Edwta 8. McCllncy. $0.66; aubdlrtston $ frf tot 3. Cell M. Frier and Edwta n. yc T cilnVy. $0.63: anbdlrlston 4 of tot 3, Calla M. snd Kdwla H. McCllncy. $0.65: siihul-- , rlalon $ of lot 3, Cell M. Frtor aad IWwIa B. -- McCllncy. So.65: suhdlrlskia 6 ot kit 3. Oil M. Frier and Edwin 8. McaiBcy. $1.00; n T of lot 2. Cells M. Frtor and fdwla 8. McfllncT. $1.90; siibdlrlslon 8 of .tot 2, - cella M. Frier sad Edwm 8. McCllBcy. $1.D0: euh.llrl.loa 9 of tot 3. Cell M. Frier and Edwin 8. MoCllacy, $0.65; .nhdlTtolon 10 of tot 2. Cells M. Frier syd E.I w la 8. McCllacy. $0.60: euhdlTlaloo lldif tot 2. Cella M. Frier ind Bdwla 8. alcClUvrr. $100; aundlTbrtoa 13 . of lot 2. Cella M. Frlsr and Bdwla . Mp--' Cliacy. $1.00; subdlraiton 13 of tot 2. Cella " M. Frier and Edwin X. McClincy. $0.65: sub- - dtolalon 14 of fc.t t, Cella M. Frtor and EdwlB H. McCllncy. $0.65; aubdlristoa 15 af tot 2. Cells M. Frtor sad Edwin 8. McCllncy. $0.63. BLOCK 84. subdlTlalon 1 of tot O, E. C. Bra--' naurh, $0.65; anbdirlaloa 2 of tot O. R, O Bro n.uah, $0.63; snhdlrlsloa I of tot O, B. lh nro- - n.nrh, I n an ; suraiirwina r an ... mu k,. one. aauah, I10.63! anbdlTlaloa t of tot O, R. 0. 6; iianah, I mbdlrlaloa of tot 0, B. 0. Br nanrh, $0 66; aubdlrailoa T or k-- t u, b. v. nro-.6- 5; nauitb, lo anbdirlaloa 8 of tot 0, B. C Bra-8- .,n.h 30 aulidlrlalon of tot O. B. C. Bro- - nanali. $0.65: snb.llTk.toa 10 of tot O, R. 0. Bronsuah. $0.63; snhdlrbitoB 11 of lot 0. B. C. Bronatiith, 30.65; subdlrwloa 12 of tot O, E. 0. . HrosuKh, Hi.ttn; suottiTMi.ra jo or an . Hronaush, I0.65; sulMllrlakm 14 of tot O. B, O. Hmnaurh 10.6.1: aulallrlaloa IB or tot u, a., Rronaurh. 1.63; siibdtTlakia 16 of tot O, E. ltronauah. .65; snhdlTlatun li or mt u, Eyv. tlM..i,.k SA HK aoltftlrailon 16 Of lot:o, jru Hronannu, $0.65; aubdlrlatoa 19 of tot O, E. 0. - Bronauca, $0.63; suoairisioa z or an it, . . . - Hrooaimh, $0.a3; anhdlrlaloo 21 of tot O, B. C. , Pronaurh, $0.65; anbdirlaloa 22 of tot 0, E. C. tironauxn. e.i.oo; suotiiraiKai -- i ok . ... n. vv. Rronau-rh- , .tin; subdirisiaa 24 or an u, n. v. Hronaurh, ft', anhdlrlalnn 25 of tot O. JVJC. Hrooaiish, 85: auhdlrlaloa 98 of tot OS B. 0, Hroaauah. 1.85: anhdlTlatoa 27 of tot E. 0. Hronauirlt. D.65; aubdlTlsloa 26 or tot tr, B. v. IlronauKh, a.65; sulidlThiloa 1 of tot H, R. C. HronauKb, 10.65; anbdirlaloa 2 f tot H, H. V. Bronanth, i.65; subdlTlalaa t of tot ll. n. Bronsurh, .65: anbdirlaloa 4 Of tot ll. B. U. Bmnsorh, .65; aundirlalon 6 of tot H, B. C Bronaaxh,'" MA. .hdllaleB tal W IL E. C. Bronanfb, 05: anbdlTtatoa T ef lot H. E. C. Bronsogb, i0.65; anbdirlaloa of tot H, B. v. Brans us h. to.63; au hdlrlaion 9 or lot it, a,, ij. Bronauxh, 1.85; flutKliTiaioa m or an n. . j Hronanftii, 1.65; snbdtTlstoa 11 of tot H. B C Broaaugb, 10.63; aundirlalon ll ot mi it, ra. u. Bronaurh, H1.65; aubdlrlatoa 11 of m it, a, u. Bronaurb, .no; anoairi.ioa 1 ot an n, ai. . Hronsttab, H8: auhrilrlatoa IB ef tot H. B. C. Hronsuab, 41.65; sobdlTlatoa 16 of tot H, B. 0. Hroasngb, .65; anbdlrletoa 17 or lot it. n. u. Hronaiutb, MM anhdrrlakai 18 of lot H. R. C. Rronaugh, I A: anbdirlaloa 19 of tot H. E. 0. Bronauch. .165; anbdirlaloa 20 ot tot H. H. C. Bronaufth, 10.65: aandtrlstoa 21 of tot H. E. 0. Brooanah, 10.65; snbdlrlatoa 23 of tot H, K. I, Hronauxhi 10.65; anhdlrlsloa 23 af tot H, H. Cs Bronaugh, 10.85; snbdlrlatoa 24 of lot H, H. C. Bronanab, 0.66; aundlrlsloa XB of tot n, b. v. Bronaufth, SJt anndtrlalon 26 of tot H. B, i . Bmnaneh. ., subdlrlaton 27 of lot II, H. C. n....K an sa . Bttyu'K XB. anbdirlaloa I ef tot A. Frederick Errert. $1.68: j DtoloBJ or Kit . rrefleriCB BraeTTr ri.ll.il uauia.'a - 9 of tot A, rnMlark'k Erert.$1.00; snhdl- - rtokr 4 of lot A, irMtwi r;nn, j", a,.hrfirtato af tit A.. Frederick Kerert. 31.00; r ...ubikL. i kr i. 6 IL RaaaelL Truate. $1.65; subdlTlalon T ex lot a. '""' ," rert. $1.00; aubdlrlatoa 8 of tot A. William ' La hoe, $1.65; anbdirlaloa 9 of to A, W W. . ai Oil. anhdlrlaka. 10 of tot A. William - Ihbel $L0U; anbdlTlaloa 11 of tot A, Aajrua-nat- a $1.00; aubdlristoa 13 of tot A, O. M. RttssellT Trustee. $1.66: salajlrlaloa 13 of tot A. C M. Haasen, iTuarr-- i. "i "" ,.Li u .1 Lat a. r.. u. Uneasll. Trustee $145; anbdlTlaloa 1 of tot R. W. O. M. and , f. A. Haya. 1.0Ot satKHrtoloa t a .tot B. Hsrab. A. HTOWB.au.oo; snnoiramm - c xt nn an ait: an hdlrlaion 4 of kH B i Arthur Mather. $0.66: aubdinaloa- - 6 of tot B. Moy Back Hla, $0.65; anbdlrtotoa 8of tot B C. M. Rnsaell, Truste. $0.66; subdlTlalon 7 of . tot B. W, F. Bnrreii, iTuaieo, ri, au. n of tot 1. Martha M. Crowell. $240. BLOCa an 1. 1 R. Ornhb. 83.23: tot 3. Kath ' erlne U Trerett. $346; tot 8. Maraaret H. Pen hoi in. $346; tot 4, Maraaret H. Den holm, 83.25; tot aT Msrtsret H. Den holm, $3.60; tot - , Maxwell It. Hamlrtoa, $3.60; tot T, Maxwell . Ha ml I ton. $3.60: tot I. Marfaret H. DeB- - i aolm. 83.00; tot , Margaret rt. vennwoi, w-n- , lot 10, Jama F. BeU, 13.80; tot 11. Jamea I" ttaii art Afi: lot lx. Marsaret II. Penholm $3.60: lot 18, Maraaret II. Denbolm. $3.90; tot -- 14. James F, Hsll, $3.90; tot 15, D. B. Me- - Bride, $3.90; tot 16, Geora Hlenbonae, $3.90; tot 17. Geora Mteaiionae, $;40; lot 18. Dinald B. McBrMe. $3.60; tot 10, Donald B. Mc Bride, m mi: lot 90. Iloa.ld R. McBrlde. $3.60: tot 21. C. T. Nah-- a. 63.O0; tot 22. Donald B. Me- -, BrMe. $3.60 tot 23, Donald B. McBr1n.'$3.60; tot 24. C. D. Nairn. $3.60: tot 23, Robert Llr- - tnratnoe. $3.60: tof 26, Konert Lirmrstoa. $345: lot 27, Rnhert Ltrlnraton. $3.25; lot is. araaret H. Denbolm. RLOCK 37, "Haaaah Maaoa, $1646. BLOC. SB, aarafl a. Itar. 816.33. v ORRKN'8 ADDITION BLOCK 1. tot 1, Joha W. - Lanxdos and wife. W. 11. Barnett and wife, . $4.90; tot 2, John W. Lancdon and wlf a. W. H. Harnett and. wife, 34.901 tot 8, Joha W. " T.adon aad wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $4.90; tot 4. John W. Lanfdon and wua, w. ll. I. a a aear nam tlf ea'TRf S3 1 - Harnett aaa who, eo.au. ruw.. e, w Job W. Lancdon aad wlf. W. H. Barnett and r. a.1 on- - Nt 9. John W. Lanadon aad wife. ' W. II. Barnett and wit. $3.90; tot 8, John W. Laaxdoa sod wife, w. H. Barnett aaa wire, $3.90; lot 4. Joba W. Laflfdoa aad wife, W. H. . Harnett and wife, $1.90; tot 6V Joha W. Ing-rto- a and wlf. W. H. Hamatt and wlf. $6.20; tot 6. Joha "W. Lsnrdoa ano.wu. w. n. . mA arlfe. 8a SO: tot T. Joba W. LSDC- - don and wtfa, W. It. Hamatt and wife, 4.la); I'd 8. John W. lamaoou ana wue. tj . . aS arlfa. 14. BO. BLOCK t. tot 1 Joba W. Lanadoa and wlf. W. H. Barnett and wife. $3.90; tot 2. John W. lancdon and wlfs. W. H. BsraH and wlf i $3.90: tot 8. Joha W. Lanrdoa and wlf. W. H. Baratt " ad wlf. $3.90: tot 4, Henry I; Johnson. $4.90; tot 6, Joba W. Lanxdoa and wlf. W. II. Barnett aad wlf. 84.90: lot a. joaa w. Inrdoa and wlf, W. H. Barnett snd wife, $3.90; tot 7, John W. Ianrdon and wife, W, v I, o . '.-- a te. aa oo; tot 6. Joba W, ilanadoa snd wlf. W. H- - Barnett and wlf, $3.90. BLOCK 4. lot 1, John W. -- Lantdon" and wlf," tV and wife, $6.50: tot 2, Joha W. Jjinitdow and - wlf. W. H. Barnett and wife, $3.20: S. John W. jina.toa and. wife. W. 11. Barnett and wlf. 83.15; tot 4. Joha-W- Lancdotv and wife, w. H. narnti ana wue. i w- - . , -w i,.,iM and wlf. W. H. Barnett and Wlf. $340: tot 6. John W. lanrdoel and wlf. W. H. Barnett aad wife. $3.90; tot T, Joba W. Ijmrdoa snd wife, W. H.BarBett aad wife, .13.90. BI OCry.6. tot 1, Joba w . Lanarton dnd wife, W. II. Barnett and wlf ' IS. l.V. tot 2, Joha W. I.anrdon aad wife, W H. Barnett and wife. 115; tot S, Joha W. Ijinadon and wlfa, W. H. Barnett and wife, $8.13; tot 4, Joha W. lanrdon aad wife, W. H. Rarnett and wife. $9.76; tot 8. John W. Inrdos and wlfs. W. H. Harnett and wife: 19.75; tot 6, Joba w. lnraoa aaa wire, w. 4. Rarnett ana wire, tot 7. Jona rr Ijinxdon and wlf. W. H. Barnett and wife. $2.60: lot a, Joba w. utnanoa aaa wtr. rr, H. Barnett and wife. $3.80: tot 9. Joha W. lanrdon and wlfa, W, II. Harnett and. wife, $3.25: tot 10. John W.' Lanrdon and wlf. w, 11. Barnett and wire. ' tot 11, Joha W. Lsnrdon and wife, W. II. Barnett and wife, tot 12. Joba W. Lanadon and wlfa, W. ?4.90; sad wife. $3.90: tot IS, Joba W. Iamrdon and wlfs, W. H. Barnett aad wlf. 8.1.2V. lot 14. Joba W. Inftkm and wlf. W. II. Barnett and wire. ,o . BtXICK a. tot 1 Joha W. Lsatdoa aad Wlfs. W. H. Harnett and wife. $3.20: tot 3. I.ydla A. Mills. 13.90; lot 1. l.ydla A. Mllla. $8.90. tot 4, Joha W. Laoadoa and wife - lad W. It. Baractt ssd Wlf. $3.90; tot 6. Joha W. Lanadoa and wife, W. IT. Barnett tad wife. $3.90: tot 6 Joha W. I.anrdon and wlfa. W, H. Barnett and wife, $3.90; tot T, Joba W. lanrdon and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife. $3 90: tot 8. Joha W. Iinedoa and wlf,- - W. H. Harriett nd wife, 14.90; lot 9. John W. Lancdon snd wife, W. H. Barnet and wife. $4.90; tot 10. .John W. tanrdon snd wife, W. H. Barnett and wlf, $3401 lot 11, John W. Lsnrdon snd wlfs, W. H. Harnett sad wlf. $3.90; lot 12. Joba W, Tanrdon and wife,- W. II. Barnett and wl'e, 134nt tot 13, John W. LsnfaVm and wife, W. H. Barnett and wlf. $3 90; tot 14. Job W. lanrdon and wlf. W, H. Barnett and wlf, 13. B0: tot 16, John W. Ijinrdon snd wife, w. II. Burnett and wlf. $3 .90; lot 16, John W. lanrdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $3.90. BLOCK T. tot 1. Joha W lsnrdon and wlfa, W. H, Rarnett aad wife $3.20; tot 2, Joha W. Tanrdon and wife,- - W. H. Barnett and wife, $3.90: tot t, Joha W. lsnrdon and wlf. W, II. Harnett and wlf. t1.9": let 4. Joha W. tanrdon and wife, W. and wife. $1.90: tot 8, John W. I. aardon and wlf. TV. H. Baraett and wlfa. 11.90: tot 6, John W. lsnrdon snd wlf. W. II. Barnett and wife. $3.90; tot T. John W. lanrdon and wlfsi W, II. Barnett snd wife. 11.90: tot 6, Joha W. Lsnrdon and wife, W. II. BariMtt and wife. $4.90: tot ft, Joha W. Lsnfdoa and wlft W. U. Baraett and wlf, " fS.tfl: tot 10, Joha W. Lanartoa and wife, W . H. Harnett aad wife. $4 M0; tot 11. Joub W. ' Inadua and wife, W. U. Harnett and wife, r 4.9.1; tot 13. Jol.n W. Lanidoa and wife, W. 1. Harnett aad wife. $4 90: tot 13, John W. - Intdua and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, $4.90; lot 14, Joba W. Unfdoa snd wlf. W, . H Harustt aad wife, $4 90; tot 13, J.Aa W and wife. W. H. Harnett aad wlfs. J4.95; kit lo. Joha W. Lsaittoa snd wlfs. W. snd wife, 83.86. t K t, tot I, Joha w. Inrdon and wlf. W. H. Harnett and wlfs, $3.85; tot X John W, lnaaua and : wife. W il Harnett and wife. 14.90: tot I. t- - Joha W. LanKdoa and wife, W, H. Harnett ad wife. $4.90; lot 4, Joba w. latnaaoa and I fa, w. II. Hamatt and wire. $490; lot 6, John W. Laasdua aad wlf. W. H. Barnetl and wife. $4.90; tot 6, Joha W. .Laaadoa and - wife, W. H. Harustt aad wlfa. '$4 90: lot T. Joha W. LsBcitoa and wlfa, W. H. Barnett snd wlfs, $4.90; lot 8. Joha W. Lsngdua aad wife. W. 11. Barnett and wife. $5.85. ' TERWII.UOKB HOMK8TKAD BLOCK 1, tot 1. Terwllllger Land CuBHiauy. $ll.uo; tot X Ter- willlser Land Compaay. $0.66; lot t, Ttrwll-life- r Ijind Company, )I3.00; tot. 4. Terw ti- ll xer Laad Company, -- $9.75; tot 8, Terwll- llger Land Company, $5.20; tot 6, Terwll- llger Land Company, $0.66; tot T. Terwll. llger Land Company, 9.75; lut S, Terwll- llger Land Comnany, $11.40. A tract of land lying between blorka I and 2, Terwllllrer Homestead, and between th eouth line of Seymour areau and tb north lln ef Admiral .arena, TeraUUger Land Cooipsny, S III KA - TKRWII.I.IOER HOMESTEAB-Bt.OC- 2. tot 1. Terwllllger Land Company. .ia; Kn a. Land Company. $6.50: tot t, Terwllll- - (.and Company. $e.u; it . ierwniiaer Eer Comiwny, $3.15; tot 6. TerwUllser Land Couipany. $1.96; tot 6, Terwllllger Land Com- pany, $145; tot T, Terwllllger, Land Company, S1.951 tot 8, Terwllllger land Coaipany. 2.6t. BLOCK S. tot I, Terwllllger Land Comnany, 86.50: lot X. TerwiiiuTer vompsnr. a.i.au tot . 8, Terwllllger Ulna . company tot IV. Terwllllger ISDO Company, Land Compaay, tot t Terwllllger tot Terwllllger Land Company, tot h Terwilllser Land Compaay, tot s, Terwllllger . Land Company, tot 9. Terwilllser Land Company, tot 10. Terwllllger Laad Company, tot 11. Terwllllger land Company, tot 12. Terwllllger Lead- - Company, tot lib TerwllUo-e- r Lsnd Company, ni lU'lt 4. tot 1. Terwllllrer Land Company, 1 13.25; tot 2. Terwilllser Laud Company, $1.95; tot S, Terwllllger Laad Company, tot 4, - Terwllllger Land . Company, - tot' 6, Terwllllger Laad. Company,; . tot 4," Terwllllger Land Company, . , tot T. Terwllllger Lamf Company, T kit a, Terwllllger Land Company. . , tot 9, Terwllllger Laad Compaay. tot ,10, Terwllllger Land Company, tot It. Terwllllger Land Company, ' tot 1J 1 arwllllaer Land Coauiaay. BLOCK 5, tot 1. Terwllllger Land Company, x an.BU: tot z, lerwuufar utaa uioipany, tw.jcj .. TeraUUger. UnS Coniuanr.. 4. Terwllllger Company, $8.16! kit t. Terwllllger i Land Compaoy, tot Terwllllger Laad Compaay, ; tot 7,1 , Terwllllger Laad Compaay, tot 8, Terwllllger Laad Comiiaay, tot 9, Tsrwllllgs Laad Company, : kit 10, lerwllllger Laad Compauy. vtf.Arw B lot I Terwllllaee Land ComDaur. ' $13.00; tot X. Terwllllfer Land Company, $9.15; lot a,. Terwllllger Laad Company, $9.75; tot 4, Terwllllgeraad. compaay, , sia.uv; tot o, irirwiiiigor iauu aimiiaaj, eo.uv. tot " Terwllllf or " Siena : rnnpany. : r'--i tot Terwilllser Land Compasy, $6 50; tot Terwllllae Laad Compasy,- - 83.20; tot Terwllllsa Laad Compaay, bozu; tot 10, Terwiliraer Land Company, $6.30. BLOCK 7. tot 1. TerwllUer Land Company 89.75: lot x. Terwiiucer tatua Mimpany, sm.o tot. 3, Terwilllser Laad Company, tot 4, Terwllllger Land Compaay, lot , 6, TerwllUtar Laad Compaay, tot t, Terwllllger Land Company, tot 7, ,TTwtlller Laad 'Company, tot 8, Tsrwilllsar Laad Compaay, tot 9, Terwilllser Laad Company, lot IO. Tarwlliraee Land I'naiUA&l. , ' , r-- ii it i t -- . kn 12," Terwilllser Land "Jo m pa ay, sia uu. BLOCK I. tot 1. Terwllllf er Land Comnany, 30; lot X. Terwllllfer una tximpaay, aj.au; t 3, Terwllllger lana company, a. it 4. Terwllllrer Laad Compaay, $5 kit 6. Terwllllger Land Compaay, $2 Terwllllger Laad : Compaay. $2 T. Terwllllger Lsad Company, $2 vtot 8. Terwllllaee Laind Comoanr. 11 1 yW-l- O In, 1 Taiallllaa. 1 .n fl.26; tot 2. TerwITllger Land Compsny, tot B, aerwiiuger una uimnsay. -- tot 4. ..Twrwllllger -- 6. Laad Company. tot Terwllllger Laad Company, tot 6, Terwllllger Laad Company, tot T. Terwilllser Laad Company, tot 8. Terwilllser Land Compaay. tot 0. Terwilllser' Laad .Company. . -t- ot 10, Terwllllrer Laad Compaay, tot, 11, Terwllllger Land Company tot 12, Terwllllger' Laad vwipan j. kit 13, Terwllllger Land Company. tot 14, Terwilllser ' , Ln4 Company, tot 13. . Terwilllger Laad Company, - tot 16. Terwilllser Land Company, tot 17. Terwllllger Lsad company , - , ' o a lot tympany. aiacr A i , - i .. Iz.au; lot x, Terwilllser Laud compaay, Terwllllger Laad Company, I lot , Terwllllger Jaiaa company. tot 6, Terwllllger Laad.. Compaay, kit 6, Terwllllger Laad Compaay, lot T, Terwllllfer Land Company, tot 8, Terwllllger Land ' Compsny, tot . Terwinirer laina vompany, kit 10. Terwllllger Land Compsny. BLOCK 11. tot 1, Tsrwllllger Lead Company $2.80: tot 1 Terwilllger Laad Compaay. $1.95; tot 8 Terwllllger Laad Company, 11.95; tot 4, Terwllllger Laad Company, 1.96 ot-kn 6, Terwllllger Land Company,. 1.95; 6, Terwllllger Land Company, 65; tot T. Terwllllger Lena Compaay, 65; 8, Terwllllger Laad Compaay, 65; 0. - TerwUllser Lsnd Comnsay. - 65: 10,,. Terwllllger. Land, Company ,0.65; ttot. 11, Terwllllger Land Comnany, 63; tot il, lerwiiiiger laoa tompany. 0.68; tot 13. Terwllllger Land Company, .no: tot 14, Terwllllger ' Land Compaay, oo ; -- tot 15. Terwllllger Land Company,. 1.0.1 kit 16, Terwllllger Land Compsny, 65 .kit IT. Terwllllger Land Compsny, 65 tot 18, Terwllllger Land Company, ).6S; tot 19, Terwllllger Laad Compsny, 1.65; lot 20. Terwllllger Land Company,-- ' 1.05; tot 1, Terwllllger Land company. l.w. BLOCK 12. tot 1. Terwllllger Lead Company, S1.80; lot X. Terwilllser Laud company, Hi. on; lot a, Terwilllger Land compaay, ao.on tot Terwilllser Laad Company, tot Terwllllger Land Company, tot Terwllllger Land Company, tot Terwllllger Land Company, tot I' Terwllllger land Compaay, kit 9. Terwllllger Land Company, tot 10. Terwllllger Land Company, tot U. Terwllllger Lead Compsny, tot 12. Terwllllger Laad Compsny, f Tot -- 13, Terwllllfer - Lsad Compsny, tot 14, Terwilllger Land Compaay. lot 16. M. U. Bwlgert, S0.S8: tot 16, M. Rwlgert, 30.86; tot IT. Terwilllser Land Company. $0.66; tot 18. M. R. Bwlaart. $0.65. HLOCK 18. tot 1. Terwllllrer Laad Comtainr. aii.a: lot a. lerwiiiiger lataa vompaay, lot I, Terwllllger Laad Company, knt 4. Terwllllger Laud Company; tot 6, Terwilllger Land Company, ' tot 6, Terwllllger Land Compsny, tot T, Terwllllger Land Compsny. " lot 8, ' Terwilllger ' Land Compsny,. tot 9. TerwU llger Land Company, , . . , A . a . ' fc ' t.nuii(Ti aaiiiu vuiui. uj, BLOCK 14. tot 1, Terwllllger Laad Company, 1 96! tot 1 Terwilllser Laad Compaay, $1.95; tot-- a. Terwlllls ijuia Compaaya 1 lot 4. ' Terwilllger Lssd tympany, 1.95; tot 5. Terwllllger Land Company; 1.95; lot Terwllllger Land Company, 1.95; tot Terwllllger Land Company, 1.96; 6. Terwllllger Terwilllger- land Company, 1.95; Land Company," 1.95: tot 10. Terwiuiger Land Compaay, 10.65; - tot II. Terwllllger Lead Compsny, 63; tot 12. Terwllllger Laad Compsny. 65; tot 13. Terwllllger Land Company, 65: tot l4, Terwllllger. Land. Compsny, 1.65; m jo, i "niin iang company. 65; tot 16, Terwllllger Land Company, .66; tot IT. Terwilllser I .and Comoanr. 63 tot 18, Terwllllger Land 'Company. $0.65. : BLOCK 16, tot 1, Terwllllger Lssd Coxamny, -- 11.96; tot X Terwllllae Laad Compaay, .1.95t kit S, Terwllllger Land Compaay, $1.95; tot 4, Terwilllger Land Company," $1.95; ' tot 6, Terwllllger . land Company, $0.65; tot 6, Terwllllger latad Company, - 80.65; - tot ' T, . Terwllllger land - Company, 10.65; lot 8. Terwllllger Land Company, $0.66. '.BLOCK 16, tot 1, Terwilllser Land Comnany, , f" 63: tot 1 Terwllllfer Lsnd Compsny, 10.63; sn au lerwiiiiger isna --company, ail. no; tot Terwllllger iJind Company, 10.65; tot 'Terwllllger land Com pa ay. 80.85: tot Terwllllger Laad Company, -- 10.35; "tot jerwilllger ISM Company, ' tot Terwllllger Land uompsny. BL1CK IT, tot 1, Terwllllger Land Comn o.ao; lot x. Terwilllser Laoa Compaay, pit. o, lerwiiiiger jjanq lompany, tot 4. Terwllllger Land Company,' tot 6. Terwllllger Land' Company, . im n, lerwiiiiger lana Comoaar. . tot T, Terwllllger Land Compaay, tot 8, Terwllllger Land Company, tot 9. Terwllllger Land tximpaay. lot 10, Terwllllger' Lsnd compasy. tot 11, Terwllllger Land Company, tot '12, Terwllllger Laad Compaay. tot 13. Terwllllger Lead Compasy, lot 14, Terwilllger Land compsay, tot J.I, Terwllllger Utnd - Compaay, Company, tot 16,; Terwll I Igef land tot, I .and Company, tot in. miser Land Jompaay. BLOCK 18. lot 1. TerwUllser Land Clomnanr. 10.36; tot 2. Terwllllger Land Company. 1043; tot t. Terwllllfer Land Compaay, 10.33 tot 4. Terwllllger Laad Company, $035: tot 8, Terwllllger Ixind Compasy. 1A35; lot 6, Terwilllger I end Compear. $0.35; tot T, Ter-- , wllllger Land Company, 1043: lot 8, Terwllll- - Land Company. 0.34: tot , Tern linger Cr nd Company, 10 35; tot la, Terwllllger land Comnany. 10.35. BLOCK lt. tot 1. M, nwiireri. a.i.nn; an s. M. R, Hwlrert. SO 65! tot S ,M. B, frwiaert. so 33: tot 4. M. B. 6w. ; gert, $0 5; tot Bi Terwllllrer land Company, So 34; tot 6. Terwllllrer land Company, ; - lot T, Terwllllger land CoeapanT, $" 35; tot t. lerwlUlget Laud Com pan, Soit; lot t, Tr- - CXTt tTOTIOta. W'"-- ar Land Ceanoaay,. 1 35; tot 10, ' rr Land Coaipany, 36; tot. 11. Tr-ha- : Wl -- er Lsad Company. IntMa. Ter- - ' er Laad Compauy, 10.351 tot 13,- Ter-A.a- "r in4 teupany. lot 14. Tr- - : Ti -- r Land Comuany, $6.35 tot 16. M. K. fwtart, $0.35; kit 16, M. B. Bwurert. J; , JotjlT. M. 1AM B. kwlsart, $045; lot 16. M. m. ubdlrwioa of Part af Block a Numbered t and 4, FULTON PAKK BLOCK 3. subdlrlstoa X of kit p. FUx $1.00; subdlrlstoa I of ot . H. B. Lous' $1.01). BUX K 4. aubdl-- - rlaloa 1 of a"h7 b 81.00; aubd- lristoa S of tt S H: R. KnsV 1 ! lakia t ef tot A, H. Ri Long. $1.00; aubdl. rlstoa d ef tot A. H. R. ting. Sl.OOi subdl. Tlstoa 8 ef lot A, H. R. Lobs. Sl vO; t of kit A, H. R. laxag, 8140. 0AR6ON IIK1UHTR BLOCK 4M1. Ellaa A. Caraoa Eakata, llalra af 81.80: tot a. fimm . - tjaesoa Ratal, Heir of. 11.30; tot t. Ellaa A, Caraoa Katate. tlalra mt $l.u; tot , a.iian ai. Carsua Estats, Helra of. Il.HO; tot I, Ellaa A. f Carsoa Katate, Helra of, 140; tot 6, K"aa A. aetata, Heirs of, il.30; tot 7, Ellaa A. f araua Eatat. Helra of. il.S0: tot 8. Ellaa A. Caraoa aetata u.im Af. 81 .As. BLOCK 34, . tot 1. Ellaa A. Caraoa KatatrHir of. tot 3. Ellaa A. Carsoa Eatat, Helra of. .30; tot 3. Ellxa A. Caraoa Eatat. Heir ef. .so; lot 4, KlUa A. Caraoa Eatat. Heir of, .30; or o. niita A. Caraoa hislat. Hairs ex, .65. BLOCK 86, tot 1, Mlhni A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of. 1.80; lot 3, Ellaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of. 1.80; tot 3. Kllaa A. Ceiavn Estate. Heir of. la0 tot 4, F.I las A. Caraoa Karate, Heir nf, 1.30: lot 6. Ellaa, A, Caraoa Relate, Helra of, 1.80; tot 6, Kllaa A. Carsoa Batata. Helra of, 1.30; tot 7. Ella A. Carson Katate, Helra of. 1.30: tot 8. Ellaa A. Caraoa Katate, 'Helra of, I.H3; kit 9. Kllaa A. Caraoa Eatat. Helra of, 1.65) tot 10, Ellaa Bat'.ta, Helra ef, 1.3d; kit 11, Ella A, Carsoa Estate, Helra of. 1.30) tot 12. Ellaa A. Caraoa Estate, Helra af. 140; tot 13, Ellaa A. Carsoa Estate, Heirs or, 1.30; kit 14, Ellaa A. Carsoa Estate. Helra ef. l.ou: tot 10, Hue U. Biuraie, a.ou; tot 16. Rose M. Xtursta. 8140. BLOCK 86, tot 1, Ellaa A. Caraoa Karate, Helra of. l.w; , an a, eitsa A. csrsoa Katat. Heire or, ao.oo; tot S. Kllaa A. Caraoa Estate. Helra of. $1.00; tot a, Ellaa A. Csrsoa Estats, Helra ef, $1.66: lot It Kllaa A. m Katate. Helra of. 80.65: lot 6. Ellsa A. Caraoa Eaute, Helra of. $046; tot T.. Itllm A. Caraoa Eatat. 3teir er, i.uv, JtLriCR 87, tot X, Ellsa A. Csrsoa Batata. . Helra af. 1140; tot 3. Ellaa A. Caraoa Katate. Heir of, l.SO; lot S, Ella A. Caraoa Eat ate, ' Helra ef, 1.30; tot 4, Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate, Helra of, il.SO; tot 6. Ellaa A. Caraoa Katate, Heirs of, 1.30; tot 6. Ellaa A. Caraoa Eatata, Helra of; 1.S0; lot T, Kllaa A, Caraoa Eatat. - Helra af. 1.30; tot 8, Ellsa A. Csrsoa Eat ale. Heirs of. 1.80; tot 9, Ellas A. Caraoa Estate, Helra of, $140; tot 10, Ellsa A. Carsoa EsUte, Helra ef, 1.00; tot 11. Ellsa A. Caraoa Eatata, Helra of. 1.00; tot 12, Ellaa A. Caraoa RaUta, Heirs f. 1S0 tot 18, Kllaa i. Carsoa Estst. Heir ef. 1.80; tot 14, Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate, Helra of, 1.30; tot 16, Ellsa A. Csrsoa Katate, "Helra ef. il.SO! tot 16. Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate, - Heir of. 1.80; tot 17, Ellsa A. Caraoa Estst. Helra of, 140; lot 18. Ellsa A, Carsoa Eatat. Heir of, la30; tot 19, Ellaa A. Caraoa Estate, Helra of. 140; tot So, Ellsa A. Carsoa Estate, Helra of, $1.80; tot 21, Ellaa A. Carson Batata, Helra of, $140. BLOCK 38. tot 1. Ellaa A. . Caraoa Eatata, Heir of. $140; tot 2. Ellsa A. ('arena Eatata, Helra ef, 30; tot 3, Ellsa A. -- Caraoa Estats, Hairs ef, il.SO; tot 4. Ellsa A. Caraoa Eatats, Heirs ef. 1.65; tot 8. Ellaa A. Carsoa Estate, Helra of, 11.65; tot a, Ellaa A. Carsoa Eatat. Helra ef, 1140; tot T. Eltoa A. Caraoa Estst. Heirs ef. Il.SO: tot 8. Ella A. Carsoa Batata. Hairs of. $130. BIX1CK 89. Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate, Helra ef, $8 90, ' HU1CK 40. lot 1. Ellsa A. Carana Eatat, Heir ef, $1.00) tot 2. Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate, Helra or. 90 sn; lot a, Kiiaa A. varson caiac. Helra of. $0 .85; lot 4, Ellsa A. Caraoa Eatat. Helra of, SO .35; tot 6, Elbut A. Carsoa Estate, Helra f. BO Mi lot 6. Kllaa A. Caraoa Eatat. Heir of. 10.36; lot Ty Ellsa A. Caraoa Eatata, Heirs tot t. Ellaa A. Caraoa Estate. Helra ef. $0.65. BLOCK X. tot L. Ellsa A. Caraoo Estate. Helra of. 126.00. PLOT 1. Karl aad Jacob Weld. $13.35. - CARH0N HKIUHTB Lot P, Ellsa- - A. faraea Eatat. Helra of. 90.33; tot Q. EllaauA. Caraoa Eat ate. Helra ef, $0.35; tot R. Ellsa A. Carana . jreira oi. 38: tot H. Ellaa A. Carana Estate, Heirs of, .85; tot T, Ellaa A. Carana Estst, Heir ef, 86: tot V. Ellaa Eatata. Helra af. 0 35; tot , Ellaa A; Carana - Eatata. Hah- - ef. 36; let Wi auiaa A, vareon Estate. Heir ef, .33. A triangular tn of land brtnr betweea th ast lln ef th Portland A Wlllamatt Tal- ler Railway Company'a right of way aad the center lln of Harrlsna street extended saat-rt- ta Its present course aad the) north line of Ftnice-Carntln- ni ttoaatkia toa aala,- - W. K. Bmlta, $80.00. ' - A tract of land bounded aad nescribed as follows: Commencing at the toteraacttoa ef tb anrth line ef Fin Ice Caratbers donation lsad claim with the eaat llne"of Hood etreet; these east along said donation land claim to tli weat bank of tit Wlllamatt rlrer at tow water mark: thence southerly along the west bank ef Willamette crrer to a point 648. 48 feet aoata el the north lln ef tb said do- nation toad claim; thence weat 666 feet; thence north along! 6 straight lln to where the aame would be intersected by th aorth line ef LIbcoIb etreet If patented ea.lerlr In Its wraaant caatra: thane WOTterlr aMrut I astd STtanaton of the nortk line of LIbooIb treat to a notot loo feet east or tn eaat - line ef Hood street: thence aorth 100 feet a lonf Doe 106 feat eaat af aad parallel with the sear line or noon street; rnenr mm alone a line. 100 feet north of and nar allel wltb tb north line ef Lincoln etreet f - extended easterly to th treat Una ef Hood i street: tbenc anrth along th eaat Ho nf . Hood atraat to place of beginning, Port laad latmblielne Manufacturing Com nan T. 8590.00, A tract of land lylns between two line re- aper lire ly 60 feet aad 100 feet north ef aad . parallel with th aorth line ef Lincoln street extended easterly and between th eaat lln of Hood etreet and lln 100 feet east thereof 7 and parallel therewith. Ennla aad Edward rv.ia sin nn A tract of land lytnf be! ween the north tin or Lincoln street extenoen easterly ana a nn SO feet north thereof aad parallel therewith and between the eaat lln of Hood afreet and . a lln 100 feet eaat of aad parallel therewith. rortlana UBMruif MaaBiacrnruif wnmpaay, Afreet nf land hoaraded aad deeni find aa fnl tows: Commencing at 6 point oa tha toft bank af th Willamette rlrer 10 feet south mt the aont hee. t iniaM nf ma xmmDlxia-Bous- e thence west 106 feet; thence , north tia feH thenc east to tb re - hank ef Wllla melts rlrer at low water mark! thenc ap tb west bank ef aald rtrer to a point due esst af place of bcglnnlns; tbenc weat to place Of Beginning, in a ' certain tight ef way 10 feet , wide extending la a northwesterly direct km from aald tract to th eaat Ha of Boot atraat. City of Port- land. $8000. . A tract of land bounded snd oWrlharl aa fol- lowa: Commencing st th sootneast corner of tb Elisabeth Caru there donation land claim: thence weat to the Boutlteest corner ef ' Centner' Addition to the City of Portland told out by tb Mourn rortlana neei natare Aaanriartont tbenc north en th eaat lln nf aald addition to th aorthaat corner of said " addition: tbenc weat- to th east lie ef M.cadRnt at recti tbenc north along th east a lln of Macadam street to Its hifereeetloa with tb aorth lln ef Lincoln atrret If ex tended aaterlr: thenc eaat along aald ex- - tenaton of Lincoln afreet to lie totereectje with tb went lln of a tract of land co . K, u. ci. Rnrrell and wlfa to th Port land Ln inhering A Mannfactm-ln- g Compsny by deed recoroen in oooa paa nr. aema Unltnnnik Cdnntr: tbenc south to th onthwet corner of a trsct eonreyed hr tb Ronth Portland Real EsUt Aaanrls-- . tion tn th Portland Lemhertng Maanfactar. Ins Comoanr or oeea ana recoruen m onos a nn 39. Record nf Deed.. MnltBomsh Conn It: thence esst to tb nnrthweet corner of - tb Water Worka tract, aectton 8, tnwnahip 1 eouth. rtnr 1 at. Willamette BMrraian: - tbenet Met to th Willamette rlrer at low aalae mark! thenc South Sinn tb maMdeT- - fnea of said rlrer tn piso of beginning, rare . snd except tn nrot or way ax in A Wlllsmett Vslley Railway Company sad ' a tract owned by Warwick. Orefoa Railway A Narlgattou Compaay. $2,470.00. ' A tract of land lying- - betweea th west link of the Portlaad A Willamette Valley Rail road Company'a right of way ana th Wll- -' Inmette rtrer and betweea th eouth boundary line of a tract owned by tb Multnomah .Trunk Factory, section 10. township 1 sooth. . range 1 east, Willamette Meridian, and th . north tine nf a tract ef land east of th Port land A Willamette valley icaiiroaa tompsny x i right of way owned by Anthony Rogg d - Richard Btorp, - ai tasted la section 10, town-'shi- p 1 aenth. ' range 1 seat, Willamette Meridian, Marie Arnold. Trnatee, $87.71. - A tract of laad lying betweea tw lines re. spectlrely 28 feet and 43 23 feet south of aad parallel 4rlta tha south lln ef a tract ' of land owned by the Multnomah Trunk Factory, section 10, township t south, range 1 eaat. Willamette Meridian, and hetweea th east lln of Macadam road and the weat lln of th Portland A Willamette Valley ' Railroad Company' right ef way, Maria Arnold. $3.26. ' A tract f lead bounded and described aa fb. tows: Commencing at th Intersect toe ef the north line ef Terwllllger donation land claim with the west lln of Macadam road; thenc south 86 feet; these Weat 660 feet; these aorth 830 feet; thenc eaat 666 feet to rise of be final us, City ' f Portland. . $63. TO. ... A tract f land bounded and described ga follows; Commeacing sr th 'Intrraeettoe -- ef th north line nf tb Terwllllger donatio land claim wttb tBe east lln ef Macadam '. mad! tbenc sonta 80 degree a east 821 feet; these south 2tydegrc west 1.40 fhalna; thenc north 89 oegreea weat 821 feat 1 tbeae aorth 214 defree eaat 1.40 chain t also of beginning, Joha JS Irk tor, $27.65, A tract ef lsnd bouaded and deaerthed aa " follow s Commencing 198 feet enath of the Intersecttoa of th eaat He ef Macadam mad with the aorth line ef th Terwllllger donation land claim thenc enath 86 degrees eaat 121 feet to westerly bank ef Wlllamstts rlrer; these aortbeaat along aald rlrer ITS feet; thenc north Ml draree weat 642 feet; tbenc eouth t degree 16 mlantea weat 92 4 feet; tbenc north 89 degree west ' 821 feet; thenc eonth InO.t feet to place tnt ' heglnnlnf, tamuel H. and Jam CV. Torrvac, $87.75. A tract of land bounded and deerrfbed 6 fnl. kwx; CeBuwncias ISi feet geatb of lata- - CITT STOTIOjU. sect lea ef eaat lln f Macadam road with aorth Una ef Terwllllfer doastloa ld Jtolm! taeac aoutk 1W deft sea eaat 821 feet; Burth 27 feat: thenc eouth 89 dagree east ta . weal bank of Willamette rlrr t tow water mark; tbeac aoathwest atoas the west osak of said rlrer 144 fort; thane aorth 90 de. free west 60S (ret; tbeac aorth )oO,Tt f tu place ef heainnlns. Charles P. , Bacon - . aatst. hair ef, $w7.6u. - A tract ef lane, bounded tad described a fol- low a: - CommeBciaa at a polat 4a the east ' line of Macadam road 293.76 feet Boath of ; J the iutarssuttoa ef the east lln af M a cad at r road with the north line of Tsrwllllger do-- nation land claim! thenes aauth alouf eaat . . lln of Macadam road to the nortaweat corner ef Oberle's three-acr- e tract." recorded la Book ti, pegs 353. Record bf Deeds,.' - Multnomah Coaatyt taaaea fouth 89 duftsa ... ssst 16.32 chain to wast bahk of Willamette - rlrer at mark; thenc northerly atoas tha west bank ef aald rlrar to tbe south lln ef Charles p. Raooa Eatata, Hairs of. Tract, aestloa 16. towns kin 1 eouth. range 1 east. Willamette Meridian: ' .' thence west atoas tb Soatk lln of th aald : Charles p. Ha con Batata, hairs of. tract, t piece of begiiminf, Multasaaah Traak Fae ; .. fcry. $146 36. A tract of toad lying hetweea tk aoath lln of Multnomah Trunk Factory tract, aec- - , tlon 10, towuehlp eouta, raafa 1 east. Will- - aiuvtta- - Meridian, aad a line 33 fast south thereof and parallel therewith, and betweea th seat Ua of Macadam road aad th weat . ' lln of tbe PortUnd A- - Willamette Valley ' Railroad Company 's flf bt of way, Louisa .Johns, $4.80. . j ;:, A tract of land lylnf between tws liaea reapectlTely 48.35 fact aad 93.26 feat couth ot and parallel with U aoutk lln f 'Mult- - -- ' uomab Iruak Factory tract, aectloa 10, town- -' ahlp 1 .south, range ,1 eaat, Willamette Meridian, and hetweea th eaat line of the . Macadam road aad tha wast Ho of the Perm ' land A Willamette Valley Railroad Coaipaa'S right ef way, Leula Obsrto, $4.60. . a. A trsct f Und lylnf betweea tfe lines re . spectirely 93.38 fast aad 12L2t (set eouth ef ' and parallel with th south 11a af Multae- - . . mah Trunk Factory tract, aectlea 10, tows-SQ- lp 1 aoutk, range 1 eaat, Wlllametth ' Mwldtaa. and betweea th eaat Ua of Mae-- ' adam road and th weat line ef Portlaad A ' , Wllla malts Valley Railroad Compaay'B rifht f way. Clara, Roberts, $4.90. A tract of land lytnf between tw lines re- -. spectirely 131.36 feet aad 14945 feet eouth of aad parallel with .tb aoutB lln of MnlU nomah Traak Factory tract, aectloa 10, town- - skip 1 eoutii, range 1 eaat, WliUmttt maiid- - Ua, aad between tb east lln ef Macadam . road and the weet line ef the Portland A Wll- - V Ismette Valley . Hallway CeoinaaJ's rlfht of way, Katharine Fsldaaaa, $440. ... A tract of tend lylnf between twe llaei r. -- spectirely 205.23 feet aad 149.26 feet south of and parallel with tbe aoutk lln of Malt- - r - aouiah Trunk Pactory tract, aectloa 10, tows- -' ahlp l aouth, rang i eaat, WUUmette aaartd- - Isa. and hetweea tbe eaat line ef Macadam ' " road aad tbe west lln at tha Portlaad A Wll- - laaieite T alley Hallway coniuanr rlfht af way. Pete otavle. $7.60. - . All that portloa ef a. tract f hind lytnf of tbe right of way ef to Portland A laawtte valley Kallroaa comosar ana acserinea s to. lows. - t.ximmsacmf ea tne eaat .Hae of Macadam read at tbe north weet ' corner of 6 3to-cr- e tract aokl ta KabUtaot ai.. recorded In Look M. page 231. Record of ' I leads. Multnomah County 1 tbenc aoutk 88 degrees 36 si route,, eaat 8.73 chalna; tbenc aouth to dsgiaaa, west 1.09 chalna: thence north 88 degrees 85 minutes, west 140 ckalner l- - ' tuene aorth IS oegreea minute, eaat LOT ' chains, ta plaoa of Dag Inking , Jam itefinett, ,, 34.60. A tract ef toad Bounded aad dpacrfhed a fol- - torn: Commencing at a polat ta tb treat lln . ef th right ot way ef the Portlaad A Wll-- . lametis . Valley Railroad Company which la 16 feet aorth of the utareeettoa of the west lute of aald rlfbt of way with th aorth line ' of a one-sc- r tract eonreyed to Bed Kuh-- . tor, recorded la book 32, peg 306, Record ef peed. Multnomah County: tbenc Berth 88 de- - - frees 36 minutes, west 166 feet, to Macadam - road; tbence ' aorth along the - Mat lavs ef Macadam road 82 feet: tbenc south 86 degree - 46 minutes, eaat 160 feet, to the west lln of th aforesaid right' of way; tbeac oatbarly ' loug the aald right ef way to place ef be- -. f Inntaf, AatlMay Roff and Richard F. nterp, $846. ' A tract ef had Bounded and -- desri med a ' foltowa: Com menring at aortbeaat na as ef Terwllllger donattoa land claim; thence north - 88 degree 84 minutes, wsst 14.6 chalna; " ' i thence eonth 4 digrie IS m las tea,-we- st 1 40 . ehsbisi tbence south t dear, weet 1.05 . chalna; theses south 6-- 1 chalna: thenc oath 4 drutreea. weat 3.11 chains; tbencs aouth St . ; degree 35 minutes, east 8.75 cBalsa, as place of beginning: tbeac aorta an atigi a min-- , - ate, west 385 feet to eaat una or ua riant or - - , way ef the Portland Willamette Valley Railroad Coarnanr: tbeac Southerly sloog aald ' rlfbt of way 383 feet; thence south 88 degrees .... .. 35 mlnutea, eaat 354 feat; theno aorth 20 6 ' greea, esst S.Nt chains; tbenc north 34 da- - . " frees, esst 4.63 chains, to plac-- nf bsgtnntnr, ' i ' Aatnony Hog re and Richard P. 8torn. $10740. , A - trsct of lsnd bounded and dtaertbed .'- - foltowa: Commencing 216.1 feat aorth. lt de- - -- greea 21 mlantea eaat, ef tb north weat corner . of tb Fag sn two-acr- e tract, recorded In hook ' O,' peg 80S, Bi:ord of Deeds, Multnomah County ; tbo eaat 75 degrees, T galaate outb. to weet lln ef light ef way of th . . Portland A Willamette Valley Railroad Oooa- - , panyi thenc aorth lt degree, eaat 84 feat, .'. ' mora or less, to driveway; tbenc north 88 do 4 gists. 83 minute west, atonf aald drreeway , to eaat lln of Macadam road; thence enath It . .. ' ctosrees. 27 mInn res west, to pUc ef begin- - . Bins. Emma L. Cola; $19.60. - .' . A tract of land bounded aad aVacrfhed a follows; Commencing at anrtbsrest corner of .... tbe Ftrat two-ac- re tract, recorded la bonk O. ' SOS, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County! fag aorth IS degree, east $0 feet; tbeac .; . ' aouth 88 degrees 86 mtnstea, east 1884 feet; 7 then south IS de greea, weat 80 feet; thenc aorth 88 dearer 86 minutes, wsst 188.S feat, . to plsc of beglaainf, Fred Nohle, $8 16. - A tract of laadi bounded and deaarlbed - follow: Comnveaclns 60 feet north, 13 de- - 1 areea 27 minute eaat. aad Tit feat Math, bw " degrees 18 mlnutea eaat, from northweat cor- ner of the Faaaa two-acr- e tract, ta corded In ' ' book O, peg 80S. Becord of Deeds, Maltnomsh County; tbence eouth 89 degree lt mlnatas, esst 1174- feet; tbenc north 13 degrees, eaat ' 88.5 feet: tbencs north 76 degrees t minutes, : west 112.1 feet: tbenc aouth 10 degma IS . m Inn tee. west 66.7 feet; tbenc Berth T8 dW- - ' areea 80 mlnutea. west 67 fact; tbenc eouth ' , It defree 27 mlantea. west 10,9 feet; tbenc south 79 defrre 86 mlnutee, eaat 67.6 feet; . theno aontb 10 degree 15 minnte. weat tt.t . feet, to place af beflaalnf, Carrie Kirktoy, . t9.75. T ,. A tract ef had bounded and deacrfned aa fol. . Iowa: Commencing It di graa ST mlnutea esst 60 feet front tbe abrthwest corner of th Fsgsn two-acr- e tract, recorded la- book O, r page SOB, Record of Deeds, Multnomah uouaty i -- thenc aorth IS degree 27 mIn tee. eaat M ' feet! thence aouth 79 defree 36 m his tea, east -- 67 6 feett-tben- ce eoalh 10 argrsss 15 mln-- a fas. west 314 feet; tbenc north 89 degrees ' -- It mlnutea, west 71 2 feet to place be- ginning. Joha Mler. $6.60. , A trsct ef laad bounded and dtrlbed' - fol lows:- - Commencing 137.6 feet north of northweat corner ef th Fsgsa trre-ac- r tract, ' recorded la bonk O. page 903, Record ef Deads. Multnomak County; thenc north 18 degree 2T ' mlnutea, eaat 44.6 feet: tbeac oath 75 de- - ' frees T mlant, eaat 63.4 tost: tbenc snath 10 degtste 18 minutes, west 40 feet; tbeac north T9 dr greea 6 minutes, west 65 6 feet, to , Plsc of beg Inn lnf. Char lea J. Holxworth, $640.,., ... . A tract of land hounded and described a . foltowa: (Vimmenrmf 110 9 feet north, IS de- grees 2T minutes eaat, from aorthweet ce net ef . th Faema two-acr- e tract, recorded la book O, page 803, Record of Deed. Multnomah County; tbenc north IS degrees 27 mlnatea. eeet S6.T feet; thence enath T9 degreea S mlnatea, eaat ,.66.1 feet: thenc south 10 degrees IS mlnatea, west 36.7 feet: thence north Tt degreea 80 minnte. wast 67 feet, to place af begins hif. ' Louie Oberle, $26.00. , A trsct of land baand'd and deecTihtd ea follows: Commeaclnf at tbe northweat rnr-n- of the Ooodnough A Clark foar-ac- r tract, : recorded la honk F, peg 497, Record ef Deeds, Multnomah County : thence aortb 25 degreea, eaat 8.07 chains: tbenc aouth 6. dagrer 88 V mlnntes, west T.2S chain, tn the weet bank of th WUlamstt rlrer at tow water mark; . tbence Bp the weat bank ef aald rlrer 8.68) chains: thenc north 89 degree 88 mlnstea, . west T.14 chains, to place of befinabif, Catn-- -, brine Fagan, $66.00. . A tract of Und bounded aad descrlheil follow: Commencln at northweat Arnr of the Oondnonrh A Clark four-acr- e tract, re- corded la book. T. par 497, Record of Deeds, - Multnomah County: tbence south 24 degrees, , weat 8.34 chalna; thenc south 81 degrees 36 mlnntes, sst 6 06 chains: thenc north 23 - degrees. Mat 4.25 chains; tbenc anrth 86 aw- are 80 mlnatea, weet 7.14 rhetn. ta plac ef beginning, Blealnger A Co., $18.80. A trsct Of lsnd hounded snd deaerlhel aa foltow! Commencing 3.84 rhstml aouth. 24 de- greea wart, of northwest corner of tb Ooed- - , nouf hA Clark four-acr- e tract, recorded tn honk ' F. pays 497. Becord of Deeda, Multnomah County; thenc eouth 24 deareea, weet 1.16 chains; thence annth 83 degree, weat .63 chalna; tbence eouth TS degreea It m mutes, eaat 6.87 chains, t tb weet hank f th ' Wlllsmett rlrar; thence gtong the went bank of issld rlrer north 28 degrees, ss 1 40 - chains: thenc nor lb 80 decrees 46 mlnstea, west 6 98 chain, tn plac C bf lnntng , Lsats Elmmerman. $48.75. A tract of land bounded and deaetfhed aa a: Commencing aorth It d.grera 27 mlm ate, east 16X1 feet, from north weet comer ef , tbe Faaaa two-acr- e tract, recorded ht honk fl. peg 508, Record of Deeds, Mnltaoraak County; , tbence smith TS degrees T mlnatea, ssst 176.3 feet; thence northwesterly 84.5 feet stoas the weat line of the right of way ef the Port- land A Willamette Valley Railroad Company! ' thenee Berth 71 degreea f minnte. ereat, 171.9 feet: thence eouth It degrees SI mlnatea, weet 84 feet, to ptoc af heglnnlnf, V. A..Fadlck. 36.80. - ;j A tract of land bounded and described a Oommenclnf at Hie enuthweat inn net of . tb OoodnoarU A Clark four sere tract. re- - ' corded ra honk F, page 407, Record of Deans. Maltnomsh trrnntri thenc aouth 76 degreea . 15 mlnstea, esst T.14 ehslns! tbenc aorth Id degrees 45 minute, esst 100 feet: thenc ' .: north TS decrees 13 minutes, weet 6 8? chains: , theme eouth S3 defrsea, weat 103.63 feat, 99 t - 1 ..f ," - -- ( r - "7 "I": .'i--'aA-j- : 7

V?r Bl W.l.. MJ,.i' f1: H.nh i.; Irlandlrlded 3 8 f kH 13. Hannah Maaon, 1 JO; andlrMed 2 t f kit 14, Hannah Masoa, I 30; ansiridea or KH.x nannaa M aeon, si.30; andlrkled 2--1 of

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Page 1: V?r Bl W.l.. MJ,.i' f1: H.nh i.; Irlandlrlded 3 8 f kH 13. Hannah Maaon, 1 JO; andlrMed 2 t f kit 14, Hannah Masoa, I 30; ansiridea or KH.x nannaa M aeon, si.30; andlrkled 2--1 of


citt jrcTicrs.

II 70, M . in K. KUoe, to . Aaa. kT Mm. Si.so: west e fret tot .

t o( weat 66 feat.

' H.lh'rlVlwessr. V?r" of lot t lytut' It 63 fexdV Bulk W. Decker. $3.00; kit' ' ff,?7 8XU0; tot 9. Mom A.

" .Sj5Tj iV Agae Buttermuiicr. W.. toT Llabrtb li.J fairies ssd Msry Hufkaj. W,V

Patrick .u4 f1: Jtot I. Ann K. KUoo. ;.Mw. si.i; tot . ab k. num. i.; MAim . JOv totA. Ana

- KM: tot Harriet Dunham, 2.93; toti t,Harriet Dunham, $4 5ft: tot t. B. L l.ro-- ,herd. S443i 'tot . Anthony Keppacu,

: HioCK J. let 1, Byron P. Crdwll E.tate,heir, ot. $1.95; lot 2, Rothehlld

- (I so; lot 4, Hothefalld Brothers, $1.93: lot 4.'

ItMlirlilM Brothers. 11 .95; tot 8. Hmtbweotd'T'ertland Heal Katate Toinpany, $1.96; lot 6,

Hot Wu l Id Brothers. 81.95: hit T. Msurlce tlood-nin. $3.30; lot s, kotbeblld Brothers. $3.0;

.l s. RAtbchild Brottm. $3.33; lot 10. Rotb---

i mil Brothers, t4M; lot 11, Batbeetld' , Iwhets, $3.53; lot IX, Kotuehlld Brothers.

83.33; lot l.t. Rothehlld Brother, MAM tot 14Itothelilhl Hretlser. $3.23; tut 15. Retkchlld

v hMlm, $3.23, BLOCK K. lot I, KoihehUd1 30.6.-.-

; ' tot X, - Hot hen Hd Brothers,..$6.66; lot 3. Hotbcbllil Brothers, $0.65; lot 4

Kothchlk. Brothers, $1 00: lot It. RothehlldHnMliare, Sl.oO; lot 6, Rothehlld Brothers,

.61.00. BLOCK t. Pulton Park land (Wi.ny, tSl.Wl. BLOCK M, rulloa.I'uk Uadroninany, $19.90.

-"- ('I.TOM-vBI-CH K 1. lot 1. K. Klrcvlfnuii.X4iu; lot X Bl(liBin. $3.00; lot . R.

KWirehnwB. S 60; lot 4. C. H. l'Uo". .V0;1.4 4. B. Blvcrliuaa. 20: lot . B. Blwl-- :

f aiuia. (2.30: lot T. B. RlrolMnn. a.;t , K. Rlevlniim. . $X.10. BUXK S.

Kotwrt I'attoa Katat. belra of, 15.MKMICK t, all o block t wot of MinuUm

, road. Aaroa Walt, (1S.M: all of blork aaat. of MaradaB roa.l. U. Bantom Wllllama, fl.an

HI.IM K 4. th KlBS BalaM.. f 18.86. BLOCK. TIot Woodward. $14.03. BIAK-'- T, X. Ali- -

aadrr KloarL 17.f5. BLOCK 8. 'lot 1, H. J.R. Blmlmaaa,-- $1.W: vndlTldM H lot

- W. i. Morrla. H W; andlvldcd UVitlll. O.. Ilorrl. 1 00; aodlrldrd H lot W. R. liar- -

rla. tl.0O: adlMed 4 . W. B.Morrta, $1.00; lot 4. Allr Brrx- - Kuna,

. $1..; . lot . Allr Bwry Nuan, $1 IK;' aadlrldrd U ' lot C II. U. Uor-,- .'

rla. $l.w: aadlTMrd H lot 1. af. O. llonia,$I.W: aodlTMod H lot 4, W. B. Morris. $1.00;aaulTldtd H lot W. R. Morruv $1.00; lot

. H. J. tttfarlmana, $1.W5.A tract r laad Ijlnf brtwaoa Una rtouih or sad parallel wltb sontb tin of fclork

. Kolton. and tha aorlb lhi of. block F.1'nllon Park, aad batveea a lino ttO foot Matof aua narallel wltb tua aat Una of Mock la.

... Kullon. and a Una 60 fort wMtorry from sadnarallol with ta waatarly liar of blorkaay 7. raiiaa, aicryt that portloa of aaldtract nornnled br tb City A Kubarbaa Rail- -

war Coupanr's Hbt of wajr, M. O. ilorrU- w. H MorrMi fll.o,- - .in I.TON BLOCK Id. andlirM4 H lot U at. O

1W; aadlTMcd 4 lot 2. If. OMorrla. $1.00; and ITided H lot S. M- - O. MoT.ria. o.Bo; andivkM 4t tot 4, It. O. Morrta,

aodlThlrd M. O. Morris,$0.Wt andlTlded M. O. Moms.

aadirMod lot M. G. Morrta.": aadlTklrdjU lot . M. O.- - Morrla,so.t; aadlvMad U lot 1, W. R. Morris.I no; andlTklod U lot X. W. R. Morris. $1.00:

. iHHllTMed H lot t, W. R. Morris. $0.M: an--- io o, , m. atorru, au.no;..

.vanlrblod J4 lot , W. R. Morris, o.o;uiMTiwa v mi, w. k. Morris, su.i;. nndlrhtsd lot 8, W. R. Morris. $0.65.HMK'K IT, lot 1. H. W. Oorbrtt lCststa. artra

1IS W A H, W. Corbet t Batata, hair. ,. ei.eo. ioi a. Jinqrew w. rTeum, fl.BA;

"t aimrfw w. iTeuni, VIM; lot B, K. i," l.r lot 8, R. J. mum, $1.M; kit T,

It. w. Corhett Batata, heirs of, $l..'(o; lot a,II. W. Torbert r.atat. 1m Ira of. $1 80. '

COI'TMERN I"ORTI.ANI, OKRfiON. RTTKR-- - Uiin-I- M i,.r, U. Ulrto, fit. TB lot I, P. H.. Hlytm .7( lot , p. a. Kir to. $8.75; lot 4,. . f. H. Bltb, $.75j lot ft, P. H. Bljth, W W;p- - H- - B,',", I" "i T Wyth.

$ T5; lot , P. II. Birth. $.T5: lot . P. H.- BlrtU, $.7Bi lot 10. P. H. Birth. $0.7: north

, XI feet lot II, P. H. Blth. $4.M; soatk Tfeet lot II. H. C. Breed. UM; lot la. H. 0Braedea. $11.70; lot la. H. C. Bresdea, 8.T5;lot 14. il. C. Braedea. $.T5: lot IS. H. o!Braedea. $.7; lot IB. H. C. Bresdea, $.T5

it. n. i... praauea. av.io; lot in, ft. u.- Jtrsartasv W.75 lot 4a. Breadea, $0.Trlot at. H. C. Braedea. $.T5: lot HI. H. C.H.7r lot U Krftaman lM m--

mew or lot naansa aiasoa, $7. mi;uuniTKieo i l or mt 34. Haanab Mann.undivided t of bit Ilanaab llasoa.aadlTkled i of lot 3H, Ilaaaah Maaoa.sndlTlded I I of lot 27, Hannah Msaoa,andWhled M af lot J, Ilanaab Masoa,

ndlThled JM of lot W, Ilaaaak Maan,and It Med i of lot 0. Hannah Maaoa,andlrhled 8 of lot $1. Haaaah Maaoa,andlrlded 2--3 f lot SX Haanab II .an.axIWIoed 2 f lo :t, Ilanaab Maaoa,ttwllrldad i t of lot M. Jlaanah Maaoa,andlrkled 2--3 f lot 35. Hannah Maaoa. $7.an;aadlTlded 2 3 f lot IM, Haaaah Maaoa, $7.80;andlrlded 3 3 of lot 37. Hanaah Maaoa, 7.80;"""wo ro nannaa mmmm,

.aadlrlded 2--3 f lot . Ilannak Maaon,MinoM a r ait ail, Hannah M

andlrhlrd 2 8 f kit 41, Hsnash MandlTMrd of lot 43. Hannah M,aadlahled of kit 43, Hannah Mssna,andlrlded f tot 44, Ilannak Maaon,aadlTtderf 3 f lot 43. Ilannak M,amllrhled 2--3 of kit 4H, Hannah illandlTMed x-- af lot 47. Ilannak Maaoa,

nillrlded 1 f 1st 23. J. F. Wataoa;imiTMH-- i a m urn , a. r. wstsoa.

niHMTi'iei i a or lot xo, s, F. Wstsoa,nn,llTlled S f lot Xfl, J. r. Wstatti.

' wn.llrl.led l- -i of kit 27, J. F. Wataon.andlrlded ef lot Is, J. r. wataoa,andlrlded 2 of kit 29, J. F. Wataon.aadlrMed of lot XO, J. T. Wataoa,awtlTMed ef lot 31. I. F. Wataoa,and Irk led U af lot 31, J. P. Wataoa.aadlrlded 8 of lot 3.1, J. p. Wstsoa.

auiTinea 1 ST. jot 04. J, Wstsoa,andlrlded 18 of tot oik J. r. wttsn.a.Uialedl-- ef lot Hd, J. F. Wataoa,asdl. bled 3 t tot 37. J. F. Wataoa.andlrlded f lot 88, J. F. Wataon,andlrlded 3 of lot 30, J. F. Wataon,aadlrlded 3 sf lot 40, J. F. Wataoa,andlrkled of tot 41, J. F. Wataoa,baritrtded 3 sf lot 42. J. F. Watson,aadlrMed 3 of lot 43, J. F. Wataoa,nndlrloed of kit 44. J. F. Wataoa,anaiTHlea 8 or tot 43, J. F. Wataon.andlrlded sf lot , J, F. Wataon, 25;- andlTMed 1- af lot 4T. Ft Wataon. kl.tn.HiAUlK t MiMa aa of lot 1, nsimab" tlM' "adlTlded 2 3 f tot i Hannah11""' !l !m: andlrlded 2 3 of let 8, HaaaahMaaoa. $1.0ti; andlrlded 3--3 W tot , HannahMaaoa. $0 86; aadlrlded of lot 1. J. P.wtna, 81.00s aadlTlded 3 of kit 2, J. F.

..Wataoa. $n.65; aadlrMed 11 ef lot 3. J. IWataoa. 30.51V, andlrlded 3 of kit 4. J. F.wstsoa, $0.85. BLOCK 2. aadlrlded 2--3 oflot 1, Haaaah Masoa. 15; antlirlded 2-- of

Hannah awllTbledK a, naanah Maaoa, tl.8t; andlrlded 2 2 oflot 4. Haaaah Maaoa. ijmi; aadlTrda.1 2 8 oflot 5, Hannsb Maaon; l. an; andlTIle. 2 8 ofkit 8. Hannah Maarai. it an andlrlded ofkH 7. Hannah Maaon il an. ondtrklej 2-- oflot A Hannah Masoa, $1.30; andlrkled 2-- ofr w. naanas aiaana, Il.an: andlrl'le-- l 2-- oflot 10, Haanab Maaoa, $1.30; andlrlded 2 3 oflot 11. Hannah Uaana andlrlded 2-- ofkit 12. Haaaah Maaoa. S1.30; andlrlded oftot 13, Hannah Maana, aadlrMed 2--3 ofoi a. riannaa Maaoa, II.30: nndlrldcl 3--8 oftot 11. Hannah Ulna $0.85; andlrlded 2-- oflot 13. Hanaah Maaon. fi.wi;. andlrlded 3--8 of

fo 1 1, tiaimaa Maana, $0.45; andlrlded 3-- oflot 18, Hannah Masoa. $1.96; nndlTlded ofror i, t. r , watson, andlrlded ofkit 2. J. F. Wstsoa. alwlite .a AM ! i- - E' ?. andlrlded 1- of" f1 . wlaa, $05; andlrMed 1- of

Ci 5 V S"'"""- - fo.85; aadlrMel t of8, J. F. Wataon, $0.35; andlrlded ofkw rf. Fi- - Wstaoa, 0.5r andlrlded ofr ! "'on. $086; andlrrided ofK fi li W,,,M"' ""' andlTMed I S off !? i' W,l fO.88; andlrMed flot II. J. F. Wataon. an SA, ,.i.i.u4 t.aV Yh ?'". S0.i andlrlded ofJot 18, J. F. Wataon. $o.5; andlrMed I t oflot 14. J. F. Wataoa, $0 5; andlrlded I S oflot 15. J. r. W'stson, $0J5; andlrMed I t of" !? i- - L- - Wataoa. $0.n5; andlrkled I I of

t lot 17. J. F. Wstsnn, $0.20; nndlTlded I S ofW 18. J. F, Wataoa, tlM. BLOCK 3.aadlrMed t-- of kit 1, Hannah Maaon, $15;' andlrkled 18 of lot 3. Hannah Maaoa, $1.93;andlrkled 3 3 of lot S, Hannah Maaon, $1.3fr,andlrkled 2-- of kit 4. Hanaah Maaoa, $1.80;anllrMed 38 vf tot 8. Ilannak Maaoa, $1.30;andlrMed 3 $ of lot A, Hannah Mason, il-t- o;

andlrlded t-- of lot 7. Hannah Maaon, $1.30;aiaoiTKieu a a or q, nannaa Maaon, 81.30andlrMed S 3 of tot , Hannah Maana. 31.30andlrkled 3-- of tot 10, Hannah Maaoa, II. 30;anoirioeai a a or viv ll, nannaa Maaoa. 1.30;andlrkled 3 S of lot 12. Hannah Maaon, I.XO;andlrlded 3 8 f kH 13. Hannah Maaon, 1 JO;andlrMed 2 t f kit 14, Hannah Masoa, I 30;ansiridea or KH .x nannaa M aeon, si .30;andlrkled 2--1 of lot In, Hannah M aantl, 81 30;andlrkled 22 of tot 17. Hannah M aaaa. $1 .95;andlrlded 1 1 of tot IK, Ilannak Maaon, $1 wv;andlrMed I I of tot 1, J. Watana. $1.00:andlrMed ef lot 2. J. Wataoa, 81.00;rmdlrkled J 3 of lot 8, Watana, XO.aA;nmllrMed 1-- t of tot 4. Wstsnn, $0.85;nodlrl.led 1 3 of lot 5, Wataon, $0.5;

mllrvied 1 8 of tot a, Watwsa, 80.85;nndlrlded I 3 ef lot 7. Wstsnn, 80.851na.llrlded i t nf lot 8. Wataon, $0.6(andlrktod 1 1 of lot , J. F. Wataoa, $0 83;andlrkled 1 sf tot IO, s. T. Wstsnn, so.85;andlrMed I 3 of lot 11. J. F. Watana, 10.85;andlrMed 1- of kit 13. J. F. Watana, $0.05;andlrMed M M 13, J. F. Wataon, $0 85:ondlrMed' lletM 14. J. F. Wstana, t05;andlrkled I t of tot 13, J. F. Watana, to sjt.andlrMed f tot 1", J. F. Wstana, $0.83;awllrkled I t of tot 17. 1. T. Wstsoa, 11.00;nmlirtded of lot 18, J. F. Wataoa, ll.oo.uirtt it 4. nndlrtded 3-- of tot I. Hannahklaanei, 13 90; aadiTMeo: a a or an a. nanaanMaana, $3 .23; andlrkled 2 8 f Ht B, HannahMaaon. $ 23j aadlrlded 2-- of lot T, Hannah

laaan. II I' andlrlded 2 $ of tot , HannahMaeno, andlrlded 2 1 of lot II, Hannah

, aaos. ui.i.Mt l l of tot 13. HannahIlaarat, andlrlded tt f tot 13, Ilanuah

. Maaon. andlrkled 2 3 of tot 17, Hannah- klaaoa. It (rt BlMllTloen la or v I.- W alaxat. tl HI andlrMed I 3 of lot I81 M Sll.llTded I X of

: Watana, $1 5; andlrMed 8 of B i.t.Haissa. il.bi; avvdlTkaMl 1 f


Wataoa, $1.5; andlThVd 11 of lot il. J. TWataoa, tl.WV; andlrhlod 1 3 of lot 15, J. r.Watao. fl.03; i,,n,i.u.i i a or k l.v J. r.Wataoa, fl.tn; nndlTklnl t of lot II. J.''f.Wataua. 1 W: lot x HhI A I'araoaal rtatat.VNuuaay, $HJ3; lot 4, hal A I'araonal K.ali

t'OBiMS7. $T.I; lot , Heal A l'arsoaal EataiaCotnixnr. $7.15; south 1$ of lot H. Bl A

rarsoual Kalaw Coaipaji, $IJf: aorth 13 oflot H, Hannah Mason, $A); lot 10. ilaanahHun S7 1: lot llannak Maaoa. $7J3;lot 14. Ilannak Maaoa, I.li; lot la, llannakMaso,i. $1.15; Vh 18. Uaanak Maaua.$N.I5.Ut JH'IC A mmAivUM - mt lot IrlMaaoa, $:t.0; aatllrlded 2--3 of lot 3. Ilanaab

" Maaoa. $: 2n; amllTlded of kit 6. HannahMasua, II.X5; aadlTHlrd 1 .1 of lot T.. HannahMaaua, $Xa5; aatllrbled 3 of lot ll.un.hMaaon, $:!.; aadlrkled 2 3 of M 11. IlanuahMaaoa, $:.: aatllrnled 2-- ( lot 13, Hannah

- Maaoa. liM: andlTMed 2 $ of M 13. IlanaabMaaoa, VI m; aadlTbled 2-- of lot 17. II anus kMaaoa. $.t.; and It Wed of M L. J.

$1.V3; aodlrl.led 1 $ of lot , J. KV Wataoa, Il.ttS;. aadWIaed I S ( W I. J. .

Wataoak $1.85; andlTMed of lot T, J. V

Watana. $1 ..';' iHllTMle4 3 of lot J. TWataoa. $I.U; aadlTkled 3 af lot 11. 1. T.

- Wataoa. .3; andltlded 13 of lut 13. J. F.Wataoa, $1 Jill andlTlded of lot 13, 1. V.Wataoa. il.SO; aodlrkled 1-- f kit 17. J. T.Wataoa, $!.; lot 2. Ernathre arbnenberbler.$8.18; lot 4. Rrnatlna Weboenberblor, $7.18;smith 4 lot . John Brbrenhsrblar. $3.80;north H lot a. KrneatlDS Ptpel. $3.00; kit 8.tianaao Maaoa, ai.ia; tot iu. nannaa87.18; lot IX. Hannah Maaoa. $7.15: kit 14.Hannah Maaon, $7.15; lot 18, Hannah Maaoa,

r$7.15: lot 18. Charlea W HUtalna, $8.13.BLOCK 8. tmdlrlded 3 S of lot 1 airant Or(oaA California Railroad Company's vlalil of wajr.Hannah Masoa. $1.55: andlrlded 11 of lot 1

icept Ore fun A California Railroad Coa- -

M(bt of way. Real A Personal RatalsKaa $0.70; lot 2, H. B. Baker, to. 15;andlrlded 2-- of lot 3, Hannah Maaoa. $1.63:undlTloed of kit 4, Heal A Personal Ks-ta-

Coaipany. 30.80; lot 4. Hannah Maaoa,lot 5 Martha M. Crowell, $3JO; lot a.t7.15: M. Crowell, $7.15; lot 8. Amelia Ber-ret- h.

$7.11T: all of lot 7 except Oreiroa A Call-- -

fornla Railroad Com pan r1 a rlaht a war,Aaaella Hesreth. 1X30: all of lot xrentOrscna A California Railroad Ooropaajr'a rbthtof way, Martha M. Crowell, 25; lot 40.Martha M. Crow.n. $7.1S; all of lot

' 11 eiorpt Orfoa A Callf'irnla Railroad Onra- -

rtrbt of way, - Martha M. Crowell.Eanr'a lot 12, Martha M. Crowell. $7.13; allof lot 13 axornt Orecna A California RailroadCompany's M(bt of war. Mart Da M. .rowan,

- 85.85) kit 14, Martha M. Crowell. $7.15; lot15. John P. Ward. SA.20: lot 1ft. John ' P.Ward. $7.15; kit 17, John P. Ward, $4.90; tot18. John P. Ward, $8.1$. BLOCK 7. tot 1,Kllaabath Younc, $8.13; lot 2. KliaabethToanf. 7.M lot 3. Elisabeth Yoonf. $7.13;lot 4, F.ltaabeth Yjmn, $8.15; lot 5. CharityIf. MsaJsrmrysr. I7J5: kit 0. Mary F. Adsais.

1 87.15: lot 1. Delia M. Hrbroader,i .IBi. W . . Uarr W. Adama. 88.15T lot

Urealer, 38.50; Jot-3- 0.. OoltfrledMetaler. $.B0: kit 11. A on Is C. Bcbmeer,

7.13; kit 12, Annie C. ftrhavrrr. $7.16; lot 13,Joarph Beat. $7.15; lot 14, Joseph Best, $"-1-

lot 13. I. W. Horlblna. $7J5: tot 18. IW. Hoelblns. 13.11: lot 17. Roohla-- Welarerrr. 18.13: tot ls topkU Wsleaerber,$9.73. BLOCK t, kit 1. Ony Bennett.$3.15; lot. 2. Ony i Bennett. 9.75;

- lot S, Oar Bennett. 87.1B; lot 4. Ouy Bea--- aett3S.la: tot t. Perrr H. Blyth. 17.15;.lot f. Percy H. Brytk. t7.1B: lot ft. PerryIL Birth. fT.lo; lot a. lynaiae n. nmnn.$8.13; lot 8, Loulaa H. Smith. IS. 15; kit 111.

Harriett B. Klllen. $8.18; lot 11. Oeori II.Vancban. $8.10; lot IX. ueort it. vsunan,an tH mu K a. tot 1. Albert Drmke. $tt.S0;tot 8. Albert Denike. $4.90!' lot 8. JacobRelach, t4.90; lot T, Jacob Rslsrb.t4.ao; bit9. Jacob Relack. S9.T5; lot 10, Jafbih Relsch.$8.18; lot X. Albert venue, jo-w- . .

- Viii ai. aaoot lot 8.-- C. F. Oakes,t4.0: lot a, C. F. Oakes. $4,901 all of tot11 U1d east of west 28 feet at ssia lot.C. F. Oakea, $7.80: all f tot 13 rylnf eaatf west 38 feet of aald lot. C. FOsa. $8.45:

-- west 28 feet lot 11. Orea A Csllf.irnlsBsllmsd Company. $2.80; west ffeet. tot12. Orraoa A California Railroad Company,$1.80. lllX)CK .10. lot 1, Ferry Heaahawe.traste. $8.60: lot t. Ferry Heaahawe. Tras-te-

$4.90; kit 5, Edward Hufhes Ratate,heirs of. $4.90; lot T. IMwsrd Huichea taUM,

" heirs of. $4.90; lot 9, Edward Hushes Ratsts,heirs of, $5.65; lot 11. Edward Hushes Eatats,belts of. 13.80: lot 12. Edward Hushes Bat ate.Jielrs f. $7.13; lot 2. Joel W. Crocker, $8.B;

- tot 4, Joel w. Crocker, an mrfm14.90; lot lorTftllrsfcCarty, -- .(!or lot in except wen imi. ", i'"T3.20; all of tot 14- - axcept west-- 43 feet.

. Alex Rleeet. sn.ini; weai it. irri ,Ranaenhach. 12 95;. weat 42 fee kit 14. Karl

. Ranssnbsch. $i SB. BLOCK 11. lot 1. MaryC. Hurt. $.5o; lot 2. Oeort R. and H. U.Btepheasoa. $4 90f lot 5. A W. Bcldlnj.

4 90; kit T. Henry A. BeMlatVCor. M. Beldlnt . .; lot 11. V . K Beldlnt-- .

34.90: Vit 13, Henry A. Brldln. $8.15; kit15. Enlle C. Fety. $8.18: lot 18. EjalleC.

,. Fety. $ TB: Tot 2. Rraeat P. Poach. 88.BO;tot 4. Ernest P- - Dosck $4 90; tot a. IL A.and A. W. Beldlnf $4 90; tot 8. H. A.

and A. W. BeMlna. S4.90J. wea .2e feet tot- to. Omfoa- - A CsMfsmla Railroad Company,

12 80; ssst 84 feat lot 10. Era J. Parker.$3.25? tot 12. Era J. Parker 14.90; tot J4.W. II. twiaina. .aa.vo. wia .

Joseph F. Kefir. $8.60; kit 3. CbsrW W.Hraacbel. 14.90; tot a. A. C. Lohm ra, $4 90 :

tot T. A. C. Lokmlr. 4.90; tot 9. H. A. andA. W, Beldinc, $5.83: tot II. Marfln W'lnrh.14.90; tot IS. Mary F. Flack, l W; tot 15.

, Mary F. Flach. 9.TB: tot 17. RolPkBecker. 88.18; tot 18. Rudolph Becker, f.75;

i tot 2. WV C.Stratlllaa. 6 50; tot 4. W 0,McMillan. $4 90; tot 8 W. C. McMllUn.

. 34.90; tot W. C. McMlllaa. $4.90; tot 10.Allda J. Rate. $6.85; tot 12. SUlaa Jared.84.90! tot 14. Etlaa Jared. $4 90; tot 18. MaryF, tnoch, 18,15. BLOCK IS, aadlrlded Htot 1. T.- - V. Brandea. . 1.1.25; ondlrlded Htot 1. Helen A. Joaea, ae.28: tot S, JamesHumphrey, 14.90: tot t. JaavMi rjumphreji.34.90: tot T. Jamea Hnmparey, 34,90; tot .

. Robart Jaeobaoa, 35.85; tot 11. Honrs Knrel---stad. 34.90; lot 13. Donas EnftslsUd. 14.90;tot 1ST W. B. Ward, 18, W B.WardT 38.18; tot 3. Real A Personsl BatataCoaipany, 38.60; tot 4. Real A Peraoaal EatatsCompany. $4.90; lot . W. H. Oaaiea, 14 90;lot tVw: H. Osmss. $4 90; lot 10, W. Wela-bof- f,

35.81 tot 12. Albert U Albert son, S4.90;tot MrJoseph IVMsrtlnL $4.90; tot IT. M Ich.

. ael Ballot. $8 16: tot 18.- - Michael Bo Int.SIOB.' BLOCK 14. tot 1. Fred B. Miller.t.60: lot 8. Richard Kallnrer. S4.90; tot 6.

" Joseph DeMartlnl. $4.90; lot f . William F.nnrreli; Trnntee, $4.90: west 26 feet lot 9.Oregon Csllfornli Railroad Company, $2.0;eaat 34 feet tott. W. B. W.jaoa, io.23;tot 11, ftophla Walarerhar, $4.9": tot IS.Bophla Welaferber, $4.90; kit 14. OeorsElttmarer. $4.90; tot IT, Jsmes V. Csrawell.

' $8.80; tot 18. James ta Cars well. 17 15; lot 2.Anna R. Keen. $8.50: tot 4. Anna R. Keeae,$4.90: tot 8. Anna K. Keeae, $4 90; tot 8.Anna . Keetls. 84 90; tot 10. Anna K Keen.$5.86; tot 12. Anna t. Keene, tt.BOrtor lr.Aaaa E. Keene. 84.90: tot , A ana K.Keens, $4.90; lot 19. Darld. M. Watklnda.88.16: tot 20. Fred Spsaele. tt.TS. BLOCK13. tot 1. Jsmes U Csrawell. $8.60; tot 2,James U CsrawsTI, S8.60; lot 3, Jamea L.Caraweli. 34.90: tot 4. Jamea U Csrawell.sa an. u 8 Jamea L. Caraweli. 34.901 lot 8.Jamea I Caraweli. $4.90; tot T. LUllai Cars- -

. welL $4 90; lot 8. Jsl L. CarawelL $4.90;tot t. Jamea L. Caraweli. 83.86; tot lo.James U Csrawell. $5.86: tot 11, Jamea I..Caraweli. 14.90; tot 13. Jamea I,. Csrawell.

lot 18. Idlliss tarsweii, ea.aiii norm4 lot 14, Bat curray. at. no; aorta n lor in.rarrar. $1.85; aoutB H tot 14. Kites

McMalty. V 25: eonth H tot 13. EIlea MoMulty, $3.25: lot id, niinnna msbob. . .;tot 17. Rudolph Becker, tn.75; In 18. RudolphBecker, $8.16; tot 19, Kate Carray. $8.15;tot 20, Ellen McMnlty, $9.78. BIXICK 18.tot 1. Joaeph and E. Weber. $8 50; tot 2.- Joseph and K. Weber. $8.60; tot t, Josephand R. Weber, 94.90;. lot. 4, Joseph and B.Weber. $4.90: tot . Joseph and E. Weber,$4.90; tot 8, Joaeph and E. Weber, $4.90; tot7. Joaeph and B. Weber. $4,901 tot 3, Joasnhand E. Weber. $4.90; lot 9, Joaeph and B.Weber, $5.85; tot 10, Josafih aad B. Weber,$5.86: tot 11. Joaeph and B. Wfher, $4.90;tot IS. Joaeph and B. Weber, $4 90; tot IS,Joseph and E. Weber, $4.90; lot 12. Mlchasl

- Tsanler, $4.90; lot 14, Michael Tannlef, $4.90;$4.60; tot 17. Faltoa-- tot 18, - Anna Stork.

1'nited Artlaaa Bnlldlat AsaodatloB. $11.76:tot 18, Ernest Hons, $9.75; tot It, AnnaBtnck. $9.76; tot 20, Joseph Weber, $3.28.

- BLOCK IT. tot 1, C. K. McCleod, fl ftS; tot2. C. N. ktcaeod. $1.85; tot 1. C. Ni Mc-

Cleod, $1.00; lot 4. C. N. McCleod. $1.00; tott. C. N. McCleod, $1.85: lot 8. C. M. Mc--Cleod, $1.85; tot T. C. N. McCleod. $1.00;tot 8, T. N. McCleod, $140; lot 9, Flora R.Crittenden, $1.00: kt 10. Flora E. Critten-den, $1.00; tot 12. C. K. McCleod. $1.00; kit14. C. N. McCleod. $1.00) tot 16. 0. . Me.Cleod, 11.00. tot 18, C. la. --McCleod. $1.00:tot 11, Ilaanah Maaoa, $1.00; lot IS. Hanaab

. Maaon, $1.00; tot IS, Hannah Maana, $l.oo;tot 17, Hannah Kales, $1,001 tot 19. M.

$296; tot 21. M. MrNultr. $4.9o;tot 20. Kllaa and Job a A. Keller. 2.20; tot22. Eliaa sad John A. Keller, $4 90; tot 24,Kllaa and Job. A. Keller, $4.90: kit 23.

,' Alpbanae Lenoir. $4.90: lot 23. Alpbnnae faolr, $8.50; tof 28, Alphon Lenoir. $4.90; tot27. Ilaanah Maana. $4.90; tot 28, HaaaahMaaon. $8 30. BLOCK IS. lot 1. CUra it,Mcbeod, tZ.95i tot 8, Clara IT. MrLend, $2 30;tot a. th Hinernisa nannc nana $3,901lot T. The Hibernian Karlnaa flank. il.65;tot t) Ladwl Wllnelm, ll.floi lot 11. LndwlfwuneinT. si.iai; lot IB, nVHomna Betas, iaki;lot 18. RoVdroa Relas, $1.00: tot 17, Mary I.

: Hedres. ta .TO; lot 19, Mary I. Hedrea. $4 90;tot 21, Hannah Maaoa, $4.90; tot 23. HannahMaaon, 34.WO; tot 23. Hannah Maaon. $8.59:tot an. Hannah Mason. S4.90 tot 2, MarianaVandelenr, $2 05; tot 4, Mariano Yaadelenr.$2 :tO; tot 6, Clara N. Mcleod. S2.S0; tot 8.

.. William and Aaaa Bents, 31.05; tot 10, W. F.Bnrrsll, Tree tee. tot it W. F. Bar-ren. Trostee' 31.00; tot 14, R. H. Robblna.$1.00; tot 18, James B. Jnbnstnne, 11.30; hit1. James B. "Johnstone. $4 90: tot to. North-er-

OnanfkM Inr. Trnat. Limited. $3.85; lotx 22. Carl O. Anderson. $4.90: lot 24. W. A. and

Mill C. Vlarera, 84 90; tot 27, W. A. andMill C. Vl.rera, $4 90; tot 28. W. A. andMill C. Vlaaera. $6-5- BI,K'K 19, lot 1,W.'F. Barrell. Tm.fe4 $1,804 tot 2. W. F.Bm-rel-L Trnat e. $1.88: tot t, W F. Barren.Tmates, (1JJ0; 1st a. If. r. arrsll, traat,

citt voTioea.

Sl.OOl lot a. CUra M. Wrf aaMt. 11 Ml- - lotWllltaai Frlrdlandrr. R1.00: lot T. Williamr rieuianoer. f i on; tot n, willlaai rrlrdlaBusr.$1.01': kit t. William rrk.ll..u. si ia, lol- !, William Frtadlander, $t.uo; tot 11, Inltadtti.tea Rational Bank. $1 0O; tot 13. Unltsd

- 2!'S imt.T Sk. $1 uo; lt J, lulled..' SM" ""t t 14. tailed2 v,;5 i4""' l k li tailedEl"??! ?,lf""J kit Itt, laltsd

r- - Mi,SJklJMJSoi. Arthur W, tira.T fm,3 i"r T Hsaash Ussoa. $3.js; kM

fci. Ilanuah Maaoa, hit K.UI.7Io, tot xaT Jou.ua. irrtoiTlM Moi

iR and Cora N. BaldUi. $3.u;-- tie VI" '0,,, HrldlnJ. $J.WO;

fj W- - ud U. A. ItaHlIu. 83.no;v W"d'- - A. Beldln. $3.w0; lot 1.- Jimra lot a, w . rnnrreli. Iraate. $3.m: tot 3. W. F. Barren.

tss, $3.30: lot 4. W. r. Barrall, Trustee.S3. Jl ? v F. Burrsll. 'Irn.tee, 8i3o;HnrrelL Trti.le. 83.30: Lt T

7 7 ' w'"v tt 1 ff 1 OUrrtJai. llfantV,fl.5: lot 10, Alice V. McCarthy. $3.; totw ,cC",y. ; tot 11. Edward

"aaa aa. usasatt. B4.su; kit 13. T

" ilI.i,fr,.,h I4 80' Jreal E. 8. FhKk,v. u essia a. B, f icck, $4 uu; lut in.t.T"" ?: ,rc'. ; tot- IT, Jeaaw a. a,alack. $4.90; tot IS. Jeaal H. 8. Fleck. $4.90:ft 1 Fbxk, $3.83; tot 30. jeaal

a. rieck. $3.86; tot XI, James . Jolinsiaas, $4.90; lot ta. Jams M. Johnatona. $.9:tot X3. War la R. Uoiale, $8.30; kit 34, MarlK. lloxaie, S43H; tot 22V Miaalnxer A Co.,jrnaie, atwu; lot B4, HlaataKer A

: Traataa, $4 90: tot 27. ' lllaaliiit- -r A Co.Traare. $4.90; lot 28. Blaalager Co..

. Traate. $8.50, BLOCK 21. lot I. J- - M.1'aompasa, $6.88; tot 3. J. M. Thompson,84.au; tot 5. Lisa la Uorrlaoa, $4.90; kit 7,

. 'Iisto II.. Near, $4.90; tot 9, Detos 11. Near,S5J); lotv 11, John A. Johnston and JamesOlaen, 34.90; fet 13. Joha A. Johnatna and

'Jamea Olaen, $4.90: lot 13, Hlberaia oar In..nana, ujri; lot 17, Hlberaia Bar mas Mankt$4.90: lot 19,- - Hlberaia Bsrlnss Hauk. $3.H;tot 21. T. W. Haanamaa, $4.90; tot 23. Bar--.nard 0. McCarthy. $4.90: tot 25, NUI 31,Ward. $6.30; tot 2T. Cbsrles P. Little. $4.90:

f tot 2, Herman Btea, $4.wl; tot 4, Hernias. Blt, 34.90; tot 6, Herman Ulcer. $4.90: tut

8. A. W. and H. Bekllna. $4.90; tot 10. Van.nl A. Curtis, $.1.85; lot 12. NstUs Ot Oraikm,. 1 OA. t. t A V . . . 1 1 a. uA. 1 . 1 )

- Hoxaaaa Courtney, $,.90: kit JS. William IV I

.XMtrtaey, 84.90; tot xa, Joale Biiitirsn, ao.-- n;

tot 22, U. U Tstum sad J. J. Howaa, 4.9o;tot 24, Heymour C. Friendly, $4.90; tot-3-0,W. r, Burrell, Tniatee. $4.90; tot 28, BesslsElmmer, 14.B0. BLOt'K 22, tot 1, AlUancaTruar- - Compasy, Limited, $5.85; tot 3. or aadLouie $4.90; lot 6, Albert Krura- -rey, $4.90; tot 7. Jennls Bower. $4.90; lot t.Jennla Bower, $3.85; tot 11. Fred 8. MUler,$4.90; lot 13. Fred 8. Miller. $4.90; tot 15,W illamette Tribe, No. 6, Imnrored Order of

"Rd Mea, $4.90: k4 17, Wlllamatt Trrfi ,'Wo..8. Improred Order of Red Men. 8440: tot 19,

Kittle E. Emmons, $5.nA: tot 21. Mary B.loiale, $4.90: tot 23.. Mary R. lloxaie, 34 90

tot 25. Mary E. Hoxale. $8.50: tot 27, l.hwlBeldlat', $4.90; lot X. (ieorye Icbmeler. $5.35;

. tot 4. Gears Larbmeler. $4.90: lot 6, 8a rah. E. Ereraoa. $4.90; tot 8. Marsh B. P. Hereon,

$4.90; lot 10. II. R..lon, $5.85; lot 13. H.'. R. lam. $4.90: tot 14. H. R. Lonr. $4.Ml; tot

18. McK Inter MltchelL $1.90: tot 18. licKlnley. MltchelL 84.90: lot XO..W. O. Relnine 85.85 :

f - 22, A. and A. WV Belding, $4.90; lut 24.i i.nuue neiaina. mi aa, Maris K. tiox-- .

ale. 34.90; tot 28. Llsxie Beldlnir. $3.60.BLOCK 23. lot 1. Mary B. Taylor. $5.85: tot8. Maad W. WooUolk. $4.90; lot 6. Karld

. Onortasll, ; lot 7, Clara B. Crane.' $4.90;tot 9. Mary B. Horal. $5.35; tot II. Calrary

- Preefcyterlaar. Church, 14.90; lot 13. CalraryPrebytriaa Cbnrch. $4.90; lot l.T.3iieanna,. Elmmsrmsn. $4.90; tot 17. Susanna Xlmmer-- .man, $4.90; tot " 19, 8uaanna Elmmerman.. 35.K1: tot 21, Susanna Zlmmermaa, $4.90; tot

. 23. Hnaanoa Zimmerman, $4.90; tot 25, Boaaa-- faa Elmaiermani $6.50; tot 26. Bnaanna

$4.90: tot V O. M. and Hena Bobler,$3.83; tot 4, O. M. aad Pens Bobler, $4 90;tot a. Bruno R. Ounther. $4.90: lot t, JnsenhFlnke $4.90: lot 10. Ida laMweasoa, $3.85:tot 12. Oeora . Wrlrht Post. No. 1, GrandArmy of the rtepnhltc. $4.90: tot 14, Joha

- kfsttbleaea, 84.90; tot 16. Rotla R. Laurence,$4.90; lot 18. A. W. Joaea. 14.90: tot 20,MajtrU W. I.lttto, $51: tot 22. Harris R.

. Jones sad Mary A. Csoley, 34-9- tot 24.- MlCtlsel- - Mooter. 84.90. tot of Wlnielmlna- Vahl. 34.9tt.- - lna- ttW. Caetattaai-Jofcifc- a SA BA

BLOCK 24. tot 1, Hannah Uaaon. $2.95; lota. nannaa ei aeon, lot a. uannan Maaon.12.30: tot 4. Hannah Maana. tot 6.Harmab. Maaoa. $2.95; lot 6. Hannah Maaon,$4.90; tot T. Hannah Masoa. $3.26; lot 8,Hannah Maaon, $4.90; tot 9. Hannah Mason,S3.90; tot 10, Hannah Maaoa, $5. 85:. tot 11.Hannah Maaoa. 84.55: tot 13. Hannah at aaon.-- 340; tot 13. Hannah- - Maaon, JH. 90; loi 14,nannaa maaoa, sa.vii: tot in, tiannaa Mason,14.90; lot 16, Hannah Msaoa, $4.90; tot IT.Hannah Masua. $440: tot 18, Hannah Mason.$4.90,: tot - 19. Hannah - Maana, $6?85;tot 20, Hannah Haana, $3.85: tot --41.

. Hanaah Mssna, 34.90: lot 22. Haaaah Mason..14.90; 1st 23, flannah Maana, $4.90r tot 24.. Hannah Ma-o- a, $4.90: tot 23. nannah Masoa.fso.oo; lot X6. Hannah Mason, $4.90; lot 27.. Hannah Maaon, $4,90; tot 28. Hannah Manna.ri.on. ULOCK 30, tot 1. Margaret Markay

16.90: tot 2. Maraaret Mackar. 827.3rr. Ink' Msnraret Mackay. In. 50; tot 4. Maraaret Mar-ker. $9.73. BLOCK 26. sand It la ton 1 of lotA, II a axle Murphy. $3.23: anhdtTteloa t of lot

-- A. .Ilaaxle Murphy, $1.95: snbdrrhnoa S of totA. Halls R. Dal. tl.tlS; suhdlrlalon 4 of tot

.A. U H. snd A. II. Maxwell. $1.65; sabdlrl-aio- n

I of tot A. Alantarst Whit. $1.65; auhdl-rlal-

of tot A, Marraret White,- $1.65; snb. aiTiaion t or tot-.- Maraaret White, 1.66

suhdlTlaloa 8 of tot A, Jennla Cnrrkv, 1.65subdlTletea of lot. A, Jennie .Currl, 1.85;suhdlTlaton 10 of tot A, Jennl Currta, l.on;suDairnuoa j i or an A, Jennie Carrie. l.twanhdlrlaloo 13 of tot A, (luaitor J. Bumuilnf .' $1.00; anbdlrlatoa It at tot A, MaraaretWhite. $1.00; snbdlrtolna 14 of tot A. Usrca- -

ret White. 11. 0O: anbdirlaloa IS nf toe A n- Haasen. 11.00; an hdlrlaion 16 sf tot A, Tllll

F. Comellna, $1.00; aub.llTletoa 17 of lot A,TllUe F. Coraellua. $1.00: aubdlrhrton IS oftot A, M. J. Potter, $1.80; anbdlTlaloa 1 of

- tot B, We. ley Miller, 13.30; anbdirlaloa S oftot B. Wealer Miller. 31.U.V autwHrlaloa. a otot B, Jnlls Marquanu $1.95; aahdlrtaloa 4 ofot is Julia Maruuara. ti.vo; sundlTlslon oftot B. Oander J. Rainmlnc, $1.95; snhdlrxttoa

6 of tot R, alary E. Adama, $1.95: anbdlrntoax or lot o, w. r. nnrreli, Trmrte $1.96;aahdlTlatoa I of tot B. W. F. Barrell, Trustee.$1.95; so hdlrlaion 9 of lot R. W. F, Burrell.tVnalea IU., .hUIUULu in -- . ... ... a.

' Barrell, Trustee. $2.30; sabdlrlsloa ll of totB, W. F. Barrel, Trn.tee. $1.30; nbdtrlaloaanrHnn.TT.r- - uurreu, Trnatee. xi.no;

,. auhdlrlatoa 13 of tot B. Mary B. Adams, $1.30;T aabdlrlsioa 14 of tot B, Mary R. Adam. $140;

auoniTiaina xo ox tot b, Msry K. Adams. $1 JO;sabdlrlsloa 16 of tot B. Jsmes W. Brandt,- $1.30; sulidlTistoa 17 of lot B. Gunner J. Rum.mine, $1.30; aubdlristna 18 of tot B. W. F.Burrellr- - Trnatee, $2.80. BLOCK 27, tot 1,

TB'len HTBchollhorn Eataf. nlraor.TB7.0rtot S. Eltoa H. Bchollhora Eatat. lletra eIJ0.50; anbdlrlston 1 of tot A. 0. If. Bnsacll.Truste. 12.70: sabdrrtstoa 2 of-l- A. 0. M.

- RusselL Trnalee. $2.30; sabdlTMloa t of totA.. C. 11. Rnsaell. Trnate. 11315; snhdlrartoa4 ef lot A. O. M. RosaeU. Trnate. $2.30; sub- -

' $1.95: subdlrlaton 6 of 'lot' A. C. i. Ruaaeil'' Trnatee. $1.98: aubdlrlatoa T af tot A, Moy

Bark Hln, $1.95: anbdirlaloa 8 of tot A. W.w. nurreii, irnate, ai ho; snodlrhtloB-- M tot' A, Moy Back Hln, 11.80; suhdlrbilotf Iff of totA, W. F. Burrell, Trnate, $1.30; snhdlrtaloaJ of tot B. II. J. Dnffy, $3.30: anbdlrletoa

of tot B, Hon Che How. $3.90; sohdlrtston8 of tot R. W. H. MeEldowner and J. T.Ijmnard, SS.90I anhdlrlaloo 4 of tot B, W. F.Burrell, Traate. $3.90; sahdlrlstoa 6 of totB. W. H. MrKldowney aad J. T. Leonard.' 1.1.90; aubdlrlatoa 6 of tot B. C. M. Rnsaell.3 90; anhdlTlatoa 7 of lot B, W. M. I .aw.

- 3.90: anhdlTlatoa t of tot B. Uor Back Hln.: 3.90; sohdlrlabia 9 of tot B, W. M. w,

3.231 anhdlrlaton 10 of tot B. Moy Back Hln,113.25. BLOCK 28, tot 1. Jennla and J. MBelcher, $47.90; tot 3. James B. Pnlhemns.134.05; snbdlrlalon I of tot t. William and- Roalna Oelrer. $2.80: anhdlrlalnn 2 of tot 2,William aad Roalna Oelyer. 16.20: snbdlrlatoaI of tot 2. Wllllsm snd Roalna Oelrer, 15.30;snhdlTlston 4 of tot 1. William and RoalnaOelrer. $6.80; aubdlrtotoa 8 of dot 3. Williamaad Rosins Oebrer. $6.50: snbdlrlalon of lot- 2. William and Roalna Oelrer. $6.50; aubdl-- "rlalos T of tot 2. William and Hoed n a Oelaer,16.50: sTtbdtrwInn 6 of lot 2. Will 1616' andRoalna (Jelrer. 13.20: snbdlrlalon 9 f In X

ft--j William snd Roalna Oelrer, 1640; snbdlrlaloniu or tot X. William and Roalna Oelaer. 12.30;snbdtrlstoa 1 of tot 4, Mrs. If. J. Weamer,12.65: auhdlrlatoa 2 of tot 4. Mrs. kl. J.Weamer. 1200; euMlyunoB S of tot 4, Mrs.'M. . weamer. anhdlTlatoa 4 of lot 4,Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $2.65; enhdlrteton 8 oftot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $2.65; snhdlTwrloa6 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $2.65; snbdl.rlalon T of tot 4, Mrs. M. J. Weamer. $.1.30;snbdlrlatoa 8 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer,$3.30; snbdlrtetoa 9 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Wea-mer.- $2.68. BLOCK 29. lot 1. Msmrat H.IVnholnt. $2.60; lot 2. Marsaref H. Iiennolm.33.95; tot 8, Mantaret IL Hennolm, $2.60; totl. Marfaret H. Denbnlin, $343; tot 6. Marys- -

n. vrnnmi., ffl.aii mn n, Marraim rit fienbolm, $3.25; tot T. Marysret H. Penholm,

to: tot n, Msrvsret H. iiennolm. 1.9. Msnrsret H. Iienholm. $2 60; lot 10, Marsa-ret H. DenboliB. $2 60. BIXK'K SO, sshdtrhrloa4 of tot A. Emily H. and Jamas rnrraa. $1.93;anbdlrlatoa 2 of tot A, Frederick Frxert, 11.63;atindiTiatna r lot A, rrederira Esxert, 11.63;snbdlrlatoa 4 of lot A, Frederick Essert 11.30;snbdlTlatoa 8 of tot A. Frederick Esrert. $1.30;snhdlrtaton 6 of tot A. W. F, Barrell. Truste.11.80; euhdlTleton T of lot A. Jenkins A Ste- -

erne. $1.00; anbdirlaloa 1 of lot B, W. T.Bnrrell. Trnatee. II. 5; subdlrtotoa 2 of tot B,W. F. Barrell. Trnatee. $1.63.

- A tract of land lylnr hetweea th snath tin, ef Vermont street aad th north Una of suh-

dlTlaloa T of tot A, block 80. Boat her Port-land, aad between th eaat line of Peuasyl--ran la street and tb westerly lis of tb Ore-an- a

A California Railroad Comoaoy'a rlibt ofway. Martha M. CrowsU. $1.66.A tract ef land lylnr between th snath tinof Vermont street aad th north Una of sun.

' dlrtetoa t of tot B, block 30, Monthera Part-lan-

and between the treat tin of Ooaaertl.cut etreet end Die eeeterly 11 n af lb Ore-yo- n

A California Railroad Company's Mailt afway. C. P. CrorreH- - Catete. Helra of; $3 90.


;s CITT wOTICItVJsa sti ira

li "hnyl'ljr'

lot 1. Belomoa Relas; II.Bnrtot t; toatoaReUnC $l.0Ot W 3. .kVAaxa. ""'J''"4, r.mwa. . T $1.60; tot M. poto--11.0O; lot a. Hokimoa He lea,

Holoajoa Kelaa, au no;Relas. $0.05: tot a.tot BT.lomoB e toe $0,631 tkiloaanaHelaV $0.63; tot 11. 'k.moa aa ltot

W.l.. ItoW"f.5l--Kh-iT;

il.wooa $0.00; tot 16, Botomoa' Heli ? 6T".BLO:'K S3, tot 1. H.nh

Malon. $IH.5: lot X. M"J,.i'lil k"

$05365; M!wTTl.k.B 3 f tot 1. J.m. J--

a..T ...i.lllkai 3 of tot 1. JamesHeed! $".'63; Ml1lTlehs 4 of tot 1. Js 8C! Si M3 mintllTlakia 6 of tot 1, Janie B.

Reed, iu 65: t of tot 1, Anna a.r ooTVub.llTl.lo. T of tot 1. Anna-ll- .

B,..aJ $1"0: aolHllTlaloa 6 of tot I, J. H.- pfikluVnai and A..W. Wrliht. $1.00; aubdlrk

atoa 9 of tot 1. J. N. Bwrt. e".a: nm rsjnntot N. Burt, $0.65; suhdlTtsloa 11

if kt 1 I'naa Ou: eubutrMon 12 oftot I J B. P lltalti sad A. W. Wrlaht.

. auWlTlslon l! of tot 1. J. B. Pllklajt-- !T W. 80.65; subdtTlalJW i, Joha 1 CoS $0 6 miodlrlaloa 15

of tot L JobaT.Vook. $0.65; subdlrlaton 1 oftot It Cells M. Frler;ad H. MjCltacy.

wWlrlaton 3 of tot X. Clla M- Edwta 8. McCllncy. $0.66; aubdlrtston $

frf tot 3. Cell M. Frier and Edwta n. ycT cilnVy. $0.63: anbdlrlston 4 of tot 3, Calla M.

snd Kdwla H. McCllncy. $0.65: siihul-- ,

rlalon $ of lot 3, Cell M. Frtor aad IWwIa B.-- McCllncy. So.65: suhdlrlskia 6 ot kit 3. Oil

M. Frier and Edwin 8. McaiBcy. $1.00; n

T of lot 2. Cells M. Frtor and fdwla8. McfllncT. $1.90; siibdlrlslon 8 of .tot 2,

- cella M. Frier sad Edwm 8. McCllBcy. $1.D0:euh.llrl.loa 9 of tot 3. Cell M. Frier andEdwin 8. MoCllacy, $0.65; .nhdlTtolon 10 of tot2. Cells M. Frier syd E.I w la 8. McCllacy.$0.60: euhdlTlaloo lldif tot 2. Cella M. Frierind Bdwla 8. alcClUvrr. $100; aundlTbrtoa 13

. of lot 2. Cella M. Frlsr and Bdwla . Mp--'

Cliacy. $1.00; subdlraiton 13 of tot 2. Cella" M. Frier and Edwin X. McClincy. $0.65: sub--

dtolalon 14 of fc.t t, Cella M. Frtor and EdwlBH. McCllncy. $0.65; aubdlristoa 15 af tot 2.Cells M. Frtor sad Edwin 8. McCllncy. $0.63.BLOCK 84. subdlTlalon 1 of tot O, E. C. Bra--'

naurh, $0.65; anbdirlaloa 2 of tot O. R, O Bron.uah, $0.63; snhdlrlsloa I of tot O, B. lh nro- -

n.nrh, I n an ; suraiirwina r an ... mu k,. one.aauah, I10.63! anbdlTlaloa t of tot O, R. 0. 6;

iianah, I mbdlrlaloa of tot 0, B. 0. Brnanrh, $0 66; aubdlrailoa T or k-- t u, b. v. nro-.6- 5;

nauitb, lo anbdirlaloa 8 of tot 0, B. C Bra-8-

.,n.h 30 aulidlrlalon of tot O. B. C. Bro--

nanali. $0.65: snb.llTk.toa 10 of tot O, R. 0.Bronsuah. $0.63; snhdlrbitoB 11 of lot 0. B. C.Bronatiith, 30.65; subdlrwloa 12 of tot O, E. 0.

. HrosuKh, Hi.ttn; suottiTMi.ra jo or an .

Hronaush, I0.65; sulMllrlakm 14 of tot O. B, O.Hmnaurh 10.6.1: aulallrlaloa IB or tot u, a.,

Rronaurh. 1.63; siibdtTlakia 16 of tot O, E.ltronauah. .65; snhdlTlatun li or mt u, Eyv.tlM..i,.k SA HK aoltftlrailon 16 Of lot:o, jruHronannu, $0.65; aubdlrlatoa 19 of tot O, E. 0.

- Bronauca, $0.63; suoairisioa z or an it, . . .- Hrooaimh, $0.a3; anhdlrlaloo 21 of tot O, B. C.

, Pronaurh, $0.65; anbdirlaloa 22 of tot 0, E. C.tironauxn. e.i.oo; suotiiraiKai --i ok . ... n. vv.

Rronau-rh- , .tin; subdirisiaa 24 or an u, n. v.Hronaurh, ft', anhdlrlalnn 25 of tot O. JVJC.Hrooaiish, 85: auhdlrlaloa 98 of tot OS B. 0,Hroaauah. 1.85: anhdlTlatoa 27 of tot E. 0.Hronauirlt. D.65; aubdlTlsloa 26 or tot tr, B. v.IlronauKh, a.65; sulidlThiloa 1 of tot H, R. C.HronauKb, 10.65; anbdirlaloa 2 f tot H, H. V.Bronanth, i.65; subdlTlalaa t of tot ll. n.Bronsurh, .65: anbdirlaloa 4 Of tot ll. B. U.Bmnsorh, .65; aundirlalon 6 of tot H, B. CBronaaxh,'" MA. .hdllaleB tal W IL E. C.Bronanfb, 05: anbdlTtatoa T ef lot H. E. C.Bronsogb, i0.65; anbdirlaloa of tot H, B. v.Brans us h. to.63; au hdlrlaion 9 or lot it, a,, ij.Bronauxh, 1.85; flutKliTiaioa m or an n. . jHronanftii, 1.65; snbdtTlstoa 11 of tot H. B CBroaaugb, 10.63; aundirlalon ll ot mi it, ra. u.Bronaurh, H1.65; aubdlrlatoa 11 of m it, a, u.Bronaurb, .no; anoairi.ioa 1 ot an n, ai. .Hronsttab, H8: auhrilrlatoa IB ef tot H. B. C.Hronsuab, 41.65; sobdlTlatoa 16 of tot H, B. 0.Hroasngb, .65; anbdlrletoa 17 or lot it. n. u.Hronaiutb, MM anhdrrlakai 18 of lot H. R. C.Rronaugh, I A: anbdirlaloa 19 of tot H. E. 0.Bronauch. .165; anbdirlaloa 20 ot tot H. H. C.Bronaufth, 10.65: aandtrlstoa 21 of tot H. E. 0.Brooanah, 10.65; snbdlrlatoa 23 of tot H, K. I,Hronauxhi 10.65; anhdlrlsloa 23 af tot H, H. CsBronaugh, 10.85; snbdlrlatoa 24 of lot H, H. C.Bronanab, 0.66; aundlrlsloa XB of tot n, b. v.Bronaufth, SJt anndtrlalon 26 of tot H. B, i .

Bmnaneh. ., subdlrlaton 27 of lot II, H. C.

n....K an sa . Bttyu'K XB. anbdirlaloa I eftot A. Frederick Errert. $1.68: j DtoloBJor Kit . rrefleriCB BraeTTr ri.ll.il uauia.'a- 9 of tot A, rnMlark'k Erert.$1.00; snhdl- -

rtokr 4 of lot A, irMtwi r;nn, j",a,.hrfirtato af tit A.. Frederick Kerert. 31.00;

r ...ubikL. i kr i. 6 IL RaaaelL Truate.$1.65; subdlTlalon T ex lot a. '""' ,"rert. $1.00; aubdlrlatoa 8 of tot A. William

' La hoe, $1.65; anbdirlaloa 9 of to A, W W.. ai Oil. anhdlrlaka. 10 of tot A. William- Ihbel $L0U; anbdlTlaloa 11 of tot A, Aajrua-nat- a

$1.00; aubdlristoa 13 of tot A,O. M. RttssellT Trustee. $1.66: salajlrlaloa 13of tot A. C M. Haasen, iTuarr-- i. "i "",.Li u .1 Lat a. r.. u. Uneasll. Trustee$145; anbdlTlaloa 1 of tot R. W. O. M. and

, f. A. Haya. 1.0Ot satKHrtoloa t a .tot B.Hsrab. A. HTOWB.au.oo; snnoiramm- c xt nn an ait: an hdlrlaion 4 of kH B

i Arthur Mather. $0.66: aubdinaloa- - 6 of tot B.Moy Back Hla, $0.65; anbdlrtotoa 8of tot BC. M. Rnsaell, Truste. $0.66; subdlTlalon 7 of

. tot B. W, F. Bnrreii, iTuaieo, ri, au. nof tot 1. Martha M. Crowell. $240. BLOCaan 1. 1 R. Ornhb. 83.23: tot 3. Kath

' erlne U Trerett. $346; tot 8. Maraaret H.Pen hoi in. $346; tot 4, Maraaret H. Den holm,83.25; tot aT Msrtsret H. Den holm, $3.60; tot

- , Maxwell It. Hamlrtoa, $3.60; tot T, Maxwell. Ha ml I ton. $3.60: tot I. Marfaret H. DeB- -

i aolm. 83.00; tot , Margaret rt. vennwoi, w-n- ,

lot 10, Jama F. BeU, 13.80; tot 11. Jamea I"ttaii art Afi: lot lx. Marsaret II. Penholm$3.60: lot 18, Maraaret II. Denbolm. $3.90; tot

-- 14. James F, Hsll, $3.90; tot 15, D. B. Me- -Bride, $3.90; tot 16, Geora Hlenbonae, $3.90;tot 17. Geora Mteaiionae, $;40; lot 18. DinaldB. McBrMe. $3.60; tot 10, Donald B. Mc Bride,m mi: lot 90. Iloa.ld R. McBrlde. $3.60: tot21. C. T. Nah--a. 63.O0; tot 22. Donald B. Me- -,

BrMe. $3.60 tot 23, Donald B. McBr1n.'$3.60;tot 24. C. D. Nairn. $3.60: tot 23, Robert Llr- -tnratnoe. $3.60: tof 26, Konert Lirmrstoa.$345: lot 27, Rnhert Ltrlnraton. $3.25; lotis. araaret H. Denbolm. RLOCK 37,

"Haaaah Maaoa, $1646. BLOC. SB, aarafl a.Itar. 816.33. v

ORRKN'8 ADDITION BLOCK 1. tot 1, Joha W.- Lanxdos and wife. W. 11. Barnett and wife,. $4.90; tot 2, John W. Lancdon and wlf a. W.

H. Harnett and. wife, 34.901 tot 8, Joha W." T.adon aad wife, W. H. Barnett and wife,

$4.90; tot 4. John W. Lanfdon and wua, w. ll.I. a a aear nam tlf ea'TRf S3 1- Harnett aaa who, eo.au. ruw.. e, w

Job W. Lancdon aad wlf. W. H. Barnett andr. a.1 on- - Nt 9. John W. Lanadon aad wife.

' W. II. Barnett and wit. $3.90; tot 8, JohnW. Laaxdoa sod wife, w. H. Barnett aaa wire,$3.90; lot 4. Joba W. Laflfdoa aad wife, W. H.

. Harnett and wife, $1.90; tot 6V Joha W. Ing-rto- a

and wlf. W. H. Hamatt and wlf. $6.20;tot 6. Joha "W. Lsnrdoa ano.wu. w. n.. mA arlfe. 8a SO: tot T. Joba W. LSDC- -

don and wtfa, W. It. Hamatt and wife, 4.la);I'd 8. John W. lamaoou ana wue. tj .. aS arlfa. 14. BO. BLOCK t. tot 1

Joba W. Lanadoa and wlf. W. H. Barnettand wife. $3.90; tot 2. John W. lancdon andwlfs. W. H. BsraH and wlf i $3.90: tot 8.Joha W. Lanrdoa and wlf. W. H. Baratt

" ad wlf. $3.90: tot 4, Henry I; Johnson.$4.90; tot 6, Joba W. Lanxdoa and wlf. W.II. Barnett aad wlf. 84.90: lot a. joaa w.Inrdoa and wlf, W. H. Barnett snd wife,$3.90; tot 7, John W. Ianrdon and wife, W,

v I, o . '.-- a te. aa oo; tot 6. Joba W,ilanadoa snd wlf. W. H- - Barnett and wlf,

$3.90. BLOCK 4. lot 1, John W.-- Lantdon" and wlf," tV

and wife, $6.50: tot 2, Joha W. Jjinitdow and- wlf. W. H. Barnett and wife, $3.20: S.

John W. jina.toa and. wife. W. 11. Barnettand wlf. 83.15; tot 4. Joha-W- Lancdotv andwife, w. H. narnti ana wue. i w- - ., - w i,.,iM and wlf. W. H. Barnettand Wlf. $340: tot 6. John W. lanrdoel andwlf. W. H. Barnett aad wife. $3.90; tot T,Joba W. Ijmrdoa snd wife, W. H.BarBettaad wife, .13.90. BI OCry.6. tot 1, Joba w

. Lanarton dnd wife, W. II. Barnett and wlf' IS. l.V. tot 2, Joha W. I.anrdon aad wife, W

H. Barnett and wife. 115; tot S, Joha W.Ijinadon and wlfa, W. H. Barnett and wife,$8.13; tot 4, Joha W. lanrdon aad wife, W.H. Rarnett and wife. $9.76; tot 8. John W.Inrdos and wlfs. W. H. Harnett and wife:19.75; tot 6, Joba w. lnraoa aaa wire, w.4. Rarnett ana wire, tot 7. Jona rr

Ijinxdon and wlf. W. H. Barnett and wife.$2.60: lot a, Joba w. utnanoa aaa wtr. rr,H. Barnett and wife. $3.80: tot 9. Joha W.lanrdon and wlfa, W, II. Harnett and. wife,$3.25: tot 10. John W.' Lanrdon and wlf. w,11. Barnett and wire. ' tot 11, Joha W.Lsnrdon and wife, W. II. Barnett and wife,

tot 12. Joba W. Lanadon and wlfa, W.?4.90; sad wife. $3.90: tot IS, Joba W.Iamrdon and wlfs, W. H. Barnett aad wlf.8.1.2V. lot 14. Joba W. Inftkm and wlf. W.II. Barnett and wire. ,o . BtXICK a. tot 1

Joha W. Lsatdoa aad Wlfs. W. H.Harnett and wife. $3.20: tot 3.I.ydla A. Mills. 13.90; lot 1. l.ydla A. Mllla.$8.90. tot 4, Joha W. Laoadoa andwife - lad W. It. Baractt ssd Wlf.$3.90; tot 6. Joha W. Lanadoa andwife, W. IT. Barnett tad wife. $3.90: tot 6Joha W. I.anrdon and wlfa. W, H. Barnettand wife, $3.90; tot T, Joba W. lanrdon andwife, W. H. Barnett and wife. $3 90: tot 8.Joha W. Iinedoa and wlf,- - W. H. Harriett

nd wife, 14.90; lot 9. John W. Lancdon sndwife, W. H. Barnet and wife. $4.90; tot 10.

.John W. tanrdon snd wife, W. H. Barnettand wlf, $3401 lot 11, John W. Lsnrdon sndwlfs, W. H. Harnett sad wlf. $3.90; lot 12.Joba W, Tanrdon and wife,- W. II. Barnettand wl'e, 134nt tot 13, John W. LsnfaVm andwife, W. H. Barnett and wlf. $3 90; tot 14.Job W. lanrdon and wlf. W, H. Barnettand wlf, 13. B0: tot 16, John W. Ijinrdon sndwife, w. II. Burnett and wlf. $3 .90; lot 16,John W. lanrdoa and wife, W. H. Barnettand wife, $3.90. BLOCK T. tot 1. Joha Wlsnrdon and wlfa, W. H, Rarnett aad wife$3.20; tot 2, Joha W. Tanrdon and wife,- - W.H. Barnett and wife, $3.90: tot t, Joha W.lsnrdon and wlf. W, II. Harnett and wlf.t1.9": let 4. Joha W. tanrdon and wife, W.

and wife. $1.90: tot 8, John W.I.aardon and wlf. TV. H. Baraett and wlfa.11.90: tot 6, John W. lsnrdon snd wlf. W.II. Barnett and wife. $3.90; tot T. John W.lanrdon and wlfsi W, II. Barnett snd wife.11.90: tot 6, Joha W. Lsnrdon and wife, W.II. BariMtt and wife. $4.90: tot ft, Joha W.Lsnfdoa and wlft W. U. Baraett and wlf,

" fS.tfl: tot 10, Joha W. Lanartoa and wife, W. H. Harnett aad wife. $4 M0; tot 11. Joub W.' Inadua and wife, W. U. Harnett and wife,r4.9.1; tot 13. Jol.n W. Lanidoa and wife, W.

1. Harnett aad wife. $4 90: tot 13, John W.- Intdua and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife,

$4.90; lot 14, Joba W. Unfdoa snd wlf. W,. H Harustt aad wife, $4 90; tot 13, J.Aa W

and wife. W. H. Harnett aad wlfs.J4.95; kit lo. Joha W. Lsaittoa snd wlfs. W.

snd wife, 83.86. t K t, tot I,Joha w. Inrdon and wlf. W. H. Harnettand wlfs, $3.85; tot X John W, lnaaua and

: wife. W il Harnett and wife. 14.90: tot I.t- - Joha W. LanKdoa and wife, W, H. Harnett

ad wife. $4.90; lot 4, Joba w. latnaaoa andI fa, w. II. Hamatt and wire. $490; lot 6,

John W. Laasdua aad wlf. W. H. Barnetland wife. $4.90; tot 6, Joha W. .Laaadoa and

- wife, W. H. Harustt aad wlfa. '$4 90: lot T.Joha W. LsBcitoa and wlfa, W. H. Barnettsnd wlfs, $4.90; lot 8. Joha W. Lsngdua aadwife. W. 11. Barnett and wife. $5.85. '

TERWII.UOKB HOMK8TKAD BLOCK 1, tot 1.Terwllllger Land CuBHiauy. $ll.uo; tot X Ter-willlser Land Compaay. $0.66; lot t, Ttrwll-life- r

Ijind Company, )I3.00; tot. 4. Terw ti-ll xer Laad Company, -- $9.75; tot 8, Terwll-llger Land Company, $5.20; tot 6, Terwll-llger Land Company, $0.66; tot T. Terwll.llger Land Company, 9.75; lut S, Terwll-llger Land Comnany, $11.40.A tract of land lying between blorka I and 2,Terwllllrer Homestead, and between th eouthline of Seymour areau and tb north lln efAdmiral .arena, TeraUUger Land Cooipsny,S III KA -

TKRWII.I.IOER HOMESTEAB-Bt.OC- 2. tot 1.Terwllllger Land Company. .ia; Kn a.

Land Company. $6.50: tot t, Terwllll--(.and Company. $e.u; it . ierwniiaerEer Comiwny, $3.15; tot 6. TerwUllser Land

Couipany. $1.96; tot 6, Terwllllger Land Com-pany, $145; tot T, Terwllllger, Land Company,S1.951 tot 8, Terwllllger land Coaipany. 2.6t.BLOCK S. tot I, Terwllllger Land Comnany,86.50: lot X. TerwiiiuTer vompsnr. a.i.autot . 8, Terwllllger Ulna . companytot IV. Terwllllger ISDO Company,

Land Compaay,tot t Terwllllgertot Terwllllger Land Company,tot h Terwilllser Land Compaay,tot s, Terwllllger . Land Company,tot 9. Terwilllser Land Company,tot 10. Terwllllger Laad Company,tot 11. Terwllllger land Company,tot 12. Terwllllger Lead- - Company,tot lib TerwllUo-e- r Lsnd Company,ni lU'lt 4. tot 1. Terwllllrer Land Company,

1 13.25; tot 2. Terwilllser Laud Company, $1.95;tot S, Terwllllger Laad Company,tot 4, - Terwllllger Land . Company,

- tot' 6, Terwllllger Laad. Company,;. tot 4," Terwllllger Land Company, .

, tot T. Terwllllger Lamf Company, T

kit a, Terwllllger Land Company. .

, tot 9, Terwllllger Laad Compaay.tot ,10, Terwllllger Land Company,tot It. Terwllllger Land Company,

' tot 1J 1 arwllllaer Land Coauiaay.BLOCK 5, tot 1. Terwllllger Land Company,

x an.BU: tot z, lerwuufar utaa uioipany, tw.jcj.. TeraUUger. UnS Coniuanr..4. Terwllllger Company, $8.16!

kit t. Terwllllger i Land Compaoy,tot Terwllllger Laad Compaay,

; tot 7,1 , Terwllllger Laad Compaay,tot 8, Terwllllger Laad Comiiaay,tot 9, Tsrwllllgs Laad Company,

: kit 10, lerwllllger Laad Compauy.vtf.Arw B lot I Terwllllaee Land ComDaur.

' $13.00; tot X. Terwllllfer Land Company, $9.15;lot a,. Terwllllger Laad Company, $9.75;tot 4, Terwllllgeraad. compaay, , sia.uv;tot o, irirwiiiigor iauu aimiiaaj, eo.uv.tot " Terwllllfor " Siena : rnnpany. : r'--itot Terwilllser Land Compasy, $6 50;tot Terwllllae Laad Compasy,-- 83.20;tot Terwllllsa Laad Compaay, bozu;tot 10, Terwiliraer Land Company, $6.30.BLOCK 7. tot 1. TerwllUer Land Company89.75: lot x. Terwiiucer tatua Mimpany, sm.otot. 3, Terwilllser Laad Company,tot 4, Terwllllger Land Compaay,lot , 6, TerwllUtar Laad Compaay,tot t, Terwllllger Land Company,tot 7, ,TTwtlller Laad 'Company,tot 8, Tsrwilllsar Laad Compaay,tot 9, Terwilllser Laad Company,lot IO. Tarwlliraee Land I'naiUA&l., ' ,r-- ii it i t -- .kn 12," Terwilllser Land "Jo m pa ay, sia uu.BLOCK I. tot 1. Terwllllfer Land Comnany,

30; lot X. Terwllllfer una tximpaay, aj.au;t 3, Terwllllger lana company, a.it 4. Terwllllrer Laad Compaay, $5

kit 6. Terwllllger Land Compaay, $2Terwllllger Laad : Compaay. $2

T. Terwllllger Lsad Company, $2vtot 8. Terwllllaee Laind Comoanr.

11 1 yW-l- O In, 1 Taiallllaa. 1 .nfl.26; tot 2. TerwITllger Land Compsny,tot B, aerwiiuger una uimnsay.

-- tot 4. ..Twrwllllger --

6.Laad Company.

tot Terwllllger Laad Company,tot 6, Terwllllger Laad Company,tot T. Terwilllser Laad Company,tot 8. Terwilllser Land Compaay.tot 0. Terwilllser' Laad .Company. .

-t- ot 10, Terwllllrer Laad Compaay,tot, 11, Terwllllger Land Companytot 12, Terwllllger' Laad vwipan j.kit 13, Terwllllger Land Company.tot 14, Terwilllser '

, Ln4 Company,tot 13. . Terwilllger Laad Company,

- tot 16. Terwilllser Land Company,tot 17. Terwllllger Lsad company, - , 'o alot tympany.aiacr A i , - i ..

Iz.au; lot x, Terwilllser Laud compaay,Terwllllger Laad Company, I

lot , Terwllllger Jaiaa company.tot 6, Terwllllger Laad.. Compaay,kit 6, Terwllllger Laad Compaay,lot T, Terwllllfer Land Company,tot 8, Terwllllger Land ' Compsny,tot . Terwinirer laina vompany,kit 10. Terwllllger Land Compsny.BLOCK 11. tot 1, Tsrwllllger Lead Company$2.80: tot 1 Terwilllger Laad Compaay. $1.95;tot 8 Terwllllger Laad Company, 11.95;tot 4, Terwllllger Laad Company, 1.96ot-kn 6, Terwllllger Land Company,. 1.95;

6, Terwllllger Land Company, 65;tot T. Terwllllger Lena Compaay, 65;

8, Terwllllger Laad Compaay, 65;0. - TerwUllser Lsnd Comnsay. - 65:10,,. Terwllllger. Land, Company ,0.65;ttot. 11, Terwllllger Land Comnany, 63;

tot il, lerwiiiiger laoa tompany. 0.68;tot 13. Terwllllger Land Company, .no:tot 14, Terwllllger ' Land Compaay, oo ;

--tot 15. Terwllllger Land Company,. 1.0.1

kit 16, Terwllllger Land Compsny, 65.kit IT. Terwllllger Land Compsny, 65tot 18, Terwllllger Land Company, ).6S;tot 19, Terwllllger Laad Compsny, 1.65;lot 20. Terwllllger Land Company,-- ' 1.05;tot 1, Terwllllger Land company. l.w.BLOCK 12. tot 1. Terwllllger Lead Company,S1.80; lot X. Terwilllser Laud company, Hi. on;lot a, Terwilllger Land compaay, ao.ontot Terwilllser Laad Company,tot Terwllllger Land Company,tot Terwllllger Land Company,tot Terwllllger Land Company,tot I' Terwllllger land Compaay,kit 9. Terwllllger Land Company,tot 10. Terwllllger Land Company,tot U. Terwllllger Lead Compsny,tot 12. Terwllllger Laad Compsny,

f Tot --13, Terwllllfer - Lsad Compsny,tot 14, Terwilllger Land Compaay.lot 16. M. U. Bwlgert, S0.S8: tot 16, M.Rwlgert, 30.86; tot IT. Terwilllser LandCompany. $0.66; tot 18. M. R. Bwlaart. $0.65.HLOCK 18. tot 1. Terwllllrer Laad Comtainr.aii.a: lot a. lerwiiiiger lataa vompaay,lot I, Terwllllger Laad Company,knt 4. Terwllllger Laud Company;tot 6, Terwilllger Land Company,

' tot 6, Terwllllger Land Compsny,tot T, Terwllllger Land Compsny.

" lot 8, ' Terwilllger ' Land Compsny,.tot 9. TerwU llger Land Company, ,. ., A . a .

' fc ' t.nuii(Ti aaiiiu vuiui. uj,BLOCK 14. tot 1, Terwllllger Laad Company,

1 96! tot 1 Terwilllser Laad Compaay, $1.95;tot-- a. Terwlllls ijuia Compaaya 1

lot 4. ' Terwilllger Lssd tympany, 1.95;tot 5. Terwllllger Land Company; 1.95;lot Terwllllger Land Company, 1.95;tot Terwllllger Land Company, 1.96;

6. TerwllllgerTerwilllger-

land Company, 1.95;Land Company," 1.95:

tot 10. Terwiuiger Land Compaay, 10.65;- tot II. Terwllllger Lead Compsny, 63;

tot 12. Terwllllger Laad Compsny. 65;tot 13. Terwllllger Land Company, 65:tot l4, Terwllllger. Land. Compsny, 1.65;m jo, i "niin iang company. 65;tot 16, Terwllllger Land Company, .66;tot IT. Terwilllser I.and Comoanr. 63tot 18, Terwllllger Land 'Company. $0.65.

: BLOCK 16, tot 1, Terwllllger Lssd Coxamny,-- 11.96; tot X Terwllllae Laad Compaay, .1.95t

kit S, Terwllllger Land Compaay, $1.95;tot 4, Terwilllger Land Company," $1.95;

' tot 6, Terwllllger . land Company, $0.65;tot 6, Terwllllger latad Company, - 80.65;- tot ' T, . Terwllllger land - Company, 10.65;lot 8. Terwllllger Land Company, $0.66.

'.BLOCK 16, tot 1, Terwilllser Land Comnany,, f" 63: tot 1 Terwllllfer Lsnd Compsny, 10.63;

sn au lerwiiiiger isna --company, ail. no;tot Terwllllger iJind Company, 10.65;tot 'Terwllllger land Com pa ay. 80.85:tot Terwllllger Laad Company, -- 10.35;

"tot jerwilllger ISM Company, '

tot Terwllllger Land uompsny.BL1CK IT, tot 1, Terwllllger Land Comno.ao; lot x. Terwilllser Laoa Compaay,

pit. o, lerwiiiiger jjanq lompany,tot 4. Terwllllger Land Company,'tot 6. Terwllllger Land' Company, .

im n, lerwiiiiger lana Comoaar. .

tot T, Terwllllger Land Compaay,tot 8, Terwllllger Land Company,tot 9. Terwllllger Land tximpaay.lot 10, Terwllllger' Lsnd compasy.tot 11, Terwllllger Land Company,tot '12, Terwllllger Laad Compaay.tot 13. Terwllllger Lead Compasy,lot 14, Terwilllger Land compsay,tot J.I, Terwllllger Utnd - Compaay,

Company,tot 16,; Terwll I Igef landtot, I .and Company,tot in. miser Land Jompaay.BLOCK 18. lot 1. TerwUllser Land Clomnanr.10.36; tot 2. Terwllllger Land Company. 1043;tot t. Terwllllfer Land Compaay, 10.33 tot4. Terwllllger Laad Company, $035: tot 8,Terwllllger Ixind Compasy. 1A35; lot 6,Terwilllger I end Compear. $0.35; tot T, Ter-- ,wllllger Land Company, 1043: lot 8, Terwllll- -

Land Company. 0.34: tot , Tern lingerCrnd Company, 10 35; tot la, Terwllllgerland Comnany. 10.35. BLOCK lt. tot 1. M,

nwiireri. a.i.nn; an s. M. R, Hwlrert. SO 65!tot S ,M. B, frwiaert. so 33: tot 4. M. B. 6w.

; gert, $0 5; tot Bi Terwllllrer land Company,So 34; tot 6. Terwllllrer land Company, ;- lot T, Terwllllger land CoeapanT, $" 35; tot t.lerwlUlget Laud Com pan, Soit; lot t, Tr--


W'"-- ar Land Ceanoaay,. 1 35; tot 10,' rr Land Coaipany, 36; tot. 11. Tr-ha- :

Wl -- er Lsad Company. IntMa. Ter- -' er Laad Compauy, 10.351 tot 13,- Ter-A.a-

"r in4 teupany. lot 14. Tr- -: Ti -- r Land Comuany, $6.35 tot 16. M. K.fwtart, $0.35; kit 16, M. B. Bwurert. J;

, JotjlT. M.1AM

B. kwlsart, $045; lot 16. M. m.

ubdlrwioa of Part af Blocka Numbered t and 4,FULTON PAKK BLOCK 3. subdlrlstoa X ofkit p. FUx $1.00; subdlrlstoa I ofot . H. B. Lous' $1.01). BUX K 4. aubdl-- -

rlaloa 1 of a"h7 b 81.00; aubd-lristoa S of tt S H: R. KnsV 1 !

lakia t ef tot A, H. Ri Long. $1.00; aubdl.rlstoa d ef tot A. H. R. ting. Sl.OOi subdl.Tlstoa 8 ef lot A, H. R. Lobs. Sl vO;

t of kit A, H. R. laxag, 8140.0AR6ON IIK1UHTR BLOCK 4M1. Ellaa A.

Caraoa Eakata, llalra af 81.80: tot a. fimm .- tjaesoa Ratal, Heir of. 11.30; tot t. Ellaa A,

Caraoa Katate. tlalra mt $l.u; tot , a.iian ai.Carsua Estats, Helra of. Il.HO; tot I, Ellaa A.

f Carsoa Katate, Helra of, 140; tot 6, K"aa A.aetata, Heirs of, il.30; tot 7, Ellaa A.

f araua Eatat. Helra of. il.S0: tot 8. Ellaa A.Caraoa aetata u.im Af. 81 .As. BLOCK 34,

. tot 1. Ellaa A. Caraoa KatatrHir of.tot 3. Ellaa A. Carsoa Eatat, Helra of. .30;tot 3. Ellxa A. Caraoa Eatat. Heir ef. .so;lot 4, KlUa A. Caraoa Eatat. Heir of, .30;or o. niita A. Caraoa hislat. Hairs ex, .65.

BLOCK 86, tot 1, Mlhni A. Caraoa Batata,Helra of. 1.80; lot 3, Ellaa A. Caraoa Batata,Helra of. 1.80; tot 3. Kllaa A. Ceiavn Estate.Heir of. la0 tot 4, F.I las A. Caraoa Karate,Heir nf, 1.30: lot 6. Ellaa, A, Caraoa Relate,Helra of, 1.80; tot 6, Kllaa A. Carsoa Batata.Helra of, 1.30; tot 7. Ella A. Carson Katate,Helra of. 1.30: tot 8. Ellaa A. Caraoa Katate,

'Helra of, I.H3; kit 9. Kllaa A. Caraoa Eatat.Helra of, 1.65) tot 10, Ellaa Bat'.ta,Helra ef, 1.3d; kit 11, Ella A, Carsoa Estate,Helra of. 1.30) tot 12. Ellaa A. Caraoa Estate,Helra af. 140; tot 13, Ellaa A. Carsoa Estate,Heirs or, 1.30; kit 14, Ellaa A. Carsoa Estate.Helra ef. l.ou: tot 10, Hue U. Biuraie, a.ou;tot 16. Rose M. Xtursta. 8140. BLOCK 86,tot 1, Ellaa A. Caraoa Karate, Helra of. l.w;

, an a, eitsa A. csrsoa Katat. Heire or, ao.oo;tot S. Kllaa A. Caraoa Estate. Helra of. $1.00;tot a, Ellaa A. Csrsoa Estats, Helra ef, $1.66:lot It Kllaa A. m Katate. Helra of. 80.65:lot 6. Ellsa A. Caraoa Eaute, Helra of. $046;tot T.. Itllm A. Caraoa Eatat. 3teir er, i.uv,JtLriCR 87, tot X, Ellsa A. Csrsoa Batata.

. Helra af. 1140; tot 3. Ellaa A. Caraoa Katate.Heir of, l.SO; lot S, Ella A. Caraoa Eat ate,

' Helra ef, 1.30; tot 4, Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate,Helra of, il.SO; tot 6. Ellaa A. Caraoa Katate,Heirs of, 1.30; tot 6. Ellaa A. Caraoa Eatata,Helra of; 1.S0; lot T, Kllaa A, Caraoa Eatat.

- Helra af. 1.30; tot 8, Ellsa A. Csrsoa Eat ale.Heirs of. 1.80; tot 9, Ellas A. Caraoa Estate,Helra of, $140; tot 10, Ellsa A. Carsoa EsUte,Helra ef, 1.00; tot 11. Ellsa A. Caraoa Eatata,Helra of. 1.00; tot 12, Ellaa A. Caraoa RaUta,Heirs f. 1S0 tot 18, Kllaa i. Carsoa Estst.Heir ef. 1.80; tot 14, Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate,Helra of, 1.30; tot 16, Ellsa A. Csrsoa Katate,

"Helra ef. il.SO! tot 16. Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate,- Heir of. 1.80; tot 17, Ellsa A. Caraoa Estst.

Helra of, 140; lot 18. Ellsa A, Carsoa Eatat.Heir of, la30; tot 19, Ellaa A. Caraoa Estate,Helra of. 140; tot So, Ellsa A. Carsoa Estate,Helra of, $1.80; tot 21, Ellaa A. Carson Batata,Helra of, $140. BLOCK 38. tot 1. Ellaa A.

. Caraoa Eatata, Heir of. $140; tot 2. Ellsa A.('arena Eatata, Helra ef, 30; tot 3, Ellsa A.

-- Caraoa Estats, Hairs ef, il.SO; tot 4. Ellsa A.Caraoa Eatats, Heirs ef. 1.65; tot 8. Ellaa A.Carsoa Estate, Helra of, 11.65; tot a, Ellaa A.Carsoa Eatat. Helra ef, 1140; tot T. Eltoa A.Caraoa Estst. Heirs ef. Il.SO: tot 8. Ella A.Carsoa Batata. Hairs of. $130. BIX1CK 89.Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate, Helra ef, $8 90,

' HU1CK 40. lot 1. Ellsa A. Carana Eatat,Heir ef, $1.00) tot 2. Ellsa A. Caraoa Estate,Helra or. 90 sn; lot a, Kiiaa A. varson caiac.Helra of. $0 .85; lot 4, Ellsa A. Caraoa Eatat.Helra of, SO .35; tot 6, Elbut A. Carsoa Estate,Helra f. BO Mi lot 6. Kllaa A. Caraoa Eatat.Heir of. 10.36; lot Ty Ellsa A. Caraoa Eatata,Heirs tot t. Ellaa A. Caraoa Estate.Helra ef. $0.65. BLOCK X. tot L. Ellsa A.Caraoo Estate. Helra of. 126.00. PLOT 1.Karl aad Jacob Weld. $13.35. -

CARH0N HKIUHTB Lot P, Ellsa- - A. faraeaEatat. Helra of. 90.33; tot Q. EllaauA. CaraoaEat ate. Helra ef, $0.35; tot R. Ellsa A. Carana

. jreira oi. 38: tot H. Ellaa A. CaranaEstate, Heirs of, .85; tot T, Ellaa A. CaranaEstst, Heir ef, 86: tot V. EllaaEatata. Helra af. 0 35; tot , Ellaa A; Carana- Eatata. Hah-- ef. 36; let Wi auiaa A, vareonEstate. Heir ef, .33.A triangular tn of land brtnr betweea thast lln ef th Portland A Wlllamatt Tal-

ler Railway Company'a right of way aad thecenter lln of Harrlsna street extended saat-rt-

ta Its present course aad the) north lineof Ftnice-Carntln- ni ttoaatkia toa aala,- - W.K. Bmlta, $80.00. ' -A tract of land bounded aad nescribed asfollows: Commencing at the toteraacttoa eftb anrth line ef Fin Ice Caratbers donationlsad claim with the eaat llne"of Hood etreet;these east along said donation land claim totli weat bank of tit Wlllamatt rlrer at towwater mark: thence southerly along the westbank ef Willamette crrer to a point 648. 48feet aoata el the north lln ef tb said do-

nation toad claim; thence weat 666 feet;thence north along! 6 straight lln to wherethe aame would be intersected by th aorthline ef LIbcoIb etreet If patented ea.lerlr InIts wraaant caatra: thane WOTterlr aMrut

I astd STtanaton of the nortk line of LIbooIbtreat to a notot loo feet east or tn eaat

- line ef Hood street: thence aorth 100 feeta lonf Doe 106 feat eaat af aad parallelwith the sear line or noon street; rnenr

mm alone a line. 100 feet north of and narallel wltb tb north line ef Lincoln etreet f

- extended easterly to th treat Una ef Hoodi street: tbenc anrth along th eaat Ho nf

. Hood atraat to place of beginning, Port laadlatmblielne Manufacturing Com nan T. 8590.00,A tract of land lylns between two line re-aper lire ly 60 feet aad 100 feet north ef aad

. parallel with th aorth line ef Lincoln streetextended easterly and between th eaat llnof Hood etreet and lln 100 feet east thereof

7 and parallel therewith. Ennla aad Edwardrv.ia sin nnA tract of land lytnf be! ween the north tinor Lincoln street extenoen easterly ana a nnSO feet north thereof aad parallel therewithand between the eaat lln of Hood afreet and

. a lln 100 feet eaat of aad parallel therewith.rortlana UBMruif MaaBiacrnruif wnmpaay,Afreet nf land hoaraded aad deeni find aa fnltows: Commencing at 6 point oa tha toftbank af th Willamette rlrer 10 feet southmt the aont hee.t iniaM nf ma xmmDlxia-Bous- e

thence west 106 feet; thence , northtia feH thenc east to tb re

- hank ef Wllla melts rlrer at low watermark! thenc ap tb west bank ef aald rtrerto a point due esst af place of bcglnnlns;tbenc weat to place Of Beginning, in a

' certain tight ef way 10 feet , wide extendingla a northwesterly direct km from aald tractto th eaat Ha of Boot atraat. City of Port-land. $8000.

. A tract of land bounded snd oWrlharl aa fol-

lowa: Commencing st th sootneast cornerof tb Elisabeth Caru there donation landclaim: thence weat to the Boutlteest corner ef

' Centner' Addition to the City of Portlandtold out by tb Mourn rortlana neei natareAaanriartont tbenc north en th eaat lln nfaald addition to th aorthaat corner of said

" addition: tbenc weat- to th east lie efM.cadRnt at recti tbenc north along th east

a lln of Macadam street to Its hifereeetloawith tb aorth lln ef Lincoln atrret If extended aaterlr: thenc eaat along aald ex-

- tenaton of Lincoln afreet to lie totereectjewith tb went lln of a tract of land co

. K, u. ci. Rnrrell and wlfa to th Portland Ln inhering A Mannfactm-ln- g Compsny bydeed recoroen in oooa paa nr. aema

Unltnnnik Cdnntr: tbenc southto th onthwet corner of a trsct eonreyedhr tb Ronth Portland Real EsUt Aaanrls-- .tion tn th Portland Lemhertng Maanfactar.Ins Comoanr or oeea ana recoruen m onos

a nn 39. Record nf Deed.. MnltBomshConn It: thence esst to tb nnrthweet corner of

- tb Water Worka tract, aectton 8, tnwnahip1 eouth. rtnr 1 at. Willamette BMrraian:

- tbenet Met to th Willamette rlrer at lowaalae mark! thenc South Sinn tb maMdeT- -fnea of said rlrer tn piso of beginning, rare

. snd except tn nrot or way ax inA Wlllsmett Vslley Railway Company sad

'a tract owned by Warwick. Orefoa Railway ANarlgattou Compaay. $2,470.00.

' A tract of land lying-- betweea th west linkof the Portlaad A Willamette Valley Railroad Company'a right of way ana th Wll- -'

Inmette rtrer and betweea th eouth boundaryline of a tract owned by tb Multnomah

.Trunk Factory, section 10. township 1 sooth.. range 1 east, Willamette Meridian, and th. north tine nf a tract ef land east of th Port

land A Willamette valley icaiiroaa tompsny xi right of way owned by Anthony Rogg d- Richard Btorp, - ai tasted la section 10, town-'shi- p

1 aenth. ' range 1 seat, WillametteMeridian, Marie Arnold. Trnatee, $87.71.

- A tract of laad lying betweea tw lines re.spectlrely 28 feet and 43 23 feet south ofaad parallel 4rlta tha south lln ef a tract

' of land owned by the Multnomah TrunkFactory, section 10, township t south, range1 eaat. Willamette Meridian, and hetweeath east lln of Macadam road and the weatlln of th Portland A Willamette Valley

' Railroad Company' right ef way, MariaArnold. $3.26.' A tract f lead bounded and described aa fb.tows: Commencing at th Intersect toe efthe north line ef Terwllllger donation landclaim with the west lln of Macadam road;thenc south 86 feet; these Weat 660 feet;these aorth 830 feet; thenc eaat 666 feetto rise of be final us, City ' f Portland.

. $63. TO. ...A tract f land bounded and described gafollows; Commeacing sr th 'Intrraeettoe

-- ef th north line nf tb Terwllllger donatioland claim wttb tBe east lln ef Macadam

'. mad! tbenc sonta 80 degree a east 821 feet;these south 2tydegrc west 1.40 fhalna;thenc north 89 oegreea weat 821 feat 1 tbeaeaorth 214 defree eaat 1.40 chain t alsoof beginning, Joha JS Irk tor, $27.65,A tract ef lsnd bouaded and deaerthed aa

" follow s Commencing 198 feet enath of theIntersecttoa of th eaat He ef Macadammad with the aorth line ef th Terwllllgerdonation land claim thenc enath 86 degreeseaat 121 feet to westerly bank ef Wlllamsttsrlrer; these aortbeaat along aaldrlrer ITS feet; thenc north Ml draree weat642 feet; tbenc eouth t degree 16 mlanteaweat 92 4 feet; tbenc north 89 degree west

' 821 feet; thenc eonth InO.t feet to place tnt' heglnnlnf, tamuel H. and Jam CV. Torrvac,

$87.75.A tract of land bounded and deerrfbed 6 fnl.kwx; CeBuwncias ISi feet geatb of lata- -


sect lea ef eaat lln f Macadam road withaorth Una ef Terwllllfer doastloa ld Jtolm!taeac aoutk 1W deft sea eaat 821 feet;Burth 27 feat: thenc eouth 89 dagree east ta

. weal bank of Willamette rlrr t tow watermark; tbeac aoathwest atoas the west osakof said rlrer 144 fort; thane aorth 90 de.free west 60S (ret; tbeac aorth )oO,Tt ftu place ef heainnlns. Charles P. , Bacon -

. aatst. hair ef, $w7.6u. -

A tract ef lane, bounded tad described a fol-

low a: - CommeBciaa at a polat 4a the east '

line of Macadam road 293.76 feet Boath of ;

J the iutarssuttoa ef the east lln af M a cad at rroad with the north line of Tsrwllllger do--nation land claim! thenes aauth alouf eaat .

. lln of Macadam road to the nortaweat corneref Oberle's three-acr- e tract." recordedla Book ti, pegs 353. Record bf Deeds,.'

- Multnomah Coaatyt taaaea fouth 89 duftsa ...ssst 16.32 chain to wast bahk of Willamette -

rlrer at mark; thenc northerlyatoas tha west bank ef aald rlrar to tbesouth lln ef Charles p. Raooa Eatata,Hairs of. Tract, aestloa 16. towns kin 1eouth. range 1 east. Willamette Meridian: ' .'thence west atoas tb Soatk lln of th aald

: Charles p. Ha con Batata, hairs of. tract, tpiece of begiiminf, Multasaaah Traak Fae ; ..fcry. $146 36.A tract of toad lying hetweea tk aoathlln of Multnomah Trunk Factory tract, aec- -, tlon 10, towuehlp eouta, raafa 1 east. Will- -aiuvtta- - Meridian, aad a line 33 fast souththereof and parallel therewith, and betweeath seat Ua of Macadam road aad th weat .


lln of tbe PortUnd A- - Willamette Valley '

Railroad Company 's flfbt of way, Louisa.Johns, $4.80. .

j ;:,A tract of land lylnf between tws liaeareapectlTely 48.35 fact aad 93.26 feat couthot and parallel with U aoutk lln f 'Mult- - -- '

uomab Iruak Factory tract, aectloa 10, town- -'ahlp 1 .south, range ,1 eaat, WillametteMeridian, and hetweea th eaat line of the

. Macadam road aad tha wast Ho of the Perm '

land A Willamette Valley Railroad Coaipaa'Sright ef way, Leula Obsrto, $4.60. . a.A trsct f Und lylnf betweea tfe lines re .

spectirely 93.38 fast aad 12L2t (set eouth ef 'and parallel with th south 11a af Multae- - .

. mah Trunk Factory tract, aectlea 10, tows-SQ- lp1 aoutk, range 1 eaat, Wlllametth' Mwldtaa. and betweea th eaat Ua of Mae-- '

adam road and th weat line ef Portlaad A '

, Wllla malts Valley Railroad Compaay'B rifhtf way. Clara, Roberts, $4.90.A tract of land lytnf between tw lines re- -.

spectirely 131.36 feet aad 14945 feet eouthof aad parallel with .tb aoutB lln of MnlUnomah Traak Factory tract, aectloa 10, town- -skip 1 eoutii, range 1 eaat, WliUmttt maiid- -Ua, aad between tb east lln ef Macadam .road and the weet line ef the Portland A Wll-- VIsmette Valley . Hallway CeoinaaJ's rlfht ofway, Katharine Fsldaaaa, $440. ...A tract of tend lylnf between twe llaei r. --

spectirely 205.23 feet aad 149.26 feet southof and parallel with tbe aoutk lln of Malt- - r

- aouiah Trunk Pactory tract, aectloa 10, tows- -'ahlp l aouth, rang i eaat, WUUmette aaartd- -Isa. and hetweea tbe eaat line ef Macadam '

" road aad tbe west lln at tha Portlaad A Wll- -laaieite T alley Hallway coniuanr rlfht afway. Pete otavle. $7.60. - .All that portloa ef a. tract f hind lytnfof tbe right of way ef to Portland Alaawtte valley Kallroaa comosarana acserinea s to. lows. - t.ximmsacmf ea tneeaat .Hae of Macadam read at tbe north weet '

corner of 6 3to-cr- e tract aokl ta KabUtaot ai..recorded In Look M. page 231. Record of

' I leads. Multnomah County 1 tbenc aoutk 88degrees 36 si route,, eaat 8.73 chalna; tbencaouth to dsgiaaa, west 1.09 chalna: thencenorth 88 degrees 85 minutes, west 140 ckalner l--

' tuene aorth IS oegreea minute, eaat LOT 'chains, ta plaoa of Dag Inking , Jam itefinett,

,, 34.60.A tract ef toad Bounded aad dpacrfhed a fol--torn: Commencing at a polat ta tb treat lln .

ef th right ot way ef the Portlaad A Wll-- .lametis . Valley Railroad Company which la16 feet aorth of the utareeettoa of the westlute of aald rlfbt of way with th aorth line' of a one-sc- r tract eonreyed to Bed Kuh-- .tor, recorded la book 32, peg 306, Record efpeed. Multnomah County: tbenc Berth 88 de--

- frees 36 minutes, west 166 feet, to Macadam- road; tbence ' aorth along the - Mat lavs ef

Macadam road 82 feet: tbenc south 86 degree -46 minutes, eaat 160 feet, to the west lln ofth aforesaid right' of way; tbeac oatbarly '

loug the aald right ef way to place ef be- -.

f Inntaf, AatlMay Roff and Richard F. nterp,$846. 'A tract ef had Bounded and --desri med a 'foltowa: Com menring at aortbeaat na as efTerwllllger donattoa land claim; thence north- 88 degree 84 minutes, wsst 14.6 chalna; " '

i thence eonth 4 digrie IS m las tea,-we- st 1 40. ehsbisi tbence south t dear, weet 1.05 .

chalna; theses south 6--1 chalna: thenc oath4 drutreea. weat 3.11 chains; tbencs aouth St .

; degree 35 minutes, east 8.75 cBalsa, as placeof beginning: tbeac aorta an atigi a min-- ,

- ate, west 385 feet to eaat una or ua riant or - -, way ef the Portland Willamette Valley

Railroad Coarnanr: tbeac Southerly sloog aald '

rlfbt of way 383 feet; thence south 88 degrees .... ..35 mlnutea, eaat 354 feat; theno aorth 20 6' greea, esst S.Nt chains; tbenc north 34 da- - .

" frees, esst 4.63 chains, to plac-- nf bsgtnntnr, ' i' Aatnony Hog re and Richard P. 8torn. $10740. ,

A - trsct of lsnd bounded and dtaertbed .'--foltowa: Commencing 216.1 feat aorth. lt de- -

-- greea 21 mlantea eaat, ef tb north weat corner .

of tb Fag sn two-acr- e tract, recorded In hook' O,' peg 80S, Bi:ord of Deeds, Multnomah

County ; tbo eaat 75 degrees, T galaateoutb. to weet lln ef light ef way of th . .

Portland A Willamette Valley Railroad Oooa- - ,

panyi thenc aorth lt degree, eaat 84 feat, .'.' mora or less, to driveway; tbenc north 88 do 4gists. 83 minute west, atonf aald drreeway ,

to eaat lln of Macadam road; thence enath It . . .' ctosrees. 27 m Inn res west, to pUc ef begin- -. Bins. Emma L. Cola; $19.60. - .' .

A tract of land bounded aad aVacrfhed afollows; Commencing at anrtbsrest corner of ....tbe Ftrat two-ac- re tract, recorded la bonk O. '

SOS, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County!fag aorth IS degree, east $0 feet; tbeac .; .

' aouth 88 degrees 86 mtnstea, east 1884 feet; 7then south IS de greea, weat 80 feet; thencaorth 88 dearer 86 minutes, wsst 188.S feat,

. to plsc of beglaainf, Fred Nohle, $8 16.- A tract of laadi bounded and deaarlbed- follow: Comnveaclns 60 feet north, 13 de-- 1

areea 27 minute eaat. aad Tit feat Math, bw "degrees 18 mlnutea eaat, from northweat cor-ner of the Faaaa two-acr- e tract, ta corded In '

' book O, peg 80S. Becord of Deeds, MaltnomshCounty; tbence eouth 89 degree lt mlnatas,esst 1174- feet; tbenc north 13 degrees, eaat

' 88.5 feet: tbencs north 76 degrees t minutes,: west 112.1 feet: tbenc aouth 10 degma IS .

m Inn tee. west 66.7 feet; tbenc Berth T8 dW- -

' areea 80 mlnutea. west 67 fact; tbenc eouth ', It defree 27 mlantea. west 10,9 feet; tbenc

south 79 defrre 86 mlnutee, eaat 67.6 feet; .

theno aontb 10 degree 15 minnte. weat tt.t. feet, to place af beflaalnf, Carrie Kirktoy, .

t9.75. T ,.A tract ef had bounded and deacrfned aa fol.

. Iowa: Commencing It di graa ST mlnuteaesst 60 feet front tbe abrthwest corner of thFsgsn two-acr- e tract, recorded la- book O, rpage SOB, Record of Deeds, Multnomah uouaty i --

thenc aorth IS degree 27 m In tee. eaat M' feet! thence aouth 79 defree 36 m his tea, east-- 67 6 feett-tben- ce eoalh 10 argrsss 15 mln--

a fas. west 314 feet; tbenc north 89 degrees '-- It mlnutea, west 71 2 feet to place be-

ginning. Joha Mler. $6.60., A trsct ef laad bounded and dtrlbed'- fol lows:- - Commencing 137.6 feet north of

northweat corner ef th Fsgsa trre-ac- r tract,' recorded la bonk O. page 903, Record ef Deads.Multnomak County; thenc north 18 degree 2T 'mlnutea, eaat 44.6 feet: tbeac oath 75 de--

' frees T mlant, eaat 63.4 tost: tbenc snath10 degtste 18 minutes, west 40 feet; tbeacnorth T9 dr greea 6 minutes, west 65 6 feet, to

, Plsc of beg Inn lnf. Char lea J. Holxworth,$640.,., ... .A tract of land hounded and described a

. foltowa: (Vimmenrmf 110 9 feet north, IS de-grees 2T minutes eaat, from aorthweet ce net ef

. th Faema two-acr- e tract, recorded la book O,page 803, Record of Deed. Multnomah County;tbenc north IS degrees 27 mlnatea. eeet S6.Tfeet; thence enath T9 degreea S mlnatea, eaat

,.66.1 feet: thenc south 10 degrees IS mlnatea,west 36.7 feet: thence north Tt degreea 80minnte. wast 67 feet, to place af begins hif.

' Louie Oberle, $26.00., A trsct of land baand'd and deecTihtd ea

follows: Commeaclnf at tbe northweat rnr-n-

of the Ooodnough A Clark foar-ac-r tract,: recorded la honk F, peg 497, Record ef Deeds,

Multnomah County : thence aortb 25 degreea,eaat 8.07 chains: tbenc aouth 6. dagrer 88

V mlnntes, west T.2S chain, tn the weet bankof th WUlamstt rlrer at tow water mark; .tbence Bp the weat bank ef aald rlrer 8.68)chains: thenc north 89 degree 88 mlnstea, .west T.14 chains, to place of befinabif, Catn-- -,

brine Fagan, $66.00.. A tract of Und bounded aad descrlheil

follow: Commencln at northweat Arnr ofthe Oondnonrh A Clark four-acr- e tract, re-corded la book. T. par 497, Record of Deeds,

- Multnomah County: tbence south 24 degrees,, weat 8.34 chalna; thenc south 81 degrees 36

mlnntes, sst 6 06 chains: thenc north 23- degrees. Mat 4.25 chains; tbenc anrth 86 aw-

are 80 mlnatea, weet 7.14 rhetn. ta plac efbeginning, Blealnger A Co., $18.80.A trsct Of lsnd hounded snd deaerlhel aafoltow! Commencing 3.84 rhstml aouth. 24 de-greea wart, of northwest corner of tb Ooed-- ,

nouf h A Clark four-acr- e tract, recorded tn honk' F. pays 497. Becord of Deeda, Multnomah

County; thenc eouth 24 deareea, weet 1.16chains; thence annth 83 degree, weat .63chalna; tbence eouth TS degreea It m mutes,eaat 6.87 chains, t tb weet hank f th

' Wlllsmett rlrar; thence gtong the went bankof issld rlrer north 28 degrees, ss 1 40 -

chains: thenc nor lb 80 decrees 46 mlnstea,west 6 98 chain, tn plac C bflnntng , LsatsElmmerman. $48.75.A tract of land bounded and deaetfhed aa a:

Commencing aorth It d.grera 27 mlmate, east 16X1 feet, from north weet comer ef

, tbe Faaaa two-acr- e tract, recorded ht honk fl.peg 508, Record of Deeds, Mnltaoraak County; ,

tbence smith TS degrees T mlnatea, ssst 176.3feet; thence northwesterly 84.5 feet stoas theweat line of the right of way ef the Port-land A Willamette Valley Railroad Company!

' thenee Berth 71 degreea f minnte. ereat, 171.9feet: thence eouth It degrees SI mlnatea, weet84 feet, to ptoc af heglnnlnf, V. A..Fadlck.36.80. - ;jA tract of land bounded and described a

Oommenclnf at Hie enuthweat inn net of. tb OoodnoarU A Clark four sere tract. re-- '

corded ra honk F, page 407, Record of Deans.Maltnomsh trrnntri thenc aouth 76 degreea .15 mlnstea, esst T.14 ehslns! tbenc aorth Iddegrees 45 minute, esst 100 feet: thenc '

.: north TS decrees 13 minutes, weet 6 8? chains:, theme eouth S3 defrsea, weat 103.63 feat, 99t - 1 ..f ,"

- --( r -

"7 "I":.'i--'aA-j- :