B”H 10735 144 St., Edmonton, AB T5N 3L1 Phone: 780.451.1848 Fax: 780.451.2254 menorahacademy.org ~ [email protected] FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2016 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 Getting ready for our Tishrei yomim tovim meant lots of hands on activities for Grade One! We designed our own simanim platters for Rosh Hashana, crafted life like chickens for kaparos(t) for Yom Kippur, and took a Sukkah hop trip to visit everyone's sukkah before Sukkos(t). Learning is fun! Menorah’s Kosher Supermarket, “Getting you ready for Shabbos!” Our Grade 6/7 Students, enjoyed a field trip at the Muttart to enhance their understanding of their science unit, Plants for Food and Fibre. Our first assembly of the year, celebrating this year’s theme, Shabbos takes us out of this world, was incredibly entertaining and probably Menorah’s greatest. Students Grades 1-12 were given Shabbos-themed grocery lists, with a smaller cart for the younger students and full size ones for our older kids, they raced across the gym floor, one at a time, searching for items to enhance their Shabbos. Of course, Ms. Scheelar put up decoy items for the older students to increase the difficulty of finding their items. Thank you, Mrs. Segal, Rabbi Glatt, Miss Edelman, Ryan Scheelar, and Ms. Scheelar for an awesome assembly. A special thank you to Garden Market IGA 142st for lending us your shopping carts. We had a great time!

VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 - Menorah AcademyVOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 Getting ready for our Tishrei yomim tovim meant lots of hands on activities for Grade One! We designed our own simanim platters for

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Page 1: VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 - Menorah AcademyVOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 Getting ready for our Tishrei yomim tovim meant lots of hands on activities for Grade One! We designed our own simanim platters for


10735 144 St., Edmonton, AB T5N 3L1 Phone: 780.451.1848 Fax: 780.451.2254 menorahacademy.org ~ [email protected]



Getting ready for our Tishrei yomim tovim meant lots of hands on activities for Grade One! We designed our own simanim platters for Rosh Hashana, crafted life like chickens for kaparos(t) for Yom Kippur, and took a Sukkah hop trip to visit everyone's sukkah before Sukkos(t). Learning is fun!

Menorah’s Kosher Supermarket, “Getting you ready for Shabbos!”

Our Grade 6/7 Students, enjoyed a field trip at the Muttart to enhance their understanding of their science unit, Plants for Food and Fibre.

Our first assembly of the year, celebrating this year’s theme, Shabbos takes us out of this world, was incredibly entertaining and probably Menorah’s greatest. Students Grades 1-12 were given Shabbos-themed grocery lists, with a smaller cart for the younger students and full size ones for our older kids, they raced across the gym floor, one at a time, searching for items to enhance their Shabbos. Of course, Ms. Scheelar put up decoy items for the older students to increase the difficulty of finding their items. Thank you, Mrs. Segal, Rabbi Glatt, Miss Edelman, Ryan Scheelar, and Ms. Scheelar for an awesome assembly. A special thank you to Garden Market IGA 142st for lending us your shopping carts. We had a great time!

Page 2: VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 - Menorah AcademyVOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 Getting ready for our Tishrei yomim tovim meant lots of hands on activities for Grade One! We designed our own simanim platters for


The Kinders have been busy learning, making colours, and enjoying the warm fall days at McQueen park. In science, we learned how plants and animals prepare for winter and learned the terms hibernation, migration and dormancy. In our community walks, we looked for coloured leaves, seeds and saw the snow shoe bunny starting to change from brown to white. We also learned how to use crosswalks and to look for cars before crossing at the road.

The grade 3 class had an a m a z i n g t i m e e x p l o r i n g fractions through creating paper pizzas. The purpose of this project was to apply our knowledge of fractions to a real life situation. Every child created their own masterpiece and was their own chef in deciding what fraction of their pizza would have certain ingredients. The pizza's look good enough to eat and we had so much fun making them and showing off everything we have learnt about fractions.

Before our Sukkot break, the Pre-K class was very busy with the holidays and becoming familiar with what to expect on Yom Kippur and how to build a Sukkah. They talked about the different things that can be used to do kapparos, like money, fish or a chicken and couldn’t resist making those adorable crowns!

Then, they learned the story of Yonah being swallowed by a big fish and brought home a cute picture depicting what they thought they would look like in the fish’s stomach! Yonah learned that he could not run away from Hashem and needed to fulfill His request to go to Ninveh. They also learned a very important point that Hashem really wants us to do teshuva when we do something wrong and He gives us time to do so. Yonah saw it wasn’t too late and seized the opportunity to correct his wrong doing. Our kids were wonderful listeners and learners!

After the break, they began learning the letter "aleph" and learned the color "adom" (red), which starts with an aleph and began "building" a class "taiva" (as in Noach's ark).

What’s Happening

What’s Happening

What’s Happening

O u r D a y c a r e students have been l e a r n i n g a b o u t a n i m a l s a n d c r e a t e d O l ’ MacDonald farm crafts. Then some o f t he s tuden ts visited and sang the i n f a m o u s s o n g . Great job, Daycare!

Page 3: VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 - Menorah AcademyVOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 Getting ready for our Tishrei yomim tovim meant lots of hands on activities for Grade One! We designed our own simanim platters for


withMRS. LEE

The grade 4/5 girls' banners are up, adding color to their lunch room on the stage. Our grade 6/7 girls had taken their hands to a variety of tie dye techniques, completing these lovely banners which complement their colorful counterparts.

Our boys are completing their collaborative painting inspired by the visit from Spiro, Ms. Scheelar's bearded dragon. Using the style known as pointalism with complementary colors, the bearded dragons are all unique with the colour choices of the artists.

Ms. Scheelar’s son, Ryan, recently visited Menorah as part of the national Learning Partnership Program, “Take your kid to work day.” The purpose of this program, first launched in Toronto in 1994, was to introduce Grade 9 students on the importance of staying in school, thinking about what they want as a career and exploring career options that are available. Additionally, by spending a day in the life of a working adult, they develop an appreciation of their parents’ work and work-life. Ryan enjoyed shadowing his mother and learned some Photoshop tricks, how to be in 3 places at once and how to use the intercom! He also had the privilege of shadowing Mrs. Segal, Menorah’s Special Events Coordinator and Mrs. Lee,

Menorah hosts Grade 9 student for national Learning Partnership Program

Menorah’s Art Teacher. Ryan was asked, at the end of his day, “How was your day?” He could only mutter a few words, “I’m exhausted, but it was awesome.” Ms. Scheelar and Ryan would like to thank everyone at Menorah Academy, especially Ms. Northam, Mrs. Segal and Mrs. Lee for their hospitality and words of wisdom. Ryan had a great learning experience and has a greater appreciation for all staff that work in school!

Our grade 3 art students completed their study of birds with a watercolor project that was submitted to the 'Get to Know' contest. The contest is an annual event which focuses on young people getting to know their world through first hand observation. Having had opportunity to observe birds nearby, the students used picture references for the final projects. Imagination and a definitive understanding of the structure of birds is evident in the final paintings.

Page 4: VOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 - Menorah AcademyVOLUME 5 ISSUE 3 Getting ready for our Tishrei yomim tovim meant lots of hands on activities for Grade One! We designed our own simanim platters for




Menorah Academy - ParnesTo sponsor a day of Torah learning

in honour of a special occasionBIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES, BIRTHS,


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Mazel Tov! Avi & Gila (Barak) Block

& FamilyOn the birth of your daughter!

Wishing the entire family only health, happiness, and nachas!

Mazel Tov!Mr. & Mrs. Rodriguez

& FamilyOn the birth of your daughter!

Wishing the entire family only health, happiness, and nachas!

Kindergarten began learning weekly Parshas and have been engaged in lots of fun hands on learning experiences in connection with this week’s parsha, Parshas Noach. The children built their own taivahs using wooden blocks and other materials from the carpentry centre. They added animals, garbage containers, and Noach's family as well.

In the art centre we created a class rainbow! The children colored, painted, sorted, and collaged together to create the beautiful result! We are also learning the color names in Hebrew. We are so proud of their creativity!

Kindergarten builds taivah!

Bye-bye basketball, hello volleyball!With much disappointment for the Menorah’s junior and high school boys, the cirriculum unit on basketball is wrapping up this week. Mr. Brodie has seen many kids grow and develop in their skills, and many of the students have even surpassed him! While the younger grades continue to work on their coordination and object manipulation skills, the Grade 4-7 boys have begun to master the art of shooting and passing the basketball. All the students are still patiently waiting to see if Dovi S. can dunk the ball before the unit on Basketball ends!

Next up comes a unit on Volleyball. The students will be focusing heavily on skill development and coordination, as volleyball requires a lot of both. The students in the older grades will jump right into learning some of the more advanced volleyball techniques and strategy, while the younger students will practice their fundamental movement skills through a variety of games and activities.

Grade 1 began the Volleyball unit learning the “Defense/Digger” position… they are the ones responsiple for keeping the ball off the floor!

Mazel Tov!Donna Sinyor on your

engagement to Amitai Dodan! Donna was a former teacher

at Menorah Academy