Vol.ID Number OfficiCll Publication of me nlted States (Vess'feclerati on Wednesday. April 20, Hurry! Board The Band Wagon! P;oblemists Solve Their Problem Acting upon n s ugg08t1on by Montgome ry Major, Editor of CHESS LIF E, which received vubll clty In the column, Problems oL Chess Life, Janu ary Iss ue, American probl emlsts hav e organized a. 'SOCIety to be known as the Chess Probl em Association of America ; and th lll active pr omoti on has r es ulted In the IniUal pu bllcntion ot a new larg60.cale only problem magaz ine si nce t he Good Comllanlon. The first Iss ue of Uu s new magaz ine will have mad e Its appoar ance by the time thi s i ss ue Is publlslloo. It will be known as The American Chess Problemlst, and will be I)ublh;hod mO, nthly. Chuter memberships in the C.P,A.A. may be obtnlned for $5.00. Regular membershh)s can be secured tor $2.00 I)Or YO llr. :SamplO copies of tbe American Chess Probleml st (free) may he obtained upon requ est. Tho ringleader In the formation nnd promotion of this problem society and magazine Is Eric Has sberg, 757 Mal\hattan Avenu e, Drook- Iyn 22. N.Y. P roblem ent hu siasts, having t he Interest ot problems at hoart, h,,\lo th e opp.ort unlt y of jumping aboard tho band wagon now and becoming Chnrle r Members. DELAWARE ADDS COL LEGE CHESS I!lu <:o uragod Rnd Il(lvlsod by the Wllmlllgton Oh008 Cluh. stude nts at th o U,ilvorSILY or Oolllwn.ro have organl 1.ud II collogo che88 club with DOllahl Malic k 0..8 faculty ndvlsor. Plalls ror a Delaware State Cha l nplonshll) 'l'ourn ame nt under tho Silonllo r ll hip of th e " Wilming ton '11(1" Club Itro w{'11 IldVIUI<:I 'd, nnd __ .. ofganh:t)d Il co li alCl C hOl1l club with !)onalll Mnllck al fllCulty adv illor. Plana for a Delaware State Championship 'l'ou r nament under t be sponllorsh lp of th e Wilmington Chess Club uro woll o.dvancod, IIl1d tbe event will be held ove r Mem- 01'10.1 Day and Ol)c n to all r08hlents or Delaware. In a r oce nt enco unter th e Wil- mington Chesll Club capsized the Red Rose Chess Club of Lancaster, Pa. a sco re ot 6-3 In a match play e (l In th e quart ers of the new- ly orgauize(1 University or Dela- wUre Chess Club at Newark, Dela. ' CCCA TITLE TIE TO LEDAIN, WARD The Cana dian Corrospondence Chess Championshi p. conduc ted by the _ CCCA, ended in .a lie tor the title between D. M. L eDal ne ot l\1"on1roo l and H. J. Ward of St- Lanrent with 6·1 eac h. Third place went to Ii. J. Dan- iels (Toro nto) with 5·2. Oth er scores wer e: S. D. WJlson (Mont- real) 4·3, Dr. J. Rauch (Montreal) 3%-3%, C. D. Corbould (Win nipeg) 2-5, Dr. R. M. I\f acl..oau (We il an d) 1 'h-5 'h. R. J. S.a. nders (Beacon- field) 0-7. E. COHEN UPSETS KY. STATE TOUR'Y A hrll,l lallL aerlos of vlctorios by the youthful mdwlll Cohen of the University uf Loulsvillo upset all predictions In tilo 1949 Kentucky State Tourname nt. Cohen, ocoring 6-0, placed first with victories over · furmer Stato Champion J a c k Moyse. Loulsovillo SI) ced King W. R. Blggerll, and W. B. Long of Mayfield wilo was runner-uv In 1947. As a res ult of the victory, Cohe n will meet I {entucky State Cham"&)- ion Richard W. Shie ld s in a m atch for the titl e, with the tI Ue going to the first to win five games, The match will be beld at tb o LouJsville Chess Club, Voltu re Hall, Loul&- ville. SAN DIEGO FORMS CHESS COUNCIL Rm:ognlz ing th e phollomlnal grn wth of intel'est in chess In San Di ego Cu unty. cluhs ot the di s- trict hav c organized a San Diego Co unty Choss Coun cil to fos te r and promote chess through the roglon 11.1'11: to e ncourage GeJ\-I;oIOI'- nle nt ot now c hells clubs. 'l'he (' ouncll clected V. n. J ordall or the Alln 1lI ... ,0 Cho.. Club ho norn r". trll'l hll\l41 ora-united a Snn Ol«lgo County Chen Council to fOllter and promote chesll through the ron" to encourage mont of new ch ess clubs. council elected V. H. Jordau San Diego Cbess Club presi den t and A. J. Thomps on the same club temporary secretary. Clubs formin g the councll are San Diego, Escondido, La Mesa and Chula Vi sta Chess Clubs, and the Councll plans to meet montb· Iy in the Sanford Hotel Lounge at Sa n Diego. Among i ts plans are the promotion or chess in high schools, where one club already in the Crossmont Hi gh Sc hool. Representa tives prcsent at the organ1:l;Ing meeting were: E. F. LUlld strum and W. B. Pa tte rson (La Mesal. Edward C. Hammer- lund anI'! W. C. M<:Mahon (Escon- di do). P. DeGraaf, S. Cargill and Whit e (ChnllL Vista ), A. Lutz, V. R. Jordan and A. J. 'l'hompson (San Diego). CINTRON REGAINS AT PUERTO RICO Sco ring 8-6 in the 14 game title Ill atch, Ilatae) Cintron regained the Championship or Puerto Rico from de fending Champion Miguel Colon. The match Wag played at th e S.a.n Juan Chess Club. ULVESTAD ROMPS THROUGH SIMUL jn a s imultaneou s held at the Seattle Chess Club, Olat Ulvestad romped thl'ough the vigorous oppo- sition of 29 Seattle contestants and finished wth a score of 26 wlna and three lossea. 'l'he proud vic- tora wore State Champion Charles J oaciilm. R. P. Allen a nd Dean Bollman. referee. Jack Finnigan served as / Ulvestad generous ly dona led his rees at this s imu ltan eous to fund esta blis hed for con necton with th e Mastera and Experts Tournament, to be held at Tacoma. an , Av, ril !-3. GE HANDS A. Clever Way! I C<mdltc/"d by Edmund Nash for this col"mn to Edmund Nu h. lSJO 23th PI. CIt. S-t .• Black Is face d with an appa.rently unavoidable mate. play s brilliantly. and White resigns after Black's In P Os ition No.8. snbmltted by Montgomery m .. exe mp llrii;s' basi c el am en l>! of (ll.<ldU ... tJt'b posltlonnl c hess play. It Is improbable that-- exceDl tor th e rure chos8 genius es of our game-the br i lliant and alufClUli wlnnhlK umblnl\llon could have occu red els ewhere t han In a 1 il owover, I {I) 9B piaY I brill ian tly. and WhUe res ign s after Blac k' s seco nd moYo. I Tbe winnin g procedure In Pos icJon No.8, s ubmitted by Montgomery Major of 0l.1e ilr., el;emplm"llf the balli'/:: elam'enl>! or combinationa l a nd poslllonal chess play. It Is Improbable t bat-- O)[Cept for th e rare chess geni u'lle5 or our game-the brilliant and elegant winning couid bave occured els ewbere than In a correspondence whe r ein much Quiet and patient over-the-boa rd analysis Is poss ible. Tbe position will repay study. There are t.bree phages In the winning procedure: with his fir st two moves, involving , the 1Jacrlflce ot t he exchange. Black hems In the White Kin g; then ' comes a br'llllalil problem-like move which lead s to an e xchan ge of piece s; finally a (]ulet positional Queen move as Black's seventh move l eaves Wh ite bel pless even thougb he is the exchange ahead. Correction: In my previous column, a printin g error was made In the day tbat t he Fe(1eral Chess Club meets weskly in WtlJshlngton, D.C. Th e co rr ect day Is Tnesday. Plealie turO n to Page for liolutlo ns. CLARK RETAINS WEATT T ITLE At th e Weatt Chess Club, com' posed by head quar ter employees of the Weste rn El ectric Company and Ame r ican Tele l)bone and Tele- graph Company In New York, John Clark ret uined hi s post aa clu b c hampion by t urnin g in a I )er fect sco re with no draws or losses . Seco nd lliace went to Jim Devaney wi th Oeorge Ritzier tll,! rd and Lou Fu sco fourt h. The Weatt Club participate s In the New York Commercial League team matches. U. OF C. BESTS WIS. U. CLUB METRO JOINS CHICAGO LEAGUE The new Chic ago Chess League has added th e 1'.letro Chess Club to its membership. Recent match- es res ulted In Re ynolds Chess de- feating Navy Pier 3-2. JlUn ols In st. of Tech. bes ting Navy Pier 4-2, Hyde Park defe ating Roosove lt College 5-1, Ronolds besting Chi- cago Chess w.itb veler an John Wlnlers on f irst board yield- ing to the youthfu l e nthu s iasm of Van Dyke 'l'lers. Oth er vlctor lell we re Chicago Chess & Checker ove r Hyde Park Chess 31h -2 'h;, Hyde Park over Metr.o Chess 5-1, Chicago Chess a.nd Checker over · Hyde Park Chess 4-2 with Albert Sandlin and John Winter drawing on board one, Chicago Chess & Check er over JIlinols lust. of Tech. 4-2, and 3-3 draw between Navy Pier and Hyde Park. BURDGE CAPTURES FEDERAL TITLE Defending champion Edmund Nuh, CHESS LIFE columnist, san k to third vlace in the hotly contested champlons blp o( the Fed- r.he!l!l Club of Wasbington, D. C. Harold Burdge won the U- tie with a 6- 1 score, conceding draws to Nash and Pozarek. Sec- ond place went to G: S. Thomas with 5-2, and third place to Ed- mUlld Naah 'With 41h-21h. The ten· man tou rnamont was directed by William Plampin. GEE REPEATS AT SACRAMENTO th e rl rst time in hi story, J. B. Cee succeeded in edging -out M. O. Meyer for two consecu- live yeare as Sacramento CIty Chamvion. Oee. CHESS LIFE Games Annotator, topped the rive- round Swiss with a pertect ecore or 5·0. while Meyer conceded a draw to I\. former city champion anI'! placed second with 41h-%. Gee-ar.;:: tv I!lc! J toIl Ch other, due te the vagui es ot the Swiss In the 17-man t ournament. Third place we nt to D. ;t. Yuke, of 5·0, while Meyer conceded a dr aw to a former ci ty champion and placed second with 41.- 1,,;-%. Ge !o, 1 O;Tfl!ol'tllllell lo l A(' ,J aach other, due to th e vagari es or tbe Swi ss In the l7-man lournamenL Third place went to D. J. Yuke, fwd fo urth place ' to C. J. Carey. DAVIDSEN WINS AT SEATTLE CLUB By virtue of a playoff victory over Durge Dickford, Theodore Da- vld sen captured tbe Seattle Chess Club championship by a score or 4Ih-lh, wit h B\ckt ord vlacing second with 3%-1%. Tblul plll.ce*ent to Wsshington State Champion who had an une.xpccted loss to John Sego. In the B Class Tournament vic- t ory went to Leonard with 5-0, wIllie Busl meli placed s econd In a tie wlth }'. Howard with 4-1 each. IJoth eve nt e were Swi ss system, direc ted by J ack Finnigan, the new editor ot the 'Vash i ngton Cbess Le tter , pUblication ot the Wasb- i ngtoll Ciless Feder ation. ROSETTO WINS MAR DEL PLATA Finishing ahead ot EUskagell. wbo won In 1948, Hector Rusetlo' won the Mar del Plata tOUTnament with a e core of 13-4. Rosetto's , only loss was to Czerniak In the last round while Gulmard was giving Ellekases his only loss. Rosetlo wa e cbampion or Argentine 'In 1944 and 1947. MI. <kI 1 Plata n. U(lHt t" _ ___ 18-4 J. m .... " __ H_ .. g·S E. EIl.u- __ Dr. W. _.71.111 C. Gu!mud Dr. E. Luker )I. OzemW: . 1l}.51 P. liartin -,-71·9j A four-man team from _ the Unl- ver.slty of Wis co usin CheSll Club travel!ed to Chicago to meet de- feat In a double ro und match wit h the Universi ty ot Cb.lcago Chess Club by Bcores of 4-0 and 2%- 1%. The UnIversity of Chicago Chess Club at preae nt lead s in the East- ern Division ot the Greater. Cbi- cago Chess 'League and a victory In the next match agai nst the Chess Club of Cblcago will asaure It first place In the division. At the u me time an unoUlcla l Rey:' nolds team composed of Univer- alty playet'll is competing in the rival Cblcago City Ch088 League. LIEBIG HEADS MILWAUKEE ASSN. -- At t he annual meeting of tbe t /"c:bra14tiU Milwaukee Municipal chess As- R. LeteUa _..91-1, 0. J. Corte _4-18 socJaUon Paul Liebig was el ected pres ident and Arpad Elo ree lected vice-preside nt. AverlJl Powers was placed in char ge of publicity for the league and FrltJo; Rath mann, publishe r of tbe WisconsJ.n Chess Letter, was nlLmed 8a tournament director and referee. SAYETHESE DATES Jul y 25-30, 1949 for the U. S, junior c;"arT!plonshlp Fort .wort?, Texa.

Vol.ID OfficiCll Publication of me nlted States (Vess'feclerati on Wednesday…uscf1-nyc1.aodhosting.com/CL-AND-CR-ALL/CL-ALL/1949/1949... · 2019. 10. 11. · Vol.ID Number ~6 OfficiCll

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Page 1: Vol.ID OfficiCll Publication of me nlted States (Vess'feclerati on Wednesday…uscf1-nyc1.aodhosting.com/CL-AND-CR-ALL/CL-ALL/1949/1949... · 2019. 10. 11. · Vol.ID Number ~6 OfficiCll

Vol.ID Number ~6 OfficiCll Publication of me nlted States (Vess'feclerati on Wednesday.

April 20, 194~

Hurry! Board The Band Wagon! P;oblemists Solve Their Problem

Acting upon n s ugg08t1on by Montgome ry Major, Editor of CHESS LIFE, which received vubllclty In the column, Problems oL Chess Life, January Issue, American problemlsts have organized a. 'SOCIety to be known as the Chess Proble m Association of America; and th lll ac tive promotion has resulted In the IniUal publlcntion ot a new larg60.cale only problem magazine si nce the Good Comllanlon. The first Issue of Uu s new magazine will have made Its appoa rance by the time this issue Is pub llslloo. It will be known as The American Chess Problemlst, and will be I)ublh;hod mO,nthly. Chuter memberships in the C.P,A.A. may be obtnln ed for $5.00. Regular membershh)s can be secured tor $2.00 I)Or YOllr. :SamplO copies of tbe American Chess Problemls t (free) may he obtained u pon request.

T ho ringleader In the formation nnd promotion of this problem society and magazine Is Eric Hassberg, 757 Mal\hattan Avenue, Drook­Iyn 22. N.Y. P roblem e nthus iasts, having t he Interest ot problems at hoart, h,,\lo the opp.ortunlty of jumping aboard tho band wagon now and becoming Chnrler Membe rs.


I!lu <:ouragod Rnd Il(lvlsod by the Wllmlllgton Oh008 Cl uh. s tud ents at th o U,ilvorSILY or Oolllwn.ro have organl1.ud II collogo c he88 club with DOllahl Malic k 0..8 faculty ndvlsor.

Plalls ror a Delaware State Chalnplonshll) 'l'ournament under tho Silonllor llhip of the "Wilming ton '11(1" Club Itro w{'11 IldVIUI<:I 'd, nnd

__ ~~,!,.'!! p!t .. ~.b !",hU~;t.'!" ~1~IIl' ofganh:t)d Il colialCl ChOl1l club with !)onalll Mnllck al fll Culty advillor.

Plana for a Delaware State Championship 'l'ou rnament under tbe sponllorshlp of the Wilmington Chess Club uro woll o.dvancod, IIl1d tbe event will be he ld over Mem-01'10.1 Day and Ol)cn to all r08hlents or Delaware.

In a rocent e ncounter the Wil­mington Chesll Club caps ized the Red Rose Chess Club of Lancaster, Pa. b~' a score ot 6-3 In a match playe(l In the quarters of the new­ly orgauize(1 University or Dela­wUre Chess Club at Newark, Dela.


The Canadian Corrospondence Chess Championshi p. cond ucted by the _ CCCA, ended in .a lie tor the title between D. M. LeDalne ot l\1"on1rool and H . J . Ward of St­Lanrent with 6·1 each.

Third place went to Ii. J . Dan­iels (Toron to) with 5·2. Othe r scores we re: S. D. WJlson (Mont­real) 4·3, Dr. J. Ra uch (Montreal) 3%-3%, C. D. Corbould (Winn ipeg) 2-5, Dr. R . M. I\facl..oau (Weiland) 1 'h-5 'h. R. J . S.a.nders (Beacon­field) 0-7. ~----


A hrll,l lallL aerlos of vlctorios by the youthful mdwlll Cohen of the University uf Loulsvillo upset all predictions In tilo 1949 Kentucky State Tournament. Cohen, ocoring 6-0, placed firs t with victories over ·furmer Stato Champion J a c k Moyse. Loulsovill o SI)ced King W. R. Blggerll, and W. B. Long of Mayfield wilo was runner-uv In 1947.

As a res ult of the victory, Cohen will meet I{entucky State Cham"&)­ion Richard W . Shields in a match for the title, with the tIUe going to the first to win five games, The match will be beld at tbo LouJsville Chess Club, Volture Hall, Loul&­ville.


Rm:ognlzing th e phollomlnal grnwth of intel'est in chess In San Di ego Cuunty. cluhs ot the di s­t r ic t havc organized a San Diego Co unty Choss Council to fos ter and promote chess through the roglon 11.1'11: to e ncourage GeJ\-I;oIOI'­nlent ot now chells clubs. 'l'he ('ouncll clected V. n. J ordall or the Alln 1lI ... ,0 Cho.. Club ho nornr". trll'l hll\l41 ora-united a Snn Ol«lgo County Chen Council to fOllter and promote chesll through the r cg~on ron" to encourage mont of ne w chess clubs. cou ncil e lected V. H. Jordau San Diego Cbess Club presiden t and A. J. Thompson the same club temporary secretary.

Clubs formin g the councll are San Diego, Escondido, La Mesa and Chula Vista Chess Clubs, and the Councll plans to meet montb· Iy in the Sanford Hotel Lounge at San Diego. Among i ts plans are the promotion or chess in high schools, where one club already ~~ I B t8 in the Crossmont High School.

Representatives prcsent at the organ1:l;Ing meeting were: E . F. LUlldstrum and W. B. Patterson (La Mesal. Edward C. Hammer­lund anI'! W. C. M<:Mahon (Escon­dido). P. DeGraaf, S. Cargill and ~~. White (ChnllL Vista), A. Lutz, V. R. Jordan and A. J. 'l'hompson (San Diego).


Scoring 8-6 in the 14 game title Illa tch, Ilatae) Cintron regained the Championship or Puerto Rico from de fending Champion Miguel Colon. The match Wag played at the S.a.n Juan Chess Club.


jn a s imultaneous held at the Seattle Chess Club, Olat Ulvestad romped thl'ough the vigorous oppo­sition of 29 Seattle contestants and finished wth a score of 26 wlna and three lossea. 'l'he proud vic­tora wore State Champion Charles J oaciilm. R. P. Allen a nd Dean Bollman. re fe ree.

Jack Finnigan served as /

Ulvestad generously dona led his rees at this s imultaneous to fund established for connecton with the Mastera and Experts Tournament, to be held a t Tacoma. an ,Av,ril !-3.


Clever Way! I C<mdltc/"d by Edmund Nash

for thi s col"mn to Edmund Nu h. lSJO 23th PI. CIt. S-t .•

Black Is faced w ith an appa.rently unavoidable mate. plays brilliantly. and White res igns after Black 's

~',".'d"'" In P Osition No.8. snbmltted by Montgomery m .. exempllrii;s' th~ basic elamenl>! of ( ll.<ldU ... tJt'b

posltlonnl c hess play. It Is improbable that-­exceDl tor the rure chos8 ge n iuses of ou r game-the brilliant and alufClUli wlnnhlK umblnl\llon could have occu red elsewhere than In a 1 ilowove r, I{I) 9B piaYI brill ian tly. and WhUe res igns after Black's second moYo. I

Tbe winning procedure In Pos icJon No.8, s ubmitted by Montgomery Major of 0l.1e Pi.~1r; ilr., el;emplm"llf the balli'/:: elam'enl>! or (~cluII.Lim. combinational and poslllonal chess play. It Is Improbable tbat-­O)[Cept for the rare chess geniu'lle5 or our game-the brilliant and elegant winning ~ombination couid bave occured elsewbere than In a correspondence g~me. wherein much Quiet and patient over-the-board analysis Is possible. Tbe position will repay study. There are t.bree phages In the winning procedure: with his first two moves, involving , t he 1Jacrlflce ot the exchange. Black hems In the White King; then' comes a br'llllalil problem-like move which leads to an e xchange of pieces; finally a (]ulet positional Queen move as Black's seventh move leaves Wh ite bel pless even thougb he is the exchange ahead.

Correction: In my previous column, a printing error was made In the day tbat the Fe(1eral Chess Club meets weskly in WtlJshlngton, D.C. The correct day Is Tnesday.

Plealie turOn to Page fou~ for liolutlons.


At the Weatt Chess Club, com' posed by headquarter employees of the Western Electric Company and Amer ican Telel)bone and Tele­g ra ph Company In New York, John Clark retuined his post aa club c ham pion by turning in a I)erfec t score with no draws or losses. Second lliace went to Jim Devaney wi th Oeorge Ritzier tll,!rd and Lou Fusco fourth. The Weatt Club participates In the New York Comm ercial Lea gue team matches.



The new Chicago Chess League has added the 1'.letro Chess Club to its membership. Recent match­es resulted In Reynolds Chess de­feating Navy P ier 3-2. JlUnols Inst. of Tech. besting Navy Pier 4-2, Hyde Park defeating Roosovelt College 5-1, Ronolds besting Chi­cago Chess 3'i1-2 ~ w.itb ve leran John Wlnlers on first board y ield­ing to the youthful e nthus iasm of Van Dyke 'l'lers. Other vlctor lell were Chicago Chess & Checker over Hyde Park Chess 31h-2 'h;, Hyde Park over Metr.o Chess 5-1, Chicago Chess a.nd Checker over · Hyde Park Chess 4-2 with Albert Sandlin and John Winter drawing on board one, Chicago Chess & Checker over JIlinols lust. of Tech. 4-2, and 3-3 draw between Navy Pier and Hyde Park.


Defending champion Edmund Nuh, CHESS LIFE columnist, san k to third vlace in the hotly contested champlons blp o( the Fed­~rAI r.he!l!l Club of Wasbington, D. C. Harold Burdge won the U­tie with a 6-1 score, conceding draws to Nash and Pozarek. Sec­ond place went to G: S. Thomas with 5-2, and third place to Ed­mUlld Naah 'With 41h-21h. The ten· ma n tournamont was directed by William Plampin.


~'or the rl rst time in history, J. B. Cee succeeded in edging -out M. O. Meyer for two consecu­live yeare as Sacramento CIty Chamvion. Oee. CHESS LIFE Games Annotator, topped the rive­round Swiss with a pertect ecore or 5·0. while Meyer conceded a draw to I\. former city champion anI'! placed second with 41h-%. Gee-ar.;:: M~IH" lIlHed tv I!lc! J toIlCh othe r , due te the vaguies ot the Swiss In the 17-man tournament. Third place went to D. ;t. Yuke, of 5·0, while Meyer conceded a draw to a former city champion and placed second with 41.-1,,;-%. Ge R r. ~ !o,1O;Tfl!ol'tllllell lo l A(' ,J aach other, due to the vagaries or tbe Swiss In the l7-man lournamenL Third place went to D. J. Yuke, fwd fourth place ' to C. J . Carey.


By virtue of a playoff victory over Durge Dickford, Theodore Da­vldsen captured tbe Seattle Chess Club championship by a score or 4Ih-lh, wit h B\cktord vlacing second with 3%-1%. Tblul plll.ce*ent to Wsshington State Champion Char~es Joach~m, ' who had an une.xpccted loss to John Sego.

In the B Class Tournament vic­tory went to Leonard with 5-0, wIll ie Bus lmeli placed second In a tie wlth }'. Howard with 4-1 each. IJoth evente were Swiss system, directed by J ack Finnigan, the new editor ot the 'Vashington Cbess Le tter, pUblication ot the Wasb­ingtoll Ciless Federation.


Finishing ahead ot EUskagell. wbo won In 1948, Hector Rusetlo' won the Mar del Plata tOUTnament with a ecore of 13-4. Rosetto's ,only loss was to Czerniak In the last round while Gulmard was giving Ellekases his only loss. Rosetlo wae cbampion or Argentine 'In 1944 and 1947.

MI. <kI1 Plat a n. U(lHtt" _ ___ 18-4 J. m .... " __ H_ .. g·S E. EIl.u- __ ..l2·~ Dr. W. Cru~ _.71.111 C. Gu!mud _u·~ Dr. E. Luker _7'.1f~ )I. OzemW: . 1l}.51 P. liartin -,-71·9j

A four-man team from _the Unl­ver.slty of Wiscousin CheSll Club travel!ed to Chicago to meet de­feat In a double round match with the Unive rsi ty ot Cb.lcago Chess Club by Bcores of 4-0 and 2%-1%.

The UnIversity of Chicago Chess Club at preae nt leads in the East­ern Division ot the Greater . Cbi­cago Chess 'League and a victory In the next match against the Chess Club of Cblcago will asaure It first p lace In the division. At the u me time an unoUlclal Rey:' nolds team composed of Univer­alty playet'll is competing in the rival Cblcago City Ch088 League.


-- ~. J.,i~.,;-::-gl~; ~: ~::~~~t At the annual meeting of tbe ~ ~~e:l .:::::::~t t /"c:bra14tiU

Milwaukee Municipal chess As- R. LeteUa _..91-1, 0. J. Corte _4-18

socJaUon Paul Liebig was elected president and Arpad Elo reelected vice-president. AverlJl Powers was placed in charge of public ity for the league and FrltJo; Rathmann, publisher of tbe WisconsJ.n Chess Letter, was nlLmed 8a tournament director and referee.

SAYETHESE DATES July 25-30, 1949

for the U. S, junior c;"arT!plonshlp

Fort .wort?, Texa.

Page 2: Vol.ID OfficiCll Publication of me nlted States (Vess'feclerati on Wednesday…uscf1-nyc1.aodhosting.com/CL-AND-CR-ALL/CL-ALL/1949/1949... · 2019. 10. 11. · Vol.ID Number ~6 OfficiCll


Published twice a month on the 5th and 20th by

THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION Jl!ntend ... oeeor>d e1 •• matter September" INa. at tile peR <;18ee .t Dullu"ue. Iowa.

under tbe .el ot M.ftlh t. 187lI.

SubJ<:riplion-S2.00 per ycar; Single cop; .. IDe tach

Add.tsl aU IIiMcriplions to;- S41 Bluff Street OR 12869 Srrnillnoor Avenue Edwud I. Trcond. St"rfl~') Dubuque, Iowa Detroit 27, Mil:b;,an

M~h all ch~kl payable '0: Tu. UNITW STATU CHESS hDUAnON

Address all communications Ed,'orial 123 NMth Humphrey AO'fl\uot Oak Pad; Dlinoi:l on edItorial matters to:- Office:

Gene Collett Dr. P . G. Keeney Edmund Nash

EJjtor "nd BUli".u M"n"," MONTGOMERY MAJOR

Contributing Editors Milton Flnkel8teln

George Koltanowski Fred Relnfeld

.John D. French Erich W. Marchand

~llllam Rojam

Address a ll communlcationa to the United States Cne .. Federation (except those regarding CHESS LIFE) to USCF Secretary Edward I. Treend, 12869 Strlllthmoor Avenue, Detroit 27, Mlcnlgan.

Vol. 1lI Number 16 Wedne6l'lay. April 20, 1949 -, -A VOICE FROM THE EAST

Out of the crad le of Chess-l ndla--c:omes tho protest o f an eminent Hllldu choss columnist, T. A. Krlshunmncllariar ot Modtas. agains t

the sordid Yiolation of the FIDE rulea concerning consultation and analysis of adJonrned games. We quote some brief excsrpts from his messags (the Interellted reader may flnll the whole text reprinted In the April Issue of our eminent British contomPOrary "Chess"):-

The ono Rule that is observed mostly In breach Is the very first one ot the "Chess Code" laid down by tho Federation Inter­naUonal& Dee Echecs-"Chess. a gallle In lbe play of which thsr& ls no slemont of chance, Is played by two persons on a square called the Chess Board: etc. •.. " Unfortunately, a chess game tn most sorlOUS-COlltests does not finis h at a sitting; and In the Interval. extending for a few days (there have been weeks' Interval also In some ot this olty matches ) most of ths p layers convenlontly forget that a. chess game Is a COil test between two

~~~r;! ~~~ ~v~~~~~~;~~~IC~ ~~~~e ;~~~;;; ~~ t~:~:~~~ In Ol)Ollly In the tournamollt hall ItIOH. It Is plain that some playors WllO are engaged In this pMtime aro lusenslble even to " ecnso of wrong' ..

Out, It may be uked. how to enfOI'Ce ths rule that a chets game hi a co·nto8t between two players only? Let ms begin by 8uylng- not by breaking It. Again. lb.ls Is one of those cues which Is b08t cured by a finn public op'lnion. Detected cases of brcao!1 mus t lis severly dealt with. Organized CbS8S lUe can ban the participation of a party In dofault In any tournament for Il

yCar or two. Til other walk8 of · lUe the fact tbat undetsctod cr1mea go unpunished has not been urged as a justllication to deal mildly with those t hat come to light. Why che llS alone s hould be an ex~optlon puses my undeNllandlng!

So speaks India of a fault that II. alas, also too common In the halle of American choss tounlament&! We In America at least recog· nllO It III a fault; Rnd our more capable tourllament dlrectol"l bend their efforts to discouraging Buch violations of the ru lea. Tn rn08t weil· conducted national tournamellts analYlls 18 strictly banned In ths playing room. But only God and his conscience knows what the player of an adjourned gRme does III his botel room wbeo he foregathers thore wllh his chess cronies.

With T. A. KrlshnRmcharlar we ClUJ only commelld to lhe chesg public a conllde l'a tioll of this chess c rime In Ole hope that I/uhllc opinion wlll eventually moke effective obedience 'to those laws of chess thllt can only be completely enforced by the conscience and honor of ench playor engaged In tournament play.

Monlgoma'1 Mtljor

Edited by Dr. P. G. Kenrey

Add.tli III COmllllllllclUOnl for t his ool umll 10 0 •• P. Q. I(nney, 123 EIIl 7th St., thw· porI. I(y •• enclOlI~1I Ml lf·add ....... d. slimped 1~v.lolM II 'IPly It '.cilia ted.

Sacrificing A Castle (Rook) I n lbosa days of housing 6horlago, one finds It dlrtlcul t to believe

anyone would abandon II. castle (It they poSB6lIsed one). And yet­One or tho favorite thomes of problem composers of both the past

ilud Il l'OIlenl Is Iho exploiting. especially III two-moven. of a key that will ol'l'er l\. sacrifice of a While piece or placet to Ihs Bln.ek forcs. usually to the DJack Klllg. In stratogy thIs ranks high for It reduces the streugth of the attack nnd granla g'·eatsl· freedom to tbe ds fellso.

Throo forms of the sacrUlce may be accomplished: (1) The victim surrenden hlm8elf; (2) Tile piece Is left en prise by the rsmoval of a guard or; (3) The piece to be sacrUicetl Is 10 placad In tho Initial Dosltloll. Tile piece to be sacrificed may be a R, B or KL The Queen can only be used (In lbe aacrlHce olo the Black King) with a chocking key Bnd the pawn lacrUlce 18 too trivial a gift to be con8ldered.

Aa the elltlre subject Is too lengthy tor dl8cu8slon tn one article, [ wlll In this 18I!Ius liresent problem versions lUustraUng a tew of the metbods employed by composers in the sacrific e'" ot the Wblte Rook or Caslle.

Vsrslon A, the first diagrammed ).)Osition by B. G. LaW8, llIustratS8 !!~orm 1 above msutioned wbere the Rook s urrenders blm8elf (not to one. but to thrss Black pieces). Vers ion B (the aecond dlagrammod position) was composod by C, Callander and WIUl first published In

Westminster Pspors In 187S. It 18 a fIne Illustration of Fonn 2 (pro-vlously rcferred of sacrifics by guard removaL //1 fl.P

Version C third dlagTammed poslUon) was conceived by J : F, Lhe.:J.:J oLite Moon and Ural 10 Hampstead Express In 1898. It portrays n n 7j. Form 3. the piece prIse In the initial paslUon. JJ t

Another form Rook sacrifice. referred to tn problem works as n ew Or. "rught -sacrifice:' the R in sacrlIlclng allows also a night square By MiltOJl Fi,,/ulslein to the Black portrayed In Version D ( ths fourth diagrammed ' \ ''-_ ________ ____ ' position). of the latter type are . .shown In Version D,

Battery formations. Ths composer of Version D was composer received a lst Prize Award 'In com-

~",:: ~;f~'::~',~;.~Tt~im~~.::';~:.ln 1888. of Chess L lfe's Problem Editor, In 1931. nnd F <lrlglnated many

not recalled). aI's exhibited as addlUoual Version E Is a combination of Fonn 1 and

the othel" as key offering hlmsolf as a while tbere Is a douhle threat to mats, It

It Is obs8ned that In the sevsl'S1 defences there Is only ono 1, ....... , Q· KtG that admits

has exceptional varloty:- threo dlslLnct Q moves. two from movss of the Black K, two

Black Kt and one from the Black P capture ot the

at the sacrifice of both Whits the set·up was a'S tollows:-3B4, 8. 8. The Black Kt was employed

a result the Barns Kt moving to Kt6 Bolutlon. Hence the necessity for the Black.

budding compO.sers may loarn something In the economy by a comparison of the original Terslon

d,I;~',::~::::,,::""::;'Sltlon. )( have the same stipulation : White

nnd the one published In this column dated IlPllrobaUon of Ch6lls Ltre reodsrs. I shall be

ILt Irregular Intervals more arUciea dealing with

Vtr',o" E SlKk, 4 m ...

Vusion P 81..ak: S min

~,~",~. ~",:.:.~j~I~, ~~m.~~~,~ .. ~,,~. ~,~'"~,. ~ .. ~ J~n5~.~':":':'=. 5~:;;:;:~,j.;:;-;:.e",,:L. :.-. ~. Solutlons:-

rrubl~n N". 7(, by Y.'Wn \1 ........ MQftlh ~) p ..... ~ to be un.,und. ha.lnK lwo ken that W~1'fl f"luftlly "11.".11",, I" IOI~ ''I{ Ih~ prol!letn. vlK; I. I'·K, (lnl~ntlou) Dnd I. K·l(t~ ( COOk). Th· eook couhl h"·e Hilly ~" ">'CrIed by locooUnll' lhc WhIte K on KRS or with K .. OI';¥l ... ny Joe" tC!<1 I,y 1Id~1"1I' • IIl.r k Kt 01. fllad:'. I(RI . TM co,~"'*. In~ 1M

~"::!r~ ,10 I:~IU;:' "::":'=y~t .':ri~o W~UlO:e ";"'t~~ec~c I~:.t':h!:' ::~: loulld IUIppl .... OIl till'! Joh.

Tho Itcynto~ 10 t'roblelll No. 7t by )/.l"1li .. 11 Ia: I. Ih r. The ..... In ... l'II.tlo ... : 1. Bd'. R.Ktl do , I. 8 ·117 ,,"te. A bentlfl.l DIId: oelt.jnlmffenet! ... mllan wllb " .... Ucb. hAck llId ...-eh_ n .. u,. I. _ . Kt.J[ro, I. B·ltl .... tt. Another Blad: ItU.lftterl~ .... lIIllon with Whit<! "eul -oU" 01 rnlck Rook. I. __ • 8 ·111, t. Kt·1(1 mite. A aell·bloclr. ... rIIUon. 1. _. )lX1I; '1. RIR mltl. A pin "'Ite.

Thlo problem .... '.u<k:d 10 t h~ , kiN by .n .eolftl1'1. RI!Y. Chldl", commtnted: "A ... olldocrfUl ~_Uon. The bitt lwotl" I·ft...,.. for man,. ",oulha." r eter Kerf wrate: "A ~ willi fille polllltl" All ~ th.e .IUnl{ wu perfect _yo tha belt by ~Il hidden _ quite thematic. lIIarlhan ",a,. well leel proud 01 thll erutlonl

The followlns .eol~ ... repo1Ud the COJtIP<>Itr', by to 1'l'(Ibll'lll '16 .1Id the com.ct lolullon to 1'Tob1~ln No. '10 bill flll~ 10 d l8co~e1' the eook to Problem No. 76: Oblrll» S. !lowe ... (Jenkin town). II . Mlehel (n'ewlter). Jlck Sprlllll (Don.ha). Edln lloIJada1 ( CI •• rlotlHVme). T. Lundbel'J' (D.n .. ).

(PleSle Turn to Page 4 Column 2)

DIRECTORY: Fsw of the nation's chess clubs o wn their own quar_ ters. a;ud the Nsw York c1uhs are no exception. In fact, mOilt clubs I

occupy sadly Inadequate rooms. But. In every csse, the spirit Is high! Let's look at two olths clubs which have dovelOlled so many of tbe country'S top playsl"1l.

Ths Bronx Chess Clu b meets In a medlum·slzed room in a small two-s tory building ussd by numor­ous organizations tor meetings and public attalrs. U'8 a noisy bu1ldlug, evon tbougb the exterior BOund, never soem to bother the c lub's habitues. Tho room Is smoky. The turllilurs is Old, the sets hybrid. the atmosphere so strangs on a flrllt visit! Yet, and tbis Is one of the groat mysteries of the Ch088 world, a contac\ous sen.se ot e:xclt. ment peTVadcs the club. Young pillysra predomlnats. each appar­ently aware that their club baa produced Bisgulsr, Shainswlt, EJII!. Platz and others!

The Now York Academy of Chess. III spite ot the grandness ot Its namo. Is hardly a club at all. Tt conslsUi of a group of players who moet at a Tlmea Square es­tablishment and pay fo r the right to play- by ths hour! Howe ver. the Acndsmy possesses every charac­teris tic Of a club e\lcspt proper quarters. Its players aro strong. and recently dereated tbe Marshall ChellS Club In a Metrop"lttan Leagus Match. In tact. I was Ita first vlce-prcsldsnt, .and can tesUty to the Intere.s t In tbs game dis. played by Its members. These ars l)e01lle who would rather play chess thnn eat! One at the m08l tallIOus addicts of 1:hs Aeadsmy 18 the fabulous George Treysman, who scol·ed so WghJy In the first U. S. Champlou8hlp In 1936. Another, and how well I remember giving thie clilld rook-odds 3 or 4 years ago, ill Larry Evalls. Now York S tate and Marshall Ch6B8 Club Champion!

mem.o,.atle Ct.e.. '])ate. Compjl~J Ir, A. Buuhke

III 1m

,. "" " "" ,..,

"'" "'"

a ""

"" '''" 1910

! t 11m

., "" ,,.,

"" .. , .. ,..,

Th. y . Scheve. Clemoln Watt", au. tho'. ' died Kelpr Colle, Delron O ... nd~i'!i

J .... "" 10100-110 ...... Hngllllh m.lttl'. .1 .... 'wIn..... bom ("lOW .lyle) A. 1'. Petf'Oll. Ru.

~1.~lIll,m~~~O~~~ff"¥,"I.n p':o~ Icn",'. bam A. TI ki.,. (Rlrtl I)ydlluer), nlln· Klrlan ma.ter. dlod (I,""l{t Walker. RlIg llah muter. a"thor. dlod K. Itrom.dka. Cl«h ~r. bono O. l'eUllan. CIA!dI ,"MIe,. bono <_ 1IJ'10 ), Y. Najdorl. AI'J't"tln~. f'olWo Or:o.ndmutrr. bon o..t \JI ulMllthol , a_an prob­lemlll C"mlnl.ll"_") . '1IIhor, died (old otyl~ t) c. o. O ... rll~.Ie. RIo • 1O· lIurn."I," problemioi.. born Oreolt'l A. 111'(1 .... """', lor mlllJ' ytll ... ."allor. prlnte. and pllbl1lh-e,

r~:!'.-c ~t"~U,~~~~~\~,~'I b!uk~: " .. I. A. IIhlf"",n. fII'Omlll('nt 1I .... 1In

problem lit (fT ,)'9n old). dltd J lnV .. ta. o..ech problemllt. bom Iwon l,,'IID KclilCh. AuetrlAn Orandnlllter. died

:lor :Jt.e :Jou",amenl-minded

M.,. 7-8

Eaet North Carolina Open

Raleigh, North Carolina First annual Eastern North Ca~

llna Open Chess Tournament will he held a t Pullen Park, Ralolgh;

SwiM ey-ll tem ; open to all; addr8h InqulrJell to M. H. Upchurcb, ~07

E. Markham Ave., Durham, N. O.


Page 3: Vol.ID OfficiCll Publication of me nlted States (Vess'feclerati on Wednesday…uscf1-nyc1.aodhosting.com/CL-AND-CR-ALL/CL-ALL/1949/1949... · 2019. 10. 11. · Vol.ID Number ~6 OfficiCll

Cl.e •• :Jor ~I.e :lind Bu.ine.. man By Fmi Rrin/rld

All "Ohtl r_,. ... d by PItman P ublf l hl"O C(H'l>I>I'at iGn. Internat iona l Copyrl p ht. 1m. No pa rt of Ihl .... tlcl e ma,. t.o reprod ucood in ""I' form without wrlUen pe rm hllon frGm t he publf .~e ....

Passivity O ne ot the g reat 163sons o f modern master play is tha t pure ly pa-asive

pollcy has little cba nce ot success when one's opponen t has greater command ot <the board. The reason gene rally assig ned for this Is the Impress ive de velopment in the ablllt:rto el:ploit crowded positions.

But the questlonls no t merely one of t echnique. How does a player get such a bad posi tion ? He plays a poor o pening whose potenti­alities he does not foresee ; he tails to plan creatively tor the future. Comes the tenth move. and he s uddenly realizes that be has a w serable game! QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED

uJpest, 1934 W'h!U Bla""

p . FRY,."", DR. ... VIDMAR

t ~t~BJ KtK1; ). P·8. P-8} • . P~P P~P So Kt-8) KI-83

The s implltying tendencies ot this varla l10n are a bit deceptive:

Jt harbo'rs a good deal ot venom behind Its sedate appearance.

, . 8·8-( P-IO J. P·IO 8·K2

T he safer oourse Is 7. . .......• B-QS. seeking a simplifying p change.

~ ~:2) .' I\.g~ And~ here Emanuel Lasker's 9.

._ .....• Kt-KR4 may well be best. 10. R.-8l! 8.()2

Renouncing the Intended 10 . ........• P-QKt4, for then 11. KUKtP would wln a. Pa wn (11_ Pl;Kt; 1%. Rl:Kt. R xP; IS. Q-KtS).

11. Kt·K5 R·el 12. p.QR) KI.QR4

The position ot Black's forces is none too promising, and the be6t course he can hit on Is to In­itiate a Queenside offensive. Mean· while White Is ablo to build UP an attack on the other wing.

~: .g:~! ~~~:; Overlooklng White's veil e d

threat . He should have tried 14. ...... , P-Kt3, although a fter 15. B­R6~ R-Kl: 16. P-B~ White would llave f.orml dable at tacking po88.lbl­ties.

Black Ims been taken by s ur· prise. He cannot p lay 15 . ........• Px K t (It 16. " , KuR t ?? ; 16. QxP mate) because or 16. K txB winning at least the exchange: 17. K txKt ch kI th reatened, alld Black cannot play 16. ... , QltKt (again, U 16. ....... • KtxKt?1; 17. QxP mate); 17. BxP ch, K- llI: 18. B-B5 Ch e tc.

Nor will Hi. '. P·R S serve. be-,cause of 16. KtxBch. Ql:Kt; 17. UxRP, P xll; 18. Qxnp a nd the threat o f J9. Kt· I{U is decisive.

u. Klx8 oil Q~Kt Thoro aro 1JI!1 1lY ways to Will

now. but White chooses the quick·

IjstiJ. B~ KII R~8 1 Des poru llon- which White Ig.

nores. Illstead of winning the ex­change. ho con Unuea:

I&. n.m P~R 1'. 8-KtSI RooIgn'

Quite right: It ho gua rds against

\ C~,E~'~d ~~~~S Ch e .. Dy Yourle lf ... $2.00 Nlm zovlch the Hypermodern !.oo Bl~vl nnl k t he Invi ncible ...... 2.00 K~eI' Belt Ga mes ............. 3.00 C \ lI e nge to Chellllplayera .. 2.00 T.rruo h'. Belt Games . 5.00 P'~tl08 1 Endgame Play .... _. 2.00 Ch .. MAltery . . ... ..... _ . .-_ 2.00 Ho to PI.y Bette r Che .... $2.5O Rei II With Che.. ........ 2.50 Win Ing Chue .................... 2.75

I (With Irving Chernev) Order from your Bookseller

the double threat of 20. ·Ktx.B or 20. BxKt by playing ........ K-Kt% or moving his Bishop, the n 20. Kt­Kt4 decides a t o nce.

(One of many brilliant games In • eluded In RELAX WITH CHESS by Fred Reinfeld, publ1shed by the Pitman Pu blishing Corporation.)



Cha mpionship or Winnipeg . galn went to L w Moshe r In the r ecent c ity tourna ment. In the Winnipeg YMCA tournamen t, IJla yed In two sections. J . Merrick (a nOled checker lst) defeated R. Mitchel­son for the t lUe.


'r he MI1.SS3Cll llsetts S tate Chosa Associat ion plans to publish a year­book. con taining lIames aud ad· dl'ess o f a ll members-' and clubs. Massachusetts clubs are requested to forwa rd histories of clubs s nd leagues to Robert W. Reddy. 228 P leasan t Street. Brookline 46. Mas!!.: whil e members are advised to be prompt In remitting dues so the ir names will he Included on the fl8t.


, In a returll match via sbort-wave

victory over the Bartlosvillo (Okla) Chcss Club, with Neslore Hcr­nandez deteatinJ: Cnrl Cieven on Bo.ard one and Eli Solomon besting

I lI arry Rau l 0 11 Board rOUl" . Bonrds two and th ree wore abandoned 'l.S dra ws due to O,'I'OI'S in transmis­s ion which garblod the scores. On lhese bonnls 1'nml)a was represent­ed by William F. 8. Clevender and Al·tbu r Montauo while Bartlosvlll e wnH reprosented by F. E. Condon and George Ranault.


At Syracuse University the ·s tu· den t chess c lub t rounced the re­contly organized taculty c b e a s group by a score o r 5-2 In th e ini· tlal match. The facul ty g roup. 0 .....

ganlzed by Nelson Goodyear, we re no match tor the s tudent players who placed third In the recen t In­ter collegiate Team Championship in New York. '

']I.e Reader ~ Road ~o Cl.e •• By Montgmnery Major

TIPS FO R CH ESS PROGRESS By J . V. Reinhart ($1.25) SELECTO 4 CHESS By J. V. ReInhart ($1.25)

T wo companion items (or the improvement ot chess a re the contri­buUon ot one ot Peoria 's s trongest players, :J. V. Re lnhart. who

has t innily p laced h is well-worn manuscript into type after it had t ravelled the rounds of P eoria. Ch86S plllYers, mainly Ilt the lns Lstence of these players.

Tips For Chess Progress i8 a concilla and terse vade mecum for a chess player-it will fit into the pocket, and i ts prec8jlta, divided Into nine classitications , cover the wbole fie ld of chess ins truction. It Is pa rticula r ly ada pted for the novice who cannot remember all the excellent Instruction he has received and needs a brief and exact set o f rules and admoni tions to remind him ot what he has already learned. and wha t be s hould be learning. Definitioni'! both ot terms and Ideaos are lucid and readily unde rs tanda ble, while such things as " opposition of k lngs"- us tla lly a pU il:.Ille r for the novic_re clearly ouU1ned.

Selecto • Chess i s Il. set ot e leve n cards upon each of which are the tl rst four moves of eleven s tandard openings-the set covering 121 o penings. It Is ,Intended not only as a ready reference to the first moves ot lhe more common openings, but a lso as a s elective system by which the openings for a contest may be chosen. Such practice bas been common In (checkers for many years. By the ~se ot Selooto 4 Chess players may be led tnto learning a variety of openlngs. whereas H lett to the normal practice. they usually find themselves repeating the same moves lime and again.

Both items may be obtained o nly trom the author, (1". V. Relnhart, P.O. Box 866, Peoria 1, Ill. ; and tor a. limited Ume the t wo may be o btained ror an Initial ba rgain price of $2.00.


RAMENTO CITY CHAMf 'lONSHIP rll'~ . 1 2 34 5

J. Ii. Oee .... ___ . ___ .. _____ • ___ HWS W17 W3 W8 W5 M. O . .. ~)""r H_' _ " ___ •••• _ •• ____ .. _____ HWI6 D5 W11 W4 W6 D . .1. Vut~ ___ ._ ... . ___ .... _____ -<-'1'110 ""1 D4 1.1 W'I C J . eo...,. ___ .... ___ .... ________ WI2 W13 DS T.t WI0 A: R. Ch~l'man __ H •• ___ ..... ____ .. ___ WI7 D! WI!> '1'9 t.l S. O. J ol",oon ___________ ... __ '1'118 W7 1.1 '1'8 14: K A. Ol ..... r ___ _ .H .. ___ .. H .. ___ ... ..... WO" lA Wllf WI' · U

""" . < 'i' i SiI -H SiI·li; SHII .., ...

(Ie<>. Yo,. .:...... .. __ _ ____ .. ____ ..... _ Ll WID WH L6 W11 P. II. J.'*- H .... _______ ••• ______ L1 \\'14 \VIS L6 W15

, ., , ., N. P.. Talcott ___________ 1.6 I.e WIZ '1'16 U ' ,. J. T. Warla"", ___ - ______ ......... WI4 1.1 I.t Wlti L8 W. Schmidt _H ____ •• __________ L!1 LIS 1.10 WB WIll

, ., ,. J . Kremer _________ .. _____ ._UI WI2 I.e T.7 1.14 ,.. II . K. 8o1lf::O.n _. ____ .. ________ .. _._1.11 1.9 1.8 LI t '1'13 , " It. J . BIIinl ._._. ___ H._.H __ H .. __ • ___ •• __ .Lt Uye 1.11 I,ll IN Koy ORney _H' ••••• __ :.._ •• _ •• __ •••• • ____ ..... -Bre U Ih 1,10 LI! Y. lI. Bum •.. _ ._. ___ ...... __ ._ ...... ___ ....... __ 1.5 1.1 Wlthd .... wn


Fina l Ch .... ploMhl ,l W

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F ln l Dlvl olon l'erfe<)Hon StRve en. .. ... ___ ....... __ .. _ ...... ____ ....• ___ ....... L....6 0 , I,ubrl:tol Corl'llruU<>n __ .. ... __ ._ ........... ___ ._ ...... H ___ •• _ •• •• ____ ••• __ • 0 , {"'eyd an~ ..... 111"1 fum 00. ___ ... ________ .. ____ ... _._4 1 • Ilr ... h ~I"pment CO. . ... ____ .•... _. __ ... ____ .. __ .. ___ HM--3 a , (..~vela"'l C"'l1bie Rrono.: ___________ . ____ HH __ ' , , Sln)Olg·ruJl, Cu. ___ H ____ ._______ 1 S Thom.- l'rooJ"d8 N" . 1 __ . _______ ._._ 0 • ~ew YRrt Cenirnl __ .... _. ___ .. ______ . ___________ 0 5

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Second OI ~l sJ on H. H. Potf. Office _ .. __ ....... H _____ .... ___ •• _ ...... ____ ..... _H ___ ...... __ ._7 0 • Ohio n"n Telephone Co. . .. ____ .. ___ .. _ ... ____ ... _. __ ...... _...A 1 W. mrr I't 8 ... ~""y 00. __ ... , ... ___ H._ .... ____ H ____ ____ .... _____ •••••.••. _H-5 ! • • Atllntlc TO<lI '" Ok! <'no .... _. __ .. _. ___ . ____ .. ___ •..•... _ __i 9 , W~!don Tool On. ______ ...... ____ .. _____ •... _____ . ___ ...... _2 f , Thompeon " roolucIA N '~ ! ______ .. _______ .. _ 1 4 , l'~I~nd Fom, Tool rl:>. ____ • ____ . __________ , • , loIolk CoMtftloCllnn en. _________ H •• _H ______ ._-O 1 •

PoInb 19.75 ] 0.76

"." 15.60 U.5q ll." 11.00 .'" .... '.00

"'" ' " .... ' .00

Point. .... 15.75 12.25 10.25 .. " 10.00 '.00 .... .... . ... .... ' .00 .... .... '''' ' ''' .. '"

"-! •. I 2}-l, IH~ i ·!.

6i· I ~1· l l · ., aa ·8,\ 21--41 · ~ J 1 -5 · .,

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'"' , -, al·lI~ 2i ·4, •• ,. '"'



n Mold nurd~ ... 6-1 O. 8. Tho .......... _!;.! Edm"n,\ HRsh 01 1·21 ... C. ,,'-.... t HH4·3

Ern~ I\ooi<:ban ..8-1 r .... ,." Kont. om H..!· f> H. C. Underwood !·5 J . C. Willi. "", l l ·ti~


nnld~, . ___ H.I·' nin~ __ H __ ' __ f.! Rictford ___ 8~·11 M"~ __ --t.2 JRlchim __ ._ .... 8·1 W~l.eT __ ... ___ !.! W~I_nhorn _ ....... $ 1 ATnold __ .. _._1·! ~ .... ____ ..... 2·1 S~~ph.nI H ••••• __ 1·2 )1"11,,, ___ ..... $! T ..... ure . __ .......• _ ... 1 ·'.1 "nnjg~n __ .. M


H...- York E~c~an l1& Am.hrdam E~c h.,.g. 1. KuMan __ ... _ 1 T. ~.n &:~"tln~ 0 1":. J~ok ... n • __ ...... _0 tf. OTIbbo!ndQM _ 1 A. J'jnku~ _____ 0 F. VlIn Setten ___ 1 O. ste"'~rt __ ........ _1 N. ',\lUI _ •.. __ • J _ )fent ... _ ......... 0 H. T\I~fotr:a ___ I n . Mane"" _ .. H._O C. Dett.,.. ____ 1 R. Cohen __ .. __ 1 J .... n W<:erlr« -0 fl. R.n~elm ___ , R. Sellbm . .... _~ :I. Rrd~1 ___ H •• _I J. Orond.m __ I H. Cohu _ .. __ 1 :I. KemPN .. -0

New Yort; _. ___ 4 Am ot..-.:tl m __ ,


Gutt.""" ___ 18·1 0 .... 111 011 ___ . " Rn.); ___ 111·3 fh \Jlp n _ --"-11 Jlndnut ____ 18., R~l1 ___ ' .11 o.nd _ ....... _n _·fiI Cronk _H._)1\ .1"

CHAMPIONSH IP Tl18A"U IU ....... _...8·2 AYTllm ___ .... f>. 5 P ink ........ __ 11·2~ Turner __ H .... _~7

Ah.I ...... it _ 111·21 William, __ .2PI X",....,.. _ ... _..-61·31 VueonceU.. ____ 2-f1 Denker ____ 1·1I Ka,. ._. ___ ' .... Soudokolr --"I'" I I : I I . I I

BOSTON CITY CHAMPIONSHIP I)r. K. I" --J·2 Dr. P"I.anan _JlI -{i~ c. Rci ml __ 0·3 P ike _____ ....... 5-6 Hubert. • ___ ---8·9 Mi t.c~ell ____ .... 4.1 lfR<:an ....... _ ...8·8 K~lIcr . ___ .... _3-f1 0.1,. _____ ._ 11·81 r.on" .. __ .. HO fiy!.,.. •.• ___ 8·~ l'attlmlon _ _ . u


P lal'en Scarl I '.~e __ .... ____ " I t lll •• 1 Clarke _ .... . ____ .~ x lI 1 0 81.1l Ch~l,plu. .. .. _____ Ii 0 " 0 1 1 21.2. MOI"JlIItn .... ____ 0 0 I " t I U·21 fl lUmann . ___ .0 0 0 1 ,,1 a ·B. TlIJ'lor _: ____ . .0 1 0 0 0 x I .•


Playoff Matoh for Title Hart HOUle Clio.. O. mblt C ......

Hutlnp _ ... __ 1 Orl. ndo __ ... _ .. _i F" __ .. ___ 0 Je .. ltt _____ ~1

~i:~!m ·-=_ t ~::r~ -===g Tal"'!. _ . ___ 1 K~tou ____ I T~ht ___ 1 RoeIo:ett ___ -'

non ____ • O.mblt -,

n _ __12~ ·"l n"l>I"I! __ .. 81.111 OlTl'b . ___ 12·' N~ _HH_ ... --ft.13 "R>,"", ___ la·71 J't, tnom _JlI.lU ""e .... ____ .. 11 ·~ Yell _. __ H .. H.,,,l Romm ____ 1M O .... nlu __ .. __ 4.15 )/a rtln ___ 10·~ Pt.rh ldge __ 11.111

United pused pawns are a lot stronger tha n a lone passed pawn. Join the USCF and get unity in American chess .

<lbesstife ...... W~J~IJ"1, April 20. 1949

Posititm No. 2J

4W. S. 2JHt, plP2plp , PII'tP1.K, 5H2, 8, 8 Whit. tG pilI'

Send solutions to PoaiUon No. 23 to tbe Editor, CHESS LIFE, by May 5, 1949.

Solution to Position No. 21 Po.dtiGn "'... 'f'anakower·Rubinmin, w_

oo .... 1026. 1. RxP, RaR; 2. KuP. Q.Kl; I. Rb-If, Q>:K.t; 4. Q.ru. R·K2 ; 6 . p·m. lit. KtlI; 6. la R, KtxJl ; 7. P .B7, RaIgIa.

Oottecl <K>1utl~ ... • n ..,kn .... ledg.d reeeind fTom, Svttl B"ruk ( Attl~horo), loIalcoh", D. Ufo ... n (Bol1 .... d). J oe F"aud>~r ( o.rdeu City), Dr. How.rd Oabo. ( Detroit ). Eddie

~~~).(~. f~r~~~t:(;~~,d-:). (:r::: _h Lay (RlpoD) , Ed.. Nub (WubjD£ton)~ I"nInt A.. S ... I (San I'"nIncioco), Dr. J ull'" S. Wdnpl""t ( D<ls 1I01&o) , Wm. B. Wi] ..... (Amherrtl:o.or-g). o--.... U point ~ to J . E. Co....toelc ( Dulut b) for • gallant try .. Ith R-K"R, .,thou!:h \ .. b la .... , .. VarlUioD

~'w -;:;;I,.~--Q8Co*-~.t::::l 1I.xQ) delellla

Germany : Berlin won the team cha mpions hip of the E8J!.tern Zone with 22 pts; Dresden 16, Leipzig

J 12K RAlle 9K

Scandinavia: Nordsjas sland and NOI·th West Ska:ne played e. ma tch Oll 75 boards, w hich was won by the Dan es 45-30. The Skane Is the part Or Sweden neares t Danemark. West Indies: S. St. Cla ir· Hunt h l18 heen elected president ot the Bri· tlsh-Guinna-West Indies Chess F ed­eroaUon. He was the only one who got a draw against Dr. E uwe when lile Dutchman played 22 games tllere.

Roumania: 40,000 yo uth pla yed in tho j un ior championship! Danema rk ': Enevoldsen beat Tar t&· kower ill a match 3'h-21h. Lisbon : Portugal lost to Spain 4-3. Budapest: Moscow is lending a tter the fltth round 20-16 in a n original 8 round city IDAtch.

Bern. Switzerland, beat Lausanne by 16H21.

Poland: Czechoslovakia heat Po­lla nd In a double round match, i~. , . Paris. France: Ragozln gave a n ex. h lbltlon llere. Won H, lost So a nd drew 1.

P. Be nko won the Hungarian Chqmplon!!hlp.

C-ztehollovakl. : YugOslavia beat Czechoslo vakia badly by a. score or 16-51

Vervle rl . Belgium, beat Ma lmedy 14H i ! ----

Firs t Brilliancy Prize in the Aus' t ralian Championship: W hite: J . N. Hanks; Black : S. Lazare. Q.G.D. - Orthodox Delense. 1. P ·Q4, Kt· K~3; 2. P'QB4, P-K3; 3. Kt-QB3, P-Q4 ; 4. D-Kt5. QKt·Q2; 6. P-K3. p .D3; 6. P l:P. KPl:P ; 7. B-QS. :s. Q3. B-QS ; 8. Q·B2, P-KR3; 9. B-R4, ()..O; 10. KKt-K 2, R -Kl ; 11. ()..()...O.

Q·R4; U. p ·KRS, P-QK t4; 13. p . KKt4. t:-Kt4 ;~ 14. B-Kt3~ B·Bl; 16. P -KR4, B-KKt2: 16. P l:P, KtxP; 17. B-R7 cll, K·Rl; 18. Pxp. B.z..RP; 19. RnJ, Ktx.R; 20. R-Rl, K·Kt2; 2 1. ~Kt, KxR ; 22. Q-B6. K·Kt2; 23. B-R~, R-K3; 2~ . Kt-B4, R·R3; 25. Kt-R5 cb. fu:Kt; 26. Q.z..R, Kt.­B1 ; 27. B-BS ch, 1UI3; 28. Q-Kfi mate.


Page 4: Vol.ID OfficiCll Publication of me nlted States (Vess'feclerati on Wednesday…uscf1-nyc1.aodhosting.com/CL-AND-CR-ALL/CL-ALL/1949/1949... · 2019. 10. 11. · Vol.ID Number ~6 OfficiCll

Qbess tife Page 4

Wdll~sJ4r1, April 20, 1949

GRUENFELD DEFENSE Manhattan Inte rnatIo nal

Tournament, New York, 1948-9

Notes by Fred Rein/t id Wblte m ack

Q. KRAMER M. NAJDORF 1. p~ Kt-K8) l. Kt_(l8) P-Q4 2. P_QB4 P·KKt3 . 1 Thi. ddenJe h:u! ne''''' fIIjoyed more eeteem than it <k>N a t the ",ree,,1 thD~. lUI d"""t_ Il", moot -nge nl""" In Ih><llnr new rellOUI'CeII lor BI .. ~k. 4. Q-KtJ p~p 6. Kt·Q) ~ 5. Q_UP B·Kt2 1. P·K4 _ In thL~ ell!CtJ'lc age 01 Dun, gentn. prlnelp'''' gt"., "'ay t<> ea.q·goll\& ekepticla>, Tarnacb would ha~" clahned mll"h the bet ter game l or Whit..- 1.>ooI:.u.e of hll impoojng P center ; yd JJ1 ack no~ 'lei')' t ffectin ll iD a """,,,what e<l<>it"cted but clooely,l<nlt pod. ([on. 7. _._ Kt·R)! 1'hl. "old" (1IlfO) move of Prj"" nod b..en lorgolh'" for lOme time becau"" 01 the popu· larity of 8my.loy', 7 ... ___ , n·Kttil; 8, B-K!I, KKt.Q21 ll1a~k ~joJ.tee anotber o\llodard pri1lO1ple (Kts Ihould not be develOped at I.he . id¢ of th~ bOll.d) , yet thco Id"a 18 ot.,.I<'3,;i""lIy sound, he mean. to undtl'tllin& Wh(le'. celltor with _, .. _, P·lU. 8. ,B-Ia _~_

Un""ti.factory, ~. will be _no An attempt to U080 m~ck'. plan. by 8. I'.QKt4 would have <li ... w«~blc eoruoeq<lenO)("ll: 8. ~_, U_ K3; 9_ I "~' KuKPI; or (I. Q.KI.5, KtxKPI; 10. I1LdU, IhQI'; U. QR-KUt DxI'. ~r if 8. 1.1-]'(3, ]'·IUI; 9. I'd', Kl.-KKII'I w,tb '" Ii'te KO me. K Q.IU i. ,net by 8. ~e_, p­m!; 9. IIxKt, hD, 10. l'x!', Q-82 and lIIack . ''''"d. "'ell. To tbeoe ""ri~tiol\ll of I'd,,,, lIlay be a<lded the following one due to I'",dun'''' 1:1. I'. m}, KKt·Q2; O. Q.Kt3, I' ·]\~I with ad~""'"'bc. 8. e...... P·84! 51. O-O? __ H i . nut .,Ionishing ·that thio pl l u.illl" mov" lead. to • h,,,1 Ir~me!

N". i, 9. hI' ""tiof"cto.y: 9 ...... _, D·KSI (i! . .. _ ... " Q·i(-I: 10. I'.KG, Kt·KKt.ij, n . . B­IH, ]I·K3; H. Q.KtG, Il. III Kramer·I'rIn.,

' ililveroUln, lWO, glvCII White the 1.!Ctler gomc) ; 10: Q·KtL, lI·BII, 11. P-Jl6 (If 11. Q. I'!. KtillP; "12. ~ltl', n·1l21 : 13. Q.ltlI. Kt-QG "h wlU, ~d"nnt3"C), RlI': 12. 0 -0 (on 12. QxP ? I'ri,," ""e! 12 .......... RxKtl, 13. I'd~. :Kt·D4; H. Q"U', KK(xI' or IS. IbKt, Il-lnt), Q·82 and m .ck·. po.Won I. preter­.l>le (Kmocl,.Prln •• An,l~terd.nl, 19-10l.

Ileat ;. 9. r'.Q5, I'_KS; 10. 0·0, l 'x I' ; 11. PxP. Q.Kt8; 12. 1'·Qns, 8 ·84 (Stah lberg­N.jdorf. &It.o.l<>~adcn, 19411) w;th .!Jo"t ...-eD d,an",-'L ,. ___ P~P )0. R-QI __ Compuh,ofY, for If 10. Q>: I'T. Q.xQ: 11. KtxQ, Hlxi'l

~~,;;-;;;-ove 18 '::·~!~erf"l u It i . Ine~pected . 11. KIxKP KI·Q2!! Forciralr Wh!t<"8 r""ly, "'hleh glv"" mack: R fOTTnidiable )en,1 III development. J2. Xt.YJH a.xt 13. K-t-Q5 R_Bl "'''O'h~T ,1,VIIOI, hu{ 1110YG "'lIlt 1I.ln 0 ' tion,1

• 14. Q.I(I) Kt·D' )Ior,' .... h, tlf tln'el 15. Q.QtU R·Kl1 V.·,y ."~IlK, •• w •• h.ll _, On. ~lh\ll17 ,~ ,~, qd', t<l.,I', 11. Mt·MIG, KW ' II 16. P-1H P·B4! Nn.idorf hall an ,,~,y time of It reeling 011 p...,p~r!!<l a"alYil •• while K .... mcT worke hard even i.<> find 10l!i"~ moveol 17. Q" P PxP 19. B_B) B-QB) IS. p"p KlxP 20. Kt-Kt4

Afttr 20. Kt-Kt4 NAJOORF'

20 •.. _.... Kt·B7!! Kuj'tJorl pluyed l!ti. cxq\ll~ltc m",'C wlthont a momellt·. h"'ita!ionl

II now 21. K,Kt. Q.n5ch, 22. p·1\t3 (or 22. 1(. 111, n · Kl~ cit, will io if 2lI. J( .KU, R· liB ell fnr" i!Il Illate). Q' ltl' ch and White "an resil(n. If 21. It·lll. IlxU: 22. IhlH «)r 2:2. PxB, Kt.M oh; 23. K·m, It·R" ."d White I. hCI[,lflilO), R· I(I; ell , 2.3. It · lIT, flxltch; 2t .. };J<Jt, Q· R21 with all NliY win. 21. KbB Kt.R! Wlm';".: the Q he"" "'" "I the mating thrcnt.

~~: ~~1lt :'Q~~ 2(. Q·R6 I. I I I 01 course il 2~. H·113? (to ,top _ .....• n.Q:) ~h), llxD! 24. ........ Q-QS ch 25. K-RI Q"Pl The ollcr of th~ (iP I. tunl.U.ing: I':G. Q, QP1, Qlt-QI; 27. Q<,IUch, K·Hl; 28. Q·lH, Hxlll 26. Q·B4 eh K·Bl 21. P_KR) P_B4 2S. P.QR4 Q·Q5 For "" 3~. 1t,1', n ·Jl2 )2. B·Kt6 R·B1!

29. Q.Q 30. B.KKt4 31. B_QRS wi". eaoily .

SO tllnt if 33. lixl', It .K8"h, 84. K-n2, Il·K4 ch; 8$. R-Kt3, H (7)·m cml . it all . 33. P-RS P·Ql 35. K_Kn RxR

I' 301. K_R2 R.KS Ruloni J>1'~Uy ~8 thl. Jtl'nle I~, 11.1 chl~f va lue Is tho way III which It [,oint. up the [mll<>rlauce 01 km,wln.: tile o!",ni~1l"I .thoroughly.

QUEEN'S GAMBIT ACCEPTED California State Championship


Notes by J. B. G~~ White

SPILLER I . P·04 P_Q4 7. B_KI3 2. P-QB4 P~P 8. Kt·B) ). KI_ KB) KI-K B} 9. Q-K2 4. P_K) P.K) 10. R.QI 5. B~P P-QR) 11. p·gs

,. m"ok CRCtSS

B·Kt2 P_B4

QKI_Q2 Q-B2 P_K4

6. 0 ·0 P-QKI4 Blnck cannot open the K·fIle K I. rt.1Il In the center.

, becauf1e hi.

:Jou,.namenl ollie c-i"1N JJ, -Er;cb W, MnchoJ

Dept. of Mathem.tlea UnlveMilty of Rocheller, Rochester 3, New York

12. P_K4 B-Q} 13. Kt_KR4 _ Yor choice. P.QlU 100"" more logical. The mack (,I .• ldo br.eom .. dangerou. once Black cnotl.,.. D. _._ P_BS 15. KtxB ah QxKt

}t ~t~:S ~~KBJ 17 .. B_K), 17. n·1I6 and Bl~ck ""nnot cartle without dlll!cultle •• Tbe<>rit!caUy, 0·0-0 .... ould be

' ~~~~l';tb~, :e~~ ~ml~u~t.lt agaInfit Jtm ero. 17. ___ D-O 18. P-QR4 Q-KU II 10. Pd", QxI'I pub! on p,..,....."'. 151. Q-B) KKt-Q2 20. P-Q6 P-B4 lJIack no", tilth ... on "cb .we. 21. P-QKt. p"p •• p. D. B-QS B,B 22. BxP oh K-Rl 2 •• KtxB QxP "hc Ht <:aDnot "dItooYer" .... ytblng worth ",hHel 25. RPxP BP"P 211. Q-Rl Wilile tMnke he <:an """n .. <liooo ...... ' with the Ht. U. _ 28. Kt·Kt6 21. QR·QBI

All " \cg~"t (lIlo'blnation----ucept ~~lJj I'io II" I. ~tlI l hernmetl In.

~;c-;:':""" flUtt~X~~am"i"n wa(l"" rl~l!t In. 29. R'xKt(7) KtxR )). K_BI Q-Q6ch }O. RxR RxR)4. K-Kl Q-Kt8 eh 31. Q,Kt R_QI Resign. 32. Q-Kt4 Q.Q) A 'igl,t,"!: QI And. a p~cuI."I: flnloh by er-.


Championship, N ew York, 1949

Notts by N. Kay White


~: ~:8t. I(t~~~~ ) •

Tid. '""'" ",,_hie. WhUe \0 ~ulld np a . l....,1111 cen':":r, Iher~for. D_KIlJ or \"dl ... " " I. 4. P·K4 B·KIZ 7. 0·0 5. B-Q} P_Q} S. B·KIS 6, Kt-B3 White h..., ~~" , e. 10. Q-K2 P_K4 12. KlxP 11. QR·Ql pxP]3. B·B2 Nc..:f .... ry In orole. to prevent p ·R\4. 14. Kt·8S R.Kl 16. BP~Kt IS. KI-QS KbKt 11. B_BI B-BI

~x~7 n,~d"I~ ~~'~~' o/~~~ .l~p.,~~~t~~i~': a~~ twu II •. White I" .. !looJ chnc .... IS. Q-B) a .. KI 151 . O,B Q·BI lJIack wish"" to _implify the poIIitlon, R. "'l"r cxehangQ 01 Qo be would have a .lll:ht ,,<1":0 , 20. Q-B3 Q.Ql 21. P_QKt1 I" order to answer B·KH with B·Kt2.

~~: j(-R:Kl a:~: ro: ~~~R4 Q~K~~ 2). Q-RS B_B} 11. R. KB, R-KZ 24. P.B~ B·B6 32. K·KI2 R(I)_KI 25. R·K) B·B) n. P-RS PxP 26. P·KKI4 Q-Bl 34. O .. P D·Kt1 21. P-KIS P·KI) 15. B·Kl I<:1xKP 28. Q·KI4 P~P 36. QR.KBI Ih KI lollowt<l b,r It,P ch wu.o thrcaten<:<J . 16. KI·B4 )1. P-KI6

Afler 37. P-Kt6 WILLIAMS

)7 ••• e_.. P.P Black is lorced to e.pt".e the J', otherwi", White eaptu reA lhe I' with In.tallt annihila· tlon . 3S. B~P RxB)9. R-B1 R- K7 ch If Q.I(I, then 8-k'I eh "nd mate thc next move. 40. K·RI R-R1 ch 42. Q,Q 41. KxR Q. K4 ch 43. K·Rl Bloek resig ned nIter • few mov"" »""ition i. l!opcle ...

FRENCH DEFENSE London Terrace ,va. Log Cabin

T eam Match, 1949

Noltl by Dr. Max H~r .. bergtr ; Black


I (London Terrace ) 4. P·K5 Kt'02 5. Kt·KB) ,-

N ottJ Iry Er;ch W . Whllc

R. CINTRON 1. P. Q4 P-KB. 6. 0 .0 2. P·KKI3 P-K) 7. P.QKt) 3. B_Kt2 KI-KB3 S. B·KI2 4. P.QB4 B·K2 9. Kt·B} S. KI_KB3 0·0 10. Q.BI ....... . At! un"",,d ,no.·c. 'l'I", idea nppCQTIl to be 1<) hep the "'Iuure< Im4 • • ,1 KKt5 undt, lJt:tter oontrol a"d . 1110 1<, pl. y I1.QIt3 btlloTe 1""11. A lDorU .~ ll"fao:tor'y pion would be 10. Q·1l2 to be '0110", .. 1 ~y Kt·Q2, I'-Il~ and P·K •.

~~: j:i:'i(') KJ:~l~: ::8~; ::gl 13. . ..... _, Ihll i • • Imp[c .a"J !(D<><i, ""ving lime und avoiding eon~c"iion. After H. Uxll, l'olO"" lll ac k 11 ", .t Io".t ",(",,1 chn"ce8. 14. P-Rl P-KKt4 17, QKbKI QPxKI IS. Kt·KS P-KI5 18. B-Q6 P·QR4 16. P·R4 Q·KI 19. Q·R) Kt-KU ll""t hcr~ I. 10 .......... KuKt and 20. ){ · n2 wlfh [! ·K? nr lrl lIOOn lifter. 20. KR·QI P·KIl

Aft~r 20 ..

Say You Saw It In CHESS LIFE. CIN TRON _=--____________ -'-.:"""'''''''--" p nnd Ibe g"'!!,e.

PROBLEMS OF CHESS LIFE (Conti nued from Page 2, Col. 2)

n ov. 0, M. ChldlfY (TorO,llo). J. Ilolton (Now !laven) Rnd pct~r Korl (Orand R:t.pld.) ouhmlUed two ""Iution. to J>robl~m No. 7~ and ~orr(!Ct key to Pro~lem No. 76.

Marth an d Gr.nt . TtlrnLlom (E. I ... ".!ng) unearthed the cook 10 Problem No, 7fi ~nd the c<:>,,.eet so lution 10 N~. 76. NewmQn GuUm~n ()(In,,~poli . ) feu",1 the C<lm. !>OlICr', method ~r $O lvl"B" Nu. n !Jut ",port.d 'nl.'Orrcct kt y to No. la. D. C . .Mlcdonald (Grand Fork. ) repo.ted tho .cook key to No. 15 but Illcorrect key to No, 76.

Del.too cqrr~ct oolution. 10 Prohlem. No. 78 and U Are acknowledged received Irvm Newman Outtm. n ( Hlnneapo!!. ).

21. BKKt R~B 21. B-K2 B-R) 22. Q-Qf A-Kt2 28. K·BI K.B! D. QKBP QKQ 29. QR-BI K_K2 24. KtxQ R-Bl 30. K·Kl R-QBI

~~: ~~B~ R(Kt2~~~ U: ~j~ R(B)_~ Whit<) proceed" meth<>dlcally to capi talize on hi. extra P . The looktd I' """IUon and llIack '8 doub loo Pa of'er little chan~ fOt" tho de/ender i.<> . tlT up complication., 32. _ . R·QBI 38. R(B)-QKtl 33. PxP P.P R(R)-F12 34. R·Kt2 R(02)-B2 39. K_Q! K_K2

:: ~~~ :-t: :~: ~::: ~:~ 31. R_KtS R-QRl 42. R-KI6 K-B2

41; R-Q&" ROliOn.

NIMZOINDIAN DEFENSE Quebec Prov incial Championship

Montreal. 1948 Now Iry Dr. J. Plait

White Bl~ck O. BA IN DR. J. RAUCH I. P-Q4 Kt·KBl 4. p.K3 ().() 2. P_QB4 p.1() 5. B-Ql P-Q4 ,. Kt-QB)~ B.KIS ~ 6. KI·B3 K~.K5 or" move a piece twice in lhe opening with_ out adv~llt"1':<l or ncce .. !ty .hould n.¥(Or be <lone. Tbo III cannot be m .. int.ooine<l In ita ~rl.Ance<J poot for long anyway. G. __ ,p.D~ "'~. !>etter. 1. Q-B2 P·I<B4 , . P.B I<t-02 8. P-QRJ B.Kt ch 10. D-O P.KKt4 1'hl ~ a tUlck beto", rlc"elopmcnt 1& oompletl!d 1$ nOt .,.~II('d f"r. A llett", plQn w"," QKt.D3 nnd the m.neuvcr Q-Kt-Kf{~ .ionn ... to • IlOIIlUo" that ""uld hue been ~~""hcd Il"(Im 'he Outch nere~. 11. I<t·Q2 P_KI3 Con~$te"Uy negl<lctln~ hi. ' ''we]oproebt, 11. _ ..... OKt·DS ",a. b"tte •. 12. P·B) KIxKt 14. P.K4! n. B.Kt P-B3 OP'!Ili"" Ihc lin"" for Ihe n.. 14 . ... ,,'_ QPxP 20. Ql1-KBI 15. PxP P-BS 21 . R(I).B2 16. P-KS 0·K2 22. B·K4 17. R-B} R-B2 V. RPxP

~~: ::~~~I ~~~~ 24. P' QS1

B·Kt! P-B4


Tile Ihut! . "'A"lt which involv,," th~ 88.".1-lice 01 the KP. 24 •••••.. _ !S. PKP U. P-B4

27. R·K2 Q·Q5 eh 211. R(3).-B2 QR·KI

'I'I,IH 1,--" ~l1lekly but tbere a ..... no f(ond mow,," a,·.iln"I~. l.e.: 28: _ ... _., P·Kt~ ; 29. B.QBM. Qxlll': 00. fj ·Q3, lhll; S1. Rxl!. Q.d'; 8'.l. B· U7 cit. 1\ .112; :l:l. D·l{f . Q·Q2; 9( . 1JxB, QxU: .'!ro. Q-ll!i eh, K-Ktl; 86. Qxp ch, "K.R2: ~J:h:I~· n~.,~I~: K·Rtl; 38. Q-I1!1oh. K.S\l; 89.

29. B.QB)! Q.BP 31. R~R Resign. 30. B_R1 ch! .RxB 11",1 mock p l'yNi 00. " .... , Ku n, ther" would I"]]:,,v: in. Q. KT,6cl" R. I)I: 82. fJ".Kt7ch. 1~. 1\1l: 11:1. )I . llO~h. K.m: 8t R,n, Rxn; 3.'>;, l!xl!d,. K_,a; 30.. QxKtd, and 87. Qx13.

(1m g",,,e w"'" 'IWanioo the hrilliancy prize [n t.h o IOlm'"'nen~.

FRENCH DEFENSE Quebec ProvincIa l C hampi o n ship

Montre al, 1948

Not~s ,by Dr. ]. Platt Whil c

E. BRISEBOIS 1. P·K4 P_IO 2. P-Q4 P_Q(


3. P.P

"[,h" e,chnnl:C V"rIRtion. ene ~, Pnu! YnTJIhy'. Iworlte wcnl~"'~, i. ..r~ly ..-en now .. d.v~ . 3. . ... _~ p,p 5. P.QB} B.o) 4. B·Q3 KI-QB}_ 6. Kt·K2 KI.B3 II,.", B[Re" 'hOlJi ' i ,.,I.y ~ ...... : ... Q .R~ and ofl,'r 7. Kt,Q2, )J.KKln II"lv<::& him a Ilood ~"mp.

1. 0·B2 B_K3 9. 0.0 B. KI ·Q2 P-KRl 10. P.KB4 ~t"rt 01 the ~tt "ck.


10. __ .... B-KKI5 IS. KI_K13 B.o) n . KI·KIJ 0·0·0 16. B·K) K-Ktl 12. P-KRJ B_K} 11. P-OR4! KR.Bl 1). P-8SI 8~KI)8. P.RSI KI.A4 14. ~xB Px P 19. P-R6! R.R ch . II mrl,..,!l 19 ..... " .. , P·QKIS. White oould "m, I1" ,," 1';0 .tt~"k with ro. Kmti. 20. BxR Kt·K2 23. K_Rl B.R7 21. pvp P_B) 24 . B.B~ R.KBI 22. B_R6 Q.B2 25. KI·BS RxB! 1I1" ~k "OW wln~ l~e Q and tbl •• hauld ;~'~"n~~n 10 lorce a ,lmw.

Chess Books For Sa le

Wlflh to dl,spose of my Chess Library- chess books and periodi­cals- WrIte; Geo .. Ii. Spear s, 346 Manistique. Detroit 15, Michigan.


Old-New ; Rare-Common;

Domestic-Foreign; Bonks-

Periodicals AGk THE SPECIA LI ST


80 East 11th St. N e w York S Chin t. Chick" LIter. lure Bought_

~Id-E.xchan ged


J . B. ON Or. M. Her~bofg6r A.. Y,H_ D., J . Plttz Fr.d Rlrnflfd

t. Rlyhe Edw. J. Korpan ty o. E. P.O' D._ B. l. Rona

J, Soud_off

BRISEBOIS 26. _ ._.. KI_Kt6 ch )0. K-Ktl O-K2 21. K,B KI·KS e h }I. R-KBI P_K4 28. K·Ktl KIKQ 32. Kt-Q} 29. KxKI Kt·Kt3 1'0 "'e 32. a·K I """m. p .... fe ... ~le. 32 •.. __ .. P-KS? l!I~ck .houlrl open Ihe game with 82. _._, I',]>; if then 33. KI_KI4. Q-B4 1. · lIlllllcient. 33. KI_Kt4 Q-KI }5. R.P Kl-Bl )4. R·B7! P·K6 36. B_K2 , '!>re;>lello mate on the Inove. 36. __ .. _ P_QR' 3&. P.KIS(Q) Mate n. KI_R6 ch K-R2 T"i ~ Ir.Jme """" awarded the pd_. f()T Ih. ~I, played I;""'e in the tm'mament.


Starting Apr11 14. Newell Banks, ches!> .anti Ch ecker eXI)Crt. will be on lour through Toronto, Niagara Falls and New England, relurning via J ersey City through Pennsyl­vania and Ohio to Peoria, iii. on May 27th whore he will pause to act as publicity man for the Hell­man vs. Ryan W-orld Tltle Match.

Beginning with Jun e 10th, Mr. Ba nks plans to tour through Can­ada, givjng simultaneous exhlbl-

tlO;;8, and ciijts ciin .contact ilim fo]' engagements by writing Newell Ranks, 1228 Newport Ave., Detroit, Mich.


Arrangements lor the Co a s toto Coast match between t.h e U.S. anll Canado. ou tile July 3-4 weekend IJl'Oj,'l"ess as area cliairman develop their plan s. MatclieB will be held at all border points where op.­posing teams cau meet. For the Ilret\ centored on Butralo (or Nia­gara. Falls) plalls fur a roo board n\atcll are a.lreally wen dcvelopBd, and othor areas are makIng raj)id progress in correlating their ar­rangementa.


FInish It Tile ClBvor Way .l'''''il!t:m NO.7: 1 ..... _. Q.Kt6cltI; 2.

KxQ. P_K8(Q) c~l; 3. Re. ign •. ' If a K .na " · 1\"6 ell; f. 'K.Il", Qxl' cb: Ii. K.l\ti, It.xS mllto,

l'""tUo" No. B: L ...... , Rd(t; 2. Bdl, Q. 117 eh: S. K·QI. Kt·){Kt51 (not 3. •....... , lit. Q.IIl be<::au"" 01 f . B·Q5): ~. Il"xKt, KtxP ell' Ii. IJxKt, QxU: 6.Q. K2, It~U cl', 7. K.KI Q: Q5J (tI,? pOint) and tI,e I:ame wellt S: Q. K8eb (If· 8, Q·R2, and inlere_ting finish i .

~.ij~·~'i,; JJ.~: dK;.~il~·~:k~t·~~I'hh : ,,~~ieK.~~: uvoldable. Alter 8, It · QI. mack would h,ave played Q-1l6eh, 9. K.lll , Q.BSch; 10. K.Kl, It_KG winn!n!\" tl'e Q), B.QI: 9. H.QBI, Jt.K(lcll: 10. Qxll, Q.Qoh nlld wo" • Il lIto. ll. K·Ql, Q.Q6 ch; 12. K.){l , 1l·1l5 ch ; 18. P.KtS, ll .lilt; I« .. ign •.

Attention!! Chess Players An"ou ", einl{ two . l'arkllJ1 g- new 19~O Che. Il",o" jUi! oft the prc .. : "TIPS .FOR CHESS PROGRESS" by J . v . Remhort, price $1.25 each. Thi . 3"xr," I~athc.dte bound pr;lIted booklet 10 th~ Iluthor', an.we. to the age old q" .. tiou "How call I improve my ch_ game?'". P1Jtce your oro er now and Join th e "M.",h of Ch.". I'~J:"""'" "$ELECTO • CHESS" by J. v. lleln. hart; prj"" U_25 eacb. TItl. enamel ~d till, i8h "'~ of ele.~n printe,l eard. in Inaulla envelopo with complete !notroctlonl ~' I uIlI'IuO II)"ltem for f1e1..ctlng the fl lour move< from 121 d ll'.rent op"uh, . May be 11'led ill tonrnam",nt, league, club cor"" I>ondence OT lndlv!dual play. Onlor

~1~EJ;~Ev·~FFE·~~;~': a lim! led tIme ollly the Iwo it"'n' wl1! be malledi to '"y one tor n.oo. orhe lIuthor ",m auto­graph the fl .. t 100 OOpl<l& mUng- .~ll

_offer oro"". I . Mall your ''''In,,,,t now with mone,. Ordet

or !Jar v:Uh~~rNHA~,k to: I P. O. Box I!6S

Pearl . I, IIl1noli