1 Vol.19 No. 6. June - 2018 [email protected]

Vol.19 No. 6. June - 2018 News... · 2019-04-23 · 9 Bhavan’s Bengaluru kendra on 1 st May 2018, conferred the Dr. B Saroja Devi National Award on renowned film maker Shri Rajendra

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Page 1: Vol.19 No. 6. June - 2018 News... · 2019-04-23 · 9 Bhavan’s Bengaluru kendra on 1 st May 2018, conferred the Dr. B Saroja Devi National Award on renowned film maker Shri Rajendra


Vol.19 No. 6. June - 2018

[email protected]

Page 2: Vol.19 No. 6. June - 2018 News... · 2019-04-23 · 9 Bhavan’s Bengaluru kendra on 1 st May 2018, conferred the Dr. B Saroja Devi National Award on renowned film maker Shri Rajendra


Page 3: Vol.19 No. 6. June - 2018 News... · 2019-04-23 · 9 Bhavan’s Bengaluru kendra on 1 st May 2018, conferred the Dr. B Saroja Devi National Award on renowned film maker Shri Rajendra



Preserving ancient Indian

heritage in all its manifestationshas been the fulcrum of activitiesof Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan sinceinception in 1938.

Re-invigorating these ideals,the Bengaluru Kendra haspioneered several programmesthat have focussed on leavinga lasting legacy for futuregenerations. Taking it to thecommon man through variedmedia such as performing arts,seminars and institutionalizedteaching of many branches ofIndian knowledge has been theroad map chosen by theBengaluru Kendra to keep aliveIndian culture.

The Kendra has especiallyfocussed on this, its pioneeringwork in resurrecting rare andfading arts in eleven States acrossthe country and conductinginternational conferences onIndian scriptures being itslandmark contribution in recentyears.

The visionary outlook andfocus on reaching out to youth

through all these activities hasensured the participation ofyoungsters in these programmes.

Since 2013, the Kendra hasbeen holding mega annualconferences on Indian scripturesof antiquity and world literature -Veda Samvada (2013),Upanishad Sandesha (2014),Message of Mahapuranas (2015),Message of Mahakavyas (2016)and Message of Bhagavata(2017).

Over 300 top doctoralscholars from across thecountry have participated inthe seminars, presenting about300 papers, each one of thetopics having a connection andrelevance to present times,lending them practical value.25 established scholars werehonoured on the occasion.

As an integral part ofdisseminating knowledgethrough these seminars,book exhibitions were held as anadjunct to the main event, withevery evening devoted to music,dance and theatre, their themes

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drawn from the seminar topics.The international conferenceswere a holistic intellectual,literary, and cultural comingtogether of the best in the chosenfields, interspersed with therecitation of Vedas all through.

The Kendra acknowledgesthat ISKCON, Bengaluru,has given unconditional support,without whose activeinvolvement, the conferenceswould not have been sosuccessful. This year too,

the Bengaluru Bhavan andISKCON are organizinga three-day seminar, Messageof Ramayana, from July 6th to8th, focussing on topics such ascosmology, geography, genealogy,yoga, legends, music and dance.

The most importantoutcome and lasting legacy ofBengaluru Bhavan, has beenthe documentation of all theconferences in both book anddigital form, which is of greatarchival value.

to 11.00am

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Bhavan’s Bengaluru kendra

on 1st May 2018, conferred theDr. B Saroja Devi NationalAward on renowned film makerShri Rajendra Singh (Babu). The Award which wasinstituted in 2010 by thelegendary actress, recognisesthe recipient’s outstandingcontribution to cinema. “It israre that an artist recognises thecontribution of a co-artist andlauds this in the form of anaward. This is the hall mark of

magnanimity and passion for theindustry”, said H.N. Suresh,Director Bharatiya VidyaBhavan.

Delivering the felicitationaddress Shri N. Ramanuja,Chairman, Bhavan BangaloreKendra praised Dr. B. SarojaDevi for her commitment tosupport artists. He also presentedthe profile of multi fascinationpersonalities of the award winnerSri. Rajendra Singh Babu on thisoccasion.

Sri. Rajendra Singh Babu, Renowned film maker being honoured by Dr. VeerendraHeggade (second from left). Also in the pic (from left) Sri. Ambarish,

Sri. H.N. Suresh, Padmabhushana Dr. B. Saroja Devi,

Sri. N. Ramanuja and Smt. Prathima Devi.


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Chief guest Dr. VeerendraHeggade, Dharmadhikari ofShree Kshetra Dhamasthala whopresented the award to RajendraSingh said in his address, “ artiststhrough their cinema have thepower to make an impact andstay etched in the minds ofpeople. The hard work they putinto a film packaged in threehours is amazing; in this shortspan they live through the joysand sorrows of life enablingaudience to experience them.

It is essential to recogniseand applaud this”.

Recalling the contributionsmade to society by veteranactors Dr. Rajkumar andDr. Vishnuvardhan, Dr. Heggadesaid, “cinema has becomea guiding factor in politics andsociety; this has been increasingthe popularity of cinema artists.There is no greater treasurethan acquiring the love andappreciation of people. If veteranactors like Dr. Raj Kumar and

Dr. Veerndra Heggade being honoured by Sri. Ambarish.Also in the pic (from left) Sri. N. Ramanuja, Sri. H.N. Suresh,

Dr. B. Saroja Devi, Sri. Rajendra Singh (Babu)

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Dr.Vishnuvardhan have garneredso much love and respect it isbecause they have incorporatedand practiced good values intheir personal lives and havegiven back to society in the formof service. Such compassion andphilanthropy is seen only in afew people. Cinema has playeda significant role in shaping theeconomy and social fabric ofsociety. It is only when artistsincorporate values they portrayon the silver screen into their reallives and become role modelsthat society will recognise and

respect them”. One of the massmarriages performed inSreekshetra Dharmasthala hasbeen showcased in thefilm Shravana Banthu.

Former minister andveteran actor Ambarish whograced the occasion said, “oneneed not be in politics to renderservice to people. Dr. VeerendraHeggade is a classic example ofthis; the amount of service theyhave rendered to society in termsof healthcare and education isunparalleled”. Dr. Saroja Devireminisced the support and

Sri. Ambarish. being honoured by Dr. B. Saroja Devi,while others join

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guidance of her late husbandShri Harsha as being instrumentalfor her success as an actress andsaid it was in his memory that sheinstituted this award that wouldbe alive for posterity.

Receiving the awardShri. Rajendra Singh expressedhis reverential gratitude toDharmasthala Manjunatha andDr. Veerendra Heggade sayinghis entire family were staunchdevotees of DharmasthalaManjunatha and no venturewould be undertaken withoutHis Grace. Rajednra Singh’s illustrious father Shankar Singh

through his Mahatma Picturesproduced Sri DharmasthalaMahathme in 1962. “ I have asmall screen presence in this film”recalled Dr. Heggade with a glintof joy.

The award carries a cashprize of rupees one lakh. Smt.Anjali Devi, Smt JamunaRamanrao, Smt. Harini N.Rao,Smt. Vyjayanthimala Bali,Dr. Geetapriya , Shri.S.Shivaram,KSL Swamy, Dr. K.J.Yesudas,Smt. Parvathamma Rajkumar,and Abhinaya SharadeDr. Jayanthi were recipientsof this award in the previousyears.

Dr. B. Saroja Devi being honoured by Dr. Veerndra Heggadewhile others join.

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A total 433 programmes

featuring 3761 artists attractingan aundience of approximately1,35,000 people has been thesubstance of Bharatiya VidyaBhavan-Infosys FoundationCultural Outreach programmesince its launch in 2015 February.

Traditional dance “DandaYatra” (Kalika Nrutya, AgneeDanda, Paika Akhada, AnimalDance. ), “Puspa ChandanaPala” , were organized by theBhubaneshwar Kendra (Odisha).

Notable programmes like“Master Keys” , “Sangeet EkachPyala” , “Taal Samvad” wereorganized by the Pune Kendra(Maharashtra).

“Rank Nu Ratan” ,“Jhadi Jangal na Rehvasi” and“The Foolish King” wereorganized by the AhmedabadKendra (Gujarat).

“Mayil Aattam”,“Parayanthullal”, were organizedby the ThiruvananthapuramKendra (Kerala).

A programme on“Pancharatna Kritis”, wasorganized by the HyderabadKendra (AP/Telengana)

Classical Music program“Divya Vivadi Dhwani” wasorganized by the Kolkata Kendra.

“Carnataka Isai Thiruvizha2017-2018, a seven day Music


Nrutya by

Bijaya Smruti


held on Mar

05th at



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festival”, “ Vocal Duet”, “Bharatanatyam”, “ Social Drama”, “Thyagaraja Aradhane”, “Violin Concert” , “ SaxophoneConcert “ & “ NadhaswaramConcert” were organized by theTrichy Kendra.


“Danda Yatra” (KalikaNrutya, Agnee Danda, PaikaAkhada, Animal Dance, waspresented by Bijaya Smruti

Pratisthan on 5th March 2018.Danda Yatra of Ghumusar region,which is performed during themonth of Chaitra is said to beancient. According to researchthe origin of Danda Nata ischakapadu village situated at theroof hill of Kalinga Ghati, thefamous Shiva shrine. This placewas one of the renowned seats ofBuddhism during 3rd/4th centuryA.D, Various methods ofcomposition of Danda Nata are

Agnee Dandaby

Bijaya SmrutiPratisthan

held onMar 05th


based on the tenets ofBuddhism. Anotherfamous seat of DandaNata is Baragaon(Belgunthla).The inhabitants of thisregion still follow thetradition of Buddhistera withstanding thechanges of time.These dance forms of

Animal Dance by Bijaya Smruti Pratisthanheld on Mar 05th at Bhubaneshwar

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the Buddhist era, Agnidanda,Kalika Nrutya, Badi Khela,Chakra Khela, Bagha Nata,Brashav Baghga yudh held theaudience in rapt attention.

Puspa Chandana Palawas presented by Sata BhauniSrusthi Mangala Sanstha on19th March 2018. Pala is verypopular from Jaleswar toChandanaswar region ofBalasore district of Odisha.Similarly, Laitha & PuspaChandan Pala is very popular inthe Odia speaking region of

West Bengal. However, there aresome differences found in thestage presentation technique ofPala in both the states. Pala isperformed in Geeti natya thatconsists of song, dance, recitationand conversation. A rare folk artlike this kept alive in West Bengalby the Odia speaking people.One of such organization is“Maa Sata Bhuni Sristhi MangalaSansthan” of Balidingir village.The chief adviser of thisorganization is SrijuktaSubala Nayak, who leads the15th generation of artists.

PuspaChandana Pala

bySata Bhauni

SrusthiMangalaSansthaheld on

Mar 19that



Master Keys,a journey of melodies,solo performance ofHarmonium andPianica wasconducted byMrs.Dipti Kulkarnion 9th March 2018.

Master Keys by Mrs.Dipti Kulkarniheld on Mar 9 th at Pune.

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It was a perfect blend ofHindustani Classical music anda bouquet of melodious Hindiand Marathi popular songswhich are played on harmoniumand western wind instrumentPianica, with an ensemble ofleading musicians from themusic industry. This was the firstever unique concert featuringa Harmonium solo.

Sangeet Ekach Pyalawas presented by Sri. SunilMahajan in story with NatyaSangeet (musical songs) formon 10th March 2018.This famous musical playwritten by late Ram GaneshGadkari has completed its100th performance this year.To mark the birth centenary ofboth Swar Raj Chotta Gandharvaand “Sangeet Ekach Pyala”this special programme wasorganized in association withthe Akhil Bharatiya MarathiNatya Parishad, Kothrudbranch, Pune.

Taal Samvad byPadmashree Pandit VijayGhate was performed on29th March 2018. PadmashreePandit Vijay Ghate is anaccomplished Tabla player ofinternational repute. He has beenaccompanying all the greatmusicians for last two decadesand has established himself asone of the top Tabla playersin the world. An open interviewby tabla guru and composerPt Umesh Moghe documentshis musical journey including hisgrooming and learning underPt Suresh Talwalkar andUstad Zakir Hussain.

Sangeet Ekach Pyala Concept by Sri. Sunil Mahajan held on Mar 10th at Pune

Taal Samvad by Padmashree PanditVijay Ghate held on Mar 29th at Pune.

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Mayil Aattam waspresented by Sri. N.V.Vinayan& party on 8th March 2018.The program consisted oftraditional art forms of Keralaand old folk songs. Mayil Aattam,Chavittukatti Pattukal, KuttanadFolk songs, Tharaka Pennalae,Vatta Mudi, Kummatti pattu andThyyam traditional arts featuredin this program.

form depicts a crown of Serpent’shood on the head, with ornamentsmade out of rudraksha beads.The face is smoothened withcolors and it is called ‘MinukkuVesham’. There is an eye-shapedmark on the forehead and thearms of the artists, legs and chestare smeared with ash. The danceradorns a red cloth and one jinglinganklet round the right ankle.

Mayil Aattamby


& partyheld onMar 8th


Parayanthullalwas presented bySri. KarunakaranMaster & party on31 March 2018.Parayan Thullal is oneamong the dance triosof great poet KunjanNambiar. This art

Parayanthullal by Sri. Karunakaran Master & partyheld on Mar 31st at Thamarakudy

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The musical presentation offive Thyagaraja kritis was acombined effort of all theBhavan’s institutions ofHyderabad Kendra.The participants includedstudents, staff and parentsfrom BVB schools. The programbegan with Ganapati Stutiinvoking the blessings of LordGanesha. Dr.Seshulatha Kosurugave a brief introduction to allthe‘Pancharathnas’ and involvedthe audience in some of the

Parayan, an outcast sings thestory. The stories told in this greatartistic form are very pious.


Pancharatna Kritis bybudding artists and specialInvitees was performed on23rd March 2018. Renownedcarnatic Musicians Dr.SeshulathaKosuru, Smt.Devulapalli Sirishaand Smt.Saroja Krishnawere the lead musicians.

Rank Nu Ratan – Gujarati play by Sri.Bharat Bhai Agola &Troupe held on Mar 10th at Ahmedabad

Thyagaraja Aradhana - Pancharatna Kritis - byBudding Artists & Special Invitees held on Mar 23rd at Hyderabad

renditions whichwas the highlightof the programenveloping theaudience withdivine serenity.


Rank NuRatan, a Gujaratiplay by Sri.BharatBhai Agola andTroupe

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was performed on 10th March2018. The Bhavai is a very oldform of Drama which was basedon story of Charan lovers(Saurastrian Gujarati cast).

Jhadi Jangal na Rehvasi,by The Earthing group, directedby Sri.Praful Panchal and Troupewas performed on 11th March2018. They performedthe research based drama bystudents showcased the varied

cultures of tribes and their lifestyle. This was adopted to themusic, dance and life of tribalpeople.

11/03/2018 – “The FoolishKing”, a puppet show directedby Sri.Nayan Bhill was performedon 11th March 2018. This puppetart which tells the story of villageis performed with puppets of6 feet height. This art ispreserved by the family of thedirector Sri.Nayan Bhil.

Jhadi Jangalna Rehvasi –Directed bySri.PrafulPanchal

&Troupeheld on

Mar 11that





held onMar 11th


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Divya Vivadi Dhwani,a Carnatic Vocal Music byStudents of Guruguha GanaVidyalaya was performed on22nd and 23rd of March 2018.The two evenings filled withmelodious Carnatic renderings“Divya Vivadi Dhwani” in

association with GuruguhaSangeeth Sammelan, Kolkatawas organized on the occasionof 243rd Jayanti of NadajyotiSri Muthuswami Dikshitar.Mridangam Vidwan Sri.S.Sekarobserved that efforts that wentinto the organizing of this programwas extremely laudable andeducative.

Carnatic Vocal Music by Students of Guruguha Gana Vidyalayaheld on Mar 22rd at Kolkata

Carnatic Vocal Music by Students of Guruguha Gana Vidyalayaheld on Mar 23rd at Kolkata

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Carnataka Isai Thiruvizha2017-2018 – 7 day festival wasorganized in association withHindu Group, Trichy as a part ofHindu hunt for young Talent.

Thyagaraja AradhaneSynchronized by S. Smt.Bangalore Nagarathnamma wasorganised on 4th february 2018.

This program was celebratedwith 36 artists that includedyoung talents who performedat Bhavan-Infosys foundationoutreach cultural programmesalong with their Gurus.

It was Smt.BangaloreNagarathnamma whosynchronized three differentgroups who organised thearadhana at Thiruvaiyaru,

Carnataka IsaiThiruvizha

2017-2018 – 7day festival

organized inassosciation with

Hindu Groupfrom CarnaticClassical vocal

music by Selvi V

Flute concertby Master .P. Aniruth

& troupe heldon Feb 18th


Saxophone concertby

Sri.KumbakonamBabu & Troupeheld on Feb 21st


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saint Thyagaraja’s birth placeas a tribute to the great saintand made it one Aradhanafestival annually. Chief guestSri.N.G.Ramesh RegionalManager, State Bank Of India,said that the Trichy Kendra of

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavanhas provided a platform tobudding artists to pay homageto Thyagaraja along with theirgurus. He appreciated thesupport of Infosysfoundation.

NadhaswaramConcert by


Harikrishnan& Troupe heldon Feb 22ndat Srirangam.

Vocal concertby


& Troupeheld on

Feb 19that



Vocal Musicby



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Sri.Raghavendra SaptahaMahotsavam, a six day MusicFestival was organized in

Sri.Raghavendra Saptaha Mahotsavam – 6 days Music festival - VocaL Concertby Mrs. Jayasri Vijayaraghavan & Troupe held on Feb 17th at Srirangam

association with Sri. RaghavendraMutt.From 17nd to 22nd

Feb 2018.



& Troupeheld on Jan

11th atTrichy.

VocaL Duet byMrs.

A.K.SruthiRanjani, Mrs.


&Troupe held

on Jan 10th atTrichy.

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APRIL - 2018

Kathakkali Dance Recital :Kalamandalam Smt. Usha Dataron March 25, at Sevasadana,Malleswaram, Bengaluru.

Folk Music : Tathwapadagalu Vidwan K.M. Ramaiah & Party on April 26at Community Hall, K.Gollahalli, Kengari, Bengaluru South

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One course : Many avenuesIt’s not just one more course

One year Journalism courseoffered by

Bharatiya Vidya BhavanH.B. College of Communication & Management

Course Timings : 7.45 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.Wednesday to Saturday of every week

For Admission & further details, please contact the officebetween 10.00 a.m. & 6.00 p.m.

Bhavan’s H.B. College of Communication & ManagementRace Course Road, (Near Chalukya Hotel, Opp Khanija Bhavan)

Bangalore - 560 001. Phone : 22201959, 22267421Mobile : 9538181140 / 9980055864Email : [email protected]

Website: www.hbcollege.org


LIMITED SEATSBharatiya V idya Bhavan (BVB) incollaboration with Bharathiya JyothishaSamsthan will commence academiccourse in Astrology from the firstSaturday of June 2018.The course, titled “Jyotishya Pravesha”,will be held for ten months in English,on every Saturday and Sunday.Interested may contact Officer onSpecial Duty, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavanover phone on 22201959 / 22267421or call 9980055864.

Bharatiya Vidya BhavanNew Batch of Astrology Course



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Fri 6.30 p.m. - KRG Hall01. Hindustani music :Smt. Pratibha Hegde

Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall08. Bharatanatya Duet Dance :Ms. Adithi and Ms. Spoorthi

Sat 5.30 p.m. - KRG Hall 09. Screening of feature film“Puta Thirigisi Nodi’directed and produced bySri. Suneel Raghavendra


Fri 6.30 p.m. - KRG Hall15. Kuchipudi Dance recital :Ms. Meghana

Thu 6.30 a.m. - Yoga Hall21. International Yoga Daycelebrations108 Suryanamaskaraby the students and invitees.Direction :Guru Sri. Kumara Reddy B.H.

Mon 5.00 p.m. - Khincha Hall25 Jyothy MemorialEndowment Music Programme -

‘Chinnara Kalarava - 2018’,BVB and Shailusham Arts andCreations present festival of childprodigies.

Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall29. Bharatanatya recital :Ms. Akshath Bharadwaj

Sat 5.00 p.m.30 BVB -Infosys FoundationOutreach programme :Flute recital :

Sri. Tejasvi RaghunathViolin : Vidwan Achyuta RaoMridanga : Vidwan Avinash BhatVenue : MES Kalavedi,Prof. B.K. Subba Rao PU College,Vidyaranyapura, Bengaluru

Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall22. Bharatanatya recital :Ms. Prachitha N.

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June - 2018