Editor-in-Chief: Prem Kumar Chumber Contact: 001-510-219-8920 Fax: 916-238-1393 E-mail: [email protected] Editors: Takshila & Kabir Chumber VOL- 5 ISSUE- 14 October 01-15, 2013 www.ambedkartimes.com www.ambedkartimes.org The Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Ambed- karite and Buddhist Organisations UK, took place on Sunday 22 September 2013 at the Ambedkar Centre, 12 Feather- stone Road, Southall, Middlesex, West London. Five member organisations - : Dr Ambedkar Memorial Trust, London, Bud- dha Dhamma Association, Southall, Ambedkar Mission So- ciety Bedford, Punjab Buddhist Society UK, Dr Ambedkar Mission Society Glasgow - participated in the meeting. The Government’s delay on the implementation of the legislation to outlaw caste discrimination was discussed. The protracted timetable of two years announced by the Government was agreed as nothing more than a mere ploy to stop the implementation of the legislation agreed by Par- liament. This clearly signals that the government does not want to see the implementation of the law during its term. The government’s attitude was strongly condemned. FABO UK will continue to support and participate in the campaign for early implementation of the legislation to outlaw caste discrimination in the UK. It has been over six decades since independence, but atrocities on Dalits and especially on Dalit women con- tinue to increase day by day. The India Government must ensure fast track courts that deal with cases of rape work to ensure that timely justice is provided to the victims. The legal system in India must also provide justice for victims of caste oppression. Dr. Ambedkar was one of the greatest advocates of human rights and equality of treatment. He devoted his life and work to provide justice for victims of discrimination. To maintain the legacy of Dr. Ambedkar, participants in the meeting took a pledge to continue to work against inequality and injustice and raise the concerns of the neglected and suppressed people. Elections for the key positions in FABO UK were held during the meeting. We are delighted to announce that the following members were elected unanimously under Chairperson of Election Commissioner, Mrs. Hiroo Parmar: President: Ms. Santosh Dass MBE Vice President: Ram Pal Rahi General Secretary: Arun Kumar Joint Secretary: C Gautam Treasurer: Sohan Lal Gindha Public Affairs: Gira Ashok Chakravarty Executive Members: Mehar Chand Jassal, Mulkh Raj, Harbans Virdee, Bakshi Birdi, Malind Kaul, Dhanpat Rattu, Pirthi Kaeley, Vidya Mid- dha, Chaman Chahal Arun Kumar General Secretary, Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organisations UK Buddha Vihara, 12, Featherstone Road, Southall, , Middsex, London UB2 5AA E: [email protected] U: www.ambedkar.org.uk Tel; Tel: 0044 7956 918053/07909828750 FIGHT FOR JUSTICE CONTINUES FABO UK Report & Picture: Arun Kumar Sitting from left to right: Dhamma Chakravarty, Arun Kumar, Santosh Das, Ram Pal Rahi, Surjit Birdi, Standing from left to right: C. Gautam, Hukam C Mehmi, Sohan Lal Ginda, Madhav Rao Patil, Bakshi Birdi AMBEDKAR TIMES & DESH DOABA TRIBUTE TO THE GREAT SAHIB SHRI KANSHI RAM JI March15th, 1934 October 09th, 2006 Prem Chumber Editor-in- Chief (www.ambedkartimes.com) Sahib Kanshi Ram Ji was born on March 15, 1934, in Khawas Pur village of Ropar District of Punjab. He belonged to the Ramdassia community (Ad Dharmi) of the Scheduled Caste group, which is the largest group in Punjab. He was named Kanshi because after his birth the midwife placed him in a tray made of kansa metal. His father owned some land and his uncles were in the armed forces. In Sahib Kanshi Ram's own words, "I was born and brought up amongst those who sacrificed themselves but never betrayed the country...” Despite his low caste background, he earned a bachelor’s degree in science from the Government College at Ropar (Pun- jab). Soon after, he joined the re- search staff of Kirki’s Explosive Research and Development Laboratory (ERDL) in Pune 1957. While working in Pune, he quit his job after becoming involved in the famous Deena Bhan case. Deena Bhan, a Rajasthani Scheduled Caste employee and senior colleague of Kanshi Ram was suspended. His fault was that he protested against the decision of ERDL management for the cancel- lation of holidays for Ambedkar and Buddha Jayan- tis and their replacement by the Tilak Jayanti and one additional holiday for Diwali. Sahib Kanshi Ram decided to fight against such a caste ridden and dictatorial behavior of the management. The fighter in Kanshi Ram got the suspension orders of Deena Bhan revoked and Ambedkar and Buddha Jayantis holidays were restored. This was the beginning of the long battle for the emancipation of the Dalits in the country that Sahib Kanshi Ram had to lead till his last breath. He resigned from his job and totally dedi- cated his entire life for the cause of the community. He never married nor visited his home since then. His struggle was not for the home and family. He devised a new strategy to regain the lost glory of the original (Adi) inhabi- tants of Bharat. He gave utmost im- portance to the culture of work and democratic method of struggle. He also expanded the circle of the Dalits by incorporating other Backward Classes and Minorities into it. He criticized the post-Ambedkar leadership of Dalits in India. For that he declared Poona Pact as the main reason. He said that “Poona Pact made Dalits helpless. By rejecting separate electorate, Dalits were de- prived of their genuine representation in legislatures. Several and various kind of Cham- chas were born in the last fifty years. As and when India's high caste Hindu rulers felt the need of Chamchas and when the authority of the upper castes got endangered by real and genuine Dalit leaders, Chamchas were brought to the fore in all other fields". In his "The Chamcha Age", a well-ar- gued and polemical tirade against the pseudo Dalit leaders, Sahib Kanshi Ram sharpen the contradic- tion for the legitimate acquisition of political power by the downtrodden in electoral democracy in India. In, the Chamcha Age, "he focused very much on the Poona Pact which was a point of a rather decisive Gandhian victory over Dr. Ambedkar after a long duel between the two at the Round Table Conference".Ambedkartimes.com pays tribute to The Great Sahib Kanshi Ram on his second death anniversary. National Fule Ambedkar Activist Unification Movement Mumbai (Akshay Khobra- gade)- The Movement is started by the former com- rades of the All India Back- ward(SC,ST, OBC) And Minority Communities Em- ployees Federation (BAM- CEF) who were associated with Mr. Kansiram (founder of BAMCEF, DS-4 and BSP) 1970's. The first meeting between the activist held in Surat, Gujarat and on 28 & 29th July 2012 National Level meeting was called on Baroda, Gujarat, wherein all the former activists of BAMCEF and activist re- lated to Fule - Ambedkar movement from all over the nation participated in meeting to present their views. Thereafter Second National Meeting was called on 03&04 November 2012 at Delhi and sub- sequently Thrid National Meeting was called on 16 & 17 March 2013 at Lucknow where in all the points related to the development of movement, past experiences and future planning was done and views were presented by all the activists participated in Meeting. The concluding meeting was held in Nagpur on 8, 9 & 10 June 2013 , wherein the views of the activist representing from all over the India were taken in consideration and decided to Launch a movement to Unify the all the activist of Fule- Ambedkar from all over the India and abroad. Any one who wish to join the Movement can contact the below mentioned Activist : Adv. Ram Khobragade- 09970869665 Rupechand Seth- 09899158144 Ram Dulare- 09979555320 Dadawankede - 09423102300 Mahendra Singh- 09868864683

VOL- 5 ISSUE- 14 October 01-15, 2013

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Page 1: VOL- 5 ISSUE- 14 October 01-15, 2013

Editor-in-Chief: Prem Kumar Chumber Contact: 001-510-219-8920 Fax: 916-238-1393 E-mail: [email protected] Editors: Takshila & Kabir Chumber

VOL- 5 ISSUE- 14 October 01-15, 2013 www.ambedkartimes.com www.ambedkartimes.org

The Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Ambed-karite and Buddhist Organisations UK, took place on Sunday22 September 2013 at the Ambedkar Centre, 12 Feather-stone Road, Southall, Middlesex, West London. Five memberorganisations - : Dr Ambedkar Memorial Trust, London, Bud-dha Dhamma Association, Southall, Ambedkar Mission So-ciety Bedford, Punjab Buddhist Society UK, Dr AmbedkarMission Society Glasgow - participated in the meeting.

The Government’s delay on the implementation ofthe legislation to outlaw caste discrimination was discussed.The protracted timetable of two years announced by theGovernment was agreed as nothing more than a mere ployto stop the implementation of the legislation agreed by Par-liament. This clearly signals that the government does notwant to see the implementation of the law during its term.The government’s attitude was strongly condemned. FABOUK will continue to support and participate in the campaign

for early implementation of the legislation to outlaw castediscrimination in the UK.

It has been over six decades since independence,but atrocities on Dalits and especially on Dalit women con-tinue to increase day by day. The India Government mustensure fast track courts that deal with cases of rape workto ensure that timely justice is provided to the victims. Thelegal system in India must also provide justice for victims ofcaste oppression.

Dr. Ambedkar was one of the greatest advocatesof human rights and equality of treatment. He devoted hislife and work to provide justice for victims of discrimination.To maintain the legacy of Dr. Ambedkar, participants in themeeting took a pledge to continue to work against inequalityand injustice and raise the concerns of the neglected andsuppressed people.

Elections for the key positions in FABO UK wereheld during the meeting. We are delighted to announce thatthe following members were elected unanimously underChairperson of Election Commissioner, Mrs. Hiroo Parmar:President: Ms. Santosh Dass MBEVice President: Ram Pal RahiGeneral Secretary: Arun KumarJoint Secretary: C GautamTreasurer: Sohan Lal GindhaPublic Affairs: Gira Ashok Chakravarty

Executive Members:Mehar Chand Jassal, Mulkh Raj, Harbans Virdee, BakshiBirdi, Malind Kaul, Dhanpat Rattu, Pirthi Kaeley, Vidya Mid-dha, Chaman Chahal

Arun KumarGeneral Secretary, Federation of Ambedkarite and BuddhistOrganisations UK Buddha Vihara,12, Featherstone Road, Southall, , Middsex, London UB25AAE: [email protected]: www.ambedkar.org.ukTel; Tel: 0044 7956 918053/07909828750


FABO UKReport & Picture:

Arun Kumar

Sitting from left to right: DhammaChakravarty, Arun Kumar, Santosh Das, RamPal Rahi, Surjit Birdi, Standing from left toright: C. Gautam, Hukam C Mehmi, Sohan LalGinda, Madhav Rao Patil, Bakshi Birdi


TO THE GREAT SAHIB SHRI KANSHI RAM JIMarch15th, 1934 October 09th, 2006

Prem Chumber Editor-in- Chief (www.ambedkartimes.com)

Sahib Kanshi Ram Ji was born on March 15, 1934,in Khawas Pur village of Ropar District of Punjab.He belonged to the Ramdassia community (AdDharmi) of the Scheduled Caste group, which isthe largest group in Punjab. He wasnamed Kanshi because after his birththe midwife placed him in a traymade of kansa metal. His fatherowned some land and his uncleswere in the armed forces. In SahibKanshi Ram's own words, "I wasborn and brought up amongst thosewho sacrificed themselves but neverbetrayed the country...” Despite hislow caste background, he earned abachelor’s degree in science from theGovernment College at Ropar (Pun-jab). Soon after, he joined the re-search staff of Kirki’s ExplosiveResearch and Development Laboratory (ERDL) inPune 1957. While working in Pune, he quit his jobafter becoming involved in the famous Deena Bhancase. Deena Bhan, a Rajasthani Scheduled Casteemployee and senior colleague of Kanshi Ram wassuspended. His fault was that he protested againstthe decision of ERDL management for the cancel-lation of holidays for Ambedkar and Buddha Jayan-tis and their replacement by the Tilak Jayanti andone additional holiday for Diwali. Sahib Kanshi Ramdecided to fight against such a caste ridden anddictatorial behavior of the management. The fighterin Kanshi Ram got the suspension orders of DeenaBhan revoked and Ambedkar and Buddha Jayantisholidays were restored.

This was the beginning of the long battlefor the emancipation of the Dalits in the countrythat Sahib Kanshi Ram had to lead till his last

breath. He resigned from his job and totally dedi-cated his entire life for the cause of the community.He never married nor visited his home since then.His struggle was not for the home and family. He

devised a new strategy to regain thelost glory of the original (Adi) inhabi-tants of Bharat. He gave utmost im-portance to the culture of work anddemocratic method of struggle. Healso expanded the circle of the Dalitsby incorporating other BackwardClasses and Minorities into it.

He criticized the post-Ambedkarleadership of Dalits in India. For thathe declared Poona Pact as the mainreason. He said that “Poona Pactmade Dalits helpless. By rejectingseparate electorate, Dalits were de-prived of their genuine representation

in legislatures. Several and various kind of Cham-chas were born in the last fifty years. As and whenIndia's high caste Hindu rulers felt the need ofChamchas and when the authority of the uppercastes got endangered by real and genuine Dalitleaders, Chamchas were brought to the fore in allother fields". In his "The Chamcha Age", a well-ar-gued and polemical tirade against the pseudo Dalitleaders, Sahib Kanshi Ram sharpen the contradic-tion for the legitimate acquisition of political powerby the downtrodden in electoral democracy inIndia. In, the Chamcha Age, "he focused very muchon the Poona Pact which was a point of a ratherdecisive Gandhian victory over Dr. Ambedkar aftera long duel between the two at the Round TableConference".Ambedkartimes.com pays tribute toThe Great Sahib Kanshi Ram on his second deathanniversary.

National Fule Ambedkar Activist Unification MovementMumbai (Akshay Khobra-

gade)- The Movement isstarted by the former com-rades of the All India Back-ward(SC,ST, OBC) AndMinority Communities Em-ployees Federation (BAM-CEF) who were associatedwith Mr. Kansiram (founderof BAMCEF, DS-4 and BSP)1970's.

The first meetingbetween the activist held inSurat, Gujarat and on 28 &29th July 2012 NationalLevel meeting was called onBaroda, Gujarat, wherein allthe former activists ofBAMCEF and activist re-lated to Fule - Ambedkarmovement from all over thenation participated in meeting to present theirviews. Thereafter Second National Meeting wascalled on 03&04 November 2012 at Delhi and sub-sequently Thrid National Meeting was called on 16& 17 March 2013 at Lucknow where in all thepoints related to the development of movement,past experiences and future planning was done

and views were presented by all theactivists participated in Meeting.

The concluding meetingwas held in Nagpur on 8, 9 & 10June 2013 , wherein the views of theactivist representing from all over theIndia were taken in consideration anddecided to Launch a movement toUnify the all the activist of Fule-Ambedkar from all over the India and

abroad. Any one who wish to join the Movementcan contact the below mentioned Activist :Adv. Ram Khobragade- 09970869665Rupechand Seth- 09899158144Ram Dulare- 09979555320Dadawankede - 09423102300Mahendra Singh- 09868864683

Page 2: VOL- 5 ISSUE- 14 October 01-15, 2013

www.deshdoaba.comwww.ambedkartimes.com 2V0l-5 Issue-14 October 01-15 2013


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Page 3: VOL- 5 ISSUE- 14 October 01-15, 2013

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Ramesh SumanSri Guru Ravidass Temple wasopened in Pittsburg California in1985. Founding members startedworking towards a goal of buildingour own Gurughar in California.Sidhu family, Jagur family, BangarFamily, Rattu family, Sheemar family,Dharma family, specifically Mr. O.P.Balley, Mr. Sohan Singh Damria, Mr.Hardev Singh, Mr. Mr. Gulzara Jagur, Mr. Deo Raj Sandhu, Mr. SukhrajChopra, Mr. Teja Singh, Late Mr.Karma Ram Dalel, late Mr. LahoriRam, late Mr. Mulkh Raj, late Mr.Sansara Jagur, late Mr. Nasib ChandJagur, Mr. Satya Pal Bangar and somany other families came togetherto help build this Gurughar.

Mr. Gulzara ' Charley' Jagurfound a church for sale in Pittsburg.He negotiated the deal on behalf ofthe committee. He even donated hiscommission for this good cause.

I remember when Mr. NasibJagur, Mr. Satya Pal, Mr. SansaraJagur, Mr. Moti Baru, Late Mrs.Bachani Dalel, Mrs. Seebo Dharamaused to cook lungar for the sangat.It used to be a three day event.Most of the people came to Gu-rughar, worked on building repairsand cooked food. Children used tocome and enjoy the festivities whilethe parents worked tirelessly to startthis Gurughar. It took a few years toget this Gurughar ready for Sangat.

Mr. Moti Baru is very dedi-cated to Gurughar, for years hetook care of the landscaping. Hedrove 50 miles to come to Gurugharevery week to cut the grass, trim thebushes and plant flowers all yearround. He donated flowers, plants,fertilizer or whatever was needed tomake our Gurughar lawns look like a

park. I have seen some people stopin front of the gate and admire thelandscaping.

Past committees saved andpaid off the loan on this Gurughar.Replaced the old roof, paved theparking lot and built a new kitchenand bathrooms. In 2005 the com-mittee bought the adjacent building.This building used to be a gym. Thisbuilding was renovated and used formajor celebrations because the orig-inal Gurughar could not hold all theSangat on these events. There wasa loan on the Gurughar which waspaid off by the previous committeewhen Ram Parkash Raju was thepresident.

In December 2012, commit-tee decided to remodel this newbuilding for the Gurughar. PresidentSalinder Bhatia headed the projectwith the help of handful sewadars.Mr. Mohinder Banga was the man toget the blue prints, permits and de-sign this Gurughar. He used his li-cense to purchase most of thematerial at wholesale cost andsaved us a large amount of money.Most of the sewadars worked volun-tarily donating their time. Only a fewskilled people were hired to do somespecific job. Sangat donated for theconstruction with open heart, mayWaheguru bless them all for theircontributions.

In addition to Salinder SinghBhatia and Mohinder Singh Banga,Santokh Madhar painted inside ofthe building at no charge for labor,Hardial Banga supplied free labor fortile installation and texturing,Sukhdev Banga installed the soundsystem. Few members lent moneyto buy materials. Some of the se-wadars were, Ajay Chahal, Baljit

Singh, Ramesh Ralh Gian Salhan,Balwinder Kumar, Rajinder Hans,Jaila Jaggi, Ravi Jaggi, Jagtar Bha-tia, Shinder Pal Narabut, Raj Kumar,Sanjeev Kumar, Happy Badbhaga,Ronesh Suman, Prem Saroya, San-tokh Ralh, Gurdev Singh Sidhu,Assa Ram, Sarbjit Singh, KarnailHeera, Balbir Chand Mall, DilbagSingh, Hans Raj Raipur and manyothers. These sewadars worked longhours pretty much every day to getthis Gurughar ready for the Sangat.,Shane Singh. I must say GyanSuman was one lady to work withthem shoulder to shoulder. Most ofthe times, Renu Madhar, Babita Cha-hal and Laxmi Raipur made lungar forthe sangat during construction. Un-fortunately, there are very few found-ing members left. Mr. Sohan SinghDamria and Mr. O.P . Balley are stillvery actively participating in the Gu-rughar functions. Mr. Balley is al-ways there to offer advice and helpwith any correspondence. As soon as you enter the Gurughar,

you can't help saying "WOW". Thisis probably the biggest and the bestGuru Ravidass Gurduara in Califor-nia. This Gurughar can now accom-modate large gatherings. It has oneof the best design for the stage, theway the CHANANI is suspendedfrom the ceiling, new Sach Khand,about 2 dozen speakers, great light-ing system with some chandeliersand led bulb lights, thickest carpetfor comfortable sitting, central heat-ing, dual pane windows, new bath-rooms and so much more. Civil Marriages can also be per-formed at this Gurughar. Our HeadGranthi Harjinder Singh Ji Rasia canmake the arrangements. This willsave time and hassle of going to

Reno or to Courts to get the mar-riage certificate.This Gurughar was opened to Sangaton May 5, 2013 on Baba Farid ji'sbirthday. Sri Guru Granth Sahib wasbrought respectfully to this Gurugharform the original Gurughar in thepresence of hundreds of membersand Punj Piare. These celebrationswent on until the late hours of theday. Everyone was so appreciative ofthe workmanship. Committee didnot cut any corners, they used thebest of everything. There are a fewnew members in the present com-mittee, they will bring some newideas and make some positivechanges. I look forward to see themsucceed.This grandeur Gurughar is a matterof great pride for our community.This is one of the big milestones inthe history of our Gurughar and oursangat deserves the credit for sup-porting such a large commitment.Board of Directors and the ManagingCommittee can't do much withoutthe support from all the members.This work is not over yet by anymeans, we need to continue this mo-mentum and start the other projectslike new kitchen and repair of ourfirst Gurughar as soon as possible.We need to donate to this worthycause as much as we can and fre-quently as we can.I am glad to be a part of our commu-nity. I know we are not perfect butwe are moving in the right direction.May Waheguru Ravidass Ji Maharajgive all of us the strength and abilityto continue building our Gurughars &schools, educate our children, de-velop our community and increaseour social and religious awareness.

A glowing Tribute to late Mrs. Kartar Kaur BainsIt is very saddening to know that Mrs.Kartar Kaur Bains, mother of Mr.Avtar Singh Bains and mother- in- lawof Mrs. Debho Bains, Chairperson ofSri Guru Ravidass Sabha, Pittsburg(CA), has left for her heavenly abodevery peacefully at her home in Pitts-burg on September, 16th, 2013.

Mrs. Kartar Kaur Bains, whowas 87 years old, is survived by herhusband, Mr. Gulzar Singh Bains,three sons, three daughters,27 grand-children, 14 great grand children anda long trail of sweet memories of herenriched and abundant life.

Mrs. Kartar Kaur migrated toUSA in 1987 to join herson,Mr. AvtarSingh Bains and was a symbol of loveand dedication for her family.Becauseof her sweet and amiable nature shehad formed a close affinity among

the entire spectrumof her family andsocial relationships.Mrs. Kartar Kaurwill be greatlymissed by all whohappened to knowher, creating a voidwhich will be diffi-cult to fill for yearsto come. She willbe rememberedwith grace,dignityand respect for hermultiple roles as aloving mother,grandmother and acompassionate person.The funeral services for Mrs. Bains,attended by a large number of mourn-ers, were performed at Pittsburg

chapel on Septem-ber 21, 2013 (Sat-urday) and Bhogceremony of Ak-hand Path was per-formed onSeptember, 29th,2013, at Shri GuruRavidass temple,Pittsburg. Besidesher entire family, alarge number of herrelatives and admir-ers and closefriends of the fam-ily participated inthe religious

services to pay their tributes to thedeparted soul.

Mr. O.P. Balley, ex-chairman,Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha,Pittsburg

and Dr. Harmesh Kumar, a renownedpsychologist, paid their glowing trib-utes to the sweet and loving memoryof Bibi Kartar Kaur for her exceptionalroles as an accomplished housewife,a loving mother,grandmother and agood person. Mr. Gurmail Singh,Ex-Education Minister of Punjab, who at-tended the Bhog ceremony at thetemple, also conveyed his condo-lences and sympathies to the be-reaved family.

History will treat Bibi KartarKaur with grace, dignity and respectfor her accomplishments and will re-main as a perpetual source of inspira-tion to the Bains family and for allthose who happened to know herduring her long life.

With respects,


Page 4: VOL- 5 ISSUE- 14 October 01-15, 2013

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