Russ Davoren, District Governor Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 D UE TO ROTARY duties, temporary health problem, and personal obligations, this is a combined January through March newsletter. Many positive things are happening in District 5770 and it will be another success- ful year for many clubs as reported in this newsletter. Please allow me to be more seri- ous than usual with this Governor’s Message as I ask each of you to reflect on the status of your club. We are three quarters through the Rotary year and a good time for each club and the district to take a “Time Out” and review their 2009-2010 goals and accomplishments. Clubs should evaluate their action plans that were de- veloped through the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs to be sure they are on course and will meet their various goals by June 30th. Each club presi- dent should take the opportunity at your club’s next board meeting to take stock of progress made, goals reached, opportunities missed, and actions needed to assure that you end the year accomplishing as many of your club’s goals as possible. Also, we cannot accomplish some of our district goals with- out your cooperation and assistance. Consider the following district goals in your club evaluations. MEMBERSHIP: When I visited each club, I stressed R.I. President John Kenny’s “+1” request to end the year with at least one more member than you started with. According to R.I.’s records, District 5770 started the year with 1,364 active Rotarians. To accomplish the minimum goal, we’ll need to end the year with 1,398 members. We have barely scratched the surface with 1,367 (net +4) members since July 1, 2009. Some clubs will not receive the Presidential Citation only because they did not reach the membership goal of plus one by March 31 st . Mention membership at your weekly meetings and regularly suggest members bring potential Rotarians as guests to meetings. THE ROTARY FOUNDATION: During my official club visits, I urged non-donating clubs or mem- bers to contribute some amount to The Rotary Foundation in order to accomplish the “Every Rotarian Every Year” (EREY) concept. I re- viewed district giving to The Rotary Foundation in January. 73% of district Rotarians donated and 27% were non-donor members. A few clubs have not made any contribution to the foundation this year. We (Turn to ROTARY FOUNDATION DONATIONS on page 2) From Governor Russ: Many Positive Things Are Happening; Reflect On The Status Of Your Club Look What’s Inside: Phil Moss DGN Turn to Page 2 Bolivian Water Updage Turn to Page 4 District Blood Drives Turn to Page 6 District News Turn to Pages 8-9 Attendance Reports Turn to Pages 10 - 12 District Conference Slated April 23-24 Some Rotarians think that a District Conference is just for club officers and district leaders. No way! The conference is for all Rotarians and their spouses. Don't merely be a spectator or bench warmer, join Team Rotary and block your calendar now to attend the Rotary District Conference (D5770) April 23- 24, 2010 . It will be held at the new Nor- man Embassy Suites and Conference Center. The District Conference will provide “Spring Training” opportunities to im- prove your Rotary knowledge and skills. Through participation, you can determine what position you will play as a member on your Rotary club team. Hear inspirational addresses by Rotari- ans and others such as Sherri Coale (OU Women's basketball coach). Discuss matters relating to the clubs in the dis- trict and RI in general. Many inspira- tional speakers and events are being planned for your enjoyment. Club presidents, secretaries, and (Continued on page 3)

Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

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Page 1: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

Russ Davoren, District Governor Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010

D UE TO ROTARY duties, temporary health problem, and personal obligations, this is a combined January through March newsletter.

Many positive things are happening in District 5770 and it will be another success-ful year for many clubs as reported in this newsletter. Please allow me to be more seri-ous than usual with this Governor’s Message as I ask each of you to reflect on the status of your club.

We are three quarters through the Rotary year and a good time for each club and the district to take a “Time Out” and review their 2009-2010 goals and accomplishments. Clubs should evaluate their action plans that were de-veloped through the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs to be sure they are on course and will meet their various goals by June 30th. Each club presi-dent should take the opportunity at your club’s next board meeting to take stock of progress made, goals reached, opportunities missed, and actions needed to assure that you end the year accomplishing as many of your club’s goals as possible. Also, we cannot accomplish some of our district goals with-out your cooperation and assistance. Consider the following district goals in your club evaluations. ►MEMBERSHIP:

When I visited each club, I stressed R.I. President John Kenny’s “+1” request to end the year with at least one more member than you started with. According to R.I.’s records, District 5770 started the year with 1,364 active Rotarians. To accomplish the minimum goal, we’ll need to end the year with 1,398 members. We have barely scratched the surface with 1,367 (net +4) members since July 1, 2009. Some clubs will not receive the Presidential Citation only because they did not reach the membership goal of plus one by March 31st. Mention membership at your weekly meetings and regularly suggest members bring potential Rotarians as guests to meetings. ►THE ROTARY FOUNDATION:

During my official club visits, I urged non-donating clubs or mem-bers to contribute some amount to The Rotary Foundation in order to accomplish the “Every Rotarian Every Year” (EREY) concept. I re-viewed district giving to The Rotary Foundation in January. 73% of district Rotarians donated and 27% were non-donor members. A few clubs have not made any contribution to the foundation this year. We


From Governor Russ: Many Positive Things Are Happening; Reflect On The Status Of Your Club

Look What’s Inside:

Phil Moss DGN Turn to Page 2

Bolivian Water Updage Turn to Page 4

District Blood Drives Turn to Page 6

District News Turn to Pages 8-9

Attendance Reports Turn to Pages 10 - 12

District Conference Slated April 23-24

Some Rotarians think that a District Conference is just for club officers and district leaders. No way! The conference is for all Rotarians and their spouses. Don't merely be a spectator or bench warmer, join Team Rotary and block your calendar now to attend the Rotary District Conference (D5770) April 23-24, 2010. It will be held at the new Nor-man Embassy Suites and Conference Center.

The District Conference will provide “Spring Training” opportunities to im-prove your Rotary knowledge and skills. Through participation, you can determine what position you will play as a member on your Rotary club team. Hear inspirational addresses by Rotari-ans and others such as Sherri Coale (OU Women's basketball coach). Discuss matters relating to the clubs in the dis-trict and RI in general. Many inspira-tional speakers and events are being planned for your enjoyment.

Club presidents, secretaries, and (Continued on page 3)

Page 2: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

Page 2 District 5770 Rotary NEWS January-February-March, 2010

District 5770 Rotary News

is a publication of Rotary District 5770

Russ Davoren, Governor 4120 Nailon Drive Norman, OK 73072

[email protected]

Persons with information for the newsletter can contact:

Chuck Bacon, Editor [email protected]

are members of Rotary International. Our donations to The Rotary Foundation assist Rotary in accomplishing International service on our behalf. We can do better! Now is the time to advise your members how your club is doing to-ward the goal it set, and encourage members to make their donations. Club presidents and secretaries can access a current report of each club member’s giving level on the Member Access section of the Rotary.org website. ►CONTINUITY PLANNING:

Leadership along with continuity planning insures that there are clean “handoffs” from one Rotary year to the next and one set of club leaders to the next. The district holds transition meetings that include three year planning for smooth leadership transitions each year. Current club officers should already be working with incoming 2010-2011 officers for a seamless transition on July 1st. The Club President’s Monthly Checklist is an invaluable tool for the suc-cess of the transition. It is found at http://www.rotary.org/RIdocuments/en_pdf/pres_checklist.pdf ►TRAINING:

Training is essential to the success of your club. Some clubs do not take advantage of training opportunities such as the Presidents-Elect Training Semi-nar (PETS), District Assembly, District Conference, or Membership and Foun-dation Seminars. This often is reflected when clubs do not report new club officers to RI by December 31st, submit timely Semi-Annual Reports (SAR), or provide monthly attendance reports. ►The District Conference will be April 23-24 at the Embassy Suites and Conference Center in Norman. This annual conference is for all Rotari-ans and their spouses. For new members, the conference gives insight into the activities that make Rotary such a fine organization. For the time-tested Rotarians, the conference is a must. District Rotarians have volunteered their time to plan an outstanding conference. They are willing to invest their time in this to insure Rotary’s future, which is firmly in your hands. Representatives from each club should take advantage of the opportunity to share and learn more about Rotary. Visit the district website Home Page at www.rotary5770.org for the latest conference information and registration. There are also links to the hotel reservations and a tentative program agenda. Click on “District Conference – 2010” on the right column of the Home Page or “District Conference, Spring Training” in the center column. See you there.

The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands! -DG Russ

(Continued from page 1)


Phil Moss has been chosen as the District Governor Nominee Des-ignate for 2012-2013. Phil was a member of the Altus Rotary Club from 1982 - 1996 and was club president from 1990-1991. He has been a member of the Norman

Rotary Club since 2006. Phil’s classification is Education.

During his career he has worked at Western Oklahoma State College in Al-tus (1997-1996) where he started as Di-rector of Instructional Media and was serving as Dean of Information Services and Distance Education when he left. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education hired him in 1996.

He began as Director of Instructional Technology and served as Vice Chancel-lor for Academic Affairs. He also served as Interim Chancellor from 2006-2007. He retired from the Regents in 2007. Immediately after retirement, he was the Interim Executive Director of Creative Oklahoma, Inc. until October 2008.

He currently is the Director for Edu-cational Partnerships and Planning MERLOT at California State University, Office of the Chancellor. He has also been a member of several business and professional organizations relating to education and training.

Hobbies are music (playing guitar and singing) and sports (tennis and snow skiing). His spouse’s name is Peggy.

Phil Moss To Lead District in 2012-13

Rotary Foundation Donations Assist Service


Page 3: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

January-February-March, 2010 District 5770 Rotary NEWS Page 3

District Conference Program Outlined

members, please share this information with other Rotarians in your club who may not have email addresses on the district website. To save money, con-sider carpooling and sharing a hotel room. Our goal is to have representation from every district Rotary Club at the conference.

You may register for the confer-ence online at http://www.crsadmin.com/E v e n t P o r t a l / R e g i s t r a t i o n s / P u b l i c F i l l /EventPublicFill.aspx?evtid=7730d862-f9d0-4580-9c0c-3f2e90175ad7

You can make hotel reservations online with the Embassy Suites and Conference Center and receive the conference rate at

http://embassysuites.hilton.com/en/es/groups/pe rsona l i zed /OKCESES-RDC-20100422/index.jhtml

A hard copy of the conference regis-tration form for printing, mailing, and payment by check is available on the district website home page at www.rotary5770.org

Questions can be sent to the con-ference chair Sara Hildenbrand at [email protected]

Tentative Conference Agenda FRIDAY, APRIL 23 Registration for Spring Training begins at 9:30 AM MORNING (Starts at 10:00 AM) Team Meeting with Coaching Staff

- League Commissioner and R.I. Presi-dent’s Representative, Lynmar Brock Jr. - Head Coach and District Governor, Russ Davoren - Recognition of Franchise Owners – Club Longevity Recognition

Fundamentals of the Game – Business Ses-sion

- Budget Revisions - Introductions 2011-2012 DGN Desig-nate, Mike Blevins; - 2012 - 2013 DG Nominee – Phil Moss - Club Recognition

League Initiative on Literacy – Leslie Gelders – Literacy Projects

Tail Gate Lunch and Pep Rally - Approxi-mately 11:45

- Key Note Speaker, Coach Sherri Coale (OU Women’s basketball coach) - Introduction of New Rotarian Rookies new since July 7/09

AFTERNOON SCHEDULE Player Investment – Foundation Ambassado-rial Scholars and Peace Fellow

- Brittany Ryan - Angelique Sawyer

(Continued from page 1) - Nai Wu (Peace Fellow) Player Return on Investment

- Jean Irwin, 1989 Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar and Retired Teacher of the Deaf, Washoe Country School District in Reno, NV

Cheetah Project - Russ Myers

Water is Life - Ken Surritte

Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-ner/My Event Runner

Adjourn Approximately 4:30 4:30 – 6:30 R & R 6:30 – 8:00 Hall of Fame Dinner - Key Note Speaker – Tim Lashar SATURDAY, APRIL 24 MORNING Breakfast

- Remembering Rotarians Who Have Passed On - Honoring Paul Harris Fellows, Paul Harris Society

Polio Plus - Jo Anne Settles

RI Rep - Lynmar Brock Jr.

Hunger Plus - J.B. Roberts

GSE TAIWAN - Inbound and Outbound Teams

LUNCH – Approximately 11:30 - 4 Way Test Speech Contest Winner - Recognition of 2009 – 2010 Officers and Leadership Team - Recognition of incoming 2010 - 2011 District Officers - Introduction and Recognition of 2010 – 2011 Leadership Team

AFTERNOON New Generations – Future Recruit Class

- Youth Exchange - RYLA - Roteract - Interact

Water Projects Follow-up (Honduras and Bolivia)

- Tom Cooper - Jo Bennett

Hanna Project - Bob Usry

Team Training Wrap - RI President’s Representative, Lynmar Brock Jr. - Russ Davoren, District Governor

Adjourn Approximately 3:30 6:00 Progressive Dinner – Campus Corner

Must register separately. $25.00 NOTE: Limited to 30 persons

I look forward to seeing you at the confer-ence.

Futa Ed Futa, General Secretary and

Chief Operating Officer of Rotary International and The Rotary Foun-dation was the guest speaker at the 13th annual Bi-District Banquet held on March 13th at the National Cow-boy and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City. His speech was inspirational. He explained the im-portance of The Rotary Foundation and in a unique way showed how local events and activities related to why Rotarians should support the Rotary Foundation. Donors such as new Paul Harris Fellows were recog-nized by their level of giving and had the opportunity to have their picture taken with Mr. Futa.

Mr. Futa has been General Sec-retary of Rotary International since July 2000, Ed came to Rotary from Hawaii, where he was president of an international marketing consult-ing firm. Active in youth ministry, he also served on the board of gover-nors of the YMCA and as a mediator in the Neighborhood Justice Center of Honolulu. A Rotarian since 1979, Ed is a member of the Rotary Club of East Honolulu.

The banquet is a fundraiser to support The Rotary Foundation. It is sponsored by Rotary Districts 5750 and 5770. The banquet location ro-tates between the districts. Next year District 5770 will be the lead district in determining the banquet location and responsible for related adminis-trative support activities.

Bi-District Banquet Features RI’s Ed Futa

Page 4: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

Page 4 District 5770 Rotary NEWS January-February-March, 2010

Potosi Rotarians Grateful For Efforts To Provide Clean Water

Imagine flying from Dallas, TX for eight hours into La Paz,, Bolivia, then driving 11 hours cramped close together in an old Land Rover with eight other people to Potosi, Bolivia, the highest city on Earth. Finally, after reaching your destination, you’re greeted by members of the Potosi Rotary club who are grateful and amazed that you have come so far to address a need for clean water in one of their surrounding commu-nities, and so pleased to receive the gifts that have come all the way from Oklahoma.

Tom Cooper, Norman Rotary, Jo Bennett, Cross Timbers Rotary and John Lawson, Ardmore Sunrise Ro-tary, made this arduous trip over La-bor Day weekend along with Bill Strosnider, PhD in the OU College of Civil Engineering and Environ-mental Science (the “brain’ behind the project), and Beau Winfrey, a surveyor from Cardinal Engineering in Norman to lay the groundwork for the installation of a passive water treatment system some time next spring or early summer.

At 13,500 feet, Potosi lies under Cerro Rico, the “rich mountain”, an old silver mine which made Potosi a wealthy city from the 16th – 19th cen-

turies. Today it is mined for tin and some silver, but at one time it was the major supply of silver for the Spanish empire. It is estimated that at least 8 million Indians have died over the centuries due to inhalation of dust in the mine. Forty-five min-utes distance lies another silver mine, Empresa Minero Agricola Kumerana, EMAK for short, which is leaking poisonous residue down-stream into the communities of La Lave, Kantuyo and Okoruro in the Rio Jucku-cha water-shed affect-ing the farming land which feeds the livestock and the populat ion around it.

T h e O k l a h o m a R o t a r i a n s and team surveyed the mine and farming area and met with the mine owner

and Potosi Rotary club to begin preparations to install the passive water treatment system on the mine land. The treatment system will help remove harmful minerals leaking from the mine, thus cleaning up the water that flows into the surrounding communities.

Eight Rotary clubs in District 5770 including Altus, Ardmore, Elk City, Norman, Norman Sooner, Nor-man Cross Timbers, Pauls Valley and Purcell, the Space Center Rotary club of Houston, TX, and the Potosi, Bolivia club have appropriated $49, 410 towards the goal of cleaner wa-ter, along with a grant for $24,705 from the Rotary Foundation, for a total of $74,115. The major portion of the money will go to buy materi-als used in the installation of the two passive water treatment facilities.

Rotary International President, John Kenny, encourages every Ro-tarian to become aware of water-related issues and to participate at the club level in a water or sanitation project.

District 5770 is making a signifi-cant contribution in this area, and our thanks go out to Tom Cooper for spear heading this life-changing pro-ject.

Bill Strosnider, Jo Bennett, Patricia (mine owner) and John Lawson survey the mine and farming area.

Members of the Potosi, Bolivia Rotary club greet Jo Bennett of Nor-man Cross Timbers and Tom Cooper of Norman Rotary clubs.

Page 5: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

January-February-March, 2010 District 5770 Rotary NEWS Page 5

District Rotary clubs partnered with OU women’s basketball coach Sherri

Coale to help her “pack the house” with Rotarians for their game against Colo-rado on February 13th. OU also had a similar event for Rotarian families and friends to support the men’s basketball team on February 27th, when they played Baylor.

Coach Coale will be the keynote speaker for the Tail Gate Lunch and Pep Rally lunch during the district conference on Friday, April 23rd. Conference Registration, hotel reservations, and an agenda are available on the Home Page of the district website – www.rotary5770.org

Clubs Partner with Coach to ‘Pack the House’

The Rotaract Club at The Univer-sity of Oklahoma (OU) is being re-formed under the leadership of Ro-tarian Leon Price. Dr. Price is a re-tired OU professor and a member of the Norman Rotary Club that spon-sors the club. The club first met with 14 potential members in December and has grown to 30 students who have attended subsequent Rotaract meetings. The current club president is Amanda (Mimi) Braun who at-tends OU.

The Rotaract program provides young men and women an opportu-nity to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in per-sonal development, address the physical and social needs of their communities, and promote better relations between all people world-wide through a framework of friend-ship and service. Rotaract clubs are composed of young adults ages 18-30 who live, work, or study within the vicinity of the sponsoring Rotary club.

The club regularly has interesting program speakers and is very active. Completed service projects include working with the crew from the “Extreme Home Make-over” show to help a family in Noble, Oklahoma whose son has extreme medical bills. They have also participated in an Easter egg hunt for the J.D. McCarty center and attended a Nor-man Rotary club meeting.

Final current semester meetings are April 6th and 20th at 8:00 p.m. in room 2025 of Gaylord Hall on the OU campus. Free parking is avail-able on floors 3 through 6 in the Sta-dium Parking Garage across the street from Gaylord Hall. The club will resume meetings in the fall. Other district Rotaract clubs are lo-cated at East Central University (ECU) in Ada and Hillsdale Freewill Baptist College in Moore.

OU’s Rotaract Club Re-formed Last Fall

District 5770 and district clubs have do-nated over 15 Shelter Boxes to the Haitian Relief effort. Dona-tions from clubs in-cluded Ada Sunrise, Ardmore, East Central Rotaract (Ada), Elk City, Purcell, Norman, Norman Cross Tim-bers, Norman Sooner, and Sayre. Additional clubs have said they would be making do-nations.

Shelter Boxes and Haiti Earthquake Relief


The Future of Rotary Is In Your Hands

Page 6: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

Page 6 District 5770 Rotary NEWS January-February-March, 2010

District Blood Drives and PolioPlus Activities Begin In District 5770

Ardmore Blood Center Lawton Blood Center Oklahoma Blood Institute--OKC Susan Crews, Manager Daren Coats, Manager Tammy Whiteley, Manager

580-226-2220 580-353-6451 405-419-1360 Rotary Clubs in this area! Rotary Clubs in this area! Rotary Clubs in this area! Arbuckle Sunrise Altus Binger Ardmore Anadarko Cordell Durant Apache Cross Timbers Madill Carnegie Elk City Pauls Valley Chickasha Moore Sulphur Cyril Norman Waurika Duncan Purcell Wilson Frederick Sayre Greater Lawton Shawnee Hobart Sooner Walters Tecumseh

Participant looking at PolioPlus information

All three Norman Rotary Clubs kicked-off the District Blood Drive on January 13th . The Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) provided a Bloodmobile at the new HealthPlex located off I-35 in Norman. The Ro-tary Foundation supplied PolioPlus information as part of the End Polio Now campaign that was available to drive participants. Blood drives have been completed with the Ada, Ada Sunrise, Seminole, and Wewoka Rotary Clubs through the Ada OBI Blood Center. Thanks to Susan Scroggins of the Ada Rotary Club for her coordination in organizing that blood drive. The Norman Ro-tary Club sponsored a drive before a weekly meeting through the Ameri-can Red Cross.

Joan Barker, Norman Sooner Rotary donates blood.

It is not too late for district clubs to conduct at least one blood drive in their community this Rotary year. A list of OBI Blood Centers serving clubs in District 5770 follows so that Rotary clubs may coordinate their

drives to be held no later than June 30, 2010.

OBI Bloodmobile

District clubs should already have chosen a blood drive chairperson. Please take the initiative and contact the OBI blood center in your area to schedule your club drive or partner with an entity that may also be spon-soring a drive. Oklahoma has con-tinually had critical blood needs over the last few months.

Clubs should notify their Assis-tant Governor when and where the club drive is scheduled and com-pleted. Please come to the plate and save lives as soon as possible.

Page 7: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

Page 7 District 5770 Rotary NEWS January-February-March, 2010

Multiple Rotary clubs from dis-tricts 5750 and 5770 enjoyed an NBA basketball game between the OKC Thunder and the Miami Heat on January 16th.

The OKC Thunder donated $5.00 of every ticket sold through their Rotary Night With the OKC Thun-der promotion. District 5750 distrib-uted End Polio Now materials and applied Purple Pinkies to fans who stopped at their booths in the Ford Center.

The money raised will be given to the district and it will be sent to The Rotary Foundation for Polio-Plus.

District 5770 clubs purchased over 40 tickets. Thanks to District 5750 and the OKC Thunder.

Oklahoma City Thunder Supports PolioPlus End Polio Now Campaign

DG Russ, DG Tamie Babb D5750, and Donna Davoren show off their Purple Pinkies

D5750 Rotarians staffed 2 PolioPlus information booths

Miami Heat vs OKC Thunder action

Attending District clubs were recognized on scoreboard

Page 8: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

Page 8 District 5770 Rotary NEWS January-February-March, 2010

District 5770 was invited to par-ticipate in the twenty-fourth annual Lone Star PETS for the third con-secutive year. It was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel located on Dal-las-Fort Worth (DFW) Airport in Dallas. Nine Texas Rotary districts and Oklahoma District 5770 partici-pated. A total of 578 Rotary clubs were represented.

Participants were divided into discussion groups by club size. Top-ics included club management, ser-vice projects, fund raising, member-ship development, and the promotion of Rotary programs. Motivational speakers highlighted the plenary ses-sions. Jean Irwin (Ambassadorial Scholar) and Jo Anne Settles (PolioPlus) will be speaking at the District 5770 Conference on April 23-24 in Norman.

The following District 5770 lead-ers were in attendance:

Assistant Governors Ricky Brewer and Marsha of Altus; AG Ken Jones of Duncan; AG Tony Mikles of Elk City; AG Lora Scoggins of Pauls Valley; AG Deb-bie Tims of Purcell; and AG Marla Yandell of Durant; Past District

Lone Star Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) held March 19-21

The District Team training Seminar was held on February 6, 2010 at the Moore-Norman Technol-ogy Center. District Governor-Elect

Rotary International President-Elect Ray Klinginsmith addresses the 2010 Lone Star PETS

Governor David Shirley, Norman Sooner; District Governor Russ Davoren, Norman Cross Timbers; District Governor Elect Glenda Tho-mas, Norman Sooner; District Gov-ernor Nominee Mike Blevins, Sayre.

Presidents Elect attending in-cluded: Gary Beach and Jima of Al-tus; Karen Caldwell of Frederick; Beverly DeWitt of Norman Cross Timbers; Cathy Estes of Moore; Ken Ferris of Ardmore; Alan Geiger of

Shawnee; Terry Godfrey of Cyril, Basha Hartley of Norman; Jim Hobbs of Anadarko; Victor Lohn of Purcell, Pat Lynch of Durant; Jesse McKinnon and Nancy of Elk City; Ginger Pope of Sayre;; Karen Rey-nolds of Madill; Mark Tibbets of Chickasha; Tonny Walden of Nor-man Sooner; Kent Wilkenson of Duncan; and Della Wilson of Pauls Valley. President Nominee Dave Player of Altus.

Glenda Tho-mas prepared i n c o m i n g assistant gov-ernors and i n c o m i n g district com-mittee mem-bers and chairs for their year in office. She also held sessions for her team leaders to interact with club presidents and other leaders who attended the seminar.

District 5770 Team Training Seminar Attended

DGE Glenda Thomas

Seminar Participants

Page 9: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

January-February-March, 2010 District 5770 Rotary NEWS Page 9

The District Literacy Workshop was held on January 12th at the Moore Public Library. Eight clubs were in attendance: Arbuckle Sunrise, Ardmore , Ada Sunrise, Pauls Valley, Norman Sooner, Norman Cross Timbers, Norman Noon, and Moore.

Featured speaker was Leslie Gelders, Literacy Coordinator for the Literacy Resources Office of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. Leslie’s skills in marketing, training, partnership building and grant writing have played key roles in strengthening literacy organizations throughout the state. Leslie will speak at the District Conference on Friday, April 23.

Following Leslie’s remarks, various Rotary clubs reported on their literacy projects. The workshop concluded with comments from Anne Masters. Dis-trict 5770 has achieved one goal by providing the work-shop. The District also en-courages each club to cele-brate International Literacy Day on September 8, 2010 and apply for a District Lit-eracy Award. Clubs are encouraged to have “Rotary Literacy Minutes.” at their weekly meetings to raise awareness of this issue. A detailed report about the workshop and addi-

Anne Masters, District Literacy Coordinator, Norman Sooner Rotary Club

Leslie Gelder, Literacy Coordinator for the Oklahoma Department of Libraries

District Literacy Workshop Held January 12

The RI International Assembly is a training session for RIs 531 incoming district governors. The Assembly provides Rotary educa-tion, instruction in administrative duties, motivation, and inspiration to governors-elect, and to afford them an opportunity to discuss and plan how to implement Ro-tary’s programs and activities during the succeeding year.

Glenda will be the district offi-cer for the 34 clubs in Rotary Dis-trict 5770 which mainly encom-passes the SW quadrant of Okla-homa. She invites all Rotarians and other incoming club and dis-trict leaders to attend the District Conference in Norman on April 23-24 at the new Embassy Suites and Conference Center.

Glenda is a member of the Norman Sooner Rotary Club (RC) in Norman and Klinginsmith is from Kirksville, Missouri.

Others attending the International Assembly from District 5770 were Ron Burton who is currently a Rotary Foundation Trustee, his wife Jetta who is a past club president, and Mary Sallee who pro-vided music and enter-tainment at the assem-bly. Ron Burton is a member of the Norman RC, Jetta Burton is a member of the Nor-man Cross Timbers

RC, and Mary Sallee is a member of the Norman Sooner RC.

District Governor-Elect Glenda Thomas Attends Rotary Assembly

tional literacy links are available on the district web site home page at www.rotary5770.org For additional information about literacy projects, contact: Anne Masters, District 5770 Literacy Coordinator, 225 N. Webster, Norman, OK 73069, 405 701-2642, [email protected]

Rotary District 5770 Governor-Elect Glenda Tho-mas meets RI President-Elect Ray Klinginsmith at the International Assembly in San Diego,

Page 10: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

Page 10 District 5770 Rotary NEWS January-February-March, 2010

District Monthly Report

Page 11: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

January-February-March, 2010 District 5770 Rotary NEWS Page 11

District Monthly Report

Page 12: Vol. 1, No. 5 Jan-Mar, 2010 Russ Davoren, District Governor · Membership Recruitment & Retention - Marla Yandell, President, Durant Club - Utilizing District Web Site - Club Run-

Page 12 District 5770 Rotary NEWS January-February-March, 2010

District Monthly Report