Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006

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  • 8/3/2019 Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006


  • 8/3/2019 Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006


    I consider it a great honour and privilege to be the first Alumnusbe nominated as the President of the Ruia College Alumni

    ssociation - a post which was always held by the Principal of theIt is also heartening to know that an Alumnus Dr. S. R.

    dnekar is at the helm of affairs as the Principal of Ruia College.


    I have no doubt, that together we can take Ruia College toeater heights in terms of quality, infrastructure, discipline and socialanding in the field of education, sports, art & culture and extrarricular activities. We shall make every effort to bring all the alumni together to makeeaningful contribution to the Alma Mater. I send my greetings and best wishes to my Almater as well as to the Alumni Association on launching this inaugural issue of the ReM

    Know the office bearers of theRUIA COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION

    PRESIDENT: MR. LALITCHADHA grQ_quatedin 1963 and is the Managing Director of the GOODWILgroup.VICE PRESIDENT: MS. RITADOCTOR did her B.A. in 1962 and taught philosophy for nearly 40 yearShe isnow an adjunct Prof. (incharge of Counseling) with UICT.VICE PRESIDENT: MR. KULIN MANEK of the 1966 batch is involved with the family's export-imporbusiness and manufacture of plastic bags.TREASURER: PROF P . A. SATHE who completed his graduation in 1974 is a READER in the ChemistrDepartment and isalso the VicePrincipal ofthe college.HON. SECRETARY: Prof Ms. JYOTSNA DESHPANDE who graduated in 1970 is a Sr. lecturer in thChemistry Department.JT. SECRETARY: MR. MILIND KARNIK-the youngest office bearer belongs to the 1980 batch and is aInvestment Advisor.The entire team willfunction for a period of two years after which we would be happy to see some of yojoin the team with some innovative ideas.

  • 8/3/2019 Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006



    The Ramnarain Ruia College, established in 1937, by the Shikshana Prasarak Mandali, Pune, is one ofmier educational institutions in Maharashtra It has been imparting education conforming to the highndards of excellence for the last 69 years. With a view to maintaining a steadfast and lasting relationship wAlma Mater, theRuia Alumni Association was formed way back in 1963 under the able leadership of the th

    incipal B.YOke-to use his own words' To give the past students an opportunity to interact with their old friend teachers and to give the college an opportunity to be acquainted with the achievements of its alumni.'

    In the earlier years the activities of the Alumni Association were few and far between, but the Associatiived a fillipfrom the former Principal late Prof. A . P . Rao, at the time of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of

    llege. Over the years, the Association has arranged several programmes by its distinguished alumni-Ashwide, Shruti Sadolikar Katkar, Vidyadhar Vyas, Sheela David and organised get- togethers over lunch aner. Several fund raising programmes have also been organized by the Association-music recital by

    lebrated duo of Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma and Ustad Zakir Hussain, a star studded Kalyanji Anandji Nite amusical evening by Kavita Murti Deshpande. A handsome amount of Rs. 5.0 Lakhs was donated towarting up a spacious Reading Hall for the Ramnivas Ruia Junior College. The Alumni Association regularly givzes to students from the Junior and Senior college who distinguish themselves insports and academics.

    Looking forward to reaching out to allpast and present students of thgreat institution and wishing one and all, a wonderful New Year.

    The newly constituted Managing Committee under the able leadership of its active Presider. Lalit Chadha ispoised to soar to great heights. A number of ambitious projects are on the cards- revival ofllege cricket team, adopting (to begin with) three economically disadvantaged students -one male, one femd one student with special abilities, an event management team which is brimming with fresh ideas( detaer}. The first step in this direction is the launch of the Ruia Alumni Newsletter -a quarterly, which youlding inyour hands right now. Your suggestions on this newsletter would be welcome. This newsletter proposhighlight events taking place in the College and the achievements of its alumni. We would appreciate ifyep us informed about your significant achievements /contribution from time to time -we could share it w

    r fellow alumni through this newsletter.EDITORIAL BOARD


    Ms. L.V. PARANJPEKalpagam Raghuraman.

  • 8/3/2019 Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006



    ollege, is Harry Creighton Peffer Distinguished Professor of Chemicalngineering at Purdue University. After completing his Inter Science (1954-56)Ruia College, he received his B.(Chem). Engg from UDCT (now known as

    ICT) in 1960 and obtained his PhD from the University of Minnesota in 1965.fter two years of being an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota, heined the faculty at the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, where he served

    1974. Following two years of visiting appointments at the Universities ofisconsin and Minnesota, he joined as a Full Professor of Chemical Engineering atrdue University in 1976.

    He has won numerous awards such as the AIChE Alpha Chi Sigma Award for Chemical Engineeesearch in 1987, the AIChE Wilhelm Reaction Engineering Award in 1998, the Senior Humboldt Awardulbright Award in 2001, the UDCT Diamond Award in 1994, Fellow of the American Medical and Biologineering Society in 1996, Honorary Fellow of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers in 2001, and Ahomas Baron Award in 2004. In 2005, he won the Purdue University College of Engineering Resexcellence Award. He has held Distinguished Visiting Professorships at the University of Minnesota (Georercy; Fall 1988) and at the University of Notre Dame (Melchor; Fall 1994) and given numerous distinguictures. He received the Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota in the Fall of 2e was the first Indian to win an award of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

    Dr. Ramkrishna's research interests are in the area of Applied Mathematics and in ChemicalReaction Engineering. He has authored over 180 research papers, and two books: one titled Lerator Methods in Chemical Engineering (coauthored with Neal Amundson) published by Prentice Hallother on Population Balances, Theory and Applications to Particulate Systems in Engineering, publishecademic Press in 2000. He has guided over 50 students for PhD and Masters programme in Chemngineering. He is currently involved in modeling cancer chemotherapy in the design of new treatm

    He is a consultant to companies like General Mills, Pillsbury, Amoco, Ciba-Corning, Abbot laboratories,

    Dr. Ramkrishna has passionately and steadfastly held that his interest in mathematics was arousedtstanding teachers like Prof. Nayak and Prof. Agashe at Ruia College. He also fondly recalls Prof. Guptee Physics Department and Prof. Dhawale from the Biology Department.

    He is an ardent sports lover, loves to watch Tennis, Cricket and Golf.

    The Students, the staff members, the non teaching staff of Ruia College and all the members of RCM

  • 8/3/2019 Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006


    Dr. AJIT GANGADHAR PHADKE"The winner added glory to the award itself," is what Chief Minister Vilasrao

    Deshmukh said, while conferring the prestigious 35th Dhanwantari MedicalFoundation Award to Dr. Ajit Phadke, renowned urologist and distinguished RuiaAlumnus. Nothing could be closer to the truth. Dr. Phadke is acknowledged for hispioneering work in the country's kidney transplant programme. After his return-from the Royal Victoria Hospital Canada, Dr. Phadke set up the department ofUrology at the Bombay Hospital and today his name is Synonymous withUrology'. The department which he started with just two Urologists, now boasts often super specialists.

    Besides holding posts of Prof. of Urology & Head, Dept. of Urology, Bombay Hospital and InstituteMedical Sciences, Dr. Phadke is also the Chancellor's Nominee on the Senate of the University of MumbaMedical Director, Aditya Lithotripsy Centre, Bombay, and Honorary Urologist to the Governor of MaharashtrState.

    Dr. Phadke has been the recipient of several awards such as :The Giant's International Award ,in 1995 ;TLifetime Achievement Award from the Institute of Kidney Disease and research Centre, Ahmedabad in 199Karmayogi Award in 1997 from The Bombay Medical Aid Foundation; Man of the Year Award in 1998 from TMarine Lines Junior Chamber; Vocational Excellence in Medicine from The Rotary Club of Bombay Centra2001; Shush rut Award from the Mumbai Medical Foundation, 2003 ; Dr Sharadini Dahanukar 'HirrwPuraskar' from The Diamond Jubilee Society Trust of Seth G. S. Medical College and KEM Hospital, 2004.

    Among special Honours conferred for Lifetime achievement in Urology from The Urological SocietyIndia are Gold Medals awarded in 1993 and 1997; the prestigious Dr. B. C. Roy National Award for developinspecialty (Urology) in India, awarded by The Medical Council of India in 1998.

    Dr Phadke's dedicated contribution to the socially disadvantaged patient community is extraordinary. This evident from his close association with several social organisations. He is the President of Nana Palkar SmruSamiti, a voluntary organisation offering medical help to poor patients suffering from cancer, Aids, and kidndisorders; trust member of 'Loknayak Jaiprakash Narayan Leprosy Eradication Trust'; President, Shree SamartVyayam Mandir; President, Dr. Hedgewar Hospital of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Medical trust; Trustee, BrahmaSeva Sangh; Member, Janakalyan Samiti and Medical Director, Aditya Lithotripsy Centre.

    The recent Dhanwantari award, the latest and most prestigious in the line of awards received by Dr. Phadkisyet another laurel.

    His sincere, dedicated service to the field of medicine is exemplary; he is a role model for many amongpeer group and a constant source of inspiration to young medicos.

    The students, the staff members, the non teaching staff of Ruia College and all the members of RCM aproud and happy to congratulate this distinguished Ruia alumnus.

  • 8/3/2019 Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006


    MyVision of Ruia College 10 years hence .

    Young, Dynamic, Friendly Alumnus headsThe Institution - that's Dr. Suhas Pednekar.Here is his road map for Ruia - ed

    Ever since the time of its establishment in 1937, Ruia College has beenblessed with visionary Principals, who have nurtured the institution with a lot ofcare and affection. Under their leadership, the college has marched ahead in itsquest for excellence and we at Ruia are making sincere efforts to meet the objectivesof the management.'Equal Opportunities and Education for All'

    As the Principal of this esteemed institution, I am fully aware of the legacy I have inherited and the fuchallenges, particularly those that willarise due to rapid globalization and numerous constraints from allsides.

    How do I see Ruia College in the next 10 years?Ibelieve that where growth and development is concerned, the sky is the limit. This is possible by a chan

    in the administrative structure. Apart from the traditional hierarchy of Principals and Vice-Principals, I also wischeck out the feasibility of implementing corporate efficiency in administration. I have designated some membof the faculty as executive officers to focus on various administrative duties. Each executive officer looks aftcross section of duties like Research and Consultancy, Planning, Development and Resource MobilizatiCampus Maintenance, Admissions and Examinations.

    I intend to make some subjects more application oriented and emphasize on subjects like mass medlanguages, animation, Nanoscience, Herbal Science, Bioanalytical Science, Bioinformatics, Clinical Reseaand Green Technology. Iwould also like to have an academically fruitful collaboration between our studentsfaculty with Universities within and outside India.

    In the near future, higher education islikelyto become extremely expensive and in keeping with our mowe must ensure that academically deserving but economically disadvantaged students are supported. Forpurpose, the 'Each One, Adopt One' scheme has been launched.

    Resource mobilization to generate funds for infrastructural development is the need of the hour. I hopeRuia Alumni will be our source! Iwould be thrilled to have all former Ruiates come together and enrich the collwith their varied experience, the knowledge they have received over the years and offer their valuasuggestions.

    Hand-in-hand, I am sure; we can walk many extra miles and see our College shine brighter than ebefore!

  • 8/3/2019 Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006


    Salient features of the newly adopted Constitution of theRuia Alumni Association

    The Alumni Association has finalized the constitution and we take this opportunity to share with our presand past students, some of the highlights of the same. We are presenting the aims& objectives of the constitutiaswellas the terms and conditions ofmembership.A) Knowthe AimsandObjectives:a) To enable past Ruiaites ( the Alumni) to retain their links with their Alma Mater and to revive

    association with their college mates and teachers.b) To promote personal and friendly relations with the Alumni and the Alma Mater, through social acultural programmes.c) Toorganize fund raising programmes to help the college create the necessary infrastructure.d) Toinstitute scholarships and grants for deserving students ofthe college for excellence in academics a

    other fields of activity.e) To exchange ideas, spread knowledge and bring the benefit of experience of such outstanding aaccomplished Alumni to the students and staff ofthe collegef) To organize functions to felicitate outstanding Alumni, from time to time, in recognition of thcontribution to their field ofactivity inparticular and to society ingeneral.

    B) Whocan become amember?a) Any past student ofRamnarain Ruia College or Ramnivas Ruia Junior College, who has kept terms weither ofthe Colleges, for not lessthan one year and whose name does not figure in the current rolls ofcollege.b) Any past or present member of the teaching staff of either Ramnarain Ruia College or Ramnivas RJunior College.

    C) Categories ofmembers:LifeMembershipRs. 1000/- only for students, who pass out of the Junior College or Degree College after completing at leone academic year, to be paid within one year of leaving the college.Rs. 2000/- Restricted to a past student of either of the colleges or a member of the teaching staff of eithethe colleges.PatronMembershipRs. 25,000/ - Open to any well-wisher or donor.

    D) Howdo YOU become amember?Anyone desirous ofseeking membership to the R.c.A.A. may apply to the Han. Secretary on the prescribform. The form (available with this issue)duly completed, along with a cheque of the appropriate amoumay be handed over to the Clerk who willbe available at the Ruia AlumniAssociation office (located onfirstfloor adjacent to the Conference Room) on Fridays&Saturdays between 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.Here's hoping the New Yearwill see many more Alumni enroll as members.

    Printed and Published byMs. K. Raghuraman for Ruia College Alumni Association

    Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai - 400 019. E-mail: [email protected]

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  • 8/3/2019 Vol 1 Issue 1 Dec 2006


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