Voice of JagadGuru

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  • 8/18/2019 Voice of JagadGuru



    All human beings want only happiness in life. It is impossible to have sucha supportive life as we wish all the times. So we have to learn how to live

    happily with the situation we get in our life.

    What we have yesterday may not be with us today and what we havetoday may go away from us tomorrow. If we celebrate our birthday thenin our life we have lost one year, that is the real meaning for celebrating abirthday. We are getting older day by day. If any problem arises we shouldnot feel bad for that, because worries will not give us solution for anythingwe face. Shastra says there is no use in worrying when problems come, itwill take our strength from body and mind. So our enemies will become

    more powerful.AlÉuÉÉmrÉÇ cÉ zÉÉåMåülÉ zÉUÏUÇ cÉÉåmÉiÉmrÉiÉå !

    AÍqɧÉÉ¶É mÉë™wrÉÎliÉ qÉÉ xqÉ zÉÉåMåü qÉlÉ: M×üjÉÉ: !!

    In our life span we will get happiness, sorrow,gains, loss, birth, death etc. all will come and go inthe routine manner. Wise people understand thesechanges and will not get much worried or happywhatever that comes in life.

     xÉÑZÉÇ cÉ SÒ:ZÉÇ cÉ pÉuÉÉpÉuÉÉæ, cÉ sÉÉpÉÉsÉÉpÉÉæ qÉUhÉÇ eÉÏÌuÉiÉÇ cÉ ! mÉrÉÉïmÉUÉ: xÉuÉïqÉåiÉå xmÉ×zÉÉÎliÉ, iÉxqÉÉ®ÏUÉå lÉ cÉ ™wrÉå³É zÉÉåcÉåiÉç !!

    Remembering this very well we have to lead our lifein a satisfied manner with what we have in our life.   Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Bharthi Tirtha Mahaswamiji.

     We submit our magazines in the lotus feet of our Jagadguru Mahasannidhanam Sri Sri Sri BharathiTirtha Mahaswamiji and Sannidhanam Sri Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharathi Mahaswamiji 

  • 8/18/2019 Voice of JagadGuru



     SÏbÉåïhÉ MüÉsÉålÉ AlÉѸÉiÉÚhÉÉÇ MüÉqÉÉå°uÉÉSè WûÏrÉqÉÉlÉ ÌuÉuÉåMüÌuÉ¥ÉÉlÉWåûiÉÑMåülÉ AkÉqÉåïhÉ AÍpÉpÉÔrÉqÉÉlÉåkÉqÉåï mÉëuÉkÉïqÉÉlÉå cÉ AkÉqÉåï, eÉaÉiÉ: ÎxjÉÌiÉÇ mÉËUÌmÉmÉÉsÉÌrÉwÉÑ: xÉ AÉÌSMüiÉÉï lÉÉUÉrÉhÉÉZrÉÉå ÌuÉwhÉÑ:pÉÉæqÉxrÉ oÉë¼hÉÉå oÉëɼhÉiuÉxrÉ U¤ÉhÉÉjÉïÇ SåuÉYrÉÉÇ uÉxÉÑSåuÉÉSè AÇzÉålÉ M×üwhÉ: ÌMüsÉ xÉÇoÉpÉÔuÉ! deergheNa kaalena anuSThaatRUNaaM kaamodbhavaad heeyamaana viveka-vijnaanahetukena adharmeNa abhibhooyamaane dharma pravardhamaanecha adharme, jagata: sthitiM paripipaalayiShu: sa aadikartaa naaraaya-Naakhyo viShNu: bhaumasya brahmaNo brahmaNatvasya rakshaNaarthaM

    devakyaaM vasudevaad amshena kruShNa: kila saMbabhoova!

    Lord Vishnu to protect the Dharma, took the avathara of Lord Krishna. He wasborn to Vasudeva and Devaki. As the anushtana(practice of dharma) on dharmawas left by the people, adharmic activities started growing. To eradicateadharma and to bring back the path of dharma Lord Vishnu incarnated as LordKrishna.

     oÉëɼhÉiuÉxrÉ ÌWû U¤ÉhÉålÉ UͤÉiÉ: xrÉÉSè uÉæÌSMüÉå kÉqÉï: iÉSkÉÏlÉiuÉÉSè uÉhÉÉï´ÉqÉpÉåSÉlÉÉqÉç!

    braahmaNatvasya hi rakShaNena rakShita: syaad vaidiko dharma: tasad-

    heenatvaad varNaashramabhedaanaam!

     Vedas are protected by the Brahmanas. To protect the vaidika dharma,protection of varnashrama dharma was necessary.

     xÉ cÉ pÉaÉuÉÉlÉç ¥ÉÉlÉæµÉrÉïzÉÌ£üoÉsÉuÉÏrÉïiÉåeÉÉåÍpÉ: xÉSÉ xÉÇmɳÉ: ̧ÉaÉÑhÉÉÎiqÉMüÉÇ uÉæwhÉuÉÏÇ xuÉÉÇ qÉÉrÉÉÇ qÉÔsÉmÉëM×üÌiÉÇ uÉzÉÏM×üirÉ AeÉ: AurÉrÉÉå pÉÔiÉÉlÉÉqÉç DµÉUÉå ÌlÉirÉzÉÑ®oÉÑ®qÉÑ£üxuÉpÉÉuÉ:AÌmÉ xÉlÉç xuÉqÉÉrÉrÉÉ SåWûuÉÉlÉç CuÉ eÉÉiÉ CuÉ cÉ sÉÉåMüÉlÉÑaÉëWÇû MÑüuÉïlÉç CuÉ sɤrÉiÉå! Sa ca bhagavaan jnaanaishvaryashaktibalaveeryatejobhi: sadaa sampanna:triguNaatmikaaM vaiShNaveeM savaaM maayaaM moolaprakRutiM va-sheekRutya aja: avyayo bhootaanaam eeshvaro nityashuddhabuddhamukt-asvabhaava: api san svamaayayaa dehavaan eeva jaata eeva cha lokaanu-grahaM kurvan eeva lakShyate!

    The swaroopa of bhagavan are jnaana, aishwarya, shakthi, bala, veerya andthejas. Through his Maya shakthi of Maa Vaishnavee, he took human formalthough he does not have any birth or death. He is always truth, no end and

    beginning for him. Although he has all this characters(gunas), for the sake ofthis prapancha to be in the hands of dharma, he took the human birth asKrishna.

  • 8/18/2019 Voice of JagadGuru


     xuÉmÉërÉÉåeÉlÉÉpÉÉuÉå AÌmÉ pÉÔiÉÉlÉÑÎeÉbÉפÉrÉÉ uÉæÌSMÇü ÌWû kÉqÉï²rÉqÉç AeÉÑ  ï  lÉÉrÉ zÉÉåMüqÉÉåWûqÉWûÉåSkÉÉæ ÌlÉqÉalÉÉrÉ EmÉÌSSåzÉ, aÉÑhÉÉÍkÉMæü: ÌWû aÉ×WûÏiÉ: AlÉѸÏrÉqÉÉlÉ: cÉ kÉqÉï: mÉëcÉrÉÇ aÉÍqÉwrÉÌiÉ CÌiÉ!

    Svapayojanaabhaave api bhootaanujighRukshayaa vaidikaM hi dharmadva-yam arjunaaya shokamohamahodadhau nimagnaaya upadidesha, gu-Naadhikai: hi guheeta: anuShTheeyamaana: cha dharma: prachayaM ga-mishyati ithi!

    Although there is no need or benefit for Lord Krishna for himself, he made Arjunaa tool and did the upadesa for the world, to overcome from the worldlyattachments, sorrows, etc and showed the path of dharma and made a path tospread it.

     iÉÇ kÉqÉïÇ pÉaÉuÉiÉÉ rÉjÉÉåmÉÌS¹Ç uÉåSurÉÉxÉ: xÉuÉï¥ÉÉå pÉaÉuÉÉlÉç aÉÏiÉÉZrÉæ: xÉmiÉÍpÉ:

     zsÉÉåMüzÉiÉæ: EmÉÌlÉoÉoÉlkÉ!TaM dharmaM bhagavataa yathopadiShTaM vedavyaasa: sarvajno bhagavaangeetaakhyai: saptabhi: shlokashatai: upanibabandha:!

    This grantha of Geeta was composed by Sri Vedavvyasa in seven hundred slokasas said by Lord Krishna for benefit of the Universe.

     iÉSè CSÇ aÉÏiÉÉzÉÉx§ÉÇ xÉqÉxiÉuÉåSÉjÉïxÉÉUxÉÇaÉëWûpÉÔiÉÇ SÒÌuÉï¥ÉårÉÉjÉïqÉç!

    Tad idaM geetaashaastraM samastavedaarthasaarasangrahabhootaM durvij-noyaartham!

    This Geeta sastra sara is very difficult to know the actual meaning as it containsJJall the vethantha sara.

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    4. The Qualification of Shishya (Shishya Lakshana) In this chapter Sri Shankarabagavathpadacharya describes in excellent way, thebasic qualifications that one should have to be a shishya for his Guru. One should

    have the grasping power of what his guru says in the right path, memory shouldbe sharp, what he learned through his guru should be in his mind and thoughtsshould be in proper manner and should follow them in his life in action. When hehas these qualifications he is qualified for the self-knowledge as said in previousslokas.

    Now Acharya sums upthose qualifications underfour heads: Discrimination,Dispassion, Discipline and

    Desire for freedom.

    To have the enquiry aboutthe Brahman, one shouldhave the discrimination ofanalyzing the good and badin the calm way with mentalcontrol and should longs forthe true freedom.

    Why our acharya states these four qualifications for realizing the Brahman? Fourqualities are prescribed in this matter by those who-as steadiness in the Realityresults only when they are present and does not result when they are absent.

    Now our Acharya explains each one as follows:

    First have to differentiate the Nithya vasthu and anithya vasthu( i.e. that whichexist always and which can’t be a permanent one), thereafter the absence ofdesire for enjoying the fruit of karma available here or elsewhere, practice of sixkinds of disciplines like control of mind(sama) etc. Those who have no desire

    alone can reach the goal, especially those who have control over manas(mindand thoughts) will control his external organ from going in its path. When thesequalities are there, automatically the desire for freedom will come with strongmumuksha(teevra itcha). This is clear.

     “Brahman is true,(satya), the world is illusory(mithya)”. It is clear that when weare able to differentiate the real truth that is permanent and exist always and theunreal which is not permanent, and then we will get the clear picture of theBrahman. Through this we can get the vairagya.

    It should be noted that the Acharya here clearly states that Brahma is the truth(satya) and the world(Jagath) as(illusion). In another way self is the truth andall external is illusion.

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    Lord Surya was very much happy with the pleasing words of the purohits andtold what is inside the pot to them in a secret manner. The next day morning allassembled in the Kings court and the Buddhists told correctly, ‘a snake is insidethe pot’. But the Brahmins told, there is an idol of Lord Mahavishnu inside the

    pot. The king was upset as Buddhists alone told in a perfect manner what isinside the pot and the Brahmins were wrong.

    But at that time an akashavani was heard bythe king not to worry and open the potbecause what the Brahmins told was true.When the King opened and saw the idol andwas shocked and felt the grace of the lord.

    The King realized the power and greatness of

    the path of Veda and accepted immediatelyKumarila bhatta is the best and ordered to killall those who are against vedas. He alsoordered that from Himalayas to Kumari whoare all against Vedas should be killed and noage bar or gender should be considered in thismatter.

    Who so ever done wrong should be punishedis the stand. He quoted as Sri Parasuramaeven punished his own mother as she didwrong. Then he starts to spread the marga ofSri Kumarila.

    Here our author Jagadguru Sri Sri SriVidhyaranya states a beautiful comparison. Jagadguru Sri Nrusimha Bharathi  MahaswamijiWhen the Lion kills those elephants, which destroy the trunks of the trees; theywill grow in a fresh manner. Like that Sri Kumarila who is the incarnation of Lordsubramanya, who came as a Lion and destroyed the elephants like Buddhistsand made the trees of Vedas to grow again by spreading the veda marga, which

    are destroyed by Bhuddists and others who are against vedas in a fresh manner.

    Lord Parameswara was very much happy on the excellent work done by his sonSri Kumarila who made the karma marga which is the basic one for making themind and thoughts pure. Lord Chandrashekara decided to take birth in humanform to make the people to understand the real Jnana marga and HE was bornas Sri Shankara in Kalady.

    From the next episode we will see the BIRTH OF LORD SHANKARA. 



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    Lord Shiva

    Shiva is the next Upasana Devatha that we are going to see in this month.Lord Shiva is the father of this whole Universe. There are no words to describehis mahima or greatness in just a small page. We will try to see some of hismahima which is like a ocean.

    We cannot count his names. One saharsanama will not give all his names.Parameswara, Shankara, Chandramoulishwara, Sthanu, Chandrashekara,Neelakanta, Trayambaka, Chandrachooda, Rudra, etc.

    He is beyond birth and death. There is no form to him. We worship him in theform of Linga. We cannot see his head nor his foot when we do ahankara. Thereis a very well known story. Once Brahma Deva and Lord Vishnu had a debatebetween themselves to know who is the supreme but when Lord Shiva came andstood before them and asked them to see his head and foot. Lord Brahma tookthe form of Hamsa(swan) and flew towards upwards and Lord Mahavishnu tookthe form of Varaha(pig) and went drilling the earth.

    After several 1000 years they were not able to complete their task. Mahavishnuaccepted his defeat and came back to Lord Parameswara and told that he wasnot able to see his foot. But Brahma Deva who went upwards saw a flower thatwas falling down from Lord Parameswaras hair decades before but still not ableto reach the earth. Brahma Deva made a trick to win all and made the flower toaccept that it should tell in front of Lord Parameswara and Mahavishnu, thatBrahma Deva has seen the head of Lord Parameswara and the evidence for thatis the flower.

    The flower accepted and when it was told in front of Lord Shiva, he got angry andcursed Brahma Deva that there will not be any worship in temples separately forhim and grace Maha Vishnu that he will be worshiped by all. Such is the great-

    ness Lord Shiva.

    In next issue we will see even more about Lord Shiva.

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     Explanation given by Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Abinava Vidhya Tirtha Mahaswamiji

    (Continued…) The time when we should perform Sandhyaavandana..

       E¨ÉqÉÉ xÉÔrÉïxÉÌWûiÉÉ qÉkrÉqÉÉÅxiÉÍqÉiÉå UuÉÉæ   AkÉqÉÉ iÉÉUMüÉåmÉåiÉÉ xÉÉrÉÇ xÉlkrÉÉ Ì¨ÉkÉÉ qÉiÉÉ !!  (SåuÉÏpÉÉaÉuÉiÉmÉÑUÉhÉqÉ  ç  11.16.5)

     “The evening Sandhyaa (arghya) isuttama (best) when there is sun, it ismadhyama (middle) when we do after thesun sets and the adhama (last) stage isconsidered as when the star shines” thussays Sri Devi Bhagavata. We have to dosandhyaa in any of these three categoriesbut should not skip; the skipping ofsandhyaa is an offence. One is notconsidered as Brahmin when he does notdo Sandhyaavandana.

       xÉÉrÉÇ mÉëÉiÉ: xÉSÉ xÉlkrÉÉÇ rÉå ÌuÉmÉëÉ lÉÉå EmÉÉxÉiÉå !

      MüÉqÉÇ iÉÉlkÉÉÍqÉïMüÉå UÉeÉÉ zÉÔSìMüqÉïxÉÑ rÉÉåeÉrÉåiÉç !!  oÉÉ  å kÉÉrÉlÉkÉqÉïxÉÔ§ÉqÉ  ç “The King has the right to make a Brahmin to do other works apart from vedaadyayana, if he fails to do the sandhyaa in morning and evening daily” thus saidin Boudhayana dharma sutra. If sandhyaa is not done in the correct time thenthe phala (result) we get will be reduced, but if for continuously three dayssandhyaa is done after the specific period, then it is considered that sandhya isnot done for a whole day.


    There are three types of karmas; they are “Nithya”, “Naimithika” and “Kaamya”karmas. Now we will see in which category Sandhyaavandana comes under.Nithya karma means that are performed ‘Niyata-nimita’. Those karmas that haveto be done again and again in various periods is c alled Nithya karma. Forexample sandhyaavandana that has to be done three times daily, the shraaddhadone for ancestors every year comes under the category of ‘Nithya’ karma. ‘Naimithika karma’ is performed in ‘Aniyata-nimita’ way. The Grahana anushtana(epics) which does not occur every year but when it comes we will do it. The last

    type ‘Kamya’ karma is done as per our personal wish. There is no papa when thisKamya karma is skipped. As Sandhyaavandana should be performed thrice aday it is a ‘Nitya Karma’.

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    Self -satisfaction is the realization of atma Self-satisfaction means atma tattvarealization. Realizing of what is the truththat resides with in us is another meaningfor this. How one can realize the truth i.e.the Brahman that is inside us? Practice ofseeing the outside in inside, which meanssearching and seeing God inside us. For thisupadesa from Guru is important. Without hisgrace we can’t know the truth that residesinside us.

    Once we get this tattva, then we will be

    satisfied with our life style. Whateverhappens in our life we will not getemotionally carried away whether it is joy orsorrow. To get away from this span of life &death circle, we have to know the atma tattva. Once it is realized then there willnot be any attachments in our life which leads to samsara sagara.

    In our life when we surrender to our Guru who is the living legend Jagadguru HisHoliness Sri Sri Sri Bharathi Teertha Mahaswamigal we all will surely cross thissamsara sagara by realizing the truth with his grace. True surrender alone is



     xÉÑkÉÉÍxÉlkÉÉåqÉïkrÉå xÉÑUÌuÉOûÌmÉuÉÉOûÏmÉËUuÉ×iÉå qÉÍhɲÏmÉå lÉÏmÉÉåmÉuÉ  lÉuÉÌiÉ ÍcÉliÉÉqÉÍhÉaÉ×Wåû ! ÍzÉuÉÉMüÉUå qÉgcÉå mÉUqÉÍzÉuÉmÉrÉûÌlÉsÉrÉÉÇ pÉeÉÎliÉ iuÉÉÇ kÉlrÉÉ: MüÌiÉcÉlÉ ÍcÉSÉlÉlSsÉWûUÏqÉç !!7!!

     Sudhaasidshormadhye suraviTapivaaTeeparivRute  maNidveepe neepopavanavati chintaamaNigRuhe!  Shivaakaare manjche paramashivaparyangkanilayaaM  Bhajanti tvaaM dhanyaa: katichana chidaanandalahareem !!7!! Oh! Daughter of Himavan! Those who are blessed in the previous births alonecan think and chant of your nama. With the punya they have earned, they arenow able to meditate you in the form as you sit in your beautiful placeManidweepa, in the cot which has Lord Shiva as one leg, Lord Vishnu as another

    leg, Brahma Deva as another leg and the fourth leg as Sri Rudra. These three arethe four legs for your cot and the lap is Lord Sadashiva. You are sitting in His lapsas Kameswara Kamesari roopa and ruling the whole prapancha.In Sri Vidhyamantra the moola beeja for kamakshi is “kleem”.

  • 8/18/2019 Voice of JagadGuru


    Life History of Sringeri Sharada Peetam Acharyas

    Sri Bharati Tirtha (1333-1380 A.D)

    A¥ÉÉlÉÉÇ eÉÉ»ûuÉÏ iÉÏjÉïÇ ÌuɱÉiÉÏjÉïÇ ÌuÉuÉåÌMülÉÉqÉç |

     xÉuÉåïwÉÉÇ xÉÑZÉSÇ iÉÏjÉïÇ pÉÉUiÉÏiÉÏjÉïqÉÉ´ÉrÉå ||That Ganga which is the sin-removing refuge to the ignorant, That esoteric knowledge that is the refuge sought by the wise,

    That refuge which is good for all who seek Bliss, Unto that Bharati Tirtha, I bow! 

    Sri Bharati Tirtha a native of Ekasilanagaram (present day Warangal, Telangana)and younger brother of Sri Vidyaranya, in his purvashrama, ascended the throneof transcendental wisdom as the 11th Acharya by succeeding his Guru Sri SriVidyatirtha. He occupied the throne for 47 years until 1380. The Acharya’s reignwas one of the most momentous periods in the history of India. It was under theguidance of his successor-designate, Sri Vidyaranya, that the great Hindu

    Empire of Vijayanagar was founded in 1336. The Acharya knew that the sacredreligion of the land could be preserved only if the temporal powers were retainedby the Hindu rulers. In order to prevent the minds of the public from driftingaway from spiritual goals and also to retain the influence of the Mutt on thecommon man for spiritual good, he consecrated a golden image of Sri Sharadain the place of the sandalwood image installed during the time of Jagadguru SriAdi Shankaracharya. He took up the task of renovating the temple and Muttbuildings. During the time of founding of the Vijayanagar Kingdom, the VidyaShankara temple also was built. King Harihara’s brother Marappa and son-in-lawBallapa went to Sringeri in 1346 under the direction of the King to present nine

    villages to His Holiness for the undisturbed performance of His tapas and thesupport of forty Brahmin attendants. On the occasion of the consecration of SriVidyashankara temple, the Jagadguru divided lands yielding 600 pagodas into120 vrittis of five pagodas each and gave them away to 120 learned Brahminswho thus settled near the Mutt. This was the beginning of the present town ofSringeri. Scholars proficient in the Vedas and Sastras were honoured with titlesand gifts. The Acharya is noted to have endowed one hundred and twentyscholars proficient inthe Vedas and Sastras with vrittis or small holdings of land. 

    Sri Vidyaranya (1380 - 1386 A.D)

    AÌuɱÉUhrÉMüÉliÉÉUå pÉëqÉiÉÉÇ mÉëÉÍhÉlÉÉÇ xÉSÉ | ÌuɱÉqÉÉaÉÉåïmÉSå¹ÉUÇ ÌuɱÉUhrÉaÉÑÂÇ ´ÉrÉå ||

    To souls that wander in utter dismay in the dense woods of mental ignorance, He shows the path of true wisdom; Homage to

    the great Saint Vidyaranya !

    Sri Vidyaranya coming five centuries after Shankara Bhagavatpada was the 12thJagadguru of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham from 1380 to 1386 A.D. He broughtfame and glory to the Mutt by his dynamic leadership and unique contributions

    to spiritual and Vedantic thought.Sringeri, a cluster of hermitages, became aspiritual imperium with state jurisdiction during his pontificate.

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    To the Vyakhyana Simhasana (throne of transcendental wisdom) in the SharadaPeetham was added secular authority over the newly created Samsthanam,which served to enthuse a courageous spirit of unity and self-confidence amongthe people of South India.

    Sri Vidyaranya was a great force in the regeneration of our spiritual, moral and

    cultural values. He built temples at Sringeri and Hampi and established Mutts topropagate Vedanta. He was not only a sage and empire builder, but also a savantand a scholar par excellence. His works constituted the greatest treatises inpost-Shankara Advaitic literature. His marvellous interpretative skills reconciledmany apparent differences in philosophic texts.

    No other thinker or writer has acquired a reputation close to that of Adi Shankarain spreading the truths of Advaita. Special importance has been given to two ofVidyaranya’s popular works on Vedanta – Panchadasi and Jivanmukti Viveka. Asinvaluable treatises to the sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) and sanyasi, they are

    famous for their clarity of thought and abundance of quotations from well-knowntexts.

    (source: www.sringeri .net)

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    VAMANA Lord Mahavishnu incarnated in ten forms to protect this world. They are calledas Dasavthara. In that the fifth avathar of Lord Vishnu is Vamana. Now we are

    going to see about Lord Vamana.

    Once the Asura king Mahabali grew powerful with the help of Asura Guru SriSukaracharya. He concurred the swarga loka(heavenly region) of Indra with hisarmy. The sick Devas feared with the strength of Mahabali and approached theirGuru Sri Brihaspathi. He advised the Devas to hide themselves in the earth anddo Tapas towards Lord Mahavishnu who is the protector of Devas. Until theproper time comes for the down fall of Mahabali chakravarthi, Brihaspathiadvised Devas to utilize the time in Tapas.

    Mahabali declared as emperor for all the three worlds with full strength. AllDevas went out of the heavenly region and went to earth and did Tapas towardsLord Mahavishnu.

    Aditi, the mother of Devas on hearing the conditions of them got worried muchand was unable to do anything. She was waiting for the arrival of her husbandSage Kashyapa. On Kashyapas return, Aditi told the condition of devas and sheasked for remedy for this and Indra to come back to rule Swarga loka(heavenlyregion).

    Kashyapa advised her to worship the supreme power Lord Vasudeva to change

    this situation and to do th worship in full devotion with pure concentrated mind.If she does her prayers in such a manner sure Lord Hari will appear and will givethe boon whatever she asks.

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    As per the advice of Sage Kashyapa, Aditi observed this vow for a period oftwelve years. She meditated with staunch and pure devotion and concentratedmind. Pleased with her devotion Lord Vishnu appeared before her with yellowsilk dhothi(peethambara), Vana mala, Kausthuba mala and in His four arms withconch, discus, mace and lotus(Gada, Sudarsana chakra, Panjajanya and lotus).Seeing Lord, Aditi with joy and happiness started shedding tears and startedpraising Him with full bhakthi. Hearing her praising words Lord Vishnu said to

    Aditi, “Oh Aditi, I am well aware of your desires. Your worship will yield soon thefruits. I shall be born as your son and fulfill your desire of restoring to the Devastheir position, wealth and prosperity.” 

    Hearing the words of Lord Hari, Aditi with joy and happiness and felt the bless-ings of HIM did namaskaras. Lord Hari then disappeared. Sage Kashyapa, know-ing the truth of what happened with Aditi through his forethought went to hishouse. He felt that Lord Hari had entered him.

    After some time, Lord Vishnu was born to Aditi as a beautiful divine child full of

    brilliance with special decorations, weapons etc. in order that His divine identitymight recognize by His parents. In front of the eyes of His parents He trans-formed Himself into a short-statured Brahmachari (Vamana).(Will continue in next issue…..)