Vocabulary List #1 SAT Prep words English 11

Vocabulary List #1

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Vocabulary List #1. SAT Prep words English 11. 1. factious. (adjective) causing disagreement synonyms: belligerent; contentious Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation. 2. ignoble. (adjective) dishonorable, shameful Synonym: despicable; Double click on audio file - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vocabulary List #1

Vocabulary List #1SAT Prep wordsEnglish 111. factious(adjective) causing disagreement

synonyms: belligerent; contentious

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2. ignoble(adjective) dishonorable, shameful

Synonym: despicable;

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3. fervent(adjective) eager, earnest

Synonyms: burning; passionate

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4. rectify(verb) to correct; to make right

Synonyms: remedy; resolve

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5. besiege(verb) to overwhelm; to surround and attack

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6. altruism(noun) a concern for others; generosity

Synonym: unselfishness

Suffix: -ism: belief inA belief in being kind to othersDouble click on audio fileto hear pronunciation.

7. amorphous(adjective) shapeless

Prefix: a-: withoutWithout a shapeRoot: morph: shapeHaving no shapeDouble click on audio fileto hear pronunciation.

8. opulent(adjective) rich, luxurious, wealthy

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9. enervate(verb) to weaken

Synonyms: exhaust,

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10. ephemeral(adjective) lasting only a brief time; short-lived

Synonyms: fleeting; temporary

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11. boor(noun) a rude or impolite person

Synonyms: buffoon, clown

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12. aegis(noun) a shield; protection

Synonym: backing

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13. perspicacity(noun) keenness of judgment

Synonym: perceptiveness

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14. erotic( adjective) pertaining to sexual love

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15. carrion(noun) decaying flesh

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