VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

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Page 1: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING


JANUARY 20, 2019

Page 2: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING


21 Jan MON SPRED Podesta Hall 5:30 PM

21 Jan MON Prayer for Priests Church 7:00 PM

21 Jan MON CRHP Meeting Parish Center 7:00 PM

23 Jan WED Bible Study Parish Center 12:30 PM

23 Jan WED Children’s Choir Rehearsal Church 3:00 PM

23 Jan WED MANNA Parish Center 7:30 PM

24 Jan THUR Prayer for Priests Church 8:45 AM

24 Jan THUR VIS Seniors Meeting Parish Center 1:00 PM

26 Jan SAT RE First Reconciliation Church 10:00 AM



Visitation Catholic Church Page Two—January 20, 2019

Welcome To Father Thomas Milota

Dear Parishioners of Visitation Church,

With sincere gratitude I offer thanks to God and to you for your kind and warm welcome to the Parish this last week. What a privilege it is to be with you as Temporary Administrator over the next four months and to get to know and love you as I await my permanent parish assignment and fill in for Fr. Greg. As Fr. Greg begins his sabbatical, I am finishing mine. Since many have been asking who I am and where I come from, it is probably a good idea to introduce myself in a more formal way. One year ago, I completed 10 ½ years as pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Naperville, which is a large parish with a large school not unlike Visitation. However, I served most recently as full-time caregiver for my mother who died this last July. You may know her well in that she appeared as the cover-girl of the Diocesan magazine the

same month she passed to our Lord. She suffered from Alzheimer’s for 11 years. The last two years of her life, she lived with me first in the rectory at Saints Peter and Paul and then in an apartment in Wheaton with my Dad and me. Short of our Lord’s call to priesthood, the greatest privilege of my life was having the opportunity to care for my mother just as she cared for me all of my life. I am a graduate of Immaculate Conception High School, the University of Saint Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota, the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and the Pontifical Atheneum of Saint Anselm in Rome. This Fall, I studied creative writing at DePaul University and took pilgrimages to Lourdes and the Eternal City, and now I am privileged to be with you. I have already had the opportunity to visit all of the classrooms in the school and look forward to visiting with the RE classes in the coming weeks. If there is any way I can be of assistance to you, if you have a relative who needs the anointing of the sick or you would just like to talk, please don’t hesitate to give me a call at the parish. I would be happy to assist you in whatever way I am able.

May God bless you and keep you.

In Christ,

Fr. Thomas Milota

Father Thomas Milota Temporary Administrator

Page 3: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 20, 2019—Page Three

E-GIVING IS AVAILABLE Have you considered signing up for E-Giving instead of writing checks for your weekly offering? Visit http://giving.ncsservices.org/visitationegiving to see how easy and convenient it is to register.

Thank you for your support.


Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM

8:15 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM





$ 4,875.00 $ 4,576.00 $ 2,901.50 $ 6,535.25 $ 4,746.35 $ 1,228.00 $ 24,862.10 $ 7,964.34 $ 32,826.44

$ 30,317.00 $ 879,193.00 $ 937,176.05

January 13, 2019

Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM

8:15 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM






$ 4,233.18 $ 1,515.00 $ 3,590.15 $ 5,396.00 $ 8,444.35 $ 2,014.61 $ 25,193.29 $ 4,911.00 $ 30,104.29

$ 7,387.00

$ 30,317.00 $ 909,510.00 $ 967,280.34


PRIEST IN TRAINING By Father Michael Kearney

Growing up with my mother’s Arabic traditions, I always enjoyed Arabic weddings...

T hese celebrations included multiple days of celebrating: On Thursday we would celebrate with the Bride-To-Be; on Friday was the Groom-To-Be’s Party; and on Saturday was the big wedding celebration with a Mass and reception!

I imagine the Wedding Feast at Cana was similar.

I t wasn’t unfamiliar to have a week-long cele-bration for weddings. Mary, the Mother of God, reveals to Jesus that the wedding celebration they were attending was running out of wine (you can only imagine how difficult it was to judge the right amount for a week-long celebration!). But besides the needs for this long celebration, there is some-thing else going on in the Scripture which the author is actually revealing to the Christian community! Wine, in Jewish tradition, represented two things: God’s presence and God’s joy! This was because you would pull the wine out after a great victory, showing that God was with you and a celebration of peace! When Mary, as an intercessor, brings the need of the people to Jesus, what she was really saying to her Son, was that these people are desiring for Your presence and joy!

The people of God were waiting in great

length for their Messiah and King.

Y et, they had lost their nation and they believed the line of David was destroyed. No prophet, with the exception of St. John the Baptist, had been heard from for centuries. The people longed for their God! What does Jesus do? He reveals in over-abundance, His presence and joy! Jesus reveals to the people that He wants to flood us with His love!

When things get dry and difficult,

when we can’t feel God’s presence and joy, just turn to our Mother, and ask for her intercession. L isten to the words of the Lord, and allow the Lord to transform the ordinary things of life (the water), into a great joy and celebration of His Love (the wine).

2019 Catholic Ministries


The Diocese of Joliet is mailing information about the 2019 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA) to all registered parishioners this month. As you know, the CMAA supports 30 ministries that benefit every parish in the diocese, including ours, and are Signs of Hope to our brothers and sisters most in need.

Our parish’s goal for the 2019 CMAA is: $138,100. Please remember that 70% of any amount we raise over goal is returned to us for our use. This is a great op-portunity for our parish! Please review the materials you receive and prayerfully reflect on your gift to this year’s Annual Appeal. If you have not received a CMAA Diocesan mailing, please contact our parish office.

Page 4: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

Visitation Catholic Church Page Four—January 20, 2019

Monday Heb 5:1-10 Mk 2:18-22

Tuesday Heb 6:10-20 Mk 2:23-28

Wednesday Heb 7:1-3,

15-17 Mk 3:1-6

Thursday Heb 7:25—8:6

Mk 3:7-12

Friday Acts 22:3-16 Mk 16:15-18

Saturday 2 Tm 1:1-8 Mk 3:20-21

Sunday Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10

1 Cor 12:12-30 Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21







It’s tempting to think that knowing and naming the gifts God has given us shows a lack of humility. In truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus!

FIRST READING As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so God rejoices in the chosen ones (Isaiah 62:1-5). This beautiful hymn celebrates the vindication and res-toration that God would visit upon Israel. She had suf-fered terribly during the exile in Babylon and things had not been much better for her when she returned to Is-rael after that exile (for the land was totally devastated). The passage uses matrimonial imagery to describe the new relationship between God and His people. This is a theme that Hosea had developed when he compared the love between Yahweh and His people to the love be-tween a husband and a wife. This is also the idea pre-sented in the Gospel where Jesus saves the wedding feast of the couple at Cana by changing water into wine (and thus prefigures His own marriage to the Church). SECOND READING All the varied gifts in the Christian community are from one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Paul reminds the people of Corinth that all of the gifts come from the Holy Spirit and they are given for the sake of the community. Therefore, they should not cause one to develop a sense of arrogance. They do not belong to any of us. They were given to us to be held in trust

(for they are from God and are to be rendered back to God in the way that we use them). Paul explains that those which are truly the most important are those which serve to build up the community (e.g., wisdom, knowledge, faith, etc.). GOSPEL READING Rejoicing at a wedding celebration in Cana, Jesus replenishes the wine supply (John 2:1-11). The Gospel describes the first miracle (or as John de-scribes it, the first sign of glory) that Jesus performed. The passage does not call Mary by her name. It calls her the mother of Jesus. She is being presented as queen mother who prepares the wedding feast for her Son. Jesus’ response to her is not a sign of disrespect (it is the way that one would say that it was none of their business in Aramaic). Mary orders the servants to listen to her Son (something she always does). There are six stone jars. (Six, one less than seven, the perfect number in the Bible). The Jewish custom is thus shown to fall short of perfection. There is too much wine. An abundance of wine is a sign of the Messianic banquet in heaven. Jesus serves the better wine (New Covenant) that replaces the earlier, not as good wine (Old Testament).

REFLECTION Each of us has different gifts, given by the same Spirit. What are your gifts? Some bring gifts of great joy. Others are a challenge to accept. In this week’s Gospel, it reveals Jesus’ gift for miraculous deeds, like changing the water into wine. He shares this gift quietly. In re-sponse to a need, although he wondered if it was time to share it. Mary was confident he would respond. That is also an important gift to name. Jerusalem offers the gift of being home to the Israelites after a time of exile. God’s delight is witnessed in the gift of the name, Espoused. Do we miss our gifts because we are too focused on those of others? A student at a campus ministry pro-gram noted that “Comparison is a thief of joy.” Jealousy often robs us of delighting in the gifts God gives each of us. Name the gifts God has given you. Unsure what they are? Ask people you trust. Create a litany of thanks-giving to God for these gifts. If tempted to jealousy, add those people and their gifts to your litany. Thank God by sharing your gifts, because “the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” (1 Cor 12:7).

January 20, 2019

Scripture Reflections for SECOND SUNDAY


Page 5: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time


January 20, 2019—Page Five


MONDAY, JANUARY 21 6:15 AM Jerome Thallemer 8:15 AM Intentions of Father Greg Skowron TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 6:15 AM Anna David 8:15 AM Jane Ryan WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 6:15 AM Billy Melluish 8:15 AM Intentions of Father Michael Kearney THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 6:15 AM Louise Talko 8:15 AM Intentions of Father Benjamin Chinnapan FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 6:15 AM Donald Novak 8:15 AM Joseph Pachay Harold Repka SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 8:15 AM Margaret Brown 5:00 PM Kevin D’Agostino SUNDAY, JANUARY 27 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 AM Intentions of the Celebrant 8:15 AM Robert Peachey, Sr. Frank Wajda 10:00 AM People of the Parish George and Marion Raeth Joseph DiGiovanni, Sr. 11:30 AM Patricia Bachinski 6:00 PM Intentions of Margaret Johnson


For the Sick

Please pray for all the sick and their families: Elizabeth Gory Susan Reetz Pauline Palgen John Rossi Tina Fosnacht

Due to privacy issues we only honor prayer list requests by you or a family member. Names remain on list for two weeks. Please call the office to add a name or to have the name continued for two additional weeks.

II — Marissa Glosny and Jeffrey Mellone


For the Deceased Vito Basile "Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.”

To take the gifts up at Mass, please see an Usher.

Candles will burn perpetually this week before the Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel of Our Lady, Mother of the Eucharist, for the following intentions: — For the healing of our sick family members. — Thanksgiving for all the blessings given. — For complete healing for Maxim Dias DaCosta. — For the repose of the soul of Antonio Quintana. — For Charmaine Murphy. — In memory of Ryan Hanrahan.


Vigil candles burn for requested intentions before our church statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph, To have a candle lit, please call the Parish Office at 630-834-6700.

Salvatore Raimondi


U.S. Air Force —MSGT Kevin James (Ramstein AFB, Germany) AMN Natalee Arbino (Wright Paterson, OH) AMN E2 Jacob Neimanas (Travis AFB, CA) AMN Eric E. James (DYESS AFB, Abilene, TX) SSGT Christopher Lenz (Tinker AFB, OK) U.S. Army — CPT Joseph Doyle (ID) MAJ Patrick Leen (IL) 1LT Timothy Drahokoupil (Ft. Campbell, KY) LT Joseph D. Frost (Kandahar, Afghanistan) CPT Nicholas Keller (Ft. Knox, KY 2 LT Thomas J. Diwisch (Fort Bragg, NC) PVT Stephen J. Taylor (Ft. Eustis, VA) U.S. Coast Guard — CPO Patrick Kirby (TX) U.S. Marine Corps — PVT Nicholas Acevedo (CA) 1 LT Kurt P. James (Darwin, Australia) SGT David Byrne (Japan) CPL Conor Croci (MCAS Miramar, CA) LCPL Eric E. Gibas (Camp Pendleton, CA) United States Navy — LCDR Robert Aranha (United States)

To add a name to this list, please call 630-834-6700.

We remember in prayer our military as they serve in our Armed Forces and pray for God’s protection.


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FROM OUR BISHOP Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Next weekend, January 26-27, our diocese will take up the national Collection for the Church in Latin America. Last year, when Pope Francis opened registrations for World Youth Day in Panama, he said, “WYD is for the courageous! Not for young people who are searching only for comfort and who withdraw whenever difficulties arise. Do you accept the challenge?” You have helped young people accept the challenge to grow in faith by your ongoing support for the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your generosity is helping the young people of the Archdiocese of Panama build relationships with one another, with their peers throughout Latin America, and with the rest of the world as they prepare for World Youth Day 2019. This is a tremendous event in the life of the Church, and these young people are now experiencing it to the fullest! You have given them the opportunity to grow as leaders and to develop missionary hearts. Please be generous in this collection. Take this opportunity to share your faith with young people in Latin America and the Caribbean. Your support will truly make a difference. Thank you and God bless you. Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Bishop of Joliet

Visitation Catholic Church Page Six—January 20, 2019

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Lindsay Janowski, an adorer from 6-7 pm on Saturday, is one of those people

who have a NEED and a WANT…

H er dedicated partner, who shared that hour with her, had been an adorer for 20 years, but can no longer continue. Lindsay enjoys her quiet time with the Lord. She reaps the benefits of peace, answers and grace from our Lord as she raises her two small children. She is a faithful adorer but has difficulty making it to Chapel every Saturday. Having a partner to share the hour allowed her to spend quality time with Jesus and still have the flexibility to attend to family matters when the circumstances arose. Jesus was never left alone. Having a partner enabled her to “have the best of both worlds.” But now that her partner at the 6-7 pm hour can no longer make it, she has a NEED. Sadly, she has informed the Adoration Committee that if her partner is not replaced by March, she will have to quit her hour. She believed that if we explained her situation that someone in the parish would come forward and partner with her. Will you be that person?

Ann Sandoval, Sunday, 6-7 pm and Joan Herrmann, Tuesday, 9-10 pm

also have a WANT. They would like a partner. Remember, you “share” the hour.

C ontact Mary Lewis at 630-941-9173 to register for 6-7pm Saturday, or any other hour you may choose. EASTERN DUPAGE DEANERY PRESENTATION SERIES

Fr. John Kartje “Out of the Lab and Into the Chapel:

The Gift of Science to Faith” Tuesday, January 29, 7-8:30 PM

Immaculate Conception Parish, 134 Arthur St., Elmhurst Western science owes much of its foundations to the worldview of the Bible and subsequent Catholic sacramental thought. Join us for a lively discussion of how science can enrich the Catholic spiritual journey and help restore the relevance of faith to a culture that struggles with spiritual apathy. Fr. John Kartje is President of the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary. A native of East Chicago, Indiana, Fr. Kartje is a graduate of Bishop Noll Institute [Hammond], earned a B.A. degree in Mathemat-ics and B.S. degree in Physics from University of Chicago where he also earned a Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astro-physics. A free will offering taken at this event. Registra-tion required. Sign up at easterndupagedeanery.org.

LENTEN EVENT Mary Queen of Heaven Parish-Barrett Hall

426 West Ave., Elmhurst Saturday Mornings beginning February 2, 2019

The time is NOW for the men of our communities to stand up and become the Leaders, Husbands, Fathers, and Grandfathers that they were truly meant to be! Come to a session and see what it’s all about. That Man Is You! is an interactive men’s program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of a man, fully alive. 6:30 am — Breakfast and Fellowship 7:00 am — Video Presentation 7:30 am — Small Group Discussions Concludes no later than 8:00am To register or for more information visit: www.TMIY.org, or contact Andrew Morgan at 630-276-6401 or Ken Gillie at 847-980-2803. Advanced registration preferred. To Register, go to www.TMIY.org; click on find a group/register for a class; search near Elmhurst; select Mary Queen of Heaven; complete form.

(2/9 Session held at Visitation Parish). Sponsored by the Eastern DuPage Deanery

and is open to men from all parishes.

Please Pray With Us!

The Rosary is prayed every day… Monday through Saturday, after 8:15 am Mass and/or 30 minutes before

the start of all weekend Masses. We pray for priests Mondays at 7 pm and

Thursdays at 8:45 am in the church.

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time January 20, 2019—Page Seven

Page 8: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

Friday, February 1 7:00-9:00 pm

Valentino Center (VIS Gym) No walk-ins due to gym capacity

Visitation CCW presents The Annual

It’s that special time of year!

The Daddy-Daughter Dance! Your favorite girl(s) will enjoy spending time with Dad, as well as PIZZA, DRINKS, DESSERT, a DJ playing ALL OF THEIR FAVORITE SONGS, and a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER to capture all these precious moments!


Please register no later than January 28. Questions?

Contact Erin Carillo at [email protected]

$13$13$13 p/pp/pp/p

VIS Seniors Meeting Thursday, Jan. 24 1:00 pm Parish Center

Entertainment! Coffee and Goodies served!

Join us for some fun!

Second Annual Sweetheart Dinner Dance Eastern DuPage Deanery Marriage Enrichment Ministry invites you to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Feb. 9, at Christ The King, 1501 S. Main St., Lombard. Attend 5 pm Mass with a blessing for all married couples, followed by a fun evening of dinner and dancing. Prepayment re-quired by Feb. 5. Cost: $60 couple (check payable to “IC”). Mail to MEM at 425 S. Main St. Lombard, IL 60148 (name/phone/email or contact Jillian at 216-925-3201.

Please join us to celebrate and support Visitation Catholic School

Saturday, Jan. 26 6:00 PM The Drake Hotel Oak Brook

$10,000 Raffle will be pulled at 7:00 PM Event and Raffle Tickets still available at

www.biddingforgood/visitation or contact Lindsay Cibelli:

[email protected] or 708-774-4900

First Look for Charity Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet, along with 17 other charities will benefit from First Look for Charity, the offi-cial kick-off to the Chicago Auto Show. The black tie event will be held on Friday, Feb. 8, at McCormick Place from 7-11 pm. Tickets are $275 and are available at catholiccharities.org or by calling 815-724-1140. Purchase your ticket through Catholic Charities for champagne and hor d’oevres, entertainment, open bar, food, live music and are automatically entered to win a new car!

Visitation Catholic Church Page Eight—January 20, 2019

Page 9: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

January 20, 2019—Page Nine Second Sunday In Ordinary Time


Address________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________



E-Mail_________________________ ______________________________

Emergency Contact Name/Email/Phone ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Special or Dietary Needs ______________________________

Please place this form & a check made payable to Visitation for $35 fee in the CRHP box in the back of church. Or, you can mail it to: Linda Eaker 892 Fairfield Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126

A time to relax, refresh, re-energize,

pray and rethink your priorities toward God,

your family, and your life.

A time to get to know others in the parish and grow as a faith community.

An opportunity to examine,

rediscover, and/or ignite your personal

relationship with God.


Page 10: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

Visitation Catholic Church Page Ten—January 20, 2019

Page 11: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

A Thank You Note from Sr. Monahan

Dearest Visitation Parishioners,

I had such joy in reading all of your Christmas cards and getting caught up with your family activities. Thank you for taking the time to remember me during the busy holiday season. Know that I am well and pray for all of my Visitation family.

Peace to you, Sister Thomas Leo Monahan, O.P. LOVE Thank You

Dear Friends of LOVE at Visitation Catholic Church,

Thank you for your recent donation of $150.00 received on 12/18/2018. Your help ensures that families all over DuPage County can be connected with the community resources they need to help them through a particularly difficult time.

Thank you for your support. May God Bless you, LOVE Christian Clearinghouse

Grace Cafe Team Grateful, Blessed 100+ Parishioners donated food, supplies, and volunteer time. + 90 Guests delighted in a delicious Mexican dinner and warm fellowship. = 1 Grace Cafe Team that feels grateful and blessed to be a part of the = 1 Visitation community. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support of our January 7 Grace Cafe. Guests expressed many compliments about the evening, and several noted that they loved interacting with our warm, caring volunteers — especially the children who served their tables. We look forward to serving again next year.

DuPage Holiday Outreach Program

Hello Friends of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet!

Every year, our Holiday Outreach Program in DuPage County helps to make the Holidays for those in need a little brighter. Our goal is to insure that every family that is currently in our DuPage Housing Programs, which would include our homeless shelter, our Transitional Housing and Permanent Support Housing program, will have presents to open for the holidays. We open the pro-gram up to the entire County, and accept applications from individuals and families in the County. In addition to presents, we are able to provide many families with food, toiletries and other household needs. Through the generosity of many people, including companies, churches and schools, we were able to provide gifts to 478 households! This is a 188% increase over the 254 households served in 2017. Not only were we able to serve all the families currently in our housing pro-grams, but all households on our waiting list were served!

We are grateful for your generosity!

For questions or information on how Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet is impacting lives each day, please call 630-495-8008 or visit catholiccharitiesjoliet.org.

Thank You Visitation Parish Community... January 20, 2019—Page Eleven Second Sunday In Ordinary Time

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Feeding the


The Casserole Ministry delivers your home-cooked casseroles to the poor and homeless. Thanks to your generosity, we have been delivering about 65 casseroles each month. Cash donations are forwarded to Immaculate Conception’s food bank. To help, visit the table in the Parish Center after any Mass on one of the Tin Distribution dates listed below. This is a great way to have your children help those less fortunate (and earn service hours)!

Tin Distribution Casserole Collection Jan. 19/20 Feb. 2/3 Feb. 16/17 Mar. 2/3 Mar. 23/24 Apr. 6/7 Apr. 13/14 May 4/5

We also need a volunteer to help…

Two times/month (approx. 10 minutes) at the 8:15am Mass. To help, please contact

Kathy Best at [email protected].

Page Twelve—January 20, 2019 Visitation Catholic Church

“I had reached a point in life where I saw major changes coming quickly. To be honest, I was not ready for them. I had always been a

prayerful person but even my relationship with God was beginning to suffer. I was losing my grip on prayer and life and it was scary. I was wondering how to survive it all. To help myself, I decided to attend the CRHP weekend. That weekend turned out to be a huge blessing! I was able to rekindle my prayer life and develop meaningful relationships with other women here at Visitation. For me, the CRHP experience continues to grow my faith and my friendships with these women. We have a shared trust in each other and in God.

Come to our CRHP Renewal Weekend on January 26-27 and see what you

have been missing.” —ACA


PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY The Prayer Quilt Ministry would like to encourage all parishioners to let us know about those who are going through a significant difficulty and who may benefit from the prayers of our congregation and the tangible evidence of those prayers in the form of prayer quilts. The recipients of the prayer quilts may be going through a health issue, facing surgery, be in the military (or just returned from military duty), dealing with grief, emotional concerns, etc. They do not have to be a member of Visitation Parish or Catholic. Anyone may offer a prayer quilt to anyone you feel might benefit and appreciate being covered by our prayers. The recipient MUST agree to accept the prayer quilt. If you would like to request a prayer quilt for someone, please complete the form below, place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the Parish Office and someone from the Prayer Quilt Ministry will get in touch with you to obtain additional information.


____________________________ Contact Person ____________________________ Contact Phone ____________________________ Recipient Name ____________________________ Recipient Phone Number

Page 13: VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH ELMHURST, IL...truth, doing so actually helps focus on how we might be most effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus! sign of the Messian FIRST READING

779 S. York Street Elmhurst, IL 60126 www.visitationparish.org Daily Mass: Monday-Friday, 6:15 am, 8:15 am Saturday Reconciliation: 4:00-4:45 pm Saturday Mass Hours: 8:15 am, 5:00 pm Sunday Mass Hours: 7:00 am, 8:15 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am, 6:00 pm

VISITATION PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Visitation Parish, a Roman Catholic Community in the Diocese of Joliet-in-Illinois, seeks to draw all to Jesus Christ, revelation of the Father and font of the Holy Spirit, by celebrating the Sacraments, educating people of all ages in the Truths of the Catholic Faith, and reaching out to those who are physically, emotionally, or spiritually in need.

Welcome to Visitation Catholic Church

PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Greg Skowron, Pastor, 815-791-6073 [email protected] Rev. Michael Kearney, Parochial Vicar, 630-834-6700 [email protected] Deacon Anthony Spatafore, Pastoral Associate, 630-834-6700 [email protected] Deacon Jay Janousek, 630-834-2863 Deacon James Eaker, 630-530-7596 Deacon Mike Iozzo, 630-567-4700, [email protected] Deacon Michael O’Ryan, 630-530-2954 [email protected] Marek Latocha, Business Manager, 630-834-6700, x202 [email protected]


YOUTH MINISTRY Jake Barkley, Youth Minister, [email protected]

MUSIC Barbara Masters, Parish Music Director, 630-834-8190 [email protected]

OFFICE STAFF Suzanne Noonan, Secretary, 630-834-6700 Teodora Kulikowska, Admin. Asst. 630-834-6700, x206

VISTATION CATHOLIC SCHOOL Website: www.visitationelmhurst.org Phone: 630-834-4931/Fax: 630-834-4936 Carrie Mijal, School Principal, [email protected] Katie McVey, School Assistant Principal [email protected]



MONDAY Lucy Russ

Beth Frolik

TUESDAY Jacob Wede

Benjamin Wede

WEDNESDAY Natalie Lawton Alysa Lawton

THURSDAY Ryan Mayfield

AJ Torres

FRIDAY Maggie Berigan Patrick Berigan

SATURDAY Marlena Modica Brendan Bassing

Love and Service to Others

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: [MON-THUR] 8:30 am-4:30 pm [FRI] 8:30 am-12 Noon Phone: 630-834-6700 Fax: 630-834-6711 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: WWW.VISITATIONPARISH.ORG

Deanery Website: easterndupagedeanery.org

BISHOP OF JOLIET Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon, J.C.D.



JAN 26/27 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:15 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM LECTORS Brendan Moriarty NOT FILLED — 1 Andy Packhem Debbie Carey VIS Student Gerry Weaver


Monica Spatafore Dianne C. Carter MaryAnn Santucci Mary Beth Ryan

Marianne Stanke Mary Ann Arazan Al Potaczek Bob Kaminski

Kevin O’Reilly Velma DuRocher Linda Smith Clarita Iozzo

Lester Holze Paul Morris Theresa Koenigsberger Erin Radcliff

Elizabeth Fisette Rufo Lacsamana Karen Stuefen Mary Ohm

Susan Haibeck Rita McGreal Elaine Ryba Patti Riggs


Jack Harrison Michael Wilson NOT FILLED — 1

Aniela Gaudio Giovanna Gaudio NOT FILLED — 1

Jack Beckman Luke Beckman Scott Zaragoza

Nick Zaragoza Colin Harrington Finn Harrington

Adrian Schafer Emily Carling Kode Imburgia

Will Bryk Payton Bryk Peter Frost

MUSIC Jim Brown

Barb Masters

Jim Brown Megan Drahos


Barb Masters Lesley Sharkey CHILDREN’S CHOIR