Vision Magazine January 2012

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Art of Alchemy

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“Artifi cial Dream” Julie Dillion www.JulieDillionart.comJanaury 2012 Theme: Art of AlchemyNext Month, February 2012 Theme: Heart Mind

On the Cover


6 Viewpoint Bringing Compassion to Real Estate

7-8 Holistic Living Children and Ayurveda

9 Greek To Me The One The Finally Got Away

10 Ask The Lifequaketm Doctor Advice About Life Transitions

11-15 Mindstates Art of Alchemy The Alchemy of Living Creating Inner Alchemy

16-17 Culture The Alchemy of Our Stories Label GMOs in California

18 Astrology

20-21 Culture Mobile Therapy Tales of Liquid Alchemy

22-23 Healing Arts The Alchemy of Healing 24-27 Features Live to Inherit Matrix Energetics

28 Community Resource

34-37 Vision Café Shen Yun Anatomy of Yoga Radiant Living

38 Holistic Business Crave 42 Calendar

45 Visionary Artist Julie Dillion

If you have a comment on any of these articles e-mail us at [email protected]

Find us online. www.visionmagazine.com



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Page 6: Vision Magazine January 2012

Bringing Compassion into Real Estateby Cari Drolet

The art of alchemy: A power or process of transforming something common into something special.

Prior to starting Lotus Realty Group, my background included 10 years of working for large fi nancial institutions such as Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Union Bank of

California, and fi nally, Fieldstone Mortgage, which was one of the top subprime lenders in 46 states. When the mortgage crisis hit in 2007-2008, Fieldstone closed their doors. And so it began. Financial institutions across the country were closing their doors or being bought out by other companies at an alarming rate. All of these bad or “liar” loans created a wave of short sales and foreclosures, causing a lot of fear and confusion for many homeowners. These homeowners are not only defaulting on their mortgage, but are experiencing other hardships due to the ensuing economic downturn, such as job loss, divorce, illness, and in some cases, death.

I think many of us could see this crisis coming for quite some time. However, I don’t think any of us were prepared for the emotional impact this has created. In 2008, I had the opportunity to be part of one of the top real estate teams in San Diego as a realtor and sales partner. The offi ce was used to working a more traditional market at the time. I decided to start talking to homeowners that were defaulting on their mortgage, in hopes of helping them sell their homes that were under water and repair their credit so that they would be able to buy a home again—sooner than if they just let the home go to foreclosure. It was sad to see the panic in their faces and hear the hardships that they were going through. Coming from a real estate offi ce where all client interactions were scripted, I realized in this market that the traditional way of selling real estate and dealing with clients was not going to work.

At the end of 2008, a situation in our offi ce occurred in which a homeowner who was facing foreclosure was not being treated with compassion, and it was disheartening to me. I was told that, “Instead of worrying about one person who cannot help themself, fi nd a way to help many.” In other words, do not be compassionate, and close more deals. My goal since then has been to bring compassion to the real estate industry—teach realtors to connect with their clients by listening, building trust, and offering a full circle solution to get homeowners facing foreclosure through these diffi cult times and on the road to recovery.

As we move forward into 2012, there will be a new wave of short sales and foreclosures hitting the market. There are over 6 million homeowners that have missed at least one payment and will most likely end up in either a short sale or a foreclosure. The fi rst reaction for a homeowner in this situation is to hold on! They will try to modify their loan or re-fi nance. The problem with that is loan modifi cations have a high default rate and re-fi nancing is not as easy as it once was, with 70 percent of the homes under water. I have also found most people experiencing this diffi culty are holding on to the emotional attachment that the home, the cars, or other assets represent.

I would like to challenge you to see this as a clearing. The only thing that causes pain and suffering is our attachment to the outcome. What if we try letting go, surrendering, allowing and trusting that all of these trials have been set up for our purifi cation? Clear out the things that are no longer working to allow something better to come in.

I go to a church called Quest Haven in San Elijo Hills. As you walk down the path leading to the church, there is a plaque and it says, “With

purity of motivation I enter this house.” Spirit and the universe are constantly teaching me that my motivation has to be pure in its intent. If it is not, then I can create situations that could be potentially harmful for myself and others and bring unwanted baggage and karma. This is a perfect time to refl ect on what our motivations were to buy a house or take that job. 2012 can mark a new beginning for all of us. Letting go and jumping off that cliff can be scary, but we will never know what is around the corner and will never be open to receiving if we are still holding on to what is no longer working.

I recently have gone through some painful experiences in my personal life. It has always fascinated me the demons that come out to play when you are trying to awaken to truth. For myself, I have described it as lying on the fl oor and watching all of these dark images swirling around me creating chaos and confusion. The ironic thing is, today I recognize the faces of these dark images and I know where they go. Should I choose to keep allowing them to create more chaos and confusion, well, then there is no one to blame but myself. I worked with a wonderful spiritual counselor who also describes it as my fi le cabinet. She said when I decided to awaken, the universe came in and opened my fi le cabinet and threw all my fi les in the air, and my job was to fi le them back where they belong. They could be the seven deadly sins or simply our emotions that are weighing us down. Trying to put all of the darkness back in its proper place to move forward, I feel, is everyone’s challenge in life, not just my own, and that helps me to feel less alone. I would like to challenge everyone moving forward to open your fi le cabinet. See what is there and let the work begin. Peace, love and light.

Cari Drolet is a Certifi ed Distressed Property Expert and the founder of Lotus Realty Group, which is located in Solana Beach, CA. For more details, please visit the Web site, www.LotusRealtyGroup.com, e-mail [email protected], or call 858.764.7300. Also be sure to check out Drolet’s blog at http://wwwlotusrealtygroupcom.blogspot.com/.



Cari Drolet

Page 7: Vision Magazine January 2012


continued on page 8


Elbert Hubbard was right on target when he said, “The object of teaching is to enable a child to get along without his teacher.” While many of us read this quote and agree with it, we may not quite grasp its full meaning or its connection to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is an ancient, time-tested style of holistic medicine that supports one in allowing better health and happiness into life. “Ayur” translates into “life” or “longevity,” and “Veda” translates into “knowledge” or “truth.” Combining the two words leaves us with, “Knowledge of Longevity” or “Truth of Life.” As one applies the “knowledge of longevity,” they begin to experience the “truth of life”—that every moment of every day can be filled with love, peace, and happiness.

Ayurveda supports the development of the human being by understanding that we are more than just physical. To heal, we may have to deal with deeper-rooted stresses along with the physical ailment. One of Ayurveda’s strengths is its ability to treat each person individually, recognizing that there can be many internal and external influences on one’s health and happiness. Another strength is Ayurveda’s focus on prevention of dis-ease by recommending spiritual, herbal, dietary, and lifestyle regimens that fit our individual needs and body types. In this way, Ayurveda promotes greater self-awareness by allowing us to get connected with who we are as an individual and then to feel empowered in knowing how to stay balanced mentally, emotionally, and physically. The more balanced we feel, the more we can experience the

love and beauty each moment of each day.Many of us who became interested in holistic healthcare and disease prevention

waited until we were in our twenties or beyond before we recognized the positive impact it can have on our lives. Too often the reason we end up in an Ayurvedic consult is our own mental or physical health issues that just won’t go away. Wouldn’t it have been nice if we had learned how to keep our body balanced and at peace at an earlier age? We can imagine how we may have handled parts of our life differently if we were in a more peaceful state of mind. We can imagine the physical issues that could have been averted and the increased happiness that could have been cultivated.

During my time as an elementary school teacher, I had the opportunity to work with many types of children, including children who were considered gifted and children with severe emotional impairment. No matter what classroom I was in, I observed many children dealing with the same imbalances that were plaguing many of my friends and family as well as myself. The issues I noticed most commonly stemmed from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and not knowing how to process emotions effectively.

Below is a list of holistic strategies to support children at an early age in beginning to develop healthy behavioral habits that can support them for the rest of their lives. These strategies are rooted in Ayurvedic wisdom coupled

by Dave Lesinski

Ayurveda for Children

with teacher-based experiences. The strength in these strategies lies within the empowerment children feel as they make positive changes in their lives and gain a greater depth of self-awareness. As mentioned before, this self-development does not just leave us with a healthier body, but leads to greater joy and happiness every day of our lives.

Enjoy using these strategies to bring more balance into your child’s life. These techniques are just the beginning and will hopefully be a catalyst for the development of more kid-friendly holistic strategies and an enjoyable time between you and your kids.

DepressionWhen thinking about depression, it may

be helpful to think about the child’s emotional heart. What can we do to support the healing and blossoming of the child’s heart? One way is through pet therapy. We can teach the child how their behavior impacts the animal and how the animal relies on them. The best animals to use would be those able to clearly show their affection back. Some examples may be a dog or cat.

Another strategy is to engage the child in volunteering in a way that they can see how appreciative the people receiving the help are. If the child is not able to meet the individual in person, phone calls, pictures, or letters can be useful. Sharing toys or other items with friends can be an easy first step. Allow the child

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Page 8: Vision Magazine January 2012



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to share something that they really enjoy with others and observe how much the friend appreciates it.

Aromatherapy is also benefi cial. For depression, try rose, jasmine, orange, lemongrass, and clary sage.

Finally, try meditation with the child. Sit with the child and guide them to close their eyes. Guide them to picture a bright light of their favorite color in the center of their chest like a ball or balloon. Ask them to allow the light to be fi lled with happiness, joy, and laughter. If you choose, guide the child to expand the balloon in order to surround themselves or be sent to another person.

AnxietyMany times, kids with fear and anxiety can be helped by grounding them

downward. In other words, get some of the focus from their thinking mind down into their physical body. “Feel the Feet” is a great game that can be played. The child sits with bare feet and closes their eyes. Allow them to use their feet to feel different items like ice, stones, or cotton and then guess what they are. Simply walking outside with bare feet is also a great strategy. When doing so, really guide the child in noticing how the ground feels beneath them.

To help them be grounded into the body, we can teach the child to softly massage their muscles. You can develop a routine starting with the feet and legs and working up to the neck and head. Also look into Ayurveda’s Abhyanga massage and add some very grounding massage oil to the routine.

For aromatherapy in the case of anxiety, use cedarwood, bergamot, lavender, lemongrass, and vetiver.

As with depression in a child, anxiety can also be treated with meditation. Guide the child to stand with their eyes closed and their arms out like a “T” (like tree branches). Guide their focus down into their feet, pretending they are roots of a tree. Tell them to imagine their roots growing down into the warm earth below them, keeping them stable and connected even when a strong wind comes.

Low Self-EsteemStart with small successes when working with a child’s low self-esteem. When

you notice the child doing something helpful, point out how much it helps you or how much time it saves you. An example may be saying thanks for cleaning up the toys in the backyard and pointing out that it saves you from having to do it later. Being specifi c works much better than simply saying, “Great job!” If a child comes to you and asks you for praise, give the power back to them. Rather than just saying, “Good job,” point out something specifi c about their actions or ask them what they like about it. For example, say, “I really like how your teeth are brushed and your pajamas are on.” Or you can say, “What about your evening routine do you feel you are best at?”

Another way to help a child with low self-esteem is to allow them to share their interests with family, friends, or classmates. Start with small, hand-picked groups fi rst and then expand to larger groups. Support the child beforehand in creating an exciting and age-appropriate presentation. Talk with them about ways to explain and teach about this subject and how to answer questions about it. Talk with their teacher or school social worker about sharing with a small group of kids at school. Simply sharing pictures can be a start.

Low self-esteem can also be helped with the use of ylang-ylang and jasmine aromatherapy.

For meditation, guide the child to sit with eyes closed and move their attention into the solar plexus region just below the rib cage. You can show them where this area is before beginning. Allowing the child to rest their hand over this region or softly massage this area in a circular motion can be helpful during the meditation. Then direct them to visualize a bright, warm sun shining in this area. This warmth has a supportive strength and can be used to fi ll their body and expand to warm others.

Emotional ProcessingGive children options and an opportunity to share emotions. Create a “choice

poster” and hang it on the fridge or in your child’s room. Make a table using Microsoft Word and plug in pictures that represent different ways someone can process and/or share emotions. Some examples are: talk as we walk; coloring; meditation; listening to music; and exercise. The key to this choice poster is how it empowers children to make the decision on their own. It becomes our job as parents and educators to teach them how to use the poster and the techniques indicated on the poster.

These techniques empower children to be aware of how they are feeling and to realize they can keep themselves healthy and balanced in order to enjoy life to the fullest. When we go back to the defi nition of Ayurveda, we can see how these strategies fi t perfectly with the “knowledge of longevity.” As we refl ect back on our lives, we can see how having this knowledge may have allowed for a smoother ride through life. Let’s not wait any longer. Let’s empower children!

Dave Lesinski, M.A. Ed., RYT-200, Ayurvedic Consultant, spent the last 10 years teaching children with severe emotional impairment using traditional teaching methods coupled with a spiritual practice. He has been supporting adults as an Ayurvedic Consultant for the last three years. He enjoys working with people of all ages in bringing more peace and harmony into their lives. For more information, please visit www.yogablendseven.com.

“Ayurveda” continued from page 7

Page 9: Vision Magazine January 2012

From an early age, I enjoyed the idea of having a reputation. You know, the notion that people knew and appreciated me based on some salient trait that more or less defi ned me. When you’re young that can be a physical characteristic or some behavioral mannerism that provides the

prism through which people see you. But as you get older, those things become more refi ned, subtler.

Of my siblings, I developed the reputation as the child who was most likely to stay put, to not move away. It was always put forth with quiet admiration; unlike my wayfaring sisters, I was the one most likely to settle within striking distance of where I was raised, which suited me just fi ne.

That is, until I got it in my head that I had to leave the Midwest for Los Angeles. Even when I did that, though, implicitly everyone fi gured I would ultimately return. Twenty-two years later, we all know differently.

Despite what looked like a move of expansion, life here took on a lot of the same aspects of the one I would have led had I never left. For instance, I have always had this inexplicable desire to be connected to a place with such intimacy that I want people to think of me when they thought of it. The last job I worked, my coworkers called me ‘Malibu’ because that’s where I live. It sounds benign enough, maybe even sweet, but over time it took on a darker meaning.

Somewhere along the way that desire for connection to a place resulted in me becoming rooted. With roots comes a job, a title however humble, and best of all for my purposes, routines. Routines anchor me; without them, I’m convinced I would just fl y into space, never to be heard from again.

Then my roots sprouted a habit for habits. Living in a small beach community 30 miles from the city provided me with ample privacy. But the line between desired privacy and unwanted isolation blurred, and my relationship with my routines metastasized, until they formed a noose around my neck. One that grew ever tighter with each passing day.

I found myself on a gallows of my own creation right around the time I unexpectedly lost my job. Most of my routines were instantly gone, throwing me into a void of unprecedented depth, a situation made paradoxically worse when my wife suggested a remedy:

Why not take a trip out of the country?At this point it should come as no surprise that I had never travelled abroad.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see the world; somehow I just never made the time to do so. The funny thing about travel is that if you don’t do it by a certain age, your chances of ever doing so decrease with each passing year. With that evolution something is born that feels like fear and shame’s offspring, some bastard emotion that literally makes travel a near impossibility.

Thus, I responded to her loving offer like a gored bull. Forget that the universe had provided an open span of time, along with a modest windfall from an unexpected source to fund this trip. I had to get a job, I had to fi nd new routines, I reasoned. What I ultimately had to do was recognize that I found myself at the end of a cul-de-sac in which the universe had provided every reason for me to submit to the road. Or to my pathological fear of it. And for once in my life, fear lost.

A few weeks later, I was on a jet to Cambodia and Vietnam. On the long leg of the fl ight there, I sat across the aisle from a mother and her toddler, a child with lungs so strong my ears rang for hours after we deplaned, so loud were her screams. Throughout the fl ight, I stared holes through the mother, alternatingly cursing and cajoling her with my best laser stare, all to no avail.

We started our journey in Phnom Penh, a city where squalor and splendor coexist without incident, something that took me more than a while to adjust to. We saw palaces and ruins that were over a thousand years old; we toured Tuol Seng and the

The One That (Finally) Got Away

© 2011 Greek to Me by Michael Raysses

How you gonna get anywhere if you don’t travel? —My Uncle Tasso

Killing Fields, gruesome reminders of Cambodia’s darkest days under the regime of the Khmer Rouge.

We exited Cambodia for the south of Vietnam, where we traversed the country north to Hanoi, but not before exploring Da Nang, Hoi An, and Halong Bay along the way. To say that my experiences enlarged me would be rank cliché. It would also be the truest refl ection of what happened to me while there.

Though the sites were astounding (the temple at Angkor Wat at dawn and the limestone rock formations that jut up from Halong Bay in the mist come most readily to mind), what sticks most deeply for me are the people I met. People with whom I couldn’t speak directly, but with whom I was able to connect in a way that transcends speech and is a testament to what the road does to you—it touches you the way you might tap an egg shell, cracking you wide open in the gentlest way possible.

I was sitting on the stairs of a post offi ce having just toured the Museum of the Vietnam War; shaken by what I saw, and more than a little ashamed at the damage we infl icted there, I was approached by a group of Vietnamese students who wanted to interview me for their civics class. In broken English, they asked why I was there, how it felt, and what I thought of them. Grateful for the chance to respond, they thanked me and offered me a fi gurine in thanks for speaking with them. They posed with me for a picture and were gone.

That incident embodies what travel represents: the chance to get out of yourself, beyond your routines, to experience other people’s lives in a way you could never even conceive of. It requires you to open up in a way that allows for random charm. Or unexpected horror. You don’t get to choose.

On the fl ight back, I was boarding the jet for the long leg back when I saw the same mother and toddler standing behind me. My eyes glazed for an instant—what were the odds?—but it didn’t matter. The man who scorched them three weeks ago was gone now, left behind on the road that deposited me here.

And that is something I would stake my reputation on.

Michael Raysses is a writer/NPR commentator who lives in Malibu, California. E-mail him at [email protected].



Page 10: Vision Magazine January 2012

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Ask the LifeQuake™ Doctor

Dr. Toni Galardi

Whew! Another year is gone and we are finally in 2012. Honestly, I doubt the world is going to end this year, but I think that life as we’ve known it is coming to an end. The economic contraction has given us all pause to really think about what we value and put our

time and money into, as well as examine the nature of the economic structure of Wall Street, banking, and the Federal Reserve.

If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend to all my readers to see the film, “Thrive.” You can rent it for $5 at their official Web site, http://www.thrivemovement.com. Be sure to look at the link on the Web site for solutions.

On a practical note, look at creating goals for 2012 that will nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

Dear Dr. Toni:I own a small business with a partner. My business partner and I are having some

major communication breakdowns. We own a business that involves both marketing, new product creation, and manufacturing. I handle the marketing and the accounting. He handles the manufacturing and product development. His job requires him to supervise staff in the manufacturing arena that has become all-consuming and isn’t allowing him to spend time in new product development. My job involves more interface with the public and stores we are approaching to carry our products.

He feels that I have the easy job and he has the hard one, and resentment is building with him over this erroneous perception. His boyfriend broke up with him a few months ago, and I think that this is contributing to his resentment. I have a girlfriend and a personal life. He is not enjoying his life outside our business. What would you suggest I do? Should we part ways? We have a lot invested in this business and a year of our lives.

Can you help? Should we get a business coach? We just don’t have a lot of extra money to spend on an outside consultant.


Dear John:I think it is premature for you to part ways. If you perceive that your job is as taxing

as his, perhaps sitting down with a mutual friend who can play mediator might help.I would suggest that you explain to your partner what makes his contribution

so valuable to the company. Then I would explain what you go through to get the business customers. I would explore with him what are some things he could be doing in his off hours to restore his well-being. Perhaps it might be worthwhile to write

down your financial goals for 2012 and include that part of the additional income you bring in be line itemed toward hiring a part-time supervisor so that he can spend more time doing the creative side of the business that he enjoys in product development.

You may find that there are business coaches who might be willing to work with you once a month just to keep you two continuing to build better communication. I have certainly

been willing to do that with my consulting business.

Good luck!

Dear Dr. Toni:I am 30 years old, a guy, never been married, and am in love with this girl who is

driving me crazy. She tells me she loves me, then she goes off to India, comes back and tells me she was with this wealthy guy when she was away, but she still loves me. By the way, we met while she was still ending a relationship with a friend of mine. She’s gorgeous. Men are just so hot for her and I feel flattered she wants to be with me. I just don’t know if I can trust her. Would love your advice as to whether I should cut and run, or stick it out and see where this goes.

Crazed and in Love

Dear Reader:What is not clear to me is, what do you want in a relationship at this point in

your life? Do you want a monogamous, committed relationship or do you want a love affair where both of you are free to see other people? It sounds like you are taken with the fact that she wants you in spite of other men being interested, and that is seductive for you. However, can you handle her free spirit and allow her and you the freedom to be open to others? The only way this will work is for you to get clear.

If you want a committed relationship, then put your sword in the ground and ask for what you want. If you’re okay keeping it loose, start dating other girls immediately and let her know you are doing so. This may clarify things for both of you.

May all my readers have a 2012 that brings gentle expansion and awesome evolutionary change!

Dr. Toni will be giving a teleclass in late January. Please call 310.890.6832 for more information or write her at [email protected].

Dr. Toni Galardi is a licensed psychotherapist, life transitions strategist, and author, and is available for consult by phone or SKYPE. You can reach her through her Web site, http://www.lifequake.net, [email protected], or 310.890.6832.

Page 11: Vision Magazine January 2012

by Adam Jacobs



The Art of Alchemy

Slowly and surelythe cauldron tipped o’er

in me— she was swinging

from a crucifi x-spit

Now my house is on fi re—Not the inspired—

But the stop, drop, and roll fi re

When I breathe, sweet air,I roast.

And the visions seem solderedTo my silhouette

And my soul swirls in a pirouette

Round a stagnant epithet, then spots:This is not me.


The ghosts of yesteryearAre dressed in masquerade:

Fleshed out inside ideasYou only see the fi ligree.

May I drop the past like a droplet

into the vast.sinkin

everythingLong ago when I watched my mother play

And my father play, and brother A trident strident minuet;

I watched disturbed as this triumviratetuned its catgut fl atten.

Too thin,to utter any chord

A deep chordLike an onyx bur

beloved in velvet magma

Below this acne-pocked up sky.White heads glisten like tinsel

Ornaments on the broad black brow of night.I hope forgiveness falls from this fi rmament

And that love rises like rain hitting ash. For if I die,

Maybe then,My crucible

will be point-blank toward the sky

Contact Adam Jacobs at [email protected].

Page 12: Vision Magazine January 2012

I fi rst met Reverend Uki MacIsaac at the Whole Being Weekend over 12 years ago. I was with my good friend, ‘Dave,’ who had a session with MacIsaac and exclaimed she was superbly correct with the reading for him and his life. I have to admit all of these years later she defi nitely still has the ability to hone in on the issues at hand. Just listening to our reading, I am once again reminded of how her

readings offer so much, on both an energetic level as well as a spiritual teaching.She talks about the willingness to be available, which is what I think of when I consider alchemy in my life.

Her reading was alchemical both spiritually and physically.Vision Magazine: What brought you to this work? Reverend Uki MacIsaac: I grew up in Germany, in a loving family with a very intuitive mother. In my

early thirties, critical illness offered an opportunity for a complete re-evaluation of my life. As soon as I learned an important lesson, Spirit offered more advanced lessons. Love and Spirit guidance led me to leave Germany and come to California; that change initiated an enormous spiritual awakening and acceleration of my path. Over many years of intense inner work, I was propelled to evaluate and change some core beliefs and habits. The third component was a near death experience, a life-changing and profoundly alchemical journey into other dimensional realities.

VM: So you came to California. How did that come about?UM: Souls make contracts with each other, of that I am certain! On a trip throughGreece I met the man that would become my fi rst husband. I can clearly see the hand of Spirit that

brought us together so that we would lovingly support each other in our personal evolution. I left a secure career as a tenured high school teacher and started all over in San Diego. After nearly 20 intense and fulfi lling years, the marriage came to an end; our contract with each other was completed. I’ve now been happily remarried for over six years.

You asked what brought me to this work. I know without a shadow of a doubt that my spiritual work is why I am alive here and now. I have had several brushes with death, major wake-up calls. I am here to help others in a way that is ultimately fulfi lling and precious to me. I get energized when the Angels and Spirit Guides channel their energy and information through me. If for some reason I don’t see any clients for a few days, I feel as if I am I missing something and I get irritable. I thrive on this infusion of Spirit that blesses the people I work with. The more I give, the more I receive energy and fulfi llment.

VM: Who or what is your greatest inspiration?UM: Hmm, this question got me stuck for just a moment. Ordinary people inspire me, in addition to the

great teachers and masters. Of course we are guided and assisted by all the Great Ones, in body or on the Spirit side. I am grateful for their presence. But what about the unsung heroes, people who have overcome so much? They do what needs to be done, with devotion, love and courage, and they keep going. We all meet people like that in all walks of life, and we can be touched by their faith and their persistence. Their inner light shines brightly through challenges and diffi culty.

VM: What would a session of your services consist of?UM: For an intuitive reading, I start with an opening prayer. I scan the client’s aura and assess the fl ow

of energy through the chakras. Then I pass on what I receive from the Guides. All the intuitive senses are involved: I see, hear, and feel information. Images and metaphors, words and phrases, tangible physical sensations are all woven together during an intuitive reading. Through dialogue we explore how the information applies to the client’s life. Past, present, and possible futures are revealed, to assist the client with his or her choices. A lot of healing happens during a session!

VM: From my experience, your reading was very visceral for me.UM: We do indeed feel the energy that comes in. Often Angels, Spirit Guides, and loved ones who have

passed on will make themselves known. Sometimes that’s a surprise because people may want a specifi c

The Alchemy of Living

by Sydney L. Murray

A Conversation with Rev. Uki MacIsaac




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Page 13: Vision Magazine January 2012

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person to show up. Grandma who is in Spirit may make herself known, or someone completely different may be present, because it really is Spirit’s choice.

VM: People are going through a lot these days. The life forces are pushing people around. What can we do?

UM: I think we can be a sacred mirror to each other. Sometimes we cannot see our own light, or the mirror others present to us is clouded. When we refl ect the truth of our inner light to each other, we can offer confi rmation, inspire new perspective, and help each other realign with our purpose.

And we can call on the beings of light that are here to help us—the Angels, Guides and Masters. They may not directly pay the bills, but if we are open to their help, they will inspire us in creative ways to attract solutions.

VM: Why is changing your life so hard for people?UM: Early in life we receive so many direct and indirect messages that shape

our views. It is true that on some level we look at the passage of time in our lives and we can analyze what happened. There are also karmic lessons from other lifetimes that affect who we are. At the same time, I know that we have the power to access the grid of cause and effect. We can release one microgram of grief, and it changes the whole fabric of who we are.

VM: How do you do that?UM: I use a variety of processes to access that aspect of self that may be stuck

in some way and that may resist change. This part of self may say, ‘I’ll never have a good partner in my life’ or ‘I’ll always be poor.’ With great compassion for this self, in a safe environment, we go back to when this choice was made, in this life or beyond. Then we can shift, release, or integrate energy as appropriate. It really depends on what we fi nd. And it can be so joyful to fi nd that child aspect of self again and to create that loving space that, in the end, only we can provide for ourselves. That’s how change becomes manageable. Sometimes it takes a lot

“My work is my passion and my purpose for being here now. As long as I can assist someone by being their sacred mirror, then it’s all worth it. And it fi lls my life with beauty and joy.”

continued on page 46



Page 14: Vision Magazine January 2012

Creating Inner AlchemyShaman, Speaker, Spiritual guide

by Isabella Stoloff

What if you could create your own inner alchemy, one where you could have whatever you wanted, a science all your own? A way for you to take control over your life and stop letting things “happen” to you. What if your inner alchemy could prevent you

from disease, pain, and suffering? It is possible, you know. You are all magical beings fi lled with light. It is time to remember who you are and learn techniques to guide and assist you. One thing we know for sure is the old ways are no longer working. It is time to create a new story for our lives, a story of love.

So many of us feel controlled or limited by one thing or another. The boss, the bills, our health, work, parents, school—the responsibilities are endless. Our energy bodies are in constant struggle to be free.

Every body has memory. It remembers everything. Anything that has ever happened to you sticks to your body and creates an imprint, or a memory. This imprint can manifest in a number of ways. Most of all, it clogs your fi eld. Negative thoughts can clog your fi eld as well. The trick is shifting our perceptions quickly so we can have the life we desire today and not stay stuck in the old wounds and imprints.

One way is to begin creating an inner alchemy. You can easily do this by mixing ingredients together in your mind’s eye. What if you took words like gratitude and love, and stirred them up in your imagination with joy and abundance, then sprinkled it with golden light? Try it and see what happens. Now, take that creation of yours and spread it over your entire body, as well as your energy body. Re-imprint your fi eld. Feel perfection at the deepest level. Know that you are divinely guided and absolutely protected at all times. Feel your inner alchemy and let it permeate every cell of your being. You have just created your own inner alchemy. The more you do this exercise, the better you will feel and the more imprints you will release off your energy body. The more imprints you release off your energy body, the more Ayni you can create in your life.

Ayni is a Peruvian word meaning “reciprocity” or “right relationship.” Ayni Despachos are pure alchemy. Despachos are Peruvian prayer bundles that help you to remember the ancient ways of honoring

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Page 15: Vision Magazine January 2012


the earth with prayer and meditation so you can manifest and create change at the deepest level. When building a Despacho, we set an intention and pray to all the elements—the mountains for teaching us their wisdom, the waters for helping us to fl ow, and the universe for keeping us connected to ourselves and each other. Despachos are not only beautiful offerings to the gods, but are also beautiful offerings to your own spirit. They are much like a dream-vision board only created with food and wrapping paper. Ingredients such as sugar, candy, nuts, seeds, and fl owers lend themselves to this creation of love. They can connect you to the deepest part of yourself and plant new ideas into your soul. Using these ingredients, you create a Peruvian bundle of prayers to be burned in a fi re and released to the universe.

Take the concept of Ayni into your everyday life. Be in right relationship with yourself and the rest will follow. Stay connected to source energy, and in tune with the divine light that you are. Become grateful at the core of your being.

One way to connect to the light is to do the following brief meditation daily: Feel gratitude expand all around you. Visualize this gratitude going out the top of your head and connecting to your higher self, and deepen that connection with your breath and intention. Now, staying connected to your higher self and the feeling of gratitude, bring the light of the stars down through the top of your head, feel it trickling down through your body. Let it release all that no longer serves you out the bottom half of your body and connect to the earth’s core crystal light. Take that light and love from the earth’s core crystal and shoot it up though your body and into the stars. Do this three times. This technique deepens your awareness of your own inner light and is a type of energy fl ush you can do at any time.

I know we have heard this a thousand times, but it bears repeating. Our words + our thoughts + our feelings = our reality. So, what are you creating?

Play with words and ideas that make you feel good. Every day make a conscious effort to shift out of the old ways of thinking and fi nd the light within. Use your light, your inner joy, to manifest whatever it is you desire. Pay no attention to what is not working; only focus on what is. By using these techniques, you will create empowerment and feel inner alchemy in your mind, body, and soul. By creating inner alchemy, you will stay connected to source energy and stay in tune with the divine light that you are!

Take some time every day to visualize what you want. Give yourself the gift of you.

Isabella Stoloff assists you in healing at the deepest level. You can learn more about Isabella and the classes she teaches by going to www.ochealingcenter.com.

Isabella’s next year-long Shaman certifi cation course at the Orange County Healing Center commences January 21-22, 2012. These classes will connect you to your inner wisdom like no other class you have ever experienced. Whether you are a practitioner or just want to learn more about yourself, this is the class for you! Call Isabella today at 714.603.8624.

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Page 16: Vision Magazine January 2012


This is Part Two of an interview I did with John Raatz in November. I believe in the power of our personal stories, having dedicated the last 15 years to telling the stories of those people who I believe are part of the fabric that is changing our world. Those that believe in the good of

people over the bad, those that put their life’s work toward the greater good. I have been so fortunate to have lived an amazing life that has brought me into contact with the change-makers of the world.

I believe that the potential for GATE (Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment) will have far-reaching effects. The tsunami of love and a united world is inspired by so many unique stories. I am inspired on a daily basis by the people who are changing the world in whatever way they feel called to do. The tide is with us; we are the change-makers because we believe that the world is ready. I am ready. Please join me, along with John Raatz, David Langer, and all of the founding members of GATE at their second annual conference in Los Angeles, February 2-4. Stories matter.

Vision Magazine: What does alchemy mean to you?John Raatz: Alchemy, to me, is very close to transformation. It’s transmutation

of sorts. I would say that a transformational self is alchemical in its effect. Let me broaden that. I would say that transformational content is alchemical in its effects. I think of it in terms of media diet. I think of everything we consume in terms of entertainment, news, etc., that we metabolize that. You can eat a healthy food diet or a not-so-healthy food diet, and it will have its effects. I think the same thing is true in terms of mind and heart and consciousness, that if we metabolize transformational entertainment, it really does have a healing effect, it really does have the effect of inspiring and uplifting and expanding. So therefore, that’s alchemical in my mind.

VM: If there is one way for each person to make a change in their life to transform

GATEby Sydney L. Murray

the world, what do you think that would be?JR: I tend to shy away from personal prescriptions these

days. I’ve been teaching meditation since 1976, and when I fi rst started teaching meditation, there was a little bit of that—maybe actually more than a little bit—gung-ho spirit, like, this is the way and everybody should do this. But that was then and this is now. And now I no longer hold that belief that there’s only one way. I think there are many ways. And I think that every single day, everyone, maybe not everyone, but I think most people, do things that actually help improve the quality of life on the planet Earth. Yes, there are people who are doing the opposite, too, but I know in the circle that I run, it seems like it’s a constant theme running through people’s mind’s every day: what more can I do? And they look at sometimes the most simple actions like dividing up their waste paper into recycling and non-recycling. It’s something that we’ve heard about for years and years and years, but it’s defi nitely having an impact now. I probably can’t speak more eloquently about it because, again, I believe it’s up to each person to fi nd their own unique way of contributing in the world.

VM: Could you have imagined 10 years ago, the fl ood of transformational media that’s available today?

JR: Yes. I think 10 years ago, absolutely I did. Again, I fi rst started noticing sort of an up-leveling of content in this genre starting in about 1989/1990. And so, I have not been surprised.

In recent years, [the fi lm] “What the Bleep” was a turning point for many people, not only in its effects on people, but really, in terms of the business of creating transformational content. I think “What the Bleep” was the fi lm that actually

showed people what could be done with fi lm, beyond anything they had seen before in this category. So starting in about 2004/2005, the whole space of transformational entertainment and media lit up like a Christmas tree, and ever since then, it’s been growing, and growing worldwide. And again, people from around the world—more than 70 countries—have contacted us. Without knowing one another, they pretty much all share the same ideas and express the same ideas. So this shows us that there is some sort of thought form—almost like a universal thought form—that people are tapping into, and that universal thought form is prompting people to want to begin

“There’s only one, there’s only the totality, there’s only wholeness.”“There’s only one, there’s only the “There’s only one, there’s only the totality, there’s only wholeness.”

Edward James Olmos, presenter

Ben Lee,performerThe Alchemy of Our Stories:

A Continuing Conversation with John Raatz of GATE


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Page 17: Vision Magazine January 2012


expressing themselves through transformational entertainment and media.VM: Do you think that this transformational media will

become, or is becoming, more mainstream?JR: It has to. It has to because, again—and this might

sound harsh, possibly even critical—if we don’t move beyond the talking heads (what some people call “talkumentaries”), sharing philosophical thoughts kind of production, this genre will probably come to a screeching halt because that’s not what people are looking for. People want to be entertained; they must be entertained. People want to engage, they want to hear stories. Everything is a story. We tell stories to each other every single day. That’s how we communicate, mainly, is by a story, and we’re constantly framing and re-framing our stories.

In the context of the world and where we are right now in our world culture, we need new stories that supplant the old stories that no longer speak to who we’ve become—and who we want to become, more importantly. So, if the content creators who’ve perhaps been studying the wisdom cultures of the world, and the ideas of the wisdom cultures of the world, for decades, and they’ve now become, let’s say, fi lmmakers, and authors, and musicians—if they, if we, can’t learn to share that

information, that wisdom with people, whether it’s art forms, and do it in ways that speak to the whole… You see, part of the challenge here is moving beyond separation. Much of what is offered in the form of entertainment and media creates separation; it comes from separation, it expresses separation, and it returns to separation. And I believe one of the lasting goals of transformational entertainment and media is its ability to potentially create unity.

And here’s the other thing. In my own life, professionally and personally, I’m trying to stay away from “us” and “them” kinds

of expressions. There’s only one, there’s only the totality, there’s only wholeness. It’s wholeness interacting with itself. Even though we use terms like “body mind spirit” community, or “Cultural Creatives” community, and the “mainstream” community, we use these handy little [terms]—it’s almost like shorthand—so that we can talk to each other easily. But in reality, it’s divisive. We have to really think in terms of wholeness now. And that means we need to talk to ourselves in a way that we can all understand it, that we don’t create division through our language and through our content.

VM: Can you tell us about the upcoming conference in early February of 2012?JR: Yes. On February 4, 2012, at the Wadsworth Theatre in Los Angeles [note:

new location is at Saban Theatre], during the day, of course, we will have the GATE Transformational Story Conference. That will be in the morning and afternoon. And then in the evenings, we will do GATE 2. The inauguration of GATE on June 4, 2009, we consider to be GATE 1. So now we will do GATE 2. And we plan on doing both of those events annually. GATE 2 is primarily, I guess you could call it, a celebration of transformational entertainment and media. And we have just an

amazing lineup of presenters and performers, all who are experts in their own fi elds of consideration, who will be talking about those fi elds in the context of transformational entertainment and media. So we do have entertainment professionals, we have media professionals, and all will be addressing the remarks to the genre of transformational entertainment and media.

VM: When you think about 2012, what do you see for our world, the state of California, our community?

JR: Not only 2012, but every year, I always think in terms of evolution. I always feel that next year will be more evolved than the present year, and so on and so forth. I really don’t expect 2012 to be more than that because, again, I try not to remain in the realm of expectation too much anymore. So I’m frankly not one of those people who believe that there will be an ascension or something miraculous will happen. I think it’s already happening. I think you and I having this conversation is miraculous, that we can speak about something called transformational entertainment and media. And if we broaden that and apply that to every area of human concern and consideration, it is miraculous. So I think it’s going to be a wonderful year. I’m actually looking forward to [2012] because I know a lot of people have a lot of investment in terms of belief and what they think next year will be, and I hope whatever they feel, I hope it comes true for them personally. But I’m not so sure. I think it could also be another Y2K.

The GATE 2 and Transformational Story Conference events, to be held on February 4, 2012, will take place at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills. The address is: 8840 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

To learn more about GATE’s vision/mission, programs and initiatives, event tickets, and how you can become involved, visit their Web site at www.gatecommunity.org.

Jim Carrey, host

David Lynch, recipient of The GATE Imaginal Awards

Don Miguel Ruiz,



Page 18: Vision Magazine January 2012

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J A N U A RY 2 0 1 2 F O R E C A S TB y A d r i e n n e A b e y t a

Adrienne Abeyta presents a unique forecast blending the tarot with astrology. A gifted reader of intuitive arts, she offers private consultations and psychic entertainment for parties and events. AdrienneAbeyta.com. To set up an appointment, she can be reached at 619.917.0998 or [email protected].

Aries: Magician (3 of Swords) 3/21 – 4/19The mind is the master illusionist; it interprets a whole story out of pieces of information and then fools you into believing the story is the truth. The problem arises when your truth collides with a different truth, and worse still, when that other truth belongs to someone you love or trust. The challenge lies in how to reconcile these differences. Refrain from making assumptions or sweeping statements because it will limit your ability to learn new information. Your thoughts are based on what you believe. When you expand your mind and challenge your own beliefs, you open your life up to possibilities.

Taurus: Hierophant (Queen of Pentacles) 4/20 – 5/21The search for meaning can take the form of several different paths. As you walk one, you begin to fi ll yourself with external gratifi cations and self-knowledge. These experiences form your values, and in some ways change the course of your life. However, if you cling to them, they can also become the basis for unrealistically high standards. Be careful not to set your sights only on comfort and material successes. If your identity is contingent upon what you possess, and your sanity upon stability, you’ll only be half a person. Gemini: Emperor (Page of Wands) 5/22 – 6/21Competing forces of freedom and responsibility seem to be the common theme this month. Your growing restlessness will only increase your frustration and fi ll your mind with unrealistic obligations. Before throwing caution to the wind or restricting childlike impulses, fi nd ways to give each the expression they deserve. Be the parent to your inner child, but have fun, too. In the area of work, allow your imagination to lead, then bring this new vision to your current projects. Someone important may reward you for this creativity and an exciting message arriving at the end of the month will lead to an adventure.

Cancer: Temperance (3 of Cups) 6/22 – 7/22Patience is more than a virtue—it is a necessity for managing the currents of life. Even in your most emotional moments, you can draw upon this energy to fi nd peace. Patience is not aimless waiting, but rather mindful awareness of the right timing. Your emotions will get the best of you this month if you react without that awareness. Stay in the moment and observe the changing tides before launching out. An exciting circumstance may tempt you to go looking for the pot of gold. No harm here if you can enjoy the moment and move on. Leo: Justice (Page of Pentacles) 7/23 – 8/23 A thorough examination of your goals will lead to greater clarity. While faced with questions about resources, fi nances, and skills, you must rely upon your own dispassionate views. It’s a challenge not to give in to societal pressures of success, especially in a system that places value on what you do over who you are. You may consider how higher education, specialized training, or other ambitious aims could provide the experience you need to make changes in your life. However, be sure to honor your hobbies and talents as well. Make life a full expression of you.

Virgo: High Priestess (6 of Swords) 8/24 – 9/22 Something hidden will be revealed. Whether this relates to you or another person, the appearance will trigger much needed answers. Fear of the unknown causes anxiety, yet when you try to avoid uncomfortable feelings like anxiety, you move further away from a solution. The chaos in the background will likely simmer down after you clear your mind of mental chatter; it would behoove you to mindfully face the situation. If possible, take a short trip to clear your mind. New information about your job will prompt you to make a diffi cult decision—should you stay or should you go?

Libra: Tower (5 of Wands) 9/23 – 10/23Minor annoyances prove to be more than just a thorn in your side; they will, in fact, begin to threaten the security you have established. Your strengths are your innate resourcefulness and clever way of ascribing meaning to the mundane. The problems that arise this month are really answers in disguise. Confl icts with people are opportunities to develop stronger boundaries, failures offer freedom from restrictive commitments, and stressors point to distractions to be avoided. Don’t be surprised when things start to get a lot hotter than you expected. Keep your internal temperature cool and things will blow over.

Scorpio: World (6 of Wands) 10/24 – 11/22Recognition can come in different forms and for many reasons. You deserve to be recognized for your efforts, and so you will be. This month you receive something equivalent to a standing ovation. If professionally focused, your acclaim could be a promotion, raise, or bonus. If relationship focused, you will receive adoration and praise. If personally focused, you have accomplished a private goal that brings with it a sense of deep satisfaction and a new perspective on your place in the world. Your world view is an extension of your self-view; if you want to change the world, begin with yourself.

Sagittarius: Judgment (7 of Cups) 11/23 – 12/21When faced with the onus of responsibility, it would be wise to focus on what’s real or known. Thankfully, the burden of your recent struggles has lightened, and yet, you remain stuck in perpetual worry. Stop focusing on your regrets; there’s no reason to blame yourself for what’s happening. Although it’s helpful to acknowledge your fl aws, it’s wiser to learn from them. Be prepared, as the last weekend of the month will trigger some shady and undesirable behaviors in you and in others. To survive with your integrity intact, remain conscious and bring light to those dark places!

Capricorn: Fool (Page of Cups) 12/22 – 1/20After painful emotional experiences, the common reaction is to try to avoid them in the future. And although learning from your mistakes often means that you don’t repeat them, losing trust in yourself and being skeptical of others only alienates you from healing past pains. Pain is often a companion to the pleasure of love, so being overprotective of your feelings can deprive you of love’s full experience. Take a risk, be vulnerable, open your heart, and speak from that place of sensitivity. If you’re in a long-term relationship, you will also benefi t from forgiving and moving on.

Aquarius: Strength (Ace of Cups) 1/21 – 2/18Emotions run deep enough to swim in this month as you’re faced with impending consequences. A relationship will likely be the catalyst for this minor setback, and memories of a situation from the past will serve as an unpleasant reminder. Instead of retreating into isolation, face this issue with confi dence. By the end of the month, the water will calm and the boat will stop rocking. Be vigilant against resuming unhealthy habits; don’t let one setback spin you out of control. Your strength isn’t measured by how much you can control as much as how little you are controlled by external infl uences.

Pisces: Hanged Man (King of Cups) 2/19 – 3/20 No need to sit in sorrow, for what is blue now may be purple tomorrow—feelings simply color our state of being. Moods, like the tides, are a natural, fl owing phenomenon. Where do they originate, what causes the change in motion, and how do they appear so different on the surface than from beneath? Be aware of how your feelings shift from circumstance to circumstance. Then resist identifying with these feelings, and instead, just notice. You are not your moods! Be wary of people around you whose energy is draining, and in return, be careful not to project your woes on others.

Page 19: Vision Magazine January 2012

Since the early 1990s, there have been genetically modified organisms in our food. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are man-made organisms created in a laboratory and patented by a corporation or the USDA. GMOs are created by a process called genetic engineering. They

are not created the same way as traditional cross-breeding, which involves creating natural hybrids, such as crossing two varieties of roses, different types of squashes, or different breeds of dogs or cats. GMOs are instead made by splicing a gene from a virus or another species into the GMO seed. Some examples include: fish genes being spliced into tomatoes; human genes in corn; and mouse genes in potatoes.

Ever since the introduction of GMOs, people in the United States have been asking for GMO food to be labeled. A recent poll on ABC news found that 93 percent of Americans want labeling on GMO food. (This is now a requirement in 40 other countries. And there are a growing number of countries, like Ireland, Japan, and Egypt that have completely banned the cultivation of GMO crops.) We’ve been asking the USDA, the FDA, our legislators, and the courts, but they are not listening; it’s time for us to speak for ourselves.

So why should we avoid GMO foods, and why do we want them labeled? Scientists warn that GMO foods may set off allergies, increase cancer risks, produce antibiotic-resistant pathogens, damage our food quality, and produce dangerous toxins in our environment. They also discovered, as a result of scientific studies, that GMO-fed animals had higher death rates and organ damage.

Corn and cotton seeds have been genetically modified so that they produce a pesticide called Bacillus thuringiensis, also known as Bt. When the US regulators (FDA, EPA, etc.) approved Monsanto’s genetically modified Bt corn, they asserted that only insects would be harmed and that the pesticide would break down completely in the human digestive system. However, a recent study done by doctors at Sherbrooke University Hospital in Quebec challenged that claim after finding the Bt toxin in the blood of pregnant women and their babies. (The study has been accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal, Reproductive Toxicology.)

This study, just one of many, disproves industry and US government safety claims. Organizations around the world are now calling for investigations and for GMO crops to be halted due to the serious implications of the findings.

Why are these findings serious? Because there is growing evidence that Bt toxin produced in these plants—and the foods made from them—are triggering toxic immune responses in both humans and animals. Since Bt was introduced in the mid-1990s, there has been a huge increase in allergies—including serious food allergies—asthma, and other immune and autoimmune diseases.

A 2008 government study in Italy found that mice fed GMO corn showed a wide range of immune responses that are associated with allergic and inflammatory disease. This allergic reaction has not only been seen in mice, but also in humans, as there have been more and more instances of people having bad reactions to GMO foods. And if they’re not labeled, how can those who are allergic safely stay away from them?

GMOs may also increase the risk of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria due to the use of antibiotic-resistant genes in GMO food. The British Medical Association cited this as one reason why they called for a global moratorium or ban on GMO foods.

Another concern is that GMO crops cross-pollinate. As a result, for instance, Canadian organic farmers can no longer grow canola and soybean crops organically. The seed stocks of these two crops are now completely contaminated by GMOs, which cross-pollinate into other market garden crops from the Brassica family, such as kale, cabbage, and broccoli. The recent deregulation of GMO alfalfa is particularly

It’s Our Right to Know:

Label Genetically Modified Foods in California

concerning, as alfalfa is a high cross-pollinator, which means it can cross-pollinate and contaminate many other plants.

So why isn’t our government and the FDA protecting us from GMO foods? Unfortunately, many of the people running the FDA, USDA, and the EPA have worked for the biotech companies making these seeds. For example, our Food Safety Czar, Michael Taylor, was previously the vice president and chief lobbyist for Monsanto. Talk about a conflict of interest!

What can we do? A wonderful opportunity we have in California is the ballot initiative process, which is in the works for the 2012 election. This proposition would require

labeling on all GMO foods in the state of California.We can change the laws to protect ourselves. If you would like to be part of the

Label GMO campaign, you can visit the Web site, www.LabelGMOs.org, and the Label GMOs Facebook page, spread the word, volunteer to gather signatures, or donate. You will be coming together with other parents, farmers, doctors, scientists, and food activists who are demanding our right to know what’s in our food. This is an exciting time—please join us!

To learn more, go to www.labelgmos.org, www.responsibletechnology.org, and www.organicconsumers.org. Watch the film, The Future of Food, for free at www.thefutureoffood.com/onlinevideo.html. Find us at Health and Freedom Expo March 2-4 Long Beach Convention Center www.healthfreedomexpo.com. 1-888-658-3976

Sheri Fogarty has a degree in Nutrition and has advanced training in alternative medicine and classical homeopathy. She writes about GMOs and real food at http://www.momsforsafefood.org. Contact her at [email protected].

by Sheri Fogarty

“So why should we avoid GMO foods, and why

do we want them labeled?

Scientists warn that GMO foods may set off allergies,

increase cancer risks, produce


pathogens, damage our food quality, and produce dangerous

toxins in our environment.”



Page 20: Vision Magazine January 2012


Absinthe,Tales of Liquid Alchemy

by Daphne Carpenter

Life is shrouded in mystery. I particularly recall the witchy days I lived that autumn. It all started in a two-story building, in my whitewashed apartment that had a nice view of the street. It was there that a magic potion would reveal to me a moment I’d live two years later.

At the time, my mind was occupied with thoughts of tinctures, potions, mixtures, herbal remedies. I read up on spells and medicines, on astral travel and on body language. I tried to read people’s thoughts. Eschewing company in favor of solitude, I was confident and focused, and I created. It was in this abode that I would fall under the spell of absinthe for the first time.

On a Sunday afternoon I sat in my bamboo chair on the patio, feeling the soft wind on my skin. Floating leaves would turn from green to gold to fire-red. They’d detach from the trees and glide through the sky, leaving behind some kind of pollen that only I could see. Suddenly a gust of wind burst into my apartment from where I was sitting. The kitchen cupboards flew open. Stars of anise were blown across the room. Fennel seeds were sent into a whirlwind!

When I could finally stand up to survey the damage, I noticed that the kitchen and the rest of the house were a lot cooler. As I cleaned up, I found a little sachet of herbs that had fallen onto the floor. It was the Artemisia absinthium (wormwood)

that I had bought a week before, when I decided to make a drink—the perfect aperitif—that would lend itself to my creativity and be as faithful as a lover. Absinthe.

The drink had elicited a sinister interest in me since my travels in Europe, during crawls through cavernous Czech bars. But I had only taken small sips of it then, and was always left wondering what it was about this concoction that could open up to oceans of imagination, yet drive so many 19th century artists to the brink of insanity. With a strange and wonderful yearning, I wanted to come to know this madness. And now the main ingredients had been stirred into a frenzy in my kitchen.

The scent of myrrh floated up from the apartment below. Two interesting young women had moved in downstairs a week before, and since then, my living room was permeated with the exotic scent of eastern incense. I thought to invite the girls to make the drink with me.

I went downstairs and knocked on their door. Natasha was the first to appear. She was wearing a brick-colored, floor length skirt with gold trimmings. She smelled like lavender oil from five feet away, and was smiling. She was 25 years old, two years younger than I.

“Uh, hi, I live upstairs, and, well, do you know what absinthe is, because I’ve been planning to make it, and the strangest thing just happened…”

continued on page 41


Page 21: Vision Magazine January 2012


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I started my mobile therapy practice after learning about it from my supervisor. She has a mobile practice and has shared stories about meeting clients in the community, resulting in my decision to start my own practice. I really enjoy meeting with clients in a more natural setting because I feel it

changes the experience and is more conducive to establishing a therapeutic bond. The services offered in mobile therapy include an intake, assessment, and treatment planning used to structure the sessions enabling the process to follow a plan. Sessions are typically 60 minutes long, with the first session used for information gathering for the intake. After the intake is completed, sessions are recommended once a week until the treatment plan is completed.

Sessions are goal-oriented to facilitate the end goal of the client managing their lives on their own. My goal as a therapist is to assist the client in becoming self-sufficient and not needing a therapist.

There are different ways to structure therapy. For instance, you can actually use therapy to help clarify a single situation using just one session. Therapy can also be scheduled twice monthly or less for checking in about transitions or major life changes. I have one client that meets every six months to check in about life changes and transitions. I have another client that requests a session with only specific issues to clarify and gain an objective opinion. And I have other clients from the Child Welfare System who are required to attend therapy as a plan to get their children back from the court.

I have worked with foster and probation youth off and on for 16 years, and the work is very rewarding. The work is usually in residential settings where clients are offered services of counseling, case management, and emotional support. Clients are often struggling with history of abuse and neglect from the primary caregivers at a young age. These clients have learned from abusers how to have relationships with others with unhealthy boundaries, lack of consistency in showing love, and modeling poor relationships with significant others. Clients often develop unhealthy coping skills resulting from watching dysfunctional caregivers get their needs met by using manipulation, lies, and triangulation. I truly value my work and attempt to provide stable, consistent, and caring support to these children.

One benefit of having a mobile counseling practice such as mine is the great flexibility in location, which allows flexibility in scheduling appointments to provide convenience for the client. I prefer to meet clients in outdoor locations to maximize the benefits of exposure to nature—natural light, fresh air, open space. Exposure to sunlight is recommended especially for clients suffering from vitamin D deficiency and mental health conditions. The recommended dosage is 15-20 minutes a day, three days a week. The dosage is four times the amount for dark skin.

Along with exposure to sunlight, I also like to incorporate movement such as hiking or walking during a session to stimulate blood flow, increase oxygen intake, and use the muscles in the body. Light exercise has numerous benefits to the body and the mind.

Although spending time outdoors is beneficial, providing services in the home also provides valuable insight to the client’s world with exposure to the environment, family, pets, and client interests. The therapeutic relationship can develop quicker with inside knowledge of the client’s world. Some clients can also feel more comfortable and in control in their own home compared to an office setting. Meeting a client in the home also eliminates coordination of location and can be helpful in client attendance of sessions. If the client has children, day care is not an issue as long as the children are able to allow the client to attend a session. And if a client’s family is present, information can be gathered by observation of client interactions and relationship behavior. This information is helpful in making a thorough assessment of the client’s world and speeds up the process of developing

Mobile Therapy by Amy Schmidt

a relationship. Other benefits to in-home counseling include

therapist exposure and understanding of the client neighborhood and community, providing information about socioeconomic status, culture, and ethnic identification. I feel that information gathered in mobile settings is incredibly helpful in making assessments and treatment planning.

Over the past year, I have met with clients outdoors, and I feel it has been well-received. Mobile counseling is a wonderful resource for low-income

clients who have transportation issues. When clients realize the convenience and benefits of meeting close to their home, they are usually very receptive to the idea of mobile counseling.

Amy Schmidt has been working in the counseling field since 1995, with different populations in different settings. She has the most experience working with adolescent foster youth who have been taken from their families due to abuse or neglect. Her current work involves providing counseling services at group home facilities, client homes, and in community locations such as beaches and parks. She has an office location in National City in San Diego County. For information or questions regarding services, e-mail [email protected], call 619.737.9118, or go to her Facebook page, “Imperial Beach Counseling.”

Amy Schmidt

Page 22: Vision Magazine January 2012

The art of alchemy is best known for trying to change lead into gold, but there is more to alchemy then that. Wikipedia states that, “The defi ning objectives of alchemy are varied; these include the creation of the fabled philosopher’s stone possessing powers including the

capability of turning base metals into the noble metals gold or silver, as well as an elixir of life conferring youth and immortality. The other known goal was the creation of a ‘panacea,’ a remedy that supposedly would cure all diseases and prolong life indefi nitely.”

The art of alchemy also discussed the creation of “the elixir of life”—also known as the elixir of immortality and sometimes equated with the philosopher’s stone—a legendary potion or drink that grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth. Many practitioners of alchemy pursued this elixir, and though much of the alchemy was not proven to work, the alchemists did create all types of potions such as sulphur and gunpowder.

Understanding Alchemy from the Healer’s PerspectiveHealing is and was one of the main objectives to alchemy—how do we heal

ourselves and achieve longevity, and is there a possibility of eventually achieving immortality? The original alchemists were focused on the spiritual aspects of life, as they were connected to transmutation and transformation. The alchemists felt they had the spiritual powers to heal each other and thought that there was a way to achieve immortality. This required a lot of understanding of life, energy, food, herbs, medicine, and spiritual processes that would accomplish the task of longevity.

The Healing ParadigmThe healing paradigm focuses on the fact that “one can heal thyself.” And this

is the basis for the belief that “there is no sickness,” that there is a way to heal, and one just has to be able to transmute and transform their present circumstance, thereby achieving the miracle of life, which is to be healed, be in good health, and achieve longevity. What does this entail, then? I postulate that the fi rst step is that you believe you can heal yourself or be healed by Healers who have that skill or gift. This is the internal alchemy that one uses to heal oneself. The second step is that you are then “ready to be healed.”

“Are you ready to heal?” is only a question. Sometimes we ask ourselves why we are not feeling 100 percent and what appears to be bothering us or making us feel uneasy. Many say they have a disease. What is a disease, as defi ned in the dictionary? A disease is “an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. It is often construed to be a medical condition associated with specifi c symptoms and signs.” What is my defi nition of dis-ease? My defi nition is that there is only a dis-ease that is an absence of balance which creates an abnormal condition affecting a person and their well-being.

The absence of balance is part and parcel of what is known as dis-ease, and this assists in the beginning of understanding of how we arrive back at that place of ease or place of balance. The proverbial scales are balanced, but when they are


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by Master George E. Samuels

Understanding the Internal Alchemy

of the Healing Paradigm


Page 23: Vision Magazine January 2012

tipped, they cause an unbalanced situation which can be misconstrued as a dis-ease. So what is this causational effect that appears to create this imbalance in our system?

In the Chinese philosophy of medicine, the Chinese alchemists believe that for a person to be whole and healed, they must be in balance. That balance is referring to the fi ve elements in nature: earth; fi re; water; metal; and air. Those same elements exist within the body system of the human, and when these elements are in balance, you have good health, which leads to longevity. When these aforementioned elements are out of balance, a human will not be in perfect health and develop a dis-ease. This also begins to help us to understand causation.

Causation is the imperative to begin to correct any imbalance and help us to learn about the why, what, and how this has happened, and then to begin to understand ways to correct and come back into balance. One of the most important requirements is to recognize the problem or symptom, then begin to research the cause and then to utilize that knowledge to begin to start the healing process. This is why we ask the question—are you ready to heal—fi rst, and then we proceed with the processes it will take to heal. Healing is a process. For example, here is a short story utilized to teach people about being ready to heal:

Once there was a old man who had two dis-eased legs, and the doctors diagnosed that since the legs were dis-eased and the old man was in severe pain, they would have to remove the old man’s legs. The family of the old man didn’t want their grandfather to lose his legs, but didn’t want him to suffer either, so they investigated alternative means of healing. They found that there was a psychic healer who could heal their grandfather, so they called the healer to come to their home and determine if he could help their grandfather. The healer explained to them that there was a cost for this service, and after they reached an agreement, he traveled to the family’s home. Once he arrived, the family showed the healer to their grandfather’s bedroom and he went in and closed the door. As the healer looked at the grandfather, he questioned him to determine how he was feeling. The grandfather stated he was in severe pain, and the healer also observed the problem with his legs and then asked the old man, who was moaning in pain, what was really bothering him and how could he help. The old man requested the healer to heal his left leg so he could sleep and stop suffering from pain. The healer checked his left leg and saw that he could heal the leg. So he began to help the old man, and after some time and some work, the healer did indeed heal the old man’s left leg.

The healer then asked the old man if there was anything else he could do to help the old man, but the old man told him that was all he needed, so the healer left and returned to the living room where the rest of the family had gathered. Upon hearing that her grandfather was healed, the daughter paid the healer, rushed into the bedroom to check on the old man, and saw that the left leg was healed but the right leg had not been healed. She turned and rushed out of the bedroom to stop the healer from leaving, stating that they had been duped and she wanted the fee they paid back. In order for the healer to defend himself, he asked the daughter and family two questions. The fi rst question was, “Is the old man’s left leg healed?” The

family answered, yes. The second question was, “Is the old man now sleeping and has the moaning stopped?” And the family answered, yes. The healer then said, “I have healed your grandfather.” The daughter asked, “Why have you not healed the old man’s right leg?” The healer explained that the old man was not ready for the right leg to be healed; the old man complained and requested that only the left leg be healed. The healer stated, “I have seen the right leg. When the old man is ready to have the right leg healed, call me and I will come and heal the right leg.

So the point of this story is: when you are ready to heal, only then can you be healed.Healing is All About the CauseWhat caused the problem or created the symptom in the fi rst place? Healing

begins on a variety of levels, and even though the symptom appears to be some type of physical or mental indication, all of this starts with what is called the root cause. Healers are always seeking the cause to ensure that once healing begins and is completed, the dis-ease doesn’t return, and that the client or person is back at ease and in balance. Healing could be physical, mental, or emotional, just to name a few causes. It is important to seek the advice of an appropriate healer, which depends on what type of symptom has occurred. For example, if you have a broken leg, you should seek a bonesetter or doctor that is expert in setting bones. If you have undisclosed pain, then you should seek a healer that can determine why you are having pain.

The Healing Imperative“Heal thyself” is the imperative. Don’t wait for others to heal you; you should

try to heal yourself, and that begins with positive thinking, positive actions, and being open to advice from those who can assist you. Healing is also about learning lessons, so you should ask the question to yourself or those advising you, what lesson am I learning? This is so you can grow and benefi t from this learning experience.

Healing in a WordHealing can be completed with art, music, and the spoken word, such as poetry.

My new book of poetry, “Healing in a Word,” will assist many people to begin to heal because each poem is written to assist in the facilitation of healing by hearing and reading positive words. Words are very powerful, and utilizing positive words can assist us in keeping a positive mind—and total healing starts in the mind.

The internal alchemy of healing is also in the utilization of healing words that starts the process by putting us in the right frame of mind. Healing is essential, and the earlier it begins, the better. So treat yourself well by keeping yourself

continued on page 41



Page 24: Vision Magazine January 2012

A Conversation with Richard Bartlett

by Sydney L. Murray

Matrix Energetics,

If you ever meet Richard Bartlett, you will be amazed by his teachings, his energy, and his absolute lust for living. I am astounded and encouraged by this amazing teacher. I am in awe of him and his work and I encourage anyone who wants to bypass much of what you think you already know to read one

of his books or attend a seminar. He is the real deal.Vision Magazine: I keep coming back to the question, where are we headed?Richard Bartlett: I wouldn’t say I know. It depends on who you’re listening to. I

prefer not to listen to anyone, and I prefer to decide in the moment. I was talking to Bonnie Colleen on “Seeing Beyond” down in San Francisco, and she asked me this 2012 question and I was complaining about it. If you remember, Y2K, we thought because of the computer problem that the world might end and that our world with computers would just screech to a stop. Nothing happened. It was like, YTF? I mean, nothing. And 2012, it may be the same thing for me. I prefer not to add energy into the idea that there’s going to be some major change, some apocalyptic [change], something transpiring that will change everything. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. I think the real changes are in consciousness, and those are gradual. Those are usually not like a car driving off a cliff; they are like a car driving up to a cliff and deciding whether to go off or not. And hopefully that’s true for all of us that we’re a little more conscious than we’re given credit for, that we’re actually thinking and we’re looking and we’re steering the ship a little bit, rather than allowing ourselves to be steered off the edge of the world.

I think, maybe someone wants to hear my answer about this because I think there’s a lot of unnecessary hype about 2012. You’ve got Wilcox even, in his very wonderful book, the one that was just released, the name escapes me right now…he’s talking about UFOs landing on, I think it was the 23rd or 21st of 2012. Well, it can’t be any worse than some of the other things I’ve been facing this year!

VM: I’ve always been fascinated by the name of your company, Matrix Energetics. Can you tell our readers why it’s called Matrix Energetics?

RB: Initially it was a joke, because when this Superman event happened to me, which really did happen, in 1996 or very early ’97, if you’ve read the book, I hallucinated Superman in the room and saw him in three-dimensional reality, standing there, cape fl apping in the breeze, hands on his hips, enigmatic smile. And that was obviously a crossover moment in consciousness, probably too much coffee, not enough sleep. I was driving back and forth between Seattle and Livingston, Montana, in order to maintain my practice while I was in naturopathy school full-time—“Charles Lindbergh School of Enlightenment,” I like to call that, where you’re bungee-corded in so that you don’t fall asleep and crash into the ocean.

So when this happened, it changed me instantly, probably in ways I couldn’t even begin to suspect at the time. And then gradually, I became more and more aware of it. Well, originally when people would ask me, being a jokester, I said things like, “I think I’ll call it Microsoft…” And then I thought, no, I live in Bill Gates’ backyard, he might have me killed. Then I decided to call it “Orthopedic Psychic Surgery,” and then I realized I’d probably piss off the orthopedic surgeons and the psychics. So I decided I wouldn’t call it that. And then I just called it “Me.” I was actually studying, at the time, certain aspects of quantum physics in order to try and

fi gure out a model for what was happening to me and what was happening when I would work on people. And I came across the term, “the matrix,” of course which is familiar from the movies. But I also had remote viewing training, and the remote viewers were actually taught that what they were accessing was a universal matrix in consciousness, so that everything has an address, and then they would assign coordinates to a particular part of that address, and they could get information. There is also something called a matrix in higher mathematics.

And then “energetics” actually comes from psycho-energetics, which is the term the Soviets use for their mind control, mind manipulation, at a distance, studies. Those two things, put together, became Matrix Energetics.

VM: There’s this resistance, not necessarily amongst our readership, but people question that instantaneous power of healing. Why do you think people don’t believe in it?

RB: Well, I don’t believe in it. I don’t believe in the word “healing.” And I’ve said this many times, and I’m not dodging the question, but as soon as you call something “healing,” you have to actually encode for it the certain responses that you perceive are accepting in your model as to what healing would be. And that varies with every person. For instance, if I were to ask you what your defi nition of love was, and if I were to unpack it with an NLP [neuro-linguistic programming] sort of thing, realistically, you would give me a very specifi c defi nition that was only true for you.

Same thing with healing. It means different things for different people; there is no one defi nition. And when you try to collapse it into one defi nition, you get a very poor product. Meager results, very poor product, not very reproducible. And still very unique to the person’s perception. For some people it would be healing; for another person, it would be nothing.

VM: But I know that in your workshops, you’ve been able to achieve, for certain people, certain recoveries from different ailments. Is that because of your teaching?

RB: No. I think that the fi eld does everything. I don’t think it has a damn thing to do with me or with Melissa [his teaching partner] or with the seminar; I think the fi eld does it. I think that what we do in the seminars is create enough of distraction that the fi eld could actually work through and with people. And that fi eld is unique to Matrix Energetics because we set it up a long time ago that way. I understood Rupert Sheldrake’s concepts of the morphic fi eld, and I realized that morphic fi elds could be created to be independent and special. For instance, there is a morphic fi eld in the Catholic Church or Catholicism. There’s a morphic fi eld in the Dallas Cowboys. There’s a morphic fi eld of McDonald’s. Driving to church on Sunday. Or the morphic fi eld of a car accident. All of these things have their unique subsets of reality that can be defi ned, predicted, and reproduced. What I did was I created a morphic fi eld of a machine, a consciousness technology that would allow for these effects to be more reproducible, more absorbable, more likely. Because we took away all the things that would hinder that manifestation, i.e. most of it being our own thoughts, our own suppositions and perceptions that would limit what we were able to actually have occur.

VM: If there is one thing, what would you say that you are most grateful for this morning?

RB: I am grateful for Melissa this morning. I’m grateful for every moment. I’m not an extraordinary guy. I’m kind of weird and messy. Maybe I’m a genius, and maybe I’m an idiot. It’s hard to tell sometimes. But I lead a normal life. I got an Egg McMuffi n this morning with my son, Victor, to come on the way to this interview because we didn’t have time to get breakfast. I have aches and

Richard Bartlett



Page 25: Vision Magazine January 2012

pains, I have problems, I have down days, I have depression, I have elation. I’m normal.

What I’m grateful for is that I’m normal and that I have not taken that and made it into something where I consider myself to be special, I consider what we’re teaching to be special and unique to me, in such a way that it is unique to me. But it’s very unique to actually say, it’s not me, it’s coming through me and it’s for you and you can interpret it however you will. However, it does come through me, and I’m grateful for every moment that that’s true, which seems to be every moment.

VM: And this kind of goes back to the fi rst question, but I kind of feel that there is a certain movement of energy amongst people all around the world. If there were one thing that each one of us could do to change the world in the New Year, what would it be—to collectively do something, something simple?

RB: Stare in the face of conventional thinking and conventional doing, and part. Be disrespectful of tradition. Be disrespectful of your own expectations. Drop your pre-conceived notions. Let go of the need for things to occur in a certain way. And show up as a child grateful for each moment, and see what the universe can really do when you stop limiting it by all the things you think it should do.

It’s an ongoing process of letting go and being okay with however you show up. If you’re angry, be angry. If you’re sad, be sad. If your blood sugar’s low, eat something. If you drank too much coffee, take a nap. It’s about balance and regulation. But it’s not about trying to be balanced; it’s about going for every moment and cramming into it all the living that you can do. But even if I’m just sitting at this desk and I’m staring at the grain in the carpet or the weave in the carpet or something, let that be enough, let that be important.

VM: That’s true. It’s very important. To let down those pre-conceived ideas. For me, I have a list and everything, but to take those out and to just be in the moment. Defi nitely, I have to be conscious about it.

RB: Well, I think actually, what I advocate is being unconscious about it, because your unconscious mind encodes for maybe a billion bits of information per second, while your conscious mind is 7, plus or minus 12. Who wants to be conscious of the moment? I don’t. I would rather the moment be conscious of me, and me try and perceive a little bit of what might be possible. When they say, conscious living or conscious life, I watch people stop, turn, and then signal. I’m not seeing a lot of conscious living here. I’m seeing mostly people who are absolutely lulled asleep, absolutely unconscious, and happily unconscious, and they don’t want to be awakened. They don’t want 2012 to rock their boat. They want to go about their way. And our whole nation has been rocked to sleep by people that are a lot more conscious than most of the nation. If you start becoming more conscious of your unconscious, then unconsciously you attract a morphic fi eld that has a greater power, a greater possibility, and a greater set or subset of a range of realities that you would have available in every moment.

VM: Could you defi ne the “morphic fi eld” for people that aren’t aware of the defi nition?

RB: My defi nition is bastardized, and I don’t want Rupert Sheldrake coming after me, but basically there’s something called the morphogenetic fi eld. The morphogenetic fi eld has to do with a fi eld of information that is shared among biological species that then inform that species—at the level of the DNA—about evolutionary changes, most of those changes being because of adaptability, survival of the species. Now, a morphic fi eld is different. The way Rupert Sheldrake defi nes it, it’s like a specifi c software program that runs based upon the parameters that a subset of people or energies or ideas have set up. So again, if you have the idea of football, for instance—football is a morphic fi eld. Now you take the Dallas Cowboys, that becomes a specifi ed morphic fi eld of the morphic fi eld of football. Now you take the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders and you’re now sharing the sets of ideas with male, with desire, with sex, with Playboy, with this and that. All of these things start to interlock, and depending on how you look at it, that creates a subset

of that fi eld. That’s why I advocate letting go of the need to try and control your reality because your reality can’t be controlled by you when you’re actually trying to grasp so hard onto it. The more you actually allow for things to smear out into a set of possibilities rather than, ‘it must show up this way,’—which is why I don’t believe in healing—the more you actually access more potential of that morphic fi eld in its different manifestations. The more out there you get with your ability to let go, the more you can unconsciously choose a very much more desirable outcome.

VM: I just know that the actual letting go will take a little bit of mind power. Not to just go, I’ve got to go here, I’ve got to do this…

RB: Yes. But in that space between that ‘I’ve got to do this,’ there is infi nite possibility. Literally between the thought of taking the next breath, there’s an infi nite infi nitude of possibilities. All you’ve got to do is let that part of you—which is wiser than you, that is deeper than you, that is bigger than you—start to grasp those things rather than you grasping those things and trying to control what they’ll show up as. Between every blink, there is infi nite possibility, and change of infi nite nature could occur in the next blink—literally, in the blink of an eye. That’s what the quantum physics reality says. What you have to do is not look for the perceived or the known in the next moment. If something does occur, you have to be willing to let go of the need for that occurrence to make sense or to be the same as what you would expect. Then if you do that, and continue to do that, you begin to build a chain of associations that create a specifi c morphic fi eld that allows you to get into the fi eld of possibility that might be called miracles.

VM: What is one of the miracles in your life that is apparent on a daily basis?RB: That’s a good question. I think the miracle that I would most point to is that

I don’t lead a particularly miraculous life, yet miraculous things happen in, around, through me, and occasionally appear to be because of me. I’d say the greatest miracle in my life is there are no miracles in my life, but there is a miraculous life possible in each moment. So most of the time, I lead a pretty normal existence. It’s in the normal-ness that everybody can access that. It’s that playful spirit of possibility that transcends the dullness, the normal, everyday moments of life. You can’t make those things happen. But once you let go of the need for them to occur, or for the desire for them even to occur. When you stop caring whether they happen or not, that’s when they become available, because you’ve now stepped into a bigger morphic fi eld of possibility that is not a subset of things I wished for that didn’t happen.

VM: Our theme in January is the Art of Alchemy. What does the word “alchemy” mean to you?

RB: Well, alchemy is a big subject, and I know quite a lot about it. There’s physical alchemy, there’s chemical alchemy, there’s transcendent alchemy (that would be the one that probably most people quote in the spiritual realm, which I say that in brackets would be referring to.) I think it is actually possible to change base metals into gold, but I think it’s more about changing the base of your leaden, conscious, everyday existence into the gold of the uniqueness of life and the opportunities that occur when you actually transcend the limitations of your model that says you’re human, you’re living in the moment, the past is the past, the past is prologue to the future, etc. When you stop having expectations, the absolute gold of transcendent consciousness begins to peek over the horizon. Alchemy is about transformation. I think it could be about massive transformation of consciousness, like actually into



continued on page 46

Page 26: Vision Magazine January 2012

The tradition of alchemy is ancient. While the term itself means different things to different people, I tend to honor it on a theoretical level where, on the one hand, theory can become reality. On the other hand, whether the theory becomes true and lived in this life is

moot, so long as the purity of belief remains salient.Many people think of alchemy as medieval sorcerers with the power to turn

base metals into noble metals like gold. That’s one history. There’s also some who view alchemy as a way to live in immortal youth, once a proper elixir has been crafted and ingested. Still others understand alchemy as a way to honor a belief in humanity and the cosmos as one. On a macro level, alchemy is really centered in a belief steeped through a unifying vision between humans and the universe. More specifi cally, while alchemists have worked in hard scientifi c realms, there is truly a marriage between our so-called reality and what’s understood as spirituality.

While different practitioners and believers interpret these teachings as they wish, I personally fi nd it most fruitful to honor these traditions for where they have come from and how they have developed, but to also put a more modern and personal twist on them. For example, instead of thinking about the power to turn a non-precious metal into a precious one, what about the power we all have to turn a poor situation into a brilliant one? Or how about the pure reality that our bodies age with time, but when one believes and makes oneself feel like they are “young,” they actually do act and feel young? And taking this even a step further, what might this life look like if we lived for the now, in the present, in such a way that if one were to inherit a life after this one, the life you lived in this reality would be the one you’d inherit through the cosmos when this physical body and reality ceases to be in the manner we know it today?

I’ll share a few examples to illustrate what I mean by purity in belief bestowed on to alchemy.

I’d argue the most well-known belief passed on through alchemy is turning

Live for Now, Live to Inherit

by Brennan Lagasse

“What you sow now is your reality now. What you sow now is the reality you will inherit.”

something like lead into gold. I also think this example is the easiest one to bite onto, one that every person can easily engage in if they believe they can.

I think of this friend of mine who, for a very long time, did whatever he could to “live right.” Part of that was somewhat believing in the American Dream, that if he worked hard and made as much money as he could, one day he would be happy and successful. Hopefully you as Vision readers know what a crock that is, but truthfully a vast majority of Americans still don’t.

Now, my buddy works his little butt off for years and years until all of sudden one day he loses his job. Truth be told he wasn’t really all that happy in his line of work, but he tried to make himself feel happy with the belief that this is what he had to do.

There were some tough days that followed after Rick lost his job. But after a few days, he realized that all he could do now was follow his heart. He realized that this was his real opportunity to do what he really wanted to do in his life. That still was not easy, and the fi nancial aspect of losing his job was tough, but in the end he took a really diffi cult situation—a life he really didn’t want but was making work based on what he thought was necessary—and turned it into the most precious opportunity he’d had in many years. Today he’s as content as can be, thankful, living in a way that would make you think he was more a teenager than a middle-aged man.

Rick’s a good example for the next alchemist example as well since he does happen to be middle-aged, but you’d never think it in the way he acts. There’s a paradox, some argue, to life, where one feels more alive the closer they are to death. In that same token we’ve all heard the saying that you should live as if this



Page 27: Vision Magazine January 2012

is your last day on earth.

From the alchemists’ perspective, an elixir that can produce a result to pass immortality, create life, and possibly live forever in youth is said to exist. Whether the potion is available or not, I beg to question the power to not only turn a poor situation into a grand one, but also to function in this life as if you were always “young.” Whatever that means to you, somewhat universally I’ll

argue speaks to living for the moment, in the present, for each and every day.You know what it’s like to be around youthful energy. We can’t all be

“youthful” forever, but of course we can, if that’s how we wish to live. I know 40, 50, and even 60-year-olds (like Rick) that are more active and energetic that 20-somethings. Perhaps it’s the beauty and power found in the mountains of my greater backyard, but then again, just because you get “older” doesn’t mean you have to feel “old.” Just like the power to turn a problem into a blessing, we can all be young if we so choose.

Ultimately, I tend to think of alchemy in a different light from these two strains even though I honor them both in practice and theory. More often, I see alchemy as this ideal vision where dogma ceases to exists and spirituality across diversity becomes one, for all that makes up life as we know it. The greater argument made by alchemists is that humans and the cosmos have a direct relationship, and while there are so many diverse beliefs across humanity related to the cosmos—from there being no higher power at all, to one belief being the supreme fi t for all—I fi nd it a benefi cial practice to not only honor the spirit of this view into alchemy as a way to look towards a possible bright future, but as a way to live justly and righteously in the now.

Many dogmatic traditions have overlaps in their systems of belief. Being kind is one such example found in almost every great religious text of the world. However, it doesn’t take very long to understand that depending on place and culture, these belief systems have vast differences. In fact, one might argue that because of how intense people come to honor their systems of belief, respect and

peace for humans in this life is not possible across such concrete diversity. But what if we were to apply the alchemists’ perspective to this? How might reality be lived and play out?

In having a direct link with the cosmos, humanity understands that it doesn’t support anyone being unkind to another. In that light, whether I believe in one thing or you believe in another is fi ne, if ultimately we both respect where the other is coming from and do not (this is key) pass judgment and belief on another that they are wrong and your belief is right.

I’ve always wondered how dogmatically people of so-called faith pretend to be tolerant, but really only think that they are right in the end—that they are the only ones to have a “real” connection to a higher power, and all who don’t subscribe to their way are not only completely wrong, but should be punished for not believing in what they believe.

If there is a direct connection between humanity and the cosmos, it’s not one group—it’s every “group.” It means we’re all of the same tribe and if we have the power to get physically older but remain mentally young, immortally, and we can take hardships and turn them into stepping stones to greatness, why then can’t we collectively live in such a way that now is everything, and that in living in such a way now translates into the a life might inherit, or hope to inherit in the future?

This idea is born from a belief in the direct connection of humanity in the cosmos, that no matter what you think happens or doesn’t happen when this life as we know it stops, what you create while you’re here is what you live not only now, but then.

This belief challenges all systems of exclusivity. The dogmatic traditions that believe people across the earth are lost until they are “saved” by reading this book—that “eternal bliss” will be found after this life ONLY by those who believe what they do is more than fl awed. Some even go so far as to take the life of others in this reality that don’t believe in what they do because “that’s what they’re supposed to do” to get to their eternal bliss in the afterlife.

But what if you lived your life in a way that you were immortal? That this day and these days ahead were every day indefi nitely? What would your reality look like? I doubt you’d want to foster any hate towards other people, knowing that would be a reality for others to live, including yourself. Why would you want to pollute your backyard, other people’s backyard? Why would you want to harm wildlife? The truth is, I don’t think anyone really would if they were able to live in such a way where the life they lived and created for themselves was the life that would be played out now and for eternity.

Imagine that. Imagine living in that way. What you sow now is your reality now. What you sow now is the reality you will inherit. Your reality becomes the shared reality of others. In the cosmos being directly connected to humanity, it’s like saying and believing, if I live with love, all there will be is love.

Maybe we take the opportunity of another year, 2012, and live in such a way. We live in such a way, knowing we’re going to slip here and there, that that is how we evolve, adapt and change our ways, but our intention is pure. Maybe in 2012 we will change how we go about our relationships with people, other species, and the planet, as life we not only live now, but will inherit in the future, in the cosmos, with this direction we have between our life and whatever else there is beyond us. It may sound a little “out there,” but honor the thought, meditate on the connection from the alchemists’ point of view, and think about human beings living in such a way. I know it just made me smile, visioning this reality. How about you?

Brennan Lagasse is a writer, teacher, and mountain guide living in Lake Tahoe, CA. Brennan can be reached at [email protected].



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Page 33: Vision Magazine January 2012

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Page 34: Vision Magazine January 2012

Four years after the publication of the best-selling book, “Yoga Anatomy,” authors Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews, with publisher Human Kinetics, have released, “Yoga Anatomy,

Second Edition.” Their updated edition of “Yoga Anatomy” combines detailed anatomical illustrations with yoga poses and exercises to bring the relationship between yoga and anatomy to life. With asanas, vinyasas, full-color anatomical illustrations, and in-depth information, “Yoga Anatomy” provides a deeper understanding of the structures and principles underlying each movement and of yoga itself.

The full-color book (including 40 more detailed illustrations than in the fi rst edition) sorts yoga poses into six sections—standing, sitting, kneeling, prone, supine, and arm supports—providing an inside look into each

pose and a better understanding of movements, breathing, and muscle and joint interaction while performing each.

From breathing to inversions to standing poses, readers will see how specifi c muscles respond to the movements of the joints, how alterations of a pose can enhance or reduce effectiveness, and how the spine, breathing, and body position are all fundamentally linked.

“The view of yoga used in this book is based on the structure and function of the human body,” Kaminoff explains. “Because yoga practice emphasizes the relationship of the breath and the spine, we pay particular attention to those systems. By viewing all other body structures in light of their relationship to the breath and spine, yoga becomes the integrating principle for the study of anatomy.”

In “Yoga Anatomy,” Kaminoff and Matthews, both internationally recognized experts and teachers in anatomy, breathing, and bodywork, have created the ultimate reference for yoga practitioners, instructors, and enthusiasts alike.

Whether you are just beginning your journey or have been practicing yoga for years, “Yoga Anatomy” will be an invaluable resource—one that allows you to see each movement in an entirely new light.

“Yoga speaks of getting at something deep inside of us—the true self,” says Kaminoff. “This book takes the opposing stand—that in order to go deeply inside of ourselves we must journey within our physical

bodies. Once there, we will not only understand our anatomy but also directly experience the reality that gives rise to the core concepts of yoga.”

For more information, or to order a copy of Yoga Anatomy, Second Edition, visit www.HumanKinetics.com or call 1.800.747.4457. Yoga Anatomy can also be purchased on Amazon.com. —SN

Yoga Anatomy, Second Edition

Yoga speaks of getting at something deep inside of us—the true self,”


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Page 35: Vision Magazine January 2012

• When you wake up in the morning, give thanks to the source for the new day and the gift of being alive.

• Do some stretching and breathing exercises every morning.

• Before you shower, dry brush your entire body and scalp to exfoliate dead skin cells.

• Try to spend each day as follows: 8 hours for sleep; 8 hours for work; and 8 hours to take care of yourself

and your family.

• Drink water – half of your body weight in ounces per day at room temperature between meals, in small

doses at a time.

• Chew your food thoroughly; it stimulates gastric juices to facilitate absorption of nutrients.

• Avoid cold drinks immediately before, during and after meals, as they constrict digestion.

• Wash your hands before eating and before and after using the bathroom.

• Eat clean, nourishing foods, free of pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics.

• Keep the body’s four channels of elimination (bowels, kidneys, skin, and lungs) free of congestion.

• At the end of the day, find a comfortable, quiet place for meditation, reflection, and planning.

• At night, put yourself to bed like a baby. Turn off all appliances and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

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Page 36: Vision Magazine January 2012

This January, the breathtaking performance, “Shen Yun,” is returning to theatres across California. Shen Yun will make its way from San Francisco in Northern California, down to Southern California—Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego.

Shen Yun Performing Arts was established in 2006 with the mission of reviving 5,000 years of Chinese culture and heritage—largely destroyed by more than 60 years of Communist rule in China—and sharing it with the world. The company began with 90 artists on its first tour in 2007, and has

been growing ever since.Shen Yun, literally translating to, “the beauty of divine beings dancing,” shares with its audience, “the deeper spiritual core of the ancient culture—values of

benevolence, honor, propriety, wisdom, sincerity, and a reverence for the gods and the heavens.”

Shen Yun Returns to California



Page 37: Vision Magazine January 2012


The Shen Yun company shows the audience the unique system of classical Chinese dance, which is still widely unfamiliar to the West. Much like ballet, classical Chinese dance is one of the most comprehensive dance systems in the world. It is composed of three main parts: bearing; form; and technical skill. Dancers convey powerful expressions and deep emotions through beautiful movements and advanced tumbling techniques, such as fl ips, spins, and high-fl ying jumps. Alongside this classical dance system, Shen Yun also includes ethnic and folk dances, taken from over 20 dynasties and 50 ethnic groups.

While Shen Yun embodies the ancient culture of China, it also creates an alchemical blend of classical Chinese dance with updated, unique movements, music, costumes, and stage sets. For instance, Shen Yun integrates the very different sounds and music of the East and West. Shen Yun’s music—with truly one-of-a kind, original compositions, recreated each year—blends ancient Chinese instruments such as the erhu (a two-stringed bowed, alto instrument), the dizi (the bamboo fl ute), the pipa (a four-stringed instrument), and the suona (a double-reed woodwind), with the energy and grandeur of a Western orchestra.

Shen Yun performances convey each of China’s individual dynasties through their unique adornments. Hundreds of original, handmade costumes are recreated for each new season of Shun Yen, expressing the beauty of China’s heritage and cultures. The colorful garments span across all of China’s regions, dynasties, and ethnicities, “from the imperial dragon robes and cloud capes to ornate headdresses and vestments, from the warriors’ helmet and armor to the celestial maidens’ long silky sleeves, from the traditional Han clothing to the ethnic attire of the Manchurians, Tibetans, and Mongolians.”

Using modern lighting and stage settings to create animated backdrops, Shun Yen transports audiences to different times and places throughout China’s 5,000-year civilization. With this alchemical result of the ancient blended with the modern, performances take audiences on a magical journey, “from the snow-capped Himalayas to tropical lake-fi lled regions, from the legends of the culture’s creation through different dynasties to the present day, from the

highest heavens down to the dusty plateaus of the Middle Kingdom.”

Millions worldwide have seen Shen Yun and have described it as nothing less than spectacular. This January, join them in experiencing all that Shen Yun has to offer.

Shen Yun will be in California Jan. 3-8 in San Francisco, Jan. 11-12 in Orange County, Jan.13-14 in Los Angeles, and Jan. 19-22 in San Diego. For more information on Shen Yun and its touring schedule, please visit www.shenyun2012.com. You can purchase tickets at www.ticketingbox.com or by calling 1.888.974.3698. —SN


Page 38: Vision Magazine January 2012

There are real reasons for food cravings. Some studies suggest that eating a diet that is lacking nutrition can lead to a variety of food cravings. Your body needs energy to run, and it wants the right fuel to do so. For many reasons, foods we eat are not as nutrient-dense as

they once were. I believe the artificial ingredients added to promote shelf life in the store also may have something to do with this.

Vegetables (especially cruciferous), fruits, nuts, legumes, lean proteins, and “good fats” are a good start. You should consume a protein with each meal to slow the sugar release into your system and prevent the “highs and lows” that can give you cravings.

Dehydration also causes cravings, so drink more water. Some experts feel that alkaline water is healthier; squeeze a lemon in your water. Drinking warm fluids such as a cup of green tea can help you feel fuller.

Do not let yourself get too hungry in the first place—plan your meals. Eating small meals every four hours will keep your

Why Do I Have Food Cravings?

blood sugar stable and will result in fewer cravings.

Stress also plays a role, so find a way to help yourself cope. Change your environment (walk outside) and try deep breathing, yoga, visualization, exercise (a simple walk may be enough), or whatever it takes. When you plan your day, incorporate some “mental health” time into your schedule. It will amaze you how recharged you can be from this simple strategy.

When you do get a craving, be smart and make lower-calorie choices to satisfy those cravings. Educate yourself and take the time to look at food labels. Better choices will give you a better quality of life.

For more information, visit http://www.cravepvxfit.com.

“try deep breathing, yoga,

visualization, exercise...”


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. 4.


For a complete list of our stellar presenters, performers, more information and tickets

Visit www.GATEcommunity.org

Advance sales only! Limited seating.

Both events are benefits for Both events are benefits for GATE. Proceeds will endow the organization, providing operating

funds for our next year. A discounted first-year GATE membership will be available at both events.

Join with us and with others from around the world to help establish GATE and further our

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u d , F b u 4,

d w h h h B vd. ( F d ) L g

The presenters at GATE 2 and/or GATE StoryCon include:

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Have you experienced a personal transformation in your life? Are you seeking to share that experience with the world through your work? Do you believe that entertainment and media content can play a larger role in social and global transformation?

GGATE – the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment – is the pioneering nonprofit membership trade association founded specifically to create, establish, and grow the transformational entertainment and media genre – and to support your journey and your work as an industry professional. We were launched in 2009 by Founder and transformational marketing pioneer John Raatz,and Honorary Co-Founders Eckhart Tolle and Jim Carrey.

h ud d !

Transforming the World by Transforming Entertainment & Media TM

TM global alliance for transformational entertainmentTM

Page 39: Vision Magazine January 2012


. 4.


For a complete list of our stellar presenters, performers, more information and tickets

Visit www.GATEcommunity.org

Advance sales only! Limited seating.

Both events are benefits for Both events are benefits for GATE. Proceeds will endow the organization, providing operating

funds for our next year. A discounted first-year GATE membership will be available at both events.

Join with us and with others from around the world to help establish GATE and further our

vision of Transforming the World by TTransforming Entertainment and Media.™

u d , F b u 4,

d w h h h B vd. ( F d ) L g

The presenters at GATE 2 and/or GATE StoryCon include:

Eckhart Tolle

JJean Houston

Jim Carrey

Don Miguel Ruiz

Marianne Williamson

Edward James Olmos

Fred Alan Wolf

Barbara Marx Hubbard

NNorman Seeff

Louie Schwartzberg

D Y u “ h d B g d d ”™?

. J U ! (www.GATEcommunity.org)

d d - upp g H w d’ u !

Are you an entertainment or media professional – actoAre you an entertainment or media professional – actor, writer, producer, director, musician, composer, agent, manager, studio or network executive, technical pro?

Have you experienced a personal transformation in your life? Are you seeking to share that experience with the world through your work? Do you believe that entertainment and media content can play a larger role in social and global transformation?

GGATE – the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment – is the pioneering nonprofit membership trade association founded specifically to create, establish, and grow the transformational entertainment and media genre – and to support your journey and your work as an industry professional. We were launched in 2009 by Founder and transformational marketing pioneer John Raatz,and Honorary Co-Founders Eckhart Tolle and Jim Carrey.

h ud d !

Transforming the World by Transforming Entertainment & Media TM

TM global alliance for transformational entertainmentTM

Page 40: Vision Magazine January 2012


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Page 41: Vision Magazine January 2012

Alternative HealingsTaiji chuan, qigong, and yoga also considered alchemical, with their ability to

prolong life. At the Spiritual Life Source Center, we teach these healing modalities, which include training healers and how to heal oneself. Alternative healing is not actually an alternative; it is, in most cases, natural healing processes that we can use to keep ourselves in balance and whole. We at the Spiritual Life Source Center will assist you in your quest to be whole and in balance, supporting you in your healing process and achievement of longevity. It is up to you to heal, think healing thoughts, and use healing words.

Purchase a copy of the book, Healing in a Word, by George E. (online at Amazon.com and BN.com), and if you are ready and need further assistance, call 858.367.0553, e-mail [email protected], or visit his Web site at www.spirituallifesource.com.

Mind, Body and Soul

Young yet so oldMind

I cry and wonder if it helpsMy mind body or soul

It is important to controlThe mind

I mind my bodySee the soul

My mind is ready to healIf it can rest

And let the mind go to its homeAnd then I can rest

But mind thinks of the body and soulSo old yet young

Go and tell the body that it is wholeAnd the mind will bring the Soul

To make the body oneBody, Mind and Soul

That is the goalThe mind is minding the store

And the body is looking for moreBut the Soul is young and yet so old

—Sample poem from George E. Samuels’ book, “Healing in a Word”

Before I could finish my sentence, Natasha’s large glowing blue eyes lit up and swirled like kaleidoscopes. She took me by the arm and led me enthusiastically into her kitchen. “Do I know what absinthe is?” she asked with a devilish grin.

She opened the freezer and pushed aside some packages of frozen blueberries and mangos, then shoved away a box of rainbow popsicles. She swiftly removed a frosty, glowing green bottle that had five words inscribed into it in a fancy script: Absinthe, aux plants de France.

Natasha and Sonia accepted my invitation excitedly, then 10 minutes later the three of us were circling around my kitchen like fairies, measuring out the ingredients. We had lit dozens of small candles and the house had transformed into a forest of shadows.

Natasha placed her own frothy bottle of absinthe down onto the table, then three crystal glasses which she arranged in a triangular shape next to a small metal strainer. Then she pulled out a box of sugar cubes.

She filled the first glass with about an ounce of absinthe, then put a sugar cube on the strainer along the rim of the glass. She poured cold water over the sugar cube, which melted it down to half its size and caused the drink to become cloudy. She used the spoon to dip what was left of the sugar cube into the mixture, and then placed it back onto the strainer above the glass.

Do you want it on fire, she asked?Yes.With a match, she ignited the absinthe-soaked sugar cube, and the dark room lit

up like a volcanic eruption.Drink please, she said.I put my mouth to the glass and took the first drink. A warm sensation spread

through my body like lava oozing from my core. Three drinks later, I found myself struggling to find a balance between my inner visions and my outer world. From my couch, some part of me traveled to a large, damp and musty chamber room, where I had been projected into a giant medieval game of…chess?

Trapped in the middle of a black-and-white checkered floor, giant chess pieces—odd creatures with stern expressions etched forever into their faces—began to maneuver themselves around me in definitive movements. Overcome with a fear-stricken paralysis, I could feel the fierce air of their movements as they passed me. They murmured amongst themselves incomprehensibly in peculiar tonal hums that vibrated and fluctuated in volume. When I could finally run, I escaped to the back of the building. I looked up and saw hovering grey clouds—then suddenly, a relentless downpour.

I woke up. Lulled by such an abstract dream, I peeled myself up from the soft couch and saw that Natasha and Sonia were long gone.

I wouldn’t encounter the beverage again until two years later in Tijuana, after a trip along the Maya Belt of the Yucatán. From gorgeous blooming jungles in the El Petén Highlands of Guatemala, and from atop supernatural pyramids, I was now in a small cement room in the City of Desolation, with my artesano friends, Dalia and Javier.

Dalia and I sat staring out the window at these vaporous rain clouds forming in the sky. “That one looks like my ex-boyfriend,” she said, laughing. Then we heard a man say, “Todo lo que dice la biblia es la verdad.” Everything the bible says is true. At that moment, my friend stood up and said, “I think it’s time for some absinthe.” She opened her bag and grabbed the bottle we had bought earlier from the liquor store, and poured us each a glass—undiluted, with no sugar.

By drink three, we were way happier, things got clumsy, and I knocked over the bottle, which amazingly didn’t break. I picked it up from the black-and-white-checkered floor. Then I started to feel kind of déjà vu-ish.

I drank another glass. I glanced over at Javier in the corner, who was sipping from his glass with his right hand, and pushing a knight back and forth across a chessboard with his left. Javier was strategizing, talking to himself, mumbling indecipherably, as if annoyed by the challenge from an invisible opponent.

It was then that I realized how painters and artists might spiral downward with

this stuff. Can this alchemical combination of elements somehow manifest abstract dreams into reality? It’s like our eyes can record what we’ve seen before—in another state of awareness—and then project forth these ideas or concepts and develop them into life with a paintbrush of some sort.

I smiled at the conceivable thought of invisible magical realms. A few minutes later, I said to Dalia, “When we get to LA, let’s make some love potions.” She smiled, nodding her head in agreement. And just then, my anticipated deluge of rain? Of course, it burst forth from the sky where we marveled at it from the window.

Daphne can be reached at [email protected] and at www.paintzflwrs.blogspot.com.


“ABSINTHE” continued from page 27

“PARADIGM” continued from page 23

Page 42: Vision Magazine January 2012

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CREATING A VISION FOR 2012 at the OC Healing Center January 1st 11:00am-2:00pm with Isabella Stoloff for more information [email protected] www.ochealingcenter.com or call 714.603.8624

JAUARY 6 FRI.SUN – AUGUST 122012 Raja Yoga Advanced Studies & Teacher Training. Jan 6-Aug 12, La JollaYoga Center. Michele Hébert & Mehrad Nazari, PhD. http://www.rajayogis.net/raja-yoga/training

JANUARY 6, 2012 FRIDAY TEMPLE OF LIGHT IN LAKE FOREST A Peruvian Journey with Isabel-la Stoloff Jan. 6th 7:30-9:30pm FREE! For more information [email protected] www.ochealingcenter.com or call 714.603.8624

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JANUARY 19 THURSDAYFREE REIKI OPEN HOUSE Learn about Reiki, how it can help you, others. Experience mini Reiki treatment, healing energy. Natural Heal-ing Institute, 760-943-8485, www.naturalhealinginst.com

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SHAMAN CERTIFICATION COURSE Jan. 21st & 22nd 10-5pm at the OC Healing Center with Isabella Stoloff for more information [email protected] www.ochealingcenter.comor call 714.603.8624

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JANUARY 1, 2012 SUNDAYCREATING A VISION FOR 2012 at the OC Healing Center January 1st 11:00am-2:00pm with Isabella Stoloff for more information [email protected] www.ochealingcenter.com or call 714.603.8624

JAUARY 6 FRI.SUN – AUGUST 122012 Raja Yoga Advanced Studies & Teacher Training. Jan 6-Aug 12, La Jol-laYoga Center. Michele Hébert & Mehrad Nazari, PhD. http://www.rajayogis.net/raja-yoga/training

JANUARY 6, 2012 FRIDAY TEMPLE OF LIGHT IN LAKE FOREST A Peruvian Journey with Isabella Stoloff Jan. 6th 7:30-9:30pm FREE! For more information [email protected] www.ochealingcenter.com or call 714.603.8624

JANUARY 11, WEDNESDAYHERBAL MEDICINE MAKING. (Open to all - part of the full Program). Experience preparing herbal remedies, infusions, de-coctions, therapeutic oils, salves, balms, poultices, much more. All aspects from collecting, drying, to preservation, storage will be covered. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485.www.naturalhealinginst.com

JANUARY12 THURSDAY FREE OPEN HOUSE. + 3 scholarship raffles, must be present to win. 7:15 prompt – 9:00 pm. Natural Healing Insti-tute, 760-943- 8485, www.naturalhealin-ginst.com

JANUARY 19 THURSDAYFREE REIKI OPEN HOUSE Learn about Reiki, how it can help you, others. Experi-ence mini Reiki treatment, healing energy. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, www.naturalhealinginst.com

JANUARY 21 & 22 THURS FRI. MASSAGE TECHNICIAN $100 hr. Pro-gram. Required for Massage Therapist License. Special Discounts. Comprehen-sive training with the most experienced, licensed instructor in USA! Natural Heal-ing Institute, 760-943-8485. www.natural-healinginst.com

SHAMAN CERTIFICATION COURSE Jan. 21st & 22nd 10-5pm at the OC Heal-ing Center with Isabella Stoloff for more information [email protected] www.ochealingcenter.comor call 714.603.8624

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JANUARY 27 FRIDAYMATRIX ENERGETICS The Science and Art of Transformation Upcoming seminars and Training San Francisco, Ca. Levels 1& 2. Jan. 27 - Jan. 30, 2012. Albuerqu-erque, NM. Levels 1 & 2. March. 2 – 5, 2012. Scottsdale, Az. Level 3. March 31- April 1. 2012. www.MatrixEnergetics.com

JANUARY 28 SATURDAYThai Therapeutics & High Desert Yoga Present: Thai Massage, Kirtan & Yoga in Troncones, Mexico. Jan 28 - Feb 2/ Feb.2 - Feb.8/ Call 541-488-4006 and visit our website at www.ThaiTherapeutics.com

Jan. 29th - SUNDAYAKASHIC RECORDS INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP Jan. 29th - SundayAKASHIC RECORDS INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP Learn Akashic basics via the Pathway Prayer Process to access personal guidance from the energy-archive of your Soul’s journey through all lifetimes. Led by Barbara Schiffman, Akashic Records Certified Teacher. Bur-bank, 2:30-6:30pm, $45. Info/Pre-regis-ter: 818-415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, [email protected]

ALCHEMY OF MEDITATION–ONE DAY FLOWERING into a celebration and si-lence, a beautiful journey to learn through several mediations techniques the way of celebrating life. 951-242.8158 www.meet-up.com/oshomeditationcentercalifornia

JANUARY 29 SUNDAYTHAI BODYWORK CERTIFICATE PRO-GRAM towards License. NHI had the first State-Approved Thai Certificate Program

in the U.S.!! Front, sitting, side, back position, Thai acupoint, Thai Chakra en-ergy work (Sen Lines). Popular at premier spas, deeply enjoyed by clients, thera-pists. Dynamic, relaxing, uplifting. Taught by nationally renowned instructor! Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. www.naturalhealinginst.com

JANUARY 30 TUESDAYLOMI LOMI/HAWAIIAN HEALING ARTS Certificate Program – NHI had the first State-Approved Lomi in Mainland U.S.!! Use soft part of forearm coupled with dancing motion creating long, glid-ing strokes for physical therapy, release emotions, traumas, stress, blocked en-ergy. Grace, beauty, spirituality. Includes Lomi Hot Rock Massage, South Pacific Herbs. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, www.naturalhealinginst.com

FEBRUARYFEBRUARY 4, 2012 SATURDAY YOGA AT THE VILLAGE. Introduce your mind to your body. 200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. We also offer 300 Hour on-going Training. Call and drop in to sample any training session. We are a Yoga Alliance approved RYT school. You’re always welcome. Visit us at www.YogaattheVillage.com or Call 818-265-9833

GATE 2.0 Transformational Story Confer-ences. 9am to 5pm at The WADSWORTH THEATER, 11301 Wilshire Blvd. For more information, complete list of performers, presenters and tickets, please contact www.GATEcommunity.org

FEBRUARY 10-13 FRI MONCOME TO THE CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO What if 2012 is actually a tipping point, the marker of an historic time in individual and planetary evolution. What if there really is a new consciousness, a planetary consciousness, rising in our midst as the Mayan Calendar and Galactic Alignment crescendo might sug-gest. At the 2012 Conscious Life Expo we explore the vast alignment of people and ideas that constitute this transforma-tion. Join us. Check out the early-bird Get-Away Packages if you’re planning on staying the whole weekend.: Join these amazing speakers at the 2012 Expo: Dan-

nion Brinkley, Eric Pearl, George Noory, Gregg Braden, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Laura Eisenhower, Susan Miller. Maria Russo, Jason Martell, Susan Shumsky, Vickie Gay and many more. Visit www.consciouslifeexpo.com to register and find out more about this life-changing weekend. This is a year not to be missed. Exhibit Space Available 800.367.5777.

FEBRUARY 24-26, Fri-SunAKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER TRAINING with Barbara Schiffman, ARCT. Deepen your Soul-connection to the Akashic Field in 2012. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself and oth-ers. Includes past life healing tools and certification via Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies. $325, Burbank location. Pre-Registration: 818-415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, [email protected]

FEBRUARY 1 WEDNESDAYHERB FORMULA MAKING & SYSTEMS APPROACH (Open to everyone – Part of Clinical Master Herbology Certificate (CMH)™ Program). Learn way of herbs, self-help, Clinical Master Herbology for professional practice. Herb formulas: cleansing, building, balancing organs, glands, blood, lymph, muscles, nerves, emotions, other energy systems, com-mon symptoms. Highly effective meth-ods — combining clinical and scientific with traditional, holistic and energetic approach — will be fully integrated into a system of making balanced and individu-alized herb formulas. Uniquely compre-hensive, easy to learn. Steve Schechter, NP, HHP, NHI Director, integrates differ-ent traditional systems of herbal formula making – the height or apex of herbal medicine! Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, www.naturalhealinginst.com

FEBRUARY. 6 MONDAYAromatherapy – Certified Clinical Aromatherapy (CA)™ program. Learn self-help, enhancing professional prac-tice…. In-Depth. Practical. Covers all aspects. Taught by world-renowned in-structor. NHI had the 1st State Certified Aromatherapy program in U.S. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485, www.naturalhealinginst.com

Page 44: Vision Magazine January 2012


MARCH 15-23Peru sacred adventure equinox in Machu Picchu. For more information Please visit www.StarEssence.com, call 888-277-4955 or email [email protected]

MARCH 30-APRIL 1 FRI-SUNDEVELOP YOUR SOUL HEALING POWER WITH MASTER SHA and Master Ximena Gavino and Master Peggy Warner – Divine Healing Hands Training Program Live in San Francisco and via webcast from India! Unique and Extraordinary Training Program. Experience Divine Healing Hands Bless-ings Master Sha’s Healing Center 1549 California St. San Francisco, CA 94109 www.MasterShaSoulHealingCenter.com 888.339.6815 www.Dr.Sha.com Face-book.com/ZhiGangSha

APRILAPRIL 6-8 FRI-SATSPRING RENEWAL WEEKEND – Renew your body, mind and soul with guided meditations, energizing exercises, simple meals, music and good fellowship. Re-fresh your spirit in the natural beauty and tranquility of Sunburst Sanctuary, www.SunburstOnline.org, [email protected] or 805.736.6528


FENG SHUI MASTER TRAINING CERTI-FICATION 4 weekends of January 2012 at The International Feng Shui School with Amanda Collins. Please visit www.Aman-daCollins.com for more information 3.11

FREE MEETUP GROUP with SPIRITUAL COACH John Abe. Learn Universal En-lightenment with “I Am Totality.” Build your life to order, do nothing to accomplish ev-erything. Join Meetup.com to learn times and locations of “I Am Totality” Meetup Group. 1-800-584-1640, www.iamtotaltiy.com.

SundaysSunday Soul Awakening Services - Join Tom & Trisha Kelly for all or part of your Sunday practice. 8am Meditation. 9am Sacred Movement Yoga. 11am Yoga Church Not in the Encinitas area? Log on

to Soul-TV.com! The Soul Center 627 En-cinitas Blvd, Encinitas www.soulofyoga.com 760.943.7685

SPICA – WAY OF LIGHT INSPIRATION-AL SERVICES 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am, 4th Sunday at 9am. Myztic Isle Bookstore, 8036 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA. 619.588.6483 for information.

LOOKING FOR A SPIRITUAL COM-MUNITY? You are always welcome at the Celebration of Light Church. Visit our website for program. www.CelebrationOf-LightChurch.org. Vicente @ 23rd St. – San Francisco. 3.12

THEOSOPHY CLASS IN JULIAN/SAN DIEGO, “What is Theosophy and How Does it Apply to Life?” 760.765.1090 619.283.0142 [email protected] www.theosophysandiego.org Sally & Jim Colbert Meets: 1st & 3rd Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. to Noon with cookies CALL FOR DIRECTIONS

SOLAR RAIN WATER – Good for you and Good for the planet. Find out more. www.solarrainwatery.com.

MondaysFREE PSYCHIC READINGS every FIRST Monday 7:30p.m. by students in Vessa’s INTUITIVE INSIGHTS Clairvoy-ant Program, 4455 Morena Blvd. #108, 858.509.7582 www.MyIntuition.Net 12.11

$8 BEGINNERS YOGA CLASSES Mon-day @ 6:00p.m. Tuesday @ 5:30 p.m. 2333 Camino del Rio South #240 92108 www.yogawell.com 619.917.0998.

TuesdaysCLINICAL NUTRITION (CNC) ™. In-troductory or Full Certification. Special Discounts. Most comprehensive training from nationally honored Nutritionists. Re-vised! 7:00-9:55 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. www.natural-healinginst.com

WednesdaysMIRACLE CIRCLE MEDITATION Con-nect with your inner divinity through deep meditation, inspirational prayers, and group discussion. 7p.m.-8p.m. Teach-ing of the Inner Christ 1100 N. Second St. Suite 1114 El Cajon, CA 92021. 619.447.7007.

Harmony GroveSpiritualist Association

ServicesSaturdaysHealing 1:00pm

Church 2:00pm

Sundays Healing 10:00amChurch 11:00am

Psychic Fair1st Sat. of Month, 10:00am-4:00pmCertification and Personal Growth Classes

• Mediumship • Healing • Ministerial • Ordinations

Private Readings AvailableInformation aboutSpeakers & Directions760-745-9176Escondido, CA www.harmonygrovespiritualist.org

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Soul Live! 7pm - Join Tom and Trisha Kelly each Wednesday night ‘Live’ for this new interactive spiritual talk show with an exciting line-up of very special guests. Not in the Encinitas area? Check it out at Soul-TV.com! The Soul Center 627 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas www.soulofyoga.com 760.943.7685

2nd Wednesday of every month: FREE Feng Shui Classes. Please visit www.AmandaCollins.com for more in-formation. 3.12

Ongoing \WednesdaysCLINICAL MASTER HERBOLOGY (CMH)™. Introductory or Full Certifica-tion. Special Discounts. Most compre-hensive training from nationally honored Master Herbalists. Revised! 7:00-9:55 pm. Natural Healing Institute, 760-943-8485. www.naturalhealinginst.com

ThursdaysFREE DETOXIFICATION AND WEIGHT LOSS CLASS 1st Thursday of every month. 6:30p.m. Easy and success-ful program. Register @ Body Basics Health Center, San Diego. 619.296.7390 4.12

GODDESS Gatherings 3rd Thursday of every month. Please visit www.Amanda-Collins.com for more information 3.12

Fridays HAPPINESS CLASSES - Based on the life-healing teachings of VERNON HOW-ARD, Fridays - 8p.m.; Sundays - 10a.m. New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 714.899.9300 Conquer stress, handle difficult people with ease, banish problems. Donation basis. 2.12


Calendar continued

“Chi” continued from page 8

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J u l i e D i l l o nJulie Dillon is a freelance illustrator living and working in Northern California. Her clients include Tor Books, Wizards of the

Coast, Roto Studio, Paizo Publishing, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, Volta Creations, Fantasy Flight Games, Fantasist Enterprises, and Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. She won the 2010 Chesley Award for Best Unpublished Color Illustration.

Contact her at [email protected] and visit her Web site, www.juliedillonart.com.


v i s i o n a r y a r t i s t

Page 46: Vision Magazine January 2012

of hard work and sometimes it can happen in an instant. We are not bound to linear time. We can invite change through our willingness—our being unafraid to explore the multidimensional aspects of who we are.

VM: What is the Circle of Life?UM: With my husband, Gary, we offer regular spiritual events. Once a month

we invite all those interested to “Gathering with Spirit.” After a guided meditation, everybody receives a personal angel message, an intuitive mini-reading. The meditations are always different, but always healing journeys. Together we create the space to go within, connect with others and get confi rmation from Spirit. So at this time I don’t offer structured teaching, but that is what the Guides have been asking me to do. My work is my passion and my purpose for being here now. As long as I can assist someone by being their sacred mirror, then it’s all worth it. And it fi lls my life with beauty and joy.

Rev. Uki MacIsaac, MA, is an internationally acclaimed speaker, intuitive counselor, and ordained minister. Through her unique gift of clairvoyance, she empowers her clients to integrate their spiritual purpose and live a fuller, more meaningful life. Having overcome a life-threatening illness more than once, her mission is to teach, heal, and inspire others to heal themselves by connecting to the power of Spirit within. “Amazingly accurate, as well as comforting, uplifting and inspirational,” is how participants have described Uki’s Readings. For more information, visit www.ukimacisaac.com or call 800.883.2840. Also visit her Facebook page, Circle of Life Spiritual Development.

a model that transcends the programmed limitations of the DNA of the human species. It’s about moving into what Nietzsche called the “God-man.” However, you don’t do that in a moment usually. You do that moment to moment. So alchemy is an everyday, every moment, going about the business of the life with an expanding consciousness that says, I’m not my body, I’m not my mind, I’m not my thoughts, I’m not my emotions, I’m not my pains, I’m not my problems, and I’m not my solutions either. There is plenty about Matrix Energetics that I don’t understand, but the secret in miracles is about deprogramming yourself. You will actually fi nd contact with the Zero Point Field, a medium of consciousness, and you are a God-free being.

VM: If you could describe God, what would that be?RB: I think God is the Zero Point Field. Understand, it is not energy, it

is potential. The potential is pure consciousness, and consciousness is beyond anything that we can humanly begin to transcribe as experience or understanding. I believe there is a hierarchy of beings; I do believe there are angels, but all are the workings of a machine, a matrix if you will, that is ultimately not real and transcends the level of that reality. It gets more and more subtle, and I think you fi nd what my friend, Dr. Dunn—who is a very amazing clairvoyant—has found, which is everything is self-referential, that universe that is created by you, and as you change your awareness you start to ask the deeper questions about, is this real is that real? And you don’t accept it at face value; it moves and transforms.

If you describe what happens in Matrix Energetics as energy, it would wear yourself out; it would wear me out. It has nothing to do with energy. The idea of energy, the consciousness of energy, is, I believe is, a misapprehension of the true reality, which is something we can’t even comprehend.

The things I have seen in Matrix Energetics cannot be explained by quantum physics. We teach it that way in the fi rst seminar, and by the fourth level of seminars we are teaching torsion fi eld. That is where it is heading.

By the way, I wanted to emphasize that what we call Matrix Energetics really is a fi eld and you can really call it that, because once you call it that and put enough energy into it, you may as well talk to it because it becomes personalized. It is available to you, and just interact with that and enjoy that.

Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, is the founder and creator of Matrix Energetics, a groundbreaking consciousness technology, which C. Norman Shealy calls “the essence of energy medicine.” A chiropractor and naturopath, Bartlett travels extensively nationally to teach his method of healing and transformation worldwide. He is the author of Matrix Energetics: The Science & Art of Transformation, The Matrix Energetics Experience, and The Physics of Miracles. For more information, or to fi nd a seminar near you, visit http://www.matrixenergetics.com.


“Rev. Uki” continued from page 13 “Matrix” continued from page 25

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