Update on Virus-Induced Flowering Virus-Induced Flowering: An Application of Reproductive Biology to Benet Plant Research and Breeding 1[OPEN] Roisin C. McGarry, Amy L. Klocko, Mingxiong Pang, Steven H. Strauss, and Brian G. Ayre* Department of Biological Sciences and BioDiscovery Institute, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 762035017 (R.C.M., M.P., B.G.A.); and Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 973315704 (A.L.K., S.H.S.) ORCID IDs: 0000-0002-8832-8080 (R.C.M.); 0000-0001-6495-8400 (A.L.K.); 0000-0001-6449-4984 (M.P.); 0000-0002-7399-200X (B.G.A.). For many crops, the benets of traditional breeding practices are difcult to achieve because the crops have long juvenile periods that necessitate long breeding cycles, desired genotypes for a cross do not have syn- chronized owering because of photoperiod or vernali- zation requirements, or preferred lines are propagated asexually and have limited owering potential. In light of these limitations, and being faced with the desire to accelerate breeding as a means of contending with cli- mate change, dwindling water resources, and invasive biotic stressors, we explore the use of virus-induced owering (VIF) as a method to accelerate the transition to reproductive growth and thus facilitate research and breeding. REGULATED FLOWERING IMPEDES BREEDING Plant breeding requires the production of fertile owers to produce the necessary gametes. However, obtaining such owers in a synchronized manner and in a practical period of time can be challenging. The transition to owering requires the coordination of developmental and environmental signals (Amasino, 2010). Many plants experience an extended juvenile phase before being capable of transitioning to reproductive growth, and this can severely delay the development of new lineages with preferred traits. Flowering after the juvenile phase in fruit and nut trees are classic examples, with almond (Prunus dulcis), cherry (Prunus avium), and peach (Prunus persica) requiring 3 to 5 years, citrus (Citrus spp.) trees requiring 5 to 10 years, and apple (Malus 3 domestica) and pear (Pyrus com- munis) requiring 6 to 12 years; developing new culti- vars can span decades (van Nocker and Gardiner, 1 This work was supported by Cotton Incorporated (cooperative agreement no. 10768 to B.G.A.), the United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (project no. US453512 to B.G.A.), the United Sorghum Checkoff Board (contract no. CI00415 to B.G.A.), the Tree Biosafety and Genomics Research Co- operative at Oregon State University (to S.H.S.), the J. Frank Schmidt Family Charitable Foundation (to S.H.S.), Arborgen matching funds for the Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research (to S.H.S.), the National Science Foundation Center for Advanced Forestry Systems (to S.H.S.), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Biotechnology Risk Assessment Program (grant no. 20083312019546 to S.H.S.). * Address correspondence to [email protected]. B.G.A. conceived the project with contributions from M.P., R.C.M., A.L.K., and S.H.S.; R.C.M., A.L.K., M.P., S.H.S., and B.G.A. wrote the article. [OPEN] Articles can be viewed without a subscription. www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.16.01336 Plant Physiology Ò , January 2017, Vol. 173, pp. 4755, www.plantphysiol.org Ó 2017 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. 47 www.plantphysiol.org on June 16, 2020 - Published by Downloaded from Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

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Update on Virus-Induced Flowering

Virus-Induced Flowering: An Application ofReproductive Biology to Benefit Plant Researchand Breeding1[OPEN]

Roisin C. McGarry, Amy L. Klocko, Mingxiong Pang, Steven H. Strauss, and Brian G. Ayre*

Department of Biological Sciences and BioDiscovery Institute, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203–5017 (R.C.M., M.P., B.G.A.); and Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University,Corvallis, Oregon 97331–5704 (A.L.K., S.H.S.)

ORCID IDs: 0000-0002-8832-8080 (R.C.M.); 0000-0001-6495-8400 (A.L.K.); 0000-0001-6449-4984 (M.P.); 0000-0002-7399-200X (B.G.A.).

For many crops, the benefits of traditional breedingpractices are difficult to achieve because the crops havelong juvenile periods that necessitate long breedingcycles, desired genotypes for a cross do not have syn-chronized flowering because of photoperiod or vernali-zation requirements, or preferred lines are propagatedasexually and have limited flowering potential. In lightof these limitations, and being faced with the desire toaccelerate breeding as a means of contending with cli-mate change, dwindling water resources, and invasivebiotic stressors, we explore the use of virus-inducedflowering (VIF) as a method to accelerate the transitionto reproductive growth and thus facilitate research andbreeding.


Plant breeding requires the production of fertileflowers to produce the necessary gametes. However,obtaining such flowers in a synchronized mannerand in a practical period of time can be challenging. Thetransition to flowering requires the coordination ofdevelopmental and environmental signals (Amasino,2010). Many plants experience an extended juvenilephase before being capable of transitioning to reproductive

growth, and this can severely delay the developmentof new lineages with preferred traits. Flowering afterthe juvenile phase in fruit and nut trees are classicexamples, with almond (Prunus dulcis), cherry (Prunusavium), and peach (Prunus persica) requiring 3 to5 years, citrus (Citrus spp.) trees requiring 5 to 10 years,and apple (Malus 3 domestica) and pear (Pyrus com-munis) requiring 6 to 12 years; developing new culti-vars can span decades (van Nocker and Gardiner,

1 This work was supported by Cotton Incorporated (cooperativeagreement no. 10–768 to B.G.A.), the United States-Israel BinationalAgricultural Research and Development Fund (project no. US–4535–12 to B.G.A.), the United Sorghum Checkoff Board (contract no.CI004–15 to B.G.A.), the Tree Biosafety and Genomics Research Co-operative at Oregon State University (to S.H.S.), the J. Frank SchmidtFamily Charitable Foundation (to S.H.S.), Arborgen matching fundsfor the Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research (to S.H.S.), theNational Science Foundation Center for Advanced Forestry Systems(to S.H.S.), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture BiotechnologyRisk Assessment Program (grant no. 2008–33120–19546 to S.H.S.).

* Address correspondence to [email protected]. conceived the project with contributions fromM.P., R.C.M.,

A.L.K., and S.H.S.; R.C.M., A.L.K., M.P., S.H.S., and B.G.A. wrote thearticle.

[OPEN] Articles can be viewed without a subscription.www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.16.01336

Plant Physiology�, January 2017, Vol. 173, pp. 47–55, www.plantphysiol.org � 2017 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. 47 www.plantphysiol.orgon June 16, 2020 - Published by Downloaded from

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2014). Breeding programs for fruit and nut trees withsuperior fruit traits, disease resistance, and posthar-vest physiology are adopting advanced technologiessuch as marker-assisted breeding and genome-wideassociation mapping to make these long breeding cy-cles as efficient as possible (Hardner et al., 2016; Iwataet al., 2016). Fast-growing hardwood trees like poplar(Populus spp.) and eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp.) arevaluable for pulp, energy, and timber, but developinglineages optimized for these applications are similarlyconstrained by juvenile periods. While some eucalyptgenotypes can flower in 2 to 3 years, other commer-cially important species, such as Eucalyptus globulus,Eucalyptus dunnii, and Eucalyptus nitens, often take10 or more years to flower (Eldridge et al., 1993;Missiaggia et al., 2005; Sein and Mitlohner, 2011).Rapid flowering would accelerate conventional breed-ing and help realize benefits from genomic selectionmethods.

Vernalization, the process of prolonged chilling tostimulate flowering, also can constrain when and whereflowering occurs. Winter annuals, typified by winter ce-reals, respond to chilling early in their life cycle. They areplanted in the fall, go dormant over winter while vege-tative, and flower in the spring. The Green Revolutionpromoted the breeding of spring cereals that maturedwithout a vernalization requirement (Chrispeels andSadava, 2003). Biennials must reach a minimum size be-fore becoming chilling sensitive and, thus, grow vegeta-tively for a full season and flower the following summer.Chilling requirements for flowering are common amongtemperate fruit crops and deciduous trees, and the num-ber of chilling hours required can restrict the productionrange (Srinivasan et al., 2012).

Photoperiodism also poses a challenge for breeders.Manymodern crops are day neutral but are derived fromphotoperiodic ancestors. Without exception, the selectionof day-neutral flowering introduced a genetic bottleneck.For example, cultivated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is aday-neutral plant and has one of the most narrow geneticbases of all commodity crops (Iqbal et al., 2001; Patersonet al., 2004). Landraces and wild accessions are importantreserves for desirable traits such as tolerance to diseases,pests, drought, and salt, but these are short-day photo-periodic plants. There is interest in crossing this diversityinto cultivated cotton for crop improvement, but differ-ences in the onset of flowering complicate breeding andincrease costs (Iqbal et al., 2001; Paterson et al., 2004;Robinson, 2007; Saha et al., 2008). The situation withsorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is similar, and in both crops,significant conversion programs are underway to intro-duce day-neutral flowering to wild accessions to makethis diversity more available to breeders (Kimber et al.,2013; Klein et al., 2013)

Finally, some crops are propagated primarily vege-tatively and/or elite lines have low fertility, greatlyimpeding the production of improved varieties. Amongthose in which the harvested organs are not seed orfruit, flowers are competing sinks. Consequently,varieties that do not flower, or that haveweakflowering,

are the ones that are often cultivated. Sugarcane (Sac-charum spp.), miscanthus (Miscanthus spp.) biofuelgrasses, and cassava (Manihot esculenta) are examples.Cassava feedsmore than half a billion people, but clonalpropagation renders this important dietary staple vul-nerable to disease epidemics and abiotic stresses(Ceballos et al., 2004; Sayre et al., 2011; Bredeson et al.,2016). Similar concerns pertain to many other low-diversity crops.


Traditional breeding among varieties with specific de-velopmental or environmental stimuli relies upon mov-ing the breeding program to locationswhere those stimulioccur naturally on a seasonal basis or mimicking thosestimuli in horticultural manipulations, such as modifiedphotoperiodic environments; both options can be costly.Other breeding tools that induce early flowering includegrafting nonflowering accessions onto flowering stockplants, the use of naturally early-flowering cultivars(Bolotin, 1975; Missiaggia et al., 2005), and hormone ap-plications (Griffin et al., 1993;Williams et al., 2003). Whileimportant, these approaches take time and considerableresearch to optimize, and often they are not effective forcultivars of interest.

Increasingly, the transition to reproductive growthis being accelerated through the ectopic expression ofFLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), which encodes the long-distance flowering signal florigen (Zhang et al., 2010;Srinivasan et al., 2012; Wenzel et al., 2013). The FTsignal is well characterized in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsisthaliana; AtFT), and extensive research across diverseplant species shows that FT and FT-like genes coordinatethe environmental and endogenous signals governingthe transition to reproductive growth (Lifschitz et al.,2006, 2014; Zeevaart, 2008). TERMINAL FLOWER1(TFL1) is in the same gene family as FT, but TFL1 (andhomologs) acts as a competitive inhibitor of FT (Hananoand Goto, 2011; Ho and Weigel, 2014; Lifschitz et al.,2014). Consequently, either FT gain of function or TFL1loss of function results in more determinate growth andfaster transition to reproductive growth (Flachowskyet al., 2012; Freiman et al., 2012). Other genes in theflowering pathway are used similarly as breeding toolsto accelerate flowering; for example, apple transformedwith a flowering-associated MADS box gene from silverbirch (Betula spp.; BdMADS4) demonstrates precociousflowering and permits one breeding cycle per year(Flachowsky et al., 2011; Weigl et al., 2015).

Overexpressing FT generally accelerates the transi-tion to reproductive growth, uncouples flowering fromphotoperiod and vernalization requirements, andin perennial trees acts downstream of, and therebybypasses, the juvenile phase (Endo et al., 2005; Böhleniuset al., 2006; Hsu et al., 2006). Overexpressing FT in treessuch as eucalypts promotes flowering and yields fertileflowerswith viable pollen and seeds (Fig. 1; Klocko et al.,2016), but as withmost transgenes, the threshold level of

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expression can be variable among events. Apple trans-formed with MdFT1, citrus transformed with CiFT, andplum (Prunus domestica) transformed with CiFT andPtFT yielded fertile flowers, pollen, and seeds, respec-tively (Endo et al., 2005; Kotoda et al., 2010; Tränkneret al., 2010; Srinivasan et al., 2012). Constitutive FT ex-pression in these transgenic lines resulted in very earlyflowering. More controlled flowering was achieved inpoplar using a heat-inducible FT gene (Wenzel et al.,2013); however, obtaining viable pollen and seed waschallenging (Zhang et al., 2010; Hoenicka et al., 2014)and required specialized growth conditions (Hoenickaet al., 2016).The use of transgenic lines with precocious flowering

is colloquially called rapid cycling or FasTrack breedingand usually is coupled with marker-assisted selection(MAS) for desired traits (van Nocker and Gardiner,2014; Callahan et al., 2015; Weigl et al., 2015). Theprinciple is that a commercially important lineage isconverted to constant flowering by introducing anFT-like transgene. This line is crossed with anotherparent harboring desirable traits, such as disease re-sistance. Since the transgene for flowering is bothdominant and hemizygous, progeny plants segregatingfor early flowering and for the introgressed trait of in-terest are selected, aided by MAS. Without having towait through a juvenile period, these offspring then canbe backcrossed to the desired recurrent parent onmore-or-less annual cycles. In addition, adult traits such asfruit quality may be tested during the first year ofgrowth, rather than waiting through the juvenile pe-riod, as is required in conventional breeding. Oncethe desired crosses are complete, the hemizygous FTtransgene is segregated away, and only then does the

breeder have to wait through a juvenile period to testvariety potential. Because the transgene is ultimatelyremoved, the final genotype is not transgenic, and thismay facilitate acceptance by regulatory agencies andthe general public (van Nocker and Gardiner, 2014; seebelow).

However, accelerated flowering through transgeneoverexpression can be problematic for a number ofreasons. Standard transformation strategies are timeconsuming and require skilled labor; they are inefficientin many species and usually are applicable in a limitednumber of genetic backgrounds; and many importantcrop varieties and species remain recalcitrant. The re-striction of transformation to a small number of geneticbackgrounds can have large impacts on breedingprogress (Wallace et al., 2009; Altpeter et al., 2016). Inaddition, although somaclonal variation is an explicitbreeding method in many species, it can introduceundesired genetic and epigenetic changes (Kaeppleret al., 2000). Somaclonal variation is commonlyobserved during conventional as well as transgenicin vitro regeneration methods. In addition, graft trans-mission of FT-induced transgenic flowering is difficult;despite abundant flowering from transgenic poplarrootstocks, no flowering was observed when wild-typescions were grafted to FT-overexpressing rootstocks(Zhang et al., 2010). A method that is less species andgenotype dependent, is readily graft transmissible, anddoes not require slow and complex in vitro methodswould be highly desirable.


As an alternative to stable transformation, viral vec-tors have been used to deliver FT orthologs to differentcrop plants to induce determinate growth patterns andprecocious flowering (Fig. 2A). This approach makessense: the FT gene product, florigen, is phloem mobileand naturally finds its way into apices to influencemeristem identity, and viruses use the phloem as apathway to establish systemic infections. Therefore, inprinciple, coupling an FT ortholog with a virus-basedvector that can amplify the inserted sequence andmoveit systemicallywill promote flowering. As an allusion tothe popular technique of virus-induced gene silencing(VIGS), the use of a virus to deliver sequences thatpromote flowering was termed VIF (McGarry and Ayre,2012a). Because virus infection progresses throughwhole plants, techniques for transformation in steriletissue culture do not need to be developed, and there isno risk of somaclonal variation. Table I summarizespotential advantages of VIF over transgenic approachesto induce flowering.

The first demonstration of VIF used Zucchini yellowmosaic virus to deliver FT to cucurbits, stimulatingflowering in short-day melon (Cucurbita moschata) un-der noninductive long days (Lin et al., 2007). This earlywork demonstrated that FT encoded florigenic properties

Figure 1. Overexpressing AtFT in transgenic eucalypts overcomes thejuvenile phase and promotes the early transition to reproductivegrowth. A, A wild-type eucalypt shows only vegetative growth duringthe juvenile phase of development. B, Ectopic expression of the AtFTtransgene from the 409S promoter results in precocious flowering.Floral buds are evident at the apices of branches (arrows). The insetshows an induced eucalypt flower at anthesis.

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and laid the foundation for VIF as a breeding tool.Workin cotton demonstrated that ectopic expression of AtFTfrom a disarmed Cotton leaf crumple virus (dCLCrV)vector uncoupled flowering from photoperiod, accel-erated the transition to reproductive growth, and en-hanced determinate plant architecture (McGarry andAyre, 2012b). Ectopic expression of AtFT in soybean(Glycine max) with both determinate or indeterminatestem habits, when delivered by Apple latent sphericalvirus (ALSV), terminated vegetative growth without aninductive short-day treatment (Yamagishi andYoshikawa,2011). ALSV:AtFT also was introduced to apple seed-lings, and these seedlings flowered within 1 month, thusovercoming apple’s extended juvenile phase (Yamagishiet al., 2011). The induced apple and cotton floral budswere used as pollen donors to successfully introduceexotic germplasm into inbred domesticated varieties. Inboth cases, the F1 progeny displayed phenotypes inter-mediate to both parents, demonstrating the success ofthe cross. Importantly, neither dCLCrV nor ALSV wasdetected in the F1 generation (Yamagishi et al., 2011;McGarry and Ayre, 2012b).

In a citrus breeding program, Citrus leaf blotch virus(CLBV) was used to deliver AtFT and CiFT (the FTortholog from Valencia orange [Citrus sinesis]), andprecocious flowering occurred within 4 to 6 monthsinstead of the typical more than 6 years. Other thandramatically reducing the juvenile period, floweringand fruiting were not affected (Velázquez et al., 2016).In this breeding program, tetraploid hybrids are createdby sexual hybridization and screened by MAS for de-sirable traits. Selected hybrids are then inoculated withthe CLBV-based vector carrying FT to induce preco-cious flowering and are crossed with diploid parents tocreate seedless triploid progeny. These authors reportthat more than 1,600 crosses have been made with thismethod (Velázquez et al., 2016).

In addition to FT gain of function, determinategrowth habits also have been induced through VIGS ofthe FT antagonist TFL1. This is important for virus-mediated breeding applications, since a larger diver-sity of viruses have been adapted for VIGS than forvirus-mediated gain of function and may be more ef-fective. VIF using AtFT or cotton SINGLE FLOWERTRUSS (GhSFT; SFT is the FT ortholog in tomato[Solanum lycopersicum]) gain of function rapidly in-duced the onset of flowering, and growth was moredeterminate than in naturally reproductive plants (Fig.2, B and C; McGarry and Ayre, 2012b; McGarry et al.,2016). However, VIGS of SELF-PRUNING (GhSP; a

Figure 2. Virus-induced flowering (VIF). A, Cartoon depicting how VIFworks (adapted from McGarry and Ayre, 2012a). B, An uninoculatedphotoperiodic cotton plant (accession TX701) grownunder noninductivelong days (16 h of light/8 h of dark) demonstrates exclusively vegetativegrowth. C, When the cotton FT ortholog, GhSFT, is delivered fromdCLCrV, flowering is uncoupled from photoperiod and the transition toreproductive growth is accelerated in accession TX 701. Arrows pointto induced floral buds. D, An uninoculated day-neutral cotton plant(accession Delta Pine 61) produces robust vegetative growth along withmany floral buds. E, Silencing the cotton TFL1 homolog,GhSP, from TRVterminates growth by node 5 with the formation of a terminal flower, andall axillary meristems are converted to flowers. In both C and E, the in-duced flowers were fertile and set fruit (data not shown). F, Cross sectionof the main stem from a mature, uninoculated day-neutral cotton(accession Delta Pine 61). The inset shows a cross section visualizedwith reflected light (bar = 1 mm). The autofluorescence of lignin

polymers is visualizedwith UVepifluorescence. Secondary xylem andstacks of phloem fibers are clearly organized (adapted from McGarryet al., 2016). Bar = 500 mm. G, Cross section of the main stem from aGhSP-silenced accession Delta Pine 61 plant of the same age as in F. Areflected light image is shown in the inset (bar = 1 mm). UV fluorescencereveals scant and scattered secondary xylem, short stacks of phloem fi-bers, and expanded cortex. Bar = 500 mm. All plants shown were grownunder long-day conditions (16 h of light/8 h of dark).

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tomato homolog of TFL1) using Tobacco rattle virus(TRV) more severely altered growth habit. After pro-ducing five nodes, the monopodial main stem, whichnormally remains vegetative throughout the life cycle,terminated with an apical flower, and axillary budsreleased from apical dominance immediately transi-tioned to reproductive growth, including those at thecotyledonary node (Fig. 2, D and E; McGarry et al.,2016). The resulting phenotypewas extreme, producinga cotton plant about 20 cm tall with no branchingbut with six flowers. Plants with this diminutive phe-notype would have little value for field production,but as a breeding tool, the approach could acceler-ate the production of pollen, ovules, embryos, andseeds from elite breeding lines. In apple, ALSV wasused to simultaneously deliver AtFT function andsilence MdTFL1 (Yamagishi et al., 2014). Infectedplants similarly showed precocious determinategrowth and reduced breeding cycles to less than asingle year.Virus-based technologies also inform about repro-

ductive and general biological processes in nonmodelspecies that are difficult to study through other stan-dard techniques in genetics or molecular biology. Incotton, virus-based gain and loss of function of GhSFTand GhSP showed how these genes contribute tooverall plant architecture. Specifically, these studiessupported architectural models developed in tomatothat argue that the ratio of SFT-like activities andSP-like activities controls the pattern of determinateand indeterminate growth at all meristems in the shoot(Shalit et al., 2009). Altering theGhSFT/GhSP balance bydelivering GhSFT made plants more determinate byovercoming photoperiod requirements and reducedvegetative growth, causing sympodial fruiting branchesto terminate in floral clusters. Altering the GhSFT/GhSPbalance by silencing GhSP made plants extremely de-terminate, as described above, but these effects extendedto all shoot meristems. Lobed leaves were reduced tosimple lanceolate leaves, indicating that leaf marginalmeristems became more determinate, and xylem andphloem growth was curtailed dramatically, indicatingthat the cambial meristems also were more determinate(Fig. 2, F and G; McGarry et al., 2016). These results

imply a role of the SFT/SP (or FT/TFL1) balance inregulating woody versus herbaceous stem growth.Virus-based gene manipulations also showed thatAtFTand GhSFT functions are not identical: plants infectedwith dCLCrV:AtFT produced a significant proportionof abnormal, sterile flowers, while plants infected withdCLCrV:GhSFT produced only normal, fertile flowers(McGarry and Ayre, 2012b; McGarry et al., 2013, 2016).Why the two genes differentially impact floral devel-opment is not currently known, but the efficientdelivery of different genes has exposed potential dif-ferences in function. Abnormal flowers also werenoted in poplar with ectopic FT expression (Zhanget al., 2010).


VIF could be a useful tool for accelerating discoveryand breeding in a broad spectrum of plants in whichnatural reproduction constrains breeding rate. For ex-ample, cassava is an important food and emergingbiofuel crop in tropical areas. Cassava is predominantlyclonally propagated, although breeding programs forimproved nutritional and disease resistance are underway (Ceballos et al., 2004; Sayre et al., 2011). Cassavamosaic virus is a geminivirus developed previously forVIGS (Fofana et al., 2004) and is a promising tool forVIF. Miscanthus 3 giganteus, a triploid sterile hybrid,is an appealing perennial bioenergy crop with highbiomass production and low environmental impact.However, only a few clones exist, and biomass poten-tial varies in different climates, emphasizing the needfor region-specific varieties (Sacks et al., 2013; Arnoultand Brancourt-Hulmel, 2015). Sugarcane is valued forfood, ethanol, and biomass production, and there is aneed for new varieties with high sugar and biomassyield. Modern cultivars are highly polyploid, and thisgenetic complexity challenges standard and molecularbreeding programs. The transition to flowering in sug-arcane also has genotype-specific requirements forplant age and size, photoperiod, temperature, and hu-midity, such that the range for breeding under natural

Table I. Advantages and disadvantages of VIF compared with approaches involving stable transgenic lines

Pros Cons

Eliminates time and labor in transforming recalcitrant plantsand regenerating transformants

Transmission of virus to the next generation may be variable,and as in transgenics, the absence of recombinant materialsmust be verified

Curtails the risk of somaclonal variation arising through tissueculture

Each virus has its own host range that can limit its utility acrossspecies

Most plant viruses do not integrate into the host genome andare not transmitted efficiently to seeds

FT expression is controlled by viral promoters, makinginducible or tissue-specific expression difficult to attain

FT and virus are phloem mobile, thus amplifying the floweringsignal and improving the rate of floral induction

Regulations for VIF plants and progeny derived from VIF arelargely untested outside of laboratories and researchgreenhouses

Cloned viruses used for VIGS can silence TFL1 homologs toinduce flowering

Public acceptance of products obtained via VIF and verified tobe free of recombinant sequences is unknown

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conditions is limited. In other environments wherevegetative growth is robust but inductive conditions forflowering do not occur, breeding is accomplished inlarge greenhouses that can mimic the necessary condi-tions. Introducing a new cultivar takes up to 12 years(Paterson et al., 2013; Racedo et al., 2016). Sorghum isnaturally a short-day plant and is cultivated as grain,forage, sweet, and high biomass varieties (Kimber et al.,2013; Morris et al., 2013). Grain sorghumswere selectedfor early flowering in temperate regions (Murphy et al.,2011). Forage and sweet lines flower later for morevegetative growth, and biomass lines retain full short-day photoperiodism to maximize yields for biofuelsduring the long-day growing season (Wolabu et al.,2016). VIF has yet to be demonstrated in any of thesegrasses, but each would benefit from tools to facilitatebreeding. In addition, hybrids demonstrating heterosiscontribute dramatically to agricultural productivity,and mechanisms to synchronize flowering across di-verse parental lines may greatly facility hybrid pro-duction. Viruses adapted to alter gene expression inmonocots lag behind the number available for dicotplants. Vectors harboring Brome mosaic virus and Barleystripe mosaic virus are used for VIGS (Ding et al., 2006;Scofield and Nelson, 2009; Yuan et al., 2011), andFoxtail mosaic viruswas shown recently to be effectivefor VIGS in C4 grasses, including foxtail millet (Se-taria italica), maize (Zea mays), and sorghum (Liuet al., 2016; Mei et al., 2016). The organization of theseviruses may be more suited to VIF by silencing TFL1homologs.


The development of VIF into a widely used toolrequires additional research. The greatest limitationto broad adoption is finding a virus suitable for the cropof interest. Virus-host interactions are tightly linkedthrough evolution, and although some viruses have abroad host range, the effectiveness of a virus for a cropof interest needs to be tested. This situation is compli-cated further by genotype-specific susceptibility to in-fection. Fortunately, a number of viruses have beendeveloped for VIGS by the research community, andthese can be used directly to silence TFL1 homologsor adapted to deliver FT activity (Robertson, 2004).Beyond those mentioned previously, a survey ofthese viruses is beyond the scope of this article, butthe positive-strand RNA virus TRV is effective ina diversity of dicots (Liu et al., 2002; Hileman et al.,2005) and several single-stranded DNA geminivirusesare developed for VIGS in specific lineages (Carrillo-Tripp et al., 2006). As mentioned previously, thereis limited development of virus-based vectors formonocots.

Generally, most plant viruses do not integrate intothe host genome and do not pass efficiently through thegermline, such that seeds are virus free (Johansen et al.,

1994). These characteristics of virus-based approachesprovide technical and perhaps regulatory advantagesover transgenic approaches, but the absence of viralsequences in progeny needs to be thoroughly testedand confirmed, as some viruses currently used for VIGSand VIF are transmitted at low levels to the nextgeneration. TRV that is used widely for VIGS, andCLBV used for VIF in citrus, were both detected byPCR in less than one in 100 seeds analyzed in Arabi-dopsis and citrus, respectively (Senthil-Kumar andMysore, 2011; Velázquez et al., 2016). ALSV and dCLCrVwere not detected in progeny after VIF (Yamagishiet al., 2011; McGarry and Ayre, 2012b; Yamagishiet al., 2014); however, consistency of nontransmissionrequires further analysis, preferably with additionalgenotypes, environments, and larger numbers ofprogeny.

In rapid-cycling FasTrack fruit-breeding programsrelying upon FT transgenic plants in crosses, the trans-gene is eliminated in the final population through seg-regation. In the United States, the U.S. Department ofAgriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceBiotechnology Regulatory Services has set a precedentthat null segregants are not regulated articles (USDA,2011, 2014), but the population needs to be proven asnull segregants by phenotypic andmolecular analysis. Itis reasonable that similar analysis after VIFwould renderprogeny of the VIF approach as nonregulated articles.It is noteworthy that, with a transgenic approach, 50%of the cross progeny from a single-insertion event willcarry the FT transgene, whereas approximately 1% ofprogeny in a VIF approach may have seed transmis-sion of the virus. Although the Animal and PlantHealth Inspection Service may not regulate organismsdemonstrated to be free of recombinant sequences,they may still be regulated by other agencies in theUnited States and in other countries. Regulatory pro-cedures are vastly different from country to country(Lusser and Davies, 2013).

The National Institutes of Health Guidelines for Re-search Involving Recombinant or Synthetic NucleicAcid Molecules (NIH, 2016) specifies the practices forconstructing and handling of “(i) recombinant nucleicacid molecules, (ii) synthetic nucleic acid molecules,including those that are chemically or otherwise mod-ified but can base pair with naturally occurring nucleicacid molecules, and (iii) cells, organisms, and viruses.”It also describes containment requirements for vectorsderived from plant viruses. If less than two-thirds of theviral genome is used in the recombinant vector and thevector does not lead to productive infection, thenthe viral system would generally require BiosafetyLevel 1-Plant, typically achieved in any locked green-house with window screens recommended to preventthe movement of mammals, birds, and arthropods.Using a larger portion of the viral genome requiresmore stringent containment, such as Biosafety Level2-Plant, which is readily met with proven insect-proofscreens in greenhouses and by rendering biologicalmaterial inactive after an experiment. Other important

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considerations with virus-based constructs include themode of transmission (e.g. mechanical or via an insectvector), the proximity to natural or agricultural standsthat harbor potential host plants, symptoms producedby infection, and the natural distribution of the nativevirus (e.g. whether the virus is considered a nonexoticor an exotic and whether it has recognized potentialfor serious detrimental impact on managed or naturalecosystems). Because VIF is intended to ultimately fa-cilitate breeding, the use of any virus backbone re-quiring containment beyond Biosafety Level 2-Plant islikely impractical to implement.If VIF were to be used as a commercial breeding

method, it is likely to be used in an incompletely con-tained environment, such as a poorly sealed green-house, a lath house, or a field site. In those cases, itwould be regulated primarily by the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture as a recombinant plant pest under part340 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which covers“introduction of organisms and products altered orproduced through genetic engineering which are plantpests or which there is reason to believe are plant pests”(eCFR, 2016a). Unless the virus was proven to be dis-armed and incapable of inciting disease or recombiningwith native viruses, it may remain a regulated articlepermanently, which may not present a problem for abreeding program. However, the pollen and seeds fromVIF-treated plants would be regulated until definitivelyproven that there is a complete absence of transmission,as discussed above.As a recombinant microbial, the Environmental

Protection Agency also may regulate field releasesthrough the Biotechnology Notification Program inthe United States (eCFR, 2016b). The EnvironmentalProtection Agency also may consider a stature- andflowering-modified plant as a growth-regulated plantthat falls under the definition of a regulated transgenicplant, although, to our knowledge, to date it has notchosen to regulate growth-modified plants (Straussand Sax, 2016). Furthermore, unless the virally deliv-ered target gene is incorporated into the plant genome,it would not qualify as a plant-incorporated protectantbut would remain under the microbial pesticide datarequirements. This distinction is an advantage of VIFover transgenic approaches, since plant-incorporatedprotectants are subject to more stringent regulationthan methods regulated by microbial pesticide datarequirements. Notwithstanding, the stringency andintensity of regulation in the United States for field useare difficult to predict, suggesting that it would bewise to use disarmed viral vectors and common orinnocuous species in a contained facility and ensurethat seed produced is free from recombinant virus. Theincorporation of a VIF strategy for citrus breeding inSpain is encouraging for broader regulatory approval(Velázquez et al., 2016). It will be particularly interestingto watch for the acceptance of the resulting varieties,since public perception and associated market obstaclesto transgenic types of the technology may be as large ahurdle for biotechnology as government approval.


Many breeding programs already rely upon genome-assisted approaches, such as genome-wide selectionand MAS, to increase breeding efficiency. VIF is apromising new tool for accelerating research andbreeding in crop species that show delayed flower-ing or are otherwise difficult to breed. It has thepotential to circumvent a number of the problems offloral induction through horticultural and trans-genic means. However, as outlined in the Out-standing Questions Box, interactions with regulatoryagencies to clarify requirements and obstacles, andthe subsequent development of regulation-friendlyvectors and strains, as well as additional basic re-search on strain specificity and sexual transmission,are needed to fully understand its potential andlimitations.

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We thank Chris Wozniak of the Environmental Protection Agency and JohnTurner of theU.S. Department of Agriculture for providing information on theiragencies’ regulations. We also thank past and present members of our labora-tories for lively discussions.

Received August 23, 2016; accepted November 13, 2016; published November17, 2016.


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