VIKI GETS LOST IN THE WOODS. Created and illustrated by Tasha.

VIKI GETS LOST IN THE WOODS. Created and illustrated by Tasha

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Viki gets lost in the woods.

Viki gets lost in the woods.Created and illustrated by Tasha.

Viki, come here please. called mum. Viki went downstairs. Right now, anxiety was taking over her body.

Her stomach always twirled when her parents said that. As she reached the last step, she clinched her arm.

She could never control her muscles when she felt anxiety. She walked over to the seat that was left for her.

We were just about to look at your school report. said mum. What!? cried Viki. its ok sweetie, were sure that your report will be great. replied dad.

Viki didnt look at one bit of the report, because she couldnt bare to look at bad grades. So they opened Vikis report

When her parents finished reading, her mum and dad turned around and said, were very impressed with your spelling but everything else is not that good.

I cant believe that the only good thing in my report was my spelling! cried Viki. As she was thinking about her report, she didnt notice that she was walking into the woods!

As she thought about what she could improve on, she tripped on a stump! She fell on her face and started crying again. Then, an old crooked lady slowly reached down and pulled Viki up.

Viki started to say thankyou but then, ran off screaming in fear. After running a distance, she stopped to think about what she just did. why am I running from her when she helped me?

Viki started to walk back to the old lady. They started to chat. Apparently the old ladies name was Melody. Melody helped Viki get back to her house.

The end