Name: ________________________________________________________ Science Fair Topic & Question Due: Background Research Due: Hypothesis, Materials, & Procedures Due: Experiment (Results, Data, and Graphs) Due: Complete Rough Draft Due: Report Final Draft & Display Board Due: 10/17/2016 11/21/2016 12/05/2016 1/13/2017 1/23/2017 TBA 3 rd Grade Science Fair Report Introduction Math, Science, and Technology play an important role in Paragon Science Academy’s mission. One of the best ways for children to learn the joy of science is by completing a Science Fair Project. For this reason, it is mandatory that all students 3 rd grade and up participate in PSA’s Science Fair. Task Your task is to research and design your own science fair project! Each student will be responsible for researching and presenting their project in an interesting manner. The judges will evaluate the quality, hard work, and innovation you display in your project. Your research report will also be a key element in determining the winner of the PSA Science Fair! Are you ready to get started? :-)

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Name: ________________________________________________________

Science Fair Topic & Question Due:

Background Research Due:

Hypothesis, Materials, & Procedures Due:

Experiment (Results, Data, and Graphs) Due:

Complete Rough Draft Due:

Report Final Draft & Display Board Due:







3 rd Grade Science Fair Report Introduction

Math, Science, and Technology play an important role in Paragon Science Academy’s mission. One of the best ways for children to learn the joy of science is by completing a Science Fair Project. For this reason, it is mandatory that all students 3rd

grade and up participate in PSA’s Science Fair.


Your task is to research and design your own science fair project! Each student will be responsible for researching and presenting their project in an interesting manner. The judges will evaluate the quality, hard work, and innovation you display in your project. Your research report will also be a key element in determining the winner of the PSA Science Fair!

Are you ready to get started? :-)

Required Documents: This Packet, Final Draft Paper, and Display Board


Science Fair Research

1. First you need to choose a topic. Begin by choosing a type of science that you would like to learn more about.

Broad Topic: (Physical, Life, or Earth Science)

1. ______________________________________

2. Next you need to narrow the topic. Begin by choosing 3 specific topics that you would like to learn more about.

Specific Topic Choices: (magnetism, heat, chemistry, etc.)

1. ______________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

3. Choose one of the specific topics from step 2. State your “purpose‟ for choosing this topic. (Write formally – no me’s, my’s, or I’s)



4. What is your question? ________________________________________________


5. Brainstorm the different variables and controls that you would like to use in your experiment. (Variables are the materials that “change‟ and controls remain the “same‟.)



STOP!.......... Do not continue without permission from your teacher after

all we need to make sure you start your project off on the right foot!

Teacher Approval: _____________ (Teacher initials)


Background Research

Broad Topic: ___________________________________

Specific Topic: ________________________________________________________

Why did you choose this topic? (Identify at least 3 reasons) 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________

Investigate - Identify at least 3 things you found interesting about your topic 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________

Investigate your material. Identify which materials will not change during your experiment. These are the controls. Provide at least 3 facts about each of your controls. (You must have at least one control in your experiment)

Control 1: ______________________

Fact 1: ________________________

Fact 2: ________________________

Fact 3: ________________________

I found my facts at: ________________

Control 2: ______________________

Fact 1: ________________________

Fact 2: ________________________

Fact 3: ________________________

I found my facts at: _______________


Identify the materials that will change durin

g your experiment. These are the


Provide at least 3 facts about each of your variables. (You must have at least 3 variables in your experiment)

Variable 1: ______________________

Fact 1: _________________________

Fact 2: _________________________

Fact 3: _________________________

I found my facts at: ________________

Variable 3: ______________________

Fact 1: _________________________

Fact 2: _________________________

Fact 3: _________________________

I found my facts at:________________ Variable 2: _____________________

Fact 1: ________________________

Fact 2: ________________________

Fact 3: ________________________

I found my facts at: _______________

Variable 4: _____________________

Fact 1: ________________________

Fact 2: ________________________

Fact 3: ________________________

I found my facts at:_______________

*You may add additional variables as needed on a separate piece of paper.

Background Research Report Now that you have researched your topic, you will use this information to write your Background Research report.

*Be sure to take a moment to write down the references that you used to collect your information. You must use at least 3 resources for this project.



I located the information about my Science Fair Project using the following resources (books, magazines, internet websites, etc.)

(3 (or more) resources are required)

______________________. (_________). _____________________________________________. Author or Company Name Date Title of Book or Webpage

_______________________________________________________________________________ Book Publisher or Web Address

______________________. (_________). _____________________________________________. Author or Company Name Date Title of Book or Webpage

_______________________________________________________________________________ Book Publisher or Web Address

______________________. (_________). _____________________________________________. Author or Company Name Date Title of Book or Webpage

_______________________________________________________________________________ Book Publisher or Web Address

______________________. (_________). _____________________________________________. Author or Company Name Date Title of Book or Webpage

_______________________________________________________________________________ Book Publisher or Web Address


Background Research Rough Draft Using the details from your research, write a rough draft of your background research and submit it to your teacher for approval. After your teacher has given you the ok, include this information in your final draft that will be used to inform the judges how you completed your science fair project. WRITTEN FORMALLY

We will begin with an Abstract paragraph. In at least 5 sentences, summarize your project by stating your question, the purpose of the project, summary, and what you learned. (Refer to pg. 2)

Note: To save time in creating the final draft and during the editing process, it is recommended that you begin typing your rough draft at this time. Use the template provided by your teacher to keep

Abstract your report properly formatted.














Next you will create an introduction paragraph. In 5 sentences, introduce your project by using its broad topic, specific topic, and the reasons you chose the project.

(Refer to pg. 3)





















Next you will write the rough draft of your background research. Your research should include detailed information about your topic, including 3 interesting facts about your topic. You should include detailed information about each of your controls and variables. Be sure to have a strong conclusion paragraph that “wraps‟ up your thoughts and includes a specific purpose for your research. Make sure your reasons support your hypothesis. (Refer to pgs. 3-4)

* Provide a rich paragraph for each of these topics; your background research should be at least 3 pages in length.

Background Research

















______________________________________________________________________ 8

























______________________________________________________________________ 9
















______________________________________________________________________ (Use additional paper as needed)

STOP!.......... Do not continue without permission from your teacher Your

background research must be approved before you can continue.

Teacher Approval: _____________ (Teacher initials)



State your hypothesis about your specific topic. Fill in the blanks to create a testable and well thought out hypothesis.

For example; If I poor water in a cup, then it will begin to fill.

If I ____________________________________________________________, then (do this.)

____________________________________________________________________. ( this will happen.)

Experiment Procedure

Materials - List all materials that will be used in your experiment. (Don’t forget to list ALL materials as well as the variables and controls.) 1. _________________________________ 6.______________________________

2. _________________________________ 7.______________________________

3. _________________________________ 8. ______________________________

4. _________________________________ 9.______________________________

5. _________________________________ 10._____________________________

*Add additional materials if needed

Equipment - List all equipment that will be used in your experiment.

(Don’t forget the bowls, spoons, or the microwave!) 1. _________________________________ 5.______________________________

2. _________________________________ 6.______________________________

3. _________________________________ 7. ______________________________

4. _________________________________ 8._____________________________

*Add additional equipment if needed 1


Experiment Steps - List all steps in as much detail as you can. Remember, this should look similar to a cooking recipe. You need to include every detail to make sure someone else can repeat the experiment.

* Avoid using the pronouns "I" or "we" when describing the experiment.

* Include a description of the equipment and how it was used.

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________________________

10 __________________________________________________________________

11 __________________________________________________________________

12 __________________________________________________________________

13 __________________________________________________________________

14 __________________________________________________________________

15 __________________________________________________________________

* Add additional experiment steps if needed.




















is your next check in point to make sure you are on track.

Teacher Approval: _____________ (Teacher initials)



You did it! You are now ready to begin your experiment!

For this part of the science fair project, you will complete the experiment and collect data. Be sure to prepare the following before your next due date:

1. A journal with a log of your data2. Show your preliminary conclusions3. Display your results and data in colorful, eye catching graphs that illustrate your

“data‟. You must use 1 table and 1 other form of display. You may choose any chart that will best display your information.

For example:

Pie Chart Table Graph

Or choose your own graphical display! :-)



Did you experience any problems?

(List any problems you encountered during your experiment.)

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

Would you do anything differently?

(List anything that you would like to do differently next time.)

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

Did anything surprise you?

(List anything that surprised you during your experiment.)

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

Did your experiment answer your questions?

(List any additional questions you would like to investigate.)

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________


Science Fair Rough Draft

Note: Don’t forget the Abstract, Introduction, and Background Research are also part of your rough draft. This should already be typed up by the previous due date.

Next you will describe your experiment procedure in great detail. Be sure to begin with a catchy introduction sentence, include the material, equipment, and the steps you took to complete your project. You should write at least two – 5 sentence paragraphs. (Refer to pgs. 11-12)

Experiment Procedure


















Next you will describe the results of your project in one or more proper paragraphs. Once again begin with a catchy introduction sentence, describe what happened during the experiment, and end with a conclusion sentence that “wraps‟ up your thoughts.

Be sure to offer details! Write at least one proper paragraph. (5 sentences)





















Last you will describe the conclusion of your project. Once again begin with a catchy introduction sentence, identify problems you may have encountered, things that you might do different next time, any surprises, and list any additional questions you may still have. As always, end with a conclusion sentence that “wraps‟ up your thoughts. Include at least one or more proper paragraphs.

(Refer to pg. 15)





















Revise / Edit

It is time to review your rough draft for errors!

Use the following table to check your work. Place a check next to each category as you complete each step.

OK Needs Student Writing Checklist Work

Read your rough draft out loud.

Is the first sentence indented?

Are the margins lined up nicely to the left?

Rich Sentences

Is the spelling correct?

Is the lead sentence exciting and catchy?

Is the punctuation correct?

Is the capitalization correct?

Rich Vocabulary Words (Give me goose bumps!)

Sentences are neat and readable (no fragments please)

Paragraphs makes sense


ke changes for fluency, flow, and word choice.


Parent Signature: ______________________________________


Finally! The end is in sight!

STOP! Has your teacher reviewed your rough draft and made sure you are on track?

Teacher Approval: _____________ (Teacher initials)

Final Draft OK! Let’s get started on the final draft!

Type the report *You must type the report by yourself. This is your report not your parent’s report.

Final Draft Requirements

Title Page

- Project name Science Fair 2017- Your Name- Due Date- Paragon Science Academy

Research paper (each a paragraph)

- Abstract - Introduction - Background Research

Interesting Facts Control Variable Variable #2 Variable #3 Intro. Conclusion

- Experiment Procedures - Data - Results - Conclusion

References (on its own sheet of paper)