OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money.........3 1. Conventions....................................................3 2. Structure.......................................................4 2.2 OFX Headers.................................................4 Message Sets....................................................5 2.4.6 Transaction Wrapper Request – XXXTRNRQ....................5 2.5 Signon Message Set..........................................6 2.5.2 USERPASS Change...........................................7 2.6 External Data Support.......................................7 3. Common Aggregates and Elements..................................8 4. Security........................................................8 5. International...................................................8 5.2 Currency....................................................8 6. Data Synchronization............................................9 6.6 Synchronization Transaction Wrappers........................9 7. FI Profile.....................................................10 7.1 Profile Request & Response.................................10 8. Activation & Account Information...............................13 8.4 Enrollment and Password Acquisition........................13 8.5 Account Information........................................14 8.6 Service Activation.........................................15 8.7 Name and Address Changes...................................16 8.8 Signup Message Set Profile Information.....................16 9. Customer to FI Communication...................................17 Generic Mail...................................................17 9.3 Get HTML Page..............................................19 9.4 Email Message Set Profile..................................19 10. Recurring Transactions........................................20 10.2 Recurring Instructions....................................20 10.2.1 Values for FREQ.........................................20 11. Banking.......................................................21 Banking Support Summary........................................21

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money...............................31. Conventions........................................................................................................................................32. Structure..............................................................................................................................................4

2.2 OFX Headers..............................................................................................................................4Message Sets....................................................................................................................................52.4.6 Transaction Wrapper Request – XXXTRNRQ........................................................................52.5 Signon Message Set....................................................................................................................62.5.2 USERPASS Change................................................................................................................72.6 External Data Support................................................................................................................7

3. Common Aggregates and Elements....................................................................................................84. Security...............................................................................................................................................85. International........................................................................................................................................8

5.2 Currency.....................................................................................................................................86. Data Synchronization..........................................................................................................................9

6.6 Synchronization Transaction Wrappers......................................................................................97. FI Profile...........................................................................................................................................10

7.1 Profile Request & Response.....................................................................................................108. Activation & Account Information...................................................................................................13

8.4 Enrollment and Password Acquisition......................................................................................138.5 Account Information................................................................................................................148.6 Service Activation....................................................................................................................158.7 Name and Address Changes.....................................................................................................168.8 Signup Message Set Profile Information..................................................................................16

9. Customer to FI Communication........................................................................................................17Generic Mail...................................................................................................................................179.3 Get HTML Page.......................................................................................................................199.4 Email Message Set Profile........................................................................................................19

10. Recurring Transactions....................................................................................................................2010.2 Recurring Instructions............................................................................................................2010.2.1 Values for FREQ.................................................................................................................20

11. Banking...........................................................................................................................................21Banking Support Summary............................................................................................................2111.3 Common Banking Aggregates................................................................................................2211.4.1 Banking Statement Download.............................................................................................24

11.4.2 Credit Card Statement Download........................................................................................2611.5 Statement Closing Information...............................................................................................3011.6 Stop Check.............................................................................................................................3011.7 Intra-bank Funds Transfers.....................................................................................................3111.8 Inter-bank Transfer.................................................................................................................3211.9 Wire Transfer..........................................................................................................................3211.10 Recurring Funds Transfer.....................................................................................................3211.11.1 Banking E-mail..................................................................................................................3311.12 Synchronization....................................................................................................................3511.12.7.2 Response <BANKMAILSYNCRS>...............................................................................3911.13 Bank Message Sets and Profile.............................................................................................39

12. Payments.........................................................................................................................................4212.5 Common Bill Payment Aggregates........................................................................................4312.6 Payments Functions................................................................................................................4612.6.2 Payment Modification.........................................................................................................4712.7 Recurring Payments................................................................................................................4812.8 Payment Mail..........................................................................................................................5112.9 Payee Lists..............................................................................................................................5112.10 Payment Synchronization.....................................................................................................5312.10.2 Recurring Payment Synchronization.................................................................................5512.11.2 Bill Payment Message Set Profile <BILLPAYMSGSET>................................................56Process Date Model........................................................................................................................57

13. Investments.....................................................................................................................................5813.6 Investment Accounts..............................................................................................................5813.7 Investment Message Sets and Profile.....................................................................................6013.8.1 Security Identification <SECID>........................................................................................6113.9 Investment Statement Download............................................................................................6613.9.2.6 Positions...........................................................................................................................7613.9.2.7 Investment Balances <INVBAL>.....................................................................................7713.10 Investment E-Mail................................................................................................................77

OFX 2.0.................................................................................................................................................78Support for OFX 2.0 and XML Header..........................................................................................78401K support..................................................................................................................................78

OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

1. ConventionsThe conventions used in the tag descriptions include the following:

Required tags are in bold. Regular face indicates tags that are optional. Required means that a client must always include the tag in a request, and a server must always include the tag in a response.Required tags occur once unless noted as one or more in the description, in which case the specification allows multiple occurrences. Optional tags occur once if present unless noted as zero or more in the description, in which case the specification allows multiple occurrences.A-n or N-n specifies those values that take an alphanumeric or numeric type value, where n indicates the maximum size. Common value types, such as a dollar amount, are referenced by name. Chapter 3 lists value types that are referenced by name.

Tag Description

<REQUIREDTAG> Required tag (1 or more)

<REQUIREDTAG2> Required tag that occurs only once

<OPTIONALTAG> Optional tag; this tag can occur multiple times (0 or more)

<SPECIFIC> Values are A, B, and C

<ALPHAVALUE> Takes an alphanumeric value up to 32 characters, A-32

This document covers the OFX message sets supported in Microsoft Money versions 2004 and above. Refer to the end of this document for further information about support for the OFX 2.0 message set.NOTE: MSN Money supports a limited subset of the OFX Message Set supported by Microsoft Money. Support is specifically called out where appropriate.

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4 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

2. Structure2.2 OFX HeadersEach OFX file must include the OFX header. Microsoft Money and MSN Money generate the header using the following rules:

Tag Value


VERSION: “1.02”*





* MSN Money supports “1.02” only

** Money 2006+ only

*** Money 2007+ only

SECURITY: “NONE”Money does not support Application Encryption.


CHARSET: “1252”


OLDFILEUID: File UID of previous request file or “NONE”.

Money may reject an OFX response which does not properly echo the NEWFILEUID and OLDFILEUID value in the OFX header.

NEWFILEUID: File UID of current request file or “NONE” for Active Statement files.

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 5

Message SetsThe following table lists each message set in this area and level of support in Money. For Support in MSN Money, refer to specific sections.


Description Supported in Money?

Supported in MSN Money

XXXTRNRQ Transaction wrapper request Yes Partial

XXXTRNRS Transaction wrapper response Yes Partial

SONRQ Sign-on request Yes Yes

SONRS Sign-on response Yes Yes

PINCHRQ Pin change request Yes Partial

PINCHRS Pin change response Yes Partial

2.4.6 Transaction Wrapper Request – XXXTRNRQThe generic transaction wrappers are supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<XXXTRNRQ> Transaction-request aggregate

<TRNUID> Client-assigned globally unique ID for this transaction trnuid

Transaction GUID generated by Money. Used to associate response transactions with requests.

<CLTCOOKIE> Data to be echoed in the transaction response A-32

Money 2005 and above do not send CLTCOOKIE

Supplied by Money 2004. If supplied, must be echoed back by server.

<TAN> Transaction authorization number; used in some countries with some types of transactions. Country-specific documentation will define messages that require a TAN, A-80

TAN provided by user (see below).

specific request Aggregate for the specific request


2.4.6 TAN Support in MoneyTANs are supported in Microsoft Money. If a provider has indicated in the provider.ini section of Money branding information that a TAN is required then the user is prompted for the TAN on the PIN dialog. The user is prompted for a single TAN. The TAN is then supplied in the XXXTRNRQ wrapper for each transaction in the request file.The TAN supplied for the user will only persist for the current session. If the call results in Crash Recovery then the TAN should be stored with the request file. In this case, Money does not prompt the user for the TAN.

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6 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

2.5 Signon Message Set2.5.1.1 Signon Request – SONRQThe Signon Request is supported in Microsoft Money and MSN Money.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<SONRQ> Record- request aggregate

<DTCLIENT> Date and time of the request from the client computer, datetime

Date TimeMoney does not specify milliseconds in outgoing requests.

<USERID> User identification string. Use <USERID> & <USERPASS>, or <USERKEY>, but not both; A-32

User ID

<USERPASS> User password on server. . Either <USERID> & <USERPASS> are used, or <USERKEY>, but not both; A-32


<USERKEY> Login using previously authenticated context. Use <USERID> & <USERPASS>, or <USERKEY>, but not both; A-64

Not Supported.

<GENUSERKEY> Request server to return a USERKEY for future use, Boolean

Not supported

<SESSCOOKIE> Session cookie, value received in previous <SONRS>, not sent if first login or if none sent by FI A-1000

Supplied if received in previous SONRS.

<FI> Financial-Institution-identification aggregate

<ORG> Organization defining this FI name space, A-32

Supplied if required by provider. Indicated in Provider.ini section of branding files.

<FID> Financial Institution ID (unique within <ORG>), A-32

Supplied if required by provider. Indicated in Provider.ini section of branding files.


<LANGUAGE> Requested language for text responses, language


US/Canada English “ENG”French “FRE”UK

“ENG”Rest of World “ENG”

<APPID> ID of client application, A-5 “Money”

<APPVER> Version of client application, N-4. (6.00 encoded as 0600)

“1400” – Money 2005

“1500” – Money 2006

“1600” – Money 2007 and MSN Money

<CLIENTUID> Unique ID identifying OFX client, A-36

Money 2007 only after 1.03/2.03 enabled on MS branding server


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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 7 Sign-on Response – SONRSTag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<SONRS> Record-response aggregate

<STATUS> Status aggregate, see list of possible code values.

Translated to text message in Call Summary. If an error code.

<DTSERVER> Date and time of the server response, datetime.


<USERKEY> Use user key that instead of USERID and USERPASS for subsequent requests. TSKEYEXPIRE can limit lifetime.

Never present, Money never requests.

<TSKEYEXPIRE> Date and time that USERKEY expires.

Never present, Money never requests.

<LANGUAGE> Language used in text responses, language

Money echoes.

<DTPROFUP> Date and time of last update to profile information for any service supported by this FI (see Chapter 7), datetime

Ignored, managed by dates in FIPARTNR section of branding files

<DTACCTUP> Date and time of last update to account information (see Chapter 8), datetime


<FI> Financial-Institution-identification aggregate

Included if indicated


<SESSCOOKIE> Session cookie that the client should return on the next <SONRQ>A-1000

Stored for inclusion in subsequent SONRQ.


2.5.2 USERPASS ChangeSupported in Microsoft Money, but not MSN Money except on first call if flag set in Provider.ini section of Money branding information or in response to SONRS <CODE>15000.

Message/Aggregate Description Supported in Money?

Supported in MSN Money?

<PINCHRQ> Password change request Yes Only in response to <CODE>15000 or on first call if ChangePin=1 in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<PINCHRS> Yes See above

<CHALLENGERQ> A challenge request is the first step in Type 1 application-level security

No No


2.6 External Data SupportNot supported in Money.

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8 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

3. Common Aggregates and Elements3.2.1 Financial Institution Transaction ID <FITID>Money supports FITID format A-255.

3.2.7 Date Start and Date EndMoney does not send DTEND in requests. This prevents errors associated with false system time on the client machine.

4. Security4.1.5 Security Levels

Channel level – supported in Money

Application level – not supported in Money

5. International

5.2 Currency

Tag Description Money Usage


Currency aggregate

<CURRATE> Ratio of <CURDEF> currency to <CURSYM> currency, in decimal form, rate

<CURSYM> ISO-4217 3-letter currency identifier, A-3


Note: <CURDEF> is supported in all supported aggregates.

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 9

6. Data SynchronizationMicrosoft Money support full Synchronization. MSN Money does not support Synchronization and does not send XXXSYNCRQ.

6.6 Synchronization Transaction WrappersThe following elements are common for all synchronization request transactions:

Tag Description Money Usage

<XXXSYNCRQ> Sync transaction-request

<TOKEN> Server assigned token. Token supplied on previous sync response, “0” if no token present.

<TOKENONLY> Indicates whether client is just requesting a new token.

Not Sent by Money

<REFRESH> Indicates whether client is requesting refresh synchronization.

Sent by Money on first call, or when 30 days have elapsed since last call.

The following elements are common for all synchronization request responses:

Tag Description Money Usage

<XXXSYNCRS> Sync transaction-response

<TOKEN> Server assigned token. Stored in Money file for subsequent sync request.

<LOSTSYNC> Server has determined, based on token supplied, that synchronization records does not be returned to the client.


Money processes the following data when received in a SYNC response: INTRARS INTRACANCRS INTRAMODRS PAYEESYNCRS PMTRS PMTCANCRS PMTMODRS RECPMTRS RECPMTCANCRS RECPMTMODRSSee the appropriate sections for further detail

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10 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

6.10.1 File-Based Error RecoveryMoney does not support file-based error-recovery. Instead, if a call fails to complete when a customer is sending a transfer (INTRATRNRQ), a payment (PMTTRNRQ), or a recurring payment (RECPMTTRNRQ) request, Money prompts the user to synchronize their data to determine if the call was successful.

7. FI Profile

7.1 Profile Request & ResponseOFX allows a provider to indicate which services are supported and which capabilities are enabled for service via the Profile.

Message/Aggregate Description Supported in Money? Supported in MSN Money

PROFRQ Profile request No No

PROFRS Profile response No No

Money and MSN Money do not support Profile request and response. This information is stored in our branding files and servers. In each of the following sections, the individual message set profiles are listed. For each profile a mapping is provided to the Money branding elements.

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7.2.1 Message Set CoreTag Description Money Usage

<MSGSETCORE> Common-message-set-information aggregate

<VER> Version number, N-5 (version 1.0 formatted as 100)

OFXHeaderVer in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

”102” , “200”, or “202”

<SPNAME> Service provider name, A-32

Some financial institutions out-source their OFX servers to a service provider. In such cases, the SPNAME element should be included in the MSGSETCORE.

<URL> URL where messages in this set are to be sent

URL in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<OFXSEC> Security level required for this message set; see Chapter 4

APPENCRYPTION in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<TRANSPSEC> Y if transport security must be used, N if not used; Boolean

Not Supported. Money requires a secure channel.

<SIGNONREALM> Signon realm to use with this message set

Not Supported

<LANGUAGE> One or more languages supported

Not Supported

<SYNCMODE> FULL for full synchronization capabilityLITE for lite synchronization capability

See Chapter 6 for more information.


<RESPFILEER> Y if server supports response-file based error recovery, Boolean

See Chapter 6 for more information.

Not supported.


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12 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

7.2.2 Signon RealmsMoney does not support the notion of a Signon realm.

Tag Description Money Usage

<SIGNONINFO> Signon-information aggregate

<SIGNONREALM> Identifies this realm Not Supported.

<MIN> Minimum number of password characters

MIN in provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<MAX> Max number of password characters

MAX in provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<CHARTYPE> Type of characters allowed in password.

CHARTYPE in provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<ALPHA> Y if alphabetic characters are allowed, Boolean

ALPHA in provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<NUMERIC> Y if numeric characters are allowed, Boolean

NUMERIC in provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<CASESEN> Y if password is case-sensitive, Boolean

Always Y

Money sends the password with the case entered by the user.

<SPECIAL> Y if special characters are allowed, Boolean

SPECIAL in provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<SPACES> Y if spaces are allowed, Boolean SPACES in provider.ini section of Money branding information.


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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 13

8. Activation & Account InformationThe following table lists level of support in Microsoft Money and MSN Money for the Activation and Account Information messages:

Message/Aggregate Description Supported in Money and MSN Money?

ENROLLRQ Online enrollment request 8.4 No

ENROLLRS Online enrollment response No

ACCTINFORQ Account info request 8.5 Yes

ACCTINFORS Account info response Yes

ACCTRQ Account request 8.6 No

ACCTRS Account response No

ACCTSYNCRQ Service Activation Synchronization request 8.6.2


ACCTSYNCRS Service Activation Synchronization response


CHGUSERINFORQ Name and address change request 8.7 No

CHGUSERINFORS Name and address change response No

IMPORTANT NOTE: Microsoft requires support for the SIGNUP Message set and the ACCTINFORQ/RS aggregates for all OFX server certifications.

8.4 Enrollment and Password AcquisitionNot supported in Money.

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14 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

8.5 Account Information8.5.1 Account Info Request – ACCTINFORQSupport for this aggregate is required. Money 2005 and above send an ACCTINFORQ before sending a subsequent statement request call. Money 2004 and MSN Money only send this when setting up services for the first time, or when specifically launched by user.

Tag Description Money and MSN Money Usage

<ACCTINFORQ> Account-information-request aggregate

<DTACCTUP> Last <DTACCTUP> received in a response

Microsoft Money and MSN Money always send 19700101

</ACCTINFORQ>8.5.2 Account Info Response – ACCTINFORS

Tag Description Money Usage

<ACCTINFORS> Account-information-response aggregate

<DTACCTUP> Date and time of last update to this information on the server


<ACCTINFO> Zero or more account information aggregates

See Below.


</ACCTINFORS> End of account information response

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8.5.3 Account Information Aggregate – ACCTINFO Tag Description Money Usage MSN Money


<ACCTINFO> Account-information-record aggregate

<DESC> Description of the account, A-80

No No

<PHONE> Telephone number for the account, A-20

No No

<XXXACCTINFO> Service-specific account information, defined in each service chapter, one or more allowed

<XXXACCTFROM>Service-specific account identification

Money Understands four types of account information records: CCACCTINFO, BANKACCTINFO, BPACCTINFO, and INVACCTINFO.

MSN Money My Accounts understands three types of account information records: CCACCTINFO, BANKACCTINFO, and INVACCTINFO.


<SVCSTATUS> AVAIL = Available, but not yet requested

PEND = Requested, but not yet available

ACTIVE = In use

Money will enable both ACTIVE and PEND. Server will need to handle requests from PENDING accounts with appropriate error codes.

MSN Money only handles responses with ACTIVE.



8.6 Service ActivationNot supported in Money.



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16 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

8.7 Name and Address ChangesNot supported in Money.



8.8 Signup Message Set Profile InformationThis message set is not supported in Money. Information from this aggregate is supplied in the branding files on the Microsoft branding server.

Tag Description Money and MSN Money Usage

<SIGNUPMSGSET> Signup-message-set-profile-information aggregate

<SIGNUPMSGSETV1> Opening tag for V1 of the message set profile information

<MSGSETCORE> Common message set information, defined in the profile chapter


Enrollment options - only one of <CLIENTENROLL>, <WEBENROLL>, or <OTHERENROLL> is allowed

<CLIENTENROLL> Client-based enrollment supported

<ACCTREQUIRED> Y if account number is required as part of enrollment Boolean


<WEBENROLL> Web-based enrollment supported

<URL> URL to start enrollment process


<OTHERENROLL> Some other enrollment process

<MESSAGE> Message to give to consumer about what to do next (e.g. a phone number) A-80


<CHGUSERINFO> Y if server supports client-based user information changes

Not Supported

<AVAILACCTS> Y if server can provide information on accounts with SVCSTATUS available, N means client should expect to ask user for specific account information Boolean

AcctListAvail=Y in provider.ini section of Money branding information. Required

<CLIENTACTREQ> Y if server allows clients to make service activation requests, N if server will only advise clients via synchronization of service additions, changes, or deletions. Boolean

Not Supported



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9. Customer to FI Communication

Generic MailOFX supports both generic Mail as well as Mail that is specific to the service. Money never sends a Generic Mail request but is prepared to handle a Generic Mail response when received in synchronization. Money supports the service specific e-mail. Refer to sections on Banking, Bill Payment, and Investment for more details on support of service specific e-mail.

Message/Aggregate Description Supported in Money?

MAILRQ General mail request No

MAILRS General mail response Yes – sync only

MAILSYNCRQ General mail sync request Yes – Money 2004 and 2006 only, not supported in Money 2005

MAILSYNCRS General mail sync response Yes

All OFX mail messages use the same MAIL aggregate. The MAIL aggregate is supported in Money as it is used in the service-specific e-mail request/responses.

9.2.2 Basic Mail AggregateOFX supports both general e-mail as well as mail records that are specific by service. Money will never send a general e-mail request but is prepared to handle the general e-mail response when received in synchronization. Money does support the service specific e-mail. All OFX mail messages use the same MAIL aggregate.

Tag Description Money Usage

<MAIL> Core e-mail aggregate

<USERID> User ID such as SSN User ID

<DTCREATED> When message was created datetime

Current datetime. Sent in Mail requests

Money display date received in MAILRS

<FROM> Customer’s input for whom message is from, A-32

User ID

<TO> Who e-mail should be delivered to, A-32

“Customer Service”

<SUBJECT> Subject of message (plain text, not HTML), A-60

Provided by user (or defaults offered by Money).

<MSGBODY> Body of message, HTML-encoded or plain text depending on <USEHTML>, A-10000

Provided by user or financial institution.

</MSGBODY> End of message

<INCIMAGES> Include images in response, Boolean


<USEHTML> Y if client wants an HTML response, N if client wants plain text, Boolean



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18 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

9.2.4 Email Synchronization <MAILSYNCRQ> <MAILSYNCRS>Money 2004 and 2006 support the general mail synchronization requests and responses. Money 2005 does not support this aggregateAll versions of Money support service specific mail sync requests and will send bank mail sync and payment mail sync if the server supports those. SPECIAL NOTE: If your server uses <MAILSYNCRS> to respond to mail requests received in bank or payment mail requests, your customers will not receive those responses in Money 2005. Contact the Microsoft Money financial institution team at [email protected] if you would like to turn off all mail support in Money 2005.

Refer to sections on Banking, Bill Payment, and Investment for more details on support of service specific e-mail.

<MAILSYNCRQ>Tag Description Money Usage

<MAILSYNCRQ> E-mail-synchronization-request aggregate

Money 2004 & 2006

Not supported by Money 2005

Client synchronization option; <TOKEN>, <TOKENONLY>, or <REFRESH>

<TOKEN> Previous value of <TOKEN> received for this type of synchronization request from server; “0” if no token present in Money; token


<TOKENONLY> Request for just the current <TOKEN> without the history, Boolean

Not Supported

<REFRESH> Request for refresh of current state, Boolean

Supported on new calls and calls over 30 days

<REJECTIFMISSING> If Y, do not process requests if client <TOKEN> is out of date, Boolean

Always N

<INCIMAGES> Y if the client accepts mail with images in the message body, N if the client does not accept mail with images in the message body, Boolean

Always N

<USEHTML> Y if client wants an HTML response, N if client wants plain text, Boolean

Always N

<MAILTRNRQ> Mail-transaction-request aggregate (0 or more)

Not Supported


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<MAILSYNCRS>Tag Description Money Usage

<MAILSYNCRS> E-mail-synchronization-response. aggregate

<TOKEN> Server history marker, token Supported

<LOSTSYNC> Y if the token in the synchronization request is older than the earliest entry in the server’s history table. In this case, some responses have been lost. N if the token in the synchronization request is newer than or matches a token in the server’s history table. Boolean


<MAILTRNRS> Missing e-mail response transactions (0 or more) Supported



9.3 Get HTML PageMIME <GETMIMERQ> <GETMIMERS>. Not supported in Money. See also section 2.6.

9.4 Email Message Set ProfileTag Description Money Usage

<EMAILMSGSET> E-mail-message-set-profile-information aggregate

<EMAILMSGSETV1> Opening tag for V1 of the message set profile information

<MSGSETCORE> Common message set information, defined in the profile chapter


<EMAILSUPP> Y if server supports generic e-mail message

Support for General Mail is on by default in Money 2004 and 2006. It is off by default in Money 2005 and cannot be enabled.

Money allows financial institutions to disable generic email support by setting the DisallowGenMail=1 in the Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<GETMIMESUPP> Y if server supports get MIME message




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20 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

10. Recurring TransactionsRecurring Payments are supported in Microsoft Money. The actual elements within a transaction that can be modified differ by service. See the recurring sections within Banking, and Payments for details.

Not Supported: Recurring Intra-bank Transfers, see section 11.10. Recurring Inter-bank TransfersThe following table describes Money’s usage of the RECURRINST aggregate that is present in the messages for recurring transactions.

10.2 Recurring InstructionsTag Description Money Usage

<RECURRINST> Recurring-Instructions aggregate

<NINSTS> Number of instructions

If this tag is absent, the schedule is open-ended, N-3

Number of instructions.

<FREQ> Frequency. Refer to table below for supported frequencies.


10.2.1 Values for FREQValue Description Money Usage

WEEKLY Weekly Supported.

BIWEEKLY Biweekly Supported.

TWICEMONTHLY Twice a month Supported.

MONTHLY Monthly Supported.

FOURWEEKS Every four weeks Supported.

BIMONTHLY Bimonthly Supported.

QUARTERLY Quarterly Supported.

SEMIANNUALLY Semiannually Supported.

ANNUALLY Annually Supported.

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11. Banking

Banking Support SummaryThe following table lists level of Money support for each Banking message set. The remaining sections in this chapter discuss the specific implementation of each supported message.

Message/Aggregate Description Supported in Money?

Supported in MSN Money?

STMTRQ Statement request Yes Yes

STMTRS Statement response Yes Yes

CCSTMTRQ Credit Card statement request 11.4.2

Yes Yes

CCSTMTRS Credit Card statement response Yes Yes

STMTENDRQ Statement closing data request 11.5.1

No No

STMTENDRS Statement closing data response No No

CCSTMTENDRQ Credit Card closing statement data request 11.5.3

No No

CCSTMTENDRS Credit Card closing statement data response

No No

STPCHKRQ Stop check request 11.6.1 No No

STPCHKRS Stop check response No No

INTRARQ Intra-bank transfer request 11.7.1 Yes No

INTRARS Intra-bank transfer response Yes No

INTRAMODRQ Intra-bank transfer modification request 11.7.2

No No

INTRAMODRS Intra-bank transfer modification response

Yes No

INTRACANRQ Intra-bank transfer request 11.7.3 Yes No

INTRACANRS Intra-bank transfer response Yes No

INTERRQ Inter-bank transfer request 11.8.2 No No

INTERRS Inter-bank transfer response No No

INTERMODRQ Inter-bank transfer modification request 11.8.3

No No

INTERMODRS Inter-bank transfer modification response

No No

INTERCANRQ Intra-bank transfer cancel request 11.8.4

No No

INTERCANRS Intra-bank transfer cancel response No No

WIRERQ Wire transfer request 11.9.1 No No

WIRERS Wire transfer response No No

WIRECANRQ Wire transfer cancellation request 11.9.2

No No

WIRECANRS Wire transfer cancellation response No No

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22 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

Message/Aggregate Description Supported in Money?

Supported in MSN Money?

RECINTRARQ Recurring Intra-bank transfer request 11.10.1

No No

RECINTRARS Recurring Intra-bank transfer response

No No

RECINTRAMODRQ Recurring Intra-bank transfer modification request 11.10.2

No No

RECINTRAMODRS Recurring Intra-bank transfer modification response

No No

RECINTRACANRQ Recurring Intra-bank transfer cancellation request 11.10.3

No No

RECINTRACANRS Recurring Intra-bank transfer cancellation response

No No

RECINTERRQ Recurring Inter-bank transfer request 11.10.4

No No

RECINTERRS Recurring Inter-bank transfer response

No No

RECINTERMODRQ Recurring Inter-bank transfer modification request 11.10.5

No No

RECINTERMODRS Recurring Inter-bank transfer modification response

No No

RECINTERCANRQ Recurring Inter-bank transfer cancellation request 11.10.6

No No

RECINTERCANRS Recurring Inter-bank transfer cancellation response

No No

BANKMAILRQ Bank mail request 11.11.1 Yes No

BANKMAILRS Bank mail response Yes No

CHKMAILRS Return check notification response

Yes No

DEPMAILRS Return deposit notification response

Yes No

11.3 Common Banking AggregatesTag Description Money & MSN Money




Identify an account at an FI 11.3.1 All elements supported


All elements supported



Identify a credit card account at an FI 11.3.2

All elements supported

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 23

11.3.3 Bank Account Information – BANKACCTINFOOnly partial support for the BANKACCTINFO aggregate is implemented in Money and MSN Money.

Tag Description Money and MSN Money Usage

<BANKACCTINFO> Bank-account-information aggregate

<BANKACCTFROM> Bank-account-from aggregate Supported, see above.


<SUPTXDL> Y if account supports transaction detail downloads, N if it is balance-only Boolean

No – See below

<XFERSRC> Y if account is enabled as a source for an intra- or inter-bank transfer Boolean

No – See below

<XFERDEST> Y if account is enabled as a destination for an intra- or inter-bank transfer Boolean

No – See below

<SRVSTATUS> Status of the account Money and MSN Money ignore accounts with anything other than ACTIVE


Microsoft Money and MSN Money allow statement requests from any account enabled for banking services. Microsoft Money allows transfer requests to and from any account enabled for banking services. Servers should code appropriate error codes if these requests are received from an account that does not support them.

11.3.4 Credit Card Account Information – CCACCTINFOOnly partial support for the CCACCTINFO aggregate is implemented in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<CCACCTINFO> Credit-card-account-information aggregate

<CCACCTFROM> Credit-card-account-from aggregate Supported, see above


<SUPTXDL> Y if account supports transaction detail downloads, N if it is balance-only, Boolean

No – See below

<XFERSRC> Y if account is enabled as a source for an intra-bank or inter-bank transfer, Boolean

No – See below

<XFERDEST> Y if account is enabled as a destination for an intra-bank or inter-bank transfer, Boolean

No – See below

<SVCSTATUS> Status of the account Money and MSN Money ignore accounts with anything other than ACTIVE


Microsoft Money and MSN Money allow statement requests from any account enabled for banking services. Microsoft Money allows transfer requests to and from any account enabled for banking services. Servers should code appropriate error codes if these requests are received from an account that does not support them.

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24 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

11.3.5 IntraXfer Information – XFERINFO All of the elements and aggregates of XFERINFO are supported in Money.

11.3.6 Transfer Processing Status – XFERPRCSTS All of the elements and aggregates of XFERPRCSTS are supported in Money.

11.4.1 Banking Statement Download11.4.1.1 Statement Request – STMTRQStatement Requests are generated by Microsoft Money and MSN Money My Accounts.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<STMTRQ> Statement-request aggregate

<BANKACCTFROM> Bank-account-from aggregate

BANKACCTFROM elements populated with values retrieved during Setup.

<BANKID> Routing & transit number Supported

<BRANCHID> Bank identifier for international banks

Supported in International products only

<ACCTID> Account number Supported

<ACCTTYPE> Type of account Supported

<ACCTKEY> Checksum for international banks

Supported in International products only


<INCTRAN> Include-transactions aggregate

<DTSTART> Start date of statement requested, datetime

Money and MSN Money default to current date minus 30 days on first call. Money users can modify

Subsequent calls send DTEND from pervious call.

<DTEND> End date of statement requested, datetime

Money does not send this

<INCLUDE> Include transactions flag, Boolean




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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 25 Statement Response – STMTRS Statement response is supported in Microsoft Money and MSN Money.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<STMTRS> Statement-response aggregate

<CURDEF> Default currency for the statement


<BANKACCTFROM> Account from aggregate.


<BANKTRANLIST> Statement-transaction-data aggregate

<DTSTART> Start date for transaction data, date

<DTEND> Value that client should send in next <DTSTART> request to insure that it does not miss any transactions, date

Displayed as statement date.

Stored for use as DTSTART in subsequent STMTRQ When sending, Money & MSN Money crop any timestamp portion and only returns date value.

<STMTTRN> Opening tag for each statement transaction (0 or more)

</STMTTRN> End tag for each statement transaction


<LEDGERBAL> Ledger balance aggregate

<BALAMT> Ledger balance amount, amount


NOTE: This should be signed from the perspective of the user. For CREDITLINE accounts this amount should be negative if the customer owes money on the account.

<DTASOF> Balance date, datetime Ignored – Money uses DTEND


<AVAILBAL> Available balance aggregate

<BALAMT> Available balance amount, amount


<DTASOF> Balance date, datetime Discarded.


<MKTGINFO> Marketing information (at most 1), A-360.



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26 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

11.4.2 Credit Card Statement Download11.4.2.1 Credit Card Statement Request – CCSTMTRQMicrosoft Money and MSN Money will generate the whenever a statement is to be retrieved for an account of type CREDIT CARD.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<CCSTMTRQ> Credit-card-download-request aggregate

<CCACCTFROM> Credit-card-account-from aggregate

CCACCTFROM elements populated with values retrieved during Setup.

<ACCTID> Account number Supported

<ACCTKEY> Checksum for international banks

Supported in International products only


<INCTRAN> Include transactions

<DTSTART> Start date of statement requested, datetime

Money and MSN Money default to current date minus 30 days on first call. Money users can modify

Subsequent calls send DTEND from pervious call.

<DTEND> Ending date of statement requested, datetime

Money does not send this

<INCLUDE> Include transactions flag, Boolean




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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 27 Credit Card Statement Response – CCSTMTRS Credit Card Statement Response is supported in Microsoft Money and MSN Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<CCSTMTRS> Credit-card-download-response aggregate

<CURDEF> Default currency for the statement


<CCACCTFROM> Account from aggregate.


<BANKTRANLIST> Opening tag for statement transaction data

<DTSTART> Start date for transaction data, date

<DTEND> Value client should send in next <DTSTART> request to insure that it does not miss any transactions, date

Displayed as statement date.

Stored for use as DTSTART in subsequent STMTRQ When sending, Money and MSN Money crop any timestamp portion and only returns date value.

<STMTTRN> Opening tag for each statement transaction (0 or more).

</STMTTRN> End tag for each statement transaction


<LEDGERBAL> Ledger-balance aggregate

<BALAMT> Ledger balance amount, amount


NOTE: This should be signed from the perspective of the user. For Credit Card accounts, this amount should be negative if the customer owes money on the account.

<DTASOF> Balance date, datetime Ignored – Money uses DTEND for statement date


<AVAILBAL> Available balance aggregate

<BALAMT> Available balance amount, amount


<DTASOF> Balance date, datetime Discarded.


<MKTGINFO> Marketing information (at most 1), A-360



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28 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Statement Transaction – STMTTRNThe Statement Transaction is supported in Microsoft Money and MSN Money My Accounts.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<STMTTRN> Statement-transaction aggregate

<TRNTYPE> Transaction type. Money accepts all values in this tag. MSN Money ignores this tag.

<DTPOSTED> Date transaction was posted to account, datetime

Posting date of transaction.

NOTE: Server should ensure that this is accurately displayed for all time zones. Microsoft recommends that server either send actual server time of posting, or time that equates to Noon GMT, such as CCYYMMDD120000.

<DTUSER> Date user initiated transaction, if known, datetime


<DTAVAIL> Date funds are available, datetime


<TRNAMT> Amount of transaction, amount

Transaction amount. Used in reconciliation.

<FITID> Transaction ID issued by financial institution, A-10.Used to detect duplicate downloads

Stored as unique statement transaction identifier. Used in reconciliation to detect duplicate transactions. This must be unique and persistent.

<CORRECTFITID> If present, the FITID of a previously sent transaction that is corrected by this record. This transaction replaces the transaction that it corrects.


<CORRECTACTION> Actions can be REPLACE or DELETE. REPLACE replaces the transaction referenced by CORRECTFITID; DELETE deletes it.


<SRVRTID> Server assigned transaction ID; used for transactions initiated by client, such as payment or funds transfer

Stored and used in reconciliation.

<CHECKNUM> Check (or other reference) number, A-12

Stored and used in reconciliation.

<REFNUM> Reference number that uniquely identifies the transaction. Can be used in addition to or instead of a <CHECKNUM>, A-32


<SIC> Standard Industrial Code, N-6

Used to assign default categories.

<PAYEEID> Payee identifier if available Stored and used in reconciliation.

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 29

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage




Name of payee or description of transaction, A-32

NOTE: Provide NAME or PAYEE, not both

Payee aggregate, see section 12.2

Microsoft Money - Stored and used to create a payee in the user’s Money file.




<MEMO> Extra information (not in <NAME>), A-255

Appended to the memo field of the transaction in Money. Can be turned off in Tools Options.

Ignored by MSN Money



Currency, if different from CURDEF

Used to convert transaction to account currency in Money if Currency aggregate is present. Ignored by MSN Money where all transactions are assumed to be USD.



The STMTRN may contain an optional CURRENCY aggregate for each transaction. If this aggregate is provided the driver must perform the currency conversion using the data provided.

Enterprise and Support Training Microsoft Confidential May 2023

30 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Transaction Types used in TRNTYPEBelow is the description of the transaction types in the OFX Specification. Also included is the appropriate signage for Money implementation. Microsoft Money will reject or ignore individual transactions that are incorrectly signed. MSN Money My Accounts ignores TRNTYPE and accepts any signageNOTE: While Money accepts any signage for all transactions, positively signed debits and negatively signed credits is an indication that the data is incorrect. Servers should try to avoid this.

Type Description Money Signage

CREDIT Generic credit Either

DEBIT Generic debit Either

INT Interest earned or paid

NOTE: depends on signage of amount


DIV Dividend Either

FEE FI fee Either

SRVCHG Service charge Either

DEP Deposit Either

ATM ATM debit or credit

NOTE: depends on signage of amount


POS Point of sale debit or credit

NOTE: depends on signage of amount


XFER TransferEither

CHECK Check Either

PAYMENT Electronic payment Either

CASH Cash withdrawal Either

DIRECTDEP Direct deposit Either

DIRECTDEBIT Merchant initiated debit Either

REPEATPMT Repeating payment/standing order Either

OTHER Other Either

11.5 Statement Closing InformationStatement Closing Information is not supported in Money. The following messages are not supported:


11.6 Stop CheckStop Check messages are not supported in Money. The following messages are not supported:


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11.7 Intra-bank Funds Transfers11.7.1.1 Intra-bank Transfer Request – INTRARQ Intra-bank Transfer Request is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<INTRARQ> Intra-bank-transfer-request aggregate

<XFERINFO> Transfer information aggregate. Yes


</INTRARQ> Intra-bank Transfer Response – INTRARSIntra-bank Transfer Response is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<INTRARS> Intra-bank-transfer-response aggregate

<CURDEF> Default currency for the intra-bank transfer response


<SRVRTID> Server ID for this transfer Stored. Used in subsequent INTRACANRQ.

<XFERINFO> Transfer information aggregate, see section


Transfer-date options. Choose either <DTXFERPRJ> or <DTPOSTED>

<DTXFERPRJ> Projected date of the transfer; response can contain either a <DTXFERPRJ> or a <DTPOSTED> but not both; datetime

Posting Date.



<DTPOSTED> Actual date of the transfer, datetime

Posting Date.

NOTE: Server should ensure that DTXFERPTJ or DTPOSTED are accurately displayed for all time zones. Microsoft recommends that server either send actual server time or time that equates to Noon GMT, such as CCYYMMDD120000.

<RECSRVRTID> If the response is generated by a recurring transfer model, this ID references it, see section 11.10


<XFERPRCSTS> Transfer-processing status, see section 11.3.6




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32 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

11.7.2 Intra-bank Transfer ModificationIntra-bank Transfer Modifications Request is not supported in Money. The following messages are not supported:

INTRAMODRQMoney 2004 and 2006 process INTRAMODRS when received in an INTRASYNCRS. This allows servers that support future dated transfers to notify customer if a scheduled transfer fails.

Tag Description Money Usage

<INTRAMODRS> Modification-response aggregate


<SRVRTID> ID assigned by the server to the transfer being modified, SRVRTID

Stored. Used in to identify transfer to modify.

<XFERINFO> Transfer information aggregate


<XFERPRCSTS> Transfer processing status


</INTRAMODRS>11.7.3 Intra-bank Transfer CancellationIntra-bank Transfer Cancellations are supported in Money. If server does not support cancellation of immediate transfers, server should return appropriate error code indicating transfer has been processed.

11.8 Inter-bank TransferInter-bank Transfers are not supported in Money.Money uses the OFX bill payment message set to support payment mechanisms that allow Inter-bank transfers. The following messages are not supported:


11.9 Wire TransferWire transfers are not supported in Money. The following messages are not supported:


11.10 Recurring Funds TransferRecurring Intra-bank Transfers are not supported in Money. The following messages are not supported:


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11.10.2 Recurring Intra-bank Funds Transfer ModificationRecurring Inter-bank Transfers Modifications are not supported in Money. The following messages are not supported:


11.10.4 Recurring Inter-bank TransfersRecurring Inter-bank Transfers are not supported in Money. The following messages are not supported:


11.11.1 Banking E-mailOFX supports both generic banking e-mail as well as several types of specific e-mail notification records (e.g. notification of returned deposit. In some cases, OFX mail elements are appended to the message body before being displayed to the user. Banking E-mail Request – BANKMAILRQBanking E-mail is supported in Money. This mail is sent to the server when user chooses to send a “General purpose letter about Online Banking” in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<BANKMAILRQ> Bank-e-mail-request aggregate

<BANKACCTFROM> Account-from aggregate. Account details based on account selection in UI.



<CCACCTFROM> Credit card account from aggregate.

Account details based on account selection in UI.


<MAIL> To, from, message information, 9.2.2

Refer to section on general Mail support.



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34 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Banking E-mail Response – BANKMAILRSThe Banking E-mail Response is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<BANKMAILRS> Bank-e-mail-response aggregate

<BANKACCTFROM> Account-from aggregate. Account details based on account selection in UI.



<CCACCTFROM> Credit card account from aggregate.

Account details based on account selection in UI.


<MAIL> To, from, message information, see section 9.2.2

Refer to section on general Mail support.



Money hides echo BANKMAILRS received in response to a BANKMAILRQ. Money only displays unsolicited MAIL messages.

11.11.2 Notifications11.11.3.1 Return Check Notification E-mail Response – CHKMAILRSThe Return Deposit Notification E-mail Response is only returned from the server when the client requests banking mail synchronization. This message is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<CHKMAILRS> Notification-message-response aggregate

<BANKACCTFROM> Account-from aggregate Account number.


<MAIL> To, from, message information, see 9.2.2

Refer to section on general Mail support.


<CHECKNUM> Check number, A-12 Appended to message body on separate line as:Returned Check Number: <CHECKNUM>.

<TRNAMT> Amount of check, amount

Appended to message body on separate line as:Returned check amount: $<TRNAMT>

<DTUSER> Customer date on check, date

Appended to message body on separate line as:Customer date on returned check: <DTUSER>

<FEE> Fee assessed for NSF, amount

Appended to message body on separate line as:Return check fee: $<FEE>


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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 35 Return Deposit Notification E-mail Response – DEPMAILRSReturn Deposit Notification E-mail is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<DEPMAILRS> Notification-message-response aggregate

<BANKACCTFROM> Account-from aggregate. Account number.


<MAIL> To, from, message information, see 9.2.2

Refer to section on general Mail support.


<TRNAMT> Amount of deposit, amount Appended to message body on separate line as:Deposit amount: $<TRNAMT>

<DTUSER> Customer date of deposit, date

Appended to message body on separate line as:Date of deposit: <DTUSER>

<FEE> Fee assessed for NSF, amount

Appended to message body on separate line as:Return deposit fee: $<FEE>


11.12 SynchronizationThe following table lists the level of support implemented in Money for Banking related synchronization messages.

Sync Message Description Money Usage

STPCHKSYNCRQ Sync request for stop checks. No Support

STPCHKSYNCRS Sync response for stop checks. No Support

INTRASYNCRQ Sync request for intra-bank xfer. Supported *INTRASYNCRS Sync response for intra-bank xfer. Supported *INTERSYNCRQ Sync request for inter-bank xfer. No Support

INTERSYNCRS Sync response for inter-bank xfer. No Support

WIRESYNCRQ Sync request for wires. No Support

WIRESYNCRS Sync response for wires No Support

RECINTRASYNCRQ Sync request for recurring intra-bank xfers. No Support

RECINTRASYNCRS Sync response for recurring intra-bank xfers. No Support

RECINTERSYNCRQ Sync request for recurring inter-bank xfers. No Support

RECINTERSYNCRS Sync response for recurring inter-bank xfers. No Support

BANKMAILSYNCRQ Sync request for banking mail. 11.12.7 Full Support

BANKMAILSYNCRS Sync response for banking mail. Full Support

* Money 2005 does not support INTRASYNCRQ/RS. Support for INTRASYNCRQ/RS returns in Money 2006.

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36 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Request <INTRASYNCRQ>Tag Description Money Usage

<INTRASYNCRQ> Synchronization-request aggregate Yes (supported in all but Money 2005)

Client synchronization option; <TOKEN>, <TOKENONLY>, or <REFRESH>

<TOKEN> Previous value of <TOKEN> received for this type of synchronization request from server; 0 for first-time requests in Money 2001 and 2002; token


<TOKENONLY> Request for just the current <TOKEN> without the history, Boolean

Not Supported

<REFRESH> Request for refresh of current state, Boolean

Sent by Money on first call, or when 30 days have elapsed since last call.

<REJECTIFMISSING> If Y, do not process requests if client <TOKEN> is out of date, Boolean

Always N

<BANKACCTFROM> Bank account of interest; token must be interpreted in terms of this account



<INTRATRNRQ> Intra-bank-funds-transfer transactions (0 or more)

No – Money sends INTRATRNRQ outside of INTRASYNCRQ wrapper.



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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 37 Response <INTRASYNCRS>Tag Description Money Usage

<INTRASYNCRS> Synchronization-response aggregate Yes (supported in all but Money 2005)

<TOKEN> New synchronization token, token Stored by Money

<LOSTSYNC> Y if the token in the synchronization request is older than the earliest entry in the server’s history table. In this case, some responses have been lost. N if the token in the synchronization request is newer than or matches a token in the server’s history table. Boolean


<BANKACCTFROM> Bank account of interest; token must be interpreted in terms of this account



<INTRATRNRS> Intra-bank-funds-transfer transactions (0 or more)




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38 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Request <BANKMAILSYNCRQ>Tag Description Money Usage

<BANKMAILSYNCRQ> Synchronization-request aggregate

Client synchronization option; <TOKEN>, <TOKENONLY>, or <REFRESH>

<TOKEN> Previous value of <TOKEN> received for this type of synchronization request from server; “0” if no token present in Money 2001 and 2002; token


<TOKENONLY> Request for just the current <TOKEN> without the history, Boolean

Not Supported

<REFRESH> Request for refresh of current state, Boolean

Sent by Money on first call, or when 30 days have elapsed since last call.

<REJECTIFMISSING> If Y, do not process requests if client <TOKEN> is out of date, Boolean

Always N

<INCIMAGES> Y if the client accepts mail with images in the message body. N if the client does not accept mail with images in the message body. Boolean

Always N

<USEHTML> Y if client wants an HTML response, N if client wants plain text, Boolean

Always N

Account-from options. Choose either <BANKACCTFROM> or <CCACCTFROM>.

<BANKACCTFROM> Account-from aggregate, see section 11.3.1.



<CCACCTFROM> Credit-card-account-from aggregate, see section 11.3.2.


<BANKMAILTRNRQ> Bank-mail transactions (0 or more) Yes



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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 39 Response <BANKMAILSYNCRS>Tag Description Money Usage

<BANKMAILSYNCRS> Synchronization-response aggregate

<TOKEN> New synchronization token, token

<LOSTSYNC> Y if the token in the synchronization request is older than the earliest entry in the server’s history table. In this case, some responses have been lost. N if the token in the synchronization request is newer than or matches a token in the server’s history table. Boolean

Account-from options. Choose either <BANKACCTFROM> or <CCACCTFROM>.

<BANKACCTFROM> Account-from aggregate, see section 11.3.1



<CCACCTFROM> Credit-card-account-from aggregate, see section


<BANKMAILTRNRS> Bank-mail transactions (0 or more)



11.13 Bank Message Sets and ProfileSync Message Description Money & MSN Money Usage



INTERXFERMSGSET Inter-bank Funds Transfer No


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40 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

11.13.2 Bank Message Set ProfileThis message set is not supported. Microsoft Money obtains the required information from Branding files.

Tag Description Money Usage

<BANKMSGSET> Message set for banking

<BANKMSGSETV1> Version 1 of message set

<MSGSETCORE> Common message-set core


<INVALIDACCTTYPE>Account type not supported in <BANKACCTFROM>; 1 or more of account types, see section for values

Not Supported.

<CLOSINGAVAIL> Closing statement information available, Boolean

Not Supported.

<XFERPROF> Intra-bank transfer profile

<PROCDAYSOFF> Days of week that no processing occurs; 0 or more of (MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY)

Not Supported. Microsoft Money allows transfers any day of the week.

<PROCENDTM> Time of day that day’s processing ends, time

Not Supported.

<CANSCHED> Supports scheduled transfers, Boolean

INTRAXFERCANSCHED in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<CANRECUR> Supports recurring transfers, Boolean. Requires <CANSCHED>

INTRAXFERCANRECUR in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<CANMODXFERS>Permit modifications to transfers, i.e. <INTRAMODRQ>, Boolean

Not Supported. Money does not allow modification of xfers.

<CANMODMDLS> Permit modifications to models, i.e. <RECINTRAMODRQ>, Boolean

Not Supported. Money does not allow modification of xfers.

<MODELWND> Model window; the number of days before a recurring transaction is scheduled to be processed that it is instantiated on the system, N-3

Not Supported.

<DAYSWITH> Number of days before processing date that funds are withdrawn, N-3

Not Supported


Default number of days to pay, N-3

DfltDays in Banking Capabilities in provider.ini section of Money branding information.


To enable INTRASYNC in Microsoft Money 2004 or 2006, use the IntraSyncSupp line in Banking Capabilities in provider.ini section of Money branding information.

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 41

Tag Description Money Usage

<STPCHKPROF> Stop check profile Stop checks not supported.

<PROCDAYSOFF> Days of week that no processing occurs; 0 or more of (MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY)

Not Supported.

<PROCENDTM> Time of day that day’s processing ends, time

Not Supported.

<CANUSERANGE>Can stop a range of checks, Boolean.

Not Supported.

<CANUSEDESC> Can stop by description, Boolean.

Not Supported.

<STPCHKFEE> Default stop check free Amount

Not Supported.


<EMAILPROF> E-mail profile

<CANEMAIL> Supports generalized banking e-mail, Boolean

BANKMAIL in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<CANNOTIFY> Supports notification (of any kind), Boolean

Not Supported.


</BANKMSGSETV1> End of bank message set version 1

</BANKMSGSET> End of bank message set

11.13.3 Credit Card Message Set ProfileThe CREDITCARD line in the in Banking Capabilities section of the in provider.ini section of Money branding information indicates whether or not the server supports Credit Cards for banking services.

11.13.4 Inter-bank Transfer Message Set ProfileMoney does not support the Inter-bank Message Set; therefore, all of the elements in this table are not supported.

11.13.5 Wire Transfer Message Set ProfileWire Transfers are not supported in Money.

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42 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

12. PaymentsThe following table lists level of support for each Bill Payment message set in Microsoft Money. The remaining sections in this chapter discuss the specific implementation of each supported message.

Message/Aggregate Description Supported in Money?

PAYEE Payee Yes

PMTINFO Payment info 12.5.2 Yes

EXTDPMT Extended Payment No – Money may fault if received

EXTDPAYEE Extended Payee Yes

PMTPRCSTS Current processing status for a payment


PMTRQ Payment request Yes

PMTRS Payment response Yes

PMTMODRQ Payment modify request No

PMTMODRS Payment modify response Yes

PMTCANCRQ Payment cancel request Yes

PMTCANCRS Payment cancel response Yes

PMTINQRQ Payment status request No

PMTINQRS Payment status response No

RECPMTRQ Recurring payment request Yes

RECPMTRS Recurring payment response Yes

RECPMTMODRQ Recurring payment modify request


RECPMTMODRS Recurring payment modify response Yes in Money 2005Ignored in Money 2006 and above

RECPMTCANCRQ Recurring payment cancellation request


RECPMTCANCRS Recurring payment cancellation response


PMTMAILRQ Payment mail request Yes

PMTMAILRS Payment mail response Yes

PMTMAILSYNCRQ Payment mail sync request Yes

PMTMAILSYNCRS Payment mail sync response Yes

PAYEERQ Payee request NoMoney adds and modifies payees implicitly in PMTRQ messages.

PAYEERS Payee response Yes

PAYEEMODRQ Payee modify request NoMoney adds and modifies payees implicitly in PMTRQ messages.

PAYEEMODRS Payee modify response Yes

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Message/Aggregate Description Supported in Money?

PAYEEDELRQ Payee delete request No

PAYEEDELRS Payee delete response Yes

PAYEESYNCRQ Payee sync request Yes

PAYEESYNCRS Payee sync response Yes

PMTSYNCRQ Payment sync request Yes

PMTSYNCRS Payment sync response Yes

RECPMTSYNCRQ Recurring payment sync request


RECPMTSYNCRS Recurring payment sync response Yes

12.5 Common Bill Payment Aggregates12.5.1 Payments Account Information

Tag Description Money Usage

<BPACCTINFO> Payments-account-information aggregate

<BANKACCTFROM> Bank-account-from aggregate Refer to Banking section.


<SVCSTATUS> Status of the account Yes


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44 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

12.5.2 Payment Information – PMTINFOThe Payment Information aggregate is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage


<BANKACCTFROM> Account-from aggregate, see section 11.3.1

Populated using Online Account Details.


<TRNAMT> Payment amount Payment Amount provided by user.

<PAYEEID> Server payee identifier (required if assigned)

Payee ID provided by server in a PAYEESYNCRS when provider supports bill pay via Payee ID. Always sent if available.

<PAYEE> Complete payee-billing information.

Payee address provided by user when provider supports bill pay via address. Always sent if PAYEELSTD is not available.


<PAYEELSTID> Payee list ID (required if assigned)

Payee List ID returned from server. Supplied for all PMTRQs when known.

<BANKACCTTO> Destination account information, for systems that pay by transfers (<PAYEE> also required)

Not Supported


<EXTDPMT> Extended Payment aggregate, optional



<PAYACCT> Payer account number with the payee

User’s account number at the Payee

<DTDUE> Payment due date Due Date.

NOTE: Money always sends with time stamp of Midnight GMT, as CCYYMMDD120000 format.

In PMTRS, server should ensure that DTDUE is accurately displayed for all time zones. Microsoft recommends that server either send actual server time or time that equates to Noon GMT, such as CCYYMMDD120000.

<MEMO> Memo from user to payee Memo text provided by user.


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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 45 Payee – PAYEEThe PAYEE aggregate is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage


<NAME> Name of payee Name of payee

<ADDR1> Payee’s address lines (1 to 3) Payee’s address lines (1 to 3)



<CITY> Payee’s city City

<STATE> Payee’s state State –Money allows US Postal codes for all US States as well as DC, Military bases, and US protectorates.

<POSTALID> Payee’s zip code Zip

<COUNTRY> Payee’s country Country

<PHONE> Payee’s telephone number Phone Number

</PAYEE> Extended Payee – EXTDPAYEEThe Extended Payee aggregate is returned from the provider. This aggregate is supported in Money only when received in the PAYEEMODRS. It is ignored when received within a PAYEERS.

Tag Description Money Usage

<EXTDPAYEE> Extended-payee aggregate

<PAYEEID> Server-assigned payee ID Payee ID stored for use in subsequent payments to this payee.

<IDSCOPE> Scope of the payee ID; one of {GLOBAL, USER }, where

GLOBAL = the payee ID is valid across the entire payments system

USER = the payee ID is valid with all FI accounts set up for the user’s payments account

Money uses this to determine if Payee can be paid from any FI for this provider.

<NAME> Standard payee name Used if not received in the payee aggregate.

<DAYSTOPAY> Minimum number of business days needed to process

Days to Pay is updated for use in scheduling subsequent payments to this payee.


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12.6 Payments FunctionsOFX specification does not currently have a way to allow a provider to support EPAY without supporting APAY. Money adds capability to support this by including the field, DisallowRecPayment, in the [BillPayCapabilities] section of the Provider.ini section of Money branding information. Payment Request – PMTRQThe Payment Request is supported in Money. The PMTRQ contains only a PMTINFO aggregate.

Tag Description Money Usage

<PMTRQ> Payment-request aggregate

<PMTINFO> Payment Information aggregate.

Refer to section above on PMTINFO support.


</PMTRQ> Payment Response – PMTRSThe Payment Response is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<PMTRS> Payment-response aggregate

<SRVRTID> ID assigned by the server to the payment being created

Transaction ID. Stored for use in subsequent actions/inquiries against this transaction.

<PAYEELSTID> Server-assigned payee list record ID for this payee

Discarded. Money stores PAYEELSTID received in PAYEERS.

<CURDEF> Default currency for the Recurring Payment Response


<PMTINFO> Payment Information aggregate.

Refer to section above for PMTINFO support.


<EXTDPAYEE> Standard payee information if payee is a standard payee or payee has non-default processing day parameters.

Money 2004, 2005, & 2006 ignore EXTDPAYEE within the PMTRS.


<CHECKNUM> Check number Check number.

<PMTPRCSTS> Payment processing status


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Tag Description Money Usage

<DTPMTPRC> Payment processing date; interpretation depends on <PMTPRCCODE>

Payment posting date in register updated with DTPMTPRC.

NOTE: Server should ensure that DTPMTPRC is accurately displayed for all time zones. Microsoft recommends that server either send actual server time or time that equates to Noon GMT, such as CCYYMMDD120000.

Money defaults to using this date for entering payments into the register. Money allows the user to revert to DTDUE date in Tools/Options.


<RECSRVRTID> References the payment if it was generated by a recurring payment

Model ID.


12.6.2 Payment Modification12.6.2.2 Payment Modification RequestNot supported in Money. Payment Modification ResponseMoney processes PMTMODRS.

Tag Description Money Usage

<PMTMODRS> Payment-modification-response this references

<SRVRTID> ID assigned by the server to the payment being modified, SRVRTID

Used to identify payment to modify

<PMTINFO> Payment Information aggregate


<PMTPRCSTS> Payment processing status Money displays processing status in the Register


</PMTMODRS>12.6.3 Payment CancellationSupported in Money


12.6.4 Payment Status InquiryNot Support in Money.


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12.7 Recurring Payments12.7.1.1 Recurring Payment Request – RECPMTRQRecurring Payment Request is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<RECPMTRQ> Recurring-payment-request aggregate

<RECURRINST> Recurring Instructions aggregate, see section 10.2.

Refer to section on recurring transactions above.


<PMTINFO> Payment-Information aggregate.

Refer to section on PMTINFO earlier in this section.


<INITIALAMT> amount of the initial payment, if different than the following payments

Not supported.

<FINALAMT> amount of the final payment, if different than the preceding payments

Not supported.


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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 49 Recurring Payment Response – RECPMTRSRecurring Payment Response is supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<RECPMTRS> Recurring-payment-response aggregate

<RECSRVRTID> Server-assigned ID for this transaction

Model ID.

<PAYEELSTID> Server-assigned record ID for this payee record

Discarded. Money stores PAYEELSTID received in PAYEERS.

<CURDEF> Default currency for the Recurring Payment Response


<RECURRINST> Recurring-instructions aggregate, see section 10.2.

Refer to section on recurring transactions above.


<PMTINFO> Payment-Information aggregate. Refer to section on PMTINFO earlier in this section.


<INITIALAMT> amount of the initial payment, if different than the following payments


<FINALAMT> amount of the final payment, if different than the preceding payments


<EXTDPAYEE> Extended payee information. .


</RECPMTRS> Request <RECPMTMODRQ>Not supported in Money.

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50 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Response <RECPMTMODRS>Money 2004 and 2005 will process RECPMTMODRS. Ignored in Money 2006/2007.

Tag Description Money Usage

<RECPMTMODRS> Modification-response aggregate

<RECSRVRTID> ID assigned by the server to the payment being modified, SRVRTID

Model ID of the Apay Model to modify

<RECURRINST> Recurring-Instructions aggregate, see section 10.2


<PMTINFO> Payment-Information aggregate


<INITIALAMT> Amount of the initial payment, if different than the following payments, amount


<FINALAMT> Amount of the final payment, if different than the preceding payments, amount


<MODPENDING> Y if the client requested that the server modify pending and future payments. N if the client did not request that the server modify pending and future payments., Boolean


</RECPMTMODRS> Recurring Payment Cancellation Request – RECPMTCANCRQRecurring Payment Cancellations are supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<RECPMTCANCRQ> Cancellation-request aggregate

<RECSRVRTID> ID assigned by the server to the payment being canceled

Model ID of the Model to be canceled.

<CANPENDING> BOOLEAN; if Yes, cancel all currently generated payments

Y in Money 2005 and above

N in Money 2004

</RECPMTCANCRQ> Recurring Payment Cancellation Response – RECPMTCANCRSRecurring Payment Cancellation Response is supported in Money. Money will process cancellation responses even if they originated outside of Money.

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 51

12.8 Payment Mail12.8.1.1 Payment Mail Request – PMTMAILRQPayment Mail Requests are supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<PMTMAILRQ> Payment e-mail-request aggregate

<MAIL> General e-mail aggregate Refer to Mail section earlier in document.

<SRVRTID> Transaction ID of the payment that is the subject of the correspondence

Transaction ID supplied if user chooses to send a specific payment mail.

<PMTINFO> Payment Information aggregate.

Sent in Money 2004 and 2006. Not sent in Money 2005.


</PMTMAILRQ> Payment Mail Response – PMTMAILRSPayment Mail Responses are supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<PMTMAILRS> Payment e-mail-response aggregate

<MAIL> General e-mail aggregate, see Chapter 9

Refer to Mail section earlier in document.

<SRVRTID> Transaction ID of the payment that is the subject of the correspondence


<PMTINFO> Payment Information aggregate.




Money only displays unsolicited MAIL messages, not echoes of PMTMAILRQs sent by Money.

12.9 Payee Lists12.9.1.1 Payee Request <PAYEERQ>Not supported in Money. Money adds and modifies payees implicitly in PMTRQ messages. Payee Response <PAYEERS>Supported in Money when received in a <PAYEESYNCRS>. Payee Modification Request <PAYEEMODRQ>Not supported in Money. Payee Modification Response <PAYEEMODRS>Supported in Money when received in a <PAYEESYNCRS>.

12.9.3 Payee Deletion RequestNot Supported in Money. Payee Deletion Response <PAYEEDELRS>While Money does not remove a payee it receives a PAYEEDELRS, will remove all PAYEEID and PAYEELSTID from this payee.

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12.9.4 Payee List Synchronization Request <PAYEESYNCRQ>Supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<PAYEESYNCRQ> Payee-list-request aggregate

Client synchronization option; <TOKEN>, <TOKENONLY>, or <REFRESH>

<TOKEN> Previous value of <TOKEN> received for this type of synchronization request from server; “0” if no token present in Money ; token


<TOKENONLY> Request for just the current <TOKEN> without the history, Boolean


<REFRESH> Request for refresh of current state, Boolean

Sent by Money on first call, or when 30 days have elapsed since last call.

<REJECTIFMISSING> If Y, do not process requests if client <TOKEN> is out of date, Boolean


<PAYEETRNRQ> Payee transactions (0 or more)



12.9.4 Payee List Synchronization Response <PAYEESYNCRS>Supported in Money.

Tag Description Money Usage

<PAYEESYNCRS> Payee-list-request aggregate

<TOKEN> New synchronization token, token

<LOSTSYNC> Y if the token in the synchronization request is older than the earliest entry in the server’s history table. In this case, some responses have been lost. N if the token in the synchronization request is newer than or matches a token in the server’s history table. Boolean


<PAYEETRNRS> Payee transactions (0 or more) Yes



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12.10 Payment SynchronizationMoney support full synchronization. Money will process the following when received in a Sync response.


<PMTSYNCRQ> Synchronization-request aggregate

Client synchronization option; <TOKEN>, <TOKENONLY>, or <REFRESH>

<TOKEN> Previous value of <TOKEN> received for this type of synchronization request from server; “0” if no token present in Money; token


<TOKENONLY> Request for just the current <TOKEN> without the history, Boolean


<REFRESH> Request for refresh of current state, Boolean

Sent by Money on first call, or when 30 days have elapsed since last call.

<REJECTIFMISSING> If Y, do not process requests if client <TOKEN> is out of date, Boolean


<BANKACCTFROM> Opening tag for account from aggregate, see section 11.3.1



<PMTTRNRQ> Payment transactions (0 or more) Yes



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54 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Response <PMTSYNCRS>Tag Description Money Usage

<PMTSYNCRS> Synchronization-response aggregate

<TOKEN> New synchronization token, token Yes

<LOSTSYNC> Y if the token in the synchronization request is older than the earliest entry in the server’s history table. In this case, some responses have been lost. N if the token in the synchronization request is newer than or matches a token in the server’s history table. Boolean


<BANKACCTFROM> Opening tag for account from aggregate, see section 11.3.1



<PMTTRNRS> Payment transactions (0 or more) Yes



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12.10.2 Recurring Payment SynchronizationMoney support full synchronization. Money will process the following when received in a Sync response.


<RECPMTSYNCRQ> Synchronization-request aggregate

Client synchronization option; <TOKEN>, <TOKENONLY>, or <REFRESH>

<TOKEN> Previous value of <TOKEN> received for this type of synchronization request from server; “0” if no token present in Money; token


<TOKENONLY> Request for just the current <TOKEN> without the history, Boolean


<REFRESH> Request for refresh of current state, Boolean

Sent by Money on first call, or when 30 days have elapsed since last call.

<REJECTIFMISSING> If Y, do not process requests if client <TOKEN> is out of date, Boolean


<BANKACCTFROM> Opening tag for account from aggregate, see section 11.3.1


<RECPMTTRNRQ> Recurring-payment transactions (0 or more)



</RECPMTSYNCRQ> Response <RECPMTSYNCRS>Tag Description Money


<RECPMTSYNCRS> Synchronization-response aggregate

<TOKEN> New synchronization token, token Yes

<LOSTSYNC> Y if the token in the synchronization request is older than the earliest entry in the server’s history table. In this case, some responses have been lost. N if the token in the synchronization request is newer than or matches a token in the server’s history table. Boolean


<BANKACCTFROM> Opening tag for account from aggregate, see section 11.3.1


<RECPMTTRNRS> Recurring-payment transactions (0 or more)



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12.11.2 Bill Payment Message Set Profile <BILLPAYMSGSET>As in other message sets, Money uses the MNN files to set this information.

Tag Description Money Usage





<DAYSWITH> Number of days before processing date that funds are withdrawn for payment (except by transfer)

DAYSWITH in Provider.ini section of Money branding information. NOTE: <DAYSWITH>-1 is not supported

<DFLTDAYSTOPAY> Default number of days to pay by check (except by transfer)

DFLTDAYSTOPAY in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<XFERDAYSWITH> Number of days before processing date that funds are withdrawn for payment by transfer

Not Supported

<XFERDFLTDAYSTOPAY> Default number of days to pay by transfer

Not Supported

<PROCDAYSOFF> Days of week that no processing occurs; 0 or more of (MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY)

Not Supported.

<PROCENDTM> Time of day that day’s processing ends

Not supported

<MODELWND> Model window; the number of days before a recurring transaction is scheduled to be processed that it is instantiated on the system

Not Supported.

<POSTPROCWND> Number of days after a transaction is processed that it is accessible for status inquiries

Not Supported.

<STSVIAMODS> If Y, server supports communication of server-initiated payment status changes by means of the PMTMODRS message

Not Supported.

<PMTBYADDR> The payment provider supports payments to payees identified by billing address, that is, the PAYEE aggregate, Boolean

PMTBYADDR in Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<PMTBYXFER> The payment provider supports payments to payees identified by destination account, Boolean

Not Supported

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 57

Tag Description Money Usage

<PMTBYPAYEEID> The payment provider supports payments to payees identified by a user-supplied payee ID, Boolean

Not Supported, although Money will store any PAYEEID values returned in PAYEERS.

<CANADDPAYEE> User can add payees. if no, the user is restricted to payees added to the user’s payee list by the payment system, Boolean

Not Supported.

<HASEXTDPMT> Supports the EXTDPMT business payment aggregate, Boolean

Not Supported.

<CANMODPMTS> Permits modifications to payments, that is PMTMODRQ, Boolean

Not Supported.

<CANMODMDLS> Permits modifications to models, that is REQPMTMODRQ, Boolean

Not Supported.

<DIFFFIRSTPMT> Support for specifying a different amount for the first payment generated by a model, Boolean

Not Supported.

<DIFFLASTPMT> Support for specifying a different amount for the last payment generated by a model, Boolean

Not Supported.



Process Date ModelSome financial institutions require their customers to submit the process date for a payment rather than the due date. Microsoft Money 2004 and above have a flag in the PROVIDER.ini section of Money branding information to adjust for this when displaying prompts for dates and payment status. If your financial institution supports a bill payment model on your web site where customers indicate when to process a payment, rather than when the payment needs to be received by the payee, contact [email protected] to discuss this.

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13. Investments

13.6 Investment Accounts13.6.1 INVACCTFROM (13.6.1)The INVACCTFROM is used in any context that an investment account needs to be identified.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<INVACCTFROM> Account at FI.

< BROKERID > Unique identifier for the FI,

Microsoft Money and MSN Money My Accounts - From BrokerID field in the [OFX] section of the Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<ACCTID> Account number at FI.

FI’s account number for this account

</INVACCTFROM> End tag for account from aggregate

13.6.2 Investment Account InformationTag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<INVACCTINFO> Investment-account-information-record aggregate

<INVACCTFROM> Account at FI Yes


<USPRODUCTTYPE> Classification of account. See next section for values


<CHECKING> Whether the account has check writing privileges, Y or N


<SVCSTATUS> Activation status for investment statement downloads for the account. ACTIVE (signed up), PEND (in the process of signing up), AVAIL (have not signed up).

MSN Money ignores any accounts that are not returned as AVAIL.

Microsoft Money enable both ACTIVE and PEND. Server will need to handle requests from PENDING accounts with appropriate error codes.



<OPTIONLEVEL> Text description of option trading privileges



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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 59 Values for <USPRODUCTTYPE>Microsoft Money stores this information with account. MSN Money ignores it. If this is a new account Money can guess at the tax-deferred status from this field.

Product Type Description Money Usage

401K A 401(K) account Yes

403B A 403(B) account Yes

IRA An IRA account Yes

KEOGH Keogh (Money Purchase/Profit Sharing) Yes

OTHER Other account type Yes

SARSEP Salary Reduction Simplified Employer Pension plan Yes

SIMPLE Savings Incentive Match Plan for employees Yes

NORMAL Regular account Yes

TDA Tax Deferred Annuity Yes

TRUST Trust (including UTMA) Yes

UGMA Custodial account Yes

Microsoft Money Handling of 401K and 403B Designated AccountsSince 401(k) and 403(B) accounts are not taxed based upon capital gains but as income, Money simplified the manual and online reconciliation of securities in accounts designated as one of these types of retirement accounts. When Money 2004 receives a statement for an account that designated as a 401K or 403B Money processes the positions and clears out any cash in the contributions (cash) account. Money ignores any transactions in the OFX response.If a server provides statement data, and the user wishes to have Money process it, there is a work around. User can change the account type from a retirement account to an Investment account in Account Details. Then turn it back to a retirement account so that it can be managed such in the Financial Planner and other tools. Set it as another type of retirement account, such as Other (For Employee).NOTE: Any other type of retirement account will process statements. This behavior only affects 401(K) and 403(B) designated accounts. For a work around to this issue, please see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;822766.

Money 2005 and above resolves this by allowing the user to choose for all account types whether they wish to view positions only, or to receive statements data as well.

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13.7 Investment Message Sets and ProfileMicrosoft Money and MSN Money My Accounts use the branding files to set this information. Investment Statement Message Set ProfileTag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<INVSTMTMSGSET> Investment-statement-message-set-profile aggregate

<INVSTMTMSGSETV1> Version 1 message set

<MSGSETCORE> Common message set information, see Chapter 7


<TRANDNLD> Whether the FI server downloads investment statement transactions, Boolean

Yes – Microsoft Money

No – MSN Money My Accounts

Money - On by default, disabled by DisallowInvTranDownload field in the [Investment Capabilities] section of the Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<OODNLD> Whether the FI server downloads investment open orders, Boolean


<POSDNLD> Whether the FI server downloads investment statement positions, Boolean

Yes -

Money - On by default, disabled by DisallowPositionDownload field in the [Investment Capabilities] section of the Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

MSN Money My Accounts – Not supported

<BALDNLD> Whether the FI server downloads investment balances, Boolean

Yes -

Money & MSN Money My Accounts - - On by default, disabled by DisallowInvBalanceDownload field in the [InvestmentCapabilities] section of the Provider.ini section of Money branding information.

<CANEMAIL> Whether the FI supports e-mail, Boolean




13.7.2 Security InformationNot used by Money

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13.8.1 Security Identification <SECID>SECID is used in any context that a security needs to be identified. The SECID includes a field for ID and a field to define the nature of the ID. In the U.S., a type of ID called CUSIP is the recommended IDTYPE; however this is not required for 100% of the cases due to broker needs.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<SECID> Opening tag for the security identifier

<UNIQUEID> Unique identifier for the security. CUSIP for US FIs.


<UNIQUEIDTYPE> Name space for the unique ID. CUSIP for US FIs.


</SECID> Security List Transaction Request <SECLISTTRNRQ>Not supported by Money Security List Request <SECLISTRQ>Not supported by Money Security List Transaction Response <SECLISTTRNRS>Not supported in Money. Ignored. Security List Response <SECLISTRS>Not supported in Money.

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13.8.4 Security List <SECLIST>Supported in Microsoft Money and MSN Money. General Securities Information <SECINFO>Required for each security referenced in the Investment Message Set.

Tag Description Money &MSN Money Usage

<SECINFO> Security-information aggregate

<SECID> Security-identifier aggregate Yes


<SECNAME> Full name of security, A-120 Yes – A-70, Security name must be unique within first 70 characters.

<TICKER> Ticker symbol (at most one), A-32 Yes

<FIID> FI ID number for this security (at most one), A-32 Ignored

<RATING> Rating, A-10 Ignored

<UNITPRICE> Current price of security, unitprice Ignored

<DTASOF> Date as of for the unit price, datetime Ignored

<CURRENCY> Overriding currency aggregate for unit price, see section 5.2


</CURRENCY> Supported in Microsoft Money only

<MEMO> Memo Ignored


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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 63 Debt Information <DEBTINFO>Microsoft Money can associate a DEBTINFO type security with either a Bond or a Discounted Bond based on the value of the DEBTTYPE field (Coupon = bond, Zero = Discounted Bond). MSN Money My Accounts does not store this level of detail.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<DEBTINFO> Opening tag for debt information aggregate

<SECINFO> Security information aggregate


<PARVALUE> Par value, amount Ignored

Presumed Par Value is always 100.

<DEBTTYPE> Debt type (at most one) COUPON = couponZERO = zero coupon




<COUPONRT> Bond coupon rate for next closest call date (at most one), rate


<DTCOUPON> Maturity date for next coupon, date Ignored

<COUPONFREQ> When coupons mature. One of the following values: MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMIANNUAL, ANNUAL, or OTHER.


<CALLPRICE> Bond call price (at most one), unitprice Ignored

<YIELDTOCALL> Yield to next call, rate Ignored

<DTCALL> Next call date (at most one), date Ignored



<YIELDTOMAT> Yield to maturity, rate Ignored

<DTMAT> Debt maturity date (at most one), date Supported



<FIASSETCLASS> Text string containing an FI defined asset class, A-32



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64 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Mutual Fund Information <MFINFO>Microsoft Money and MSN Money ignore the type-specific tags in MFINFO (other than what is specified in SECINFO).

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<MFINFO> Mutual-fund-information aggregate

<SECINFO> Security-information aggregate Yes




<YIELD> Current yield reported as portion of the fund’s assets (at most one), rate


<DTYIELDASOF> As-of date for yield value, datetime Ignored

<MFASSETCLASS> Asset class breakdown for the mutual fund Ignored

<PORTION> Portion of the mutual fund with a specific asset classification (one or more)




<PERCENT> Percentage of the fund that falls under this asset class, rate




<FIMFASSETCLASS> FI defined asset class breakdown for the mutual fund


<FIPORTION> Portion of the mutual fund with a specific asset classification (one or more)


<FIASSETCLASS> Text string containing an FI defined asset class, A-32


<PERCENT> Percentage of the fund that falls under this asset class, rate





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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 65 Option Information <OPTINFO>Money 2003 and higher have support for security type Option, however support for options is not suggested in Money 2003. For further information on issues with Options in Money 2003, please review http://www.microsoft.com/money/partner/tools/TroubleshootingOFX.doc.

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<OPTINFO> Option-information aggregate

<SECINFO> Security-information aggregate Supported


<OPTTYPE> Option type: PUT = put CALL = call


<STRIKEPRICE> Strike price unitprice Supported

<DTEXPIRE> Expiration date, date Supported

<SHPERCTRCT> Shares per contract, N-5 Supported

<SECID> Security ID of the underlying security


In Money 2003+, customer should manually add this information.




<FIASSETCLASS> Text string containing an FI defined asset class, A-32


</OPTINFO> Other Security Type Information <OTHERINFO>Money and MSN Money maps to Mutual Funds

Tag Description Money & MSN Money Usage

<OTHERINFO> Other aggregate.

<SECINFO> Security information aggregate Supported


<TYPEDESC> Description of security type, A-32



<FIASSETCLASS> Text string containing an FI defined asset class, A-32


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66 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Stock Information <STOCKINFO>Tag Description Money & MSN

Money Usage

<STOCKINFO> Stock-information aggregate

<SECINFO> Security-information aggregate Supported




<YIELD> Current yield reported as the dividend expressed as a portion of the current stock price (at most one), rate


<DTYIELDASOF> As-of date for yield value, datetime Ignored



<FIASSETCLASS> Text string containing an FI defined asset class, A-32



13.9 Investment Statement DownloadMicrosoft Money supports investment statement data. MSN Money My Accounts, ignores statements, and processes only positions. Investment Statement Transaction Request <INVSTMTTRNRQ>Tag Description Money Usage

<INVSTMTTRNRQ> Transaction-request aggregate

<TRNUID> Client-assigned globally unique ID for this transaction, trnuid

<CLTCOOKIE> Data to be echoed in the transaction response, A-32


<TAN> Transaction authorization number; used in some countries with some types of transactions. Country-specific documentation will define messages that require a <TAN>, A-80

Supported in International versions only

<INVSTMTRQ> Aggregate for the investment statement download request (see section




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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 67 Investment Statement Request <INVSTMTRQ>Tag Description and Type Money Usage

<INVSTMTRQ> Investment-request aggregate

<INVACCTFROM> Account-from aggregate


<INCTRAN> Include-transactions aggregate (at most one)

<DTSTART> Start date of request, datetime Money - Current date minus 30 days on first call. User can customize.

Subsequent calls of all versions send DTEND from pervious call.

<DTEND> Ending date of request (at most one),.datetime

Not sent

<INCLUDE> Whether to include transactions in the statement download, Boolean

</INCTRAN> Y by default in Money 2004 and 2005. DissallowInvTranDownload=1 in Provider.ini section of Money branding information will force N value

Money 2006 will also set N value if user indicates that they want to track Positions only.

Always N in MSN Money.

<INCOO> Include investment open orders in response, Boolean

Always N

<INCPOS> Include investment positions in response


<DTASOF> Date that positions should be sent down for, datetime


<INCLUDE> Whether to include positions in the statement download, Boolean


<INCBAL> Include investment balance in response, Boolean



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68 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

13.9.2 Investment Statement Response13.9.2.1 Investment Statement Transaction Response13.9.2.2 Investment Statement Response <INVSTMTRS>

Tag Description Money Usage

<INVSTMTRS> Investment-response aggregate

<DTASOF> As of date & time for the statement download, datetime


<CURDEF> Default currency for the statement, currsymbol


<INVACCTFROM> Which account at FI


<INVTRANLIST> Begin transaction list (at most one)

<DTSTART> Start date for transaction data, datetime

<DTEND> This is the value that should be sent in the next <DTSTART> request to insure that no transactions are missed, datetime

Used as DTSTART for next call.

(investment transaction aggregates)

Investment statement transaction aggregates (zero or more); see section

<INVBANKTRAN> Banking-related transactions for the investment account (zero or more)

Supported by Microsoft Money

Ignored by MSN Money

</INVBANKTRAN> (See section

</INVTRANLIST> End of investment transaction list

<INVPOSLIST> Beginning of investment position list (at most one)


<POSxxxxx> Security type specific position aggregates (zero or more): POSMF, POSSTOCK, POSDEBT, POSOPT, POSOTHER


</INVPOSLIST> End of investment position list

<INVBAL> Balances aggregate, see section Supported


<INVOOLIST> Beginning of investment open order list (at most one)


<OOxxxxx> Action and security type specific open order aggregates (zero or more)


</INVOOLIST> End of investment open order list

<MKTGINFO> Marketing information (at most one), A-360.



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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 69 Bank Transactions <INVBANKTRAN>INVBANKTRAN contains a transaction that applies only to the cash account – the transaction has no effect on any shares held. INVBANKTRAN contains a STMTTRN aggregate that is separated out and processed as if it was a banking Statement transaction for the cash account by Microsoft Money only.

Tag Description Money Usage

<INVBANKTRAN> Banking related transactions for the investment account

<STMTTRN> Bank (cash) transaction aggregates Supported in Money, not in MSN Money My Accounts

See STMTTRN (banking)

</STMTTRN> (See chapter 11)

<SUBACCTFUND> The sub-account associated with the funds for the transaction.

Discarded, Money only has one associated cash account per investment account

</INVBANKTRAN> General Transaction Aggregate <INVTRAN>

Tag Description Money Usage

<INVTRAN> Investment-transaction-response aggregate

<FITID>Unique FI-assigned transaction ID.This ID is used to detect duplicate downloads. FITID


<SRVRTID> Server assigned transaction ID, SRVRTID


<DTTRADE> Trade date; for stock splits, day of record, datetime

Supported - Transaction date for all transactions except for splits.

NOTE: Server should ensure that DTTRADE and DTSETTLE are accurately displayed for all time zones. Microsoft recommends that server either send actual server time or time that equates to Noon GMT, such as CCYYMMDD120000.

<DTSETTLE> Settlement date; for stock splits, execution date, datetime

Supported only as transaction date for splits.

<MEMO> Other information about transaction (at most one), memo

Supported in Microsoft Money only

</INVTRAN> Transaction Aggregate ElementsBecause so many fields are re-used in investment transactions, descriptions will not be included in this section. The complete list is in table in the OFX investment specification.

Enterprise and Support Training Microsoft Confidential May 2023

70 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Investment Buy/Sell Aggregates <INVBUY>/<INVSELL>Buys and Sells in OFX have unique transaction descriptions based on security type, however all of these transactions are based on an INVBUY or INVSELL type. The tables listed below include the transaction signage expected by Money. An OFX response that is not signed as expected. Microsoft Money rejects individual transactions if improperly signed, rather than the entire response.

INVBUYElements Money Usage Money Signage

<INVTRAN> aggregate See INVTRAN

<SECID> aggregate Identifies security

<UNITS> Number of shares or bonds, based on sec. type


<UNITPRICE> Price Positive

<MARKUP> * Positive

<COMMISSION> Yes ** Positive

<TAXES> Yes ** Positive

<FEES> Yes ** Positive

<LOAD> Yes ** Positive

<TOTAL> Total *** Negative

<CURRENCY> aggregate Yes

<ORIGCURRENCY> aggregate


<SUBACCTSEC> Discarded


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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 71

INVSELLElements Money Usage Money Signage

<INVTRAN> aggregate See INVTRAN

<SECID> aggregate Identifies security

<UNITS> Number of shares or bonds, based on sec. type


<UNITPRICE> Price Positive

<MARKDOWN> Yes Positive

<COMMISSION> Yes * Positive

<TAXES> Yes * Positive

<FEES> Yes * Positive

<LOAD> Yes * Positive

<WITHHOLDING> Yes * Positive

<TAXEXEMPT> Discarded Positive

<TOTAL> Total ** Positive

<GAIN> Discarded

<CURRENCY> aggregate Yes

<ORIGCURRENCY> aggregate


<SUBACCTSEC> Discarded


* The Commission recorded in the Microsoft Money register is the sum of COMMISSION, TAXES, FEES, LOAD, and WITHHOLDING.

** TOTAL should equal (UNITS * UNITPRICE +/- Total Commission). For Mutual Funds, Total must compute to within 5¢. All others must compute to within 2¢. Microsoft Money rejects individual transactions that do not compute.

Enterprise and Support Training Microsoft Confidential May 2023

72 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Investment Transaction AggregatesSee OFX specification for description of tags. See notes at the end of this section for specific implementation issues.

Aggregate Name Elements Money Usage<BUYDEBT> <INVBUY> aggregate






<BUYOTHER> <INVBUY> aggregate Supported<BUYSTOCK> <INVBUY> aggregate



Ignored ALL


SupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedIgnored Ignored Ignored Ignored SupportedIgnored


SupportedSupportedSupportedIgnoredIgnored SupportedIgnored


Ignored ALL


Ignored ALL


Supported in all versions but Money 2005Ignored SupportedIgnored


SupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedIgnored SupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedIgnored SupportedIgnored

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 73

Aggregate Name Elements Money Usage<RETOFCAP> <INVTRAN>


SupportedSupportedSupportedIgnored Ignored SupportedIgnored


SupportedIgnored Supported


SupportedSupportedIgnored Ignored


SupportedSupportedSupported**Ignored Ignored Ignored N

<SELLOTHER> <INVSELL> aggregate Supported<SELLSTOCK> <INVSELL> aggregate

<SELLTYPE>Supported Supported


SupportedSupportedIgnored Ignored Ignored Supported - INT Supported - INTSupportedIgnored SupportedIgnored


SupportedSupportedIgnored SupportedSupportedSupportedIgnored Ignored SupportedSupported

Buys While the BUYTYPE fields is not stored permanently, Money does make short-term use of them to assist in lot matching during reconcile.

BUY (stocks, MF) or BUYTOOPEN (options) indicates a new lot should be created (Activity = Buy)

BUYTOCOVER or BUYTOCLOSE indicates an existing short lot should be closed. (Activity = Cover Short)

ClosuresA closure activity happens, for instance, when an option expires. For Money’s purposes, the effect is the same as a sell (the shares are removed from the person’s holdings, and there is a tax effect and possible cash flow). Because Money has no closure transaction, Money will ignore the <CLOSUREOPT> aggregate. The OFX spec requires that a buy or sell of the underlying security will be sent as an additional INVTRAN. The Expire option is simply ignored. During Position reconciling, an appropriate Remove Shares transaction will be entered to compensate for the difference due to the Expire or Exercise.

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74 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

IncomeThe mapping from INCOMETYPE to transaction type in Money is as follows:

CGLONG L-Term Cap Gains Dist CGSHORT S-Term Cap Gains Dist DIV Dividend INTEREST Interest MISC Other Expense

SellSimilarly to buy, the SELLTYPE fields are not stored perpetually but help in lot selection when reconciling.

SELL, SELLTOCLOSE indicates an existing lot is being sold (Activity = Sell) SELLSHORT, SELLTOOPEN indicates a new lot should be created (Activity =

Short Sell)

ACCRDINT<ACCRDINT> for a <BUYDEBT> or <SELLDEBT> is included as a separate cash transaction in the associated cash account. <ACCRDINT> should be less than or equal to zero for <BUYDEBT>. Conversely, <ACCRDINT> should be greater than or equal to zero for <SELLDEBT>. If the signage of <ACCRDINT> with respect to <BUYDEBT> and <SELLDEBT> is incorrect Money will not enter the transaction into the cash account.

SHPERCTRCTMoney presumes SHPERCTRCT of Options is always 100.

Splits OLDUNITS and NEWUNITS - Ignored by Money. NUMERATOR and DENOMINATOR - Used by Money to calculate split.

NOTE: Money requires these values to be integers. Server should round up to the nearest whole number, or use the lowest common denominator.

UNITPRICE -Closing price on the trading day before the split date, adjusted for the split ratio.

Transfers TFERACTION = IN - The transfer will be handled as an Add Shares. TFERACTION = OUT, the transfer will be handled as a Remove Shares.

Enterprise and Support Training Microsoft Confidential May 2023

OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 75 Valid Transactions by Security TypeMoney rejects individual transactions if the transaction type is not supported in the OFX Specification for the security type.

Debt Mutual Fund Option Other Stock


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76 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money Open OrdersNot supported. PositionsMicrosoft Money and MSN Money use the position information to make sure calculations of positions based on all transactions matches the numbers from the brokerage. Money adds or removes shares based upon this information. Investment Position Information <INVPOS> Tag Description Money & MSN Money


<INVPOS> General-position aggregate

<SECID> Security identifier Yes




<POSTYPE> SHORT = Writer for options, Short for all others.

LONG = Holder for options, Long for all others.

Yes in Money and MSN Money My Accounts

Determines sign of UNITS*

<UNITS> For stocks, MFs, other, number of shares held.Bonds = face value.Options = number of contractsquantity


MSN Money My Accounts - Positions are noted as LONG or SHORT based upon signage.

<UNITPRICE> For stocks, MFs, other, price per share.Bonds = percentage of parOption = premium per share of underlying securityunitprice

Microsoft Money uses this data if creating a position adjustment. Otherwise, Money does not update data with this value. Prices are obtained from Quote feed.

MSN Money My Accounts displays the UNITPRICE value.

<MKTVAL> Market value of this position, amount

Used but not stored

<DTPRICEASOF> Date and time of unit price and market value.Can be 0 if unit price and market value are unknown, datetime


<CURRENCY> Currency information if different from default currency.


<MEMO> Comment, memo Ignored.


* If POSTYPE is SHORT, the number of shares held is negative; if POSTYPE is LONG, the number of shares held is positive. Note: Money may receive multiple position records for a single security – separate long and short positions, perhaps even held in different sub-accounts. Money sums all of these to arrive at a single aggregate shares held number.

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OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money 77 Investment PositionsInvestment Position Aggregates

Elements Money & MSN Money Usage

<POSDEBT> <INVPOS> aggregate Supported

<POSMF> <INVPOS> aggregate










<POSOPT> <INVPOS> aggregate




<POSOTHER> <INVPOS> aggregate Supported

<POSSTOCK> <INVPOS> aggregate







Ignored Investment Balances <INVBAL>Tag Description Money Usage

<INVBAL> Balances aggregate

<AVAILCASH> Cash balance across all sub-accounts. Should include sweep funds. amount

Used to display balance of cash account if MARGINBALANCE is 0.

<MARGINBALANCE> Margin balance. A positive balance indicates a positive cash balance, while a negative balance indicates the customer has borrowed funds. amount

Used to display balance of cash account

<SHORTBALANCE> Market value of all short positions, amount


<BUYPOWER> Buying power, amount Ignored

<BALLIST> Beginning of Investment balance list (at most one)


<BAL> Balance aggregates (one or more) Ignored

</BAL> See Chapter 3



13.10 Investment E-MailNot supported.

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78 OFX Message Support in MSN Money and Microsoft Money

OFX 2.0 Microsoft Money supports the OFX 2.0 message set for all message sets supported by Money.Money 2006 also supports sending and receiving OFX messages sets in OFX 2.02. Money 2006, however, will ignore the new tags in that specification, such as the REVERSALFITID tag in the investment message set or the BALLIST in a bank massage set.

Support for OFX 2.0 and XML HeaderMoney has an entry in the Provider.ini section of Money branding information, OfxHeadVer. The default setting is OfxHeadVer=102 to indicate 1.02 support. If OfxHeadVer=200, this indicates that the OFX 2.0 specification is supported. If 2.0 support is indicated, Money sends all requests with the OFX 2.0 XML header, and sends end tags for all tags.Money 2006 also supports OFX 2.02, and will send OfxHeadVer=202, if our branding data indicates support for this. The OFX consortium has published an XML schema for the OFX 2.02 spec which is available at http://www.ofx.net/ofx/downloads/collaborate/architecture/OFX_XML_Schema.zip.

401K supportWhile Microsoft Money can support the OFX 2.0 and 2.02 message sets, it ignores the 401K specific aggregates included in these specifications. Review the Microsoft Money Handling of 401K and 403B Designated Accounts section earlier in this document for further information on how Microsoft Money handles these accounts. For a work around to this issue, please see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;822766.

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