NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH 84 Mill St. S. L1B 1H2 905 987 4515 [email protected] www.newcastleunitedchurch.org Lynn Liddell, L.L.W.L., Worship Leader Rev. David Jones, B.A., M.Div. Joanne McLennan, A.R.T.C., C.T.L.C. Ascension Holy Baptism Mother’s Day Praising God Together Prelude – including Hope P. – “Sintonia” by Bach Processional Hymn: “Come and Find the Quiet Centre” # 374 Call to Worship: (responsive) We come, like Abraham, Sarah and John the Baptist, people with vision We come, like Job, Thomas and the Samaritan woman, people with questions We come, like Moses, Jeremiah and Mary, people with self doubts We come, like Joshua, Deborah, and Stephen, people with courage We come, like David, Mary Magdalene and Paul, people with regrets We come like Hagar, Uriah, and the Syrophoenician woman, people with wisdom from the margins We come, like Rebekah and Samuel, like Hosea and Esther, like Nathaniel and Martha, like John, Mark and Priscilla people with a part to play in the story of faith. Opening Prayer: (responsive) Come to us, Holy God as we gather before you encircle us with your love Bless us with your sustaining presence surround us with your grace Draw us around your living Word and bind us to one another as disciples of Christ whose Spirit is in our midst…..Amen Our Life and Work Song for Baptism: “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry” # 644 Please refer to your insert for The Sacrament of Baptism Lillith Child of Laurie and Mike DeSousa Godparents are Alannah Kelly and Allister Santamaria Singing verse 1 of # 644 as leaders and young people go out. Solo: Karen Nichol “Love In Any Language” – John Mohr & John Mayo Celebrating the Word Celebrating Women in the Bible Miriam and Moses Miriam saves her brother Moses. Exodus 2: 1-10 Pew Bible Pg. 43

Web viewAscension. Holy Baptism. Mother’s Day. Praising God Together. Prelude ... Draw us around your living Word. and. bind us to one another as disciples of Christ. whose

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Page 1: Web viewAscension. Holy Baptism. Mother’s Day. Praising God Together. Prelude ... Draw us around your living Word. and. bind us to one another as disciples of Christ. whose

NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH84 Mill St. S. L1B 1H2 905 987 4515

[email protected] www.newcastleunitedchurch.org Lynn Liddell, L.L.W.L., Worship Leader

Rev. David Jones, B.A., M.Div. Joanne McLennan, A.R.T.C., C.T.L.C.

Ascension Holy Baptism Mother’s Day

Praising God Together

Prelude – including Hope P. – “Sintonia” by Bach

Processional Hymn: “Come and Find the Quiet Centre” # 374

Call to Worship: (responsive)We come, like Abraham, Sarah and John the Baptist,

people with visionWe come, like Job, Thomas and the Samaritan woman,

people with questionsWe come, like Moses, Jeremiah and Mary,

people with self doubtsWe come, like Joshua, Deborah, and Stephen,

people with courageWe come, like David, Mary Magdalene and Paul,

people with regretsWe come like Hagar, Uriah, and the Syrophoenician woman,

people with wisdom from the marginsWe come, like Rebekah and Samuel,

like Hosea and Esther, like Nathaniel and Martha,like John, Mark and Priscillapeople with a part to play in the story of faith.

Opening Prayer: (responsive)Come to us, Holy God as we gather before you

encircle us with your loveBless us with your sustaining presence

surround us with your graceDraw us around your living Word

and bind us to one another as disciples of Christwhose Spirit is in our midst…..Amen

Our Life and Work

Song for Baptism: “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry” # 644

Please refer to your insert forThe Sacrament of Baptism

LillithChild of Laurie and Mike DeSousa

Godparents are Alannah Kelly and Allister Santamaria

Singing verse 1 of # 644 as leaders and young people go out.

Solo: Karen Nichol “Love In Any Language” – John Mohr & John Mayo

Celebrating the WordCelebrating Women in the Bible

Miriam and Moses Miriam saves her brother Moses. Exodus 2: 1-10 Pew Bible Pg. 43

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman John 4: 7-27. Pew Bible Pg. 865

Mary Magdalene witnesses the resurrection. Mark 16: 1-11. Pew Bible Pg. 829

Reader: The Word of the LordPeople: Thanks be to God.

Anthem: “You Raise Me Up” words & music by Brendan Graham and Rolf Lovland, arranged by Joseph M. Martin


Hymn: “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” # 357


The OffertoryPresentation of our gifts and singing verse 1 of # 189

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Hail the day that sees him rise, hallelujah!Taken from our wondering eyes, halleluljah!Christ, awhile to mortals given, hallelujah!Re-ascends his native heaven. Hallelujah!

Dedication Prayer: In the name of Jesus, we bring our gifts to you, O God. Help us to give with them a ready mind, a willing spirit, and a joyful heart. Amen.

Prayers of the PeopleSilence

The Lord’s Prayer (sung # 959)

Sending Forth

Hymn: “Sing a Happy Hallelujah” # 224


“Go Now in Peace” – Besig/Price (words printed inside cover of VU)

“Many women do noble things but you surpass them all.” – Proverbs 31: 29

Newcastle United Church

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Messy Church! - On Friday, May 13 from 4:30-6:30PM, part 2: Love Your Neighbour! Join us for Chatter (opening activities),

Create (crafts, games), Celebrate (worship) and Chomp (we sit down together for a meal). Each activity is planned for all ages and abilities. This is a fun and unique way of presenting and maybe introducing church to our community. We hope you will join our Faith In Motion & Youth Bible Study young people and leaders as they offer this outreach initiative.

Help Needed – some churches in our local area conduct worship services at Fosterbrooke here in Newcastle. Chaplain Paul Zurba of Abba Ministries of Canada hopes for a volunteer/volunteers from our church to lead a 30 minute service(s) with the residents. A brief message, scripture and a song or two is all that would be asked for. If you are interested, please speak with Lorna.

Tuesdays – Gospel Plus 7PM in the hallFriday, May 13 – Messy Church in the hall and sanctuary 4:30-6:30PMSunday, May 15 - PentecostFriday, May 20 – Euchre Night in the hall 7PMSunday, May 22 – Trinity SundayFriday, May 27 – Board Games Night in the hall 7-8:30PMSunday, May 29 – U.C.W. Sunday, celebrating Glenn & Jean’s 65th after church in our hall, collect for local Food BankMonday, May 30 – U.C.W. meets 1:30PM in the hallMonday, May 30 – The Session meets at 7PM in the hall


We ask that no still pictures be taken during the service.You will have an opportunity afterwards for family photos.

Please observe the quiet and reverence of this hour.INTRODUCTIONMinister: We gather to celebrate the gift of grace that is given to us in

the sacrament of baptism.People: Out of the water of baptism we rise with new life, forgiven of

sin and one with Christ.Minister: There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Creator

of us all.People: We are one body and one spirit

We have one hope in God’s call to us.

THE LESSONS: Matthew 28: 18-20; Mark 10: 13-16


I present the following candidate for initiation into the body of Christ through baptism . . .

Minister: (to parents) Do you want to have your child baptized?Parents: We do, by the grace of God.Minister: Will you accept the responsibility in acting and speaking on

your child’s behalf? Will you provide a Christian home for her, show your child the Christian life and grow with her in faith?

Parents: We will, God being our helper.

RENUNCIATION AND COMMITMENTSMinister: Desiring freedom of new life in Christ, do you turn away from

the forces of evil and renounce their power?Parents: I do, by the grace of God.

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Minister: Do you turn to Christ and accept him as Saviour and Lord?Parents: I do, by the grace of God.Minister: Do you commit yourself to the mission and ministry of Christ’s

church?Parents: I do, by the grace of God.

CONGREGATIONAL PROMISESMinister: As a baptized and baptizing church, do you promise to support

and nurture this person in a community which worships God, resists evil and seeks justice?

People: We do.

PRAYER OF THANSGIVING AND POURING OF THE WATERMinister: The Lord be with you.People: And also with you.Minister: Lift up your hearts.People: We lift them up to the Lord.Minister: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.People: It is right to give God thanks and praise.

(Water is poured audibly and visibly into the font.)Minister: In baptism we celebrate God’s love, a love revealed in the life,

death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, a love which has surrounded this child from her beginning. In baptism we proclaim that God has acted to save her, washing her in cleansing waters and adopting her as family, welcoming her into the living body of Christ, seen in the church. In baptism we dedicate her to God’s purposes, knowing that even though we may falter, God will not, continuing, through the Spirit, a work in which life triumphs over death. Sanctify with your Spirit, Lord, this child now to be baptized according to your will.

ACTION OF BAPTISM AND THE DECLARATIONMinister: Lillith, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.People: AMEN.Minister: In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare that this child has

now been baptized into Christ’s church.

AnnouncementsWelcome! we enjoy open seating so please, sit where you feel comfortable and meet a new friend. We are happy you have joined us. Please sign our guest book, located in the narthex and we invite you to join us in worship again. A warm welcome to family and friends of Lillith as we celebrate her baptism this morning.

Nursery care is provided for little ones to age 4 years from 10:20AM until the end of the worship service. Our nursery is located in the hall, through the doors on either side of the choir loft. Paige is our care provider.

Our BIBLOS readers are Hope Pascoe, member of the Joint Search Committee and Lay Delegate to Presbytery; Arlene Crichton, Member of the Choir and U.C.W.; and Karen Nichol, member of the Choir.

Faith In Motion: Holy Moly! our 5-9 year olds are learning 4 post-resurrection stories in this unit. Today our story is “Thomas Believes” – questioning leads to believing and our key verse is John 20:29.

Connect! our 10-12 year olds continue exploring the story of the Wilderness – even when they were ungrateful, God continued to form the Israelites as his chosen people. Bible verses: Exodus 16: 1-8; Mark 1: 2-8; Luke 4: 1-14 and 1 Samuel 23: 14.

Youth Bible Study Groupre:form! in our Creed Unit today we begin to dig into “How Can God be Three-in-One?” – the Trinity.

We joyfully announce that at our Congregational Meeting held after church last Sunday, we have called the Rev. Mary-Jane Hobden to be our Minister, effective August 1, 2016. The congregation showed its appreciation to the Joint Search Committee for all their work during the past eleven months.

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