Victoria Imperi Romani' and some posthumous issues of Galba / H. Mattingly

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  • 8/7/2019 'Victoria Imperi Romani' and some posthumous issues of Galba / H. Mattingly




    ITHE coinage of Galba has ,aJ.w ays seemedtl)O largefor a , . reign of'less ,ayear; tbe 6tudent" emba;rr~din his, clH ssin eatit)u b y too .mach weaith:!, win p~obab~y:,ex.perienee , E l l , : sen~leof relief if he finds that :lI.par~'O fthe, ma;b~;ri8J may be assIgned to a later date. It isthe objeot 0]:tbis paper (1) to provetha.t certainissues,to, be desor~bed pre$E;'fntly~ ~r'e ! pos tbu .mous , (2 ) to in..veis,tigatethe conditions under whiob thay were struck ..Th'e< criteria, to which appeal is made, ar;e : ' . . c , a ) styh~,and portr8litur,e'j (b ) form of' obverse [e,gend j, (c ) generalc:boioe audrelasicnshipa of reversetypes,Group 1. Anrel 'S .l~ I IMIPOI,AL8A, 'CA.ESAR AVO p .p. . Be~d.

    . I a . u r e , n < i e r. : g l o b e ' be:low bust.1Ie~.-A,EQ\I.TAS,. ~. ~ Aaquitaa : s t R n ( i J , i n g I., .ho ld . .

    in,gsealrQ9,nndcOlnu,copiae. B.II'. [Pl. IX. I.]2. Obv,~As on No" .1 abeve,

    I i ' e t ' . '~ IFORTVINA A:VO- t~odu.nestan d~n g~" , ho ld -ing rudder' Ill'lld.CiUl . 'uueopiaa. C. 71. 1~.Pl,:IX~a.]

    Onglnal fromU N IV E R S I T Y O F M f C H IG A N

  • 8/7/2019 'Victoria Imperi Romani' and some posthumous issues of Galba / H. Mattingly


    I . m~.,-.AsOb N o . 1 n .b o1 l'~,Rel}.--PAX AVe, Pax&tandiug lboldiDg ,eaducens

    A nd elorg~eUirs inr. ba.nd.O.,ISt (im,per'lec:t).< I . Olw.-As, 10nNo . 1 n:bove~bPJt SER,SVILPtCII ,V:SCAL8,A, .

    li(!,,!',-AVOIMP'. Type o f N o .3. D e Q 'IlIe:[eu,~l888 .. D e n a r i u s ' .

    5 . O z,v .~ - A .s o n ] N f ' , o . " a b o v , e .B e r : . - ,~ n 0. 10.

    6 , 7, Ob,-,-As ,Qn N o.1 ab((ilo 'ie"bu.t O A LBA IM,P.B6;~ . "~CONCORD.A PR,OVINCU\ and . PROVINCliA,RVM.Oofterord!ia, etan

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    12. Ot..v.-As on N o. 10 above.Re,r: ;. -FI IC 'ES IP 'V8LICA SIC., . F i d l E ' s s ta ruUng-i,held-ingp~rera andcorn,oco,pi.e. , B . " H . [Pl. IX. , J .. O . 1

    13. Ob,v.-Ason Nolo 1c O aboy,.RCf). - L~BERT 'AS ,PVBL~C 'A S .C ', L lh erla s sb,udio,l

    L.hol(l , ing pneus e.nd I\od~ o. 1 m " .A,s.

    lit 15.,OlH;. - , ;SERCALB,A, IM,PCA,ESA,R A'VC,PON-MTIRPQT!iI ' 01' PON!rMTIR,PP,p,Rt'v.-ROM.A se" Romp, $9 fltad ll. o n (! 1 lib 'M$ ,hQ ,ld ing

    Victory and pftra" ,on ium .. (,. l8 ~[! 18.2,..~~Proposed ,attrib \1 'tl: c.ln~ min .t o ,L-u,g duD : tlm . under

    Vespasia.n , .s.n, 'TO-itA eompsrison 'o f tbese colns with coins ofViteUilll:fJand V'espasian of Lugdttn~m proves tha.ttbe~H3!eoins

    b ello n ,1 '0 0 that mtnt. . ' f IW'O v ,a rie it l. es o t ' obversestyl~!A nd , po rtrait a.ppeal" :

    (a) on e;:l l . r :eU8 1-4~denarius , I ; ' , 8, 9"9!a;(b}on d .en ariu8 '6 J, 7, Sindall the aes flO~15).~ 0.,.143 -4 ("I :M.B."!'~ IdUpOll.dh.l1 O'V'RSnil)

    Obt'. - S~E,R. 'QALBA [ IMP' . l :CAESA,R,AVe.p.M-TIR.P"P.P" t '/ emd~ 1m rea te . l:S!i .ROAL8,A INP .CAESA ,R AVC4i,P 'ONT .M AX.TFb,P., bead, ~aureate!I':.Jikr ..~ P'AX, AVC",S.,C. ; Pax: &f.aDdiDI trsllc'rifi.ciDI

    oyetlllitar 8h~llioldil!lg himnch a.Jli~lIcaduceus,~h ol[J ldbeloD I' to t h i l ! ! , grou:J l IoA~ew.8e8 ! ! ! ' . I ' f th e Min . t o f T n . 1 " J : 1 l : . c o ,wi,tll. t i : t l e I P ! ! l I P . ~ , IDd ., a s e s t e . r . .t i f d S 0 : Galliam.intage',witbtl';r. PPO:B CIVE .S SE ,RV .ATO,S: i l l wr'eaU!lr !!h,ou~lllH'(lbadbllyhe ~d.dt:'d...

    Onglnal fromU N IV E R S I T Y O F M f C H IG A N

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    '(a') is ,o losely reJa ted , to Biu re i a nd denariloit VitelliufIand 'VespasitlD,~ < ' J ! ) to ael' o f N ero and Vespe.eian. . . . . . . . ,& i l tlfLugdunum millta.p.3 'The ob verse le,gE tndIMP.CALIU,A C AESAIR , A V C h , P . , P " 1 : 5 modeUed on thelast of the UU,es . o f Nero an, ,bis aurei and d,eoariiw.d808:1:8 altho )Sitterwer-e"roba'bly strock at llegend9E,R,:SVL.,p ' I IC 'nJS CA,LU ,A :IM IP.,A,VG . ( : 0 1 'AVO.IMIP.)I is onlylouBd here (b ut;see below, ,gro,up 2),the legends of th,e a e s flO-li) ;t\re, ift. ,genera.l) formlike a '~arge,series of tte8'Btmek in ,G alo o 's H fetime,lbu t are, pe~uUar im,,g himtha title ,o f' ~~P(ater)P (atriu) .~~"which" w ,e are, told, he, neverbo~.' The:rev,M'Se "types afth"e 8:n fei a:nd deaarii (I-SandS.). areamazingly like those of similar eoins of V,espasiaB 'O fLugomnuDA.D.70(withlepnd C,O,S,I:T iER TR.POT.&c . .,:;011.. 1 " 1 . IX . I). ';"OOneordia Px,ovinoiarnm (Provincia) ~li(6 " 1)i9 ; a , cQ ,mmon type o f ' GaJ.,bl\~,8 lifatime, 89 i,s, ~ " , L ' 1 " ' 1 . . " " - f t'Dto .p~ ' , , , ,l . . 1 - ' l I . "hd 8 ' ,t'li 'j'.' (, 1 9 ),. 'lI:n- m " , J O . V ' ' ' 1 ."L'J!";."!iI'.'~ ',n\," _ --,: ~,-! -_ ~ -~U' ~ ! _: . . r.'~i!I' ,J.,'If.,J,j1 ,.DIII,'I_lgl ': ~il.l--,iIl.A ,U:J",,~Roma. , S - O - I ' (14~" 1 5) shows. common type o f N ero '"repeated by V ,espasian b ut, only used , ,b iere by 'Galba.c( XXXX: RamissaS.Q.I" ,(1'I) echoes the IC Qn ad,m . .,g:eDsllnU\ remlssa S , , ! C ' ~ 'of Galba;s as of Tarr,Bco. 'f.helegend "V:icwriae .1m.p.Galbae AUC'. SC'tt recaUsGalba~9,silve,l ' qui.narii,li bo t th.e1type, : i a , DotQ,sed" tl un tril Vital UU I ,and V espM ian .. ~ ':rid es P ub l lea,80 '" f12) and U_PaxAugl" !SCt j (l'no"tel' sllow

    :J ''1''1:.,. '11 ,. 0, .'" i " ! J 'ilIt""O"hl' 1M ''I''' A' \ '.IIL,'1I1IeSII\"C'( qUluaru tv . a . I, O)~Qt , ;1; .11.. .w:I>,. ,.. " W)IIlU;tll!:tI.VICToRIA. Q,A'LBAE A'VG.,. Vie.tory ItaDdiq r,

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    1.90 . H. MATrINGLY.,reverse typesl of Vespasiau" The serie S J ' in fl!et~ israther loosely attached. to thel IMin .series of' Ba]baand mther clQitely connected :B!tsaveral po.iuts w,itht ' h ! 9 oQinagel ,01' VlteHius,o.nd Vesp8s1au. Tbe 8;Sfd,gn~me:o ' t '0' the titlei ,of ,!,I P'J?/'to, H'sJbA, h.ere and. in DO .o ther b .iso o 'rieal dceument, sug,ges:tstha;t it ma.y possiblyhave been a postbumoushonourr ,oommemorated onlyoaposthumous (loins. Tb.ere was no o~pportu.Dity forthe ,senate to honour Galba:~,BDlem():ry w.h,iiJe hi,:9enalDies, Otto and ViteUius, held the throne . T,nae.ccessiQD . o f Vespasi,an opened up .newpolsibiJiti~.I t.mayweU ha,ve seemed unsuitable, to ,"consecrate,"a victim o r open violence, so mSDymonths a,:fter hisde,atn, especially &sconsecr,ation W;llS still an extra-ordj"nary event and i.mperial gods were a,tin few(Divus Ji\,dius, Angttst1tJu:" and C I O l U . d i o a ) . The bestow.s]of ,the title of "I 'Pater 'patriae nw :os less, open. to Iucbobj ecti,on"GIt is perhaps, not too much. to claim that a stroD,g

    pr,esl'Illlnption. has been, created, ,in fa:vour of the, daliestlgge!dedl for t h e : s ! issue:s,Weml1st paas o n 00 r U J r t h e . r

    " b i. S ueto (n iu s , (Gal 'b~ 23 )we '~ 'e~d ~ u S , e n a ' t Q $ , lj~p ii jrm .1 lm .U,ch~me is t. 8 ,~ : ahJa ;m .el , ( lee,re'vem l im l tm t(: 'l .e 'ColllllUnte sl I l :pentI .D:km inpa:rt.efOlli, qU I trllale'idll;tu8 ,1 ,l: 8t; S iEHl d e c r e tu m . V @ s :p a - i . i i a n u :B abol.e'ilt,.ll! S U X l ex Hlspn:nia ~h luda. eow lubm~:~ i.~ seop inn tU : t> . t'This prur-tIy een flrms our suppo!:!iti.on!!~p~i,rUy suggests dou.h:l :s .For", i 'Ve~LiW.I$ia.n e.ntedaii l l ,ed8uch 8 U : S : l ~ i c i i o n s , o f G:B .lro .~uW b l e11lt.v"!.wllo\\~ed el(! l inf tgo in his name ' 1 ' But, Sleioniui ! ! I is Diotodously' fond o f taJes o f l i U I B H B S ; t : n : o : t < i o n l l J l . n d i tbie, pMticlrda.r : s t o r y h,as D Ospecial l i l k . ! U h.o od to , rec!ommeind it,TLlC],t us , r 11.(81. iv .20, giVf!'8us the evid@ 'n {'ewe' Deed.: n A" D. 70lu"I!!Iposed t he . 1 r , e . t U I l ~tjon ( I f o I i i , I b D " S ' hOill:oun i : . " :a::od t bepro'poml wa.$ {:!iltr~eda.nd plld i: n t o ! l ) ,,eieel ; A . R t o n i u ~ l~tiunJ;8bM ~~h'eadyC l l - d J , e ' r e d the :r,enewl!Il of"~nJbfl ,! '9 honou rs in.It." ' th'i:uk::i' l il ig'it .~~d!E !

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    SOME POST'HUMOUS ISSUES O!l' GA.,LEA. 191evideaea, which raises. that pre~n~,mp'tionto the leve;l ofp l " 9 . , C t i ( } a . ~ , Qe' 2',There is a flne series o f a , e 8 ' of Oalba, di1st;in~

    gu ished, by obverselegend SER .:SV L PI.G ALIESA IMP.C,AI,S,AR ,AVO.,TR,lIiP'. (or P- :M.T 'R.pr1~bns t draped,u.n dra,ped o ;rw ith ,a.egi,s~,h e i a d , laure'ate, r, 01" l.-globebelow aeek, w:henu:ndmped-wh.ieh has ]been ,reoog'~Dized before mow 1.8, bolding;1 . place apart (0 :P ' ia , teIX.Q '....' D, 9 - ' ht...,\Sv', , jI , Q', ~" ",Q'I,".

    'The- ioUowm,grel"ersetypes oeeur :Bute r tlu s .

    .1 . ,A iDL,Q C VT 1 '0 s ,.,C . G aU )fI. i B , t . 1 . n d i n g f .on p laU 'o rr onaramgning'troops" e, '2ff. [P'l. IX. 0, ,~'.]

    2 . H,~SP AIN ~A CL,VN IA I'll-S.C. G alba sen ted L "re~ejving ill p.a 'Uodium" : f romClunia , ,stn:lldlng I!~b e f O l " e Idm. C. ,86ft'~

    8. HONOS lET VtRTVS SIC Bonos ondVidufiI,atandiiag : l " ~and I" , f a ' , e . i l l , ' one! ,lulo,ther.U , 8 \ 9 ! : f t ' ~4 . 'L IIBER :T ,AS R :E ,S TIITV TA S .'C . 01alba ,atand.ingl,

    r,aisiog U.p kneeling Liberty: in, bac:kgrou.nd tDuma ,e,buuHog .r. Q~ 135 ft. [;Pl~I.X. 8, r e p . ]5 . M ,ARS V IIC TO'R , S .C 'M 'a rs re,ta,nding faeing:~hol(Hng

    Bpear and trop~:r. 0", 138.6. P IET .A :S , A VOV 'S T t S.C. Plett. :e, tundlul ' . 1 . . l~y

    uJiar, o nw h Ieh is l 'e l. i{ ' f o f Aeneas, An c hls " S t an dAseani,us. C . . 160.

    7. R O ,M A ,RE,STI,j) S !C , Ga Jba stRlildlu, l.~r,aieih,g upkneUnt Homo, h o l d i . i l l , g ' chUd. O.2'l9.

    7 ' For let;end cp. :S 'ER. ,SVLPICIVS I O , , A 'L B . A , on a~rei Mddlen tu i. i a . l!~ ' \"e ., M r. F ' , A. Wn.JtI :Fi 'ba;s 8ugg:ub:ld . thdt it was :sh~ck, ill . D . 6>9',h i t e l o n : J H ! , x i o n . with 'the oi i iop,t i (m (lfPieo.

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    192 H.MATTINGLY.a s.c A 9 S C I U I 1a:p iuBsta.D'(Uog .faciD8'~ .holdiagsel';pent-

    wJ"ealt :bed wan.d . 0.266'.9.SE.NATVS PIIETATI AVCVSTI S.C., SenatestandIng 1., ,e l 'OwniuI,.wh.ostandsfac, holding Victory sud. branch~ C. 280,..m o . Y ICTOR.I .A IIMIPERI R.OMA.N IS.C.Vietory mV8De:ing I.~ holding 'w.ooat ib Rnd paJm. Cl 319.

    A! - '11as "'..II. AEQV,IT,AS S~C. Aequitas, stsndiug r.; holdingac.a] ;es mel " ,re. fl '7 ( error],t2. AEQVIIT A . S , AVQVSTIS.C., .Aeqoito.e,st&lldiog: 1:,

    hg,l~J:iDgf m B l e a BDd sceptre. O . 9Ir .iBenor)~13 . eE R,E S A .VO,VSTA ,S.C'. with Bestertiu.s of Galba , C.. 25,5 iF.,and , r e u . s o / a : ~Ea,gle, and stand.aras on , prow 1 ( 1 1 ) with as ot Galba,0,. 26i).. .Many of the types ea;nnotbe paraiUeled an y ..w'heire :in the (loln~ of the period -,e.g. ,~~AdlooutioII It.. is pM Billle .that tbfl dUPQnd, iu WM &1. atruckt e.g . wUh~" , . " .SECVIR;i ITA.S P.ROMANI ,S.C

    (0)t~ Originlll frorn

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    S Cu ..H' .."C~II . 01 C 'D c n ' .c p' - A ' . .. ,,'. ., '~~ '._ '- -Ispanlf" t < : ; i t ! J I . . 0'-' , U~.Ie'tas ...ngu,stl8 .0 ''',. ~~,S,C~~.~,e!W11l18piu9!Jt o f; Pietati AngusUS.o~~,"Victoria Im,pe'n Romani s.O"~., Many o;thers:find th,eirparaUels" Dot in the: coinage ~,f'Galba. himself,but in tba'~ of' his s,uccessol"S:

    ., H 'on08 at Vidus S,,'O ,,: ep, Vi.teUi,us (0 . aSh V.pas, i ,aD!(C~'202).

    uLibedas :Restiluta SC-;; e:p. Vea'palian. (0.20,1 [Pl. IX.,11, m-.]'~ ,M ars Vic to r sc-, cp,. VespasiaD ( C , . 2 6 9 , i ) ' . Y~t.eUiususes the :aam! l,egend,with ano t'h.ef Ya11 .'y oft ype l , (C~.i8~ ., Be-sn.BC"; , c p o type of Vitelliue, (ViRBEMRES,T(IITVIT) S~C., F.,,~ Wallen, e o n . ) ."t Se.natU9Pietati AU,l'bJ&ti&n":: tbetYIJD is fhe' sam e as

    that of ve..apaJ',ian o r t'he year ,A.,D. 71:. 'wU.h rev'~CON'CORDb\, SENA,T'VIISC,.u A.9t]uitH Augtlltl 8,e,,"': cpo ViteU ius (~C . m l a n d

    Vel~p88,~an(C.13) i cp. O:tl1(:" (0. 9).~.~Cere,s ,A U . 8 ' U I 8 l a , s C - '~ ' ; : ep.. V i t ,@ 'U l u s (O.5)~,~ Pa :lS A . l,l( gue: l: iSC": cp.ViteUiu8 t e , . 70) .,i,,~P .rD 'v iden t, :8..,0.:1': cpo VUetUu8 tC~ 73, ;B,od VeapalilUl

    1(0.896) . ,u S alu$ ,.Au gusU . S ..C..~:: cpo,VespatiaD (0. 419)."SecnrUa8P~ Romani ..SC-": ,ep. ~'Auto. 'Domo,usn(C.

    O alb a"Suppl. 4 (8)1 ' O fho (0..2 2 ), V ib tD iu s (C. 83),,r'espas;ian ( iO.,,600).A close, ,stoudy of tb.ed38' relationshi.p' of I'Sve,mes in

    it'self is almost decisive int.vour o r a ,date, .afterA.D" ' 6 9 , .The Nt?_ Iegend ~'Victoria Im.peri &,mani B.C:~'gives ' O B ' thede:6.nit.e, indica.ti,onwe :reqnfr-e~Tlhell'eis on" oeeasion iu :this period ,aud ,only one, 00

    (0)t~ Originlll frorn

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    191whicb it is, : feaUyapp lic s,1b le , .. .....tolllia suppression of"the, revolt of Civilis and tbe Uim.perium, ,;in A. D '. '70byVesipasian. , I . . . e i t us s e e , .ll t.heseissnesof' Galba. 'fit the, o o n t e . x i i ; , thus suggested. if they dOtwe may consirle~ ourthesis.proved,The suppression of the revolt marked the l I n d ! of

    a vital. periJ. 'to, the JRom.81n :Empire, 'which, sbaken byo iv iilw fllr9 ~w ,1S in n o s.ta" te to wUhstandfl1rther violentshocks, The crisis, tb.ou.ghaclltej,was soon over,th.flinb, , to . the vigoroospoHcy ,of Vespa.sian. Bu.~Vespasia.n him so l to itsgrav,i ~y , fWdtr,eated itwith tbe, deepest :serioum8:ss; herecrgsnisedthe sys:te:m under which ~'~,aaxi.:Ul\"were emp,loyedin the, 'Roman army and :ehowed himself m,em:Ueslto 'the GaUie ringl,eaders., ID.posEtiv~ W'8:ys as weH ssin negative he ,showed , I : \ , deep, OOD"~tlt1ltO te,pairtheinjuries suffered.. IThe ye:a.r A.D., 71 is, signaHzedbya large and flne issue of' aes fromtb.e mints of' Romeand Lugd.unum, distinguished by It va,riety (If:HD'0portraiia ,and a series of rev!ctss9;walll chOSieluto enforcethe mo:ral~thRt ,the civil .and for,ei,gn wars, were at anend snd th!at Rome stood more :seourethan ever before(cp. - r e v . F IDES EKE .RC I'T V V IM S-C; : I VDAEA CA,PTAS-C.; : S ICNIS IRECEPTIS, S,.C.; . SPES AVaVSTAS.C" ;,R'OMIA S.Ci,~. the, seven bins type~mJ.d o~b.e;rs"some of w:hio.h have been quoted aboiv',e,). But whysbouldV e~,p8$ian.,asBQcia.te G,Q~ba, That, h.e was ingenerai "ell disposedtowards him will be,re,adily ,a.dmitted , i but fbrtuuatelywe, can ..sog:pst a.stronge,rm.otiveths;.nthis theoreticalapprov.aJ. Tbe, Qatibantaction in Gaul had beensuspeeted, with "\V'hatjustice wecaBDot :_y, o , r eom-pUoi ty in seeret na.:tio' deeigns, harbour-ed by

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    Vindex. 'fhe legions of Gl3!nnany under Verginiu5R ufus b adeertatn ly c.1 :ai.medcredit : for its suppressionand had po.sedu thel true &m:a1 lS against the un-Fe liab le . prov inc ia l$ - -SpRn i: ardsanc1 . Gauls. Yetth.ese:881me legions" after imposing th~e Emp'eror ofth.eirchoice on "tills Roman world and fi));ding' that tb,egenertl1 .wiU d.ema.nded ftnotber man , had, in theclosing s t 8 . . g e A of the .8truggt,e,9,.QtaaUy co:m'mittedth e gTOssestact oft,reason, 'b y :surrelld~erill.g UJI.elrrarmsto OivHists rebels and swearing allegianoe tothQu~mpa rlum . Ga Jlia rtllm .." , The ViteUian iactioillinG 8 0 1 1 d , baulked ,of i~ bopes,had in fac:t betrayed theEm:pire.Aodl a ; t th.e, crisis of the stt'Uggle~ SouthG't\ut......tbe Oalban faotion-had. stood Uke arock for:Romel. This ac t . o f ' splendid lqyalty iatolled :for' 811Ydoubtfuleuspieions of'the past.:U )' It. caned loud~y fQrsam.e,reward; and tha't the :rawar:dwas nOli! wI'bhEll~.dth is, sp le:n d id l seriee o f' coins o f 'G alb a p,ro ves~ , V es,pa:shmI'ecognizestbe, cla .im s ,o ft;he G.alba.m faction a.ndhononrs it in.honou:rin,g the memory of its leader,w:b.o!! ,afoor all, hadtA!keD S l leading' part in the ti.~stact of that dram.fJj,,,,,,,,,,t.befall ofN oulminatedin tb e accessio n o f 'v ,es,paslian 0 0' power~ Galbill";s careeris tr.aced from the beginning ;we see khnha;r,fuIgtlinghis tr'o o~ ,. wIlen. t100lJ1.tto take th,e f ie .Jd ( " ,;Adhr:>cutioSC.") ;~welfi,t'e reminded oftha oraeles ,at Cmuia thatpredicted his elevation e'Hispania C!lu:nia. But S.'C.~').His trium,ph is IQ,hal"acterized by the military types, ( U Hones at Virtus SOu 1 1 uMara Vi~tor SO~l;whileits resgUs ,are shown in the reswration o . fRome,and .---.-'--,----' '----- _ . --,-,--- '--_-,_ - -'--

    ] ~ . , C ! p . Ta.c. 11 .~8t. iv.89m.. 'TRcitu!!~ l"uirious;ll en'~!Jig:h,shoW8little: a.p:pi r -eeiat ioDo r t h i l a loynl:ty R D d eem es nea r IW O ftiD g I,t t ; b t e :1 o ,y a : l isu.

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    196of' Liberty ('~'Libe:rtasRestituta SO!!,~~:Soma, ,Re,sti .S.C/t). T:h.e~'A"esculapins nrevers,~ .bas probably a local!Ga1J je I "ef e rence.11 T he special N,:erence o f ~ 'V ie to rit\Impari Romani 8C:'~ has already been discu:ssed,.Other .reverseshave It general application. a.nd areprope'r 00 V,es,pas ia .n rather than Gan>a (op . ~'IAequita8SCUt ,! , A E H ~ l 1 , i t - 8 i s , Aogm:ti 8.0.1'.'" UCeres, Augusta. SC ",UPaxs , A ugusti SC tl). Tbe . 81~,'tar rev' . ("Providein: t . ' : ' ) tfirst; used for DivusAllgtlstns and revi ved by VlteUil1sand V,eispuia.l1, waL$ :specJaU ypopular In Gaul. '~2: ' Mldls :oo.ndu-ds: on. prow8are a .P'luopriate toVespa-sian mth~ t,ban to Galba.:.wil!obad little to dowith operstiens , a , ; t sea, Two re,\TeneSe~PiebtsAu.gustiIS(J!/ I" U 8eua:tu.sPi,etati;til S-C") have hithertop;l.1lZZledcomm,enta.tors ;,that ,,~Pietas I~ beira has,tbamean.~Dg of' '" loyalty!j Of' dutifuJ:OE!ss ill persona]raJa;tionsbipi,s clear]ly indicated by the, A,ene'asgrou;pon the, altara.:ndl in tbismealliingi,hos, no speoialrellerence to GaEba .u 1 But , ifwe,piacethie issae ins: n.71 ,we :lJl'iQ at Uberty to ap'pIy "Augustus t!, on tb.erev erse tQVes,p asia.n~not Galbs, and , a:~ onoo, , n , flidland sact:i :sfa.ooorymeQlling is obtained, Vespas&l l l l1shows eonspicuous ~'~pietyj~ iu ,honouring tbe, me,moryo r bis predecessor"who mlg'ht be considered in tbe------ ~=---~~~~~- - - --~!l Cp,. ~1i"!'. of ' d 'el il lad~: t I (If A'~hif : l :U8:w.~Ull .h ~'g, t 'nt i lCO S .II . :th e eoil i l

    ,vas shuck in , ROnli.e. h ut A lb inu s : at t'h e tim(> blil ld,dose GallieC'Oiillne3:iom~i.

    U! Per&apa" :M th'a Bc\\"., I:: ' ,A . :S''1Ilgge:fjisi,Utis OUliIIl' of,~])ivus AUguBtlllll~.~~.J\ep~Lfiedt:be. s U a . , r : o:f ~~Koma. aD d!.Augustus;~' onthe CObi:S.]1 1 (~al'bat8 ,!! ,piei!.a.s 'I':in h.Oinour:hlgUvUt w'bo befr ie 'l! tded I \ d m . ,~.D"Qutb is t:bo be8;ttha~;ca:llI, be ' l ! u H w e s t e t l l . . Dodd ~i.nNUJu. Ch~'!Q~l.19.11, IlP. 25 ~.),mittDg on H~,eClognomen UPius u.~is, a : e nIcss to!!.the ~ype; he' n d.m its by impUca 'Uon that tbe mj ier :@nce

    1 i ! 1 1 ; o u ld b e pe:t:sonnl.

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    Ug'ht of' a . fa.ther by ,adoption u, and. for this ,~~piety'"th e Ehm .a te honours. him}" The acttha,t VespasianttSeS the 'sam~ ty~with . lege,nd, CON CORD!IA SE 'N iA~TV. S'C~llrinp the e.o~n,of Galba, ,an intimateconoexionwitih hi.mself, whioh is inexp]icabLe e,xoepton lome h ,ypotb es,is h ik e ours.''Fh.e qnestion of the m ln, of thi:s au sedes 1 1 1 ,

    Dobqui te ~a'1 to settlle,. T.h.eportrllit with. globeis of Lugdunum atylell,tbose with ae,gisand. paluda.-men:tubl raltber of Rom8n.~ As the issue, ' w a s , a specialone, it.probable tha.t special etroltswer8r made bythe ",bo']e mint~both ,st R()m~aDd.Lugdunu'ml andlthat artists, who o,rdiDlrUy dreisigned fo'r gold ,andtsilver UI produced. die,s for the ,a e :s ,; th,el striking tooW'as pro,bablydistrihllted over the 'twuwn.ts .. 1buttheooin'8were un.donbwcUy designed mainly-for eireula-I : io ' ll in the. Western provinee,!lI~~j

    The evidenee ,a]r-eady .futbm,i.ttedr,eceives: str-ong:BUppor t fro m ,tbehis,t.o ry o f the! Lugdunum mint ..Lugdunllm oeased to strikebhel imperial gold and

    sUv,er int.he reign of Ca.ligulla. I,t, :prohah]y strockdeD3rii lorN'ern ofthe rev~' type, Eagle 8.nds:tan,dards,when 1besieged 'b y t~ba insll,rgents under Vindex in~ -.~ . . - --_._._.- _ ..._----- - -~ ---.--'-~.. 1tiI8U.(lieJlilt to n~entioilll. t'~e e 'l :amp!le :sofN'e. I'V8I ~lI indTrajo tlijTft\ia:n : O I D d . Hadr,~all.u, n . is ,cl:ifii.Qu~ thn:t 'T~ci.bJilh&s AO ~iUle eD.~hui!iasm ro r anEmpero.r wb.ob.Bd e.njoyedthe ~l1'P'J;lQirto,ihi!!OIWD cIaa; W eW (l il lde,r

    bow Nerv8i 'Would .ha;;v,efared. at hie haRdl!~ b ad h e l .ivedi. in t ;he ,~'d>epaiit a.n d be :e n : fa il'g a,me fol ' his shafts . A t & ny tate w e ha.v@> c]ea~evid ilen ieeto tlie ,effectlb :wt th;e verd ict on G .alba. afleer :b :~8deathW , l U I W:M:ore fa.vGura!ble~hnn tba. t o , f Tacitus a . p D , e r : a i t i o D . later ..1Ii GoMa,nitl , l ihl"OI of .A.D. 11 sl\Ie :Rot.plemtifwl.~?-r :b .e grent im:po,rtnnee o fLU:gdUIlUIll is 8i mint under VespuiaD

    W Mdl! le tothe w :w r on. t b e f :roDt~er i a r . : m d t b ! e 8u'hsequen:t, ) l I r e e : d , fo rpil .lops,p .m:ja to t :'e~~rmbU i8 'e : .P'

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    1'98A.D... ,6:8: 'it ,e:ertainly ,struok anrei an .d den arii .fO irGaJba., V:italUus, and Vespasian.~$ A IJrra.nchmint,:f()l tbe iSSl1,El of ae'IW81 opened in L'.UDu,m :inA..n, 6' and. stmck till A.D. 116: 'i t siruek " the coinso f G a d .escrib ed a . b o r v e " c r.are d up< )n d.ii ,a.n d asses o . fVit~: lU. 'U8andl pl'entifulismes forVesp8.sian. DomA~D. 71~rare, beforeitbat date. 'The telation of theset'W ,om :iD ta ee o ne an,o: thel ' is no t known in deitail butwas probably much. the S8.,me & s' that oftheim,.perialand senato rial m i,n , tsofRo;me~ ~.'J'

    r T h e iS8ues of ' Galba hav,e np to :BQW given rise ' 0 0 'great dimco.lties fo r fa) tbey have, Qnly Ii, sli,lbtoonnexion with his general c~)i,na.gaand are hard. toplaoe chronologically. Lugdn:num was loyal to Neroto t h ' E l , e,nd and was puni,sbed,by G:alba inconsequenoe 2 0 ;iii ciol1!D'le o f' the .mim,t is :r,ath.erwhat 'we sh.ou1d.eZ)leet ,eS jpoo .ially ,as welnd large Ga.Uic i:SSn.8S of Galba,.w hich are, ce,rtainly arauo\h,er min~ ;.11 (b), ViteUi1l8's ,Juuea, o f go ld ,aud :8 :Uver o r Lugd.DD.Um, .his: :6rs:tca.pital,are small compared. to those . o f Ir'an-seo 8!,Dd.omit someof his main. types.22 : Inv.lew of' the importan,e. o f,Lugdunum llndel"Ve.spasisrn ,this ill. itself' arouses,

    18 .For t h e 8 e min.t B t t 1 1 ' 1 b w . U o D S ()' tuti.c~eIn 1"I,u,": .Chro".~19141~pp .UO i!~,,H Coi,nageB , ( ' x rflul, tiY illV aus o f .A . Do 6:8-1'9 !~'. T h e yare as p ro b a.b teu s ; u l c m a ttr ibw t,i( l!n :B caD i'elI be, ibutEhe evidencee aD l'lla t b e ,e om p re s nd J i n~ o a :fewHnei!.lil The m in t fo l" ,a,t8work@d . in cl()H Un]()D w it.D th e Bo:DliEm;,the m in t fo r .Io id , I l lD d s U v e l r 1 8 more : S . n d e p e n . d l e : n . t .2(1 T a c . B'st. L 65 Het Gwlblu!dUdl : tU gdlil~D liuQ l o ceati'R e

    hue i : n I ISCIflUl ' v e ' l :t e :m : t. " ,:n 01Narbo "HU~.iI. L~ :..... l I k . ~ , 'L '" L 1 1 ' . . .0 " .,."t Ji .. " .-. . I .. ,u~aVJ.J ' a. t:J:Pe~.Le - . i1veri .ltm.p. eml;8,PJiCl.. ft!lt waa , a . tLup, iOnum -tbat ,V irteUhul .Dves,t ed . :b is litU e 8QI1With the title II)fGel~a.nie;ulI. it, iIIllal,:d t ! ! . l 8.(!:~jQllntf~l' th'e ,ab!l(lJmte of' th:ii9pmiclIJa,1'ty pe from. ~b e MiRto

    Onglnal from

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    8uTpri,e. ViteUills~:B issues 0'( aesare SCf iDty ' and belongenti:r'@ilyto the end of his; i . f .Lugdunum 'wasstrHdng t:t.e8 at his: aooesstOD~ this, is , .S:lmost, in ..expli~blEhBotb.these disappear if we can. transfet

    GaIba's coinage 00 Q, later date~Themint of Lng ..ounumwon.ldthus be closed under Galba: Vitellin,swculd hsve '00 :Fieorganiz,e,itand,whHe d o in g so ,,,wouldl'emy .la r:ge ly on Ta1'1'lleo~whichhad been miSEuitoimportanoe by G'al.b&..Here these notes Blust elose. It, is ll,opedt.hat theso.Iut ion s, o f f'i9 fed win . p O O i v e , satisfa.eto,ry ;theyha.veo,nly been reached aiter long considemtton and I have,tried througbQut to fin d th.e right k&ys, :n ,ot . to , forcethe, looks. It will be 8noughif I ha.v6! i.m.parted my()'WD convlctiontha.,t behind 'these lOCK:sthere are still~",a,rcana imperiiu ltwait i.n ,g disco,v ,ery"


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    I - I X 'II!! _ -. ,_) I